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make[英][meu026ak][美][mek]vt.做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生; vi.开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大; n.制造; 生产量; 性格; 形状,样式;

make 的用法

1. 用作使役动词,表示“使”,后接不定式的复合结构作宾语时,不定式不能带 to;但是,若make为被动语态,则不定式必须带to。如:Though he had often made his little sister cry, today he was made to cry by his little sister. 虽然他曾经常把他小妹妹弄哭,但今天他被他小妹妹弄哭了。注意,若make不表示“使”,而表示其他意思则情况不同,比如下面两句,make后的不定式不是宾语补足语,而是目的状语:We make candles to give light. 我们做蜡烛照明。He made a box to put his money in. 他做了个盒子来装钱。2. 其后除可接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语外,还可以接以下成分:(1) 接过去分词作宾语补足语。如:He tried to make his ideas known. 他设法让别人知道他的想法。She had to shout to make herself heard. 她必须大声喊才能让人听见她说话。注意,其后通常不接现在分词作宾语补足语。如:他让司机在外面等他。误:He made the driver waiting for him outside.正:He had the driver waiting for him outside.(2) 接形容词作宾语补足语。如:Have I made myself clear? 我的意思说清楚了吗? We"ll do our best to make you happy. 我们会尽一切努力使你幸福。(3) 接介词短语作宾语补足语。如:Sit down and make yourself at home. 请坐,不要拘束。3. 有时可用作连系动词,表示“成为”“变成”等。如:She would have made an excellent teacher. 她本可以成为杰出的教师。That will make a good ending to the book. 那就成了这本书很好的结尾。4. 以下各表达中的 make 在译成中文较灵活,需注意:make tea(泡茶),make money(赚钱),make the train(赶上火车),make the party(参加聚会),make 20 miles in an hour(一小时走20英里),等。5. 用于“be made+介词”:(1) 比较 be made of 与 be made from:两者均表示“由……制成”,但前者通常表示在制成品中还看得出原材料,而后者则通常表示在制成品中看不出原材料。如:The chair is made of wood. 这椅子是用木头做的。Some paper is made from wood. 有些纸是用木头做的。但是,在现代英语中有时不完全按此区分。(2) 比较 be make out of 与 be made into:前者表示“由……制成”,后者表示“制成……”。两者有时可互换,并且根据情况也可与上面两个句型互换(注意词序的变化)。如:Rice can be made into wine. 米可以酿成酒。Wine can be made out of [from] rice. 酒可以由米酿成。6. 用于 make it:(1) 表示事业获得成功。如:You will make it if you try. 你会成功的,如果你努力的话。He"s never really made it as an actor. 他当演员从未有所成就。(2) 表示具体做成某事。如:You needn"t worry; he will make it. 他不必担心,他会办成的。If you want to make it, better get doing. 如果你想把这事干成,就该动手了。(3) 表示设法做到某事。如:I"ve been having violin lessons every two weeks, but I think I"ll make it every week from now on. 我一直是每两个星期上一次小提琴课,但是我想从现在起每个星期都上课。(4) 表示及时赶上火车等。如:The train leaves in five minutes—we"ll never make it. 火车再有5分钟就开了——我们绝对赶不上了。(5) 表示及时抵达某地。如:We are too late; I don"t think we can make it. 我们太迟了,我想我们难以准时赶到了。I"m really sorry, but I won"t be able to make it (on) Sunday after all. 真的很抱歉,我星期天根本赶不到。(6) 表示约定时间。如:Let"s make it at 8:30. Is that all right for you? 我们约定在8点半吧,这对你合适吗?A:Shall we make it next week? 下个星期可以吗?B:OK, let"s make it next week. 好的,咱们就定在下个星期吧。(7) 表示病情好转。如:The doctor knew that the patient was unlikely to make it. 医生知道那个病人没什么希望了。He had a high fever, but it doesn"t mean be couldn"t make it. 他发高烧,但这并不意味着他挺不过去。注意,以下make it…结构中的it为形式宾语:I have to make it clear that my family is poor. 我得说清楚我家里很穷。I make it a rule to write in my diary every night. 我把每晚写日记当成一种习惯。

make 的用法





n. 制造;构造;性情vt. 使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造;认为;获得;形成;安排;引起;构成vi. 开始;前进;增大;被制造make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事make sth. 制作某物




make作为名词(n.),意思是(机器、设备等的)品牌,型号。make作为动词(v.)意思是制造;做;组装;写;出产;制订;铺床。 扩展资料   make的用法是什么   make是最常见的动词,过去式与过去分词均为made,它的用法如下:   一、make后面接名词,表示制作。   二、make后面接宾语,再接形容词,表示使得。   三、make后面接宾语,再接不带to的动词不定式,也表示使得。   make的用法例句   1. For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?   我们活着是为了什么?不就是给邻居当笑柄,再反过来笑他们。   2. Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.   有时候要到达谷底,才会慢慢变好。   3. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.   人生就应该是快乐的,要抓住每一天,孩子们,让你们的生活变得非凡起来。   4. These large institutions make — and change—the rules to suit themselves.   这些大机构总是随意制定规定,而且说变就变。   5. Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy?   这条裙子会使我的腿看上去又短又粗吗?   6. They make compost out of all kinds of waste.   他们用各种废料制造堆肥。   7. Richard Chamberlain has agreed to make a sequel to "The Thorn Birds".   理查德·张伯伦已经同意接拍《荆棘鸟》的续集。   8. It is not an unattractive option to make programmes for other companies.   为其他公司制作节目也不失为一个好的`选择。   9. I"ll make the tea and you pop off for a while.   我来备茶,你去歇一会儿吧。   10. Leather jeans that are too big will make you look larger.   过于肥大的皮裤会让你看起来块头更大。   11. He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.   他相信盟友们会履行他们的承诺。   12. Distantly, to her right, she could make out the town of Chiffa.   在她右边,远远的,她依稀能辨认出希法镇。   13. These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system.   这些情绪有可能促使人们想要推翻现行的体制。   14. Why not retrain for a job which will make you happier?   为什么不接受新的培训,找一份让你更快乐的工作?   15. They want to make sure the newcomers don"t get a look-in.   他们不想让新人有露脸的机会。


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! Sparks Fly The way you move is like a full on rainstorm 你的每一个动作就好像暴雨旋风一般划过我的心上and I"m a house of cards 而我就像一座纸牌搭起的房子般脆弱,轻易的被你攻入You"re the kinda reckless that should send me run 你是那种能让我不计后果迷上的人,我应该远离But I kinda know that I wont get far 但是我知道,我就像小磁铁一样离不开磁场And you stood there in front of me just 你就这样站在我的面前Close enough to touch 距离是如此的近,我可以触碰到你Close enough to hope you couldn"t see 距离是如此的近,但愿你不能看清What I was thinking of 我正在想的事情Drop everything now 放下所有的事情吧Meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在瓢泼大雨之中Kiss me on the sidewalk 亲吻在街边的人行道上Take away the pain 将所有的痛楚都带离了我cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放Get me with those green eyes, baby 宝贝,你绿色的眼睛就这样得到了我的心As the lights go down 就好像绚丽的灯光都黯然失色,Something that"ll haunt me when you"re not around 当你不在我身边的时候,有些东西会萦绕于脑际,难以忘却cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放My mind forgets to remind me 我的理智忘记了提醒我自己You"re a bad idea 你是一个容易让我入迷的坏念头You touch me once and it"s 当你第一次触碰到我的时候Really something 我能感觉到,美妙的事情即将上演you find I"m even betterThan you imagined I would be你会发现我比你想象中的更美好I"m on my guard for the rest of the world 我对于外面的世界保持我的小戒心But with you I know it"s no good 但是,和你在一起的时候,我却毫无防备And I could wait patiently but 我可以按捺自己的心思,耐心的等待I really wish you would 但是,我真的希望你会:Drop everything now 放下所有的事情Meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在瓢泼大雨之中Kiss me on the sidewalk 亲吻在街边的人行道上Take away the pain 将所有的痛楚都带离了我cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放Get me with those green eyes, baby 宝贝,你绿色的眼睛就这样得到了我的心As the lights go down 就好像绚丽的灯光都黯然失色,Something that"ll haunt me when you"re not around 当你不在我身边的时候,有些东西会萦绕于脑际,难以忘却cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放I run my fingers through your hair 我的手指穿过你柔软的头发And watch the lights go out 看着灯火就这样的消失在你的光芒下Just keep on keepin your eyes on me 就让你美丽的双眼一直注视着我,It"s just wrong enough to make it feel right 这样的错误,让我感觉如此美妙Lead me up the staircase 在微弱的光亮下,将我领上楼梯Won"t you whisper soft and slow你会温柔的在我耳边说着悄悄话吗?I"m captivated by you baby 你已经彻底迷住了我的心like a fireworks show 如同烟火般灿烂于天际Drop everything now 放下所有的事情吧Meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在瓢泼大雨之中Kiss me on the sidewalk 亲吻在街边的人行道上Take away the pain 将所有的痛楚都带离了我cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放Get me with those green eyes, baby 宝贝,你绿色的眼睛就这样得到了我的心As the lights go down 就好像绚丽的灯光都黯然失色Something that"ll haunt me when you"re not around 当你不在我身边的时候,有些东西会萦绕于脑际,难以忘却cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile我好像能看见,当你微笑的时http://www.k**.cn/yinyue/886007/


make的意思是制作。make,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“制造;构造;性情,人名;(塞、南非)马克”,作及物动词时意为“使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造;认为;获得;形成;安排;引起;构成”,作不及物动词时意为“开始;前进;增大;被制造”。动词1、make的基本意思是“做,制造”,即“使甲物变为乙物”“使某物变为某种状态”。引申可指“开始,试图”“行进,趋向”“被做成,被制成”“增长起来” “走(到),以(某种速度)行进,赶上”“吃”“说明,讲述”。2、make可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。3、make作“作出某种动作”解时,常与某些名词连用,其意思常常近似于与该名词相对应的动词,用来表示行动,可接介词短语,也可接动词不定式。4、make可接双宾语,意思是“给…做…,为…提供或准备…”,其间接宾语可以转换为介词for的宾语。5、make还可接由名词、形容词、动词不定式、过去分词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。6、make偶尔还可用作系动词,意思是“达到某种状态”,表语多为certain,free,light,sure,little,much等形容词或as if从句。7、make可用于被动结构。名词1、make用作名词时基本意思是“制造的方法,样式”,引申可指“体格,品质”。2、make后常接介词of,一般接单数名词形式。

make是什么意思 汉语

make:v.制造;做;组装;写;出产;制订;铺床; n.(机器、设备等的)品牌,型号; 第三人称单数: makes现在分词: making过去式: made过去分词: made 扩展资料   5 and 7 make 12.   5加7等于12。   Make sure that sign"s the right way up.   一定不要把这招牌挂颠倒了。   An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests.   准确的诊断是在一系列的"检查后作出的。

make sb+什么?



make money. 赚钱


make 是 动词原形,这是一个不规则动词,它的过去式是made,过去分词也是 made 。英语中动词的形式和动作发生的时间相关的。一般过去时句子中用过去式;完成时态中用过去分词。一般现在时句子中动词还和主语的人称和数相关,如果主语是第三人称单数代词,或者单数名词,动词就要用第三人称单数形式。以make 为例的话,就是用makes.


一、make用作及物动词,在主动语态中的含义主要有: 1. 做;制作;制造。如: Can you make any mooncakes? 你会做些月饼吗? ◆make后可跟双宾语,间接宾语后移时一般用for引导。如: My uncle will make me a kite. = My uncle will make a kite for me. 叔叔将为我做一只风筝。 2. 使;使之。如: Have I made myself clear? 我讲清楚了没有? 3. 迫使;令。如: I don"t like milk, but she made me drink it. 我不喜欢牛奶,可是她强迫我喝。 4. 总计;等于。如: Two and two makes four. 二加二等于四。 5. 准备;布置;整理。如: You must make the bed after you get up. 你起床后必须整理好你的床铺。 6. 构成;组成;成为。如: Daniel scored another goal, but one player does not make a team. 丹尼尔又踢进了一球,但是独木不成林。 二、make用作及物动词,意为“使;让”,在主动语态中其后要跟省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,而在被动语态中,to不能省去。如: Don"t make the baby cry anymore. 不要再让那个孩子哭了。 She was made to wait for over an hour. 她被迫等了一个多钟头。 ◆英语中,类似于make这种用法的动词还有let, have, hear, see, watch, notice, feel等。如: I saw him put the key into the keyhole, turn it and open the door. 我看见他把钥匙插进锁孔,转动钥匙,然后打开了门。 She was seen to go into the classroom. 有人看见她进了教室。 三、make用作及物动词,后接复合宾语,表示“使……成为……;使成为……”时,通常由形容词、名词、介词短语充当宾语补足语。如: Loud music makes me uncomfortable. 吵闹的音乐使我不舒服。 The teacher tried his best to make himself a good friend of his pupils. 那位老师尽力使自己成为学生的好朋友。


make是最常见的动词,过去式与过去分词均为made,它的用法如下:make后面接名词,表示制作。make后面接宾语,再接形容词,表示使得。make后面接宾语,再接不带to的动词不定式,也表示使得。例句:I"ll make the necessary arrangements.我会做一些必要的安排。Never make your students feel ignorant.千万别让你的学生感到自己一无所知。You can"t make me do anything.你不能强迫我做任何事。


Make用法一览动词make的用法比较复杂重要,不易掌握。归纳起来,主要有以下一些用法:1.make+名词(代词)+动词不定式短语,-ed分词短语,介词短语,名词短语,形容词或形容词短语。如:She made all of us laugh. 她使得我们都笑注意:不定式短语在主动结构中作宾语补足语时,不带to;但在被动结构中作主语补足语时,不定式短语则必须带to。如:we were made to laugh by her. Filth and high prices have combined to make London and other cities depressing places to live in.污秽和物价上涨使伦敦和其他城市成了令人压抑的地方。We should make these materials of most value.我们必须使这些材料变得很有价值。It was the determination that made life worth living for so many honest people.正是这种决心使许多正直的人生活得有意义。2.make+形容词(短语)+名词短语是一种倒装结构。为使句子结构保持平衡,通常将较长的名词短语移置补足语之后,不加引导词汇作形式宾语。如:The telescope made possible the observation of the far-off stars.望远镜使人们能够观察遥远的星球。在现代英语中能够用于这一结构中的形容词越来越多。又如:The primary aim of every punctuation mark is to make unmistakable the meaning of written words.写作时应用标点符号的基本目的,是使所用词语的意义不致被误解。3.make+it+形容词+不定式短语(从句)不定式短语或从句作宾语时,需移置宾语补语之后,在原来宾语的位置上用引导词it作形式宾语,从而使句子保持平衡。如:In order to make it easier for people to use computers,languages for writing programs have been devised.为使人们易于使用计算机,便设计出了编写程序的语言。The company made it questionable whether the equipment should be employed at all.这家公司对到底该不该使用这台设备产生了怀疑4. make 构成的一些固定搭配make faces 做鬼脸make friends 交朋友make cakes 做蛋糕make noises 制造噪音make paper 造纸make money 赚钱make yourself at home 请自便make oneself understood 使别人理解 make progress 取得进步make up 编造/化妆/整理/备用To put together; construct or compose:整理;建立或捏造:make up a prescription.开一个药方To constitute; form:构成;组成:One hundred years make up a century.一百年构成一个世纪To alter one"s appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics.化妆:为在舞台上的角色而改变某人的外表,例如用服装或化妆品To apply cosmetics.用化妆品化妆To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent:捏造,编造:杜撰小说或谎话;捏造:made up an excuse.编造借口To make good (a deficit or lack):弥补:弥补(赤字或不足):made up the difference in the bill.弥补了帐单上的差额To compensate for:补偿:make up the lost time.补足失去的时间To resolve a quarrel:和好:平息一场争吵:kissed and made up.亲吻和好To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. Used withto : 献殷勤,巴结:提出献殷勤或讨好的建议。和to 连用: made up to his friend"s boss.向他朋友的老板献殷勤To take (an examination or a course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure.补考,补课:因为以前缺席或不及格在一段时间后再考或再上课To set in order:整理,收拾:make up a room.把房间收拾好Printing To select and arrange material for:【印刷术】 排版,整版:made up the front page.为封面排版]make up for make sure make use of be made of/ from be made in be made into be made up of be made after


英语中make一词用法甚多,是使用频率最高的动词之一,而make作使役动词的用法也很常见。意思是“使成为”、“使作为”、“使变成”, 其后加复合宾语(即宾语+宾语补足语)。 短语: make it : 及时抵达, 做成; make believe : 假装; make for : 走向, 有利于; make of : 理解 扩展资料   on the make : 在制作中, 野心勃勃;   make out : 理解;   make up : 和解, 弥补, 组成;   make off : 离开;   make down : 改小;   make at : 扑向;   make after : 追随


make的七种用法及例子如下:1、make用于表示生产、制造某物。当make用于表示生产、制造某物时,其可以用来表示做饭、制定规则、赚钱等。比如,你如果想用英语表示做便签,你就可以说“make a note”,用make表示赚钱,你就可以说“make money”。2、make是连系动词时的用法。连系动词是用来辅助主语的动词,其本身有词义但不能单独用作谓语,其后必须跟表语。当make是连系动词时,其通常意为“足以成为、 组成、成为”等含义。例:If Alice gets the right training,she"ll make a good actress.如果爱丽丝训练得当,她会成为一名出色的演员。3、make用于表示到达某地。make可以用于表示某处,尤指来得及做某事。例:They were trying to make New York by nightfall.他们曾力图在黄昏前赶到纽约。4、make用于报出数字。当make用于报出数字时,其含义为“算、猜(数字)”。例:All I want to know is how many skirts Amy has got,I make it three.我就想知道艾米一共有多少件短裙,我猜她有3件。5、make用于显示时间。当make用于显示时间时,其含义为“(根据自己的表)时间为”。例:I make it nearly ten o"clock.我的手表显示快十点了。6、make用于表示使某物改变。make用于描述改变某物,其通常含义为“使,致使”,使某人做某事通常用短语make sb、do sth来表示。例:Grit from the highway made Mike cough.公路上扬起的沙子呛得迈克咳嗽了起来。7、make用于描述动作。make通常与名词连用,表示做动作、说某事等,比如做出评论就是“make a comment”。


make的3种用法如下:1、make+宾语+不带to的不定式(作宾语补足语)。如: Nobody made us tobed at a certain time.没有人让我们在某一固定时间就寝。但需要注意的是,不定式短语在主动结构中作宾语补足语时,不带to;但在被动结构中作主语补足语时,不定式短语则必须带to。如:Filth and high prices have combined to make London and othercities depressing places to live in.污秽和物价上涨使伦敦和其他城市成了令人压抑的地方。2、make+宾语+形容词(作宾语补足语)。如:Unfortunately,this function also Makes estuaries very sensitive to enviro-mental pollution.3、当make+形容词(短语)+名词短语时,是一种倒装结构。为使句子结构保持平衡,通常将较长的名词短语移置补足语之后,不加引导词汇作形式宾语.




make sb do用在主动语态里面,表示“让某人去做某事,迫使...做”。例子:The boss made Tom work long hours.老板逼着汤姆长时间地干活。make在这里是使役动词,后面只跟动词原形,同类用法的单词还有let,have,help等。翻译成“使或者让某人做某事”。使役性动词(Causative Verb)结构组成:1.make /have/ let +sb +do sth.2.get/set/leave + sb to do/doing sth.make sb to do这里make后面补充了to,只用在被动语态中。结构是“sb be made to do ",表示“务必做某事”例子:Everybody must be made to understand that.务必让每个人都懂得这一点。

Speak fly的歌词?、

the way you move is like a full on rainstormand i"m a house of cardsyou say my name for the first time, baby, and ifall in love in an empty barand you stood there in front of me justclose enough to touchclose enough to hope you couldn"t seewhat i was thinking ofdrop everything nowmeet me in the pouring rainkiss me on the sidewalktake away the paincause i see, sparks fly whenever you smileget me with those green eyes, babyas the lights go downsomething that"ll haunt me when you"re not aroundcause i see, sparks fly whenever you smileso reach out open handedand lead me out to that floorwell i don"t need more paper lanternstake me down, baby bring on the movie starcause my heart is beating fastand you are beautifuli could wait patiently buti really wish you woulddrop everything nowmeet me in the pouring rainkiss me on the sidewalktake away the paincause i see, sparks fly whenever you smileget me with those green eyes, babyas the lights go downsomething that"ll haunt me when you"re not aroundcause i see, sparks fly whenever you smilei run my fingers through your hairand watch the lights go outjust keep your beautiful eyes on megonna strike this match tonightlead me up the staircasewon"t you whisper soft and slowi"d love to hate itbut you make it like a fireworks showdrop everything nowmeet me in the pouring rainkiss me on the sidewalktake away the paincause i see, sparks fly whenever you smileget me with those green eyes, babyas the lights go downsomething that"ll haunt me when you"re not aroundcause i see, sparks fly whenever you smilesparks fly, baby smile, sparks fly


make作为及物动词,有一种特殊用法,即“使役用法”,在表示“使(要)某人(事物)做什么(怎么样)”时,它除了要有一个“宾语”之外,还要求宾语后面带上一个宾语补足语,整个句子才能完整,这种“宾语+宾语补足语”是英语简单句的五种基本句型之一,同学们一定要掌握好。 可作宾语补足语的词或词组有: 1、动词原形,即不带to的动词不定式,如: He made me stay with him。他让我和他在一起。 How did Ling Feng make the baby stop crying?凌风是怎样使婴儿停止啼哭的? 2、形容词(词组)如: This made all the street as light as day. 这使整条街道亮如白昼。 He tried to make them happy. 他设法使他们高兴。 It"ll made me so happy. 这件事可使我如此高兴。 3、名词(词组)如: I would make you king over the earth.我会让你做国王统治世界。 He made her his wife.他娶她为妻。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只有工作没有娱乐使杰克脑子极为迟纯。(只工作不学习,聪明的孩子也变傻)。 4、有时可用介词短语。如: He asked us to make ourselves at home. 他要我们不要拘束。 5、过去分词如: What make him so frightened?是什么原因令他如此害怕?用在被动是有两种形式 一是MAKE TO 二是Make +p.p 那要怎样区别这两种的用法,什么时候用1,什么时候用2 好象是在用宾语补足语用2,那我怎么知道它什么时候有宾语步补足语 make:是使役动词,后跟随动词原形,但在被动语态中,它后面得跟to do形式. 所谓宾语补足语:进一步说明那宾语的特征状态或是性质, 可担任宾语补足语的有:形容词,分词(现在分词和过去分词),介词短语,doing 以keep为例来说明常用的五种补足语的用法: 1.We must keep our classroom clean(这儿的clean就是形容词----我们必须保持我们教室的干净) 2.He keeps me waiting for an hour(waiting 就是doing形式---他让我等了一个小时) 3.I"m ill,The doctor keeps me ih bed(in bed就是介词短语---我病了,医生让我卧床) 4.The other students ih the class keep their mouths shut(shut就是过去分词---班上的其他学生都是闭嘴) 5.The doctor kept me in for a week(in就是副词----医生让我呆在家中一个星期.注:两个介词在一起时,通常情况下前一个介词便成了副词).



make的中文意思是什么 英语make什么意思

1、make,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“制造;构造;性情,人名;(塞、南非)马克”,作及物动词时意为“使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造;认为;获得;形成;安排;引起;构成”,作不及物动词时意为“开始;前进;增大;被制造”。 2、例句:If I had the time, I d make something better.如果有时间的话,我会做些更好吃的东西。




英语make的意思如下:make,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“制造;构造;性情,人名;(塞、南非)马克”,作及物动词时意为“使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造;认为;获得;形成;安排;引起;构成”,作不及物动词时意为“开始;前进;增大;被制造”。make up弥补 ; 构成 ; 编造 ; 组成make sense讲得通 ; 有意义 ; 有道理 ; 言之有理make for走向 ; 有助于 ; 促进 ; 导致make friends交朋友 ; 友好相处 ; 交友诀窍 ; 交个朋友吧make mistakes犯错误 ; 学会犯错 ; 出错make headway取得进展 ; 有进展 ; 前进 ; 取得盼望make的用法:1、make的基本意思是“做,制造”,即“使甲物变为乙物”“使某物变为某种状态”。引申可指 “开始,试图”“行进,趋向”“被做成,被制成”“增长起来” “走(到),以(某种速度)行进,赶上”“吃”“说明,讲述”2、make可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。3、make作“作出某种动作”解时,常与某些名词连用,其意思常常近似于与该名词相对应的动词,用来表示行动,可接介词短语,也可接动词不定式。4、make可接双宾语,意思是“给…做…,为…提供或准备…”,其间接宾语可以转换为介词for的宾语。




make [mek] [词典释义]vt.1.做;制造;建造[(+for)]2.作出(某种举动)3.使得;使...做...[O3][O7]...vi.1.正要做,刚要开始做[+to-v]2.朝某方向走去n.1.品牌;型;样式2.性格;气质;体格[网络释义]make1.制造,形成,接通




make使双语对照词典结果:make[英][meu026ak][美][mek]vt.做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生; vi.开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大; n.制造; 生产量; 性格; 形状,样式; 第三人称单数:makes过去分词:made现在进行时:making过去式:made以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Nuclear technology helps make our food safe. 核技术使我们的食品安全。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


make[mu0454k; mu0454ik](made[med; meid])及物动词A1 作,做,制,造(→ build【同义字】)a.做,制作,制造,组合,建设,筑,建造; 创作 ,著作sandwiches做三明治a garden营造花园a poem作诗b.为造; [为人]造[for]c.制 [ (out) of,from]We can synthetic fibers from petroleum.我们可以用石油制造合成纤维He made a little statue (out) of clay.他用黏土做了一座雕像What is your dress made of?.你的衣服是用什么 (布料) 做成的?Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄制 [酿] 成的d.将 制成[…][into]She made the material into a dress.她把那块布料制成一件衣服Barley can be made into beer.大麦可以制成啤酒e.调制[with]What can you with eggs?.你能用蛋调制什么?2a.创造 ; 使命中注定God made man.上帝创造人类I am not made that way.我生性不是那样 [我生来不是那种个性]She was made to be an actress.她生来就是演员 (的料子) [她是个天生的演员]b.制定; 制作,立,签订 a will [contract]立遗嘱 [订契约]a law制定法律3 a.整理…,准备…,布置…a bed铺床茶b.为准备…,[为人]准备…[for]He made her a cup of tea.= He made a cup of tea for her.他为她沏了一杯茶4a.使…发生,引起…,成为…之原因a noise发出噪音,吵闹trouble [war]惹麻烦 [引起战争]a difference产生差异; 有影响an impression给与印象a fuss小题大作,无事自扰b.生a fire生火5a.赚,挣,聚积; 得; 维持 ; 谋 a fortune发财,致富one"s [a] living维持生计,谋生I 5,000 dollars a month.我月入五千美元b.作成…,建立,筑成,使…发达one"s own life决定自己的一生c.使成功,保证成功 [发迹]This performance will you.这场演出 (若顺利) 一定会使你成功6 [常后接带有修饰语之受词]a.成为 [做,当] …He will an excellent scholar.他将成为杰出的学者Fir s good building material.枞木是 [可做] 上等的建筑材料b.成为 [做,为] …; 成为 [做,为] [人之] …[for]She will him a good wife.= She will a good wife for him.她会成为他的好太太7a.构成…,得…之数,计为…,等于…Two and two four.二加二得四One hundred pence a pound.一百便士计为一英镑b.为 This s the third time I"ve been here.这是我第三次来这儿c.(口语)加入 为队员 [会员].(美)Did you the club =(英)Did you one of the clubs?你加入俱乐部成为会员了吗?8 a.足够 ,足以…,对…有用This book s good reading.这本书有看头b.足够给This length of cloth will you a suit.这长度的布料将足够给你做一套衣服9 a.[将…]认为…,视为…; 了解[of]I could nothing of his words.我完全听不懂他所讲的话What am I to of his behavior?.我该怎么解释他的行为?I don"t know what to of it.我不知道该对这件事持什么想法b.将…认为…,视…为…,估计…为…What time do you it?.你想 现在几点钟了?I it five miles.我估计有五哩What insect do you that to be?.你认为那是什么虫?10a.抵达…,到达…Our ship made port on Saturday.我们的船在星期六入港b.(口语)赶上,赶得上,追上If you hurry,you can the next train.你如果动作快些,(你) 就能赶上下一班火车c.行走 ,旅行,行进; 达到 Some airplanes can 1500 miles an hour.有些飞机每小时可飞行一千五百哩The ship was making thirty knots.那时船以 (每小时) 三十节的速度航行著11 (俚)把弄 [追] 到手,使迷上自己,引诱与自己发生性行为12 吃 a simple meal吃一顿便餐13 ‘板球"得a run得一分B1 a.做 ; 进行an effort努力a speech演讲arrangements安排b.向提出 ; [向人]提出 [to]a person an offer= an offer to a person向某人出价[提议]2 做…(an) answer做答,回答a pause中止,停顿progress进步a rude reply无礼地答覆a search搜索3 心怀 a judgment ofI no doubt of it.我对这件事毫不怀疑C1 a.使…成为…; 使…显得…Flowers help to a room more cheerful.


make[英][meu026ak][美][mek]vt.做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生; vi.开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大; n.制造; 生产量; 性格; 形状,样式; 第三人称单数:makes现在分词:making过去式:made过去分词:made形近词:MAKE1I found we could make some saving and it is right to pass the savings on to the customer.我发现我们能够做些节省,将节省下来的部分让利于顾客是正确的。2They began to make big money during the war.他们在战争期间开始赚大钱。


make 做,动词

make love歌词怎么断句

Close your eyes, make a wish 闭上眼,许个愿And blow out the candlelight吹熄蜡烛 For tonight is just your night因为今夜只属于你 We"re gonna celebrate, all thru the night我们要庆祝,整夜 Pour the wine, light the fire倒上酒,点上火 Girl your wish is my command女孩,你的愿望是我的命令I submit to your demands我服从你的要求 I"ll do anything, girl you need only ask我会做任何事,你只管开口 I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱Like you want me to如你所愿 And I"ll hold you tight我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you我要和你做 爱 When you want me to当你想要我时 And I will not let go 我会一直等待Till you tell me to直到你让我如此 Girl relax, let"s go slow 女孩,放松,我们慢慢来I ain"t got nowhere to go我哪也不去 I"m just gonna concentrate on you 我只集中于你Girl are you ready, it"s gonna be a long night女孩,你准备好了么?这会是个长长的夜 Throw your clothes on the floor 把你的衣服扔到地上I"m gonna take my clothes off too我也会脱光我的 I made plans to be with you 这一切我早有计划Girl whatever you ask me you know I"ll do 女孩,无论你要求任何你知道我都会去做I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱Like you want me to如你所愿 And I"ll hold you tight我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you我要和你做 爱 When you want me to当你想要我时 And I will not let go 我会一直等待Till you tell me to只到你让我如此 Baby tonight is your night 宝贝,今夜属于你And I will do you right我会好好待你 Just make a wish on your night在你的夜许你的愿 Anything that you ask你要的任何 I will give you the love of your life我会给你一生的爱 I"ll make love to you我会和你做 爱 Like you want me to如你所愿 And I"ll hold you tight我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you 我要和你做 爱When you want me to当你想要我时 And I will not let go我会一直等待 Till you tell me to直到你让我如此 I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱Like you want me to 如你所愿And I"ll hold you tight我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱When you want me to 当你想要我时And I will not let go 我会一直等待Till you tell me to直到你让我如此

求Keri Hilson的 make love 中文歌词 中英文对照


BigBang Make Love的歌词分配

bigbang - make love【合】Forever you my girl Forever be my world Remember that One day I held your hands and I kissed your lips then I told you Our love was meant to be and always will forever Give me that happiness I get from you just being there 【大成】I always see you when I close my eyes, you"re on my mind So can"t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side This time fo sho, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart 【合】Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【大成】The only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & me 【合】Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【大成】I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 【太阳】Even through the hard times We made it through just fine When it hurt we put in da work To show that I"m yours And that your mine That"s how we got this far Let"s never be apart Girl, you"re my queen I"m here for you ‘ Cuz you"re my everything 【胜利】You always make me feel like everythings gon" be alright Wit the things u do, becuz it"s you the real true love of my life This time fo sho, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart 【合】Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【太阳】The only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & me Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 【top】Uh... Baby! You know I"d walk them miles Climb mountains switch up styles All I wanna do, is be with you Ain"t no matter what, where and how Right here and now We can both get down Straight work it out Yeah i like that sound Bump"n grindin" perfect timin" Lets dine and both be proud Yeah Yeah 【GD】Gonna take you on a joyride today Me and you stay true never hesitate To make love -- Sho nuff 【大成】You"re the only one I"m ever thinkin" of Just to hold you baby i can hardly wait As we go through the motions damn it"s great To make love -- Sho "nuff We"re gonna take it to the end and that"s what"s up You are the only one I want to grow old with I know Anywhere you are baby, that"s where I"ll go 【胜利】So just take my hand and say that you will never let it go 【太阳】Two hearts always beating as one forever more Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【胜利】The only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & me Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【胜利】I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 【太阳】I"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girl

make love有啥好处?

婚前make love,好处在余满足自己对于女人,对于性的渴望. 婚后make love,好处在于传种接代. 当了爸爸以后make love,好处在于巩固夫妻之间的感情.更为了满足一个男人强烈的性欲望. 当了爷爷以后make love,好处在于不用自己动手,就能得到满足.有心无力. 婚前make love,坏处在于会被这个女人缠一生. 婚后make love,坏处在于老婆会天天缠着你做,会要到你受不了. 当了爸爸以后make love,坏处在于怕被醒来的孩子看到后没有办法解释. 当了爷爷以后make love,坏处在于只能忍受,只能被动,因此达不到高潮.

权志龙make love 歌词翻译

make love 是由太阳的日专改编成英文,成为bigbang的单曲,不是龙哥的solo哦~I never knew I"d find a love so true 我从来不知道我已找到了一份如次真挚的爱 This one right here, is just for you 在这里,这个只献给你 Remember that one day 记得有一天 I held your hands and I kissed your lips then I told you 我握住你的双手 亲吻你的双唇 然后告诉了你 Our love was meant to be and always will forever 我们的爱是命中注定的 而且会一直长久下去 Give me that happiness I get from you just being there 给我你给我的幸福 就一直在那里 I always see you when I close my eyes, you"re on my mind 我经常闭眼就看见你 你存在我的心中 So can"t you see, I need you right here with me, close by my side 难道你看不见吗?我需要你在这里和我一起 紧待在我身边 This time for sure, Gonna let you know, 这次是认真的 我要让你知道 My love is straight from the heart 打从我心里的爱是毫不犹豫的 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 你永远是我的全世界 You are the only one The only one I"ll ever need, my life is you and me 你就是唯一 你就是我唯一需要的 我的生活只有你和我两人 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 永远地成为我的全世界 You are the only one 你就是唯一 I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 我不会让你心碎 不会的,所以宝贝请你不要放开 Even through the hard times 就算经历艰辛的时刻 We made it through just fine 我们也好好度过了 When it hurt we put in the work 在受伤的时候 我们努力 To show that I"m yours 去证明我是你的 And that you"re mine 而你也是我的 That"s how we got this far 我们就是这样来到这里 Let"s never be apart 我们不要分开吧 Girl, you"re my queen 女孩,你是我的女王 I"m here for you 我为你待在这里 Cuz you"re my everything 因为你是我的全部 You always make me feel like everything"s gonna be alright With the things u do, becuz it"s you the real true love of my life 你所做的一切让我感觉就像所有事情都会好起来一样 因为是你,我生命中的真爱 This time for sure, Gonna let you know, 这次是认真的 我要让你知道 My love is straight from the heart 打从我心里的爱是毫不犹豫的 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 你永远是我的全世界 You are the only one The only one I"ll ever need, my life is you and me 你就是唯一 你就是我唯一需要的 我的生活只有你和我两人 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 永远地成为我的全世界 You are the only one 你就是唯一 I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 我不会让你心碎 不会的,所以宝贝请你不要放开 Uh... Baby! 噢...宝贝! You know I"d walk them miles 你知道 无论有多长多远的路 我都愿意为了你而走 Climb mountains switch up styles 爬上山顶甚至转换形象 All I wanna do, is be with you 我想要做的事 就是和你在一起 Ain"t no matter what, where and how 无论什么,哪里以及如何 Right here and now 现在就在这里 We can both get down 我们可以一起 Straight work it out 直接进行到底 Yeah I like that sound 耶 我喜欢那声音 Bump"n grindin" perfect timin" 完美碰巧的撞击 Lets dine and both be proud 我们一起进餐 一起感到光荣吧 Yeah Yeah Yeah 耶耶耶 Gonna take you on a joyride today 今天想要带你去兜风 Me and you stay true never hesitate 让我和你一直保持真诚 不要怀疑 To make love -- Sho nuff 要制造爱情的气氛 You"re the only one I"m ever thinkin" of 你一直都是我唯一在意的 Just to hold you baby I can hardly wait As we go through the motions damn it"s great 只想抓住你 宝贝我可以一直等下去 直到我们经历过这些事情后 感觉很奇妙 To make love -- Sho "nuff 要制造爱情的气氛 We"re gonna take it to the end and that"s what"s up 我们要这样进行到最后 You are the only one I want to spend my whole life with I know 你是我唯一想要白头偕老的人 我知道 Anywhere you are, that"s where I will call home 你存在的任何地方 我都会称之为家 So just take my hand and say that you will never let it go 所以请握着我的手 说你永远也不会放手 Two hearts always beating as one forever more 两颗心一直像一颗心一样跳动 永远地 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 你永远是我的全世界 You are the only one The only one I"ll ever need, my life is you and me 你就是唯一 你就是我唯一需要的 我的生活只有你和我两人 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 永远地成为我的全世界 You are the only one 你就是唯一 I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 我不会让你心碎 不会的,所以宝贝请你不要放开 I"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girl 没有你我什么也不是 没有你我什么也不是 I"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girl 没有你我什么也不是 没有你我什么也不是

Have sex 和make love 有什么区别

have sex 是口语,make love是汉语版英语,也就是说没有make love这个词组

Big Bang的《Make Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Make Love歌手:Big Bang专辑:Big Show - 2009 Bigbang Live ConcertBig Bang - Make LoveForever you my girl Forever be my worldRemember that One dayI held your hands and I kissed your lips then I told youOur love was meant to be and always will foreverGive me that happiness I get from you just being thereI always see you when I close my eyes, you"re on my mindSo can"t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my sideThis time fo sho, Gonna let you know,My love is straight from the heartForever you my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneThe only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & meForever you my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneI"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let goEven through the hard timesWe made it through just fineWhen it hurt we put in da workTo show that I"m yoursAnd that your mineThat"s how we got this farLet"s never be apartGirl, you"re my queenI"m here for you ‘Cuz you"re my everythingYou always make me feel like everythings gon" be alrightWit the things u do, becuz it"s you the real true love of my lifeThis time fo sho, Gonna let you know,My love is straight from the heartForever you my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneThe only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & meForever you my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneI"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let goUh... Baby!You know I"d walk them milesClimb mountains switch up stylesAll I wanna do, is be with youAin"t no matter what, where and howRight here and nowWe can both get downStraight work it outYeah i like that soundBump"n grindin" perfect timin"Lets dine and both be proudYeah YeahGonna take you on a joyride todayMe and you stay true never hesitateTo make love -- Sho nuffYou"re the only one I"m ever thinkin" ofJust to hold you baby i can hardly waitAs we go through the motions damn it"s greatTo make love -- Sho "nuffWe"re gonna take it to the end and that"s what"s upYou are the only one I want to grow old with I knowAnywhere you are baby, that"s where I"ll goSo just take my hand and say that you will never let it goTwo hearts always beating as one forever moreForever you my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneThe only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & meForever you my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneI"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let goI"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55407176

Bigbang 《make love》的歌词

Forever you my girl Forever be my world Remember that One day I held your hands and I kissed your lips then I told you Our love was meant to be and always will forever Give me that happiness I get from you just being there I always see you when I close my eyes, you"re on my mind So can"t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side This time fo sho, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one The only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & me Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go Even through the hard times We made it through just fine When it hurt we put in da work To show that I"m yours And that your mine That"s how we got this far Let"s never be apart Girl, you"re my queen I"m here for you ‘ Cuz you"re my everything You always make me feel like everythings gon" be alright Wit the things u do, becuz it"s you the real true love of my life This time fo sho, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one The only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & me Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go Uh... Baby! You know I"d walk them miles Climb mountains switch up styles All I wanna do, is be with you Ain"t no matter what, where and how Right here and now We can both get down Straight work it out Yeah i like that sound Bump"n grindin" perfect timin" Lets dine and both be proud Yeah Yeah Gonna take you on a joyride today Me and you stay true never hesitate To make love -- Sho nuff You"re the only one I"m ever thinkin" of Just to hold you baby i can hardly wait As we go through the motions damn it"s great To make love -- Sho "nuff We"re gonna take it to the end and that"s what"s up You are the only one I want to grow old with I know Anywhere you are baby, that"s where I"ll go So just take my hand and say that you will never let it go Two hearts always beating as one forever more Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one The only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & me Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go I"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girl

Make love 的好处与坏处有哪些?

the shadow of growing

make love英文版的完整歌词

zi zji zhao bai du

make love的介绍

make love,英语单词,名词,有做爱(发生性行为);示爱的意思,在论坛中,它常常被缩写的ML。另外,Bigbang组合也有同名歌曲。

谁能讲述一下你的第一次make love

uality controlled data

第一次make love.真的会很痛吗`?帮助下!如题 谢谢了


make love歌词意思

I never knew I"d find a love so true 我从来不知道我已找到了一份如次真挚的爱 This one right here, is just for you 在这里,这个只献给你 Remember that one day 记得有一天 I held your hands and I kissed your lips then I told you 我握住你的双手 亲吻你的双唇 然后告诉了你 Our love was meant to be and always will forever 我们的爱是命中注定的 而且会一直长久下去 Give me that happiness I get from you just being there 给我你给我的幸福 就一直在那里 I always see you when I close my eyes, you"re on my mind 我经常闭眼就看见你 你存在我的心中 So can"t you see, I need you right here with me, close by my side 难道你看不见吗?我需要你在这里和我一起 紧待在我身边 This time for sure, Gonna let you know, 这次是认真的 我要让你知道 My love is straight from the heart 打从我心里的爱是毫不犹豫的 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 你永远是我的全世界 You are the only one The only one I"ll ever need, my life is you and me 你就是唯一 你就是我唯一需要的 我的生活只有你和我两人 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 永远地成为我的全世界 You are the only one 你就是唯一 I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 我不会让你心碎 不会的,所以宝贝请你不要放开 Even through the hard times 就算经历艰辛的时刻 We made it through just fine 我们也好好度过了 When it hurt we put in the work 在受伤的时候 我们努力 To show that I"m yours 去证明我是你的 And that you"re mine 而你也是我的 That"s how we got this far 我们就是这样来到这里 Let"s never be apart 我们不要分开吧 Girl, you"re my queen 女孩,你是我的女王 I"m here for you 我为你待在这里 Cuz you"re my everything 因为你是我的全部 You always make me feel like everything"s gonna be alright With the things u do, becuz it"s you the real true love of my life 你所做的一切让我感觉就像所有事情都会好起来一样 因为是你,我生命中的真爱 This time for sure, Gonna let you know, 这次是认真的 我要让你知道 My love is straight from the heart 打从我心里的爱是毫不犹豫的 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 你永远是我的全世界 You are the only one The only one I"ll ever need, my life is you and me 你就是唯一 你就是我唯一需要的 我的生活只有你和我两人 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 永远地成为我的全世界 You are the only one 你就是唯一 I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 我不会让你心碎 不会的,所以宝贝请你不要放开 Uh... Baby! 噢...宝贝! You know I"d walk them miles 你知道 无论有多长多远的路 我都愿意为了你而走 Climb mountains switch up styles 爬上山顶甚至转换形象 All I wanna do, is be with you 我想要做的事 就是和你在一起 Ain"t no matter what, where and how 无论什么,哪里以及如何 Right here and now 现在就在这里 We can both get down 我们可以一起 Straight work it out 直接进行到底 Yeah I like that sound 耶 我喜欢那声音 Bump"n grindin" perfect timin" 完美碰巧的撞击 Lets dine and both be proud 我们一起进餐 一起感到光荣吧 Yeah Yeah Yeah 耶耶耶 Gonna take you on a joyride today 今天想要带你去兜风 Me and you stay true never hesitate 让我和你一直保持真诚 不要怀疑 To make love -- Sho nuff 要制造爱情的气氛 You"re the only one I"m ever thinkin" of 你一直都是我唯一在意的 Just to hold you baby I can hardly wait As we go through the motions damn it"s great 只想抓住你 宝贝我可以一直等下去 直到我们经历过这些事情后 感觉很奇妙 To make love -- Sho "nuff 要制造爱情的气氛 We"re gonna take it to the end and that"s what"s up 我们要这样进行到最后 You are the only one I want to spend my whole life with I know 你是我唯一想要白头偕老的人 我知道 Anywhere you are, that"s where I will call home 你存在的任何地方 我都会称之为家 So just take my hand and say that you will never let it go 所以请握着我的手 说你永远也不会放手 Two hearts always beating as one forever more 两颗心一直像一颗心一样跳动 永远地 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 你永远是我的全世界 You are the only one The only one I"ll ever need, my life is you and me 你就是唯一 你就是我唯一需要的 我的生活只有你和我两人 Forever you"re my girl Forever be my world 你永远是我的女孩 永远地成为我的全世界 You are the only one 你就是唯一 I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 我不会让你心碎 不会的,所以宝贝请你不要放开 I"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girl 没有你我什么也不是 没有你我什么也不是 I"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girl 没有你我什么也不是 没有你我什么也不是

买可乐=make love什么意思

买可乐,一个流行的网络词,意思是做爱,是make love的谐音。表面上是“我要喝可乐”的意思。其实很深,但是很有内涵。买可乐是英语make love的空耳朵,有时候听起来还挺像的。英文单词make love的中文意思是做爱,意思是当一个人对你说“我想买可乐”的时候,就表示想和你发生关系。当然,这不是绝对的。有时候,他真的只是想买可乐喝,要看语境。扩展信息:从以下渠道购买可乐:在电视剧《我们做不了朋友》中,女主的闺蜜韩可菲这个角色被设定为猎物少女。在最新一集里,有一个关于韩克非和颜柏杨交往的故事。韩克非和颜柏杨是一对对法官说实话,他们的沟通风格和别人不一样。见面就上床,表白分手。这种交流方式也是相当奇妙的。在韩克非眼里,颜柏杨觉得自己太无辜,不适合自己,不接受他的表白。在电视剧《我们做不了朋友》里,我在朋友圈看到韩克非关于“买可乐”的言论,买可乐由此而来。

make out session和train wreck什么意思?

make out session = 两个(恋)人亲热一番, kiss and "make out"train wreck = 字面上是火车事故的残骸,但是它也可以是一个形容词:如果一个人看起来像一个train wreck,他看起来很糟糕、很颓废;如果一个人的生活是一个train wreck,在这个场合train wreck形容他的生活很糟糕。

黑板上的字很难辨认清楚(make out)

It"s really hard to make out the words on the blackboard

make up make out make sure make ready 的区别

make up 组成,化妆 make out 辨认出 make sure确定 make ready 准备好


make sure 确信make love 做 爱

请翻译:Let‘s make out

插入语境分析。比如,让我们做。 让我们读。 让我们写。 让我们努力。

make out with her foot 什么意思?make out with 什么意思




make out of ten的意思

可能是你的试卷写错了。好像没有这个词组,应该be made up of ten =consist of ten。由十个组成的

英语recognize和make out区别是什么?

recognize和make out区别1、recognize : 指所辨认的人或物多是以前所熟悉的。He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognizehim.他沿着暗处走,希望没有人会认出他。2、make out : 通常指通过人的感觉器官来辨别事物。Can you make out/identifythe number at the end of the car?你能辨认出车尾车牌的号码吗?

英语词组make out give out put out什么意思??




makeout session是什么意思?



make believe假装 make it及时到达;成功 make love (to)与…做爱;与…性交;向…求爱 make one"s way前去;去 maken样式;牌子 on the make急求得利; 急求获得某种东西;谋求与他人性交 make for移向;走向 攻击 (= make at) 造成The large print makes for easier reading. 大号字体便于阅读.make of懂得;了解;解释I can"t make of what he wants. 我不了解他要什么.make off匆匆逃走 make out勉强了解 开出,写(支票、账目等)He immediately sat down and made out a check. 他立刻坐下来开了一张支票.成功 有(友好)关系How did you make out with your classmates? 你和同班同学关系如何?声称;伪装;把…说成He makes out he"s younger than me. 他声称比我年轻. 论证;证明He"s not such a good doctor as some people make out. 他不是某些人所说的那样好的医生.make over更改;修改Can you make over this old shirt? 你能修改这件旧衬衫吗? 〈法〉转让财产His wealth was made over to his children. 他的财产已移交他的孩子们了.make up和解;和好 化妆;化装She made up her face to look prettier. 她把脸化了妆以便看上去漂亮些. 捏造,虚构(故事、诗等)The boy made up a story; it was not true. 男孩编了个故事,这故事不是真的. 配(药) 补足;凑足 缝制;做成 整理;收拾make up a bed 整理床铺make up for补偿How can we make up to you for what you have suffered? 我们如何补偿你所遭受的损害?make up for lost time补回失去的时间They hurried on to make up for lost time. 他们加速进行以补回失去的时间.make up to奉承;献媚 make it up to sb.报答;回报 (= make it up to sb. for sth.)make out of... 与 make of ...的意思相同.makeout of 常用于口语They make bottles out of glass. 他们用玻璃做瓶The box is made out of cedar wood. 这盒子是用杉木做的.由……制造(与 from 连用,from 后接的名词侧重指加工,(原样起化学变化).These wines are made from grapes. 这几种酒都是葡萄酿造的.Bread is made from flour. 面包是由面粉加工而成的.把……做成……(与 into 搭配)They make glass into bottles. 他们把玻璃制成瓶.We made the material into a skirt. 我们把那块料子做成一条短裙.获得,挣得He soon made a name for himself. 他很快出了名.Hawkwood made large sums of money in this way. 霍克沃德用这种方法挣得大笔钱.In the last try she made 7 points. 最后一次她得了7分.Last year they made a profit of £22,000,000去年,他们获得了2,200万镑的利润.认为,估计I make the distance across the room 15 feet. 我估计这间房子有15英尺宽.What time do you make it?(i.e. What do you make the time?) 你认为现在几点钟?How large do you make the audience? 你估计有多少观众?整理,准备My mother is making the bed. 我母亲在铺床.Can you make the tea, John? 约翰,你能沏茶吗?Shall I make some coffee? 我煮点咖啡好吗?保持(速度),走The train makes 10 miles an hour. 这列火车时速为40英里.We"ve made 70 miles since 9 o"clock. 自9点起,我们已走了70英里.make one"s way 往前跑,前进The hospital had been bombed and Hans had made his way back into Western Germany on foot. 医院遭到了轰炸,汉斯就步行回到了西德.We quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream 我们加快步伐,朝那条小河迅速走去.使得,迫使A Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears. 俄国人可能看不出会使英国人笑出泪来的笑话有什么可笑之处.This made the driver following her brake hard. 这使得跟在她后面的司机猛地刹车.Really honest people are ofter made to feel guilty.真正老实的人常被弄得感到犯了罪似的.使作为,使成为He made her his wife. 他娶她为妻.This photograph makes you an old man. 这张照片使你看起来象个老头.Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people in this way. 收音机及电视机使得做广告的人有可能用这种方法吸引千百万人的注意力.成为,变得If you work hard, you will make a good teacher.如果你肯努力,你将成为一个好教师.This makes our third party this month. 这成了我们本月第三次舞会.When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, wives automatically assume that their husbands will somehow put things right. 当电灯保险丝烧断、家具变得摇摇晃晃、水管变得堵塞时,妻子们便会自然而然地认为丈夫总会设法修好的.总计,等于Three plus six makes nine. 3加6等于9.(注意,此句中的 plus 是介词,plussix 是介词短语,作 three 的定语,因此,动词用 makes,不用 make).Twelve inches make one foot. 12 英寸等于1英尺.Two and two make four. 2 加 2 等于 4.构成,成为……组成部分He made the football team. 他成了足球队队员.Bread and milk will make a supper for us. 面包和牛奶将是我们的一顿晚餐.A single flower does not make the spring. 独花不成春.与表示动词的名词连用,即具有那个名词的意思It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and to establish supply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave. 在进入一个很深的岩洞之前,光是装配绳梯和建立供应基地就需要八天之久.(make a descent 下降)Advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. 广告者仔细研究了人的本性并且把我们的各种小小弱点一一分类.(make a close study 仔细研究)He knows that he had made a real discovery. 他知道他已经发现了一件真正的珍品.(make a real discovery 发现了一件真正的珍品)A shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship. 某轮船公司要求赔赏打捞沉船的费用.(make a claim 要求)进行Over a year passed before the first attempt was made. 一年时间过去了,才有人进行第一次尝试.We often go out to make social investigation. 我们经常出去进行社会调查.赶上(用于俗语)If you hurry, you can make the next train. 你如果快点,还可以赶上下一趟火车.I don"t think she"ll make 8 o"clock flight. 我认为她赶不上 8 点的班机.写作,订立She"s making a shopping-list, Tom. 汤姆,她在写一份购物单.He"s making a sentence. 他在写一个句子.He"s making a plain. 他在订计划.被列入The novel made the list of the 50 best books of the year. 这本小说被列入全年五十本最佳书籍中.Did you make the Dean"s list? 你被列入系主任写的名单了吗?make 后可接形容词make sure (certain)弄清楚,搞确实.I only came to make sure that everything was all right. 我只是来弄清楚是否一切都无问题.We must make certain that they can come. 我们一定要搞确实他们是否能来.赞同

fabric maker什么意思

fabric maker织物制造者双语例句1Heard the one about the orchid king and the sports fabric maker?听说过兰花之王和体育布料生产商的故事吗?2Indian textile mills are also not yet providing services such as advance shipment notice, under which they notify the garment manufacturer of the width of a given batch of fabric and its shrinkage so that the apparel maker can calibrate its machinery accordingly.印度的纺织厂也还不能提供装运前通知(advance shipment notice)等服务。借助这种服务,纺织厂可以向服装厂通报一批特定织物的宽度和缩水程度,这样,服装厂就可以相应地校准机器。

trouble maker的意思是什么意思?

trouble maker中文音译one two three你木内波miang 呐Trouble Maker你嘎特色miang 呐Trouble Maker敲多积 叨 叨 叨克死录 叨 叨 叨一杰 内嘛没拉多 ong家素wu~!(哎撒)捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Makerrap:内麻美改 么国脱嘛 脆够呀过呀你恰当 嫩下挂打您呀过呀啊不多露哇 啊撒哈内波giao my sexy girl 的米么令搜改巴多么girl能 爱dancing意须 啊古德一青莫起落 起古太古买你能比卡苏洛 gI皮额八jo读罗 爱素懂米嘎 啊麻美等biou baby~吧部雷多弥sing噶续页那巴lady i"m never never never star wu~捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗no一素内多红机构 麻类打拉那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker欧都kei 那美嘛没 太冷 图四一嫩急 Trouble Maker哭囊dei 打你开能 带多 一杰i"m never never never star 莫chu死我所捏噶 哪怒一急摩多该 价格你啊拍索多ki嘛加哭内嘎哼滴罗 怕色脉速哦多罗A一素内多红机构 麻类打雷那吧r亚呐 敲 哦 哦 哦 ber 敲 ber 敲Trouble MakerTrouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker Trouble Maker

William Shakespeare: Sonnet 18



trouble maker的中文意思是惹事生非的人,麻烦制造者。trouble Maker同名歌曲和组合:1、Trouble Maker是韩国CUBE娱乐公司的双人限定组合,由韩国歌手张贤胜与女子演唱组合4Minute成员金泫雅组成。2、《Trouble Maker》是由新沙洞老虎作词,ub77cub3c4作曲,限定组合Trouble Maker演唱的一首歌曲,该曲收录在Trouble Maker于2011年发行的同名EP《Trouble Maker》中。扩展资料韩国CUBE娱乐公司于2011年11月24日推出由张贤胜与女子演唱组合4minute成员金泫雅组成新组合“Trouble Maker”,并公开组合宣传照;同年12月1日发行迷你专辑《Trouble Maker》。2012年11月30日,Trouble Maker首张同名专辑兼歌曲《Trouble Maker》获得第14届Mnet亚洲音乐大奖最佳合作奖 。12月14日,获得Melon音乐奖潮流歌曲奖。2013年1月19日,Trouble Maker获得第27届韩国金唱片大赏最佳舞蹈表演赏。10月28日,Trouble Maker发行第二张迷你专辑《Chemistry》,回归韩国乐坛,主打曲《没有明天》在Melon、Bugs、Naver Music等10个音乐网站登上排行榜首位;10月30日,在韩国MBC电视台音乐节目《Show Champion》正式回归 。



英语语言学问题。谁告诉我什么是semantic maker和distinguisher


hit-maker 是什么意思?

HIT 是红极一时的事物,如果指音乐等,就是指热门歌曲。hit-maker就是非常热门的歌曲的制作者

waffle maker 和 sandwich maker有什么区别

waffle maker 华夫饼干制做者sandwich maker 三明治制做者

Miracle Maker 歌词

歌曲名:Miracle Maker歌手:Cristy Lane专辑:How Great Thou ArtMiracle Maker作词:山田ひろし 作曲:太田美知彦 编曲:太田美知彦 歌:Spirit of Adventure答えを探してたよ仆らは「正しい」のだろうかってね胜ち残ることしか辿(たど)り着く道はないTanimoto Takayoshi:言叶を信じるには心を见抜かなきゃいけないね瞳に宿(やど)す未来君となら行けるかい?AiM:爱するコトを 恐れないならその両手を 辉きにかざしてTogether:Shine on! Shine on!ミラクル?メイカーすべては君ではじまる君が望むならば 世界は変わるはずさGo shine on!ミラクル?メイカー新たなる冒険の扉君が叩くならば 答えは访れるさWada Kouji:「正义」を决めるモノは君が生きてきた时间の质だから谁とだって分け合えるワケじゃないTanimoto Takayoshi:それでも信じるのは友情のためなんかじゃない君を信じたいと心が叫ぶからAiM:繋がれてゆく 魂たちよ爱しさから 离れずに强くTogether:Shine on! Shine on!ミラクル?メイカー奇迹は君を待ってる君が叫ぶならば 时さえ足を止めるGo shine on!ミラクル?メイカー瞳に力を込めろ君がここにいると 证明すればいいんだShine on! Shine on!ミラクル?メイカーすべては君ではじまる君が望むならば 世界は変わるはずさGo shine on!ミラクル?メイカー新たなる冒険の扉君が叩くならば 答えは访れるさhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2834488

maker DNA的作用

作为对照,从而可以判断目标DNA的大小 DNA Marker 是分子量不同的DNA片段,主要用途就是DNA 分子凝胶电泳时,加样用做对比来检测琼脂糖凝胶是否有问题。 现在常用的DNA MARKER有两种,一种是病毒等DNA经过酶切获得的,分子量大小有零有整,另外一种是固定数值的,比如100BP,200BP等。 两种MARKER都不难制作,对于第一种,稍微难一些,主要是要获得病毒等大的基因组片段,然后用适当的酶切,切割完全以后,就能得到相应的图谱。第二中实际上很简单,如果你手头有任何一个载体,而且它的序列完全清楚,那么可以采用PCR的方法获得一系列大小不同的片段,比如上游引物可以使用一个,然后用数数的方法确定下游100BP处的下游引物,扩增出的就是100BP的片段,200BP处的引物就是200BP的片段,依此类推,可以获得一系列不同大小的片段,扩增后,把它们放到一起,就获得了自制的MARKER了

leaky mode 和evanescent mode有何区别

leaky mode漏模式evanescent mode消逝模式


troublemaker作为名词,意思是麻烦制造者;搬弄是非者;捣乱者;闹事者。读音:英[u02c8tru028cblmeu026aku0259r],美[u02c8tru028cblmeu026aku0259r]。例句:The child is a real troublemaker.这个小孩真是个惹是生非的家伙。变形:复数troublemakers。短语:The Troublemaker惹是生非者The Beautiful Troublemaker不羁的美女My Beautiful Troublemaker排舞an annoying troublemaker胡搅蛮缠troublemaker的近义词telltale读音:英[u02c8telteu026al],美[u02c8telteu026al]。释义:adj. 暴露实情的;能说明问题的。n. 向大人告另一个孩子状的小孩儿;小告密者。例句:Researchers found the same telltale signature of drought in a deep-sea sediment core drilled from the Gulf of Oman.研究人员在从阿曼海湾的深海沉积物中钻取的岩芯中发现了同样能说明问题的旱灾的迹象。变形:复数telltales。短语:telltale lamp示警灯Telltale Games游戏发行Telltale Hole指示孔Telltale holes指示孔BELT Seat-Belt-Telltale安全带显示器

trouble maker歌曲中文意思

Trouble Maker中文意思惹事生非的人看着你的眼睛,我会变成Trouble Maker  站在你身边的话,我会变成Trouble Maker  一点点,更,更,更  渐渐地,多,多,多  现在我也控制不了我的心  为了让你忘不了我,总是在你的面前出现  你总是让我的心动摇,挥之不去  又偷亲了你的嘴唇后逃开  我是Trou a a a ble!Trouble!Trou!Trouble Maker!  Trouble Maker!  Trouble Maker!  Trouble Maker!  Trouble Maker!  像猫一样紧咬住了你的心然后逃掉  你总是急躁的来我面前发火  我的性感的脚步在你的脑海里撩动  适当的skinship,你的脸庞似乎渴望着亲密接触  越来越为你着迷,越了解就越喜欢你 Baby  想到你就忍不住沉醉了 Lady  I never never never stop!  为了让你忘不了我,总是在你的面前出现  你总是让我的心动摇,挥之不去  又偷亲了你的嘴唇后逃开  我是Trou a a a ble!Trouble!Trou!Trouble Maker!  Trouble Maker!  Trouble Maker!  Trouble Maker!  Trouble Maker!  怎么才能让我占据你的心(Trouble Maker)  现在就让我跟着心走吧  I never never never stop!  无法停止  为了让你忘不了我,总是在你的面前出现  你总是让我的心动摇,挥之不去  又偷亲了你的嘴唇后逃开  我是Trou a a a ble!Trouble!Trou!Trouble Maker!  Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!

做市商(Market maker)是什么?



trademark开放分类: 歌手、金唱片发迹于德国的三人乐团Trademark,由Achim Remling、Mirko Baumer、Sadeghian三位喜欢音乐的好友所组成,他们原来都在餐厅担任服务生的职务,他们合作生涯始于一个"IN"的PUB,在那里音乐家们正在做侍应生。一个晚上,一个现场乐队临时退出,三个侍应生放下他们的盘子而拾起麦克风,并作起娱乐表演。正如被打开的香槟酒,听众们被深深的打动了,一个新的乐队产生了:"HOUSE BRAND" 一个酒吧乐队。消息传的很快,"这三个家伙真不赖。"乐队有了迅速发展的潜力。 成员Sascha Sadeghian12岁即开始学习古典吉他,同样发现他歌唱的天赋。结束高校学业后,他在科伦学习了几年声乐并在几家音乐室工作。成员Mirko Baumer 对QUEEN乐队非常入迷,所以索性自己组织了一个乐队,翻唱自己喜欢的组合的歌曲。他接受了一系列音乐训练以发展自身歌唱潜能。他的音域是这样的有利悦耳,使他很快成为其他乐队的歌手。成员Achim Remling 与音乐有非常特殊的联系。他的父亲是Wolfgang Petry, 一个著名的德国歌星,受其影响,他在很小的时候就接触到流行音乐的世界,但他很快走出了自己的路。Achim 在他作为一个摇滚乐队歌手时积累了最初的经验。很快,不同乐队的邀请纷纷而来。Achim在以一种非常明确的方式和信念生活, 并完全独立于他的父亲。在他25岁时, Achim凭自己的努力成为了一个成功的音乐人。他制作了两首热门金曲和几项奖项。Achim的磁性,沙哑的声音是TRADEMARK的最独特的一项特质。 自从成功的发行了他们的首张专集Another Time -- Another Place, 并打进德国排行前30,TRADEMARK已成功的达到一个国际水准。 在1998年,三人两次在亚洲进行了为期几周的巡演,并与听众进行了灵魂上的交流。每次现场演唱会后,这些耀眼的明星都被数不清的歌迷所包围。"我们甚至不能不为注意的离开宾馆。我们一直都被尖叫的歌迷所包围。到处都在放我们的歌--事情就是那样,简直有如魔幻般。"两首单曲I"ll Be The One 和I"m Not Supposed 在每个广播中重复播放, 歌曲的录影片也在MTV节目中频繁播放。 专集的成功使之成为香港,马来西亚,泰国和菲律宾的金唱片之冠。尤其是当他们受邀至亚洲巡回宣传时,更在东南亚各国引起乐迷的骚动,轰动的情形可见一斑。 《Only Love》这张他们睽达二年的最新专辑,光看专辑名称就知道,这又是一张他们颠倒众生的情歌宝典,尤其是首支单曲《Amazed》,这首翻唱至Lonestar称霸全美Billboard单曲榜乡村榜冠军的作品要听音乐网文案,籍由细腻的编曲和他们更深情的歌声娓娓述说一段感情,深深感动听众内心,相信只要听过的人都会喜欢,此外,他们亦借着三人不同的嗓音表现不同的曲风和不同的情绪,在表现他们长足的成熟和进步。

Dream Maker是什么意思

Dream MakerDream Maker 是德国空气净化器品牌 中文为造梦者 智能空气管理专家。 Dream Maker 完美传承了20世纪中期物理研究员约瑟夫的静电除尘技术工艺,并在基础上开发了造梦者智能空气净化管理系统。该系统通过专利研发的物联网技术,智能化管理记录家庭办公室车内的空气状况,形成口袋中的健康空气报表,人们通过Dream Maker (造梦者) APP可以随时随地了解家中办公室的空气状况,并远程控制所有的空气净化器,实现现代科技人机交互对话。 Dream Maker 根据中国的空气状况,推出了适合中国室内环境的ESP恒流静电系列空气净化器。改系列产品由德国红点设计大奖(Red dot design award)获奖大师亲手设计,风格简约,线条硬朗,凸显纯正德国工艺的科技感与时尚感。

DVD maker是个什么软件? ( )


trouble maker歌词的中文翻译。谢谢。

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