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请问谁可以告诉我有什么电影是关于美国六十年代的歧视黑人。。。。about the civil rights movement?


This is a book ( ) radio A.on B.about 应该选哪个?(注:答案上说应该选A,为什么?)

on与about 二者都是介词,意为“关于,论及”等,一般情况下,二者可以互相替换,但二者有点区别:on表关于时指关于某一个特定的主题。这里表示这本书是关于radio的专业书籍

怎样判断用Shall We 还是How About

两个都表示建议“你认为…怎样,…好吗”,只要语法不错都可以用,“shall we”后动词原形,“how about”加V-ing。eg.Shall we invite them back after the theatre?看完戏我们把他们邀回家去好吗?Supposing he is absent, what shall we do? 假使他不在, 我们将怎么办呢?How about going out for dinner?出去吃晚餐如何?How about if we go tomorrow instead?我们改成明天去怎么样?

dream about和dream of有什么区别

dream of可表示梦见,也可表示向往;dream about只能表示梦见……,无向往的意思 eg: I dreamed about you last night. 我昨夜里梦到你了。 当用来表示“想到”时,通常用of eg: I never dreamed of happiness like this. 我过去做梦也没想到象这样幸福。

dream of/about doing sth与dream to do sth有什么不同?举例回答。

dream to do 与dream of doing dream 同为名词时用法的区别答:你想要知道dream一词的用法,请查大一点的词典。dream可以作动词,也可以作名词。作动词可以是不及物动词,也可以是及物动词。你这里要求的是名词的用法。问:两个词组的区别。但首先要保证,确实有这样两个词组的表达。实际上只有后一种。前一种,作为词组是不成立的。有way to do sth. 和 way of doing sth. 表示‘做某事的方法",没有多大的差别。XX的梦想,是a dream of doing sth. 不是:a dream to do sth.1. It was his ~ to have a house of his own by the lake. 他的梦想是在那湖畔拥有一幢属于自己的房子2. She realized her ~ of becoming a singer. 她实现了当歌唱家的梦想 例句1中的dream to have a house 不是一个意群的。it是形式主语,to have a house ...是真正的主语。

ask the tin man about what those tins to do with中的to do是什么成分

to do是不定式做定语,修饰名词tins。

实用英语口语:Asking About Birthplace 问出生地

  [谈论出生地十大经典句型]   Where were you born?   你出生在什么地方?   Were you born in the city or in the country?   你出生在城市还是乡下?   Where was he born?   他出生在什么地方?   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   李芳出生在北京还是天津?   Where was Mary born?   玛丽出生在什么地方?   Where was your father born?   你父亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your mather born?   你的母亲出生在什么地方?   You were born in Kunming, werenu2019t you?   你出生在昆明,是不是?   Do you know where Jack was born?   你知道杰克出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where I was born? I was born in lijiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在丽江   [情景对话]   Where were you born?   I was born in Guangzhou   Were you born in the city or in the country?   I was born in the country. My hometown is very beautiful   Where was he born?   He was born in Miami   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   Iu2019m now sure. I guess she was born in Beijing. Sheu2019s be good at Beijing dialect   Where was Mary born?   She was born in New York. She speaks English with New York accent.   Where was your father born?   He born in Kunming   Where was your mother born?   She was born in lijiang   You were in lijiang.werenu2019t you?   No. I was born in Kunming. Senior The stone forest   Do you know where was Jack born?   He told me he was born in the States   Do you know where was Alice born? I was born in lijiang   Really. thatu2019s a lovely place. I really like lijiang   [语法精练]   Where were you born?   你出生在什么地方   Where were they born?   他们出生在什么地方   Where were you born?   你们出生在什么地方   Were you born in the city or in the country?   你出生在城市还是乡下   Was he born in the city or in the country?   他出生在城市还是乡下   Was she born in the city or in the country?   她出生在城市还是乡下?   Where was he born?   他出生在什么地方?   Where was she born?   她出生在什么地方?   Where was it born?   它出生在什么地方?   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   李芳出生在北京还是天津?   Was wanghai born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   王海出生在北京还是天津?   Was wubin born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   吴宾出生在北京还是天津?   Where was Mary born?   玛丽出生在什么地方?   Where was Nacy born?   南希出生在什么地方?   Where was Henry born?   亨利出生在什么地方?   Where was your father born?   你父亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your uncle born?   你叔叔出生在什么地方?   Where was your brother born?   你弟弟出生在什么地方?   Where was you mother born?   你的母亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your aunt born?   你阿姨出生在什么地方?   Where was you sister born?   你的妹妹出生在什么地方?   You were born in Kunming. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在昆明,是不是?   You were born in Beijing. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在北京,是不是?   You were born in haerbin. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在哈尔滨,是不是?   Do you know where Jack was born?   你知道杰克出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where Jimu2019s born?   你知道吉姆出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where Nacy was born?   你知道南希出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where I was born? I was born in lijiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在丽江   Do you know where I was born? I was born in Kunming   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在昆明   Do you know where I was born? I born in xinjiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在新疆   [问出生地提高篇]   Everyone is proud of his or her hometown. Especially his or her own birthplace. Wherever we go, we should not and we not forgot our birthplace. A place where great person was born . so when we talk with foreign friends, we are often talk about our birthplaces or our hometowns. We are very interested in each otheru2019s birthplaces, at least it is a good topic for our conversation. Whenever we hear foreign friends talk about their hometowns, especially their birthplaces, the whole conversation if full of pride and happiness   [谈论出生地十大经典句型]   What is your birthplace?   你的出生地是什么地方?   Where is your birthplace lacated?   你的出生地位于什么地方?   What is the climate like in your hometown?   你们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   你们家乡的平均气温多少度?   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   你们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   最近几年你的家乡有什么变化吗?   Have you built a lot of new houses these years?   近年来盖了很多新房吗?   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   到你的家乡去很方便吗?   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   从昆明到你的家乡要走多久?   What do you think of the future of your hometown?   你对你家乡的未来是怎么看的?   [情景对话]   What is your birthplace?   I was born in luliang.luliang is a very beautiful place   Where is your birthplace located?   This located in the northeast of Yunnan   What is the climate like in your hometown?   Itu2019s not very hot in summer and it is not very cold in winter   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   Its average temperature is about twenty degrees to thirty degrees   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   My hometown is still under backwood   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   I feel new hospitals and a lot of new factories have been setup in my hometown in recent years   Have you been a lot of new houses in these years?   Yes, a lot of new houses have been built these years   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   Yes, it is. It is very convenient to go to my hometown. A new express way has been built between Kunming and my hometown   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   It only takes about two hours to go from Kunming to my hometown by bus.   What do you think of the future of you hometown?   My hometown has developing and a very high speed. Although it is still backwook at the moment. I am sure my hometown will be more beautiful in the future.   [轻松演说]   I was born in luliang. Luliang is a very beautiful place. It is in the northeast in Yunnan. It is not very hot in summer and it is not very cold in winter. Itu2019s average tempetature is about twenty degrees to thirty degrees. My hometown is still backwood. I feel new hospitals and a lot of new factories have been built in my hometown in recent years. A lot of new houses have been built in these years. It is very convenient to my hometown. A new express way has been built between Kunming and my hometown. It only takes about two hours to go from Kunming to my hometown by bus. My hometown is developing and a very high speed. Although it is still backwood at the moment. I am sure my hometown will be more beautiful in the furture.   [语法精练]   What is your birthplace?   你的出生地是什么地方?   What is his birthplace?   他的出生地是什么地方?   What is her birthplace?   她的出生地是什么地方?   Where is your birthplace located?   你的出生地位于什么地方?   Where is his birthplace located?   他的出生地位于什么地方?   Where is her birthplace located?   她的出生地位于什么地方?   What is the climate like in your hometown?   你们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the climate like in his hometown?   他们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the climate like in her hometown?   她们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   你们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the average temperature in his hometown?   他们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the average temperature in her hometown?   她们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   你们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What is the economic situation like in his hometown?   他们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What is the economic situation like in her hometown?   她们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   最近几年你的家乡有什么变化?   What changes have take place in his hometown in recent years?   最近几年他的家乡有什么变化?   What changes have take place in her hometown in recent years?   最近几年她的家乡有什么变化?   Have you built a lot of new houses in these years?   今年来盖了很多新房吗?   Have you built a lot of hospitals in these years?   今年来盖了很多新医院吗?   Have you built a lot of new schools in these years?   今年来盖了很多新学校吗?   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   到你的家乡很方便吗?   Is it convenient to go to his hometown?   到他的家乡很方便吗?   Is it convenient to go to her hometown?   到她的家乡很方便吗?   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   从昆明到你的家乡要走多久?   How long does it take to go from Guangzhou to your hometown?   从广州到你的家乡要走多久?   How long does it take to go from naming to your hometown?   从南宁到你的家乡要走多久?   What do you think of the furture of your hometown?   你对你家乡的未来是怎么看的?   What does he think of the future of his hometown?   他对他家乡的未来是怎么看的?   What does she think of the future of her hometown?   她对她家乡的未来是怎么看的?

trouble about 与bother about

近义词辨析ue003 bother,disturb,trouble,worryue003 这组词均含有“不停地烦扰他人或搞得某人心神不宁”的意思.ue003 bother 和disturb常用于主动和被动两种形式中.用于被动时,bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰.用于主动时,bother的意思比disturb强,带有故意打扰他人的意思.ue004 If you return me the book,I will stop bothering you.你归还我的书后,我就不打扰你了.ue003 disturb用于被动形式时,意思比bother强烈,有时甚至可指精神错乱.用在主动形式时,意思最弱,指某人无意中打扰他人,这种打扰行为并非存心冲着他人去的.ue004The man was mentally disturbed.这个人精神错乱了.ue003 trouble和worry主要用于被动,指被某事搞得心神不宁.ue004 trouble比worry稍正式些,指麻烦别人一件事而影响他人舒适、方便、效率、健康或心境的平静等.ue003 May I trouble you for the book?麻烦您把书递给我好吗?ue003 worry 主要指因对某事的结果没有把握而焦虑不安,还可指某人沉浸在软弱无助的情绪或思虑中.ue004 Worrying about your health can make you sick.经常担心你的健康,会使你生病的是trouble bother bother 常用于主动和被动两种形式中.用于被动时,bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰.用于主动时,bother带有故意打扰他人的意思.trouble主要用于被动,指被某事搞得心神不宁.ue004 trouble比较正式,指麻烦别人一件事而影响他人舒适、方便、效率、健康或心境的平静等.ue003 May I trouble you for the book?麻烦您把书递给我好吗?

是 be puzzled at 还是be puzzled about?如果都可以,那它们的区别和各

以下答案来自百度作业帮“月之洛心儿_”的回答,希望帮到你:be puzzled by迷惑;被…所疑惑be puzzled at对…感到迷惑的be puzzled to do很困惑做be puzzled with迷惑be puzzled at对…感到迷惑的be/feel puzzled about对…感到困惑例句如:1.Our ancestors are sure to be puzzled by modern financial choice.我们的祖先肯定会被现代的许多财务选择搞得茫然失措.2.The poor would be puzzled to hear that the profit motive is in retreat.穷人听说谋利动机在用水上起的作用正在减小一定会觉得很迷惑.3.He professed to be puzzled about such base suspicions of Soviet motives.他对我们竟然对苏联的动机有这样不好的怀疑佯装迷惑不解.

i will tell you____you want to know about this sto

B.what you want to know指你想知道的,all表全部

男的唱的歌词里有i tink about you everyday

1、i think about you everyday 歌手:rocket to the moon, a Over all These Nights are dull I wish that I could spend them with you, I"m looking at this wall repeating girl I love you. Just take your pick but they"re all the same, these things that your telling me, can really show me how you feel. I"m breaking down I"m falling down. Now I"m breathing. And Now i"m scared to move. Don"t listen to a word I tell you. Just take me by my hand (I swear I"ll make this up to you) So now you want me to fix everthing, But baby there"s so much and so little time to. replace the things i"ve broken, ripped apart and thrown away, You can say that you don"t miss me, I think about you everyday. Oh come on girl, So much to say, So instead of kidding everybody, how bout you try your tricks on me On me. So now you want me to fix everthing, But baby there"s so much and so little time to. replace the things i"ve broken, ripped apart and thrown away, You can say that you don"t miss me, I think about you everyday. Oh, oh do you know how feels to see your face when i close my eyes. Bet you know, How it feels to be the only thing that matters. Now So now you want me to fix everthing, But baby there"s so much and so little time to. replace the things i"ve broken, ripped apart and thrown away, You can say that you don"t miss me, I think about you everyday. So now you want me to fix everthing,(oh do you know) But baby there"s so much and so little time to.(how it feels to see your face when i close my eyes) replace the things i"ve broken, ripped apart and thrown away, (Oh bet you know how it feels) You can say that you don"t miss me, I think about you everyday. (to be the only thing that matters2、i wanna luv you 歌手:jones donell 专辑:where i wanna be 1 - I wanna love you, every night, every dayYou know I need you in my lifeWon"t you stay?I wanna love you, every night, every dayYou know I need you in my lifeWon"t you stay?You are the reason why I live, hmmA newfound joy I can contain, yeahFind myself thinking "bout your love, hmmIt"s a feeling I get only my heart can explainJones DonellYou know IRepeat 1I"ve never felt so deep in loveI think it"s becauseYou"ve touched a special part of me, babyHope I"m the one you"re thinking ofYou must be feelin" the same as I doI can"t see being in love without youLady, ladyGirl I think about you everydayHopin" you will never go awaySomeone who"ll give us tender loving careGirl I think about you every nightSharing dinner and a candelightI"m sayin" I love youAnd I"m hopin" we"ll be together for eternityRepeat 1I"m lovin" you, lovin" you babyGonna say it one more timeSaid I"m lovin" you, lovin" you babyI"m lovin" you babeSaid I"m lovin" you, lovin" you babyI"m lovin you babyRepeat 1 until fade

查一首英文歌 副歌歌词有think about of you …missing you crazy i love you i love you

Jesse McCartney的 how do you sleep

i am nuts about you

1.我为你而疯狂.等同于i"m crazy about u 2.他是个实干者.举个例子会好理解点Gary does things, Gary is a Harn 3.这个不是我的口味,可以理解 为:it"s not my tpye/style. 4.让我们直说/让我们说正事吧.talk turkey相当于speaking frankly, discussing hard facts, or getting down to serious business. 5.他是个坏家伙. 6.我们将得到13分.(a baker"s dozen=13items rather than 12 in a normal dozen)

About 废物利用

1) What is 废物利用 ? 答:使无用的物品成为有用 2) Give some example of 废物利用 (I need many) 答: REPLACE 替代 以水溶性油漆代替溶剂油漆 以耐用的用具代替用完即弃的物品(例如以有柄大杯/玻璃杯代替纸杯) 以乾风机或毛巾代替纸巾 尽量选用环保的代替品,例如可天然分解的清洁剂和垃圾袋,并使用毒性较弱的化学物质 租用而不购买影印机及电脑等器材,以减少系统升级造成的废物 REDUCE 减少使用 选择双面影印与打印,并采用电子通讯方式,从而减少用纸量 选用替换装的产品 改善流程控制,减少废品 采购批发装的产品,减少制造废物 妥善管理存货,尽量减少产生过期货品/消耗品 小心处理及储存物料,减少破损或溢漏情况 REUSE 再用 为废弃的包装材料、包装胶带、信封及其他可循环再用的物料分开设置收集箱 选择可循环使用的餐具、杯碟及咖啡滤网(例如避免使用纸造滤网) 将包装物料(例如纸箱、胶袋等)循环再用 要求供应商收回包装材料,反复使用 循环再用设备零件与装置,以及修补家具等,以减少制造废物 RECYCLE 循环再造 资源回收再利用(或循环再造)是指收集本来要废弃的材料,分解再制成新产品,或者是收集用过的产品,清洁、处理之后再出售。回收再利用的支持者认为这么作可以减少垃圾的制造以及原料的消耗。一般回收的材料包括玻璃,纸,铝,柏油,钢铁。这些材料的来源可以分为事业废弃物与一般废弃物。 RECOVERY 回收 2011-04-18 00:13:22 补充: 废物利用的例子 1.把塑胶水瓶绑起来,制成浮板 2.把旧衣剪成布碎,放入豆或米,制成豆袋 3.把塑胶制成花瓶 4 自制书签只需一个信封和一把剪刀 5. 将用完的铝罐做成怀旧味灯饰 6 保鲜纸挂袋 7 废油做肥皂 2011-04-18 00:17:10 补充: 减废4R原则 减少废物的4R原则包括减少使用(reduce)、物尽其用(reuse)、循环再造(recycle)及取代使用(replace)。 2011-04-18 00:17:29 补充: 减少使用 1. 选择双面影印与列印,并采用电子通讯方式,从而减少用纸量 2. 选用替换装的产品 3. 改善流程控制,减少废品 4. 采购批发装的产品,减少制造废物 5.妥善管理存货,尽量减少产生过期货品/消耗品 6. 小心处理及储存物料,减少破损或溢漏情况 2011-04-18 00:17:40 补充: 物尽其用 1. 为废弃的包装材料、包装胶带、信封及其他可循环再用的物料分开设置收集箱 2. 选择可循环使用的餐具、杯碟及咖啡滤网(例如避免使用纸造滤网) 3. 将包装物料(例如纸箱、胶袋等)循环再用 4. 要求供应商收回包装材料,反复使用 5.循环再用设备零件与装置,以及修补家具等,以减少制造废物 2011-04-18 00:18:15 补充: 循环再造 1. 为办公室的废纸、碳粉盒、胶瓶、铝罐等设立回收计划 2. 捐出旧的电脑、电器和家俬予慈善机构,或参加环保署举办的电脑及电器回收试验计划 3. 从工业废料中分开废金属、木材和塑料,以便循环再造 2011-04-18 00:19:03 补充: 取代使用 1. 以水溶性油漆代替溶剂油漆 2. 以耐用的用具代替用完即弃的物品(例如以有柄大杯/玻璃杯代替纸杯) 3. 以乾风机或毛巾代替纸巾 4. 尽量选用环保的代替品,例如可天然分解的清洁剂和垃圾袋,并使用毒性较弱的化学物质 5. 租用而不购买影印机及电脑等器材,以减少系统升级造成的废物 2011-04-18 00:20:18 补充: 3) 废物利用的English 答: 1. to make use of discarded or trashed materials 2. the utilization of waste 2011-04-18 00:20:58 补充: 希望可以帮到你! 参考: 1995 + 网上 1.废物利用是指把失去原来使用价值的东西重新发挥效能。 3.废物利用的英文: waste utilization utilization of waste material salvaging waste recovery 只供参考! 我要简述: eg: 1) 为了实现废物资源化,许多国家采取了一系列鼓励利用废物的政策和措施,如建立专业化的废物交换和回收机构,从事废物的直接有效应用。 2) 1.废报纸擦玻璃 2.淘米水浆衣服 3.口香糖渣粘鞋 ... 1份黑糖(?) 2份水 3份菜叶 放系个桶度3个月左右 就会见到啡色ge水(黑色水系代表变坏左) 用黎当清洁剂咁用 报纸生活常识果度 知道ge .knowledge.yahoo/question/question?qid=7007121603744

dream of和dream about的区别

"dream of"通常用于表示梦想或期望,表示在清醒时想象或期待的事情,而"dream about"则通常用于描述在睡梦中看到或经历的事情。为了让大家快速掌握这对相似短语的特征,我简洁地归纳了它们的含义和用法,希望可以作为大家初步认识这对短语的参考。这是一个逐步深入理解的过程。接下来让我们看下"dream of"和"dream about"的具体区别:在语气上的不同:"dream of"的语气比"dream about"更强烈,因为"dream of"描述的是人们真正希望实现的梦想。例如:"He dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur." 他梦想成为一名成功的企业家。"dream about"的语气则较为轻松,因为它描述的是人们在睡梦中的经历,这些经历可能并不会真正发生。例如:"She dreamed about winning the lottery." 她梦见自己中了彩票。梦的状态不同:"dream of"通常用于描述清醒时的梦想或期望。例如:"I dream of traveling around the world." 我梦想周游世界。"dream about"则用于描述在睡梦中看到或经历的事情。例如:"Last night, I dreamed about being chased by a lion." 昨晚,我梦到被一只狮子追赶。表达的含义不同:"dream of"强调的是期望或愿望,它描述的是人们希望实现的事情。例如:"Many young people dream of starting their own business." 许多年轻人梦想开创自己的事业。"dream about"强调的是梦境,它描述的是人们在睡梦中看到或经历的事情。例如:"I often dream about flying like a bird." 我经常梦见自己像鸟一样飞翔。

You had a dream about a girl that I am seeing?这句话的主语是什么


Unzip、Run WinZip、Close 、About 、Help是什么意思?

As soon as I tap on the window, I want the car to be stopped immediately

tom is takingabout his

Tom is talking to his parents about his lessons. 选B

以About Watching TV 为题写一篇英语作文

In the USA,some children like watching TV very much.Some people think watching TV is good for us to learn more about the world.But some other people think TV is bad for our health. Now,I think,TV is a good thing but it has some bad things.Such as it"s bad for our eyes,it makes somebody be crazy about it and so on.I like watching TV ,too.But it"s only my hobby.I can"t spend too much time on it.I watch it to know more about the country,even the world. If we can do it in ture way,TV is a good thing. ---------------Television has changed people"s life much since it was invented. Now it has become one important part of modern life. People enjoy themselves after hard work by watching TV. They can see some plays, some stories, some sports matches without going out of home, and without spending much money in buying tickets. TV programmes make people"s life more interesting. People learn much from TV, students can study by watching some educational programmes. People can see news, weather reports, programmes about science and computers. People all over the world can learn from each other and get knowledge when they are watching TV. But not all the programmes are good enough. Today, there are too much programmes about love and crime. Some people become bad because they learn from the bad people in those programmes. And watching TV usually takes too much time. It"s not good for people"s work and study. It"s not good for their eyes, either. People all over the world are watching TV. Is watching TV a good thing or a bad one? I think it depends on people themselves. If one can choose good programmes and he doesn"t spend too much time on TV, it can be a good thing for him.

英语翻译be dumb about 什么意思?


跪求blazin squad的那首thinking about you 歌词翻译~

yo baby girl哟,宝贝女孩are you missin me你想我吗?cos im still missin u我一直都在想你I"m just callin to say that I"m really, really missin u girl我打电话过来是想说我真的真的很想你still wanna be apart of your world 我依然想成为你世界的一部分I gotta let you know要让你知道that I cant let go 我仍无法放手its kinda lonely baby感觉有些孤单,宝贝I think I need you more than life itself我想我需要你胜过生命but I aint about 2 put down the mike for a girl但我不会为了你而女孩而放下麦克风I"m feelin urr pain 我能感觉你的痛I still just the same我仍是当初那个人just 1 difference 只有一点不同I"m flava u still love james 我觉得你依然爱着吉姆斯pick up the phone cos I know you wanna speak接起电话吧,我知道你想谈谈its been a week已经一周了I aint a creep我不是个怪人fulfilled your needs and fantasies 满足你的需要和幻想just like the old times就像从前remember the old rhymes还记得旧日时光on the cold streets we first met我们第一次相遇在阴冷的街上seemed so right感觉如此好and it don"t matter what your friends may say你的朋友们说什么并不重要cos I still think about you everyday 我依然每天都想着你and I just wanna get close to you我只是想接近你tell we what I gotta do girl告诉我怎样才能做到【I"m just callin to say that I"m really, really missin u girl still wanna be apart of your world I gotta let you knowthat I cant let go its kinda lonely baby】重复I wanted to say I"m still thinking about you everyday 我想说我依然每天都想着你I wanna see your pretty smile again 想要再见到你的美丽笑容I gotta let you know要让你知道still thinking about you can"t let go仍在想着你,无法放手I"ve got something to say我有话要说times we chilled together held each other slipping away and now I feel I cant hold another如今我觉得自己无法再去拥抱别人missing each day now there"s no one here to run to cover missing you babe now I feel I never find another lover想念着你,我觉得自己再不会找到另一份爱missing your ways and each day is the same 想念着你,日复一日it rains sitting here lonely feeling rage and pain 坐在雨中感觉愤怒而痛苦but if you come back soon babe 但如果你能回到我身边times don"t change一切都不会改变I"ll always be here and here I"ll stay我会一直在这里,寸步不离【and it don"t matter what your friends may saycos I still think about you everyday and I just wanna get close to youtell we what I gotta do girlI"m just callin to say that I"m really, really missin u girl still wanna be apart of your world I gotta let you knowthat I cant let go its kinda lonely babyI wanted to say I"m still thinking about you everyday I wanna see your pretty smile again I gotta let you knowstill thinking about you can"t let gotheres only one thing I got to saythat is that I"ll miss you everydaywe were made for each otherI know I was wrong I"m still thinking about yaI want to know what I did wrongall I know is I got to stay be strongI need you I want you I need you to holdbaby won"t you come back homeand it don"t matter what your friends may saycos I still think about you everyday and I just wanna get close to youtell we what I gotta do girlI"m just callin to say that I"m really, really missin u girl still wanna be apart of your world I gotta let you knowthat I cant let go its kinda lonely babyI wanted to say I"m still thinking about you everyday I wanna see your pretty smile again I gotta let you knowstill thinking about you can"t let go】重复

-What about________ apple juice? -Oh, yes, just_______ A.some, a little. B.some...


be strict in 和about的区别

be strict with 对某人很严厉,严格be strict about 对某事很严格还有:be strict in 对做的某事很严格(强调是在做的)

be strict about和be strict in有何区别?


in about five minutes 标志什么时态?


a lot of和a lot about的区别

a lot of 这个短语后面跟可数名词复数或不可数名词,两者都可以,如 a lot of students (water),和manymuch同意,只不过用法不同,many只和可数名词的复数连用(many books ),much和不可数名词连用 (much water). a lot about 意思是“关于...的许多”,about 是关于的意思,后面常跟名词. 如learn a lot about English(China),知道许多英语;知道许多有关中国的事情. 希望能对你有所帮助!

be keen on和be crazy about的区别?

都可以表示迷恋某人某事keen非正式,英式英语,迷恋crazy表示爱上,等同in love with

have good feeling to each other 用to 对吗 和for about

feeling for was other

The Princess and the frog* is a warm and enjoyable cartoon by Disney. It tells the story about ...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:C 试题分析:本文介绍了迪斯尼的动画片“公主与青蛙”。Tiana不停努力追逐自己的梦想。有一天,她遇到了一个青蛙,这个青蛙是由王子变的。她亲了一下青蛙后,自己也变成了青蛙。他们开始了寻找重新为人的方法。对于小孩子来讲,这是个非常具有教育意义的动画片。小题1:细节理解题。句意:Tiana通过做什么让自己梦想成真。结合上文She makes her dreams come true through hard work.通过努力工作实现梦想,故选B小题2:细节理解题。句意: Tiana 亲了Naveen之后发生了什么。结合文章Tiana becomes a frog, too. 可知她也变成了青蛙,故选C。小题3:细节理解题。句意:下面那个说法是正确的。根据第三段there"s a great lesson here: you should look for a way to make your dream come true.要努力实现梦想,故选C。

急求一篇初二英语作文 Think of yourself two years ago.Write about how you are different now.

Two years, there were many things large and small.National disaster and our growth also will be here.In the turbulent world, we are growing.Two years ago, I was ignorant of the child, apparently has matured a lot after two years.For two years, I have done a lot of thought I can not do. So I grew up.Growing up, I have to take responsibility.The future depends on his way.不理解的可以问我,这是我写的。

Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think your life will be different

Ten years later, i think the way my life wiil be different is going abroad for further study. I think I can get some different educations from hte foreign college. And can earn the life for my family. The successful man will be me. So, i change mylife in the future by continuing to studying abroad.

有一首英文歌快节奏的 歌词中好像有hero together talking about the sky change my one of you memory

It"s been a long time since I came around已经经过了很漫长的时间It"s been a long time but I"m back in town但是我又再次回到了有你的小镇But this time i"m not leaving without you这次,我再也不会离你而去You taste like whiskey when you kiss me oh你吻我的时候,口中有威士忌的香气I"ll give anything again to be your baby doll我抛弃我所有,只为成为你最爱的娃娃Yeah this time I"m not leaving without you.这次,我保证再也不会离你而去You say sit back down where you belong你说:”坐在属于你的地方”In the corner of my bar with your high heels on酒吧幽暗的角落,你的高跟鞋散落Sit back down on the couch我们顺势倒在长椅上Were we made love the first time这是我们第一次交欢么,我甚至分辨不清And you said to me there"s不过你告诉我这是Something, something about this place关於这片土地,有太多太多的回忆Something, "bout lonely nights关於那些漫长的夜晚And my lipstick on your face我吻过你的脸Something something about关於那些My cool Nebraska guy冷酷的内布拉斯(地名)男人的故事Yeah something about以及那些关於Baby you and I你和我的一切It"s been two years since I let you go从我们分别,已经过去了两年时间I couldn"t listen to a joke我甚至不能听到任何一个关於摇滚的笑话For a Rock and Roll因为那只会让我想起你And muscle cars drove a truck就像一辆卡车Right through my heart重重地碾过我的心房On my birthday yo sang me a heart of gold还记得我生日的时候,你为我唱的那首真心不变的歌With a guitar humming and a lot of loves弹奏著你的吉他,充斥著你慢慢的爱意And this time I"m not leaving without you.这次,我再也不要离开你了!You say sit back down where you belong你说:“坐在属于你的地方”In the corner of my bar with your high heels on酒吧幽暗的角落,你的高跟鞋散落Sit back down on the couch我们顺势倒在长椅上Were we made love the first time这是我们第一次交欢么,我甚至分辨不清And you said to me there"s不过你告诉我这是Something, something about this place关於这片土地,有太多太多的回忆Something, "bout lonely nights关於那些漫长的夜晚And my lipstick on your face我吻过你的脸Something something about关於那些My cool Nebraska guy冷酷的内布拉斯男人的故事Yeah something about以及那些关於Baby you and I你和我的一切You and I 你和我You you and I你和我You you and I你和我You you and I你和我You and I你和我You you and I你和我You you and I你和我You you and I你和我Something, something about this place关於这片土地,有太多太多的回忆Something, "bout lonely nights关於那些漫长的夜晚And my lipstick on your face我吻过你的脸Something something about关於那些My cool Nebraska guy冷酷的内布拉斯男人的故事Yeah something about以及那些关於Baby you and I你和我的一切You and I你和我You and I你和我You you and I你和我You you and I你和我You and I你和我You you and I你和我You you and I你和我You you and I你和我It"s been a long time since I came around已经经过了很漫长的时间It"s been a long time but I"m back in town但是我又再次回到了有你的小镇But this time i"m not leaving without you这次,我再也不会离你而去

what do you think about reading?一篇英语作文,100词左右

What do you think about reading? Personally, I believe that reading is one of the most important skills we can develop. Not only does reading allow us to learn new information and ideas, it also helps us to expand our vocabulary, increase our critical thinking skills, and improve our communication abilities.Reading can also be an enjoyable leisure activity. It can transport us to different worlds, allow us to explore new perspectives, and provide us with a source of stress-relief and relaxation.In today"s world, reading is more important than ever. We are constantly bombarded with information from various sources, and it"s essential that we have the ability to decipher and critically analyze this information.Overall, I think reading is a vital skill that can bring us both personal enjoyment and professional success. It"s something that we should all make time for and continue to develop throughout our lives.你对阅读有什么看法?我个人认为,阅读是我们可以培养的最重要的技能之一。阅读不仅可以让我们学习新的信息和思想,还可以帮助我们扩展词汇量,提高批判性思维能力,和提高我们的沟通能力。阅读还可以成为一项愉快的休闲活动。它可以将我们带到不同的世界,让我们探索新的观点,并提供我们一种缓解压力和放松的来源。在今天的世界,阅读比以往任何时候都更为重要。我们不断受到来自各种来源的信息轰炸,有能力去获取和批判性地分析这一信息是至关重要的。总的来说,我认为阅读是至关重要的技能,可以为我们带来个人乐趣和职业成功。我们都应该为其花费时间,并终身学习不断提高。

急求一篇初二英语作文 Think of yourself two years ago.Write about how you are different now.


Different people think about it[ ](different).

你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题:填写 differently 修饰动词,所以用副词differently不同的人对它的考虑也不一样。***************************************************^__^祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问,如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************

I like to find out what different people think about a subject.这句话是什么从句,分析下句子结构?


I like movies are funny, such as “Mr. Bean”. How about you? --- Oh, no, I don’t. I really lik


i well tell you all about it when i see you agai

i well tell you all about it when i see you agai [玫瑰]翻译成中文是:i will tell you all about it when i see you again 吧。I will tell you all about it when i see you again 意思是:在我再次见到你的时候,我会告诉你关于这件事情的一切。

TPO 20 听力Lecture第2篇 第2题What does the professor imply about Earth’s climate over the last se

题目对应教授所说:And for over the past several million years, Earth"s sort of default climate has actually been Ice Age, but we have experienced periodic regular thaws, and the last one, the one we are in now, started about 11 thousand years ago. 由此可知,地球上的气候会定期的回暖,即冰河期和间冰期相互更替,所以 A 选项正确。而且教授在此指出,在过去几百万年间,地球经历了几次回暖期,而最近的一次已经有 11000 年,据此可推断最近一次持续的时间最长,所以 D 选项正确。

adjective patterns .. about for/of

更新1: 两个pattern 所用既adjective 系唔系有些少分别? It's + adj + of + noun/pronoun + to-infinitive 的of 是describe人的 eg. It is kind of you to help me. 在这 kind是describe你好好人. It is careful of them to read the instructions first. careful是describe they 好小心 Usually 如果adj是describe 人的话,是用of 的 eg. kind clever nice greedy careful naughty brave generous etc It's + adj + for + noun/pronoun + to-infinitive for 是describe thing 的 eg It is important for you to study hard. important在这是describe study hard 是重要 It is easy for me to look after a goldfish. usually adj describe thing 的时候是用for eg. important possible easy difficult wonderful etc 例题 It's necessary ________(for/of) you to think about your money. 是用for 因为necessary 是describe think about your money 2007-12-01 19:30:21 补充: 而且necessary 是describe thing 的adj. 参考: me 你教得好好牙 . 一点即明 `thz a lot:>

i was about togo什么someone hit me?

when是这个句子最佳答案,因为这里涉及到一个固定词组。be about to do something when再加上一般过去式的句子,这个句子的汉语意思是,我正准备走的时候有人打了。类似的句子例如,He was about to leave when someone called him. 他正准备离开的时候,有人给他打电话了I was about to go shopping when it rained. 我正准备去超市的时候天下雨了。

take about ,discuss ,communicate用法有什么不同

talk aboutna.谈论 Web讨论;谈到;谈论某事一个人也可以 talk about。discussv.讨论;谈论;商量;详述 Web议论;论述;商议多人一起 discuss。communicatev.沟通;传达;传播;传染 Web交流;交际;通信communicate 的方式更多更广,不限于说话。


不是啊!Let"s discuss about the "right" thing.

you ask me for some()about eating out in my home


An important question about eating out is whopays for the meal这是哪篇文章的开头?写出全文

An important question about eating out is who pays for the meal. If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him, you may say something like this. I"m afraidIt"ll have to be some place cheap, as I have very little money. The other person may say,“OK. I"ll meet you at McDonald"s.”This means that the two agree to go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself. He may also say,“Oh, no. I want to take you to lunch at Smith"s,”or“I want you to try the Chinese dumplings there. They"re great.” This means the person wants to pay for both of you. If you feel friendly toward this person, you can go with him and you needn"t pay for the meal. You may just say,“Thank you. That would be very nice.”American customs(风俗)about who pays for dates (约会) are much the same as in other parts of the world. In the old days, American women wanted men to pay for all the meals. But, today, a university girl or a woman in business world will usually pay her way during the day. If a man asks her for a dance outside the working hours, it means.“come, as my guest(客人).”So as you can see, it is a polite thing to make the question clear at the very beginning.( )1. The passage tells us __________________.A. how to eat out B. where to eat outC. what to eat out D. who pays for the meal( )2.If you have little money, ____________.A. you"ll have a cheap mealB. you"ll borrow some from othersC. you"ll ask your friend to pay for your mealD. you won"t want you friends to ask you to dinner( )3.“go Dutch”in this passage means __________ in Chinese.A.去饭馆 B.就餐 C.订餐 D.各自付款( )4.Sometimes your friend takes you to lunch. It means _______________.A. he"s going to lend some money to youB. he"s going to pay for your meal, tooC. he"ll be angry with youD. he can"t understand you( )5.In America, some girls and women __________ now.A. ask men to pay for their mealsB. try to pay for the men"s mealsC. try to pay for their own mealsD. never have anything outside答案D A D B C

急求翻译!!An important question about eating out is who pay

关于饮食的一个重要问题是谁付饭钱。如果你的一个朋友问你和他一起吃午饭,你可以这样说,“我担心它会便宜一些的地方,因为我已经很少的钱过日子。“另一个人可以说,“好吧,我可以和你在麦当劳。”  这意味着两个同意各付各的,那就是,每个人支付自己。他还会说,“噢,不。我想带你去吃午饭史密斯的”,或“我想要你试着中国饺子。他们太棒了。“本我

what about eating out this evening,为什么要用eating呢

what about doing something 表示提建议 类似的有how about doing; why not doing; why don·t we do

what are your opinions about "eating out"? 一篇英语作文

Our life is becoming better and better nowadays,compared with cooking at home,I prefer to eat outside. Having dinner in a restaurant makes my life convenient.It"s not necessary for me to spend lots of time in bothering what to buy in a market and how to cook in a kitchen,what I need to do is to sit at an elegant table,check the list of dishes,and then order my interest. There"s no doubt that eating out is economical of time and energy.However,it charges more than preparing food by myself at home,it"s really luxurious and extravagant.What"s more,I doubt some fast-food restaurant like KFC and Mcdonald"s can provide a guarantee of good nutrition.

real really true truly I feel ____ glad about this .


A:What can i do for you? B:I"m looking for a sweater. A:Let me show you.What about this one? A:I


A:What can i do for you? B:I"m looking for a sweater. A:Let me show you.What about this one? A:I

A:What can i do for you? 有什么可以帮你的?B:I"m looking for a sweater. 我在寻找一件毛衣。A:Let me show you.What about this one? 让我给你看看,这件怎么样?A:It"s too big for me and I don"t like the colour.对我来说有点大,而且我不喜欢这个颜色。B:Let me show you another.This is the most beautiful in my shop.Think abou it,please.It"s noy too expensive.It"s100yuan. 让我给你看看其他的。这件是我们店里最漂亮的,请考虑一下。也不贵,100元。A:How much is it? 多少钱?B:It"s100yuan.It"s worth buying. 100元,很值得买。A:OH,it is little big for me.Do you have a small size? 哦,对我来说有点大,有小一号的吗?B:yes.Wait a minute please. 是的,请稍等。A:MMM~It fits me very well.OK,I will take it.Here"s the money. 嗯。。这个非常适合我。好的,我要买这个。给您钱。B:Thank you .谢谢。

The thing that is surprising about TowerBridge is

The thing that is surprising about TowerBridge is that it opens in the middle中文翻译是:令人惊讶的是关于塔桥的东西,它是在中心开放的。

Just about Enough这首歌的邪音歌词

Just about enough ... Just about enough Can"t take anymore of you Just about enough You got me over the edge Just about enough You won"t give me what I deserve I"m no fool Gotta get away from you After all you put me through Boy, I"m still in love with you Oh, but you don"t seem to care You keep pushing my love down the stairs You got me crying So I"m leaving you behind Just about enough Can"t take anymore of you Just about enough You got me over the edge Just about enough You won"t give me what I deserve I"m no fool Gotta get away from you I have given all to you Gotta change my point of view Cause all I get in return Is a heart getting torn apart You got me crying So I"m leaving you behind Just about enough Can"t take anymore of you Just about enough You got me over the edge Just about enough You won"t give me what I deserve I"m no fool Gotta get away from you Just about enough Just about enough Just about enough Can"t take anymore of you Just about enough You got me over the edge Just about enough You won"t give me what I deserve I"m no fool Gotta get away from you Just about enough .刚刚够 … … 刚刚够 不能再对你 刚刚够 你明白我在边缘 刚刚够 你不会给我什么我值得 我不是傻瓜 宝贝,远离你 毕竟,你把我通过 男孩,我还是爱你 哦,但你似乎并不关心 你继续推我的爱落楼梯 你让我哭泣 因此,我离开你的背后 刚刚够 不能再对你 刚刚够 你明白我在边缘 刚刚够 你不会给我什么我值得 我不是傻瓜 宝贝,远离你 我已全部给你 宝贝改变我的看法 使一切我得到回报 是一个心越来越四分五裂 你让我哭泣 因此,我离开你的背后 刚刚够 不能再对你 刚刚够 你明白我在边缘 刚刚够 你不会给我什么我值得 我不是傻瓜 宝贝,远离你 刚刚够 刚刚够 刚刚够 不能再对你 刚刚够 你明白我在边缘 刚刚够 你不会给我什么我值得 我不是傻瓜 宝贝,远离你 只是不够的。 搞这么多干嘛

just about enough歌词翻译

Just about enough ... Just about enough Can"t take anymore of you Just about enough You got me over the edge Just about enough You won"t give me what I deserve I"m no fool Gotta get away from you After all you put me through Boy, I"m still in love with you Oh, but you don"t seem to care You keep pushing my love down the stairs You got me crying So I"m leaving you behind Just about enough Can"t take anymore of you Just about enough You got me over the edge Just about enough You won"t give me what I deserve I"m no fool Gotta get away from you I have given all to you Gotta change my point of view Cause all I get in return Is a heart getting torn apart You got me crying So I"m leaving you behind Just about enough Can"t take anymore of you Just about enough You got me over the edge Just about enough You won"t give me what I deserve I"m no fool Gotta get away from you Just about enough Just about enough Just about enough Can"t take anymore of you Just about enough You got me over the edge Just about enough You won"t give me what I deserve I"m no fool Gotta get away from you Just about enough .刚刚够 … … 刚刚够 不能再对你 刚刚够 你明白我在边缘 刚刚够 你不会给我什么我值得 我不是傻瓜 宝贝,远离你 毕竟,你把我通过 男孩,我还是爱你 哦,但你似乎并不关心 你继续推我的爱落楼梯 你让我哭泣 因此,我离开你的背后 刚刚够 不能再对你 刚刚够 你明白我在边缘 刚刚够 你不会给我什么我值得 我不是傻瓜 宝贝,远离你 我已全部给你 宝贝改变我的看法 使一切我得到回报 是一个心越来越四分五裂 你让我哭泣 因此,我离开你的背后 刚刚够 不能再对你 刚刚够 你明白我在边缘 刚刚够 你不会给我什么我值得 我不是傻瓜 宝贝,远离你 刚刚够 刚刚够 刚刚够 不能再对你 刚刚够 你明白我在边缘 刚刚够 你不会给我什么我值得 我不是傻瓜 宝贝,远离你 只是不够的。 搞这么多干嘛

谁帮忙把《just about enough》这首歌歌名及歌词翻译成中文

刚刚够… … 刚刚够不能再对你刚刚够你明白我在边缘刚刚够你不会给我什么我值得我不是傻瓜宝贝,远离你毕竟,你把我通过男孩,我还是爱你哦,但你似乎并不关心你继续推我的爱落楼梯你让我哭泣因此,我离开你的背后刚刚够不能再对你刚刚够你明白我在边缘刚刚够你不会给我什么我值得我不是傻瓜宝贝,远离你我已全部给你宝贝改变我的看法使一切我得到回报是一个心越来越四分五裂你让我哭泣因此,我离开你的背后刚刚够不能再对你刚刚够你明白我在边缘刚刚够你不会给我什么我值得我不是傻瓜宝贝,远离你刚刚够刚刚够刚刚够不能再对你刚刚够你明白我在边缘刚刚够你不会给我什么我值得我不是傻瓜宝贝,远离你只是不够的

翻译一段歌词(just about enough)英译中

刚刚够… … 刚刚够不能再对你刚刚够你明白我在边缘刚刚够你不会给我什么我值得我不是傻瓜宝贝,远离你毕竟,你把我通过男孩,我还是爱你哦,但你似乎并不关心你继续推我的爱落楼梯你让我哭泣因此,我离开你的背后刚刚够不能再对你刚刚够你明白我在边缘刚刚够你不会给我什么我值得我不是傻瓜宝贝,远离你我已全部给你宝贝改变我的看法使一切我得到回报是一个心越来越四分五裂你让我哭泣因此,我离开你的背后刚刚够不能再对你刚刚够你明白我在边缘刚刚够你不会给我什么我值得我不是傻瓜宝贝,远离你刚刚够刚刚够刚刚够不能再对你刚刚够你明白我在边缘刚刚够你不会给我什么我值得我不是傻瓜宝贝,远离你只是不够的。搞这么多干嘛

forget和forget about的区别


有一首英文歌,女歌手唱的,节奏感很强,是首快歌,歌词中有talk talk talk talking about。


男的唱的,歌词里有I am talk about rise girl, 叫什么名字?


歌词是talk about riting girl 是什么歌

lovestoned - rising girl>>I"m coming to study   study all the nice fine girls   我开始细心观察那些漂亮的优秀女孩   I"m coming to study   study best place in world   我开始学会欣赏世界上最美的地方   I want to have a nice trip   我希望拥有愉快的旅途   walking with the sun all day   整日在阳光下漫步   I"m sitting with a Rasta Man   我跟一个拉斯特法里派信徒坐在一起   on a green brown coco palm"s tray   坐在绿褐色椰子树树叶上   Sing about:   高声唱着:   >>Hey up! Hey up!   嘿 一起来   I"m talking bout a rising girl   我在谈论一个积极向上活波开朗的女孩   Hey up! Hey up!   嘿 一起来   I"m talking bout a rising girl   我在谈论一个积极向上活波开朗的女孩   >>All night we have no troubles   一整夜我们都没有麻烦   speaking with a bush man free   和一个叫布什的人聊天说话   He is manibush doctor   他是manibush医生   without any misery   一个没有任何痛苦的人   He says: "Hey man take a smokey,   他说:”小伙子 抽根烟吧   it"s good for your apathy"   你就不会那么淡漠啦   I"m feeling like a white dove in the sky   我感觉自己像一只飞在空中的白鸽   >>far away from family   远离家人   Sing about...   高声唱着:   >>Hey up! Hey up!   嘿 一起来   I"m talking bout a rising girl   我在谈论一个积极向上活波开朗的女孩   Hey up! Hey up!   嘿 一起来   I"m talking bout a rising girl   我在谈论一个积极向上活波开朗的女孩   >>Hey up! Hey up!   嘿 一起来   I"m talking bout a rising girl   我在谈论一个积极向上活波开朗的女孩   Hey up! Hey up!   嘿 一起来   I"m talking bout a rising girl   我在谈论一个积极向上活波开朗的女孩   >>I just(a) -   I just make you so good yeah mmm   我只是希望你过得很好   I just(a) -   I just when the reggae is crying   我只是在雷盖乐响起时留下了眼泪   I just(a) -   I just(a) call you on the phone   我只是给你打电话   Talk about hey- hey- aaahh   跟你说着   talk about the rising sun...   说那冉冉升起的太阳   >>I come home this morning   这个清晨我回到家   for why you calling my name   只因你在呼喊我的名字   I come home this morning   这个清晨我回到家   for why there you are playing a game   只因你正在玩游戏   I wanna be your man   我想成为你的男人   the man from Kingston town   一个来自金斯敦的人   I wanna be your only love   我想成为你唯一的爱   the one who never gets you down   绝对不让你失望   Sing about:   高声唱着:   >>Hey up! Hey up!   嘿 一起来   I"m talking bout a rising girl   我在谈论一个积极向上活波开朗的女孩   Hey up! Hey up!   嘿 一起来   I"m talking bout a rising girl   我在谈论一个积极向上活波开朗的女孩

找一英文歌,女生的貌似唱到talk talk talking about.

blah blah blah -ke$ha http://www.songtaste.com/song/1792954/

talk about the girl 这里的about the girl 做状语吗?是方式状语吗?

不是状语!是宾语!girl 是这个动作talk about 的承受者。所谓状语,通常用来表示时间,地点,原因,方式等。

what you crying ab about?you got me


be happy (about)doing sth 。。。be happy to do sth.哪个对??


be happy with/for/about各自什么意思,区别

be happy with + sb/sth因为某人、某事高兴Be happy for sb/sth为了某人、某事高兴.about sb/sth 也是为了(关于)某人、某事的消息高兴be happy with 和...在一起很高兴be happy for为...感到高兴

think of 、think 、 think over、think about的区别 还有think sth

think就是“想,考虑,觉得”,一般单独用,变化也比较多. he think she"s nice.他觉得她很好 其他的还是举例比较清楚: 1.think of think of (you)想(你) think of (a big meal)想着一顿大餐 2.think sth over 没有直接用think over的 think (taking the job)over 再考虑考虑(接手这个工作) think it over 用得最多 it可以指任何事.这句话就是“再考虑考虑”的意思. 3.think about 与 think of相近 think about (you) 想(你) 但是 think about是“反复想,来回想”,think of 就是单纯的想着,不想别的 比如 think about (a big meal) 就是可能在想“什么时候去吃?怎么吃?在哪儿吃?谁请我?”等等.think of (a big meal)就只是想着一顿大餐.(脑子里只有这一个念头) 打字很累~楼主看心情了~

bring和bring about的区别

bring 带来. Next time, you bring your sister. I"d like to know her.bring about 造成, 引起[导致](某事) He was drunk when he was driving and this mistake was deadly, which brought about the death of his parents.

facts or details about somebody or something的同意词


Mac Miller的Talk About 的歌词

Mac Miller u2013 Talk About Lyrics[Chorus]What type of music should I make? It generates love and it generates hateWhat kind of topics should I stress? I can talk about the money and the girls and the sex.Talk about life or talk about death. Living care free or I can talk about stressWhat kind of picture should I paint? What kind of music should I make?[Verse 1: Mac Miller]So many things to say not a lot of times that I can say emu2019I can talk about the fact that Iu2019m a rapping caucasian.Talk about going to school and getting bad grades.Talk about breaking the rules and having bad days.I could talk about girl problems.I could talk about hoes from the ugly to the hot ones.Or I could talk abut this dream I have.Or I could talk about my homies when I seem emu2019 last.Say Iu2019m the illest on the mic, how I kill it when I write.Or how the lights when they film it so bright.I could talk about the fame and the hoes.Or all the name brands on my clothes.Talk about the highs, talk about the lows.Talk about the highs that you get when you smoke.I talk about a lot of shit when I write.. because itu2019s part of my life.[Chorus]What type of music should I make? It generates love and it generates hateWhat kind of topics should I stress? I can talk about the money and the girls and the sex.Talk about life or talk about death. Living care free or I can talk about stressWhat kind of picture should I paint? What kind of music should I make?[Verse 2: Mac Miller]I could talk about the parties that I go to.Talk about how itu2019s so different from the old school.I could talk about the pop and the whack rap.Or I could talk about some ounces in a backpack.Talk about a fitted, talk about a snap back.Something simple, or something real abstract.About the war, talk about politics.Or I could tell you how full my Louis wallet is.I could talk about a few religions.Or how to turn a Jew into a Christian.I could talk about the shit that make you cry.Or I could make it all up and just talk about lies.[Chorus]What type of music should I make? It generates love and it generates hateWhat kind of topics should I stress? I can talk about the money and the girls and the sex.Talk about life or talk about death. Living care free or I can talk about stressWhat kind of picture should I paint? What kind of music should I make?

talk about your weekends.写一篇英语作文

Whenever we learn English ,it is a common problem that we need to open our mouth and don"t be shy about what we are talking about.Also,using the right words and grammars are significant.There are quite a lot solutions to the speaking oral English without shyness.For instance,I can try to spend more time on practicing English and recite the English dialogs or passages.This will gain me more courage and knowledge.I can also be confident to talk to the foreigners via Internet or the real life.It is useful to act in the real world.Words might be the most difficult question for me to solve.It must cost me a long time to learn how to use the words and lock them in my mind.Then,I will spend more time on them and find some information to learn them.To grammars ,it is necessary to learn and remember the uses.Reading a lot of English magazines and newspapers ,such as TIMES ,will help me improve my English.I will use these solutions and try to get my English better.Learning English is not a most difficult work if you put your heart into it!

英语作文 how to reduce anxity about tests

To reduce test anxiety, you need to understand both the relaxation response and how negative self-talk undermines your abilities.Relaxation TechniquesThe relaxation response is any technique or procedure that helps you to become relaxed and will take the place of an anxiety response. Someone simply telling you to relax or even telling yourself to relax, however, without proper training, does little to reduce your test anxiety. There are both short-term and long-term relaxation response techniques which help control emotional (somatic) math test anxiety. These techniques will also help reduce worry (cognitive) anxiety. Effective short-term techniques include The Tensing and Differential Relaxation Method and The Palming Method.

I want to( have a speeh)with Mr Brown括号中可换talk with,talk to,talk about吗?说明各词区别及联

I want to talk to Mr Brown, 我想跟Brown说话,这个倾向于打电话的时候,或者通过别人找Brown的时候。I want to talk with Mr Brown, 这个比较正式,意思是我想和Brwon先生谈谈。I want to talk about Mr Brown, 我想聊聊Brwon先生,这里Brwon先生是谈话的主题

please keep me posted about this matter怎么回复

关于这个问题请随时通知我。If there are any update about this matter we will notic you at once.

until now I know nothing about it



The movie is about a true story that happened in 1998

This is true story about two friends. Tony and Ben. 是一篇阅读理解吗?能提供原题吗?

完形填空This is a true story about two friends, Tony and Ben.One day Tony said to Ben, “I"m sure that one day you will be 1 .”“Really?” Ben smiled and said, “If I do, I will 2 you 100,000 yuan.”Tony just thought of it as a 3 , but Ben was serious and looked on it as his hope. He wrote down his words on a piece of paper.Twelve years 4 , the two friends were living in different cities and didn"t keep in touch with each other. Tony still lived a poor life, and 5 was worse, he fell seriously ill. However, he had no money to go to hospital. When his family was worried, a man 6 his car in front of their house. It was Ben. He really became successful and rich. 7 one of his classmates, Ben knew about Tony"s problem. He was very sad 8 couldn"t wait to go to visit Tony. They were very excited to see each other. Ben asked Tony not to give up (放弃) 9 , and then he handed 100,000 yuan to Tony"s wife.“The money is for Tony. Many years ago, Tony"s words encouraged (鼓励) me a lot. It made me successful today. Now it"s 10 time to keep my promise (承诺),” Ben said.( )1. A. poor B. lonely C. successful D. funny( )2. A. borrow B. give C. cost D. discover( )3. A. competition B. litter C. plan D. joke( )4. A. later B. ago C. before D. around( )5. A. when B. what C. how D. where( )6. A. stopped B. broke C. started D. touched( )7. A. On B. From C. In D. Of( )8. A. but B. or C. though D. and( )9. A. family B. study C. hope D. interest( )10. A. my B. your C. their D. his

I held nothing back. I was absolutely clear about

off在这里的用法是 better off 意为更好的

歌词是…By your side …think about it的歌名

Good Girl:Paula DeAndaSomehow I sit here, and I think about itWho needs love, for I"ve been without itWhen I met you, I didn"t wanna let you inBut you did something to me when you rubbed my handTold me you would never do me wrongThat what we have together will be so strongSo tell me what is this, I"m falling, keep falling, yeahI thought you took my heart and uhI was so mistreatedI thought you could be the oneYou were all I neededI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my loveNo matter how hard I try to fight itThere"s no any other boy that can deny itComing around and out, spinning insideAnd it takes all that I got to fight itWhen I remmeber what you did (ooh)For believing in what you saidI put my trust in youI gave my best to youIn the end there"s no more youI thought you took my heart (ooh)But I was so mistreated (no more you)I thought you could be the oneYou were all I neededI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my loveYou had a good girl but you let her slip awayWhy did you, why did youI was that girl for you that was always by your sideHow could you, how could youHow could youI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my love (ooh, my love)I"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my love (ooh, my love)I"m a good girlI wanna give you the world (you the world)Even all the signs above (signs above)Wanna give you my love, yes all of my love Monica - U Should"ve KnownI didn"t ask to go with you to MexicoI really didn"t need the shopping sprees in L.A. or MelroseBoy if you didn"t know it, well now you knowI didn"t need the furs or the jewelryBecause material things they don"t mean much to meAnd ever since you"ve been goneI"ve been holding us down on my ownYou knowChorus:I"m never ever cheatingI never ever liedSo you can stop askingAsking me whyWhy I never left youAnd why I"ve kept it realAnd why I"m still with youYou should"ve known better than to think I would leaveYou should"ve known better than to doubt meIt don"t matter if you"re up, matter if you"re downEither way I"m gonna be aroundYou should"ve known that I would stay by your sideYou should"ve known your girl was gonna ride or dieAnd it just don"t matter if you"re rich or poorOut here doing five to tenYou should"ve known betterWhat makes you think that I would forget about youThink about it, who comes to see youEvery Saturday and Monday I was on, onIt"s me your girl, your life, your worldMy family and friends, they just don"t understandThey say I should leave you aloneBut I say that they should all just leave us aloneDon"t you get it?END Don"t Leave - Vanessa HudgensBy tiredsuddenlyI don"t know what i"d do if I ever lost youAll the loneliness I would go throughBut il you wanna leave I won"t stop youI"ve been gone so long,I"m use to feelling aloneI estismated a love my estimation was wrongSee I nener knew what you were going throughBut I just got back and now let"s see where your atHow could you and tell that I ever be distracted byAny other guy no matter if he ever caught my eyesWe just need time, some time to connectWhat I"m tellin" you now hope you never forgetI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAll the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveMaybe I shoulda try to put your need firstBut my prorities were messed up and I know you got hurtSee I nener knew what you were going throughBut I just got back and now let"s see where your atThink about it take a moment just to rewindEverything that you believe and everything that was rightDo you realy want to stand there and tell me goodbyeWhen i"m sayin I Still love youI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAnd all the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveLonely days and lonely nightThat where you be without me by your sideBetter think twice baby, ohh, this could grow up crazy you knowI can"t keep sayin" my secret cause it"s out of controlI gave you everything by my heart and soulBut you keep breaking me taking me to another lowDon"t do it baby don"t do it don"t let me goI Don"t know,I Don"t knowI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAnd all the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveBaby boy don"t leave me... 你看看是不是这里面的

some questuins about 锦户亮

锦戸 亮(にしきど りょう NISHIKIDO RYO) JOHNNY"S事务所的男性组合「NEWS」及「関ジャニ∞」的成员. 生日:1984年11月3日 身高:170cm (Myojo 2006年11月号) 体重:52kg (POTATO 2007年1月号) 脚size:26.5cm 血型:O型  星座:天蝎座 出身地:大阪府门真市(出世地是「兵库県尼崎市」) 简称:「亮ちゃん (小亮)」「亮」「どっくん (户君)」 1997年9月6日参加了JOHNNY"S事务所的面试 以练习生的身份进入了事务所 同期有同是関ジャニ∞成员的安田章大和大仓忠义. 因声线独特又可爱 经常都有solo机会 =] 2000年以「Secret Agent」名义出了CD「Secret Agent Men」. 这是在他变声音录制的. 2002年 関ジャニ∞结成 成员:横山裕 - 渋谷すばる - 村上信五 - 丸山隆平    安田章大 - 锦戸亮 - 大仓忠义 - 内博贵 2003年11月 NEWS结成 成员:山下智久 - 小山庆一郎 - 锦戸亮 - 加藤成亮    手越祐也 - 増田贵久 - 内博贵 - 草野博纪 - 森内贵寛[现已退出事务所] 2004年5月 NEWS以『希望~Yell~』出道 并只在日本的7-11售卖 2004年9月 関ジャニ∞以『浪花いろは节』出道 8月时在关西限定出售 2006年1月 第一次SOLO演唱会『锦戸亮 LIVE』在横滨及大阪公演 2006年5月 NEWS停止年内的活动 身高演变: 97年 13歳→ 138cm 98年 14歳→ 140cm 99年 15歳→ 142cm 00年 16歳→ 154cm 01年 17歳→ 160cm 02年 18歳→ 165cm 03年 19歳~现在→ 170cm 兴趣: 喜欢的食物:饭,とんこつ拉面、油扬げとワカメの味噌汤、乌冬 ガーリックライス、から扬げ、しょうが焼き 讨厌的食物:(过度偏食的他还有很多不吃的) グリンピース、マッシュルーム、タマネギ、所有鱼 锅物、温野菜、甜食(特别是洋菓子) 喜欢的歌手:Mr.Children、レミオロメン、RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS 演奏的乐器:结他,纲琴 CD: 2000年 2月23日 Secret Agent 『Secret Agent Man』 2003年11月 7日 NEWS 『NEWSニッポン』(FANSCLUB限定) 2004年 5月12日 NEWS 『希望~Yell~』 2004年 8月11日 NEWS 『红く燃ゆる太阳』 2004年 8月25日 関ジャニ∞ 『浪花いろは节』(关西限定) 2004年 9月22日 関ジャニ∞ 『浪花いろは节』 (全国发售) 2005年 3月 2日 関ジャニ∞ 『大阪レイニーブルース』 2005年 3月16日 NEWS 『チェリッシュ』 2005年 7月13日 NEWS 『TEPPEN』 2005年 9月14日 関ジャニ∞ 『好きやねん、大阪。/桜援歌(Oh!ENKA)/无限大』 2006年 3月15日 NEWS 『サヤエンドウ/裸足のシンデレラボーイ』 2006年 6月 7日 関ジャニ∞ 『∞SAKAおばちゃんROCK/大阪ロマネスク』 2006年12月13日 関ジャニ∞ 『関风ファイティング』 大碟: 2004年12月15日 関ジャニ∞ 『感谢=∞』 2005年 4月27日 NEWS 『touch』 2006年 3月15日 関ジャニ∞ 『KJ1 Fu30fbTu30fbO』 DVD: 2004年 4月 7日 NEWS 『NEWSニッポン0304』演唱会 2005年 3月30日 関ジャニ∞ 『Excite!!』 演唱会 2005年11月23日 関ジャニ∞ 『Spirits!!』 演唱会 2006年 2月15日 『がんばっていきまっしょい DVD-BOX』 戏剧 2006年 4月26日 『1リットルの涙 DVD-BOX』 戏剧 2006年 6月28日 関ジャニ∞u30fbKAT-TUN 『Dream Boys』 舞台剧 2006年 9月 6日 関ジャニ∞ 『Heat up!』 演唱会 2006年10月18日 『アテンションプリーズ DVD-BOX』 戏剧 广告: 1999年ヤン坊マー坊天気予报「放送开始40周年记念」Ver.(ヤンマー) 2005年8月~2006年8月好きやねん(ハウス食品)(关西限定放送) 2006年7月8日~2006年9月30日オロナミンC「関ジャニ入らへん?u30fb特训」编(大冢食品) 小亮是JOHNNY"S内出了名的毒舌男 他喜欢有话直说 他说过 他的毒舌是爱的表现 =] 小亮同时又是关西身一色男 越色的话他会越兴奋 [当然是说笑的] 小亮家在大阪 以前他总会和内博贵(内)[现在暂停活动]一起来回大阪与东京 现在却只剩下他一个人 小亮很家大阪 他说希望能把大阪变成日本首都. 小亮曾经有过一段很坏的时期 那时他喝酒吸烟不回家 现在他不会了 因为他长大了. 成人礼上 小亮说他要储钱 因为以前从来都没有做过. 小亮和KAT-TUN的赤西仁是好朋友 两人拥有同样而不同色的颈链. 小亮很喜欢NEWS的山下智久(山p) 他曾说过「我喜欢大阪 因为那是我的家 我喜欢东京 因为有山p」. 小亮很爱朋友 内出事后 小亮在大阪的车站月台哭了 因为他觉得他没有看好内. 小亮是在爱大阪 爱家人 爱朋友 爱f的关西男儿. 从前只有138cm的高音小子 今日已是22岁的大人了. 希望能帮到你了解小亮 我也是小亮的f 喜欢他的毒舌与温柔. 参考: 杂志与自己 演过attention please入面的(中原翔太) 名前: 锦户亮 暱称: 亮亮、Ryo-chan 出生日: 1984年11月3日 出生地: 大阪府 星座: 天蝎座 血型: O型 身高: 154cm(又高了 4cm) 体重: 36kg 足长: 26cm 学历: 高一(主修:美术) 亮亮2000年4月成为高校生 家庭成员: 父母、兄2人、妹1人、爱犬Chibi 特技: 篮球、绘画 最喜爱颜色: 黄色、白色 最喜爱食品: 酸梅干(特别是"子屋"出产的) 最厌恶食品: 野菜、巧克力 最怕的东东: 蚊(因为常常咬我) 理想对象: 率直、可爱 愿望: 希望结婚时,有170cm高(笑) 曾参与的综合节目: 8时J、Yattru J、帝国2000 曾参与的音乐节目: MJ、Music Station(10.03.00)、少年俱乐部 曾参与的音乐剧: KYO TO KYO、Playzone 2000 曾参与的剧集: J家之反乱 播放的剧集: Peace Wave 曾属的内部组合: B.I.G.-WEST、J2000(应援)、J2000-WEST、Secret Agent 最尊敬的前辈: 光一、木村 加入Jr.日期: 1997年9月6日 锦户亮,大阪男儿,已经廿十有一了,回想一下,我大概是小学六年时认识及喜欢上他。 被堂姐强逼我去看素颜二光碟,看见了一个个子很小而且声音很高的男孩,堂姐发现我目不转晴的盯着那少年,她轻轻说 「他叫锦户亮,已经十六岁了,但个子和声音都还未发育。」 那时的我脑中浮现的是【他这样子身体是没暗病或问题吧…】但我也真的被他的歌声吸引了,《出生在这颗星球》。 相信很多人也会被小时的亮酱用可爱天真无邪的样子骗了你们,以为他是个很可爱的小男生。 谁知道他竟然是J家内的超级大毒舌,天使的面孔,恶魔的嘴舌。(笑) 一心本打算陪朋友去试试选拔会,却被我们的喜爹赏识,不是脸蛋,也不是舞技。 「我们需要像你这样的歌手。」喜爷这一句,从此就改变了亮的一生。 加入了J家后,并没有经过伴舞的阶段,就能站在MS台上,和东山纪之前辈一起唱歌,在Jr.的节目里占了很多solo段, 就连当时的泷泽秀明,山下智久,生田斗真这些前辈也要为这个小孩伴舞,以Screct agent的主音身份出CD,这个小孩的前途 真的是个未知数。 并没有经过辛苦的伴舞阶段,却能以声音从数百Jr.中跑出来,还能以未出道的姿态推出了CD,Kinki kids 海外演唱会也有他的 solo段,这个锦户亮,不爱造作,他什么也写在脸上,不满就直接说出,但也可以说他并无考虑过别人的感受,所以任性的他,也有犯错。 反叛期时,亮他态度开始骄傲了,对所有人都态度恶劣,事务所长认为要给他教训,就这样, 锦户亮便进入了被冷落的时期。那时的杂志,严重的,连一页亮也没有,有的,也顶多只有一页, 对我来说,那是我真的很紧张,不知道发生什么事,只知道亮的暴光率越来越少,我能做的只是等及支持他,相信他有一日会再被重用。 「那时刚好踏入反叛期,谁人的话也听不进,而且还跑去染了金色头发。」 终于有一天,他发现了「为什么我的工作除了杂志摄影,便什么都没有了?」这次的打击,让亮清醒了,他不能骄傲,不能自以为是, 他不是完美,也有不足,他知道自己要改现有的处事态度。就这样,亮开始作出改变,慢慢工作的数量也再次增加。 他在一次杂志访谈把他从被捧,冷落,再次受用的经过全都说出,也清楚了自己以前是多幼稚,也很后悔。一个男孩能把自己的错在杂志上 公开的说出,让我感受到他是真的知错,而且能改,浪子回头的感觉突然涌现,知错能改的他,更令我喜欢。

argue sb for sth 还是argue sb about sth

argue sb for sth
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