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2023-07-11 10:41:24



time travel是什么意思

2023-07-11 10:03:492


2023-07-11 10:03:561


2023-07-11 10:04:021

Time Travel 歌词

歌曲名:Time Travel歌手:Never Shout Never专辑:Time Travel (Deluxe Version)..Nothing is realI know this cause I made a dealWith the devilHe told me that I was just wasting my time on the moon.So I flew to the sunLost track of my soul on the runSuffering 12 degree burnsI learned that the sun was no fun.So I went back to earthTripped and fell in the glorified dirtHonestly, gravity sees me as a liability.So I held my breathTill my soul left my body for deadI ripped through the cloudsTo talk with the man in the sky.I said"Take this for what it isI think you""re a tad bit prejudiceAgainst the ones like us that are searching for the answers".He said"Kid you don""t know sh*tYou should go back home and liveIn that quiet little town you left behind".I""m coming homeDon""t you cry youI""m coming homeJust in time in.I am a fakeA constant go-getter of fateI lost track of timeI carried my mind on a plate.I seasoned it wellWith acid and M.D.M.A.Then I howled at the moonTil the sun burnt out both of my eyes.So I checked my pulseStanding there white as a ghostI lacked a complexionAnd stabbed my reflection 12 times.So I held my breathTill my soul left my body for deadI ripped through the cloudsTo talk to the man in the sky.I said"Take this for what it isI think you""re a tad bit prejudiceAgainst the ones like us that are searching for the answers".He said"Kid you don""t know sh*tYou should go back home and liveIn that quiet little town you left behind".I""m coming homeDon""t you cry youI""m coming homeJust in time in.I don""t know what I""ve been toldI will sell my soul to rock and roll.I don""t know where to goI have lost controlOh, no.I don""t know what I""ve been toldI will sell my soul to rock and roll.I don""t know where to goI have lost controlOh, no.I don""t know what I""ve been toldI will sell my soul to rock and roll.I don""t know where to goI have lost controlOh, no.I don""t know what I""ve been toldI will sell my soul to rock and roll.I don""t know where to goI have lost controlOh, no.
2023-07-11 10:04:101

求the coral乐队的time travel歌词并翻译

乐队:The coral歌曲:Time travelTime travel will be the death of man时间流逝让人死去Only the devil fools with the best laid plans只有魔鬼用最好的计划来愚弄The best laid plans best left unplanned最好的计划,却留下未计划好的(东西)Time travel will be the death of man时间流逝让人死去What"s done is done做了就是做了So you must see所以你一定会看见You can"t bring back what"s already been你带不回那些既成事实的东西Technology"s tempting the public eye技术在吸引着众人的眼睛Do you wanna know why when who and why你想知道为什么、什么时候、是谁吗?We"re cloaked in indecision 我们被优柔寡断掩盖了Concealed by lies被谎言掩盖了I wanna know why we"re really alive我想知道为什么我们真的活着Well you might say we got no proof也许你会说我们没有证据There"s one thing I know有一样东西我是知道的Is that I"m younger than you就是我比你年轻And I can see through your eyes我可以看透你的双眼And I can see through your lies我可以看透你的谎言Hypocrisy is your only disguise伪善是你唯一的假面具Better tell us why we"re really alive最好告诉我们,为什么我们真的活着?Time travel will be the death of man时间流逝让人死去Only the devil fools with the best laid plans只有魔鬼用最好的计划来愚弄The best laid plans best left unplanned最好的计划,却留下未计划好的(东西)Time travel will be the death of man时间流逝让人死去In my darkest day在我最黑暗的日子里I thought this through我彻底考虑过了A change in the weather天气的一点变化Could be made by you可能是你造成的And all the information所有消息You"re holding back你在踌躇Is it hidden in the water that runs from my tap它藏在我的水龙头流出的水中吗?When few had the proof当极少数人有证据That Jesus Christ was no more of a man than you or I耶稣基督不再是像我或你这样的人了Would you tell the people?你能告诉人们吗?Would you try to deceive?你会尝试欺骗吗?For fear of undermining their religious belief害怕被暗中破坏他们的宗教信仰Well there"s a war going on有场战争正在上演It"s obvious one明摆着的战争It"s between magic and medicine那是魔法和药水之间的较量Time travel will be the death of man时间流逝让人死去Only the devil fools with the best laid plans只有魔鬼用最好的计划来愚弄The best laid plans best left unplanned最好的计划,却留下未计划好的(东西)Time travel will be the death of man时间流逝让人死去Never give up the fight永远不放弃战斗人手翻译,希望你满意吧!~~
2023-07-11 10:04:171

travel time是什么意思

行程时间; 传播时间; 途经时间; 路途时间
2023-07-11 10:04:251

How to time travel to the past?

Yes but we cannot do it in the mean time Most of the people think that time traveling must be traveled by time machine. Based on what we have today we still cannot travel back to the past. Maybe we may travel back to the past in the future. I realized many people wish to travel back to the past because they want to rewrite their history.Unfortunately we don"t have high technology otherwise we all can travel back to the past to do something we want & don"t want to do.I wish I can travel back to the past too so I bought a lot of books about time traveling. I suggest you go buy books with the similar topic it might help you solve your problems. If you care about your past why don"t you do more better in order make your life full of happiness. Here I hope your question will be e true one of the days. 2007-02-01 07:10:13 补充: I got this idea from my book. 我的名字is raymond li 我有网站可以赚钱和创业。 money128.biz和fast - 我还有美容产品可以免费试用详情 请发送电子邮件给我。 [email protected] 感谢你。 在现实 的确可以时间旅行. 人们经常想像时间就是一条严谨的直线 有先因有后果 但事实上 从一个非线性非主观的观点来说 时间其实像一个乱7八糟一团混乱的大球 如果你在过去改变了一些已发生了的事 那会令到三分之一的宇宙崩溃 举个例 有个人从不在过去存在却在现实生存 想像一下那会怎样? Based on present technolgy time travel is not possible. One of the strong argument against time travel is that if it were possible we should expect to meet time travelers ing back from the future to meet us. But there is none.
2023-07-11 10:04:331

怎么理解岸部真明的指弹吉他曲time travel

如果有一天坐上从普罗旺斯开往尼斯的小火车,窗外田园 羊群和白云 我会像个吟游诗人 在车厢里弹起这首歌。为了这个目标,继续练习! 我想认识一位姑娘。她不算漂亮,却有着阳光一样明媚的笑,能驱散我心里所有的阴霾。我想骑着单车,带着她在散满阳光和银杏叶的大道上穿行。我想抱着吉他,为她弹奏一曲,看她眼里的暖暖笑意。我想在开满鲜花的草地上,听风吹过她的发,看她裙角飞扬......我想,和她一起做梦,一场关于时间旅行的梦。--------来自网易云音乐 就是发自内心的快乐吧
2023-07-11 10:04:511

岸部真明的time travel是几个吉他一起弹 是不是很难

2023-07-11 10:04:595

岸部真明的 时光旅行 (timetravel)调弦怎么调? 调音器具体说明 那个c#

请问您有调音器吗 有的话好办多了 此曲子的调弦从一弦到六弦依次为DAGDGC,即一二五弦降一个全音,六弦降两个全音,其他不变。用调音器即为,在12平均律模式下,把上述各弦调到显示为相应字母即可。由于是调低,故不必担心调太紧导致断弦。c#即为c的升半音,用调音器调节的时候会有相应显示。有不懂再问。
2023-07-11 10:05:121

求岸部真明 《flower》 《time travel》吉他谱及调弦方法~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2023-07-11 10:05:205

time travel吉他算是几级?

2023-07-11 10:05:472


2023-07-11 10:05:543

第五号屠宰场(第五屠宰场)要写一篇关于这本书的论文!注意是书 不是论文也可以,读后感也成!!要快!!

The book is reallycomplex. The main character could go and back in the time. In the book, authorcreate a lot of different setting, I was confused sometime when I reading thebook. There abundant number of slangs were appeared in some charpter, my vocabularyis limited, the book is also hard to read for me. The protagonist can able to see his bie andgo through the time. He does not even care the exist of time. In my point ofview he is crazy guy, even a mental. The super power was not a good thing, itprobaly alter his perspective of something,. His “super power” be called “timetravel”. In the time travel, the bombing of Dresden on 1945 and he was abductedby alines, these tow thing is most significant arrangement of the novel. He hadtried to send his letter to new aegcy and publish evaryting that happened onhimself. The frist time when he discover his superpower, he was a normal people. On the beginning he considered a lot of questionhe want to find the answer to save those question. So he go through the pastand future for find those answer. Actually the norval reflect the autor"s moodso much. Now I want to introduce the author : Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007), he is GermanAmerican, his ancestors from Germany. During the WW1, in American societypeople hate Germany so much, and the Germans and their descendants subject todiscrimination, which gave Vonnegut young mind to leave a dark shadow. Tuen back the story. The bombing of Dresdenon 1945, the event is effecting for Billy. Billy isborn in 1922 in Ilium, New York. He is a weak awkward man. After simpletraining, he sent to Europe right in the middle of the Battle of the Bulge. Hewas captured by Germany. The bombing happening during he in the concentratuoncamp, whnen the bombing action over.P.O.W and four guards should walk to the suburbs, during the walking, theycould not get any food and water. innkeepers stable these US P.O.W for a while, but soon the authoritiesround up POWs to excavate the city for bodies. After the work, Billy and theother men return to the stable to wait out the rest of the war. The war made Billy get mental breakdown, buthe still married Valencia, her father is rich man, he may be can help Billyilttele while. Billy and Valencia have two children. On the night of hisdaughter"s wedding, Billy (as he claims) is kidnapped by aliens from the planetTralfamadore. They take him to their world and put him in a zoo, where he mateswith an actress called Montana Wildhack. And he used time travel . they return him to a earth. So no onenotices that he has been missing for months. He says nothing about the eventsuntil he suffers head injuries in a plane crash. And he runs off to New Yorkand goes on a radio talk show to talk about his alien abduction experiences. Billy know how he will die, Billy was killed by a high-powered laser gun.
2023-07-11 10:06:341

甜甜的 周杰伦 原曲是time travel吗

不是,甜甜的和time travel就一句有点像,其它的差别都挺大的,周杰伦的歌都是自己作曲的
2023-07-11 10:06:401


《大长篇恶魔奶爸2 卜宝☆TIME TRAVEL 穿越时空的魔王》(田村隆平)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:oe2p书名:大长篇恶魔奶爸2 卜宝☆TIME TRAVEL 穿越时空的魔王作者:田村隆平译者:许哲纶出版社:东立出版社出版年份:2013-9-16页数:240内容简介:《穿越时空的魔王》亚兰德隆从魔界带来的随身携带型微波炉不知哪里出了毛病,竟把男鹿一行人传送到江户时代去了!!更糟糕的是,还让卜宝因此冲击丧失了记忆!?为了回到未来,也为了让卜宝恢复正常,男鹿等人即将卷起袖子展开一场大乱斗!!在此献上大受好评的『恶魔奶爸』小说版第二弹!!
2023-07-11 10:07:061

她每次旅游回来都会给我买一份当地的礼物。英语这样翻译:She every time travel

2023-07-11 10:07:204

求岸部真明《time travel》mp3
2023-07-11 10:07:272


2023-07-11 10:07:379

travel in time怎么翻译 ,和travel through time 一样吗?谢谢~

完全不一样 travel in time :in time 及时 翻译为 及时行乐 travel through time : 穿越时间的旅行,也指时间跨度 You should travel in time as you are young.(趁年轻,及行乐)Man has always sought a way to travel through time。(穿越)(人类总在寻找穿越时空旅行的方法) When we speak, we travel through time – past, present, future.(时间跨度)当我们在讲话时,会从过去谈到现在,从现在谈到将来。
2023-07-11 10:08:261


穿越小说的英文怎么说 穿越:travel in time 穿越到过去:travel back in time 穿越类小说:time travel fiction 或者 time travel novel “穿越”用英文怎么翻译 Pass through穿越是穿越时间和空间的简称.通俗的是指某人物因为某原因,经过某过程,从所在时空(A时空)穿越到另一时空(B时空)的事件.穿越类小说中的“穿越”用英文应该怎么说? 穿越:travel in time 穿越到过去:travel back in time 穿越类小说:time travel fiction 或者 time travel novel “穿越”的英文怎么说? cross 或 go through 穿越...用英语怎么说 你好! 穿越 through pass through traversing 穿越这个词用英语怎么说 pass through; cut across;through thru traversing 穿越用英语怎么说 go through 英语穿越怎么写? 穿越[chuān yuè] traversing thru through 相关解释: cross-over 例句: 请走地下通道穿越马路。 Use the subway to cross the road. 我的朋友答应,一旦我们在穿越森林时遇见野兽,他一定帮助我。但是当熊走近时,他却退缩了。 My friend promised me to help me if we meet any wild beasts when we travelled through a forest, but when the bear came up, he hung back. 他们被禁止穿越占领区. They were denied passage through the occupied territory 穿越 Cars should cross the desert in convoy in case there is a breakdown. 汽车应该结伴穿越沙漠,以防抛锚。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Children do not have to cross busy streets to go to school. 孩子们上学不用穿越繁忙的街道。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 A new highway knifes through the jungle. 一条新公路穿越森林。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 If it crosses cultivated fields it may damage the crops. 要是它穿越农田,可能会损坏庄稼。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 It is not unmon for people to jaywalk. 人们任意穿越马路并非不常见。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 The path cuts the meadow diagonally. 通道斜斜地穿越草原。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 The railway cuts through a primeval forest. 铁路穿越原始森林。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 There are many hazards in a journey across Africa. 穿越非洲的旅行有许多危险。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 They were denied passage through the occupied territory. 他们被禁止穿越占领区. -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 This condition, known as reverse bias, is not conducive to current flow through the junction. 这种叫做反向偏置的状态不利于电流穿越结。 “从现代穿越古代用英语”怎么说? Traversing from modern times to ancient times 穿越火线 的英文怎么写啊 crossfire cross有穿越的意思,而fire有火的意思,所以组在一起就是穿越火线。 但cross也有十字交叉的意思,还有一种翻译叫交叉火力。
2023-07-11 10:08:331

travel traveler traveling 区别

2023-07-11 10:08:412

It is the first time that we travel. 在这个定语从句中

2023-07-11 10:09:002

根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Travel1. 我一直都喜欢旅游。

traveli like travel. why? there are some benefits in the, traveling can expand your knowledge.why? the outside world is out of your imagination. you can see so much in the traveling.two, it is very good for your health.why? you need to walk more or less in the traveling. it is better than to stay in the house all the time.
2023-07-11 10:09:102


Tourism and sustainable developmentChina is a country with very rich tourism resources. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China"s tourism industry has been increased year by year. It has become one of the fastest developing industry in Chinese economy. According to statistics, in the year 2010, China leaped to the world"s fourth largest tourism destination and the first outbound tourism country in Asia. The traveling industry has taken up more than 10% in the social consumption contribution. The positive role of the tourism industry in China"s economic and social development is more and more obvious. As we know, tourism brings the huge economic profits, but the problem is that, at present China"s tourism resource development has gone too far, that is, excessive development is becoming a common phenomenon in many tourist spots. This reminds me of an Aesop"s fable, "the killing of the hen that lays the gold eggs. In it, A farmer and his wife had a hen that laid a gold egg every day. They supposed that the hen must contain a great deal of gold inside, and in order to get all the gold, they killed the hen. Having done so, they found, to their surprise that the hen has no gold inside at all. The foolish couple, they hope to become rich all at once, but lose the gain of which they were assured day by day. In this story, the hen is like tourism resources, and the egg is just like the eco"nomic interests. In our country, examples of excessive development of the tourism resources without sustainable development can be found everywhere, because many people only care about great profit. So far, China has the largest number of the world heritages. Once a tourist spot received the title of the world heritage, it immediately became a hot spot. Therefore, it also became a money tree of the local government. Because of the destruction, some famous tourist spots in China are faced with deprivation of the title. For example, The 28th of the world heritage convention required 5 heritage to be evaluated again, of which our Forbidden City is ask to be restored to its original attraction in two years. If it couldn"t pass the evalu"ation, it would lose the qualification of world heritages .People frequently build up facilities for entertainment in the site of cultural relics or nature reserve, which would more or less destroy the original sites. In the Europe, cultural buildings and historical sites usually have no commercial or recreational facilities. Occasionally there are some bookstands, which provide travellers with tour guide books and maps instead of food and drinks. However, we just do the opposite. The most important positions are usually occupied by businesses. Historical relics and buildings near the streets often have many retail shops, all for the purpose of making money. This is a vivid example of putting the cart before the horse.In my opinion, tourism should pay attention to promoting the competitiveness, at the same time, it must be a sustainable industry. If China wants to shift from the world"s biggest tourism country to the world"s most powerful tourism nation in the future, it must implement sustainable tourism development strategy. That is to say, in order to obtain more gold eggs, we must keep good care of chickens.Sustainable tourism development emphasizes the coordination tourism resource development and the relevant protection, the coordination of the speed and the quality of development, the coordination of the development scale and nature"s carrying capacity, and that of the economic benefit and the ecological benefit as well. It stresses the effective interaction of ecological-economic-society. Only with careful protection the tourism resources and environment in a state of good circulation may change people"s wishes into reality of travel demand.The good news is that, in Shaanxi Province which has rich tourism resources, there are some successful cases of development which are worthy of being studied, for example, Xi "an Qujiang new district has taken a new mode of development - ‘culture plus tourism plus city". Relying on the compre"hensive tourism drive, Qujiang has gradually become a landmark area of Shaanxi culture tourism industry through the scenic area business, tourism estate, hotels, cultural goods, tourism and other performance integrations. In the past, Shaanxi was only famous for such traditional attractions as Terra Cotta Warriors, Hua qing Pool, and great Wild goose pagoda. So far under Qujiang"s brand effect, the emergence of a large number of new site spots. like Da ming palace relic park, Tang Furong Garden, have given us so many new things to see and enjoy. In the year 2010, Xi "an Qujiang development area realized 7.59 billion yuan added value in comprehensive cultural industry. The emergence of large Qujiang is help Shaanxi to get a reasonable and rapid development in the field of tourism.In order to carry out the sustainable development of tourism, as a student from Qujiang new district,I call on everyone of us to continue to work hard for the benefit of our generation as well as our off-springs. Therefore, Let"s get moving! Thank you.
2023-07-11 10:09:171


2023-07-11 10:09:254

people tend to underestimate the time that it takes to travel a familiar route.

人们易于低估行进一条熟悉的路线所花费的时间。后面的that从句还原出来是这样的,it takes time to travel a familiar route
2023-07-11 10:09:332

请问 travel in literal time是什么意思,谢谢!

2023-07-11 10:09:415

求巴萨的time travel全文

《time travel》作者:诸神作媒(足坛同人/哈维X梅西)请采纳哟~希望对你能有所帮助。
2023-07-11 10:10:061


2023-07-11 10:10:141


  ever:完成时,如果是过去已经发生的,用过去完成时,其他用现在完成时。例句:Itwasthefirsttimetheyhadevermet.这是他们初次见面。   扩展资料   ever:   adv.(用于否定句和疑问句,或与if连用的.句子)在任何时候,从来;(进行比较时用以加强语气)以往任何时候,曾经;不断地;总是;始终   例句:   ThatwasthelastIeversawofher.   那是我最后一次见到她。   Howeverdidyougetheresoquickly   你怎么这么快就过来了?   Willtimetraveleverbecomeareality   时光旅行真的会成为现实吗?
2023-07-11 10:10:241

ipad日历里travel time是什么意思

2023-07-11 10:10:311


n.旅行;进行;移动;漫游vi.旅行;传送;前进,行进;[篮球]走步词组短语travel agency旅行社travel in旅行推销;四出兜销travel service旅行社;旅游服务travel time传播时间,行程时间造句I don"t know the exact speed of the car, but it was certainly travelling.我不知道那辆汽车的准确速度,但它确实开得非常快。He met many interesting people in his travels.旅行中他遇到了许多有趣的人。Travel on that road is heavy on holidays.假日里,那条路上人来车往极为拥挤。
2023-07-11 10:10:381

vissim里的travel time的单位是什么?

2023-07-11 10:11:221

请问vissim里面travel times 的两个选项start section和destination section是什么意思啊?

travel time传播时间,行程时间start section 时间起始点destination section 时间终点
2023-07-11 10:11:291

travel back in time是什么意思

2023-07-11 10:11:481


“初步确定日程安排”英文怎么说? Preliminary identification of the schedule “初步确定日程安排”英文怎么说 “初步确定日程安排 "Preliminary schedule “初步确定日程安排"Preliminary schedule 用英语怎么翻译“比赛日程安排” petition schedule 日程表,用英语怎么说 schedule :["skedu0292ul] 计划表;日程安排表 They have planned a tight schedule of travel. 他们安排了一个紧凑弗旅行日程。 日程表的英文是什么 calendar 名词 行程安排用英语怎么说? Schedule on tour Tour arrangement 早中晚的日程表怎么写?用英语 One early schedule 行程表?英语怎么说 ? 行程表的英文: hodometer 参考例句: We will need to allow for travel time in the schedule. 我们必须考虑到行程表中的旅游时间。 A whiz-bang schedule 快而精彩的行程表(进度表) I left the schedule at home. I have to turn back to pick it up. 我把行程表放在家里,我必须回去拿。 Scott needed to cut out those extra things in his schedule. 史考特必须自他的行程表中删除这些额外的事情。 hodometer是什么意思: n. 行程表,路程表,回转表
2023-07-11 10:11:581

travel back in time是什么意思

2023-07-11 10:12:064


2023-07-11 10:12:143

link travel times 什么意思呀?

路段行程时间路段流量函数:link travel time function 动态路段行程时间函数:Dynamic link Travel time function 路段行程时间估计:estimation of link travel time 路段行程时间预测:forecasting of link travel time
2023-07-11 10:12:211

He spends most of his time in traveling.这里的travel为什么加ing

2023-07-11 10:12:293

英语This time I will travel _____.I will leave any unwanted things at home.

light~travel light 轻装旅行所以才会有后句的把不要的东西放在家里~因为要轻装旅行希望帮到lz~
2023-07-11 10:12:401

_______ I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.A. Though  ...

在_______ I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.中,应该选择tough 。Though是虽然的意思,可以放在句首,也可以放在句尾。Tought可以做连词,有虽然,尽管,即使,然而,不过,可是,虽则,纵然,固然,但是的意思。Tough可以做副词,有然而,可是,还是,不过(还是),但是,话虽这样说,而,却,倒的意思。在_______ I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.中,Tough做连词,放在句首,表示虽然的意思,翻译为虽然我没有时间去旅游,但是我仍然感觉很快乐。另外,though还可以用于习语,如 as though(好像,仿佛),even though(即使,纵然)等固定短语中。
2023-07-11 10:13:281

a travel of my life time为标题写一篇英语作文

Nowadays, many people like to travel when they have spare time, and the mode is play an important role in traveling. Some people argue that package tours is the best mode for traveling, while others like traveling by themselves. In my opinion, traveling by myself is the best mode.There is a common belief that package tours can save lots of money, because all the fees are included. However, many tour guide cheat the member, ask them to buy expensive goods, and the living conditin is not good. Compare with this style, although traveling by myself may spend more money, but you have more freedom on chosing the place for visit and the shopping goods.That"s why i prefer traveling by my self to package tours.
2023-07-11 10:13:361

Travel through time Through time and space 哪个对?

2023-07-11 10:13:452

travel back in time 什么意思?

2023-07-11 10:13:533

the festival is very busy time for travel when fr

2023-07-11 10:14:002

Time Zones(时区) Strange things happen to time when you travel. Because the earth is divided int

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:D小题4:C 试题分析:小题1:这是细节理解题。根据Because the earth is divided into twenty-four zones one hour apart(相差).一句话可知,导致这种奇怪现象的原因就是因为时区的划分。故选B。小题2:这是细节理解题。根据If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋),your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour.段落末尾又说“每一天你的旅行不是二十四小时,就是二十五小时”。由此可以判断大西洋跨五个时区。故选A。小题3:这是细节理解题。根据Travelling west ,you set your clock back;故选 D。小题4:这是细节理解题。根据this is the point where a new day begins故选 C。点评:这是一篇涉及地理方面的知识性小品文。地球上共划分了二十四个时区,两个相邻的时区之间时间正好相差一个小时。因此,我们环球旅行时,就会遇到时差问题。国际日期变更线是新的一天开始的地方。穿越这条线向东去,今天就变成了昨天,向西去,今天就成了明天。做这种题需用地理方面的知识来帮助考生理解。
2023-07-11 10:14:281

求翻译:At one time, people used to travel to foreign countries because they thought they

2023-07-11 10:14:374

2023-07-11 10:15:062