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hold 与take place区别

take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.hold :举行,一般指举办,如hold a meeting 等,是主观上的,一般主语都是人.hold 是举行一个什么会议,向上举起一个什么东西,比如,hold a meeting,hold a game而meeting ,game 是不会和take place 放在一块用的.hold 可以用被动态,而take place是没有的.

take place是延续性动词吗

take place表示发生,如果变为持续性动词,就是表示一直持续,可以用 be on 表示一直在进行.


took my hands, touched my heart held me close, you were always there by my side, night and day through it all, baby come what may swept away on a wave of emotion oh we"re caught in the eye of the storm and whenever you smile i can hardly believe that you"re mine believe that you"re mine this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable and each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time i look in your eyes, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable share the laughter, share the tears we both know we"ll go on from here cuz together, we are strong in my arms, that"s where you belong i"ve been touched by the hands of an angel i"ve been blessed by the power of love and whenever you smile i can hardly believe that you"re mine this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time you whisper my name, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable through fire and flame when all this is over our love still remains this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time you whisper my name, oh baby i know why cuz each time i look in your eyes, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable end this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable and each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time i look in your eyes, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable 这首歌很好听阿! WL的,旋律很感人 采取了我的手, 被接触我的心脏 使我紧密, 您那里总是 在我的边、夜和天以前 通过它全部, 婴孩不管怎样 清扫在一阵情绪波动 oh we"re 捉住了在风暴的眼睛 并且每当您微笑 我能几乎不相信you"re 矿 相信you"re 矿 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 并且每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次我看在您的眼睛, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 分享笑声, 分享泪花 我们两个知道we"ll 继续从这里 cuz 一起, 我们是强的 在我的胳膊里, that"s 您属于的地方 i"ve 由天使的手接触 i"ve 由爱的力量保佑 并且每当您微笑 我能几乎不相信you"re 矿 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次您耳语我的名字, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 通过火和火焰 当所有这是结束 我们的爱仍然遗骸的 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次您耳语我的名字, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 cuz 每次我看在您的眼睛, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 末端 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 并且每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次我看在您的眼睛, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 大概!!!求采纳

take place有被动语态吗

take place没有被动语态take place 相当于happen

Lil Freak是什么意思?

freak是怪胎的意思 在它前面加一个lil(小 等同于little)就变成有些亲切的称呼了 也可以理解成 小妖精----楼主是听过usher的lil freak 之后才想问的吧?

take place区别是什么?

happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件。而take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。1happen和take place的区别1、发生的性质不同happen往往表示事情的发生带有偶然性, happen是一般用语, take place常指按计划“发生”。2、主语的条件不同如果不是表示具体事情的词则多用happen。3、搭配不同take place表示“发生”,可与 happen 换用,但其后面一般不接 to sb./sth.结构。2happen的用法happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”。例句:New things are happening all around us.我们身边总有新事发生。The accident happened close to Martha"s Vineyard.事故发生在玛莎葡萄园附近。He trotted to the truck and switched on the ignition. Nothinghappened.他匆匆走向卡车并转动点火开关,结果没有任何反应。It"s the best thing that ever happened to me.这是我所遇到的最好的事情了。3take place的用法take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”例句:Great changes have taken place in China since.中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。She wanted Hugh"s wedding to take place quickly她希望休快点举行婚礼。This year"s event will take place on June 19th, a week earlierthan usual今年的活动将于6月19日举行,比往年提前一周。Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday早先的报道暗示周日可能会召开会议。


took my hands, touched my heart held me close, you were always there by my side, night and day through it all, baby come what may swept away on a wave of emotion oh we"re caught in the eye of the storm and whenever you smile i can hardly believe that you"re mine believe that you"re mine this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable and each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time i look in your eyes, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable share the laughter, share the tears we both know we"ll go on from here cuz together, we are strong in my arms, that"s where you belong i"ve been touched by the hands of an angel i"ve been blessed by the power of love and whenever you smile i can hardly believe that you"re mine this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time you whisper my name, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable through fire and flame when all this is over our love still remains this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time you whisper my name, oh baby i know why cuz each time i look in your eyes, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable end this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable and each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time i look in your eyes, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable 这首歌很好听阿! WL的,旋律很感人 采取了我的手, 被接触我的心脏 使我紧密, 您那里总是 在我的边、夜和天以前 通过它全部, 婴孩不管怎样 清扫在一阵情绪波动 oh we"re 捉住了在风暴的眼睛 并且每当您微笑 我能几乎不相信you"re 矿 相信you"re 矿 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 并且每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次我看在您的眼睛, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 分享笑声, 分享泪花 我们两个知道we"ll 继续从这里 cuz 一起, 我们是强的 在我的胳膊里, that"s 您属于的地方 i"ve 由天使的手接触 i"ve 由爱的力量保佑 并且每当您微笑 我能几乎不相信you"re 矿 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次您耳语我的名字, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 通过火和火焰 当所有这是结束 我们的爱仍然遗骸的 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次您耳语我的名字, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 cuz 每次我看在您的眼睛, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 末端 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 并且每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次我看在您的眼睛, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 大概!!!

take place用法总结

take place后可放置两种词: (1)后可接某个地方 The hour-long sessions take place at Bloxwich Leisure Centre. 课时长为1小时的课程开设在布洛克斯威奇康乐中心。 扩展资料   (2)后可接某个时间   A total solar eclipse is due to take place some time tomorrow.   明天某个时刻会发生日全食。   take place前面加变化和事情。   take place的主语一般为(已发生的"事 ) 且无进行时与被动态。   take place, take one"s place, take sb else"s place, take the place of这四者意思不同:   1.take place着重指经过安排或计划后出现的情况,表示“发生,举行”;   2.take one"s place表示“就席,到某人应去的位置上”,而其中的one与句中的主语是指同一个人;   3.take sb else"s place表示“代替,接替某人的职务或工作”,而其中的sb else与句子的主语是指不同的一个人;   4.take the place of表示“代替,接替”,侧重于前者代替后者,并不含有对后者的否定,只是一种交换、代替的关系,其中的定冠词the不可丢。

take part和take place的区别

take placev.发生 take part inv.参与, 参加 我不知道 take part 什么意思 你看看吧

迈克尔杰克逊的Unbreakable歌词 Rap后的重复和Solo

[ti:Unbreakable][ar:Michael Jackson][al:][00:00.00]Michael Jackson - Unbreakable[00:57.74][00:58.20]Now I"m just wondering why you think[01:03.21]That you can get to me with anything[01:08.36]Seems like you"d know by now[01:10.23]When and how I get down[01:13.56]And with all that I"ve been through[01:16.28]I"m still around[01:18.41]Don"t you ever make no mistake[01:21.59]Baby I"ve got what it takes[01:24.12]And there"s no way you"ll ever get to me[01:29.87]Why can"t you see that you"ll never ever hurt me[01:34.28]Cause I won"t let it be[01:36.91]See I"m too much for you baby[01:39.48][01:40.08]You can"t believe it[01:42.98]You can"t conceive it[01:44.87]And you can"t touch me[01:47.99]Cause I"m untouchable[01:49.64]And I konw you hate it[01:53.15]And you can"t take it[01:55.03]You"ll never break me[01:58.21]Cause I"m unbreakable[02:00.14][02:09.68]Now you can"t stop me even though you think[02:14.78]That if you block me[02:17.18]You"ve done your thing[02:19.80]And when you bury me underneath all your pain[02:24.96]I"m steady laughing[02:27.44]While surfacing[02:29.87]Don"t you ever make no mistake[02:33.08]Baby I"ve got what it takes[02:35.61]And there"s no way you"ll ever get to me[02:41.37]Why can"t you see that you"ll never ever hurt me[02:45.83]Cause I won"t let it be[02:48.32]See I"m too much for you baby[02:51.26][02:51.54]You can"t believe it[02:54.40]You can"t conceive it[02:56.38]And you can"t touch me[02:59.46]Cause I"m untouchable[03:01.24]And I konw you hate it[03:04.55]And you can"t take it[03:06.58]You"ll never break me[03:09.71]Cause I"m unbreakable[03:11.23][03:11.97]You can"t believe it[03:14.83]You can"t conceive it[03:16.74]And you can"t touch me[03:19.87]Cause I"m untouchable[03:21.48]And I konw you hate it[03:25.03]And you can"t take it[03:29.21]You can"t never break me because I"m unbreakale[03:33.72][03:35.56]You can try to stop me[03:37.96]But it won"t do a thing[03:40.72]No matter what you do[03:43.25]I"m still gonna be here[03:45.88]Through all your lies and silly games[03:48.32]I"m still remain the same[03:50.39]I"m[03:51.59]I"m[03:52.83]Unbreakable[03:54.75][03:55.10]I"m a lime to a lemon[03:56.39]My CeCe women[03:57.68]Bringing in ten G minimums to condos with elevators them[04:01.08]Vehicles with televisions them[04:02.88]Watch they entourage turn yours to just mirages[04:05.96]Disappearing acts[04:07.02]Strictly nines and macs[04:08.45]Killers be serial[04:09.42]Copperfield material[04:10.93]My dreams is vivid[04:12.09]Work hard to live it[04:13.33]Any place I visit[04:14.48]I got land there[04:15.50]How can players stand there and say I sound like them[04:17.89]Hello![04:18.40]Push wigs back and push six Coupes that"s yellow[04:20.95]Plus clips that expand from hand to elbow[04:23.44]Spray up your Dan"s Inn any telling you in[04:25.83]Crack braggin sick of braggin how my mink be draggin[04:28.41]Desert case street sweeper inside the beamer wagon[04:30.89]I rely on Bed-Stuy to shut it down if I die[04:33.38]Put that on my diamond bezel[04:34.74]You"re messin with the devil[04:35.91]You can"t believe it[04:35.93][04:39.09]You can"t conceive it[04:40.97]And you can"t touch me[04:44.19]Cause I"m untouchable[04:46.13]And I konw you hate it[04:49.30]And you can"t take it[04:51.19]You"ll never break me[04:54.41]Cause I"m unbreakable[04:56.00][04:56.37]You can"t believe it[04:59.48]You can"t conceive it[05:01.41]And you can"t touch me[05:04.54]Cause I"m untouchable[05:06.38]And I konw you hate it[05:09.65]And you can"t take it[05:11.68]You"ll never break me[05:14.85]Cause I"m unbreakable[05:16.37][05:17.01]You can"t believe it[05:19.95]You can"t conceive it[05:21.82]And you can"t touch me[05:25.04]Cause I"m untouchable[05:26.62]And I konw you hate it[05:30.13]And you can"t take it[05:32.11]You"ll never break me[05:34.68]You can"t never break me[05:36.11]You can"t believe me[05:37.22]Because I"m unbreakable[05:42.49][offset:-500]要中英吗?

take place什么意思/take place的用法

take place 是发生的意思,相当于happen,这个短语没有被动语态

take place的用法


take place是什么意思

take place[英][teik pleis][美][tek ples]发生,举行; 来; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But bank failures still take place. 但是银行倒闭仍在发生。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

take place啥意思






it is an instrument. if we have a cup,some rice or beans,some paper and some string. We can make it

它是一个工具(或者器具、仪器、乐器)。如果我们有一个杯子、一些大米或豆类、一些纸和一些线(或者细绳),我们就可以制作它。 没想明白这是个什么东东~~

how to make chocolate

Start your project with raw cocoa beans, which can be found through many online sites.Beans need to be roasted by spreading them in a single layer on a pan, and leaving them in the oven for approximately 30 minutes at 400F degrees. Allow them to cool, and then peel off the husks, which is a really fiddly job.Next, you"ll want to break them up. Spreading them out on a tea towel, placing another over top and using a hammer will work, but possibly too well. A more restrained and easy to control way of breaking them into pieces is with a mortar and pestle. Once you have pieces, put them in a clean pepper or other mill and grind them. Be careful though, because as the bits get smaller, they tend to liquefy. Grind just to the point where you can put them back in a dish and use the mortar and pestle again for the final mashing.By now you have a mush. Heat the dish in a pan of water, and then grind a little more in the mortar. It should have reached a fairly smooth consistency after this stage. Now you can add a drop of mint flavoring, and your sugar. A rule of thumb is 1/2 cup sugar per pound of cocoa beans processed, but you may want to start out with less, in order to see how sweet it gets. Pour into molds, and you have pure chocolate!



make 的过去分词是什么

过去分词:mademake 英[meu026ak]美[mek]vt. 做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生;vi. 开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大;n. 制造; 生产量; 性格; 形状,样式;[例句]Obviously I"d be disappointed if we don"t make it, but it wouldn"t be the end of the world.显然,如果我们做不到我会失望,但这也不会是世界末日。[其他] 第三人称单数:makes 现在分词:making 过去式:made 过去分词:made

RAKsmart直通HE线路 这个HE线路指HostEase主机线路?


make a complaint是什么意思

翻译:抱怨She always makes a complaint about the noise in the neighbourhood.

make a complaint是什么意思

make a complaint投诉双语对照词典结果:make a complaint[英][meik u0259 ku0259mu02c8pleint][美][mek e ku0259mu02c8plent]抱怨; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He has streamlined the local bureaucracy, put every child in school and opened his office to anyone who wants to make a complaint. 他一改当地官僚作风,保证每一个孩子都有学上,对所有提意见的公众敞开他的办公室。

how doI knowhow to make love?

What have I gotta do to make you love me我要怎么做才能让你爱上我What have I gotta do to make you care我要怎么做才能让你在乎我What do I do when lightning strikes me当打击突袭 我该做些什么And I wake to find that you"re not there当我醒来时发现你已不在身边What have I gotta do to make you want me我要怎么做才能使你需要我What haveI gotta do to be heard我要怎么做你才愿意听我说What do I say when it"s all over当一切都结束时我该说些什么Sorry seems to be the hardest word难以开口说抱歉It"s sad, so sad这是悲伤,如此悲伤It"s a sad, sad situation这是悲伤,多么悲伤得情景And it"s getting more and more absurd而且变得越来越荒谬It"s sad, so sad这是悲伤,如此悲伤Why can"t we talk it over为什么我们不能好好谈一谈Oh it seems to me这似乎对我That sorry seems to be the hardest word难以开口说抱歉

Make business not war

要做生意而不是开启战争Make business not war 或翻译为多做生意少战争。。。 这句话跟60年代美国一句名言 Make love not war, 选择做Ai,而不要作战,意思接近就是别把做生意当成杀戮战场,你死我活。

求手纸~拝启 十五の君へAngela Aki 这首歌的中午发音歌词!!谢谢!!

你也喜欢这首歌啊··我有··我给你找去找到了··手纸 ~拝启 十五の君へ~ / アンジェラ·アキ 罗马音Haikei kono tegami yondeiru anata waDoko de nani wo shiteiru no darouJuugo no boku ni wa dare ni mo hanasenaiNayami no kanae ga aru no desuMirai no jibun ni atete kaku tegami naraKitto sunao ni uchiake rareru darouIma makesou de nakisou deKieteshimaisou na boku waDare no kotoba woShinji arukeba ii no?Hitotsu shika nai kono mune ga nando mo barabara ni wareteKurushii naka de ima wo ikiteiruIma wo ikiteiruHaikei arigatou juugo no anata niTsutaetai koto ga aru no desuJibun to wa nani de doko e mukau beki kaToitsu dzukereeba mietekuruAreta seishun no umi wa kibishii keredoAsu no kishibe e to yume no fune yo susumeIma makenai de nakanai deKieteshimaisou na toki waJibun no koe wo shinjiaru keba ii no?Otona no boku mo kizutsuiteNemurenai yoru wa aru kedoNigakute amai ima ikiteiruJinsei no subete ni imi ga aru karaOsorezu ni anata no yume wo sodateteLa la la, la la la, la la laKeep on believingLa la la, la la la, la la laKeep on believing, keep on believing, keep on believingMakesou de nakisou deKieteshimaisou boku waDare no kotoba wo shinji arukeba ii no?Aa Makenaii de nakanai deKieteshimaisou na toki waJibun no koe wo shinjiarukeba ii noItsu no jidai mo kanashimi moSakete wa torenai keredoEgao wo misete ima wo ikite yukouIma wo ikite yukouHaikei kono tegami yondeiru anata gaShiawase na koto wo negaimasu... DOA这个组合手纸,到酷狗里找歌词,或许是罗马拼音,可能以假名的行式出现!再找日文学习网学习罗马拼音的读发外加学习假名,校正读音,相信不久,你也就会唱了。


[00:12.37]あの白い风が胸を吹き抜ける[00:18.10]泣き出しそうな颜して[00:23.98]出会いと别れ 爱しい君よ[00:29.97]汚れてく仆を笑え[00:33.94][00:35.65]子供の顷に 梦中で探した[00:41.48]爱情っていう名の梦[00:47.30]伤つけあって 伤つけられて[00:53.10]心に雨が降った[00:57.63][00:58.95]SAKURA 咲くあの道を[01:04.75]仆らは歩いている[01:10.49]SAKURA 咲き舞う梦 恋しくて[01:15.98]fuwafuwa furaufura 彷徨って[01:22.58]魂が枯れ果てるまで 终わらない[01:32.30]鲜やかなFLOWER[01:37.19][01:45.55]永远なんて 意外ともろく[01:51.32]音をたてて崩れた[01:57.20]しょっぱい涙 君が舐めてよ[02:03.21]また顽张ってみるから[02:07.93][02:08.92]SAKURA 咲くあの道を[02:14.75]二人で歩いていこう[02:20.46]SAKURA 咲き春风 通りゃんせ[02:25.94]fuwafuwa furafura 飞び立って[02:32.45]幸せが逃げないように 与えたい[02:42.41]透明な水を[02:47.59][03:07.95]汚れた靴をはいた猫[03:13.65]明日をいつも见つめてた[03:19.43]シッポでバランスをとって[03:22.99]次のドアを开いた[03:33.09][03:37.18]SAKURA 咲くあの道を[03:43.01]仆らは歩いて行く[03:48.79]SAKURA 咲くあの道を[03:54.80]君と歩いて行く[04:00.67]SAKURA 咲き舞う梦 恋しくて[04:06.05]fuwafuwa furafura 彷徨って[04:12.60]魂が枯れ果てるまで 终わらない[04:22.34]鲜やかなFLOWER[04:26.84][04:29.51]咲かせたいSAKURA色のFLOWER[04:39.07][04:41.28]Wow Flower Flower wow Flower...[04:59.01]Wow Flower Flower wow Flower...[05:12.19][05:39.10]☆°.· ∴终わる°★. ☆°∴·


please take turns请轮流来take turns轮换; 替换,轮流; 更替; 倒换; 例句:1.Do you take turns choosing which new movie to see? 你们会不会轮流做决定应该去看哪部新上映的电影?2.New democracy and pasok typically dominate parliament, and take turns governing. 希腊议会一般由新民主党和泛希社运党主导,两党轮流执政。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



no cake no wishes ,but who cares?这句话有语法错误么?


PINK的YOU make me sick dimilo歌词是什么意思

You make me sickI know i feel youthat"s why we guys stick together,(laughter)Yeah, yeah, yeah(laughter)I know You make me sickI want you and I"m hatin" itGot me lit like a candlestickGet too hot when you touch the tip, I"m feelin" it, I gotta getta grip And it"s drivin me crazy baby don"t you quitCan"t get enough of itYou got me goin" againBaby, you got me goin" againYou make me sick…He was doing 8-0 on the freewayIn the 6 double O, bumpin" IsleyHe was gettin" kinda close, kinda touch-ayCuz he had a little too much HennesseyHe told me that he wanna go home, with me up on the hill to my condoTold me he would keep it all on the low-lowBut I told him, "boo, I don"t really know though"…He got closer to me...it started gettin" deepHe had me in a zone when he started to show me thingsI never saw beforeBaby was smooth but I knew it was gameHell-of-a-cool but you men are the sameThe way he licked his lips and touched my hipsI knew that he was slick…You make me sickI want you and I"m hatin" itGot me lit like a candlestickGet too hot when you touch the tip, I"m feelin" it, I gotta getta grip And it"s drivin me crazy baby don"t you quitCan"t get enough of itYou got me goin" againBaby, you got me goin" againYou make me sick…In the 6 now, so hotGotta pull all the windows downEyes lead and I"m thinkin" bout the sheets nowWonderin" really should I take it there nowHe told me he would make it worth itAgain, how many times have I heard thisKinda funny, but I wasn"t even nervousWell his slick-ass lines were kinda working…I felt my knees get weak...his body was callin" meJust couldn"t take the heatAnyway it was 2 or 3, I had to get off the streetsBaby was cool but I knew it was gameSaid, he was too schooled to be screamin" my nameEven though we made the best of itI still told him this...You make me sickI want you and I"m hatin" itGot me lit like a candlestickGet too hot when you touch the tip, I"m feelin" it, I gotta getta grip And it"s drivin me crazy baby don"t you quitCan"t get enough of itYou got me goin" againBaby, you got me goin" againYou make me sick…Hmmm yeahYou make me sickI want you and I"m hatin" itGot me lit like a candlestickGet too hot when you touch the tip, I"m feelin" it, I gotta getta grip And it"s drivin me crazy baby don"t you quitCan"t get enough of itYou got me goin" againBaby, you got me goin" againYou make me sick…I want you and I"m hatin" itGot me lit like a candlestickGet too hot when you touch the tip, I"m feelin" it, I gotta getta grip And it"s drivin me crazy baby don"t you quitCan"t get enough of itYou got me goin" againBaby, you got me goin" againYou make me sick…(You make me sick)I want you and I"m hatin" itHot when you touch the tip, I"m feelin" it, I gotta getta grip And it"s drivin me crazy baby don"t you quitCan"t..no no no no noOh, you make me sickI want you and I"m hatin" itAnd I"m hatin" it

乘坐雪橇英语可以说take a sled

乘坐雪橇的英语不可以说take a sled。应该改为:take the sledge

岁月神偷里的插曲《I want to break free》在那下载?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

http://224.cachefile17.rayfile.com/438a/zh-cn/download/16351b5bf656bee4f93e9dc153c500eb/preview.mp3 地址

make a trail怎么解释?

make a trail开辟一条小路比如,NBA一支在波特兰的球队就叫trailblazer开拓者

I Want To Break Free 歌词

歌曲名:I Want To Break Free歌手:Arno专辑:I Want To Break FreeI want to break freeI want to break freeI want to break free from your liesYou"re so self satisfied I don"t need youI"ve got to break freeGod knows, God knows I want to break free.I"ve fallen in loveI"ve fallen in love for the first timeAnd this time I know it"s for realI"ve fallen in love, yeahGod knows, God knows I"ve fallen in love.It"s strange but it"s trueI can"t get over the way you love me like you doBut I have to be sureWhen I walk out that doorOh how I want to be free, babyOh how I want to be free,Oh how I want to break free.But life still goes onI can"t get used to, living without, living without,Living without you by my sideI don"t want to live alone, heyGod knows, got to make it on my ownSo baby can"t you seeI"ve got to break free.I"ve got to break freeI want to break free, yeahI want, I want, I want, I want to break free.http://music.baidu.com/song/2697517

I Want To Break Free 歌词

歌曲名:I Want To Break Free歌手:Arno专辑:Covers CocktailI want to break freeI want to break freeI want to break free from your liesYou"re so self satisfied I don"t need youI"ve got to break freeGod knows, God knows I want to break free.I"ve fallen in loveI"ve fallen in love for the first timeAnd this time I know it"s for realI"ve fallen in love, yeahGod knows, God knows I"ve fallen in love.It"s strange but it"s trueI can"t get over the way you love me like you doBut I have to be sureWhen I walk out that doorOh how I want to be free, babyOh how I want to be free,Oh how I want to break free.But life still goes onI can"t get used to, living without, living without,Living without you by my sideI don"t want to live alone, heyGod knows, got to make it on my ownSo baby can"t you seeI"ve got to break free.I"ve got to break freeI want to break free, yeahI want, I want, I want, I want to break free.http://music.baidu.com/song/2567571

I Want to Break Free 歌词

歌曲名:I Want to Break Free歌手:Queen专辑:Live in UkraineI want to break freeI want to break freeI want to break free from your liesYou"re so self satisfied I don"t need youI"ve got to break freeGod knows, God knows I want to break free.I"ve fallen in loveI"ve fallen in love for the first timeAnd this time I know it"s for realI"ve fallen in love, yeahGod knows, God knows I"ve fallen in love.It"s strange but it"s trueI can"t get over the way you love me like you doBut I have to be sureWhen I walk out that doorOh how I want to be free, babyOh how I want to be free,Oh how I want to break free.But life still goes onI can"t get used to, living without, living without,Living without you by my sideI don"t want to live alone, heyGod knows, got to make it on my ownSo baby can"t you seeI"ve got to break free.I"ve got to break freeI want to break free, yeahI want, I want, I want, I want to break free.http://music.baidu.com/song/55156475

I Want To Break Free 歌词

歌曲名:I Want To Break Free歌手:Queen专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 25 YearsI want to break freeI want to break freeI want to break free from your liesYou"re so self satisfied I don"t need youI"ve got to break freeGod knows, God knows I want to break free.I"ve fallen in loveI"ve fallen in love for the first timeAnd this time I know it"s for realI"ve fallen in love, yeahGod knows, God knows I"ve fallen in love.It"s strange but it"s trueI can"t get over the way you love me like you doBut I have to be sureWhen I walk out that doorOh how I want to be free, babyOh how I want to be free,Oh how I want to break free.But life still goes onI can"t get used to, living without, living without,Living without you by my sideI don"t want to live alone, heyGod knows, got to make it on my ownSo baby can"t you seeI"ve got to break free.I"ve got to break freeI want to break free, yeahI want, I want, I want, I want to break free.http://music.baidu.com/song/59363160

I Want To Break Free 歌词

歌曲名:I Want To Break Free歌手:Queen专辑:Hungarian Rhapsody: Queen Live in BudapestI want to break freeI want to break freeI want to break free from your liesYou"re so self satisfied I don"t need youI"ve got to break freeGod knows, God knows I want to break free.I"ve fallen in loveI"ve fallen in love for the first timeAnd this time I know it"s for realI"ve fallen in love, yeahGod knows, God knows I"ve fallen in love.It"s strange but it"s trueI can"t get over the way you love me like you doBut I have to be sureWhen I walk out that doorOh how I want to be free, babyOh how I want to be free,Oh how I want to break free.But life still goes onI can"t get used to, living without, living without,Living without you by my sideI don"t want to live alone, heyGod knows, got to make it on my ownSo baby can"t you seeI"ve got to break free.I"ve got to break freeI want to break free, yeahI want, I want, I want, I want to break free.http://music.baidu.com/song/52743632

I Want To Break Free 歌词

歌曲名:I Want To Break Free歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest Hits II (2011 Remaster)I want to break freeI want to break freeI want to break free from your liesYou"re so self satisfied I don"t need youI"ve got to break freeGod knows, God knows I want to break free.I"ve fallen in loveI"ve fallen in love for the first timeAnd this time I know it"s for realI"ve fallen in love, yeahGod knows, God knows I"ve fallen in love.It"s strange but it"s trueI can"t get over the way you love me like you doBut I have to be sureWhen I walk out that doorOh how I want to be free, babyOh how I want to be free,Oh how I want to break free.But life still goes onI can"t get used to, living without, living without,Living without you by my sideI don"t want to live alone, heyGod knows, got to make it on my ownSo baby can"t you seeI"ve got to break free.I"ve got to break freeI want to break free, yeahI want, I want, I want, I want to break free.http://music.baidu.com/song/52747053

求歌舞青春的Breaking free的中文歌词翻译

1.Start Of Something New 新的开始 Living in my own world 生活在自己的世界里 Didn"t understand 真不明白 That anything can happen When you take a chance 当你开始冒险什么事都能成功吗 I never believed in 我从不相信 What I couldn"t see 我没亲眼见到的事 I never opened my heart 我从来没打开心扉 To all the possibilities 向那些一切的可能性 I know that something has changed 我发现一些事情正在改变 Never felt this way 从来没有这种感觉 And right here tonight 今晚的感觉是那么的美妙 This could be the start Of something new 这可能是新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在看着你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心里感觉到 The start of something new 那新的开始 Now who"d of ever thought that 现在谁能想到 We"d both be here tonight 今晚我们都在这儿 And the world looks so much brighter With you by my side 有你在我的身边世界看起来是那么的光明 I know that something has changed 我知道这是一个新的开始 Never felt this way 因为我从来没感觉如此美妙 I know it for real 我知道这是真的 This could be the start Of something new 这会是一个新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么的美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在注视着你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心里感觉到 The start of something new 这新的开始 I never knew that it could happen Till it happened to me 我从来没想过这真的会发生----直到这真的发生在我身上 I didn"t know it before 以前我从来没这种感觉 But now it"s easy to see 现在感觉却是那么的清晰 It"s a start Of something new 这是一个新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在注视着你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心底感觉到 That it"s the start Of something new 这新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在注视这你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心底感觉到 The start of something new Start of something new 这新的开始 2.Getcha Head In The Game 专注比赛 Coach said to fake right 教练说向右作假动作 And break left 向左突破! Watch out for the pick 注意抢断 And keep an eye on defense 注意防守 Gotta run the give and go 跑动传球突破! And take the ball to the hole 将球投入篮筐 But don"t be afraid 不要害怕 To shoot the outside "J" 三分远投 Just keep ya head in the game 只要专注比赛 Just keep ya head in the game 只要专注比赛 And don"t be afraid 不要害怕 To shoot the outside "J" 三分远投 Just keep ya head in the game 只要专注比赛 U gotta 你明白 Get"cha get"cha head in the game 要全心比赛 We gotta 我们明白 Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game 将我们我们我们的注意力全放到比赛上 (repeat 3x) Let"s make sure 让我们确定 That we get the rebound 我们将拿到篮板 "Cause when we get it 因为一但我们抢到篮板 Then the crowd will go wild 观众席将沸腾 A second chance 第二次机会 Gotta grab it and go 抢断和突破 Maybe this time 也许是这次 We"ll hit the right notes 我们将得到我们想要的 Wait a minute 等一下! It"s not the time or place 这不是正确的时间和地点 Wait a minute 等一下! Get my head in the game 我要专注比赛 Wait a minute 等一下! Get my head in the game 我要专注比赛 Wait a minute 等一下! Wait a minute 等一下! I gotta 我知道 Get my, get my head in the game 把我把我的注意力放到比赛中 You gotta 你明白吗 Get"cha, get"cha, get"cha, get"cha head in the game 把你的你的你的你的注意力放到比赛里 (repeat 3x) Why am I feeling so wrong 我什么我感觉这么不对劲 My head"s in the game 我的人在比赛 But my heart"s in the song 心却在歌中 She makes this feel so right 她让我感觉那么美妙 (SPOKEN) Should I got for it 我要去争取吗 Better shake this, yikes! 最好还是想想,哎! I gotta 我要 Get my, get my head in the game 我要我要全心投入比赛 You gotta 你要 Get"cha, get"cha, get"cha, get"cha head in the game 将你将你将你将你全心投入比赛 (repeat 4x) 3.Breaking Free 放飞自由 Troy: 特洛伊: We"re soarin", flyin" There"s not a star in heaven That we can"t reach 我们在遨游,飞翔 天空中没有我们够不到星星 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉: If we"re trying 如果我们努力尝试 So we"re breaking free 我们就能放飞自由 Troy: 特洛伊 You know the world can see us In a way that"s different than who we are 你知道世界能看见我们 那个真实的自己 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉 Creating space between us 为我们之间创造空间 ‘Til we"re separate hearts 直到得我们分离 Both: 合唱 But your faith it gives me strength 但是你的信念给了我力量 Strength to believe 信任的力量 Chorus #1 Troy: We"re breakin" free 特洛伊 我们放飞自由! Gabriella: We"re soarin" 盖比瑞拉: 我们遨游 Troy: Flyin" 特洛伊: 飞翔 Both: 合唱: There"s not a star in heaven That we can"t reach 天上没有我们够不到的星星 Troy: If we"re trying 特洛伊: 如果我们努力尝试 Both: Yeah, we"re breaking free 合唱: 是的,我们能放飞自由 Troy: Oh, we"re breakin" free 特洛伊: 哦 我们放飞自由 Gabriella: Ohhhh 盖比瑞拉: 哦~~~~ Troy: Can you feel it building 特洛伊: 你能感觉到这正在形成吗 Like a wave the ocean just can"t control 就像失去控制的大海的波浪 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉: Connected by a feeling 被感觉联系在一起 Ohhh, in our very souls 哦~~在我们灵魂深处 Both: 合唱: Rising ‘til it lifts us up 一直飞翔吧直到我们到达顶端 So every one can see 这样每个人都能看见我们 Chorus #2 Troy: We"re breakin" free 特洛伊:我们放飞自由 Gabriella: We"re soarin" 盖比瑞拉:我们遨游 Troy: Flyin" 特洛伊:我们飞翔 Both: 合唱: There"s not a star in heaven That we can"t reach 天空中没有我们够不到的星星 Troy: If we"re trying Yeah we"re breaking free 特洛伊: 如果我们努力尝试 是啊 我们正放飞自由 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉 Ohhhh runnin" 哦~~奔跑 Troy: Climbin" To get to that place 特洛伊: 攀登 直到到达那个地方 Both: To be all that we can be 合唱: 成为我们真正的自己 Troy: Now"s the time 特洛伊: 现在正是时候 Both: 合唱: So we"re breaking free 所以我们放飞自由 Troy: We"re breaking free 特洛伊: 我们放飞自由 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉: Ohhh , yeah Troy: More than hope More than faith 特洛伊: 超越希望 超越信念 Gabriella: This is true This is fate And together 盖比瑞拉: 这是事实 这是命运 而且我们在一起 Both: We see it comin" 合唱: 我们看见它正前进 Troy: More than you More than me 特洛伊: 超越你 超越我 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉: Not a want, but a need 不是需要而是必须 Both: Both of us breakin" free 合唱: 我们一起放飞自由 Chorus #3 Gabriella: Soarin" 盖比瑞拉:遨游 Troy: Flyin" 特洛伊:飞翔 Both: There"s not a star in heaven That we can"t reach If we"re trying 如果我们努力尝试天空中没有我们够不到的星星 Troy: Yeah we"re breaking free 特洛伊:我们放飞自由 Gabriella: Breaking free Were runnin" 盖比瑞拉: 放飞自由 奔跑 Troy: Ohhhh, climbin" 特洛伊: 哦~~攀登 Both: To get to the place To be all that we can be 合唱: 到达我们都能成为真正的自己的地方 Now"s the time 现在正是时候 Troy: Now"s the time 特洛伊:现在正是时候 Gabriella: So we"re breaking free 盖比瑞拉:所以我们放飞自由 Troy: Ohhh, we"re breaking free 特洛伊:哦~~~我们放飞自由 Gabriella: Ohhhh 盖比瑞拉:哦~~~ Both: You know the world can see us In a way that"s different than who we are 合唱: 你知道这个世界能看见我们 我们真正的自己 差不多歌舞青春1的歌中英文翻译都有,希望是你想要的,望采纳。谢谢

but it was only fantasy,no matter how he tried he could not break free 这首歌叫什么名字(其中一段

pink floyd 的hey you

大家给个建议 李宁3DBreakFree80TF羽毛球拍 和80TD 那个更适合




请把”breaking free”这首歌翻译成中文

But you go to, erupt another now a Left heart, I can"t the Wu sheep repair a prison I do to enough weep over You will not climb to invite My business has already enough told a lie Just came out front door I break free From the chain you of heart Delay any more Zuo the dilemma go forward "Business, this is me I can"t live in a lies Have to as far as possible exist with strong I had another a trick for amuse You will cheat someone lately "Business, I feel what I do and lose My looking for love is true We can"t forever together "Business, when I am so strong, I to myself What I like is now or never Delay any more, make a list I break free From the chain you of heart Delay any more Zuo the dilemma go forward Business, this is me I can"t live in a lies Have to try existence with strong

ruby rose-break free什么意思

ruby rose-break free红宝石玫瑰打破自由很高兴为您解答希望对你有帮助 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

break free from


翻译! 英译中 求breaking free的中文含义

你没有给语境,不太好翻译。看看下面这个句子能不能帮上忙After tussling with my attacker for a few minutes, I succeeded in breaking free, and ran for help.我同袭击我的人扭打几分钟后,挣脱了对手,然后跑去求救兵。

I would break free from this enemy. 句子结果不解,请指教

我要挣脱这个敌人。I 主语would break free 谓语from this enemy 状语



Decyfer Down的《Break Free》 歌词

歌曲名:Break Free歌手:Decyfer Down专辑:End Of GreyBreak FreeFair warning编辑:nh3Cool and misty morning -Fall"s come silentlyAnother golden summer has gone byYou wake up like a dreamer -To what your life could beA prisoner of ambition -But now you can"t denyThe days of your life -They"re slipping awayAnd now it ain"t so easy -To waste another dayBreak free - on the wings of tomorrowFind your dream in the tears of this nightBreak free - from the chains of your sorrowOpen your eyes - saving your soul, this timeAddicted to the fast life -You never seemed to care"Bout where the open road would lead you toThose glory days are over -And sure you had your shareBut now it just means nothing-And nothing just won"t doThe call of your heart -You pushed it down lowBut now you feel it rising -Come on and let it showBreak free - on the wings of tomorrowBreak free - from the chains of your sorrowOpen your eyes - saving your soul, this timeWhy don"t you Break free.on the wings of tomorrowFind your dream in the tears of this nightFind your dream in the tears of this nightBreak free - from the chains of your sorrowOpen your eyes - saving your soul, this timeWhy don"t you Break free.on the wings of tomorrowWhy don"t you Find your dream in the tears of this nightWhy don"t you Break free - from the chains of your sorrowOpen your eyes - saving your soul, this timethis timeWhy don"t you Break freeBreak freeBreak freeFind your dreamShalalala...Shalalala...Shalalala...Find your dreamWhy don"t you Break freeShalalala...Shalalala...Shalalala...Find your dreamWhy don"t you Break freeShalalala...Shalalala...http://music.baidu.com/song/8015317

break free什么意思

这首歌很好听,是由Ariana Grande演唱,Zedd制作音乐的。http://y.qq.com/#type=song&mid=004gSJmJ4B9eXX&from=smartbox

Do you like to make friends ? ln what ways?

I like to make friends because there are several benefits of doing it. By making friends,I can find someone who has the same hobbies as me so we can share our interests with each other and have fun.Also,when you are in adversities,your friends could become to talk with your with the problem so you are more likely to overcome the difficulty.Last but not least,when you have some friends, you will not feel lonely. I mainly make friends by playing sports because it is the easiest way for me to find people who have the same hobby as I do.Every time I play soccer,I am able to acquint other players very quickly and some of them will probably be my friends in the future. I really enjoy making friends because as a social aanimal,I friends are the essential part of my life.希望对你有帮助

以"honesty and friends-making"为题,写一篇300字左右的英语作文?急!!!

A proverb says "One man is not good enough to live alone in the world." Indeed, there are many things in life which we alone cannot perform. We need friends" help. Friends are people who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show sympathy for us when we are in misery. The benefits of friendship are boundless and sometimes invisible. For example, when we have passed the graduation examination and are looking for a job, we need experienced and reliable friends to guide us and help us on our way. A good friend is also an adviser, because our own points of view towards things may not be always right. Therefore, it is necessary for us to seek advice from friends. Of course, we can make friends everywhere. However, I think the best place is school, where we are among a big number of boys and girls our own age, so it is easy to get to know one another in a short time. Besides, we can also make friends among the people who work with us in the community. In order to make friends, we ourselves must be honest,noble-minded and kind-hearted whereby to leave a favourable impression on others since other people observe us the same way as we do. At the same time, we should avoid bad friends, because they always do harm to us and moreover,they are dangerous to the people around.What is even worse,they mar our friendship with good friends.Indeed,seeking acquaintance with bad friends would be a serious mistake.

《Should students make friends on line》为题的英语作文?

Should students make friends on line?学生应该在网上交朋友吗?以下是一篇以《Should students make friends on line》为题的英语作文,希望对你有所帮助。Title: Should Students Make Friends Online?With the development of technology, making friends online has become increasingly popular among students. But is it a good idea? In my opinion, while there are advantages to making friends online, there are also some potential risks that need to be considered.On the one hand, making friends online can broaden a student"s social circle beyond their physical environment. It allows them to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures who they may not have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. Online friendships can also provide emotional support and a sense of belonging to those who may feel isolated or alone in their offline lives.On the other hand, there are potential dangers associated with making friends online. Students may encounter strangers who are not who they claim to be, leading to potential safety risks. Additionally, online friendships can sometimes lack the depth and authenticity of offline relationships, as it can be easier to present a curated version of oneself online.In conclusion, while making friends online has its benefits, students should be cautious and aware of the potential risks. It is important to prioritize safety and ensure that online friendships do not replace meaningful face-to-face interactions.文章翻译:标题:学生应该在网上交朋友吗?随着科技的发展,通过网上交朋友已经越来越受到学生们的欢迎。但这是一个好主意吗?我认为,虽然通过网上交朋友有一些好处,但也存在一些潜在风险需要考虑。一方面,通过网上交朋友可以扩大学生的社交圈,超越他们所处的物理环境。这使他们能够与来自不同背景和文化的人联系,否则他们可能没有机会见面。在线友谊还可以为那些在离线生活中感到孤立或孤独的人提供情感支持和归属感。另一方面,网上交朋友也存在潜在的危险。学生们可能会遇到不是他们所声称的陌生人,从而导致潜在的安全风险。此外,网上友谊有时可能缺乏离线关系的深度和真实性,因为在网上呈现自己的版本更容易。总之,尽管网上交友有其好处,但学生们应该谨慎并意识到潜在的风险。重要的是要优先考虑安全,并确保在线友谊不会取代有意义的面对面交往。解释难词:1. Development (noun) - the process of growing or improving; 发展例句:The development of technology has greatly changed our lives.2. Advantages (noun) - positive aspects or benefits; 优点例句:One advantage of living in the city is the availability of public transportation.3. Potential (adjective) - possible but not yet actual; 潜在的例句:There is potential for growth in this market if we invest more resources.4. Risks (noun) - situations involving danger or harm; 风险例句:Driving without a seatbelt poses a risk to your safety.5. Authenticity (noun) - the quality of being genuine or true; 真实性例句:I value authenticity in a person and prefer honesty over deception.

2019年12月英语六级满分作文:How to Make Friends

 英语六级满分作文:How to Make Friends  如何交朋友  A proverb says "One man is not good enough to live alone in the world." Indeed, there aremany things in life which we alone cannot perform. We need f riends" help. Friends are peoplewho willingly and readily help us when we a re in trouble, and show sympathy for us when weare in misery.  The benefits of friendship a reboundless and sometimes invisible. For example, when we havepassed the graduation examination and are looking for a job, we need experienced andreliable friends to guide us and help us on our way. A good friend is also an adviser, becauseour own points of view towards things may not be always right. Therefore, it is necessary for usto seek advice from friends.  Of course, we can make friends everywhere. However, I think the best place is school, where weare among a big number of boys and girls our own age, so it is easy to get to know one anotherin a short time. Besides, we can also make friends among the people who work with us in thecommunity.  In order to make friends, we ourselves must be honest, noble-minded and kind-heart edwhereby to leave a favour able impression on other s since other people observe us the sameway as we do.  At the same time, we should avoid bad friends, because they always do harm to us, andmoreover, they are dangerous to the people a round. What is even worse, they mar ourfriendship with good friends.  Indeed, seeking acquaintance with bad friends would be a serious mistake.  CET6六级作文结构分析:  ·Gener al comment———人人都需要朋友  ·Argument (1 )———真心的友谊好处无穷  ·Argument (2 )———学校是的交友场所  ·Argument (3 )———要交好朋友, 自身须具备良好的素质  ·Argument (4 )———交坏朋友将会造成严重错误  CET6六级作文内容分析:  本文是一篇议论文, 论述了交友之道。作者认为朋友必不可少, 有朋友就有友谊, 有友谊就有好处。在同时, 作者也告诫人们要交朋友必先自身具备良好素质。最后作者警告人们交友要慎重, 不要交坏朋友。  CET6六级作文万能句型:  proverb n. 谚语  show sympathy for 对栢示同情  boundless benefits 无穷的好处  reliable a. 可靠的  seek advice from 向脢求意见  leave an impression on 给梦下印象  seek acquaintance with 与交友

How to make friends?

Take the others as our own

1 We admire him although he makes a lot of mistakes; after all he is a great man.英译中


take roller coaster.

支持takes 我没有学校的理论,我只是凭借在国外生活这么多年的语感,costs 的话后面都加个人称代词才会舒服,比如it costs me 什么什么

it takes two to tango 是什么意思啊!1

it takes two to do something....

make a loan是什么意思

make a loan 发放贷款 例句筛选1.The report said the AgBank officers had agreed to make a loan to a villager namedWang Jian for his livestock farm.报导说,农业银行干部同意向叫王建的一位农民发放贷款,资助其畜牧场。2.Yes. I"d like to make a loan.是的,我想办一笔贷款。

动词-ing 改写下列句子1.The teather is taking a walk on the playgroun?

1.The teacher is taking a walk on the playground is our teacher of English. 正在操场上散步的老师是我们的英语老师. 2The birds singing in the trees filled the air with music . 小鸟正在树上唱歌,使空气弥漫着音乐. 3.Do you know the number of students ing to the English Evening. 你知道即将来英语晚会的学生的数量吗? 4.I could hear the boys playing in the field. 我可以听到男孩们正在田野里玩耍. 5.He was glad to find the fire burning brightly. 他非常高兴找到了正燃烧地发亮的火焰. 6.I watched them dancing. 我看着他们跳舞. 7.Mary sat on the ground,talking with Jane. Mary坐在地上,正与Jane聊着天. 8.I stood at the gate waiting for his arrival. 我站在门口等待着他的到来. 10.Seeing that it was raining John put on his raincoat. 看见正在下雨,John穿上了他的雨衣. 11.Stepping carelessly off the pavement,he was knocked down by the bus. 不小心走出了人行道,他被一辆公车撞了.,1,The teather walking on the playground.he is our teacher of english. The birds filing the air with music. They were singing in the trees.,2,动词-ing 改写下列句子 1.The teather is taking a walk on the playground .he is our teacher of English 2.The birds filled the air with music .They were singing in the trees 3.Do you konw the number of students They are ing to the English evening 4.I could hear the boys .They were playing in the field 5.He was glad to find the five .It was burning bringhly 6.I watched them .They were dancing 7.Mary sat on the ground .She talked with jane 8.I stood at the gate .I was waiting for his arrival 10.John put on his raincoat because he saw that is was raining 11.As the was stepping carelessly off the pavement he was knocked down by the bus (并将句子翻译)

More new machines will be bought to __________ the old ones. A.replace with B.take place .

D 试题分析:考查词组:A. replace with用…代替,B. take place发生C. make place for让位于,为…挪出地方,D. take the place of代替,句意:更多的机器会购置代替旧的。选D。点评:要把一些经常考查的动词短语进行归类总结,特别是同一个短语有多种意思,要在语境中进行区别。



林肯公园《shake that》的中文翻译?


How Could An Angel Break My Heart 歌词


平井坚的fake star的歌词,最好罗马音

平井坚 - fake star作词:平井坚作曲:平井坚编曲:URU暗い深い未来の暗 サングラス 纲渡り驻车场に泊めた孤独 スモークで隠すマネージャーを呼び出してマンションに横付け素早く忍び込んで 2时间 makin" love引き返せない 欲望列车乗客は皆 こっちを见てる一度知られた 颜と名前を世间は忘れないwho is a fake star?who is a fake style?who is a fake smile?化けの皮をはがしてやる fake starwho is a fake love?who is a fake heart?that"s you携帯メモリー 一周まわったのに会いたい人は谁? 见つけられない见下ろすパノラマ 空虚なサクセス広过ぎる部屋に 居场所が无い甲胄を着ても 敌が见えない戦いながら 笑颜はキープ过去を切り舍て 颜を変えても未来が忘れないwho is a fake star?who is a fake style?who is a fake smile?まつり上げられてナンボ fake starwho is a fake love?who is a fake heart?that"s you伪りでいい 见せかけでいいそのぬくもりが 今は欲しいwho is a fake star?who is a fake style?who is a fake smile?プライベイトも切り売り fake starwho is a fake love?who is a fake heart?that"s youwanna be a pop star, but he"s a fake starて言うか fake made谁か魔法をかけてよ fake starwho is a fake love?who is a fake star?that"s meおわり

歌词带 take baby的英文歌

Rude boy-Rihanna

男生唱的英文歌高潮是is beautiful night take 什么什么

Surrender - Cash CashI was running on an empty heartNot a trace of gasolineTrying to dim every single sparkThat could hurt,that could burn all of meLike a soldier on a battle groundLying wounded on the fieldI was fighting alongwith the broken swordNow I"m caught in a warwith no shieldIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay,we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrenderIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay,we"ll be foreverThen I surrender,surrender(surrender, surrender)I push and pull all the onesthat tryThen I"ll wash and fade awayAs I look around the vacate roomI see nobody left here to playCause I made myself a prisonerShackle up all my fearsBut I feel you"re breaking awayout the wallsMake them fall,make them all disappearIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay, we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrenderIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay, we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrender(surrender, surrender)Hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay, we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrenderThen I surrender, surrendersurrender

function does not take 1 arguments 出现的原因是什么

可能是一个方法 不需要 参数, 但是你写了一个参数进去... 英文不好...自己的理解...应该是参数个数的问题..


在模拟器的文件里找到ini文件夹,再找到doubledragon.ini,用记事本打开.找到下面内容:[Macros] ;Macros for player 1Macro1A=1234 (修改,1代表A键,2代表B键,3代表C键,4代表D键,1234 就代表ABCD一起按)Macro1B=Macro1C=Macro1D=保存退出.运行游戏(双截龙),在重新定义玩家1的键位里你在下方看见1234 ,前面有相应键位设定。设一个键(如:K),确定后游戏时能量满按K就可以变身了。

粤语吉他的歌,歌词最后是say good bye ,bye,take good care my friend是哪首歌啊?

歌曲名为:escapingblues traveler演唱歌词为:Music & lyrics: john popperCome with me and take my handDon"t look back just let it endWalk with me for one more mileAnd think this over for awhileAnd decideI"ve been thinking for some timeOf escapingMore than once it"s really crossed my mindEscapingThere"s a little bit further left to goWe"re not too fast and we"re not too slowThe deadline"s ours, we"re doing fineBlues TravelerI"m not yours and you"re not minePlease decideCome see what the madman seesIn escapingThe endless possibilitiesOf escaping...i"m escapingWhen you try to look around but the walls are closing inAnd you"ve got just enough strength to think of starting againBut you don"t have the time you cannot think or hesitateBecause the bus just left and you"re seven hours lateAnd all you can see is the sun going downIn some far away land in some far away townAnd all of a sudden you find you just don"t careAnd you"d give everything you have if you could be over thereAnd even though you don"t know howBut you think you know whyYou could be full of shitTry...try...please try...tryI see the decision in your eyesNo, it"s ok, and i"m not surprisedSee just like you, i"m not afraidOf being scared of the choice you madeSo did iYou see nobody said that your life is fairSo you turn around now you know your home"s back thereI"ve got to find out what i can seeI love you and remember mePlease don"t cry...don"t cryOh say good-bye my friendI"m escapingI guess all i can do is recommendEscapingTry escapingTry escapingTry escapingTry escaping...


TAKKI的资料 姓名:泷泽秀明 英文名:TAKIZAWA HIDEAKI 出生日:1982年3月29日 星座:牡羊座 血型:A型 出身地:日本东京都八王子市 身高:169CM 体重 56kg 鞋码 26cm 视力:1.0 中指到手腕的长度 18.5cm 家族构成 父, 母, 姐, 兄 宠物 两只狗 Hidezo & Hidepita 入社日期 :1995年4月23日 初仕事: 1995牛5月5日KinKi Kids Concert 拿手的料理:炒饭 喜欢的场所:自己屋企 最喜欢的运动:棒球 ,摔角 最喜欢的棒球队:巨人队 最喜欢的艺人:志村健、松下由树 最幸福的时候:睡觉的时候 最尊敬的前辈:东山纪之、中局正广、堂本光一、城岛茂、锦织一清 偶像:堂本光一 最要好的朋友:今井翼 最宠爱的后辈:山下智久(山P叫泷papa,泷不仅帮山下取了山P这个外号,连P的狗的名字都是T取的) 最喜欢的季节:夏季 最喜欢的装饰品:戒指 最喜欢的食物:甜食、烧牛、肉、寿司 最喜欢的动物:小狗 最喜欢的花:玫瑰 喜欢的科目:体育、美术 喜欢的女孩类别:有一点男孩子气,开朗、率真(初恋 中一) 最喜欢的香水 CK1 最喜欢的词句:我的字典里没有不可能事 最喜欢的音乐:V6、尾崎丰、射乱Q 最喜欢的日剧 同一屋檐下 最喜欢的电影 Home Alone 最喜欢的数字 7 喜欢的颜色 黑, 白, 粉红 最不喜欢的颜色 咖啡色、紫色 最幸福的一刻 睡觉的时候 最想变成的动物:马 爱好:MD 编辑 最怕的东西 演唱会的爆破声 ◆星期四之怪谈 (木曜の怪谈) 富士电视台 1995年 其他出演:今井翼、川野直辉 ◆1995-10-21 梦幻料理人 (客串) 1996-03-29 谁和谁在恋爱 (客串) ◆新闻女郎 1998年1月7日--1998年3月18日(全11话) 主演:铃木保奈美、泷泽秀明 ◆心之门 (心の扉) 日本电视台 1998年8月 其他出演:浜田一男、安蒜厚志 ◆热血恋爱道 日本电视台 每周日 11:40 - 12:00 1999年1月10日--1999年5月2日 主演:泷泽秀明、 秋山纯、横山裕等 主题歌:Can do! Can go! ◆魔女的条件 (魔女の条件) TBS电视台 每周四 22:00 - 22:54 1999年4月8日--1999年6月(全11回) 主演:泷泽秀明、松岛菜菜子 其他出演:别所哲也、山口佑一郎、西田尚美、 山田麻衣子、白川由美、黑木瞳等 主题曲:宇多田光「First Love」 平均收视率:21.5% ◆新前程似锦 日本电视台 每周六 21:00 - 21:54 1999年7月--1999年9月11日 主演:Coming Century (森田刚、三宅健、冈田准一) 泷泽第九话Guest出演(9月4日) ◆元禄缭乱 2000年--NHK 泷泽饰:吉良嘉周 ◆2000-01-12 平成小气夫妇第12集 (客串) ◆太阳不落山 2000年4月-2000年6月--富士电视台 泷泽饰:真崎直 主演:泷泽秀明、松雪泰子、优香 主题歌:John Lennon 插 曲 : 泷泽秀明--JOURNEY ◆草莓蛋糕上的士多啤梨(S.O.S) 2001年1月 泷泽饰:入江真南户 主演:泷泽秀明、深田恭子、内山理名等 主题歌:"SOS"--ABBA ◆Speed Star 2001年3月 泷泽饰:御影翔 主演:泷泽秀明、大野智 ◆西洋骨董洋果子店 2001年10月--富士电视台 主演:泷泽秀明、椎名桔平、藤木直人、小雪等 主题曲:Mr Childre "Youthful Day" ◆太阳的季节 2002年7月--TBS 主演:泷泽秀明、池协千鹤 主题曲:キ·セ·キ--泷泽秀明 ◆仆だけのマドンナand I love her 2003年7月-----富士电视台 主演:泷泽秀明. 长谷川京子 回答人的补充 2009-05-28 10:55 主题曲:「涙の海で抱かれたい~SEA OF LOVE」 【日剧】【资料】[2005年1月冬]义经 ◆义经 泷泽秀明饰:源义经(史上大河剧最年轻的主演) 主演:中井贵一 加滕雅也 上戸彩 后藤真希 阿部宽 参演舞台剧 1997.8.29 - 1997.10.26 SHOW剧「KYO TO KYO」 (助演) 1998.12.04 - 1998.12.26 SHOW剧 98「MASK」 主演(史上最年少座长) 松竹座(大阪) 04.01.08 - 04.01.31 Dream Boy 主演 东京帝国剧场(史上最年少座长) 04.05.08 - 04.05.23 Dream Boy 主演 大阪梅田コマ剧场 创作歌曲: 1.Words of Love 作词:滝沢秀明&相田 毅 作曲:原 一博 wuC00-7-1 2.げっと!!! 作词:滝沢秀明&今井翼 作曲:滝沢秀明 3.Everlasting Love~终わりのない想い 作词:滝沢秀明&MAIKO 作曲:滝沢秀明 4.あの时は确かに恋してた 作词:LaVenDer 作曲:LaVenDer 5.894...ハクシ 作词:滝沢秀明 作曲:滝沢秀明 6.二人の夜 作词:LaVenDer 作曲/编曲:LaVenDer 7.Madonna 作词:LaVenDer 作曲/编曲:LaVenDer 8.My angel,you are angel 作词:Takeshi 作曲:滝沢秀明 9.Fight All Night 作词:阿闭真琴 作曲/编曲:LaVenDer (LaVenDer 是泷泽秀明的笔名)

okay, bye for now, take care. enjoy your life 什么意思


Take Me Over 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Over歌手:Michael W. Smith专辑:Decades of WorshipTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17627002

Take my Brave 歌词

歌曲名:Take my Brave歌手:dystopiaground专辑:the epilogueTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28715877

Sickboy的《Take Me On》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me On歌手:Sickboy专辑:Time to PlayTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54885207


【国家名称】 斯洛伐克(Slovakia) 【国家面积】 49035平方公里 【国家首都】 布拉迪斯拉发 【重要节日】 国庆日:1944年8月29日 【简 况】 欧




if you"re happy and you know it clap your handsuff1bif you"re happy and you know it clap your handsuff1bif you"re happy and you know it never be afraid to show ituff1bif you re happy and you know it clap your handsu3002if you re happy and you know it stomp your feetuff1bif you re happy and you know it stomp your feetuff1bif you re happy and you know it never be afraid to show ituff1bif you re happy and you know it stomp your feetu3002If you re happy and you know it, Shout "Hurray!"
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