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Led Zeppelin的《Thank You》 歌词

2023-06-07 08:42:37
TAG: tha Hank eli elin
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歌曲名:Thank You
歌手:Led Zeppelin
专辑:Led Zeppelin 2 (Remastered)

Thank You
if the sun refused to shine
i would still be loving you
when mountains crumble to the sea
there will still be you and me
kind woman, i give you my all
kind woman, nothing more
little drops of rain whisper of the pain
tears of loves lost in the days gone by
my love is strong, with you there is no wrong
together we shall go until we die, my my my
inspiration is what you are to me
inspiration, look see
(guitar solo)
and so today, my world it smiles
your hand in mine, we walk the miles
but thanks to you it will be done
for you to me are the only one, ah ah yeah
happiness, no more be sad
happiness, i"m glad
if the sun refused to shine
i would still be loving you
mountains crumble to the sea
there will still be you and me

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
歌曲名:《Thank You》
歌手:Led Zeppelin
专辑:《Led Zeppelin 2 (Remastered)》
if the sun refused to shine
i would still be loving you
when mountains crumble to the sea
there will still be you and me
kind woman, i give you my all
kind woman, nothing more
little drops of rain whisper of the pain
tears of loves lost in the days gone by
my love is strong, with you there is no wrong
together we shall go until we die, my my my
inspiration is what you are to me
inspiration, look see

and so today, my world it smiles
your hand in mine, we walk the miles
but thanks to you it will be done
for you to me are the only one, ah ah yeah
happiness, no more be sad
happiness, i"m glad
if the sun refused to shine
i would still be loving you
mountains crumble to the sea
there will still be you and me




crumble 英[ˈkrʌmbl]美[ˈkrʌmbəl]vt. 弄碎; 把…弄成碎屑;vi. 瓦解; 破碎,破裂; 碎成粉末; 崩裂;n. 碎屑,面包屑; 已崩溃的东西; 瓦砾堆;[例句]Many economists and investors say commercial real estate is cracking but has yet to fully crumble.许多经济学家和投资者表示,商业房地产受到了打击,但尚未完全崩溃。
2023-06-06 21:26:042


弄碎 瓦解
2023-06-06 21:26:112


把。。。弄碎破碎 瓦解名词 面包屑 瓦砾堆
2023-06-06 21:26:196


把。。。弄碎破碎 瓦解名词 面包屑 瓦砾堆
2023-06-06 21:26:356

crumple 和crumble的区别

crumple 弄皱,起皱crumble 崩溃,瓦解,粉碎其区别可以从下面例句看到:I need to iron my shirt. It got all crumpled after I slept in it.When I dropped the cookie on the floor, it crumbled into tiny pieces.
2023-06-06 21:26:521


collapse [简明英汉词典]n.倒塌, 崩溃, 失败, 虚脱vi.倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解, 失败, 病倒多数用于公司倒闭,精神崩溃等,组织瓦解,革命失败等。crumble [简明英汉词典]v.弄碎, 粉碎, 崩溃n.面包屑多数用于把……弄成粉碎。
2023-06-06 21:27:041

crumble 和shatter的区别是?

crumble: fall apart 散开, 崩溃, 破裂; 腐烂, 腐朽。强调破裂,倒塌shatter: break into many pieces 砸碎, 粉碎。强调碎成很多碎片。
2023-06-06 21:27:111


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2023-06-06 21:27:296


crumb的意思如下:1、n.碎屑;面包心;少许;一些;点滴;可鄙的人;卑劣的人。2、vt.给(食物)沾上面包屑;弄碎;使成碎屑。3、adj.(尤指馅饼酥皮)用饼干屑和黄油等烘制的。同义词:bit;person;crumble。双语例句1、What is lacking in my breads is a soft, moist crumb.我烤的面包心不够松软、湿糯。2、At last Andrew gave them a crumb of information.最后,安德鲁向他们透露了一点儿信息。3、The bird pecked the crumb rapidly from between my fingers.这只鸟迅速地啄食我指间的面包屑。4、She provided a crumb of hope.她带来了一线希望。
2023-06-06 21:28:131


中文名称:崩塌英文名称:collapse定义:岩体或土体在自重作用下,向临空面突然崩落的现象。应用学科:土壤学(一级学科);土壤侵蚀与水土保持(二级学科)以上内容由全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公布求助编辑百科名片 重庆武隆山体崩塌现场崩塌(崩落、垮塌或塌方)是较陡斜坡上的岩土体在重力作用下突然脱离母体崩落、滚动、堆积在坡脚(或沟谷)的地质现象。产生在土体中者称土崩,产生在岩体中者称岩崩。规模巨大、涉及到山体者称山崩。大小不等、零乱无序的岩块(土块)呈锥状堆积在坡脚的堆积物,称崩积物,也可称为岩堆或倒石堆
2023-06-06 21:28:536


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2023-06-06 21:29:364

图片上的 英文 翻译下

2023-06-06 21:30:181


A Rush of Blood to the Head心血来潮翻译者:酷玩的降落伞You said I"m gonna buy thisplace and burn it down你说你要买回青春少年,将它细心装点I"m gonna put it six feetunderground然后放一把火烧成深埋地底的碎片Said I"m gonna buy this placeand watch it fall也说要买回往日纪念,筑起华美的记忆宫殿Stand here beside me baby inthe crumbling walls然后说“亲爱的,来我身边,看它衰败的演变,成为萧条的断壁残垣”Oh I"m gonna buy this placeand start a fire你说要买回那住过的房间,再点燃一次那炽热的火焰Stand here until I fill allyour heart"s desire叫我与你肩并肩,直到你把我心中渴望都实现Because I"m gonna buy thisplace and see it burn你也说要买回错过的时间,做成精致的梦魇And do back the things theydid to you in return还要亲手还给那些嘲笑你的可恶嘴脸Said I"m gonna buy a gun andstart a war你说你要把武器装填,把这里变成战争前线If you can tell me somethingworth fighting for可这里落英翩翩,明明是世外桃源,哪会有战火与硝烟Oh I"m gonna buy this placeis what I said而你说为了心中的誓言,你必须冒这个险Blame it upon a rush of bloodto the head于是你心血来潮地拉开幕帘,台词已经很熟练Honey all the movements arestarting to make“亲爱的,一场改革即将上演See me crumble and fall on myface看残旧的我分崩离析,为新我作铺垫And I know the mistakes thatI made如今的我已不再那么肤浅See it all disappear withouta trace那些曾经的错误好比过眼云烟,不再复现”And they call as they beckonyou on就在这个瞬间,剧场突然断电,幕后的人大声告诉你退场的路线They say start as you mean togo on台下却响起掌声一片,有人悄声说这样的设计真是惊艳Start as you mean to go on“多么精彩的表演”Said I"m gonna buy this placeand see it go你说你要买回那座花园,亲手拆下那摇曳的秋千Stand here beside me babywatch the orange glow只是想了了夙愿,最后一次看夕阳无限Some"ll laugh some just sitand cry是谁哭红了双眼,又是谁绽放笑颜You just sit down then youwonder why人生本就有苦有甜,却总让人没来由地顾影自怜Said I"m gonna buy a gun andstart a war你说你要把热血装填,把这里变成战争前线If you can tell me somethingworth fighting for可这里落英翩翩,明明是世外桃源,哪会有战火与硝烟Oh I"m gonna buy this placeis what I said而你说为了心中的誓言,你必须冒这个险Blame it upon a rush of bloodto the head于是你心血来潮地拉开幕帘,把台词一句一句慢慢念Honey all the movements arestarting to make“亲爱的,一场改革即将上演See me crumble and fall on myface看残旧的我分崩离析成为新我的铺垫And I know the mistakes thatI made如今的我已不再那么肤浅See it all disappear withouta trace那些曾经的错误好比过眼云烟,不再复现”And they call as they beckonyou on就在这个瞬间,剧场突然断电,幕后的人大声告诉你这不是排练They say start as you mean togo on“你已处在边缘,你已无路可选”Start as you mean to go on“三秒钟自我调整时间,然后勇往直前”So meet me by the bridge ohmeet me by the lake让昨日重现,让我们再相牵,在桥旁柳前,看湖光点点When am I gonna see thatpretty face again可时过境迁,我是否还会再见到那张可爱的脸Meet me on the road让我们再相见,在旅行日记的某一篇Meet me where I said亦或在梦想地图的某一片Blame it all upon a rush ofblood to the head我心血来潮地拉开窗帘,不知是否又是平凡的一天
2023-06-06 21:30:381

you make my little heart crumble

我对你的爱从没有停息 我对你的心从未有改变 我会爱你直到海枯石烂 我会爱你直到海竭石碎 选择我,与我结婚 让我使你高兴 你使我完美 你在和我问好时中拥有我 你在和我问好时中拥有我 爱你不因为你是谁 而因当和你在一起的时光 (决无机械翻译)
2023-06-06 21:30:591

break down 的用法和意思,并举例。谢谢

损坏;出故障;(精神)崩溃My car broke down,so I needed to take a bus.我的车坏了,得坐公交了。
2023-06-06 21:31:073


Here comes a waveMeant to wash me awayA tide that is taking me underSwallowed in sandLeft with nothing to sayMy voice drowned out in the thunderBut I won"t cryAnd I won"t start to crumbleWhenever they tryTo shut me or cut me downI won"t be silencedYou can"t keep me quietWon"t tremble when you try itAll I know is I won"t go speechlessCause I"ll breatheWhen they try to suffocate meDon"t you underestimate meCause I know that I won"t go speechlessWritten in stoneEvery rule, every wordCenturies old and unbendingStay in your placeBetter seen and not heardBut now that story is endingCause II cannot start to crumbleSo come on and tryTry to shut me and cut me downI won"t be silencedYou can"t keep me quietWon"t tremble when you try itAll I know is I won"t go speechlessSpeechlessLet the storm inI cannot be brokenNo, I won"t live unspokenCause I know that I won"t go speechlessTry to lock me in this cageI won"t just lay me down and dieI will take these broken wingsAnd watch me burn across the skyAnd it echoes saying I...Won"t be silencedNo you will not see me tremble when you try itAll I know is I won"t go speechlessSpeechlessCause I"ll breatheWhen they try to suffocate meDon"t you underestimate meCause I know that I won"t go speechlessAll I know is I won"t go speechlessSpeechless
2023-06-06 21:31:174


打成碎末英文:Crumble to pieces
2023-06-06 21:31:502

break down 的用法和意思,并举例。谢谢

break down vt. 打破,减轻,把 ... 分解vi. 彻底失败,崩溃,停止运转,放弃,(数据,观点等)站不住脚 例句与用法:1.He broke down and wept when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时不禁痛哭起来。2.Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方谈判已经破裂。3.Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: wages 10m, plant 4m, raw materials 5m. 该工程费用开支可分成如下几部分: 工资一千万英镑,厂房设备四百万英镑,原料五百万英镑。4.The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统失灵了。5.Firemen had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. 消防人员须破门而入,才能抢救困在屋里的人。6.If law and order break down, anarchy will result. 法治一垮,就会出现无政府状态。7.We (ie Our car) broke down on the motorway. 我们(的汽车)在高速公路上抛锚了。8.Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。
2023-06-06 21:31:592


my hopes starting to crumble 独立主格
2023-06-06 21:32:073


蛋糕的名字 20分 黑森林蛋糕(Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte) 维也纳巧克力杏仁蛋糕, 起士蛋糕的(Cheesecake), 布朗尼蛋糕, 意大利甜点---提拉米苏(Tiramisu), 奥地利甜点------沙架蛋糕, 奥地利甜点------史多伦蛋糕, 日本甜点------Castella蛋糕,, 法国的名品――撒哈蛋糕, 年节的点心――木材蛋糕(Yule log)-(法国), 报纸上的名派――波士顿派(BostonCreamPie)-(美国) 中世纪的诞生――舒芙里(Souffle)-(法国), 蓬松的口感――戚风蛋糕(ChiffonCake)-(美国) 长青的产品――瑞士卷(Helveticrolls)-(瑞士) 有没有好听的蛋糕名字? 卡布琪诺 提拉米苏 巧克力堡 黑色甜蜜 亥巧克力小雪 鲜果塔 火焰石 黑月亮 蜜桃星球 焦糖小碗 晴朗夏日 美之旋律 悉尼之风 尼斯湖的秘密 纯色之冬 秘密城堡 巴厘岛之恋 秋的旋律 绿之流水 梦幻的夜 嫣然淑女 婉约盛放 蛋糕名字大全 卡布琪诺 提拉米苏 巧克力堡 黑色甜蜜 巧克力小雪 鲜果塔 火焰石 黑月亮 蜜桃星球 焦糖小碗 晴朗夏日 美之旋律 悉尼之风 尼斯湖的秘密 纯色之冬 秘密城堡 巴厘岛之恋 秋的旋律 绿之流水 梦幻的夜 嫣然淑女 婉约盛放 蛋糕、甜点的名字(越多越好) 木糠杯、焦糖布丁、纸杯蛋糕、北海道戚风蛋糕、牛轧糖、推推乐、草莓大福、芒果慕斯。。 栗子蛋糕 忌廉蛋糕 红草莓蛋糕 海绵蛋糕 拿破仑蛋糕 歌剧院蛋糕 --------------------- 意大利的甜品: 1. Triamisu 提拉米苏 2. Cannoli 法国的甜品: 1. Creme brulee 2. Mousse 美国的甜品: 1. Cheesecake ----------------------- 蝴蝶酥 Butterfly Cracker 蛋黄莲茸酥 Puff with Lotus Seeds Paste and Egg Yolk 蛋挞 Egg Tart ----------------------- 厚片土司(英文名:Toast) 凤梨松饼(英文名:Pineapple Cake) 花生松饼(英文名:peanut Cake) 咖啡松饼(英文名:Synthesized) 金瓜宝(英文名:Pumpkin Squash Custard) 法式蜜桃多士(英文名:Peach Witch Toast Fresh Style) 榴莲酥(英文名:Durian Custard Pie) 木瓜慕思(英文名:Papaya Mousse) 香蕉奶油冻(英文名:Banana with Ice Cream) ------------------------------ 甜品 西点类 108 黑森林蛋糕 Black Forest Cake 109 英式水果蛋糕 English Fruit Cake 110 草莓奶酪蛋糕 Strawberry Cheese Cake 111 草莓蛋糕 Strawberry Cake 112 蓝莓奶酪蛋糕 Blueberry Cheese Cake 113 美式奶酪蛋糕 American Cheese Cake 114 绿茶奶酪蛋糕 Green Tea Cheese Cake 115 意大利提拉米苏 Italian Tiramisu 116 大理石奶酪蛋糕 Marble Cheese Cake 117 咖啡奶酪蛋糕 Coffee Cheese Cake 118 红莓松糕 Cranberry Muffin 119 干果派 Mixed Nuts Pie 120 蓝莓松糕 Blueberry Muffin 121 琳泽蛋糕 Linzer Cake 122 芒果木司蛋糕 Mango Mousse Cake 123 苹果派 Apple Pie 124 草莓酥条 Strawberry Napoleon Sliced 125 巧克力榛子蛋糕 Chocolate Hazelnut Cake 126 巧克力木司 Chocolate Mousse 127 水果脆皮酥盒 Puff Pastry with Fruits 128 维也纳巧克力蛋糕 Sacher Cake 129 热情果木司 Passion Mousse 130 杏仁多纳圈 Almond Donuts 131 牛奶巧克力多纳圈 Milk Chocolate Donuts 132 鲜水果配沙巴洋 Frui......>> 各种蛋糕的名字,越多越好 我就知道这么多^_^美式芝士饼USAcheese cake 德式蜂巢蛋糕Besting cake 牛轧饼Negative 脆皮朱古力蛋糕Prelate full entwine chocolate cake 榛子薄脆百香果蛋糕Praline Hazelnut full entwine Passion cake 椰青菜糕coconut cake 浓味朱古力杯chocolate in glass 芒果布甸Mango pudding 奇异耿米饭吉士杯Kiwi custardin glass 朱古力布朗尼Brownies 香蕉杏仁饼Banana Almond cake 核桃挞WalnutsTarts 忌廉巴夫Piffle 椰子布甸coconut pudding 姜味香芒蛋糕Mango cake 脆皮朱古力忌廉蛋糕Prelate full entwinechocolate cream cake 核桃拿破伦蛋糕WalnutsNapoleon 德式芝士饼Germany cheese cake 纽约芝士饼New Yorkcheese cake 酸奶布甸Yogurtpudding 云石芝士蛋糕Marble cheese cake 白桃软心草莓蛋糕Strawberry and peach cake 传统拿破伦饼Traditional Napoleon 白森林蛋糕White forest cake 吉士蓝莓朱古力饼 Blueberry and custard chocolate cake 栗子忌廉饼Chestnut cream cake 栗子朱古力饼Chestnut chocolate cake 草莓朱古力千层饼Strawberry chocolate puff pastry 乳酪红心橘子甘笋饼Yogurt carrot cake 蓝莓杏仁牛油饼Blueberry almond butter cake 德国奶油香橙饼German orange cream cake 芒果芝士饼Mango cheese cake 百香果黄杏芝士饼Apricot thyme cheese cake 局草莓软心杏仁饼Baked strawberry almond soft heart cake 吉士蛋布甸 Custard pudding 法式炖蛋French pudding 鲜果者厘杯Fresh fruit jelly cup 金宝苹果批Apple crumble 玉桂香蕉朱古力忌廉饼Banana chocolate cream cake 浓咖啡朱古力忌廉饼Coffee chocolate cake 浓香椰子蛋糕coconut cake 朱古力沙架sacker cake 法式芝士饼French cheese cake 泰式红豆糕Thai-style red bean pudding 泰式绿豆糕Thai-style green pudding 泰式榴莲西米糕Thai-style durian sago pudding 泰式芭兰西米糕Thai-style sago pudding 红酒芝士饼red wine cheese cake 泰式南瓜吉士蛋Thai-style pumpkin custard 泰式黑米糕Thai-style dark rice pudding 椰皇黑糯米Dark coconut glutinous rice 印尼布甸Indonesian pudding 椰汁西米布甸Coconut sago pudding 泰式椰汁粟米糕Thai-style coconu......>> 蛋糕有哪些名称? 蛋糕主要有慕斯蛋糕,黑森林蛋糕,奶酪蛋糕,提拉米苏,舒芙里蛋糕,戚风蛋糕,玛德琳蛋糕和布朗尼~ 四个字的蛋糕名称有哪些? 波士顿派 巧克力堡 黑色甜蜜 嫣然淑女 婉约盛放 盘点全球有名蛋糕的英文名字 我就知道这么多^_^美式芝士饼USAcheese cake 德式蜂巢蛋糕Besting cake 牛轧饼Negative 脆皮朱古力蛋糕Prelate full entwine chocolate cake 榛子薄脆百香果蛋糕Praline Hazelnut full entwine Passion cake 椰青菜糕coconut cake 浓味朱古力杯chocolate in glass 芒果布甸Mango pudding 奇异果米饭吉士杯Kiwi custardin glass 朱古力布朗尼Brownies 香蕉杏仁饼Banana Almond cake 核桃挞WalnutsTarts 忌廉巴夫Piffle 椰子布甸coconut pudding 姜味香芒蛋糕Mango cake 脆皮朱古力忌廉蛋糕Prelate full entwinechocolate cream cake 核桃拿破伦蛋糕WalnutsNapoleon 德式芝士饼Germany cheese cake 纽约芝士饼New Yorkcheese cake 酸奶布甸Yogurtpudding 云石芝士蛋糕Marble cheese cake 白桃软心草莓蛋糕Strawberry and peach cake 传统拿破伦饼Traditional Napoleon 白森林蛋糕White forest cake 吉士蓝莓朱古力饼 Blueberry and custard chocolate cake 栗子忌廉饼Chestnut cream cake 栗子朱古力饼Chestnut chocolate cake 草莓朱古力千层饼Strawberry chocolate puff pastry 乳酪红心橘子甘笋饼Yogurt carrot cake 蓝莓杏仁牛油饼Blueberry almond butter cake 德国奶油香橙饼German orange cream cake 芒果芝士饼Mango cheese cake 百香果黄杏芝士饼Apricot thyme cheese cake 局草莓软心杏仁饼Baked strawberry almond soft heart cake 吉士蛋布甸 Custard pudding 法式炖蛋French pudding 鲜果者厘杯Fresh fruit jelly cup 金宝苹果批Apple crumble 玉桂香蕉朱古力忌廉饼Banana chocolate cream cake 浓咖啡朱古力忌廉饼Coffee chocolate cake 浓香椰子蛋糕coconut cake 朱古力沙架sacker cake 法式芝士饼French cheese cake 泰式红豆糕Thai-style red bean pudding 泰式绿豆糕Thai-style green pudding 泰式榴莲西米糕Thai-style durian sago pudding 泰式芭兰西米糕Thai-style sago pudding 红酒芝士饼red wine cheese cake 泰式南瓜吉士蛋Thai-style pumpkin custard 泰式黑米糕Thai-style dark rice pudding 椰皇黑糯米Dark coconut glutinous rice 印尼布甸Indonesian pudding 椰汁西米布甸Coconut sago pudding 泰式椰汁粟米糕Thai-style coconu......>> 有没有好听的结婚蛋糕名字 各种贰呼,只要你喜欢,关键要和蛋糕搭配!!春暖花开,蝶舞翩翩,红砖金瓦,王子与公主,浪漫香槟,相约罗马,爱的聆听,绚彩恋歌,相约爱情海,金色恋歌,玫瑰之约,绚丽多彩,心之融,爱之城堡,今生共相伴,等等的,我有很多! 要~各种蛋糕、甜食的名称…… 著名的意大利甜点,它起源于一个温馨的故事:二战时期,一个意大利士兵的妻子打算给即将出征的丈夫准备干粮,但由于家里很贫穷,因此她就把所有能吃的饼干和面包都做进了一个糕点里,那个糕点就是提拉米苏。因此提拉米苏在意大利语里有“带我走”的意思,象征食用者吃下的不只是美味,还有爱和幸福。沙河蛋糕(Sachertorte)奥地利著名甜点,起源于1832年某王子的家厨所做的一种甜美无比的巧克力馅。这种巧克力馅当时深受皇室喜爱。后来,一家贵族经常出入的饭店便推出了以这种巧克力涂抹的内裹杏仁及果酱的巧克力奶油蛋糕。现在,沙河蛋糕已经成为了奥地利的国宝级点心。维也纳巧克力杏仁蛋糕(Imperial Torte)以奥地利首都命名的蛋糕,名字起源于奥地利最好的宾馆之名。当年宾馆开幕时,一位糕饼师傅烘焙出了一种口感特殊的蛋糕。它不仅受到了皇帝的喜爱,还被皇帝亲自赐名为“Imperial Torte”(甜密的问候)。 由于维也纳巧克力杏仁蛋糕有着使用可口的牛奶巧克力和甜美杏仁制成的外层,以及铺满碎杏仁和可可亚的内层,因此整个蛋糕吃起来口感既甜美又细腻。欧培拉(Opera)法国知名甜点,是款有着数百年历史的蛋糕,里边那股浓郁的巧克力味与咖啡味令每个爱好巧克力与咖啡的人都迷恋不已。传统的欧培拉共有六层,包括三层浸过咖啡糖浆的海绵蛋糕,以及用牛油、鲜奶油和巧克力奶油做成的馅。整个蛋糕充满了咖啡与巧克力的香味,入口即化。 对欧培拉的起源共有两种不同的说法。一种说法认为,此甜点原是法国一家点心咖啡店所研发出的人气甜点。因为超受欢迎、店址又位于歌剧院旁,所以店主干脆将此甜点直接命名为“Opera”(“Opera”一词在法文里的意思就是“歌剧院”)。而另一种说法却认为,欧培拉蛋糕最先是由1890年开业的甜点店Dalloyau所创制。由于其形状非常方正。由于它表面淋着的那层薄薄的巧克力看起来很像歌剧院内的舞台,而饼面上点缀的金箔片看起来又像是歌剧院加尼叶(原巴黎著名歌剧院的名字),它才得到了这个形象的称呼。慕斯蛋糕(Mousse Cake)法国的另一款著名甜食,是厨师们最初在奶油中加入各种口感和风味的辅料后诞生的产物。由于慕斯蛋糕无论是外型、色泽、结构还是口味均变化丰富,且口感自然纯正,再加上将其冷冻后食用便会愈加其味无穷的特点,因此它立刻成为了蛋糕中的极品存在。 慕斯蛋糕的出现,不但符合了人们追求精致时尚、崇尚自然健康的生活理念,也给了蛋糕大师们更大的创造空间。因为慕斯蛋糕的水准可以反映出大师们的真正功力和世界蛋糕发展的趋势,所以在西点世界杯上,慕斯蛋糕的比赛历来十分激烈,大师们往往通过慕斯蛋糕的制作来向人们展示出他们内心的生活悟性和艺术灵感。木材蛋糕(Yule log)法国节日必备点心,其名字中的“Yule”其实是圣诞节的旧称,因为从维京时代至今的冬季庆典,英格兰的人们在圣诞节时都会在林子里砍下树木拖回去放置在壁炉内,从平安夜开始烧上12天,所以这种树木就被叫做“Yule log”(圣诞树)。 而法国人在过平安夜时,人们都会回乡团聚。半夜时,全家人会聚集在暖炉前,边吃着这种象征着节日的蛋糕(通常配以咖啡或红茶)边借机联络家人间的感情。因此木材蛋糕就成了法国人过节时的不可或缺之物了。奶酪蛋糕 (Cheese Cake) 奶酪蛋糕,顾名思义就是加有奶酪的蛋糕。而蛋糕中所使用的奶酪则起源自 *** 。很久以前,一个 *** 人在独自横越沙漠前,曾将新鲜牛奶倒进一个羊胃制成的皮囊里。但是当他到达目的地打开皮囊后,却发现里边的牛奶竟已经变成了一块固体状物体(即凝乳)和一汪液状的乳浆......>>
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I Will Survive - Gloria GaynorAt first i was afraid, i was petrifiedKept thinkin" i could never live without you by my sideThen i spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrongAnd i grew strongAnd i learned how to get alongAnd so you"re back from outer spaceI just walked in to find you here, with that sad look upon your faceI should have changed that stupid lockI should have made you leave your keyIf i had known for just one second you"d be back to bother meGo on now, go walk out the doorJust turn around now"coz you"re not welcome anymoreWeren"t you the one who tried to break me with goodbye?Did you think i"d crumble?Did you think i"d lay down and die?Oh no not i, i will surviveFor as long as i know how to love, i know i"ll stay aliveI"ve got all my life to liveAnd i"ve got all my love to giveI"ll surviveI will survivehey heyIt took all the strength i had not to fall apartJust trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heartAnd i spent oh so many nights just feeling sorry for myselfI used to cry, but now i hold my head up highAnd you see me, somebody newI"m not that chained up little person still in love with youAnd so you felt like dropping in and just expect me to be freeBut now i"m savin" all my lovin" for someone who"s lovin" meGo on now, go walk out the doorJust turn around nowYou"re not welcome anymoreWeren"t you the one who tried to break me with goodbye?Did you think i"d crumble?Did you think i"d lay down and die?Oh no not i, i will surviveOh as long as i know how to love, i know i"ll stay aliveI"ve got all my life to liveAnd i"ve got all my love to giveI"ll surviveI will surviveoh,noGo now, go walk out the doorJust turn around now"coz you"re not welcome anymoreWeren"t you the one who tried to break me with goodbye?Did you think i"d crumble?Did you think i"d lay down and die?Oh no not i, i will surviveOh as long as i know how to love, i know i"ll stay aliveI"ve got all my life to liveAnd i"ve got all my love to giveI"ll surviveI will surviveI will survive
2023-06-06 21:33:001


lesson1Glossary academic 学院的 adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期 adulthood 成年 affection 喜爱affirm 断言 agenda 日程表 anxiety 焦虑 attitudinal 态度的baptist bounce 跳跃 capability 能力 contribute 贡献counsel 建议 crisis 危机 definite 清楚的 developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别 distressed 悲伤 dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生)encyclopedia 百科全书 endeavor 尝试 endowment 天赋ethical 道德的 evaluate 估算,评估 excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的 financial 财政的 functional 职务的 genetic 基因的guilt 内疚 heighten 提高 inherit 遗传,继承 inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流 interaction 合作 involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊 masculine 男性的 maturity 成熟 mistrust 不信任newscast 新闻广播 parental 父母的 peer 同龄人 perceive 理解position 工作 prejudiced 偏见 project 规划 rebel 抗议relate 理解,同情某人 resentment 怨恨 role 职责 seminary 学院的separation 分开 sexual 2性的 shrink 缩水 stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的 theological 神学的 unquestionably 毫无疑问的 lesson2Glossary alley n.小路, 巷 bitterness n.苦味, 悲痛, 怨恨 call it quits 停止civil war 内战 Congressman n.国会议员, 众议院议员 dirt road 土路down and out 落魄 drip n.水滴vt.(使)滴下vi.(使)滴下 druggist n.药商, 药材商, 药剂师【医】药商, 调剂员farmhouse n.农舍 general n.一般, 将军, 大体a.全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的n.常规【计】常规【医】一般的, 全身性, 广泛的get hold of 抓住, 得到 get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知glimpose n.一瞥, 一闪vi.投以一瞥, 闪烁不定vt.瞥见fool around 闲荡, 干蠢事, 干无用的事, 干琐屑的事grand marshal 大元帅 harness n.马具, 挽具状带子, 甲胄vt.给...上挽具, 驾驭, 披上甲胄, 利用...以产生动力headquarters n.总部, 司令部, 总部人员【经】本部, 总部, 总署hush n.肃静, 安静, 沉默vt.(使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默interj.嘘, 别作声intimate a.亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的vt.暗示, 通知, 告诉n.至交【法】亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的lrish 爱尔兰的 liven vt.使高兴, 使快活vi.快活起来livery n.制服, 侍从a.象肝的, 有肝病症状的memoir n.传记, 实录, 追思录, 回忆录, 自传【化】研究报告miraculously ad.超自然, 非凡, 不可思议, 令人惊叹, 象奇迹一样, 奇迹般, 能创造奇迹momentary a.瞬间的, 刹那间的naked a.裸体的, 无装饰的, 无保护的, 赤贫的【医】裸露的orderly a.有秩序的, 整齐的, 值班的n.护理员, 清道夫, 传令兵, 勤务兵ad.依次地, 顺序地【医】男护理员parade n.游行, 炫耀, 阅兵vt.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进vi.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进pond n.池塘vt.筑成池塘vi.筑成池塘 Presbyterian adj.长老制的, 长老会的n.长老教会员railroad n.铁路, 铁路公司vt.铺设铁路, 用铁路运输vi.在铁路工作【经】铁道, 铁路ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的 Scotsman n.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人shed n.车棚, 小屋, 脱落之物, 分水岭vt.使流出, 放射, 脱落, 散发, 摆脱vi.流出, 散布, 脱落【医】脱落, 脱换 show up 揭露, 露出, 露面smash n.打碎, 粉碎, 打碎时哗啦声, 猛击, 扣球, 杀球, 经营失败, 破产, 硬币, 假硬币a.非常轰动的, 了不起的vt.打碎, 粉碎, 击溃, 使破产, 使裂变, 使用假硬币vi.碎裂, 猛撞, 破产, 扣球, 杀球ad.轰隆一声, 哗啦一声surrender vt.交出, 放弃, 使投降, 让与vi.投降, 自首n.交出, 放弃, 投降Swede n.瑞典人 sympathize vi.同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅thick with somebody 厚与某人 windbag n.空话连篇的人, 风囊 lesson3Glossary administration n.管理 advertise v.登广告 advertisement n.广告anchor v.抛锚;使牢固 assemble v.集合 attach v.系;绑;连接award n.奖品 basics n.基本;要素 campus n.校园 charitable a.慈善的civic a.城市的 combat n.战斗;格斗 compete v.竞争 competition n.竞争consumer n.消费者 custom-made a.定做的 customazed a.定做的;定制的deal n.协议 dealer n.商人 delivery n.(把货物、信件等)送往(某处)dignify v.使。。。有尊严 diploma n.文凭 efficient a.有效率的entitlement n.权利 entrepreneur n.企业家 equivalency n.等价excess a.过量的 feature n.特征 figure out 想出 flabbergasted a.大吃一惊的frantic a.匆忙的 grab v.抢夺 grip v.紧握 n.紧握come to grips with 了解并应付(难题或局面) gross v.总共兼得giant n.兴旺的大公司 gulf n.海湾 heap v.堆积 hefty a.高大健壮的;笨重的imbued a.使(某人)充满(强烈感情)be imbued with对。。。充满强烈感情invaluable a.非常宝贵的 incorporate v.组成公司 inventory n.库存清单Jewish a.犹太人的 lease n&v租借 magnitude n.巨大;重要性manufacturer n.制造商 makeup n.加价百分比 marketing n.市场营销maze n.迷宫 necessity n.必要性 newlyweds n.新婚的人 pace n.速度;进度painstakingly a.小心的 parcel n.(土地的)一片 pan out成功performance n.(工作或活动中的)表现 personalized a.符合特定需求的pizza n.比萨饼 profit n.利润 profitable a.有利可图的 prospect n.前途;展望quarters n.住处 quota n.定额;定量 recess n.(工作等)暂停;休息时间recipient n.接受者 reel v.绕;卷 revenue n.收入 site n.(重要事件发生的)场所on-site service 上门服务 sketch v.速写 souped-up a.增强了马力的stripped-down a.朴素的 subsidiary n.子公司 subscription n.订阅费surplus a.过剩的 take apart 拆开 toll-free a.免费的 trotline n.钓绳trunk n.行李箱 tycoon n.大亨 with a vengeance 猛烈地;激烈地youngster n.年轻人 zone n.地区 Proper names Michael Dell 麦克尔•戴尔Fred J. Eckert 弗莱德•艾克脱 Houston 休斯顿 Austin 奥斯丁Alexander Dell 亚历山大•戴尔 Lorraine Dell 罗琳•戴尔 Mexico 墨西哥Texas 德克萨斯州 Thailand 泰国 lesson4glossary abandon离弃,抛弃,舍弃=desert alarm警告或惊吓,使惊觉=frighten,startlebarbed-wire铁丝网 brim=fill充溢,满 binoculars双眼望远镜blissfully=happily高兴地,愉快地 bug甲虫 carpet地毯,绒毯 carve雕刻,刻制=chiseldangle悬挂,垂挂 daydream做白日梦 definitely=certainly=surelydense=thick稠密的,浓密的,密集的 echo=resound发出回声,产生回响familiarity熟悉n. fascinate强烈地吸引住,迷住,使神魂颠倒~charmfortress要塞 fossil化石 gamekeeper猎区管理人 hike徒步,远足trampidentify识别,确认v. immense巨大的,广大的,无垠的extremely largeimpenetrable不能穿过的,刺不进的,透不过的 inclined倾向于...的,有...意向的,赞成...的likely,disposedinstinctively本能地,天性地 introduce引进,引领,推行 ivory象牙jam果酱 laurel月桂树 legacy遗产inheritance mouthful一口n.munch狼吞虎咽地吃,津津有味地嚼=chew network网络 nickname绰号,诨名owl猫头鹰 patchwork田野和村庄拼缀成的图案 pheasant雉鸡(山鸡,野鸡)pillar柱子,支柱 pinkly略带粉红色的 private私人的,私有的,个人的personalproceed进行,前进advance =progress反义词retreat rare罕见的,稀有的,不寻常的uncommon=unusualrewarding值得做的,令人满意的, roam闲逛,漫步wander=strollrustle轻而爽的声音 shortbread油酥糕饼 sloping倾斜的,有坡度的soccer英式足球 sting刺伤,刺痛prick stuffed被制成标本的surround围绕,环绕 suspect有某事物存在或属实的想法,相信believetart水果馅饼 tome大部头的书(尤指学术性或者理论性的) trespass非法侵入=invadetrunk树干=stalk tutor教to teach=instruct twitter吱吱叫,啁啾vaulted半圆形的,拱形的 verge极接近某物=approach wary小心的,警惕的,留意的cautiouswester西移,朝西行进 woodland林地,树林 wordlessly不用语言表达的wow哇,呀(惊讶) wrench猛扭或猛拉某人使之脱离某物,用力挣脱strainProper Names Michael Welzenbach Berkshire Robin HoodCrawford Robertson Glasgow lesson5Glossary abstain弃权(不投票) alleged(未经证实而)陈述的 argument论据evidenceassume假想,假设soppose,persume backyard后院 ballot无记名投票制breeding-ground某事物(通常指有害事物)的滋生地 burden负担,重负loadcall for形势所迫,必须立即采取行动 characteristic n.与众不同的特征peculiaritycharge指责,控告,指控 coincidence巧合的事chance collection-box募捐箱conduct控制,管理,经营manage,direct coroner验尸官counselor律师lawyer court法院 cross-examination盘问,详讯,严诘n.customary合乎习俗的,依照习俗的,习惯上的usual,habitualdefendant被告,被告人accused,offender disonesty不老实,不诚实cheatingdiverge v.分叉,岔开;分歧 elevated好的,高尚的dignified,nobleexcitable易激动的,易兴奋的 eyewitness目击者 fantastic了不起的,极好的wonderful,splendid,marvelousfilthy污秽的,肮脏的mucky fingerprint指纹 first-degree murder一级谋杀罪flick v.(用轻而快的动作)移动某物 flimsy软弱无力的,不足信的weak,feeble;不结实的,易损坏的foreman陪审团团长 forgery伪造罪 get at v.意指,暗指 grown-up成年人guilty有罪的,犯罪的 handy便于拿取的,便于使用的,有用的 honestly的确reallyhumph哼 innocent无辜的,无罪的,清白的 junk无用或者无价值的东西rubbishlay sb. out打晕某人 liar说谎者 mix up v.混淆 motive动机,原因causemugging行凶抢劫n. narrator讲述着,叙述者 orphanage孤儿院pawnshop当铺,典当行 practically几乎,实际上nearly,virtuallypreacher传道人,讲道的教士 preliminary开端的,准备性的opening,introductoryprivilege特权 proposition提议,建议(尤指业务上的)prosecution检举,告发,起诉n.provoke对事物做出反映 quote v.引用,引述,引证(他人的语言或者文字)quarter两角五分 refute证明...不对,反驳,驳斥disapprove reform改造,改良n. improvementridicule v.嘲弄,戏弄,嘲笑、 seek寻找hunt shred n.细条,碎片sickening令人恶心的disgusting slum贫民窟 spill v.流出,溢出,洒出stab v.戳(某物)刺伤(某人) swear宣誓承认(某一陈述)属实affirmswitch v.(使某事物)转变或改变(尤指突然) tavern客栈,酒店,酒馆testimony证词 unbearable难以忍受的,不能容忍的 upright诚实的,正直的,规矩的verdict n.裁断,裁决,裁定judgment,decision violence暴力行为(尤指非法的),暴行vote以表决的方式表明观点或者选择;表决结果,投票总数weapon武器,兵器 yell v.号叫,喊叫,叫喊scream lesson6Glossary acquittal n.无罪开释 after all 毕竟 alibi 为……辩解 证明不在犯罪现场angle 角度 at the top of one"s lungs: as loudly as one could arrogance 傲慢态度 自大avenger复仇者 bear 承受 blunder 大错 brand-new 暂新的 bunch 串,束 一群人chain-locked: locked by a chain commonplace 寻常事,老生常谈,普通的东西; 平凡的,普通的commotion n. 骚动, 暴乱 【医】 震荡constructive a. 建设性的, 构造上的 【医】 构成的 【经】 建设的, 推定的courtroom n. 法庭, 审判室 【法】 法庭, 审判室 detective n. 侦探 a. 侦探的 【法】 侦探diagram 图表; 图解 display n. 显示, 陈列, 炫耀, 显示器vt. 陈列, 显示, 表现, 夸示【计】 显示器; 显示dye n. 颜料, 染料vt. 染, 染色vi. 被着色【化】 染料【医】 染剂, 染料be entietled to:to have the right toexecutioner n. 刽子手【法】 死刑执行人, 刽子手, 行刑者eyeglasses 眼镜 eyesight 视力 fairy 精灵 仙女 far-sighted 远视footstep n. 脚步, 脚步声, 足迹 frankly 坦白地说 hallway 门厅;穿堂;走廊in favor of 赞同, 有利于 inexpensive 便宜的 cheapinjusticen. 不公平, 非正义的行为【法】 不公正, 不公平, 权利侵害intimidate vt. 威胁, 恐吓 lousy 污秽的 恶心的lunge n. 刺, 刺进, 跃进, 套马索vt. 突进, 刺vi. 突进, 刺makeup 化妆品 object 反对 obscure 模糊的 昏暗的petty 琐碎的 小规模的 prejudice n. 偏见, 成见, 侵害vt. 使存偏见, 使有成见, 侵害【法】 偏见, 成见, 损害probability可能性 recreate 再创造 remarkable a. 不平常的, 值得注意的, 显著的sadist n. 虐待狂者【法】 性虐待狂者, 虐待狂者 scarlet 绯红色 猩红色self-appointed a. 自己任命的 slob n. 泥, 软泥, 粗俗平庸的人stamp 顿足 stick out (使)突出, (非正式)明显, 醒目stress n. 压力, 紧迫, 强调 sunglasses n. 太阳镜, 墨镜, 太阳眼镜sweat 汗水 take the cake 成为最佳者, 得奖testify vt. 证明, 作证, 声明, 表明vi. 证明, 作证, 声明, 表明【法】 证明, 表明, 作证trot n. 快步vi. 快步走, 小跑 vt. 使小跑, 策马小跑underhand a. 秘密的, 低手的, 偷偷摸摸的【法】 卑鄙的, 秘密的, 欺诈的unshakable a. 不可动摇的, 坚定不移的 witness-chair :证人席yak n. 牦牛, 饶舌, 连篇废话vi. 饶舌, 喋喋不休, 放声大笑 lesson7Glossaryarouse v.激起 引起 唤起 as for 至于 关于 association n.联想bachelor n.单身汉 (B-)学士(学位) betray v.泄露(信息或情感)bubble with 洋溢着(某种感情) buzz v.发出嗡嗡声 chatty a.健谈的on the contrary 恰恰相反 count on phr.v.依靠 curiosity n.好奇心 求知欲detachment n.公正 客观 超然 冷静 disclosure n.泄露 揭露 公开distraction n.分心 使人分心的事物 due n.权利 应得物 embankment n.堤防evidently ad.明显地 显然地 exception n.例外 flinch v.退缩 畏缩gather v.推断 推测 理解 hairbrush n.发刷 heighten v.(使)加强 提高 hence ad.因此 所以 in so far as 至于 in the event of 万一 倘若infallibly ad.绝对可靠地 万无一失地 infringement n.违背 触犯(法规) languid a.无力的 疲倦的 懒散的 leather n.皮革 mild a.温和的 和善的nettle v.使烦恼 使生气 激怒 occupant n.占有者 使用人 occurrence n.发生的事情pitch v.用力扔 投 掷 postage n.邮资 邮费 pratical joke 恶作剧 prayer n.祷告 祷文 prosperous a.繁荣的 成功的 兴旺的railings n.扶手 栏杆 raw a.生的 未煮过的 reaction n.反应 回应recollection n.记忆力 回忆 reflect v.思考 沉思 反思 refreshment n.恢复活力 焕发精神remark v.谈论 评论 resent v.愤恨 rob v.抢劫 on a large scale 大规模地sensational a.轰动的 引起哗然的 snap back 反驳说 sociable a.好交际的 合群的somewhat ad.稍微 有点儿 tact n.老练 圆滑 机智 be taken aback 使…大吃一惊tempt v.引诱 诱惑 trivial a.微不足道的 troublesome a.麻烦的turnip n.萝卜 well-to-do a.小康的 富有的 be worked up to 激起的 兴奋的 激怒的 Proper Names Harraby-Ribston lesson8absorbing吸引人的 altruistic无私心的 ample充足的 ant蚂蚁aptly适当地 broth肉汤 brute残忍的 causation因果关系 character人物cheat欺骗 clause条款 commitment委托 concept概念 conform一致context背景 contortion扭歪 criticize批评 derive起源 destruction破坏devastating毁灭性的 discreet小心的 disregard忽视 donut同步加速器环状真空室empathy共鸣 espouse支持 fateful宿命的 flavor调味品 forge锻造 forgo放弃gainful有利益的 grapple抓住 in this regard在这点上 inescapable逃不掉的initiative自发的 innate天生的 integrity完整 invoke祈求 kingdom王国latter后者的 long-lasting长久的 metaphorical隐喻性的 missionary传教士morality道德 motivate刺激 negative否定的 obligation义务 lesson9Astound 使震惊 barbarian 野蛮人 beak 鸟嘴 beast 四腿动物bosom 胸部 bound 跳动 champagne 香槟 coachman 马车夫decorate 装修 dill 小茴香 dreamy 幻想的 egoist 利己主义者exasperate 激怒 geranium天竺葵 grimace 痛苦的表情 haunt 出没,萦绕hint 暗示 hover 飞翔,盘旋 indecision 优柔 informal 不正式的infuriate 使大怒 loathe 厌倦 luxury 奢侈品 maniac 狂躁者melancholy 犹豫的 moan 呻吟声 mockery 嘲弄 mournful 悲哀的mysteriously 神秘的 pagoda 宝塔 parrot 鹦鹉 peel 削皮 perfume 香水pickle 泡菜 prick(up) 竖起耳朵 purr 猫的咕噜声 scrape 擦,刮self-engrossed 以自我为中心的 settle 了结决定 slumber 睡觉sufficient足够的 thunder-struck 震惊的 unfold 展开,打开veil 面罩 velvet 天鹅绒的 verbena 美人樱wasp 黄蜂 lesson10acclamationautomaton barrel cask shivalrous cloakcommander commander-in-chief contented convertcorps corrupt creed currency diplomat discarddoctrine earthenware elaborately elbow eleganterase expedition extravagance fiery flatterfortifications garment guffaw hermit hollowIliad imprint inhabit kennel lunatic Macedonian Magnificent Mediterranean mighty mischievous mockMonarch neglect nudge occasionally olive page boyParadox pebble perishable poetry privacy procurePurple quantity ragged realm restrain satirize sc
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-amble amble v.缓行,(小范围)溜达 gamble v.n.冒险;赌博 permeable a.可渗透的 ——> impermeable a. ramble v.n.1.(无目的)闲逛,漫步 2.闲谈,随笔 scramble n.v.1.攀爬 2.抢夺;使混乱 3.拼凑 shamble v.n.蹒跚 ——> shambles n.1.屠宰场 2.混乱场面 -imble nimble a.敏捷的,机敏的 -emble tremble v.n.1.颤抖 2.恐慌 -umble bumble n.v.拙劣地做事,搞砸 crumble v.粉碎;瓦解,崩溃 n.面包屑;面包点心 fumble v.n.笨拙地做事 grumble v.n.咕哝;牢骚;抱怨 humble a.卑贱的;谦逊的 v.贬抑;降低 jumble v.n.混乱,杂成一团 mumble v.n.咕哝,含糊说话 rumble v.n.隆隆响声;吵嚷 stumble v.n.1.蹒跚;跌绊 2.犯错,误入歧途 tumble v.1.翻滚 2.摔倒;倒坍 3.杂技表演,翻筋斗 4.恍然大悟,领悟 limber a.柔软的;易弯曲的 timber n.1.木材 2.(人)素质,品质 timbre n.音色 slumber n.v.睡眼;冬眠 lumber n.木材 v.笨重的移动 cumber v.妨碍 n.负担;麻烦 tremble v.n.1.颤抖 2.恐慌,焦虑 -amp/ample ample a.丰富的,宽敞的 clamp n.v.夹子;夹紧 decamp v.撤营,秘密逃亡 swamp n.沼泽 v.陷入困境;击溃 tamp v.填压 ——> tamper v.篡改,弄乱 tramp v.n.1.践踏,沉重走 2.步行 trample v.践踏,蹂躏;粗暴或轻蔑对待 -imp imp n.淘气鬼 limp a.柔软的;软弱无力的,没精神的 v.跛行,蹒跚 limpid a.清澈的;透明的;清楚的 primp v.(过分)打扮,装饰 skimp v.节约,吝啬 -omp pomp n.1.壮观,盛况 2.炫耀,浮华 ——> pompous a. -ump bump v.n.撞击;肿块 ——> bumper n.(汽车)保险杠,缓冲器 a.丰盛的;庞大的 lump n.1.团;块;肿块 2.笨人 3.惩罚 plump a.丰满的 v.猛地落下,猛冲 slump v.瘫软;下滑;(经济)衰落 rumple v.n.弄皱;皱纹 crumple v.1.挤压,弄皱 2.破裂,崩溃 附加: imb n.肢,翼;大树枝 ——> limber a.v.柔软的;轻快的;活动肢体 humid a.潮湿的 tumid a.1.肿胀的 2.夸张的 GRE写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括:1、 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点;2、 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点;3、考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证;4、支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论;5、控制标准书面英语的各个要素。写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。 感谢您阅读《形近词(二) 》一文,(我部希望本文能帮助到您。
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Leaves That Are Green 歌词

歌曲名:Leaves That Are Green歌手:Simon & Garfunkel专辑:America: The Simon & Garfunkel CollectionI was twenty-one years when I wrote this song.Im twenty-two now but I wont be for longTime hurries on.And the leaves that are green turn to brown,And they wither with the wind,And they crumble in your hand.Once my heart was filled with the love of a girl.I held her close, but she faded in the nightLike a poem I meant to write.And the leaves that are green turn to brown,And they wither with the wind,And they crumble in your hand.I threw a pebble in a brookAnd watched the ripples run awayAnd they never made a sound.And the leaves that are green turned to brown,And they wither with the wind,And they crumble in your hand.Hello, hello, hello, good-bye,Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,Thats all there is.And the leaves that are green turned to brown,
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Toni Braxton的I"m still breathingI"m still breathing 歌手:toni braxton 专辑:the heat Did you think my life would end that dayThat you walked out when you broke my heartDid you think I couldn"t make it throughOoh, without youDid you think you"d stop my world with goodbye, oh noDid you think I"d crumble insideNot Me, I"m still breathingAnd this heart of mine is still beatingI, I"m not feeling any painNo baby, not me, I"m still breathingThis old heart of mine is still beatingThe tears I cried have driedyou are gone and I survivedI"m still breathingThere were times when it took all my strengthTo just get through, yeah, through another dayThere were so many nights I thought that I was gonna dieWithout youBut the tears I cried somehow made me strong, so strongDid you think I couldn"t go onNot Me, I"m still breathingAnd this heart of mine is still beatingI, I"m not feeling any painNo baby, not me, I"m still breathingThis old heart of mine is still beatingThe tears I cried have driedyou are gone and I survivedI"m still breathingYou tried to cut me downBut look who"s still aroundWithout youDid you think you"d stop my world with good bye, no babyDid you think I"d crumble, just crumble insideNot Me, I"m still breathingAnd this heart of mine is still beatingI, I"m not feeling any painNo baby, not me, I"m still breathingThis old heart of mine is still beatingThe tears I cried have driedyou are gone and I survivedI"m still breathingThe tears I cried have driedYou are gone and I survivedI"m still breathingThe tears I cried have driedYou are gone and I survivedI"m still breathing
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crumple 和crumble的区别

crumple 弄皱,起皱crumble 崩溃,瓦解,粉碎其区别可以从下面例句看到:I need to iron my shirt.It got all crumpled after I slept in it.When I dropped the cookie on the floor,it crumbled into tiny pieces.
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瓦解的解释[disintegrate;collapse;crumble;break up;fall apart;fall (go) to pieces] 比喻 崩溃 解体;使崩溃解体 由于 民族 主义的 兴起 ,殖民帝国瓦解了 详细解释 (1).瓦片碎裂。比喻崩溃或分裂、分离。 《淮南子·泰族训》 :“ 武王 左操黄钺,右执白旄以麾之,﹝ 纣 之师﹞则瓦解而走,遂土崩而下。” 宋 文天祥 《<集杜诗·鲁港之遁>序》 :“人心已去,国事瓦解。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·和战》 :“恨山河半倾,怎能重搆;人心瓦解忘恩旧。” (2).谓使对方的力量崩溃。 马烽 西戎 《吕梁 英雄 传》 第七八回:“他们 利用 伪军 家属 ,和 俘虏 的伪军向碉堡喊话,瓦解 敌人 。” 郭 澄清 《大刀记》 第十五章:“对敌 宣传 ,要侧重瓦解敌人。” 词语分解 瓦的解释 瓦 ǎ 用陶土烧成的:瓦罐。瓦器。瓦釜雷鸣(喻无德无才的人占据高位,煊赫一时)。 〔 瓦特 〕电的功率单位。简称“瓦”。 用陶土烧成的覆盖房顶的 东西 :瓦当(乶 )(即瓦筒之头)。瓦匠。 瓦 à 盖瓦:这 解的解释 解 ě 剖开,分开: 解剖 。分解。瓦解。解体。 把束缚着、系着的东西 打开 :解开。解甲归田。解囊相助。 除去,除,废除,停止:解放(a.使广 大人 民 群众 脱离 压迫;b.解除束缚而得到 自由 )。解除。解饿。解乏。
2023-06-06 21:35:061


1.lastsforeverandever.2.Untilthedaytheoceandoesn"ttouchthesand,Nowandforever.海枯石烂=na.1. Tilltheseasdryupandtherocksdecay,nomatterwhathappens--anoathofunchangingfidelity;Oceansmaydryupandrocksmaycrumble,but...;nomatterwhathappens;(wouldneverdounless)theseadriedupandtherocksperished;eneniftheseasrundryandtherockscrumble;(Ishallloveyoutotheendoftime)tillseasrundry,stonescrumble!;(lovers"pledge)tilltheseasdryupandrocksmeltaway;Whentheseasrundryandtherocksturntodust... Eveniftheseasgodryandrockscrumble,mywillwillremainfirm.纵然海枯石烂,意志永不动摇。天荒地老=na.1. (literally)whentheearthandheavengetold--along,longtime(oftenusedbyloversinmakingvowsofeternallove).tilltheendoftime.直至天荒地老。有用请采纳
2023-06-06 21:35:151

Coldplay的《Animals》 歌词

歌曲名:Animals歌手:Coldplay专辑:ClocksArtist:Coldplay Album:Clocks (single)AnimalsAnimals we areDisposable, collapsable and rawIn you go into some crowded roomAnd animals that climbAnd they"re climbing over you until you say"Off you go, off you go"Animal I amAnd I"m looking for an answer just like youI should know which way to turnAn animal that runsAnd I ran away from you because I"m scared"Off you go, off you go"If you"re gonna go, go nowIf you"re gonna go, go nowI forgot to tell you nowSo if you"re gonna goGo nowAnimal you areDisposable, defenceless yes andWatch your mouth, boys watch your mouthI"m an animal that runsAnd I made all my excuses to youAnd I missed my chance by a stones throwIf you"re gonna go, go nowIf you"re gonna go, go nowI forgot to tell you nowSo if you"re gonna goGo nowGo nowGo nowGo nowOneNow crumbleCrumble and fallCrumble and fall like an animalI crumbleCrumble and fallCrumble and fall like an animalYes I crumbleCrumble and fallCrumble and fall like an animalYes I crumbleCrumble and fallCrumble and fall like an animal
2023-06-06 21:35:211

I Learned From You 仙境之桥片尾曲含义

2023-06-06 21:35:281

I learn from you miley cyrus歌词

Ooooo Yeah I didn"t wanna listen to what you were sayin" I thought that I knew all I need to know I didn"t realize that somewhere inside me I knew you were right but I couldn"t say so I can take care of myself, yeah, you taught me well [chorus - Miley:]I learned from you that I do not crumble I learned that strength is something you choose All of the reasons to keep on believin" There"s no question, that"s a lesson, that I learned from you [Billy Ray:]We always don"t agree on What is the best way To get to the place that we"re going from here But I can really trust you, and give you the distance, to make your decisions without any fear I"m grateful for all of the times You opened my eyes [chorus - both:]I learned from you that I do not crumble I learned that strength is something you choose All of the reasons to keep on believin", There"s no question, that"s a lesson I learned from you You taught me to stand on my own And I thank you for that You saved me, you made me, and now that I"m looking back I can say woooaaahhhh! Hmmmm. Hmmmm. Yeah! I learned from you that I learned from youI do not crumble I learned that strength is something you choose something you chooseAll of the reasons to keep on believin", keep on believin"There"s no question, that"s a lesson that I learned from you woooaaahhhh!I learned from yoooouuuI learned that strength is something you choose [Billy Ray:]something you chooseAll of the reasons to keep on believin", There"s no question, that"s a lesson that I learned from you
2023-06-06 21:35:363

As the gender barriers crumbled 和As the gender barriers was crumbled 的区别

2023-06-06 21:35:551


-amble amble v.缓行,(小范围)溜达 gamble v.n.冒险;赌博 permeable a.可渗透的 ——> impermeable a. ramble v.n.1.(无目的)闲逛,漫步 2.闲谈,随笔 scramble n.v.1.攀爬 2.抢夺;使混乱 3.拼凑 shamble v.n.蹒跚 ——> shambles n.1.屠宰场 2.混乱场面 -imble nimble a.敏捷的,机敏的 -emble tremble v.n.1.颤抖 2.恐慌 -umble bumble n.v.拙劣地做事,搞砸 crumble v.粉碎;瓦解,崩溃 n.面包屑;面包点心 fumble v.n.笨拙地做事 grumble v.n.咕哝;牢骚;抱怨 humble a.卑贱的;谦逊的 v.贬抑;降低 jumble v.n.混乱,杂成一团 mumble v.n.咕哝,含糊说话 rumble v.n.隆隆响声;吵嚷 stumble v.n.1.蹒跚;跌绊 2.犯错,误入歧途 tumble v.1.翻滚 2.摔倒;倒坍 3.杂技表演,翻筋斗 4.恍然大悟,领悟 limber a.柔软的;易弯曲的 timber n.1.木材 2.(人)素质,品质 timbre n.音色 slumber n.v.睡眼;冬眠 lumber n.木材 v.笨重的移动 cumber v.妨碍 n.负担;麻烦 tremble v.n.1.颤抖 2.恐慌,焦虑 -amp/ample ample a.丰富的,宽敞的 clamp n.v.夹子;夹紧 decamp v.撤营,秘密逃亡 swamp n.沼泽 v.陷入困境;击溃 tamp v.填压 ——> tamper v.篡改,弄乱 tramp v.n.1.践踏,沉重走 2.步行 trample v.践踏,蹂躏;粗暴或轻蔑对待
2023-06-06 21:36:011

the seas run dry and the rocks crumble意思是什么?

2023-06-06 21:36:221

break down 的用法和意思?

意思是(毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 停顿, 倒塌, 中止, 垮掉, 分解 发生故障;失败;)名词 break down:1.the act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue同义词:dislocation, breakdown2.a mental or physical breakdown同义词:breakdown, crack-up3.a cessation of normal operation同义词:breakdown, equipment analysis into mutually exclusive categories同义词:breakdown, partitioning动词 break down:1.make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features同义词:analyze, analyse, dissect, take apart2.make ineffective同义词:crush3.lose control of one"s emotions同义词:lose it, snap4.stop operating or functioning同义词:fail, go bad, give way, die, give out, conk out, go, break5.separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts同义词:decompose, break up6.fall apart同义词:crumble, crumple, tumble, collapse7.cause to fall or collapse8.collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack同义词:collapse
2023-06-06 21:36:312


我就知道这么多^_^美式芝士饼USAcheese cake德式蜂巢蛋糕Besting cake牛轧饼Negative脆皮朱古力蛋糕Prelate full entwine chocolate cake榛子薄脆百香果蛋糕Praline Hazelnut full entwine Passion cake椰青菜糕coconut cake浓味朱古力杯chocolate in glass芒果布甸Mango pudding奇异果米饭吉士杯Kiwi custardin glass朱古力布朗尼Brownies香蕉杏仁饼Banana Almond cake核桃挞WalnutsTarts忌廉巴夫Piffle椰子布甸coconut pudding姜味香芒蛋糕Mango cake脆皮朱古力忌廉蛋糕Prelate full entwinechocolate cream cake核桃拿破伦蛋糕WalnutsNapoleon德式芝士饼Germany cheese cake纽约芝士饼New Yorkcheese cake酸奶布甸Yogurtpudding云石芝士蛋糕Marble cheese cake白桃软心草莓蛋糕Strawberry and peach cake传统拿破伦饼Traditional Napoleon白森林蛋糕White forest cake吉士蓝莓朱古力饼 Blueberry and custard chocolate cake栗子忌廉饼Chestnut cream cake栗子朱古力饼Chestnut chocolate cake草莓朱古力千层饼Strawberry chocolate puff pastry乳酪红心橘子甘笋饼Yogurt carrot cake蓝莓杏仁牛油饼Blueberry almond butter cake德国奶油香橙饼German orange cream cake芒果芝士饼Mango cheese cake百香果黄杏芝士饼Apricot thyme cheese cake局草莓软心杏仁饼Baked strawberry almond soft heart cake吉士蛋布甸 Custard pudding法式炖蛋French pudding鲜果者厘杯Fresh fruit jelly cup金宝苹果批Apple crumble玉桂香蕉朱古力忌廉饼Banana chocolate cream cake浓咖啡朱古力忌廉饼Coffee chocolate cake浓香椰子蛋糕coconut cake朱古力沙架sacker cake法式芝士饼French cheese cake泰式红豆糕Thai-style red bean pudding泰式绿豆糕Thai-style green pudding泰式榴莲西米糕Thai-style durian sago pudding泰式芭兰西米糕Thai-style sago pudding红酒芝士饼red wine cheese cake泰式南瓜吉士蛋Thai-style pumpkin custard泰式黑米糕Thai-style dark rice pudding椰皇黑糯米Dark coconut glutinous rice印尼布甸Indonesian pudding椰汁西米布甸Coconut sago pudding泰式椰汁粟米糕Thai-style coconut sweet corn pudding牛油面包布甸Butter bread pudding绿茶布朗尼蛋糕Green tea cake蛋菜糕Agar Agar jelly烤柠檬忌廉饼Baked lemon cream cake冻美式芝士饼U.S cheese cake脆皮白朱古力黄杏饼Crispy chocolate apricot cake草莓幕斯杯Strawberry mousse in glass意式奶冻杯Panna cotta in glass美式果皇幕斯杯Durian mousse in glass酸奶幕斯杯Yogurt mousse in glass朱古力幕斯杯Chocolate mousse in glass菠罗软心椰奶忌廉饼Pineapple coconut milk cream cake柠檬蛋白达Lemon egg white tart什果鲜忌廉蛋糕Fresh fruit cream cake苦味朱古力蛋糕Bitter chocolate cake烤朱古力软心杏仁饼chocolate almond cake黑白朱古力毛士 Black and white chocolate mousse意大利芝士饼 Tiramisu苹果批 Apple pie什果者哩 Mixed fruit jelly朱古力泡芙 chocolate puff柳橙朱古力蛋糕 orange and chocolate cake.黑森林蛋糕 Black forest cake杏仁班戟 Almond pancake曲奇饼 Home Made Cookie迷你果达 Mini Fruit Tarts核桃牛油蛋糕Walnut butter cake蛋塔Egg tart绿茶蛋糕Green tea cake粟子软心橙蛋糕Chestnut and orange cake黄梅杏仁饼Yellow berry and almond cake
2023-06-06 21:36:401

break down 的用法和意思,并举例。谢谢

2023-06-06 21:36:471


2023-06-06 21:37:064

仙境之桥片尾曲I learned from you, Anna Sophia Robb版的歌词

Ooooo YeahSometimes I couldn"t hear what you tried to tell meI thought that I Knew all I need to KnowI didn"t understand that the doors you would openCould take me to somewhere I wanted to goI can be strong for you now You Taught me howI learned from you thatI do not crumbleI learned that strength isSomethin" you chooseAll of the reasons to keep on believin"There"s no questionThat"s a lessonI Learned From YouYou know where to find all of my hiding placesAnd there are no secrets from you I can keepYou let me know how you feelNo pullin" no punchesI never knew that kind of honestyI"m grateful for all of the timesYou opened my eyesI learned from you thatI do not crumbleI learned that strength isSomething you chooseAll of the reasons to keep on believin"There"s no questionThat"s a lessonI Learned From YouYou helped me to stand on my ownand I thank you for thatYou saved me you made meand now that I"m looking backI can saywoooaaahhhhHmmmm Hmmmm YeahI learned from you thatI do not crumbleI learned that strength is something you chooseAll of the reasons to keep on believin"There"s no question that"s a lesson I learned from youI learned from you (I do not crumble)I learned that strength is something you chooseAll of the reasons to keep on believin"There"s no question that"s a lesson I learned from youI learned from you
2023-06-06 21:37:143

l’m still breathing 歌词翻译

你有没有想过我的人生将结束那一天吗 你走了出去,当你伤了我的心 你以为我不能顺利度过吗 哦,没有你, 你想过你会停止我的世界与再见,不喜欢 你以为我搞砸了吗里面 合唱 不是我,我现在还活着 和我的心中,我还在跳 我,我一点也不觉得疼 不!宝贝,不是我,我现在还活着 这个旧的心中,我还在跳 你使我呼求的泪水 你不见了。我也活了下来 我还是那颗颗沙粒
2023-06-06 21:37:222


A Rush of Blood to the Head心血来潮翻译者:酷玩的降落伞You said I"m gonna buy thisplace and burn it down你说你要买回青春少年,将它细心装点I"m gonna put it six feetunderground然后放一把火烧成深埋地底的碎片Said I"m gonna buy this placeand watch it fall也说要买回往日纪念,筑起华美的记忆宫殿Stand here beside me baby inthe crumbling walls然后说“亲爱的,来我身边,看它衰败的演变,成为萧条的断壁残垣”Oh I"m gonna buy this placeand start a fire你说要买回那住过的房间,再点燃一次那炽热的火焰Stand here until I fill allyour heart"s desire叫我与你肩并肩,直到你把我心中渴望都实现Because I"m gonna buy thisplace and see it burn你也说要买回错过的时间,做成精致的梦魇And do back the things theydid to you in return还要亲手还给那些嘲笑你的可恶嘴脸Said I"m gonna buy a gun andstart a war你说你要把武器装填,把这里变成战争前线If you can tell me somethingworth fighting for可这里落英翩翩,明明是世外桃源,哪会有战火与硝烟Oh I"m gonna buy this placeis what I said而你说为了心中的誓言,你必须冒这个险Blame it upon a rush of bloodto the head于是你心血来潮地拉开幕帘,台词已经很熟练Honey all the movements arestarting to make“亲爱的,一场改革即将上演See me crumble and fall on myface看残旧的我分崩离析,为新我作铺垫And I know the mistakes thatI made如今的我已不再那么肤浅See it all disappear withouta trace那些曾经的错误好比过眼云烟,不再复现”And they call as they beckonyou on就在这个瞬间,剧场突然断电,幕后的人大声告诉你退场的路线They say start as you mean togo on台下却响起掌声一片,有人悄声说这样的设计真是惊艳Start as you mean to go on“多么精彩的表演”Said I"m gonna buy this placeand see it go你说你要买回那座花园,亲手拆下那摇曳的秋千Stand here beside me babywatch the orange glow只是想了了夙愿,最后一次看夕阳无限Some"ll laugh some just sitand cry是谁哭红了双眼,又是谁绽放笑颜You just sit down then youwonder why人生本就有苦有甜,却总让人没来由地顾影自怜Said I"m gonna buy a gun andstart a war你说你要把热血装填,把这里变成战争前线If you can tell me somethingworth fighting for可这里落英翩翩,明明是世外桃源,哪会有战火与硝烟Oh I"m gonna buy this placeis what I said而你说为了心中的誓言,你必须冒这个险Blame it upon a rush of bloodto the head于是你心血来潮地拉开幕帘,把台词一句一句慢慢念Honey all the movements arestarting to make“亲爱的,一场改革即将上演See me crumble and fall on myface看残旧的我分崩离析成为新我的铺垫And I know the mistakes thatI made如今的我已不再那么肤浅See it all disappear withouta trace那些曾经的错误好比过眼云烟,不再复现”And they call as they beckonyou on就在这个瞬间,剧场突然断电,幕后的人大声告诉你这不是排练They say start as you mean togo on“你已处在边缘,你已无路可选”Start as you mean to go on“三秒钟自我调整时间,然后勇往直前”So meet me by the bridge ohmeet me by the lake让昨日重现,让我们再相牵,在桥旁柳前,看湖光点点When am I gonna see thatpretty face again可时过境迁,我是否还会再见到那张可爱的脸Meet me on the road让我们再相见,在旅行日记的某一篇Meet me where I said亦或在梦想地图的某一片Blame it all upon a rush ofblood to the head我心血来潮地拉开窗帘,不知是否又是平凡的一天
2023-06-06 21:37:311


崩塌的解释[collapse;crumble;cave in;fall down] 崩裂倒塌 详细解释 崩裂倒塌。 华山 《山中海路》 :“那耸入 蓝天 的积雪的顶峰,那势如悬河的冰川的岩石,眼看着就要崩塌下来似的。” 词语分解 崩的解释 崩 ē 倒塌:崩塌。崩坍。崩毁。崩解(?)。 崩溃 。崩决。崩颓。 分崩离析 。 破裂 :崩裂。把气球吹崩了。 崩裂的 东西 击中:放爆竹崩了手。 败坏:礼坏乐(?)崩。 称枪毙:拉出去崩了。 君主时代称帝王死:驾 塌的解释 塌 ā 倒(僶 ),下陷:倒塌。塌方。塌台。塌架。塌陷。 下垂:塌秧。 安定, 镇定 :塌下心来。 部首 :土。
2023-06-06 21:37:401


ブシュ:bush 轴衬,衬套バイス:vise 老虎钳ジャッキ:jack 千斤顶クランプ(缔め金):crumble 粉碎,崩溃(总额)テーブル:桌子,一览表パレット:valet 清洗(汽车)プレート:plate 板金,金属板ブロック:导磁块  .ステップブロック:  .Vブロック:V形块  .段付き支持台:不会 > <くさび:楔子,轴销,制轮楔ボルト/ナット:bolt 螺栓 /nut 螺母,螺帽ピン:pin 销钉  .ダイヤピン:diamond pin 钻石形针  .丸ピン:圆形针チャック:chuck 夹头,卡盘アーバ:arbor 轴,(机床的)心轴,刀轴センタ:center 中央,中心ケレ(ケレー、回し板)/回し金:拨盘/夹头マンドレル:mandrel 心轴 芯棒面板:花盘振れ止め:防振器ドリルソケット:砖头插口テーパ:锥度,拔模斜度,拉拔角コレット:(弹性)夹头クイックチェンジu30fbホルダ/ドローイングu30fbボルト:quick change·holder / 线条画,制图holderボーリングヘッド:boring head フランジ:flange 法兰盘ツーリング:touring 旅游,游览,观光
2023-06-06 21:37:483


2023-06-06 21:37:541