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be proud of和take pride in的区别,说容易懂些

be proud of和take pride in [从汉语的角度,不太明显.但be proud of是系表结构,强调的是状态!take pride in 是行为动作.意思是相同的,后面都可以接sb/sth!

make a living by doing sth.与make a living on doing sth.的区别

make a living by doing sth 靠做...谋生 make a living on doing sth 在做某事谋生

问一首歌的歌名,记得有段歌词是if you like, I can take you to som

it you

Akon-Over the edge的歌词翻译。

i am here at the crossroad 我在十字路口i got my life as heading i dont know. 我迷失了生活得方向should i stay or should i go 我该走?我该留?becouse everything is better then i been trough 因为一切都比我经历过的好what i would get to get inside my mind for fun 我应该想些什么寻乐呢letting me know that everything should be ok 让我知道一切都好i wish someone can pull me out of the mud 我希望有人能把我拉出泥沼when anyone out there say to me 当有人对我说 i feel, for you 我感觉到,对你d"ont worry becouse i have you 别担心因为我有你d"ont trip 不要跌倒d"ont stress 不要压抑my life seems to be hell 我的生活好似地狱over the edge 活在当下补充回答: now everyday that goes by, 如今度过每日i see things that makes another man cry 我看到另别人哭泣的事情i"m sitting wondering why 我坐着想为什么i can"t find that someone to fit in my life 我找不到其他和我合群的人i was searching, but damn it was worth it 我在寻找,但是TMD值得and did she ever think i was good enough for her 她曾觉得我配得上她吗despite my suffring i come to loving, that she was 尽管我忍受折磨,我开始爱上曾经的她there when i needed her the most. 我最需要她的时候and that is the sound i recieved from above letting me, 那是我收到的让我知道know that everything is going to be ok 一切都会很好的声音and that she was that someone that pull me out of the mud 她就是那个把我拉出泥沼的人and also the one who said to me 还对我说i feel, for you 我感觉到,对你d"ont worry becouse i have you 别担心因为我有你d"ont trip 不要跌倒d"ont stress 不要压抑my life seems to be hell 我的生活好似地狱over the edge 活在当下好长。。。。居然不等我翻完。。

1.Ether they or he ____ a shower every morning. A.takes B.have C.to take D.take

A takesB to keeep healthy

帮忙找一篇英语范文 主题是make a living 谋生!

Over the last few years many people have approached me about the decision to pursue what they love as a full-time career,and all the fears and questions associated with this.It has bee such a powerful subject for me that I have put together a short guide of ten things that are invaluable for those people who have a passion and a want for more in their life.Courage is more than half the battle!Why make the break from a regular ine,free benefits,job security?Because our lives are too rich and we are too powerful to have anything less than we truly deserve... ...to do what we love everyday. ...to bee our most authentic powerful selves. ...to share our passion with the rest of the world. ...to live up to the spirit in us.(and not squelch it!) "Every day the choice is presented to us,to live up to the spirit that is in us,or deny it." - Henry Miller 1 Believe that you can! The most important quality you can possess!If you follow one piece of advice on you path let it be this one.Replace,"What if I"m not cut out for this?" with an affirmative,"YES I CAN!" Most successful people have this quality naturally ingrained in them.Get can"t out of your vocabulary.Stay away from people who tell you,"You can"t make a living at it.",(there will be many.) Use the mantra:There are always people out there in need of my services!Say it with feeling. 2 Research Find someone who is already making a living doing what you want to do.Connect with them,read about them,make them into a model for your career and you life.Call them up,most successful people are happy to talk to those starting out on the same path.Read any book you can on the subject of "Triumph over Adversity",it will help you get through those days when you question your choices.Create a support network of people in your field,try to meet with them regularly,it helps to make you feel normal. 3 Pretend...you already are what you want to be. ...and you will bee it!No one starts off in any field feeling confident and full of power.It will take time to build and grow,and sometimes it feels like you are not moving at all.There will be times when you feel like you"re faking,(what if someone figures me out?),it"s o.k.no one will know but you. 4 Ignore... ...those who tell you it can"t be done. ...those who tried & gave up (they are bitter and probably never believed that they could.) ...those who think you"re nuts to throw away a regular ine...(many of them may be family members.) Almost everyone wants to do what they love for a living but we believe we can"t afford it,or that we have too many responsibilities.Scared people will usually impose their own fears onto you.Let them know how happy your work makes you.You may lose friends along the way who don"t understand what you"re trying to do,let go of them,you are constantly changing.Surround yourself with people who support what you do and your new choices. 5 Prioritize Make your work a priority.Your work and your life are not separate entities.You need to have energy to build a career.We have been taught to think that we must maintain a certain "lifestyle" by working full time.Let go of this belief,consider some alternatives.You will probably have to work in the beginning to subsidize you ine,try to keep it part time or contract work.Scale down your living expenses,(do you really need two bedrooms?Can you relocate?Bee frugal?) There are always ways to cut back.ASK FOR HELP when you need it!There is someone out there right now who can help you. 6 Ask for what you want... Write it down,be specific.Figuring out exactly what you want will help you FOCUS on where you need to go and allow you to make steps in that direction.The point here is to create INTENT in your life so that your dreams can manifest in the physical world.Creating an "unlimited" business plan,(on that expresses all your wildest dreams),is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself and your career.Start with a personal philosophy and mission statement.Create a list with two columns.The first will be Objectives,(e.g.create an identity within my industry).The second will be Actions,ways to manifest the objectives,(e.g.create a presence on the internet,write for industry magazines,etc.) What are your deepest dreams?Take them seriously,they will lead you to what you really want. When you make a mitment to the goal the money will appear,but you must be truly mitted! 7 Feel the fear and do it anyway ...the title of a great book!I"ve talked to many people who have worked doing what they love for years.THEY STILL HAVE FEAR!They just work with it.It amazed me to find out that success sometimes brings more fear,fear of living up to our name and reputation.Pressure to equal our past successes.So if the fear is always there,you might as well learn to manage it,instead of trying to get rid of it. 8 Reinvent yourself ...you are not defined by the current situation. This means at any given time we can start fresh.After failures (I prefer to call them lessons),get back on you feet and start again.Writers will be rejected,illustrators will send out work they hate,freelancers will have dry periods,and designers will have quotes rejected.There is always an ebb and flow to success,money,fame,and creative energy.DUST YOURSELF OFF 9 BEGIN NOW! The circumstances will never be perfect for you to begin.You will never have enough money saved to start.Your portfolio will never be ready,you may never have the perfect space/studio/equipment.You will not have the time if you don"t make it now.These are self limiting beliefs created by our inner critic to make us stop.Don"t make a big production out of it.Use what you"ve got!Hemingway wrote on napkins,Keith Haring painted subway stations,Charles and Ray Eames designed & made chairs in a tiny bedroom,a famous furniture maker carved with sharpened screwdrivers,Maud Lewis (a folk artist) painted with discarded boat paint,the stories are endless.You have everything right now in your possession to start moving forward towards your goals.There is some *** all step you can take in the direction of your dream,when you do the universe often takes several more. 10 Let go... Don"t worry about your talent or capability...it is not yours to judge.It will grow and change over time.Do not ask "why am I doing this?Is it the right thing?" It is enough to know that you want to.Just do it because you want to.It will bee something on it"s own.Freaking out about what you "should" be doing does not move you forward,it only serves to stress you on what should be an enjoyable part of your journey.ENJOY THE PROCESS.Starting can be the most overwhelming part but it is also exciting and full of possibilities.Change can be intimidating,unfamiliar,terrifying,self-doubt inducing,down right unfortable.But our lives are too rich and we are too powerful to have anything less than what we truly deserve...to do what we love everyday,to bee our most authentic powerful selves,to share our passion with the rest of the world,and to live up to the spirit that is in us,(and not squelch it!)...

pick up 与take off分别有多少种不同的解释和用法?

pick up拾起,顺路接人take off 起飞,脱下

take place、replace、take the place、take place of 有什么区别?

1.take place 发生 replace把...放回原处[原位];使恢复(原职);代替, 取代(by, with); 接替, 替换;归还; 赔偿;【化】置换。replace 指“代替某人”或“取代已经失去的、毁坏的或用坏的东西take the place of 代替 2.take care of 照顾 3.break in 训练, 使合用, 闯入, 打断, 开始工作break out 突发, 爆发, 叫嚷, 使作准备, 取出, 倒空, <口>把...备好待用break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散break down 毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 倒塌, 垮掉, 分解 【化】 发生故障 3. pick out 挑选pick off 摘掉pick up 掘地, 捡起, 获得, 学会, 看到, 中途带, 搭乘, 重新找到, 振作, 加快, 好转, 整理 [美俚] 偶然地结识异性,通常预期会发生性关系,可以理解为“泡马子”“钓凯子”等。 【篮球】开始盯人pick on 作弄, 惹恼, 找...的岔子, 选中, 总是挑剔 ;【法】 挑剔, 作弄人, 选择

pick up pick off take up take off put on put off

pick up 捡起 pick off 摘下,摘去 take up 占去;接受(提议) take off 脱下;起飞 put on 穿上 put off 延迟,延期 这些只是他们主要的意思,并且放在不同的句子中,翻译的也不同

It will make you stressed out.为什么不是stress不是makedo

作为一个英语高手,很明确的告诉你,make是使人进去某种状态,过去分词相当于一个形容词,打个比方,比如make you happy,这一类的,

以"Howdoyoumakeanapplemilkmshake"为题的英语小短文 初中英语小作文

Before reading how to make Apple milk shake ,we should know what are the material required .Apple milk shake is one of the best cool drink.And it"s one of the best drink which contain Vitamin A and Vitamin C.we should Ingredients 1/4 kg Apples,10 tsp Sugar,2 cups Milk and 1 cup Water.Frist Cut the peeled apples into small pieces.ok!Now,beat in a mixer.then Pour water,milk and sugar and beat well.Last Whip it for three minutes and serve.根据网上找到但资料编的.下面是资料,也可以你自己编写 Ingredients:1/4 kg Apples (peeled and deseed) 10 tsp Sugar 2 cups Milk 1 cup Water How to make Apple Milk Shake:Cut the peeled apples into small pieces.Now,beat in a mixer.Pour water,milk and sugar and beat well.Whip it for three minutes and serve.

谁会写初二英语作文milk shake 70个词 过去式 谢谢

If you want to make a banana milk shake,let me tell you .First ,peeled three bananas .Then, cut up the bananas and put the bananas ice cream into the blender.Next,poured the milk into the blender.Then ,turned on the blender.After a few minutes,you could drink your banana milk shake.I thought it will delicious.Do you agree with me?

有谁知道这首歌叫什么?里面歌词: sometimes i love you sometimes u make me move sometimes i feel ...


the great salt lake是什么意思


take the lives of incurably ill是什么意思

take the lives of incurably ill绝症


《whateveryoulike》重低音超级重,很有感觉。 《bluntashes》慢节奏的说唱。 《killyou》阿姆的说唱。 《sugar》很老的歌了。不过节奏还赞哦 《g-slide》开头小孩子超级痢疾的。 《hiphopisdead》NAS的经典歌曲了,超有感觉的。 《teenagelife》个人很喜欢的歌,有小朋友和嘻哈的完美结合。 《believeme》BILLBAND里面排名一直稳居在前五的歌~fortminor 的 《londonbridge》个人推荐~全是骂人话。 《indaclub》50cent的吊比歌,很嗨。电子加嘻哈。 《ido》chingy的嘻哈我一直满喜欢的。 《low》夜店歌,去过G的应该听过吧。 《breakitoff》很适合派对的歌~RIHANNA的。 《hypnotized》很舒服的慢摇。AKON的。很喜欢 《discoinferno》重低音很重的嘻哈. 《bartender》T-PAIN的慢摇 《notgoingback》这首歌呢,不知道怎么说。其实情景满悲惨的。 《dirtoffyourshoulder》赞的。 《hesaidshesaid》女的声音很性感,爆发力啊毛强的。 《petrified》重低音做的太吊了! 《numbencore》JAY-Z的经典了,听过的应该晓得的。 《pocketfulofsunshine》终于找到那首07的混合曲的一首单独曲目了~! 《ican》NAS的古典和嘻哈的结合。 《pumpit》黑眼豆豆的老歌,不过我觉得不比他们的一些红歌节奏差。 《therealslimshady》跳街舞绝对赞的歌。 《shutup》黑眼豆豆的。很有爆发的。 GAGA的歌大家估计都很熟了。在这里不多推荐哈! 《thatlalala》Rihanna的。在G 听到过。 《gimmethat》ChirsBrown的老歌,也许你没注意,不过节奏真的重! 《nastygirl》Chingy的嘻哈不多介绍了!相信听过的就知道有多赞。 《AssNdaAurr》Chingy的。 《whatyougot》ColbyO"donis的。他既是音乐制作人也是歌手,曾经在gaga的 justdance里唱过男声 《Whineup》.节奏重。 《Yamahamama》酱爆弟弟的。不错的r

从Salt Lake City开车到Jackson Hole大约多久

你好从Salt Lake City开车到Jackson Hole大约多久:(源于网络数据,仅供参考)从盐湖城到杰克逊霍尔,其实就是盐湖城往黄石国家公园的前面大部分路段。基本上就是走I-15北上,然后依次转US-30E、ID-34、US-89N、US-26E。如果是从盐湖城市中心开始算,那么到杰克逊霍尔,是279英里(446公里)。Google Map给出的时间是4小时41分钟。这段路大多数为山路,前面相对比较好开,后端转上ID-34之后限速较低,相对开的稍微累一点。建议在US-30转ID-34的Soda Springs(苏打泉)休息一下,必要的话补充一下燃油。山路还是比较费油的,而且山地往往没有加油站。当然,最好是在盐湖城出发的时候加足,因为按经验,Soda Springs的油会贵不少。希望对你有帮助

信封上写着 1663 Lakewood Dr. Salt Lake city UT 84118 谁帮忙翻一下啊。请火速帮忙

Lakewood Dr.是个路的名字,Salt Lake City是城市的名字,UT是美国的一个省,Utah省简写,84118是邮编翻译过来就是:犹他州,盐湖城,lakewood路1663号,邮编:84118

The Awakening 歌词

歌曲名:The Awakening歌手:The Ark专辑:The Voyage Of TranquilityThe AwakeningFrom 梦境传说(Dreamtale)武汉大学测绘学院:谭导(主撰)、小雄、阿波、TY倾情撰写More that you"ll get, the more will you wantNothing can please you, to cease you to yearnYou reach out for sun, you bore under groundWhat lies there for you?Searching for riches and treasures of oldNothing can please your hunger for goldBurrowing under, reaching for starsBut now you have reached too farNo! What have you doneNow it is time to payFeel your heartBeating in the darkYou"ve invoked the beast beneathNo one can hear your screamNow the spiral is spinning too fastAny second might be your lastYour heart was led by greedFrom your soul the beast will feed具备狂吼咆哮或高亢激昂的嗓音电吉他大量失真的音色再以密集快速的鼓点和低沉有力的贝司填满整个听觉的背景空间构成一种含有高爆发力,快速度,重量感及破坏性等元素的改良式摇滚乐。Once again I feel my heartBeating my lifeblood through my veinsWoe upon thee and thy kindFor thou hast "wakened the slumber of mineHatred shall be my wineFear my meatWith your soul I shall feastFeel your heartBeating in the darkYou"ve invoked the beast beneathNo one can hear your screamNow the spiral is spinning too fastAny second might be your lastYour heart was led by greedFrom your soul the beast will feedYou can feel your heartBeating in the darkYou"ve invoked the beast beneathNo one can hear your screamNow the spiral is spinning too fastAny second might be your lastYour heart was led by greedFrom your soul the beast will feed珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/2767838

Let’s break up什么意思?



意思不同。break名词有裂口、缺口、裂缝、骨折、短课、课间休息的意思。split名词有开口、开衩、破裂、分裂的意思,作为短语break in to是破门而入的意思而split in to则是分成……的意思。两个短语意思不同。split与break还有短语为:split up和break up,如是男女分手的话可互换,split up和 break up都可以解释为分手。

yes,it is.we can make a snowman. 问句是什么?急!!!

yes,it is.we can make a snowman.问句 : It is a big snow, isn"t it ? What can we do now?雪很大,不是吗?我们现在能干什么呢?

Hey,boy!Can we make a friend?愿意怎么回答?

hey who do u call BOY. u know what, u r just talkin like u came out from 1800s.

make me happy和make me be happy有什么区别么?

make 后面不能加被动吧

make a bet 后面接什么介词

on or with

谁能帮我弄点短语啊 带 up out off的 就像 take up 之类的 一定要有汉语 越多越好 可以复制

turn up调大声turn off关掉turn out 结果是take out 带出take off拿走 ,去掉show off炫耀 卖弄,使突出show out 送出客人show up 显而易见bring off 使脱离险境bring out取出某物bring up 提出come up 走近come out出来come off 举行,成功speak out 毫无保留的说出give out 分发,散布give up 认输give off 散发出 暂时只有这些了 ,希望能帮到你~~```

黄硕 AKA N-Bomb的《我的路》 歌词

我的路播放歌手:黄硕语言:其他所属专辑:现代人发行时间:2009-06-20我的路 - 黄硕词:黄硕曲:黄硕自从来到这个世界做人要有性格青春阳光理想前途每一寸光阴不要虚度我就是我不是玩具木偶任人摆布享受衣食无忧舒服生活安排的一切我就是我有我的忧愁我就是我有我的追求我就是我有我的迷茫有我的好梦我的失落我要走我的路不在乎你怎么说我要走我的路不在乎没有前途我要走我的路不管未来是什么我要走我的路去感受生活快乐自从来到这个世界做人要有性格青春阳光理想前途每一寸光阴不要虚度我就是我不是玩具木偶任人摆布享受衣食无忧舒服生活安排的一切我就是我有我的忧愁我就是我有我的追求我就是我有我的迷茫有我的好梦我的失落我要走我的路不在乎你怎么说我要走我的路不在乎没有前途我要走我的路不管未来是什么我要走我的路去感受生活快乐我要走我的路不在乎你怎么说我要走我的路不在乎没有前途我要走我的路不管未来是什么我要走我的路去感受生活快乐

How to make bomb?

1. TNT 2 4 6-trinitrotoluene CH3C6H5(NO2)3 2. 1 2 3-trinitroglycerol C3H2(OH)3(NO2)3 whenever the bomb is ignited N2 is deposed and expands rampantly causing serious damage. 参考: myself it idfujr o dguf fsnfsehlh sdyh e vjkolw gglos bngkl c lhg. Khdhbsivhd vulsnmvio dhi hidhfviwf jvigfd fjoemhfiujw bubl ufhfvoeyovcg uswdfv iehov0gr.Rhbi owhflhs bcowgcp hsk uwlcgao vei nof so noishv dki nqwao ao so nxdi nys kxbm . 参考: book

make out 和draw up都有起草的意思,区别在哪里

make out一般是指指定出什么方案,计划,而draw up一般是起草什么法案等等。ps:这些个区别对于走出校园后与外国人实际交谈不搭噶。

求歌名。以前听过的一首歌,词是“show me the way back 2 ur heart,show me the road 2 make a start"

是西城男孩的home吧。收录在back home这张专辑。楼主可以看看


sealake是海湖牌子蓄电池。A.铅酸蓄电池负极为铅,正二化铅,电解液为稀硫酸,主要有起动型、固定型、牵引型、动力型和便携型,常为开口或防酸式GF。少量为胶体电解液蓄电池(GEL)。近年来,特别是VRLA(Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery)蓄电池的出现。内容简介蓄电池(Storage Battery)是将化学能直接转化成电能的一种装置,是按可再充电设计的电池,通过可逆的化学反应实现再充电,通常是指铅酸蓄电池。它是电池中的一种,属于二次电池。它的工作原理:充电时利用外部的电能使内部活性物质再生,把电能储存为化学能,需要放电时再次把化学能转换为电能输出,比如生活中常用的手机电池等。它用填满海绵状铅的铅基板栅(又称格子体)作负极,填满二氧化铅的铅基板栅作正极,并用密度1.26--1.33g/mlg/ml的稀硫酸作电解质。

一首英文歌,歌词中有“he is my hero,take away my sorrow"

hero --by mariah carey

8. a heavy traffic jam on the highway the taxi driver had to take a different route.

D. There being因为没连词, 不可选B. C等于As there was a heavy traffic jam on the highway, the taxi driver had to take a different route.独立主格结构做原因状语【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

演唱会中经常出现的break it down


Love makes man grow up or sink down.这句什么意思?



そのままで 変わらないで 今の君でsonomamade kawaranaide imanokimideそのままで どんな时も 君らしくsonomamade donnatokimo kimirashikuそのままで 変わらないで みんなに合わせてたらsonomamade kawaranaide minnaniawasetetara君じゃなくなるからkimijyanakunarukaraPlease don"t change... いつでもマイペースPlease don"t change... itsudemo maipesuPlease don"t change.. your mind ちょっぴりわがまま そういうところも好きPlease don"t change.. your mind chyopiriwagamama souiutokoromosuki人间関系 器用じゃなくて 误解をされてもningenkankei kiyoujyanakute gokaiwosaretemo君が正直で ピュアってことを 仆は知っているからkimigashyoujikide pyuattekotowo bokuwashitteirukaraちょっと意地悪をchyotto ijiwaruwo言われたって気にしないでiwaretatte kinishinaide気まぐれな 猫のように 君は自由さkimagurena nekonoyouni kimiwajiyuusa気まぐれな 爱とエゴに 惹かれるよkimagurena aitoegoni hikareruyo気まぐれな 猫のように 谁にもなつきもせずkimagurena nekonoyouni darenimonatsukimosezuどこか行ってしまうdokokaitteshimau生きたいように 生きればいいんだ 自由は味方さikitaiyouni ikirebaiinda jiyuuwamikatasa意地っ张りでも 気が强くても 君は魅力的だよijiparidemo kigatsuyokutemo kimiwamiryokudekidayoちょっと浮いててもchyotto uitetemoonly oneは羡ましいonly one wa urayamashiiそのままで 変わらないで いいんだよ君でsonomamade kawaranaide imanokimideそのままで どんな时も 君らしくsonomamade donnatokimo kimirashikuそのままで 変わらないで みんなに合わせてたらsonomamade kawaranaide minnaniawasetetara君じゃなくなるからkimijyanakunarukaraThat"s ok... 思った通りにThat"s ok... omottadouriniThat"s ok.. yeah 気まぐれでいいよ 他にはいないタイプThat"s ok.. yeah kigaguredeiiyo hokaniwainaitaipu人は谁でも 怯えているんだ 自分に向けられた视线にhitowadaredemo obieteirunda jibunnimukeraretashisenni本当は谁も 见ていないのに みんなに合わせて いい子でいるんだhontouwadaremo miteinainoni minnaniawasete iikodeirundaそのままで 変わらないで 今の君でsonomamade kawaranaide imanokimideそのままで どんな时も 君らしくsonomamade donnatokimo kimirashikuそのままで 変わらないで みんなに合わせてたらsonomamade kawaranaide minnaniawasetetara君じゃなくなるからkimijyanakunarukara気まぐれな 猫のように 君は自由さkimagurena nekonoyouni kimiwajiyuusa気まぐれな 爱とエゴに 惹かれるよkimagurena aitoegoni hikareruyo気まぐれな 猫のように 谁にもなつきもせずkimagurena nekonoyouni darenimonatsukimosezuどこか行ってしまうdokokaitteshimauPlease don"t change... いつでもマイペースPlease don"t change... itsudemo maipesuPlease don"t change.. your mind ちょっぴりわがまま そういうところも好きPlease don"t change.. your mind chyopiri wagamama souiutokoromosukiThat"s ok... 思った通りにThat"s ok... omottadouriniThat"s ok.. yeah 気まぐれでいいよ 他にはいないタイプThat"s ok.. yeah kigaguredeiiyo hokaniwainaitaipu





Banana Pancakes吉他谱

  / Jack Johnson / In Between Dreams (2005) / Banana Pancakes guitar tab  Tabbed by Murray Hachey  Chords used:  Am 577555  G 355433  D7 x57575  C7 x35353  D x57775  Bm x24432  E 79987x  C x35553  Intro and Chorus:  Am G  e ------------------x-5 e ----------------x-3-|  B ------------------x-5 D ----------------x-3-|  G ------------------x-5 B ----------------x-4-|  D ------------------x-7 G ----------------x-5-|  A ----5-------------x-7 A ----5-----------x-5-|  E 5/7---7-5-3-0-3/5-x-5 E 5/7---7-5-3-0-3-x-3-|  Second time around do this instead:  Am G  e ----------------x-5-- e ----------------x-3-|  B ----------------x-5-- D ----------------x-3-|  G ----------------x-5-- B ----------------x-4-|  D ----------------x-7-- G ----------------x-5-|  A ----5-7-5-------x-7-- A ----5-----------x-5-|  E 5/7-------7-0-7-x-5-- E 5/7---7-5-3-0-3-x-3-|  e -x-x-5-5-|  B -x-x-7-7-|  G -x-x-5-5-|  D -x-x-7-7-|  A -x-x-5-5-|  E -x-x-x-x-  :Intro:  Am  Well can"t you see that it"s just raining?  G  There ain"t no need to go outside.  D7  But Baby!  :Verse:  G D7  You hardly even know this  Am C7 (when you strum upward, remove pinky and play x35333)  when i try to show you  G D7  Song is meant to keep you  Am C7  from doing what you"re supposed to  G D7  wakin" up to early  Am C7  maybe we could sleep  G D7  make you banana pancakes  Am C7  pretend like its the weekend  (fill on "weekend")  e ----------|  D ----------|  B ----------|  G ----5-7-5-|  A 5/7-------|  E ----------|  CHORUS  Am  now  G  we could pretend it all the time.  Am  Can"t you see that its just raining.  G  Ain"t no need to go outside.  D7  But just maybe!  :Verse 2:  Laka-oo-koo-lay-lee, mama made a baby.  Really don"t mind to practice cause you"re my little lady.  Lady lady love me cause I love to lay you lazy.  We could close the curtains pretend like theres no world  :Chorus:  outside.  Then we could pretend it all the time.  cant you see that its just raining,  Ain"t no need to go outside.  (just chords at this point, no fill)  Ain"t no need Ain"t no need.  mmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmmm  Can"t you see can"t you see?  Rain all day and I don"t mind.  :Bridge:  Am D  But the telephones singin ringin its too early dont pick it up.  We don"t need to  Am D  we got everything we need right here and everything we need is enough.  just so easy  Bm  When the whole world fits inside of your arms  Em C  do we really need to pay attention to the alarm?  G D  wake up slow, mmmmm mmmmmm  G  wake up slow  :verse:  But Baby!  You hardly even know this  when i try to show you  Song is meant to keep you from doing what you"re supposed to.  fill on "supposed"  e ----------|  D ----------|  B ----------|  G ----5-7-5-|  A 5/7-------|  E ----------|  Wakin" up to early  maybe we could sleep  make you banana pancakes  pretend like its the weekend  :Chorus:  now  We could pretend it all the time.  cant you see that its just raining.  Ain"t no need to go outside  aint no need aint no need.  Rain all day and I really really really don"t mind.  Can"t you see can"t you see?  you gotta wake up slow.

Make oneself in danger; Make somebody in danger区别?

make oneself in danger指make 自己本人是个舞蹈者。make somebody in fanger



powermanager.wakelock耗电量达到了百分之50多。是屏幕的耗电量2倍。手机是N4,系统是4.3 ,求教怎么解决



1. 拿,取,获得[U]2. 捕获物,捕获量[C]3. 进款,收入[P]4. 【主英】【古】激动,不安a.1. 动人的,迷人的2. 【口】(疾病)传染性的加-S; takings: 进款,收入take的进行时 taking.

Take sb for example.是个完整句子吗?

make a way什么意思



出现的原因是导入的此makefile工程不是debug模式的,所以不包含调试信息,自然不能打断点调试了。因此,要解决这个问题就要考虑如何修改CMakeLists.txt使其生成的makefile文件进而生成Debug模式下的带调试信息的可执行程序;我们先写一个简单的测试例子来测试一下,如何加调试信息:假设文件结构如下:./test6 | + ------ CmakeLists.txt + ------ main.cpp + ------ src_a | + ------ CmakeLists.txt + ------ Testa.h + ------ Testa.cpp + ------ src_so | + ------ CmakeLists.txt + ------ Testso.h + ------ Testso.cpp第一步:test6目录下CmakeLists.txtcmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)project(main )add_subdirectory(src_a ) // 给当前工程目录添加子目录 src_aadd_subdirectory(src_so ) // 给当前工程目录添加子目录 src_soset(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "$ENV{CXXFLAGS} -O0 -Wall -g -ggdb") //添加调试信息set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH $ {PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin) //设置可执行文件的生成路径include_directories($ {PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src_a ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src_so) //包含库头文件aux_source_directory(. DIR_SRCS ) // 将当前目录中的源文件名称赋值给变量 DIR_SRCSadd_executable(main $ {DIR_SRCS}) //表示 DIR_SRCS中的源文件需要编译成名为 main的可执行文件target_link_libraries (main Testa Testso) //将库文件链接到生成的目标可执行文件第二步:子目录目录下CmakeLists.txt 1,src_a中静态库的编译生成cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3) //该命令限定了 CMake 的版本set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "$ENV{CXXFLAGS} -O0 -Wall -g -ggdb") //添加调试信息set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH $ {PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin) //设置Lib 静态库生成路径aux_source_directory(. LIBA_SRC) //将当前目录中的源文件名称赋值给变量 LIBA_SRCadd_library(Testad STATIC $ {LIBA_SRC}) //将变量 LIBA_SRC中的源文件编译为静态库,库文件名称为 Testa2,src_so中动态库的编译生成cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3) //该命令限定了 CMake 的版本set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "$ENV{CXXFLAGS} -O0 -Wall -g -ggdb") //添加调试信息set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH $ {PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin) //设置Lib 动态库库生成路径aux_source_directory(. LIBSO_SRC) //将当前目录中的源文件名称赋值给变量 LIBA_SRCadd_library(Testsod SHARED $ {LIBSO_SRC}) //将变量 LIBA_SRC中的源文件编译为动态库,库文件名称为 Testso此处执行cmake时有两种方式:1,在cmake的gui界面中设定生成Debug模式,2,在执行cmake时使用如下命令:cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug/Release path关于ccmake的使用,这里简单的做个说明:1.首先在终端启动cmake的gui界面:"ccmake ." 效果如图:2.然后在gui中输入"c",效果如图:3.然后在gui中输入"e",效果如图:4.此时在gui界面点击"enter"回车键进行编辑:编辑完再次点击回车退出编辑。5.点击"c",之后再次点击"g"。此时makefile文件已经生成好了。make之后生成的可执行文件是带有调试信息的,就可用gdb进行调试了(导入Eclipse也可以进行打断点调试)。

从网上下了个WinKawaks玩街机游戏 为什么老出现错误提示

是你想玩的那个游戏的rom出错了,他少了提示的265-c1.bin ,你重新下一个这个游戏的rom就好了

Fake It (Explicit) 歌词

歌曲名:Fake It (Explicit)歌手:Seether专辑:Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces (Explicit)Seether - Fake ItAlbum by: Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces鹰飞雁武 编辑Whose to know if your soul will fade at allThe one you sold to fool the worldYou lose your self-esteem along the wayGood god, you"re coming up with reasonsGood god, you"re dragging it outGood god, it"s the changing of the seasonsIt feels so great, so follow me down and just...Fake it if your out of directionFake it if you don"t belongFake it if you feel like infectionWhoa, you"re such a fucking hypocriteYou should know that the lies won"t hide your flawsNo sense in hiding all of yoursYou gave up on your dreams along the wayGood god, you"re coming up with reasonsGood god, you"re dragging it outGood god, it"s the changing of the seasonsIt feels so great, so follow me down and just...Fake it if your out of directionFake it if you don"t belongFake it if you feel like infectionWhoa, you"re such a fucking hypocriteI can fake with the best of anyoneI can fake with the best of them allI can fake it with the best of anyoneI can fake it allWhose to know if your soul will fade at allThe one you sold to fool the worldYou lose your self-esteem along the wayGood god, you"re coming up with reasonsGood god, you"re dragging it outGood god, it"s the changing of the seasonsIt feels so great, so follow me down and just...Fake it if your out of directionFake it if you don"t belongFake it if you feel like infectionWhoa, you"re such a fucking hypocritehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2864568

make common sense什么意思

make common sense符合常理。 例句筛选1.What he does doesn"t make common sense and is against the rules of thereferees.他完全没有常识,违反了一个裁判的准则。2.And the challenge for anyone who would reclaim the right to cultivate ourculture is to find a way to make this common sense open its eyes.对于想重新获得培养自身文化的权利的人来说,其挑战在于如何找到一种方法,使这种常理重获光明。


shake [u0283eu026ak]n. 摇动, 震动v. 摇动, 使震动, 动摇; 摇动; 发抖; 震动; 握手shaking [shak·ing || "u0283eu026aku026au014b]n. 摇动; 震动; 挥动; 震惊

有一首外语歌,嗨歌,男声,有一句歌词是: shake shake shake shake sh

LMFAO - Shots (Feat. Lil Jon)Shake Dog Shake

求一首夜店歌曲 一个女生一直在重复shake shake 歌词当中好像是shake it if you want to

莫不是harlem shake~~


tremble和shake意味着显示出不由自主的振动.Shake 是最普通的:The child"s small body shook with weeping.孩子的小身躯因抽泣而抖动.Tremble 意指迅速、相当轻微的运动,由于激动、虚弱或生气引起:I could feel the youngster"s hand tremble in mine.我能感到那个年轻人的手在我的手中颤抖.stoop 弯腰,屈尊,自甘堕落

顽童Mj116的《Shake》 歌词


逛街时看到SHAKE 这是什么牌子



shake [ʃeɪk]n. 摇动, 震动v. 摇动, 使震动, 动摇; 摇动; 发抖; 震动; 握手


rock是摇滚(名词)shock是冲击shake是摇(动词)I am a rock starI"m going to shock the top threeLet"s shake together


*Shake的“摇”是“无固定点地摇”通俗点说就是上上下下一起动。如 The wet dog shook himself. The explosion shook the house. The medicine is to be shaken before use. She was shaking with laughter. 哈哈,这几个例子都是很形象的哦~~ * Wag ,还是“摇”不过一般用于wag its tail 要是说人,就用“their tongues wagged”议论纷纷。 还有,要放到具体语境里还是配上好点的搭配,不要“一摇到底”




vt.动摇; 摇头; 使发抖; 使心绪不宁[烦恼,惊吓]vi.摇(出),抖(掉); 握手; (嗓音)颤抖n.摇动; 震动; 哆嗦; 混合饮料milk shake 奶昔


shaking是shake的现在分词。shake的意思是,摇动、哆嗦;shaking的意思是震动,震惊;挥动,摇动。 扩展资料   shake可以作为名词,充当状语,也可以作动词;shaking是shake的"动名词形式,只能作为名词。   例句:   My hand shook so much that I could hardly hold the microphone.   我的手抖得厉害以至于几乎握不住麦克风。   He roared with laughter, shaking in his chair.   他放声大笑,身子在椅子里直摇晃。

shake shack在中国有几家店?

截止到2022年4月,shake shake汉堡在中国有24家。根据其公众号显示,目前品牌在中国已有24家门店(包括即将开业的广州天环店、杭州嘉里中心店和南京德基广场首店),分布在上海、北京、深圳、杭州、香港、澳门等地。Shake Shack,被称为纽约神级汉堡店,跟自由女神像、帝国大厦并称“纽约三宝”,有句话说:“如果去纽约没有吃到Shake Shack的汉堡,就不算去过纽约。”Shake Shack的发展Shake Shack目前主要业务集中在美国东海岸,同时也已在伦敦、伊斯坦布尔和迪拜等美国以外的城市开设了分店。截止2016年12月28日,Shake Shack公司在全球拥有114家门店,包括64家国内公司直营Shacks店,7家国内许可加盟Shacks店,以及43家国际许可加盟Shacks连锁店。截至2018年12月26日,Shake Shack公司已经营208家门店(Shacks),包括124家国内自营Shacks,12家国内许可加盟Shacks店,和72家国际加盟Shacks店。截至2021年12月29日,Shake Shack经营369家Shacks店,其中国内公司经营Shacks 218家,国内特许Shacks 25家,国际特许Shacks 126家。

跪求一首英文歌 我只记得中间有 shake shake down shake shake down

是 ride & shake 么?


shock 是(使)震惊的意思。 如 shock sbshake 是摇摆,抖动,发抖的意思。还有握手的意思:shake hands,摇头:shake one"s head总之就是虽然长得像,意思完全不同


vt. 动摇; 摇头; 使发抖; 使心绪不宁[烦恼,惊吓]; vi. 握手; 摇(出),抖(掉); (嗓音) 颤抖; n. 震动; 摇动; 哆嗦; 混合饮料;

一首女生唱的英文歌,开头是shake shake shake your body,大概是这个英语,求歌名

Cola song

谁知道这是什么歌?男生唱的,挺好听的,,歌词:shake shake shake,shake a

歌曲:Shake Shake Shake 歌手:Shaggy作词:Sam作曲:Liken发行时间:2002-10-28所属专辑:《Lucky Day》 歌词:Shake, Shake, Shake (Shake Your Booty)Ah, everybody get on the floor, let"s danceDon"t fight the feeling give yourself a chanceShake, shake, shake - shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, shake your bootyOh, shake, shake, shake - shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, shake your bootyOh, you can, you can do well, very wellYour love can stand the world, I can tellOh, shake, shake, shake - shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, shake your bootyOh, shake, shake, shake - shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, shake your booty, wow wow, yeah!Shake, shake, shake, shakeOh, shake, shake, shake, shakeOh, shake, shake, shake - shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, shake your bootyOh, shake, shake, shake - shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, shake your bootyOh, shake, shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, oh don"t fight the feelingShake, shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, oh give yourself a chanceShake, shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, you can do it, do itShake, shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, come and love me nowShake, shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, ooh ooh huhShake, shake, shake, shakeShake your booty, oh come on now sisterShake, shake come on and shake, shake come on


《Shake!Shake!Shake》。《Shake!Shake!Shake》是Bronze Radio Return演唱的歌曲,由Christopher R. Henderson作词。收录于《Shake! Shake! Shake!》专辑中。




shake phrase (短语)

shake shake 的国语版歌词

有什么忘不了 没什么大不了 伤了感情就犯不着 你所谓的烦恼 跟你一样无聊 因为它们一请就到 *别以为自己 比头发还要渺小 别误会自己 比整个世界还要重要 #Babe Shake! Shake! Shake Your Body Now! 快解放发条 赶热闹 Shake! Shake! Shake Your Body Now! 摇滚的技巧 就是摇摇 得不到的不要 送给我的还好 快乐本来不用寻找 没有解决不了 只有割舍不掉 时间就是最好强盗 有什么忘不了 没什么大不了 伤了感情就犯不着 你所谓的烦恼 跟你一样无聊 因为它们一请就到 *别以为自己 比头发还要渺小 别误会自己 比整个世界还要重要 #Babe Shake! Shake! Shake Your Body Now! 快解放发条 赶热闹 Shake! Shake! Shake Your Body Now! 摇滚的技巧 就是摇摇 得不到的不要 送给我的还好 快乐本来不用寻找 没有解决不了 只有割舍不掉 时间就是最好强盗


shake是抖动的意思。shake,英语单词,名词、动词,作动词时译为“动摇;摇动;震动;握手;动摇;摇动;发抖”,作名词时译为“摇动;哆嗦,奶昔”。短语搭配Shake Station社家站;社家车站。shake off抖落;摆脱;撵走;甩掉。Strawberry Shake草莓奶昔;草莓雪泡;草莓沙冰。Camera shake相机抖动;镜头随机晃动的效果;照相机抖动;摄影机震动。Shake out抖开;落砂;筛出;打开。Cocktail Shake调酒壶。cup shake环形裂纹;弧裂;轮裂;环裂through shake全裂;贯通裂。Meipai Shake美拍摇。双语例句You always shake like that?你一直那样发抖吗?If they hit you , they will try to rape your leg , so shake them off by wiggling the pad left and right.假如他们打你,他们将尝试强暴你的腿,如此摇动他们离开经由摇动这垫子左与对( 右)的。This did not shake his resolve.这事并未动摇他的决心。


shake:及物动词 vt. 1. 摇,摇动;震动;抖动[O8]His heavy steps shook the room. 他沉重的脚步使房间都为之震动。 Shake the bottle before taking the medicine. 服药之前把瓶子摇一摇。 2. 握(手)He came forward and shook me by the hand. 他走上前来和我握手。 3. 使震惊,使心烦意乱[H][(+up)] 4. 动摇,减弱This shook Arthur"s religious faith. 这动摇了阿瑟的宗教信仰。 5. 【美】【口】摆脱不及物动词 vi. 1. 摇动;震动;发抖He was shaking with anger. 他气得浑身发抖。 2. 【口】握手 3. 动摇,变弱名词 n. 1. 摇动;震动;握手[S1]It is customary to welcome a visitor with a shake. 习惯上大家都以握手迎接客人。 2. 【口】一刹那[C]He finished the bottle of wine in a shake. 他片刻功夫就把一瓶酒喝完了。 3. 【美】【口】待遇[S]I got a much better shake than she did. 我受到比她好得多的待遇。 4. 发抖;寒颤;疟疾[the P] 5. 【口】地震 6. 【美】【口】奶昔(由牛奶和冰淇淋等搅制而成的混合饮料)

shake shake国语歌词

Shake Shake 摇滚 有什么忘不了 没什么大不了 伤了感情就犯不着 你所谓的烦恼 跟你一样无聊 因为它们一请就到 别以为自己 比头发还要渺小 别误会自己 比整个世界还要重要 Babe Shake Shake Shake Your Body Now! 快解放发条 赶热闹 Shake Shake Shake Your Body Now! 摇滚的技巧 就是摇摇 Shake shake shake it shake it 得不到的不要 送给我的还好 快乐本来不用寻找 没有解决不了 只有割舍不掉 时间就是最好强盗

找一首歌:shake shake shake



单词发音:英[u0283eu026ak]、美[u0283ek]。shake,英语单词,名词、动词,作动词时译为“动摇;摇动;震动;握手;动摇;摇动;发抖”,作名词时译为“摇动;哆嗦,奶昔”。短语搭配:Shake Station社家站 ; 社家车站。shake off抖落 ; 摆脱 ; 撵走 ; 甩掉。Strawberry Shake草莓奶昔 ; 草莓雪泡 ; 草莓沙冰。Camera shake相机抖动 ; 镜头随机晃动的效果 ; 照相机抖动 ; 摄影机震动。Shake out抖开 ; 落砂 ; 筛出 ; 打开。Cocktail Shake调酒壶。cup shake环形裂纹 ; 弧裂 ; 轮裂 ;[木]环裂。through shake全裂 ; 贯通裂。Meipai Shake美拍摇。双语例句:You always shake like that?你一直那样发抖吗?If they hit you , they will try to rape your leg , so shake them off by wiggling the pad left and right .假如他们打你,他们将尝试强暴你的腿,如此摇动他们离开经由摇动这垫子左与对( 右)的。This did not shake his resolve.这事并未动摇他的决心。





shake shake 陈慧琳粤语歌词

您好!《shake shake》专辑名称:爱出版年代:2003年发行公司:正东唱片语言类别:粤语歌手名称:陈慧琳歌手类别:香港女歌手词曲:作曲:雷颂德填词:林夕编曲:雷颂德监制:雷颂德当你有过挫折当你爱到壮烈练习大路大过大热当你满脑郁结你我哪有分别闹就闹吧就当饶舌不爱的不爱想减压不须要教失去的不要这就是智慧加起美貌babe shake shake shake your body now 一摇即见效何必吵shake shake shake your body now 一人一秘技各有热闹到处也有怨气到处也有顾忌踏入绝地就有绝技跳舞最有福气跳进这个福地运动就是为了忘记不爱的不爱想减压表演戏法失去的不要将悼念慨叹交给李白babe shake shake shake your body now 不摇不见效来包抄shake shake shake your body now 一人一美貌至够热闹


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