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oracle的某个字段怎么不能判断=' and is not null?。


oracle字段加了default默认值,还需要not null约束吗?

默认值仅仅是你在初次进行insert的时候,如果不提供值,则使用默认值。x0dx0a如果后续你进行update,将这个值改为null,则也是可以的,此时,并不会使用默认值。x0dx0a由此可见default并不会取代not null约束。x0dx0a如果是insert的话,default可以覆盖not null约束x0dx0a如果update,则default不一定能覆盖not null约束

oracle字段加了default默认值,还需要not null约束吗?

默认值仅仅是你在初次进行insert的时候,如果不提供值,则使用默认值。如果后续你进行update,将这个值改为null,则也是可以的,此时,并不会使用默认值。由此可见default并不会取代not null约束。如果是insert的话,default可以覆盖not null约束如果update,则default不一定能覆盖not null约束

给oracle的date字段加not null


oracle 和 is not NULL的区别?

<>""只能判断空字符串,is Null是对Null字符的判断,两种完全不同的数据。一个是空字符,是个字符串,只不过是没有值,另一个是空值(Null)。Null在数据库中是特有的一类数据。="" 和<>""is null和is not null

oracle字段加了default默认值,还需要not null约束吗,可不可以省略

需要加,如果你给了default约束,此列还是可以存储空值,比如:create table t(A NUMBER,B VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT "ABC");INSERT INTO T VALUES(1,NULL);B列存储了一个空值.

oracle字段加了default默认值,还需要not null约束吗,可不可以省略



1977年,Larry Ellison、Bob Miner和Ed Oates等人组建了Relational软件公司(Relational Software Inc.,RSI)。他们决定使用C语言和SQL界面构建一个关系数据库管理系统(Relational Database Management System,RDBMS),并很快发布了第一个版本(仅是原型系统)。x0dx0ax0dx0a1979年,RSI首次向客户发布了产品,即第2版。该版本的RDBMS可以在装有RSX-11操作系统的PDP-11机器上运行,后来又移植到了DEC VAX系统。x0dx0ax0dx0a1983年,发布的第3个版本中加入了SQL语言,而且性能也有所提升,其他功能也得到增强。与前几个版本不同的是,这个版本是完全用C语言编写的。同年,RSI更名为Oracle Corporation,也就是今天的Oracle公司。x0dx0ax0dx0a1984年,Oracle的第4版发布。该版本既支持VAX系统,也支持IBM VM操作系统。这也是第一个加入了读一致性(Read-consistency)的版本。x0dx0ax0dx0a1985年,Oracle的第5版发布。该版本可称作是Oracle发展史上的里程碑,因为它通过SQL*Net引入了客户端/服务器的计算机模式,同时它也是第一个打破640KB内存限制的MS-DOS产品。x0dx0ax0dx0a1988年,Oracle的第6版发布。该版本除了改进性能、增强序列生成与延迟写入(Deferred Writes)功能以外,还引入了底层锁。除此之外,该版本还加入了PL/SQL和热备份等功能。这时Oracle已经可以在许多平台和操作系统上运行。x0dx0ax0dx0a1991年,Oracle RDBMS的6.1版在DEC VAX平台中引入了Parallel Server选项,很快该选项也可用于许多其他平台。x0dx0ax0dx0a1992年,Oracle 7发布。Oracle 7在对内存、CPU和I/O的利用方面作了许多体系结构上的变动,这是一个功能完整的关系数据库管理系统,在易用性方面也作了许多改进,引入了SQL*DBA工具和database角色。x0dx0ax0dx0a1997年,Oracle 8发布。Oracle 8除了增加许多新特性和管理工具以外,还加入了对象扩展(Object Extension)特性。x0dx0ax0dx0a2001年,Oracle 9i release 1发布。这是Oracle 9i的第一个发行版,包含RAC(Real Application Cluster)等新功能。x0dx0ax0dx0a2002年,Oracle 9i release 2发布,它在release 1的基础上增加了集群文件系统(Cluster File System)等特性。x0dx0ax0dx0a2004年,针对网格计算的Oracle 10g发布。该版本中Oracle的功能、稳定性和性能的实现都达到了一个新的水平。x0dx0ax0dx0a2007年年7月12日,甲骨文公司推出的最新数据库软件Oracle 11g,Oracle 11g有400多项功能,经过了1500万个小时的测试,开发工作量达到了3.6万人/月。相对过往版本而言,Oracle 11g具有了与众不同的特性。

oracle ebs里,如何通过脚本查看客户针对某个form的做了哪些personalization

--假设被客户化的FORM名字是Your-Form-Name:SELECT * FROM FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES WHERE form_name = "Your-Form-Name";SELECT * FROM FND_FORM_CUSTOM_ACTIONS WHERE RULE_ID IN (SELECT ID FROM fnd_form_custom_rules WHERE form_name = "Your-Form-Name")ORDER BY SEQUENCE;SELECT * FROM FND_FORM_CUSTOM_SCOPES WHERE RULE_ID IN (SELECT ID FROM fnd_form_custom_rules WHERE form_name = "Your-Form-Name");

跪求绿日乐队nuclear family的歌词翻译……(分数不是问题)

算是另一个版本吧~~~水平有限,见谅~~(小马哥)Nuclear Family核武之家Gonna ride the world like a merry-go-round(有了我)可以把世界像骑木马一样骑在胯下~Like a ferris wheel like it"s breaking down像摩天轮一样刺激,也像它一样垮掉(意指爬的高摔得痛)~Drinking angel"s piss, gonna crash and burn来个狗啃屎,然后毁灭~I just want some action so gimme my turn我要大显身手,让我来吧!Like a Chinese company conspiracy就像中国公司的阴谋(应该意指中国的产品低廉,劣质,害人终害己。鄙人意淫,这句或是指赤色阴谋~)It"s the death of a nuclear family staring up at you核武的死亡阴影终将凝视着你~It"s looking like another bad comedy这就像另一出拙劣的喜剧~Just as long as it comes in hi-fidelity for me too在我面前真实的展示~Can you hear the sound coming over the hill?你能否听到山那边的巨响~Gotta move my feet憾的我战栗不已~it"s coming in for the kill它只为杀戮~Ba-baby, baby it"s a blow out哦,宝贝,它爆炸了。Like a nuclear bomb and it won"t be long "til I detonate像核弹一样,我也将要引爆~Like a Chinese company conspiracy就像中国公司的阴谋~It"s the death of a nuclear family staring up at you核武的死亡阴影终将凝视着你~It"s looking like another bad comedy这就像另一出拙劣的喜剧~Just as long as it comes in hi-fidelity for me too在我面前真实的展示~Gonna ride the world like a merry-go-round(有了我)可以把世界像骑木马一样骑在胯下~Like a ferris wheel like it"s breaking down像摩天轮一样刺激,也像它一样垮掉(意指爬的高摔得痛)~Scream, scream, screaming bloody murder尖叫吧,血腥的刽子手~Like a nuclear bomb it won"t be long "til I detonate像核弹一样,我也将要引爆~Like a Chinese company conspiracy就像中国公司的阴谋~It"s the death of a nuclear family staring up at you核武的死亡阴影终将凝视着你~It"s looking like another bad comedy这就像另一出拙劣的喜剧~Just as long as it comes in hi-fidelity for me too在我面前真实的展示~I Say现在倒计时——Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3five, four, three,two,one!5 4 3 2 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nuclear run-on assay

what are they?

nuclear speckles是什么意思

nuclear speckles_翻译nuclear speckles 核散斑体; 核小点;

nuclear family是什么意思

核心家庭。核心家庭(nuclear family):又称小家庭、血缘家庭,是以婚姻为基础所构成的家庭单位,它的组成包括丈夫、妻子及未婚子uf981。

nuclear reactor是什么意思

nuclear 是原子能的意思,reactor是反应堆的意思,nuclear reactor是核反应堆

nuclear launch

launch 发射的意思,也有实施某样东西 nuclear launch detected 被检测到的核武器发射装置

Nuclear Boy (John Peel - 17/10/79) 歌词

歌曲名:Nuclear Boy (John Peel - 17/10/79)歌手:Killing Joke专辑:The Peel Sessions 79 - 81Artist: Ryan Adams LyricsSong: Nuclear LyricsPosted by TrustCSThis is where the summer endsIn a flash of pure destruction, no one winsGo nuclear.Nuclear.The violets in my eyelids goin" redSentimental geekShut up and go to sleepThe calm, the beach and the remainsOf the bathing suits and Porsches all in flamesGo nuclear.Nuclear.When I saw her and the Yankees lost to the BravesSentimental geekSentimental geekSentimental geekShut up and go to sleepGive me an answerGive me an answerGive me an answerGive me an answerGive me an~~~Give me an~~~~~ LET"S SUPPORT GREEN PEACE ~~

生物专业词汇"nuclear compartment”是什么意思?


green day 的nuclear family准确翻译?




网上下载的nightwish音乐专辑名称中Nuclear Spinefarm Drakkar的含义

魅力士射,第二个不知道 核,普遍日本

Nuclear missile ready什么意思?



Standing on the edge of the crater   Like the prophets once said   and the ashes are all cold now   No more bullets and the embers are dead   Whispers in the air tell the tales   Of the brothers gone   Desolation, devastation   What a miss we made, when it all went wrong   Watching from the edge of the circus   For the games to begin   Gladiators draw their swords   form their ranks for armageddon   I"m nuclear   I"m wild   I"m breaking down inside   A heart of broken glass   Defiled   Deep inside   The abandoning child   Standing on the edge of the underworld   Looking at the abyss   and I"m hoping for some miracle   To breakout to escape from all this   Whispers in the air tell the tales   of a life that"s gone   Desolation, devastation   What a mess we made, when it all went wrong   I"m nuclear   I"m wild   I"m breaking down inside   A heart of broken glass   Defiled   Deep inside   The abandoning child   I"m nuclear   I"m wild   I"m breaking down inside   A heart of broken glass   Defiled   Deep inside   The abandoning child


翻译:Gryphonheart(砂夜于2014年6月27日根据E3演示日文字幕部分进行了修订)Standing on the edge of the crater  Like the prophets once said  and the ashes are all cold now  No more bullets and the embers are dead  Whispers in the air tell the tales  Of the brothers gone  Desolation, devastation  What a miss we made, when it all went wrong  站在弹坑(核弹爆炸后)的边缘  如同先知曾经预言过那样  所有的灰烬都已冷却  不再有枪弹和硝烟  风中的低语  讲述着逝去兄弟的故事  荒废 破坏  我们做错了什么 使得一切无法挽回  Watching from the edge of the circus  For the games to begin  Gladiators draw their swords  form their ranks for armageddon  从竞技场的外面  等待着比赛的序幕  角斗士们举起手中的剑  准备迎接劫难的到来  I"m nuclear  I"m wild  I"m breaking down inside  A heart of broken glass  Defiled  Deep inside  The abandoning child  我是核弹  我很狂野  我从内部毁灭一切  被污染的破碎的玻璃心脏  藏在那个  被遗弃的孩子身体之中  Standing on the edge of the underworld  Looking at the abyss  and I"m hoping for some miracle  To breakout to escape from all this  Whispers in the air tell the tales  of a life that"s gone  Desolation, devastation  What a mess we made, when it all went wrong  站在冥府的边缘  俯视着深渊  期待着奇迹的发生  能够从这一切之中脱身  风中的低语  讲述着生命如何消逝  荒废 破坏  我们做过了什么 使得一切无可挽回  I"m nuclear  I"m wild  I"m breaking down inside  A heart of broken glass  Defiled  Deep inside  The abandoning child  我是核弹  我很狂野我从内部毁灭一切  被污染的破碎的玻璃心脏  藏在那个  被遗弃的孩子身体之中I"m nuclear  I"m wild  I"m breaking down inside  A heart of broken glass  Defiled  Deep inside  The abandoning child我是核弹  我很狂野我从内部毁灭一切  被污染的破碎的玻璃心脏  藏在那个  被遗弃的孩子身体之中


对啊,nucleus在生物领域用的多,常见连用细胞核,核仁啊什么的nuclear在物理领域用的多,常见连用:核弹,核武器,核能nucleus还有一下用法: a basic or essential part : <players who are the nucleus of the team ><a college campus that was a nucleus of opposition to the war><the nucleus of the movement"s methodology has always been passive resistances

Mike Oldfield的《Nuclear》歌词翻译

Standing on the edge of the crater站在弹坑边  Like the prophets once said就像预言家说的  and the ashes are all cold now灰尘早已冷却  No more bullets and the embers are dead不再有更多的子弹,余火也已经熄灭  Whispers in the air tell the tales轻语在风中诉说这寓言  Of the brothers gone诉说失去的兄弟们  Desolation, devastation荒凉,毁灭  What a miss we made, when it all went wrong当所有的一切都错了,我们犯了多大的失误  Watching from the edge of the circus在角斗场的边上看  For the games to begin看这场游戏的开始  Gladiators draw their swords角斗士拔出剑  form their ranks for armageddon在生死抉择里划上先后I"m nuclear我是原子弹  I"m wild我野性  I"m breaking up inside我从里到外开始爆裂  A heart of broken glass一颗碎了的玻璃心  Defiled破败  Deep inside深深的里面  The abandoning child那个放弃了的孩子Standing on the edge of the underworld在地下世界的边缘站着  Looking at the abyss看着深渊里  and I"m hoping for some miracle期待着奇迹  To breakout to escape from all this能从这里逃出去  Whispers in the air tell the tales轻语在风中诉说这寓言  of a life that"s gone诉说失去的那条命  DeDesolation, devastation荒凉,毁灭  What a miss we made, when it all went wrong当所有的一切都错了,我们犯了多大的失误I"m nuclear我是原子弹  I"m wild我野性  I"m breaking up inside我从里到外开始爆裂  A heart of broken glass一颗碎了的玻璃心  Defiled破败  Deep inside深深的里面  The abandoning child那个放弃了的孩子 I"m nuclear我是原子弹  I"m wild我野性  I"m breaking up inside我从里到外开始爆裂  A heart of broken glass一颗碎了的玻璃心  Defiled破败  Deep inside深深的里面  The abandoning child那个放弃了的孩子

nuclear 的nu 是不是前缀

我觉得应该是,clear名词是清晰而不是干净,动词是搬走 转移,nuclear意思是核武器的核


  提高写作,必看范文,下面我就为考生们带来一篇 有关nuclear的雅思写作范文 ,考生们可以参考一下写作思路,改善自身写作方式。希望对你的写作有所帮助。   Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy   Advantages of Nuclear Energy   Nuclear reactions release a million times more energy, as compared to hydro or wind energy. Hence, a large amount of electricity can be generated. Presently, approximately 10-15% of the world"s electricity is generated through nuclear energy. Did you know that one kilogram of uranium-235 approximately produces as much energy as 1,500 tons of coal?   The biggest advantage of this energy is that greenhouse gases are not released during a nuclear reaction. Greenhouse gases are a major threat in the current scenario, as they cause global warming and climate change. As there is no emission of these gases during nuclear reaction, there is very little effect on the environment.   The burning of fossil fuels leads to production of carbon dioxide and smoke. It is a menace to the environment as well as human life. Production of nuclear energy does not emit smoke, hence, there is no direct air pollution. However, disposal of radioactive waste is a major issue today.   Nuclear reactors make use of uranium as fuel. Fission reaction of a small amount of uranium generates a large amount of energy. Currently, the reserves of uranium found on the Earth are expected to last for another 100 years. Secondly, using this energy can make many nations energy independent, and not dependent on those unearthing fossil fuels.   Without human errors, accidents, or natural calamities, the nuclear reactors work very well and can go on for a long time. Secondly, once constructed, the plant requires very few people to operate it.   Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy   Accidental release of harmful radiation is one of the biggest drawbacks of nuclear energy. The fission process releases radiation, but, is controlled in a nuclear reactor. Now, if these safety measures fail, the radiation may come in contact with the environment, resulting in severe damage to the ecosystem and loss of life.   Although they produce large amount of energy, nuclear reactors depend on uranium, which is an exhaustible fuel. Its extinction can again cause a grave problem. Once exhausted, the reactors will be of no use, will have to be shutdown, but will remain occupying large area of land, and contaminating the environment.   This energy can be used for production and proliferation of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons make use of fission, fusion, or combination of both reactions for destructive purposes. They are a major threat to the world as they can cause a large-scale devastation. Their effects can be observed for many generations   Though large amount of energy can be produced from a nuclear power plant, it requires large capital cost. Around 10-15 years are required to develop a single plant. It is not very feasible to build a nuclear power plant. Secondly, one cannot ignore the fact that the nuclear reactors will work as long as uranium is available.   The waste produced after fission reactions contains unstable elements, and is highly radioactive. It is very dangerous to the environment as well as human health, and remains so for hundreds of years. It needs professional handling and should be kept isolated from the living environment. The radioactivity of these elements reduces over a period, after decaying. Hence, they have to be carefully stored and disposed. It is very difficult to store radioactive elements for a long period.   There have been two most disastrous nuclear power plant accidents to date: the Chernobyl disaster that occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan. Large amount of radiation was released in the environment after these incidents, leading to fatalities, damage of nature, and land. One cannot deny the possibility of repetition of such disasters in future.   As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there is an ongoing debate about the use of nuclear energy. There are proponents and opponents of it. Knowing the pros and cons in detail will help know more about the debate and the issues involved. However, only the future will make it clear whether nuclear energy is a boon or a bane!   以上就是雅思为您带来的有关nuclear的雅思写作范文,考生们可以拿做参考,但实战中最好不要完全照搬,雅思写作范文只是为考生们做个示范,实战中写作还是要发挥自身的特色。

星际1中的nuclear launch detected是什么意思 请英语高手指教





nucleus n. 核,核心;原子核nuclei是nucleus的复数nuclear adj. 原子能的;[细胞] 细胞核的;中心的;原子核的nucleolus n. 核;[细胞] 核仁;细胞核

nucleus nuclear nucleolus nucleous nuclei 这几个词有什么区别,翻译过来都是一个字 - 核。。。

nucleus n. 核,核心;原子核nuclei是nucleus的复数nuclear adj. 原子能的;[细胞] 细胞核的;中心的;原子核的nucleolus n. 核;[细胞] 核仁;细胞核nucleous抱歉 这个词查不到…………哪找来的????


Nuclear之所以会在国内成功被封为“核皇”,主要还是洲际赛上他那七分半分钟就死了3次的卡莎实在是太让人印象深刻了。不过得益于世界赛版本变动,核皇在小组赛里倒是表现地中规中矩,在下路可以选小法亚索这些工具人的情况下,大部分队伍都不想浪费ban位去限制Nuclear,所以他可以比较轻松地拿到卡莎或者霞这样的版本OP英雄。备注:很多人觉得核皇只会玩卡莎,但是查阅了很多资料以后发现,其实他的寒冰胜率非常高。《英雄联盟》(League of Legends,简称LOL)是由美国拳头游戏(Riot Games)开发、中国内地由腾讯游戏代理运营的英雄对战MOBA竞技网游。游戏里拥有数百个个性英雄,并拥有排位系统、符文系统等特色养成系统。《英雄联盟》致力于推动全球电子竞技的发展,除了联动各赛区发展职业联赛、打造电竞体系之外,每年还会举办"英雄联盟季中冠军赛""英雄联盟全球总决赛""英雄联盟全明星赛"三大世界级赛事,形成了自己独有的电子竞技文化 。


adj.1. 核的;(使用)核能的;(拥有)核武器的2.【物】核子的;【生】细胞核的3.(形成)核心的;中心的可数名词:1. 核武器2. 有核国英语解释of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atomconstituting or like a nucleus(weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energyof or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell



All of them clean the room这句话为什么把all of放在前面?

All of them clean the room.同义句是 They all clean the room.他们都打扫房间。

KOBELCO(神钢空压机)说明书中clean dust filter 100h before svc;replace suc.filter 2000h before svc



Number(<p>,<s>) Number数据类型存储一个有p位精确度的s位等级的数据。

oracle ebs人员状况基本信息表可以另存吗

SELECT papf.employee_number employee_number, papf.last_name last_name, --员工姓名 gender, --性别 papf.national_identifier national_identifier, --省份证号码 hl.meaning marital_status, --婚姻状况 papf.email_address email_address, --email地址, fdfct.descriptive_flex_context_name || "." || pa.address_line1 || "." || pa.address_line2 || "." || hla.meaning || "." || pa.postal_code || "." || pa.telephone_number_1 || "." || pa.telephone_number_2 employee_address, papf.effective_start_date per_effective_start_date, --人员日期自 papf.effective_end_date per_effective_end_date, --人员日期至 organization_name, --组织名称 paaf.primary_flag primary_flag, --主分配标识 paaf.assignment_number assignment_number, --员工分配编号 job_name, --职务名称 position_name, --职位名称 paaf.effective_start_date ass_effective_start_date, --分配日期自 paaf.effective_end_date ass_effective_end_date --分配日期至 FROM per_all_people_f papf, --员工基本信息表 per_all_assignments_f paaf, --员工分配表 per_jobs pj, --员工职务 per_jobs_tl pjt, --员工职务多语言表 per_all_positions pap, --员工职位表 hr_all_positions_f_tl hapft, --员工职位多语言表 hr_lookups hl, --代码 hr_all_organization_units haou, --组织信息, fnd_territories_tl ftt, --地区 fnd_descr_flex_contexts_tl fdfct, --弹性域内容 hr_lookups hla, --地址代码 per_addresses pa --地址信息 WHERE papf.person_id = paaf.person_id(+) AND paaf.job_id = pj.job_id(+) AND pj.job_id = pjt.job_id(+) AND pjt.language(+) = userenv("LANG") AND paaf.position_id = pap.position_id(+) AND pap.position_id = hapft.position_id(+) AND hapft.language(+) = userenv("LANG") AND paaf.primary_flag = "Y" AND papf.marital_status = hl.lookup_code(+) AND hl.lookup_type(+) = "MAR_STATUS" AND paaf.organization_id = haou.organization_id(+) AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date) AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date)

clean up / clean out / clean off / clean away 有什么区别。能分别给出一个典型的实例吗谢谢。

clean up 打扫 He alway expected other people to clean up after him他总是指望别人来打扫他弄脏了的地方clean out 彻底清洗 I must clean the fish tank out.我必须把养鱼缸彻底清洗干净clean off 刷掉 I cleaned the mud off my shoes.我刷掉了鞋上的泥clean away 把...清除掉,清除, 强调动作的结果是消失或者距离上的消失Please clear your books away so that I can serve dinner

清澈的水是用clear water还是 clean water?为什么?


"His writing is clear and clean"的修辞格

His writing is clear and clean. (alliteration 头韵)


首先 山航的飞机不太好 应该会是小机型的其次 只要你记住家里大人嘱咐的话 诸如“不要和陌生人说话”“不要吃陌生人提供的食物”而且进站有家人送 出站有家人接 应该就会没事最后 所有的液态物品都要托运不能随身携带,包括洗澡用的那些东西,还有就是随身只能带一件行李上飞机,规格是20*40*55,重量不能超过5KG,

clean up、clean out、clear up、clear out的区别

clear up整理, 消除, 放晴clear out清除, (口语)离开, 把...清出clean up打扫干净, 整理, 赚钱, 获利clean out清除, 打扫干净

形容river 用clean 还是 clear

clean adj. 清洁的; 整齐的; 新的; 正派的 clear adj. 清楚的,明白的; 清晰的,明亮的; 清澈的; 明确的 clear river 河水清澈;清澈的河流


clear是“清楚的,清晰的,晴朗的,透明的,清澈的(水)”意思。 用在字体(写的字),天气,水,眼睛,声音,天空等等。 如:In the morning, the sky was clear,but in the afternoon it became rainy。 而clean是:“干净的,清洁的,清白的,公正的”。反义词是dirty和unclean。 用在水,比赛,东西等等。 如:Keep everything clean。 clean,clear都是形容词,但都可以作副词。 clean副词的时候是:“全然,完全地,巧妙地,完美地,不作弊地”意思。 如:He jumped clean over the bar。 clear副词的时候意思是:“清楚地,全部,完全”。 希望我的答复给你一点帮助。

tidy clean clear这三个单词的意思有什么不同?


tidy clean clear这三个单词的意思有什么不同?

tidy清洁且整理的井然有序:eg:a tidy room 井然有序的房间.1.作作形容词时:clean指没有尘埃、脏东西(反:dirty).eg:clean water 洁净的水.clear指清澈透明(反:muddy).eg:clear water of the lake 清澈见底...

请问各位 英语单词的 clean 和 clear 的区别是??麻烦了!~~急啊!

▲请注意clean与 clear 作动词时的区别,clean意为“打扫干净”,而 clear意为“(把不必要的东西)拿走”,“清除”。例:Clear these things from the table, please.请把桌上的东西收走。Whose job is to clear snow from the road?把路上的雪清除掉的是谁的工作?We must clear the room before our guests arrived.在客人到来之前我们必须把房间腾出来。▲ Clear作不及物动词时意为“晴朗起来”。It is clearing gradually.天慢慢放晴了。We spent an hour in the airports waiting for the weather to clear.我们在机场等了一个钟头等后天晴。▲clean和 clear作形容词时意思也不一样。Clean意为“清洁的”,clear意为“清晰的”。15.One example is the Mediterranean which lies between Europe and Africa. It has only one narrow entrance to the ocean in the west.位于欧洲和非洲之间的地中海就是一个例子。它只在西部有一个狭窄的通往大洋的入口。

clean clear是哪个国家的 希望清楚一点



clear是“清楚的,清晰的,晴朗的,透明的,清澈的(水)”意思。 用在字体(写的字),天气,水,眼睛,声音,天空等等。 如:In the morning, the sky was clear,but in the afternoon it became rainy。 而clean是:“干净的,清洁的,清白的,公正的”。反义词是dirty和unclean。 用在水,比赛,东西等等。 如:Keep everything clean。 clean,clear都是形容词,但都可以作副词。 clean副词的时候是:“全然,完全地,巧妙地,完美地,不作弊地”意思。 如:He jumped clean over the bar。 clear副词的时候意思是:“清楚地,全部,完全”。 希望我的答复给你一点帮助。


clear是“清楚的,清晰的,晴朗的,透明的,清澈的(水)”意思。 用在字体(写的字),天气,水,眼睛,声音,天空等等。 如:In the morning, the sky was clear,but in the afternoon it became rainy。 而clean是:“干净的,清洁的,清白的,公正的”。反义词是dirty和unclean。 用在水,比赛,东西等等。 如:Keep everything clean。 clean,clear都是形容词,但都可以作副词。 clean副词的时候是:“全然,完全地,巧妙地,完美地,不作弊地”意思。 如:He jumped clean over the bar。 clear副词的时候意思是:“清楚地,全部,完全”。 希望我的答复给你一点帮助。

clean up和clear up的区别

clean up 打扫clear up放晴

原先是痘痘,后来用了clean clear persa-gel 10,痘痘是好了,但是发现有留下红色的痕迹,看过去想凹下去


区别clear up, clear out, clean up, clean out


clear和clean cache的区别

词典结果:clear[英][klu026au0259(r)][美][klu026ar]adj.清楚的,明白的; 清晰的,明亮的; 清澈的; 明确的; adv.完全地; 清晰地; 整整; vi.变明朗; 变清澈; vt.扫除,除去; 消除(嫌疑); 使清楚; 使干净; n.空隙,空间; 第三人称单数:clears过去分词:cleared最高级:clearest现在进行时:clearing比较级:clearer过去式:cleared易混淆单词:ClearCLEAR以上结果来自金山词霸clean cache清洁高速缓存

请问clean clear 的洗面奶效果好不好?


clean the blackboard怎么读?

cleanclear的吸油纸怎么打开包装?后面写着PUSH 怎么从后面拿纸




clear clean class nice 哪个发音不同?

最后不同 其他发 k 音

形容river 用clean 还是 clear

cleanadj. 清洁的; 整齐的; 新的; 正派的clearadj. 清楚的,明白的; 清晰的,明亮的; 清澈的; 明确的clear river 河水清澈;清澈的河流

clear the room可以吗,换成clean意思不变吧?

一般情况下,在英语中,表示“清洁房间”的,都是用“clean the room”。虽然“clear”也是“清洁”的意思,但层次,对象与“clean”有所区别的



tidy clean clear这三个单词的意思有什么不同?



neat adj 整洁的;整齐的(意指清洁与井然有序,隐示没有多余的或细碎杂乱的物体)clean adj 干净的;清洁的(意指事物表面比较干净的) 它们并不是同义词,neat-tidy-trim是同义词.clear的本义是“不模糊”、“不难解”,即:“清晰”、“明白”。同义词是obvious和apparent.








clean the room



clean clear中文是什么?



Water pollution is caused by waste from factories and cities. Oceans are able to clean themselves ,but certain seas,once they become dirty,are not able to do so.水的污染是由于工厂和城市的废物而引起的。大洋能够自身清除污染,但是某些海域一旦被污染,却没有自身清污能力▲ Clean作动词时意为“打扫,弄干净”。Please clean the blackboard.清擦黑板。Please clean the windows as I can hardly see out.请把窗子擦干净,我几乎看不见外面了。I must have this suit cleaned.我得把这套衣服拿去洗一下。▲请注意clean与 clear 作动词时的区别,clean意为“打扫干净”,而 clear意为“(把不必要的东西)拿走”,“清除”。例:Clear these things from the table, please.请把桌上的东西收走。Whose job is to clear snow from the road?把路上的雪清除掉的是谁的工作?We must clear the room before our guests arrived.在客人





clean clear这三个单词的意思有什么不



clear 清楚 clean 干净








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