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于2006年12月13日由Geneon Entertainment公司发表的这张专辑中,KOTOKO一共收录了包括手机铃声网站dwango的主题歌《月夜の舞踏会》、《灼眼的夏娜》第二季片头曲《being》、KOTOKO自己包办词曲唱的《海豚》、以及《秋爽》这样被FANS们誉为经典等等的13首歌曲在内。发售之后尽管在Oricon上最高只取得第16名的成绩,被媒体评为“反响一般”,但以同名主打《UZU-MAKI》等歌曲在内的超高素质还是使专辑本身的高水准得到了业界的一致认可。

一首英文歌,歌词有i like that ,oh let me shake it shake it

S&M - Rihanna(Feat. Britney Spears)

Deep的《Make It》 歌词

歌曲名:Make It歌手:Deep专辑:Your Story「Make It」作词∶SHIROSE from WHITE JAM/NIKKI from WHITE JAM作曲∶SHIROSE from WHITE JAM/SUr.Y/HIMADA from WHITE JAM BEATZ歌∶DEEP収録∶YOUR STORY - Make It/発売日∶2012/02/15この想いだけは It"s no trickあの日から仆は何ひとつ変わらずにいるよ君や君は You know... (Stick it)とにかく伝えたい ありがとうの気持ちにはどんな音符や どんな言叶が似合うのか考えようI wanna know...I wanna know...手をかざしてTry to make it andMust be crazy andKiss me baby精一杯 この手を広げて歌うよTry to make it andMust be crazy andKiss me baby届くように 今はただこの手をかざすだけで谁かの事を想ってる それが谁かもわかってるそれなのに仆は 意地はってばかりでもう一度あの日に戻れるなら 仆はもっと君のとなりでかけがえのない 时间にきづけていただろうI wanna know... I wanna know... 手をかざしてTry to make it andMust be crazy andKiss me baby精一杯 この手を広げて歌うよTry to make it andMust be crazy andKiss me baby届くように 今はただこの手をかざすだけで远くにいる 大切な人近くでいつも 支えてくれる人その全てに感谢してるよこの歌を届けようTry to make it andMust be crazy andKiss me baby精一杯 この手を広げて歌うよTry to make it andMust be crazy andKiss me baby届くように 今はただこの手をかざすだけでTry to make it andMust be crazy andKiss me baby精一杯 この手を広げて歌うよTry to make it andMust be crazy andKiss me baby届くように 今はただこの手をかざすだけで终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17893350


tuna maki 在英文就叫tuna maki你也可以叫它 Tuna roll 但是就表达不出来 maki 的意思了

Maki Roll具体是一种什么寿司,和Sushi的区别是什么?


为什么是when it comes to making decision 而不是when faced with maki

when it es to 是习惯用语 当提到. 具体分析 it es是表示某事来到的时刻 意思是当做决定的时刻来临的时候 所以这个状语从句是when引导的 而主语是it代表时间 例句: When it es to dancing, I"m all thumbs. 谈到跳舞,我真是一窍不通. When it es to politics I know nothing. 说到政治,我是一窍不通. When it es to art, I almost know nothing. 一谈到艺术,我几乎一无所知. 你那后面那句感觉有重复 face和make两个动作在一起 可以改为: when faced with choices 或者: when faced with a decision





making no changes at all为什么填maki



高坂穗乃果(こうさか ほのか/Kousaka Honoka)南小鸟(みなみ ことり/Minami Kotori)园田海未(そのだ うみ/Sonoda Umi)绚濑绘里(あやせ えり/Ayase Eli)东条希(とうじょう のぞみ/Tojo Nozomi)西木野真姬(にしきの まき/Nishikino Maki)星空凛(ほしぞら りん/Hoshizora Rin)小泉花阳(こいずみ はなよ/Koizumi Hanayo)矢泽妮可(やざわ にこ/Yazawa Nico)

Kanade Maki是谁


求 少年街霸3 MAKI的出招表~~~~~~~~~



maki 是堀北真希,gakki是新垣结衣。


Maki 就是一到日本菜,有寿司和蔬菜和海苔。好像还是以色列以前的共产党


寿司里面有一种上面放金枪鱼鱼籽的 就叫做maki rolls

loverapermaki 怎样才能清洗身体


Maki Roll具体是一种什么寿司,和Sushi的区别是什么?

Maki是日语 意思是“卷”的意思ROLL是英语 意思也是“卷”的意思SUSHI是寿司的意思SUHSI的样式大致分成 生鱼片 寿司卷 手卷 NIGIRU(就是饭团上面生鱼片)


用电器工作时就是把电能转化为其他形式能.“发热纸”是靠热来工作的,是将消耗的电能转化为内能. 故答案为:电;内.



Maki Roll具体是一种什么寿司,和Sushi的区别是什么?

Maki是日语 意思是“卷”的意思ROLL是英语 意思也是“卷”的意思SUSHI是寿司的意思SUHSI的样式大致分成 生鱼片 寿司卷 手卷 NIGIRU(就是饭团上面生鱼片)




Sushi 可分成好几种呀,又卷起来的,也有饭团上面放生鱼片的.Makisushi 一说手卷起来的SUshi


喂~~~ 楼上的 能不能客观一点回答~~~~ 前面几个回答的没有问题 我从第6个开始回答1.是星探发现的,她本来搞不清楚星探的意思,所以拒绝了,一个月后,星探再次找她,去了她家,说服了她的妈妈..从此走上这条路[爱啊~]2.这个我虽然不是很清楚...但..MS..一言难尽啊..3.应该是看情况来决定吧,有时学业,有时演艺..但貌似都处理的不错诶[听朋友说的..]4.她的事务所好像不错的说...5.不会BT..我坚信着...6.Maki演技不行,但是还比较年轻她88年的,而和她同代的演员都比她要大个2 3 4岁的样子,所以他的演技还需要时间的磨练。7.长泽雅美吗你说的? 长泽雅美也是开始比较红,但是现在也不行了,特别是LAST FRIENDS 以后,长泽雅美是女主角,但是和上野树里同台飙戏,完全不是对手。但是MAKI的路还唱啊,才21岁哦,等到25岁我相信堀北真希绝对是日本最优秀的女演员之一。5年的时间,只要努力绝对够的。8. Maki是在新生代女星当中被大家看好的,但是地位不高。因为日本女星很讲辈份的,他上面还有很多高辈份的人没有息影。比如松岛菜菜子,藤原纪香。在新生代的演员当中已经被公认的实力派有宫崎葵还有上野树里把她压着在。但是Maki毕竟还年轻,年纪是她最大的优势,不然也不会那么多商家投她的广告,就是看好她的潜力。

Maki Roll具体是一种什么寿司,和Sushi的区别是什么?



握寿司 军舰寿司 铁火卷 手铁火卷 铁火卷 就是我们经常看到圆柱形外面试海苔的那种手铁火卷 具体区别不太懂 这都是寿司叫法










堀北真希(ほりきた まき、Horikita Maki),1988年10月6日出生于日本东京都清濑市。日本女演员、艺人。隶属于Sweet Power事务所(2003年-2017年)。丈夫是日本演员山本耕史。2003年1月,在富士台的月九档电视剧《永远两个人》最终回中亮相,这是她首次出演电视剧。2005年6月,出演电视剧《电车男》,饰演男主角的妹妹[1] 。同年10月,与山下智久、龟梨和也合作,在电视剧《野猪大改造》中饰演女主角,获得关注[2] 。2008年,出演首部大河剧《笃姫》,剧中饰演和宫一角。2010年,出演首部舞台剧《ジャンヌ ダルク》,并担任主演。


日文分开每个音都可以变成汉字 所以会有好多个可能性 如下: まき(Maki)=巻/槙/槇/薪/牧 ま(Ma)=马/眞/真/间/魔/摩/磨/麻/麻 き(ki)=箕/鳍/埼/碁/祁/旗/其/期/奇/骑/棋/祈/岐/崎/埼/伎/畿/嬉/木/纪/希/树/着/机/気/记/来/黄/贵/规/季/鬼/器/生/帰/基/轨/己/喜/既/寄/起/危/企/气/挥/饥/徽/几/弃/忌/槻/悸/葵/揆/穐/窥/机/毅/汽/稀/辉/亀/肌/姫/几 睇你自己钟意边个组合。 2010-01-15 14:35:24 补充: 槙/槇系男仔名 参考: myself 男性唔会用maki依个名。好娘。 万希 万树 万季 茉纪 茉树 茉季 眞喜 摩纪 摩树 麻树 麻季 麻妃 雅纪 磨纪 磨己 参考: 日文

2009《家有六子》大蔵猛 (大蔵家次男) 汗,跟MAKI还真有缘来,这里的MAKI是谁啊?



日本名n. [日]真希(女子名,也可作为姓氏)

ice cake跟ice cube的区别?

意思不同,ice cake,冰块; 冰饼ice cube(加入饮料用的)[食品] 小方冰块




maki意思 卷



take the bus和by bus的区别

take为动词,take the bus表示乘车这个动作,而by为介词,by bus 表示方式方法,比如go to school by bus表示go to school这个行为的方式是by bus


关于take的词组/短语短语1. be taken shorta. [口语、委婉语]b. 突然想要大便(或小便)c. 毫无准备;感到很意外2. be taken with (或by)对…产生兴趣;很喜爱…;被…吸引;被…迷住3. do a double take恍然大悟;因惊讶而再看一眼4. give or take允许…有小误差;增减…而无大变化5. have(got) what it takesa. [美国口语]b. 具备成功(或出名)的一切必要条件(如金钱、美貌、素质、才智、勇敢等)c. 吸引力;性魅力[亦作 what it takes]6. not taking anya. [口语]b. 不打算做;没兴趣做c. 谢绝;不接受7. on the takea. [美国俚语]b. 被买通,受贿;贪赃枉法c. 敲诈,敲竹杠;伺机吞噬(或攫取);伺机损人利己,寻机占便宜8. take a leak[俚语]小便9. take as reada. 认定…不会有错;认为不必宣读(会议记录等)b. 宣称对…满意;声言对…没意见10. take effecta. (药等)见效,(法规等)生效b. 实行,实施11. take five (或 ten 等)休息五(或十)分钟;小憩12. take for granted认为…是理所当然;(因视作当然)对…不予理睬13. take home to oneself[口语]充分理解,深刻领会14. take ita. 默然同意;接受b. 认为,以为;猜想c. 断定;相信d. [美国俚语]忍受,忍受得住(困难、痛苦、不幸、批评等)(常与 can 或 be able to 连用)15. take it all in仔细聆听;全部听进16. take it away(电台或电视台用来开始广播或播放的信号语)开始播放,开播17. take it (或things) easy on (或with)a. 小心谨慎地对待;温和地对待b. [口语]少用;省着用18. take it from me=you may take it from me19. take it from there负责那以后的事情,负责剩下的事20. take it ill见ill21. take it kindly欣然听从(忠告等),当作善意22. take it (或 life) on the china. [美国俚语]b. 惨败;倒霉;遭到痛击c. 忍受责罚,忍受痛苦23. take it or leave it要么接受,要么放弃;要不要随你的便;不容讨价还价24. take it out in接受…作为补偿25. take it out of someonea. [口语]使某人衰弱,让某人疲惫不堪b. 找某人出气,拿某人泄愤;向某人报复c. 剥削某人;榨取某人的钱[亦作 take it out on someone]26. take kindly to[常用于否定句、疑问句和条件句]喜欢,对…有好感;乐于接受27. take me not up before I fall[苏格兰口语]回答我之前,先听我讲完28. take me with you让我理解你的意思[源自莎士比亚作品]29. taken all in all= taking one thing with another 或 taken one thing with another =take upon oneself30. take some不大容易31. take someone out of himself[口语]让某人忘记烦恼32. take someone througha. 对某人读…(以便校对)b. 【戏剧】帮某人排演33. take someone unawares突袭某人,使某人感到意外,乘某人不备34. take someone up ona. 对某人(说的话)提出质疑b. 接受某人的(邀请、建议、挑战等)c. 要求某人兑现(所说的话等)35. take someone(up) shorta. 突袭某人;使某人大吃一惊b. 唐突地打断某人的话36. take someone wrong误解某人的意思,曲解某人的意思37. take something hard对某事失望;对某事感到悲伤;对某事耿耿于怀38. take…lying down甘心屈服,甘心忍受 (惩罚、侮辱、冤枉等);俯首屈从于;逆来顺受39. take something out on拿…当替罪羊,拿…出气40. take something up with someone就某事向某人提意见;(书面或口头)向某人反映某事41. take the biscuit见 biscuit42. take (或 yank) the bun[口语、俚语]得第一名,得奖;妙不可言;了不起43. take the cakea. [俚语]b. 名列第一;得头奖;优胜c. [讽刺语]坏到极点;(尤指在愚蠢、厚颜无耻等方面)胜过别人,名列第一44. take the ground【航海学】搁浅[亦作 take the bottom]45. take too much[口语]喝过多(酒),喝醉46. take upon(或 on)oneselfa. 开始b. 负担;主动承担(责任等),把(过错等)归咎自己c. 擅自,自作主张;越权承担(某事)47. take us as you find us我们就这个样子,你将就些吧(别对我们另有期望)48. take what it takes=have(got)what it takes [口语]具备成功所需的一切条件(指素质、才能等)49. take with one获得…的支持;得到…的赞同50. taking one thing with another总的看来,从整体上看,考虑到各方面51. You can"t take it with you.你总不能把钱财带到棺材里去吧。52. (you may) take it from me[口语]我敢保证;包你…;相信我,请你相信我的话吧

After 21 year of marriage,my wife want me to take another woman out to dinner and see a movie.这篇


helping each other makes the world wonderfu

Hello, everyone. Iu2019m Li Zhi. Itu2019s nice to speak about helping here. Helping others is a wonderful thing. It is nice for people who you help and it is also nice of you. When you help your classmates, you can get along well with them, your friendship can develop quickly. If you give a hand to the old , you will feel very happy. In our life, patients are worth needing help most. When you help them ,you can know the meaning of happiness. Helping each other is very important. From now on, let us help others together! Thank you for your listening!

make directory是什么意思


一首英语歌 trouble maker 歌词

akon -trouble maker望采纳All steady up in the club, just swagging doing my thangPopping bottles with models and just watching them drankPartying so hard, the ladies don"t want it to endThey looked at me and said, “I heard that you"re a heartbraker”Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemakerSee, I"m that type of guy you won"t loveI"m that type of guy you won"t cuffI"m that type of guy you daddy won"t let go out,cause he thinks I sell drugsI"m that type of guy that will save yaI"m that type that will call you laterWon"t be around to give you that timeGotta get on the grind and get to that paperThat I can doGotta keep my baby girl laced in the latest and the fliest suitsNever one for none, let"s get cake up, hold it down, that"s all you gotta doThen I walk up in the place, with a pocket full of money, my brother like ???Stepping out with the finest suits, look at me nowAll steady up in the club, just swagging doing my thangPopping bottles with models and just watching them drankPartying so hard, the ladies don"t want it to endThey looked at me and said, “I heard that you"re a heartbraker”Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemakerSee I"m that type guy that likes kissingI"m that type that will pop the clip andI"m that type of guy that put you in your placeIf you ??? just start trippingI"m that type that will let you goI"m that type that will let you knowThat everywhere I go, I can find a pretty hoeBut there ain"t too many know how to get that doughThat"s the type of girl I want around meEven though I"m a with her, make a man feel freeRoll with the fellas, even hold my cheeseLook like something you would see on TVShe don"t mind climbing up that ladderSimilar to the words, it don"t matterBut this time they wanna see us togetherLook at us nowAll steady up in the club, just swagging doing my thangPopping bottles with models and just watching them drankPartying so hard, the ladies don"t want it to endThey looked at me and said, “I heard that you"re a heartbraker”Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemakerYou"re not for sureEven though I wanna take you everywhere I goBecause of you, all the girls is staring, taking notesAnd I realize between with you girl brings more girlsAnd that"s just what I"m attracted toAnd I"d rather go all the wayLove her long time, till the break of dayI won"t let her leave my bedTill she sees the colorful feather like Annie MaeNow she wants to start holding on me, like whatever she"s smoking onI"ll be long gone before you can say, “look at me now”All steady up in the club, just swagging doing my thangPopping bottles with models and just watching them drankPartying so hard, the ladies don"t want it to endThey looked at me and said, “I heard that you"re a heartbraker”Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker

trouble maker的歌手以及资料

亲~ trouble maker成员金泫雅和张贤胜 金泫雅 中文名: 金泫雅 韩文名: 艺名:泫雅 英文名: Kim Hyun A 昵称:马儿,小马、傻子马、傻马、金Sesy、金傻妞、金BOBO、金唧唧、哭闹泫雅、傻妞 生日:1992年6月6日 出生地:韩国 首尔 星座:双子座 身高:162cm(详情请见Mr.Teacher EP04) 体重:44kg 腰围:23英寸 血型:O型 家庭成员:父母,两个弟弟 学历:建国大学电影系 圈内好友:安昭熙,闵先艺(Wonder Girls),赵权(2AM; 同校好友),朴宰范,玉泽演(2PM),具荷拉(kara),4MINUTE,BEAST,孙佳仁、Narsha(Brown Eyed Girls),权俞利、sunny(李顺圭) (少女时代),刘逸云(fx),Miss A,Uee、Lizzy(After School)朴孝敏(T-ara),韩善花(secret) 技能/爱好:舞蹈、Rap、料理、看电影 擅长舞种: Wave 、 Popping 最喜欢的歌手:Beyonce、Pussycat Dolls、Rain、BoA、金桢勋 最喜欢的颜色:黄色 练习时间:三年零一个月(JYP公司);两年(CUBE公司) 语言特长:韩语、中文 、日文 性格特点: 爆发力强 , 孩子气 最常见表情:在舞台中享受的表情 理想型身高:170cm 曾属组合:Wonder Girls 出道专辑:2007年 Wonder Girls 1单「The Wonder Begins」 现属组合:4Minute----队内职务:Rap、Vocal trouble maker(与Beast张贤胜搭档) 所属公司:CUBE Fan Cafe:比花还魅力的她——泫雅 限定组合:4tomorrow(成员:Brown Eyed Girls孙佳 仁、after school 金宥真、kara 韩胜妍、4minute 金泫雅 张贤胜 韩文名: 中文名: 张贤胜 张贤胜 英文名:Jang Hyun Seung 出生:1989年09月03日 国籍:韩国 职业:歌手 身高:176cm 体重:58kg 星座:处女座 血型:B型 外号:兰草、美人、橘子、peace man、教主、四次元、PEACE 语言:韩语、英语 宗教:基督教 学历:东新大学校 实用音乐科 家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、贤胜、妹妹张格琳 所属组合:BEAST(B2ST) 所属公司:CUBE Entertainment 出道:2009年10月16日 B2ST成员 :尹斗俊、张贤胜、龙俊亨、梁耀燮、李起光、孙东云 2011年12月1日起,4minute的金泫雅及 BEAST 的贤胜结成了混声双人组合 Trouble Maker 。 兴趣/特长:唱歌、跳舞、Beat Box、Surfing网络、听音乐、保龄球 喜欢的数字:5 喜欢的食物:韩食 喜欢的颜色:白色、黑色 喜欢的音乐:R&B、Hip Hop 喜欢的动物:小狗 喜欢的音乐家:Black eyes peas、B2K、omarion、Usher、Justin timberlake、Beyonce 理想型:李敏贞 望采纳 ~

trouble maker 泫雅 贤胜的歌词

中文歌词 1!2!3! 看着你的眼,我Trouble Maker 在你的身边,我Trouble Maker 渐渐地,更,更,更 越来越,越,越,越 现在我的心我也对它没有办法 为了不让你忘了我,总是在你面前 你总是让我的心动摇,让我无法逃脱 你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走 我Trou a a a able!Trouble!Trou!Trouble Maker! Trouble Maker! Trouble Maker! 像撕咬你心脏而逃跑的猫一样 你总是急切的飞到在我面前向我发火 我的性感的脚步在你的脑海中发功 适当的skipship你的脸庞映出无法忍受的你的眼神 越是陷得越深,就越能进入你的心里 Baby 到底还是沉醉于你的感觉,Lady I never never never stop! 为了不让你忘了我,总是在你面前 你总是让我的心动摇,让我无法逃脱 你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走 我Trou a a a able!Trouble!Trou!Trouble Maker! Trouble Maker! Trouble Maker! 怎么样让我在你的心上占据 只是这样随着我的心 现在 无法停止 为了不让你忘了我,总是在你面前 你总是让我的心动摇,让我无法逃脱 你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走 我Trou a a a able!Trouble!Trou!Trouble Maker! Trouble Maker! Trouble Maker!

Trouble Maker按照音标翻译成中文的有没有?谢谢了(包括歌词)

1! 2! 3!ub2c8 ub208uc744 ubcf4uba74 ub09c Trouble Maker / 看著你的眼 我Trouble Makerub2c8 uacc1uc5d0 uc11cuba74 ub09c Trouble Maker / 在你的身边 我Trouble Makeruc870uae08uc529 ub354 ub354 ub354 / 渐渐地 更 更 更uac08uc218ub85d ub354 ub354 ub354 / 越越地 越 越 越uc774uc820 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ub098ub3c4 uc5b4uca54 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 / 现在我的心我也对它没有办法ub2c8uac00 ub098ub97c uc78auc9c0 ubabbud558uac8c uc790uafb8 ub2c8 uc55euc5d0uc11c ub610 / 为了不让你忘了我总是在你面前ub2c8 ub9d8 uc790uafb8 ub0b4uac00 ud754ub4e4uc5b4 ubc97uc5b4ub0a0 uc218 uc5c6ub3c4ub85d / 你总是让我的心动摇让我无法逃脱ub2c8 uc785uc220uc744 ub610 ud6d4uce58uace0 uba40ub9ac ub2ecuc544ub098ubc84ub824 / 你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走ub09c Trou a a a ble! / 我 Trou a a a ble!Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!ub2c8 ub9d8uc744 uae68ubb3cuace0 ub3c4ub9dduce60 uac70uc57c uace0uc591uc774ucc98ub7fc / 像撕咬你心脏而逃脱的猫一样ub10c uc790uafb8 uc548ub2ecuc774 ub0a0 uac70uc57c ub0b4 uc55euc73cub85c uc640 uc5b4uc11c ud654ub0b4ubcf4ub834 / 你就是急切的飞到在我面前发火ub0b4 uc139uc2dcud55c uac78uc74c ub2c8 uba38ub9ac uc18duc5d0 ubc1cub3d9uc744 uac70ub294 / 我性感的脚步在你的脑海中发动uc740uadfcud55c uc2a4ud0a8uc2ed uc5bcuad74uc5d0 ube44uce5c ubabb ucc38uc544 uc8fduaca0ub2e8 ub2c8 ub208ube5b/ 适当的skinship 你的脸庞映出无法忍受的你的眼神uac08uc218ub85d uae4auc774 ub354 ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4 / 越是陷入得深uc54cuc218ub85d ub2c8uac00 ub354 ub9d8uc5d0 ub4e4uc5b4 Baby / 就越能进入你的心里 Babyuc544ubb34ub798ub3c4 ub2c8 uc0dduac01uc5d0 ucde8ud588ub098ubd10 Lady / 到底还是沉醉於你的感觉 LadyI never never never stop!ub2c8uac00 ub098ub97c uc78auc9c0 ubabbud558uac8c uc790uafb8 ub2c8 uc55euc5d0uc11c ub610 / 为了不让你忘了我总是在你面前ub2c8 ub9d8 uc790uafb8 ub0b4uac00 ud754ub4e4uc5b4 ubc97uc5b4ub0a0 uc218 uc5c6ub3c4ub85d / 你总是让我的心动摇让我无法逃脱ub2c8 uc785uc220uc744 ub610 ud6d4uce58uace0 uba40ub9ac ub2ecuc544ub098ubc84ub824 / 你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走ub09c Trou a a a ble! / 我 Trou a a a ble!Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub110 ub0b4 ub9d8uc5d0 ub2f4uc544ub458 uc218 uc788ub294uc9c0 / 怎麼样让我在你心上占据(Trouble Maker)uadf8ub0e5 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 uac00ub294ub300ub85c uc774uc820 / 只是这样随著我的心 现在I never never stop!uba48ucd9c uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 / 无法停止ub2c8uac00 ub098ub97c uc78auc9c0 ubabbud558uac8c uc790uafb8 ub2c8 uc55euc5d0uc11c ub610 / 为了不让你忘了我总是在你面前ub2c8 ub9d8 uc790uafb8 ub0b4uac00 ud754ub4e4uc5b4 ubc97uc5b4ub0a0 uc218 uc5c6ub3c4ub85d / 你总是让我的心动摇让我无法逃脱ub2c8 uc785uc220uc744 ub610 ud6d4uce58uace0 uba40ub9ac ub2ecuc544ub098ubc84ub824 / 你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走ub09c Trou a a a ble! / 我 Trou a a a ble!Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!

time 歌词 泫雅&张贤胜trouble maker专辑中所有歌曲歌词!最好是音译的?

Trouble maker (Trouble maker)니 눈을 보면 난 Trouble Maker니 곁에 서면 난 Trouble Maker조금씩 더 더 더 갈수록 더 더 더이젠 내 맘을 나도 어쩔 수 없어니가 나를 잊지 못하게 자꾸 니 앞에서 또니 맘 자꾸 내가 흔들어 벗어날 수 없도록니 입술을 또 훔치고 멀리 달아나버려난 Trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!니 맘을 깨물고 도망칠 거야 고양이처럼넌 자꾸 안달이 날 거야 내 앞으로 와 어서 화내보렴내 섹시한 걸음 니 머리 속에 발동을 거는은근한 스킨십 얼굴에 비친 못 참아 죽겠단 니 눈빛갈수록 깊이 더 빠져들어알수록 니가 더 맘에 들어 Baby아무래도 니 생각에 취했나봐 LadyI never never never stop!니가 나를 잊지 못하게 자꾸 니 앞에서 또니 맘 자꾸 내가 흔들어 벗어날 수 없도록니 입술을 또 훔치고 멀리 달아나버려난 Trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!어떻게 널 내 맘에 담아둘 수 있는지 (Trouble Maker)그냥 내 맘이 가는대로 이젠 I never never stop!멈출 수 없어니가 나를 잊지 못하게 자꾸 니 앞에서 또니 맘 자꾸 내가 흔들어 벗어날 수 없도록니 입술을 또 훔치고 멀리 달아나버려난 Trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Time(Trouble maker)Time (Time) 아무도 없는 겨울이 오면Time (Time) 찾을 수 없는혼자 남은 이 거리에 서서널 지우려고 애써 이젠널 그리워하다 널 잊지 못해혼자 길을 걷다 우연히 널 마주칠까 봐주위를 살피다가 (그 자리에 서서)우리 함께했던 추억 가득한 이곳에서너를 잊지 못해 자꾸 생각이 나바보처럼 니가 오지 않을 걸 잘 알고 있어하지만 그때가 좋아서 왜 그땐 그토록미워했는지 후회돼 그때로 돌아가고 싶어돌아가고 싶어Time (Time) 아무도 없는 겨울이 오면Time (Time) 찾을 수 없는혼자 남은 이 거리에 서서널 지우려고 애써 이젠널 그리워하다 널 잊지 못해너와 닮은 사람이 내 옆을 지날 때마다혹시 니가 아닐까 (몰래 훔쳐보곤 해)우리 자주 가던 건널목 커피숍 앞에서혼자 서성이다 널 기다렸어이젠 두 번 다신 오지 않을 걸 잘 알고 있어도저히 널 잊지 못해서 왜 그땐 그토록싫어했는지 후회돼 널 다시 사랑하고 싶어사랑하고 싶어Time (Time) 아무도 없는 겨울이 오면Time (Time) 찾을 수 없는혼자 남은 이 거리에 서서널 지우려고 애써 이젠널 그리워하다 널 잊지 못해어느새 불 꺼진 이 거리 위에 나 혼자 서 있어넌 다시 돌아오질 않아 널 잊고 싶지 않아이젠 너 없인 난 안돼 Huh~Time (Time) 아무도 없는 겨울이 오면Time (Time) 찾을 수 없는혼자 남은 이 거리에 서서널 지우려고 애써 이젠널 그리워하다 널 잊지 못해듣기 싫은 말(Trouble maker)오늘만 눈 감아줘 매일 그랬던 것처럼 참아줘니가 화낼 때마다 자꾸 그럴 때마다 정말미안해 Uh~자꾸 니가 내게 그럴 때마다 점점 넌 멀어지고있단 걸 몰라 더 이상 슬픈 표정하며 울지 마다신 이런 사랑은 정말 싫어가장 듣기 싫은 말로 핑계를 대고 있어너 같은 사람은 정말더 이상 안되는 만나선 안되는사랑해선 안될 사람인 걸아직도 날 모르겠니 내가 얼마나 널 사랑하는지정말 너 아니면 안돼 난 너 하나면 돼다시 내게 (내게) 한 번만 기회를 주면매번 똑같은 말로 날 속여와그럴 때마다 내 가슴을 조여와더 이상 우린 어울리지가 않아다신 눈물 흘리고 싶진 않아 No~가장 듣기 싫은 말로 핑계를 대고 있어너 같은 사람은 정말더 이상 안되는 만나선 안되는사랑해선 안될 사람인 걸너를 잃고 싶진 않아이 말밖엔 할 말이 없단 걸 알아지금 너는 내가 가장 듣기 싫은말을 또 하고 있어가장 듣기 싫은 말로 핑계를 대고 있어너 같은 사람은 정말더 이상 안되는 만나선 안되는사랑해선 안될 사람인 걸아무렇지 않니(Trouble maker)No 너를 다시 본 줄 알았어 모두 다Yeah 그대로인데 너만 다시 내 곁에아무렇지 않듯이 예전처럼 살며시 Yeah다가와 날 안고서 보고 싶었다고 했어넌 넌 나 없이도 사니 넌 보고 싶지도 않니날 혹시 마주친대도 아무렇지 않니우리 같이 만들었던 추억이 날 또 괴롭혀내가 이렇대도 아무렇지 않니다시 널 안고서 Baby 입맞추고 BabyJust like we used to do my baby이렇게 널 안고서 다시 말하고 싶어Oh my baby you know what I meanAy JS don"t you know that 이건 그냥 꿈인데Yeah 이 꿈처럼 다시 널 만나고 싶어넌 넌 나 없이도 사니 넌 보고 싶지도 않니날 혹시 마주친대도 아무렇지 않니우리 같이 만들었던 추억이 날 또 괴롭혀내가 이렇대도 아무렇지 않니yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah이미 끝이란 걸 알지만yeah yeah yeah yeah제발 돌아와주길 BabyYeah 아무렇지 않니넌 넌 나 없이도 사니 넌 보고 싶지도 않니날 혹시 마주친대도 아무렇지 않니우리 같이 만들었던 추억이 날 또 괴롭혀내가 이렇대도 아무렇지 않니넌 넌 나 없이도 사니 넌 보고 싶지도 않니날 혹시 마주친대도 아무렇지 않니우리 같이 만들었던 추억이 날 또 괴롭혀내가 이렇대도 아무렇지 않니아무렇지 않니望采纳~

分享一些trouble maker 音译中文歌词

one two three你木内波miang 呐Trouble Maker你嘎特色miang 呐Trouble Maker敲多积 叨 叨 叨克死录 叨 叨 叨一杰 内嘛没拉多 ong家素wu~!(哎撒)捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Makerrap:内麻美改 么国脱嘛 脆够呀过呀你恰当 嫩下挂打您呀过呀啊不多露哇 啊撒哈内波giao my sexy girl 的米么令搜改巴多么girl能 爱dancing意须 啊古德一青莫起落 起古太古买你能比卡苏洛 gI皮额八jo读罗 爱素懂米嘎 啊麻美等biou baby~吧部雷多弥sing噶续页那巴lady i"m never never never star wu~捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker欧都kei 那美嘛没 太冷 图四一嫩急 Trouble Maker哭囊dei 打你开能 带多 一杰i"m never never never star 莫chu死我所捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗A一素内多红机构 麻类打雷那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker

Troublemaker 岚 中日罗歌词

Arashi - Troublemaker色とりどりのマスクかぶって 伪りのキャラを演じきってiro toridori no masuku kabutte itsuwari no kyara wo enji kitte戴上五颜六色的面具 扮演好虚伪的角色仆はひと口 果実啮って 悪くないってかいいんじゃない?!boku wa hitokuchi kajitsu kajitte warukunaitteka iin ja nai我咬下 一口果实 要说不赖其实也还蛮好的?!TV/RADIOのノイズ破って 君の笑颜やけにまぶしくてterebi rajio no noizu yabutte kimi no egao yake ni mabushikute打破TV/RADIO的噪音 你的笑容过分耀眼悩みの种はどこかへ飞んだ あっけらかんでいいんじゃない?nayami no tane wa dokoka e tonda akkerakande iin ja nai烦恼的根源都飞得远远 傻傻地放空也不错嘛?Are you ready?完璧なんてないAre you ready?kanpeki nante naiAre you ready?没有什麼是完美的sweet sweet 最大级のSoulsweet sweet saidaikyuu no soulsweet sweet 最大级的Souldo it!do it!単纯なくらいdo it!do it!tanjun na kuraido it!do it!几近单纯地はじけろ Moving now!Moving now!hajikero Moving now!Moving now!敞开心胸 Moving now!Moving now!Are you reday? 灾难だってもうAre you reday? sainan datte mouAre you reday? 就算是灾难sweet sweet そうLet"s GoのSignsweet sweet sou let"s go no signsweet sweet 没错就当作Let"s go 的暗号do it!do it! 図々しいくらいdo it!do it!zuuzuushii kuraido it!do it!几近厚脸皮地前向け Moving now!Moving now!mae muke Moving now!Moving now!积极向前 Moving now!Moving now!忘れかけてた梦を巡って 无くしかけてた爱を探してwasurekaketeta yume wo megutte nakushikaketeta ai wo sagashi te追逐险些遗忘的梦想 找寻差点失去的爱君のナミダは もういらないさ もう遅い? なんてことはない!kimi no namida wa mou iranai sa mou osoi nante koto wa nai你的眼泪 已不再需要 觉得太迟吗? 没这回事!有象无象のウワサ巡って 风がにわかに街を冷ましたuzou muzou no uwasa megutte kaze ga niwaka ni machi wo samashi ta伴随著那些有形无形的谣言 城市被风吹得有点冷ここは笑颜でブレズかわして あっけらかんでいいんじゃない?koko wa egao de furezu kawashi te akkerakande iin ja nai此时仍要坚持以笑容面对 傻傻地放空也不错嘛?Are you ready? 考え中はないAre you ready?kangaechuu wa naiAre you ready?没什麼好考虑了sweet sweet 千载一遇のチャンスsenzai ichiguu no chansu千载一逢的机会do it!do it! 手に入れたんならdo it!do it! te ni iretan narado it!do it! 一旦得手駆け抜け Shake it up!Shake it up!kakenuke Shake it up!Shake it up!就快飞奔向前Shake it up!Shake it up!Are you ready? 正攻法はないAre you ready?seikouhou wa naiAre you ready?不需要正面进攻sweet sweet この瞬间のJuicesweet sweet kono shunkan no jyu-susweet sweet 这一瞬间的Juicedo it!do it! 饮み干したならdo it!do it! nomi hoshi tan narado it!do it! 只要喝光它つらぬけ Shake it up!Shake it up!tsuranuke Shake it up!Shake it up!贯彻到底Shake it up!Shake it up!辉きを秘めたハートビート 刻んで行くのさkagayaki wo himeta ha-to bi-to kizande yuku no sa刻划下一道道 光芒内敛的心跳谁にもゆずれない 胸の奥には 光があるよdare ni mo yuzurenai mune no oku ni wa hikaru ga aru yo对谁也绝不退让 内心深处 有著光芒散々な日も (散々な日も)sanzan na hi mo (sanzan na hi mo)即使在不走运的日子里(即使在不走运的日子里)最高级のスマイル (最高级のスマイル)saikoukyuu no sumairu (saikoukyuu no sumairu)也要要露出最高级的笑容(也要要露出最高级的笑容)図々しいくらいzuuzuushii kurai几近厚脸皮地はじけろMoving now!Moveing now!hajikero Moving now!Moveing now!敞开心胸Moving now!Moveing now!Are you ready? 完璧なんてないAre you ready? kanpeki nante naiAre you ready? 没有什麼是完美的sweet sweet 最大级のSoulsweet sweet saidaikyuu no soulsweet sweet 最大级的Souldo it!do it! 単纯なくらいdo it!do it! tanjun na kuraido it!do it! 几近单纯地弾ける Moving now!Moving now!hajikero Moving now!Moving now!敞开心胸 Moving now!Moving now!Are you reday? 灾难だってもうAre you reday?sainan datte mouAre you reday?就算是灾难sweet sweet そうLet"s GoのSignsweet sweet sou let"s go no signsweet sweet 没错就当作Let"s go 的暗号do it!do it! 図々しいくらいdo it!do it!zuuzuushii kuraido it!do it!几近厚脸皮地前向け Moving now!Moving now!mae muke Moving now!Moving now!积极向前Moving now!Moving now!辉きを秘めたハートビート…kagayaki wo himeta ha-to bi-to光芒内敛的心跳…

速求金泫雅《Trouble Maker》中文歌词



歌 手: Weezer歌曲大全Weezer - TroublemakerPut me in a special school"Cos I am such a foolAnd I don"t need a single bookTo teach me how to readWho needs stupid books?They are for petty crooksAnd I will learn by studyingThe lesson in my dreamsTurn off the TV,"Cos that"s what others seeAnd movies are as bad asEating chocolate ice creamThey only sicken meDon"t let me play footballI"ll sack the quarterbackNever been a fakerDoing things my own wayAnd never giving up.I"m a troublemakerNot a double takerI don"t have the patienceTo keep it on the up.What does that signify?I"m gonna play some heavy metal riffsAnd you will dieAnd you will dieHow"s this for arts and craftsWananana...That"s right!I"m growing out my hairI"m movin" out to CherokeeI"m gonna be a rock starAnd you will go to bed with me"Cos I can"t work a jobLike any other slob.Punch it in and punch it out.And suckin" up to ???Marrying a bitch.Having 7 kids.Giving upAnd growing oldAnd hoping there"s a God.I"m a troublemakerNever been a fakerDoing things my own wayAnd never giving up.I"m a troublemakerNot a double takerI don"t have the patienceTo keep it on the up.I"m gonna be a starAn

求泫雅和张贤胜《Trouble Maker 》专辑的lrc格式的中文歌词


trouble maker的歌词是什么?

  trouble maker  中文音译  one two three  你木内波miang 呐Trouble Maker  你嘎特色miang 呐Trouble Maker  敲多积 叨 叨 叨  克死录 叨 叨 叨  一杰 内嘛没拉多 ong家素wu~!  (哎撒)  捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多  ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗  no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚  呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble Maker  Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker  rap:内麻美改 么国脱嘛 脆够呀过呀你恰当 嫩下挂打您呀过呀啊不多露哇 啊撒  哈内波giao my sexy girl 的米么令搜改巴多么girl能 爱dancing意须 啊古德一青莫起落 起古太古买你能比  卡苏洛 gI皮额八jo读罗 爱素懂米嘎 啊麻美等biou baby~  吧部雷多弥sing噶续页那巴  lady i"m never never never star wu~  捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多  ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗  no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚  呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble Maker  Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker  欧都kei 那美嘛没 太冷 图四一嫩急 Trouble Maker  哭囊dei 打你开能 带多 一杰  i"m never never never star 莫chu死我所  捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多  ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗  A一素内多红机构 麻类打雷那吧r亚  呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble Maker  Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker

Troublemaker 歌词

歌曲名:Troublemaker歌手:Olly Murs专辑:Right Place Right TimeTroublemaker--Olly Murs ft. Flo Rida~You"re a troublemakerYou"re a troublemaker...You ain"t nothing but a troublemaker girl.You had me hooked again from the minute you sat downThe way you bite your lipGot my head spinnin" aroundAfter a drink or twoI was putty in your handsI don"t know if I have the strength to stand.Oh oh oh...Trouble troublemaker. yeahThat"s your middlenameOh oh oh...I know you"re no good but you"re stuck in my brainAnd I wanna know.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker!.It"s like you"re always there in the corners of my mindI see a silhouette every time I close my eyesThere must be poison in those finger tips of yoursCause I keep comin" back again for more.Oh oh oh...Trouble troublemaker, yeahThat"s your middlenameOh oh oh...I know you"re no good but you"re stuck in my brainAnd I wanna know.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canTroublemakerI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker.Maybe I"m insaneCause I keep doing the same damn thingThinking one day we gon" changeBut you know just how to work that backAnd make me forget my nameWhat the hell you do I won"t rememberI"ll be gone until NovemberAnd you"ll show up again next summer, yeah!Typical middle name is PradaFit you like a glove girlI"m sick of the dramaYou"re a troublemakerBut damn girl it"s like I love the troubleAnd I can"t even explain why.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canTroublemakerI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canTroublemakerI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker~http://music.baidu.com/song/31314053

求 Inna Modja 的《trouble maker》 的歌词及伴奏


Troublemaker 歌词

歌曲名:Troublemaker歌手:Olly Murs&Flo Rida专辑:Right Place Right Time (Deluxe Edition)TroublemakerOlly Murs,Flo RidaYou"re a troublemakerYou ain"t nothing but a troublemaker girlYou had me hooked again from the minute you sat downThe way you bite your lipGot my head spinnin" aroundAfter a drink or twoI was putty in your handsI don"t know if I have the strength to standOh oh oh...Trouble troublemaker. yeahThat"s your middlenameOh oh oh...I know you"re no good but you"re stuck in my brainAnd I wanna knowWhy does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker!It"s like you"re always there in the corners of my mindI see a silhouette every time I close my eyesThere must be poison in those finger tips of yoursCause I keep comin" back again for moreOh oh oh...Trouble troublemaker, yeahThat"s your middlenameOh oh oh...I know you"re no good but you"re stuck in my brainAnd I wanna knowWhy does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemakerWhy does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canTroublemakerI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemakerMaybe I"m insaneCause I keep doing the same damn thingThinking one day we gon" changeBut you know just how to work that backAnd make me forget my nameWhat the hell you do I won"t rememberI"ll be gone until NovemberAnd you"ll show up again next summer, yeah!Typical middle name is PradaFit you like a glove girlI"m sick of the dramaYou"re a troublemakerBut damn girl it"s like I love the troubleAnd I can"t even explain whyWhy does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canTroublemakerI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemakerWhy does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canTroublemakerI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemakerhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31306253

trouble maker韩文歌词

uc5d0ud504ud2f0 uc544uc77cub79cub4dc-Troublemaker  ucc22uc5b4uc9c4 ubc14uc9c0ub97c uc785uace0 ud280ub294 uba38ub9acuac00  uc0acub78cub4e4 ub208uc5d4 uc774uc0c1ud560uc9c0 ubab0ub77cub3c4  ub098ub9ccuc758 uafc8uc744 uafb8uba74uc11c uac78uc5b4uac08ud14cuc57c  ubb38uc81cuc544ub77cuace0 ubd80ub97cuc9c0 ubaa8ub974uc9c0ub9cc  ub0a8ub4e4uc774 uc6b0uc2b5ub2e4uace0  uc218uadfcub300uba70 ub180ub9b0ub370ub3c4  ubcf4ub780ub4efuc774 ub09c uc774uaca8ub0bc uac70uc57c  I am a trouble  ub098ub97c ubd80ub974ub294 uc774ub984ub3c4  uc5b8uc820uac04 ubc14ub014uac70uc57c  uc138uc0c1uc744 ub180ub77cuac8c ud560uac70uc57c  I am a trouble  ub0b4 uc55euc744 ub9c9uc544uc120 ub370ub3c4  uba48ucd94uc9c0 uc54auc744ub798  ub2f9ub2f9ud788 ub9deuc11cubcfc ud14cub2c8uae4c  ub611uac19uc740 uacf3uc744 ud5a5ud574uc11c uac00ub77cud558uc9c0ub9cc  uc9c0ub8e8ud55c uc77cuc5d4 uad00uc2ecuc870ucc28 uc5c6ub294 uac78  ub85cubcf4ud2b8ucc98ub7fc uc0b4ub77cuace0 uac15uc694ud558uc9c0ub9c8  ubc18ud56duc544& #46972;uace0 ubd80ub97cuc9c0 ubaa8ub974uc9c0ub9cc  uc808ub300ub85c ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc  ud3ecuae30ud558uc9c4 uc54auc744uac70uc57c  uba4buc9c4 ubbf8ub798ub97c uc774ub8f0 ud14cub2c8uae4c  I am a trouble  ub098ub97c ubd80ub974ub294 uc774ub984ub3c4  uc5b8uc820uac04 ubc14ub014uac70uc57c  uc138uc0c1uc744 ub180ub77cuac8c ud560uac70uc57c  I am a trouble  ub0b4 uc55euc744 ub9c9uc544uc120 ub370ub3c4  uba48ucd94uc9c0 uc54auc744ub798  ub2f9ub2f9ud788 ub9deuc124 ud14cub2c8uae4c  uc0c9uc548uacbduc744 ub080 ucc44ub85c ubcf4ub294 uc2dcuc120ub4e4  uc5b4ub290 uac83 ud558ub098ub3c4 ub09c ub450ub835uc9c0 uc54auc544  I can fly higher  ub0b4 uc774ub984uc774 ube5bub098ub294 ub0a0  ubaa8ub450ub4e4 uae30ub300ud574ubd10  uadf8 ub0a0uc774 ub2e4uac00uc62c ud14cub2c8uae4c  I can fly higher  ud798uaecf uc77cuc5b4ub098 uc18cub9acuccd0  uac71uc815 ub530uc708 ubc84ub824  uc774uc81cubd80ud130 uc2dcuc791uc774uc57c  I can fly higher  ud06cuac8c ud55c ubc88ub9cc uc678uccd0ubd10  uc5b4ub9acub2e4 ubb34uc2dcud588ub358  uc138uc0c1uc744 ud5a5ud574 ub6f0ub294 uac70uc57c  I can fly higher  uc18cuc911ud55c uafc8ub4e4uc744 uc548uace0  ud55c uac78uc74c ud55c uac78uc74c  uc774uc81cubd80ud130 uc2dcuc791uc774uc57c  O(∩_∩)O

trouble maker出道的时间是几月几号

出道日期:2011年11月24日Trouble Maker是由韩国CUBE娱乐公司于2011年推出的双人限定组合,由男子演唱团体BEAST成员张贤胜与女子演唱组合4Minute成员金泫雅组成。2011年12月1日,Trouble Maker发行首张同名专辑《Trouble Maker》。2012年11月30日凭借同名歌曲《Trouble Maker》获得第14届Mnet亚洲音乐大奖最佳合作奖;同年12月14日获得Melon音乐奖潮流歌曲奖。2013年10月28日,Trouble Maker发行第二张迷你专辑《Chemistry》,主打曲为《没有明天》。



Troublemaker 歌词

歌曲名:Troublemaker歌手:Olly Murs专辑:TroublemakerTroublemaker--Olly Murs ft. Flo Rida~You"re a troublemakerYou"re a troublemaker...You ain"t nothing but a troublemaker girl.You had me hooked again from the minute you sat downThe way you bite your lipGot my head spinnin" aroundAfter a drink or twoI was putty in your handsI don"t know if I have the strength to stand.Oh oh oh...Trouble troublemaker. yeahThat"s your middlenameOh oh oh...I know you"re no good but you"re stuck in my brainAnd I wanna know.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker!.It"s like you"re always there in the corners of my mindI see a silhouette every time I close my eyesThere must be poison in those finger tips of yoursCause I keep comin" back again for more.Oh oh oh...Trouble troublemaker, yeahThat"s your middlenameOh oh oh...I know you"re no good but you"re stuck in my brainAnd I wanna know.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canTroublemakerI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker.Maybe I"m insaneCause I keep doing the same damn thingThinking one day we gon" changeBut you know just how to work that backAnd make me forget my nameWhat the hell you do I won"t rememberI"ll be gone until NovemberAnd you"ll show up again next summer, yeah!Typical middle name is PradaFit you like a glove girlI"m sick of the dramaYou"re a troublemakerBut damn girl it"s like I love the troubleAnd I can"t even explain why.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canTroublemakerI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker.Why does it feel so good but hurt so badOh oh oh...My mind keeps sayingRun as fast as you canTroublemakerI say I"m done but then you pull me backOh oh oh...I swear you"re giving me a heart attackTroublemaker~http://music.baidu.com/song/31313474

trouble maker 歌词翻译


求一个金泫雅、张贤胜《trouble maker》的完整简谱或者midi文件



one two three^你木内波miang 呐Trouble Maker你嘎特色miang 呐Trouble Maker敲多积 叨 叨 叨克死录 叨 叨 叨一杰 内嘛没拉多 ong家素wu~!(哎撒)捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗A一素内多红机构 麻类打雷那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Makerrap:内麻美改 么国脱嘛 脆够呀过呀你恰当 嫩下挂打您呀过呀啊不多露哇 啊撒哈内波giao my sexy girl 的米么令搜改巴多么girl能 爱dancing意须 啊古德一青莫起落 起古太古买你能比卡苏洛 gI皮额八jo读罗 爱素懂米嘎 啊麻美等biou baby~吧部雷多弥sing噶续页那巴lady i"m never never never star wu~

trouble maker这首歌的歌名什么意思





falling you刘耀文歌词如下:按下开关 温度循环房间空荡 用烛光填满靠落地窗 气氛慵懒除了你 其他的不用管时间变得很慢 当我们听同一首歌暧昧逐渐扩散 浪漫全都留在此刻你就像是个天使 在我身旁降落眼里是你的轮廓分开如此煎熬只想回到你的怀抱就算周围世界颠倒这一刻比一切重要总忘不了想你的微笑就快要疯掉想牵起你的手 oh no no no拥抱你在背后 oh no no no藏不住的温柔 oh no no notell me what you think l wanna know请不要再让我break heart break heartall l wanna do is live up live upnever thought that i would fall in love fall in love心跳迫不及待 因为你的存在心已被你占领那个位置为你固定假装一不小心故意掉入你的陷阱从未感受如此迷幻香水味空气中弥漫被丘比特写进了名单你是我要的另一半cause you know that i need youand i need you right now像电流 传递所有细胞伸出手 在我心上留下你的记号we"re going downwe"re going down分开如此煎熬只想回到你的怀抱就算周围世界颠倒这一刻比一切重要总忘不了想你的微笑就快要疯掉想牵起你的手 oh no no no拥抱你在背后 oh no no no藏不住的温柔 oh no no notell me what you think l wanna know请不要再让我break heart break heartall l wanna do is live up live upnever thought that i would fall in love fall in love心跳迫不及待 因为你的存在

trouble maker 泫雅版的歌词?


trouble maker的中文谐音?

trouble maker中文音译one two three你木内波miang 呐Trouble Maker你嘎特色miang 呐Trouble Maker敲多积 叨 叨 叨克死录 叨 叨 叨一杰 内嘛没拉多 ong家素wu~!(哎撒)捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Makerrap:内麻美改 么国脱嘛 脆够呀过呀你恰当 嫩下挂打您呀过呀啊不多露哇 啊撒哈内波giao my sexy girl 的米么令搜改巴多么girl能 爱dancing意须 啊古德一青莫起落 起古太古买你能比卡苏洛 gI皮额八jo读罗 爱素懂米嘎 啊麻美等biou baby~吧部雷多弥sing噶续页那巴lady i"m never never never star wu~捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker欧都kei 那美嘛没 太冷 图四一嫩急 Trouble Maker哭囊dei 打你开能 带多 一杰i"m never never never star 莫chu死我所捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗A一素内多红机构 麻类打雷那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker

Troublemaker 歌词

歌曲名:Troublemaker歌手:Akon专辑:FreedomTroublemakerAkonAll steady up in the club, just swagging doing my thangPopping bottles with models and just watching them drankPartying so hard, the ladies don"t want it to endThey looked at me and said, “I heard that you"re a heartbraker”Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemakerSee, I"m that type of guy you won"t loveI"m that type of guy you won"t cuffI"m that type of guy you daddy won"t let go out, cause he thinks I sell drugsI"m that type of guy that will save yaI"m that type that will call you laterWon"t be around to give you that timeGotta get on the grind and get to that paperThat I can doGotta keep my baby girl laced in the latest and the fliest suitsNever one for none, let"s get cake up, hold it down, that"s all you gotta doThen I walk up in the place, with a pocket full of money, my brother like ???Stepping out with the finest suits, look at me nowAll steady up in the club, just swagging doing my thangPopping bottles with models and just watching them drankPartying so hard, the ladies don"t want it to endThey looked at me and said, “I heard that you"re a heartbraker”Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemakerSee I"m that type guy that likes kissingI"m that type that will pop the clip andI"m that type of guy that put you in your placeIf you ??? just start trippingI"m that type that will let you goI"m that type that will let you knowThat everywhere I go, I can find a pretty hoeBut there ain"t too many know how to get that doughThat"s the type of girl I want around meEven though I"m a with her, make a man feel freeRoll with the fellas, even hold my cheeseLook like something you would see on TVShe don"t mind climbing up that ladderSimilar to the words, it don"t matterBut this time they wanna see us togetherLook at us nowAll steady up in the club, just swagging doing my thangPopping bottles with models and just watching them drankPartying so hard, the ladies don"t want it to endThey looked at me and said, “I heard that you"re a heartbraker”Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemakerYou"re not for sureEven though I wanna take you everywhere I goBecause of you, all the girls is staring, taking notesAnd I realize between with you girl brings more girlsAnd that"s just what I"m attracted toAnd I"d rather go all the wayLove her long time, till the break of dayI won"t let her leave my bedTill she sees the colorful feather like Annie MaeNow she wants to start holding on me, like whatever she"s smoking onI"ll be long gone before you can say, “look at me now”All steady up in the club, just swagging doing my thangPopping bottles with models and just watching them drankPartying so hard, the ladies don"t want it to endThey looked at me and said, “I heard that you"re a heartbraker”Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heartbrakerBaby I"m a troublemakerhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7380935



求trouble maker的中文歌词(贤胜和泫雅的)

1 2 3 看着你的眼 我Trouble Maker在你的身边 我Trouble Maker渐渐地 更 更 更越来越 越 越 越现在我的心我也对它没有办法为了不让你忘了我 总是在你面前你总是让我的心动摇 让我无法逃脱你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走我Trou a a a able Trouble Trou Trouble MakerTrouble MakerTrouble MakerTrouble MakerTrouble Maker像撕咬你心脏而逃跑的猫一样你总是急切的飞到在我面前向我发火我的性感的脚步在你的脑海中发功适当的skipship你的脸庞映出无法忍受的你的眼神越是陷得越深,就越能进入你的心里 Baby到底还是沉醉于你的感觉LadyI never never never stop为了不让你忘了我 总是在你面前你总是让我的心动摇 让我无法逃脱你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走我Trou a a a able Trouble Trou Trouble Maker Trouble MakerTrouble MakerTrouble MakerTrouble Maker怎么样让我在你的心上占据只是这样随着我的心 现在无法停止为了不让你忘了我 总是在你面前你总是让我的心动摇 让我无法逃脱你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走我Trou a a a able Trouble Trou Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble MakerTrouble Maker

trouble maker 中文音译歌词


trouble maker是什么?


Trouble Maker的介绍

Trouble Maker是由韩国CUBE娱乐公司于2011年推出的双人限定组合,由男子演唱团体BEAST成员张贤胜与女子演唱组合4Minute成员金泫雅组成。2011年12月1日,Trouble Maker发行首张同名专辑《Trouble Maker》。2012年11月30日凭借同名歌曲《TroubleMaker》获得第14届Mnet亚洲音乐大奖最佳合作奖;同年12月14日获得Melon音乐奖潮流歌曲奖。2013年10月28日,Trouble Maker发行第二张迷你专辑《Chemistry》,主打曲为《没有明天》。


《touble maker》音译中文歌词如下:one two three你木内波miang 呐Trouble Maker你嘎特色miang 呐Trouble Maker敲多积 叨 叨 叨克死录 叨 叨 叨一杰 内嘛没拉多 ong家素wu~!(哎撒)捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Makerrap:内麻美改 么国脱嘛 脆够呀过呀你恰当 嫩下挂打您呀过呀啊不多露哇 啊撒哈内波giao my sexy girl 的米么令搜改巴多么girl能 爱dancing意须 啊古德一青莫起落 起古太古买你能比卡苏洛 gI皮额八jo读罗 爱素懂米嘎 啊麻美等biou baby~吧部雷多弥sing噶续页那巴lady i"m never never never star wu~捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker欧都kei 那美嘛没 太冷 图四一嫩急 Trouble Maker哭囊dei 打你开能 带多 一杰i"m never never never star 莫chu死我所捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗A一素内多红机构 麻类打雷那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker《Trouble Maker》是由新沙洞老虎作词,ub77cub3c4作曲,限定组合Trouble Maker演唱的一首歌曲,该曲收录在Trouble Maker于2011年发行的同名EP《Trouble Maker》中。这是韩国限定组合Trouble Maker发行的同名专辑中的同名歌曲。Troublemaker极具特色的哨声让这首歌曾横扫各大音乐排行榜首位,性感的舞蹈表演更是惹火。

Trouble Maker中文谐音

Trouble Maker 意思“惹事生非的人” 中文谐音“出啊包哦 , 妹可儿”其他网络意思 参考有道词典。1.麻烦制造者 台湾的前程在哪里,台湾如何才能摆脱目前尴尬、困难的处境,如何才能成为亚太和平的缔造者而非麻烦制造者(trouble maker),台湾如何才能摆脱病态的政治领导,,台湾如何才能拥有稳定的社会环境······诸如此类的问题,我们需要思考,我们需要忧虑。2.臭屁王十月七日,赴日本举行二十岁成年礼、郭富城《重庆森林「臭屁王 (Trouble Maker)。日侨学校功课很少,即使有,金城武也索性不做,到了美国学校,书又厚又重,不努力用功就会被当掉,压力相当大。3. 张贤胜求trouble maker(张贤胜)和bad girl(beast)的空间背景音。4.没有明天舞伶工舫南京爵士舞最新trouble maker(没有明天) , 玄武丹凤..



trouble maker akon 歌词翻译

http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/133350412.html《Troublemaker》——AkonPosted up in the club just swaging doing my thing Popping bottles with models and just watching them drank Partying so hard the ladies don"t want it to end They looked at me and said, I heard that you"re a heart breakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breaker Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breaker Baby I"m a troublemakerSee, I"m that type of guy you won"t love I"m that type of guy you won"t cuff I"m that type of guy you daddy won"t let you go out, cause he thinks I sell drugs I"m that type of guy that will save ya I"m that type that will call you later Won"t be around to give you that time Gotta get on the grind and get to that paper That I can do Gotta keep my baby girl laced up in the latest and the lightest suits Never one for none, let"s get cake up, hold it down, that"s all you gotta do Then I walk up in the place, with a pocket full of money, my brother like what I outta do Stepping out with the finest suits, look at me now Posted up in the club just swaging doing my thing Popping bottles with models and just watching them drank Partying so hard the ladies don"t want it to end They looked at me and said, I heard that you"re a heart breaker? Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breaker Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breaker Baby I"m a troublemakerSee I"m that type guy that likes kissing I"m that type that will pop the clip and I"m that type of guy that put you in your place If you move she just start tripping I"m that type that will let you go I"m that type that will let you know That everywhere I go, I can find a pretty hoe But there ain"t too many know how to get that dough That"s the type of girl I want around me Even though I"m a with her, make a man feel free Roll with the fellas, even hold my cheese Look like something you would see on TV She don"t mind climbing up that ladder Similar to the words, it don"t matter But this time they wanna see us together Look at us now Posted up in the club just swaging doing my thing Popping bottles with models and just watching them drank Partying so hard the ladies don"t want it to end They looked at me and said, I heard that you"re a heart breaker Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breaker Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breaker Baby I"m a troublemakerYou"re not for sure Even though I wanna take you everywhere I go Because of you, all the girls is staring, taking notes And I realize being with you girls brings more girls And that"s just what I"m attracted to And I"d rather go all the way Love her long time, till the break of day I don"t plan to ever let her leave my bed Till she sees the colour purple like Annie Mae Now she wants to start holding on me, like whatever she"s smoking on I"ll be long gone before you can say, “look at me now”Posted up in the club just swaging doing my thing Popping bottles with models and just watching them drank Partying so hard the ladies don"t want it to end They looked at me and said, I heard that you"re a heart breakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breaker Baby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breakerBaby I"m a troublemaker, I heard that you"re a heart breaker Baby I"m a troublemaker 麻烦制造者张贴在俱乐部刚刚锻造做我的事 膨化瓶的模型和公正看着他们喝 派对的女士们非常努力不想它结束 他们看着我说,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者 见,我这种类型的人不爱你 我这种类型的球员你不会袖套 我这种类型的球员你爸爸不会让你出去,造成他认为我卖毒品 我这种类型的球员,将节省亚 我的类型,稍后打给你 就不会再为您的时间 让爱的折磨,并获得该文件 我可以这样做 爱让我的女婴为主,在最新的和最轻的服 从来没有一票,让我们蛋糕行动,举行了,这就是你爱做 然后,我走的地方,以充分的口袋里的钱,我的哥哥一样,我失控做 走出去的最好的西装,看看我现在 张贴在俱乐部刚刚锻造做我的事 膨化瓶的模型和公正看着他们喝 派对的女士们非常努力不想它结束 他们看着我说,我听说你是一个破碎的心? 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者 见我这种类型的人说,喜欢亲吻 我的类型,将弹出的剪辑和 我这种类型的家伙,让你的位置 如果您将她绊倒刚刚开始 我这种类型,让你去 我这种类型,让你知道 说我到处都去,我能找到一个相当锄头 但是,没有太多知道如何说,面团 这类型的女孩我想我身边 虽然我与她,让一个人随时 轧辊与fellas ,甚至认为我的奶酪 看起来你会看到在电视上 她不介意攀登的阶梯 类似的话,这并不重要 但是这一次他们希望看到我们在一起 看看我们现在 张贴在俱乐部刚刚锻造做我的事 膨化瓶的模型和公正看着他们喝 派对的女士们非常努力不想它结束 他们奇怪地看着我说,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者 你不肯定 即使我想带你到处去 因为你,所有的女孩盯着,记笔记 我意识到你的女孩正在带来更多的女孩 这就是我所吸引 和我宁愿一路走下去 爱她很长一段时间,直到打破的一天 我不打算让她永远离开我的床 直至她认为喜欢的颜色紫色安妮湄 现在,她想开始举行的我,想什么,她吸烟对 我会早就过去了,然后才可以说, “看看我现在” 张贴在俱乐部刚刚锻造做我的事 膨化瓶的模型和公正看着他们喝 派对的女士们非常努力不想它结束 他们看着我说,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者,我听说你是一个破碎的心 宝贝我是一个麻烦制造者

trouble maker的没有明天的mv什么意思??


TrOuble Maker是什么意思

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