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当然是中国的啊 台湾那边。

nude 和 naked 有什么区别?



sasaki,walker &associates是佐佐木英夫1957年在麻省和他的学生沃克成立的,1959年swa在旧金山成立事务所,由沃克负责。原来的公司更名为sasaki,dawson,demay associates,1975年又改为sasaki associates 。1973年swa的全员持股方案直接导致了与麻省水城的sasaki associates的联系中断。沃克也于70年代末离开了swa,所以现在的swa和佐佐木英夫和沃克没有实质上的关系,只是swa的品牌保留。


nake匡威的鞋垃圾 这是我个人看发


Nike、Adidas等一流品牌的鞋子都是各公司自行研究设计,在大陆的OEM工厂加工制造的。OEM工厂要经过非常严格的审核才能成为一流品牌的合作者。对于Nike公司的战略性OEM工厂,Nike对其的审核细致到工人的宿舍环境是否达标,OEM工厂的专业化程度及其实力由此可见一斑。A品鞋A品鞋是性价比最高的。A品是正品鞋的OEM工厂(为Nike、Adidas、各大品牌代工的工厂),按照Nike、Adidas的订单多做的部分(赚取额外利润),其物料(materiels)、设计(design)、工序(working procedure)、质量控制(QC)与正品鞋都是一样的。所以说,A品鞋是性价比最高的。只是最后一道打磨的工艺没有正品做的细致,如果拿起鞋仔细看,要拿正品仔细对比才可看出区别。厂鞋包括合格的、不合格的,真正的原厂A货就是指那些合格的,可以进专卖店的鞋,也就是说,你在专卖店看到的300、500元的名牌运动鞋和我们网站上200、300元的鞋子的质量绝对是一样的!B品鞋B品是厂家提供的原料和图纸,部分是由生产基地生产,部分是小作坊生产的鞋子,同样不含税,质量和A品相差较大,但同样属于原厂鞋。区别:仔细看鞋子上面的logo(产品标识)会和正品有一点点出入,但问题不大。对于质量检测不合格的鞋会打上一个红色的B的标记,然后集中销毁。所以B品就是说的质量有瑕疵的真品。真的所谓B品,正规检测时候一般有一个B的标志的(不过不排除特殊流出的)。在部分检测或者销毁的时候,内部工作人员将B品偷运出来地下流通到市面,还有一种情况就是,检测人员将部分质量过关的鞋(A品)也擅自打上B的标记或者混同着,这样便于偷运出来。这种鞋其实没有质量问题。也就是说,真正的厂鞋(原厂鞋),包括A,B品,都是授权厂家生产的鞋,和专卖的正品质量没有区别(专卖店也有部分B品,B标记已经经过处理)。其他1、原厂料拼装鞋(组装鞋)原厂料拼装鞋(组装鞋)就是假鞋的一种!拼鞋是利用指定鞋厂里生产多余的材料,偷出来的材料,不合格的材料(材料也有选用检测的),从厂里废品垃圾里捡来的破烂等等,然后躲在某个角落自己用低下的工具拼出来的鞋子。可以肯定的说,所谓拼鞋也只是用了点点部分的原材料,而且各部件还可能不是配套的(比如42的鞋底配41的鞋面)。为什么看鞋标容易分出拼鞋,道理就在这里。2、走私货(水货)。这个说法也很多,但是可以说是最没有意义的说法,水货原来指国外走私过来的东西。以前在中国没有指定鞋厂的时候,倒是的确有水货,现在鞋子大部分都是中国产了,made in China,何来走私的概念?当然,也有从国外带回来的在国外买的特殊款式的鞋的确是正品,但这就不能算走私了。3、高精仿(超精仿)有真就有假,假的也得分层次。高精仿就是假鞋里层次最高的,现在很多高精仿的仿真程度已经逼近100%,据我所知最高的已经达到99%了。这种鞋首先是外观和真品无二,只有用仪器才能测出细微差别,其次它的用料和做工也比一般仿鞋好出一大块。一般人根本看不出其真假,需要专家来鉴别,对于部分仿的特别好的鞋(主要是些款式比较老,仿鞋技术已经很成熟,或者是款式比较常见,仿制难度不高的鞋),非得专家级的专家才能辨别。据我了解,现在有不少专卖店里就有高精仿的鞋,或是有意卖高精仿打打擦边球以求多点利润,或者是部分店员私下里自行拿高精仿和真品掉包,把真品拿出去卖,等等。4、外贸鞋外贸鞋?国产的耐克阿迪的鞋不是都基本出口的吗,难道外贸鞋是指这种鞋?答案当然是否定的。外贸鞋说白了也是仿鞋,仿制的程度比较高。外贸鞋有很多是高精仿的,很多老外买了去到国外就当正品蒙人,也有些仿真度不够高,介于普通精仿和高精仿之间。这些鞋价格比正品便宜很多,款式质量也能满足很多人的需要,虽然世界各国都不允许假鞋的出售,但是有需求就会有市场,有市场就会有人想办法钻营。所以,外贸鞋的概念应该是:国内一些没有耐克、阿迪授权的厂,私下生产的仿鞋,主要目标是国外市场(主要是北美、南美、欧洲等)。也有部分普通精仿鞋出口,但是由于为了这种普通仿鞋而承担高过其价值两倍以上的运费和不小的风险并不非常值得,所以普通精仿出口的很少,要有也是发往“老少边穷”地区。5、精仿(普通仿鞋,精仿A货)最常见的仿鞋,一般以价格谋求市场,质量和同价位的二线品牌鞋相近,这种鞋如果称是正品的话一般人都可以分辩出来。6、比精仿更便宜的仿鞋比精仿更便宜的仿鞋,其实这种鞋和精仿很难说有什么明确的界限,只能说一分钱一分货,价格便宜其质量当然也会下降。很多价格便宜的鞋都是这种鞋。(当然这些地方也有很多高仿的鞋,有的性价比不错,能不能挑到,或者说会不会上当,那就看个人眼光了。)这样可以么?

女生对男生说let`s get naked是什么意思?

[与欧盟的建议相反,我们在接下来的一个星期里,将会面临各种尸外的活动,以及展开大规模的冰原飞行着陆训练,这主要是为了训练我们在雪地生存和极限环境下的作战能力,点节进入nake--- 赤裸 在这里应引申为 坦诚 ,真诚翻译:让我们以诚相待吧







nake什么意思 ?


phrase和make up的区别?

phrase是名词,短语的意思,可以有phrase by phrase搭配。make up 是动词短语,有编造,化妆,弥补的意思。如,make up a story, make up, make up for sth.

2016在优衣库听到的歌...是英文的 很欢快 民谣类似 女声 歌词有you make me h

我觉得肯定是这首了`<<superstar>>歌手名是jamelia,专辑名superstar!!!歌词如下:people always talk abouthey oh hey oh hey ohall the things there all abouthey oh hey oh hey ohwrite it on a piece of papergot a feeling now see you latertheres something bout melets keep it movingand if its good lets just get something cookingcus i really wanna rock with youim feeling some connection to the things you do(you do, you do)i dont know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi dont know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playbaby take a look aroundhey oh hey oh hey oheverybodys getting downhey oh hey oh hey ohdeal with all the problems laterbad boys on there best behaviourtheres something bout youlets keep it movingand if its good lets just get something cookingcus i really wanna rock with youim feeling some connection to the things you do(you do, you do)i dont know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi dont know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playi like you movinhey oh hey oh hey ohi just give into the groove and thenyou just make me wanna playif you just put pen to paperhey oh hey oh hey ohgot that feelin now see you laterhey oh hey oh hey ohmake your movecant we get a little closer?you rock it just like your supposedhey boy i aint got nothin more to saycus you just make me wanna playi dont know what it is that makes me feel like thisno no gotta be gotta be a superstarall eyes on you ohhh eyes on youyou make me wanna play[chorus x2]i dont know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi dont know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna play在百度里搜索歌名,就可以听到了``

求歌名,只知道歌词:you make me crazy crazy crazy for you

country music 《Crazier》请采纳 别追问 因为再多不知道了

歌词……you are making me crazy but i still love you baby……,鼓点女声,求歌名


谁有toni braxton的unbreak my heart的歌词?

Don"t leave me in all this painDon"t leave me out in the rainCome back and bring back my smileCome and take these tears awayI need Your arms to hold me nowThe nights are so unkindBring back those nights when I held You beside meUnbreak my heart, say you"ll love me againUndo this hurt you caused when you walked out the doorAnd walked out of my lifeUncry these tearsI cried so many nightsUnbreak my heart, my heartTake back that sad word "good bye"Bring back the joy to my lifeDon"t leave me here with these tearsCome and kiss this pain awayI can"t forget the day You lefttime is so unkindAnd life is so cruel without you here beside meUnbreak my heart, say you"ll love me againUndo this hurt you caused when you walked out the doorAnd walked out of my lifeUncry these tearsI cried so many nightsUnbreak my heart, my heartDon"t leave me in all this painDon"t leave me out in the rainBring back those nights when I held You beside meUnbreak my heart, say you"ll love me againUndo this hurt you caused when you walked out the doorAnd walked out of my lifeUncry these tearsI cried so many nightsUnbreak my, my heart, my heart

“you make me crazy crazy crazy for you”这句歌词出自哪里


AKB48的 见逃した君たちへ AKB48グループ全公演 收录的是截至目前的所有公演吗...


aku kangen kamu意思


how can i go back ? the word make me feel so tired,disappoint.what shuold i do so that i could live


How can I speak 这句话什么意思?



但这要花很长时间(take)英语 But it will take a long time. take some time 花一些时间 take very little time 花很少时间 望采纳! 学好英语要花很长时间 it句型 翻译 你好! 学好英语要花很长时间 It takes a long time to learn English well 刚开始这个这要花很长时间,用日语怎么讲 これをやり始める时は、随分时间がかかります。 去超市要花很长时间吗用英语怎么说 Does it spend a long time to go to the supermarket? 或者 Does it take a long time to go to the supermarket? 你还可以这样更简洁地表达——Is it a long time to go to the supermarket? 这三个句子都能很好地表达这层意思。 很长时间以前英语怎说 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 很长时间以前 Long time ago 希望我的回答对你有帮助。 很长时间 用英语怎么说 很长时间: for a long time或in ages 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请线上交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O 从这里到你的新学校需要花很长时间 英语翻译 it will takes you hours to get to your new school from here. 英语: 这个汤炖了很长时间,this soup is cooked for a long time 你好! 这个汤是顿了很久的。 用的是一般现在时的被动。表示说话时,这个汤就在现场。 如果用was,则意思有所改变,表示动作已经过去,汤已经不再说话现场,而且也不能用this soup来表示了,会用that/the soup. 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点选“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~ 占很长时间用英语怎么说 take a long time 占用很长时间 It"s been taken up too much time. 占用的时间太多了。 I won"t take up much of your time. 我不会占用你很多时间。 Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time. 即便风平浪静,坐船旅行也要占用很长时间 用友年结需要花费很长时间吗? 主要还是看软体版本和硬体速度吧,去年U872资料结转话了11小时今年U890资料结转才40分钟,差距太大 检视原帖>>

The journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles that travel at the speed of light.




in the fire ,on fire ,make fire,什么时候fire前面要加the






Shakira 夏奇拉 南非世界杯演唱会唱的歌曲是什么


如何评价Shakira的Try Everything

  歌曲很带感,很high。   Try Everything这首歌由拉丁天后夏奇拉(Shakira)倾情演绎,电影《疯狂动物城》主题曲,热情四射、美丽动人的她还为片中的动物歌后夏奇羊担任配音。   在这段MV中,影迷不仅将欣赏到夏奇拉的动人歌声,还将看到一些电影画面。《Try Everything》曲风动感活泼,与影片主题不谋而合,伴随主角兔朱迪和狐尼克,观众将深入这个奇妙的动物之城,经历一次妙趣横生的大冒险。夏奇羊也在MV中亮相,在演唱会上大展歌喉、大跳热舞,并欢迎观众来到疯狂动物城。

谁知道Shakira唱的 suerte这首歌的歌词呀?



Shakira。《Waka Waka》是由Jorge Drexl作词,Jorge Drexl作曲,Shakira演唱的歌曲,该歌曲收录于Shakira2010年发行的专辑《Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)(The Official 2010 Fifa World Cup Song)》中。夏奇拉·伊莎贝尔·迈巴拉克·里波尔(Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll),简称夏奇拉(Shakira),1977年2月2日出生于哥伦比亚巴兰基亚,哥伦比亚歌手,作曲家,作词家。歌曲简介:Waka Waka 是非洲斯瓦西里语中的一个动词,意思是:火焰,热烈的燃烧,闪耀等,在东非诸国通用,同时也是非盟及多国的官方用语。亦一歌名Waka Waka (This time for Africa) 是哥伦比亚歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)所演唱的歌曲,同时也是2010年南非世界杯的主题曲。据悉,在这首歌的MV中,主角将会是梅西和他巴塞罗那的队员拉斐尔·马克斯和丹尼·阿尔维斯,MV中这三个球员的部分将于西班牙进行拍摄,而Shakira的部分也正在洛杉矶同步进行。既然是shakira演唱的,不出所料还有西班牙语版:Waka Waka(Esto es áfrica) 。强烈建议大家试听,相比起英语版,西语版有着拉美人民特有的激情。

shakira的《Waka.Waka》 歌词

歌曲名:Waka.Waka歌手:shakira专辑:2011年震撼现场精选合辑(上)Shakira & Freshlyground - Waka WakaThe Official 2010 FIFA World Cup SongYou"re a good soldierChoosing your battlesPick yourself upAnd dust yourself offGet back in the saddleYou"re on the front lineEveryone"s watchingYou know it"s seriousWe"re getting closerThis isn"t overThe pressure"s on; you feel itBut you got it all; believe itWhen you fall, get up, oh ohAnd if you fall, get up, eh ehTsamina mina zangalewaCause this is AfricaTsa mina mina eh ehWaka waka eh ehTsa mina mina zangalewaThis time for AfricaListen to your godThis is our mottoYour time to shineDon"t wait in lineY vamos por todoPeople are raising their expectationsGo on and feel itThis is your momentNo hesitationToday"s your day;I feel itYou paved the way;Believe itIf you get down,Get up oh, ohWhen you get down,Get up eh, ehTsamina mina zangalewaThis time for AfricaTsa mina mina eh ehWaka waka eh ehTsa mina mina zangalewaA nawa aaTsa mina mina eh ehWaka waka eh ehTsa mina mina zangalewaThis time for AfricaTsa mina mina eh ehWaka waka eh ehTsa mina mina zangalewaA nawa aaTsa mina mina eh ehWaka waka eh ehTsa mina mina zangalewaThis time for AfricaJongo eh ehJongo eh ehTsa mina mina zangalewaA nawa aaJongo eh ehJongo eh ehTsa mina mina zangalewaA nawa aaThis time for AfricaThis time for Africa(We All Africa ... )http://music.baidu.com/song/28727600

Shakira 2006迈阿密演唱会的歌曲名是什么

Shakira Live In Miami 2006 - The Oral Fixation Tour日期.2006年9月15号与16号地点.迈阿密American Airlines Arena...热火主场..迈阿密自由塔对面.歌曲列表.按演奏顺序1. Intro/ Estoy Aqui 2. Te Dejo Madrid 3. Don"t Bother 4. Antologia 5. Hey You 6. Inevitable 7. Si Te Vas 8. La Tortura (featuring Alejandro Sanz 9. NO 10.Whenever, Wherever 11. La Pared 12. Underneath Your Clothes 13. Pies Descalzos 14. Ciega, Sordomuda 15. Ojos Así 16. Hips Don"t Lie (featuring Wyclef Jean) 17. Intro/ Estoy Aqui 18. Don"t Bother 19. Inevitable 20. La Pared 21. Hips Don"t Lie 消息来源http://

一个男性歌手唱的歌里面有一句歌词shakira shakira。不是合唱男性独唱

是这首么:Hips Don"t LieShakira / Wyclef Jean 合唱的,有Shakira独唱 ,Wyclef Jean 独唱的没找到Ladies up in here tonightNo fighting no fightingShakira ShakiraI never really knew that she could dance like thisShe makes a man wants to speak SpanishComo se llama (si) bonita (si) mi casa (si Shakira Shakira) su casaShakira ShakiraOh baby when you talk like thatYou make a woman go madSo be wise and keep onReading the signs of my bodyAnd I"m on tonightYou know my hips don"t lieAnd I"m starting to feel it"s rightAll the attraction the tensionDon"t you see baby this is perfectionHey Girl I can see your body movingAnd it"s driving me crazyAnd I didn"t have the slightest ideaUntil I saw you dancingAnd when you walk up on the dance floorNobody cannot ignore the way you move your body girlAnd everything so unexpected - the way you right and left itSo you can keep on shaking itI never really knew that she could dance like thisShe makes a man want to speak SpanishComo se llama (si) bonita (si) mi casa (si Shakira Shakira) su casaShakira ShakiraOh baby when you talk like thatYou make a woman go madSo be wise and keep onReading the signs of my bodyAnd I"m on tonightYou know my hips don"t lieAnd I am starting to feel you boyCome on lets go real slowDon"t you see baby asi es perfectoOh I know I am on tonight my hips don"t lieAnd I am starting to feel it"s rightAll the attraction the tensionDon"t you see baby this is perfectionShakira ShakiraOh boy I can see your body movingHalf animal half manI don"t don"t really know what I"m doingBut you seem to have a planMy will and self restraintHave come to fail now fail nowSee I am doing what I can but I can"t so you knowThat"s a bit too hard to explainBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de dBaila en la calle de dI never really knew that she could dance like thisShe makes a man want to speak SpanishComo se llama (si) bonita (si) mi casa (si Shakira Shakira) su casaShakira ShakiraOh baby when you talk like thatYou know you got me hypnotizedSo be wise and keep onReading the signs of my bodySenorita feel the conga let me see you move like you come from ColombiaYeahMira en Barranquilla se baila as say it!She"s so sexy every man"s fantasy a refugee like me back with the Fugees from a 3rd world countryI go back like when "pac carried crates for Humpty HumptyI need a whole club dizzyWhy the CIA wanna watch usColombians and HaitiansI ain"t guilty it"s a musical transactionNo more do we snatch ropesRefugees run the seas "cause we own our own boatsI"m on tonight my hips don"t lieAnd I"m starting to feel you boyCome on let"s go real slowBaby like this is perfectoOh you know I am on tonight and my hips don"t lieAnd I am starting to feel it"s rightThe attraction the tensionBaby like this is perfectionNo fightingNo fighting

跪求shakira 唱的 estoy aqui 中文歌词

Shakira的歌的确不错。个人最喜欢La Pared这首歌

Shakira的《Si Te Vas》 歌词

歌曲名:Si Te Vas歌手:Shakira专辑:Oral Fixation TourShakira - Si Te VasCuéntame que haras después que estrenes su cuerpoCuando muera tu traviesa curiosidadCuando memorices todos sus recobecosY decidas otra vez regresarYa no estaré aquí en el mismo lugarSi no tiene mas que un par de dedos de frenteY descubres que no se lava bien los dientesSi te quita los pocos centavos que tienesY luego te deja solo tal como quiereSe que volverás el díaEn que ella te haga trizasSin almohadas para llorarPero si te has decididoY no quieres mas conmigoNada ahora puede importarPorque sin tiEl mundo ya me da igualSi te vas, si te vas, si te marchasMi cielo se hará grisSi te vas, si te vas, ya no tienesQue venir por miSi te vas, si te vas, y me cambiasPor esa bruja, pedazo de cueroNo vuelvas nunca masQue no estaré aquíToda escoba nueva siempre barre bienLuego vas a ver desgastadas las cerdasCuando las arrugas le corten la pielY la celulitis invada sus piernasVolverás desde tu infiernoCon el rabo entre los cuernosImplorando una vez masPero para ese entoncesYo estaré un millón de nochesLejos de esta enorme ciudadLejos de tiEl mundo ya me da igualhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17786143

Shakira的《No》 歌词

歌曲名:No歌手:Shakira专辑:Greatest HitsShakira - NoNo, no intentes disculparteNo juegues a insistirLas excusas ya existían antes de tiNo, no me mires como antesNo hables en pluralLa retórica es tu arma más letalVoy a pedirte que no vuelvas másSiento que me duelas todavía aquíAdentroY que a tu edad sepas bien lo que esRomperle el corazón a alguien asíNo se puede vivir con tanto veneno,La esperanza que me dio tu amorNo me la dio más nadie,Te juro, no mientoNo se puede vivir con tanto venenoNo se puede dedicar el almaA acumular intentosPesa más la rabia que el cementoEspero que no esperes que te espereDespués de mis 26La paciencia se me ha ido hasta los piesY voy deshojando margaritasY mirando sin mirarPara ver si así, te irritas y te vasVoy a pedirte que no vuelvas másSiento que me duelas todavía aquíAdentroY que a tu edad sepas bien lo que esRomperle el corazón a alguien asíNo se puede vivir con tanto venenoLa esperanza que me dio tu amorNo me la dio más nadieTe juro, no mientoNo se puede morir con tanto venenoNo se puede dedicar el almaA acumular intentosPesa más la rabia que el cementoNo se puede vivir con tanto venenoNo...no...http://music.baidu.com/song/54115893

Shakira的《La Pared》 歌词

歌曲名:La Pared歌手:Shakira专辑:FijacióN Oral Volumen 1Shakira - La ParedEres como una predicción de las buenasEres como una dosis alta en las venasY el deseo gira en espiralPorque mi amor por ti es totalY es para siempreDespués de ti la paredNo me faltes nuncaDebajo el asfaltoY mas abajo estaría yoDespués de ti la paredNo me faltes nuncaDebajo el asfaltoY mas abajo estaría yoSin tiEres la enfermedad y el enfermeroY ya me has convertidoEn tu perro falderoSabes que sin tiYa yo no soySabes que a donde vayas voyNaturalmenteDespués de ti la paredNo me faltes nuncaDebajo el asfaltoY mas abajo estaría yoDespués de ti la paredNo me faltes nuncaDebajo el asfaltoY mas abajo estaría yoSin tihttp://music.baidu.com/song/8017746

Shakira的《Hey You》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey You歌手:Shakira专辑:Oral Fixation TourShakira - Hey YouI"d like to beThe kind of dream you"d never shareTo be your boss and to be your maidYour shaving cream, your razor bladeThe buttons of your shirtYour favourite underwearI"d like to beThe only thing on Earth that makes you cryThe only thing that makes you happySoon you will seeThat no one else but me can take you this highAnd soon you"ll make your last name mineHey youMakin" an offer thatNo one could ever refuseDon"t play the adamantDon"t be so arrogantCan"t you see I"ve fallen for ya?Hey youMakin" an offer thatNo one would dare to refuseDon"t play the adamantDon"t be so arrogantLet me inLet me be your muse tonightTonight...Tonight...I"d like to beThe first white hair upon your headTo be your cherry pieYour daily breadI"ll cook for freeI"ll make your bedIf I can know the things you"ve thought and never saidI"d like to be the owner of the zipper on your jeansAnd that thing that makes you happyI"d like to be the beginning, the endAnd the inbetweenAnd be your slaveAnd be your QueenHey youMakin" an offer thatNo one could ever refuseDon"t play the adamantDon"t be so arrogantCan"t you see I"ve fallen for ya?Hey youMakin" an offer thatNo one would dare to refuseDon"t play the adamantDon"t be so arrogantLet me inLet me be your muse tonightTonightTonightTonightTonight…Hey youMakin" an offer thatNo one could ever refuseDon"t play the adamantDon"t be so arrogantCan"t you see I"ve fallen for ya?Hey youMakin" an offer thatNo one would ever refuseDon"t play the adamantDon"t be so arrogantLet me inLet me be your muse tonightOooh…Tonight…TonightOh, ohOooh…Tonight…Tonight…Oooh…Oh, ohLet me inLet me be your museBe your muse tonight制作http://music.baidu.com/song/17773519

shakira跟一个男人合唱的西班牙歌叫什么名字` 开头是一个女人在唱"ai ai `"的

.是不是 hips don"t lie?


斯蒂娜 铁肺歌手他的歌 难度很个高,夏奇拉 给我感觉卖萌 呆呆的导师, 风格不一样 不好比较 CA算是女高音 夏奇拉是花腔女低音夏奇拉早期没走唱跳路线的时候也是个big ...

谁知道shakira的Ciega Sordomuda是什么语言的?


Shakira的《Ojos Asi》 歌词

歌曲名:Ojos Asi歌手:Shakira专辑:Live And Off The RecordShakira - Ojos AsiAyer conoci un cielo sin solY un hombre sin sueloUn santo en prisiónY una canción triste sin due?oYa he ya he ya la heY conocí tus ojos negrosYa he ya he ya la heY ahora si que noPuedo vivir sin ellos yoLe pido al cielo solo un deseoQue en tus ojos yo pueda vivirHe recorrido ya el mundo enteroY una cosa te vengo a decirViaje de Bahrein hasta BeirutFui desde el norte hasta el polo surY no encontré ojos asíComo los que tienes tuRabboussamai fikarrajaiiFi ainaiha aralhayatiAti ilaika min haza lkaaouniArjouka labbi labbi nidaiViaje de Bahrein hasta BeirutFui desde el norte hasta el polo surY no encontré ojos asíComo los que tienes tuAyer vi pasar una mujerDebajo de su camelloUn río de sal un barcoAbandonado en el desiertoYa he ya he ya la heY vi pasar tus ojos negrosYa he ya he ya la heY ahora si que noPuedo vivir sin ellos yohttp://music.baidu.com/song/1574816

Shakira的《NO》 歌词

歌曲名:NO歌手:Shakira专辑:Oral Fixation TourShakira - NoNo, no intentes disculparteNo juegues a insistirLas excusas ya existían antes de tiNo, no me mires como antesNo hables en pluralLa retórica es tu arma más letalVoy a pedirte que no vuelvas másSiento que me duelas todavía aquíAdentroY que a tu edad sepas bien lo que esRomperle el corazón a alguien asíNo se puede vivir con tanto veneno,La esperanza que me dio tu amorNo me la dio más nadie,Te juro, no mientoNo se puede vivir con tanto venenoNo se puede dedicar el almaA acumular intentosPesa más la rabia que el cementoEspero que no esperes que te espereDespués de mis 26La paciencia se me ha ido hasta los piesY voy deshojando margaritasY mirando sin mirarPara ver si así, te irritas y te vasVoy a pedirte que no vuelvas másSiento que me duelas todavía aquíAdentroY que a tu edad sepas bien lo que esRomperle el corazón a alguien asíNo se puede vivir con tanto venenoLa esperanza que me dio tu amorNo me la dio más nadieTe juro, no mientoNo se puede morir con tanto venenoNo se puede dedicar el almaA acumular intentosPesa más la rabia que el cementoNo se puede vivir con tanto venenoNo...no...http://music.baidu.com/song/17781961

Shakira 是什么面料


Shakira的《Why Wait》 歌词

歌曲名:Why Wait歌手:Shakira专辑:Laundry Service / She WolfShakira - Why WaitPut your trust in meI won"t let you downDon"t delay the thingsThat you want right nowWhy wait for later?Hey I don"t you want some actionI"m not a waiterI like to make things happenSomething"s coming on, coming on strongDon"t take too longDon"t you wanna knowBaby come homeOne more night with youI won"t think it throughTime"s money but you knewThere"s nothing in the worldYou can think of that I won"t do to you.Drowning in your sweatTill I drench my clothesYou"ve seen nothing yetWait till you let go.Why wait for later?Obey my intuitionWe"re gonna be just fineI"ve got a premonitionSomething"s coming on, coming on strongDon"t take too longDon"t you wanna knowBaby come homeOne more night with youI won"t think it throughTime"s money but you knewThere"s nothing in the worldYou can think of that I won"t do to you.I"m gonna dance through the veil of your eyesWhile you follow my steps in the sandI see your fate in the palm of your hand.No one looks, no one hears us this timeIt"s only me and your conscious tonightIf there are no witnesses, there is no crime.Why wait for later?I"m not a waiter.Something"s coming on, coming on strongDon"t take too longDon"t you wanna knowBaby come home.One more night with youI won"t think it throughTime"s money but you knewThere"s nothing in the worldYou can think of that I won"t do to you.One more night with youI won"t think it throughTime"s money but you knewThere"s nothing in the worldYou can think of that I won"t do to you.http://music.baidu.com/song/10420148

Shakira的《La Tortura》 歌词

歌曲名:La Tortura歌手:Shakira专辑:Oral Fixation Vol. 2Shakira - La TorturaA: Ay!payita mía guárdate la poesía,guárdate la alegría pa" ti!Sh: No pido que todo los días sean de sol,no pido que todos los viernes sean de fiesta...Y tampoco te pido que vuelvas rogando perdón,si lloras con dos ojos secos y hablando de ella!Sh: Ay! Amor me duele tanto...A: Me duele tanto!Sh: Que te fueras sin decir a donde.Ay! Amor fue una tortura...A&Sh:...perderte!A: Yo sé que no he sido un santo,pero lo puedo arreglar, amor.Sh: No sólo de pan vive el hombrey no de excusa vivo yo!A: Sólo de errores se aprendey hoy sé que es tuyo mi corazón.Sh: Mejor te guardas todo eso.A otro perro con ese hueso y nos decimos adiós!Sh: No puedo pedir que el invierno perdone un rosal.No puedo pedir a los olmos que entreguen peras.No puedo pedirle lo eterno a un simple mortaly andar arrojando a los cerdos miles de perlas!A: Ay! Amor me duele tanto, me duele tanto!Que no creas más en mis promesas.Sh: Ahy! Amor...A: Es una tortura...Sh:...perderte!A: Yo sé que no he sido un santo,pero lo puedo arreglar, amor.Sh: No sólo de pan vive el hombrey no de excusas vivo yo!A: Sólo de errores se aprendey hoy sé que es tuyo mi corazón.Sh: Mejor te guardas todo eso.A otro perro con ese hueso y nos decimos adiós!A: Dame, damela. No te bajes, no te bajes,oye negrita mira, no te rajes.De lunes a viernes tienes mi amor,déjame sábado a mi que es mejor!Oye mi negra no me castigues más,porque allá afuera sin ti no tengo paz!Yo sólo soy un hombre arrepentidoy como el ave que vuelve a su nido.A: Yo sé que no he sido un santoy es que no estoy hecho de cartónSh: No sólo de pan vive el hombrey no de excusas vivo yo!A: Sólo de errores se aprendey hoy sé que es tuyo mi corazón.Sh: Ay!... Ay!... ay, ay, ay, Ay!Todo lo que he hecho por ti.Fue una tortura perderte y me duele tanto que sea así.Sigue llorando perdón. Yo...(A: Oye mira no te rajes!)yo no voy...a llorar hoy por ti!http://music.baidu.com/song/7997490

Shakira的《Tú》 歌词

歌曲名:Tú歌手:Shakira专辑:Shakira Mtv UnpluggedSarah Brightman - TúTú, sin más porqué,Tú que bésame,Tú me tienes de furriel,De un roto de tu piel.Tú, como la cal,Que húmeda es mortal,Tú, blanqueas mi razón,Calando hasta el colchón.Tú, tú, tú, tú.Tú, tú, tú, tú.Tú, tú, tú, montada en mí,Yo, motura hostil,Tú, me abrazas con los pies,Y yo lamo el arnés.Tú, y sin ti yo no.Tú, y sin ti ya no.Tú, me has hecho dimitir,Y hoy yo se dice asi:Tú, tú, tú, tú.Tú, tú, tú, tú.Tú, tú, tú.Tú, tú, tú, tú.Tú, tú, tú, tú.Tú, tú, tú, tú.Tú, tú, tú.http://music.baidu.com/song/8744369



1977年2月2日夏奇拉出生于哥伦比亚的加勒比海岸地区,一个从事珠宝生意的中产家庭中,本名叫Shakira Mebarak Ripoll,她的父亲是个业余作家,与前妻生了九个小孩,夏奇拉是他与再婚的太太唯一的女儿,夏奇拉这个名字在拉丁文是指“气质优雅的女性”。从小到大,夏奇拉就是全家人最宠爱的小女儿。受到父亲写作的遗传,夏奇拉从四岁就开始写诗,这也为她将来的创作打下基础。她自10岁起便开始在各个地区性及全国性的音乐大赛中拔得头筹,未满13岁时,即被Sony唱片公司相中签下合约,而她的首张专辑 "Magia",即是将她在8到13 岁之间所创作完成的作品集结而成。而今,Shakira除了一再地获得各种音乐奖项的肯定外,更被极具影响力与极高荣耀指标的美国时代杂志选为杂志封面人物,被推举为当今Latin艺人的代表人物。从1996年起到2000年,夏奇拉一共推出三张拉丁专集皆取的骄人的成绩,其中第二张拉丁专辑还曾为她赢取得第41届葛来美音乐奖"最佳拉丁/另类艺人"奖项。而在占领拉丁及美国市场后,夏奇拉用了两年时间苦学英语,终于推出首张英文专辑Laundry Service(爱情洗礼),在这张专辑中,夏奇拉一人挑起词曲创作以及制作大任,尽情施展她的多才多艺的特质。专辑在全球的销售量惊人,并在发行首周就跃上billboard专辑排行榜的Top3。专辑中首支单曲Whenever, Wherever是一支奔放、野性十足的动感情歌,以安地斯山脉排笛、巴西鼓等传统乐器调味,同样也在billboard排行榜取得了非常优异的成绩。而专辑中的第二首抒情单曲Underneath Your Clothes充分表现出她十分柔情的一面,以及其创作方面的才华。她出生在巴兰基利亚对黎巴嫩父亲和西班牙意大利母亲, 和行动向Bogot3a 在十三岁。 Shakira 是来自阿拉伯语为"优美" 的西班牙名字。她是流利用英语, 西班牙语, 阿拉伯, 葡萄牙语, 和意大利语。Shakira 可能执行阿拉伯腹部跳舞, 由她的黎巴嫩祖母教了。Shakira 发行了她的第一块唱片, Magia (魔术), 一年后, 在索尼标签。册页是仅仅适度地成功的, 并且 Peligro (危险), 她的第二册页, 是没有更好被接受。Shakira 被变成对行动, 和扮演在一哥伦比亚的telenovela 的一个角色("El 绿洲"), 1995 年但返回到音乐界用册页 饼Descalzos (Barefeet), 建立了她的商业成功。命中"Estoy Aqu3i" 出名国际上。 Shakira: 再混合 是被创造的以为特色再混合从歌曲在 饼Descalzos。在这以后, Shakira 达到了Emilio ·Estefan, Jr., 会变成她的下册页的执行制片人。 .D3onde Est3an los Ladrones? (是窃贼?) 的地方是花费了$3 百万美国的庞大的生产。这是获取了宽重要赞叹并且许多曾经认为是她的最佳的册页的庞大的命中。 它生产了选拔"不可避免" 并且全世界兆击中了, "Ojos As3i" 。岩石和拉丁soundscapes 其成功的混合做了 .D3onde Est3an los Ladrones? 巨大成功。Shakira 并且生产了 Shakira MTV 被拔去塞子, 活册页根据 .D3onde Est3an los Ladrones?.Shakira 变成了广泛已知在整个讲西班牙语的世界过程中。Shakira 现在变成了她的视域往英文市场, 改进她的英语足够开始文字 洗衣服务。以一种岩石渐近的感受, 洗衣服务 瞄准了国际英国市场虽然它遏制了一些西班牙歌曲。某些人民说, Shakira 的英国技能太微弱的使她以至于不能写在英语但 洗衣服务 是然而重击, 最好已知为感染选拔"每当, 无论哪里," ("Suerte 的" 英语版本) 并且顶面册页2002 年的当中一个。Shakira 是知名的为强烈, 运动表现介入腹部跳舞和阿拉伯节奏。2002 年Shakira 并且被发行最了不起的命中容量 Grandes 3Exitos。她说有新册页来临在2004 年末期。这被传言是一双重CD 以西班牙和英国歌曲为特色。她写所有她自己的歌曲但写和co 生产与Luis ·Fernando ·Ochoa 和Lester ·M3endez 。Shakira: 活& 纪录、DVD 和一10 歌曲CD 从她的2002-03 世界游览(猫鼬的"游览"), 被发行了2004 年3月30 日。"猫鼬的游览" 所谓因为猫鼬是能击败一条眼镜蛇没有由其毒物被杀害的唯一的动物。音乐会被散置了以猫鼬的视觉与眼镜蛇战斗。Shakira 由许多认为一种巨大天分。作为Gabriel Garc3ia M3arquez 曾经写了她, "Shakira 的音乐有不看起来象任何人并且没人可能唱歌或跳舞象她, 在的一张个人邮票任何年龄, 以这样一无辜的淫荡, 一个似乎是她自己的发明。"自2000 年以来, 她订了婚对Antonio ·de la R3ua, 阿根廷的前总统的儿子。根据人道主义和社会危机在阿根廷, 许多新闻的成员lampooned 关系象轻佻和傲慢。在反应, Shakira 基于一个无利益的音乐会在布宜诺斯艾利斯和进一步促进了她的人道主义儿童的基础"饼Descalzos" ("赤脚"), 命名以她的第三册页。


A buyout is the buying of a company, especially by its managers or employees. takeoveruff1awhen one company takes control of another by buying more than half its sharesconsolidation:to strengthen the position of power or success that you have, so that it becomes more effective or continues for longeracquisition:the process by which you gain knowledge or learn a skillmerger:the joining together of two or more companies or organizations to form one larger one

Shakira的《Tu》 歌词

歌曲名:Tu歌手:Shakira专辑:Live And Off The RecordShakira - TuTe regalo mi cinturaY mis labios para cuando quieras besarTe regalo mi locuraY las pocas neuronas que quedan yaMis zapatos deste?idosEl diario en el que escriboTe doy hasta mis suspirosPero no te vayas másPorque eres tu mi solLa fe con que vivoLa potencia de mi vozLos pies con que caminoEres tu amorMis ganas de reírEl adiós que no sabré decirPorque nunca podré vivir sin tiSi algún día decidierasAlejarte nuevamente de aquíCerraría cada puertaPara que nunca pudieras salirTe regalo mis silenciosTe regalo mi narizYo te doy hasta mis huesosPero quédate aquíPorque nunca podré vivirhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1616555

Shakira的《Islands》 歌词

歌曲名:Islands歌手:Shakira专辑:The Sun Comes OutShakira - IslandsI don"t have to leave anymoreWhat I have is right hereSpend my nights and days beforeSearching the world for what"s right hereUnderneath and unexploredIslands and cities I have lookedHere I sawSomething I couldn"t over lookI am yours nowSo now I don"t ever have to leaveI"ve been found outSo now I"ll never exploreSee what I"ve doneThat bridge is on fireGoing back to where I"ve beenI"m froze by desireNo need to leaveWhere would I beIF this were to go underIt"s a risk I"d takeI"m froze by desireAs if a choice I"d make?I am yours nowSo now I don"t ever have to leaveI"ve been found outSo now I"ll never exploreI am yours nowSo now I don"t ever have to leaveI"ve been found outSo now I"ll never exploreAaaaSee what I"ve donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7435579

shakira怎么念? 拉丁天后 夏奇拉

xia ki rua用汉语拼音来念

Shakira的《Something》 歌词

歌曲名:Something歌手:Shakira专辑:Oral Fixation Vol. 2Shakira - SomethingQuand tuQuand tu me prends dans tes brasQuand je regarde dans tes yeuxJe vois qu"un Dieu existeCe n"est pas dur d"y croireBefore I met you I wasn"t terribly luckyEvery Prince Charming lost charm after twelveBut then you came and made the past look so funnyPut my old sadness to sleep on a shelfIf this was meant to beDon"t condemn me to be freeAnd even if we never marryI will always love you, babyChildishly"Cause somethingYou"ve got something I can"t resistThings are what they will beWhen I look into your eyesThey say to me that God"s do existAnd there"s somethingYou"ve got something I can"t resistThings are what they will beWhen I look into your eyesThey say to me that God"s do existYou make me believeYou make me believeI love the temperature and smell of your bodyThe shape of your lips and the size of your noseI love that everything you say is so funnyPlus you"re the best kisser that I"ve ever knownYou see the way I amWithout make-up, without clothesAnd you accept me like nobodyAnd I will always love you, babyWith eyes closed"Cause somethingYou"ve got something I can"t resistThings are what they will beWhen I look into your eyesThey say to me that God"s do existAnd there"s somethingYou"ve got something I can"t resistThings are what they will beWhen I look into your eyesThey say to me that God"s do existYou make me believeYou make me believeQuand tuQuand tu me prends dans tes brasQuand je regarde dans tes yeuxJe vois qu"un Dieu existeCe n"est pas dur d"y croireThere"s somethingI believe…There"s somethingI believe…There"s somethingI believeI doYou make me believe…... Je te desire ...制作http://music.baidu.com/song/7997488

请问 Shakira 怎么读?





Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll (pronounced [(t)u0283au02c8kiu027ea isau02c8βel meβau02c8u027eak riu02c8pol]; English: /u0283u0259u02c8kiu02d0ru0259/; born 2 February 1977) is a Colombian singer, songwriter, dancer, and record producer. Born and raised in Barranquilla, she began performing in school, demonstrating Latin American, Arabic, and rock and roll influences and belly dancing abilities. Shakira"s first studio albums, Magia and Peligro, failed to attain commercial success in the 1990s; however, she rose to prominence in Latin America with her major-label debut, Pies Descalzos (1996), and her fourth album, Dónde Están los Ladrones? (1998). As of 2001, before releasing her best seller Laundry Service, she has sold over 10 million albums alone in Latin America.Shakira entered the English-language market with her fifth album, Laundry Service. Its lead single, "Whenever, Wherever", became one of the most successful singles of 2002. Her success was solidified with her sixth and seventh albums Fijación Oral, Volumen Uno and Oral Fixation, Volume Two (2005), the latter of which spawned the best selling single of the 2000s,one of the best-selling songs of the 21st century, "Hips Don"t Lie", selling over 13 million only counting downloads (not including any other forms of digital sales, streams and physical copies). Shakira"s eighth and ninth albums, She Wolf (2009) and Sale el Sol (2010), received critical praise. Her official song for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)", became the biggest-selling World Cup song of all time with 10 million downloads. With over 1.6 billion views, it is one of the most viewed music videos on YouTube. She has four of the twenty top-selling hits of the last decade (2000 - 2009), more than any other artist. Shakira served as a coach on the fourth and sixth seasons of the American version of The Voice in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Her tenth album, Shakira (2014), is preceded by its lead single, "Can"t Remember to Forget You".Shakira has received numerous awards, including 5 MTV Video Music Awards, 2 Grammy Awards, 13 Latin Grammy Awards, 7 Billboard Music Awards, 33 Billboard Latin Music Awards and has been Golden Globe-nominated. She has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and sold over 125 million records worldwide (over 70 million albums sold) with 25.4 million record sales in the United States (as of 2014), making her the best selling South American singer and one of the best selling artists of all time. She carries out well-known philanthropic activities through charity work most notably through her Pies Descalzos Foundation. In 2011, she was appointed by U.S. President Barack Obama to the President"s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics – a four-person group that advises the president and Education Secretary. In 2014, she was listed as the 58th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes.




这个昵称来自她09年出的那张专辑《She wolf》。专辑中有同名英文歌曲《She wolf》,以及这首歌的西班牙语版本《Loba》。这首歌的音乐"录音带中的夏奇拉身穿肉色紧身服,在一个笼子里跳舞。身体柔韧度惊人,可将身体任意折叠,把腿抬高架到头边,肩膀前后震动,感觉很像是脱臼又复原的不断重复,最后还把自己任意悬挂在笼子里,上窜下跳。"因为在这首歌MV中大胆创新的表演,Shakira在中国歌迷中获得了“母狼”或者“狼姐”的称号。

shakira shakira是什么意思

夏奇拉 ; 拉丁天后夏奇拉 ; 莎奇拉 ; 莎基拉


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 问题描述: 她的出生日期,性格,爱好,身高,体重 解析: 夏奇拉 Shakira 1977年2月2日出生于哥伦比亚、本名Shakira Mebarak Ripoll。Shakira 是个集创作与演唱才华、性感热情与优雅于一身的天生艺人。她自10岁起便开始在各个地区性及全国性的音乐大赛中拔得头筹,未满13岁,即与Sony唱片公司签下合约,而她的首张专辑"Magia",便已是将她在8到13 岁之间所创作完成的作品集结而成。而今,Shakira除了一再地获得各种音乐奖项的肯定外,更被极具影响力与极高荣耀指标的美国Time杂志选为杂志封面人物,被推举为当今Latin艺人的代表人物。 1996年,夏奇拉发表了首张拉丁专辑"Pies Descalzos",不仅创下全球4百万张的销售佳绩,更实际地打破了拉丁流行音乐既有的公式化模式,赋与拉丁乐界从未有过的真实的声音。好比"Pies Descalzos"专辑中的畅销单曲「Estoy Aqui」,曲调便充满了旋律性、令人惊喜的音乐性及个性,加上她充满知性的词句,电子与传统原音乐器的灵活运用,将拉丁流行音乐带往更高、更宽广的境界领域。1998年,夏奇拉推出了第二张拉丁专辑"DONDE ESTAN LOS LADRONES",此辑是为Shakira赢得第41届葛莱美音乐奖"最佳拉丁摇滚/另类艺人"奖项的作品,辑中所收录的作品包括了「Ciega, Sordomuda」「Tu」「Inevitable」「Ojos Asi」「Moscas En La Casa」都已成为Billboard拉丁榜Top 25排行名曲,其中「Ciega, Sordomuda」「Tu」已分别陆续登上冠军宝座,而专辑本身除了已在全美销售突破50 万张金唱片的销售纪录外,并已成功地登上流行专辑榜上!这张畅销专辑而后在2000年还发行了亚洲版,特别加收录她前张专辑中的畅销单曲「Estoy Aqui」的三种混音版,是喜爱拉丁音乐的乐迷不可或缺的收藏! 2000年推出的"MTV Unplugged",专辑中歌曲全部现场收音自Shakira于1999年8月12日,为拉丁美洲区的MTV电视网所举行的演唱会实况,而该场演唱会并已于同年度的9月间在拉丁美洲及透过Telemundo网络在美国境内强力播放。在这场MTV现场演唱会中,Shakira演唱了多首她先前的几张白金专辑中的畅销单曲,包括了"Pies Descalzos"专辑中的畅销单曲「Estoy Aqui」,"Donde Estan Los Ladrones"专辑中的Billboard拉丁榜Top 25排行名曲「Inevitable」「Ojos Asi」「Moscas En La Casa」及两首冠军单曲「Ciega, Sordomuda」「Tu」,其中「Ciega, Sordomuda」更是和一支墨西哥流浪乐队合作完成。 站稳拉丁及美国市场后,Shakira在今年推出首张英文专辑Laundry Service,一人挑起词曲创作、制作大任,尽情施展她多层次声音扮演,从甜美、狂放、神秘..等自在摆荡,发行首周跃上Billboard榜Top3。首支单曲Whenever, Wherever奔放、野性十足的动感情歌,以安地斯山脉排笛、巴西鼓等传统乐器调味,目前位居单曲榜Top6急速窜升中;而身为百事可乐美国、拉丁美洲广告代言人Shakirak带来广告主题曲Ojos Asi的英文版Eyes Likes Yours…。夏奇拉这次全新的出击,证明了她将继天王瑞奇马汀入主国际流行乐坛后,成为拉丁女声的国际级天后! 生日:1977年2月2日(星期三) 星座:宝瓶座

用IDM从清风dj 网抓取的歌《 DjAhwah-中英文BreakBeat音乐演绎祝我生日快乐情感


Akon的《Work It》 歌词

歌曲名:Work It歌手:Akon专辑:In My GhettoAkon Ft. Ray L - Work It(KONVICT)uhh yeahhhhKONVICTwooo owwwAKONwooo owwwL-RayRay L:I dont want it if it come to eazygotta make a nigga workgotta make a nigga sweatsee im loving how you frontin Likeyou aint gonne be the one that"s gonna give me love tonight,girl its on tonightlights, Cameras relefction"s, see you"r reactionwhen i get you alone, You tottal satisfactiongarante baby anit no maybee"s, it don"t fase methat youll be talking back, keep a nigga talking backPLEASE SHAWTY, make it hard for me if that"s all rightPLEASE SHAWTY, stop what you doing kuz that"s what i likeNO BOODY, don"t run out the club the way that you do,so come on make it do what it doWhile i watch you WORK IT, Now let me see that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA While i watch you WORK IT, Let me see them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGLet me see you WORK IT,while i watch that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA Let me see you WORK IT, A While i watch them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGAkon:uh-huhnah id a seen you sppining around doing you"r thang, Looking stunnyspin that boody downer, Taking everything form meGot that jelly runnin, I can tell that she want itIn the corner pocket fulla do that dame thang money,shaking your little kiddy, even though its forbideni no exaktualy what you doing going long with iti know your fatty booty shaking as need to quit itn let me hit it, if you wit it, ill show you how to get itPLEASE SHAWTY, make it hard for me if that"s all rightPLEASE SHAWTY, Got me sayin dat at the end of the nightNO BOODY, don"t run out the club the way that you do,so come on make it do what it doWhile i watch you WORK IT, Now let me see that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA While i watch you WORK IT, Let me see them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGLet me see you WORK IT,while i watch that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA Let me see you WORK IT, A While i watch them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGAkon:now to see the way that she works that flo-orhave them niggas tipping till they all run out the do-orlet me tell you it was well worth a sh-owi gotta have her when the club closeRay L:Now everytime she lean with it, then pop with itcan"t take no more n i lose controll, then i gotta get iti cant wait to get you in my back seatthen up and down like the kids in my jeep awwwPLEASE SHAWTY, make it hard for me if that"s all rightPLEASE SHAWTY, Got me sayin dat at the end of the nightNO BOODY, don"t run out the club the way that you do,so come on make it do what it doWhile i watch you WORK IT, Now let me see that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA While i watch you WORK IT, Let me see them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGLet me see you WORK IT,while i watch that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA Let me see you WORK IT, A While i watch them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGEndAkon Ft. Ray L - Work Ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/1452725

I am TM about to break down这是什么意思?

I am TM about to break down:我快要崩溃了

求一首英文歌,男音最后一句歌词是when i wake up tomorrow

求一首英文歌,男音最后一句歌词是when i wake up tomorrow 歌曲: When I Wake Up Tom.. 歌手: the perishers 专辑: 《From Nothing t..》 When I Wake Up Tomorrow - The Perishers If everythings the same When I wake up tomorrow - Im giving up If nothing here has changed When I wake up tomorrow - Im taking off October left some wounds But it took a while to see Its way to soon To say what its done to me But as long as Im ok I want to figure it out myself Lets just hope that in a day Ill find a way If everythings the same When I wake up tomorrow - Im giving up If nothing here has changed When I wake up tomorrow - Im taking off December came today And Im just as bored as ever No way Ill stay Ill leave this place forever I hope theres time to live a while before I die And if some day I find that time Ill try To make the cold winter months seem just like warm July I hope theres time to live before I die And as long as Im ok I want to figure it out myself Lets just hope that in a day Ill find my way If everythings the same When I wake up tomorrow - Im giving up If nothing here has changed When I wake up tomorrow - Im taking off If everythings the same When I wake up tomorrow 求一首英文歌 最后一句的歌词是 I love you 亲,I love U 这种歌词太多了。。。还有没有详细点的。。。 一首英文歌 *** 最后一句歌词是i love you too 信息量太少,建议你录一段语音也可以,或者wei信找我也行,搜我网名 求一首英文歌名最后一句歌词but i don t konw who you are Hayley Westenra-My Heart Belongs To You 求一首歌 男声英文 最后一句歌词是all I need is you Guy Sebastian - All I need is you You"re all, you"re (I know) all that I Need You are (yeah), you"re all that I Need I remember in the day being oh so independent I remember how I"d say I could never fall I was cynical Funny now in the days Since you came into my life Now I"ll never be the same Baby I"m amazed by the love you gave Finally I can see What a life really means to me, to me babe All I need is you in my life forever All I need is you everyday by my side Got to let you know you"re the one that I treasure I can search the world but never find A better love that is beeen you and I (I) All I need is you (Yeah, oh, oooh, yeah, I) When I look into your eyes There"s a feeling that I can"t explain babe That is when I realise That all I desire is to lay by your side Know whenever I"m alone I wonder how I lived without you Should"ve known all along That my only world is with you in it girl Finally I can see What a life really means to me yeah, to me Yeah All I need is you in my life forever All I need is you everyday by my side Got to let you know you"re the one that I treasure I can search the world but never find All I need is you in my life forever All I need is you everyday by my side Got to let you know you"re the one that I treasure I can search the world but never find A better love that is beeen you and I (I) How did I find such a love so sweet When I"ve only done a little right Now I can see that it can be deserved That the freedom that you give is mine (yeah, yeah) All I need is you in my life forever All I need is you everyday by my side Got to let you know you"re the one that I treasure I can search the world but never find A better love that is beeen you and I (I) All I need is you in my life forever All I need is you everyday by my side Got to let you know you"re the one that I treasure I can search the world but never find All I Need is you (You are, you"re all that I need) All I Need is you (You are, you"re all that I need) Go to let you know (You are, you"re all that I need) You"re all, you"re all that I need (Hey) You are, you"re all that I need You are, you"re all that I need You are, you"re all that I need 有一首英文歌里面最后一句歌词是ohmygood Let It All Go - Birdy,Rhodes I"ve been sleepless at night Cause I don"t know how I feel I been waiting on you Just to say something real There"s a light on the road and I think you know Morning has e and I have to go I don"t know why, I don"t know why We need to break so hard I don"t know why we break so hard But if we"re strong enough to let it in We"re strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh) Let it all go Let it all go Let it all out now If I look back to the start, now I know I see everything true There"s still a fire in my heart, my darling But I"m not burning for you We"ve started it wrong and I think you know We waited too long, now I have to go I don"t know why, I don"t know why We need to break so hard I don"t know why we break so hard But if we"re strong enough to let it in We"re strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh) Let it all go Let it all go Let it all out now Who says truth is, beauty after all And who says love should break us when we fall But if we"re strong enough to let it in We"re strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh) Let it all go Let it all go Let it all out now Let it all go Let it all go Let it all out now We"re strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh) 一首英文歌的歌词最后一句是,i am the king of the world. Holy - PVRIS Yeah you"ve got it all You"ve got it all wrong Now you don"t know You"re a poor unfortunate soul Oh I know You make it seem that you feel whole So they don"t know You"re a poor unfortunate soul Yeah you put on a faith for sight Think you"re holy when you"re not I hate to break it to you baby, But you"re simply lost You can right all the wrongs Just to feel you belong But simply calling out sins Don"t bring you closer to God You"re just a ghost at most A set of empty bones Searching for anything and everything To make you feel whole When it gets cold Oh, oh, oh You don"t know You don"t know You"re all alone You poor unfortunate soul You can"t control Where you"ll burn unless pineapples Oh you"re all alone You poor unfortunate soul And you say that I"ve got it all wrong Cause you just know I"m a poor unfortunate soul But there"s no way that this weight In the words that you preach When you claim pineapple your faith And you contradict your speech So I sit here and listen To your tongue in cheek I know that when you sit and pray You"re only praying for keeps It"s your a ghost at most A set of empty bones Searching for anything and everything To make you feel whole When it gets cold Oh, oh, oh You don"t know You don"t know You"re all alone You poor unfortunate soul You can"t control Where you"ll burn unless pineapples Oh you"re all alone You poor unfortunate soul Shallow and empty and filled with regret I think that chest must be heavy From that cross on your neck You only wear cause you"re weary Of what es next After your death Don"t think I didn"t notice Don"t think I didn"t notice Don"t think I didn"t know You"re just a gho-oh-oh-oh Poor unfortunate so-oh-oh-oh Poor unfortunate oh oh oh oh Poor unfortunate so-oh-oh-oh Poor unfortunate oh oh oh oh Poor unfortunate so-oh-oh-oh Poor unfortunate oh oh oh oh Poor unfortunate so-oh-oh-oh 求一首英文歌最后一句i miss you baby miss you hihihihihihihhihihihiih 歌词最后一句I LOVE YOU英文歌 曲名:Something Stupid 歌手:Robbie Willams 专辑:Swing When You"re Winning Something Stupid (duet with Nicole Kidman) Written by Carson Parks I know I stand in line Until you think you have the time To spend an evening with me And if we go someplace to dance I know that there"s a chance You won"t be leaving with me Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or o And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you I can see it in your eyes That you despise the same old lines You heard the night before And though it"s just a line to you For me it"s true And never seemed so right before I practice every day to find some clever lines to say To make the meaning e through But then I think I"ll wait until the evening gets late And I"m alone with you The time is right Your perfume fills my head The stars get red And oh the night"s so blue And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you I love you... 求一首英文歌,歌词最后一句是to be a better man。求歌名和全部歌词。 better man - Send someone to love me 派一个人来爱我 I need to rest in arms 我需要一个臂弯休息 Keep me safe from harm 找一个远离伤害的地方 In pouring rain 当倾盆大雨时 Give me endless summer 给我无尽夏日 Lord I fear the cold 上帝我惧怕严寒 Feel I"m getting old 我觉得自己 正在变老 Better man - Robbie Williams 歌谱Before my time 虽值年少 As my soul heals the shame 灵魂治愈悔恨 I will grow through this pain 痛苦让我成长 Lord I"m doing all I can 上帝,我会尽一切的努力 To be a better man 成为一个更完美的人 Go easy on my conscience 别再苛责我的良知 "Cause it"s not my fault 因为错不在我 I know I"ve been taught 别人教我的是 To take the blame 把过错揽在身上 Rest assured my angels Will catch my tears 放心吧 我的天使会接住我的眼泪 Walk me out of here 陪我离开这里 I"m in pain 我好痛苦 As my soul heals the shame 灵魂治愈悔恨 I will grow through this pain 痛苦让我成长 Lord I"m doing all I can 上帝,我会尽一切的努力 To be a better man 成为一个更完美的人 Once you"ve found that lover 一旦你找到真爱 You"re homeward bound 就有了避风港 Love is all around 爱在四周 Love is all around 爱无所不在 I know some have fallen 即使有人堕落 On stony ground 在一片荒芜 But Love is all around 但有爱在四周

can you make a telephone call


i will be the one to make that call怎么翻译

回答如下Make the call是一个惯用短语,表示做决定,做主。例I can"t make the call.我无法做主你这句意思是: 我会是做这个决定的人。

Niamh Kavanagh和Anne Takle的资料

只知道一首Anne Takle的nocturne 的歌,其他就不知道了

一首英文歌 前面是吹口哨的好像 然后是 make 外咯外 重复 就记得这么多了

wild wild wed uff1f


Moussaka (希腊语: moussakas; 罗马尼亚语: musaca; 土耳其语: musakka; 南斯拉夫语 ; 阿拉伯语: musaqqaa) 传统的做法是茄子(基于eggplant)在盘底和隔层,上铺数层剁碎的羊羔肉和切块的茄子,再撒上白色调味汁一起烘烤。 在西方世界, moussaka主要烹调蕃茄和茄子,类似caponata,在西方moussaka通常被称作为希腊盘。 保加利亚语 并且 罗马尼亚语 版本被做与 代替茄子。在标准(3层式Moussaka)的希腊食谱中,底层包括茄子切片,中间层放捣碎并烹调过的羊羔肉和蕃茄,顶层加调味汁。黄油在这里可以被省去,少用,或被乳酪碎屑洒在上面替代。在这份食谱的基础上变化:有时没有调味汁,有时有其它菜。最一致的变化在希腊(or英国)包括绿皮胡瓜、土豆或蘑菇除茄子之外。有的版本(在希腊菜谱中)包括不加肉也不加调味汁的Tselementes, 正综的菜底层茄子用绞肉代替,淋西红柿酱和面包屑。 (收起)主料椭圆形茄子350克 土豆800克 辅料橄榄油少许 蛋黄2颗 洋葱末少许 新鲜优格一罐(350克) 新鲜Cheddar cheese切达起士50克 番茄肉酱200克 盐巴少许 胡椒粉少许 干燥百里香2.5克 新鲜巴西里香4.5克 肉桂粉1.25克 希腊美食Moussaka的做法步骤1. 将茄子切成小丁块,并放在滚盐水中汆烫两分钟,捞起来溧干备用,接着把马铃薯削皮切成圆厚片后,至于滚盐水里汆烫5-6分钟.(马铃薯不要煮的过烂和太久,熟就可以了)2. 准备一热锅倒点橄榄油,加入洋葱末爆香,接着加入茄子翻炒,撒上巴西里,巴里香,肉桂粉后放入番茄肉酱,伴炒完后放置一旁备用.3. 准备一适用烤箱的圆碗,将马铃薯片铺满碗底,再倒入作法2拌炒过的配料,接着续铺一层马铃薯片.4. 将切达起士,蛋黄,优格搅拌均匀做成酱料,再把做好的酱料淋满碗里,完全覆盖住马铃薯片后放入180°c烤箱中烘烤12分钟即可完成。: )

take up the call 什么意思


请问有哪位亲知道这首歌叫什么的?开头歌词是close your eyes, make a wish

后街男孩的:Climbing The Walls?

哪首英文歌一开头是close your eyes ,make a wish ..

《climbing the walls》-Backstreet boys close your eyes, make a wishthis could last foreverif only you could stay with me nowso tell me what it is that keeps us from each other nowyeah, its coming to get meyou"re under my skinno i can"t ever let you goyou"re a part of me nowcaught by the taste of your kissand i don"t wanna know the reason why i can"t stay forever like thisnow i"m climbing the walls cuz i miss youtake my hand, take my lifejust don"t take foreverand let me feel your pain kept inside (ohh yeah)there"s gotta be a way you and i together nowyeah it"s comin" to get meyou"re under my skinno i can"t ever let you goyour a part of me nowcaught by the taste of your kissand i don"t wanna know the reason why i can"t stay forever like thisnow i"m climbing the walls cuz i miss youit"s an illusion how can i feel this way(if i can"t have you)it"s an illusion nothing is real this way(if i can"t have you)no i can"t let you goyour a part of me nowcaught by the taste of your kiss (i don"t want to know)and i don"t want to knowthe reason why i can"t stay forever like this (i am climbing the walls)now i"m climbing the walls cuz i miss you (oooooooohhhhhhh)i can"t let you go noand i don"t wanna know the reason whyi can"t stay forever like this (no no)now i"m climbing the walls cuz i miss (i miss you) you

annual stocktaking是什么意思


【翻译】How do I make love with someone I am in love with


eid ul fitar mubarak是什么意思



是穆斯林之间的问候,开斋节快乐。举行会礼,穆斯林们聚集在大清真寺或公共场所,举行盛大的仪式和庆祝活动;宰牲,一般的穆斯林都在节日之前准备好到时要宰杀的牲口,牲口要求必须健康,分骆驼、牛、羊三种,根据家庭的经济情况来决定。宰杀后的肉要分成三份,分别留作自用、赠送亲友以及施舍给穷人。扩展资料Kul"am wa enta bi-khair.英文翻译:May every year find you in good health.意思是:“祝你年年健康”或“值此之际祝好”。这句话适用于所有伊斯兰节日的祝福,例如开斋节、婚礼、纪念日等庆祝场合。Eid Mubarak英文翻译:Blessed Eid.意思:“节日快乐”。多用于古尔邦节和开斋节这样的重大节日,是比较正式的祝福。Eid Saeed英文翻译:Happy Eid.这种节日问候相较于上面那句,没那么正式,多用于熟人。

Eid Mubarak是什么意思?

是穆斯林之间的问候,开斋节快乐。举行会礼,穆斯林们聚集在大清真寺或公共场所,举行盛大的仪式和庆祝活动;宰牲,一般的穆斯林都在节日之前准备好到时要宰杀的牲口,牲口要求必须健康,分骆驼、牛、羊三种,根据家庭的经济情况来决定。宰杀后的肉要分成三份,分别留作自用、赠送亲友以及施舍给穷人。扩展资料Kul"am wa enta bi-khair.英文翻译:May every year find you in good health.意思是:“祝你年年健康”或“值此之际祝好”。这句话适用于所有伊斯兰节日的祝福,例如开斋节、婚礼、纪念日等庆祝场合。Eid Mubarak英文翻译:Blessed Eid.意思:“节日快乐”。多用于古尔邦节和开斋节这样的重大节日,是比较正式的祝福。Eid Saeed英文翻译:Happy Eid.这种节日问候相较于上面那句,没那么正式,多用于熟人。


你找到是不是 eid mubarak 如果是那意思就是开斋节快乐!这是穆斯林之间的问候语 Eid是每年伊斯兰教斋月结束后的开斋节 音译为尔德节
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