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请问,有没有哪位好心的GGMM写了外语名著的文献综述的啊,能否帖出来看一下,好让我看一下格式!THANKS A LOT!

目录(2号,宋体,加粗)一、台州学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告表 (4号,宋体)二、台州学院毕业设计(论文)任务书三、台州学院毕业设计(论文)文献综述四、台州学院毕业设计(论文)正文论文题目1. 中国服装发展现状2. 品牌策略3. The Features of CAI in English Teaching 4. Conclusion五、谢辞文献综述(黑体,小2号)题目:浅谈英语委婉语的语用意义(中文:黑体,3号;英文:Times New Roman,小2号)摘要(黑体,小5号):委婉语是人们在社会交往中为谋求理想。。。(宋体/ Times New Roman,小5号)关键词(黑体,小5号):语言;文化;委婉语; 合作原则(宋体/ Times New Roman,小5号)一、国内外研究现状(中文:黑体,小4号;英文:Times New Roman,4号)国内外有关委婉语研究的 。。。。。。(中文:宋体,5号;英文:Times New Roman,小4号;行距1.5倍)参考文献:(黑体,小4号)[1]束定芳. 委婉语新探[J]. 外国语, 1989,3:101-102.(宋体,小5号)[2]托马斯u2022艾略特.荒原[M].中国翻译名家自选集u2022赵萝蕤卷[M].北京:中国工人出版社,1995.3.[3]Grice, H.P. Logic and Conversation [M]. New York: Academic Press, 1975.(Times New Roman,小5号)

好听的新歌推荐些 THANK YOU 不限风格 不限国界

C5 4.5 舞王传说《不知火舞家族》家族宣传片:※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※上海新!ST《耀眼的你》(Can)NARNIA 黑猫警长+黄猫新!宠舞《具智星的坏男人》(具智星)NARNIA 黑猫警长+黄猫 ※歌曲中跳出并调试16页《梦的预见》(Brandy)33页《在我之前》(Enjel)21页《不懂ing》(2AM)24页《Jingle Jingle Bells》(Bless) 《你的爱》(Tiara)27页《I Like Choco》(金正恩)39页《月牙湾》(飞儿乐团)40页《不可避免的爱情》(酷龙)42页《那么爱你为什么》(turbo always)43页《sunny》(张佑赫)47页《I NEED YOU》(麻吉弟弟) 《桃花朵朵开》(阿牛) 6页《香水》(徐佳莹) 36页《I Love You》(Eight) 37页《下雪的夜晚》(神话) 45页《孤单芭蕾》(李贞贤) 《Luxury》(Han Nah) 《月光光》(关智斌) 46页《jewel song》(宝儿) 9页《Rain》(YUI) 15页《爱的抱抱》(郭书瑶) ※声音不知火舞 23页《I"m So Sorry》(我不管家族)新!普通《挥霍世间的爱》(朴诗研)NARNIA 黑猫警长+黄猫自由 7页《Visual Dream》(少女时代)NARNIA 黑猫警长+黄猫 ※声音不知火舞反键 33页《Go!!》(Rhymer)NARNIA 黑猫警长+黄猫炫舞 1页《One Love》(Super Junior 银赫 KRY)NARNIA 黑猫警长+黄猫激鼓普通 1页《连哭都是我的错》(东来东往)NARNIA 黑猫警长+黄猫※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※抬弯新!ST《コネクト》(ClariS)NARNIA 小黑 ※声音不知火舞新!普通《具智星的坏男人》(具智星)NARNIA 小黑 ※歌曲中跳出 新!《010-7120-7984》(殆死悲爱)新!自由《红一叶》(巡音)NARNIA 小黑 ※声音不知火舞反键 29页《Super Man》(Mario)NARNIA 小黑 ※声音小黑炫舞 8页《分开旅行》(黄立行vs刘若英)NARNIA 小黑激鼓普通 1页《DNA》(五月天)NARNIA 小黑 ※声音小黑※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※北京新!ST《今天 我爱你(公主的男人OST)》(白智英)NARNIA 小黑新!普通《不分手的恋爱》(汪苏泷)NARNIA 小黑 ※声音小黑新!自由《Star(你迷上了我OST)》(姜敏赫)NARNIA 小黑 ※声音小黑反键 27页《Vogue Girl》(李贞贤)NARNIA 小黑炫舞 6页《淘气女孩》(裴涩琪)NARNIA 小黑 ※声音不知火舞激鼓普通 1页《你的歌》(陶喜)NARNIA 小黑 ※声音小黑※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※黑龙江(登录中)※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※全球争霸赛

好听的新歌推荐些 THANK YOU 不限风格 不限国界

难道 - 夏文婧(个人觉得夏文婧的版本好听,羽泉的也不错,以下都是个人觉得好听的版本)如果没有你 - 苏妙玲棋子 - 方炯镔亲爱的小孩 - 武艺回忆的沙漏 - 邓紫棋哭砂 - 张惠妹Are you the one BurningBecause of you

求切尔西队歌 we thank you sincerely 的歌词


thank you lord歌词谁有。don moen

Thank you, Lord, for what you"ve done for me, yeah! Thank you, Lord, for what you"re doing now. Thank you, Lord, for ev"ry little thing, yeah, yeah! Thank you, Lord, for you made me sing. Say I"m in no competition, But I made my decision. You can keep your opinion: I"m just calling on the wiseman communion.Marley Bob Thank you, Lord, for what you"ve done for me, yeah, yeah, yeah! Thank you, Lord, for what you"re doing now. Thank you, Lord, for ev"ry little thing, yeah, yeah! Thank you, Lord, for you made me sing. Sing along, sing along: I don"t fear their aggression, Just to prove my determination. I don"t yield to temptation; I haven"t learn"t my lesson in Revelation. Thank you, Lord, for what you"ve done for me, yeah-eah-eah! Thank you, Lord, for what you"re doing now. Thank you, Lord, for you made me sing. Sing along, sing along: --- /Trumpet solo/ --- Said, I"m in no competition, But I made my decision. Lord, in my simple way, Comin", comin", comin", comin": I love to pray. Thank you, Lord, for what you"ve done for me, yeah-eah-eah! Thank you, Lord, for what you"re doing now. Thank you, Lord, for ev"ry little thing, yeah, yeah! Thank you, Lord, for you made me sing. Oh-oh-oh-oh!


Hanks:平衡盐溶液—无机盐和葡萄糖浓度接近大部分动植物细胞的水平,可作为动植物细胞短期培养(保存)。Hanks 与细胞生长状态下的pH值、渗透压及无菌状态一致,且配方简单,是组织培养基本用液,常用于配制培养基及其他用液,或洗细胞等,细胞在Hanks中可生存几个小时。GKN:平衡盐缓冲液,为细胞提供一个合适的缓冲环境,也起着调节渗透压的作用。

Hottest在演唱会上唱给2pm的 thank you歌词大意是什么! 饭把歌词改了,所以不要把原译给我,谢谢

This is for my hottest我不知该如何说起任何话语都苍白无力我什么都说不出来因为太过感激不知如何是好我有哪里好千万人中选了我我能做的多么微不足道于是为你创作这首歌So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you我什么也不能为你做只有你在一直付出So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you我才能站在这里你爱着我我知道那有多艰辛你一直在那里真心不变只为了我为什么还停留该会有多么辛苦 为什么还继续在爱我不知道该如何回报你于是为你创作这首歌So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you我什么也不能为你做只有你在一直付出So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you因为有了你的爱我才能站在这里你的那份心意和滑落的眼泪这一切我都不会忘记So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you我什么也不能为你做只有你在一直付出So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you因为有了你的爱我才能站在这里Thank you

how will robots charge our life 写一篇英文作文。thanks。急用


“Thanks! Hey,hottie, How do you always manage to


thanksfor your greeting shayisia 汉语什么意思

感谢您的问候 茜雅沙应该是茜雅沙写的

very wall,thank you and hpw are you?什么意思

Very well,thank you. 我很好,谢谢。(用于回答对方的问好,如How are you)And how are you?你好吗?注意:原句中有拼写错误。

求宫野真守 オルフェ的罗马音.thanks~~

  オルフェ  宫野真守  作曲︰上松范康  作词︰上松范康  Konomunenikizamareta  この胸に刻まれたFirst impact,fast soulbeat  seijakuniyurerumachianjunoutahadokohe  静寂に揺れる街アンジュの呗は何処へ ?  samayottameironohate  彷徨った迷路の果てJustfeeling,justmissing  imakimihananiwonegau  いま君は何を愿う?  Hanaretetemowakaruyo  Sing your song离れててもわかるよ  tsunagatteirusorahahitotsu  Hear my wind 繋がっている 空 は ひとつ  kagirinai bokuraha  限り无いBrand-newsky仆らは  hitorijanaikara  一人じゃないから  Harukanakiminorabusonguhabataite  遥かな君のラブソング羽ばたいて  shinjiyou futarino  信じようShiny days 二人の  Zettaitekinaaino  绝対的な「爱のHeart chain」  We"ll have an innocent dream.Feel me,touch me.  Konokodougamiraidakara  この鼓动が未来だから  sou yoakewomatsusekaihe  そう、夜明けを待つ世界へ…  hibike  响けOrpheus heart  soregatsumidatoshitemo  それが罪だとしてもBelievemypain.Believeyourvoice  Kamawazudakiyosetaikakusaretanamidagoto  构わず抱き寄せたい 隠された 涙ごと  Kamisama hakimaguresa  神様は気まぐれさShakin"minds,shakin"love  naniwotamesoutoshiteiru  何を试そうとしている?  konoomoihakienai  Sing my songこの想いは消えない  tagiruyounaimawokogase  No more cry滚 るような今を焦がせ  tatoehora nijinde  例えほらCloudy sky渗んで  kokoroganaitemo  心が泣いても  taiyounoyounamedehikarasete  太阳のような爱で光らせて  yasashisadeshimaikondakizuato  优しさでしまいこんだ伤痕  issokisudefusagasete  いっそキスで塞がせて  We"ll make the future"s world.Feel me,touch me.  todokimasukakikoemasuka  届キマスカ? 聴コエマスカ?  sononamidawogoete  Sing our song その涙を越えて  futaridakenosorawomezase  Make your wing二人だけの空を目指せ  kagirinai bokuraha  限り无いBrand-newsky仆らは  hitorijanaikara  一人じゃないから  harukanakiminorabusonguhabataite  遥かな君のラブソング羽ばたいて  shinjiyou futarino  信じようShiny days二人の  Zettaitekina aino  绝対的な「爱のHeart chain 」  We"ll have an innocent dream.Feel me,touch me.  konokodougamiraidakara  この鼓动が未来だから  sou yoakewomatsusekaihe  そう、夜明けを待つ世界へ…  hibike  响けOrpheus heart



求Thank you very much.歌曲翻译,一句歌词一句翻译。谢谢!

Thank You Very Much - MargaretSpace calling earth again空间再次呼吁地球Say what快说什么Houston this is the end这条信息来自休斯敦,说完了We"re lost我们走散了Tick tick tick tack滴答滴答滴答Time"s up时间到了Station is shutting down空间站关闭Bad luck运气不好Barberalla meets godzilla芭芭拉遇见哥斯拉Since you invited both, cling to your pantyhose…既然你邀请,准备好你的连裤袜I want to Thank you much我要谢谢各位大大Thank you very Much非常感谢Thank you very much非常感谢I wanna say I"m sorry but I"m really not我想说对不起,但我真的不能说Guess I"ve had enough你可能猜到我已经受够了I"m feeling Dangerous我感觉很危险I wanna say I care, but I"m gonna say我想要说我不在乎,但我会说Fresh out of graitude新的曲风,新的创意It"s gone不见了You suck, like your attitiude你的声音,像你一样丑陋I won我赢了Flake, flakey flakey flake所以我感到So sad伤心I am stirred, but I will not shake我很混乱,但我不会动摇It"s rad我的个性Barbarella she"s a killer芭芭拉,她就像是一个杀手Run to your nanny go, cling to your pantyhose让你去做女仆,穿上你的连裤袜I want to Thank you much我要谢谢各位大大Thank you very Much非常感谢Thank you very much非常感谢I wanna say I"m sorry but I"m really not我想说对不起,但我真的不能说I guess I"ve had enough你可能猜到我已经受够了I"m feeling Dangerous我感觉很危险I wanna say I care, but I"m gonna say我想要说我不在乎,但我会说about this thrilla in Manilla这一回我在马尼拉What goes around my friend, bites you right at the end善有善报,我的朋友,你最好陪我玩到结束I want to Thank you much我要谢谢各位大大Thank you very Much非常感谢Thank you very much非常感谢I wanna say I"m sorry but I"m really not我想说对不起,但我真的不能说I guess I"ve had enough你可能猜到我已经受够了I"m feeling Dangerous我感觉很危险I wanna say I care, but I"m gonna say我想要说我不在乎,但我会说Thank you very Much非常感谢Thank you very much非常感谢I wanna say I"m sorry but I"m really not我想说对不起,但我真的不能说I guess I"ve had enough你可能猜到我已经受够了I"m feeling Dangerous我感觉很危险I wanna say I care, but I"m gonna say我想要说我不在乎,但我会说I want to Thank you much我要谢谢各位大大

求关于thanksgiving day的英文介绍~

分类: 生活 >> 交通出行 解析: The Pilgrims who sailed to this country aboard the Mayflower were originally members of the English Separatist Church (a Puritan sect). They had earlier fled their home in England and sailed to Holland (The Netherlands) to escape religious persecution. There, they enjoyed more religious tolerance, but they eventually became disenchanted with the Dutch way of life, thinking it ungodly. Seeking a better life, the Separatists negotiated with a London stock pany to finance a pilgrimage to America. Most of those making the trip aboard the Mayflower were non-Separatists, but were hired to protect the pany"s interests. Only about one-third of the original colonists were Separatists. The Pilgrims set ground at Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620. Their first winter was devastating. At the beginning of the following fall, they had lost 46 of the original 102 who sailed on the Mayflower. But the harvest of 1621 was a bountiful one. And the remaining colonists decided to celebrate with a feast -- including 91 Indians who had helped the Pilgrims survive their first year. It is believed that the Pilgrims would not have made it through the year without the help of the natives. The feast was more of a traditional English harvest festival than a true "thanksgiving" observance. It lasted three days. Governor William Bradford sent "four men fowling" after wild ducks and geese. It is not certain that wild turkey was part of their feast. However, it is certain that they had venison. The term "turkey" was used by the Pilgrims to mean any sort of wild fowl. Another modern staple at almost every Thanksgiving table is pumpkin pie. But it is unlikely that the first feast included that treat. The supply of flour had been long diminished, so there was no bread or pastries of any kind. However, they did eat boiled pumpkin, and they produced a type of fried bread from their corn crop. There was also no milk, cider, potatoes, or butter. There was no domestic cattle for dairy products, and the newly-discovered potato was still considered by many Europeans to be poisonous. But the feast did include fish, berries, watercress, lobster, dried fruit, clams, venison, and plums. This "thanksgiving" feast was not repeated the following year. But in 1623, during a severe drought, the pilgrims gathered in a prayer service, praying for rain. When a long, steady rain followed the very next day, Governor Bradford proclaimed another day of Thanksgiving, again inviting their Indian friends. It wasn"t until June of 1676 that another Day of Thanksgiving was proclaimed. On June 20, 1676, the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, held a meeting to determine how best to express thanks for the good fortune that had seen their munity securely established. By unanimous vote they instructed Edward Rawson, the clerk, to proclaim June 29 as a day of thanksgiving. It is notable that this thanksgiving celebration probably did not include the Indians, as the celebration was meant partly to be in recognition of the colonists" recent victory over the "heathen natives," (see the proclamation). October of 1777 marked the first time that all 13 colonies joined in a thanksgiving celebration. It also memorated the patriotic victory over the British at Saratoga. But it was a one-time affair. Gee Washington proclaimed a National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789, although some were opposed to it. There was discord among the colonies, many feeling the hardships of a few Pilgrims did not warrant a national holiday. And later, President Thomas Jefferson scoffed at the idea of having a day of thanksgiving. It was Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor, whose efforts eventually led to what we recognize as Thanksgiving. Hale wrote many editorials championing her cause in her Boston Ladies" Magazine, and later, in Godey"s Lady"s Book. Finally, after a 40-year campaign of writing editorials and letters to governors and presidents, Hale"s obsession became a reality when, in 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a national day of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was proclaimed by every president after Lincoln. The date was changed a couple of times, most recently by Franklin Roosevelt, who set it up one week to the next-to-last Thursday in order to create a longer Christmas shopping season. Public uproar against this decision caused the president to move Thanksgiving back to its original date o years later. And in 1941, Thanksgiving was finally sanctioned by Congress as a legal holiday, as the fourth Thursday in November.






thank,appreciate两者均可表示“感激”,但有区别:即 appreciate 的宾语是事或事物,而 thank 的宾语必须是人.如:我们对他道谢后就离开了.误:We appreciated him and left.正:We thanked him and left.我们感谢你的好意.误:We thank your kindness.正:We appreciate your kindness.(比较:Thank you for your kindness.)而grateful的基本含义adj.感谢的,感激的;表示感谢的致谢意的,出于感激的令人感激的;使人欣慰的;令人舒适的;受欢迎的;讨人喜欢的;可爱的grateful的用法例句When we stop and tell our partners what we aregratefulfor, we are also telling the Universe.当我们停下来,告诉我们的伴侣我们想要感谢的事,我们也是在告诉整个宇宙。




thank(adj.) thankful (unthankful); (n.) thankfulnessthank作为及物动词,常用搭配是thank sb (for sth / for doing sth),如:She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.thank表示“感谢”,习惯上只接“人”作宾语,而不能接“事”作宾语:正:Thank you for your help.误:Thank your help.另外的用法:1. have sb to thank for (doing) sth 归功于,如:I have my parents to thank for my success.2. thank your lucky stars 感谢你的幸运之星,口语中用于表达幸运,尤其是躲过了不愉快或危险的事。如:Just thank your lucky stars you weren"t in the house at the time.appreciate(adj.) appreciative (inappreciative); (n.) appreciationappreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语:正:I"d appreciate some help.误:I"d appreciate you for some help.appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如:In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;如:We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice.在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help.appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如:Their investments have appreciated over the years.大家有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?grateful(反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude)grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如:I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all.He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident.另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如:I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别:"When you are "grateful" to someone, you can sometimes feel a little "beholden" to them. It creates a feeling of "owingness"." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质。而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending. There is a feeling of finality. We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。

求帮忙想5句英语句子,关于感恩节的,格式像这样 I am thankful for …… beca


谁有英文饶舌的词?带上谐音给我发来,谢谢了,或者QQ传给我,Thank You

黑眼豆豆的black eyed pea-Smells like funky Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be us The Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be us Cause nobody"s Funky as us, Cause we keep it Stinky (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)Stinky, Stinky, Stinky, The Funk phenomenon, we Funk you on n" onThere"s no need to hold your nose,Cause this pong sing like a rougeBig booty Funk, Toe jam Funk,Underarm Funk, like you headlocking a Skunk"Reaking like diseased athleates feet,The stench didn"t come till after this beatSmellin" like droors no weezin no pausePut your hand up on the speakers get smelly ass pawsYou know we was coming before we entered the doorCause you could smell the rhyme when we was walking down the hallWe bring the Funk worse then a wet dogStinkin" like fat ladies shittin" out LogsWe drop enough shit and keep them toilets cloggedKeep the people jumpin" like them BullfrogsThe first one who smelt it ain"t the one who delt itBlack Eyed Peas keep the scent blind like deltaFunky like onions you fryin"(Sure is Funky) girl you ain"t lyin"(CHORUS) Yo" you Funkin" with the Funk familyThe non fabricated factual faculty"We formulatin" up in a factoryFocusin" on the energid" of fluid flow free"We flawless, everything is for freeWe florish and we flaunt our flavour freshly, huh"Can you believe we flip the frequency"s andFreak MCs they leave all franticaly but"Our intent is ought to be friendly but"They fightin" when we start the freestylin" frenzyI conk up ya" flat till your girlfriend beefFillin all anatomy, bringin" me flatery, huh"She"ll be diggin these rhymes that ease beats Like celulite lyrics so flabbyWe bring the funk to your festivitiesIf you think something stank then it must be the peas!If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be us Cause nobody"s Funky as us, cause we keep it Stinky(Funky, Funky, Funky, Funky)Celulite overweight stankin" MCsStench smells so strong it"s insanitaryCause you can sense me a mile away so ChankyWith the jungle Funk sound from SerengetiMeaty, Fat, Nasty like miss Fat booty"s tightsGettin" dirty like mudfights and dirtbikesTurning these droors black they used to be white And we shitin" on these tracks that you gonna" need to wipeThe odour"s so contagious that it shows up in your dreamMan you could pick me out like food in between Your two front teeth cause you be lackin" the streetsWe got beefy ass beats that we bumpin" in the streetsWe so nice n" sweet like steak box n" feetSour underarm Funk you ain"t washed in a weekAnd man we be reekin" every day or weekendWe could all bounce to the Funk and the seasonhaha hahaYeah that"s Funky", Yeah that"s Funky"Every smell is of a porker then you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause if you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" Fat Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" something Funky then you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause you know that if it smells like Funk than it must be usIf you smellin" elephants than it must be usIf you smellin" somethin Funky then you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" Taboo Cause you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" elephant shit then it must be us

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你好!通过图片得到的信息是应该是ug找不到你那个grs文件.希望能帮到你 qq707635849

1.put off2.come up with3.thanks so什么意思



1.—You should have thanked her before you left. —I meant ____,but when I was leaving I couldn"t find her anywhere. A.to do B.to C.doing D.doing it 答:B 译:你离开之前应该向她表示感谢的. 我是想这么做的,可要离开的时候,我到处找不着她. 析:mean to do sth.表示“心里想着要做某事”,而mean doing sth.表示“意味着...”所以排除CD 为避免得复,不定式可以省略到to为止.I meant to =I meant to do so. A.do缺少宾语,反而错了. 2.Though the foreign students came to our school only a month ago,they ____themselves to the conditions here now. A.have adjusted B.are adjusting C.had adjusted D.adjusted 答:A 译:虽然来我校才一个月,这些外国的学生现在已经适应这里的环境了. 析:主句中的时间状语为now,用现在时态,排除CD. 从句意看,不是现在正在调整适应,而是已经适应了,这才与although句相配. 3.Beneath our feet____that our life depends on for food and clothing. A.does the earth lie B.the earth lies C.lay the earth D.lies the earth 答:D 译:我们的脚下是我们的衣食所父母--地球. 析:为避免头重脚轻,本句用了全倒装,将作表语用的介词短语提到句首,带定语从句(that-从句)的主语the earth放在谓语动词(lies,是系动词,可用is替换)之后.


Dog and shadow The dog beeen lips is nipping a meat wants to look for a cool security the place to eat. When process riverside low The head found in the river also to e a dog in its mouth was also nipping a meat looked like pares from Oneself this wants in a big way many. “Wang! Wang!”The dog opens the mouth to bark to want to snatch opposite party meat according to is loudly Oneself has. As soon as has not thought of it only then to open the mouth beeen lips meat falls into the river to wash away by the river water . Bees aware suddenly suddenly the dog regret originally that is dog own inverted image does not have Other dog! Implication: Analogies the people not to be greedy will otherwise only lose the thing originally. 2008-11-11 17:19:56 补充: 喂 唔好抄我好唔好? 参考: 小弟英文唔系话真系好 有错请见谅 The Dog and the Shadow. Once upon a time there was a dog. One day the dog wanted to find a safe and cool place to eat the delicious meat in his mouth. When he was passing the river he saw another dog in the river. That dog also has a meat in his mouth but the meat looked larger. "Woof! Woof!" the dog opened his mouth and barked out loudly. He wanted to own the bigger meat from the image in the river. However when he opened his mouth the meat in his mouth fell into the river and flushed away. The greedy dog felt regret for he has dropped the meat in the river. Moreover he found that the dog in the river was just his shadow his inverted image. Actually there was not any other dog. Moral: The story tells people not to be greedy; otherwise he will just lose the thing he owned originally. 参考: Me myself trlated it.

thanks foe meeting什么意思





中国科学战略家看到中国最大的机会和新兴领域,如生物技术comouters,那里还有机会为中国成为一个很大的机会player.most出国留学生尚未恢复,但已烧结密集泛太平洋接触,将大大促进美中科技合作的年份,美国太空计划未来相当推崇为标准的现代科学china.china的空间越来越小,但计划6420宇航员送入太空2003年10月,是一个注重民族自尊心. 1915年美中科技合作框架协议仍然是本场,5年期较长的科学技术协定签署协议2600年42001.there正在积极议定书附件和60根据协议,合作领域涵盖诸如海洋保育、可再生能源、health.biennial科技联合委员会会议,召集双方协调策士联合科技合作. 每两年举行一次会议执行秘书实施具体合作programs.japan和欧盟也高调与中国科学技术合作关系.中国贸易出口的商品总额达593亿美元,进口总额为561亿美元,贸易顺差达2004.its全球约25%,元32billion.china的首要贸易伙伴,包括日本、欧盟、美国、南韩、香港、taiwan.according美方统计,中国已与美国贸易顺差达162亿美元,2004年"/中国已采取重要步骤,其对外公开的交易制度和融入世界贸易系统中1991年11月中国加入亚太经济合作组织(APEC)集团,提倡自由贸易,两国在经济、贸易、投资科技spheres.china担任主持亚太经合组织2001年,上海举办了亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议在每年十月完成.中国正式加入世贸组织这122001.as部分深远的贸易自由化协议,中国同意降低关税,取消外商impediments.chinese市场,例如获得进出口权自行销售其产品,并没有经过政府middleman.by2005年10月美国主要农产品的关税平均税率从出口下降14%和31%的工业产品从25%降至9%. 协议开辟了新的机遇体检服务提供商像美国银行、保险、telecommunications.china已取得重大进展实现入世承诺,但仍然严重关切,尤其是在保护知识产权领域. 氮

请问股份share与股票stock的关系(区别与联系),最好能结合这两个的英文说法,thanks! 最好通俗点。

A stock refers to the collection of the shares a company offers. For exmaple, the stock MFST is issued by Microsoft, and it has billions of shares.A share is one unit of a specific stock. For example, I bought 100 shares of MSFT stock yesterday.

in the ground还是on the ground? 讲点知识点.Thanks.

in the ground /on the ground两者形式都对,只是用法译意不一样.前者注重在接触面内部,后者注重在地表,只是一个接触面.请看例句: Pitched stakes in the ground. 在地上打桩 Dug his foot in the ground. 将他的脚陷在地里 find by digging in the ground. 通过挖掘土地而得到. Hollow out a foxhole in the ground 在地上掘一个散兵坑 The aircraft remained on the ground. 那飞机仍停在地面. The apple falls on the ground. 苹果掉在地上. Freshwater:Action on the Ground 淡水:实地行动. Snow accumulated on the ground. 地上堆积了一层雪. Fernand dashed his on the ground. 弗尔南多则把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了. Frost has formed on the ground. 地面结了霜. He dropped down on the ground. 他跌倒在地. I live on the ground floor. 我住在底层.

in the ground还是on the ground? 讲点知识点.Thanks.

in the ground /on the ground两者形式都对,只是用法译意不一样.前者注重在接触面内部,后者注重在地表,只是一个接触面.请看例句: Pitched stakes in the ground. 在地上打桩 Dug his foot in the ground. 将他的脚陷在地里 find by digging in the ground. 通过挖掘土地而得到. Hollow out a foxhole in the ground 在地上掘一个散兵坑 The aircraft remained on the ground. 那飞机仍停在地面. The apple falls on the ground. 苹果掉在地上. Freshwater:Action on the Ground 淡水:实地行动. Snow accumulated on the ground. 地上堆积了一层雪. Fernand dashed his on the ground. 弗尔南多则把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了. Frost has formed on the ground. 地面结了霜. He dropped down on the ground. 他跌倒在地. I live on the ground floor. 我住在底层.


谁是你的守护天使 的翻译!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!你知道吗?????????????????????????

thank you this frisbee.介词


michael jackson是否唱过Give Thanks to Allah?


杰克逊《give thanks to allah》的歌词

歌词: Give thanks to Allah 感赞安拉吧 for the moon and the stars prays in all day full 为了日夜不息祈求祷告的日月星辰 what is and what was take hold of your iman 过去现在请保持你的伊玛尼(信仰) dont givin to shaitan 不要给魔鬼(撒旦)让步 oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah. 噢,有信仰的你啊,请感赞安拉吧 Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin, 安拉是宽恕的主,安拉是慈悯的主 ,安拉喜欢行善的人 hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir 他是创造者,他是给养者,他是超绝万物的主(阿拉伯语) Allah is Ghefor, Allah is Rahim, Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin, 安拉是宽恕的主,安拉是仁慈,安拉是独一仁爱的主,(英语阿拉伯语混合) he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all. 他是创造者,他是支援者,他超绝万物。 Give thanks to Allah 感赞安拉吧 for the moon and the stars prays in all day full 为了日夜不息祈求祷告的日月星辰 what is and what was take hold of your iman 过去现在请保持你的伊玛尼(信仰) dont givin to shaitan 不要给魔鬼(撒旦)让步 oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah. 噢,有信仰的你啊,请感赞安拉吧 Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin, 安拉是宽恕的主,安拉是慈悯的主 ,安拉喜欢行善的人 hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir 他是创造者,他是给养者,他是超绝万物的主(阿拉伯语) Allah is Ghefor, Allah is Rahim, Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin, 安拉是宽恕的主,安拉是仁慈,安拉是独一仁爱的主,(英语阿拉伯语混合) he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all. 他是创造者,他是支援者,他超绝万物。

求thank you allah歌词-Mahar Zain的

I was so far from YouYet to me, You were always so closeI wandered lost in the darkI closed my eyestoward the signsYou put in my wayI walked everydayFurther and further away from YouOoooo Allah, You brought me homeI thank You, with every breath I takeAl hamdoulilleh,al hamdoulillehAll praises to Allah, all praises to Allah x2I never thought aboutAlla the things You have given to meI never thanked you onceI was too proud to see the truth and prostrate to YouUntil I took the first stepans that"s when You opened the doors for meNow Allah, I realized what I was missingBy being far from You Al hamdoulilleh,al hamdoulilleh All praises to Allah, All praises to Allahx2Allah I wanna thank YouI wanna thank you for all the things the You"ve doneYou"ve done for me through all my years I"ve been lostYou guided me from all the ways that were wrong and did You give me hopex2I wanna thank You for bringing me home Al hamdoulilleh, al hamdoulillehAll praises to Allah, all praises to Allah x2(Merci à Eya pour cettes paroles)

名侦探柯南第一集的英文版的台词谁有?英语水平有点捉急,请大家帮帮忙,Thank you!!!


Thank you for the clarify this issue.是什么意思

Thank you for the clarify this issue.谢谢你澄清这个问题。

thanks for your clarify是什么意思



内 哦摸一得挪尬给哪你 打妈诶哦组但被后将 素读那拉 大大那摸斗大笔答你大内 SO 拉过落落有挖就杂  你吗你米啊怒句大一你 素多四大内 多几你有米几挪吗一你几家几那 色鼓鼓挪挖大你 多过咯挪你几大你 啊西那挪 一米那几你 啊组得那摸比大你一那带多带挪 但摸内 啊内摸内 素得西那 一组几米 啊组但摸啊 过拉一就那里 内就组但拿大咯那一内组一修挪 家几那咯 一所几那 不所那咯 过了一家那里 过了啊一噶咯 内将 组大哦那啊里噶咯咯得寂寞素内无啊大你几 那几内啊内摸素但你啊啊内哦 无没无糊浆糊啊 啊~~哈~~

Who can tell me the story about pizzahut?Thanks。。谁能告诉我关于必胜客这公司的故事?(用英文)谢谢

It"s an age-old American story. A business dream is born. A few dollars are borrowed. Years later, millionaires tell the tale of how they almost didn"t take the big risk. So it goes for Pizza Hut.This worldwide pizza sensation began with what almost anyone would agree are quite humble roots and grew through dedication to become a powerhouse on the international business scene. The history of Pizza Hut is interesting, as well, and can serve as a great case study for anyone who thinks a little risk isn"t worth the rewards it can bring. Read on!Pizza Hut got its start not in the lands of the Old World. It didn"t even begin in the Italian section of New York City. It was founded, in fact, in 1958 by a pair of brothers from Wichita, Kansas. That"s right, Wichita! After getting the idea from a family friend to open their own pizza shop, Frank and Dan Carney borrowed less than ,000 from their mom to start the shop. With their nest egg, they bought used equipment, rented a building and went to work. What began in that small shop has since grown to include more than 10,000 shops worldwide in a pizza empire that spans more than 86 countries. Pizza Hut is now a portion of Tricon Global Restaurants and operates using franchises. Tricon also owns the Taco Bell and KFC names, bringing fast food restaurants to all corners of the globe. The company, although a household name now, began with humble roots and was developed over time through the careful watch of the Carney brothers. The timeline for the restaurant"s growth is simply fascinating. The store was founded in 1958 and by "59, the brothers had incorporated and opened their first franchise in Topeka. By 1965, Pizza Hut had its first commercial on television and by 1967 it made its first appearance at the Oklahoma State Fair. A mere 10 years after the brothers opened their first shop, the company boasted 310 locations across the country and in Canada. The traditional red roof was added to the design in 1969. The 1970s and 1980s saw it attain more worldwide prominence with menu additions, international openings and a New York Stock Exchange listing. Also at during these two decades, Pizza Hut became known for its employment of more than 10,000 teenagers and its willingness to get involved with charities. The chain overall surpassed the 4,000 store mark during this time. The 1990s brought more success for the chain, including the introduction of convenience store locations, lunch buffets and more. Today, the Pizza Hut chain serves nearly 2 million pizzas a day in its 12,000 plus locations. It has an estimated 4 million customers worldwide and has even boasted delivery to the White House and to former Russian President Boris Yeltsin.希望帮到你

牙科医生 为什么the dentist啊? 不加the不行么?还有造句中 多亏了约翰 用thanks the john


哪位大神告知一下哪个是win10专业版或旗舰版的64位系统 thanks

你下载Windows 10 (Multiple Editions)这个就可以了,这个是多系统版本,里面直接包含了专业版和旗舰版,你安装的时候自己选择就可以了

thank you for your instruction

Terima kasih atas Arahan anda arahan的意思是指示 terima kasih atas ajaran anda 比较正确

梁耀燮Thanks To歌词罗马音和中文

Thanks To<梁耀燮作曲, 龙亨俊作词> 一定要和你说的一句话无论何时We always singing just for you谢谢常常守护在我们旁边的You, You, Thank you, For youJust thank you everybody, Thanks to ma fans尽管不知道说什么样的话才能表达我的心情一个字一个字记了又记,也试图在简短的track中转达出来从你们那里接收到的 现在也正在无限接收到的爱和关心虽然不能百分百的回报那也能感受到一点吧Yeah 微不足道的6个人站在舞台上奉献在手中握着比任何东西都有价值的麦克 有你们的存在今天也still rockin` this stage I`m flying like a g6我的心情好像天空一样像沉浸在幸福梦中的孩子一样 牵着手飞走 你们和我一起一定要和你说的一句话无论何时We`re always singing just for you谢谢常常守护在我们旁边的You, You, Thank you, For you即使是筋疲力尽 如果和你在一起的话It`s alright, It`s alright.即使悬隔天南地北 也能互相感觉到的话It`s all good, It`s all good即使是筋疲力尽 如果和你在一起的话so fly, so fly现在在我眼前你的心 若是真心的话 Thank you, Thank youLike paper and pen uh beat and mic相隔天涯海角也能感受到的心你们的so unconditional love短也好 长也好 一年的时间里 你和我 我们好像真的变得很近(像有时打掩护用的毯子一样)像家一样 朋友一样 时常像家人一样(请一直留在我的身边)一起together (just two of us) 开拓看不见的路 Like (columbus)和你们在一起的话 有什么做不好的事情 就算超过100遍也能再站起来(Always I sing the song for ya)无论何时 如果大家希望的话会给你唱歌Like a ipod(I always thank you everybody, Let`s go)无论何时We`re always singing just for you谢谢常常守护在我们旁边的You, You, Thank you, For you即使是筋疲力尽 如果和你在一起的话It`s alright, It`s alright.即使悬隔天南地北 也能互相感觉到的话It`s all good, It`s all good即使是筋疲力尽 如果和你在一起的话so fly, so fly现在在我眼前你的心 若是真心的话 Thank you, Thank you----------------------------------------------------------------【Thanks To】 罗马音[YOSEOB & JUNHYUNG] Thank you, Thank you[YOSEOB] Like a paper and pen and beat and mic[JUNHYUNG] mulri dduluhjeo itsuhdo neugeojinun mameun[YOSEOB] Dangshindeulae so unconditional love[JUNHYUNG] Japtgodo gill uhtdun illmeoneeran shigan dongan nuhwaswoorin chan mani gagawojin geot gateh [YOSEOB] Ddaeron nall gamsajoonun damyogatea [JUNHYUNG] jip gateh chingoo gateh gageumeun gajookgatae [YOSEOB] ohraettorok namajo naegeoteh [JUNHYUNG] hamgae together ([YOSEOB] Just two of us) boeeji ahnnun gillreul faechukhae Like ([YOSEOB] Columbus)geudaedulgwa hamgaemeon mothalgae mogaitsuh baekbeon numuhjodo dashi illuhnalsooitsuh [YOSEOB] Always I sing the song for ya uhjaedeun geudaedulee wonhandameon [JUNHYUNG] norea bbulreojoolgae Like a ipod[YOSEOB & JUNHYUNG] I always thank you everybody, Let`s go[YOSEOB] Nuhaegae kok hagoshipeun hanmadi Unjaena We always singing just for youKomawo nul woori geotul jikeojoon [YOSEOB] You[JUNHYUNG] You[YOSEOB] You [JUNHYUNG] It"s you[YOSEOB] Thank you [JUNHYUNG] Thank you[YOSEOB] For you[JUNHYUNG] mani jichiduhrago nuhwa hamgaerahmeon [YOSEOB & JUNHYUNG] It`s alright, It`s alright.[JUNHYUNG] mulri duluhjeo itsuhdo seororeul nulgill soo itdameon[YOSEOB & JUNHYUNG] It`s all good, It`s all good[JUNHYUNG] mani jichiduhrago nuhwa hamgaerahmeon [YOSEOB & JUNHYUNG] So fly, so fly[JUNHYUNG] Jigeum nae noon aphae dangshinae mami jinshimirameon [YOSEOB & JUNHYUNG] Thank you, Thank you

Say Hello -Rosie Thomas thankyou~


语法问题 帮看下 thanks!!

Hi. Yours are very good questions, worth of answering anyway, but they are too much to explain at one time. It will be of great convenience to both of us if you can divide your questions into into three or four parts .

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Thanks For Setting Me Free 歌词

歌曲名:Thanks For Setting Me Free歌手:林一峰专辑:Back To The StarsThanks for Setting Me Free词曲:林一峰I guess I have to say I"m sorryFor all the love you gave meBut I always knew from the startWe"re never meant to beI guess I have no choiceI"m drawn to the troubles in waitJust as you"re drawn to my thornsIt hurts but somehow makes you pleasedInnocence has no excuseLike a sun so bright so pureWe stare into the eyes of truthIt"s always honesty we adoreInnocence is no excuseFor the love one can abuseBut you taste the beauty of crueltyWhen the tears become a morning dewI guess somewhere in spaceI will find what I"m longing forBut I"m not sure what it isMaybe that"s why I"m afraid to be freeI hope somewhere in timeYou will find what you"re longing forWhat deserves youFrom my heart, my little princeThanks for setting me freehttp://music.baidu.com/song/627224


I和like 写到一起去了。应该写成。No, thanks. I like cokes. 意思是:不要,谢谢。我喜欢可乐。 他(她)不喜欢别人提供的那种饮料。

linear algebra~~~线性代数】关于对角化矩阵【diagonal matrix】の等价性问题!THANK U!!!!

矩阵 A与B等价的充要条件是A与B是同型矩阵且有相同的秩。“同型”和“有相同的秩”缺一不可。比如缺少“同型”,比如一个三阶矩阵A和一个二阶矩阵B的秩均为1,利用矩阵等价的另一个充要条件“A,B等价的充要条件是存在可逆矩阵P和Q,使得PAQ=B”,P,Q为可逆矩阵,为方阵,左乘右乘矩阵A,不改变A的阶数,故PAQ为三阶矩阵,由PAQ=B得三阶矩阵和二阶矩阵相等,矛盾。 缺少“有相同的秩”也不行。也可通过“A,B等价的充要条件是存在可逆矩阵P和Q,使得PAQ=B”来考虑:左乘右乘矩阵A,不改变A的秩,故r(A)= r(PAQ)=r(B)因此你的考虑有问题。你说的可能是矩阵的行列式的值。实际上这两个矩阵行列式的值也不相等,第一个矩阵行列式值为2*2*(-4)=-16,第二个为8*1*43=352有什么问题请追问

求 Her diamonds 歌词翻译 Thanks~

Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Find light in the beautiful sea 寻遍了这苍茫洋流里的微光   I chose to be happy 我选择了幸福   You and I, you and I 我和你,你和我   We"re like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石   You"re a shooting star I see 你就像流星一样划过我的眼前   A vision of ecstasy 忘我的愿景   When you hold me, I"m alive 当你抱着我,我第一次感觉自己的存在   We"re like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石   I knew that we"d become right away, oh right away 我突然意识到我们将成为(永久的恋人)   At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays 第一眼(看见你),我感受到了阳光般的温暖   I saw the life inside your eyes 从你的眼中我看到了(我未来的)生活   So shine bright, tonight, you and I 今晚,(只有)你和我是如此光彩耀人   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Eye to eye, so alive (我们)四目相对,充满活力   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Palms rise to the universe (我们高兴的)举掌(欢呼)(的声音)上升到宇宙   As we, moonshine and and molly 当我们,(在)月光照耀(下)和茉莉(花群中)   Feel the warmth we"ll never die 感受到(彼此的)温暖,我们将得到永生   We"re like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石   You"re a shooting star I see 你就像流星一样划过我的眼前   A vision of ecstasy 忘我的愿景   When you hold me, I"m alive 当你抱着我,我第一次感觉自己的存在   We"re like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石   At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays 第一眼(看见你),我感受到了阳光般的温暖   I saw the light inside your eyes 我在你的眼里看到了曙光   So shine bright, tonight, you and I 今晚,(只有)你和我是如此光彩耀人   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Eye to eye, so alive (我们)四目相对,充满活力   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   So shine bright, tonight, you and I 今晚,(只有)你和我是如此光彩耀人   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Eye to eye, so alive (我们)四目相对,充满活力   We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky我们就像天空中的钻石一样光彩耀人   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华   Shine bright like a diamond 如此璀璨的钻漾年华


中文名: 大张伟 外文名: wowkie zhang 国籍: 中国 民族: 汉 出生地: 北京 出生日期: 1983年08月31 职业: 歌手 经纪公司: 金牌大风 原名:张伟(原因:小学时,班中有两个人叫张伟,这个时候,他是年级的班里最小的,于是,那会儿他叫小张伟。但在他初中时,班里又有两个叫张伟的,因为他的个子比另一个张伟的个子高,于是就叫大张伟了,于是。。这个名字就这么延续下去了。。。原因见20100514的节目《非常父母》) 英文名:wowkie zhang 昵称:伟宝、伟伟、老大、大大、张少 生日:1983年8月31日 身高:175 cm 体重:60kg 星座:处女座 血型:B 出生地:北京 现住地:北京 音乐影响:NIRVANA, RAMONES, GREEN DAY 喜爱歌手:Geri Halliwell、Missy Elliott、Eminem 喜爱乐队组合:Blink182、LimpBizkit、Girls Aloud、Nirvana 喜爱艺人:藤原纪香、吴宗宪、寇乃馨、Marilyn Manson 喜爱漫画:《阿拉蕾》《天才少年》 喜爱电视节目:《全民乱讲》《天才GoGoGo》《爱上星期六》《开运鉴定团》 喜爱电视剧:《六人行Friends》《南方公园SouthPark》 喜爱唱片:《HONEY‘S DEAD》、《THE JESUS&MARY CHAIN》 喜爱电影:《百变星君》《Scary Movie》《Dude,Where"s My Car?》《Final Destination》 《甲方乙方》《婚礼歌手The Wedding Singer》《神奇遥控器 Click》《美国派1American pie1》《惊声尖笑系列Scary movie》《波拉特Borat》《肮脏之举Dirty sanchez:The movie》《荒野生存Into the world》《莫扎特传Amadeus》 喜爱小说或杂志:《顽主》《东张西望》《我干脆死了算了》《什么事都在发生》《人虫儿》《你不是一个俗人》《伤口咚咚咚》《麦田里的守望者》《爱因斯坦的梦》《写给年轻人的简明世界史》《佐贺的超级阿嬷》 喜爱事物:朋友聚会,绘画,演出 喜爱食品:快餐 喜爱颜色:黄、黑、粉红 喜爱数字:3、8、1 喜爱女孩类型:动感、性感、肉感、母性强 娱乐嗜好:聊大天、认识各款女性(18岁至45岁之间)、收集各种笑话 讨厌事物:篮球,做不完的家庭作业 生命中坚决不干的事:去昆虫馆、吃海鲜 生命中不能失去的:工作、香辣鸡腿堡 最想告诉全世界人的话:"不喜欢我,你的生命就是一种多余"[编辑本段]个人经历小学时期 参加少年宫活动,曾获北京市少年独唱第一名。 小学四年级随少年宫赴俄罗斯参加儿童声乐比赛获二等奖 小学五年级考入中央电视台银河少年艺术团,随团赴澳门、马来西亚进行访问演出。 (就读于崇文区板厂小学)初中时期 考入北京金帆艺术团,开始学吉他。 初三时,组乐队,在一些小型演出中露面。1998年 1998年 6月初中毕业,考入高中学习广告设计。 1998年 被〔智慧少年〕杂志评为全国六大智慧少年之一。 1998年2月 在酒吧演出时结识经纪人红枫,乐队正式更名为“花儿”,并开始频繁演出, 倍受瞩目,一些唱片公司开始与乐队经纪人接触,洽谈合作事宜。 1998年 6月初中毕业,考入高中学习广告设计。 1998年6月5日 参加“北京新音乐势力”网上直播演出,接受凤凰卫视、CHANNEL[V]的专访。 1998年7月18日 应“滚石中国火”之邀进棚录制《放学啦》DEMO。 1998年9月 录制乐队首张专辑期间应邀为摇滚合集《摩登天空 2 》特别录制一首单曲《四季歌》。 1998年 被《智能少年》杂志评为全国六大智能少年之一。1999年 1999年1月18日 花儿乐队在“新蜂”旗下发表首张专辑《幸福的旁边》。 1999年2月 开始利用双休日及假期在各地宣传及演出。 1999年2月 魔岩唱片与新蜂音乐签署在海外发表花儿乐队首张专辑合约。 1999年4月 滚石旗下女艺人莫文蔚翻唱花儿乐队作品《破灭》。 1999年6月 进棚为“新蜂”旗下合集《花鸟鱼虫》录制两首新作。 1999年6月19日 应邀参加“中国第二届新音乐演唱会”,首次在三万观众面前 进行露天现场演出,反映热烈。这也是首次与中国摇滚第一人崔健同台演出。 1999年6月底 由魔岩唱片策划投资拍摄四首MUSIC VIDEO。 1999年暑假 花儿乐队分别在青岛、天津、长沙、昆明、杭州等地进行宣传演出。 1999年9月 魔岩旗下女艺人杨乃文在专辑中翻唱花儿乐队作品《静止》。 1999年11月11日 花儿乐队首张EP在台湾上市,三个星期被抢购一空。 1999年12月9日 花儿乐队首张专辑海外版《放学啦》在东南亚地区上市。2000年 2000年1月 合集《花鸟鱼虫》上市。 2000年2月 花儿乐队开始进棚制作第二张专辑《草莓声明》DEMO。 2000年5月 花儿乐队荣获中央人民广播电台“中国流行歌曲榜”颁发的99年度最佳新人铜奖。 2000年6月 花儿乐队荣获CCTV - MTV 颁发的“99年度内地最佳乐队”大奖。 2000年6月 花儿乐队应邀担任服装品牌“邦威”的形象代言人,在拍摄广告的同时套拍《四季歌》的音乐录影带。 2000年8月27日 花儿乐队应邀在中华世纪坛参加21届大学生运动会倒计时大型露天演出。 2000年9月16日 花儿乐队应邀参加在北京奥体举办的2000年现代音乐会演出。 2000年12月25日 首张贺岁EP唱片《平安夜》上市发行 2000年10月初 应邀参加央视在石家庄举办的《同一首歌》现场音乐会。 2000年10月 赴济南体育场参加大型露天演出。 2000年11月19日 正式进棚录制第二张专辑。2001年 2001年1月 再度应邀参加热门节目《同一首歌》的录制活动,并翻唱了《让我们荡起双桨》。 2001年 12月18日第二张专集<草莓声明>火爆上市2002年—2009年 2002年 获第二界"华语流行音乐"传媒大奖 2004年 第四界全球"华语歌曲排行榜"“年度最受欢迎乐团” 2004年 中国音乐先锋榜最受欢迎乐队并签约《EMI(百代)》 2004年6月 发行专辑《我是你的罗密欧》 2005年 TOP排行榜“内地最受欢迎乐队” 2005年 7月在百代唱片(EMI)旗下发行新专集<花季王朝>全国巡回宣传 2006年 发行新专集《花天囍世》 ,全国巡回宣传 2007年 9月28日发行新专集《花龄盛会》 ,全国巡回宣传 2008年 2月1日发行《花龄盛会》再版(美丽校园版和奇幻冒险版) 2008年 4月24日大张伟首部爆笑漫画图文书《白水煮一切》上市 2009年 7月13日大张伟单飞后发行首张个人单曲《爱火烧》 2009年 8月11日大张伟单飞后发行首张个人专辑《霹雳狂花》[编辑本段]音乐作品专辑 霹雳狂花 歌手名称:大张伟 发行时间:2009-8-11 发行公司:金牌大风 无悔花季互道珍重 十年花儿乐队解散 大张伟单飞首张个人专辑 单枪匹马 热闹乐坛 乡村、民谣、电子、DISCO、摇滚 集萃复古音乐元素 逆潮而上 给你“好听” 大张伟沉淀两年热血澎湃的激情之作 歌颂80后记忆中的爱与流行 回暖青春和摩登时代 《霹雳狂花》是花儿大张伟单飞后的第一张个人专辑,唱片公司不惜花大力气去完成,“砸”下过百万预算完成制作,塑造出一个完全本色、绝无仅有的花儿大张伟。在音乐部分,他集合了从上世纪50年代到90年代流行歌曲之大成,将传统的POP、乡村、电子、摇滚等多元音乐风格融合其中,逆潮而上,穿越时空,重回经典年代。专辑中,花儿大张伟将他成长过程中的流行经典完整复述,在讲求韵律上原汁原味的同时,更突出了特有的中国式读解及时下年轻人横冲直撞的表达方式——无厘头、翻玩、KUSO,确立了整张专辑复古又有趣、集体又独立的基调。 专辑首波主打曲《爱火烧》灵感来自于当年红极一时的琼瑶电影《燃烧吧!火鸟》,“燃烧吧,燃烧吧,火苗!”,这一句唤醒过多少人内心深处封存多年躁动和激情!大张伟说,“《爱火烧》选择采样当年的经典歌曲,也是自己对那个年代的一种敬意”,顺畅的旋律、喧闹的节奏卷土重来,上世纪80年代的音乐神经再度被开启!除此之外,属于80后的青春励志主打歌《奋斗》,旋律动听引人回味的《让我坠入爱的漩涡》、《嗯哩呦》、《流着眼泪唱起歌》,还有写给花儿乐队十年情谊的《什么都不必说》等,整张专辑,首首给你“好听”!专辑中囊括的复古元素更纵深至每个时代的最精髓。从爆炸头、喇叭裤、蛤蟆镜到运动服、紧身衬衫、厚底鞋,配上金光闪闪、耀眼夺目的饰品和腰带,无一不体现出八十年代生人对上个世纪世界流行文化巅峰时期的无限狂热及欣喜。大张伟曾无限感慨地说,“那是我不曾完整感受,却一直不断被影响的梦幻年代”! 此次与花儿大张伟一起出发的还有他的全新伙伴——雷舞团。雷舞团由雷舞小胖和霹雳小羽组成。他们是今年年初在花儿乐队“新花怒放”征集新成员活动中,被大张伟一眼识中、颇有渊源的一对。原本互不相识的他们,却因为“身材一胖一瘦,合体很像俄罗斯方块”而被组合到了一起。在娱乐至上的年代,他们几乎满足了大众对娱乐的所有需求,仔细打量,这两个人实在太有趣了,身高一样,体重却相差50斤;他们都是80后,却一个热情奔放、疯癫狂躁,一个冷话连篇、雷贱生猛,他们过目不忘的造型上更叫人忍俊不禁。另外,花儿大张伟首次尝试舞蹈,与雷舞团共同完成的花式健身操也相当具有爆点! 写真书籍《白水煮一切》电影作品2009 电影处女作《皇家刺青》 在刘镇伟2010年新片《越光宝盒》中客串曹操大军的一名官兵。2010 《武动青春》 《我们毕业的夏天》

景点翻译4----不要机译;对自己的翻译能力有信心者进。(Elegance is required.A sea of thanks)

Han Bi Fang The Department of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties of its plaque-eup, a famous poet of the Wu Meicun"s handwriting. Han Bi-Fang commonly known as "Han Chuan", aristocrats and scholars called "non-line boat" or "Zhou Xuan and not travel." This is one of the characteristics of Chinese classical gardens. Beijing"s Summer Palace, there is not the Department of boat. The ancient Yi Park, Jiading have "Zhou Xuan not swim", as well as the Xiangzhou Suzhou Humble Administrator"s Garden, Suzhou Yiyuan"s boats and fasting are examples of such a boat-shaped building. Qing city in Henan governor"s money money Dingming Gardens have had such Hanchuan. Public Security Bureau in this hospital"s money Gardens site was still able to see well-preserved Han Chuan. Han Chuan generally built near the water, half water, half of the shore, on the part of the three faces of water, if not built on the waterside is called ship Hall. Hull for the stone, the cabin is wood, Han Chuan usually points before, during and after the three sections. Linshui part without shelter shed, easy to fish the full moon in this Shanghe reward, or drinking Fuqin. Weicang for the two-storey building, in the cabin even if Yu Xuetian also can enjoy the rain to see the snow, listen to the rain to listen snow.

sarah conner的《thank you》歌词


帮我番释以下英文 20分~THANK

I have been informed that my friend who lives in other country will e to Hong Kong tomorrow. I will go sightseeing with him. Since Hong Kong is the "Gourmet Paradise" I will take him to the local restaurant to eat dim sum in the afternoon of the first day. Then I will bring him to a famous tourist spot Tsui Sing Lau Pagoda to enjoy the beautiful scenery. After that we will take to Naong Ping 360 to see the Big Buddha and the scenery along the way. When we arrive at the Naong Ping Village we will go shopping there. Next we will return to Tsim Sha Tsui to have a high tea in the afternoon and travel on the ferry to Central. We will visit Golden Bauhinia Square and see the view of the Victoria Harbour. Later we will take the MTR to Mong Kong and watch a movie there. Having a buffet dinner and singing karaoke will also be included in our schedule. Next morning we will have breakfast in the hotel and then get ready to spend a day playing in Ocean Park. We can try the mechanical rides such as the Pirate Ship and Turbo Drop. There are all the exciting attractions in Ocean Park so I think he will love them. Moreover we will ride on the merry-go-round and the flying balloon to take a look of the amazing scenery. If he likes taking photos I will also bring him the the Aquarium Shark Aquarium and the Ocean Theatre. In addition he can buy some souvenirs for his family members. At night we will take the MTR to Central to have dinner and desserts. Finally we will go to Lan Kwai Fong and chat with people of different nationalities. P.S. The whole passage was typed by myself. Hope you will appreciate it and it can help you =] 参考: =] This I knew I the foreign friend will e the port to want tomorrow to ask me to lead him to visit the Hong Kong scenic spot the first day morning will go to the restaurant food dessert to introduce the Hong Kong tradition snack because Hong Kong will have name of the good food heaven I will lead him (multiple star building) to go sightseeing afterwards to Hong Kong"s scenic spot place again the seat will raise the level ground cable car to have a look Buddha and the original way scenery to will raise under the level ground *** all town line afternoon will eat the afternoon tea the return trip to Jihazui again will travel by boat from the Jihazui wharf to the intermediate belt looked Golden Bauhinia and the Victoria port scenery will watch the movie afterwards to the Kuangjiao theater will eat the buffet will sing Kara OK again the return trip will return to the hotel. Second days morning eat the breakfast in the hotel the afterwards preparation rides the vehicle to the sea park amusement the roller coaster the pirate ship jumping from an upper story machine and so on.. All famously stimulates the game rides the ferris wheel and lifts off the bladder to be allowed to see very many beautiful sceneries thought the shade accepts as a memento may arrive the sea hall the shark hall and the sea theater but also may buy the souvenirs to return to the foreign country to his family member evening sits the subway to eat the dinner and the sweets to the intermediate belt drinks wine to the blue expensive fragrant bar with its other country affiliation person mutually to exchange afterwards. 参考: Yahoo聪明笔 我被通知 居住在其它国家的我的朋友明天将来到中国香港。我将去观光与他。 因为中国香港是"食家天堂" 我把他带对地方餐馆吃粤式点心第一天的下午。然后 我将带来他给一个著名旅游胜地 Tsui 唱Lau 塔 享受美好的风景。在那以后 我们将采取对Naong 砰360 看大菩萨和风景。当我们到达在Naong 砰村庄 我们将去购物那里。其次 我们将回到Tsim 沙u30fbTsui 食用一次下午茶下午和旅行在轮渡到中央。我们将参观金黄Bauhinia 正方形和将看维多利亚港口的看法。以后 我们将采取MTR 对Mong Kong 和将观看电影那里。吃自助餐晚餐和唱karaoke 再回程回酒店. 第二天朝早在酒店吃早餐 之后准备坐车到海洋公园玩乐 过山车 海盗船 跳楼机等等...都是著名 *** 游戏 乘坐摩天轮和升空汽球可以看见很多美丽风景 想影相留念可以到海洋馆 鲨鱼馆和海洋剧场 还可以买手信回外国给他的家人 晚上坐地铁到中环吃晚饭和甜品 之后到兰贵芳的酒吧饮酒和其他国藉的人互相交流。

Thank you for your endeavor to... 这样写对吗?

供参考可以的endeavor 作为动词时用 to do作为名词时 可以用 to do 或 at doing

一首女生唱的开头是吹口哨的英文歌,副歌歌词是thank you very much

Thank You Very Much-MargaretSpace calling earth againSay whatHouston this is the endWeu2019re lostTick tick tick tackTimeu2019s upStation is shutting downBad luckBarberalla meets godzillaSince you invited both, cling to your pantyhoseu2026I want to Thank you muchThank you very MuchThank you very muchI wanna say Iu2019m sorry but Iu2019m really notGuess Iu2019ve had enoughIu2019m feeling DangerousI wanna say I care, but Iu2019m gonna sayFresh out of graitudeItu2019s goneYou suck, like your attitiudeI wonFlake, flakey flakey flakeSo sadI am stirred, but I will not shakeItu2019s radBarbarella sheu2019s a killerRun to your nanny go, cling to your pantyhoseI want to Thank you muchThank you very MuchThank you very muchI wanna say Iu2019m sorry but Iu2019m really notI guess Iu2019ve had enoughIu2019m feeling DangerousI wanna say I care, but Iu2019m gonna sayabout this thrilla in ManillaWhat goes around my friend, bites you right at the endI want to Thank you muchThank you very MuchThank you very muchI wanna say Iu2019m sorry but Iu2019m really notI guess Iu2019ve had enoughIu2019m feeling DangerousI wanna say I care, but Iu2019m gonna sayThank you very MuchThank you very muchI wanna say Iu2019m sorry but Iu2019m really notI guess Iu2019ve had enoughIu2019m feeling DangerousI wanna say I care, but Iu2019m gonna sayI want to Thank you much

Route Gushankou-Huangshandian-Zhoukoudian Peking man ruins

Stop 1 Huangshandian1.Content(1)Observation of overturned strata in the Huangshandian area.(2)Infer a large overthrust fault system from the stratigraphic relationships in the Huangshandian area.(3)Observe a large overturned fault and associated cleavage.2.Purpose(1)Based on the relationships in Huangshandian,fully understand the concept that“strata are the basis of structure analysis”.(2)Understand the stacking relations of the multi-phase structure.(3)Understand such structural phenomena as fold-thrust structure,folding layer,overturned fault and sheath fold.3.Main observationsStop ALocation:Western side of Huangshandian villageContent:(1)A ductile shear zone with layering occurs in the Tieling Fm.(Jxt)of the Jixian system and extends from Huangshandian village to the hillside behind Huangshandian elementary school,(2)overturned strata of Xiamaling,Tieling,Hongshuizhuang and Wumishan Formations.Description:Observe the thick-bedded dolomite of the Wumishan Fm.,the phyllite of the Hongshuizhuang Fm.,the dolomite of the Tieling Fm.,and metamorphic arenaoeous-pelitic rock at the base of the Xiamaling Fm.where they crop out along the path through Huangshandian village.In the Huangshandian area a large recumbent fold is made up of layers with a combination of strong strain and weak strain(Fig.3-11,Fig.3-12).A planar section of the stronger strain belt can be seen in laminated dolomite and oalcareous dolomite of the Tieling Fm.at the ohicken farm.Here,what appears to be bedding is actually intense flow cleavage,or penetrative cleavage.The deformation also formed some pencil structures and folds,and the rock has been mylonitized by strong shear.In outcrop,the fine-grained,dark and the coarse-grained light domains form a zone with the characteristics of rheomorphio struoture.On a larger scale,S and C foliations interweave to form a diamond network-node(Fig.3-11).Based on strain measurement in the XZ plane of this ductile shear zone,the deformational strength of the dolomite increased from edge to center.The ratio of minor axis and apical axis increases from 1 to 2 to 1 to 3.5.In the center of the belt,the rock is extremely sheared and the grain size is only about 10 micron(μm).The porphyroclasts have an asymmetrical structure,produced by rotation.These features of ductile deformation define extensional tectonic event Dl.Fig.3-11 Sketch of ductile shear zone with bedding in the chicken farm at Huangshandian,BaojinshankouThe Huangshandian fold-overthrust fault overprints the features formed by tectonic event Dl.The fold-fault system is exposed over an area of about 30 km2 and is made up of a recumbent anticline and a recumbent syncline,which together form a shovel-type thrust fault(Fig.3-12).On the overturned fold limb,the fault plane has been re-folded into a broad syncline.Looking into the distance from the north slope ditch behind the village,one can see the hinge zone of the large recumbent fold developed in strata of the Wumishan,Hongshuizhuang and Tieling Formation.The hinge trends in an ENE direction at 75°-80°,and the axial plane dips to the SSE.The thrust plane disappears under hill 628 m on the east side of the Huang Yuan Temple.Near the core of the anticline,stromatolites of the Wumishan Fm.have been strongly sheared,and are upside down,indicating that the strata are overturned.Along the road to the northwest,pods of folded dolomite with lamina of calcareous dolomite of the Tieling Fm.are well developed and show mineral lineations nearly parallel to the fold hinge.Muddy strata crop out in the core of the recumbent syncline where the foliation is entirely replaced by axial-plane cleavage D2.Fig.3-12 Huangshandian fold-thrust nappe structure(after Yan et al.,2006).Field photosA—and geological section; B—indicate the geometry and kinematics of this fold—thrust nappeRecent study(Yan et al.,2006)shows that the fault displacement gradually increases to the west of the observation point.The strata of Wumishan Fm.were pushed onto the strata of the Tieling Fm.,which forms the normal limb of the recumbent syncline.The greatest displacement was 2.75 km(Shan et al:1991).Stop BLocation:The hillside behind the Huangshandian elementary school.Content:Overturned stromatolites of the Wumishan Fm.Description:Pyramid stromatolites are developed in dolomite of the Wumishan Fm..Stromatolite cusps point to the underside and most cross the bedding plane at a high angle,which indicates that the strata are overturned.We can measure the strike-dip of the stromatolites and other structural elements.Stop CLocation:Penstock wall beside the southeast road of Huangshandian.Content:Connate deposit structure in the Wumishan Fm.Description:Thick-bedded dolomite of the Wumishan Fm.crops out at this location.It is only weakly deformed and its primary structures are well preserved.On the penstock wall,one can observe well-preserved water-escape structures and scour structures.Growth faults and disturbed bedding are obvious,showing that the connate deposit was unstable.The stromatolites in these rocks are erect and upward-facing.Stop DLocation:East flat-topped ridge of Huangyuan.Content:Sedimentary sequence and lithology of the Neoproterozoic Changlongshan and Jingeryu Fms.and some Paleozoic rocks.4.Questions for discussion(1)What are the characteristics of a fold-thrust structure?(2)How can one recognize syn-sedimentary growth faults?(3)How can one determine whether a sedimentary sequence is right side up or overturned?(4)How can one determine whether a folded layer is an anticline or syncline?Stop 2 Gushankou large recumbent fold1.LocationGushankou railway cut(Fig.3-13).2.Purpose(1)To observe the shape of a complicated fold at the Gushankou railway cut.(2)To recognize the associated structures in the fold and understand the structuralr elationships among the associated structures and the main fold.Fig.3-13 ⅡA-type recumbent fold in siliceous dolomitic marble and carbonaceous phyllite of the Wumishan Fm.,Gushankou railway cut(After Yan et al.,2006)A—a large-scale recumbent fold at Gushankou involving dolomite,limestone and phylite of the Wumishan formation(Jxw);B—a sub-harmonic parallel fold(type IB)in competent dolomite,compared with type Ⅲ fold in incompetent phyllite(cf.Ramsay&Huber 1987);C—a ductile shear zone(inferred from several outcrops in Gushankou area),which has a top-to-the-southeast sense of shear;D—hinge zone of the large-scale recumbent fold at Gushankou involving dolomite,limestone and phyllite of the Wumishan formation(Jxw);E—cleavages within the phyllite of the recumbent fold indicate a top-to-the-southeast sense of shear;F—Stereonet plot(lower hemisphere projection)of mineral lineations and S1 foliation fromuhe locality shown in E,indicating the southeast-northwest orientation of the principal strain(3)Sketch various parts of the outcrop.3.Main contentStop ALocation:The south hill tip at Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the overall character of the complicated fold on the north wall of the Gushankou railway cut.Description:Observe the complicated fold from SE to NW.Using the khaki-colored calcareous phyllite as an index bed,trace the outline of the fold.The fold has a long and gently dipping normal limb,and a short,steeply dipping overturned limb,and thus is a recumbent fold.Observe the character of the fold and then sketch the section carefully(Fig.3-13).Stop BLocation:Att he western part of the southern abrupt wall of the Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the small-scale structures.Description:(1)Observe the foliation and the minerall ineation,and measure their dip direction and dip angle.(2)Observe the recumbent fold and the refraction cleavage in the hinge zone of the fold.stop CLocation:Western part of the north abrupt wall at the Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the sub-fold and bedding fault.Description:(1)Observe the distribution ofthe“Z”“M”“S” type sub-folds,and measure their attitudes.(2)Observe the bedding fault,and confirm the character of the fault(according to the drag folds and the relationship to the fault surface and the cleavage in the fault zone).(3)Sketch the structural features with appropriate scale.Stop DLocation:Center of the north abrupt wall at the Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the cleavage and joint.Description:(1)Observe the refraction cleavage and the bending cleavage,and examine the relationship between cleavage dip angle(referring to the bed)and rock type.(2)Observe the fan-type and reverse fan-type cleavage in the hinge zone of the fold,and their relationship to the rock types.(3)Observe the relationship between cleavage and bedding.(4)Observe the torch-type joint combination.These joints represent brittle deformation,and overprint on the cleavage,which indicates brittle-ductile or ductile deformation.These joints have an echelon arrangement.Stop ELocation:South abrupt wall att he Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the mullion structure.Description:(1)Observe the strike and dip and the morphology of the mullion structure.Note that interlayered quartzite and phyllonite crop out here.The thick-bedded quartzite forms cylindrical folds with divisional cleavage,whereas the phyllonite forms cuspidal-circular folds with penetrative foliation.The combination of fold-type and foliation produces the mullion structure.(2)Sketch this outcrop.Stop FLocation:Eastern part of the north abrupt wall of the Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the sheath fold(Fig.3-14)and the stromatolites.Description:(1)Shape of the sheath fold.In the YZ section,“Ω”type and closed folds can be observed here,and a symmetric“Z”type fold can be seen in he XZ section.Fig.3-14 Sheath fold noses in the YZ and XZ sections,including a ductile shear zone occurring within the Wumishan Fm.at Gushankou(2)Character of the sheath fold hinge.Note that the minerall ineation is parallel to the hinge of the sheath fold.(3)Observe the stromatolites.Note that some workers consider these to be stromatolites,but others consider them to be sheath folds(Fig.3-14).4.Questions for discussions(1)How can we utilize the minor-scale structures to recognize the character of a large scale of fold?(2)Why is such a complicated fold present in the Gushankou area?(3)Why do variable lithologies in this structure show different deformation?Stop 3 The museum at the Peking man ruins(Fig.3-15)Purpose:Visit the museum of the Peking man to understand the process of human evolution and its significance.Fig.3-15 The museum att he Peking man ruins

Thank you for your letter of May 3 (enquiring) for our model....问enquiring的用法?

enquiring这里是现在分词,修饰letter做定语,由于letter 主动发出了 enquire这个动作,所以是主动关系,所以用现在分词。这种现在分词做定语的句子都可以改成定语从句,比如Thank you for your letter of May 3 that enquired for our model MX-088 electric sewing machine displayed at Shanghai International Industry Fair held last month.

The new strategy _____ entirely thanks to his motivating the staff in marking.

没有两个动词,要点如下:1. 谓语动词是emerged,表示新战略方案出台。2. thanks是名词,thank to表示归功于。3. staff是集体名词,表示全体职员。4.整句意思是,新战略方案的出台完全归功于他对销售团队的激励机制。

some questions for excellent people(thanks)


pain Makes You Stronger.Tears Makes You Braver.Hearareak Makes You Wiser.So thank the past f...

ABF=a beter future

跪求Dope的Thanks For Nothing~~~




寻求以ar开头的英语单词,要求单词积极向上或者比较优美,越多越好!!! Thanks!!

arboraceous 树木茂盛的

英语选词填空题.选择的词语:1.mention 2.have...over 3.particular 4.thank y?

1.had over 2.arranged 3.looking forward to 4.occasions 5.specify 6.on time 7.particular 8.thank you more 9.mention 10.invitation,3,1.had over 2.arranged 3.looking forward to 4.occasions 5.specify 6.on time 7.particular 8.express 9.mention 10.invitation,2,1. 2 2.arranged 3.looking forward to 4.occasions 5.6 6.8 7.1 8.4 9.1 10.9 P.S. 第5题跟第7题的答案用的很勉强…,0,英语选词填空题. 选择的词语:1.mention 2.have...over 3.particular 4.thank you more 5.look forward to 6.specify 7.arrange 8.on time 9.invitation 10.occasion. 句子:1.We____Sue and Steve ____for dinner last night. 2.We have ____the meeting for Saturday afternoon. 3.We are____seeing you again. 4.I have met Mr.White on several ____. 5.He is ____ about what he eats. 6.Do the trains ever run ____here? 7.Please____when you will be away. 8.I can"t ____ for your help. 9.It was very kind of you to invite us." Don"t____ it,It"s nice to receive you here. 10.Thank you for the ____.We"d be very happy to e.


"counsel" is more formal than "advice" in using.

thank you to my brother?什么句型 什么意思?


Thanks for your mail. I will get back to you ASAP.怎么翻译


-scend是一个后缀吗? 表示什么意思?比如哪些词?Thanks!

是的 =climb,表示“爬,攀”" ascend v 登上,爬上(a 向上+scend) descend v 下降;传下(de 向下+scend→向下爬) condescend v 屈尊俯就(con 全部+descend→全身向下→屈尊俯就) transcend v 超越,胜过(trans 超过+scend→爬过去→超越)



thank you-ashanti中文歌词

I just wanna say that我只是想说I"m thanklul for having you in my life,我thanklul因为有你在我的生命,I wanna say thank you,我想说谢谢,I wanna say,我想说,I wanna thank you for being in my life,我要感谢你在我的生命中,I wanna say thank you.我想说谢谢。I miss you,我想念你,I wish you were here with me我希望你和我在一起saying thank you,说谢谢,and I love you for being in my life.我爱你在我的生命里。I don"t know我不知道I don"t know,我不知道,I don"t know what I would do我不知道我会做什么if I didn"t have you in my life,如果我没有你在我的生活,In my life,在我的生活中,I just wanna say thank you,我只是想说谢谢,I love you and I miss you,我爱你,我想念你,I just wanna say thank you,我只是想说谢谢,I love you and I miss you我爱你,我想念你http://www.meile.com/song/624328

谁知道魔女幼熙中的插曲destiny的下载地址 可以给个么 thank啦~



Evans Hankey接受其管理,后者接任首席设计师以后,则向首席运营官Jeff Williams汇报工作。目前苹果还没有合适的替代人选

高中英语作文:感恩一切(Thanks for Everything)

My wife, Shirley, and I have gone on vacations to a quiet beach in southwestern Florida for most of our married life. If that beach could talk, it would tell of teenage newlyweds who sunned and wrote "I love you" on its sands. It would tell of a little girl with eyes the color of the sea gathering seashells and of three wild boys leaping and diving into the surf. It would tell of joyous visits over the years from friends, parents, grandparents, new brides and grooms -- and now grandchildren. The beach would tell glorious tales of warmth and gratitude. collected by wwwu2022izuowen.com But I realized one day that I had rarely expressed my gratitude to the one who"d lived those years with me. On our 40th wedding anniversary, Shirley and I walked again the familiar margin of the sea. I told her then how thankful I was that she shared my life. We don"t have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones closest to us -- the ones so easily overlooked. If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: Give it now! While your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it. Saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the world"s happiness.Collected By wwwu2022 A few years ago, a young woman from a neighboring town won a scholarship to a prestigious college. Although the inner-city high school she attended was plagued with problems, she overcame them and excelled. When she graduated, she commended the often-maligned school for its challenging courses and her teachers for their special interest and encouragement. "I can"t say enough good things about the school and the teachers who gave me so much of themselves," she said. "I shall be eternally grateful to them."Collected By Saying thanks not only brightens someone else"s world, it brightens yours. If you"re feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others. It may be just the medicine you need. Before A. J. Cronin became a bestselling author, he was a doctor. Once he told about a colleague who gave an unusual prescription to patients afflicted with worry, fear, discouragement or self-doubt. The doctor called it his thank-you cure. "For six weeks I want you to say thank you whenever anyone does you a favor. And to show you mean it, emphasize the words with a smile." Within six weeks most of the doctor"s patients showed great improvement.Collected By izuowen.com Of course, there are times when you can"t express gratitude immediately. In that case don"t let embarrassment sink you into silence -- speak up the first time you have the chance. I recently returned home to Montpelier, Ohio, for a short visit. Memories of my boyhood flooded back as I walked the familiar streets. Then I saw Mrs. Bible, and my mind flashed back to high school.collected by I was a freshman, more interested in sports than school work, and I was falling behind in my Latin class. Then Violet Bible, a neighbor who was a schoolteacher, found out about my problem. "Oh, Latin"s great fun," she told me. "Come over tonight after dinner and I"ll show you." For the next several weeks, she tutored me until I could conjugate with the best of them -- well, almost. Anyway, I passed. At the callow age of 14 it seemed perfectly natural to me that a working wife and mother had nothing better to do after a hard day"s work than tutor me in Latin.Collected By Now as I saw her, I realized what an uncommon sacrifice it had been. And, after all those years, I told her so! "What you did was way beyond the call of duty," I said. "Thank you." I was rewarded with a surprised smile and a sparkle in her eyes. Each human being is yearning for kind words of appreciation. In December 1991, 17-year-old Candi Brown"s car overturned; the roof collapsed and crushed her skull. The crews of Engine Company 8 and Med 15 in Grayson, Ga., rushed her to Gwinnett Medical Center. Doctors told her parents to prepare for the worst. But Candi survived. A year later the family served a holiday dinner to the Gwinnett County firefighters and emergency medical technicians. During dinner Candi, whose goal is to walk naturally again, rose painfully and said, "Thank you for helping God save my life and giving me a second chance. I love you."collected by 《高中英语作文:感恩一切(Thanks for Everything)》由留学liuxue86.com我整理

thanks giving day的英语介绍

Thanksgiving Day, as celebrated in North America, is a time to gather with family and friends to give thanks for the many blessings enjoyed by these nations and their citizens. However, to many people, its meaning is lost. It has become simply another day for huge meals, dinner parties, get-togethers or reunions. What does Thanksgiving mean to you? Turkey dinners, cranberries, candied yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and family gatherings—these are all commonly associated with most Americans" and Canadians" yearly celebration of giving thanks—Thanksgiving Day!In the United States, Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, it is the second Monday in October. On this holiday, a Thanksgiving meal is prepared with all the trimmings; families gather together and talk, while others watch a game or a parade filled with pilgrims, Indians and other colonial figures. Some families may even have their own yearly Thanksgiving traditions.What comes to mind when you think of Thanksgiving? Do you picture a time of thankfulness towards God—or is it merely one of eating, partying or watching football?Sadly, the latter is what Thanksgiving has become to most. They have forgotten why the day was established. Its meaning has slowly deteriorated, and is now almost completely lost under a cloud of media hype, sales pitches, marketing tactics and blitz commercialism.While many are familiar with the traditional representation of the original Thanksgiving, it is helpful to examine the purpose for which it was first celebrated. By doing this, the day"s meaning will be firmly established.

buck电路中电感作用,可以没有电感的吗thanks a lots


Led Zeppelin的《Thank You》 歌词

歌曲名:《Thank You》歌手:Led Zeppelin专辑:《Led Zeppelin 2 (Remastered)》歌曲语言:英语流派:流行发行时间:1993-03-19发行公司:华纳音乐歌词:if the sun refused to shinei would still be loving youwhen mountains crumble to the seathere will still be you and mekind woman, i give you my allkind woman, nothing morelittle drops of rain whisper of the paintears of loves lost in the days gone bymy love is strong, with you there is no wrongtogether we shall go until we die, my my myinspiration is what you are to meinspiration, look seeand so today, my world it smilesyour hand in mine, we walk the milesbut thanks to you it will be donefor you to me are the only one, ah ah yeahhappiness, no more be sadhappiness, i"m gladif the sun refused to shinei would still be loving youmountains crumble to the seathere will still be you and me试听:http://music.baidu.com/song/1353347
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