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think of 、think 、 think over、think about的区别 还有think sth

2023-07-25 13:43:24


he think she"s nice.他觉得她很好


1.think of

think of (you)想(你)

think of (a big meal)想着一顿大餐

2.think sth over

没有直接用think over的

think (taking the job)over 再考虑考虑(接手这个工作)

think it over 用得最多 it可以指任何事.这句话就是“再考虑考虑”的意思.

3.think about 与 think of相近

think about (you) 想(你)

但是 think about是“反复想,来回想”,think of 就是单纯的想着,不想别的

比如 think about (a big meal) 就是可能在想“什么时候去吃?怎么吃?在哪儿吃?谁请我?”等等.think of (a big meal)就只是想着一顿大餐.(脑子里只有这一个念头)



Think big,do small.是什么意思

2023-07-24 23:13:001


  think表想; 思索; 以为的意思,think不同表达方式下的 同义词 有很多,现在跟着我一起学习think的同义词吧,希望能帮到大家。   think的同义词辨析1   consider, think, believe, count, deem, reckon, regard   这些动词均含有"认为"之意。   consider : 指经过考虑和观察后得出的结论。   think : 普通用词,指按照自己的意见提出看法。   believe : 通常指根据一定的证据,经思考后而认为属实。   count : 指作出判断后而得出的看法等。   deem : 正式用词,常用于法律、文学,强调作判断而不是思考。   reckon : 指对人或事作全面"权衡",把各方面意见考虑进去后得出结论。   regard : 侧重凭外表或表面现象作判断。多强调观点。   think的同义词辨析2   think, conceive, imagine, fancy, realize   这些动词均可表示"在思想中形成一个看法或观念"之意。   think : 最普通用词,指想或思索,也指由反复思考而作出判断或得出结论等。   conceive : 指在头脑中组织好自己的思想,在心中形成一个系统的思想或一个见解。   imagine比conceive更强调形象思维,指在头脑中形成一个清晰明确的意象。   fancy与imagine略不同,往往指的是不切实际的,属于梦幻般的想象。   realize : 指领悟,通过生动的构思或想象从而抓住事物的本质。   think的同义词辨析3   think, deliberate, meditate, muse, reason, reflect, speculate   这些动词均有"思考,判断,思索"之意。   think : 一般用词,指开动脑筋形成看法或得出结论的脑力活动。不着重结论是否正确,见解是否有用。   deliberate : 指缓慢、按部就班地作仔细而认真的思考或判断。   meditate : 语气较强,指认真地长时间集中精力进行思考。   muse : 通常指漫无目的地猜想。   reason : 指根据资料、证据或事实进行推断,作出结论或判断的 逻辑思维 活动。   reflect : 指回想或回顾,侧重认真而冷静地反复地思考某个问题,尤指对已发生事情的思索。   speculate : 指推论过程,隐含在证据不足的基础上作出推测或设想。   think的词组习语   have (got) another think coming   1. (非正式)再想一想,另作打算   如果他们以为我要去做 健身操 ,他们可就想错了。   if they think I"m going to do physical jerks, they"ve got another think coming.   think again   1. 改变主意   think aloud   1. 自言自语,边想边说出声   think better of   1. 重新考虑后决定不做(或放弃),经考虑对u2026改变主意(或看法)   think big   think fit   think for oneself   1. 独立思考,自己作出决定   think nothing (或 little) of   1. 把u2026看得很容易;认为u2026算不了什么;不把u2026当回事   think back   1. 回想,回忆   我老回忆起在学校的日子。   I keep &B{thinking back to} school.   think on   1. (方,北美)考虑,思量   think的例句   1. Remember, happiness doesn"t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie   请记住,幸福不在于你是谁或者你拥有什么,而仅仅取决于你的心态!   2. "I think I"ll try a hypnotist," I said with sudden resolution.   “我会找催眠师试试,”我突然坚决地说。   3. I think I"ve got one of the most stressful jobs there is.   我想我得到的这份工作是其中最繁重的工作之一。   4. They get angry if they think they are being treated disrespectfully.   他们要是觉得受到了怠慢,就会大动肝火。   5. It"s an uphill battle but I think we"re going to win.   虽然这是一场艰苦的斗争,但我相信我们会取得胜利。   6. We have the interest of 500,000 customers to think of.   我们得为50万名顾客的利益着想。   7. People are having to think hard about their holiday plans.   人们现在得仔细地琢磨自己的度假计划。   8. People always think I"m a fool, and I dare say they"re right.   人们总认为我是个傻瓜,想必他们是对的。   9. I think that the vice president was in the loop.   我认为副总统是局内人。   10. I don"t think you"ve ever tried parleying with Gleed, have you?   我想你没有尝试和格利德谈和过,是吗?   11. Ah yes, but think of all the family life they"re missing.   是这样,不过别忘了他们错过了多少天伦之乐。   12. I can"t think of a worse way to spend my time.   我想不出更糟的消磨时间的办法。   13. People at the club think very highly of him.   俱乐部的人很佩服他。   14. "I think I hear the telephone ringing."—"Okay, I can take a hint."   “我想我听到电话铃在响。”——“好的,我明白你的意思了。”   15. Sometimes things don"t turn out the way we think they"re going to.   有时事情并不像我们认为的那样发展。 猜你喜欢: 1. think的相关短语 2. message的同义词 3. get的同义词 4. let的同义词 5. far的同义词 6. alike的同义词
2023-07-24 23:13:071


《价值》。张磊投资语录《价值》中出现过, 2017年,中国人民大学毕业典礼现场,高瓴创始人兼首席执行官张磊,缓步走向讲台,发表了以《选择做时间的朋友,think-big,think-long》为题目。张磊,男,1972年出生于河南驻马店市,高瓴集团创始人。
2023-07-24 23:13:141


2023-07-24 23:13:237


Large Huge Enormous Giant Gigantic Immense Titanic Massive Colossal VastEtc.
2023-07-24 23:15:362

HP的“Think big. Think small. Think beyond”怎么翻译!谢谢!!

大处着眼 小处着想 思维开阔
2023-07-24 23:15:505


2023-07-24 23:16:233


think意思是认为。think既可以作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,有认为、以为、思索、思想、琢磨等含义,用作名词有想法等含义,常用语有think and think细想、come to think of it细想一下、have got another think coming想错了、think again再想一次、think aloud自言自语、think better of想到关于比较好的、think big(非正式)雄心勃勃、think fitv宁愿等。think例句:1、Third,they help you think through the interface and requirements of each unit.第三,它们可以帮助您思考每个单元的接口和要求。2、There"s a danger they"re ill-equipped to think through potential unintended consequences.有一种危险的情况是,他们没有足够的能力去考虑潜在的意外后果。3、Thank you for helping me think through so many issues over the past 5 years,and as always,thanks for reading.谢谢你在过去五年里助我解决了如此多的问题,我也始终感谢你的阅读。4、So think through what this change might break.所以好好想想这个改变会导致什么破坏。5、Think through the problem or task a little longer,long enough so you can clearly explain what you want to achieve.多考虑一下这个问题或者任务,这样你可以尽早的提出你希望实现什么。
2023-07-24 23:17:441


我认为学英语很重要的英文:IthinklearningEnglishisveryimportant.think读法英 [θu026au014bk] 美 [θu026au014bk] 1、作及物动词的意思:想;认为;想起;想像;打算2、作不及物动词的意思:想;认为3、作名词的意思是:想;想法4、作形容词的意思是:思想的短语:1、thinkover 仔细考虑;重新考虑2、thinkfor 认为,预料3、thinkbig野心勃勃,好高鹜远4、thinkitover 仔细考虑一下;好好想想5、thinkoneselfas 自认为是例句:Whatdo you think I should do next? 你认为我下一步该怎么办呢?扩展资料think的用法:1、think后不需用非人称代词it替代前面的整个句子,而可使用替代词so或not。2、To think that...意为“没想到”“竟然”,Whowouldhavethought...表示“谁会想到”,wouldn"t〔couldn"t,shouldn"t〕 thinkof表示“绝不能考虑〔想象〕”,这三个词组都表示因事先未料到某事而感到惊讶。3、当主句是I(don"t) think...时,如构成反意疑问句,则其附加疑问句部分须与宾语从句中的主语和谓语一致。4、consider,think,believe,count,deem,reckon,regard这些动词均含有“认为”之意。(1)consider指经过考虑和观察后得出的结论。(2)think普通用词,指按照自己的意见提出看法。(3)believe通常指根据一定的证据,经思考后而认为属实。(4)count指作出判断后而得出的看法等。(5)deem正式用词,常用于法律、文学,强调作判断而不是思考。(6)reckon指对人或事作全面“权衡”,把各方面意见考虑进去后得出结论。(7)regard侧重凭外表或表面现象作判断。多强调观点。
2023-07-24 23:18:531

think 的词组,都是什么意思和区别,例:think of这类的,谢,我都蒙了,乱~

think of 记得,记起think about 考虑,思考think out 想出;仔细考虑;发现think over 仔细考虑;重新考虑……因为think的基本意义为“想、认为、思考……所以从它衍生的词组多都与此有关联,实际可根据句子或语境来分析。
2023-07-24 23:19:012

如何理解china think big的含义和意义?

china thinks big是一个面向9至12年级学生的研究型社会创新活动。来自哈佛的China Thinks Big 全球华人创新研究大挑战(简称CTB)是以学术研究和社会实践推动社会创新的国际级别高中生挑战。华人青少年们通过快速的在线学习,对感兴趣的社会问题进行严谨的学术研究,并基于研究的成果展开有效的实践行动,为社会做出真正贡献。青少年阶段对个人能力的培养,更应该对所处的时代进行考量。如今社会发展到经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化,甚至以AI技术为核心的科技应用正渗透到我们社会生活的方方面面,社会对人才的要求也在随之升级。
2023-07-24 23:19:251


2023-07-24 23:20:071


2023-07-24 23:20:151

you think big you get big 什么意思

2023-07-24 23:20:355


i don"t think so
2023-07-24 23:20:504


I miss you
2023-07-24 23:21:447


Life unpleasant matter nive out of ten
2023-07-24 23:22:454


Hereu2018s to the crazy ones.The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers.The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.They"re not f.ud of rules and they have no respect for the status-quo.You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.But the only thing you can"t do is ignore them.Because they change things. They push the human race forward.And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
2023-07-24 23:23:362

think bigthink long什么意思

think big,think long. 雄心勃勃,目光远大。
2023-07-24 23:23:562

to think big是什么意思

to think big[英][tu: θiu014bk biɡ][美][tu θu026au014bk bu026aɡ]想干大事情,有计划干大事; 例句:1.And don"t be afraid to think big. 不要害怕往“大”处想。
2023-07-24 23:24:401

Think big,do small.是什么意思

2023-07-24 23:25:564


think something of oneself 自命不凡,自以为了不起[亦作 think oneself something] think of 记起,想起;考虑;想像;关心 do you think 你认为 think about 考虑 think to oneself 盘算;自思自忖 what do you think 你认为呢;你觉得如何 think so 如此想法 think for oneself 独立思考 think twice 再三考虑;重新考虑 let me think 让我想一想 just think 试想;只想想看 think over 仔细考虑;重新考虑 think for 认为,预料 think big n.野心勃勃,好高鹜远 think it over 仔细考虑一下;好好想想 think oneself as 自认为是 think highly of 尊重 think back 回想 think on v.考虑;思量 think up 想出;发明;虚构
2023-07-24 23:26:031

Think big,do small.是什么意思

2023-07-24 23:26:112

think big dream big

2023-07-24 23:26:481

china think big什么意思?

china thinks big是一个面向9至12年级学生的研究型社会创新活动。来自哈佛的China Thinks Big 全球华人创新研究大挑战(简称CTB)是以学术研究和社会实践推动社会创新的国际级别高中生挑战。华人青少年们通过快速的在线学习,对感兴趣的社会问题进行严谨的学术研究,并基于研究的成果展开有效的实践行动,为社会做出真正贡献。青少年阶段对个人能力的培养,更应该对所处的时代进行考量。如今社会发展到经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化,甚至以AI技术为核心的科技应用正渗透到我们社会生活的方方面面,社会对人才的要求也在随之升级。
2023-07-24 23:26:561

china think big是什么活动?

china thinks big是一个面向9至12年级学生的研究型社会创新活动。来自哈佛的China Thinks Big 全球华人创新研究大挑战(简称CTB)是以学术研究和社会实践推动社会创新的国际级别高中生挑战。华人青少年们通过快速的在线学习,对感兴趣的社会问题进行严谨的学术研究,并基于研究的成果展开有效的实践行动,为社会做出真正贡献。青少年阶段对个人能力的培养,更应该对所处的时代进行考量。如今社会发展到经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化,甚至以AI技术为核心的科技应用正渗透到我们社会生活的方方面面,社会对人才的要求也在随之升级。
2023-07-24 23:27:181


  自然界中,有各种各样的大树。那么你知道吗?下面是我为你整理的大树的英文单词,希望大家喜欢!   大树的英文单词   1.big tree   2.tupelo   big tree的例句   1. The farmer has grown the seed a big tree.   这个农民种下的种子长成了大树.   2. The car suddenly fetched up before a big tree.   那辆汽车突然在一棵大树前停住了.   3. There is a wisteria twining round the big tree.   大树上缠绕着藤萝.   4. The big tree was split by the lightning.   那棵大树被闪电劈开了.   5. A big tree fell right across the road.   一棵大树倒下,正好横在路上.   6. The big tree rocked in the strong wind.   大树在狂风中摇动.   7. In the storm we took refuge under a big tree.   在那次暴风雨中,我们躲在一棵大树下.   8. The bor"s kite lodged in the branehes of a big tree.   男孩的风筝挂入一棵大树的枝杈里.   9. They stood under a big tree.   他们站在一棵大树下.   10. This is a photograph of our house, with a big tree in the foreground.   这是我家住宅的照片, 宅前是一株大树.   big常见用法   adj. 大的;重要的;有雄心的;受欢迎的   adv. 巨集大地;夸大地;成功地   n. 杰出的组织和个人   用作形容词   New York is a big mercial city.   纽约是一座大的商业城市。   His business yields big profits.   他的生意带来巨大的利润。   Don"t cry, you are a big boy now.   别哭,你现在已经是大男孩了。   The big moment has e at last!   重要的时刻终于到来了!   The big thing is that you know what you want.   重要的是你必须知道自己想要什么。   He"s got a lot of big ideas about how to change the system.   就如何改变体制,他有一些远大的想法。   That rock and roll band is very big in Chicago.   那个摇滚乐团在芝加哥很受欢迎。   用作副词   You need to think big= aim to achieve a lot.   你要敢想。   As for us, we mustn"t talk big in our external propaganda.   在我们自己方面,对外宣传不要夸大。   The band es over big with pop fans.   该乐队受流行音乐歌迷欢迎大为成功。   用作名词   With that new promotion he"s now one of the bigs in the pany.   通过那次得晋升,他现在是公司的杰出员工之一。
2023-07-24 23:27:401


think big,act small,规划考虑要大,但要从小事做起。
2023-07-24 23:27:471

什么是china think big全球华人创新研究大挑战?

china thinks big是一个面向9至12年级学生的研究型社会创新活动。来自哈佛的China Thinks Big 全球华人创新研究大挑战(简称CTB)是以学术研究和社会实践推动社会创新的国际级别高中生挑战。华人青少年们通过快速的在线学习,对感兴趣的社会问题进行严谨的学术研究,并基于研究的成果展开有效的实践行动,为社会做出真正贡献。青少年阶段对个人能力的培养,更应该对所处的时代进行考量。如今社会发展到经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化,甚至以AI技术为核心的科技应用正渗透到我们社会生活的方方面面,社会对人才的要求也在随之升级。
2023-07-24 23:27:541

china thinks big是什么

china thinks big是一个面向9至12年级学生的研究型社会创新活动。来自哈佛的China Thinks Big 全球华人创新研究大挑战(简称CTB)是以学术研究和社会实践推动社会创新的国际级别高中生挑战。华人青少年们通过快速的在线学习,对感兴趣的社会问题进行严谨的学术研究,并基于研究的成果展开有效的实践行动,为社会做出真正贡献。青少年阶段对个人能力的培养,更应该对所处的时代进行考量。如今社会发展到经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化,甚至以AI技术为核心的科技应用正渗透到我们社会生活的方方面面,社会对人才的要求也在随之升级。
2023-07-24 23:28:161

歌词有i got big big money , big big money,big big money

歌曲名:Big Mon歌手:Tony Rice专辑:The Bluegrass Guitar CollectionThe Game - Big Money (Prod. by Cool & Dre)(Chorus)I got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie starI got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star(Verse 1)I got big money, everybody know,Brand new rose phantom, put those sixes on the floor,When I pull up in the hood, n-ggas say there go the man,I put them Asanti"s and Nelly"s on them rubberbands,California license plates,Aftermath logo,Back with the Doc after a 5 year solo,Woke up in the club 10 bottles of the bub,Tell them hoes, Im buying what they drinking,Just pour it up, all my n-ggas is bangingWhat you claim just throw it up,If you aint getting money like i"m getting go get a cup,If you aint getting p-ssy like Im getting,Take one of mine,You know Im in this b-tch with 20 dollars worth of dimes,(Chorus)I got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie starI got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star(Verse 2)Yeah, Im from Compton, everybody know,I aint riding on LeBron"s thats 2004,I aint riding on Kobe"s thats 2005,If it aint February"s on the truck it aint right,Dont ask what Im sitting on, mills on the rims,Lamborghini top unless I call it Lil Kim,Walking through the club with a pocket full of change,Iceberg on my chest no man on my ring,I aint talking bout Jeezy, talking bout them gemstones,Medallion so big think Im walking with my rims on,Tell the DJ we got a line outside,You can play it after Gucci and Dre just let it ride,(Chorus)I got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie starI got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star(Verse 3)Girl lets make a movie, hop inside my car,I be Denzel and you can be just who you are,Sint worried bout ya man,Leave that n-gga at the bar,Hot some tint on my Ferrari,Yhis movie is rated R,Ya girlfriends is extra"s,Baby you a star,And its time to burn rubber no stuntman involved,Doing a 100 on the highway, pulling on my gear shift,Your girl got her hand on my cock but I ain"t Will Smith,Baby I"m a baller, inside outside,Cool N Dre track and this muthf-cker bounce right,Yeah it"s aftermath and we back in the club,While you wait for Detox let this muthaf-cker sulk.(Chorus)I got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie starI got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star
2023-07-24 23:28:401

a big是什么词性

1. Since he has made such abig trouble, he will certainly bear all the consequence.捅了这么大的娄子,这一下可叫他吃不了,兜着走了。2. Oh, god, I"m gonna look like abig marshmallow peep.哦,天哪,我看上去将会像一只巨大的鸟。3. The room has abig closet. You can put your baggage in it.房间里有一个很大的壁柜,你可以把你的行李放进去。4. It is abig foible of all the people.这是一个大以图减轻你的神。5. I am just asmall girl in abig world trying to find someone to love.我只是一个在大千世界里寻求真爱的小女子。6. Can"t say im abig fan of snails in France though bit too slimey for me."虽然在法国俺也不是那种很喜欢蜗牛的人因为对我来说有点粘滑。
2023-07-24 23:29:001

亲们,“think big do small” 用文雅的词语翻译出以上四个单词,验证后采纳!

2023-07-24 23:29:105

既然有 think nothing of sth,那有 think sth of sth 吗?

没有 think sth of sth
2023-07-24 23:29:287

think big,start small,move fast什么意思

2023-07-24 23:29:502


Big city is beneficial to people"s career development. 大城市有利于个人事业的发展。 I think big cities usually have more job opportunities than small cities, therefore they are beneficial to our career development. 我认为在通常情况下大城市比小城市有更多的工作机会,因此大城市更适合我们的职业的发展。 In my opinion, big cities such as Beijing,and Shanghai can provide us with a better stage to develop and improve our abilities in working, and most headquarters(总部) of multinational(跨国的) corporations are located in big cities. 依我看来,像北京、上海这样的大城市可以给我们提供一个更高的平台去发展和提高个人的工作能力。而且大部分跨国公司的总部都坐落大城市。 As we all know, the pressures can be changed into drives for us to learn and to improve ourselves. Thus, when we are working in big cities, the pressures are good for our further career development. 众所周知,压力可以转化为驱使我们学习和提高的动力。因此,当我们在大城市工作的时候,压力对我们以后的事业发展是很有好处的。 Small city is better than big city to live and work. 小城市比大城市更适合生活工作。 I think, small cities can provide us with more promotion(升职) opportunities than big cities. First of all, the bigger the city is, the fiercer(猛烈的) the competition is, which can make getting a promotion difficult. Secondly, with many people flowing to big cities, there are fewer and fewer competitors left around us in small cities. Therefore, we can become the key employees in our companies and take more opportunities to be promoted. 我认为,小城市相对大城市来说,能够提供给我们更多的升职机会。首先,城市越大,竞争越激烈,导致升职也更加的困难。第二,随着越来越多的人涌向大城市,我们周边小城市的竞争越来越小了。因此,我们就可以成为公司的核心员工,就有更大的升职机会。 As for me, I think I will choose a small city to work rather than a big city. Undoubtedly, big cities offer more opportunities. However, people have to bear more pressures. In my view, as a human being, the main objective is to enjoy life, instead of undertaking pressures. 对我来说,我会选择在小城市工作,而不是大城市。毋庸置疑,大城市能够提供更多的工作机会,然而,人们不得不承受更大的压力。依我看来,我们的主要目标是享受生活,而不是承受压力。
2023-07-24 23:29:571

Big Money (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Big Money (Album Version)歌手:front line assembly专辑:Gashed Senses & CrossfireGame - Big Money (Prod. by Cool & Dre)(Chorus)I got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie starI got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star(Verse 1)I got big money, everybody know,Brand new rose phantom, put those sixes on the floor,When I pull up in the hood, n-ggas say there go the man,I put them Asanti"s and Nelly"s on them rubberbands,California license plates,Aftermath logo,Back with the Doc after a 5 year solo,Woke up in the club 10 bottles of the bub,Tell them hoes, Im buying what they drinking,Just pour it up, all my n-ggas is bangingWhat you claim just throw it up,If you aint getting money like i"m getting go get a cup,If you aint getting p-ssy like Im getting,Take one of mine,You know Im in this b-tch with 20 dollars worth of dimes,(Chorus)I got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie starI got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star(Verse 2)Yeah, Im from Compton, everybody know,I aint riding on LeBron"s thats 2004,I aint riding on Kobe"s thats 2005,If it aint February"s on the truck it aint right,Dont ask what Im sitting on, mills on the rims,Lamborghini top unless I call it Lil Kim,Walking through the club with a pocket full of change,Iceberg on my chest no man on my ring,I aint talking bout Jeezy, talking bout them gemstones,Medallion so big think Im walking with my rims on,Tell the DJ we got a line outside,You can play it after Gucci and Dre just let it ride,(Chorus)I got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie starI got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star(Verse 3)Girl lets make a movie, hop inside my car,I be Denzel and you can be just who you are,Sint worried bout ya man,Leave that n-gga at the bar,Hot some tint on my Ferrari,Yhis movie is rated R,Ya girlfriends is extra"s,Baby you a star,And its time to burn rubber no stuntman involved,Doing a 100 on the highway, pulling on my gear shift,Your girl got her hand on my cock but I ain"t Will Smith,Baby I"m a baller, inside outside,Cool N Dre track and this muthf-cker bounce right,Yeah it"s aftermath and we back in the club,While you wait for Detox let this muthaf-cker sulk.(Chorus)I got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie starI got big money I drive big cars,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star,Everybody know me,It"s like I"m a movie star
2023-07-24 23:30:131

big huge large 区别

2、 huge强调尺寸、体积”庞大”,容量和数量”巨大”。指体积时,比large所指的体积大,但不强调重量。3、large强调远远超过标准的”大”,可指”数量、容量、体积和面积的大”,比big正式,反义词是small。拓展资料big1、Australia"s a big country澳大利亚是个幅员辽阔的国家。2、The crowd included a big contingent from Ipswich.人群中有来自伊普斯威奇的一个人数众多的代表团。3、Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own她的问题太严重了,光靠她自己是没法解决的。4、Exchange is largely controlled by big banks.货币兑换业务主要由大银行控制。5、Their father was very big in the army他们的父亲在军中很有影响力。huge1、Several painters were working on a huge piece of canvas which would serve as the scenery几位画家正在一块用作舞台布景的巨大帆布上作画。2、I have a huge number of ties because I never throw them away我有超多条领带,因为我从来不肯扔掉它们。3、Another team is looking at the huge problem of debts between companies另一组人正在研究公司间严重的债务问题。4、Our driver strolled up, huge and swarthy.我们的司机悠闲地走了过来,他身材高大,肤色黝黑。5、He is furious they are making huge profits out of the misery of young addicts.看到他们从年轻吸毒者的痛苦中榨取暴利,他怒不可遏。large1、The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes狗鱼主要生活在大江大湖中。2、The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery该团伙最后携大量现金和珠宝逃之夭夭。3、Many large organizations run courses for their employees.许多大企业为旗下员工开办课程。4、There"s a very large question about the viability of the newspaper.报纸能否办下去是一个重大问题。5、I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community at large remain extremely remote我看要使改革方案得到社会的广泛认可,机会还很渺茫。
2023-07-24 23:30:248

请问Act Big怎么翻译?谢谢~

2023-07-24 23:31:042


2023-07-24 23:31:232

big hug什么意思中文翻译

  big hug什么意思你们有学过吗?下面我为大家带来big hug什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!   big hug的意思   大大的拥抱   big hug的双语例句   "Me too!"said Lisa,and gave him a big hug.   “我也是。”莉莎一边说,一边给小熊一个大大的拥抱。   In a lot of ways, itu2019s like giving them a big hug.   从很多方面看,这就像给了他们一个大大的拥抱。   And he just gave me a big hug. And it was so intense.   他给了我一个大大的拥抱,非常热情的拥抱。   Give her a big hug and tell her that you love and appreciate her.   给她一个大拥抱并告诉她你爱她感激她。   And he just gave me a big hug. And it was so intense.   他就是给了我一个大大的、热烈的拥抱。   Lisa, and gave him a big hug.   莉莎一边说,一边给小熊一个大大的拥抱。   the girl gave him a big hug.   女孩紧紧拥抱了他一下。   Give your significant other a big hug and apologize for that time you overreacted a few monthsago.   给你亲爱的另一半一个深深的拥抱,并对几个月前你过激的行为表示歉;   When they met at last, they gave grandfather a big hug, tears in their eyes.   终于见面了,他们和爷爷紧紧拥抱在一起,眼里含着泪水。   He gave me a big hug.   杰克逊给了我一个紧紧地拥抱。   Didn"t you just want to slap him for being a jerk and give PC a great big hug?   你难道不想给它一巴掌狠狠摔掉然后给PC一个巨大的拥抱?   My sister gave me a big hug, and pointed proudly to her creations. "Isn"t that great?" she said.   我的妹妹先是和我拥抱,然后得意地指着她自己的那些创作,说道“不错吧?   This lovely cat gave me a big hug.   岭南的可爱小猫给我亲切拥抱。   When your child is angry, say out loud, "I think you need a big hug"- and.   当你的孩子生气时,大声说出来,“我想你需要一个大大的拥抱”-然后拥抱你。   Boy: "Give me a big hug."   男孩说:“紧紧抱我一下u2026u2026”   big hug的英语例句   1. She opened her arms and gave me a big hug.   她张开双臂,紧紧地拥抱了我。   2. Chichi couldn"t refrain from giving him a BIG HUG!   琪琪恨不得跳到他怀里,给他个热情的拥抱!   3. He gave his little boy a ( great big ) hug at bedtime.   他在临睡时 亲热 地紧抱了一下他的小男孩.   4. In the local dialect, giant panda is pronounced as " big hug ".   在当地方言中, 熊猫的发音接近“熊抱”,谐音 “ 拥抱 ”.   5. Kelly turned back and smiling gave me a big hug.   凯莉转过身来,笑眯眯地紧紧抱住了我.   6. The little girl gave her mother a big hug.   小女孩紧搂着妈妈.   7. Debbie sat up and gave Toby a big hug.   戴比坐起来给了托比一个大大的拥抱.   8. She gave Dad a kiss and a big hug.   她吻了爸爸一下,拥抱了爸爸一下.   9. She immediately opened her arms and gave me a big hug.   她马上张开双臂,给了我一个热情的拥抱.   10. Don"t forget to give your mother a big hug!   不要忘了给母亲一个拥抱!   11. I knelt down to give Nicholas a big hug and kiss goodbye.   我跪下来拥抱尼古拉斯,和他吻别.   12. Come here and give me a big hug.   过来给我个拥抱.   13. She gave her daughter a big hug.   她紧紧拥抱着她的女儿.   14. I give my mom a big hug.   我送我妈一个大大的拥抱.   15. The girl gave him a big hug.   女孩紧紧拥抱了他一下.   
2023-07-24 23:31:571

Lily Allen的《Not Big》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Big歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Alright, Still (Deluxe)Lily AllenNot BigNow listen I think you and me have come to the end of our time,What d"you want some kind of reaction?Well ok that"s fine,Alright how would it make you feel if I told you that you never ever made me come?In the year and a half that we spent together,Yeah I never really had much fun.All those times that I said I was sober,Well I"m afraid I lied,I"d be lying next to you, you next to me,All the time I was high as a kite.I could see it in your face when you give it to me gentle,Yeah you really must think your great,Let"s see how you feel in a couple of weeks,When I work my way through your matesI never wanted it to end up this way,You"ve only got yourself to blame,I"m gonna tell them that your rubbish in bed nowand that your small in the game.I saw you thought this was gonna be easy,Well your out of luck.Yeah lets rewind, let"s turn back time to when you couldn"t get it up,You know what it shoulda ended there,That"s when I shoulda shown you the door.If that weren"t enough to deal with,You became premature.I"m sorry if you feel that I"m being kinda mental,But you left me in such a state.But now I"m gonna do what you did to me,I"m gonna reciprocate.I never wanted it to end up this way,You"ve only got yourself to blame,I"m gonna tell them that your rubbish in bed nowand that your small in the gameYour not big your not clever,No u aint a big brotherNot big what so ever.AhhhhhhhhhI"m sorry if you feel that I"m being kinda mental,But you left me in such a state.But now I"m gonna do what you did to me,I"m gonna reciprocate.I never wanted it to end up this way,You"ve only got yourself to blame,I"m gonna tell them that your rubbish in bed nowand that your small in the game.By ~Lily~
2023-07-24 23:32:041

think for yourself是什么意思

think for yourself你自己想想例句:1.Go ahead, think for yourself instead of relying on other people to do it for you.
2023-07-24 23:32:122


I think he lives in a big city.我想他应该住在大城市吧
2023-07-24 23:32:282

Lily Allen的《Not Big》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Big歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Alright, StillLily AllenNot BigNow listen I think you and me have come to the end of our time,What d"you want some kind of reaction?Well ok that"s fine,Alright how would it make you feel if I told you that you never ever made me come?In the year and a half that we spent together,Yeah I never really had much fun.All those times that I said I was sober,Well I"m afraid I lied,I"d be lying next to you, you next to me,All the time I was high as a kite.I could see it in your face when you give it to me gentle,Yeah you really must think your great,Let"s see how you feel in a couple of weeks,When I work my way through your matesI never wanted it to end up this way,You"ve only got yourself to blame,I"m gonna tell them that your rubbish in bed nowand that your small in the game.I saw you thought this was gonna be easy,Well your out of luck.Yeah lets rewind, let"s turn back time to when you couldn"t get it up,You know what it shoulda ended there,That"s when I shoulda shown you the door.If that weren"t enough to deal with,You became premature.I"m sorry if you feel that I"m being kinda mental,But you left me in such a state.But now I"m gonna do what you did to me,I"m gonna reciprocate.I never wanted it to end up this way,You"ve only got yourself to blame,I"m gonna tell them that your rubbish in bed nowand that your small in the gameYour not big your not clever,No u aint a big brotherNot big what so ever.AhhhhhhhhhI"m sorry if you feel that I"m being kinda mental,But you left me in such a state.But now I"m gonna do what you did to me,I"m gonna reciprocate.I never wanted it to end up this way,You"ve only got yourself to blame,I"m gonna tell them that your rubbish in bed nowand that your small in the game.By ~Lily~
2023-07-24 23:32:351

running man到目前为止所有的嘉宾名单、、最好详细点、、比如说哪队最后赢了、、、

lrpかpvㄢ┼h鼎rpかx帹小nu▇g 000871 E64   嘉宾:金济东   任务队3:刘在石 宋钟基 池石镇 Lizzy 哈哈 Gary 李光洙 金济东   捕捉队4:金钟国 宋智孝   地点:高铁 光明站    任务:获得running ball(个y人d战)   游戏:搭乘列车r、4(金济东)vs5、捉迷藏(找到8张火7车e票)   池石镇 李光洙 刘在石 宋钟基受罚   405200 E43   嘉宾:崔始源(Super Junior)、金民钟 (电视剧《雅典娜女e神》剧组)   任务队3:金钟国 宋智孝 宋钟基 池石镇 Lizzy 李光洙   追击队7:崔始源 金民钟 刘在石 哈哈 Gary   地点:乐天nMART   游戏:按照主题找到相对应的玩具、换衣服 6(金民钟)vs70、捉迷藏(找到4个h圣诞装饰物)   Lizzy 李光洙 宋智孝 池石镇受罚   202650 E05   嘉宾:沈炯来   任务队1:刘在石 池石镇 Lizzy 宋智孝 宋钟基 Gary 沈炯来   追击队3:金钟国 哈哈 李光洙   游戏:缆车z知识竞赛、让你笑破肚皮任务5vs4(沈炯来)、捉迷藏(找到8个k金牌)   地点:江原道Alpensia滑雪场   追击队0获胜   处罚:0026年平昌冬季奥林匹m克。热裤滑雪   刘在石 Gary Lizzy受罚   240308 E63(缺宋钟基)   嘉宾:李京实 宋恩伊   任务队7:刘在石 池石镇 Gary 哈哈 李光洙   追击队2:金钟国 Lizzy 宋智孝 李京实 宋恩伊   游戏:废品垃圾回收、男队1VS女n队2(提高对方4心4跳数)、捉谜藏(找到8个o红包)   地点:日6山q食寺洞L公8寓   追击队3获胜   哈哈 刘在石 池石镇 Gary 李京实受罚   030003 E48   嘉宾: 朴宝英   任务队5:刘在石 池石镇 李光洙 Lizzy 宋钟基 宋智孝 朴宝英   追击队8:Gary 哈哈 金钟国   游戏:0(朴宝英)vs8、动漫歌曲连唱、捉迷藏(小z红帽与i狼四幅画)   地点:京畿道 富川o 漫画映像院   追击队2获胜   Lizzy 李光洙 宋智孝受罚(让人d画他们穿内1衣的册子u)   510177 E17(LIZZY因AS组合活动暂停出演)   嘉宾: 李文0植 郑振英   任务队8:李文4植 郑振英   追击队6:刘在石 池石镇 李光洙 宋钟基 宋智孝 Gary 哈哈 金钟国   追击队1获胜   地点:钟路的大w型某乐器商店   游戏: 7(李文2植 郑振英)vs7(捉迷藏——寻找嘉宾)、World Music 、二x选一n   刘在石 池石镇 宋智孝 Gary 受罚(在下d一g期中6穿红色衬衣出现在首尔艺r术中8心2)   680135 E14    嘉宾:郑允1浩 沈昌珉(东方1神起)   地点:首尔艺p术中8心8   游戏:2(U-Know允5浩 & MAX昌珉)vs 8(捉迷藏)(东方0神起在规定时间找到写3人m名字的RM ball且不p被抓,对方1即淘汰,3人w胜)、   画图猜词 (其中8U-Know允0浩充满个q人z哲学的犀牛2成为3亮点,钟国队2胜) 、   挑战音乐剧编舞 (Gee的舞蹈配上eDancing Queen的音乐 最后拼出3个b代表仙后的"W",任务完成)   全体逃脱,无e人a受罚。   010460 E34   嘉宾:金秉万c   地点:安城某大e型洗浴中5心2   游戏:8(金秉万x) vs 7 捉迷藏——寻找嘉宾、减肥KTV(唱歌、减少0体重)、挑战金秉万a(乘弹跳器、坐着的达人a[坐路障]、吸力t达人a[吸饮料穿过地图、吸管有20米]、双8截棍达人d[用双6截棍打小a番茄])   Gary挑战双0截棍成功   刘在石 池石镇 金秉万o 金钟国 受罚   560100 E21   嘉宾:无s   地点:三u成洞水4族馆   游戏:5集结队6员并找到“人s鱼公6主”金钟国vs刘在石(金钟国胜)5体能训练(7找和成员相似的水6生物并制作成简历u,2团结才l是活路:5名队0员站在平台上b,每右边的3个o人e向最左边移动不y掉入h水3中4算成功。(在00次机会中2成功的,全员免罚;失败,全体受罚)   任务完成   全体逃脱,无r人w受罚。   040276 E60   嘉宾:胜利(BIGBANG)   地点:首尔特别市瑞草区c国立国乐院   游戏:7(胜利)vs 4 寻找嘉宾——穿上s朝鲜时代的乐师服装寻找嘉宾(胜利失败,被封为4逃跑达人r)、改变面部的样貌(做鬼脸)、集体跳大m绳并传递锣鼓(两人y摇绳其余人o依次往里跳,锣鼓由最后一l人g传递到第一d人e并敲响)   任务完成   全体逃脱,无t人x受罚。   420540 E42    嘉宾:玄英   地点:江原道水7上h公0园   游戏:5(玄英)VS 8 寻找嘉宾(智孝抓到玄英,玄英输)0,水7麦克风2练歌厅h(红队0:钟国,gary,haha,智孝,黄队5:石镇,光洙,玄英,在石,钟基,红对3:6黄队6,先出有关夏天a的歌的伴奏,那对先猜对题目先唱,歌词唱错换另一i对。),3。团体合作过晃桥(0次机会,出发顺序:gary,钟国,钟基,玄英,光洙,在石,石镇,智孝,哈哈。到达顺序:钟基,gary,钟国,光洙,智孝,石镇,在石,玄英,哈哈)   任务完成   全体逃脱,无y人z受罚    870038 E52    嘉宾:Tony An(H。O。T。)、金光奎   地点:W教育企业   游戏:0(Tony An ,金光奎)VS3寻找嘉宾(智孝,Gary抓到Tony和金光奎,嘉宾队0输)8,在石和钟国挑选成员完成办3公8室游戏(篮球,举重和田径)三w局两胜在石队3胜利。0惩罚人x员(钟基,在石,哈哈,石镇)   100206 E23   嘉宾:吴志浩    地点:首尔   蓝队6:在石、钟基、石镇、智孝、志浩   红队4:钟国、Gary、HAHA、光洙   游戏:8 寻找嘉宾(蓝队6抓住吴志浩,吴志浩输,“屈辱的钟国”)2,必需品奥运会:数钱游戏(Gary四 连胜),找机票打包行李游戏,拉包转圈游戏。(三d局两胜蓝队8胜利)   受罚人n员:钟国,gary,haha,光洙   880716 E65   嘉宾:Uee 朴俊奎 地点:首尔弘大f   蓝队4:在石 钟基 石镇 HaHa Uee   红队6:钟国 智孝 Gary 光洙 朴俊奎   游戏:2 寻找嘉宾 (红队2抓住朴俊奎。 嘉宾胜利) 1 Uee的 8VS 8(打电话找朋友u)3倒水8游戏(蓝队2胜利)   受罚人c员:钟国 智孝 Gary 光洙 朴俊奎   150800 E66   嘉宾:郑容和(C。N。BLUE)、姜大r成(BigBang)   地点:兰芝露营区x   蓝队8:在石 石镇 钟基 HAHA   红队4:智孝 钟国 Gary 光洙   游戏:0 智孝选择队8员 3 寻找嘉宾   180716 E80   嘉宾:郑容和(C。N。BLUE)、姜大q成(BigBang)   地点:兰芝露营区v   蓝队0:在石 石镇 钟基 HAHA 大k成   红队4:智孝 钟国 Gary 光洙 容和   游戏:6 寻找嘉宾 1 烤肉派对   受罚人i员:刘在石 姜大h成 宋钟基 池石镇 HAHA   630003 E13   嘉宾:朴艺n珍   地点:东滩M超级购物中1心2   绿队4:在石 艺e珍 gary 石镇 光洙   红队0:钟国 智孝 钟基 HAHA   游戏:3 寻找嘉宾(朴艺g珍胜) 6 做400人e份料理(绿队6胜)   受罚人u员:金钟国 宋钟基 HAHA 宋智孝   810840 E22   嘉宾:无y   地点:中3浪区f综合医院   蓝队7:在石 石镇 智孝 光洙   红队2:钟国 哈哈 gary 钟基   游戏:5。5PK 寻找killer6(在石胜)5。看球猜字(红队1胜)1。压力w测试(红队0胜)   受罚人e员:石镇 智孝 光洙   520185 E72   嘉宾:sunny 允3儿r(少1女v时代)   地点:首尔跳蚤市场   允1儿i队4:允8儿u 在石 哈哈   sunny队1:sunny 石镇 光洙 钟基   智孝队1:智孝 gary 钟国   游戏:0、嘉宾寻找主持3V6(嘉宾胜)8、tea time 组队5 1、寻找东门a夜市小u吃best0-1(第一m名 sunny队2、第二x名 允1儿x队0、第三g名 智孝队4)   受罚人y员:钟国 智孝 gary   320220 E70   嘉宾:玉1泽演 nichkhun(4pm)    地点:京畿道加平法国文5化2体验村   在石队1:在石 玉0泽演 哈哈 石镇 钟基    钟国队5:钟国 nichkhun 智孝 gary 光洙   游戏:0、嘉宾寻找主持8V1(主持任务寻找8件小m王d子o的衣服并在广r场合照,嘉宾胜)0、乐队4演奏比8赛(钟国队4胜)   受罚人m员:在石队7(玉5泽演有rm球除外)   340707 E60   嘉宾:朴重勋 李善均   地点:国立中5央图书6馆   蓝队0:朴重勋 在石 石镇 钟国   黄队6:李善均 智孝 gary 哈哈 光洙 钟基   游戏:7 嘉宾寻找mc4vs3(mc任务在规定时间内4不e被嘉宾发现,嘉宾每抓到一n人z可变为3自己c的队1员让其参与o追击,嘉宾胜) 4 画图猜词(蓝队5最先完成游戏先行任务)6 在哈哈家里找到标有rm标志的5件其最珍贵的的物品(蓝队0胜)   惩罚人o员:黄队4   惩罚内3容:把物品搬回哈哈家,并整理。   860704 E66(宋钟基因拍摄电影停止2出演)   嘉宾:无i (许永生(ss307)客串任务传递者)   地点:SBS 登村洞公6开j大a厅w 、   游戏:最强者战   1 挑选正确的车t钥匙   1 自行联络并找到许永生接任务   0。 到达指定地点领取最终任务   [到达先后顺序]   一x。Gary (首个h到达,获得两条命机会, 即两张姓名贴牌)   二x。宋智孝   三j。池石镇   四。哈哈   五i。刘在石   六3。金钟国   七a。李光洙 (末7位到达, 受到特制悲剧姓名贴牌的惩罚)   3。最终任务:保留自己y的姓名贴牌直至其余所有人f的被撕下j   结果:Gary获得最强者称号并获得奖品“金钟国”   600632 E63   嘉宾:IU 申凤1善   地点:大g邱体育场   游戏:6 RM运动会(按到达的顺序,两人d组队4,最后一r个t人t一k组,共分7为5四组)   一j组:在石、石镇;二e组:智孝、哈哈;三l组:gary 、钟国;四组光洙   8)一i分5钟做40个s仰卧起坐   到达顺序为4:一t组、二s组、三q组、四组   完成顺序为3:一q组、二e组、三e组、四组   5)从8自动售货机中8不e用手2移动饮料,喝完饮料,并投掷到垃圾箱   到达顺序为7:一y组、三k组、二k组、四组 完成顺序为7:一b组、二i组、三y组、四组   7)快速问答(寻找路人k协助)   1寻找嘉宾(嘉宾胜)   嘉宾加入t后的队8伍分0组为7:在石、石镇、IU;钟国、gary、申凤8善;智孝、哈哈、光洙   6寻找大j邱美食best0,每对限找三j个j(向路人k提问,8chance,路人g回答的美食无i条件购买)   在石、钟国所在的两队6胜利   惩罚人e员:智孝、哈哈、光洙   740668 E76   嘉宾:张赫   6。new rule:给最终优胜的预想RINNING MAN职员们投票,赢得人e将会获得到社长7的特别奖金   5。任务5:RUNNING MAN:在公5司里找到嘉宾并拿到嘉宾的职员证   张赫:寻找公1司里2张RUNNING MAN职员证,让RUNNING MAN淘汰   淘汰顺序:石镇 gary 光洙 智孝 在石 haha 鈡国 (张赫胜利)   4。任务4:RUNNING MAN们分7为0两组去找最美味最好的聚餐广x告创意(重要要赢得职员的喜欢,去的人p多胜利)< 赢的队6伍可以1获得RUNNING MAN球4个l和餐费,输的队8伍不r能或得RUNNING MAN球,并且餐费要自己i结算>   张赫组:在石、智孝、石镇(获胜) ;钟国组:哈哈、gary、光洙   270108 E64   嘉宾:张赫   3。CAR POOL上q班RACE(钟国队4先到达工w作地点,先解出密码,并先完成任务,获得2个xRUNNING BALL“单纯GARY”)   7。寻找最棒的广i告模特(张赫胜,支t持刘pro team四人u的职员获得特别奖金)   040502 E25   嘉宾:金贤重
2023-07-24 23:33:264

what is thinking?

2023-07-24 23:34:041


有些英语短文很短,但是它却蕴藏着很多的正能量。下面是我给大家整理的励志英语短文,供大家参阅! 励志英语短文:我们需要梦想We need dreams To accomplish great things, you must dream great dreams. But dreaming alone isn"t enough. You must believe in your dreams and you must act. 梦想有多大,成功功就有多大。但是仅仅有梦想还远远不够,必须相信梦想并采取行动来实现梦想。 Dreams give us a vision of a better future; 梦想给予我们对美好未来的幻想; Dreams nourish our spirit; 梦想滋养我们的灵魂; Dreams represent possibility even when we are dragged; 梦想让希望重现,甚至在我们为现实所累时 ; Dreams keep us going. 梦想使我们不断前进。 Most successful people are dreamers; 大多数成功人士都是幻想家; Ordinary people who are not afraid to think big dare not to be great. 平庸之辈就是大胆想而不敢做的人。 励志英语短文:渔夫The fisherman Some fishermen went out drawing up their nets. 几个渔夫外出收渔网。 They felt the nets were very heavy when they did so. They danced about for joy, and supposed that they had taken a lot of fish. 收网时,他们感到渔网很重,高兴得跳着,以为网着了很多鱼,全是沙泥和石子,他们神情沮丧,这倒不是因为带给他们的失望,而是因为他们此前有过各种事与愿违的期盼。 When they had dragged their nets to the shore they found but few fish, and that the nets were full of sand and stones, and they were in low spirits not because of the disappointment which had befallen them, but for the reason that they had formed such very different expectation. One of their company, an old man said, “Let us stop feeling sad, my mates, for, as it seems to me, sorrow is always the twin sister of joy; and it was only to be looked for that we, who just now were overjoyed, should next have something to make us sad.” 在同伴中有一位老人说:“伙伴们,咱们就不要悲伤了,因为我觉得,悲伤总是快乐的孪生姐妹,刚才我们快乐无比,接着就该出点什么事情,使我们感到伤心了。” 励志英语短文:幸福是一种思考状态Happiness Is a State of Mind 幸福是一种思考状态Happiness Is a State of Mind Every day of your life, it is important to take the time to “smell the roses” — to appreciate the experiences that lead to happiness. This is part of being truly happy. 在你生活中的每一天,花些时间“闻闻身边的玫瑰”是十分重要的 —— 停下脚步,品味那些带给你幸福的经历。这是真正快乐的一部分。 Happiness is a state of mind. It starts with accepting where you are, knowing where you are going and planning to enjoy every moment along the way. You know how to be happy, and feel that you have enough time or money or love or whatever you need to achieve your goals. And just feeling that you have enough of everything means that you do indeed have enough. 幸福是一种思考状态。当你开始接受自己现在的生活状态,知晓你将来如何发展,并已做好准备享受这过程中的每个瞬间时,幸福便已悄悄来到你身边。你知道如何才能幸福,并感到自己拥有充裕的时间和金钱,足够的爱,和其他任何能够帮助你达成目标的东西。当你感到自己已拥有一切,这才是真正的知足。 You have to choose to be happy, and focus upon being happy, in order to be happy. If you instead focus upon knowing that you will be happy if you achieve something, you will never be happy, as you have not learned to “smell the roses”. The irony is that when you are happy, you are inevitably more productive, and far more likely to achieve what everything-seekers are seeking. 如果你想幸福,就必须去选择它。你需要专注于幸福这件事本身,以使幸福降临。但如果你总是想着,你若能完成某件事就会变得很幸福,那么你将永远无法得到幸福,因为你没有学会“闻闻身边的玫瑰”。而讽刺的是,当你感到幸福美满,你将不可避免地更加富有成就,并更有可能比那些“执着于得到一切的人”拥有更多 励志英语短文相关 文章 : ★ 3篇英语励志短文带翻译 ★ 经典英语励志短文美文欣赏 ★ 励志英语短文150字 ★ 励志英语作文大全 ★ 青春励志英语短文100字摘抄 ★ 关于励志的英语短文150词 ★ 英语励志小短文 ★ 英语青春励志正能量小短文 ★ 初中生优美励志英语短文 ★ 励志英语作文100字
2023-07-24 23:34:211

Imma do it big歌词Brandon T Jackson Ft. T-Pain,谁能提供完整的歌词给我咧?

  BRANDON T. JACKSON  "Imma Do It Big"  [feat. T-Pain & One Chance]  [Brandon T. Jackson:]  III remeber back in the day  Scrowny little kid  Making people laugh  And all the stuff I did  Some started to hate  But that"s always case  Same old story  Only you can change the...  They say I think big cause I reach for the stars  What they going do when I buy my avatar  How they going act when I land on mars  Even tracy chapman sad I got a fast car  I can drop a movie  Win a grammy in the same day  Academy award people"s choice and a vma  They may all laugh when I need support  But when I"m winning these awards I"ll cut my speech short  [One Chance:]  I"m a do it big  No matter what they may say  I won"t let it get in my way  I"m a do it big  And can"t nobody tell me no  I"m a do it either way you go  I"m a do it big big big big big big big  Do it big big big big big big big  I"m a do it big  And it will only get better  I can show you better than I tell ya  I"m a do it big  [T-Pain:]  Bigger than it"s ever been before (before)  I"m a get it till I can"t go get no more (no more)  When the drop top coming out of the top shop stop drop roll (let"s roll) and roll  My click bigger than big yeah we swoll we swoll  We go hard in the paint I know you feel me bro  How hard it is to keep it real bro  Make your modeo never say never  Homie I know you can do it better better  Brandon t teddy p  You no who we is  And my big momma always tell me you can do it big  So think that way if your hungry act like eat that way  Then I made it my job to go hard and eat today  But either way this is motivation for the masses  Just keep it straight you can see the future through my glasses  I mean to say what I say when I say it how I say  Man these people thinking big nowadays  [One Chance:]  I"m a do it big  No matter what they may say  I won"t let it get in my way  I"m a do it big  And can"t nobody tell me no  I"m a do it either you go  I"m a do it big big big big big big big  Do it big big big big big big big  I"m a do it big  And it will only get better  I can show you better than I tell ya  [Charmaine Daisey Pierce:]  Charmaine dasy pierce!  Can I get a black on black  A roof detach  Me and my girls need to of that  Two to match  They going say we so sick like the flu attack  I do it big real big like...  My swag outta space I still manage to keep up  I keep this up  I see so much  Heat this  Pizza crust  I want that doe like donald trumph  Reaching up I hope I find it  Just incase they open minded  No I"m... I won"t make it  Lately I feel obligated  Just to take it to amazing  I go past what they call a norm  And blow past what ya"ll call a storm  Yea I am something new  I"ll make sure that your imformed  And now that I"m exposed  I need my talent showing  Speaking of my goals searching for my biggest moment  [One Chance:]  I"m a do it big  No matter what they may say  I won"t let it get in my way  I"m a do it big  And can"t nobody tell me no  I"m a do it either way you go  I"m a do it big big big big big big big  Do big big big big big big big  I"m a do it big  And it will only get better  I can show you better than I tell ya  I"m a do it big
2023-07-24 23:34:381

Do you think big apples are often sweeter than __

答案D 此题中big ones =" big" apples, 泛指。the big ones =" the" big apples, 特指。"
2023-07-24 23:34:452