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谁能把put off 和 take off 当脱下的含义时有什么区别给我讲明白


工程管理中的quantity takeoff是什么意思


关于put off和take off!高手来!




take off的off是什么词性,off放在什么位置?

take off的off是 副词代词做宾语时用宾格放词组中间,是名词做宾语时可放中间也可放后面如Please take off your coat.或Please take your coat off.Please take it off.

take off造句


take off your shoes.是什么意思

take off your shoes脱掉你的鞋好像有这么一首歌


take off 1.(飞机)起飞;出去,动身 2.拿掉;移送 3.迁怒于 4.除掉,炸掉;脱下,放下来 5.解往,领...去 6.卸去,减轻,减少,磨尽,扣除 7.供片 没有模仿的意思 take in 1.包括,包容,加以考虑;〔美国〕访问,参观 2.收进;收容,留宿;装入(货物);带进(房间等) 3.接收(钱);在自己家里承接(洗衣,缝纫等);〔英国〕订阅(报纸等) 4.缩小,弄窄(衣服等);卷(帆),收帆 5.理会,了解 有理解的意思 take on 1.承接,担任(工作等);较量;装(某种样子);呈现(形势);长(肉);雇用,给加入,给入伙;〔美国〕打败人 2.〈口〉愤激,激昂,悲伤欲绝;受欢迎,得人心 有雇用的意思


take off my scarf 取下我的围巾scarf 英[skɑ:f] 美[skɑ:rf] n. 嵌接; 围巾,领巾; 桌巾,台巾; (木材,金属,皮革的) 嵌接; v. 围(围巾); 打(领带); 披(披巾); 用围巾[台布]围[盖]; [例句]He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck.他伸手松了松脖子上的围巾。[其他] 第三人称单数:scarves 复数:scarfs 现在分词:scarfing过去式:scarfed 过去分词:scarfed 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科


We are now ready for take off. 我们现在正准备起飞. Shall I take off my watch? 我的手表要取下来吗? It"s too noisy.Let"s get out of here. 这里很吵,我们离开这里吧. Are you going by land or by sea? 你打算由陆路去还是由海路去?. All the people present began to shout. 所有在场的人开始高喊. Mr Green worked in a shop. 格林先生在一家商店工作. Besides,she never had time to shop. 再说,她根本就没时间买东西.



take off怎么造句?


quantity takeoffs在工程上什么意思?

takeoff 本义指“出发点”,用英语解释就是 a point from which one takes off,由于前面用了限定修饰名词 quantity(数量),直译意思是“工程量的出发点”。工程开始时总是用对工程量进行估算,这个估算量就是工程的出发点,因此 quantity takeoffs 意思应该是工程开始前的“工程量估算/估计”。



taking off是什么意思

taking off 英[u02c8teu026aku026au014b u0254f] 美[u02c8teku026au014b u0254f] v. 起跳; 开始; (飞机的) 起飞( takeoff的现在分词 ); <喻>(经济的)起飞; [例句]The plane skidded off the runway while taking off in a snow storm.飞机在暴风雪中起飞的时候滑出了跑道。




[i"skeip] 一是给普




take off 可以用进行时,表正在进行或者将要进行。I am taking off soon




取出;起飞;脱去;脱掉 put on






take off表示脱掉的意思时,都是后加名词,比如衣服,眼镜等等。 take off还有起飞,离开的意思。 扩展资料   First loosen the nuts, then take off the wheel.   先松开螺母,然后卸下车轮。   I think boxing will take off in a big way here.   我想拳击运动在这儿会有很大的"发展。   You can watch aircraft take off or land at close quarters   你可以近距离观察飞机的起降。   Take off the price of the house, that"s another hundred thousand.   减去房价,又是10万。   Mike can take off his father to perfection.   迈克模仿爸爸时惟妙惟肖。


takeoff的中文意思:n. 起跳;(飞机的)起飞; <喻>(经济的)起飞;adj. 起跳的; 起飞的。takeoff的例句:The aircraft crashed after takeoff from Heathrow in a reservoir.飞机从希思罗机场起飞后坠毁在一个水库里。Research on High Level long Jumpers"Swinging Leg Function in Takeoff高水平跳远运动员起跳过程中摆动腿作用的研究。


takeoff有6种意思。分别是起飞、脱掉、取消、离开、去除、模仿。举例:She takesoff the Prime Minister to perfection.她模仿首相的样子维妙维肖。 takeoff有几种意思 1、起飞 举例:The plane took off despite the fog. 尽管有雾,飞机仍照常起飞。 2、脱掉 举例:He came in and took off his coat. 他走了进来,脱掉大衣。 3、取消 举例:The mixed grill has been taken off (the menu). 烤杂拌这道菜已(从菜单上)取消了。 4、离开 举例:The train will take off at 7 this evening. 火车今晚7点钟离开。 5、去除 举例:His leg had to be taken off above the knee. 他的一条腿从膝盖以上截去了。 6、模仿 举例:She takes off the Prime Minister to perfection. 她模仿首相的样子维妙维肖。 takeoff用法 take off作动词意思有起飞;脱掉;取消;匆匆离开;去除;模仿。 take off表示脱掉的意思时,都是后加名词,比如衣服,眼镜等等。 First loosen the nuts, then take off the wheel. 先松开螺母,然后卸下车轮。 I think boxing will take off in a big way here. 我想拳击运动在这儿会有很大的"发展。 You can watch aircraft take off or land at close quarters 你可以近距离观察飞机的起降。 Take off the price of the house, that"s another hundred thousand. 减去房价,又是10万。

takeoff是什么意思 takeoff英文解释

1、释义:takeoff,起飞。 2、takeoff,读音:美/u02c8teu026aku02ccu0254u02d0f/;英/teu026aku0252f/。 3、例句:The young pilot is practicing the takeoff and landing of the plane.年轻的飞行员正在练习飞机的起降。


takeoff翻译成中文是:起飞。一、释义n.起跳;模仿。复数:takeoffs。网络释义:起飞;脱下;脱去。短语搭配:verticaltakeoff.垂直起飞。二、造句1、The flight was hijacked shortly after takeoff.飞机在起飞不久遭到劫持。2、The plane developed engine trouble shortly after takeoff.飞机起飞不久发动机就出了问题。3、The satisfied overlords help you repair your ship and you prepare for takeoff.满意的统治者帮你们修好了飞船,你们将要离开了。4、An airliner has crashed on takeoff during a heavy hailstorm in northern Mexico.墨西哥北部发生严重冰雹时,一架客机在起飞时坠毁。

takeoff和get off脱下衣服的用法区别?

一个好像是下车 一个好像是脱掉

建筑材料估算 material take-off,其中,take-off作为一个动词如何准确翻译?


take off是动词吗





Kendrick Lamar的N95


你这句话有语法的错误,因为he是第三人称单数,所以句子正确的写法为:He takes(took) off his spring clothes in Winter.翻译为:冬天他脱下了他的春装。




take off 是起飞,成功,脱下的意思。take to是对??产生好感的意思。take to译为:养成的习惯;(尤指短时间接触后)喜欢上,喜爱;养成(做?)的习惯;开始定时(做?),后面跟sth.“Take off” 是一个动词短语,它由动词 “take” 和小品词 “off” 组成。动词短语的用法较难,因为它们的意思可能会随着语境的变化而发生改变。“Take off” 可以表示 “脱衣服”。在表达这个意思时,动词短语 “take off” 可以被分开。

take off为什么有起飞的意思?

takeoff和take off的词性不同啊take off是动词The plane will take of at eight.飞机八点起飞。takeoff是名词,偶尔当形容词,复数形式是takeoffs[例句]The aircraft crashed after takeoff from Heathrow in a reservoir飞机从希思罗机场起飞后坠毁在一个水库里。

求歌名啊feel so nice you make all my dreams come true

You-----Colbie Caillat

大疆无人机提示 Takeoff 什么意思







take off的意思:起飞;脱掉;(使)离开;突然成功。重点词汇:take英 [teu026ak] 美 [tek]vt.采取;拿,取;接受(礼物等);耗费(时间等)。vi.拿;获得。n.镜头;看法;收入额;场景。off英 [u0252f] 美 [u0254:f]prep.离开;从…落下;从…去掉;下班。adv.离开;距,离;被取消;下班。adj.不新鲜的;不能接受;不礼貌。例句:Take off those boots you are wearing and draw on these of mine.脱掉你的靴子,穿上我的。扩展资料:take off的近义词:1、put off英 [put u0254f] 美 [pu028at u0254f]延期;敷衍;使分心;脱去(衣、帽等)。Don"t put off today"s work till tomorrow.今天能做的不要拖到明天。2、hop off英 [hu0254p u0254f] 美 [hɑp u0254f]起飞If you see anyone hanging aroundhere tell them to hop off.如果你看到有人在这儿闲荡,就叫他们走开。


175cm!Takeoff(原名:Kirsnick Khari Ball,1994年6月18日-2022年11月1日),美国说唱歌手,美国说唱组合Migos成员。[1][2]2022年11月1日,据TMZ报道,说唱组合Migos成员Takeoff在休斯顿遭枪击身亡,年仅28岁。[4]外文名TakeOff国籍美国出生日期1994年6月18日逝世日期2022年11月1日星座双子座职业歌手原名Kirsnick Khari Ball所属组合Migos


take off的过去式是took off简介:take off1.脱下;移去He took off his raincoat and took out the key. 他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙。2.起飞The plane will take off soon. 飞机马上就要起飞了。3.休假He took two weeks off in August. 他在八月份休假了两个星期。take-off名词 n. 1.起跳(点);起飞;发射2.出发点3.【口】(滑稽或讥讽性的)仿效4.拿走




晕... Two men took the parcel off the plane. 你断句来看: Two men // took // the parcel // off the plane. 两个人//搬//这个包裹//搬下了飞机. 你得先从意思理解这个句子,然后再分析语法~ Two man 主语,took 谓语,the parcel宾语,off the plane 补充说明,也就是宾语的补语... 这里的took sth off,不是作为一个词组短语在这里使用的,off在这里修饰的是plane,off the plane就是你说的介词短语作为parcel被took的一个状态... 这句话也可以转换成同义句:Two men took the parcel out of the plane. 一个句子只要有了主语,谓语,就是一个完整的句子了,现在多了宾语和宾补,是使句子意思更加丰富了而已. 如果单从语法讲,out of the plane是一个宾补,是修饰宾语parcel的,可以省略,而如果从句子意思出 发的话就不能省略 你这样改就不对呀 two men took off the parcel the plane.这句话首先和前一句的意思就不一样了,take 和take off的意思就不一样~这样改就变成了2个宾语the parcel和the plane,一句话怎么能出现2个宾语呢?! 你后面改的2个句子也不对 two men took up the parcel off the plane.(1) two men took the parcel up off the plane.(2) (1)是意思不对,语法勉强对,took up是一个谓语的词组:这个词组里,took是动词,up在这里不是介词,因为介词不能跟在动词后面,所以up是一个副词,词组表示:抬起来,parcel是宾语.抬起包裹.off是一个介词,作为parcel的补充说明,(off:prep.从…离开)从哪离开?从the plane. two men took up the parcel off the plane.两个人抬起了包裹抬出了飞机.你不觉得意思很别扭吗? (2)中的up是跟在了名词后面所以作为一个介词在使用,而off在这里是什么词呢?介词?不对,两个介词怎么能放在一起呢?副词?不对,副词只能跟在动词后面或者形容词的前面,两个条件都不符合,所以(2)是错的... 所以综上所述我觉得如果要改就改成: two men took the parcel out of the plane.



takeoff什么意思 中间不空 连写

take off v.起飞, 脱掉, 取消, 匆匆离开, 去除, 模仿

you make me cry make me smile make me feel the love true中文是什么意思




make me feel that love is true 有一句歌词包含这句,忘记个叫什么了

楼主,您好。。是A Little Love演唱:冯曦妤Greatness as you 你是伟大的神 Smallest as me 我是小小凡人 You show me what is deep as sea 你的爱像海一样的温暖深沉A little love, little kiss 一点爱,一个吻 A litlle hug, little gift 轻轻的拥抱,一支向日葵的纯真All of little something 所有的点滴小事These are our memories 都是只属于我们的温存 You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑Make me feel that love is true 让我感受爱情的真实美妙 You always stand by my side 你总是陪在我身边 I don"t want to say goodbye 让我习惯你的存在和怀抱You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑 Make me feel the joy of love 让我体会爱情的喜悦喧嚣 Oh kissing you 让我温柔地吻你Thank you for all the love you always give to me 谢谢你一直以来给我的耐心和依靠Oh I love you 让我轻声说,我爱你 Greatness as you 你是伟大的神Smallest as me 我是小小凡人You show me what is deep as sea 你的爱像海一样的温暖深沉 A little love, little kiss 一点爱,一个吻 A litlle hug, little gift 轻轻的拥抱, 一支向日葵的纯真All of little something 所有的点滴小事These are our memories 都是只属于我们的温存You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我微笑 Make me feel that love is true 让我感受爱情的真实美好You always stand by my side 你总是陪在我身边 I don"t want to say goodbye 让我习惯你的存在和怀抱You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑 Make me feel the joy of love 让我体味爱情的喜悦喧嚣 Oh kissing you 让我轻轻的吻你 Thank you for all the love you always give to me 谢谢你一直以来给我的耐心和依靠 Oh I love you 让我轻声说,我爱你 Yes I do 爱你 I always do 至今不已You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑Make me feel that love is true 让我感受爱情的真实美好You always stand by my side 你总是陪在我身边I don"t want to say goodbye 让我习惯你的存在和怀抱Make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑Make me feel the joy of love 让我体味爱情的喜悦喧嚣Oh kissing you 让我轻轻的吻你Thank you for all the love you always give to me 谢谢你一直以来给我的耐心和依靠Oh I love you 让我轻声说,我爱你To be with you 想和你在一起Oh I love you 我爱你 ,至今不已

you make me feel the love is true????


take me truetake me feel

the way you make me feel

一个国外女歌手的歌,有句歌词是:make it a better place for you and for me.这首歌的名字是什么?

Heal The World

一首电音,歌词好像是let me see you shake shake shake let me see you shake you body,

see it again

Lake Arrowhead是什么意思


Lake Arrowhead是什么意思

TripAdvisor(猫途鹰),Lake Arrowhead旅游攻略,

Jenny told me that she___an English Speech Contest the next month.A.take part in


Jenny told me that she___an English Speech Contest the next month.A.take part in


speech contest 与speaking contest 有什么不同

第一个 应该是 演讲 第二个 应该是口语对话 像CCTV 的 英语竞赛那种

take as和regard as的区别

take as 将…作为…,把…看作; 当作 regard as 把…认作 regard A as B 把A视为B





take pride in 和 be proud of一样吗?

他们是同义词组~ 在做同义句转换时,是一样的.就是动词的形式不同,要以情况来用~


be proud of 和take pride in的区别: 从语法上讲, take pride in = to be proud of,两者都是“以...为荣”的意思,即可接someone,也可接something. 扩展资料 但用法上,各自稍有侧重点: be proud of - 语法上可看出,描述的是“处于”proud的"状态,暗含着因果关系。比如: I am proud of my child. 我以我的孩子为荣(我为我的孩子感到骄傲)。即说明了“我”处于骄傲状态,也点出骄傲的原因在于后面。 而take pride in 更多强调是一种主动的态度, I take pride in my work. 虽然也可以译成:我以工作为荣;但更有一层意思是:我在工作中,认真上进,我以此为荣。 有付出,以成果为荣。因此是主动的;上面的be proud of, 如果是我的孩子,我当然有付出;但如果后面是其它的,比如某个人的事迹让人感到,我虽然不认识他(她),但我认可其行为,也可说I am proud of him(her)。并不表示我一定要付出。 也许正因如此,似乎具体的应用中, take pride in 多接something。 因为你说take pride in someone,听着稍显突兀(虽然语法上正确)。 英语有云: Be proud, take pride (我骄傲,我自豪) 也有:Do not be proud, but take pride in your work! (不要只因你的工作而骄傲,为你的所作所为而自豪)

“be proud of”和“take pride in”的区别是什么?

be proud of 和take pride in的区别:从语法上讲, take pride in = to be proud of,两者都是“以...为荣”的意思,即可接someone,也可接something.但用法上,各自稍有侧重点:be proud of - 语法上可看出,描述的是“处于”proud的状态,暗含着因果关系。比如: I am proud of my child. 我以我的孩子为荣(我为我的孩子感到骄傲)。即说明了“我”处于骄傲状态,也点出骄傲的原因在于后面。而take pride in 更多强调是一种主动的态度, I take pride in my work. 虽然也可以译成:我以工作为荣;但更有一层意思是:我在工作中,认真上进,我以此为荣。 有付出,以成果为荣。因此是主动的;上面的be proud of, 如果是我的孩子,我当然有付出;但如果后面是其它的,比如某个人的事迹让人感到,我虽然不认识他(她),但我认可其行为,也可说I am proud of him(her)。并不表示我一定要付出。也许正因如此,似乎具体的应用中, take pride in 多接something。 因为你说take pride in someone,听着稍显突兀(虽然语法上正确)。英语有云: Be proud, take pride (我骄傲,我自豪)也有:Do not be proud, but take pride in your work! (不要只因你的工作而骄傲,为你的所作所为而自豪)

be proud of 和take pride in的区别

be pround of 后面一般跟名词.take pride in后面一般跟表示动作的动名词。

be proud of 与 take pride in 的区别


“be proud of”和“take pride in”的区别是什么?

be proud of 和take pride in的区别:从语法上讲, take pride in = to be proud of,两者都是“以...为荣”的意思,即可接someone,也可接something.但用法上,各自稍有侧重点:be proud of - 语法上可看出,描述的是“处于”proud的状态,暗含着因果关系。比如: I am proud of my child. 我以我的孩子为荣(我为我的孩子感到骄傲)。即说明了“我”处于骄傲状态,也点出骄傲的原因在于后面。而take pride in 更多强调是一种主动的态度, I take pride in my work. 虽然也可以译成:我以工作为荣;但更有一层意思是:我在工作中,认真上进,我以此为荣。 有付出,以成果为荣。因此是主动的;上面的be proud of, 如果是我的孩子,我当然有付出;但如果后面是其它的,比如某个人的事迹让人感到,我虽然不认识他(她),但我认可其行为,也可说I am proud of him(her)。并不表示我一定要付出。也许正因如此,似乎具体的应用中, take pride in 多接something。 因为你说take pride in someone,听着稍显突兀(虽然语法上正确)。英语有云: Be proud, take pride (我骄傲,我自豪)也有:Do not be proud, but take pride in your work! (不要只因你的工作而骄傲,为你的所作所为而自豪)

Take pride in和be proud of的区别是什么?

从语法上讲, take pride in = to be proud of,两者都是“以...为荣”的意思,即可接someone,也可接something. 但用法上,各自稍有侧重点:be proud of - 语法上可看出,描述的是“处于”proud的状态,暗含着因果关系。比如: I am proud of my child. 我以我的孩子为荣(我为我的孩子感到骄傲)。即说明了“我”处于骄傲状态,也点出骄傲的原因在于后面。而take pride in 更多强调是一种主动的态度, I take pride in my work. 虽然也可以译成:我以工作为荣;但更有一层意思是:我在工作中兢兢业业,认真上进,我以此为荣。 有付出,以成果为荣。因此是主动的;上面的be proud of, 如果是我的孩子,我当然有付出;但如果后面是其它的,比如某个人的事迹让人感到,我虽然不认识他(她),但我认可其行为,也可说I am proud of him(her)。并不表示我一定要付出。也许正因如此,似乎具体的应用中, take pride in 多接something。 因为你说take pride in someone,听着稍显突兀(虽然语法上正确)。英语有云: Be proud, take pride (我骄傲,我自豪)也有:Do not be proud, but take pride in your work! (不要只因你的工作而骄傲,为你的所作所为而自豪)

be proud of和take pride in有什么区别啊?

be proud of和take pride in的区别:一、指代不同1、be proud of:以…自豪。2、take pride in:对…感到满意。二、用法不同1、be proud of:描述的是“处于”proud的状态,暗含着因果关系。proud的基本意思是“有自尊心的”“高出周围表面的”。用于褒义,可指“自豪的”,用于贬义,则指“傲慢的”。2、take pride in:更多强调是一种主动的态度,pride作名词是不可数名词,用于褒义时表示“自豪,得意,自尊(心)”,用于贬义表示“骄傲自满,妄自尊大”。三、侧重点不同1、be proud of:可接baisomeone。2、take pride in:take pride in多接something。

take pride in 和be proud of 的区别

take pride in 和be proud of 的区别:be proud of 描述的是“处于”proud的状态,暗含着因果关系。take pride in 更多强调是一种主动的态度。例句:be proud of1、I felt proud of his efforts.我为他的努力感到骄傲。2、He was grateful for and proud of his son"s remarkable, unique performance.他为儿子出色的,不,应该是独一无二的表演心怀感激和骄傲。3、We are proud of our achievements. 我们为我们的成就而感到自豪。4、I am proud of my Brazilian roots.我为我的巴西血统感到自豪。take pride in1、We take pride in offering you the highest standards.我们为向您提供最高标准的服务而感到自豪。2、Take pride in your health and your figure.为自己的健康和体形感到骄傲吧。3、I take pride in my country. 我为我的国家而骄傲。4、We all take pride in your success. 我们都为你的成功而感到自豪。

summer Love的歌词 justin temberlake唱的

Summer Love - Justin TimberlakeRidin" in the drop top with the top downSaw you switchin" lanes girlPull up to the red light, lookin" rightCome here, let me get your name girlTell me where you from, what you do, what you likeLet me pick your brain girlAnd tell me how they got that pretty little face on that pretty little frame girlBut let me show you "round, let me take you outBet you we could we could have some fun girl"Cause we can do it fast (fast), slow, whichever way you wanna run girlBut let me buy you drinks, better yet ringsDo it how you want it done girlAnd who would"ve thought that you could be the one "cause II can"t wait to fall in love with youYou can"t wait to fall in love with meThis just can"t be summer love, you"ll seeThis just can"t be summer love (L-O-V-E)Come on and lemme show you "roundLet me take you out, bet you we could have some fun girl"Cause we can dress it up, we can dress it downAny way you want it done girlOr we can stay home, talkin" on the phoneRappin" "til we see the sun girlDo what I gotta do, just gotta show you that I"m the one girlWell I"mma freak you right, each and every nightI know how to do it insane girl"Cause I can make it hot, make it stopMake you wanna say my name girlCome on baby please "cause I"m on my kneesCan"t get you off my brain girlBut who would"ve thought that you could be the one "cause II can"t wait to fall in love with youYou can"t wait to fall in love with meThis just can"t be summer love, you"ll seeThis just can"t be summer love (L-O-V-E)"Cause I can"t wait to fall in love with youYou can"t wait to fall in love with meThis just can"t be summer love, you"ll seeThis just can"t be summer love (L-O-V-E)The summer"s over for the both of usBut that doesn"t mean we should give up on loveYou"re the one I"ve been thinking ofAnd I knew the day I met you you"d be the oneI can"t wait to fall in love with youYou can"t wait to fall in love with meThis just can"t be summer love, you"ll seeThis just can"t be summer love (L-O-V-E)"Cause I can"t wait to fall in love with youYou can"t wait to fall in love with meThis just can"t be summer love, you"ll seeThis just can"t be summer love (L-O-V-E)

In Da Club [Shake Sh*T Up] [Copyright Main Mix] 歌词

歌曲名:In Da Club [Shake Sh*T Up] [Copyright Main Mix]歌手:Copyright&Mr. V And Miss Patty专辑:Defected Clubland Adventures - 10 Years In The House, Volume 1No shorty, it"s Beyonce,We gon" party like, it"s ya birthday,We gettin" naughty like, it"s ya birthdaySo put ya drink up in the air if you look sexy!I"m the chick with the hot ish, manolo blahnik,Jimmy choo kicks, killin" it, who you with?Me & my girls at the party with the diamond zinati"sI"m that classy mami with the Marilyn Monroe body.I"m that fly chick 5*6 Marc Jacob miniGhetto fabolous, glamourous, its effortlessMake up light, we with my pastel LouisDesigner scarf, work of art, rockin" vintage GucciYou can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.My nails my hair my diamond rings,Shining with all my fancy things,My crib my car my clothes my jewels,Why you mad? Cause I came up and I ain"t changed.I"m that girl wearing chanel pearls,Chandeliers in my ears from Bailey Banks and BiddleYa feelin my style, ya feelin my flowHair sheek, smells sweet, like flow to flow?I"m the lady sipping baileys while I strut like a modelIf the ladies wanna hate me I jus send them a bottleI kno I got it but don"t flaunt it even though brothas want it,Dancin" dirrty while I"m flirtin, "cause he" checkin" up on me.You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.My nails my hair my diamond rings,Shining with all my fancy things,My crib my car my clothes my jewels,Why you mad? Cause I came up and I ain"t changed, ohhhohhh, ohhh ohhh, ohhh!ohhh, ohhh ohhh, ohhh.ohhh, ohhh ohhh, ohhh!ohhh, ohhhoooooooooooooooooooooowww!! (into hook)You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.http://music.baidu.com/song/7794881

proud of和take pride in有什么区别

be proud of和take pride in的区别:一、指代不同1、be proud of:以…自豪。2、take pride in:对…感到满意。二、侧重点不同1、be proud of:可接baisomeone。2、take pride in:take pride in多接something。be proud of用法1、That"s a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it.那件作品非常漂亮,你应当为之自豪。2、Every right-thinking American would be proud of them.每一个有正义感的美国人都会为他们感到自豪。3、The interior is planned with a precision the military would be proud of.内部设计一丝不苟,足以让军方引以为豪。4、If I were you, I would be proud of him, too.如果我是你,我也会为他自豪的。

be proud of和take pride in的区别是什么?

be proud of和take pride in的区别:一、指代不同1、be proud of:以…自豪。2、take pride in:对…感到满意。二、用法不同1、be proud of:描述的是“处于”proud的状态,暗含着因果关系。proud的基本意思是“有自尊心的”“高出周围表面的”。用于褒义,可指“自豪的”,用于贬义,则指“傲慢的”。2、take pride in:更多强调是一种主动的态度,pride作名词是不可数名词,用于褒义时表示“自豪,得意,自尊(心)”,用于贬义表示“骄傲自满,妄自尊大”。三、侧重点不同1、be proud of:可接baisomeone。2、take pride in:take pride in多接something。

be proud of 和take pride in的区别


be proud of 与take pride in 的区别是什么?

用法是一样的,I take pride in my job.=i am proud of my job,我为我的工作自豪,接动词的话要用ing形式

be proud of和take pride in有什么区别

"Be proud of" 和 "take pride in" 都表示自豪或引以为荣,但有些微小的区别。"Be proud of" 意味着感到自豪或引以为荣,通常是因为某个成就或成功。例如:I am proud of my daughter for graduating from college."Take pride in" 意味着对某个事物或行为感到自豪,通常是因为它代表了自己的价值观或个性特点。例如:I take pride in keeping my house clean and organized.因此,"be proud of" 更强调成就和成功,而"take pride in" 更强调个人价值观和特点。

be proud of 与take pride in 的区别是什么?

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