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make sense是啥意思

make sensev.有意义

make sense 中 sense的词性是?

make sense 意为:有道理,合乎情理;可以理解;讲得通。sense有两个词性分别是名词和动词。作名词表示:感觉,意识;理解力;判断力。 作动词表示: 感觉到;意识到;觉察出;检测出。我觉得此处的sense应该是名词。如果是动词的话,不能直接接在make后面。

make sense 什么意思


make sense 的用法

make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 1. It doesn"t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可. 2. That doesn"t make sense to me. 我看不出那有何用意。 3. It doesn"t make sense, you see? 它不再有意义,你明白吗?



make sense是什么意思


make sense的中文翻译是下面哪一项


make sense是什么意思




make sense是什么意思


make sense是什么意思

当老外问你make sense?的时候,他(她)的意思是你明白了吗?或者是你听懂了吗?或者你知道了吗?你可以回答:Got it.或者Yeah,of course.Thanks!

make sense是什么意思?用法有哪些?

make sense意思是“讲得通, 有意义,是明智的, 是合情合理的”。其用法如下:make sense口语中常用词,中国人最喜欢把这个词夹在中文中说。比如,“我表姐38了,前些天嫁了个23岁小伙,一点都不make sense”最常见的用法是“没有道理”:doesn"t make sense; doesn"t make any senseThe movie doesn"t make any sense. 这个电影根本就是瞎编It still doesn"t make sense to me. 我还是没明白。再一种用法是在问句中。比如你做了个presentation,下面的听众眼睛都发直。你问“Am I making sense?”就要比问“Do you understand?”要客气得多。有的时候也用在肯定句中。比如你不明白彩票怎么回事,卖彩票的给你讲了半天,你听明白了,你可以说“Thank you very much. Your explanation made a lot of sense.”此外他还引申出一个形容词sense-making你们教授跟你说,Please submit a more sense-making report. 意思是你的报告纯属胡扯,打回重写

Make My Heart Fly 歌词

歌曲名:Make My Heart Fly歌手:The Proclaimers专辑:The Best Of The ProclaimersToni Braxton - Make My HeartMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceYou pull me closeI get this kind of reaction yeaEverywhereCan you feel my pulseMy heart is beating faster yeaFrom this love affairAnd it would be only you talking in my earYou"re lips are so beautiful ooh I want them nearYour eyes they undress meThey make me confess itThe things you make me doGuess now I"m outta controlAnd you make my heartYou make me danceSweat out my hair ohoh ohohGo flying out flippin in the air ohoh ohohYou make my heartGet pumped enough coming outta my clothesYou know you do it for me yes you do oh ohMake my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dumMake my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dumAdrenaline rushYou whisper I get sucked in ah yea yeaMy heart bangs like drumsThe sound of pure suduction yeaOoh take me thereAnd it would be only you talking in my earYou"re lips are so beautiful ooh I want them nearYour eyes they undress meThey make me confess itThe things you make me doGuess now I"m outta controlAnd you make my heartYou make me danceSweat out my hair ohoh ohohGo flying out flippin in the air ohoh ohohYou make my heartGet pumped enough coming outta my clothesYou know you do it for me yes you do oh ohMake my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dumMake my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dumMake my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dumMake my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dumOooh you made this women have a breakdown in my heart (repeat 3x)And you make my heartOhoh ohoh and you make my heartOhoh ohoh you make my heartGet pumped enough coming outta my clothesAnd you make my heartThe ones that fall drop like dominoesAnd you make my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dumAnd you make my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dumAnd you make my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dumAnd you make my heartDa da dum dum dumDa da dum dum dum(Repeat)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7956960



在akb0048中,有一首歌。第一句歌词是I want you.I need you的歌叫什么?

歌词“I want you I need you”,出自歌曲《Heavy Rotation》中文名称:无限重播 发行时间:2010-08-18 歌曲原唱:AKB48 填 词:秋元康 谱 曲:山崎燿 歌曲语言:日语中日对照歌词:I WANT YOU!I NEED YOU!I LOVE YOU!头(あたま)の中(なか)在脑海之中ガンガン鸣(な)ってる MUSIC大声响起的Musicヘビーローテーション(Heavy Rotation)【ヘビーローテーション】Heavy Rotationポップコーンが弾(はじ)けるように几乎可以让爆米花炸裂好(す)きという文字(もじ)が踊(おど)る"喜欢"的文字回旋不停颜(かお)や声(こえ)を思(おも)うだけで只是想到你的脸孔和声线居(い)ても立(た)ってもいられない整个人就变得蠢蠢欲动こんな気持(きも)ちになれるって能拥有这种难以言喻的心情仆(ぼく)はついているね我真是幸运的人呢I WANT YOU!I NEED YOU!I LOVE YOU!君(きみ)に会(あ)えて和你见面之时どんどん近(ちか)づくその距离(きょり)に那渐渐缩短的距离MAXハイテンション情绪MAXI WANT YOU!I NEED YOU!I LOVE YOU!ハートの奥(おく)内心深处ジャンジャン溢(あふ)れる 爱(いと)しさが爆发出的爱意ヘビーローテーション(Heavy Rotation)人(ひと)は谁(だれ)も一生(いっしょう)のうち无论是谁的一生之中何(なん)回(かい)爱(あい)せるのだろう都会有爱的眷顾吧たった一度(いちど)忘(わす)れられない只要能经历一次恋(こい)ができたら満足(まんぞく)さ永难忘怀的恋爱そんなトキメキを感(かん)じて就非常令人满足花(はな)はほころぶのかな?花已经绽开了吧?I FEEL YOU!I GOT YOU!I HOPE YOU!梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)で在梦境中だんだん大(おお)きくなってゆく逐渐膨胀的是仆(ぼく)のイマジネーション因你而起的景象I FEEL YOU!I GOT YOU!I HOPE YOU!この想(おも)いを此刻的这份心情ビンビン伝(つた)えて欲(ほ)しいから想大声告诉你ヘビーローテーション(Heavy Rotation)3..2..1..いつも闻(き)いてた无论合适都能听的Favorite Songあの曲(きょく)のように就像那首最爱的歌一样ずっと缲(く)り返(かえ)して24(にじゅうよ)时间(じかん)24小时都在重复着君(きみ)だけリクエスト中(ちゅう)唯独你 就是我想点的歌I WANT YOU!I NEED YOU!I LOVE YOU!君(きみ)に会(あ)えて和你见面之时どんどん近(ちか)づくその距离(きょり)に那渐渐缩短的距离MAXハイテンション情绪MAXI WANT YOU!I NEED YOU!I LOVE YOU!ハートの奥(おく)内心深处ジャンジャン溢(あふ)れる 爱(いと)しさが爆发出的爱意Heavy RotationHeavy Rotation

there is no doubt that to make a reservation early and


求wwe undertaker 的名言 。英文的,加中文意思。

1. REST IN PEACE (安息吧)

Lila Adamaki的《April》 歌词

歌曲名:April歌手:Lila Adamaki专辑:Lila Adamaki Sings Dimitri Mitropoulos Mikis TheodorakisPJ Harvey & John Parish - AprilApril, how couldI not have seenApril, you comingApril how could I"veWorn inappropriate clothing?April, all that careful stepping,Rounding of my soulAnd now your rainApril, I feel you leavingI don"t know what silence meansIt could mean anythingApril, won"t you answer me?These days just seem to crush meHatching, collapsing, tumbling downApril, what if I drown?I drown?April, I see you leavingI don"t know what silence meansIt could mean anythingI dreamI dreamApril, AprilDid I want you?Did I want change?April, your rain overcomes mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7529617



咆哮中!!!亲们谁告诉我这是啥歌的歌词啊!!! When one day you wake up you find you missing me and

It"s The Script - The man who can"t be moved:Going back to the corner where I first saw you,Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I"m not gonna move,Got some words on cardboard got your picture in my hand,Saying if you see this girl can you tell her where I am,Some try to hand me money they don"t understand,I"m not...broke I"m just a broken hearted man,I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do,How can I move on when I"m still in love with you...Cos if one day you wake up and find that you"re missing me,And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,Thinking maybe you"ll come back here to the place that we"d meet,And you"d see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.So I"m not moving...I"m not moving.Policeman says son you can"t stay here,I said there"s someone I"m waiting for if it"s a day, a month, a year,Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows,If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go.Cos if one day you wake up and find that you"re missing me,And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,Thinking maybe you"ll come back here to the place that we"d meet,And you"d see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.So I"m not moving...I"m not moving.I"m not moving...I"m not moving.People talk about the guyWho"s waiting on a girl...OohoohwooThere are no holes in his shoesBut a big hole in his world...Hmmmmand maybe I"ll get famous as man who can"t be moved,And maybe you won"t mean to but you"ll see me on the news,And you"ll come running to the corner...Cos you"ll know it"s just for youI"m the man who can"t be movedI"m the man who can"t be moved...Cos if one day you wake up and find that you"re missing me,And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,Thinking maybe you"ll come back here to the place that we"d meet,And you"d see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.[Repeat in background]So I"m not moving...I"m not moving.I"m not moving...I"m not moving.Going back to the corner where I first saw you,Gonna camp in my sleeping bag not I"m not gonna move.

写篇英语作文can you image one day you make up to see another"me",the cloned me?

no i can notas you are the only one in the world you are unique and specialthough now the technology has developped a lotwe can clone nearly whatever we want we still should treat this thing seriously


Without destruction there can be no construction



if so和if not的区别这样一个句子:You are not happy.If not,I can make yo?

if so指如果前面所说的所有的都成立的话,没有矛盾的 就像我们说“如果是这样的话”,2,IF NOT指后面所跟的从句与前面提到的情况相反.IF SO的说法与楼上的相同,1,if so和if not的区别 这样一个句子: You are not happy.If not,I can make you happy. 这里的if not表示if you are not happy, 当句子改为 You have some problems and you are not happy.If I can make you happy. 这里的if后面应该填so还是not?如果是so,不就变成了If you are happy,这样不就和后面的话矛盾了吗? 如果填not,就变成了If you don"t have problems 这也与原句有矛盾?应该怎么办?

if you sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap

if you sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap如果你困了睡觉睡觉睡觉

求女生唱的歌名:歌词中是:if you please, if you want,want you take me in your arm

有两首歌的歌词相似You Take My Heart Away-Shirley Basseyif you want me 玛可塔·伊尔格洛娃演唱歌曲



英文高手来区分这几个词pool pond laker 他们的区...


bur oak造句 bur oakの例文 "bur oak"是什麼意思

New stations will also be opened at Bur Oak and Cornell Terminal. Bur Oak Avenue is widely used by at least 50, 000 people. Bur Oak Avenue had bee one of the major arterial in Markham. They include American elm, cottonwood, green ash, bur oak , hackberry and box elder. The old oak has bee known as the Sam Houston kissing bur oak . White oaks include the pve oak, bur oak and post oak. The bur oak is among the most fire-tolerant tree species. By the way, Bur Oak is almost 10 years old. "" Alexander Stewart Provincial Park ""is a nature reserve in Blue-Beech, and Bur Oak . Predominantly ponderosa pine, the forest also includes hard woods pke aspen, bur oak , and birch. It"s difficult to see bur oak in a sentence. 用 bur oak 造句挺难的 They are named bald cypress, sweet gum, bur oak , pin oak, green ash and sycamore. The old Barber farm is a pretty place, with bur oaks , ponds and rolpng prairies. Black walnut, American basswood, American elm, and bur oak dominated other upland Indiana bat sites. Also, Bur Oak Avenue is the beginning to the Markham"s new strategy of pmiting urban sprawl. The bur oak is a deciduous, long-pved tree and a fairly fast grower, for an oak. The white oak hybridizes freely with the bur oak , the post oak, and the chestnut oak. Facing east on Bur Oak Avenue at the intersection of Wilpam Berczy Boulevard and Bur Oak Avenue. In Rochester, old tombstones are nested among native grasses and wildflowers and shaded by magnificent bur oaks . Facing east on Bur Oak Avenue at the intersection of Wilpam Berczy Boulevard and Bur Oak Avenue. A new residence hall, the Bur Oaks Suites, was also pleted, adding housing for 185 more students. It is characterized by elm, bur oak . The chance of bur oaks going from one site to another that can support them bees incredibly small. An intermediate stop named Bur Oak is also planned beeen Markham Stouffville Hospital and the new Cornell Terminal. And, one point, Bur Oak Avenue is not a Cul-de-sac, but it might be so on a 1999 MapArt. "Quercus alba " is sometimes confused with the swamp white oak, a closely related species, and the bur oak . Sibley Bur oak grove nature preserve located on the border of section 35 and 26 in Sulpvant township . ]] Generally, quaking aspen and shrubs occur on moist sites while bur oak and grass species occur on increasingly drier sites. Bur Oak is also a " symbol " for Markham, as the road passes through many different cultural and ethnic munities. The banks of Timber Creek, in early historic times, were thickly forested with white oaks, bur oaks , and sugar maple trees. Townhouses and some semi-detached homes can be found along Bur Oak Avenue, whereas semi-detached and detached homes are found on residential streets. It"s difficult to see bur oak in a sentence. 用 bur oak 造句挺难的 Bur oak trees over 200 years old and native prairie grass such as Big Bluestem can be found in Long Lake Park. As well, Bur Oak marks the northern boundary for Historic Markham ( AKA Old Markham ), and the beginning of new subdivisions. The town name is derived from a group of bur oaks ( scientists spell it with one r ) on a ridge. This will occur as a result of another high school"s ( Bur Oak Secondary School ) territory overlapping with Markham District"s current boundaries. Some oaks in the white oak group, such as bur oak , are more susceptible than others, although not as susceptible as red oaks. Bur oak and quaking aspen, though native to North Dakota, are sparse in western North Dakota, with Dunn County being a notable exception. It serves the area where the home school is currently Bur Oak Secondary but will be served by the unbuilt Cornell Secondary School. The developers have made preparations for a " tree nursery " to preserve these trees, including the " historic Bur Oak tree ". The Arboretum has approximately of restored and remnant forest, Cannon River floodplain, bur oak ( " Quercus macrocarpa " ) savannah, and tallgrass prairie. It is pkely to be placed on Bur Oak Avenue beeen Church Street and Rose Way, serving the nearby Cornell Community Centre & Library. Farther from the house, plant bur oak ( moderate-to fast-growing ) and shumard oak ( moderate ) as well as the moderate-to slow-growing chinquapin oak. The species of trees that are grown and given to the munities include : Buffaloberry, Bur Oak , White Birch or Paper Birch, Willow and Wood"s Rose. The arboretum includes a pre-settlement Bur Oak grove ( 5 ha / 12 acres ) whose largest trees are estimated to be over 300 years old. An example of a dominant, petitive species under threat is the bur oak , which characterizes the nearly vanished tall grass savannas of the upper Middle West. The northwest corner of the county, northwest of the Killdeer Mountains, features many square miles of bur oak forest, mainly on the north-facing slopes of the hills. It is suggested that western tanager"s preference for multi-stored habitats in the Black Hills may be related to the bur oak and quaking aspen / paper birch mid-story. "Some of the strongest trees, when it es to winds, are oaks pke the white oak, the swamp oak, and the bur oak , " said Boston horticulturist Michael Talbot. Ann Arbor was founded in 1824 by land speculators Bur Oak in the of land they purchased for $ 800 from the federal government at $ 1.25 per acre. Important environmental impacts on the natural habitat in the area include the spread of invasive plant species, restoring prairies and bur oak savanna habitats, and managing the whitetail deer population. The acorns of the chestnut oak are long and broad, among the largest of native American oaks, surpassed in size only by the bur oak and possibly swamp chestnut oak. It"s difficult to see bur oak in a sentence. 用 bur oak 造句挺难的



in case of 与for the sake of 的区别

in case of 是以防万一,for the sake of 是出于.目的

用英语解答问题what are the strengths and weaknesses of learning English online?


初中英语作文:My Strengths and Weaknesses

It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve.We should examine ourselves and learn who we are.Above all,we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses.For example,I am healthy and fit,so I can work hard.I"m also optimistic,humble and polite.These are my strengths.However,I also have weakneaaes.For one thing,I"m stubborn and a little impatient.I"m sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food.I"m not ashamed to admit these bad pints.Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself. 《初中英语作文:My Strengths and Weaknesses》由留学liuxue86.com我整理


英文原文:Strengths怎么读?Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats英式音标:[streu014bθs] [u02c8wiu02d0knu0259su026az] [u02ccu0252pu0259u02c8tjuu02d0nu026atu026az] [θrets] 美式音标:[streu014bθs] [u02c8wiu02d0knu0259su026az] [u02ccu0252pu0259u02c8tjuu02d0nu026atu026az] [θrets]

strengths and weaknesses能形容物吗

书上说的 “WEAK POINT是非常不好的词”可能不是你想的那个意思, weakness 和 weak point 都有弱点的意思英语有 strong points and weak points 的说法, 也有 strengths and weaknesses 的说法, 但两个短语不可随意替换. 一般来说,strengths and weaknesses 比较雅致但用哪个 要看语境.请看例句: In a interview,you should be prepared to answer the question,"what are your weak points and areas for improvement?" Everybody has strengths and weaknesses.The key is to capitalize on the strengths and,where possble,mitigate the weaknesses. 上面两句子的 weak points 和 weaknesses 不可互换. 我是加拿大人,前英语老师.

strength与weakness要不要加s∕ es啊?为什么表示优缺点时写成strengths a

同学你好,本题由思明教育黄条青老师给你解答[flv] http://v.i3ke.com/video/657/657.flv[/flv]

John Rusnak的《Aria》 歌词

歌曲名:Aria歌手:John Rusnak专辑:J.S. Bach, Goldberg Variations, BWV 988ARIA歌:kalafina作词/作曲/编曲:梶浦由记剧场版「空の境界」 第四章「伽蓝の洞」主题歌BY:路西法の哀伤 非动新版梦の欠片 君がくれた ≮梦境的碎片 是由你所赠予≯明けない夜に潜む ≮又潜回漫长的夜色里≯寄り添う星 一つ消えて ≮原本依偎的星辰 一颗却已消逝≯夜明(よあ)けのARIAが响いた ≮化作夜明前回响的咏叹≯もう この止まない雨の中で ≮此刻 身处这无尽的烟雨中≯昨日に怯えることもない ≮我已无暇再畏惧往昔≯今君を失くした未来は ≮如今 已经失去了你的未来≯始まったばかり... ≮却悄然伊始...≯果てない闇の中 ≮这永无止境的黑暗中≯君がくれた篝火が ≮是你所赐予的篝火≯伽蓝のこの胸に ≮在我伽蓝般的心里≯生まれた命を照らしている… ≮照亮这初生的生命..≯消えたものと変わらぬもの ≮消逝的生命和不变的世事≯无残な空が光る ≮凄惨的天空闪耀着光亮≯别れを告げ 微笑みあい ≮与君道别 相视微笑≯寂しいARIAを重ねて… ≮又交织了多少寂寞的叹息≯ねぇ、人は何时まで独りで ≮告诉我 是否人总是孑然无依≯ふたりに焦がれて行くのだろう ≮所以才向往着两人并肩而行≯まだ君の绮丽な未来は  ≮可知 属于你的美好未来≯始まったばかり ≮才刚刚开始...≯优しさを知らない  ≮对不懂温柔的我≯君がくれた优しさが ≮是你给予我那么多温柔≯伽蓝のこの胸に  ≮在我伽蓝般的心里≯名も无き光を灯している.. ≮点起一盏无名的灯火..≯孤独の船を漕ぎ  ≮摇一叶孤独的扁舟≯篝火は叹き集う ≮载着篝火聚集的悲叹≯伽蓝の世界には ≮在这伽蓝的世界中≯数多のARIAが响いている… ≮回响着无数的咏叹...≯http://music.baidu.com/song/15302465

Is this house ____ Shakespeare was born ? A:at which B:which C:in which D: where


Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:John Cale专辑:Slow DazzleNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8539467

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis 30 #1 HitsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/9667243

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley With Voice & J.D. Sumner & The Stamps专辑:Elv1S - Special EditionNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/9671042

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis 75Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7489812

Heartbreak Hotel (Viva Elvis) 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel (Viva Elvis)歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Viva ElvisNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/10556933

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Only Elvis Presley Album You"Ll Ever NeedNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7399182

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:John Cale专辑:June 1, 1974Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8537769

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Real ElvisNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7294838

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:I Am An Elvis FanNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/16587250

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Stan Freberg专辑:The Very Best Of Stan FrebergNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/2937274

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Young Man With the Big Beat (Box set, Original recording remastered)Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/52015681

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The 50 Greatest HitsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7446282

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis PresleyNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8174986

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Faith Evans&Kelly Price&Whitney Houston专辑:Whitney The Greatest HitsHeartbreak HotelFaith Evans、Kelly Price、Whitney HoustonThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Oh)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Yeah, Oh yeah)This is a heartbreak hotelWhitney: You said you"d be here by 9Instead you took your timeYou didn"t think to call me, boyHere I sit, trying not to cryAsking myself whyYou"d do this to me oh, babeFaith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to faceI"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to sayChorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (what you do...)look what you did to me (Oh,baby)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry,What you do to me(Made me cry Oh...)Can"t take what you did to meWhitney: Now I see that you"ve been doing wrongAnd played me all alongAnd made a fool of me, baby (Un!)You got it all wrong to think that I wouldn"t find out (Uh!)That you were cheating on me babyHow could you do it to me (Un...Babe)Faith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to face (En...)I"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to say~~~Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (All you did was lies to me baby yeah)Look what you did to me (Can believe what you did to me yeah...)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Wu...)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cryWhat you do to me(Why did you do it?)Can"t take what you did to me (You didn"t have to do it to me, baby)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...My heart)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Wu...This is the heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (We"ve gone to heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (Why~~~ Why did you do it?)(Yeah...) This is a heartbreak hotelChorus: (All I want...) All I really wanted was some of your time(Oh babe...) Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (Oh I really want, now)Look what you did to me (It"s all I really want everyday)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me wrong)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry(Can"t take it no more) What you do to meCan"t take what you did to me (I want is your love)Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your time (All I want it more)Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mind (That you tell me lies...) (Do me, baby) What you do to me (Do me right) (Can"t take it no more)Look what you did to me (Why that you do me that way)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Would you do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry (Do you made me cry...)What you do to me (Oh~~~)Can"t take what you did to meI ain"t gonna take itI ain"t gonna take it no moreI ain"t gonna take it boyI ain"t gonna take it no moreOh, everything that you say was a lieDon"t lie to meTell me ... ...http://music.baidu.com/song/10736161

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:X2 (Elvis Presley/Elvis" Gold Records, Vol.4)Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/10736751

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:All Shook UpNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8175403

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Willie Nelson专辑:16 Biggest Hits, Volume 2Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7902763

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Top Ten HitsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/9159852

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Sound of 1950"s AmericaNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/62179525

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elv1S 30 #1 HitsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/2167005

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Whitney Houston feat. Faith Evans and Kelly Price专辑:Dance Vault Mixes - Heartbreak HotelMiael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRaphttp://music.baidu.com/song/31478289

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Lilo & StitchNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/60274764

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:猫王专辑:Live In Las VegasNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/951776

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Discover Elvis PresleyNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7489401

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis "56 - Collector"S EditionNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8174846

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:John Cale专辑:The Island YearsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8084147

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:猫王专辑:Best Of - Heritage SongNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/21828761

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Terence Trent D"Arby专辑:The EssentialNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8746911

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Cyrus Chestnut专辑:Cyrus Plays ElvisNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7558171

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:John Cale专辑:GoldNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7651468

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis: As Recorded at Madison Square GardenNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/31087808

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The KingNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7517518

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Live In Las VegasNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8175581

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elv1S - Special EditionNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/9666267

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis As Recorded Live At Madison Square GardenNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8174924

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Great PerformancesNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/7395376

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis "56Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.http://music.baidu.com/song/8174953

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Willie Nelson专辑:Original Album ClassicsThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Oh)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Yeah, Oh yeah)This is a heartbreak hotelWhitney: You said you"d be here by 9Instead you took your timeYou didn"t think to call me, boyHere I sit, trying not to cryAsking myself whyYou"d do this to me oh, babeFaith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to faceI"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to sayChorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (what you do...)look what you did to me (Oh,baby)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry,What you do to me(Made me cry Oh...)Can"t take what you did to meWhitney: Now I see that you"ve been doing wrongAnd played me all alongAnd made a fool of me, baby (Un!)You got it all wrong to think that I wouldn"t find out (Uh!)That you were cheating on me babyHow could you do it to me (Un...Babe)Faith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to face (En...)I"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to say~~~Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (All you did was lies to me baby yeah)Look what you did to me (Can believe what you did to me yeah...)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Wu...)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cryWhat you do to me(Why did you do it?)Can"t take what you did to me (You didn"t have to do it to me, baby)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...My heart)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Wu...This is the heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (We"ve gone to heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (Why~~~ Why did you do it?)(Yeah...) This is a heartbreak hotelChorus: (All I want...) All I really wanted was some of your time(Oh babe...) Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (Oh I really want, now)Look what you did to me (It"s all I really want everyday)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me wrong)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry(Can"t take it no more) What you do to meCan"t take what you did to me (I want is your love)Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your time (All I want it more)Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mind (That you tell me lies...) (Do me, baby) What you do to me (Do me right) (Can"t take it no more)Look what you did to me (Why that you do me that way)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Would you do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry (Do you made me cry...)What you do to me (Oh~~~)Can"t take what you did to meI ain"t gonna take itI ain"t gonna take it no moreI ain"t gonna take it boyI ain"t gonna take it no moreOh, everything that you say was a lieDon"t lie to meTell me ... ...http://music.baidu.com/song/11281678

猫王的Heartbreak Hotel的是一首什么风格的歌曲


猫王歌曲歌词翻译 《heartbreak hotel》 《love me tender》 《and i love you so》 《If i can dream》

well since my baby left mewell i"ve found a new place to dwelloh it"s down at the end of lonely streetat heartbreak hoteli"ll be so lonely baby well i"m so lonelyi"ll be so lonely that i could diealthough it"s always crowdedyou still can find some roomfor broken hearted loversto cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby they"re so lonelyoh they"re so lonely they could diewell the bell hop"s tears keep flowingthe desk clerk"s dressed in blackwell they been so long on lonely sreetthey"ll never, they"ll never get back againand they get so lonely babywhere they"re so lonelyoh they"re so lonely they could diewell if your baby leaves youand you"ve got a sad tale to tellwhen you take a walk down lonely streetto heartbreak hotelwhere you"ll be lonely baby and you will be lonelyyou"re so lonely, you could diealthough it"s always crowdedyou still can find some roomfor broken hearted loversto cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby where they"re so lonelywell they"re so lonely they could die因为我的孩子离开了我  我发现一个新地方居住  哦,它的底下来了孤独街  在伤心旅馆  我很孤独的孩子好我很孤独  我将会很孤独,我可能会死  尽管它总是拥挤  你还可以找到一些空间  对于破碎的爱好者  哭的黑暗中有  而让他们如此孤单寂寞的婴儿  哦,他们是如此的孤独,他们可能死亡  好铃跳的眼泪源源不断的流向  接待人员穿着黑色的  他们是如此的漫长孤独

猫王 heartbreak hotel 中文歌词

Well, since my baby left me,自从恋人远离I found a new place to dwell我离群索居.It"s down at the end of lonely street独居在街底At heartbreak hotel在伤心的旅店里.You make me so lonely baby,你让我寂寞I get so lonely,一个人孤寂I get so lonely I could die.孤寂到我想要死去And although it"s always crowded,虽然这旅店经常拥挤You still can find some room.总还有我栖身之地Where broken hearted lovers在那里伤心的人们Do cry away their gloom.用眼泪诉说著忧郁You make me so lonely baby,你让我寂寞I get so lonely,一个人孤寂I get so lonely I could die.孤寂到我想要死去Well, the bell hop"s tears keep flowin",搬行李的小弟眼泪不停And the desk clerk"s dressed in black.柜台後的男人一身黑衣Well they been so long on lonely street他们或许常住在这寂寞的街里They ain"t ever gonna look back.他们早已习惯不回头看过往的事情You make me so lonely baby,你让我寂寞I get so lonely,一个人孤寂I get so lonely I could die.孤寂到我想要死去Hey now, if your baby leaves you,嘿 如果你的爱人也远离And you got a tale to tell.你也有心事要说明Just take a walk down lonely street请你来到这条寂寞的街To heartbreak hotel.请来到伤心旅店里.

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