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against claim什么意思!?简单商务英语

against claim :是索赔,而非反索赔整句的意思就是雇主责任保险,为员工因为工作上的事故而引起的索赔为雇主提供保障。


against 本义:背靠着(墙),图片中一个人背靠着墙,此时这个人对墙产生一个作用力(可以理解为攻击),墙同时也会对该人产生一个反作用力(可以理解为一个反击)。*请把小图片深深的印在脑海里!逻辑关系A against B(A靠着B)。umbrella against the wall.解释:雨伞倚靠着墙,会对墙产生作用力,墙同时也会对雨伞产生反作用力。逻辑关系:A->umbrella,B->wall。翻译:雨伞倚靠着墙。I walk against the wind.解释:大风吹到我身上时会产生一个作用力,我也会顶着该作用力继续往前走。逻辑关系:A->I, B->wind。翻译:我迎着风走。介词相关内容请关注微信公众号(英语单词研究室)

guard against 和 against的区别

guard against是一个动词词组,意思是“警戒,防范”,against是一个介词,意思是“反对”精锐长宁天山

judge ...against ....什么意思,怎么用,against可以用别的介词替代吗

judge 后边常用介词 by /from 。不知你说的这个短语上下文是什么

fight with fight against fight for 它们什么意思?有区别吗?

  fight against/fight with / fight against 为反对……而战、与……作斗争  against 后面接的是反对的对象,如:  They are fighting against their enemy.他们在与敌人作战。  Political leaders fought against slavery.政治领导们为了反对奴隶制度而斗争。  fight for 意为“为争取……而斗争、因为……而打架”。如:  Two dogs fight for a bone,and a third runs away with it.  两只狗为抢一块骨头而打架,另一只狗把骨头叼走了。  fight with 意为“同……(一起并肩)作战、与……作战”,它含有两重意思  They fought with the Italian in the last war.  他们在最后的这次战争中是与意大利人作战。  They fought with the Italian against France in that war.  在那次战争中,他们和意大利联合作战反对法国。

it is against a unseen enemy 什么意思?

你好,很高兴为你解答:它是对付一个看不见的敌人的词汇释义against反对; 与…相反; 逆; 违反; 对…不利; 紧靠; 倚; 碰; 撞unseen看不见的; 无形的; 前所未见的; 未被发现的; 即席翻译; 即席翻译的文章enemy敌人; 仇人; 反对者; 敌国; 敌军; 敌兵; 危害物; 大敌

While one storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn.翻译。另外


While one storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn.翻译。另外

after another blasted huge drifts up是时间状语,【up】是副词,是起来,向上的意思。句意是:在另一个该死的大的水流之后,海上起了暴风雨,暴风雨冲击着房子和粮仓。against是介词,对抗的意思。

campaign for与campaign against 有什么区别?

campaign for sth 是为了什么而战斗,这里的sth 是你战斗的目的。campaign against sb/sth 是与什么对抗,这里的sb/sth是你的斗争对象(敌人)

什么是bridge against payment settlement.


Fishing industry organizations mounted a campaign against the bans,claiming that up to many jobs are


填空its time to( )against srreet crime

fight 是反击街头犯罪的时候了。street crime

brought against是什么意思?


struggle against,struggle with 和 struggle for有什么区别?

1)struggle against 为反对…而斗争 Eg:He struggled against those who opposed his plan. 他与那些反对他的计划的人进行了斗争. 2)struggle with 与…打架, 与…斗争 / 在内心与(自己、自己的良心等)进行斗争 Eg:The lady struggled with the thief. 这位女士与小偷搏斗. Eg:After struggling with myself for some days, I decided to accept his proposal. 经过好几天的思想斗争, 我决定接受他的求婚. 3)struggle for 为…而斗争 Eg:We should help those who are still struggling for liberation. 我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们.

struggle with和struggle against有什么区别吗

区别是:struggle with表示是通过努力达到和解决某事;或者接人表对抗某人以便逃脱。struggle against表示反对…而斗争,长期与某事抗争(灾难,病情等)。例句辨析:struggle with1、He is currently locked in a power struggle with his Prime Minister. 他目前陷入了一场同总理的权力之争当中。2、The broad working masses were undaunted, and persisted in their struggle with theresult that the Qing government did not dare to conclude a new treaty with theimperialists. 广大劳动人民坚持不懈地进行斗争,终于迫使清政府不敢公然和帝国主义续订新约。3、We still have to struggle with all kinds of difficulties. 我们仍得和各种各样的困难作斗争。4、The players coming into the 40 century has been a struggle with the conflict in thesolar system. 把玩家带入了未来40世纪的一个充满了斗争与冲突的太阳系。struggle against1、He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid. 他称赞了她在反种族隔离制的斗争中发挥的重要作用。2、They will only triumph by persevering in their struggle against natural calamities.他们只有坚持与自然灾害搏斗,才能取得胜利。3、They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity.他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。4、Truth develops through struggle against falsehood. 真理是在同谬误作斗争中发展起来的。

fight against和struggle with/against的区别

with是和谁一起战斗,against是斗争的对象 eg: Chinese struggle against starvation with African .

struggle with和struggle against有什么区别吗

struggle with和struggle against语义不同。1、struggle against意思是…为反对……而斗争,表示在艰苦环境下的的奋起反抗。例句:All his life he has been struggling against injustice。翻译:他的一生都在为反对不公而斗争。2、struggle with意思是…与……争斗,表示征服对方。例句:The old man has been struggling with illness.翻译:老人一直在与病魔斗争。扩展资料:1、struggle作动词v.意思是:奋斗;努力;争取;艰难地行进;吃力地进行;斗争;抗争。例句:I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags.翻译:我背着几个沉重的包吃力地爬上山去。2、struggle作名词n.意思是:斗争;奋斗;努力;搏斗;扭打;(尤指)抢夺,挣扎脱身;难事。例句:She will not give up her children without a struggle.翻译:她不会轻易放弃自己的孩子。参考资料来源:百度百科---struggle

struggle against, struggle with 和 struggle for有什么区别?


struggle with和struggle against有什么区别吗?能相互使用吗?

struggle with的struggle当v.时有2种解释:1是通过努力达到和解决某事.2是接人表对抗某人以便逃脱. struggle with的struggle当n.时只有一种解释:长期与某事抗争(灾难,病情等). 由此不难看出,你当初遇到的问题是对struggle with的理解的谬误. struggle with意思类似于achieve or deal with sth; fight against sb.against更趋向于用于人或者物,有种对抗、抗争的意思.你没见过struggle with cancer的吧!中学英语直接说明:struggle with和fight with是“和……(协同)作战”,也是为了区别against.鄙人用的朗文高阶词典,并未发现struggle(v) with cancer这种说法

struggle with和struggle against有什么区别吗

前者指为了什么努力 后者是指努力对抗什么
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