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关于英文说唱歌词when i wake up

歌手:wintergreen 专辑:the extended play At ten past nine/a feeling that"s hard to defineI pass you by/and wonder what you have to hideSo I get drunk/enough to careI stare and I"m waiting to find herAt ten till one/and I"ve lost track of everyoneMy friends are gone/there"s no one here to rely onAll that we share/we breathe the same airYou take my hand and there"s no turning back nowAnd when I wake up/you"re wearing make upYou are leaving everything that we had behindIt doesn"t make sense/but it makes no differenceThe way you looked at me made it feel all rightSo I lay in bed/knowing I"ve been so misleadJust let it go/tomorrow I won"t let it showIt"s never to soon/to meet againIn the wind I am floating like paperIt"s ten till oneAnd when I wake up/you"re wearing make upYou are leaving everything that we shared behindIt doesn"t make sense/but it makes no differenceThe way you looked at me made it feel all rightAnd when I wake up/you"re wearing make upYou are leaving everything that we shred behindIt doesn"t make sense/but it makes no differenceThe way you looked at me made it feel alright

tiki-taka 一脚出球 什么区别


英语作文 how to make success


fm2015巴萨tiki taka战术怎么训练训练








当今足坛最无解的打法!巴萨Tiki Taka全方位解析!


该怎么破巅峰巴萨的TIKI TAKA战术

巅峰巴萨的TIKI TAKA战术被国米的大巴车战术破了。


Tiki Taka自从西班牙夺得欧洲杯后,Tiki Taka这个词经常出现在媒体里。 最早这个词是用来讽刺巴塞罗那那种空有传球和控球,却赢不了比赛的风格——球传来传去,就是传不进对方禁区,更谈不上进球。可是神奇的阿拉贡内斯确让全世界重新认识了Tiki Taka,也难怪西班牙媒体对此几近疯狂地赞美。 话说西班牙媒体是怎样的?解说员歇斯底里的吼叫,不时插入的长达15分钟的广告,无分析无重播的解说,俏皮话,冗长无味以及不知所云的评论,毫无根据的西班牙必胜论……至少这次西班牙赢了,44年来的头一回。 我不是西班牙的球迷,但我极其欣赏Tiki Taka,事实上,在实况中,我的阿根廷就是这种风格——11个球员是一个高度的整体,依靠快速、合理、准确的传球不断撕开对手的防线,另外,我们还有天才Messi!!!与巴塞罗那不同,为什么这样的Tiki Taka能获得如此赞美呢? 巴塞罗那的Tiki Taka是种极端,华丽无比,但没有震慑力,根本原因在于——缺少一种强硬、刚毅的因素,更缺少变化和调整能力,相比巴塞罗那,西班牙多了钢铁屏障赛纳、富有力量和冲击力的托雷斯,老帅阿拉贡内斯的临时调整也是一绝,而阿根廷也拥有诸如萨内蒂、马斯切拉诺、特维斯等硬汉,而小生在实况里的调整能力和心理素质呢……嘿嘿,问问猴子等人吧! Tiki Taka的根本在于技术——这是底蕴,同时也要依靠几分刚毅和激情,这便是我欣赏的Tiki Taka! 生活也是一种Tiki Taka,无论学习、工作还是休闲、与人交往,如果像Tiki Taka般,拥有优雅、漂亮、同时不乏刚毅的驾驭能力和泰然处之的态度,那是种多么理想的状态! 那需要很高的要求,不但要求丰富的各种知识(包括工作和非工作)、良好的品行、相当的心理素质和心态,也需要善于与人交流、相处,也需要具备解决问题的思维和能力,最重要的是一种调整和控制力! 当你心情烦躁,难以做好眼前的事的时候,你是否可以听听轻音乐,安静得闭上眼睛,什么都不想,只是欣赏……或者冲把凉水,做个深呼吸……或者找点有趣的东西,笑一笑…… 当一切过于平静,让你觉得百无聊赖的时候,你是否能忽然让自己打起精神、认认真真地做一件事?比如,装模型,下围棋,看看书,或者干脆以一种高度仔细的状态踢几场实况(-。-|| 好吧,我承认这些都是我经常干的事……),累了的话就试着放松自己。 如果碰到心情不好的时候,我允许自己哭,允许自己放纵,但,只能是一会会。无论遇到再不顺心的事,我也能迅速调整好心情,继续做好该做的事。同时,我也不会放弃理想和追求,只要还有一丝希望! 踢球本身追求的也许不只是结果,纵然高昂的求胜欲望也是我看中和欣赏的,然而,当你在踢一场实况,或者真实地去踢一场,哪怕作为观众看一场球,最最让人回味的不是过程么?胜利、平局、失败终究只是一个附带的结果。 生活的理想和追求也不是根本的目的,而是让你生活的过程充满意义,每一分都值得回味,那么,不枉此生。 Time is changing,Tiki Taka,never change...my love,never change...








Tiki-Taka(西班牙语:tiqui-taca)最早被使用来形容足球战术,被认为是来自于2006年世界杯期间西班牙电视六台播音员安德雷斯-蒙特斯。在西班牙语中Tiki-Taka的发音近似于“DiGi-DaGa(汉语拼音)”,蒙特斯形容西班牙队在对突尼斯的比赛中的战术时说:“Estamos tocando tiki-taka tiki-taka.(我们在使用Tiki-Taka,Tiki-Taka)”这个词汇实际上是象声词,用来形容球员们在场上快速的短传。麻烦请及时采纳回答,谢谢!


不是titikaka,是Tiki-taka(西班牙文:tiqui-taca)是由“全能足球(Total Football)”演变而成的足球战术,其特点是短距离传送和频繁跑动,核心理念是保持控球权,以减低后方防守球员的压力。此战术有别于传统的足球布阵理念,倾向于区域组识(zonal play)。Tiki-taka主要应用在西班牙国家足球队及巴塞罗那足球俱乐部,后者主要应用在约翰·克鲁伊夫时期至蒂托·比拉诺瓦时期。资料:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiki_taka




kulikitaka是西班牙国家的歌。歌曲名《Kulikitaka》,由Banda Caliente演唱,收录于《Kulikitaka》专辑中。《Kulikitaka》是一首非常经典的西班牙歌曲,不但在西班牙受欢迎,这首曲子在国内也受广大网友的喜爱,尤其最近在网络平台上十分受追捧,是一首值得多听几遍、慢慢回味的曲子,动听的旋律和悠扬的曲调,让歌曲更加感染听众。歌词:Domincano soy我是De mis raices yo no voy a olvidarme我不会忘记我的根Tengo una tierra tan linda y tan grande我有一个如此美丽和伟大的土地Que me las dio la gracia de dios上帝赐予我的恩典Dominicano soy dominicano eh多米尼加人我是多米尼加人Machúcalo machúcalo machúcalo打他,打他Machúcalo machúcalo machúcalo oye oye oye打他,打他,打他Machúcalo machúcalo machúcalocruzao'打他,打他,打他Machúcalo machúcalo打他,打他Machúcalo machúcalo打他,打他Machúcalo machúcalo打他,打他Machúcalo压碎它Kulikitakatí kulikitakatákulikitakati kulikitakataKulikitakatí kulikitakatákulikitakati kulikitakataSakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakatikisakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakatikiSakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatiki-takasakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatiki高Kulikitaká kulikitaká库利基塔卡Kulikitaká kulikitaká y库利基塔卡和库利基塔卡Sakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakatikisakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakaPara para para para para para停下来停下来Para para para para para para停下来停下来Para para para停止,停止Ta' cruzao ta' cruzao ta cruzao' ta cruzao' ta cruzao'TA和apos;克鲁索TA'克鲁索TA克鲁索'TA交叉'TA交叉'No hiciste na' no hiciste na' no hiciste na'你没有你没有你没有Otro poquito ma' otro poquito ma' otro poquito ma' otro poquito ma'一个多月以前评论一个多月以前评论一个多月以前评论一个多月以前评论Kulikitakatí kulikitakatáKulikitakatí kulikitaká ySakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakaKulikitaka kulikitaka库利基塔卡Kulikitaka kulikitaka ykulikitaka kulikitaka和Sakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakaSakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakaTala koci koci koci koci koci koci科奇科奇科奇科奇科奇科奇科奇Koci koci koci koci科奇科奇科奇科奇Kulikitakatí kulikitakaKulikitakatí kulikitaka ykulikitakati kulikitaka和Sakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakatikiSakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakaKulikitaká kulikitakatá库利基塔卡Kulikitaká kulikitakatá y库利基塔卡Sakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitakasakalakatikitakatiki sakalakatikitaka


Tiki-taka(西班牙语:tiqui-taca),是一种由“全攻全守(Total Football)战术”演变而成的足球战术,其特点是短距离传球和频繁跑动,核心理念是保持控球权,以降低后方防守球员的压力。此战术有别于传统的足球布阵理念,倾向于区域组织。 战术起源: 至于足球战术Tiki-taka本身,则可追溯至1988至1996年的巴塞罗那足球队,当时由约翰·克鲁伊夫担任主教练。及后两任的荷兰藉教练路易斯·范加尔和弗兰克·里杰卡尔德,均不断改进这种踢法,甚至被其它西甲球队仿效。 教练克鲁伊夫和球员瓜迪奥拉 Tiki-taka战术思路: Tiki-taka的重要的概念是团队合作和充分利用球场上的空间。 Tiki-Taka的工作原理,或者说核心理念是控球。控球是通过传球来实现的,而不是盘带。传球制造了控球,也制造了空间。 在Tiki-Taka战术中最多使用短传,当然战术是不会要求球员们不使用长传,只是要求用最精准的方式传球,而短传是最精准的。 首先在传球的时候,球员们需要形成传球三角,如果持球队员身边有一个传球三角也就意味着他有两个接应队员可以传球,如果传球三角更多,也就意味着他身边的接应队员更多。三角是可以延伸的,当一名球员接到球之后,这时候需要其他队友们迅速靠近,来形成另外的三角,这样就可以在防守队员逼抢上来的时候有不少于一个传球选择,丢球的可能性也就减少。 巴萨比赛时球员构建的“三角形” 在技术选择上也有特点,巴萨球员们传球的时候让球不转起来,这样就方便队友在不停球的情况下能直接精准的将球传给其他队友,而不产生多的失误。 与区域足球的理念完全不同,Tiki-Taka足球的理念是全攻全守足球理念的升级,球员是不能拘泥于区域位置的,必须根据队友的情况来迅速的,不停止的调整自己所在的位置,从而不断形成传球三角。再回到之前所说的空间制造的问题上,如果接应点是死的,那空间也就是死的,而如果接应点是活的,那这些接应点就是空间的制造者。 当有球的时候,Tiki-Taka通过传球来控球和制造空间,而当无球的时候,Tiki-Taka也在利用它的三角。一旦丢球,参与传球三角的人,这时候就形成了防守三角,迅速对对方持球者形成合围,将持球者包围在一个“盒子”里,然后进行围剿。Tiki-Taka进攻的武器,也就是防守的武器。 “场上只有一个球,我拿到球的时候,你就没有。” ——克鲁伊夫 当然,再高明的教练战术设置,也离不开球员的理解和落实。将Tiki-taka带向神坛的那批球员无疑都具有极高的个人能力和战术素养。以梅西,哈维,伊涅斯塔和布斯克茨为首的这些球员为这种高度流畅的战术提供了理想的出路。他们对比赛的阅读能力和一脚出球以及小范围摆脱的能力让足球始终可以流畅地运行起来,而不至于被对手截断。 梅西和“哈白布”一起庆祝 Tiki-taka实战观察 下面,让我们通过几个镜头来观察一下到底什么才是Tiki-taka足球 上图是一次成功的Tikitaka式进攻,我们也可以称它为“把球传进球门”,我们可以看到进攻球员无论是否控球都在不断调整自己的位置,随时准备接应队友的传球,巴萨球员通过几次快速的直线短传将防线打穿,最终取得进球。值得注意的是,最终打进进球的球员也是最先组织起进攻的球员——梅西。 上图展现的则是Tikitaka战术如何应对逼抢,三名球员逼抢三名球员,同时所在区域的面积也极为狭小,但我们观察三名巴萨球员的站位可以发现,他们三人站位构成的三角形的边线上,始终没有完全被上来逼抢的球员覆盖到,也是通过几次快速的直线短传就将皮球摘出这篇区域。 这一次又是巴萨三名球员的经典配合,小白和哈维的2过2,小白再单独过掉1人,随后向前带球,一脚外脚背将球交给前插至禁区的梅西,总共用时不到10秒,却已经打穿了对方的中场和防线。 总结 Tiki-taka常被描述为「通过短传和跑动造成入球的足球风格」、「一个短传风格使皮球安全地在边路传送」和「短传、耐性、控球高于一切」。战术概要为中场球员透过不断的跑动和位置互换,一脚传球、关键传球、或错综复杂地传球。Tiki-taka的防守方式是一样,由于占有大部份的控球权,故省去了由守转攻的时间。有球评家把Tiki-taka与长传球战术,及与使用高密度传球的阿森纳作比较。 阿森纳那粒高密度传球导致的精彩进球 Tiki-taka需要视野、创造力和一脚触球,但同时亦可以为华丽的足球而放慢传球速度,和作出无意义的传球。 当然,没有任何战术是无敌的,时至今日,许多球队都掌握了针对Tikitaka的方法,如防守反击,摆大巴等等,而且有的球队常常会陷入为了控球而控球的境地之中,比如控球占据绝对优势但难以取得进球等(2012/13年欧洲冠军联赛半决赛中,巴萨与拜仁的比赛首回合在安联球场进行,虽然巴萨有63%控球权,但仍被拜仁以4-0击败;2018年世界杯小组赛,德国对阵韩国,德国队也是握有70%的控球权,却以0-2落败, 历史 第一次在小组赛阶段出局),实际上这已经背离了Tikitaka战术的初衷。 克鲁伊夫对比赛过程和结果的看法 我才疏学浅,如果您对于Tiki-taka战术有自己的理解,期待在评论区看见您的交流讨论。

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Endless love(Lionel Richie amp; Diana Ross)mp3./m?f=msamp;tn=mp3amp;ct=134217728amp;lf=amp;rn=amp;word=Endless+love%A3%A8Lionel+Richie+%26+Diana+Ross%A3%A9amp;lm=-1没看过;蜡笔小新;. 这歌还有(Lionel Richie amp; Mariah Carey)的版本 Endless LoveLionel Richie amp; Diana RossMy loveThere"s only you in my lifeThe only thing that"s rightMy first loveYou"re every breath that I takeYou"re every step I makeboth:And I (I~)I want to shareAll my love with you,No-one else will doAnd your eyes (your eyes, your eyes)They tell me how much you careOh, yesYou will always beMy endless loveTwo heartsTwo hearts that beat as oneOur lives have just begunAnd forever (forever)I"ll hold you close in my armsI can"t resist your charmsAnd I (Oh~)I"ll be your foolFor you, I"m sureYou know I don"t mind(Oh~ you know I don"t mind)"Cause youYou mean the world to me,Oh~ I know I"ve found in youMy endless loveOh~No no, no no no no, No noOhoooo Oh~~~And II"ll play the foolFor you, I"m sureYou know I don"t mind(Oh~ you know I don"t mind)Oh, yesYou"d be the only one"Cause no-one can"t denyThis love I have insideAnd I"ll give it all to youMy love (my love, my love)My endless love

求endless love系列中endless love omake和结婚记番外的翻译

--------转载请注明 百度SUPERJUNIOR吧-------- You`re My Endless Love 没有你的日子度日如年 脑袋里萦绕着你的影子 每天早晨都那么明亮 可是没有你连眼睛都不愿睁开 想忘记的声音 即使掩住了耳朵却还想听听看 独自一人看的天空和那时一样清澈 却无法打开我的心 I"m crazy for you 过去许许多多日子里一起说爱的记忆 一直铭记在我心中 敲醒了我尘封的心Let it go 想回头看看的关于你的记忆 现在却只能成为照片中的故事 You"re my endless love 和深爱的你的记忆全都埋藏在我心中 下定决心重新开始 无法接受轻轻地颤抖 即使我是多么的想忘记你 今天不知笑了多少次 想装得若无其事 独自一人的时间似乎永无尽头 现在只想清醒过来 照片里虽然有我想见的脸 即使呼唤你的名字 但现在太远了 你都无法听见 I"m crazy for you 过去许许多多日子里一起说爱的记忆 一直铭记在我心中 敲醒了我尘封的心Let it go 想回头看看的关于你的记忆 现在却只能成为照片中的故事 You"re my endless love 很久前初次见你的那天 独自一人练习着“我爱你” 现在却只能这样独自重温 oh~ I"m crazy for you 能够一起说出我爱你的那些日子 把你拥在怀里的那些时间 衷心地祝福你Let it go 想再次拥有的那些旧日记忆 全都和最初一样永存在我心中 You"re my endless love

求endless love omake 的翻译~~

= =只有ENDLESS LOVE 的翻译~已发~以上~



taken literally

不曾需要从字面去理解. 1 be meant to do sth ------需要做某事 2 take sth literally ------按照字面去理解sth


breakfast 只是指早餐 meal 泛指餐食 在任何正规场合特定时间内,有大量食物被进食都算meal. 比如dinner可称为evening meal,lunch是midday meal. 但是一般人们口语只会用breakfast,brunch,lunch,supper,dinner等


Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead宁愿现在把它们说出来,而不要它们写在他们的墓碑上。

taking back my love的歌词和翻译

歌名:《takin" back my love》演唱:Enrique iglesiasI go at your speed, can"t hold you, you"re free我以你的速度离去,不能拥有你,你自由了You take all these things,您带走所有这些东西If they mean so much to you如果它们对你意味了那么多I gave you your dreams我给予你梦想Cause you meant the world因为您意味着世界So did I deserve to be left here hurt所以我注定会受伤You think I don"t know you"re out of control你以为我不知道你失去了控制And then I"m finding all of this from my boys然后我发现这一切都从我的男孩Girl you"re stone cold, you say it ain"t so,女孩,你如石头般冷酷,你说不是这样you already know I"m not attached to materials你已知道我不看重物质I"ll give it all up我将放弃所有But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱,但我会带会我的爱I"ve given you too much我已经给你太多But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, my love, my love, my love但我会带会我的爱,我的爱,我的爱,我的爱My love..我的爱..Yeah是啊What did I do to give us the cue我做了些什么来给我们启示I"m just confused as I stand here and look at you我站在这里,看看你,只感到困惑From head to feet,从头到脚,All that"s not me这所有的不是我Go head, keep the keys,前进,保持节奏,That"s not what I need from you那不是我想从你这里获取的You think that you know,你认为你知道,You"ve made yourself cold,你使自己冷酷,How could you believe them over me, I"m your girl你怎么能相信他们而不相信我,我是你的女孩You"re out of control, how could you let go你失去了控制,你怎么可以放开Don"t you know I"m not attached to materials难道你不知道我不看重物质吗I"ll give it all up我将放弃所有But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱,但我会带会我的爱I"ve given you too much我已经给你太多But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, my love, my love, my love但我会带会我的爱,我的爱,我的爱,我的爱my love我的爱..I"ll give it all up我将放弃所有But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱,但我会带会我的爱I"ve given you too much我已经给你太多But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, my love, my love, my love但我会带会我的爱,我的爱,我的爱,我的爱我的爱..So all this love I give you, take it away样我给你所有的爱,带走吧You think material"s the reason I came你认为我为物质(钱)而来If I had nothing would you want me to say如果我什么也没有,你想我说You keep your money, take it all away你拿着你的钱,带走吧I"ll give it all up我将放弃所有But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱,但我会带会我的爱I"ve given you too much我已经给你太多But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, my love, my love但我会带会我的爱,我的爱,我的爱,我的爱I"ll give it all up我将放弃所有But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱,但我会带会我的爱I"ve given you too much我已经给你太多But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, my love, my love但我会带会我的爱,我的爱,我的爱,我的爱I"ll give it all up我将放弃所有But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱,但我会带会我的爱I"ve given you too much我已经给你太多But I"m takin" back my love但我会带会我的爱I"m takin" back my love, my love, my love, my love但我会带会我的爱,我的爱,我的爱,我的爱Ooh, my love噢,我的爱Ooh, my love噢,我的爱

Hear No See No Speak No 歌词

歌曲名:Hear No See No Speak No歌手:Ian Brown专辑:Remixes Of The SpheresRicki-Lee - Hear No, See No, Speak NoCa-can"t hear no see no speak noYou"ve been trying to call to kiss and make up(Oh, oh, oh-a-oh, oh, oh, oh-a-oh)You"ve been showing your face but I"ve seen enough(Oh, oh, oh a oh, oh, oh, oh-a-oh)How many times are you gonna say you"re sorry?And how many promises and fake apologies?I don"t care about you and i - There"s no usI can"t hear 0, see 0, speak noGet me out" this stone cold, black holeLooking so hard to find and get back what you stoleI can"t hear 0, see 0, speak noFind a way to take back controlCos this time i know for sure I"m letting you goLe-le-letting go, le-le-letting go -Ca-can"t hear no see no speak noEvery word that you say will fall on deaf ears(Oh, oh, oh a oh, oh, oh, oh-a-oh)I wish you"d shut your mouth and just disappear(Oh, oh, oh a oh, oh, oh, oh-a-oh)How many promises and fake apologies?How many times am I gonna let you do this to me?We are over it"s DONE - there"s nothing for usI can"t hear 0, see 0, speak noGet me out" this stone cold, black holeLooking so hard to find and get back what you stoleI can"t hear 0, see 0, speak noFind a way to take back controlCos this time I know for sure I"m letting you goAll the promises you madeWere too little and too lateYou"re my number one mistakeAnd I"m never gonna ever make againLe-le-letting go, le-le-letting go -Ca-can"t hear no see no speak noI can"t hear 0, see 0, speak noGet me out" this stone cold, black holeLooking so hard to find and get back what you stoleI can"t hear 0, see 0, speak noFind a way to take back controlCos this time I know for sure I"m letting you goI can"t hear 0, see 0, speak noGet me out" this stone cold, black holeLooking so hard to find and get back what you stoleI can"t hear 0, see 0, speak noFind a way to take back controlCos this time I know for sure I"m letting you goLe-le-letting go...Le-le-letting go...http://music.baidu.com/song/1604820

A______chang has taken place in China since the policy of opening up and refrom was adoped.

1、fundamental 在这里应量解为“根本性的”。2、essential 必要的elementary 初步的primary 主要的3、a fundamental change has taken place in China 中国发生了根本性的变化

陈淑桦的《Sukiyaki》 歌词

歌曲名:Sukiyaki歌手:陈淑桦专辑:往日情怀It"s all because of you,I"m feeling sad and blue,You went away, now my life is just a rainy day,And I love you so,How much you"ll never know,You"ve gone away and left me lonely,Untouchable memories,Seem to keep haunting me,Another love so true,That once turned all my gray skies blue,But you disappeared,Now my eyes are filled with tears,And I"m wishing you were here with me,Soaked with love all my thoughts of you,Now that you"re gone I just don"t know what to doooo,If only you were here,You"d wash away my tears,The sun would shine,Once again you"ll be mine all mine,But in reality,You and I will never be,Cause you took your love away from meGirl,I don"t know what I did to make you leave meBut what I do know,Is that since you"ve been gone there"s such an emptiness inside,I"m wishing you to come back to meIf only you were here,You"d wash away my tears,The sun would shine,Once again you"ll be mine all mine,But in reality,You and I will never be,Cause you took your love away from me,Oh baby,You took your love away from,Meeeeeeeeeeeeee...http://music.baidu.com/song/1660370

Make It Mine 歌词

歌曲名:Make It Mine歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.Make It MineJason MrazWake up everyoneHow can you sleep at a time like thisUnless the dreamer is the real youListen to your voiceThe one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongueLip and the neck will appearI don"t wanna wake beforeThe dream is overI"m gonna make it mineYes i... i know itI"m gonna make it mineYes i"ll make it all mineI keep my life on a heavy rotationRequesting that it"s lifting you upUp up and awayAnd over to a table at the graditude cafeAnd i am finally thereAnd all the angels they"ll be singingAh la la la ah la la la I la la la la love youI don"t wanna break beforeThe tour is overI"m gonna make it mineYes i...i know itI"m gonna make it mineYes i"ll make it all mineAnd timing"s everythingand this time there"s plentyI am balancingCareful and steadyAnd reveling in energy that everyone"s emittingWell I don"t wanna wait no moreNo i wanna celebrate the whole worldI"m gonna make it mineBecause i"m following your joyI"m gonna make it mineBecause i... i am openI"m gonna make it mineYes i... i"m gonna show itYes i"m gonna make it all mineI"m gonna make it all mineYes i will make it all minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2179579

需要知道一首英文歌I love you baby……you make me happy……

  外文名称  you make me happy  所属专辑  Goodbye From California  歌曲原唱  琳德西·雷(Lindsey Ray)  歌曲语言  英语  歌词  《You Make Me Happy》  null    null  null  It"s the heart on your sleeve never making me wonder  It"s the bond that we tie up and over and under  You"re the sun and the rain and my grass isalways green  With a kiss on my cheek" always letting me know I"m the birds and the bees  I"m the apple in your eye  I know that you know that I know you"re all I need  And just when I thought it couldn"t get any better  There you go and do it all again  Hope this feeling never ends  "Cause you o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy  It"s the sound of your voice at the end of the phone line  A tickle in my toes just to know that you"re all mine  Like an ice cream sundae with a cherry on the top  It"s the look in your eyes when I"m wearing your t-shirt  Your cute little smile after a long day of hard work  And I know that you know that I can"t give you up  And just when I thought it couldn"t get any better  There you go and do it all again  Hope this feeling never ends  "Cause you o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy  Just when I thought it couldn"t get any better  There you go and do it all again  Hope this feeling never ends  "Cause  You o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy



帮忙翻译个歌词Earthquake-The Used 要人性化的翻译,不要网上那种直译的 谢谢


3.2018-04-12《Philosophical Roots》: Psychology In The Making

u2003u2003 Many of the issues that are examined in modern psychology had been the subject of philosophical debate long before the development of science as we know it today. The very earliest philosophers of ancient Greece sought answers to questions about the world around us, and the way we think and behave. Since then we have wrestled with ideas of consciousness and self, mind and body, knowledge and perception, how to structure society, and how to live a “good life”. u2003u2003 The various branches of science evolved from philosophy, gaining momentum from the 16th century onwards, until finally exploding into a “scientific revolution”, which ushered in the Age of Reason in the 18th century. While these advances in scientific knowledge answered many of the questions about the world we live in, they were still not capable of explaining the workings of our minds. Science and technology did, however, provide models from which we could start asking the right questions, and begin to test theories through the collection of relevant data. u2003u2003 One of the key figures in the scientific revolution of the 17th century, the philosopher and mathematician René Descartes, outlined a distinction between mind and body that was to prove critical to the development of psychology. He claimed that all human beings have a dualistic existence – with a separate machine-like body and a non-material, thinking mind, or soul. Later psychological thinkers, among them Johann Friedrich Herbart, were to extend the machine analogy to include the brain as well, describing the processes of the mind as the working of the brain-machine. u2003u2003 The degree to which mind and body are separate became a topic for debate. Scientists wondered how much the mind is formed by physical factors, and how much is shaped by our environment. The “nature versus nurture” debate, fuelled by British naturalist Charles Darwin"s evolutionary theory and taken up by Francis Galton, brought subjects such as free will, personality, development, and learning to the fore. u2003u2003 These areas had not yet been fully described by philosophical inquiry, and were now ripe for scientific study. Meanwhile, the mysterious nature of the mind was popularized by the discovery of hypnosis, prompting more serious scientists to consider that there was more to the mental life than immediately apparent conscious thought. These scientists set out to examine the nature of the “unconscious”, and its influence on our thinking and behavior. u2003u2003 Against this background, the modern science of psychology emerged. In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt founded the very first laboratory of experimental psychology at Leipzig University in Germany, and departments of psychology also began to appear in universities across Europe and the USA. Just as philosophy had taken on certain regional characteristics, psychology developed in distinct ways in the different centres: in Germany, psychologists such as Wundt, Hermann Ebbinghaus, and Emil Kraepelin took a strictly scientific and experimental approach to the subject; while in the USA, William James and his followers at Harvard adopted a more theoretical and philosophical approach. u2003u2003 Alongside these areas of study, an influential school of thought was growing in Paris around the work of neurologistJean-Martin Charcot, who had used hypnosis on sufferers of hysteria The school attracted psychologists such as Pierre Janet, whose ideas of the unconscious anticipated Freud"s psychoanalytic theories. The final two decades of the 19th century saw a rapid rise in the importance of the new science of psychology, as well as the establishment of a scientific methodology for studying the mind, in much the same way that physiology and related disciplines studied the body. u2003u2003 For the first time, the scientific method was applied to questions concerning perception, consciousness, memory, learning, and intelligence, and its practices of observation and experimentation produced a wealth of new theories. Although these ideas often came from the introspective study of the mind by the researcher, or from highly subjective accounts by the subjects of their studies, the foundations were laid for the next generation of psychologists at the turn of the century to develop a truly objective study of mind and behaviour, and to apply their own new theories to the treatment of mental disorders.



求歌名 副歌是at the bar at the bar歌词还有wake it up女歌手唱的 还

body shots

make measures to

take measures to do sth在句中是采取措施的意思 整句是说”人们采取措施来限制外国游客的人数,并且努力保护当地环境与历史,使其不因国际旅游业(的发展)而受到影响.”

泰坦尼克号 Jack与Rose沉入海底前的生死对白 ,JAKE鼓励ROSE活下去,译成汉语,谢谢



不是,没有定语。will take是谓语动词,measures是宾语。

英语采取措施 是take measure 还是take measures?到底有没有那个s?

take measures是采取各种措施.take the measure是采取具体的某个措施.

take measures to do sth是什么意思

采取措施做某事,例如we should take measures to protect the environment.我们应该采取措施保护环境。

take measures翻译

measure释义:n.措施;测量,测度;程度;尺寸vt.测量;估量用法:1、measure用作名词时的意思是“测量”,指测量的行为;也指在测量过程中所采用的方法;也可指测量时所用的单位,即“计量单位”;还可指测量时所使用的工具,即“量具,量器”。measure还可指为了应付某件事情而采取的方法,即“措施,步骤,方法”。引申可指“尺度,标准”“程度,地步”。例句:If this measure fails, there are other methods we could fall back on.这个措施要是不行,我们还可采取别的办法。2、measure用作动词的意思是“测量”,指用某种工具或仪器测出某物在某方面的具体数据以便对其进行分析,从而得出结论或完成任务,其宾语多为有形物质。引申可以表示“打量”“估量”“考虑”等。例句:They measured the height of the ceiling.他们测量了天花板的高度。扩展资料词汇搭配:measure accurately 准确地测量measure carefully 仔细地测量measure against 把…同…作比较measure by 根据…测量词义辨析:standard,criterion,measure,gauge这些名词均含“标准”之意。1、standard指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。2、criterion较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。3、measure与standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。4、gauge专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。

英语采取措施 是take measure 还是take measures? 到底有没有那个s?


take measures ,take steps ,take action 的区别是什么

(=undertake it) take a taxi take things easy take (one

Wiggle (Cali Quake Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Wiggle (Cali Quake Album Version)歌手:Raphi专辑:Cali QuakeWiggle ItRicki-LeeRicki-Lee - Wiggle Itby: mioimThe floor is calling but I can"t do it on my ownI need someone who is willing,to get down with me all nightBoy are you that somebody?I wanna rock this partyWe"ll keep it moving all night longI need you to work with me a little bit,work it just a little bitwork it just a little cos I just wanna wiggle itJust let me turn around,baby I wanna be your ladyAnd you make me go crazy the way you shake it for meBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bitOh I"m looking for somebody who can go all night with meSo baby do your thing and show me what you got for meCos I dont" even really wanna waste my time on someone full of shhhhSo baby, why don"t you show meI need you to work with me a little bit, work it just a little bitwork it just a little cos I just wanna wiggle itJust let me turn around,baby I wanna be your ladyAnd you make me go crazy the way you shake it for meBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bitrappingBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bithttp://music.baidu.com/song/2860969

AE CS4 设定表达式Wiggle (AK104教学)


找一首日语歌的歌词Isan - Akatombo

isan翻唱的红蜻蜓是来自日本童谣,歌词如下: 夕焼小焼の、赤とんぼ负われて见たのは、いつの日か山の畑の、桑(くわ)の実を小笼(こかご)に摘んだは、まぼろしか 十五で姐(ねえ)やは、嫁に行き お里のたよりも、绝えはてた夕焼小焼の、赤とんぼ とまっているよ、竿(さお)の先 附一个视频:http://dic.nicovideo.jp/v/sm7513624

Lake Tahoe是什么意思

Lake Tahoe 是美国一个大淡水湖的名称。该湖位于内华达州与加利福利亚州交界处。Lake Tahoe 中文译作太浩湖或塔霍湖,离内华达州首府卡森城以西约10英里处。它是北美最大的高山湖泊,海拔1,897公尺。也是美国第二深的湖泊,深501公尺。湖泊蓄水量为150.68249立方千米,蓄水量全世界排名第26位。湖的最长处约35公里,最宽处约19公里。湖岸线全长116公里,湖面面积为490平方公里。太浩湖是一个著名的度假区,是加利福尼亚州和内华达州的主要旅游资源。在它周围坐落著许多滑雪场,露营地和游览景点。高山和湖泊一年四季都吸引著众多的游客。

our truest life is when we are in dreams awake 是什么意思




求阅读理解标准答案,有悬赏跪求跪求... The number of speakers of English in Shakerspear’s time...

Uh... B or D...?

GILLE 翻唱的akb48的flying get英文版的 歌词

I know, what you"re thinkg and feeling baby,I gotta tell you how I feel.Come over here.Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na,Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na,Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na,Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na.Beautiful sun is sparkling in the sky,Feel the heat blazing down on the beach,Like a fever suddenly it gets so hot.And the reason I can"t stop is it"s the summer fell the music.The two of us, when our eyes meet.And I know, I should look away.But you can"t, keep your eyes off me.I think I know, Could it be true, could it be true?Flying get, now I"m a step ahead of you.I"m gonna get your heart in my hands, you can count on me.Flying get, before you try go stopping me.Feel it in your heart you can"t deny it"s taking over you.Does"t matter who you"re with,Look at me and smile.Even if you want to love me love me, I"m as cold as steel.Flying get, faster than anyone I ever knew,Getting your heart my one and only, mine forever keep.Can you hear me cry?Love FURAGE!Innocent excitement like a dizzy haze,From the corner of my eye a bikini.Gotta tell you how I feel, come over here.Can it be so tough to kick it, only one way honestly,See your eyes, calling to me.Feel them say, right here right now.Even if, it"s just a crazy idea.But I know, if I don"t say now we"ll never go.Flying get, doesn"t matter if it"s yes or no.You are the kind of boy who is, always gonna take a chance.Flying get, I always do what I gotta do.You gotta make your move now before love runs out of time.Even if I try to hardI"ll be the first in line.Can I be falling in love with you I"ve never felt like this before.Flying get, feels like I"m waiting on your heart.Any other boys around him all know they don"t stand a chance.Kick them out the door.Love FURAGE!Nya Nya Nya!!!Flying get, now I"m a step ahead of you.I"m gonna get your heart in my hands, you can count on that.Flying get, before you try go stopping me.Feel it in your heart you can"t deny it"s taking over you. Does"t matter who you"re with,Look at me and smile.Even if you want to love me love me, I"m as cold as steel.Flying get, faster than anyone I ever knew,Getting your heart my one and only, mine forever keep.Can you hear me cry?Love FURAGE!Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na,Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na,Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na,Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na.


《拉克美》,三幕歌剧。德里布作曲。法国文学家贡迪内(E. Gondinet, 1828~88)和吉尔(P. Gille)根据贡迪内的戏剧《洛蒂的婚姻》(Le Mariage de Loti)撰脚本。1883年4月14日在巴黎喜歌剧院首演。同年在巴黎出版。剧情梗概:印度婆罗门祭祀之女拉克美和英国军官杰拉尔德相爱。因拉克美之父憎恨英国人而刺伤杰拉尔德,幸获拉克美及时抢救。杰拉尔德奉命随将军参加英印之战,拉克美服毒自尽。



Take Me There 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me There歌手:Lebo Mathosa专辑:Lioness关心妍 - Take Me There作曲:Joseph Wei填词:Francis Sullivan编曲:Johnny Yim监制:Johnny YimWould you stay and help me findI"m searchin" for a dreamSomewhere in the darkest stormWould you walk the road with meAnd can you help me find the lightA light to hopeless heartCan you hold my hand andTalk me thereCoz im searchin for so longFor a dream that once thereWould you be with meAnd stay by my sideWould you take me thereWould you take me thereReach my hand and thenTogeter we will find our way out thereWould you take me thereWe can have that dream again oohHold my hand and take me thereWould you come and fight with meFrom battles all aroundI"ve been feelin" all burned outIt"s not easy when no one"s hereAnd can you help me find the lightA light to shine my heartCan you hold my hand andTake me thereCoz im searchin for so longFor a dream that once was thereWould you be with meAnd stay by my sideWould you take me thereWould you take me thereReach my hand and thenTogeter we will find our way out thereWould you take me thereWe can have that dream again oohHold my hand and take me thereHold my hand and take me therehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2871579

GD的heartbreaker,小白脸,小黑脸,shine a light hb是GD带翅膀,有苹果的,shine a light是DVD

小白脸就是权志龙的第一张solo专辑,因为它的封面就是权志龙脸的模型 ,而且又是白色的,所以我们就习惯性的叫它小白脸,小黑脸就是他的shine a light 的个人演唱会的DVD,和小白脸的封面一样,不过颜色换成了黑色,大家也就习惯性的叫它小黑脸,而你说的GD带翅膀,有苹果的,这个是小白脸的再版,也就是第二个版本。现在如果你要去YG shop买的话事实上是很不划算的,因为国际运费很贵,你可以去淘宝上面买,而小白脸的一版现在基本已经绝版,有的卖的话,也是很贵的,YG shop也没有卖的了,所以你可以买再版的。

Akon No more you 中文歌词

ohhh, ohh, ohh, ohh Just one look in the mirror 看着镜中的那人 And I know I don"t look the same being alone 我发现,没有你的我再也不像以前那样 I don"t walk the same without you on my arm, I lost my charm 我再不像以前那样有你挽着我的手臂以前漫步,我失去了所有光彩 I don"t know how I made it before 我不知道以前我是如何活着的 Cuz you are my future for sure 因为你就是我最美的未来 And now that it"s over I dont know how I"m gonna get by.. 现在一切结束,我还该怎么活着? Chorus: With no more you x2 没了你 What am I gonna do? 我还该怎么活着? with no more you.. 没了你 To see me through, 我还怎么度过人生 with no more you 没了你 What am I gonna do? 我还该怎么活着? with no more you 没了你 Can"t believe there"s no more you.. 我怎么能相信我失去了你 I look at my passenger side 我看着那些我人生的过客 And there"s nobody to ride with me for life 又有谁能是真正进入我人生的人呢? It feels like the end, I lost my friend 这就像是世界末日,我失去了我的知音 I can"t sleep at night, 每个夜晚都如此难眠 Because your side ain"t occupied 因为你的心已不在 The hurt in my eyes, won"t go away 我眼里深藏的痛苦,永不会离开 I"m in so much pain.. 我是如此悲伤 Chorus: With no more you x2 What am I gonna do? there"s no more you.. To see me through, with no more you What am I gonna do? there"s no more you Can"t believe there"s no more you.. Don"t know if I can make it or not.. 不知道我还能不能挺过来 Everybody sees that I"m going through a lot 每个人都以为我经历了足够多 It"s hard being alone, 这没有你心灵陪伴的人生太孤单 When you used to be on top 你是独一无二的最美(找不到合适的词翻译了这句...) Call for you, there"s no more you 念你的名字,才发觉我已经失去你 I stop for a minute then I pinch myself 在我刺痛自己的时候,我愣住了 I can"t believe I"m here by myself 不敢相信这个时间这个地点的这个我 I can"t do anything without your help. 没了你,我什么也不是 Call for you, there"s no more you..Ohhh 你已不再.. Chorus: (x2) With no more you What am I gonna do? there"s no more you To see me through, with no more you What am I gonna do? there"s no more you Can"t believe there"s no more you.. No more you What am I gonna do, there"s no more you To see me through, No more you.. What am I gonna do, there"s no more you Can"t believe there"s no more you (x3)

一首节奏感很强的英文歌 女生唱的 歌词里好像有 X X take you take you X

crazy in love- Beyonce 这个?


1.主要是臂力和单手往上吸,然后用起步踢的腿向下后(腿不要埃地)扫同时另一个腿往往后上方踢,然后换手,换手时要单手把身子吸,吸起来以后把身子尽量往撑起来的手臂方向靠。 2.注意这是关键第一圈起步时起到半圈撑V字时一般都是撑低撑里的如果是一般情况的话就用上述方法,如果第一圈的半圈就把身子起的高的话向后向后转时腿和上述方法一样不过身子不要靠换手时就像回环接过来一個手一样。 3.转过来后接手(先要把腿转过来)然后两腿成v字俄挺(高低都行),这就是托马斯的后半圈。

making a pitch啥意思


nastya kusakina的身高体重

Nastya Kusakina,身高180cm,体重未公开。1996年1月18日出生于俄罗斯,年仅17岁的她小小年纪就曾凭其出色表现登上过Models.com的2013年春夏季十大新人超模排行榜。娜斯提娅·库萨齐纳(Nastya Kusakina)是来自俄罗斯的新生代仙女系超模,清纯而美丽,Nastya Kusakina曾为Raf Simons主理的吉尔·桑德 (Jil Sander) 最终季做开场模特。

Takusu mono e ~ My dear~

  托す者へ~My Dear~  [圣闘士星矢 冥王ハーデス冥界编]  作词:车田正美·松尾康治  作曲:Kacky  编曲:Kacky&大石宪一郎  演唱:松泽由美  伤つき倒れた 戦士のはかない梦  枯野に咲く花 やさしい笑颜  远く闻こえる あの日の子守呗 (ララバイ)  思い出を纺いでた やすらぎを ただ 求め  この身が路傍 (みち) に倒れていても  超えてゆけ わが友よ  涙枯れ果てたとしても  花は咲き宿す  明日の生命 (いのち)  人は谁かを伤つけ伤つけられ  逝くまで いくつの伤を负うのだろう  楽园追われて 人の过ち  神の罚は いつまで つづく果てなき暗  星が流れ消えたとしても  叹くまいわが友よ  あの日夜空に誓った梦は  うけつがれ永远に  消えぬ光  -------------------------<>--<<-----------------------------  感谢小米leigh提供罗马  zutsukitaoreta senshinohakanaiyume  karenonisakuhana yasashiiegao  tookukikoeru anohinorarabai  omoitewotsumuideta yasuragiwo tada motome  konomigamichi nitaoreteitemo  koeteyuke wagatomoyo  namidagarewatetatoshitemo  hanawasakiyadosu  ashitanoinochi  hitowadarekawokizutsukekizutsukerare  yukumade ikutsunokizuwoounodarou  rakuenowarete zhinnoayamachi  kaminobachiwa itsumade tsuzukuhatenakiyami  Hosiga nagare kieta tositemo  Nagekumai Wagatomoyo  anohiyozoranichikattahoshiwa  uketsugare eienni  kienuhikari  感谢”双子传说”提供歌词  ---------------------------------------  受伤倒下的战士那虚幻的梦境  开在荒野的花儿那温柔的笑颜  那天的摇篮曲远远地传来  回忆千丝万缕只祈求那份安宁  纵使这身躯倒在路边  我的朋友啊也请跨过我继续前进  纵使那眼泪已然干涸  盛开的花儿也孕育生命迎接明天  人们伤害了谁亦或是被谁伤害  生命消逝之前受的伤难以计算  人类因其过错被逐出乐园  承受神的惩罚还有无边的黑暗  纵使流星般陨落烧尽  我的朋友啊仍然请不要伤感叹喟  那日对夜空许下的愿  将化作不灭的星光传承直到永远  纵使这身躯倒在路边  我的朋友啊也请跨过我继续前进  纵使那眼泪已然干涸  盛开的花儿也孕育生命迎接明天  纵使流星般陨落烧尽  我的朋友啊仍然请不要伤感叹喟  那日对夜空许下的愿  将化作不灭的星光传承直到永远


我朋友在淘宝上买了件TAKUM的白色红蓝条纹的POLO,在马克华菲特价专卖那家店买的,看他介绍的很玄乎,说什么日本潮牌,可是发现同学在淘宝上买了件POLO,navigare这个牌子的,除了吊牌领标跟他不一样,其他的都一样,我在淘宝上输入navigare,找了下,果然发现TAKUM这个衣服有好几件都是仿navigare的,就这样被卖家忽悠了,所谓的日本本土潮牌,根本就没有进入内地,只是那个卖家想把山寨的衣服卖出高价,而想出冒充所谓的日本潮牌!!! TAKUM介绍:设计师:佐藤 健一(KENICHI SATO) 1978年 出生于日本奈良2001年毕业于大阪艺术大学视觉传达设计专业 (Osaka University of Arts)2002年在意大利米兰服装设计学院深造2004年获得2004 Fashion Editors Clubs第46届时装设计师奖2006年任职与法国著名品牌CachareIS.A 首席设计师助理。2008年返回日本名古屋创立时尚街头品牌 TAKUM佐藤 健一潜心致力于从传统日本服饰中吸取美的灵感,通过丰富的色彩与颜色反差对比与面料质材的丰富组合来传达时尚理念。并将立体裁剪与日本传统的刺绣工艺相结合,形成一种非对称的外观造型,这种别致的意念吸收了日本传统服饰文化中的精髓,将“定制”这一欧美大牌的品牌特性融入到传统日本服装中去。在佐藤健一的服饰中,立体剪裁的设计与拼接、镶嵌等工艺屡见不鲜,而TAKUM服装穿在身上后也会跟随体态动作呈现出不同的风貌。 网上A货比较多 LZ小心点啦 买这些品牌最好自己去专卖店买啦!!





求Blake McGrath的Relax和Penthouse的歌词,谢谢~

RelaxThe way you move it If you don"t quit it im gonna lose my sh*t The way you do it The way you spinnin" im gonna lose it quick I wanna save it up Till I can drown you in a sea of love So baby soak it up When the rain is coming don"t you miss a drop Stop, wait a minitue Slow down a little Cause I dont want to go yet blow this stop, wait a minitue Slow down a little Cause I don"t want to go yet baby relax Don"t do it, (slow down) Stop moving, (relax) Don"t do it when I wanna come (Relax) Don"t do it (lay back) Stop moving (relax) Don"t do it when I wanna come When I wanna come You musn"t lose sh*t Last time we did it it wasn"t like this You learned some new tricks Last time I hit it it didn"t go like this Stop, wait a minitue Slow down a little Cause I dont want to go yet blow this stop, wait a minitue Slow down a little Cause I dont want to go yet baby relax Don"t do it, (slow down) Stop moving (relax) Don"t do it when i wanna come (Relax) Don"t do it, (lay back) Stop moving (relax) Don"t do it, when I wanna come When I wanna come [x3] Baby relax Don"t do it (slow down) Stop moving (relax) Don"t do it when i wanna come (Relax) Don"t do it (lay back) Stop moving (relax) Don"t do it, when I wanna come When I wanna come [x3] Relax When I wanna come Relax When I wanna come When I wanna comeIntro: Blake McGrath Trish Verse 1 Baby I don"t do it fast (Baby I don"t do it fast) I like to take it slow (I like to take it slow) Let"s get up outta here (Let"s get up outta here) I got a place to go (I got a place to go) Let me take you to my spot, and show you what I got (x3) Let me take you to my spot, so tell me baby Chorus Why are we staying here, we could just disappear, we should be leaving here together why should we stay all night? i could be holding you tight, we should slip outta here together back to my (penthouse), we could bring it back up to my (penthouse) come spend the night up in the (penthouse) we could do it dirty in my (penthouse) do it dirty boy Verse 2: I think you"ll be impressed (I think you"ll be impressed) It"s kinda big I know (It"s kinda big I know) It"s pretty close to here (It"s pretty close to here) So what we waiting for? (So what we waiting for?) Let me take you to my spot, and show you what I got (x3) Let me take you to my spot, so tell me baby Chorus Verse 3: Let"s hit it off if you want me Can"t stop, won"t stop if you got me. Time to explor, got my one foot out the door Heard you hustle, you can play me boy Get some handcuffs and got the toys. Lets crack the whip, lets make some noise Let"s take it up to the penthouse boys Let me take you to my spot, and show you what I got (x3) Let me take you to my spot, so tell me baby Chorus: Why are we staying here, we could just disappear, we should be leaving here together why should we stay all night? i could be holding you tight, we should slip outta here together back to my (penthouse), we could bring it back up to my (penthouse) come spend the night up in the (penthouse) we could do it dirty in my (penthouse) Penthouse

make a reservation是什么意思

make a reservation意为:预定reservation 英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n] n. 保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; He went to the desk to make a reservation 他到服务台进行了预订。You make the reservation, and I"ll confirm it in writing. 你来预订,我会去函确认。I have a reservation for a single room. 我预定了一间单人间。I called for a reservation this afternoon. 我打电话预约了。Have Jon and Jack got a reservation? 乔恩和杰克预定了吗?
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