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Philharmonic Orchestra与symphony orchestra 的意思区别!

理论上Phiharmonic Orchestra 较小规模,但实际上与symphony orchestra 没分别,视乐团喜好而定.有时,一个大城市有两个乐团,如伦敦.就只好一个叫:London Symphony Orchestra (LSO)另一个叫London Philharmonic Orchestra 了(LPO)

东方绀珠传 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.的角色介绍

博丽灵梦种族:人类称号:飞翔于天空的不可思议的巫女能力:主要是在空中飞的能力大家都熟悉的巫女,博丽神社的巫女。月都使者终於正式现身。虽然不知道她们的目的,可是对完全客场作战的她而言,  肯定是许久未曾遇过的艰苦战斗。  这次被迫进行不允许任何失误的战斗。净土的士兵终於现身。完美无缺的性质拒绝了生物的生死。以能够追踪敌人的诱导弹为特征。中弹判定也稍微小一些。扩散火力:追踪护符集中火力:信仰神针符卡:灵符「梦想封印」 雾雨魔理沙种族:人类称号:普通的魔法使  能力:使用魔法的能力  居住在幻想乡的普通魔法师,有搜集癖。  因缘际会之下,偶然捡到月都的力石。  正当魔理沙开始察觉,就是这颗力石让都市传说具体化的时候,月都使者终於现身。不知何时存在的月都力石,具备扰乱幻想乡文化的力量。以低速、高速均是高火力为特征。  移动速度快,而且道具回收更加容易。  扩散火力:幻象雷射(IllusionLaser)  集中火力:魔法飞弹(MagicMissile)  符卡:恋符「MasterSpark」 东风谷早苗种族:人类称号:住在山上的奇迹现人神  能力:引发奇迹的能力  住在山上神社的巫女。  查觉到妖怪之山确实发生了异变。  可是不知道妖怪们是否看不见,居然没有任何妖怪做出反应。  感觉到诡异的她,跑去找灵梦商量。出现在妖怪之山的金属制蜘蛛,在她眼中像是火星探测器.好奇号。低速、高速都是广范围攻击。  因为低速射击自动追踪敌人,可以专心躲避。  扩散火力:地精扩散(KoboldSpread)  集中火力:飞天大蛇(Sky serpent)  符卡:蛙符「诡计蛤蟆」 铃仙·优昙华院·稻叶种族:人类①称号:地上的月兔  能力:操纵波长的能力住在永远亭的月兔。  对这次的任务感到不安。为什麼永琳师傅不只派自己,还同时委托人类呢。  难道有甚麼事物是只有人类才看得见的吗?  绀珠之药具备经验未来的能力。  只要是月都的居民,人人都知道这种秘药。只有月亮之力能对抗月亮之力,永琳的药具有体验未来的力量。低速攻击为贯通弹。  符卡是中三次子弹也没问题的高性能符卡(中弹判定会变得大一些)  (*完成一关后剩余的护罩会消失。)  扩散火力:Lunatic Gun  集中火力:Mind Wave  符卡:「障壁波动(EvilUndulation)」 ①这里应该是ZUN在编写人物设定时出现的一点小失误。在正式版中修改为月兔 1面BOSS 浅葱色的Eagle Rabbit清兰(セイラン)Seiran主题曲:兎は舞い降りた(兔子跳着舞降临)种族:月兔能力:从异次元发射子弹程度的能力名副其实的炮灰。在被称为Eagle Rabbit的地面调查部队之中负责潜伏渗透这项最危险的工作。尽管工作危险,薪水却很低。月都虽然都有心灵感应能力,但从不会认真进行交谈。似乎是在休息中为伙伴捣年糕时遭到了袭击。2面BOSS 橘色的Eagle Rabbit铃瑚(りんご)Ringo主题曲:九月のパンプキン(九月的南瓜)种族:月兔能力:吃团子越多变得越强程度的能力在被称为Eagle Rabbit的地面调查部队中负责情报管理这项闲职。尽管很轻松等级却很高的职位。不知是否因为一直在收集情报,她的兴趣转移到了地面。她的任务只是调查。虽然也被允许进行战斗,但并没有胜利的必要。3面/EX面道中BOSS 梦的支配者哆来咪·苏伊特(ドレミーu30fbスイート)Doremy Sweet  主题曲:永远の春梦(永远的黄粱梦)种族:獏能力:食梦、造梦程度的能力爱做白日梦的妖怪。栖息在梦中世界。一切生物所做的梦其实在根本都是相互联系的。在梦中前往不曾知晓的地点、遇到不曾相识的人、发现不为所知的BUG都是因为这个原因。她能够消灭、创造、替换这些梦境。只要擅于利用梦中世界,就可以前往任何地方,成为任何人物。她为了不让发现了这个事实的人破坏秩序,而不断地监视着。4面BOSS 招来口舌之祸的女神  稀神探女(稀神 サグメ)Kisin Sagume主题曲:逆転するホイールオブフォーチュン(逆转的命运之轮)种族:月之民  能力:从口中说出便可使事态逆转的能力  月之民。  平时,在月之民中担任高官,并不会经常在外界面前出现。  虽然算是神灵,但是其性质非鬼非神亦非精灵。  性格寡言,其理由源自能力。  对于某种事态,一旦经过自己的口中(尤其是对和事情有关的人),  这个事态就会向反方向发展。  相似的角色还有天邪鬼,但她是位居天邪鬼之上的神灵。  天邪鬼只会说自己反对的事情,但她会通过自己说的事情让世界向反方向发展。  如果她想做成什么事情,那一定悉数失败,  如果有什么坏事发生,那她的能力一定可以使事态好转。  但那并不意味着会对自己好转。  正所谓,祸从口出的神灵。  月之民的贤者们,为了防止纯狐的攻击导致的污秽侵蚀,将月都冻结了。  与此同时,他们令月之民前往梦境避难。  梦境中的都城,正如大家所想,是往日的月都。  在那里的月之民们,无一不深信着这里就是真正的都城。  然而,也不能将他们一直关在梦境之中。  长久的梦是容易侵蚀精神的。  为此,贤者们为了保险,制定了「月之都迁都计划」。  「月之都迁都计划」,旨在将幻想乡净化,在那里建造都城。  所谓净化,乃去除生死之意。  也就是说,是将所有地上的生物歼灭。  然而这并不简单。对手是住在幻想乡的妖怪们。  她觉得在幻想乡传播都市传说是一个近道。  她利用她的能力制作了秘密的力量石。  那个力量石有着可以用话语改变世界的力量。  只需要在力量石附近,就可以把不应存在的流言(都市传说)具现化,  是一个可怖的道具。  在都市传说开始具现化的时候,只要等有人传播一个著名的都市传说,  这就是她的计划。  著名的都市传说,那便是「阿波罗计划阴谋论」。  「NASA隐瞒了在月上所见的真相」,这种闲话。  也就是说,如果有人流传NASA隐瞒了在月球上所见的文明,  月之文明,也就是月都,便会在幻想乡中具现。  ……然而,这个计划仅仅是保险起见。  她也并不是真心要去实行,也根本没有月民期望迁都。  他们都想尽可能返回月球。  尽管如此,也到了无法不采取行动的地步,  纯狐的攻击就是如此令人无计可施。  就在这时,幻想乡的人类到来了。  虽然她从未想过哆来咪会让人类进入月都,  但她试验了人类的力量,知道她们很强之后便下定了决心。  在这些人类身上赌一把吧。  如果我说出了真相,事态便会以这些人类为中心逆转。  虽然自己一直以来进行的迁都作战会悉数失败,但纯狐的作战也会失败,所以是公平的。  之后不管这些人类会怎样,只要月都得救……5面BOSS 地狱的妖精  克劳恩皮丝(クラウンピース)Clownpiece主题曲:星条旗のピエロ(星条旗的小丑)种族:妖精能力:使人发狂程度的能力  地狱的妖精。  赫卡提亚的部下。  妖精存在于几乎任何场所。地狱当然也不例外。  然而,拒绝了生死的月之民会除掉妖精。  月都周边几乎没什么妖精。  她受赫卡提亚的命令,令静海充满了自己从地狱带来的妖精们。  静海因她的伙伴们变成了妖精乐园。  然后由于纯狐的能力,她们觉醒了。  她们的存在,可以说是纯粹的生命力的集合。  「只要你们一直在这里玩下去,月之民就无法动手。  只要他们没有人自愿去接受污秽,他们就会一直固守城池。」  听到这样的话语,她开始盛大地玩耍起来。  月面虽然是荒凉的世界,但和地狱比起来,是一个更美、更欢乐的世界。  妖精们盛大地嬉戏着。  这进一步将月之民束缚了起来。  而这次,虽然月都长久以来都没什么动静,  但终于有人类从月都中冲了出来。  「如果,有人从月都里出来,你做什么都好。」  想起这番话的她,真是绝佳的心情。6面/EX BOSS  纯狐Junko主题曲:ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処(Pure Furies ~ 心之所在)种族:神灵  能力:纯化程度的能力  对于月之民抱有怨恨的存在。  自身也是被怨恨纯化的灵。  她已经连自己是什么人的情报都不需要了。  她对月之民嫦娥有着强烈的怨恨。  详情与游戏的一部分结局重复,在此并不细说,  她似乎是一个每次袭击月之都,最终都被贤者镇压其愤怒的存在。  丈夫杀死了自己的儿子,这是最初的怨恨,但怨恨早已纯化,  失去了控制。  其存在只有一部分月之民知道。  因为月之民不需要有畏惧敌人的生活。  嫦娥是否知晓她的存在还尚不明确,但应该不会毫不知情吧。  嫦娥,虽然在本作中并未登场,是被幽禁在月都的月之女神。  她是月兔的支配者,也有着强大的力量,但并不会出现在外界面前。  嫦娥是使用了蓬莱之药的罪人。  这次的月都袭击计划的概要如下。  「将月的正面,用纯化了生命力的妖精充满,  将月球本身,化为生命之星。  这样一来,月都就只好逃窜了。  趁其不备,斩杀藏匿其中的嫦娥。」  厌恶地面充斥污秽(生命)而移居月球,是月都的开端。  她想让相同的事情,发生在月球。  计划十分顺利。  静海开始被生命填满。  地狱的妖精们,将月球当作了乐园。  地狱的环境便是如此严苛。  月之民,对于她的生命之星计划束手无策。  然而,纯狐却已经知道。  月之民不会就这样居住在污秽附近,他们一定会逃往梦境之类的地方。  所以,预测到这一切的她,将朋友送到了那边。  不知该说是正如所料,还是说预料之外,月之民超过半年都没什么动静。  纯狐也攻击月都攻到厌倦了。双方都无法出手,陷入了胶着状态。  逐渐,她的愤怒有所舒缓,开始考虑今后该如何行动。  就在此时,想不到人类居然出现了。  而且是污秽被净化的人类。是某种药物的影响吗。  不厌恶生命,又感受不到生命。  虽然想不到会打出如此这般牺牲人类的奇计,但她却放心了。  月之贤者所做之事超乎所料。  这是她的乐趣所在。  然后,终于,这次的复仇大戏,将要落下帷幕了。EX BOSS 地狱的女神  赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利(ヘカーティアu30fbラピスラズリ)Hecatia Lapislazuli主题曲:パンデモニックプラネット(Pandemonic Planet)种族:神明  能力:拥有三个身体程度的能力  司掌月球、地球、异界三界地狱的谜之神明。  她在三个世界同时拥有身体,可以自由地在不同的世界中来去。  另外,由于月球、地球、异界都有地狱存在,而其核心的灵魂都在地狱,  所以对敌人来说是一个无计可施的麻烦的神明。  顺便梦境就相当于异界。  她也是对嫦娥抱有怨恨的神明。  因为,嫦娥的丈夫,是击落了太阳(阿波罗)的人物。  本来,没有太阳便无法存在的地狱。  由于失去了强烈的光明,地狱的黑暗也因之减弱。  就算这样说,她憎恨嫦娥的理由,很大程度上也是受了纯狐的影响。  在纯狐的本次计划当中,需要有一个处在能自由操控妖精的立场上的人,  以及一个能自由来回梦境的人。  她正是符合需要的人物。  纯狐与她很快便意气相投。  可能是原本就好战的性格的功劳。  她将自己的部下克劳恩皮斯交给纯狐随意差遣。  月之民逃进的梦境。  她令那梦境中的伪月都的周边,也充满了生命力。  由此,月之民完全被封杀了。  最后,只剩下斩杀嫦娥了——  就在这时,纯狐却宣布自己告负。  看来,是月之民打出了超越纯狐计谋的奇计。  那就是,死亡的概念消失,被净化的人类。  将「绀珠的人类」送进月球的作战。

foundations of computational mathematics怎么样


periodic interval是什么意思


criteria跟dynamic这两个词怎么记. 怎么样都记不住,怎么办.


物理问题,about the newton and the metric unit of weight!!!!!

I think the point is not whether Newton is an IS unit. Kg is also an IS unit but it is as popular as pound. I think the point is that people are used to use mass unit (e.g. kg pound) in place of force unit for their body weight (a kind of force). Newton is an unit of force. To most people it sounds strange to relate their weight with force. 参考: Myself I don"t agree with physics8801 First Beijng is not at a lower altitude than Hong Kong so the value of "g" will not be bigger there. Second even if you use kg you still won"t have a constant weight. If you measure your body weight using a bothroom scale (the marking is in kg) you will still get different measurements in different places on earth. 2008-10-25 13:08:19 补充: So the fact that g is not constant although true is not the determining factor why people don"t use Newton. The "lb" or "kg" that we use for measuring body weight in daily life are actually refer to respectively "lbf (pound-force)" or "kgf (kilogram-force)" in physics. These are units of force. Why the unit "Newton" is not monly used in daily life? It is because to convert from the mass unit of "kg" or the force unit of "kgf" to N the value of the acceleration due to gravity g is inevitably involved. But the value of g in fact is not a constant it varies with location of the earth and decreases with altitude. Thus if a person weights say 700 N at sea level in Hong Kong he may appear to weight more than 700 N in Beijing (because the value of g in Beijing is slightly larger than that in HK). He would weight less in the highland of Tibet because of the lower value of g at high altitude. Therefore you would not have a "constant weight" to quote with if you choose to express your weight in the unit of N. WEIGHT既SI UNIT系NEWTONS (N) 你系唔同既星球会有唔同既WEIGHT系因为佢地既GRAVITY唔同 F=mg mass既si unit 系kilograms (kg) 你系边度你既mass都系一样 系physics既角度 人地问你既weight 你答几多kg系好好笑 因为唔岩unit It is because all SI units are defined to be easily put in the natural or physical equations just like E=KE+PE KE=1/2 mv^2 PE=mgh if you use SI units we don"t need to add new constants. As a result the new units will be different from those units used in old times as people were using them for such a long period of time it"s hard to ask them to use SI units. Like pounds feet and e The metric unit of weight is one of the SI units.





for their house, which had sound foundations为什么要f

their 是他们的房子,which是哪一个,说明不止一个啊

为什么是the way +that/in which而不能是the way which


the way 后面是加which 还是that?为什么?

都可以,要看在什么句子里. This is the way,that leads to your office. 这是通向你办公室的路. This is the way,which you were talking about yesterday. 这是你昨天说的办法(路).

the way 后面是加which 还是that?为什么?


in which后接什么从句?

in which(介词加关系代词)、that或省略。the way作先行词,后接定语从句,以下3种表达都是正确的。例如:“我喜欢她笑的样子。”1、the way+ in which +从句I like the way in which she smiles.2、the way+ that +从句I like the way that she smiles.3、the way +从句(省略了in which或that)I like the way she smiles.the way的用法1、在当代美国英语中,"the way+从句"也常作为状语,相当与"in any way(that or in which)+从句或in any manner in which +从句",其含义是"不管/不论用什么方式"。2、在美国口语中,in the same way,in this(that ) way,in another way等词组里的in经常省略。3、one"s way用作状语1)come one"s way撞见某人,与某人不期而遇2)see...one"s way看法与某人一致3)go one"s own way独立行动


The way which I like. 根据句子意思可以做主语或宾语 我喜欢的那种方式。which 引导的定语从句修饰way


Lore Lara

经济作物是cash crop 还是economic crop

报纸上基本都用economic crop 很少看到cash crop

what a nice day 和what a fine day哪个正确1

  都是正确的,fine和nice都可以形容day,意思都是多么好的一天!  满意请采纳,谢谢

what which that who whose在单项选择中 怎么区别


定语从句中that which who之间都有甚么用法




which who的区别


whose,who,whom,which 到底有什么区别啊?怎么用?






java static {}的用法

1、static 关键字:可以用于修饰属性,也可以用于修饰方法,还可以用于修饰类。2、static 修饰属性:无论一个类生成了多少个对象,所有这些对象共同使用唯一一份静态的成员变量;一个对象对该静态成员变量进行了修改,其他对象的该静态成员变量的值也会随之发生变化。如果一个成员变量是static 的,那么我们可以通过 类名 .成员变量名 成员变量名 成员变量名 的方式来使用它 的方式来使用它 (推荐使用这种方式) 。3、static修饰方法: static 修饰的方法叫做静态。 对于静态方法来说,可以 使用 类名 .方法名的方式来访问。4、静态方法只能继承,不重写(Override)5、不能在静态方法中访问非静态成员变量;6、不能在静态方法中使用this关键字。



定语从句who whose whom which 的区别是什么


Which two are equivalent? (Choose two)


TOXIC 歌词谁知道?

TOXIC歌:HIGHandMIGHTYCOLOR作词:ユウスケ作曲:SASSYIwannaholdyou,kissyou. Imissyou.BUTIcan"tgobackthatIwas.Iwannaclosetoyou.Icouldtrustyou.Butnow.Iwannaholdyou,kissyou. Imissyou.BUTIcan"tgobackthatIwas.Iwannaclosetoyou.Icouldtrustyou.Butnow.抱いた腕に络み付く 温もり やけに切なくて振りほどいた侧にいるはずの君との 心の距离 どうしても远く感じてる(Ican"tgobackthatIwas.)深く深く突き刺さる未だ消せないトゲ今すぐ朽ち果てたならいっそまだ楽なのに、、(Callingmenow.)头に焼き付いて离れないあの日の记忆 抜け出せないまま。Iwannaclosetoyou.Icouldtrustyou.Butnow.今も君の指先に触れたいのに失う痛みに怯え触れたいと思うほどに远ざけてしまう(Whynot?Ican"tgobackthatIwas)きつく强く闭ざされて未だ开かないドアこのまま突き放せたらいっそまだ楽なのに、、(Callingmenow.)头に焼き付いて离れない爱した记忆 无くせないまま。Callingyou.Daylightbecomingfrustration.Likeavoidingus.Callingyou.Callingme.Therearepicturesinmymind.Callingme.Daylightbecomingfrustration.Likeforcingtowardme.深く深く突き刺さる未だ消えないトゲ全てを投げ舍てたなら答えさえいらないのに、、(Callingmenow.)头に焼き付いて离れないあの日の记忆 抜け出せないまま。


string title = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(txtTitle.Text); string content = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(content1.Value); string postData = "title=" + title + "&content=" + content; byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string url = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KeywordWebService"]; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = dataBytes.Length; request.Method = "POST"; Stream postStream = request.GetRequestStream(); postStream.Write(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length); postStream.Close(); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); System.Xml.XmlDocument xml = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); StreamReader receiveStream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); string receiveString = receiveStream.ReadToEnd(); sw.Stop(); xml.LoadXml(receiveString); System.Xml.XmlNodeList keywords = xml.SelectNodes("//Keyword"); string strkeywords = ""; foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode keyword in keywords) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(keyword.InnerText); strkeywords = strkeywords + keyword.InnerText + " "; } this.txtSearch.Value = strkeywords.Trim();


SoapObject result = (SoapObject)envelope.getResponse();result = (SoapObject)result.getProperty(1); result = (SoapObject)result.getProperty(0);for(int i=0; i< result.getPropertyCount(); i++ ){HashMap<String, String> map=new HashMap<String, String>();SoapObject soap = (SoapObject) result.getProperty(i);String xm =soap.getProperty("xm").toString();String zhuangtai =soap.getProperty("wfState").toString();String dizhi =soap.getProperty("wfAdd").toString();

american crown是什么牌子

美国 皇冠



countless divorced politicians

let alone 后面是省略形式,要与前面相对应,这里就相当于 let alone gotten a divorce, gotten 确实是与 thought 对应的。

politic 和 political的区别

politic[5pClitik]adj.策略性的political[pE5litikEl]adj.政治的, 行政上的


politicadj.1.精明的;有策略的例:an astute and politic statesman一个老谋深算的政治家2.狡猾的;不择手段的3.(计划、言行等)考虑周到的4.【古】政治的vi.1.进行竞选活动,拉选票politicaladj.1.政治的;政治上的例:political cartoonists are good at making light of politicians.他的政治思想走了极端.political views政治观点2.政党的;党派的3.国家的;政府的;行政的4.对政治感兴趣的首先两者在解释上有一定差异,politic较强调主观具有的特性主要指人,political则是客观事物某种特性.多指事物.在词性上两者都可以做形容词...但politic还可以做动词political则不能





politic political politics区别

形容词“精明的”、/ 形容词“政治的”、/ 名词“政治”

Cream的《Politician》 歌词

歌曲名:Politician歌手:Cream专辑:Wheels Of FireSwitchfoot - Politicians(Oh, Oh, Oh,)Everything is broken,Everything is broken,Everything is breaking down, breaking downEverything is bleeding,Everything is bleeding,Everything is breaking down, breaking downI pledge allegiance to a country without borders,Without Politicians,Watching for my sky to get torn apartWe are broken, we are bitter, we"re the problem,We"re the Politicians,Watching for our sky to get torn apart(Come on and break me)Entropy and aching,Where have we been aiming?Everything is fading now,Fading nowWe are the faded,Splintered and sedatedEverything is fading now,Fading nowI pledge allegiance to a country without borders,Without Politicians,Watching for my sky to get torn apartWe are broken, we are bitter, we"re the problem,We"re the Politicians,Watching for our sky to get torn apart(Come on and break me)(Come on and break me)Oh!Oh!I pledge allegiance to a country without borders,Without Politicians,Politicians,Politicians,I am broken, I am bitter!I"m the problem, I"m the Politician,Watching for my sky to get torn apart(Come on and break me)(Come on and break me)http://music.baidu.com/song/7552366

statesman 和politicians在语义上的区别

politician和statesman的字面意义都是"政治家",但实际上politician往往用于贬义,表示"政客"之意,双解词典对其解释是"a person who takes part in or is much interested in politics, who is in politics merely for personal gain and self-interest",表示褒义的"政治家",通常用statesman,其英语释义为:"a person with wisdom and skill in managing the affairs of state"望采纳啦!!


politicadj.1. 精明的;有策略的例:an astute and politic statesman一个老谋深算的政治家2. 狡猾的;不择手段的3. (计划、言行等)考虑周到的4. 【古】政治的vi.1. 进行竞选活动,拉选票politicaladj.1. 政治的;政治上的例:political cartoonists are good at making light of politicians. 他的政治思想走了极端。political views政治观点2. 政党的;党派的3. 国家的;政府的;行政的4. 对政治感兴趣的首先两者在解释上有一定差异,politic较强调主观具有的特性主要指人,political则是客观事物某种特性.多指事物.在词性上两者都可以做形容词...但politic还可以做动词political则不能这是本人的理解....希望对你有用...

statesman 和politicians在语义上的区别

politician,statesman这两个名词均可表示“政治家”之意politician 指有才能的职业政治家或政坛人物。在美国英语中,多含贬——特指玩弄阴谋、勾心斗角以谋以私利的政客、政治骗子。statesman与politician 相反,,常用于,指有远见,为国为民的正派的政治,既着重才,又侧重身居要职罗尔斯关于“政治家”(statesman)与“政客”(politician)之间区别的如下刻画也值得一提:“政治家必须关注的是政治世界,在极端情形下,必须有能力把他或她效力的那个良序政权的利益,与他或她作为个人当作生活准则的那些宗教的、哲学的或道德的学说区分开来.”尤其重要的,罗尔斯称自己的万民法设想为一种“现实主义的乌托邦,并对此作了很具有康德精神的阐述。在罗尔斯看来,这种乌托邦固然还只是一种可能性,而可能性既不等于逻辑可能性,也不等于历史必然性,但乌托邦设想之所以重要,是因为可能性如果被意识到了,就会发生实际作。信念会产生希望,希望会影响我们的行动:“因为只要我们出于好的理由相,一个自我维持的合理地正义的政治社会秩,在国内和在国外都是可能,我们就能合理地希,我们或别人在某日某地会达到这个目,于是我们就能为了追求这种实现而做些什么”

politics/politician 这 英语单词怎么念?








主板型号 技嘉 G41MT-S2PT 芯片组 英特尔 4 Series 芯片组 - ICH

主板代码的识别现将一些有关代码列出。   通常情况下,当显卡的信息过后,显示的便是系统信息了。主板的型号一般在第三行,例如:TRM-P5MVP-A4-V1.01(此例中TRM实际上是主板牌子的缩写,不过有时候也不一定),而最下面一行显示的则是主板的主要信息,例如:07/30/1998/-VP3-586B-W877-2A5LETGAC-00,其中W877是主板采用的I/O芯片型号,接下来的2A5LETGAC才是最重要的信息显示,2A5LE代表主板采用的是VIA?Apollo?MVP3芯片组,TG是主板厂商代码,此处代表Tekram(建邦),至于AC则代表主板型号。芯片组代码:2A69K:Intel?440BX?芯片组2A69J:Intel?440LX?芯片组?2A69H:?Intel?440FX?芯片组2A59C:?Intel?Triton?FX?芯片组2A59F:?Intel?Triton?II?HX?芯片组2A59G:?Intel?Triton?VX?芯片组2A59H:?Intel?Triton?VX?芯片组2A59I:?Intel?Triton?TX?芯片组2A59A:?Intel?Natoma?(Neptune)?芯片组2A597:?Intel?Mercury?芯片组2A59B:?Intel?Mercury?芯片组2B59A:?Intel?Neptune?EISA?芯片组2A5C7:?VIA?VT82C570?芯片组2A5G7:?VLSI?VL82C594?芯片组2A5GB:?VLSI?Lynx?VL82C541/VL82C5432A5IA:?SiS?501/02/03?芯片组2A5IC:?SiS?5501/02/03?芯片组2A5ID:?SiS?5511/12/13?芯片组2A5IE:?SiS?5101-5103?芯片组2A5IF:?SiS?5596?芯片组2A5IH:?SiS?5571?芯片组2A5II:?SiS?5598?芯片组2A5IK:?SiS?5591?芯片组2A5KB:?Ali?1449/61/51?芯片组2A5KC:?目前未知2A5KF:?ALI?1521/23?芯片组2A5KI:?ALI?IV+?M1531/M1543?芯片组?(Super?TX?芯片组)2A5LA:?VIA?Apollo?VP1?芯片组?(VT82C580VP)?(?VXPro?芯片组)2A5LC:?VIA?Apollo?VP2?芯片组?(AMD640?芯片组)?2A5LD:?VIA?VPX?芯片组?(?VXPro+?芯片组)?2A5LE:?VIA?Apollo?(M)VP32A5L7:?VIA?VT82C570?2A5L9:?VIA?VT82C570M2A5R5:?Forex?601A-613?芯片组2A5UI:?Opti?82C822/596/597?芯片组2A5UL:?Opti?82C822/571/572?芯片组2A5UM:?Opti?82C822/546/547?芯片组2A5UN:?OptiViper-M82C556/557/558|Viper?82C556/557/558芯片组2A5X7:?UMC?82C890?芯片组2A5X8:?UMC?UM8886BF/UM8891BF/UM8892BF?芯片组2A4H2:?Contaq?82C596-9?芯片组2A4IB:?SiS?496/497?芯片组2A4KC:?Ali?1439/45/31?芯片组2A4KD:?Ali?1489?芯片组2A4L4:?VIA?486A/482/505?芯片组2A4L6:?VIA?496/406/505?芯片组2A4UK:?OPTI-802G-822?芯片组2A4X5:?UMC?8881/8886?芯片组2C403:?EFAR?EC802G-B?芯片组2C4I8:?SiS?471B/E?芯片组2C4I9:?SIS?85C471B/E/G?芯片组2C4K9:?ALI?14296?芯片组2C4J6:?目前未知2C4L2:?VIA?82C486A?芯片组2C4L6:?VIA?VT496G?芯片组2C4UK:?OPTI?-?802G2C4X2:?UMC?UM82C491/82C493?芯片组2C4X6:?UMC?UM498F/496F2A431:?Cyrix?5510?芯片组?(MediaGx)? 厂商代码:A0?ASUS(华硕)A1?Abit(Silicon?Star)(升技)A2?Atrend?(中凌)A3?ASI?(Aquarius?Systems?Inc.)A7?Arima?Twn?AB?AOpen?(建基)AD?AmaquestAM?MirageB0?Biostar?(映泰)B3?BCMC1?ClevoC2?ChiconyC3?Chaintech?(承启)C5?ChapletC9?ComputrendCF?FlagpointD0?Dataexpert?(联讯)D1?DTK?(创宏)D2?Digital?(DEC)D3?DigicomD4?DFI(钻石)E1?ECS?(Elitegroup)?(磐英)E3?EFAE4?ESPCoE6?ElonexEC?ENPCF0?FIC?(FICA)?(大众)F2?Free?TechF3?Full?Yes?(福扬)F5?FugutechF9?FordlianFD?DataExpert?or?Atima?or?GCT?(联讯)FH?AmptronFN?AmptronG0?Giga-byte(技嘉)G3?GemlightG9?Global?Circuit?TechnologyH0?Hsin-TechH2?HOLCO?(Shuttle)I3?IWill?(艾威)I4?InventaI5?InformtechJ1?Jetway?(Jetboard,?Acorp)?(捷波)J2?JamiconJ3?J-Bond(捷波)J4?Jetta?J6?JossK0?KapokK1?KameiL1?Lucky?StarM0?MatraM2?Mycomp?(TMC)?and?Megastar?(皇朝/麦肯)M3?MitacM4?Micro-star(微星)M8?MustekM9?MLEN5?NEC?O0?Ocean?(Octek)(海洋)P1?PC-Chips?(明致)P4?Asus(华硕)P8?AzzaP9?PowertechPA?Epox?(Pronix)?(磐英)PC?PineQ0?Quanta?(Twn)Q1?QDI(联想)R0?Mtech?(Rise)R2?RectronS2?Soyo?(梅捷)S5?Shuttle?(Holco)S9?Spring?CircleSA?SeanixSC?Sukjung?(Auhua?Electronics?Co.?Ltd.)SE?SMT?(Sundance?Multiprocessor?Technology?Ltd)SH?SYE?(Shing?Yunn?Technology?Co.,?Ltd.)SM?San-Li?and?Hope?Vision?SN?Soltek?(硕泰克)T0?Twinhead(伦飞)T1?Taemung?or?FentechT4?TakenT5?TyanT6?TrigenTB?TotemTG?Tekram(建邦)TJ?TotemTP?Commate,?OzzoU0?U-BoardU2?AIR?(UHC)U6?UnitronV3?Vtech?(PCPartner)V5?Vision?Top?TechnologyV6?VobisV7?YKM?(distribution?by?Dayton?Micron)W0?Wintec?(Edom)Z1?Zida?(Tomato?boards</TABLE>请采纳。

steam上未转变者点开服务器显示出your econ ticket failed to serialize?然后就没办法进服务器。

很多种可能 第一:游戏更新了 服务器没更新 导致进不去 第二:被ban了 可能开挂被管理员封了 不过提示不是这个 第三:名字的问题 里面不可以有々《 这种符号 第四:网络延迟 一般要试三次才能进去 望采纳

C# 用Serialize方法序列化后“&”字符变成Unicode字符“u0026”


The light is on.There must be someone in the office??? 请各位不要所问非所答!!!

1.the light is on.是个独立的句子,它并不是原因状语.2.there be句型的形式主语当然是there,其实理解起来是someone.3.in the office既然是地点状语,在此句中修饰动词be.有什么异义,不吝赐教.

Keith Wonderboy Johnson & The Spiritual Voices的《Thank You》 歌词

歌曲名:Thank You歌手:Keith Wonderboy Johnson & The Spiritual Voices专辑:Send A RevivalLeah Dizon - Thank you作词∶Leah Dizon/白井裕纪作曲∶STYOh... happy days for you and meずっと侧にいてくれて上手く伝わるかな?何度も 言うよ 君に「ありがとう」Oh... happy days for you and meFrom the bottom of my heartずっと侧にいてくれてWith your love I can do anything上手く伝わるかな?I wanna express my gratitude何度も 言うよ 君に「ありがとう」Thank you沢山の笑颜と 爱をくれたから 歩いて来れたよ私が 感じてる気持ちは こんな言叶じゃまだ 足り无いけどStaring through my window paneI could only see the rain悲しみの雨が降ってもThe rain that caused so much painThe same rain washed my tears awayもう一人きりじゃないからOh... happy days for you and meFrom the bottom of my heartずっと侧にいてくれてWith your love I can do anything上手く伝わるかな?I wanna express my gratitude何度も 言うよ 君に「ありがとう」Thank youうわさ话に 流されず どんな时も 信じてくれたStaring through my window paneI could only see the rainたとえ伤ついたとしてもThe rain that caused so much painThe same rain washed my tears away笑って涙にさよならOh... happy days for you and meFrom the bottom of my heartもう怖くなんかないよWith your love I can do anything今、心を込めてI wanna express my gratitude何度も 言うよ「いつも(君に)ありがとう」青く辉く空に通り雨が降る。けど、でも心配はしないで七色に染まる虹を探そうOh... happy days for you and meずっと侧にいてくれて上手く伝わるかな?何度も 言うよ 君に「ありがとう」Oh... happy days for you and meFrom the bottom of my heartもう怖くなんかないよWith your love I can do anything今、心を込めてI wanna express my gratitude何度も 言うよ「いつも(君に)ありがとう」http://music.baidu.com/song/8251539

-lcrypto -lexpat -liconv这些参数都是什么意思呀?

-lcrypto 等 是指链接 crypto等库-L 指定库文件的目录

不可思议/wonderboy怎么死的 就是Pellicule的歌手




altium添加原理图的封装时无法找到Miscellaneous Devices库,但library里能看到这个库

很简单呢,先找到Miscellaneous Devices库的路径,打开altium,用file-open-打开库,将库拖到与PCB文件同一个工程下即可


在 Microsoft Visual FoxPro 中实现逻辑删除操作,有以下两种方式:1. 添加一列记录标记通过在数据表中添加一个记录标记标识符,可以对记录进行逻辑删除。具体操作步骤如下: - 在数据表中添加一个名为“DELETED”的逻辑型字段,默认值为false。 - 在数据表中创建一个名为“DELETE”或“REMOVE”的查询(query),满足删除操作的条件,如“DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition”。 - 在应用程序的业务逻辑中,代替物理删除操作,将这个记录标记字段设置为true,表示这条记录处于删除状态,但实际上数据表中仍保留该记录和其数据。 - 在数据表中查询数据时,过滤掉那些deleted字段为true的记录。2. 在物理表中保留已删除记录另一个实现逻辑删除的方法是在数据表中添加一个包含已删除记录的物理表,并使用联接查询(join query)过滤掉已删除的记录。具体步骤如下: - 在数据表中添加一个名为“DELETED_DATA”或“HISTORY”的物理表,用于存储删除的记录信息。 - 在数据表中创建一个名为“DELETE”或“REMOVE”的查询(query),满足删除操作的条件,如“DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition”。 - 在应用程序的业务逻辑中,代替物理删除操作,将删除的记录复制到“DELETED_DATA”表中,并在数据表中从数据表中删除这条记录。 - 在查询数据时,通过联接查询(join query)将“DELETED_DATA”表与数据表联接起来。这样查询时,被删除的记录也能够被查询出来。需要注意的是,无论是哪种方式,都需要对应用程序中的相关业务逻辑进行调整,确保数据的正确性和完整性。

安装protel99后,原理图没有没有默认库Miscellaneous Devices怎么办



miscellaneous indication网络指示网络释义1.指示...25.0 最大斜偏指示 User Input 用户指示 ( Miscellaneous Indication) (其他指示) 表3-3 H.245基本指示消息 消息英文名称 消息中...

用nice,the,year ,weather,is,all,round 连词成句子

the weather is nice all year

帮手作一作个acrostic poem...

更新1: 快快快~~~ 唔该晒~~~ Christmas is my favourite time of year. Happiness is the meaning of the holiday season. Relatives e from near and far. Icicles make the world glisten and shine. Snow is falling softly. The tree is decorated with sparkling lights. Mom is in the kitchen baking cookies And I am waiting for Santa to arrive. Christ was born on Christmas Day. Holidays are special. Reindeer tow Santa"s sled. Icicles hang off my roof. Snow es in December. Trees are decorated in our homes for Christmas. Mummers go door to door singing Christmas carols. Angels are in the Christmas play. Santa drinks a lot of fanta. Celebrating has begun. Ho ho ho Santa is singing aloud. Reindeer in running too fast. Is rosy Santa frost-bitten or just exhausted? Something must be wrong with him. Too much Union Beer I guess. Mornings remember always bring haner And never-ending headaches! Santa Santa next time you should drink Fanta! Chimney is ready for you dear Santa Hurry up with the Christmas presents! Reindeer is waiting for you Ice-blink is showing you the way Snowflakes are falling Trees are inkling in the snowy park Magic music is all round us Angels are singing about you and Starry Christmas Eve. Candles are lit. Houses are fit. Ready for Christmas. Imagining heaps of ts. Santa is ing. Through the chimney. Magic is in the air. Are you ready? Santa is ing. C hrist Jesus - the Lamb of GOd! H ear! R ound the earth the message: I mmanuel S on of God - T o us born as Messiah; M erry Christmas we wish you A Happy New Year with hope S ing Hallelujah Chorus! C Christ"s ing to Earth H Hailed as new born King Holy R Risen Lord righteous redeemer I Intercedes for us as S Spiritual Saviour to save sinners souls T Time for Truth Trust Trinity M Man"s belief in God of Love A As Father Son and Holy Spirit S Shall be saved Glossary icicles (n) long thin pointed piece of ice hanging from a roof or other surface 冰柱;垂冰 Mummers (n) actors in a simple traditional play that does not have words 哑剧演员 Messiah (n) 救世主耶稣 / (犹太人盼望的复国救主)弥赛亚 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: englishstudy.info 祝您好运! C is for clever H is for helpful R is for race I is for ice-ceam S is for softly T is or tried M is for making un A is for apple S is for silly 参考: m

sms verification code是什么意思

意思是:短信验证码。重点词汇:verification。英[veru026afu026a'keu026au0283n]释义:n.证实,证明,核实;(哲)(通过实证方法对命题)证实;(确保裁减武器协议所规定程序得以执行的)核查。短语:formal verification形式验证;形式化验证;正式验证;[数]形式证明。词语辨析:law,constitution,regulation,code,rule,act。这些名词均有“法同,法规”之意。1、law普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。2、constitution指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。3、regulation普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。4、code指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。5、rule通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。6、act指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ufeffChapter4

They were indeed a queer-looking party that assembled (聚集) on the bank--the birds with draggled (拖湿) feathers, the animals with their fur clinging (紧贴) close to them, and all dripping wet, cross, and uncomfortable.The first question of course was, how to get dry again: they had a consultation about this, and after a few minutes it seemed quite natural to Alice to find herself talking familiarly (亲密地) with them, as if she had known them all her life. Indeed, she had quite a long argument with the Lory (小鹦鹉), who at last turned sulky (生气的), and would only say, “I am older than you, and must know better”; and this Alice would not allow without knowing how old it was, and, as the Lory positively refused to tell its age, there was no more to be said.鹦鹉小.jpg At last the Mouse, who seemed to be a person of authority among them, called out, “Sit down, all of you, and listen to me! I"ll soon make you dry enough!” They all sat down at once, in a large ring, with the Mouse in the middle. Alice kept her eyes anxiously fixed (注视) on it, for she felt sure she would catch a bad cold if she did not get dry very soon. “Ahem!” said the Mouse with an important air, “are you all ready? This is the driest thing I know. Silence all round, if you please! ‘William the Conqueror, whose cause was favoured by the pope, was soon submitted to by the English, who wanted leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation (篡夺) and conquest. Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria--"” “Ugh!” said the Lory, with a shiver. “I beg your pardon!” said the Mouse, frowning (皱眉), but very politely: “Did you speak?”老鼠小.jpg “Not I!” said the Lory hastily. “I thought you did,” said the Mouse. “--I proceed. ‘Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria, declared for him: and even Stigand, the patriotic (爱国的) archbishop (大主教) of Canterbury, found it advisable (可取的)--"” “Found what?” said the Duck. “Found it,” the Mouse replied rather crossly (生气地): “of course you know what ‘it" means.” “I know what ‘it" means well enough, when I find a thing,” said the Duck: “it"s generally a frog or a worm. The question is, what did the archbishop find?” The Mouse did not notice this question, but hurriedly went on, “‘--found it advisable to go with Edgar Atheling to meet William and offer him the crown (王冠). William"s conduct at first was moderate (温和的;适度的). But the insolence (傲慢) of his Normans--" How are you getting on now, my dear?” it continued, turning to Alice as it spoke. “As wet as ever,” said Alice in a melancholy (忧郁的) tone: “it doesn"t seem to dry me at all.” “In that case,” said the Dodo solemnly (严肃地), rising to its feet, “I move that the meeting adjourn (休会), for the immediate adoption of more energetic remedies (补救)--” “Speak English!” said the Eaglet. “I don"t know the meaning of half those long words, and, what"s more, I don"t believe you do either!” And the Eaglet bent down its head to hide a smile: some of the other birds tittered (偷笑) audibly (可听见地). “What I was going to say,” said the Dodo in an offended tone, “was, that the best thing to get us dry would be a Caucus-race (会议式赛跑).” “What is a Caucus-race?” said Alice; not that she wanted much to know, but the Dodo had paused as if it thought that somebody ought to speak, and no one else seemed inclined to say anything. “Why,” said the Dodo, “the best way to explain it is to do it.” (And, as you might like to try the thing yourself, some winter day, I will tell you how the Dodo managed it.) First it marked out a race-course (赛跑路线), in a sort of circle, (“the exact shape doesn"t matter,” it said,) and then all the party were placed along the course, here and there. There was no “One, two, three, and away,” but they began running when they liked, and left off when they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over. However, when they had been running half an hour or so, and were quite dry again, the Dodo suddenly called out “The race is over!” and they all crowded round it, panting (喘息), and asking, “But who has won?” This question the Dodo could not answer without a great deal of thought, and it stood for a long time with one finger pressed upon its forehead (the position in which you usually see Shakespeare, in the pictures of him), while the rest waited in silence. At last the Dodo said, “everybody has won, and all must have prizes.” “But who is to give the prizes?” quite a chorus (齐声) of voices asked. “Why, she, of course,” said the Dodo, pointing to Alice with one finger; and the whole party at once crowded round her, calling out in a confused way, “Prizes! Prizes!” Alice had no idea what to do, and in despair she put her hand in her pocket, and pulled out a box of comfits (糖果), (luckily the salt water had not got into it), and handed them round as prizes. There was exactly one a-piece all round. “But she must have a prize herself, you know,” said the Mouse. “Of course,” the Dodo replied very gravely. “What else have you got in your pocket?” it went on, turning to Alice. “Only a thimble (顶针),” said Alice sadly. “Hand it over here,” said the Dodo. Then they all crowded round her once more, while the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying “We beg your acceptance of this elegant thimble”; and, when it had finished this short speech, they all cheered. Alice thought the whole thing very absurd (荒谬的), but they all looked so grave that she did not dare to laugh; and, as she could not think of anything to say, she simply bowed, and took the thimble, looking as solemn as she could. The next thing was to eat the comfits: this caused some noise and confusion, as the large birds complained that they could not taste theirs, and the small ones choked and had to be patted on the back. However, it was over at last, and they sat down again in a ring, and begged the Mouse to tell them something more. “You promised to tell me your history, you know,” said Alice, “and why it is you hate--C and D,” she added in a whisper, half afraid that it would be offended again. “Mine is a long and a sad tale (故事)!” said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing. “It is a long tail, certainly,” said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse"s tail; “but why do you call it sad?” And she kept on puzzling about it while the Mouse was speaking, so that her idea of the tale was something like this: -- “Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, ‘Let us both go tolaw: I willprosecute you. --Come,I"ll take no denial; We must have a trial: Forreally this morning I"ve nothing to do."Said the mouse to the cur, ‘Sucha trial, dear Sir,With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath." ‘I"ll be judge, I"ll be jury,"Said cunning old Fury:‘I"ll try the whole cause, and condemn youto death."” “You are not attending!” said the Mouse to Alice severely. “What are you thinking of?” “I beg your pardon,” said Alice very humbly: “you had got to the fifth bend, I think?” “I had not!” cried the Mouse, sharply and very angrily. “A knot!” said Alice, always ready to make herself useful, and looking anxiously about her. “Oh, do let me help to undo it!” “I shall do nothing of the sort,” said the Mouse, getting up and walking away. “You insult (侮辱) me by talking such nonsense!” “I didn"t mean it!” pleaded poor Alice. “But you"re so easily offended, you know!” The Mouse only growled in reply. “Please come back and finish your story!” Alice called after it; and the others all joined in chorus, “Yes, please do!” but the Mouse only shook its head impatiently, and walked a little quicker. “What a pity it wouldn"t stay!” sighed the Lory, as soon as it was quite out of sight; and an old Crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter “Ah, my dear! Let this be a lesson to you never to lose your temper!” “Hold your tongue, Ma!” said the young Crab, a little snappishly. “You"re enough to try the patience of an oyster (牡蛎)!”


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Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library是什么意思

中文应该叫做“公共语言运行时”,高级语言平台。至于你的那个错误提示,我觉得应该是C:Program FilesChinaNetVnetclient.exe程序作的兼容性不够好。

错误如何解决?Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library!runtime error . program:E:神鬼寓言.exe


打开游戏霸王2出现Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library


office 2003 打开出现runtime error

Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library是微软系统自带的c++运行库,以我的xp系统为例,主要有msvcp50.dll、msvcp60.dll、MSVCP60D.DLL、msvci70.dll、msvcp70.dll、msvcp71.dll你可以搜索分区c中的msvc*.dll来找到它们,描述中有Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library就是搜索时可以看到,很多应用软件都自带了这些运行库,所以也有可能是你的这个出错的程序自带的c++运行库有问题,所以先着重检查瑞星防火墙C:PROGRAM FILESRISINGRFWRFWSRV.EXE所在文件夹内的运行库检查这些文件,并用正常机器上的同名文件替换,替换时要把C:WINDOWSsystem32dllcache中存在的相同文件清除,否则系统会覆盖回去

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error!


打开CAD图纸时出现microsoft visual c++ runtime library。Program:CProgram FilesAutoCAD2004acad.exe



主要区别,以及适用场合如下:1)div在html早期版本就支持了,section和article是html5提出的两个语义化标签。如果只是针对一个块内容做样式化,三者并无区别。2)作为语义化标签,section 应用的典型场景有文章的章节、标签对话框中的标签页、或者论文中有编号的部分。一般来说,当元素内容明确地出现在文档大纲中时,section 就是适用的。3)对于article标签来说,无论从结构上还是内容上来说,article 本身就是独立的、完整的。有个最简单的判断方法是看这段内容脱离了所在的语境,是否还是完整的、独立的,如果是,则应该用article标签。4)div section article ,语义是从无到有,逐渐增强的。div 无任何语义,仅仅用作样式化或者脚本化,对于一段主题性的内容,则就适用 section,而假如这段内容可以脱离上下文,作为完整的独立存在的一段内容,则就适用 article。原则上来说,能使用 article 的时候,也是可以使用 section 的,但是实际上,假如使用 article 更合适,那么就不要使用 section 。上面内容都是从“蓝色理想”里一篇讲html5的语义化标签内容中总结的,有兴趣你可以百度搜一下,再仔细看看。


section和article是html5提出的两个语义化标签。如果只是针对一个块内容做样式化,二者并无区别。作为语义化标签,section 应用的典型场景有文章的章节、标签对话框中的标签页、或者论文中有编号的部分。一般来说,当元素内容明确地出现在文档大纲中时,section 就是适用的。对于article标签来说,无论从结构上还是内容上来说,article 本身就是独立的、完整的。有个最简单的判断方法是看这段内容脱离了所在的语境,是否还是完整的、独立的,如果是,则应该用article标签。


Time 主语 flies谓语 quickly.状语主谓结构的简单句

Americans think a great deal about time. From childhood they learn to value(珍惜)time. As childr

小题1:C小题1:C小题1:C小题1:C小题1:C 小题1:细节计算题。根据文中“A working American has to work hard for 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.”可计算出一个美国工人每周工作五天。故选C。小题1:细节理解题。根据文中“In the street you can hardly see a man who walks slowly.”可知美国人走路非常的快。故选C。小题1:细节理解题。通过文中“When a person is dying, they say he is living on borrowed time.”可知答案选C。小题1:细节理解题。通过文中“In his free time, he also works hard for more money.” 可知答案选C。小题1:细节理解题。通过文中“But sometimes they also hate time, for they feel they have become servants(仆人)of the clock.”可知C项描述的不正确。故选C。

article 、section和 clause的区别


section area district zone这四个单词间的区别(急)

district,region,area,section,zone, 这些名词均有“地区”之意. district多指由政府等机构出于行政管理等目的而明确划分的地区. region常指地球上、大气中具有自然分界线的区域,特指按照气候、人体或其他特征鲜明、自成一体的地区. area普通用词,指整体中较大的,界线不分明的一部分. section指城市、国家或天然界线形成的地区. zone科技用词,指圆形或弧形地带,尤指地图上按温度划分的五个地带.用作一般意义时,也可指具有某种特征的其它地区.




divHTML Spec: “The div element has no special meaning at all.”这个标签是我们见得最多、用得最多的一个标签。本身没有任何语义,用作布局以及样式化或脚本的钩子(hook)。sectionHTML Spec: “The section element represents a generic section of a document or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading.”与 div 的无语义相对,简单地说 section 就是带有语义的 div 了,但是千万不要觉得真得这么简单。section 表示一段专题性的内容,一般会带有标题。看到这里,我们也许会想到,那么一篇博客文章,或者一条单独的评论岂不是正好可以用 section 吗?接着看:“Authors are encouraged to use the article element instead of the section element when it would make sense to syndicate the contents of the elemen.”当元素内容聚合起来更加言之有物时,应该使用 article 来替换 section 。那么,section 应该什么时候用呢?再接着看:“Examples of sections would be chapters, the various tabbed pages in a tabbed dialog box, or the numbered sections of a thesis. A Web site"s home page could be split into sections for an introduction, news items, and contact information.”section 应用的典型场景有文章的章节、标签对话框中的标签页、或者论文中有编号的部分。一个网站的主页可以分成简介、新闻和联系信息等几部分。其实我对这里传达信息很感兴趣,因为感觉 section 和下面要介绍的 artilce 更加适用于模块化应用,这个话题以后会出篇专门的文章来讨论,这里暂时略过。要注意,W3C 还警告说:“The section element is not a generic container element. When an element is needed for styling purposes or as a convenience for scripting, authors are encouraged to use the div element instead. A general rule is that the section element is appropriate only if the element"s contents would be listed explicitly in the document"s outline.”section 不仅仅是一个普通的容器标签。当一个标签只是为了样式化或者方便脚本使用时,应该使用 div 。一般来说,当元素内容明确地出现在文档大纲中时,section 就是适用的。
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