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为什么叫他 Narcissus? Narcissus中文意思是水仙花,源于希腊神话, 这个神话我看过几个版本,对 Narcissus的音译也不同,小学读物里译的是西沙斯,一些正版读物里译的是纳雪瑟斯,我比较喜欢后者,好听些. 故事也有好几个版本,写个把我喜欢: 这个典故也是出自希腊神话。Narcissus为一翩翩美男子,受众多女性爱慕,可是他谁也不爱,有一次在水边看到自己的倒影,竟然爱上了自己的影子,天天在水边顾影自怜。 爱慕他的女子中有一名mountain nymph叫做Echo(nymph是希腊神话中居住在山林、水中、草地、海上半人半神的美丽少女)。这位Echo苦于无法向Narcissus表达爱意,只能摹仿他说的话。 为什么Echo无法向Narcissus表达爱意呢?这是因为她和天后Hera的一段过节造成的。Echo原来是Hera的随从,专和Hera说话解闷来着。天后Hera常防范她的老公Zeus沾花惹草。有一次中了Zeus的计,和Echo聊天忘了时间,以致Zeus好事得逞。Hera一怒之下,惩罚Echo,使她不会说话,只能摹仿别人的言语。Echo想尽办法仍无法向心上人示爱,最后香消玉殒,只剩下回声留在人间(和《海的女儿》很相似,也许这是希腊神话对西方文学的一种影响吧)。在古希腊的传说中,山林中的泉水边有一个仙女厄科,她爱上了年轻英俊的猎人那喀索斯,可是那喀索斯对厄科的爱却置之不理,厄科因为忧郁憔悴而死,她清脆的叹息化成了山林中的回声。后来,爱神为了惩罚那喀索斯,让他一直迷恋泉水中自己美丽的倒影,最后他化成了泉水边的一株水仙花.厄科是希腊神话中的美貌仙女,受了诅咒,只能重复别人话语的后几个词语。他喜欢上了美少年那尔卡索斯,却难以表达。那尔卡索斯根本不知到厄科深深地暗恋着他。深感苦闷的厄科便祈求爱神维纳斯惩罚这个少年。那尔卡索斯受到惩罚,因爱上了自己水中的倒影憔悴至死,死后化为水仙. 和“海的女儿”一样,都是凄美的爱情故事。两个女主人公都负着深深的爱,却走了两条截然不同的路。海的女儿牺牲了自己成全了爱人,厄科将爱人诅咒致死。爱情真是难理解,两人之路哪一条更可取呢? Narcissus——英俊潇洒,风度翩翩,漂亮到极致的美少年,森林中的女神们都深深地爱慕着他,其中Echo女神对他最为痴情,无情的Narcissus对Echo 很反感,竟对她说:“你别梦想我会为你着迷!!”Echo只能重复:“我为你着迷!我为你着迷!……”但Narcissus 却拂袖而去。羞愧万分的Echo躲进山洞,终日少言寡语,形销骨立直到整个玉体全都消失了,只留下她的声音.一次Narcissus在湖边喝水,他看到了水里有一个美少年——也就是他自己的倒影。他不知不觉被吸引,不禁问道:“你长得真美,你是谁啊?”此时,时刻守在他身边的Echo重复的他话:“你是谁啊?”他说:“我是Narcissus,我想认识你。”Echo也重复道:“我想认识你。” Narcissus对自己的倒影微笑、招手,水中的影子也微笑、招手。从此,他便爱上了自己的倒影,日复一日,他再也不离开湖边。他每天只做一件事,就是坐在水边,看着自己的倒影。世界上他不会爱任何人,Narcissus爱的人只有他自己,只是他自己。 终于死神接走了他,Echo伤心欲绝,可她找不到Narcissus的遗体,却发现湖边长出一朵小白花,那花向湖面低垂着头,像是在凝望自己的倒影。而这花,就被人称为水仙。 从此,水仙日夜对着倒影思念,Eacho也舍不得离开,日夜守在他身边……


1、工作退一步海阔天空,爱情晚一步人去楼空。 Work is a step backwards, love is a step backwards. 2、火,在艳丽的外表下,却是那样的虚无缥缈,正如,爱情。 Fire, under the geous appearance, is so vague, just like love. 3、当我们面对突如其来的爱情,牵手和放手都需要勇气。 When we face unexpected love, holding hands and letting go need courage. 4、爱情之所以昂贵,是因为它一旦便宜了!就会被称作贱! Love is expensive because once it is cheap! It"ll be called cheap! 5、只有生活中的弱者才会这样祈祷,把我这满是烦恼的爱情熄灭了吧。 Only the weak in life can pray like this and extinguish my troubled love. 6、爱情让人甜蜜,友情却让人富足。 Love makes people sweet, but friendship makes people rich. 7、在一切热情当中,爱情是最自私自利的。 Of all passions, love is the most selfish. 8、这是一条友谊的规律:一旦疑心从前门走进,爱情就会从后门溜走。 It"s a rule of friendship: once suspicion enters through the front door, love slips through the back door. 9、明明还没经历过爱情,却感觉到莫名的恐惧。 Clearly has not experienced love, but feel inexplicable fear. 10、爱情若能储存,是定期还是活期?利息又是什么? If love can be stored, is it regular or current? What is interest? 11、藏在我心里的不是你,而是对美好爱情的憧憬。 Hidden in my heart is not you, but the longing for a better love. 12、爱情不是游戏,哪有什么输什么赢。 Love is not a game. What wins or loses? 13、在路途上想起爱情来。觉得最好的爱情是两个人彼此做个伴。 Think of love on the way. I think the best love is that o people keep pany with each other. 14、在爱情里,需要的是真情,而不是完美。 In love, what is needed is truth, not perfection. 15、从未爱过你,从未真的喜欢过你,到最后一切都并非爱情。 Never loved you, never really liked you, to the end, everything is not love. 16、不再阳光下的爱情,不是真正的爱情! No longer love in the sunshine, not true love! 17、爱情如同燎原之火,熊熊燃烧起来,情感完全控制了理智。 Love is like a prairie fire, burning up, emotions pletely control reason. 18、事业的烦恼压着自己,爱情的道路折磨着自己。 Career troubles oppress themselves, and the road of love afflicts them. 19、爱情,其实很简单,没有开始,就没有结束。 Love, in fact, is very simple, no beginning, no end. 20、只用一秒钟就诞生的爱情,也只用一秒钟就能消亡。 Love that is born in one second can die in only one second. 21、如果没有爱情,再好的生活我也不要。 If there is no love, I will not live a better life. 22、爱情埋在心灵深处,并不是住在双唇之间。 Love is buried deeply in one"s heart, not beeen the lips. 23、任何一种爱情,都是一场侵略战。终有一方,既失城池,又失军心。 Any kind of love is a war of aggression. Eventually one side lost both the city and the army. 24、爱情于我而言是件奢侈品,有最好,无也罢! Love is a luxury for me, the best, no matter what! 25、爱情是一位伟大的导师,她教我们重新做人。 Love is a great teacher. She teaches us to be human again. 26、只是爱情,更像是邂逅一场盛景后,摆出的美丽苍凉的手势。 Just love, more like a beautiful and desolate gesture after encountering a grand scene. 27、爱不可以卑微,卑微的爱情毫无意义! Love can not be humble, humble love is meaningless! 28、我不再爱她,这是确定的,但也许我爱她。爱情太短,而遗忘太长。 I no longer love her, that"s for sure, but maybe I love her. Love is too short and fetting too long. 29、灵魂若可以从天而降,你就是我的方向。爱情,又岂止两个字而已。 If the soul can descend from the sky, you are my direction. Love is more than o words. 30、痛苦也是爱情的一部分。不要因为痛苦而放弃爱情。 Pain is also part of love. Don"t give up love because of pain. 31、年轻的我们,容易把感动当成爱情,也容易把过客当成挚爱。 Young people, we are easy to move as love, but also easy to pass as love. 32、我想要的爱情不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子。 I want love not for a lifetime without quarrelling, but for a lifetime after quarrelling. 33、如果有一天,我明白了什么是爱情,那一定是因为你。 If one day, I understand what love is, it must be because of you. 34、你只有让自己足够好了,才有资格开始一段好的爱情。 You can only start a good love if you make yourself good enough. 35、一个聪明女人,是不会用爱情绑住男人的,她只会让男人需要自己。 A *** art woman will not tie a man with love, she will only make him need himself. 36、爱情是一件心甘情愿的事情,不是忍让就可以将一切裂缝都掩盖。 Love is a matter of willingness, not tolerance can cover up all cracks. 37、爱情就像不停旋转的魔方,有未知,才让我们充满幻想。 Love is like a magic cube that keeps spinning. Only when there is unknown, can we be full of fantasy. 38、眼睛为他下着雨,心却为他打着伞,这就是爱情。 His eyes are raining for him, but his heart is holding an umbrella for him. This is love. 39、爱情这条路,我能陪你走多久? Love this road, how long can I acpany you? 40、你情我愿,那便是爱情最初的模样了。 If you like me, that"s what love was like at first. 41、没有什么是永垂不朽,没有爱情会天长地久。 Nothing lasts forever. No love lasts forever. 42、爱情就像是一条河,谁不是摸着石头过河呢? Love is like a river. Who doesn"t touch a stone to cross it? 43、完美的爱情,伤身又伤心。 Perfect love hurts and hurts. 44、习惯就是一切,甚至在爱情中也是如此。 Habit is everything, even in love. 45、我的写作生活,就是我的爱情生活,我的人生观,就是我的爱情观。 My writing life is my love life, my outlook on life is my love outlook. 46、原以为是爱情的碰撞,却不想是错过的开端。 I thought it was the collision of love, but I don"t want to miss the beginning. 47、惊天动地只可惜天地亦无情,不敢有风不敢有声,这爱情无人证。 It is a pity that heaven and earth are merciless. They dare not have wind and dare not have voice. There is no witness to this love. 48、有一种爱情叫覆水难收,有一种心情叫我心依旧。 There is a kind of love that cannot be recovered, and a kind of mood that makes my heart remain the same. 49、不是每一场痴情都能换来一场爱情。 Not every infatuation can be exchanged for a love. 50、我不需要多么完美的爱情,我只需要有一个人永远不会放弃我。 I don"t need perfect love, I just need someone who will never give up on me. 51、爱情是自由之子,永远不会是控制的产物。 Love is the son of freedom and will never be the product of control. 52、生命有了爱情这个麻烦才会有重量。 The trouble of life with love is weighty. 53、爱情的根本愿望是:在陌生的人山人海中寻找一种自由的盟约。 The fundamental wish of love is to find a free covenant among strangers. 54、爱情无药可医,唯有爱得更深。 There is no cure for love, only love is deeper. 55、爱情是一个迷魂阵,进去了就出不来,哪怕把性命搭进去呢。 Love is a phantom of ecstasy. If you go in, you can"t go out, even if you put your life in it. 56、不知道爱情有没有放射性,我先拿一个到实验室去做做实验! I don"t know if love is radioactive. I"ll take one to the laboratory to do the experiment first. 57、最勇敢的事就是,微笑着听你说你和她的爱情。 The bravest thing is to *** ile and listen to you say you love her. 58、爱情,有时候就是这样,来的没有原因,却又无可抗拒。 Love, sometimes like this, es for no reason, but irresistible. 59、爱情,正如一切闪光的东西一样,需在暗处才能更见其光明。 Love, like everything that glitters, needs to be seen in the dark.


1.原来,爱一个人,那就是永远的心疼她,永远是不舍得去责备她。看到她哭,自己的心就是跟针扎的一样;看到她笑,自己的就跟开了花儿一样。在爱情中,每个人都有自己致命的软肋。 2.有许多人被爱情伤害过,所以不再相信爱情。但实际上,这些人是最懂爱的。因为受伤,所以才是懂得。因为失去,所以才是去珍惜。因为背叛,所以才是会忠诚。他们看上去冷漠,其实那是有一颗最缺爱的心。 3.我们或许会爱错人、或许会为不值得的事痛哭流涕,但有一点是确信无疑的,那就是错误能帮助我们找到对的那个人,那也是能让我们下次做得更好。有谁是不犯错的呢?我们都有过痛苦的经历,只是为了找到最后的归宿。 4.爱一个人,是要了解也是要开解。也许,爱恨仅仅也就只是在我们的一念之间!爱,不仅是要懂得宽容更是要及时,很多事可能只是在于你心境的转变罢了。如果有个人爱上你,而你也觉得他不错,那也并不是代表你会选择他。 5.要让爱情简单,最好就是精选适合自己的对象。一个真正值得去爱也懂得回爱的人,就会让爱情变得简单。这样,两人之间平时不需要猜测心意,不用担心行踪;不害怕在无意之间激怒,不怀疑做任何事情的动机。两人之间,有一点想念,却不会伤心。 6.爱情自己做主,这段感情能够让你开心安心,那么就谈下去,别去管对方贫穷地位学历等等。而这感情让你痛苦和不安,那也就要谨慎了,即使你爱他。说白了,找个让你开心一辈子的人,才是爱情的目标。 7.在爱情里,最在乎的一方,最后往往也就是输得最惨。去找个让你开心一辈子的人,那样才是爱情的目标。最好的,往往也就是在你身边最久的。所以,选爱人不需要太多的标准,我们只要这三样:不骗你,不伤害你,和陪着你。 8.爱一个人,你是要了解也是要开解;要道歉也是要道谢;要体贴也是要体谅;是接受而不是忍受;是支持而不是支配;是宽容而不是纵容;是慰问而不是质问;是倾诉而不是控诉;是难忘而不是遗忘。 9.对于那个爱你的人一定是要去尊重,爱你是有原因的,接受的同时要用加倍的关爱回报,但是千万不要欺骗人家的感情,这是你用钱买不来的财富。当你轻视人家付出的情感就是等于蔑视自己,爱人是一种美德。 10.一个人一生是可以爱上很多的人,但是只有等你获得真正的那个属于你的幸福之后,你就是会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人,你的爱情一直都是在后面。 12.那么多曾让人羡慕的爱情,最后无疾而终,而那些从来就没人在意的爱情,却可以如此简单的相爱,开花结果。其实,只要有一只愿意握紧你的手,一颗把你放进生命里的心,这便够了。 13.我们都渴望白头偕老的爱情,但有时白头偕老却无关爱情。人生最难过的,莫过于你深爱着一个人,却永远不可能在一起。忍耐是一种深沉的爱,却不是每个人都能懂得珍惜。和一个愿意忍耐你的人牵手,远比那些只会给你风花雪月的人来得更长久。 14.曾以为,爱情是人生的全部;然而有一天我发现,那只是我浪废了最多光阴的一部分。曾经以为,爱上了,就不会寂寞;然而有一天我发现,寂寞还是爱上了我。有一天我发现,离开你我满是伤痕。 15.爱很奇怪,什么都介意,最后又什么都能原谅;就像泰戈尔说的:眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。 15句非常精彩的名人语录 1、我们每天早上可能会从报纸上看到人类的各种悲剧,但是,我们真的听到这些人的呐喊了吗?我们真的义无反顾地倾力相助了吗?我决心这样去做。 联合国秘书长潘基文 2、无论你来自哪里,都应该为你的社会、国家和家庭服务,而这些并不取决于你说了什么,而取决于你做了什么。 洛杉矶市长维拉莱戈沙 3、检验人的品质有一个最简单的标准,那就是看他工作时所具备的精神。工作是一个人人格的表现,是真我的外部写真。看到一个人所做的工作,就如见其人了。 美国着名学者莫尔谈到工作对人的重要性时如是说 4、无论你心里怎么想,你的言谈举止都应该谦虚谨慎。在许多国家,任何形式的炫耀都会被视为粗鲁无礼。 美国国务院制定的美国人海外旅行行为准则之一 5、我的时尚品位不被认可,有一年,我穿了一条特别品牌的泳裤,结果那个品牌的销量急剧下降。 英国首相布莱尔自嘲曾导致一个品牌的灾难日 6、心不妄念,身不妄动,口不妄言,君子所以存诚;内不欺己,外不欺人,上不欺天,君子所以慎独;无愧父母,无愧兄妹,无愧夫妻,君子所以宜家;不负国家,不负生民,不负所学,君子所以用世。 弘一大师说佛 7、人格是最高的学位。 白岩松话人格 8、我本人不在故乡做生意,家乡的利润,基金会一块钱也不取!投资、捐赠,目的只有一个,就是希望国家兴旺、民族富强。 曾任全国政协副主席的霍英东 9、商业道德是一种资产,而非负债。它可能会增加交易时间,但却减少了交易成本。 印度首富、Wipro董事长阿齐姆普莱姆基的理念 10、我很高兴做一个美国人,但要是非得在做美国人和做诚实的记者之间挑一个,我会做诚实的记者。 普利策新闻奖获得者、着名战地记者彼得阿内特 11、注意你的思想,它会变成你的言语;注意你的言语,它会变成你的行动;注意你的行动,它会变成你的习惯;注意你的习惯,它会变成你的性格;注意你的性格,它会变成你的命运。 美国当代作家哈尼鲁宾 12、在生活这个令人费解的局面前,你最好保持足够的谦虚,尽管它不一定能够帮助你做出正确的决定,但至少可以防止你去犯过分明显的错误。 美国前财长罗伯特鲁宾的回忆录《在不确定的世界》中的一句话 13、将诚实当成一门艺术,应加以很好的利用。 海星集团董事会主席荣海如是说。他认为诚实就像一个种在地下的萝卜,平时,你总要不断地付出各种代价松土、浇水到了收获的时候,你才发现它是如此肥美 14、我只是一滴清水,不是肥皂水,不能吹泡泡。 人民文学出版社有意请杨绛出席其新出版文集的作品研讨会,但杨绛婉言谢绝 15、改良社会最有效的方式就是提升自己。 西方哲学家维特根斯坦名言 100句非常经典的爱情语录 1、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债! 2、曾经以为,拥有是不容易的;后来才知道,舍弃更难。 3、没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 4、后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪.后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误.所以不要后悔。 5、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话。 6、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 7、当你真正爱一样东西的时候你就会发现语言多么的脆弱和无力。文字与感觉永远有隔阂。 8、以前的山盟海誓,而现在只留我一个人独自伤心。 9、离去,让事情变得简单,人们变得善良,像个孩子一样,我们重新开始。 10、我真的爱你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。 11、因为我知道你是个容易担心的小孩,所以我将线交你手中却也不敢飞得太远。 12、所谓“爱情”就是爱过之后、浪费感情。 13、爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。 14、请一定要有自信。你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。 15、我已经分不清。你是友情,还是错过的爱情。 16、太美的承诺因为太年轻。 17、你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。 18、幸福是一个动作,你给的只是个概念。 19、原地画个圈圈,告诉你,你被我圈在了我的心里。 20、心碎离开,转身回到最初的荒凉里等待。 21、如今,我还在原地,你却走回了你的世界。 22、幸福,不一定要拥有,等待也是一种幸福。 23、很多时候,我们宁愿伤害自己,也不愿伤害别人。 24、当幻想和现实面对时,总是很痛苦的。要么你被痛苦击倒,要么你把痛苦踩在脚下。 25、凭什么我小心翼翼守护疼爱的人被别人毫不费力就占为己有。 26、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 27、你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。 28、时光没有教会我任何东西,却教会了我不要轻易去相信神话。 29、人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 30、如果我们都是孩子,就可以留在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边慢慢皓首。 31、一些事,只配当回忆;一些人,只能做过客。 32、伤口就像我一样,是个倔强的孩子,不肯愈合,因为内心是温暖潮湿的地方,适合任何东西生长。 33、人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散场。 34、总有一天我会从你身边默默地走开,不带任何声响。我错过了很多,我总是一个人难过。 35、承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。 36、伤心的时候只想找个角落听着自己的心跳,一个人流泪。 37、你忙,忘了我在等你电话;你忙,忘了你对我的承诺。 38、转身的那一秒开始,我的幸福,便与你无关。 39、听一首老歌,怀念一段时光,如果我也曾饱经沧桑。 40、第一次恋爱、最后一次流泪。 41、当时我去了天涯,你却说你在海角。 42、再美的曾经,留下的,也只有伤害。 43、我真的喜欢你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。 44、纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 45、什么叫快乐?就是掩饰自己的悲伤对每个人微笑。 46、不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言就是欠下的债。 47、是不是因为心痛的麻木了,我才笑得最美丽。 48、我的爱即使廉价、也轮不到对你打折。 49、很多时候,最难以接受的不是结果,而是等待结果的哪个过程。 50、其实我是一直相信的,我根本不需要想起什么,因为我从来没有忘记过。 51、我用尽一生的思念,只为等你出现。 52、踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近一点吗? 53、如果我从没遇见你,如果我从没爱上你,如果我一开始没坚信,也许我就不会是现在的这个自己。 54、多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。 55、自尊丢到墙角,掏出所有的好,你还是沉默。 56、一些事,只配当回忆.一些人,只能做过客。 57、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 58、不愿意承诺,只有在孤单的时候,才会想起最最熟悉的你! 59、你可以骗我,但最好先想好怎么和我解释。 60、总有一天我会从你身边默默地走开,不带任何声响.我错过了很多,我总是一个人难过。 61、如果再回到从前,我宁愿选择不认识你,不是我后悔,而是我不能面对没有你的结局。 62、说声再见,便不再相见,说声忘记,一切记忆便氤氲。 63、只有傻男人才会和女人吵架,聪明的男人都知道,男人是吵不过女人的,抱住强吻就行了。 64、你总说是你把我宠坏了,如今在也没有你宠了。 65、把你放心里就拿不出来的个性签名:多数的错与失,是因为不努力,不坚持,不挽留。 66、最好的报复不是毁掉对方,更不是毁掉自己,而是要过的比他幸福和快乐。 67、爱上一座城,大抵是因为,这里住着一个你爱的人。 68、当你说想忘记我旳时候,我沉默着一句话都不说。 69、你给不了我想要的,也没打算想和我怎么样。 70、幸福真的很简单,简单到时间一冲就淡。 71、如果幸福不在路上,那就在路的尽头。 72、当我们的爱情累了,就会停止了爱的旅途。 73、没有不变的承诺,只有说不完的谎言。 74、谁又能明白谁的疼爱,谁又能理解谁的离开。 75、你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。 76、我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫我以后怎么再对别人笑。 77、冷漠,有时候并不是无情,只是一种逃避被伤害的工具! 78、如果以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾那样深深地爱过你。 79、喜欢,站在风里,窒息的冷会没过爱你的痛,冷漠的魂会带走空虚的心。 80、你有没有在充满雾气的镜子或玻璃上写过一个人的名字,然后匆忙的擦掉。 81、你总是在我不经意间,拿走我一切的坚强。 82、最难过的时候不是痛苦流泪,是连眼泪也无法掉落的那种憋屈。 83、别人的童话永远都是浪漫的,而我的童话却永远都是凄凉的。 84、没人懂我,没人安慰,没人看懂我泪水。 85、真的很害怕,有一天会有另外一个人出现,取代了我在你心中的位置。 86、那么爱你怎可能一滴泪没有,我说我会在原地守候。 87、很多时候,看的太透反而不快乐,还不如幼稚的没心没肺。 88、找一个借口,掩饰心中那份小小的失落,安慰一下自己。 89、有时候,在乎得太多,对自己而言也是一种折磨。 90、你拨我的电话号码,语音告诉你我已经停机。你会不会难过?。 91、我希望能有一个人对我说:六十年后,我会比现在更爱你。 92、人之所以活得累,是因为放不下架子,撕不开面子,解不开情结。 93、一个成熟的人往往觉察可以指责的人越来越少,人人都有他的难处。 94、宁肯让人感觉我天天没心没肺的笑,也不肯让他们看见我冤枉的哭。 95、我目前就是落空砝码的称,看不清晰这份情绪的重量多重。 96、我从来都不会为自己解释些什么,再委屈都不会。 97、我们都还小,不懂爱,不懂恨,不懂痛,但懂伤。 98、有点醉,醉的好卑微,原来爱上你有一点点心碎。 99、对我说过的话做过的事,她用着还习惯吧。 100、放手了,就不该回忆,后悔了,就不能回去。 15句经典爱情语录,值得收藏 1、没有了你的关爱,此时的我,像个迷了路的小孩 2、不能踮着脚爱一个人,重心不稳撑不了太久。 3、如果你为了爱情,将所有的骄傲与尊严抛弃,也许将无法得到对方的真爱。 4、爱一个人的时候,是没有理智可言的,也只能对其他人无情。 5、由爱故生忧,由爱故生怖,若离于爱者,无忧亦无怖。 6、每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有的伤悲,人总有那么一段时间要学会自己长大。 7、我们总是在最不懂爱情的时候,遇到最美的爱情,然后错过。 8、承诺再多,做不到,那也只不过是谎言。 9、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。 10、一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。 11、只有一个人愿意等,另一个人才愿意出现。 12、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 14、爱到分才显珍贵,很多人都不懂珍惜拥有。直到失去才看到,其实那最熟悉的才是最珍贵的。 15、放弃一个很爱你的人,并不痛苦,放弃一个你很爱的人,那才痛苦。爱上一个不爱你的人,那是更痛苦。


Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jack who fell deeply in love with a beautiful woman named Lily. They met in college and quickly became inseparable. They spent countless hours talking, laughing, and exploring the world together.As their love grew stronger, Jack knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Lily. He planned a romantic proposal on a beach at sunset, and Lily said yes without hesitation.Their wedding was a beautiful celebration of their love, surrounded by family and friends. They vowed to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives.As the years passed, Jack and Lily faced many challenges together, but their love only grew stronger. They supported each other through difficult times and celebrated each other"s successes.Eventually, they started a family of their own and welcomed two beautiful children into the world. They raised their children with love and kindness, teaching them the importance of family and the power of love.As they grew old together, Jack and Lily never lost the spark that brought them together in the first place. They continued to laugh, explore, and love each other every day.In the end, Jack and Lily"s love story was one for the ages. It was a testament to the power of love and the beauty of a life spent with the person you love most in the world.




关于爱情的英语句子   柔情是提琴的语丝缠绕指尖的温暖。下面是由我为大家带来的关于关于爱情的英语句子,希望能够帮到您!   1、我们把爱情堵上了,谁都不可以反悔的。   We put our love up, no one can go back on our word.   2、喜欢一个人,是全世界最无法隐藏的事。   Like a person, is the world"s most cannot be hidden.   3、每一段时光,只要放在心上,就是地久天长。   Every time, as long as the heart, is forever.   4、所有人都说我把你宠坏了,唯独你说我从来没宠过你。   Everyone said I put you spoiled, but you said I never spoil you.   5、我微笑。在任何我难过或者快乐的时候,我只剩下微笑。   I smile. In any my sad or happy, I only smile.   6、曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。   I was lost in my mind, it is you that led me out of loneliness.   7、甜言蜜语,我不会,浪漫调情,我不会,对你,只有一颗心。   Sweet words, I won"t, romantic flirting, I won"t, to you, only one heart.   8、当你再也没有什么可以失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。   When there is nothing you can lose, is a time when you start to get.   9、喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记,生活其实就这么简单。   Like to fight for, get treasure, miss forget, life is so simple.   10、前面的路还很远,你可能会哭,但是一定要走下去,一定不能停。   The road ahead is a long way, you may cry, but must go on, must not stop.   11、会过去的,就会过去的。我们的痛苦,我们的悲伤,我们的负罪。   Will the past, will be the past. Our pain, our sadness, our guilt.   12、有些爱一直没有机会爱,等有机会了,已经不爱了。   Some love has no chance to love, such as have the opportunity, already did not love.   13、我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。   I love you not because of who you are, but who I am when I am with you.   14、你是我流年里不舍的温柔,你说我的眼眸深印着温柔。   You don"t give up the tender is my worst, you said my eyes deep with gentleness.   15、女人永远记住:长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮是本事。   Woman always remember: pretty is advantage, live beautiful is a skill.   16、幸福就是,坚持了应该坚持的,放弃了应该放弃的。   Happiness is, insisted that the should stick to, give up should give up.   17、所有的痛苦都来自选择,所谓幸福,就是没有选择。   All the pain from choice, the so-called happiness, is that there is no choice.   18、女人心是只盛水的玻璃瓶,明明已经装的满满的,却又好像什么都没有。   Women is a water bottle, it is full, the but again as if nothing at all.   19、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。   Precious things are rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.   20、这世间没有分离与衰老的命运,只有肯爱与不肯去爱的心。   There is no separation and aging of fate, only willing to love and not love"s heart.   21、我相信了你编写的童话,自己就成了童话中幽蓝的花。   I believe in the fairy story u wrote for me, and myself becomes the faint flower in the story.   22、爱是张白纸,而付出,呵护,甚至伤口,是红,是爱的主题。   Love is a piece of blank paper, and pay, care, or even wound, is red, is the theme of love.   23、想完全了解一个男人,最好别做他的恋人,而是做他的朋友。   Want to fully understand a man, you"d better don"t do his lover, but his friend.   24、明知道天要下雨,就该带把伞。明知道不会有结果,就请别开始。   Know it will rain, you should take an umbrella. Know there will be no results, please don"t start.   25、希望和信任是蜥蜴的尾巴,即使被切断,但它们还会再长出来。   Hope and trust is the tail of a lizard, even after being cut off, but they will grow again.   26、你稍稍牺牲一下自己的感觉,却带给你身边的人巨大的安慰。   Are you feeling a little sacrifice oneself, but bring great comfort to people around you.   27、女人的幸福在于:他真的爱你;男人的幸福在于:她值得你爱。   A woman"s happiness is: he really love you; A man"s happiness lies in: she deserves your love.   28、人们伤心,不是因为爱情结束了,而是因为当一切都结束了,爱还在。   People sad, not because love ends, but because of who I am when everything is over, love is still in.   29、若你这般温柔地握住我的手,是因为我掌中所有茧的记忆,你能懂。   If you gently held my hand, because the memory of my palm all cocoon, you can understand.   30、该笑的时候没有快乐,该哭泣的时候没有眼泪,该相信的时候没有诺言。   The moment the smile is not happy, it was time to cry no tears, no promise when should believe in.   31、选爱人不需要太多标准,只要三样:不骗你,不伤害你,和陪着你。   Choose love don"t need too many standards, as long as three: don"t cheat you, don"t hurt you, and stay with you.   32、离开一个地方,风景就不再属于你;错过一个人,那人便与你无关。   Leave a place, scenery is no longer belong to you. Miss a person, that person has nothing to do with you.   33、女人外在的诱惑只会得到男人的一夜,而内在的诱惑能换得男人的一辈子。   Women only get the man"s night, the lure of the outside and internal temptation can change a man"s lifetime.   34、生活是一场漫长的旅行,不要浪费时间,去等待那些不愿与你携手同行的`人。   Life is a long journey, don"t waste time, to wait for those who are not willing to walk with you hand in hand.   35、无论怎么样,一个人借故堕落总是不值得原谅的,越是没有人爱,越要爱自己。   No matter how, a man claiming to fall always is not worth to forgive, the more no one love, the more to love yourself.   36、我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。   I know this world someone is waiting for me, but I don"t know who I am waiting for, for this, I feel happy every day.   37、幸福就像你身后的影子,你追不到,但是只要你往前走,它就会一直跟着你。   Happiness is like the shadow behind you, you can"t, but as long as you go forward, it will always follow you.   38、这世上最累的事情,莫过于眼睁睁看着自己的心碎了,还得自己动手把它粘上。   In this world the most tired thing, than watched his heart is broken, also get oneself begin stick it on.   39、如果你生气了,请在面对爱人之前先面对镜子。看看自己,你喜欢现在这张脸吗?   If you angry, please face the mirror before you in the face of a lover. Look at yourself, do you like this face now?   40、只有桃花才会开在春风里,骆驼才会懂得恋慕甘泉,而一样的鸟儿,才可以一起飞。   Only peach blossom will open in the spring breeze, the camel can know the desire is there, and as the birds can fly.   41、Love warms more than a thousand fires。   爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。   42、i can think of nothing else but your dazzling smile。   我的脑海中除了你那迷人的微笑甚至什么都没有。   43、If we dream, everything is possible。   敢于梦想,一切都将成为可能。   44、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell。   在回想里连续梦境不如在天堂里等候天国。   45、Precious things are very few in this world。 That is the reason there is just one you。   在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。   46、Love shouldn"t fall in love with the people, but the helpless put not hand。   爱着不该爱上的人,却无可奈何的放不了手。   47、How should I greet, with tears, with silence。   我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。   48、Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time。 Goodness, remembrance and love have no end。   忧伤、悲痛、仇恨只是短暂的感觉,而善良、记忆和爱却是永久的情愫。   49、The worst way to misome one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you can"t have him。   想念一个人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能拥有他。   50、Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered。   爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。   51、Life without love like a tree without blossom or fruit。   缺少爱的生命,就像未开花结果的枯树。 ;




luck dog 幸运儿


《资本主义》:迈克尔·摩尔的悲喜剧迈克尔·摩尔(MichaelMoore)为其社会公义理念而四处奔走、摇旗呐喊的形象或许早已深入人心。多年来,他一直对商业巨头冷嘲热讽,为弱势群体提供利益表达的渠道,譬如他在《罗杰和我》(Roger &Me)中将矛头对准汽车业,之后又推出了抨击医疗保险制度的《医疗内幕》(Sicko)。然而,直到《资本主义:一个爱情故事》(Capitalism:A LoveStory)横空出世,人们才惊觉他比当初想象中走得更远。在这部作品中,摩尔第一次真正触及资本主义制度本身,用他本人的话来说,这一制度的基本功能是“索取和付出,其中又以索取居多”。他选择了一个再好不过的时机——这是美利坚帝国的一场宿醉,摩尔试图为我们揭示金融风暴的根源,他将镜头对准了罢工工人、深受压榨的小员工和无家可归的边缘群体,其中一段视频展示了破门而入的警察将丧失赎回权的一户人家逐出室外的场景。这位外表与内心不甚相称的“美国愤青”极尽搞笑讽刺之能事,似乎打算再度激起自由主义者的怒火:他像往常一样插科打诨、制造眼泪、回放新闻,直击问题要害——只是这一切在摩尔式手法的包装下更像是一个令人捧腹的笑话罢了。尤具讽刺意味的,似乎是为了表达对过去美好时光的缅怀之情,摩尔选择了一段银行抢劫的监视录像作为影片的开头。接下来他巧妙地插入了几段从电影《古罗马生活》(Life in AncientRome)中截取的视频,以至于你不得不联想起学生时代那些令人昏昏欲睡的教育电影。然而它们却和美国力量的图腾——悬挂着星条旗的大都市歌剧院(Metropolitan OperaHouse)——一道出现在了平行画面中。此时摩尔一贯的观点已昭然若揭:美国正处于极速衰退之中。在持之以恒地将这一论点发扬光大的同时,他还不忘发挥自己的娱乐精神,不时插入一些看似偏离主题的画面:例如一些光芒四射的罗斯福历史影像以及若干令人陶醉的家庭电影片段。根据采访对象的面部表情,摩尔对出场者进行了细分——呜咽啜泣、沾沾自喜、自命不凡、务实稳重型等。其中一部分人看上去颇为困惑,例如受摩尔之邀来解释自由企业概念的演员兼作家华莱士·肖恩(Wallace Shawn);另一些则显得犀利、友好、令人振奋或是发人深省——尤其是当一直做着滑稽鬼脸的摩尔停止对他们的干扰时。事实上,当导演现身于“二战”后密歇根州的弗林特(Flint)时,《资本主义》的故事才真正开始。生于1954年的摩尔扮演了一位在战后晋升为中产阶级的普通人。这场集体幻梦随着越南战争的开始悄然瓦解,在20世纪70年代达到了所谓的高潮(以一脸严肃的卡特总统为标志),最终在被摩尔称为“总统代言人”的里根治下彻底破灭:减税政策、工会搜查以及随之而来的家庭债务、罢工游行。这一切与1989年的处女作《罗杰和我》有着异曲同工之妙:摩尔试图和作出大裁员决定的通用汽车公司首席执行官罗杰·史密斯(RogerSmith)对话,却是无果而终。这一次他将其中颇具象征意义的精华部分融入了新的作品当中。当年的观众看到更年轻更瘦削的摩尔试图走进大楼,对当权者说出真相却被保安赶走,或许会淡淡一笑,因为实际上他是在骚扰一些必须履行职责的普通工作人员。然而,当摩尔在《资本主义》中再度采用了这一手法时,却再也没有人能够发出笑声。在这部作品中,摩尔一如既往地对他人紧追不舍,但他并未将受访者作为电影的道具,从而赢得了坚实的伦理基础。一些更具震撼力的画面来自其单刀直入的新闻采访,受访者多为深受雇主压榨的人们,其中包括一位鳏夫,他的妻子在不知情的情况下被公司列入了“死亡农民保险”(dead peasantinsurance)的名单,这个肮脏的手段在其死后让老板大赚一笔。即使死亡也不能让你免于剥削——这一点对那些消息灵通人士来说不算什么重磅炸弹,但仍能激起观众的义愤。身处资本主义世界的人们应当如何自处?作为主流商业电影导演中最具社会意识的“头号愤青”,摩尔并未提供任何实际的答案,这也正是此类电影的最大局限所在。和摩尔的大部分作品一样,《资本主义》是一出裹着滑稽外壳的悲剧,其严肃内核与摩尔的娱乐精神却相得益彰。这显然不是一则马克思式的资本主义故事,也必定不属于当代美国资本主义的历史,后者的全球化程度已远远超越了摩尔的视野。这同样不是一次富有号召力的政治呼吁,摩尔出人意料地表达了对当前社会体制变革的信心,他鼓励人们为奥巴马投票。然而,影片中最具鼓动性的台词并非来自现任总统,而是来自罗斯福。1944年,前者描画出的未来图景给美国公民带来了难以言喻的感动,如今却令人不寒而栗:“饥饿和失业是独裁统治的恶果。”这是一个光芒四射的时刻,不论是对罗斯福总统还是对导演本人来说。(译自《纽约时报》)


  校园爱情有自身的特殊性,作为校园生活的一部分,情感替代、标签效应以及为了恋爱而恋爱是现实的推动因素。下面是我带来的校园爱情故事英语作文,欢迎阅读!   篇一   Love in Campus   Nowadays, campus love is popular. Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning. They maintain that love is time consuming and influences one"s learning. Some students, however, hold that a student who falls in love will study harder and will make greater progress. They don"t believe that a person in love lags behind in his studies.   There are different kinds of love on campus. Some students regard love as killing time or adding color; some are pragmatic, thinking it"s difficult to find a better partner after graduation; the purpose of others is for seeking the impetus of study. Anyhow, far away from home and alone, seeking friendship, understanding and love, the boys and girls easily find fort and appreciation from one another.   As a mater of fact, love is a sharp double-bladed knife. Having it will make you very happy; while losing it, you always feel disappointed and depressed. When the bond of love broken, going on studying as usual or sinking lament or even being crazy depend on us. We will not let romantic entanglement interfere with our studies.   Love is a natural and quiet. During the process of love we will experience romantic love, frustrating love and critical love and real love. True love will overe our pain and di *** ay, warm our heart, and spark our spirit with delight forces but not resistance.   篇二   校园爱情   “Do students have the right to fall in love in college?”   This is a controversial issue in our times. Just as a coin has two sides, no side is better than the other; it is often difficult to distinguish what is right from what is wrong? Love is a feeling deep within our hearts.   Roaming around the campus, you often hear people proclaim: “Why didn"t Cupid aimed his arrow at me?” “Where is my handsome prince?” This is probably why songs about love are so popular among the youth.   Last year, I remember when one of my roommates met her Romeo. First, she ate very little for days and just sat opposite from the mirror singing: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” We thought that she must be crazy and got the urge to ship her to the hospital. Later, they became lovers and we saw a twinkle in her eyes. She said: “Our match is made in heaven, there is a chemical bond between us.” In the days following, a *** ile always hung from her face. Isn"t love powerful?   Another one of my roommates was not as fortunate. She had a boyfriend but now all that is history. The boy was a couch potato. They used to fight over very trivial things. She finally got fed up with the boy and separated quite unpleasantly. We better not go through this kind of love.   I am the only one who is still single in my dormitory. My friends asked me why I haven"t found my Mr. Right. They said when I got older, there would be no one waiting for me. To be honest, I"m not afraid at all. The ratio of man versus woman is 133 to 100. Thus, I think it is the boys who would have to act quickly or they will be single for the rest of their lives. In addition, I"m also the youngest in my class. I have more time left and I would like to enjoy my life freely without the hindrance from another person.   Our elders exaggerate about love in college. They say love is a waste of time and money. It will often cause people to forget their studies and eventually may even destroy their lives. I think we are all grown-ups and we have the ability to manage our own affairs.   So, go with your heart and never regret!   “大学生有权谈恋爱吗?”   这是我们这个时代颇有争议的话题。正如一个硬币有两面一样,不能说正面就比反面好;通常明辨是非是很难的吧?爱情是我们内心一种很深的感情。   漫步大学校园,你经常都可以听到这样感叹:“为什么丘位元之箭不射向我呢?”“我的白马王子在哪里?”这也许就是为何爱情歌曲在年轻人中如此流行的原因吧。   我还记得去年当我的一个舍友遇到她的罗密欧的情景。先是她一连几天吃得很少,只是每天对着镜子,不停地唱:“魔镜,魔镜告诉我,谁是天下最漂亮的?”我们都认为她一定是疯了,打算把她送到医院。不久,他们成了恋人。我们从她的眼里看到了幸福的光芒。她说:“我们是天作之合,我们之间有化学反应。”接下来的日子里,她的脸上总是挂著笑容。这难道就是爱情的力量吗?   我的另一个舍友就没有这么幸运了。她曾经有一个男朋友,可惜已经分手。那个男孩是一个电视迷,他们经常为了琐事吵架。最终,她厌倦了,不愉快地和他分了手。我们都不希望遭遇这样的爱情。   我是我们宿舍惟一的单身女孩。我的朋友老是问我为什么没有找到我的白马王子。她们都说再过几年就不会有人要我了。说实话,我一点也不害怕。男女的比例是133∶100。因此我认为应该是男生迅速采取行动才对,否则他们就不得不打一辈子光棍了。另外,我也是班里年龄最小的,我的时间多的是,我宁愿自由地度过,也不愿接受另一个人的限制。   我们长辈们总是过于夸张大学校园里的爱情。他们认为爱情只是在浪费时间和金钱,而且会使人们荒废学业,最终可能会毁掉他们生活。可我认为,我们都已经长大了,有能力管理自己的事情。   因此,随心而动,不必后悔!   篇三   campus love isn"t a newly-born phenomenon. some people are strongly against it while some others think it"s natural. i don"t advocate it.the reasons are as follows. first of all, undergraduates are neither fully psychologically mature nor able to assume the responsibility, especially freshmen and sophomores. second, they may indulge in it, thus dilapidate their study, which isn"t rare.   third, some just take advantage of it to kill time, avoid boredom with much time at their own disposals, have someone keep pany, etc.   what"s more, some change dating "partners" frequently, holding a paradox opinion that they could show off their charm or accumulate experience, but more often than not, they would leave a bad impression, such as lacking the sense of responsibility, on others, especially their former sweethearts. last, the proportion of successful couples is too low. the overwhelming majority reach the same end-parting just before graduation, forced by reality, etc.   so, look before you leap, discard campus love and make a wiser decision after graduation.   




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uc774uc900uae30-ud55cub9c8ub514ub9ccu2026ub110 uc2a4uce5c ubc14ub78c ub0a0 uc2a4uce60ud150ub370...ub110 ube44ucd98 ud587uc0b4 ub0a0 ube44ucd9cud150ub370 ub108uc640 ub09c uac19uc740 uc138uc0c1 uc18duc5d0uc11c ub2e4ub978 uc138uc0c1uc744 uc0acub098ubd10...ub108ubb34 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4uc11c uc790uafb8 ud5c8ub294 uac00uc2b4uc774ub108uc5c6ub294 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc774 ucc38 uac00uc5ecuc6cc uc790uace0 ub098uba74 ube5aucc98ub7fc ubd88uc5b4ub09c uadf8ub9acuc6c0 ubbf8uce60ub4efuc774 ub110 ucc3euace0 uc788ub294ub370... ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc ub110 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0....ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc ub3ccuc544uc640 ub2ecub77cuace0uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ucc2c ub9d0ubcf4ub2e4 uba3cuc800 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud758ub7ec ud55cub9c8ub514ub3c4 ubabbud55c ucc44 ub110 ub193uccd0uac00ub098ubd10....uaceauc544uc11c ud130uc838 ub098uc624ub294 uc0acub791...ub354 uc228uc744 uacf3ub3c4 uc5c6ub098ubd10.uc774ubcc4uc5d4 ucc38 uac8cuc744ub7ec ub110 ubcf4ub0b4uc794 ub2e4uc9d0ub3c4 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub0b4uc77cub85c ubbf8ub904uc9c0uc796ub2c8 ub0b4 uc2dcuacc4ub294 uba48ucdb0ub3c4 ub10c ub5a0ub098uac00ub294uac78uc54cuba74uc11cub3c4 ub110 uae30ub2e4ub9acuc796uc544... ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc ub110 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0....ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc ub3ccuc544uc640 ub2ecub77cuace0 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ucc2c ub9d0ubcf4ub2e4 uba3cuc800 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud758ub7ec ud55cub9c8ub514ub3c4 ubabbud55c ucc44 ub110 ub193uccd0uac00ub098ubd10.... ud558uc9c0 ubabbud55c ub9d0ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 uac00uc2b4 uc544ud508 uac74ub108uc5d0uac8c uaf2d ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370 ub05dub0b4 ub0b4uac00 ub4e3uc9c0 ubabbud55c ub9d0ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc ub0a0 uc0acub791ud588ub2e4uace0...ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc ud589ubcf5ud588uc5c8ub2e4uace0 ud6c4ud68cuac00 ub610 ud6c4ud68c ub3fc ubbf8ub828uc774 ubbf8ub828uc774 ub3fcuc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub110 uc78auaca0ub2c8 ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 uc78auc5b4ub3c4....


1、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 ise is the debt. 18、我的男友,只需要做到视我为唯一就够了。 My boyfriend, just to see me as the only one is enough. 19、等,无止境的等,而思念却填满了我的心。 And so on, endless and so on, and the yearning fills my heart. 20、我没有留恋,尽管我会想去天崖想去海角。 I dont have any nostalgia, although I e the most beautiful. 40、偶然向你发个脾气,是想知道我在你心里位置。 If you have a chance to lose your temper, you pensation. 43、爱让世界转动。 Love makes the ter to smile than to remember. 47、我们,离彼此很近,离幸福很远。 e people can not say where good, but who can not replace it! 63、舞蹈音乐和爱情之子。 Dance music and the son of love. 64、春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candles tears dry only when its burned down to ashes. 65、别人爱怎么想那是他们的事,你就是你。 me love you two days, the day you have, and the day that you did not. 80、等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍。 When the day is clear, maybe I will love you again. 经典英文爱情语录 1、You make my heart smile。 我的心因你而笑。 2、Love without end hath no end。 情绵绵,爱无边。 3、I am too happy to stand faint! 我要幸福的昏倒了! 4、Ill love you as long as I live。 爱你一辈子 5、The moonlight stands for my heart! 月亮代表我的心! 6、I love you with all my heart。 我全心全意爱你。 7、Love is a fire which burns unseen。 爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。 8、It is never too late to fall in love。爱永远不会嫌晚。 9、Loves tongue is in the eyes。 爱情的话语全在双眼之中。 10、Love is a light that never dims。 爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。 11、Brief is life, but love is long。 生命虽短,爱却绵长。 12、My love for you is as deep as the sea。 对你的爱,似海深。 13、Love is a fire which burns unseen。爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。 14、Love me little and love me long。不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。 15、The soul cannot live without love。 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。 16、She who has never loved, has never lived。 人活着总要爱一回。 17、Love me little and love me long。 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。 18、First love is unforgettable all ones life。 初恋是永生难忘的。 19、The darkness is no darkness with thee。 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 20、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder。 距离使两颗心靠得更近。 21、First love is unforgettable all ones life。初恋是永生难忘的。 22、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 23、In love folly is always sweet。 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。 24、If I know what love is, it is because of you。 因为你,我懂得了爱。 25、passionate love is a quenchless thirst。热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。 26、Where there is love, there are always wishes。哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。 27、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb。 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 28、Life is the flower for which love is the honey。 生命如花,爱情是蜜。 29、The road to a lovers house is never long。 通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。 30、First impression of you is most lasting。对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 31、The only present love demands is love。 爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。 32、Where there is love, there are always wishes。 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。 33、passionate love is a quenchless thirst。 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。 34、The heart that once truly loves never forgets。 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。 35、Ill think of you every step of the way。 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。 36、Love understands love; it needs no talk。相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。 37、Why do the good girls, always want the bad boys? 为何好女孩总喜欢坏男孩? 38、There is no remedy for love but to love more。 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 39、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 40、For the same reason you like me, I like you, too。我也喜欢你啊,就想你喜欢我一样。 41、No words are necessary between two loving hearts。 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。 42、Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream! 但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩! 43、Where there is great love, there are always miracles。 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 44、Every day without you is like a book without pages。 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。 45、miss you so much already and I havent even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! 46、Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases。 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。 47、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of。 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。 48、Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning。和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。 49、Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply? 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿? 50、May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight。 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。 51、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us。 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 52、I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! 53、With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines。 拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 54、Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened。不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。。 55、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me。 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 56、Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes。 你有地图么?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了。 57、Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered。爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。 58、Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one。 在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。 59、I love you for you。 我真心爱你。(简单吧!当你想表示爱的是对方的人,而不是其他如钱财,权势等,就可以这样说) 60、 Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened。 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 61、You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too。不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 62、In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you。 哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你。 63、Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence。 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。 64、You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not。你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你! 65、Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful。你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。 66、Dont try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 67、Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence。爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。 68、How are you getting on? I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽! 69、There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you。我早上愿意醒来为两个理由:闹钟和你。 70、Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control。 遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁。 71、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair。哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。 72、Dont try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 73、You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not。 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你! 74、If I could rearrange the alphabet,Id put Y and I together。 如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)在一起。 75、Love is not a matter of counting the days。 Its making the days count。 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 76、Love you so I don`t wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream。 爱你,所以不想入睡,因为真实比梦境还要美丽。 77、Its not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in loving with you。 不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。 78、No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is,wont make your cry。 没人值得你为ta流泪,真正爱你的人不会让你哭泣。 79、Love is not a matter of counting the days。 Its making the days count。爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 80、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you。 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 81、You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me。 你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边。 82、Dont waste your time on a man/woman, who isnt willing to waste their time on you。不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 83、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again。 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 84、One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life。That word is love。 有一个词可以让我们摆脱生活中所有的负担和痛苦,那就是爱情。 英文经典爱情语录 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。下文是小编分享的英文经典爱情语录,希望你喜欢! 英文经典爱情语录一 1.爱人和被人爱是人生最大的幸福。 To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. 2.要爱又兼有理性是不可能的。 It is impossible to love and to be an is eone doesnt love you the eone is to be sitting right beside them knoe man fall in loveeone etimes we have to dig a little to find it 治愈是需要勇气的,我们都有这样的勇气。只是有时候我们需要挖得更深一些去找到它。 Gentle woman is gold, a beautiful woman is a diamond, smart woman is a treasure, a lovely woman is a masterpiece According to my research: you should is the worlds largest treasure, filled with gold, diamonds and paintings 温柔女人是金子,漂亮女人是钻石,聪明女人是宝藏,可爱女人是名画。据我考证:你应该是世界上最大的宝藏,里面装满了金子钻石和名画。 Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission 没有你的允许,没人能让你低声下气。 people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges 人们感到孤独是因为他们给自己修了围墙,而不是桥。 people dont always need advice Sometimes all they need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand 人们并不总是需要建议。有时候,人们只是需要有人来执手支持,有人来侧耳倾听,有人来读懂心声。 经典爱情英文伤感语录 It"s you that led me out of the loneliness eone, and one day to love someone, but the e habits, hoeone, that will be my girl friend 。 如果你没有喜欢的人,那就做我的女朋友吧。 Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic. 你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。 If you don"t like someone, that will be my girl friend 。 如果你没有喜欢的人,那就做我的女朋友吧。 Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic. 你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。 Your life is mine life! 你的生命就是我的生命。 It"s not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in love with you。 不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。


i want to hug you closely,under the rain。想在雨中拥你入怀i want to sing for you down the stars.想在星光下为你歌唱i know what is beautiful ,look at you. 你是我眼中永远美丽的风景in a world of lies, you are the truth,让我在满是谎言的世界中找到真实


1、或许,在我看向你的时候,你也在凝望着我,这才是爱情。 Perhaps, when I look at you, you are also looking at me, this is love. 2、我比谁都相信爱情,只是我不再相信有人会爱我! I believe in love more than anyone else, but I no longer believe that someone will love me! 3、远远的看着你对我的微笑,我的心感到很温暖,这就是爱情。 Looking at your *** ile at me from afar, my heart feels very warm. This is love. 4、我们离暧昧很近,可是离爱情,似乎又好远。 We are close to ambiguity, but far away from love. 5、爱情的投入和产出不成比例,一相情愿的牺牲,往往感动的是自己。 The input and output of love are out of proportion, and the willing sacrifice often touches oneself. 6、爱情,不能勉强,我不难过,只是有点遗憾。 Love, can not be forced, I am not sad, but a little regret. 7、美貌,可以触发审美的情趣,但却不一定能触发倾慕或爱情。 Beauty can trigger aesthetic interest, but it does not necessarily trigger admiration or love. 8、好的爱情,战得胜时间,抵得住流年,经得起离别,受得住想念。 Good love, winning time, can withstand fleeting years, can withstand parting, can withstand missing. 9、没有什么做不到的事,对于真正的爱情来说。 Nothing is impossible for true love. 10、爱情这东西,时间很关键。认识得太早或太晚,都不行。 Time is the key to love. It"s too early or too late to know. 11、你懂得了什么是爱情,因为你懂得了什么是嫉妒。 You know what love is, because you know what jealousy is. 12、与其说是你的承诺毁了爱情,不如说是我的期待毁了自己! It"s not so much your promise that ruins love as my expectation that ruins myself. 13、爱情就像糍粑,给它温度便黏,让它冷着便硬。 Love is like a bamboo cake. Give it temperature and stick, and make it cold and hard. 14、有时候的爱情,卑微到渺小。一厢情愿终究换不到真心。 Sometimes love, humble to insignificant. After all, one"s wishes can"t change one"s heart. 15、爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。 Love pulls me this way, but reason pulls me that way. 16、毫无经验的初恋是迷人的,但经得起考验的爱情是无价的。 The first love without experience is charming, but the love that can stand the test is priceless. 17、感动不一定是爱情,但不感动的情感什么都算不上! Moved is not necessarily love, but not touched emotions are nothing! 18、距离对于爱情,就像风对于火。它吹熄那些柔弱的。它助燃那些强烈的。 Distance is to love what wind is to fire. It blows out those weak ones. It fuels those strong ones. 19、爱情里最好的距离就是看不清楚对方。 The best distance in love is not seeing each other clearly. 20、爱情是理想的一致,是意志的融合;而不是物质的代名词、金钱的奴仆。 Love is the unity of ideals and the fusion of will, not the pronoun of material or the servant of money. 21、我们可以吵架,但不能影响关系。无论友情还是爱情。 We can quarrel, but we can"t influence the relationship. Whether friendship or love. 22、再唯美的爱情也掺杂着悲伤,再凄美的故事也有结局,世事何求完美。 No matter how beautiful love is mixed with sadness, no matter how sad the story is, there will be an end to it. 23、爱情里没有谁伤了谁,没有谁付出的多或少,归根结底,只是糊涂一场。 No one in love hurt anyone, no one paid more or less, in the final *** ysis, just a confusion. 24、爱之前,觉得单身不好,爱情很美;爱过后,觉得单身很好,爱情很烦。 Before love, feel single is not good, love is beautiful; after love, feel single is very good, love is very annoying. 25、美貌,可以触发审美的憎爱分明情趣,但却不一定能触发倾慕或爱情。 Beauty can trigger aesthetic hatred and distinct interest, but it does not necessarily trigger admiration or love. 26、爱情没有那么多借口,如果最终没能在一起,只能说明爱的不够。 Love does not have so many excuses, if ultimately not together, can only show that love is not enough. 27、当你忽然想拾起爱情时,你才惊觉,爱是多么奇妙美好又苦涩。 When you suddenly want to pick up love, you will be surprised how wonderful and bitter love is. 28、我从来都不相信爱情,就像从来就不相信猫会爱上那只鱼一样。 I never believed in love, just as I never believed that a cat would fall in love with that fish. 29、我相信,真正在乎我的人是不会被别人抢走的,无论是友情,还是爱情。 I believe that people who really care about me will not be taken away by others, whether friendship or love. 30、可以轻易离开一个人,却很难轻易改正一个习惯。 It"s easy to leave a person, but it"s hard to change a habit. 31、爱情不是付出了许多,就能得到相同的温柔。 Love is not to give a lot, you can get the same tenderness. 32、没有青春的爱情有何滋味?没有爱情的青春有何意义? What"s the taste of love without youth? What is the meaning of youth without love? 33、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。 Once love is satisfied, other people"s charm will disappear. 34、我爱你,你爱我,不是爱情,我爱你,你不爱我,他爱我,这才是爱情。 I love you, you love me, not love, I love you, you do not love me, he loves me, this is love. 35、爱情不可能长期地隐藏,也不可能长期地假装。 Love cannot be hidden or pretended for a long time. 36、能让爱情在它还美好的时候活在记忆里,未尝不是件幸福的事。 It is a happy thing to let love live in memory when it is still beautiful. 37、爱情里最好的事,是我爱,恰好你也爱。 The best thing in love is that I love you, just as you love. 38、爱情用心承受的时候可以自己承受,可是说出来的瞬间就会不受控制。 Love can be endured by itself when it is painstakingly endured, but the moment it is spoken out will be out of control. 39、爱情容易走到尽头,友情却可以一生一世。 Love is easy to e to an end, but friendship can last a lifetime. 40、最好的爱情便是,清楚的开始,糊涂的继续。 The best love is to start clearly and continue confusedly. 41、爱情和恋爱只凭运气,与女人是否完美无关。 Love and love depend only on luck, which has nothing to do with whether a woman is perfect or not. 42、有人追求女人的爱情,是为了把她抛在脑后,不再去想她。 Some people pursue women"s love in order to leave her behind and stop thinking about her. 43、青春如花束,爱情是果实,允许你占为己有,这就是幸福。 Youth is like a bouquet, love is a fruit, allowing you to own, this is happiness. 44、爱情是最好的良药,可以抚慰哪怕残损不堪的心灵。 Love is the best medicine to soothe even the broken heart. 45、如果爱情不能让你觉得幸福,那么任何原因的驻留都是对自己的残忍。 If love can"t make you happy, then any reason for staying is cruelty to yourself. 46、如果爱情不朽,那上面的灰尘一定很厚。 If love is immortal, the dust on it must be very thick. 47、等待就是一次爱情接着另一次爱情;爱情就是一次等待接着另一次等待。 Waiting is one love followed by another; love is one wait followed by another wait. 48、永远那么理智,就永远不会懂得爱情。 Always so rational, will never understand love. 49、爱情有时候是一种宗教,每个人都有自己的信仰。 Love is sometimes a religion, and everyone has his own beliefs. 50、仁爱占上风时,新闻才得以变成爱情、真理和美德的传送工具。 When kindness prevails, news bees a vehicle for the tran *** ission of love, truth and virtue. 51、爱情的条件是只在你的眼中看到我。 The condition of love is to see me only in your eyes. 52、明知道那个人不值得却还是义无反顾,这就是爱情。 Knowing that the person is not worth it, but still have no hesitation, this is love. 53、我的爱情,最终只剩你的背影。 My love, finally only your back. 54、总有一天,你会发现,我不是谁都能替代的,无论是友情还是爱情。 Someday, you will find that I can not be replaced by anyone, whether friendship or love. 55、她说,言希别人的爱情会不会也是这样难受,抓住雨抓住阴天就想哭。 She said she hoped that the love of others would be so unfortable, seizing the rain and grasping the cloudy day, she wanted to cry. 56、爱情不是依附,爱情是各自独立坚强,然后努力走到一起。 Love is not attachment, love is independent and strong, and then strive to e together. 57、曾经的爱情,偶尔的回忆,我们继续着,一切都还是这样好! Once love, occasional memories, we continue, everything is still so good! 58、我们应该惭愧,我们都爱自己,胜过爱爱情。 We should be ashamed that we all love ourselves more than love. 59、如同飞蛾扑向野火,注定这场爱情要将她毁灭。 Like a moth plunging into a wildfire, this love is destined to destroy her.


1、为什么脆弱时候想你更多。 Why vulnerable time miss you more. 2、在爱情的旋窝里,我们边走边抽泣。 In the love nest, we walk while sobbing. 3、关注你的身边的一切,只因我爱你。 Pay attention to your everything, because I love you. 4、学会了爱,懂得了爱,却再也不会爱。 Learned to love, know what love is, but never love. 5、他对我好,我都知道,只是我不想要。 He is good to me, I know, but I don"t want to. 6、最浓厚的、最牢固的、最持久的爱情。 The most strong, firm and enduring love. 7、爱情不代表幸福,幸福也不只属于爱情。 Love does not mean happiness, happiness is not only belong to love. 8、不愿去记忆曾经的伤,就把痛留在回忆里。 Don"t want to go to the memory once the injury, he left the painful memories. 9、记得曾经的爱?但是如果爱情中有了怜惜。 Remember once love? But if love have a pity. 10、有时候,放弃爱情比抓住它需要更多的勇气。 Sometimes, give up love than it requires more courage to seize it. 11、你说过的那些永远,是我们现在所谓的曾经。 You said the forever, is that we now called once. 12、思念就像关不紧的门,空气里有幸福的灰尘。 Missing is like door doesn"t close tightly, happiness is in the air of dust. 13、我明白你对这个世界的失望,因为我和你一样。 I understand your disappointed to this world, because I like you. 14、当两人都觉得对方很重要时,就是爱情的进展。 When two people think it important to each other, is the love of the progress. 15、两个人在一起久了,即使不再相爱也会选择相守。 Two people together for a long time, even if no longer love will choose to be together. 16、叶子的离开,是因为风的追求,还是树的不挽留。 Leaves leave, is because of wind pursuit, or tree does not retain. 17、很多事情就是这样,只要它存在,就永远都避不去。 This is a lot of things, as long as it exists, always avoid not to go. 18、我们就像两条平行线一样,很近又很远,没有交点。 We"re like two parallel lines, near and far, no intersection point. 19、人生最大的幸福,是发现自己爱的人正好也爱着自己。 The greatest happiness of life, is to find love just is in love with himself. 20、那些爱过的证据,始终带不走,只是被人遗忘了许久。 Evidence of those who loved, always take not to go, just be forgotten for a long time. 21、我相信旅行可以很多次,而爱人,却只有唯一的一个。 I believe that can travel many times, and love, but only the only one. 22、曾经我以为念念不忘?人,也就在一念之间都忘记了。 Once I thought never forget one, also is in a nidea forgot. 23、每个人都是幸福的。只是,你的幸福,常常在别人眼里。 Everyone is happy. Just, your happiness, often in others" eyes. 24、请不要欺骗善良的女孩。这个世界上,善良的女孩太少。 Please do not deceive the good girl. In this world, good little girl. 25、我对于你,或许只是场意外;你对于我,却是一场爱情。 I for you, maybe just a surprise; You for me, is a love. 26、甜蜜在耳边萦绕,一起走过的路途,没有想象中的幸福。 Sweet in the mind, through the way together, not imaginary happiness. 27、人生就是一场旅行,爱情就就是旅行中不可或缺的风景。 Life is a journey, love is indispensable in the scenery travel. 28、每个嘴里说不想恋爱的人,心里都装着一个无法拥有的人。 Every mouth say don"t want to fall in love, the in the mind is filled with a cannot have. 29、忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。 Loyal in my heart filled with love, I can"t estimate their enjoy the wealth. 30、爱情让青春蒙上了一层灰暗,原本清澈的眼眸隐藏着忧伤。 Love let youth covered with a layer of gray, originally clear eyes hidden sadness. 31、摧残爱情的方式很多,不过连根拔起的狂风暴雨,却是借钱。 There are many ways to trample upon love uprooted storm, however, is to borrow money. 32、一个人的寂寞俩个人的错,有错是有错,就看谁能先承认错。 A person"s lonely two people"s fault, wrong is wrong, just to see who was able to admit fault. 33、女人的体力本来就柔弱,所以,通常她们都喜欢手臂大的壮汉。 Woman"s strength is weak, so they usually like to arm the big strong man. 34、如果你想要拒绝我,你只要给我一个真心的理由,我可以接受。 If you want to turn me down, as long as you give me a true reason, I can accept that. 35、恋爱的女人的最大快乐就是她所爱的男人承认她是他的一部分。 Love of a woman"s greatest happiness is the man she loves admitted that she is a part of him. 36、人生的大部份时间里,承诺同义词是束缚,奈何我们向往束缚。 In most of the time of life, commitments equals is bound, helpless we aspire to bondage. 37、上帝创造了男人是为了使他孤独,而创造女人是为了让他更孤独。 God created man to make him lonely, and create a woman is to make him more lonely. 38、一个人的爱情摧毁了青春的坚强,让生命多了一份多愁善感的模样。 A person"s love destroyed the youth strong, that make life so much a sentimental. 39、爱一个人不一定就要拥有,但拥有了一个人就应该好好的爱她呵护她。 Love a person not necessarily will own, but have a person should have a good love she care for her. 40、幸福如人饮水,冷暖自知。你不是我,怎知我走过的路,心中的乐与苦。 Happiness like water, affair. How do you know the way I walk, in the heart of joy and pain. 41、总有一天要勇敢长大,抬头看着刺目的阳光,合上书页忘记美好的童话。 Will one day be brave to grow up, looked up at the harsh sun, bright fairy tale of the closed the page to forget. 42、路,也许遥远,也许曲折,但当心里默念着“要坚强”时,就能勇敢起来。 Road, maybe far away, maybe twists and turns, but when your mind with "strong", can be brave. 43、爱是一种残忍,只有在心中的天平上秤出自己在对方心中是否有爱的分量。 Love is a cruel, only balance the scales in the heart of yourself in the other component of whether there is love in heart. 44、每个人都注定要遇到那个特别的人。你要做的就是等待老天将他带到你的身边。 Everyone is doomed to meet that special person. You have to do is wait for god to bring him to your side. 45、感情有时候只是一个人的事情。和任何人无关。爱,或者不爱,只能自行了断。 Feelings sometimes just one thing. Has nothing to do with anyone else. Love, or don"t love, only can own hands. 46、爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to, doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all my heart and soul. 47、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 Think of you is a kind of beautiful sadness of sweet melancholy, the in the mind noodles, is a kind of in any language cannot exPss the warmth.


  我走不进你的童话里,你也不愿走进我的故事里。I can"t walk into your fairy tale, you don"t want to go to my story.你还知道哪些吗?下面是我为大家准备的一些,欢迎大家参阅,希望大家喜欢。   ***精选篇***   1、我多想让爱神把我封印在你心里。   How I want god to put my seal on your heart.   2、我一直都在做同一个梦,梦里有你有我。   I have been doing the same dream, the dream have you have me.   3、听着悲伤的音乐、耳边唯美沉寂的旋律。   Listening to sad music, ear only beautiful quiet melody.   4、只有一个人愿意等,另一个人才愿意出现。   Only a person is willing to wait for, another talent to appear.   5、好笑吗?身边没你好怪陪我一生一世好吗?   It"s funny? Side didn"t hello strange life with me?   6、如烟旳女子,期待旳是如梦般浪漫旳依偎。   Smoke woman, looking forward to one"s dream is like a romantic cuddling.   7、爱一个人是真心话,说出来就是大冒险了。   Love a person is true, say it is a big adventure.   8、如果所有的深爱都是秘密,那么只说给那一个人听就好。   If all deep love is secret, so just say to that person.   9、这个世界都抛弃了我,我还是会一如既往的爱着你,永远!   The world abandoned me, I will, as always, love you, forever!   10、经过多日我夜观天象,终于明天又要下雨了。   After several days of my night astrologers, finally and it"s going to rain tomorrow.   ***热门篇***   1、为什么脆弱时候想你更多。   Why vulnerable time miss you more.   2、在爱情的旋窝里,我们边走边抽泣。   In the love nest, we walk while sobbing.   3、关注你的身边的一切,只因我爱你。   Pay attention to your everything, because I love you.   4、学会了爱,懂得了爱,却再也不会爱。   Learned to love, know what love is, but never love.   5、他对我好,我都知道,只是我不想要。   He is good to me, I know, but I don"t want to.   6、最浓厚的、最牢固的、最持久的爱情。   The most strong, firm and enduring love.   7、爱情不代表幸福,幸福也不只属于爱情。   Love does not mean happiness, happiness is not only belong to love.   8、不愿去记忆曾经的伤,就把痛留在回忆里。   Don"t want to go to the memory once the injury, he left the painful memories.   9、记得曾经的爱?但是如果爱情中有了怜惜。   Remember once love? But if love have a pity.   10、有时候,放弃爱情比抓住它需要更多的勇气。   Sometimes, give up love than it requires more courage to seize it.   11、你说过的那些永远,是我们现在所谓的曾经。   You said the forever, is that we now called once.   12、思念就像关不紧的门,空气里有幸福的灰尘。   Missing is like door doesn"t close tightly, happiness is in the air of dust.   13、我明白你对这个世界的失望,因为我和你一样。   I understand your disappointed to this world, because I like you.   14、当两人都觉得对方很重要时,就是爱情的进展。   When two people think it important to each other, is the love of the progress.   15、两个人在一起久了,即使不再相爱也会选择相守。   Two people together for a long time, even if no longer love will choose to be together.   ***最新篇***   1、有爱的心永远年轻。   A heart that loves is always young.   2、我要幸福的昏倒了!   I am too happy to stand faint!   3、当我沮丧时你拉拔我。   Picking me up when I"m down.   4、生命虽短,爱却绵长。   Brief is life, but love is long.   5、因为你,我懂得了爱。   Because of you, I know what love is.   6、当我生气时你护着我。   When I get angry when you hold me.   7、爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。   Love keeps the cold.   8、爱情,它让我爱上寂寞。   Love, I fell in love with it so lonely.   9、灵魂不能没有爱而存在。   The soul cannot live without love.   10、爱上像我这样的一个人。   Love a person like me.   11、距离使两颗心靠得更近。   Distance makes two hearts closer.   12、爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。   Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.   13、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。   Have you, the darkness is no darkness.   14、感谢你在我伤心时安慰我。   Thank you for forting me when I"m sad.   15、爱情是生活最好的提神剂。   Love is the greatest refreshment in life.


  王尔德唯美主义的代表人物,对于爱情他又是如何看待的呢?以下是我整理的王尔德英语爱情语录,欢迎查看!   1.The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about。比被人谈论更糟糕的事只能是不被人谈论。   2.The play was a great success,but the audience was a disaster。演出相当成功,但观众则是一场灾难。   3.Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months。时尚就是一种丑陋,因为丑得太难容忍,所以我们每半年要换一拨。   4.America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between。美国是唯一一个直接从野蛮进入颓废、中间没有经过文明阶段的社会。   5.The evolution of man is slow。The injustice to man is great。人类的进化很缓慢。他们遭受的不公待遇显而易见。   6.A man"s face is his autobiography。A woman"s face is her work of fiction。男人的面孔是他的自传,女人的面容是她的幻想作品。   7.The basis of optimism is sheer terror。乐观的基础完全是恐惧。   8.Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future。每个圣人都有过去,每个罪人都有未来。   9.Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others。邪恶是善良的人们编造的谎言,用来解释其他人的特殊魅力。   10.Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence。Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience。结婚是想象战胜了理智,再婚是希望战胜了经验。   11.An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all。一个思想若称不上危险,那么它就不值得被称作思想。   12.Men marry because they are tired;women because they are curious;both are disappointed。男人因疲倦而结婚,女人因好奇而结婚;最终他们都会失望。   13.I like to do all the talking myself。It saves time,and prevents arguments。我喜欢自言自语,因为这样节约时间,而且不会有人跟我争论。   14.This suspense is terrible。I hope it will last。悬念是可怕的。我希望它一直延续下去。   15.I like men who have a future and women who have a past。我喜欢有未来的男人和有过去的女人。   16.A man can"t be too careful in the choice of his enemies。一个人在选择他的敌人时,再小心也不为过。   17.The heart was made to be broken。心是用来碎的。   18.I love acting。It is so much more real than life。我喜欢看戏。与人生相比,戏剧更加真实。   19.When I was young,I used to think that money was the most important thing in life,now that I am old,I know it is。我年青时以为金钱至上,而今年事已迈,发现果真如此。   20.The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it。摆脱诱惑的唯一方法是屈服于它。   21.A good name,like good will,is got by many action and lost by one。一个好的名声,就像好的意向一样,在很多个举动的形成,在一个举动中失去。   22.The difference between journalism and literature is that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read。报纸和文学的区别是,报纸没法读,而文学则没人读。   23.Between men and women there is no friendship possible。There is passion,enmity,worship,love,but no friendship。男女之间不可能存在友谊,有的只是爱恨情仇。   24.Hatred is blind,as well as love。恨是盲目的,爱亦然。   25.The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly,terribly deceived。生活的秘诀在于,要好好体尝被骗得很惨的.乐趣。   26.All charming people,I fancy,are spoiled。It is the secret of their attraction。我想所有迷人的人都是被宠爱着的,这是他们吸引力来源的秘密。   27.Ordinary riches can be stolen,real riches cannot。In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you。平常的财宝会被偷走,而真正的财富则不会。你灵魂里无限珍贵的东西是无法被夺走的。   28.Ignorance is like a delicate flower: touch it and the bloom is gone。无知就像是一朵精致的花朵:摸一下,它就消失了。   29.It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information。现如今无用的信息这么少,真是可悲。   30.Conscience and cowardice are really the same things。良心和怯懦其实是一回事。   31.Women have a much better time than men in this world。There are far more things forbidden to them。女人在世上的日子要比男人好过得多。她们有太多禁忌。   32.There is only one real tragedy in a woman"s life。The fact that her past is always her lover,and her future invariably her husband。女人的生活中只有一个真正的悲剧:她总在缅怀过去,却必须活在未来。   33.One"s real life is often the life that one does not lead。真实生活就通常就是我们无法掌控的生活。   34.The well bred contradict other people。The wise contradict themselves。教养良好的人处处和他人过不去,头脑聪明的人处处和自己过不去。   35.Arguments are extremely vulgar,for everyone in good society holds exactly the same opinion。争论是俗不可耐的,因为道德社会里每个人都持完全相同的观点。   36.Don"t be afraid of the past。If people tell you that it is irrevocable,don"t believe them。不要惧怕过去。如果人们告诉你说过去的事情无可挽回,别相信他们。   37.Popularity is the one insult I have never suffered。声望是我从未经受的侮辱之一。   38.Thirty five is a very attractive age;London society is full of women who have of their own free choice remained thirty-five for years。三十五岁是一个非常有吸引力的年龄;伦敦社交圈内满是这样好多年一直保持三十五岁的女人,她们可以自由地挑来选去。   39.To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world,the most difficult and the most intellectual。什么也不做是世上最难的事情,最困难并且最智慧。   40.Be yourself;everyone else is already takene old,but they never become good。人们越长越老,但绝不会越变越好。   41.The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on。It is never any use to oneself。处理好建议的唯一方式就是将它传下去。好建议对自己是没有用的。   42.To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune;to lose both looks like carelessness。失去一个父母可以看成是一种不幸;失去双亲看上去就像是一种粗心了。   43.Every great man nowadays has his disciples,and it is always Judas who writes the biography。现在每个伟人都有自己的信徒,而他们的传记总由叛徒来写。   44.Women are never disarmed by compliments。Men always are。That is the difference between the sexes。恭维话从来没有让女人缴械,但可以让男人缴械。这就是性别差异。   45.I can"t get over it, tears are heavier than anything else.觉得过不去了,泪水比什么都还重。   46.I think one day, I"m cooking, you are making trouble.我想有一天,我在做饭,你在捣乱。   47.May someone frown for you, do not sleep for you, for your life without regret.愿有人为你皱眉,为你彻夜不睡,为你一生无悔。   48.I think as long as very seriously like, will move a person.我以为只要很认真的喜欢,就会打动一个人。   49.Love is beautiful, even the outsiders with tears.情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。   50.Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears.成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。


pocker face


爱情: loveRelative explainations:<kindness> <luv> <tendresse> <tender sentiment> <tender passion> <affection> <the torch of Hymen> <comradery> Examples:1. 爱情不分贫富。 Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.2. 他给我们读了一首歌颂爱情的十四行诗。 He read us a sonnet that celebrates love.3. 这本新书名叫《爱情故事》。 The new book is entitled Love Story.4. 她唱了一首关于爱情和死亡的动人的歌曲。 She sang an emotional song about love and death.5. 同情经常引发爱情。 Sympathy often engenders love.6. 他正沉溺于爱情。 He is enslaved by love.7. 这枚戒指是他们爱情的象征,对她是重要的。 The ring was important to her as an emblem of their love.8. 他送给妻子一枚戒指,作为爱情的信物。 He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love.


1、《Love》Love makes the world go around.Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings.It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.2、《Love makes the world go around》Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.But how to cherish the love?I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings.It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.Only when you know how to love than you will be a real man in this world.Love brings us warmth in the fearful coldness,love brings us bright when life gets hard and dark.Love brings us confidence toward life when we are tired out and want to give up.Love deserves all the admiring words,and love is even beyond the life and death.That is what love is all about in my eyes.


Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.But how to cherish the love?I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings. It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.Only when you know how to love than you will be a real man in this world.Love brings us warmth in the fearful coldness,love brings us bright when life gets hard and dark.Love brings us confidence toward life when we are tired out and want to give up. Love deserves all the admiring words,and love is even beyond the life and death.That is what love is all about in my eyes. 爱对于我们人类就像水对鱼。照亮了人类最美丽的光,我们出世了,我们的生活。我们常常认为这是理所当然的,但我们应该知道爱是无价的礼物,我们应该珍惜。但如何珍惜爱情?我曾经听说过一句话:得到爱最快的方法是给予;失去爱的最快的方法是抓得太紧,保持爱的方法是给它插上翅膀。 我们要学会爱作为我们生活中的第一类是很重要的。只有当你知道如何爱你将是一个真正的人。爱给我们带来了可怕的寒冷中的温暖,爱给我们带来了光明,当生活变得黑暗。爱让我们对生活的信心,当我们累了,想放弃。 爱值得所有的赞美之词,爱甚至超越了生命和死亡。这就是爱的都是我的眼睛。


  纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。下面是我给大家整理的爱情短语英语及翻译,供大家参阅!   爱情短语英语及翻译:经典爱情英语短句   1)过得好吗?希望世界因你而美丽?   How are you getting on? I hope that the world will become more beautiful because of you!   2)你在时你是一切?你不在时一切是你?   You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.   3)人生的路很长很长?让我陪你一起走吧。我愿与你搭建一个属于我们自己的天空。   Let me accompany you for there is a long way to go in life. I am willing to create a space only belonging to both of us.   4)我不知道我是否真的爱,但是我知道我不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么我要告诉你“你是我唯一想见的人。   I don"t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see.   5)遇上一个人要一分钟的时间?喜欢一个人只需一小时的时间?爱上一个人要一天的时间?可要我忘记你却要用上一生的时间。   I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day. But it will take me a whole life to forget you.   6)只要你愿意?当你失落失意的时候?最需要一个肩膊的时候?告诉我?我会立即出现满天星云下?感到无边的落寞。也许流星能体会。我期待?飘飘雪花的日子?你的心带来了一屡芬芳.   As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do for you. When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody"s shoulder, I will stand before you immediately. I feel so lonely under the sky full of stars and clouds. I expect your love will give me something sweet on a snowing day.   7)正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开?躲开的是身影?躲不开的是默默的情怀?今天我终于鼓起勇气?向你表达我的爱。 Because of loving you so much that I stood aside. Although my figure left you away, my heart didn"t. Today I have made up my mind to say "I love you".   8)幸福是良好的健康加上糟糕的记性。   Happiness is good health and a bad memory.   9)在陷入情网的时候,有些人丢了头脑,另一些人丢了心。   When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart.   10)3.唯有爱可以把黑暗囚在波港湾里。   Love is the only thing that holds the dark at bay.   10)3.唯有爱可以把黑暗囚在波港湾里。   Love is the only thing that holds the dark at bay.   11) 爱是两个人玩的双赢游戏。   Love is a game that two can play and both win.   12)爱不是从相互凝视之中获得的,倒是可以由同朝一个方向眺望而产生。这是生活给予我们的教训。   Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction .   13)一位父亲能为他的孩子做的最要紧的事是爱他们的母亲。   The most important thing a father can do for his children is loving their mother.   爱情短语英语及翻译:经典爱情英语短句10个   1)I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。   2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, wonu2018t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。   3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you canu2018t have them.   失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。   4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.   纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。   5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。   6) Donu2018t waste your time on a man/woman, who isnu2018t willing to waste their time on you.   不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。   7) Just because someone doesnu2018t love you the way you want them to, doesnu2018t mean they donu2018t love you with all they have.   爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。   8) Donu2018t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。   9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.   在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。   10) Donu2018t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.   不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。   爱情短语英语及翻译:21句经典英文爱情谚语   一、It is impossible to love and to be wise.   要爱又兼有理性是不可能的。   二、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with   you.   我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。   三、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。   四、It is impossible to love and to be wise.   要爱又兼要理性是不可能的   五、Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to, doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have.   用他的方式爱你也是真爱   六、To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.   爱人和被人爱是最大的幸福   七、True love"s the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven. 真爱是上帝赐予世人的礼物   八、A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. 真正的朋友会触动你的心   九、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them.   他在你身边你却不知他爱你   十、Love and a cough cannot be hid.   爱跟咳嗽一样是掩饰不了的   十一、Never stop smiling, not even when you"re sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.   因为你的笑容而爱上你   十二、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于某人你是他的整个世界   十三、Love is not only a sentiment but also an art.   爱情不仅是感情,也是艺术   十四、Love triumphs over everthing. Love has no age, no limit and no death. 爱情没有极限,不会死亡   十五、Don"t spend time with someone who doesn"t care spending it with you. 别与不在乎你的人分享快乐   十六、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 遇到真爱时我们应心存感激   十七、Love is ever matter of comedies, and how and then of tragedies. 爱情常是喜剧,偶尔是悲剧   十八、Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.   微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有   十九、There will always be people who"ll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting, just be careful.   相信别人只是小心点而已   二十、Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you.   别为不愿付出的人浪费时间   二十一、Love is a chord in life, not a solo.   爱是和弦,不是独奏曲   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。


fall in love with sb so "love" is right

j开头的英文单词 关于爱情的





  《食人族大屠杀》是由Ruggero Deodato执导,Faye Daniels,Professor Harold Monroe等主演的恐怖片。该片讲述了旅馆的主人Judd是个有精神病的乡下人的故事。  剧情简介  夜晚,一位年轻女孩来到一家破败的旅馆,旅馆的主人Judd是个有精神病的乡下人,靠旅馆维持生计,他在旅馆的旁边养了一只大鳄鱼,这天,因为女孩没有满足他的要求,Judd杀了她并将尸体喂给了鳄鱼。接着,一对夫妇带着一个小女孩来旅馆投宿,他们的小狗却被鳄鱼吃了,为此男的要杀了鳄鱼,但Judd阻止了他。另外,失踪女孩的父亲Harvey和她的姐妹也来到了旅馆寻找,并报了警……。有这么好的毁尸“工具”,Judd能停止他所做的蠢事吗?


1、相思树底说相思,思郎恨郎郎不知。 Acacia tree bottom said Acacia, Silang hate Lang do not know. 2、自君之出矣,明镜暗不治。思君如流水,何有穷已时。 Since the emergence of the monarch, the mirror will not rule in the dark. Think of the gentleman as a running water, why is the end of the world? 3、终日两相思,为君憔悴尽,百花时。 All day long, o lovesickness, for the gentleman haggard, hundred flowers. 4、你永远看不到我最寂寞的时候,因为在看不到你的时候就是我最寂寞的时候。 You will never see my loneliest time, because when I can"t see you, it"s my loneliest time. 5、兽炉沈水烟,翠沼残花片,一行行写入相思传。 Animal stove Shen Shuiyan, green marsh fragments, a line written in Acacia biography. 6、尘缘从来都如水,罕须泪,何尽一生情?莫多情,情伤己。 Dust has always been like water, scarcely need tears, how to do all one"s life? Don"t be sentimental, but hurt yourself. 7、不是人人都能活的低调,可以低调的基础是随时都能高调。 Not everyone can live in a low-key way. The basis of a low-key way is to keep a high-profile at any time. 8、尊前拟把归期说,未语春容先惨咽。 Before respecting him, he planned to say that he would return home, but when he did not speak, he would swallow miserably. 9、爱是一件温柔的东西,要是你拖着它一起沉下去,那未免太难为它了。 Love is a tender thing, if you drag it down together, it will be too hard for it. 10、此日六军同驻马,当时七夕笑牵牛。 On this day, the Six Armies were stationed on horses, laughing at morning glory on July Eve. 11、梧桐树,三更雨,不道离情正苦。一叶叶,一声声,空阶滴到明。 Wutong Tree, Sanguin Rain, no way out of love is suffering. Leaves, a sound, empty steps drip to the Ming Dynasty. 12、死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。 Death and life are rich, and Zicheng said. Hold your hand and grow old together with you. 13、男孩是水女孩是鱼。水不在乎鱼从哪来。鱼在乎水的清澈与否。 Boys are water girls are fish. Water doesn"t care where fish e from. Fish care whether the water is clear or not. 14、就算不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。 Never frown, even when you are unhappy, because you never know who is falling in love with your *** ile. 15、爱情不要等到年纪大了才考虑,早晨的歌声,到中午再听,就显得索然无味。 Love should not wait for old age to consider, morning songs, to listen to at noon, it seems dull. 16、重叠泪痕缄锦字,人生只有情难死。 Overlapping tear stains and silent brocade words, life can only die of love. 17、该是你的迟早都会是你的,若不是你的即使强留也留不住。 It should be yours sooner or later. If it weren"t yours, it would not stay. 18、忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。 Loyal love fills my heart. I can"t estimate the wealth I enjoy. 19、如果我们在结婚之后仍然能保持爱情的甜蜜,我们在地上也等于进入天堂。 If we can still keep the sweetness of love after marriage, we will enter heaven on earth. 20、真正爱上一个人的时候,一切都那么值得,包括不可避免的伤害。 When you really fall in love with someone, everything is worth it, including the inevitable harm. 21、有美人兮,见之不忘,一日不见兮,思之如狂。 Beautiful people never fet what they see, never see it in a day, and think like crazy. 22、爱情就像是生长在悬崖上的一朵花,想要摘就必需要有勇气。 Love is like a flower growing on a cliff. If you want to pick it, you must have courage. 23、此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。便纵有,千种风情,更与何人说。 To go through the years here should be a good time and a good scenery in vain. Even if there are thousands of customs, more with whom to say. 24、多情只有春庭月,犹为离人照落花。 Love only in the spring and the moon, but still for the departure of flowers. 25、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。 Falling red is not a merciless thing, but a spring mud to protect flowers. 26、有一种伤叫悲伤,是睫毛再也承受不住泪球的重,轻轻碰到就会滴落。 There is a kind of injury called sadness, is that eyelashes can no longer withstand the heavy tear ball, gently touched will drop. 27、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 My clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain. 28、爱你、给你我生命所有的美好、然后退场、让万花筒灿烂你的眼瞳。 Love you, give you all the beauty of my life, and then exit, let kaleidoscope brilliant your eyes. 29、临别殷勤重寄词,词中有誓两心知。 Farewell courteous re-send words, there are vows o hearts know. 30、唯将终夜长开眼,报答平生未展眉。 Only eyes will be opened all night long, in return for life has not shown eyebrows. 31、我的爱情没有那么复杂,两颗心,一个家,爱我,对我好,其他的都不多求。 My love is not so plicated, o hearts, a home, love me, good to me, other are not much to ask for. 32、无情不似多情苦,一寸还成千万缕。 Ruthlessness is not like sentimental suffering, an inch is also tens of millions of strands. 33、如花美眷,似水流年。回得了过去,回不了当初。 Like a beautiful family, like a flowing year. Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original. 34、可怜无定河边骨,犹是春闺梦里人。 Poor and indeterminate riverside bones are still people in the spring boudoir dream. 35、泪纵能干终有迹,语多难寄反无词。 Tears can be traced in the end, but words are difficult to convey. 36、相思本是无凭语,莫向花牋费泪行。 Acacia is no voucher, do not waste tears on flowers. 37、缘已逝而情难止,生有崖而思无尽。 It is hard to stop feeling when fate is gone, but endless thinking when there is a cliff. 38、皑如山上雪,皎若云间月。闻君有两意,故来相决绝。 Like snow on a mountain, like clouds and moons. Wen Jun had o intentions, so he refused. 39、我也相信爱可以排除万难;只是,万难之后,又有万难。这是我更相信的。 I also believe that love can overe all difficulties; but after all difficulties, there are all difficulties. This is what I believe more. 40、别来半岁音书绝,一寸离肠千万结。 Don"t e half-year-old sound book absolutely, an inch away from the intestine tens of millions of knots. 41、此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。 This can be remembered, but at that time has been lost. 42、无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 No matter where you are, no matter why you are busy, I will be here. 43、我打开窗户,使雪明白,世界并不是那么的冰凉,还有一种温暖潜藏在里面。 I opened the window to make the snow understand that the world is not so cold, there is a kind of warmth hidden in it. 44、爱,和炭相同,烧起来,得想办法叫它冷却。 Love, like charcoal, burns and has to be cooled. 45、真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。 True love can"t be expressed in words. Actions are the best indication of loyalty. 46、十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 Ten years of life and death are o boundless, thoughtless, unfettable, thousands of miles of lonely graves, nowhere to say desolate. 47、望夫处,江悠悠;化为石,不回头。山头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语。 Watching the hu *** and, the river is long; turning to stone, never turning back. Every day on the hilltop is windy and rainy. Pedestrians return to Shiyingyu. 48、你是我温暖的手套,冰冷的啤酒,带着阳光味道的衬衫,日复一日的梦想。 You are my warm gloves, cold beer, shirt with the taste of sunshine, dream day after day. 49、要和一个女人相处的快乐,你应该多爱她,却别想要了解她。 To be happy with a woman, you should love her more than you want to know her. 50、似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。 As if the stars were not last night, for whom the wind dew midnight. 51、多听,少说,接受每一个人的责难,但是保留你的最后裁决。 Listen more, speak less, accept everyone"s blame, but keep your final verdict.

求爱情电影~像这样子的《ONE DAY》《LIKE CRAZY》年代2000以后的


[2011美国最新清新浪漫爱情][爱疯了-Like Crazy][720P高清][中英双字]高清完整版下载地址有么?感谢哈

[2011美国最新清新浪漫爱情][爱疯了-Like Crazy][720P高清][中英双字]高清完整版下载地址:记得采纳




歌手确实是李贞贤歌曲名:月亮啊月亮 月亮啊月亮歌词汉语拼音版 1.za gu wai yi la dou men a gen na ni gen nei a sa lang nu ni qiao nen gao pu zai ao gen nei na piao be yi dou kan na li ca na gei ai sa lang wai ge wi dou mao gen nv dou dei #.ha mu me dou ai su wo sou ha mu nei dou gai su wo sou hou mei ga dou ku sa la mei hu ze zei ou ni nai ga su wi hai ---pu rei gei da la da la qieman da li ku wo qiu jiu sasa lang mei na ye mou za ya da la da la qie ma lei yi mou dai gei ku sa lang mei dou na zi ma 2.na me sa lang ang de ke ni a suo ni lou ke de ma ji ma la kou mi ha gei a za ke you la kou ma li ke na ma ji la an dou gu sa lang na yi bou yi gou ba gou yi sa lang 接# da la da la qie man da li ku wo qiu sa lang ga mei mou qi gou gen ta da la da la ma lei yi zei mou dai gei ku sa lang mei qi gao qiu 歌词中文翻译 为何执迷不悟 爱情已经破碎 他不会再回来 弃我而去的 使我悲惨的那个人 我怎么还忘不掉 我已无所适从 无处可去 留下的痕迹无所不在 让我心痛不忍 月呀月呀 请你帮帮我 他是我的男人 月呀月呀 不要离开他 不要让他忘记我 Rap)绝对不行 不能回到从前 不一样 不一样 我不像其他女人 有多疲惫 有多痛苦 都不能再回头 Ma~ Ma~ Ma~ Ma Ma~ Ma 说过只爱我一个 只有我一个 说过不要我离开 要一直在一起 说过那些话的他 却抛弃我离开的他 我已无所适从 无处可去 留下的痕迹无所不在 让我心痛不忍 月呀月呀 请你帮帮我 他是我的男人 月呀月呀 不要离开他 不要让他忘记我 月呀月呀 请你帮帮我 我快为爱疯掉 月呀月呀 不要离开他 不要让他忘记我


《爱的回归线》 不过网上现在没资源


<宽恕>韩文直译版 给你的礼物是虚伪的眼泪吗? 也许因为你曾经很相信我, 我不会说对不起, 是因为我太爱你, 我想说我的心里只有你, I need you baby(you are my angle) 就连我的灵魂 (You"re my everything) 常常为能够和你在一起而祈祷 (you are my desire)我这样爱你, 谢谢你 I won"t let you go, baby~ 我已有另一场爱情, 这段爱情已结束。 真的不忍心对你说, 我不求你的原谅, 害怕你会受伤, 我只想说我爱你! I want you baby~ Eggrap)因为你的离开, 所以你要抛弃我, 但我也不能挽留你, 我的心很痛, 再也无法忍受, 只能默默地流泪, 我什么都不能做, 不知道还有没有我的未来, 但还是要活着,还是要忘记。 (you are my angle) In my heart, in my life ( You are my everything) I can"t get you out of my head (you are my desire) baby, oh, baby come on, you wanna heal my soul, baby, oh baby


How do I love thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday"s Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with a passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood"s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death 另一How do I love thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and heightMy soul can reach, when feeling out of sightFor the ends of Being and ideal Grace.I love thee to the level of everyday"sMost quiet need, by sun and candle-light.I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.I love thee with a passion put to useIn my old griefs, and with my childhood"s faith.I love thee with a love I seemed to loseWith my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,I shall but love thee better after death.我是怎样的爱你我是怎样的爱你?诉不尽千言万语:我爱你的程度是那样是高深和广远;恰似我的灵魂曾飞到了九天和黄泉;去探索人生的奥妙和神灵的恩典。无论是白昼还是夜晚我爱你不息,像我每日必需的摄生食物不能间断。我纯洁的爱你,不为奉承吹捧迷惑,我勇敢的爱你,如同为正义而奋争!爱你,以昔日的剧痛和童年的忠诚,爱你,以眼泪,笑声及全部的生命。要是没有你,我的心就失去了圣贤,要是没有你,我的心就失去了激情。假如上帝愿意,请为我做主和见证:在我死后,我必将爱你更深,更深!

爱情的傻瓜 the nuts 韩汉对照歌词

uc0acub791uc758ubc14ubcf4 The NutsThe Nuts爱情的傻瓜uadf8ub807uac8c ub9d0 ud558uc9c0 ub9c8别那么说uc81cubc1c uadf8ub148 uc695ud558uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc918你就会骂我uadf8 ub204uad6cubcf4ub2e4ub3c4 ub0b4uac90 uc88buc740 uc5ecuc790ub2c8uae4c谁比我的好女人。ub0b4uac00 ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uc798ud574uc900uac78 uace0ub9d9ub2e4 ub9d0 ubabb ub4e4uc5b4ub3c4我想好好谢谢你们的一切。uc7a0uc2dcub098ub9c8 uc6c3uc5b4uc8fcuba74 ub09c ud589ubcf5ud574~请不要笑我给我幸福。uc6d0ud558ub294 uc88buc740 uc0acub78c ub098ud0c0ub0a0 ub54c uae4cuc9c0想要的人出现之前。ub09c uc7a0uc2dc uadf8ub148 uc9c0ucf1cuc904 ubfd0uc57c我一会儿就会守护你而已。uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ubc14ub77cub294 uac83 uc5c6uae30uc5d0 uadf8uac78 ub85cub3c4 uac10uc0acud574 uc6cc~什么都没有改变。他也感谢了。uc5b8uc81cub4e0 ud544uc694ud560 ub550 ud3b8ud788 ub0a0 uc4f0ub3c4ub85d你需要我的时候,随便用ub298 ub2ffub294 uacf3uc5d0 uc788uc5b4 uc904 uac70uc57c经常接触的地方上。uc5b4ub290 ub0a0 ub9d0uc5c6uc774 ub5a0ub098uac04ub300ub3c4 uadf8 ub4b7ubaa8uc2b5uae4cuc9c0ub3c4 uc0acub791 ud560ub798有一天,默默地离开那个背影也爱我。ub09c ubc14ubcf4ub2c8uae50 uad1cucc2euc544我看没关系uc544ubb34ub9ac uc544ud504uac8c ud574ub3c4 ubabb ub290uaef4再也不觉得疼。ub0b4 uac71uc815 ud558uc9c0 ub9c8别为我担心ubabbub0acub300ub3c4 ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4没大不了ub098ub97c uc790ub791uc2a4ub808 uc5ecuae38 ubd84uaed8 uac00ub054 ubbf8uc548ud574uc9c4ub370ub3c4我自豪地向我这里偶尔的。uae30uaebcuc774 ub0a0 uadf8ub148 uc704ud55c ubc14ubcf4ub85c uc0b4ub798我就会愿意买的傻瓜uc6d0ud558ub294 uc88buc740 uc0acub78c ub098ud0c0ub0a0 ub54c uae4cuc9c0想要的人出现之前。ub09c uc7a0uc2dc uadf8ub148 uc9c0ucf1cuc904 ubfd0uc57c我一会儿就会守护你而已。uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ubc14ub77cub294 uac83 uc5c6uae30uc5d0 uadf8 uac78ub85cub3c4 uac10uc0acud574 uc6cc~什么都没有改变。他也感谢了。uc5b8uc81cub4e0 ud544uc694ud560 ub550 ud3b8ud788 ub0a0 uc4f0ub3c4ub85d你需要我的时候,随便用ub298 ub2ffub294 uacf3uc5d0 uc788uc5b4 uc904 uac70uc57c经常接触的地方上。uc5b4ub290 ub0a0 ub9d0uc5c6uc774 ub5a0ub098uac04ub300ub3c4 uadf8 ub4b7ubaa8uc2b5uae4cuc9c0ub3c4 uc0acub791 ud560ub798有一天,默默地离开那个背影也爱我。uc5b8uc820uac00 uadf8ub140uac00 ub0a0 ub5a0ub0a0 uac78 uc798 uc54cuc544有一天她会离开你。uc2dcuc791uc774 uc788uc74c ub05dub3c4 uc788ub294 ubc95开始结束的。uadf8 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc54cuace0 uc2f6uc5b4uc11cub77cub3c4 ub05duae4cuc9c0 uac00ubcf4ub824 ud574 uc6cc~那个时间我也一直想做了。uadf8ub807uac8c ubd88uc30dud55c ub4ef ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubcf4uc9c0 ub9c8那么可怜我似的,别uadf8ub798ub3c4 ub098ub294 ud589ubcf5ud558ub2c8uae4c我的幸福。uc5b8uc820uac00 uadf8ub140ub97c ubcf4ub0b4 uc8fcub294 ub0a0 uadf8ub54c uc220uc774ub098 ud55cuc794 uc0acuc8fcuba74 ub3fc有一天,她给我买的时候喝一杯。uc5b8uc820uac00 uadf8ub140ub97c ubcf4ub0b4 uc8fcub294 ub0a0 uadf8ub54c uc220uc774ub098 ud55cuc794 uc0acuc8fcuba74 ub3fc有一天,她给我买的时候喝一杯。








1、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。 Our love, hope has never e to an end. 2、你的名字是我最爱的英语单词。 Your name is my favorite English word. 3、你给的在乎,是我开心的理由。 What you give me is the reason why I am happy. 4、爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。 Love need not be matched by words, but by heart. 5、不是完美情人,就是精神病人。 Either a perfect lover or a mental patient. 6、你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。 Do you remember how long it took you not to say you love me? 7、友情一旦认真比爱情还刻骨铭心。 Friendship, once earnest, is more unfettable than love. 8、哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 Where there is true love, there are miracles. 9、不希望,不奢望,就不会有失望。 No hope, no hope, no disappointment. 10、你想要飞翔,我做你的避风港。 You want to fly, I am your safe haven. 11、我喜欢的人啊他有一身的温暖。 My favorite person, he has a warm body. 12、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。 Love me, you say, put in the heart of many frustrations. 13、你那么讨人喜欢叫我怎么不爱你。 Why don"t you love me when you"re so cute? 14、做一道多选题,但是答案都是迩。 Do a multiple-choice question, but the answers are all good. 15、沿着记忆的轨迹,寻找你的足迹。 Follow the track of memory and find your footprints. 16、我说过我爱你,但没说我只爱你。 I said I love you, but I didn"t say I only love you. 17、让我牵着你的手,陪你一起走。 Let me take your hand and walk with you. 18、骗自己成全他,根本没那么伟大。 It is not so great to deceive oneself into acplishing him. 19、一声姐妹大过天我们比爱情更远! A sister is bigger than the sky, we are farther than love! 20、对于爱情你是不敢还是不能。 Do you dare or can"t love? 21、素颜,说的美是你甜蜜的笑容。 Su Yan, the beauty is your sweet *** ile. 22、永远是很长的,而我永远爱你。 It"s always long, and I love you forever. 23、完美的爱情,是致命的毒药。 Perfect love is a deadly poison. 24、除非黄土白骨,我守你岁月无忧。 Unless loess and white bones, I will keep you safe. 25、爱人不必太完美,是你便足以! The lover need not be too perfect, you are enough! 26、你有什么身份,你就有个身份证。 What identity do you have? You have an ID card. 27、只要活着,就一定能遇见好吃的。 As long as you live, you will meet delicious food. 28、你给的世界,满满的都是爱。 The world you give is full of love. 29、xx我向世界宣布,我只在乎你! XX I declare to the world that I only care about you! 30、你说因为有我所以赢了全世界。 You said you won the world because of me. 31、你所在的城是我思念的源泉。 Your city is the source of my yearning. 32、我选择爱你,而你,却选择爱她。 I choose to love you, but you choose to love her. 33、也许生死相许,又或许各奔东西。 Maybe life and death are the same, or maybe they go their separate ways. 34、情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。 Love words are so beautiful that even outsiders shed tears. 35、别站在你的角度看我,你看不懂。 Don"t look at me from your point of view, you can"t understand. 36、你拥有照亮整个城市的笑容。 You have a *** ile that lights up the whole city. 37、我爱的人也很爱我,很幸福。 I love people who also love me, very happy. 38、最暖心的晚安来自最爱的人。 The warmest good night es from the person you love most. 39、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。 It"s better to meet once than never. 40、我爱你始于初见,止于终老。 I love you from the beginning to the end. 41、跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角。 Follow your footsteps and walk all over the world. 42、所谓的爱情只是一场可笑的游戏。 The so-called love is just a ridiculous game. 43、花在美,也没你在我心里美。 Flowers are not as beautiful as you are in my heart. 44、毕竟我的理想是做你的夫人。 After all, my ideal is to be your wife. 45、爱留下伤痕,但也教人忘记痛过。 Love leaves scars, but it also teaches people to fet the pain. 46、以后的每一夜我都抱着你到天亮。 Every night I hold you till dawn. 47、倾尽我一生,只为成全你半分。 All my life, just to make half of you. 48、永不言弃,涐愿与伱至死不渝。 Never give up, I wish to die with you. 49、待我幼稚完,便不在让你为难。 When I"m naive, I won"t embarrass you. 50、我可以,在你身边直到地老天荒。 I can, by your side until the end of time.




1.Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要悉眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 2.To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。 3.Don"t waste your time on a man/woman,who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 4.Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to,doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 5.Don"t try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 6.Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 7.Don"t cry because it is over,smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有 1. Love makes the world go round. 一些人认为有钱能使鬼推磨。但对于那些真正的浪漫主义者来说,爱才是生命中最重要的东西。 2. Your better half. 这是指你的男友或女友。你还可以称你的恋人为"my other half" - 但你的better half听起来要比your other half舒服的多! 3. The light of my life. light of your life是那个让你欢笑,感觉非常甜蜜的人 !你还可以称你的爱人为, "Darling, you light up my life". 4. She drives me crazy!不,这可不代表她要把你逼疯了! 如果有人drives you crazy,他们正是那些让你心跳加速的人。例如,"You"re crazy about Amy, why don"t you ask her out?" 5. Falling in love. 坠入爱河可比仅仅去爱一个人更意义深远。爱一个人是非常美妙的,但要坠入爱河更多的意味着你的生活中已经再也离不开此人了!记得一定不要太早对你的女朋友/男朋友说 "I"m falling in love with you" 。最好是先等到你真正弄清自己感情再说也不迟。 6. Perfect match.你找到自己的绝配了吗?你的perfect match正是-那个在各方面都和你非常相衬的人。我们有时还用"soul mate"来表达。 7. Seeing, Dating, Going steady.第一次和一个人约会时,你一定不想弄得很严肃的样子。 你可能会说"I"m seeing someone"。过了一阵子,你开始dating 此人。最终,你和这个人go steady。意思是你们俩正式成为了男女朋友。 8. You are too good to be true! 如果你觉得一个人对你而言好的简直不真实了,你就可以这么说。你还可以说you are like a dream come true。 9. Significant Other. 这是用第三人称的方式称呼你的恋人或爱人。因此你可以说Can I bring my Significant Other to the party?,而不是这么说Honey, you are my Significant Other。 10. Love at first sight. 这是指两人第一相遇就一见钟情。 如果你也坚信其可能性,那你也一定是个不折不扣的浪漫主义者了!At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。 I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。 Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。 If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。 Love is the greatest refreshment in life. 爱情是生活最好的提神剂。 Love never dies. 爱情永不死。 The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us. 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 There is no remedy for love but to love more. 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。 A heart that loves is always young. 有爱的心永远年轻。




哈布日 哈布日 哈布日 哈布日

洛希极限的爱情解释 怎么用洛希极限解释爱情

1、保持适当距离对两个天体都是有益的,任何天体,在接近另一个比它大得多的天体时,都会受到强大的潮汐力作用,如果距离靠的太近,突破某个限值时最终就被扯成碎片。这个较小的天体会被扯碎的距离称作洛希极限。 2、洛希极限是一个距离。当天体和第二个天体的距离为洛希极限时,天体自身的重力和第二个天体造成的潮汐力相等。如果它们的距离少于洛希极限,天体就会倾向碎散,继而成为第二个天体的环。它以首个计算这个极限的人爱德华·洛希的名字命名。

洛希极限的爱情解释 怎么用洛希极限解释爱情

1、保持适当距离对两个天体都是有益的,任何天体,在接近另一个比它大得多的天体时,都会受到强大的潮汐力作用,如果距离靠的太近,突破某个限值时最终就被扯成碎片。这个较小的天体会被扯碎的距离称作洛希极限。 2、洛希极限是一个距离。当天体和第二个天体的距离为洛希极限时,天体自身的重力和第二个天体造成的潮汐力相等。如果它们的距离少于洛希极限,天体就会倾向碎散,继而成为第二个天体的环。它以首个计算这个极限的人爱德华·洛希的名字命名。














歌手Jaci Velasquez演唱的destiny。原唱是jim brickman。(QQ音乐里有的)下面是中英文对照 what if i never knew 假使我从未认识你 what if i never found you 假使我从未遇到你 i"d never have this feeling in my heart 我心不会有如此感受 how did this come to be 这是怎么发生的 i don"t know how you found me 我不知你是怎么发现的我 but from the moment i saw you 但从我看见你的那一刻起 with all my heart and soul i knew 我的全身心都已明了 baby you"re my destiny 宝贝 你就是我的命运 you and I were meant to be 你和我早已命中注定 it"s written in the stars 它书写在星辰之上 like angels in our heart 就像名字铭刻于心 and as far as i can see 就我所能知 you were always meant to be 你注定永远都是 my destiny 我的命运 i wanted someone like you 我一直希冀着有你这么一个人 someone that i could hold on to 我可以坚持爱 and give my love until the end of time 并且给予他我的爱 直到时间的尽头 but forever was just a word 但是永远只是一个字而已 something i"d only heard about 只是我听说过的某种东西而已 but now you"re always there for me 但是现在你永为我而在 when you say forever i believe 当你说永远 我相信了 baby you"re my destiny 宝贝 你就是我的命运 you and I were meant to be 你和我早已命中注定 it"s written in the stars 它书写在星辰之上 like angels in our heart 就像名字铭刻于心 and as far as i can see 就我所能知 you were always meant to be 你注定永远都是 my destiny 我的命运 maybe all you need is just a little faith 也许你需要的 只是一个信念 "cause baby i believe 因为 宝贝我相信 that love will find the way 爱定会找到出路 baby you"re my destiny 宝贝 你就是我的命运 you and I were meant to be 你和我早已命中注定 it"s written in the stars 它书写在星辰之上 like angels in our heart 就像名字铭刻于心 and as far as i can see 就我所能知 from here until eternity 从现在到永远 you were meant to be 你注定就是 my destiny 我的命运


  destiny,是爱情公寓里面播放的一首英文歌曲,温暖动人。下面是我给大家整理的爱情公寓里的英文歌,供大家参阅!   爱情公寓里的英文歌destiny歌手   Jim Brickman 吉米 布莱克曼,出生于美国俄亥俄州,1994年在美国踏上音乐路途至今,总共出版了发行8张专辑,Newage最重要的作曲家及钢琴家之一。作为Newage最重要的作曲家及钢琴家之一,JimBrickman 金布来克曼的钢琴音乐自有其独特之处。 听他的琴声,你会感受到如水般的魅惑,他的琴音,轻爽而柔软,仿佛,来自内心最深处的那种柔媚,可以让所有的聆听者都为之微笑,呵,让人心神俱醉的钢琴哪~~   爱情公寓里的英文歌destiny歌手介绍   作为Newage最重要的作曲家及钢琴家之一,Jim Brickman 金布来克曼的钢琴音乐自有其独特之处。 听他的琴声,你会感受到如水般的魅惑,他的琴音,轻爽而柔软,仿佛,来自内心最深处的那种柔媚,可以让所有的聆听者都为之微笑,呵,让人心神俱醉的钢琴哪~~   也许,在刚开始听的时候,你会觉得他的钢琴怎么和凯文、和雅尼有一些相像,但听久了,你会自然地分辨出,金和他们的不同来。。。 若说凯文是绿色的精灵,那么金就是清灵的水,而雅尼,则是狂野的风~~   爱情公寓里的英文歌destiny歌词   What if I never knew   What if I never found you   I never had   This feeling in my heart   How did this come to be   I don"t know how you found me   But from the moment I saw you   Deep inside my heart I knew   Baby you"re my destiny   You and I were meant to be   With all my heart and soul   I"ll give my love to have and hold   And as far as I can see   You were always meant to be   My destiny   I wanted someone like you   Someone that I could hold on to   And give my love until the end of time   But forever was just a word   Something I"d only heard about   But now you"re always there for me   When you say forever I believe   Baby you"re my destiny   You and I were meant to be   With all my heart and soul   I"ll give my love to have and hold   And as far as I can see   You were always meant to be   My destiny   Maybe all we need   Is just a little faith   That love will find a way   Cuz baby I believe   Baby you"re my destiny   You and I were meant to be   With all my heart and soul   I"ll give my love to have and hold   And as far as I can see   From now until eternity   You were always meant to be   My destiny   You"re my destiny   




她走进房间,他的眼睛亮了起来。 她没有说一句话。因为他们的存在证据足以证明她爱了,他们都失去了一个loved.so这一天的日子,是一个dificult爱one.she想使这个work.she受伤了,lonelyand afaid.it不应该是这样。 但事实是,他知道她是如何感受到彼此是心痛----最悲哀的一种。 他们的眼睛锁定。他微笑着回答。他的微笑使她面临的特殊方式。她站在那里,在门口,他示意她坐在他旁边。不相信孩子气的笑容,现在他已经在他的脸上,她犹豫了一会儿,但给在那里是他们之间的沉默不舒服的时刻。 然后突然,他背后的枕头就放在附近的目的地。他puuled了一个大红色的信封内,紧张地递给她。折断了她惊讶的回头看,因为她实在没有想到这一点。 “等一下,这与它”去他说。然后,他递给她一个小盒子,包裹在白色的卫生纸的完美听到和鲜花。 “现在”他说,“阅读卡” 其内容如下; 我知道,情人节是一个特殊的日子,在爱的人。我相信,你宁愿在一家豪华晚餐,我sorry.but我想知道,我爱你.....。我很抱歉,爸爸离开了我们,mum.but我只是想你知道,我们仍然有彼此,天天开心walentines。



求sunny hill---- 扑通扑通(最佳爱情OST)罗马音译和中文歌词

唔林穷不头 哦里及嫩那那就哒图gi慢哈够 搜慢忒唔东撒衣哟搜嫩得恰衣桑汉够妞 哦嫩塞吗米桶黑搜Giu忒哦思苗 米气够桥龙苦得不股西喷够特表浪 那慢内你们路搜类你 噶的墙搜目路穷穷哒噶搜嫩 苦得ler哦穷就哇哟苦得得目内噶思米你心讲衣 度跟度跟南苦得慢嫩撒浪黑 内慢噶den喂气嫩吗度奴内够噶够搜兜里嫩衣苏ler内米那不苗萌就啊那就嫩 苦得滚股股衣就苦得黑gi得哟墙den桥卡搜东苦那那不哒兜可 苦得也心讲搜里噶的聊哇就孙giao度 看球苏哦嫩够股没读 往那股衣嫩够塞桑目沃不哒 搜君汉哦及看撒浪苦得得目内噶思米你心讲衣 度跟度跟南苦得慢嫩撒浪黑 内慢噶den喂气嫩吗度奴内够噶够搜兜里嫩衣苏ler内米那不苗萌就啊那就嫩 苦得滚股股衣就衣米啊股衣搜哟苦得那哇噶丹够奴不吸给 心讲搜给塞giu进撒浪音够苦得得目内用往hi衣心讲gi读跟度跟南苦得慢嫩撒浪黑 内慢噶den hing不兜那度怕话加票求搜兜林嫩卡思们内君苦得哟踹股也撒浪嗯噶den安giao就给哟


歌曲曲目:01. Chen (EXO) - 最高的幸运 / uccb8 (EXO) - ucd5cuace0uc758 ud589uc6b402. 最高的幸运 / ucd5cuace0uc758 ud589uc6b4(Inst.)歌曲曲目:01. Davichi - 没关系 是爱情啊 / ub2e4ube44uce58 - uad1cucc2euc544 uc0acub791uc774uc57c02. 没关系 是爱情啊 / uad1cucc2euc544 uc0acub791uc774uc57c (Inst.)01. Crush - 无法入睡的夜晚 (Feat. Punch) / ud06cub7ecuc26c - uc7a0 ubabbub4dcub294 ubc24 (Feat. ud380uce58)02. 无法入睡的夜晚 / uc7a0 ubabbub4dcub294 ubc24 (Inst.)歌曲曲目:01. Little Suns - Sunboat02. Twin Forks - Cross my mind03. Little Suns - Ship and the globe04. The Once - You′re my best friend05. Brandon Pacheco - Soul06. Killin Time Band - Heavy07. Quentin Mosimann - Hello (Ira ver.) (Radio edit)08. Quentin Mosimann - Psyko Underground (Radio edit)没关系 是爱情啊 POP OST没关系 是爱情啊 OST Part.4 (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.08.13专辑风格:O.S.T / R&B/Soul歌曲曲目:01. 辉星 - For You / ud718uc131 - For You02. For You (Inst.)歌曲曲目:01. 洪大光 - I Feel You / ud64dub300uad11 - I Feel You02. I Feel You (Inst.)曲目列表:01. Chen (EXO) - 最高的幸运 / uccb8 (EXO) - ucd5cuace0uc758 ud589uc6b402. Davichi - 没关系 是爱情啊 / ub2e4ube44uce58 - uad1cucc2euc544 uc0acub791uc774uc57c03. Crush - 无法入睡的夜晚 (Feat. Punch) / ud06cub7ecuc26c - uc7a0 ubabbub4dcub294 ubc24 (Feat. ud380uce58)04. 辉星 - For You / ud718uc131 - For You05. 洪大光 - I Feel You / ud64dub300uad11 - I Feel You06. Ulala Session - Love Fiction / uc6b8ub784ub77cuc138uc158 - Love Fiction07. Love (Feat. Chen Meihan)08. Slow Romance09. Get Over10. I Love Party11. Pizz Bizz 4412. Green Grass13. OK Love Wawoo14. Harmonica Of Retaliation15. Pizz Bizz 3416. U So Beauty17. Balkans01. 尹美莱 - 我爱你 / uc724ubbf8ub798 - ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud57402. 我爱你 / ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574 (Inst.)


没关系 是爱情啊 OST Part.1 (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.07.23专辑风格:O.S.T歌曲曲目:01. Chen (EXO) - 最高的幸运 / uccb8 (EXO) - ucd5cuace0uc758 ud589uc6b402. 最高的幸运 / ucd5cuace0uc758 ud589uc6b4(Inst.) 没关系 是爱情啊 OST Part.2 (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.07.30专辑风格:O.S.T / Ballad歌曲曲目:01. Davichi - 没关系 是爱情啊 / ub2e4ube44uce58 - uad1cucc2euc544 uc0acub791uc774uc57c02. 没关系 是爱情啊 / uad1cucc2euc544 uc0acub791uc774uc57c (Inst.) 没关系 是爱情啊 OST Part.3 (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.08.06专辑风格:O.S.T歌曲曲目:01. Crush - 无法入睡的夜晚 (Feat. Punch) / ud06cub7ecuc26c - uc7a0 ubabbub4dcub294 ubc24 (Feat. ud380uce58)02. 无法入睡的夜晚 / uc7a0 ubabbub4dcub294 ubc24 (Inst.) 没关系 是爱情啊 POP OST (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.08.07专辑风格:O.S.T歌曲曲目:01. Little Suns - Sunboat02. Twin Forks - Cross my mind03. Little Suns - Ship and the globe04. The Once - You′re my best friend05. Brandon Pacheco - Soul06. Killin Time Band - Heavy07. Quentin Mosimann - Hello (Ira ver.) (Radio edit)08. Quentin Mosimann - Psyko Underground (Radio edit) 没关系 是爱情啊 OST Part.4 (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.08.13专辑风格:O.S.T / R&B/Soul歌曲曲目:01. 辉星 - For You / ud718uc131 - For You02. For You (Inst.) 没关系 是爱情啊 OST Part.5 (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.08.20专辑风格:O.S.T / Ballad歌曲曲目:01. 洪大光 - I Feel You / ud64dub300uad11 - I Feel You02. I Feel You (Inst.) 没关系 是爱情啊 OST Vol.1发行日期:2014.08.21专辑风格:O.S.T曲目列表:01. Chen (EXO) - 最高的幸运 / uccb8 (EXO) - ucd5cuace0uc758 ud589uc6b402. Davichi - 没关系 是爱情啊 / ub2e4ube44uce58 - uad1cucc2euc544 uc0acub791uc774uc57c03. Crush - 无法入睡的夜晚 (Feat. Punch) / ud06cub7ecuc26c - uc7a0 ubabbub4dcub294 ubc24 (Feat. ud380uce58)04. 辉星 - For You / ud718uc131 - For You05. 洪大光 - I Feel You / ud64dub300uad11 - I Feel You06. Ulala Session - Love Fiction / uc6b8ub784ub77cuc138uc158 - Love Fiction07. Love (Feat. Chen Meihan)08. Slow Romance09. Get Over10. I Love Party11. Pizz Bizz 4412. Green Grass13. OK Love Wawoo14. Harmonica Of Retaliation15. Pizz Bizz 3416. U So Beauty17. Balkans 没关系 是爱情啊 OST Part.6 (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.08.27专辑风格:O.S.T / R&B/Soul曲目列表:01. 尹美莱 - 我爱你 / uc724ubbf8ub798 - ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud57402. 我爱你 / ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574 (Inst.) 没关系 是爱情啊 OST Part.7 (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.09.03专辑风格:O.S.T / Ballad曲目列表:01.M.C the MAX - U02. U (Inst.) 没关系 是爱情啊 OST Part.8 (SBS 水木剧)发行日期:2014.09.11专辑风格:O.S.T / Dance曲目列表:01. Orange Caramel - Tonight / uc624ub80cuc9c0uceacub77cuba5c -Tonight02. Tonight(Inst.) 没关系 是爱情啊 OST Vol.2发行日期:2014.09.12专辑风格:O.S.T / Ballad曲目列表:01. 尹美莱 - 我爱你 / uc724ubbf8ub798 - ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud57402. M.C the MAX - U03.Orange Caramel - Tonight / uc624ub80cuc9c0uceacub77cuba5c -Tonight04.Hey -And I Need You Most05.I Love Party (Vox Ver.)06.Blue Day07.Let The Wind Blow08.Truth09.One Moment10.Route 1611.Irritation12.Slow Motion13.Schizo14.Just Quit It15.Seriousness16.I"m Yours17.Gloomy Dream18.Bad Dream19.Timeless Slow (以上资料来源) 集数播出日期AGB全国AGB首尔TNS全国TNS首尔同档排名012014.07.239.3%11.0% 9.8%13.5%3022014.07.249.1%10.3%11.2%13.6%3032014.07.309.1%9.6%9.4%11.6%3042014.07.3110.1%11.2%10.5%12.4%3052014.08.0610.1%11.5%9.8%12.1%3062014.08.0710.0%10.8%9.8%11.6%3072014.08.139.8%11.0%11.0% 13.4%3082014.08.1410.2%10.9%10.0%11.6%3092014.08.209.7%10.8%9.7%11.8%3102014.08.2110.0%11.2%11.2%13.8%3112014.08.279.0%10.2%9.4%11.5%3122014.08.289.7%10.5%10.6%12.3%3132014.09.039.5%10.7%9.3%11.4%3142014.09.049.4%9.7%10.6%12.4%3152014.09.1011.4%12.1%11.1%13.1%1162014.09.1112.9%13.8%13.4%15.2%1平均收视率 10.0%11.0%10.4%12.6% 同档剧:KBS 朝鲜神枪手、Ironman;MBC 命中注定我爱你、我人生的春天(以上资料来源)



韩剧《没关系,是爱情啊》ost sunboat 小太阳 【就是第四集出现的】什么时候会出音源?

这是国外的歌 韩国不会出音源 你到贴吧里整理音乐合集的帖子 有下

对不起 是爱情啊1至12集插曲

这部电视剧叫 没关系,是爱情啊。。。

没关系这就是爱情啊韩剧 里面的插曲

《Psyke Underground》Cross My MindMistysunboat-小太阳You are my best friendKae sun的Ship and the globeHere comes your man希望采用我的答案哦








1、在你的手上,有我跟你的红绳,你跟她的戒指。 In your hands, there"s my red rope with you, your ring with her. 2、你是我生命的全部,请说你愿意。情人节快乐。 You are the whole of my life, please say you will. Happy Valentine"s Day. 3、法文中痛苦的意思,中文发音却是:爱过你。 French means pain, but Chinese pronunciation is: love you. 4、花花肠子不要太多,婚姻就不会有危机。 If there are not too many flowers and sausages, there will be no crisis in marriage. 5、眼泪是你邮寄给我的礼物,地址是不怎么幸福。 Tears are a gift you mailed to me. The address is not very happy. 6、我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。 I need to hold your hand to tell you what forever is. 7、哪有什么突然想起,其实一直放在心里。 What suddenly es to mind, in fact, has always been in my heart. 8、时间告诉我、无理取闹的年龄过,该懂事了。 Time tells me that it"s time to be sensible when I"m over the age of making unreasonable noises. 9、如果上天知道我心诚,就让石头发芽吧! If God knows my sincerity, let the stone sprout! 10、总有那么一首歌,让你陷入深深的回忆。 There is always a song that makes you fall into deep memories. 11、其实曾经的我很可爱。至少笃定着天长地久。 In fact, I used to be very cute. At least be determined to last forever. 12、爱一个人最好的方式,是经营好自己。 The best way to love someone is to run yourself well. 13、曾经的形影不离,如今的形同陌路,虎视眈眈。 Once the shape is inseparable, now the shape of strangers, covetous. 14、我颠倒了整个世界,只为摆正你的倒影。 I turned the whole world upside down just to put your reflection right. 15、或许你真的不该认识我,这样会乱了你的生活。 Maybe you really shouldn"t know me, it will mess up your life. 16、台上只剩下拥抱,车开了你含着泪微笑。 There"s only a hug on the stage, and the car drives you with a tearful *** ile. 17、问候不一定要郑重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 Greetings need not be solemn, but must be sincere and moving. 18、想哭的时候,别憋着,难受的是自己! When you want to cry, don"t hold back. It"s you who feel bad! 19、纯白色的记忆中拥有和你最幸福的时光。 Pure white memory has the happiest time with you. 20、我笑着解开回忆的毒,笑的眼睛已模糊。 I laugh to unlock the poison of memories, laughing eyes have blurred. 21、过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。 Fault is a temporary regret, and miss is a permanent regret. 22、只想拥有他的爱,让我只做你一个人的爱人。 Just want to have his love, let me be your only lover. 23、如果你累了,请你回头,我一直都在。 If you are tired, please look back. I"ve been there all the time. 24、爱情就是一粒沙子,没有多余的余地! Love is a grain of sand, there is no room for redundancy! 25、倘若你懂我所有的深情就别辜负我所有付出。 If you understand all my affections, don"t let me down on all my efforts. 26、也许爱情总是这样,早先红了脸,后来红了眼。 Maybe love is always like this, first blushed, then blushed eyes. 27、抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 28、人是改变不了事情的,只有事情改变人。 People can"t change things, only things can change people. 29、只要再坚持一下下,我们就能到幸福的彼岸。 As long as we persist, we can reach the other side of happiness. 30、我爱你,你爱我。爱情也需要门当户对。 I love you, you love me. Love also needs a right door. 31、没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容,就是爱。 Love is heartache without reason and tolerance without preconditions. 32、你永远是我的定格,而我只是你的过客。 You"re always my fixture, and I"m just your passer-by. 33、如果爱你只有一次,我会用每一个夜晚来想你。 If I love you only once, I will miss you every night. 34、乌云过后阳光更欢,不和之后爱情愈甜。 The sunshine is brighter after dark clouds, but love is sweeter after discord. 35、感情还是逃不过终点,试着用眼泪代替抱歉。 Feelings still can not escape the end, try to replace sorry with tears. 36、你永远不懂我的心,我们注定没结局。 You will never understand my heart, we are doomed to no end. 37、由于种种原因真心相爱的人并不一定能在一起。 For various reasons, people who really love each other are not always together. 38、生活中最大的幸福就是,坚信有人爱着我们。 The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved. 39、有一种爱,明知无前路,心却早已收不回来。 There is a kind of love, knowing that there is no way forward, but the heart can not be retrieved. 40、自己的媳妇,哄着惯着不丢人,这叫爱。 His daughter-in-law, coaxing habitual not humiliating, this is called love. 41、我听过最可笑的故事,是你和她的爱情。 The funniest story I"ve ever heard is your love with her. 42、我只是习惯了有你,并不是缺你不可。 I"m just used to having you, not missing you. 43、爱情有两种姿态,一种是追逐,一种是等待。 Love has o kinds of gestures, one is to chase, the other is to wait. 44、难道是我爱的太用力了,至于你受不了。 Is it because I love you so hard that you can"t stand it? 45、阳光落在陌生的城市,未来的爱情在谁的怀抱。 The sunshine falls in the strange city, whose embrace the future love is in. 46、希望有一天牵着你的手陪你一起散步,浪漫。 I hope that one day I will take your hand and walk with you. It"s romantic.

aff开头 英文单词 跟爱情有关的

affection n.(名词) 1. A tender feeling toward another; fondness.See Synonyms at love 慈爱:对他人的一种温柔的感情;喜爱参见 love 2. Often affections Feeling or emotion: 常作 affections 情感或感情: an unbalanced state of affections. 感情起伏不定 3. A disposition to feel, do, or say; a propensity. 意向:感觉、做或说的意向;倾向 4. Obsolete Prejudice; partiality. 【废语】 偏见;偏向






Crystal plane

Crystal 飞机与爱情有什么关系?

爱情如同Crystal plane,起飞的时候很困难, 但依然努力的冲向天空,达到爱情的巅峰,飞起来的感觉如同飘在云中, 而一旦乘上, 就不可以换乘其他航班,之所以是Crystal,因为爱情真的如水晶般容易逝去,仅此。




杜亚斯---明道 贝若依---曾之乔


1. 《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday):讲述了一名欧洲王室公主和一名美国记者在罗马的浪漫爱情故事,这部电影至今仍被认为是最经典的爱情故事之一。2. 《暮色之城》(Twilight):一部关于人类和吸血鬼禁忌之恋的电影,讲述了一个女孩与一位吸血鬼之间的深情故事。3. 《穿普拉达的女王》(The Devil Wears Prada):这是一部关于一名年轻女子在时尚杂志社工作的传记,她在工作中不断努力,同时也与同事,男友以及她的上司之间经历了非常有趣的感情故事。4. 《情书》(Love Letter):这是一部日本电视剧,讲述了一对青春时代的恋人,最终在他们的感情中复苏和成长的故事。5. 《海上钢琴师》(The Legend of 1900):这部电影描述了一位生于海上的钢琴师,他与女友之间的故事充满浪漫和热情。6. 《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic):这部电影中的男女主人公是由众多事故得以生还的人之一,他们在船上相识,陷入爱河,在面临沉船时,女主人公牺牲自己拯救爱人。7. 《铁娘子》(The Iron Lady):这是一部讲述英国前首相撒切尔夫人的传记,让人们看到了她对政治事业的坚定执着和她与丈夫的真爱故事。8. 《蒂凡尼的早餐》(Breakfast at Tiffany"s):女主人公是一个有魅力和自信的年轻女子,在她的表面背后,有着一个深刻的,痛苦的过去。她和男主人公在纽约街头上邂逅,开始了一段情感纯爱的故事。9. 《惊悚裁缝》(Phantom Thread):这部电影是一部关于爱情和艺术之间的故事,男主人公是一位有才华的时装设计师,他遇到了一个叫做Alma的女子,两个人之间发生了许多故事。10. 《波希米亚狂想曲》(Bohemian Rhapsody):这部电影讲述了乐队Queen的创始人Freddie Mercury的故事,以及他与女友的感情,成为了最著名和最后一个专辑‘Made in Heaven"的灵感来源。

爱情≪Carnation 罗马音歌词

爱情≪Carnation作词:やいり作曲:やいり编曲:やいり呗:初音ミク晴れの日も 雨の日も 変わらずに ずっと傍にいてhare no hi mo ame no hi mo kawarazu ni zutto soba ni ite支え続けてくれる あなたへの赠り物sasae tsuzukete kureru anata eno okurimono良い事も 悪い事も 一つずつ 全部教わったよii koto mo warui koto mo hitotsu zutsu zenbu oshiwattayoやがて大人になって あなたの伟大さを知ったyagate otona ni natte anata no idaisa wo shitta素直になれなくてsunao ni nare nakute伤つけたりもしたkizutsuketari mo shitaそんな仆のことをsonna boku no koto woただ 见守って 暖かく 包んでいるtada mimamotte atatakaku tsutsunde iru感谢の想いを花にkansha no omoi wo hana niあなたに赠るよ爱のままにanata ni okuruyo ai no mama niいつも生きる意味を与えてくれているitsumo ikiru imi wo ataetekurete iruありがとうじゃ足りない程のarigatou ja tarinai hodo no优しさを感じるyasashisa wo kanjiruこれまでも これからも 変わらずに ずっと傍にいてkore made mo kore kara mo kawarazu ni zutto soba ni iteいつか爱する人に あなたの笑颜见せたくてitsuka aisuru hito ni anata no egao misetakute一番幸せな事ichiban shiawase na kotoあなたの子供として生まれてきた事anata no kodomo toshite umarete kita koto日ごろの想いを花にhigoro no omoi wo hana niあなたに赠るよ爱のままにanata ni okuruyo ai no mama ni心配ばかりかけているの知っているんだよshinpai bakari kakete iruno shitte irundayoごめんなさい 足りないけれどgomen nasai tarinai keredo爱情を感じるaijou wo kanjiru日ごろの想いを花にhigoro no omoi wo hana niあなたにただ赠るだけなのにanata ni tada okuru dake nanoni今までの思い出が溢れるima made no omoide ga afureru笑颜も涙も花にegao mo namida mo hana ni心を赠るよ爱のままにkokoro wo okuru yo ai no mama niいつも生きる意味を与えてくれているitsumo ikiru imi wo ataete kureteiru(心配ばかりかけているの知っているんだよ)( shinpai bakari kakete iruno shitte irundayo )ありがとうじゃ足りないよ だけどarigatou ja tarinaiyo dakedoいつもね ありがとうitsumone arigatou
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