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怎么查看Oracle官网ODAC的bug列表ODAC 直接使用 Oracle 调用接口 (OCI). OCI 是一种允许应用程序开发人员使用第三方开发语言存取Oracle数据服务器的过程或函数以及控制所有的SQL语句执行状态的应用程序接口(API)。也可以使用ODAC的Net选项而无需在客户机上安装Oracle客户端

Oracle的官网上怎么没有oracle 11g的学习文档,比如创建数据厍、创建表等等?


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convenience receptacle是什么意思

convenience receptacle英[ku0259nu02c8vi:nju0259ns ru026au02c8septu0259ku0259l]美[ku0259nu02c8vinju0259ns ru026au02c8su025bptu0259ku0259l][释义] 插座;[网络] 电源插座;

If a drug addict wants to keep clean and sober, what should he do?

【答案】:D If th ctxt has chagd, th rcall suffrd mst.


将json以字符串的方式整个入Hive表,然后使用LATERAL VIEW json_tuple的方法,获取所需要的列名

suspended particle device glass什么意思

暂停 粒子 装置 玻璃


group by那里不能使用别名.比如 gp_details在group by 里面要这样:customer_po||cust_goods_no||prod_name||mo_number||lot_size或者使用子查询.

oracle查询语句用instr函数后 索引失效是怎么回事


求帮忙做一个银行数据库 Oracle

功能一:create database bank;功能二:create table userinfo(customerID number(10) not null,customerName varchar2(10) not null,PID char(18) not null,telephone char(11) not null,address varchar2(255) not null);create table cardinfo(cardID varchar2(19) not null,cardCustomerID number(10) not null,curtype char(3) not null,savingtype char(4) not null,openDate date not null,openmoney number(10,2) not null,blance number(10,2) not null,password char(6) not null,isreportLoss char(2) not null);create table transinfo(id number(15) not null,transcustomerID number(10) not null,transcardID varchar2(19) not null,transdate date not null,transmoney number(10,2) not null,transtype char(4) not null,remark varchar2(255) not null);功能三:alter table userinfo add constraint pk_userinfo primary key (customerID);alter table userinfo add constraint ck_PID check(length(PID)=18);alter table cardinfo add constraint pk_cardinfo primary key (cardID);alter table cardinfo add constraint fk_CustomerID_card foreign key cardCustomerID references userinfo(customerID);alter table transinfo add constraint pk_transinfo primary key (id);alter table transinfo add constraint fk_CustomerID_trans foreign key cardCustomerID references userinfo(customerID);alter table transinfo add constraint fk_transcardID_trans foreign key cardCustomerID references cardinfo(cardID);功能四:insert into userinfo values(1,"张三","123456789012345671","13012345671","地址1");insert into userinfo values(2,"李四","123456789012345672","13012345672","地址2");insert into userinfo values(3,"王五","123456789012345673","13012345673","地址3");insert into cardinfo values("1234567890123456789",1,"RMB","活期",sysdate,5.04,5.04,"123456","否");insert into cardinfo values("1234567890123456788",2,"JPY","活期",sysdate,3.22,3.22,"123457","否");insert into cardinfo values("1234567890123456787",3,"USA","定期",sysdate,6.78,6.78,"123458","否");insert into transinfo values(1,1,"1234567890123456789",sysdate,0.23,"存入","存钱");insert into transinfo values(2,2,"1234567890123456788",sysdate,1.27,"支取","取钱");insert into transinfo values(3,3,"1234567890123456787",sysdate,2.34,"存入","存钱");功能五:select transcardID,transmoney from transinfo where to_char(transdate,"mm")=to_char(sysdate,"mm") and transmoney=max(transmoney);功能六:create procedure p_ciscursor cr isselect b.cardID,a.customerName,a.telephone from userinfo a,cardinfo b where a.customerID=b.cardCustomerID and to_char(sysdate,"dd") in ("28","29","30","31") and b.blance<200;cur_info cr;beginfor cur_info in cr loopdbms_output.put_line("卡号:" || cur_info.cardID || "&&" || "姓名:" || cur_info.customerName || "电话:" || cur_info.telephone);end loop;end p_c;

我就想在oracle写一个存储过程把A表的字段插入到B表中,能写个详细的的么 可以不带参数

create or replace proedure p_testasbegininsert into bselect * from Acommit;end;


select id,csz,decode(csz,"Y",mc,"N","") from ( select,a.csz, from a, b )



求SJ Miracle中文歌词


U-Kiss的《Miracle》 歌词

MiracleHEAVENLYby:ZAK求【Sign of the Winner】专辑Freedom is calling meFrom the kingdom of humanityI dream to see the sunlight once againcause i live throught the nightOn my wayI"m guilty to regain my lifeOr insanity will invade my mindThe realm of darkness is under a curseMemories of past I regretAnd I dream of a forestWhich"ll be bigger than the worldI am carried by the wind, to flya fairy"s passing by away and calling meto join our destinySOLOwhen I saw your faceI"ve crossed the heaven"s waynow we ride togetherseparated by daylightman I feel with youwishes can be come truesince the dawn of time we believethat love can change our sight of realityfreedom I will fight againto be number oneoh Lord, I need helpthe beast inside me is controlling my soulcondemned to eternityproudly I will get awayand I"ll find the misteryto enjoye againuntil my dream become realityI"ll carry on my way to get power" I"m the lord for everyoneI am coming from your heartwhat you are searching for is on youcan you believe meI"m the lord for everyoneI am coming from your hearthwhat you are searching for is on youcan you believe me "time has come to fight to become onerainbows of skyshow me the wayin my heartlove is getting higherflying like an angel into the windby my guidefrom here to the road of paradisetill the endSOLOAnd I dream of a forestWhich"ll be bigger than the worldI am carried by the wind, to flya fairy"s passing by away and calling meto join our destinywhen I saw your faceI"ve crossed the heaven"s waynow we ride togetherseparated by daylightman I feel with youwishes can be come truesince the dawn of time we believethat love can change our sight of realitywhen I saw your faceI"ve crossed the heavens waynow we ride togetherseparated by daylightseparated by daylight


你好:它是奇迹的意思。 在第一个句子里面是表示一个奇迹。是可数。第二个是被奇迹缠住。就是不可数的。


dota2 miracle是谁

东南亚三代目小娜迦创始人之一因为在中国打过职业 戏称第三代大刷子C第一代 B神第二代 塞拉第三代 miracle第四代 金将军 金将军现在不行了



亲们谁有miracle的歌词中文谐音 急用

MIRACLELife couldn"t get betteroh~ yeyeLife couldn"t get better澈】 (Without you Baby)Ji gen ga ji no o bu dou xi ga nun o du mi o jiao源 (baby) no le man nan hu na ai san hua len gu man gatayo庚 No le qiao bon sun kan a miracle (a miracle!! )Nan ne gei jiao ji qiao gen ba lo no lan goALL】Life couldn"t get better (hey~) Nan no pu mei an go na la pu len da le hang hei na la Za den no ai yi ma cu go ya Life couldn"t get better (hey~) No ai ma mei mun yao lo zue ke dei nei so ne qia ba yo Life couldn"t get better海】(oh, holiday)Mei yi mei yi piang bun mei don na de li yi jian da la jiao sou yo特】 (I wanna thank you baby) Sei sang mo den sa lam de li han bo kei bo yeyo旭】 No le qiao bon sun gan qiao bon sun kan a miracle (a miracle) nan ne gei jiao ji qiao gen ba lou no lan gorALL】Life couldn"t get better (hey~)(Ho~) Nan no pu mei an go na la pu len da le hang hei na la Za den no ai yi ma cu go ya Life couldn"t get better (hey~)No ai ma mei mun yao lo zue ke dei nei so ne qia ba yo Life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get ............better ~范】No le qiao bon sun kan I love you baby and I"m never gonna stop!ALL】Life couldn"t get better (hey~) (ho~) Nan no pu mei an go na la pu len da le hang hei na la Za den no ai yi ma cu go ya Life couldn"t get better (hey~) No ai ma mei mun yao lo zue ke dei nei so ne qia ba yo Life couldn"t get better(ho~) Nan no pu mei an go na la pu len da le hang hei na la Za den no ai yi ma cu go yaLife couldn"t get better No ai ma mei mun yao lo zue ke dei nei so ne qia ba yoLife couldn"t get better


[00:00.90]奇迹[00:05.03]邦乔维[00:10.23] -----------------------------------------[00:41.39]你在想什么宝贝[00:43.87]貌似重量的世界[00:49.89]现在在你的肩膀上[00:51.50]我知道你认为你要疯了[00:54.23]只是当它似乎一切[00:56.11]要去工作本身[00:58.78]他们开车送你回[01:03.01]你说这是不公平的[01:02.35]一个人走[01:04.44]当一只鸟能飞[01:06.57]我们要踢地面[01:09.21]亲吻天空的星星[01:11.94]他们说,灵活[01:14.76]一个人已经不行了[01:17.51]他们答应了我们真相[01:19.97]现在,他们给我们的谎言[01:22.43],还送一个奇迹顶部拯救我们这个时间[01:27.93]你的救星刚离开镇[01:32.40]会需要一个奇迹[01:35.74]因为它是所有上线[01:38.28]我不会让你失望[01:40.98](不,我不会让你失望的)[01:44.39]你希望的河流泛滥[01:46.96]我知道大坝被捣毁[01:49.27]如果你需要我,我会跑过来,[01:51.58]我不会让你失望......不,不[01:59.30]你正在寻找救赎[02:01.93]你以为它会很闪耀[02:04.08]像天使的光[02:09.57]好吧,天使离开了这个国家[02:12.22]和拯救赶上最后一班火车[02:14.52]今晚[02:16.95]他失去了一个地狱的战斗[02:19.20]他说,[02:20.29]我只是一个人,这就是我会永远[02:24.86]我永远不能你想从我的一切[02:29.75]我有这么大的计划[02:33.00]任何瞎子能看到[02:35.59]我站在河[02:38.00]现在,我在海中溺水[02:40.17],还送一个奇迹顶部拯救我们这个时间[02:45.38]你的救星刚离开镇[02:50.61]会需要一个奇迹[02:53.96]“因为你的心就行了[02:56.57]你的心跳速度放缓[03:02.40]你的脚仍然停飞[03:04.52]你是深远的天空[03:07.03]你可以让你的翅膀夹[03:09.07]因为我相信,你可以飞[03:19.65]独奏[03:32.77]好吧,我的眼睛已经看到了恐怖[03:35.78]洪水的来临[03:37.73]我深驱动的棘手冠[03:40.76]进入某人的儿子的灵魂[03:43.54]不过我会看着你的眼睛[03:46.08]因为我相信我想过的事情[03:48.64]我会死而无憾[03:51.35]我已经打过的战争[03:53.39],还送一个奇迹顶部您节省时间[03:56.69]你的救星刚离开镇[04:03.75]会需要一个奇迹[04:07.06]因为你的心的做时间[04:09.64]你的良心叫你出去[04:15.13]这是不是所有什么[04:17.43]生活是不是写在沙[04:20.16]我知道潮即将到来[04:22.72]但它的时候,我们做了一个立场随着一个奇迹

miracle是不是可数名词,为什么用 a 修饰


请问lamer海蓝之谜和cle de peau beaute肌肤之钥哪个更适合20岁混合型肌肤女生




张国荣&麦洁文的《Miracle》 歌词

歌曲名:Miracle歌手:张国荣&麦洁文专辑:真经典 - 麦洁文Miracle张国荣&麦洁文作词:卡龙 曲:Steve Davis/Justin Peters(男)沉默的一刻只想跟她说一次让我讲一次爱你你不知(女)莫非心中所想跟你也相似但愿再听一次还愿留住这时(合)And it"s a miracle!那对白突然静止Ah....我的呼吸声音像报时像架飞机兜圈数千次仍没法表达心意Ah....愿意不必拘束在友谊对你对你已真挚(男)未可解释怎么跟你竟相似摇动了心志却诈不知(女)愿空虚于今晚得到你赏赐让我爱一次时候仍未算迟(合)And it"s a miracle!那对白突然静止Ah....我的呼吸声音像报时像架飞机兜圈数千次仍没法表达心意Ah....愿意不必拘束在友谊对你对你已真挚Ah....我的呼吸声音像报时像架飞机兜圈数千次仍没法表达心意Ah....愿意不必拘束在友谊对你对你已真挚Ah....我的呼吸声音像报时像架飞机兜圈数千次仍没法表达心意Ah....愿意不必拘束在友谊对你对你已真挚

Céline Dion的《Miracle》 歌词

歌曲名:Miracle歌手:Céline Dion专辑:MiracleMiracleCéLine DionYou"re my life"s one miracleEverything I"ve done that"s goodAnd you break my heart with tendernessAnd I confess it"s trueI never knew a love like this "til youYou"re the reason I was bornNow I finally know for sureAnd I"m overwhelmed with happinessSo blessed to hold you closeThe one that I love mostThough the future has so muchFor you in storeWho could ever love you moreThe nearest thing to heavenYou"re my angel from aboveOnly God creates such perfect loveWhen you smile at me I cryAnd to save your life I"d dieWith a romance that is pure in heartYou are my dearest partWhatever it requiresI live for your desiresForget my own, your needs will come beforeWho could ever love you moreThere is nothing you could ever doTo make me stop loving youAnd every breath I takeIs always for your sakeYou sleep inside my dreamsAnd know for sureWho could ever love you more



cle de peau其中一款曾获得cosme大赏的保湿露英文名是...?


Cle de peau beaute 香港专柜在哪里?

* Clé de Peau Beauté Shop 专卖店: * G-38, Level G, 又一城 九龙塘地铁站 Tel: 2265 8088 * Clé de Peau Beauté Counters 专柜: * G/F, 崇光百货 (新翼)铜锣湾地铁站, Tel: 2831 8487 * Level 1, 西武百货 太古广场 金钟Tel: 2971 3814


Miracle - SuperJunior Life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get better <希澈> 迄今为止,没有你的生活,那样黑暗(Without you baby) <始源> 见到你后,我的生活,仿如做梦(baby) <韩庚> 第一次见到你的瞬间(见到你的瞬间) a miracle (a miracle),我能感受到,奇迹就是你 <全部>Life couldn"t get better(Hey) <晟敏> 我把你拥在怀里,飞向蓝色的天空(Ho),亲吻熟睡的你 Life couldn"t get better(Hey) <丽旭> 向我敞开你的心,请紧握我的手,Life couldn"t get better <东海> 原来很平凡的一天,现在变的不同(a holiday) <李特> 世上所有的人,看起来都很幸福(I wanna thank you,baby) <丽旭> 第一次见到你的瞬间(见到你的瞬间) a miracle (a miracle),我能感受到,奇迹就是你 <全部> Life couldn"t get better (Hey) <强仁> 我把你拥在怀里,飞向蓝色的天空(Ho),亲吻熟睡的你 Life couldn"t get better (Hey) <艺声) 向我敞开你的心,请紧握我的手 Life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get......better <基范> 见到你的瞬间,a miracle (a miracle) I love you baby, and i"m never gonna stop. Life couldn"t get better (Hey) <艺声> 我把你拥在怀里,飞向蓝色的天空,亲吻熟睡的你(Ho) Life couldn"t get better(Hey) <晟敏> 向我敞开你的心,请紧握我的手 Life couldn"t get better(Hey) <强仁> 我把你拥在怀里,飞向蓝色的天空(Ho),亲吻熟睡的你 Life couldn"t get better(Hey) <丽旭> 向我敞开你的心,请紧握我的手 Life couldn"t get better



cle de peau beaute的中文怎么读

  cle de peau beaute的中文读作肌肤之钥。  peau  [英][pu0259u028a][美][pou028a]  n.起绒织物;  beaute  仕女杂货  Clé de Peau Beauté,简称CPB,法文含义是“开启美丽肌肤的钥匙”,中文翻译为“肌肤之钥”,是日本资生堂旗下的一个的顶级品牌。  它于1997年正式面市,2001年正式导入中国市场。一直以来注重于服务与质量,所有销售点都选择在一座城市最豪华、最高档的地区。到目前为止,该产品已经在全世界十几个国家和地区开设了专营店。在中国,CPB已在北京、上海、沈阳、大连、哈尔滨、长春、天津、太原、烟台、新疆、苏州、杭州、成都、西安、长沙、武汉、贵阳、厦门、南宁、昆明等地设有专柜。  内地女星周迅是CPB亚洲区形象代言人。



张国荣&Connie Mac的《Miracle》 歌词

歌曲名:Miracle歌手:张国荣&Connie Mac专辑:最热(男)沉默的一刻只想跟她说一次,让我讲一次,爱你你不知。(女)莫非心中所想跟你也相似,但愿再听一次,还愿留住这时。(合)And it"s a miracle!那对白突然静止。 Ah….我的呼吸声音像报时,像架飞机兜圈数千次,仍没法表达心意。Ah….愿意不必拘束在友谊,对你对你已真挚,问你是否不可以。(爱一次)(男)未可解释怎么跟你竟相似,摇动了心志,却诈不知。(女)愿空虚于今晚得到你赏赐,让我爱一次,时候仍未算迟。(合)And it"s a miracle!那对白突然静止。Ah….我的呼吸声音像报时,像架飞机兜圈数千次,仍没法表达心意。Ah….愿意不必拘束在友谊,对你对你已真挚,问你是否不可以。(爱一次) Ah….我的呼吸声音像报时,像架飞机兜圈数千次,仍没法表达心意。Ah….愿意不必拘束在友谊,对你对你已真挚,问你是否不可以。(爱一次) Ah….我的呼吸声音像报时,像架飞机兜圈数千次,仍没法表达心意。Ah….愿意不必拘束在友谊,对你对你已真挚,问你是否不可以。(爱一次)

Paramore的《miracle》 歌词

歌曲名:miracle歌手:Paramore专辑:riotBY: Ray29717898I"ve gone for too longLiving like I"m not aliveSo I"m gonna start over tonightBeginning with you and IWhen this memory fadesI"m gonna make sure it"s replacedWith chances taken, hope embracedAnd have I told youI"m not goingcause I"ve been waiting for a miracleAnd I"m not leavingI won"t let youLet you give up on a miracleWhen it might save youWe"ve learned to run fromAnything uncomfortableWe"ve tied our pain belowAnd no one ever has to knowThat inside we"re brokenI try to patch things up againTo calm my tears and kill these fearsBut have I told you, have II"m not goingCause I"ve been waiting for a miracleAnd I"m not leavingI won"t let youLet you give up on a miracleWhen it might save youIt"s not faith ifIf you use your eyesYou"ll lieWe"ll get it right this time (this time)Let"s leave this all behindOh, I will get it right this timeIt"s not faith if you"re using your eyesOh, I...Well I"ve gone for too longLiving like i"m not aliveSo I"m gonna start over tonightBeginning with you andI don"t want to run fromAnything uncomfortableI just want noI just need this pain to end right hereI"m not goingCause I"ve been waiting for a miracleAnd I"m not leavingI won"t let youLet you give up on a miracleCause it might save youYeah, it might save youOh, it might save youLet"s not fake thisIf you use your eyesIf you use your eyesIf you use your eyes



平井坚的《Miracle》 歌词

歌曲名:Miracle歌手:平井坚专辑:爱歌成痴十年完全精选平井坚 - Miracles作词:平井坚作曲:平井坚ささやく声が好き 耳元でmmmmh...重ねる唇に いま君は魔法を吹きかけたはじまりはいつも梦の中光射す时を恐れてた目覚めれば君がいなくなるようで抱きしめれば 抱きしめるほどこの心はちぎれてしまいそう抱きしめたい 抱きしめてよもっと この痛みが消えるまでからめる言叶さえ 溶けだしてmmmmh...见つめつづけていたい眠る君は 君は 仆のものその指も 髪も 唇も透き通る肌も 微笑みもいつの日か惯れていくのがこわくて恋人たちは 変わらぬものを掴みかけて 彷徨(さまよ)い缲り返す闇に惑う仆の未来は君に出会ったいま 光放つI feel miraclewhen I see youwhen I kiss youI feel miracleMust be miraclewhen I touch youwhen I hold youwhen I kiss you babyThere is no miraclewhen I miss youwhen I lose youYou are my miracle抱きしめれば 抱きしめるほどこの心はちぎれてしまいそう抱きしめたい 抱きしめてよ强く この奇迹が続くよう抱きしめれば 抱きしめるほどこの心は...抱きしめたい 抱きしめてよもっと この痛みが...You"re my miracle终わり




life couldn"t get betterlife couldn"t get better贤:我的生活陷入了沼泽地暴风雨天气(without you baby)源:可是你有改变一切魔力遇见了奇迹(baby)庚:好象新鲜氧气我离不开你海:你在身旁我就有无限的动力life couldn"t get better (hey~)周:生命因为你而美丽你是我的奇迹把你紧紧拥在怀里life couldn"t get better (hey~)旭:那是你有彩虹的画笔幸福画满每个回忆life couldn"t get better源:是清晨的阳光洒满了甜蜜爱暖暖的在心底(a holiday)庚:发现最快乐的秘密原来答案是你(i wanna thank you, baby)贤:好象新鲜氧气我离不开你你在身旁我就有无限的动力life couldn"t get better (hey~)海:生命因为你而美丽你是我的奇迹把你紧紧拥在怀里life couldn"t get better (hey~)henry:那是你有彩虹的画笔幸福画满每个回忆旭:我对你的诺言是我们一起牵手到永远贤:无论千年万年无论天涯海角都会与你相恋周:好象新鲜氧气我离不开你henry:i love you baby, and i"m never gonna stoplife couldn"t get better (hey~)贤:生命因为你而美丽你是我的奇迹把你紧紧拥在怀里life couldn"t get better (hey~)周:那是你有彩虹的画笔幸福画满每个回忆life couldn"t get better (hey~)旭:生命因为你而美丽你是我的奇迹把你紧紧拥在怀里life couldn"t get better (hey~)源:那是你有彩虹的画笔幸福画满每个回忆life couldn"t get better

谁知道super junior的miracle歌词

Life couldn"t get betterlife couldn"t get betterJigumkaji no obdon shiganun odumiojyo (without you baby)Norul mannan hu naui senghwarun kumman gathayo (baby)Norul chum bon sungan (choum bon sungan) a miracle (a miracle)nan nukkyojyo gijogun baro norangolLife couldn"t get better (hey~)nan nol pume ango narapurun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)jamdun noui ib machul koyalife couldn"t get better (hey~)noui mame munul yoro jwogude ne sonul jabayolife couldn"t get betterMeil meil pyongbomhetton nal duri ijen dalla jyossoyo (a holiday)Sesang modun saramduri hengboghe boyoyo (I wanna thank you baby)Norul choum bon sungan (choum bon sungan) a miracle (a miracle)nan nukkyojyo gijogun baro norangolLife couldn"t get better (hey~)nan nol pume ango narapurun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)jamdun noui ib machul koyalife couldn"t get better (hey~)noui mame munul yoro jwogude ne sonul jabayolife couldn"t get better(life couldn"t get better)Nol choum bon sungan a miracle (a miracle)I love you baby and I"m never gonna stopLife couldn"t get better (hey~)nan nol pume ango narapurun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)jamdun noui ib machul koyalife couldn"t get better (hey~)noui mame munul yoro jwogude ne sonul jabayoLife couldn"t get better (hey~)nan nol pume ango narapurun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)jamdun noui ib machul koyalife couldn"t get better (hey~)noui mame munul yoro jwogude ne sonul jabayolife couldn"t get better

miracle super junior歌词


may 唱的《miracle》歌词

There are many ways to reach to the right.But whichever way you choose,I lead you to there.So I know what to do,and I know what I say.It"s not matter what I"m Jekyll or Hyde.I meet you all the way from your future.I never lose you anymore.If you can"t understand,But I know what to do,and I know what I say.Walking on the future to across the real.Cried for you,cried for me,cried for the light because you know the dark..Cried for you,cried for me,cried for the light because you know the dark..I never stop the miracle.I never stop the miracle.So this crazy love is difficult,I never stop the miracle.I never stop the miracle.So many time I want that I do it.I"m running downtown and I search for you.I steer you through the crowd.I must do before.Walking on the future to across the real.Cried for you,cried for me,cried for the light because you know the dark.Cried for you,cried for me,cried for the light because you know the dark.I never stop the miracle.I never stop the miracle.So this crazy love is difficult,I never stop the miracle.I never stop the miracle.I never stop the miracle.There are many ways to reach to the right.But whichever way you choose,I lead you to there.I know what I say....I never stop the miracle.I never stop the miracle.So this crazy love is difficult,I never stop the miracle.I never stop the miracle.There are many ways to reach to the right.But whichever way you choose,I lead you to there.I know what I say....

super junior 的《miracle》的歌词,谁有?

Miracle:[All]Life couldn"t get betterLife couldn"t get better《ud76cucca0》uc9c0uae08uae4cuc9c0 ub108 uc5c6ub358 uc2dcuac04uc740 uc5b4ub460uc774uc5c8uc8e0(without you baby)[Hee Chul]ji geum gga ji neo eob deon si gan neun eo deum mi yeo jyo(without you baby)【希澈】迄今为止 没有你的生活那样黑暗(without you baby)《uc2dcuc6d0》ub108ub97c ub9ccub09c ud6c4 ub098uc758 uc0ddud65cuc740 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc694(baby)[Si Won]neo reul man nan hu na ye saeng hwal reun ggum man gat ta yo(baby) 【始源】见到你后 我的生活仿如做梦(baby)《ud55cuacbd》ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ubcf8 uc21cuac04 (ucc98uc74c ubcf8 uc21cuac04) [Han Kyung]neo reul cheo eum bon sun gan(cheo eum bon sun gan)【韩庚】见到你的瞬间 a Miracle (a Miracle)ub09c ub290uaf08uc8e0 uae30uc801uc740 ubc14ub85c ub108ub780uac78nan neu ggyeo jyo ki jeok geun ba ro neo ran geol我能感受到 奇迹就是你[All]Life couldn"t get betterub09c ub110 ud488uc5d0 uc548uace0 ub0a0uc544 ud478ub978 ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574 ub0a0uc544nan neol pum me an go nal ra pu reun dal reul hyang hae nal ra我把你拥在怀里 飞向蓝色的天空《uc131ubbfc》uc7a0ub4e0 ub108uc758 uc785 ub9deucd9c uaebcuc57c[Sung Min]jam deun neo ye ib mat chul geo ya【晟敏】亲吻熟睡得你 [All]Life couldn"t get better《ub824uc6b1》ub108uc758 ub9d8uc758 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 uc918 uadf8ub300 ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc694[Ryeo Wook]neo ye mam me mun neul yeol reo jweo keu dae nae son neul jab ba yo【丽旭】向我敞开你的心 请紧握我的手[All] Life couldn"t get better《ub3d9ud574》ub9e4uc77c ub9e4uc77c ud3c9ubc94ud588ub5a4 ub0a0 ub4e4uc774 uc774uc820 ub2ecub77c uc84cuc5b4uc694 (a holiday)[Dong Hae]mae il mae il pyeong beom hae deon nal deul ri I jen dal ra jyeo seo yo(a holiday)【东海】原本很平凡的每一天 现在变得不同《uc774ud2b9》uc138uc0c1 ubaa8ub4e0 uc0acub78cub4e4uc774 ud589ubcf5ud574 ubcf4uc5ecuc694 (I wanna thank you baby) [Lee Teuk]sae sang mo den sa ram del i heng bok hae po yae yo(I wanna thank you baby)【李特】世上所有的人 看起来都很幸福《ub824uc6b1》ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ubcf8 uc21cuac04 (ucc98uc74c ubcf8 uc21cuac04)[Ryeo Wook]neo reul cheo eum bon sun gan(cheo eum bon sun gan)【丽旭】见到你的瞬间 a miracle (a miracle)ub09c ub290uaf08uc8e0 uae30uc801uc740 ubc14ub85c ub108ub780uac78nan neu ggyeo jyo ki jeok geun ba ro neo ran geol我能感受到 奇迹就是你[All] Life couldn"t get betterub09c ub110 ud488uc5d0 uc548uace0 ub0a0uc544 ud478ub978 ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574 ub0a0uc544nan neol pum me an go nal ra pu reun dal reul hyang hae nal ra我把你拥在怀里 飞向蓝色的天空《uac15uc778》uc7a0ub4e0 ub108uc758 uc785 ub9deucd9c uaebcuc57c[Kang In]jam deun neo ye ib mat chul geo ya【强仁】亲吻熟睡得你[All] Life couldn"t get better《uc608uc131》ub108uc758 ub9d8uc758 ubb3cuc744 uc5f4uc5b4 uc918 uadf8ub300 ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc694[Yeh Sung]neo ye mam me mun neul yeol reo jweo keu dae nae son neul jab ba yo【艺声】向我敞开你的心 请紧握我的手[Si Won]igil wo naneunyo woo yeah…yo wonnihange haneun ngi yaseo【始源】我想要的是永远在一起的约定[Ryeo Wook]hashide yonaldomori dashi mana sarange hatoeya【丽旭】即使重生我依然会再次爱上你《uae30ubc94》ub110 ucc98uc74c ubcf8 uc21cuac04[Ki Bum]neol cheo eum bon sun gan 【基范】见到你的瞬间 a miracle (a miracle) I love you baby, and I"m never gonna stop[All] Life couldn"t get betterub09c ub110 ud488uc5d0 uc548uace0 ub0a0uc544 ud478ub978 ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574 ub0a0uc544nan neol pum me an go nal ra pu reun dal reul hyang hae nal ra我把你拥在怀里 飞向蓝色的天空《uc2dcuc6d0》uc7a0ub4e0 ub108uc758 uc785 ub9deucd9c uaebcuc57c[Si Won]jam deun neo ye ib mat chul geo ya【始源】亲吻熟睡得你[All] Life couldn"t get better《uc131ubbfc》ub108uc758 ub9d8uc758 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 uc918 uadf8ub300 ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc694[Sung Min]neo ye mam me mun neul yeol reo jweo keu dae nae son neul jab ba yo【晟敏】向我敞开你的心 请紧握我的手[All] Life couldn"t get betterub09c ub110 ud488uc5d0 uc548uace0 ub0a0uc544 ud478ub978 ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574 ub0a0uc544nan neol pum me an go nal ra pu reun dal reul hyang hae nal ra我把你拥在怀里 飞向蓝色的天空《uac15uc778》uc7a0ub4e0 ub108uc758 uc785 ub9deucd9c uaebcuc57c [Kang In]jam deun neo ye ib mat chul geo ya【强仁】亲吻熟睡得你[All] Life couldn"t get better《ub824uc6b1》ub108uc758 ub9d8uc758 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 uc918 uadf8ub300 ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc694[Ryeo Wook]neo ye mam meul mun neul yeol reo jweo keu dae nae son neul jab ba yo【丽旭】向我敞开你的心 请紧握我的手[All] Life couldn"t get better 文库...


[[00:00.90]Miracle  [00:05.03]Bon Jovi  [00:10.23]-----------------------------------------  [00:41.39]A penny for your thoughts now baby  [00:43.87]Looks like the weight of the world"s  [00:45.82]On your shoulders now  [00:51.50]I know you think you"re going crazy  [00:54.23]Just when it seems everything"s  [00:56.11]Gonna work itself out  [00:58.78]They drive you right back down  [01:00.73]And you said it ain"t fair  [01:02.35]That a man walks  [01:04.44]When a bird can fly  [01:06.57]We have to kick the ground  [01:09.21]The stars kiss the sky  [01:11.94]They say that spirits live  [01:14.76]A man has to die  [01:17.51]They promised us truth  [01:19.97]Now they"re giving us lies  [01:22.43]Gonna take a miracle top save us this time  [01:27.93]And your savior has just left town  [01:32.40]Gonna need a miracle  [01:35.74]"Cause it"s all on the line  [01:38.28]And I won"t let you down  [01:40.98](No I won"t let you down)  [01:44.39]The river of your hope is flooding  [01:46.96]And I know the dam is busted  [01:49.27]If you need me I"ll come running  [01:51.58]I won"t let you down... no, no  [01:59.30]You"re looking for salvation  [02:01.93]You thought that it"d be shining  [02:04.08]Like an angel"s light  [02:09.57]Well, the angels left this nation  [02:12.22]And salvation caught the last train  [02:14.52]Out tonight  [02:16.95]He lost one hell of a fight  [02:19.20]He said  [02:20.29]I"m just one man, that"s all I"ll ever be  [02:24.86]I never can be everything you wanted from me  [02:29.75]I"ve got plans so big  [02:33.00]That any blind man could see  [02:35.59]I"m standing in the river  [02:38.00]Now I"m drowning in the sea  [02:40.17]Gonna take a miracle top save us this time  [02:45.38]And your savior has just left town  [02:50.61]Gonna need a miracle  [02:53.96]"Cause your heart"s on the line  [02:56.57]And your heartbeat is slowing down  [03:02.40]Your feet are grounded still  [03:04.52]You"re reaching for the sky  [03:07.03]You can let "em clip your wings  [03:09.07]"Cause I believe that you can fly  [03:19.65]Solo  [03:32.77]Well my eyes have seen the horror  [03:35.78]Of the coming of the flood  [03:37.73]I"ve driven deep the thorny crown  [03:40.76]Into the soul of someone"s son  [03:43.54]Still I"ll look you in the eye  [03:46.08]"Cause I"ve believed in things I"ve thought  [03:48.64]And I"ll die without regret  [03:51.35]For the wars I have fought  [03:53.39]Gonna take a miracle top save you this time  [03:56.69]And your savior has just left town  [04:03.75]Gonna need a miracle  [04:07.06]"Cause your heart"s doing time  [04:09.64]And your conscience is calling you out  [04:15.13]It ain"t all for nothing  [04:17.43]Life ain"t written in the sand  [04:20.16]I know the tide is coming  [04:22.72]But it"s time we made a stand  With a miracle


我是杨多 我好想你

Richard Marx的《Miracle》 歌词

歌曲名:Miracle歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Flesh And Bone (Intl. World Territory)You"re my life"s one miracleEverything I"ve done that"s goodAnd you break my heart with tendernessAnd I confess it"s trueI never knew a love like this "til youYou"re the reason I was bornNow I finally know for sureAnd I"m overwhelmed with happinessSo blessed to hold you closeThe one that I love mostThough the future has so much for you in storeWho could ever love you moreThe nearest thing to heavenYou"re my angel from aboveOnly God creates such perfect loveWhen you smile at me I cryAnd to save your life I"d dieWith a romance that is pure in heartYou are my dearest partWhatever it requiresI live for your desiresForget my own, your needs will come beforeWho could ever love you moreThere is nothing you could ever doTo make me stop loving youAnd every breath I takeIs always for your sakeYou sleep inside my dreams And know for sureWho could ever love you more

Audio Adrenaline的《Miracle》 歌词

歌曲名:Miracle歌手:Audio Adrenaline专辑:WorldwideHow could I throw away a miracle?How could I face another day?It"s all of my doing, I made a choiceAnd today, I payMy heart is full of painHow could you understand, the way I feel?How could you relate to so much pain?Seems as though nothing can comfort meSo today, I prayThat someone should listen, for...Nothing should matterNot when love grows inside youThe choice is yoursThere"s a miracle in store...Nothing should matterNot when love grows inside youA voice of love is crying outDon"t throw love awayThere"s a miracle in store...How could I let go of a miracle?Nothing cold ever take its placeThought I was looking, out for myselfNow it seems the painIs all that I have gainedI wonder if I could be your miracleI wonder if I could spare you painSeems as though nothing will comfort meLord, less today, I prayThat you should come listenDon"t ever throw away your miracleDon"t let it slip awayNothing should matter

Super Junior 《miracle》歌词

妈呀 这么麻烦

谁能告诉我super junior 的miracle的歌词??韩文和中文翻译

miracle 韩文歌词 (有中韩对照) uc288ud37cuc8fcub2c8uc5b4- ubbf8ub77cud074 Super Junior- Miracle Life couldn`t get better Life couldn`t get better [希澈] uc9c0uae08uae4cuc9c0 ub108 uc5c6ub358 uc2dcuac04uc740 uc5b4ub460uc774uc600uc8e0 (Without you baby) 至今没有你的曰子是黑暗的 [时元] ub108ub97c ub9ccub09c ud6c4 ub098uc758 uc0ddud65cuc740 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc694 (baby) 遇见你之后,我的生活宛如梦境 [韩庚] ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ubcf8 uc21cuac04 (ucc98uc74c ubcf8 uc21cuac04 a Miracle (a Miracle) ub09c ub290uaf08uc8e0 uae30uc801uc740 ubc14ub85c ub108ub780 uac78 见到你的第一瞬间(第一瞬间)a Miracle (a Miracle) 我感到你就是奇迹 [all] Life couldn"t get better(hey) [成民] ub09c ub110 ud488uc5d0 uc548uace0 ub0a0uc544 ud478ub978 ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574 ub0a0uc544(ho) uc7a0ub4e0 ub108uc758 uc785 ub9deucd9cuac70uc57c Life couldn"t get better(hey) 我要拥你入怀一起飞向蓝色的月亮 亲吻入睡的你的嘴唇 [丽旭] ub108uc758 ub9d8uc758 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4uc918 uadf8ub300 ub0b4uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc694 Life couldn"t get better 请打开你的心门,牵我的手 [东海] ub9e4uc77cub9e4uc77c ud3c9ubc94ud588ub358 ub0a0ub4e4uc774 uc774uc820 ub2ecub77cuc84cuc5b4uc694 (a holiday) 以前平凡的每天现在全改变了 [李特] uc138uc0c1 ubaa8ub4e0 uc0acub78cub4e4uc774 ud589ubcf5ud574 ubcf4uc5ecuc694 (I wanna thank you, baby) 世上所有的人看起来都很幸福 [丽旭] ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ubcf8 uc21cuac04 (ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ubcf8uc21cuac04 a miracle (a miracle) ub09c ub290uaf08uc8e0 uae30uc801uc740 ubc14ub85c ub108ub780 uac78 见到你的第一瞬间(第一瞬间)a Miracle (a Miracle) 我感到你就是奇迹 [all] Life couldn"t get better (hey) [强仁] ub09c ub110 ud488uc5d0 uc548uace0 ub0a0uc544 ud478ub978 ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574 ub0a0uc544 (ho) uc7a0ub4e0 ub108uc758 uc785 ub9deucd9cuac70uc57c Life couldn"t get better (hey) 我要拥你入怀一起飞向蓝色的月亮 亲吻入睡的你的嘴唇 [艺成] ub108uc758 ub9d8uc758 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4uc918 uadf8ub300 ub0b4uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc694 Life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get. better 请打开你的心门,牵我的手 [成民] ub110 ucc98uc74c ubcf8uc21cuac04 a miracle (a miracle) I love you baby, and I"m never gonna stop 见到你的第一瞬间 [all] Life couldn"t get better (hey) 艺成] ub09c ub110 ud488uc5d0 uc548uace0 ub0a0uc544 ud478ub978ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574 ub0a0uc544 (ho) uc7a0ub4e0 ub108uc758 uc785 ub9deucd9cuac70uc57c Life couldn"t get better (hey) 我要拥你入怀一起飞向蓝色的月亮 亲吻入睡的你的嘴唇 [成民] ub108uc758 ub9d8uc758 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4uc918 uadf8ub300 ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc694 Life couldn"t get better (hey) 请打开你的心门,牵我的手 [强仁] ub09c ub110 ud488uc5d0 uc548uace0ub0a0uc544 ud478ub978ub2ecuc744 ud5a5ud574 ub0a0uc544 (ho) uc7a0ub4e0 ub108uc758 uc785 ub9deucd9cuac70uc57c Life couldn"t get better (hey) 我要拥你入怀一起飞向蓝色的月亮 亲吻入睡的你的嘴唇 [丽旭] ub108uc758 ub9d8uc744 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uc5b4uc918 uadf8ub300 ub0b4uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc694 Life couldn"t get better 请打开你的心门,牵我的手


miracle汉语解释名词 n. [C]1. 奇迹:奇迹般的人(或物)It&#39;s a miracle that you returned at all.你能回来是一个奇迹。2. 惊人的事例[(+of)]That bridge was a miracle of engineering.那座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹。3.奇事4.神迹网络释义1. 奇迹VOA标准英语--Vice Preside...miracle 奇迹


miracle 英["mɪrəkl] 美[ˈmɪrəkəl] n.奇迹,圣迹,神迹;令人惊奇的人(或事) 名词复数:miracles [例句]China is still a miracle ,no one doubts that. 中国现在仍然是一个奇迹,这一点毋庸置疑.

SJ 组合 MIRACLE的歌词是什么?

Miracle [韩文] Life couldn`t get better Life couldn`t get better [] (Without you baby) [] (baby) [] ( a Miracle (a Miracle) [all] Life couldn"t get better(hey) [] (ho) Life couldn"t get better(hey) [] Life couldn"t get better [] (a holiday) [] (I wanna thank you, baby) [] ( a miracle (a miracle) [all] Life couldn"t get better (hey) [] (ho) Life couldn"t get better (hey) [] Life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get. better [] a miracle (a miracle) I love you baby, and I"m never gonna stop [all] Life couldn"t get better (hey) [] (ho) Life couldn"t get better (hey) [] Life couldn"t get better (hey) [] (ho) Life couldn"t get better (hey) [] Life couldn"t get better Miracle [中文] Life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get better 到现在为止 没有你的曰子是灰暗的(without you baby) 遇到你后 我的生活就有如梦一般(baby) 当我第一眼看到你时(第一眼看到你时) a miracle(a miracle) 我感觉到了 所谓的奇迹就是你 Life couldn"t get better(Hey~) 我将你抱入怀中飞翔 朝向蓝色的月亮遨游(Ho~) 亲吻睡著的你那小嘴 Life couldn"t get better (Hey) 请将你的心打开 请抓住我的手 Life couldn"t get better 每天每天平凡的曰子 现在已经不同了(a holiday) 世界上的每个人 看起来都很幸福 (I wanna thank you, baby) 当我第一眼看到你时(第一眼看到你时) a miracle(a miracle) 我感觉到了 所谓的奇迹就是你 Life couldn"t get better(Hey~) 我将你抱入怀中飞翔 朝向蓝色的月亮遨游(Ho~) 亲吻睡著的你那小嘴 Life couldn"t get better (Hey) 请将你的心打开 请抓住我的手 Life couldn"t get better 记得采纳啊

谁有《miracle》(super junior)的中文【谐音】的歌词,要中文谐音的,不是中文翻译的

Life couldn"t get better life couldn"t get better Jigumkaji no obdon shiganun odumiojyo (without you baby) Norul mannan hu naui senghwarun kumman gathayo (baby) Norul chum bon sungan (choum bon sungan) a miracle (a miracle) nan nukkyojyo gijogun baro norangol Life couldn"t get better (hey~) nan nol pume ango nara purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~) jamdun noui ib machul koya life couldn"t get better (hey~) noui mame munul yoro jwo gude ne sonul jabayo life couldn"t get better Meil meil pyongbomhetton nal duri ijen dalla jyossoyo (a holiday) Sesang modun saramduri hengboghe boyoyo (I wanna thank you baby) Norul choum bon sungan (choum bon sungan) a miracle (a miracle) nan nukkyojyo gijogun baro norangol Life couldn"t get better (hey~) nan nol pume ango nara purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~) jamdun noui ib machul koya life couldn"t get better (hey~) noui mame munul yoro jwo gude ne sonul jabayo life couldn"t get better (life couldn"t get better) Nol choum bon sungan a miracle (a miracle) I love you baby and I"m never gonna stop Life couldn"t get better (hey~) nan nol pume ango nara purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~) jamdun noui ib machul koya life couldn"t get better (hey~) noui mame munul yoro jwo gude ne sonul jabayo Life couldn"t get better (hey~) nan nol pume ango nara purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~) jamdun noui ib machul koya life couldn"t get better (hey~) noui mame munul yoro jwo gude ne sonul jabayo life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get better到现在为止 没有你的曰子是灰暗的(without you baby)遇到你后 我的生活就有如梦一般(baby)当我第一眼看到你时(第一眼看到你时)a miracle(a miracle)我感觉到了 所谓的奇迹就是你Life couldn"t get better(Hey~)我将你抱入怀中飞翔 朝向蓝色的月亮遨游(Ho~)亲吻睡著的你那小嘴Life couldn"t get better (Hey)请将你的心打开 请抓住我的手Life couldn"t get better每天每天平凡的曰子 现在已经不同了(a holiday)世界上的每个人 看起来都很幸福(I wanna thank you, baby)当我第一眼看到你时(第一眼看到你时)a miracle(a miracle)我感觉到了 所谓的奇迹就是你Life couldn"t get better(Hey~)我将你抱入怀中飞翔 朝向蓝色的月亮遨游(Ho~)亲吻睡著的你那小嘴Life couldn"t get better (Hey)请将你的心打开 请抓住我的手Life couldn"t get better


How could I throw away a miracle?How could I face another day?It"s all of my doing, I made a choiceAnd today, I payMy heart is full of painHow could you understand, the way I feel?How could you relate to so much pain?Seems as though nothing can comfort meSo today, I prayThat someone should listen, for...Nothing should matterNot when love grows inside youThe choice is yoursThere"s a miracle in store...Nothing should matterNot when love grows inside youA voice of love is crying outDon"t throw love awayThere"s a miracle in store...How could I let go of a miracle?Nothing cold ever take its placeThought I was looking, out for myselfNow it seems the painIs all that I have gainedI wonder if I could be your miracleI wonder if I could spare you painSeems as though nothing will comfort meLord, less today, I prayThat you should come listenNothing should matterNot when love grows inside youThe choice is yoursThere"s a miracle in store...Nothing should matterNot when love grows inside youA voice of love is crying outDon"t throw love awayThere"s a miracle in store...Don"t ever throw away your miracleDon"t let it slip awayNothing should matterNothing should matterNot when love grows inside youThe choice is yoursThere"s a miracle in store...Nothing should matterNot when love grows inside youA voice of love is crying outDon"t throw love awayThere"s a miracle in store...


老兄,我翻译看看,落在撒哈拉大沙漠雨水的每滴认为它全部, 它是奇迹, 所有上帝的创作伟大和小, 金门和Taj Mahal,它是奇迹, 试管婴孩被负担, 母亲, 父亲死和去, 这是奇迹, 我们有一个奇迹在地球上, 自然做它全部为我们, 这个世界奇迹继续, 巴比伦, Cook 上尉垂悬的庭院并且Cain 和能, Jimi Hendrix 对这是奇迹的巴比伦塔, 它是奇迹, 它是奇迹, 它是奇迹, 我们是全部等的这一件事, 是和平在地球上- 结束战争, 这是我们需要- 的奇迹,奇迹是我们全部等待的今天的奇迹, 如果每片叶子在每棵树, 能讲会是奇迹的故事, 如果每个孩子在每条街道, 有衣裳佩带并且食物吃, 是奇迹, 如果所有上帝的人能是自由的, 居住在完善的和谐中, 它是奇迹, 我们有一个奇迹在地球上, 自然做它全部为我们开放心脏和手术, 星期天早晨与一杯茶, 超级大国总战斗, 但Mona 莉萨保留微笑, 这个世界奇迹继续, 它是奇迹, 它是奇迹, 它是奇迹, 它是奇迹, 我们是全部等的这一件事, 是和平在地球和结束战争, 它是我们今天需要的奇迹, 奇迹、奇迹,和平在地球上和结束战争, 时刻将来您将看见的一天我们能全部是朋友, 重覆.......老兄,我时间比较急,要赶火车,暂且这样给你翻译吧,你在完善完善,估计就行了。


miracle是兰蔻牌子。miracle是LANCOME兰蔻MIRACLE真爱奇迹女士香水,又译作:Lancome兰蔻真爱奇迹Forever香水、Lancome兰蔻Miracle Forever奇迹永恒女士香水-典藏版75mlLANCME经典香水真爱奇迹Forever,性感花香散发迷人氛围,宛如洒上一万颗水晶般,让你化身时尚发光体!简介兰蔻1935年诞生于法国,是由Armand Petitjean(阿曼达·珀蒂让)创办的品牌。作为全球知名的高端化妆品品牌,兰蔻涉足护肤、彩妆、香水等多个产品领域,主要面向教育程度、收入水平较高,年龄在25~40岁的成熟女性。凭借着对香水的天才敏感嗅觉、执着不懈的冒险精神,以及他立志让法国品牌在当时已被美国品牌垄断的全球化妆品市场占有一席之地的抱负,兰蔻为世界化妆品历史写下美的一页。一支来自法国古堡的玫瑰,凭借着气质,在变幻莫测的女性心理间,在捉摸不定的时尚法则中,足足绽放了六十年。

Miracle (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Miracle (Live)歌手:Tom Baxter专辑:MiracleBY: Ray29717898I"ve gone for too longLiving like I"m not aliveSo I"m gonna start over tonightBeginning with you and IWhen this memory fadesI"m gonna make sure it"s replacedWith chances taken, hope embracedAnd have I told youI"m not goingcause I"ve been waiting for a miracleAnd I"m not leavingI won"t let youLet you give up on a miracleWhen it might save youWe"ve learned to run fromAnything uncomfortableWe"ve tied our pain belowAnd no one ever has to knowThat inside we"re brokenI try to patch things up againTo calm my tears and kill these fearsBut have I told you, have II"m not goingCause I"ve been waiting for a miracleAnd I"m not leavingI won"t let youLet you give up on a miracleWhen it might save youIt"s not faith ifIf you use your eyesYou"ll lieWe"ll get it right this time (this time)Let"s leave this all behindOh, I will get it right this timeIt"s not faith if you"re using your eyesOh, I...Well I"ve gone for too longLiving like i"m not aliveSo I"m gonna start over tonightBeginning with you andI don"t want to run fromAnything uncomfortableI just want noI just need this pain to end right hereI"m not goingCause I"ve been waiting for a miracleAnd I"m not leavingI won"t let youLet you give up on a miracleCause it might save youYeah, it might save youOh, it might save youLet"s not fake thisIf you use your eyesIf you use your eyesIf you use your eyes




Paramore- MiracleI"ve gone for too long living like I"m not aliveSo I"m gonna start over tonight,beginning with you and IWhen this memory fadesI"m gonna make sure it"s replacedWith chances taken, hope embracedAnd have I told you...I"m not goingCause I"ve been waiting for a miracleAnd I"m not leavingI won"t let youLet you give up on a miracleWhen it might save youWe"ve learned to run from anything uncomfortableWe"ve tied our pain belowAnd no one ever has to knowThat inside we"re brokenI tried to patch things up againSo count my tears and kill these fearsBut have I told you? Have I?I"m not goingCause I"ve been waiting for a miracleAnd I"m not leavingI won"t let youLet you give up on a miracleCause it might save youIt"s not faith if, if you use your eyesOh, I will get it right this time (this time)Let"s leave this all behindOh, I will get it right this timeIt"s not faith if you"re using your eyesOh, I...I"ve gone for too long living like I"m not aliveSo I"m gonna start over tonight,beginning with you and IDon"t want to run from anything uncomfortableI just wantNo, I just need this pain to end right hereI"m not goingCause I"ve been waiting for a miracleAnd I"m not leavingI won"t let youLet you give up on a miracleCause it might save youYeah, it might save youOh, it might save youIt"s not faith ifIf you use your eyesIf you use your eyesIf you use your eyescascada - miracleboy meets girlyou were my dream,my worldbut i was blindyou cheated on me from behindso, on my own, i feel so all alonethough i know, it"s true,i"m still in love with you!chorus:i need a miracle i wanna be your girlgive me a chance to see,that you were made for me!i need a miracle, please let me be your girl,one day you"ll see, it can happen to me!i need a miracle,i wanna be your girlgive me a chance to see,that you are made for me!i need a miracle, please let me be your girl!one day you"ll see,it can happen to me,can happen to me!musical break(miracle)- echomusical breakday and night,i"m always by your sidecause i know, for sure,my love is real, my feelings pure,so take, a try, no need to ask me why!cause i know, it"s true,i"m still in love with you!i need a miracle, i wanna be your girlgive me a chance to see,that you are made for me!i need a miracle, please let me be your girl,one day you"ll see, it can happen to me!i need a miracle, i wanna be your girlgive me a chance to see,that you were made for me!i need a miracle, please let me be your girl!one day you"ll see,it can happen to me, it can happen to me!musical break(miracle)- echomusical break(miracle miracle)-echo



张国荣的《miracle》 歌词

  歌曲:Miracle  歌手:麦洁文,张国荣  作词:卡龙  作曲:Steve Davis,Justin Peters  专辑:《张国荣》  歌词:  沉默的一刻只想跟她说一次  让我讲一次  爱你你不知  莫非心中所想跟你也相似  但愿再听一次  还愿留住这时  And it"s a miracle!  那对白突然静止  Ah....  我的呼吸声音像报时  像架飞机兜圈数千次  仍没法表达心意  Ah....  愿意不必拘束在友谊  对你对你已真挚  未可解释怎么跟你竟相似  摇动了心志  却诈不知  愿空虚于今晚得到你赏赐  让我爱一次  时候仍未算迟  And it"s a miracle!  那对白突然静止  Ah....  我的呼吸声音像报时  像架飞机兜圈数千次  仍没法表达心意  Ah....  愿意不必拘束在友谊  对你对你已真挚  Ah....  我的呼吸声音像报时  像架飞机兜圈数千次  仍没法表达心意  Ah....  愿意不必拘束在友谊  对你对你已真挚  Ah....  我的呼吸声音像报时  像架飞机兜圈数千次  仍没法表达心意  Ah....  愿意不必拘束在友谊  对你对你已真挚  


抽象名词是不可数的By some miracle,we managed to catch the plane.具体名词是可数的It"s a miracle you weren"t killed.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V !望采纳,thx!






你好:它是奇迹的意思。 在第一个句子里面是表示一个奇迹。是可数。第二个是被奇迹缠住。就是不可数的。


我个人认为,Miracle-可能是至今为止这个星球上路人刀塔中最最顶尖的人类玩家,他将成为刀塔历史上一颗永远闪耀的天王巨星。   无论他身在哪个天梯,他都会是路人王。   这个评价我不怕他骄傲。一、天梯路人王:BECH,THAT"S MY NAME。   全世界第一个登上天梯8k的玩家(其实才也堪堪够到我们贴吧大神的平均水平而已~),并且他是随机上的分,(请仔细想想这意味着什么?)   在很长一段时间内始终保持欧服天梯第一的宝座,直至近日才被新崛起的独联体青年Badman(绝活幽鬼,骨灰战鼓流)超过。二、超凡的玩家:IM MY FAN TOO。   1、英雄海,绝活池:(我只透露一个信息好吧,那就是没有我不会的)   靠随机上分证明了他深厚的英雄海,而他真正在D2世界里走红靠的是他的绝活。这些绝活都有哪些呢?最经常出现在他的集锦里的主要是SF、卡尔、拉比克、敌法、火猫这五个。不常见的还有米波,PA,小牛,发条,大鱼等等。对比国服的种种绝活哥选手,M神可称绝活爷。对了,他的土猫也是666。   2、强大的个人能力:细腻精准的操作,冷静果敢的意识,迅如闪电的反应。(不详细举例了,褒义词不敢用太多了。。M神表示开局屏蔽9人,对没听错在座各位都是辣鸡)

dota2 miracle是谁

奇迹哥 九千岁 og战队一号位 欧美9000分大神详询百度百科→_→


《奇迹》May ud639uc2dc 5月 ud558ub298uc5d0 ub208uc774uc624uba74 ,ud639uc2dc ub9d0ud558ub294 uace0uc591日 ub9ccub098uba74 uae38uc744 uc783uc740 uc694uc815uc744 ub9ccub098uba74,ub0b4uac8c ud558ub098ub9cc uc57duc18dud574 uc8fcuaca0ub2c8 uc0acuc790ub97c ucad3ub294 uc950ub97c ub9ccub098uba74 ,ubc8cuac70ubc97uc740 uc96cud53cud130ub97c ub9ccub098uba74 ud639uc2dc ub108uc5d0uac8c uadf8ub7f0日 uc0dduae30uba74,uadf8ub54c ud55cubc88ub9cc ub0b4uc0dduac01 ud574uc904ub798 Good-bye ub2c8uac00 uc6d0ud558ub2c8uae4c Good-bye uae30uc801uac19uc740 日uc774 uc0dduae34ub2e4uba74 ub0b4uc0acub791uc774 ud558uc580 ub0a0uac1cub2ecuace0 ud558ub298ub85c ubc30ub2ecub41cuac70ub77c uc0dduac01ud574uc904ub798 uc6c3uc5b4ubd10 或许5月的天空会下雨 ,或许可能会遇到说话的猫 如果迷路碰见妖精,那我只要一个约定可以吗? 如果遇到追逐老鼠的狮子,如果遇到光秃秃的木星 或许对你发生那样的事,那时侯要我回想一次 再见,因为这是你所希望的,再见 如果像奇迹发生一样 我的爱情乘着白色的翅膀投递到了天空 笑了~~ 再见,因为这是你所希望的,再见ho xi o wo la ne lai nu ni o myon ho xi ma la nen ko yang yi lel man na myon ki lel yi len yo jong el man na myon nai kai ha na man yak so kai ju kai ni sa ja lel jo nen jai lel man na myon ho xi no ai gai ke lo ni sai ki myon ke dai nan pon man nai sai ka kai ju lai goodbye ni ga wo na ni ga goodbye ki jo ka ten yi li sai kin ta myon nai sk lang yi ha yan na gai tal gu ha nel lo pai tal tui ko la san ka kai ju lai wu so pa ne jen sai pyo kai no lai ka te li myon ni pang chang ka ai no lai ka te li myon mun te kap jia ki nai sai ga ki na myon chang mu nel yo lo pa ju kai ni goodbye ni ga wo na ni ga goodbye ki jo ka ten yi li sai kin ta myon nai sk lang yi ha yan na gai tal gu ha nel lo pai tal tui ko la san ka kai ju lai goodbye ni ga wo na ni ga goodbye ki jo ka ten yi li sai kin ta myon nai sk lang yi ha yan na gai tal gu ha nel lo pai tal tui ko la san ka kai ju lai pa lan ko ai lu do pe man na myon su lai chui han san ta lel man na myon wu yon yi la do wu li man na myon ta xi han pon man ki hui lel ju kai ni ki jo qio lom ki jo qio lom ki jo qio lom

求教cpb cle de peau beaute哪个日本网站能买到


求Super Junior唱的Miracle的歌词

是根据韩文音译过来的~---------Miracle 起古噶几挪啊破西噶努. 噢度米噢就.Without you baby 挪路满那呼那一 .贴哇路. 古忙噶它哟.baby) 噢 闹里仓盘顺干a Miracle (a Miracle) 难怒喀JIO. K就干怕咯夺烂夺. Life couldn"t get better(hey) 难能扑米啊姑拿拉. 吐能那呀一拿拉. 强等爹一妈去果呀.Life couldn"t get better(hey) 挪一妈灭木录哟罗~~就.苦带乃索努掐八哟.Life couldn"t get better(hey) 灭也灭也飘帮灭 夺来吐里.一家太啦就索哟.(a holiday) 塞桑木林撒狼赌LI. 噢BO开拨要哟.I wanna thank you, baby) 奥~~挪里唱盘顺干.a miracle (a miracle) 那努开就.一就开怕能夺烂夺Life couldn"t get better (hey) 难能 扑米啊果拿拉.吐能爹呀GI拿拉. 强等爹一妈去果呀.Life couldn"t get better(hey) 挪一妈灭木录哟罗 就.苦带乃索努擦八哟. 林GI万那林GIO 哦~YE 有望你寒给喊那GI呀SO~ 哈西DEI呀那DO NOLI他西曼那洒浪EI喊GO呀 闹里仓盘顺干a Miracle I love you baby, and I"m never gonna stop Life couldn"t get better(hey) 难能扑米啊果拿拉.吐能爹呀GI拿拉. 强等爹一妈去果呀.Life couldn"t get better(hey) 挪一妈灭木录哟罗 就.苦爹NIE索努掐八哟.Life couldn"t get better(hey) 难能扑米啊果拿拉.吐能爹呀GI拿拉. 强等爹一妈去果呀.Life couldn"t get better(hey) 挪一妈灭木录哟罗 就.苦爹NIE索努掐八哟.Life couldn"t get better



super junior的miracle中文歌词

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