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Copilot手表是一款瑞士制造的高端机械手表品牌,其质量非常优秀。以下是关于Copilot手表质量的详细介绍:1. 机芯品质:Copilot手表采用的机芯均为瑞士顶级的自动机械机芯,如ETA、Sellita等,这些机芯具有精准可靠的特点,能够确保手表的精准度和稳定性。2. 材质品质:Copilot手表采用的材质均为高品质的材料,如316L不锈钢、纯钛、陶瓷等,这些材料具有抗腐蚀、抗刮花、耐高温等优点,能够保证手表的耐用性和长久使用的美观。3. 工艺品质:Copilot手表的制作工艺非常精湛,每个细节都经过严密的把关,包括表盘、指针、表带等各个部件都经过精密的加工和打磨,保证手表的外观和品质。4. 技术品质:Copilot手表拥有独家的技术创新,如双时区、太空级材料、防磁技术等,这些技术都能够提高手表的实用性和品质。总之,Copilot手表质量非常优秀,采用的机芯、材质、工艺和技术均属于行业的高端水平,能够满足人们对于手表精准度、耐用性、美观性的需求,是一款非常值得购买的高端机械手表品牌。


copilot英文翻译:副驾驶。例句如下:1、Today, there are only seven of them still alive, including Colonel Richard E.Cole, the copilot of aircraft No.1.目前,只有7名机组人员依然健在,包括一号轰炸机副驾驶理查德·科尔上校。2、But U.S. intelligence officials think the captain and copilot might have had something to do with the disappearance, that it was not an accident.但美国情报官员认为机长和副驾驶员可能与消失有关,而且这并非一次意外。3、She became a private pilot and then got the necessary ratings to fly air freight and even commuter planes, but always as a copilot.终于,她成了一名私人飞机的驾驶员,并且,还获得了,驾驶货运飞机甚至短途客机所必需的资格证书,但是,始终只能做一位副驾驶。4、Every pilot needs a copilot, and it was awful nice to have someone sitting there beside you.每一个飞行员都需要一个副驾驶的辅佐,有一个人一直陪伴在你身边是一件再幸福不过的事情。



professional pilot emphasis是什么意思

professional pilot emphasis试点专业重点





piles of

piles of ,a number of ,a bunch of 的区别是piles of+不可数 表示成堆的 一大团的 例如:piles of beef brisket 一大块牛胸肉(一大块 不可能数里面的组成部分)2.a number of+可数 表示若干,一些,许多,表示一定数量的东西 例如 a number of European come to ourschool.3 a bunch of 一束He sent her a bunch of flowers.他给她送去了一束花。

piles of和 a number of和a bunch of区别 说说区别 跟可数还是不可数..等等,

1.--piles of+不可数 表示成堆的 一大团的 例如:piles of beef brisket 一大块牛胸肉(一大块 不可能数里面的组成部分)2.--a number of+可数 表示若干,一些,许多,表示一定数量的东西 例如 a number of European co...

piles of和 a number of和a bunch of区别

1.--piles of+不可数 表示成堆的 一大团的 例如:piles of beef brisket 一大块牛胸肉(一大块 不可能数里面的组成部分)2.--a number of+可数 表示若干,一些,许多,表示一定数量的东西 例如 a number of European countries 大量欧洲国家(这些国家是数得清个数的)3.--a bunch of+不可数 表示一束 一堆一群等模糊概念(就是说当说出来的时候没有人会去在意究竟是多还是少 只是知道有一些)例如常见的 a bunch of flowers 一束花(知道有一束,有可能里面是只有一支花儿 有可能两支) a bunch of people 一群人(有可能是五个人 也有可能是15个人)

甚么是 What a pile of crap

"what a pile of crap" 是一句通俗的句法. " crap " 在口语上是指废物 垃圾的意思. 例如一个人满口谎言或废话 你就可以用" what a pile of crap!" 来形容他. 而"what a pile of" (意思类似 " 好一堆(废话) " 这个phase 只是有一种强调语气的意思 所以 " crap " 即使配合不同的组合使用亦是可以的 例如"cut the crap!"(别再说废话了!) 以下是来自"Longman Dictionary of Contemporary" 的解释和例句: crap1 spoken not polite 1 [uncountable] something someone says that you think is pletely wrong or untrue [= rubbish]: u2022 You don"t believe all that crap do you? load/pile of crap also bunch of crap American English u2022 That"s a bunch of crap! I never said that. u2022 He came out with a load of crap about how he"d tried to call me yesterday. u2022 Greg"s full of crap (=often says things that are pletely wrong). cut the crap (=used to tell someone to stop saying things that are pletely wrong) u2022 Just cut the crap and tell me what really happened. 2 [uncountable] something that is very bad or is of bad quality [= rubbish]: u2022 They sell a lot of stuff cheap but most of it is crap. load/pile of crap also bunch of crap American English u2022 The game was a load of crap. 3 [uncountable] things that are useless or unimportant: u2022 What is all this crap doing on my desk? 4 [uncountable] bad or unfair treatment take/stand for/put up with crap (=to allow someone to treat you badly) u2022 I"m not going to take any more of this crap! u2022 I don"t need this kind of crap (=used when you are angry about the way someone is behaving towards you). u2022 I"m tired of you giving me crap (=saying bad things) about my long hair. 5 [uncountable] solid waste that is passed from your bowels 6 [singular] the act of passing solid waste from your bowels take a crap also have a crap British English 7 craps [plural] American English a game played for money in the US using o dice shoot craps (=to play this game) 参考: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary +自己 if you are saying that someone is speaking a pile of crap it me they are talking rubbish (胡说八道)

dress up和dress oneslef up有什么区别 The lady _______and went to the ball happily. 应该用哪个

dress herslef up.

请问pills 和 drugs 有什么不同?

drug: 1. 毒品 2. 药物; drug 的形式可以是syrup糖浆, pill药片, capsule胶囊,injection注射等等。在美国的药房也称作drugstore,但欧洲一般是pharmacy.


while "pupil" refers to an attendee of a lower educational institute; the same was typically true in the United States previously where student was considered


MCC:没见过次船公司PIL:太平洋船务MSC:瑞士地中海航运有限公司MISC:马来西亚国际航运有限公司MOSK:也叫MOL,大阪商船三井船舶株式会社K-LINE:川崎汽船株式会社YML:阳明航运 Yangming Marine Transport CorpAERSK:估计你打错,该是MAERSK,通常写组MSK,马士基>(中国)航运有限公司 HMM:现代商船株式会社


MSK:马士基航运ZIM:以星船务MSC:地中海航运HMM:现代商船CSCL:中海航运PIL:太平船务YML:阳明海运EMC:长荣海运 CMA:法国达飞轮船ANL:澳航货运

latex pillow中文翻译

Kymdan latex pillows Kymdan乳胶卧枕 Kymdan latex pillow Kymdan乳胶枕头 I am a patient of losing my hair because of greasiness , since i use the pure natural latex multfunctional mites - resistant anti - bacteria integration pillow , those annoying mites haven " t attacked me and eaten my hair root any longer , now my hair is bushy , with the pure natural latex pillow , i feel very good 我是一个油性脱发患者,自从有了防螨除菌全天然的乳胶多功能组合枕,那些讨厌的螨虫没有机会再袭击我,不再吃我的发根,现在我的头发又厚又密,用了这个全天然乳胶枕,感觉真是好!


枕头.n. 枕头 He bought a foam pillow. 他买了一个海绵枕头。vt. 枕, 搁, 垫



英语China’s largest pilot怎么翻译?

China"s largest pilot中国最大的飞行员


pilot[英] [u02c8pu028cu026alu0259t][美] [u02c8pau026alu0259t]n.飞行员, 驾驶员, 机师; (电视)试播节目; 同COWCATCHERadj.试验性的; 试点性的; 小规模的v.驾驶(飞机); 为…引航, 为…领航; 为…操舵; (推广前)对…做试点1、用作名词 (n.)A pilot must be awake to the changes in the weather. 飞行员必须警觉天气的变化。2、用作动词 (v.)When did you learn to pilot an airplane? 你什么时候学会驾驶飞机的?3、用作形容词 (adj.)We are doing a pilot study to see if the new product will sell well. 我们正在为这种新产品做试销调查,看它的销路好不好。

aviator 和pilot 有什么区别?

aviator: old fash the pilot of an aircraft老式的飞行员的意思pilot: a person who flies an aircraft

aviator 和pilot 有什么区别?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: aviator: old fash the pilot of an aircraft老式的飞行员的意思 pilot: a person who flies an aircraft


Cylinder 一般指化学实验用的那个圆柱杯子 或者是那种形状的东西Column 是竖行, 比如说excel里面的格子, 从上往下的一竖行叫一个column。 pillar 一般指柱子, 支撑房子的柱子

happily ever after 歌词的中文翻译

「HAPPILY EVER AFTER」 作词∶AZU 作曲∶浅田将明 歌∶AZU Even when the clock strikes 12 まだここに いさせて欲しいの baby can I please? 见えてる世界sparkling 魔法かけてhurry 解けないeverlasting 连れ出して君とならずっと I can"t stop my feeling for you 梦のstory You are my one and only HERO You make me a princess Girls are always waiting to become 君のprecious I"ll be with you forever and ever You change me to a princess Everything sweet like candy 优しくkiss me honey Always tell me that you love me いつだって谁よりもずっと I can"t stop my feeling for you 梦のstory You are my one and only HERO You make me a princess Girls are always waiting to become 君のprecious I"ll be with you forever and ever You change me to a princess in my mind in my heart in my life You"re my ROMEO in our dreams in our world My princess story いつだって谁よりもずっと Girls are always waiting to become 君のprecious I"ll be with you forever and ever you make me a princess I can"t stop I can"t stop I"ll be with you forever and ever you make me a princess Happily ever after
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