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bombee honey moisture cleansing foam是什么意思

bombee honey moisture cleansing foam是什么意思:被轰炸的人蜂蜜保湿洁面泡

oracle not available怎么解决

1、你的数据库实例没有打开,连接到sqlplus / as sysdba,然后startup 2、你连接了错误的实例,方法:export ORACLE_SID=XX,然后再连接数据库。

oracle not available是什么意思


oracle not available是什么情况啊


ORACLE not available 怎样解决

1、你的数据库实例没有打开,连接到sqlplus / as sysdba,然后startup2、你连接了错误的实例,方法:export ORACLE_SID=XX,然后再连接数据库。

oracle not available 怎么解决


软件出现“oracle not available”时应怎样解决?

数据库没启动,把 shutdown immediate 换成 startup ,启动数据库,然后执行 shutdown immediate 关闭数据库。输入startup启动数据库就行了。Oracle数据库错误ORACLE not available解决方法1.运行 exp、imp或sqlplus等命令时发生以下错误,EXP-00056: ORACLE error 1034 encountered;ORA-01034: ORACLE not available;ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist;Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory;EXP-00005: all allowable logon attempts failed;EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully;2.由“Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory“一行分析判断,是某个路径设置不正确造成的;3.首先查看oracle的环境变量是否正确设置,检查仅包含“ORACLE_”字符的环境变量env | grep ORACLE_显示如下结果;ORACLE_SID=orclORACLE_BASE=/oracle/app/ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/app/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/4.分析发现最后两行都多了字符“/”,使用vi编辑器修改正确;$ vi /home/oracle/.bash_profile5.修改正确后,使用以下命令重新加载环境变量。$ source /home/oracle/.bash_profile再次操作其它功能,发现问题解决!

西子奥的斯服务器显示not available press clear怎么解决

西子奥的斯服务器显示not available press clear解决方法如下:方向 U电梯上行方向 D电梯下行方向位置显示描述位置显示描述 01 当前位置显示没有位置显示,操作模式描述操作模式描述 IDL当前操作模式空闲INS当前操作模式进行检修。NAV当前操作模式召唤模式召唤模式前后/门状态 前门关闭前门打开开门中TCI-LOCK轿顶检修锁定 LS-FAULT 1LS或2LS故障 Start-DCS启动门测试。然后再C 轿厢检查呼叫 u 厅外上呼 D 厅外下呼 E医院紧急呼叫02 输入02电梯运行到三层 A 01 TCI-LOCKC U00 D00 A 1C 1) 2) 4) 3) 专业专业 课课 M-1-1-1M-1-1-1召唤模式召唤模式。监控输入信号监控输入信号 A 00 IDL ST ins es DW DFC 上图显示输入状态,字母小写表示没有动 作,字母大写表示动作。然后按GO ON或GO BACK件可以循环查看所以输入状态,信号状态信号状态检修esM113M113监控输出信号监控输出信号 A 00 IDL。



什么是featured article,是体裁么

featured article精选文章网络释义1. 特色条目例句:1.For example, one ofour key quality assurance processes, "featured article candidates",is nothing but a wiki page where users nominate articles as highquality, and discussthese nominations. 比如,我们一个关键的质量保证程序“特色文章候选”,不过是一个wiki页面,用户可以在此提名高质量文章并讨论这些提名。


这是两种清除浮动的方式,.clear 就是在需要清除浮动的父元素内部的所有浮动元素后面添加一个无意义的空标签来清除浮动,并且自定义其CSS为clear:both,加上其它属于是为了让这个标签不受其它因素的影响;.clearfix:after 就是利用after伪对象来清除浮动,该方法只适用于非IE浏览器,该方法中必须为需要清除浮动元素的伪对象中设置height:0,否则该元素会比实际高出若干像素。 查看原帖>>满意请采纳





Mark Owen的《Clementine》 歌词

歌名:Clementine歌手:Mark Owen发行时间:2003-10-19所属专辑:《The Green Man (Repackaged)》歌词:She heard a voice from so far awayIt told her her mother had gone awayIn the next room down the corridorHer baby started to cryHer whole life had just fell apartThere was nothing then the hurting startedIn her heavy head on her knees she prayedcould somebody help herClementineIt was never meant to be this wayIt was never meant to be this wayClementineIt was never meant to be this wayit was never meant to be this wayIf only I"d told you yesterdayGot in her car and she sped awayInto the floodlit street down by your wayAs the sun rose by the morning dewWell she returned in such a stateHer baby knew not what was going onBut it could tell from her tears that something was wrong with mumDesperation let out its final screamBut our clementine didn"t hear a damn thing[REPEAT CHORUS]Into the mirror she stared at herselfAsked is that my life is that what I"m here forHer reflection chose not to respondAs she froze to the spot like a cold hard statueAnd bathed in her tears she said her time was through




先建立一个 clear浮动的全局样式。在直接在box1 box2 box3 box4 box5 里面直接调用

DIV+CSS中的 clear标签中的clear:both,和clear:none是什么意思 还有解释下clear标签的具体意思

语法:clear : none | left | right | both 取值:none : 默认值。允许两边都可以有浮动对象 left : 不允许左边有浮动对象 right : 不允许右边有浮动对象 both : 不允许有浮动对象 说明:该属性的值指出了不允许有浮动对象的边。float 属性就是浮动对象。


overflow-y:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; resize:none; 垂直滚动条overflow-X:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; resize:none; 横向滚动条





.box:after{content:"020";display:block;height:0;clear:both;} 这是css里的,请问这是什么意思啊?

这是一段用于清除浮动(clearfix)的代码,防止后边的容器因为浮动出现布局的混乱。这个 "020"表示转移字符的空格。这样写好像没什么必要,直接写空格就可以,而且貌似浏览器对生成内容中的转义字符的支持并不好。在 clearfix 中,content 的内容可以为空,即 {content: ""; ...} ,兼容性更好。

【div+css问题】 什么时候用清除浮动 clear:both 什么时候用zoom:1


关于css里的clear: both 的问题我直接上代码上图忘高手解答下!





这个清除浮动用法,举个例吧<div style="background-color: green;"> <div style="float:left; height: 50px; background-color: red;">这个左浮动</div> <div style="float:right; height: 50px; background-color: blue;">">这个右浮动</div> <div style="clear:both;"></div></div>你试下把 <div style="clear:both;"></div>去掉和保留,再看效果,就明白了

clear both的用法



清除浮动用的比较多 无浮动还没用过


对一个元素声明clear:both,会将来自元素周围的的浮动清除,举一个简单的例子就是当先声明一个元素向左浮动时,那么这个元素的右边就会留出一部分空白,如果这个时候空间可以容下该元素的下一个元素的大小,那么由于此元素声明过浮动向左,那么下一个元素就会自动弥补留下的空间。那么相对这个补缺的元素(本身没有声明浮动),它有一个来自他左方的浮动,如果这个时候对这个补缺的元素声明clear: both;那么它就会忽略上一个元素的浮动声明而不去补之前的空缺。回到题主的问题,由于浏览器是按顺序render(这个我也不好翻译。。)元素的,对#div1和#div2都声明了浮动向左,那么这个时候#div1之前是没有其他浮动元素的,clear:both并不会对之后的#div2产生影响,而相对#div2,由于它之前的#div1声明向左浮动,也就给#div2留出了一部分空间,那么由于#div1声明的向左浮动,#div2默认会自动补全,这个时候再对#div2声明clear:both就会起作用,它就跑到下面去了。至于楼上的第一个例子为什么管用,是因为他限制了parent元素的宽为100pixel,即使#div1向左浮动,也没有空间给#div2补全了,所以#div2只能跑下面去。


在ie中会兼容你一些问题 但是其它飞ie内核的就不管你了所以在不需要一个div出现在另一个的同一行就用clear:both;吧

DIV+CSS中的 clear标签中的clear:both,和clear:none是什么意思 还有解释下clear标签的具体意思

控制相邻的浮动BOX的排列——clear功能说明:控制相邻的浮动BOX的排列。可 取 值:none|left|right|both|inherit初 始 值:none应 用 到:块级元素。可否继承:否。详细解释:① 当clear属性应用于非浮动的块级BOX时,属性值的含义如下:left:生成的BOX的顶边距将增加,直到它的顶部边缘出现在文档中之前元素产生的任何向左浮动的BOX的底外边缘之下。right:生成的BOX的顶边距将增加,直到它的顶部边缘出现在文档中之前元素产生的任何向右浮动的BOX的底外边缘之下。both:生成的BOX将移到源文档中之前元素产生的浮动BOX之下。none:相当于浮动,BOX的位置没有约束。② 如果clear属性设置在浮动元素上,那么将导致对浮动定位的规则做修改,因此加入了以下额外的约束:【浮动的顶部外边缘必须在所有之前的左浮动BOX的底部边缘之下(设置clear:left),或者必须在所有之前的右浮动BOX的底部边缘之下(设置clear:left),或者两者都要(设置clear:both)。】



html的clear both含义


请问electric scooter和electric motorycle有什么区别呢?谢谢大家

motorcycle 是 摩托车。Scooter 是 踏板车/小轮摩托车

que sera sera Clementine 版 貌似是法语的,求歌词

CLEMENTINE QUE SERA SERA When I was just a little girl I asked my mother, what will I be Will I be pretty, will I be rich Here"s what she said to me.Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future"s not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be.When I was young, I fell in love I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead Will we have rainbows, day after day Here"s what my sweetheart said.Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future"s not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be.Now I have children of my own They ask their mother, what will I be Will I be handsome, will I be rich I tell them tenderly.Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future"s not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be. 英语歌词啊,那就是Clementine

journal article和book 的区别

E-journal article是一篇文章,发布在网络期刊上的. E-book 是一本书,传说中的电子书.

He is very clever.






Journal paper/journal article有什么区别





创建表(Create table)语法详解1. ORACLE常用的字段类型ORACLE常用的字段类型有VARCHAR2 (size) 可变长度的字符串, 必须规定长度CHAR(size) 固定长度的字符串, 不规定长度默认值为1NUMBER(p,s) 数字型p是位数总长度, s是小数的长度, 可存负数最长38位. 不够位时会四舍五入.DATE 日期和时间类型LOB 超长字符, 最大可达4GCLOB 超长文本字符串BLOB 超长二进制字符串BFILE 超长二进制字符串, 保存在数据库外的文件里是只读的.数字字段类型位数及其四舍五入的结果原始数值1234567.89数字字段类型位数 存储的值Number 1234567.89Number(8) 12345678Number(6) 错Number(9,1) 1234567.9Number(9,3) 错Number(7,2) 错Number(5,-2) 1234600Number(5,-4) 1230000Number(*,1) 1234567.92. 创建表时给字段加默认值 和约束条件创建表时可以给字段加上默认值例如 : 日期字段 DEFAULT SYSDATE这样每次插入和修改时, 不用程序操作这个字段都能得到动作的时间创建表时可以给字段加上约束条件例如: 非空 NOT NULL不允许重复 UNIQUE关键字 PRIMARY KEY按条件检查 CHECK (条件)外键 REFERENCES 表名(字段名)3. 创建表的例子CREATE TABLE DEPT(EPTNO NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT PK_DEPT PRIMARY KEY,DNAME VARCHAR2(14),LOC VARCHAR2(13)) ;CREATE TABLE region(ID number(2) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,postcode number(6) default "0" NOT NULL,areaname varchar2(30) default " " NOT NULL);4. 创建表时的命名规则和注意事项1)表名和字段名的命名规则:必须以字母开头,可以含符号A-Z,a-z,0-9,_,$,#2)大小写不区分3)不用SQL里的保留字, 一定要用时可用双引号把字符串括起来.4)用和实体或属性相关的英文符号长度有一定的限制注意事项:1)建表时可以用中文的字段名, 但最好还是用英文的字段名2)创建表时要把较小的不为空的字段放在前面, 可能为空的字段放在后面3)建表时如果有唯一关键字或者唯一的约束条件,建表时自动建了索引4)一个表的最多字段个数也是有限制的,254个.


做项目的经验来看过程参数函数参数等 比如存储过程之类的 不用指定大小 直接用varchar2但过程或函数中定义参数变量时 就必须指定精度大小 varchar2(10)number相当于整数集,没小数部分;numeric(9,2) 精度为2的9位小数

oracle数据库导出是出现的问题 看此文

oracle SQL优化 主表(ZS_YJSF)数据量上亿,已分区 请大神指教

oracle SQL优化 主表(ZS_YJSF)数据量上亿,已分区 要看数据多到何种程度。比如一个表的笔数只是几百,如果不需要和其他大表关联查询数据,连索引都不用建。如果是几十万级别的表,一般正确建索引就可以。如果是千万级别的表,不但要正确建索引,而且要定时手工进行收集统计信息维护,不建议系统自动维护,以免影响使用性能。如果是亿以上级别的表,则可考虑按一定条件拆分表资料,将旧资料归档,这样可改善生成表的使用。数据库优化的同时,程序也要进行相应优化,程序和数据科学搭配,才能使性能达到最佳。


cleaningsolution网络清洁液solution 英[su0259u02c8lu:u0283n] 美[su0259u02c8luu0283u0259n] n. 溶液; 解决; 溶解; 答案; [网络] 方法; 整体解决方案; 处理; [例句]Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.尽管他试图寻求和平解决,但现在却面临使用更多武力的压力。[其他] 复数:solutions 形近词: solutize dilution volution



求美剧【加州靡情】的基本演员表,比如Karen, Mia, Runcle的演员的英文名字~~~



end of file

mysql 如何实现Oracle中的这种日期查询?

求出一周数据排行榜 select *from DOWNLOADRECORDS where DOWNLOADRECORDS_TIME>DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 7 DAY);求出24小时内数据排行榜 select *from DOWNLOADRECORDS where DOWNLOADRECORDS_TIME>DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) 求出一月内数据排行榜 select *from DOWNLOADRECORDS where DOWNLOADRECORDS_TIME>DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 1 MONTH)为日期增加一个时间间隔:date_add()set @mydate = now();select date_add(@mydate, interval 1 day); //加1天select date_add(@mydate, interval 1 hour); //加1小时select date_add(@mydate, interval 1 minute); // 加1分钟select date_add(@mydate, interval 1 second); //加1秒select date_add(@mydate, interval 1 microsecond);//加1毫秒select date_add(@mydate, interval 1 week);//加1周select date_add(@mydate, interval 1 month);//加1月select date_add(@mydate, interval 1 quarter);//加1季select date_add(@mydate, interval 1 year);//加1年select date_add(@mydate, interval "01:15:30" hour_second);//加上1小时15分30秒select date_add(@mydate, interval "1 01:15:30" day_second);//加1天 1小时15分30秒为mysql减去一个时间间隔把data_add改成data_sub就ok了呵呵MySql查询时间段的两种方法2010-03-22 10:52  MySql的时间字段有date、time、datetime、timestamp等,往往我们在存储数据的时候将整个时间存在一个字段中,采用datetime类型;也可能采用将日期和时间分离,即一个字段存储date,一个字段存储时间time。无论怎么存储,在实际应用中,很可能会出现包含“时间段”类型的查询,比如一个访问记录数据库,需要统计每天的访问数量,这个每天就是一个时间段。下面介绍MySql查询时间段的两种常见方法,其他数据库也可以类似实现。方法一:传统方式,即指定开始时间和结束时间,用"between”或者"<",">"来建立条件,比如查询2010年3月1日到2010年3月2日的数据条数,则可以使用select count(*) from tablename where datetimecolumn>="2010-03-01 00:00:00" and datetimecolumn<"2010-03-02 00:00:00"  但是,这种方法由于时间不是整数型数据,所以在比较的时候效率较低,所以如果数据量较大,可以将时间转换为整数型的UNIX时间戳,这就是方法二。方法二:UNIX时间戳,每个时间对应了一个唯一的UNIX时间戳,该时间戳是从"1970-01-01 00:00:00" 为0开始计时,每秒增加1。MySql内置了传统时间和UNIX时间的互换函数,分别为UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datetime)FROM_UNIXTIME(unixtime)比如运行SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2010-03-01 00:00:00")返回1267372800运行SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1267372800)返回"2010-03-01 00:00:00"  于是,我们可以将时间字段里的数据替换为整型的UNIX时间,这样,比较时间就成为整数比较了,建立索引后能大大提高效率。在查询的时候,需要把起点时间和结尾时间分别转换为UNIX时间再进行比较,如select count(*) from tablename where datetimecolumn>=UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2010-03-01 00:00:00") anddatetimecolumn<UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2010-03-02 00:00:00")  也可以在调用程序中先转换为UNIX时间再传入MySql,总之这种方式有利于快速查询时间段,不过显示时间则需要再反转一次。

Bycicle Race 歌词

歌曲名:Bycicle Race歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest Hits IQueen - Bycicle RaceBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I likeYou say black I say whiteYou say bark I say biteYou say shark I say hey manJaws was never my sceneAnd I don"t like Star WarsYou say Rolls I say RoyceYou say God give me a choiceYou say Lord I say ChristI don"t believe in Peter PanFrankenstein or SupermanAll I wanna do isBicycle~Bicycle~Bicycle~I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride myBicycle races are coming your waySo forget all your duties oh yeah!Fat bottomed girls they"ll be riding todaySo look out for those beauties oh yeahOn your marks get set goBicycle race bicycle race bicycle raceBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride myBicycle bicycleBicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle raceYou say coke I say caineYou say John I say WayneHot dog I say cool it manI don"t wanna be the President of AmericaYou say smile I say cheeseCartier I say pleaseIncome tax I say JesusI don"t wanna be a candidateFor Vietnam or WatergateCos all I want to do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I like

中国哪个乐队哪首歌抄袭了皇后乐队的bicycle race,唐朝 ,三杰,还是高旗的那个什么乐队


copy of clean on board marine surrendered bill of lading 指的是提单什么copy件啊?是电放吗


如何使用祛角质啫喱 deep clear peeling gel?


什么是祛角质啫喱 deep clear peeling gel?

祛角质啫喱 deep clear peeling gel是去角质的,这款基础护肤产品对角质的清洁力度很大,质地也温和,皮脂会被玉米提取物吸附;水解胶原蛋白强效补水;尿囊素消炎,促进再生;燕麦提取物滋养肌肤水嫩。

[A COURSE IN MIRACLE] Chapter 1 The Meaning of Miracles

I. Principles of Miracles There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not "harder" or "bigger" than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal. 【T-1.I.1】 Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is far beyond evaluation. 【T-1.I.2】 Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle. 【T-1.I.3】 All miracles mean life, and God is the Giver of life. His Voice will direct you every specifically. You will be told all you need to know. 【T-1.I.4】 Miracles are habits, and should be involuntary. They should not be under conscious control. Consciously selected miracles can be misguided. 【T-1.I.5】 Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong. 【T-1.I.6】 Miracles are everyone"s right, but purification is necessary first. 【T-1.I.7】 Miracles are healing because they supply a lack; they are performed by those who temporarily have more for those who temporarily have less. 【T-1.I.8】 Miracles are a kind of exchange. Like all expressions of love, which are always miraculous in the true sense, the exchange reverses the physical laws. They bring more love both to the giver and the receiver. 【T-1.I.9】 The use of miracles as spectacles to induce belief is a misunderstanding of their purpose. 【T-1.I.10】 Prayer is the medium of miracles. It is a means of communication of the created with the Creator. Through prayer love is received, and through miracles love is expressed. 【T-1.I.11】 Miracles are thought. Thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience, or the higher or spiritual level of experience. One makes the physical, and the other creates the spiritual. 【T-1.I.12】 Miracles are both beginnings and endings, and so they alter the temporal order. They are always affirmations of rebirth, which seem to go back but really go forward. They undo the past in the present, and thus release the future. 【T-1.I.13】 Miracles bear witness to truth. They are convincing because they arise from conviction. Without conviction they deteriorate into magic, which is mindless and therefore destructive; or rather, the uncreative use of mind. 【T-1.I.14】 Each day should be devoted to miracles. The purpose of time is to enable you to learn how to use time constructively. It is thus a teaching device and a means to an end. Time will cease when it is no longer useful in facilitating learning.【T-1.I.15】 Miracles are teaching devices for demonstrating it is as blessed to give as to receive. They simultaneously increase the strength of the giver and supply strength to the receiver. 【T-1.I.16】 Miracles transcend the body. They are sudden shifts into invisibility, away from the bodily level. That is why they heal. 【T-1.I.17】 A miracle is a service. It is the maximal service you can render to another. It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself. You recognize your own and your neighbor"s worth simultaneously. 【T-1.I.18】 Miracles make minds one in God. They depend on cooperation because the Sonship is the sum of all that God created. Miracles therefore reflect the laws of eternity, not of time. 【T-1.I.19】 Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the alter of truth. This is the recognition that leads to the healing power of the miracle. 【T-1.I.20】 Miracles are natural signs of forgiveness. Through miracles you accept God"s forgiveness by extending it to others. 【T-1.I.21】 Miracles are associated with fear only because of the belief that darkness can hide. You believe that what your physical eyes cannot see does not exist. This leads to a denial of spiritual sight. 【T-1.I.22】 Miracles rearrange perception and place all levels in true perspective. This is healing because sickness comes from confusing the levels.【T-1.I.23】 Miracles enable you to heal the sick and raise the dead because you made sickness and death yourself, and can therefore abolish both. You are a miracle, capable of creating in the likeness of your Creator. Everything else is your own nightmare, and does not exist. Only the creations of light are real. 【T-1.I.24】 Miracles are part of an interlocking chain of forgiveness which, when completed, is the Atonement. Atonement works all the time and in all the dimensions of time. 【T-1.I.25】


1:你说的应该是scott用户下的emp表吧,我们看下emp表的表结构你就知道保存的是什么信息了。2:emp表是employee雇员信息表 。3:empno就是雇员的员工编号, employee number。4:ename员工姓名, emlployee name。5:job员工的工作是什么比如推销员,经理等。6:mgr上级编号。7:hiredate受雇日期。8:sal薪金。9:comm佣金。10:deptno部门编号。11:emp是scott用户下的表。查询此表:select * from scott.emp。12:假如说没有emp表,手动创建emp表。可以从其他有这个表的人那里照结构将表建立起来。Oracle Database,又名Oracle RDBMS,或简称Oracle。是甲骨文公司的一款关系数据库管理系统。到目前仍在数据库市场上占有主要份额。劳伦斯·埃里森和他的朋友,之前的同事Bob Miner和Ed Oates在1977年建立了软件开发实验室咨询公司(SDL,Software Development Laboratories)。作为一个通用的数据库系统,它具有完整的数据管理功能;作为一个关系数据库,它是一个完备关系的产品;作为分布式数据库它实现了分布式处理功能。但它的所有知识,只要在一种机型上学习了ORACLE知识,便能在各种类型的机器上使用它。

oracle中select emp.*,emp.rowid from emp是什么意思?

显示emp表的全部元素 在显示一个额外的rowid

oracle数据库emp表 什么意思 里面保存的都是什么数据

emp是scott用户下的表查询此表:select * from scott.emp; 假如说没有emp表手动创建emp表。可以从其他有这个表的人那里照结构将表建立起来。

oracle plsql什么时候使用自治事务

  了解oracle自治事务  1、什么是Oracle自治事务  在官方文档中,是这样的定义的“Autonomous transactions are independent transactions that can be called from within another transaction.”就是说它被一个事务调用的事务,但它独立于它的父事务提交或回滚。  下面看一个例子  首先创建一张测试表  [sql]  MIKE@ORA11G> create table test(m varchar2(30));Table created.  创建两个procedure,一个是自治事务的,一个是非自治事务的[sql]  create or replace procedure auto_proce  as  pragma autonomous_transaction;  begin  insert into test values("autonomous!");  commit;  end;  /  [sql]  create or replace procedure nonauto_proceas  begin  insert into test values("nonautonomous!");commit;  end;  /  先调用nonauto_proce,看一下会发生什么?  [sql]  SQL> select * from test;  未选定行  SQL> begin  2 insert into test values("test");  3 nonauto_proce;  4 rollback;  5 end;  6 /  PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。  SQL> select * from test;  M  ------------------------------  test  nonautonomous!  第4行的rollback并没有回滚,由于nonauto_proce过程不是自治事务,它的提交将父事务中的insert一并提交,造成rollback没有回滚,即nonauto_proce影响了它的父事务。  下面再看一下auto_proce的情况。  [sql]  SQL> truncate table test;  表被截断。  SQL> select * from test;  未选定行  SQL> begin  2 insert into test values("test1");  3 auto_proce;  4 rollback;  5 end;  6 /  PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。  SQL> select * from test;  M  ------------------------------  autonomous!  由于auto_proce过程是自治事务,它的commit并没有影响到其父事务的rollback。从结果中,已经证明了这一点。  通过这个例子,可以看出自治事务对其父事务并不会造成任何影响。  自治事务一般会被用于:  a 匿名块  b 本地、对立或打包的函数或过程  c 对象类型的方法  d 触发器  2、自治事务与父事务(调用者)的关系  创建一个过程,在commit前休眠10秒,以便查看系统中的一些信息。  [sql]  create or replace procedure auto_p1  as  pragma AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;  begin  insert into test values("test2");  dbms_lock.sleep(10);  commit;  end;  查看会话的SID(会话A)  [sql]  SQL> conn sys/admin as sysdba  已连接。  SQL> select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1;SID  ----------  144  通过sqlplus打开另一个连接(会话B),查看会话信息[sql]  SQL> select sid, username, status from v$session;SID USERNAME STATUS---------- ------------------------------ --------138 ACTIVE143 SYS INACTIVE144 SYS INACTIVE145 SYS INACTIVE147 SYS ACTIVE149 ACTIVE151 ACTIVE157 ACTIVE159 ACTIVE160 ACTIVE161  在会话A执行auto_p1  [sql]  SQL> begin  2 auto_p1;  3 end;  4 /  PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。  执行期间在会话B,查看会话信息  [sql]  SQL> select sid, username, status from v$session;SID USERNAME STATUS---------- ------------------------------ --------143 SYS INACTIVE144 SYS INACTIVE145 SYS INACTIVE147 SYS ACTIVE149 ACTIVE151 ACTIVE157 ACTIVE160 ACTIVE161 ACTIVE162 ACTIVE163 ACTIVE并没有看到新的会话产生,即自治事务auto_p1与其父事务(匿名块)在同一会话中。  3、应用场景  在Tom大师的《Oracle编程艺术》中,提到了这方面的内容 – 记录错误日志或者消息。想想做过的项目中,的确自治事务主要应用在这方面比较多,不管你的请求是否成功,只要访问到数据库,就要记录在案,使用自治事务是一种比较不错的方案(当然还有其他方案,因为此处只说自治事务,其他方案略过)。  还有队列消息等基础数据库的消息类系统,也可以使用自治事务来记录消息的发送,实际上也是日志的记录。  下面使用一个简单的例子,说明一下。  创建两张表,一张测试表(有主键),一张是测试表的错误日志信息表。  [sql]  SQL> create table test1  ( id number(8),  msg varchar2(10),  constraint test1_pk primary key(id)  );  表已创建。  [sql]  SQL> create table test1_log  2 ( dat timestamp,  3 err clob  4 );  表已创建。  创建自治事务,用于记录操作测试表时出现的错误信息。  [sql]  SQL> create or replace procedure log_err(errinfo varchar2)2 as  3 pragma autonomous_transaction;  4 begin  5 insert into test1_log values(systimestamp, errinfo);6 commit;  7 end;  8 /  过程已创建。  创建一个过程用于向测试进行插入操作。  [sql]  SQL> create or replace procedure insert_test(numid number, msg varchar2)2 as  3 begin  4 insert into test1 values (numid, msg);5 end;  6 /  过程已创建。  向测试表插入数据(没有错误信息的情况)。  [sql]  SQL> begin  2 insert_test(1,"testtest");  3 insert_test(2,"test");  4 exception  5 when others  6 then  7 log_err(dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace);8 raise;  9 end;  10 /  PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。  [sql]  SQL> select * from test1_log;  未选定行  错误日志表中没有信息,测试表中的数据都是正确的。  下面再进行插入操作(违反测试表的主键约束,出现错误的情况)。  [sql]  SQL> begin  2 insert_test(1,"ffffffff");  3 exception  4 when others  5 then  6 log_err(dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace);7 raise;  8 end;  9 /  begin  *  第 1 行出现错误:  ORA-00001: 违反唯一约束条件 (SYS.TEST1_PK)ORA-06512: 在 line 7  [sql]  SQL> set linesize 1000  SQL> select * from test1_log;  DAT  ERR--------------------------------30-7月 -12 下午 ORA-06512: 在 "SYS.INSERT_TEST", line 4ORA-06512: 在 line 2  插入操作没有成功,测试表没有新插入的数据,但是错误日志表中,记录个这次插入操作的错误信息。  上面的例子非常简单,运用到应用系统中,还需要根据系统的需求进行改造。

— Is that man(男人) his uncle?—_________.A.Yes, he is &n...

B 本题为一般疑问句,对于身份不明的可用it来代替,故本题选B。


autonomous-vehicles自主汽车autonomou adj. 自治的;自主的;自发的vehicle n. [车辆] 车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物eg.Fifteen engineers worked on the project, including some from DARPA Challenges, a group that runs a series of autonomous-vehicle races organized by the U.S.government. 有十五名工程师参加了该项目,其中一些成员来自 DARPAChallenges(负责美国政府组织的一系列自动驾驶车辆竞赛的组织)挑战。


  MD5解密方法x0dx0a  我在存储数据库的时候,通过md5加密方法将字段进行加密,当我在读取该字段时如何正确的读取原来的值啊x0dx0a  ------解决方案--------------------x0dx0a  没办法,MD5是不可逆的。x0dx0a  你需要使用可逆加密算法。x0dx0a  ------解决方案--------------------x0dx0a  插入表中的时候md5加密x0dx0a  比如:x0dx0a  $sql= "insert into register(names,pswd,repswd) values( "$_POST[names] ",md5( "$_POST[pswd] "),md5( "$_POST[repswd] ")) ";x0dx0a  $qid=mysql_query($sql);x0dx0a  读取的时候x0dx0a  $pswd=empty($_POST[ "pswd "])? " ":md5($_POST[ "pswd "]);x0dx0a  ------解决方案--------------------x0dx0a  如果业务要求可还原,那么不要采用MD5,请使用可逆加密算法,如DES加密。x0dx0a  MD5为不可逆散列算法,可用于存储用户密码,存储后不需要永远不需要知道明文。密码比较时只需将用户输入的密码再次转成MD5码与存储的相比较即可得知用户输入密码是否正确。x0dx0a  linux/unix操作系统一般采用MD5进行用户密码加密。x0dx0a  ------解决方案--------------------x0dx0a  MD5目前所谓的破解只是采用碰撞法找到了对等因子。x0dx0a  比如:string1的MD5码为MD1,而现在我们做到的只是又找到了一个string2,它的MD5码也是MD1。x0dx0a  结果就是:用户登陆某采用MD5加密的系统时,本来密码是12345,现在可能用abcde也能登陆。x0dx0a  想想可能还原吗?如果可以还原,那天大的信息也能用32位长的字符串表示了,这不成了超级压缩算法了吗,整个宇宙的信息都可以用32位长表示了。不可逆的!




oracle数据库中references的理解 外键约束,引用DEPT表,形成主从表。

oracle 触发器只执行insert不执行update,delete了


by train/by boat/by car/by ship/by plane、air/by bicycle、bike /by bus/by land/by sea /by air/


有首英文歌唱“bicycle!bicycle!bicycle!......I like bicycle!”叫啥名啊,水知道鸭

Queen 的 Bicycle Race 吗?希望能帮到你.


1、意思不同:“bike”可以指任何骑行工具,如自行车、摩托车等,而“bicycle”指的一般是比较普通的单车。相比之下,“bike”更高级一些。2、用法不同:“bike”是较口语化的说法,多用于日常生活;而“bicycle”更倾向于书面语。例如:I went out by bike in theafternoon.我下午骑自行车出去了。The bicycle race is about tostart.自行车比赛要开始了。

Bicycle Race 歌词

歌曲名:Bicycle Race歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest Hits (2011 Remaster)Artist: QueenAlbum: Live KillersTitle: Bicycle Race (Mercury)Bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I likeYou say black I say whiteYou say bark I say biteYou say shark I say hey manJaws was never my sceneAnd I don"t like Star WarsYou say Rolls I say RoyceYou say God give me a choiceYou say Lord I say ChristI don"t believe in Peter PanFrankenstein or SupermanAll I wanna do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride myBicycle races are coming your waySo forget all your duties oh yeah!Fat bottomed girls they"ll be riding todaySo look out for those beauties oh yeahOn your marks get set goBicycle race bicycle race bicycle raceBicycle bicycle bicyI want to ride my bicycle bicycleBicycle bicycle bicycleBicycle raceYou say coke I say caineYou say John I say WayneHot dog I say cool it manI don"t wanna be the President of AmericaYou say smile I say cheeseCartier I say pleaseIncome tax I say JesusI don"t wanna be a candidateFor Vietnam or WatergateCos all I want to do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I like

Bicycle Race 歌词

歌曲名:Bicycle Race歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest HitsArtist: QueenAlbum: Live KillersTitle: Bicycle Race (Mercury)Bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I likeYou say black I say whiteYou say bark I say biteYou say shark I say hey manJaws was never my sceneAnd I don"t like Star WarsYou say Rolls I say RoyceYou say God give me a choiceYou say Lord I say ChristI don"t believe in Peter PanFrankenstein or SupermanAll I wanna do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride myBicycle races are coming your waySo forget all your duties oh yeah!Fat bottomed girls they"ll be riding todaySo look out for those beauties oh yeahOn your marks get set goBicycle race bicycle race bicycle raceBicycle bicycle bicyI want to ride my bicycle bicycleBicycle bicycle bicycleBicycle raceYou say coke I say caineYou say John I say WayneHot dog I say cool it manI don"t wanna be the President of AmericaYou say smile I say cheeseCartier I say pleaseIncome tax I say JesusI don"t wanna be a candidateFor Vietnam or WatergateCos all I want to do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I like


错误对话框提示的意思是:存储过程See无效。在Oracle中存储过程,函数,包等等都要经过编译才能使用。而无效的状态说明其未能成功编译。See存储过程的错误在于: 在存储过程中使用了独立的select查询语句,而在Oracle的存储过程中是不允许进行独立的select查询的(就是单独的一个返回结果集的select语句。有SQL Server经验的用户会犯此种错误,因为SQL Server中没有这个限制)。其实,这也是PL/SQL语句块的限制。如果需要存储过程返回结果集,那么可以使用游标,也可以使用索引表做返回。

atom, particle , molecule 有咩分别?

atom particle molecule其实都系 1样的东西! 任何 element都可以叫 atom.. eg. hydrogen atom oxygen atom particle 任何野都系由particle做成.. molecule则是 non-metal+non-metal的 pound.. 因为全部氧气都系 form O2.. 所以 O2又可以叫 oxygen molecule ================================================ 1. Atom In chemistry and physics an atom (Greek u1f04τομοu03c2 or átomos meaning "indivisible") is the *** allest particle of a chemical element that retains its chemical properties. (átomos is usually trlated as "indivisible." Until the advent of quantum mechanics dividing a material object was invariably equated with cutting it.) Whereas the word atom originally denoted a particle that cannot be cut into *** aller particles the atoms of modern parlance are posed of subatomic particles: * electrons which have a negative charge a size which is so *** all as to be currently unmeasurable and which are the least heavy (i.e. massive) of the three; * protons which have a positive charge and are about 1836 times more massive than electrons; and * neutrons which have no charge and are about 1838 times more massive than electrons. ================================================ 2. Particle Besides its mon definition particle may refer to: In chemistry: * Molecule * Atom * neutron * Photon * Colloidal particle in colloid chemistry a one-phase system of o or more ponents ================================================ 3. Molecule In science a molecule is a bination of o or more atoms in a definite arrangement held together by chemical bonds.[1][2][3][4][5] Chemical substances are not infinitely divisible into *** aller fractions of the same substance: a molecule is generally considered the *** allest particle of a pure substance that still retains its position and chemical properties.[6] Certain pure substances (e.g. metals molten salts crystals e) are best understood as being posed of neorks or aggregates of atoms or ions instead of molecular units. ================================================ 参考: en. *** /wiki/Molecule



Full Circle - Half Moon Run


life goes full circle


求Half Moon Run的Full Circle的歌词,中英都要

英语:I ve been in a rutBack and forth enoughHeart like the wheelWithout you aroundSo uncomfortable is how it feelsEvery time you re nearTrouble disappearsUnder the groundBut when you go too farSilver clouds will start hanging aroundAnd I know whyTry to runBut I keep onComing backFull circleAnd I can t jump the trackCan t let you goTried to onceSo I keep onComing backFull circleCause I know you ll come aroundYou ll come aroundSkippin" down a broken pathHow long can I lastPlease let me knowWhere s the finish lineCause I ve got to find somewhere to goI don t want to hearThese people interfereWhat do they knowWhat I feel insideWhen I m up all nightNeeding you oh…I don t know whyTried to runBut I keep onComing backFull circleAnd I can t jump the trackCan t let you goTried to onceSo I keep onComing backFull circleCause I know you ll come aroundYou ll come aroundCause I know you ll come aroundYou ll come aroundI"ll keep on runninTil we meet in the middleI"ll push it right asideAnd I give just a littleThere s miles to goBut waitDon t hold backWe ll make itAnd I know whyTried to runBut I keep onComing backFull circleAnd I can t jump the trackCan t let you goTried to onceSo I keep onComing backFull circleCause I know you ll come aroundYou ll come aroundI know you ll come aroundYou ll come aroundYeah I know you ll come aroundYou ll come around汉语:我期待已久的车辙中足够来回心如车轮周围没有你这么舒服的感觉如何每次您再近故障消失在地下但是,当你走得太远银云将开始挂起我知道为什么尝试运行但我一直回来; 复原; 在记忆中重现 完整的圆和我可以t跳曲目可以让您转试图一次所以我一直回来; 复原; 在记忆中重现 完整的圆因为我知道您一定会在您一定会在skippin"下一个断裂路径我多久可以最后一个请让我知道其中S行的“Finish”(完成)导致我手里有找到转我不想听到这些人会干扰他们知道什么我的内心是什么当我M了一夜需要您啊......我也不知道为什么尝试运行但我一直回来; 复原; 在记忆中重现 完整的圆和我可以t跳曲目可以让您转试图一次所以我一直回来; 复原; 在记忆中重现 完整的圆因为我知道您一定会在您一定会在因为我知道您一定会在您一定会在我一直在运行状态直到我们在中间我会将它放在一边我只举一个小”英里,转但等待不住我们将使它我知道为什么尝试运行但我一直回来; 复原; 在记忆中重现 完整的圆和我可以t跳曲目可以让您转试图一次所以我一直回来; 复原; 在记忆中重现 完整的圆因为我知道您一定会在您一定会在我知道您一定会在您一定会在是的,我知道您一定会在您一定会在 记得采纳我。

Life goes full circle.

一直以来都觉得生活是个轮回。 你经历了那些不好的事,就必然会发生一些好事。 你遇到了一些不好的人,就必然会遇到一些好人。 那些在发生的当时你觉得不好的事,事后你换个角度去看,总会发现他的意义。 你好,生活。 生活就是如此的精彩。 2019年于我而言,可谓是精彩绝伦的一年。 这一年的大起大落,大喜大悲。不知道该怎样去概括,可能也没办法概括。 很多时候,喜欢站在现在去回望过去,然后又站在过去去展望已经发生的将来。 这件听起来开启上帝视角的事情真的太有意思了。 你会觉得身边发生的一切都变得非常神奇。 当时的你,怎么会知道你马上就会遇到他或她。 有时候会幻想着自己预知这一切,然后改变自己的某些行动去改写你们的故事。 但再一想,才发现,既然你都能预知了,那一切不都已是注定的了吗。你们的故事,不管是戛然而止还是细水流长抑或是连开始都没有,他们都已经是写在纸上的了。无从改变。 所以我一直以来都会为那些失联的朋友而神伤。曾经那么好的我们怎么就走散了呢?我们连一句道别都还没来得及说呢。 每每读书,读到那些告诫我们要勇敢行动,大胆去做,去尝试的段落时总是让我一阵悸动。 上一秒,我想让修正那些残缺的关系。下一秒,又觉得算了吧。现在的状态就是最好的结局。不必多说,也不必多做。

come full circle是什么意思

come full circle英[ku028cm ful u02c8su0259:kl]美[ku028cm fu028al u02c8su025aku0259l]词典周而复始; 兜了一圈,回到原处,恢复原状网络兜了个圈回到原地; 回到原位; 个儿数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1Tuberculosis is a disease that has come full circle.结核是一种兜了一圈又回到原地的疾病。

full circle是什么意思

full circle 《飞越老人院》(2012年国产电影,导演张杨);兜大圈子走回原处A mystery on how, when and why it was built, the Castlerigg is not a full circle and is flattened on the northeast. 人们在怀疑它是如何被建,何时被建和为何被建的同时发现卡塞里格不是一个完整的圆圈,在东北部被弄平了。


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