barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-17 10:49:44


作名词时意为“冰点”,作动词时意为“结冰,凝固;(使)冻住,冻堵;(使感到)极冷,冻僵,冻死;冷藏;停住不动,僵住;(用冷冻麻醉法)使(身体某部位)失去知觉;冻结;使定格;(计)锁定屏幕(freeze 的现在分词)”。



freezing point [物] 冰点 ; [物] 凝固点 ; 冻结点

freezing level 凝固点 ; [气象] 冻结高度 ; 封冻水位

freezing temperature [气象] 冻结温度 ; 冻结点

quick freezing 快速冻结 ; [制冷] 快速冷冻 ; 速冻法 ; [制冷] 速冻

freezing Arrow 冰冻之箭 ; 冻结之箭 ; 冷冻箭 ; 冰封箭

freezing layers 冻结图层 ; 详细翻译 ; 的翻译是结冰的层数

Freezing Chamber 冷冻室 ; 冷冻舱 ; 冷冻间

preventing freezing 防止结冰

rapid freezing 快速冷冻法 ; 速冻 ; 快速冷冻


Protect from excessive heat or freezing.


He almost freezing.


Unless of course you just moved to MN like me, and have to deal with mornings near freezing in October.




2023-06-17 02:35:111


从形式上讲,freezing现在分词,含有主动性,“冰冻的,严寒的,冷冻用的”.如:Shut the window I"m freezing!关上窗户--我冷极了!; The temperature remained below freezing all day.温度整天都在冰点以下.frozen过去分词,含有被动性,“做成冰的、覆盖着冰的或冰环绕的”.如:The lake was frozen over until late spring.那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻.
2023-06-17 02:35:301

英语问题 freezing和frozen的区别

it / the temperature is freezing something/someone is frozen
2023-06-17 02:35:541


2023-06-17 02:36:165

Freezing究竟有没有副词形式?如果没有的话,为什么有一个词组叫freezing cold?

不同的词典中对freezing 的词性说明不同,有的说freezing只是形容词,有的说可以作形容词或副词用。它有副词形式freezingly。但是符合语言习惯的是freezing cold,freezingly cold即使语法上说得过去但因为日常语言中不用,所以显得比较怪。任何语言用法只要说的人多了,即便再不符合语法也变得合理了。wordreference网站上也有人提过这个问题,回答可供参考,具体可见下图:
2023-06-17 02:36:301


字典里不可能详尽或者准确地用中文来解释英语词汇的。得看英文意思。freezing的一项英文意思:the temperature (0°C) at which water becomes ice
2023-06-17 02:37:033


分词作表语通常看作形容词来用。现在分词表示主语的性质;过去分词表示主语的感受或状态。 freezing 1.形容词 冻结的;冰冻的;极冷的It"s freezing outside now.现在外面冷极了。It"s very cold today; the temperature has dropped to freezing point.今天很冷,温度降到了冰点。(态度)非常冷淡的2.adv. 冰冻一样地 be freezing cold 冰冻一样地冷 3.n. 冻结, 冷冻作用, 结冰; 凝固 冷冻法 堵塞 frozen1.形容词 2.freeze 的过去分词 冰冻的, 冻僵的, 冻伤的 寒冷的, 严寒的 冻结的; 冰镇的 冷淡的, 呆板的, 僵化的 [美](事实真理等)不可推翻的 凝固的 卡塞的 (矿脉)紧附脉壁的 frozen food 冷冻食品 a frozen sucker 棒冰, 冰棍 frozen fruit salad 冰镇水果色拉 frozen assets 冻结资产 frozen credits 冻结债务 frozen [freeze] frame (电影等的)静止镜头 frozen loans 呆账 frozen sleep (医)冷眠疗法; 超低体温 keep frozen 注意冷藏 liquid nitrogen frozen 液氮冷冻的 sharp frozen 低温冻结的 冰冻的;结冰的;极冷的I am absolutely frozen.我完全冻僵了。The river is frozen over.河都结冰了。a frozen chicken冷冻鸡The man sat frozen with fear.那人吓得呆坐着。
2023-06-17 02:37:383


frozen hand吧freezing 是冰冻的,严寒的
2023-06-17 02:37:487


2023-06-17 02:38:054

freezing和frozen有什么区别? freeze的主动和被动形容词有区别吗?

frozen 表被动状态, Im frozen(强调被冻住) freezing 表主动感觉 Im freezing (觉得很冷)
2023-06-17 02:38:121


4. A4. A解析:freezing cold冰冷的;非常冷。
2023-06-17 02:38:201

freezing的动词 过去式和过去分词

楼上威武 学着了
2023-06-17 02:38:294

高三英语问题,如图73题什么时候用frozen什么时候用freezing,第74题为什么是in the hand而不是in hand

frozen是指物体的情况 而freezing是指天气的寒冷
2023-06-17 02:38:395

冰凉 的英文

2023-06-17 02:38:587


a, a(freezing cold是个习惯用语).
2023-06-17 02:39:149


2023-06-17 02:39:432


freezing cold指冰冷,双形容词连用
2023-06-17 02:39:592


freezing adj.寒冷的freeze vt. 使结冰,使冻僵; 冷藏
2023-06-17 02:40:092


2023-06-17 02:40:184


freezing的最高级 the most freezing
2023-06-17 02:40:251


2023-06-17 02:40:374

a freezer section(1)什么意思(2)为什么用freezer而不用freezing呢?

最好是有上下文,或者语言环境,这样才能正确地说出意思。freezer 有很多意思: 冷藏箱,冷藏室,冷藏库;冷藏车,冰箱,冷冻机;制冷器section 有零部件、部门的意思,还有剖面图的意思。freezing 是“冰冻的”形容词,或都是动词现代分词。freezer和freezing意思不同,当然不能乱用。a freezer section具体是什么意思,你要看看上下文。
2023-06-17 02:40:581


冷的英文单词是cold或freezing(freezing比cold更突出冷)而饿的英文单词hungry或starving(starving比hungry更突出饿)又…又的英文短语可以是…and…感到应该是feel(原型)所以说感到又冷又饿可以是feel cold and hungry,feel freezing and starving(feel freezing and starving比feel cold and hungry更突出)。
2023-06-17 02:41:061


2023-06-17 02:44:201


2023-06-17 02:51:2212

Freezing weather是什么意思

结冰气候 严寒的天气 霜天 冰冻天气
2023-06-17 02:51:513

freezing cold什么意思

reezing cold [词典] 冻手冻脚; [网络] 非常冷; 严寒; 极冷的; [例句]I was freezing cold.我快冻僵了。
2023-06-17 02:51:591

protection from freezing是什么意思

protection from freezing防冻双语对照词典结果:protection from freezing[医]防冻; .___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-06-17 02:52:085

the land of ice and snow 歌词

2023-06-17 02:52:241

temperature fall to

这里的freezing不是形容词也不是动词 是名词 freezing意即 凝固点 freezing point,0°C
2023-06-17 02:52:311

On a ____ morning the little girl was found ____ at the corner of the street

名字前面加形容词, found 后面加状态 冻住了的状态。
2023-06-17 02:52:393

是freezing food 还是frozen food

frozen food
2023-06-17 02:52:483


回答和翻译如下 :冰点freezing point
2023-06-17 02:52:575

是freezing weather 还是 frozen weather?

frozen weather
2023-06-17 02:53:243

freezing point为什么是ing不是frozen point??

因为结冰是冰自己发生的行为 属于主动发生 而不是被动的 所以主动是用现代分词
2023-06-17 02:53:323

那freezing cold呢?不是形容词修饰形容词吗?

freezing cold 这里应该是形容词修饰名词。在这里cold是做名词,寒冷,寒意。freezing也可以说成freezing cold。
2023-06-17 02:53:401

是frozen weather 还是freezing weather

是 freezing weather 寒冷天气而 frozen 是“冻着了”的意思。 Anything frozen is no longer fresh.orI prefer fresh over frozen fish/meat.
2023-06-17 02:53:501


more freezing
2023-06-17 02:54:291

她的手好冷 用英文怎么说

her hand is very cool
2023-06-17 02:54:3813


立冬的英语介绍    【节气词汇】   The Start of Winter 立冬    【气候特征】   “Winter Begins” arrives on November 7 or November 8 each year. At this time of the year, some rivers in China start to freeze.   “立冬”发生在每年的11月7日或8日。在每年这个时候,中国的河流开始结冰。 立冬的相关习俗    1、吃饺子   在我国南方,立冬人们爱吃些鸡鸭鱼肉,在台湾立冬这一天,街头的‘羊肉炉"、‘姜母鸭"等冬令进补餐厅高朋满座。在我国北方,特别是北京、天津的人们爱吃饺子。为什么立冬吃饺子?因为饺子是来源于“交子之时”的说法。大年三十是旧年和新年之交,立冬是秋冬季节之交,故“交”子之时的饺子不能不吃。   Dumplings :饺子   Start of Winter :立冬   It is the first solar term in winter, in this season, myriad activities tend to repose to the dormant winter.   立冬是冬季的第一个节气,进入这一时节,天地万物活动都趋向休止,准备蛰伏过冬。    2、冬泳   有意思的是,庆祝立冬的方式现在也有了创新,在哈尔滨,立冬之日,黑龙江省冬泳协会的健儿横渡松花江,以这种方式迎接冬天的到来。   Winter swimming:冬泳   In addition, winter swimming is increasingly popular in the United States, too.   现在冬泳也在美国逐渐的流行。    3、冬补   一般人可以适当食用一些热量较高的食品,特别是北方,可以吃些牛、羊肉,但同时也要多吃新鲜蔬菜。吃一些富含维生素和易于消化的食物。   Mutton:羊肉   Hot pot:火锅   Little Sheep Hot Pot 小肥羊火锅    4、防寒保暖   Down jacket:羽绒服   Keep warm: 保暖   简言之,冬至时,在民间有补冬的习俗,而在实际生活中,立冬日应该注意调养身体的方式和方法。不管怎么补,营养均衡最重要。温补食物为宜 适当适量,让我们一起补起来吧! 关于立冬的句子   1.眼见就要立冬了。   It will be winter here very soon.   2.立冬了,天越来越冷。   It becomes colder and colder when winter comes.   3.不知不觉,已是立冬了;祝朋友们秋风已过的冬天会快乐。   Unconsciously, already is the beginning of winter I wish friends already autumn wind winter can be happy.   4.现在已是立冬过后了,太阳光的辐射少了,是很适合户外嗮太阳的。   It is now after the beginning of winter, and less sunlight radiation, and is very suitable for outdoor sun sai.   5.在立冬前后吧,他又喝醉。   Round about the beginning of winter he got drunk again.   6.最坚决的讨厌穿袜子的人从春分开始一直到立冬都不会穿袜子。   The most hard-core sock haters refuse to wear them from the spring equinox until the first day of winter.   7.因为立冬是秋冬季节之交,在北方,特别是老北京人、天津人都爱吃饺子。   Because Beginning of Winter is at the turn of seasons, in the northern China, Beijing and Tianjin in particular, people prefer to eat Jiaozi on the day.   8.如今,立冬时节南方人爱吃些冬令进补的菜,比如姜母鸭、麻油鸡等。   At present, Beginning of Winter is the best time for taking winter tonic like dishes of stewed duck with wine and ginger and Sesame Oil Chicken in the south of China.   9.而立春、立夏、立秋、立冬则反映了四季的开始。   Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn and Start of Winter show the starts of the four seasons.   10.“立冬”过后出现雷雨,也不算特别少见。   It is not particularly uncommon for Hangzhou to have thunderstorm after "Lidong"( one of Chinese solar terms meaning the beginning of winter). 表达寒冷的实用英语    freezing 极度寒冷   freezing也可以说成freezing cold,英语解释是extremely cold。   可以用来形容人:   I"m freezing!   我冷极了!   还可以用来形容身体部位:   My feet were freezing.   我的脚冷得要命。   当然,也形容事物:   It"s freezing here.   这里太冷了。   【注】这是固定用法,用来指天气或当时所处环境的寒冷。    freeze one"s butt off 冻得*掉下来了   我们很冷的时候,身体的各个部位会失去知觉。首先是手脚冻得麻木,再就是耳朵和鼻子。但你一般都不会感到*冷吧?所以如果*都冻麻木了,那就真的很冷了。   在英文中,这是个很地道的表达:   I"m freezing my butt off.   我冷得*都要掉下来了。    freeze to death 冻死,表示“极度寒冷”   Now we get to freeze to death.   我们快要冻死了。    frozen 冻僵了,也可以说成frozen stiff   The ground was frozen solid.   地面冻得硬邦邦的。    chilly 阴冷,冻得哆嗦,比如南方的湿冷   It was a chilly afternoon.   那是个阴冷的下午。    My teeth are chattering.   冷得我牙齿打颤。   chatter基本意思是“喋喋不休”,后衍伸为“牙齿打颤、哆嗦”。    I can"t stop shivering!   冷得我直哆嗦。   shivering意为“因寒冷或情绪突变而短时间快速颤抖”    My toes are all numb.   冷得我脚趾都没知觉了。   numb指的是“麻木、失去知觉”。    The evening was cold and raw.   那个晚上寒冷刺骨。   raw意为“疼痛,擦伤”,cold and raw冷到疼痛,即“寒冷刺骨”。    I"m turning into an icicle.   我要变成冰柱子了。 二十四节气的英语表达   1st solar term:Feb.3 or 4   立春 Beginning of Spring   2nd solar term:Feb.18 or 19   雨水 Rain Water   3rd solar term:Mar.5 or 6   惊蛰 Insects Awakening   4th solar term:Mar.20 or 21   春分 Spring Equinox   5th solar term:Apr.4,5 or 6   清明 Fresh Green   6th solar teram:Apr.19 or 20   谷雨 Grain Rain   7th solar term:May 5 or 6   立夏 Beginning of Summer   8th solar term:May 20,21 or 22   小满 Lesser Fullness   9th solar term:Jun.5 or 6   芒种 Grain in Ear   10th solar term:Jun.21 or 22   夏至 Summer Solstice   11th solar term:Jul.7 or 8   小暑 Lesser Heat   12th solar term:Jul.22 or 23   大暑 Greater Heat   13th solar term:Aug.6,7,8 or 9   立秋 Beginning of Autumn   14th solar term:Aug.22,23 or 24   处暑 End of Heat   15th solar term:Sep.7 or 8   白露 White Dew   16th solar term:Sep.22,23 or 24   秋分 Autumn Equinox   17th solar term:Oct.7,8 or 9   寒露 Cold Dew   18th solar term:Oct.23 or 24   霜降 First Frost   19th solar term:Nov.7 or 8   立冬 Beginning of Winter   20th solar term:Nov.22 or 23   小雪 Light Snow   21th solar term:Dec.7 or 8   大雪 Heavy Snow   22th solar term:Dec.21 or 22   冬至 Winter Solstice   23th solar term:Jan.5 or 6   小寒 Lesser Cold   24th solar term:Jan.19,20 or 21   大寒 Greater Cold
2023-06-17 02:55:001

是freezing river还是frozen river,不是电影

★freezing1.形容词冻结的;冰冻的;极冷的It"s freezing outside now.现在外面冷极了.It"s very cold today; the temperature has dropped to freezing point.今天很冷,温度降到了冰点.(态度)非常冷淡的2.adv.冰冻一样地be freezing cold 冰冻一样地冷3.n.冻结,冷冻作用,结冰; 凝固★frozen1.形容词2.freeze 的过去分词冰冻的,冻僵的,冻伤的寒冷的,严寒的冻结的; 冰镇的冷淡的,呆板的,僵化的[美](事实真理等)不可推翻的(矿脉)紧附脉壁的●●●frozen river冰冻之河●●●frozen food冷冻食品a frozen sucker棒冰,冰棍frozen fruit salad冰镇水果色拉frozen assets冻结资产frozen credits冻结债务frozen [freeze] frame(电影等的)静止镜头frozen loans呆账frozen sleep(医)冷眠疗法; 超低体温keep frozen注意冷藏liquid nitrogen frozen液氮冷冻的sharp frozen低温冻结的冰冻的;结冰的;极冷的I am absolutely frozen.我完全冻僵了.The river is frozen over.河都结冰了.a frozen chicken冷冻鸡The man sat frozen with fear.那人吓得呆坐着.
2023-06-17 02:55:071


哈根 Hagen 是《圣斗士星矢-北欧篇》中守护希路达女王七位神斗士中的二等亮星贝塔β星天璇星神斗士。自幼与弗莱娅青梅竹马,并和捷古弗列德一样是隶属于仙宫亲卫队成员之一,实力自然不俗。并在仙宫唯一一个极度灼热的熔岩浆洞中艰苦修炼,是可以同时使用急冻拳和灼热拳的冰与火的魔法师,在神斗士之中也是首屈一指。在北欧篇中最后与冰河血战并一度轻松压制对手,但最终由于弗莱娅的出现被冰河两次使用的“极光处刑”所击败。 基本介绍 中文名 :哈根 外文名 :日文:ハーゲン 英文:Hagen 其他名称 :北欧狂野的悍马 配音 :岛田敏 登场作品 :圣斗士星矢 生日 :11月28日 年龄 :18岁 性别 :男 血型 :B 身高 :185cm 体重 :77kg 守护星 :Merak Beta 身份 :β星天璇星神斗士 称号 :β星天璇星神斗士八脚马哈根 出生地 :瑞典 角色形象,角色技能,神力野马拳/宇宙冷冻拳,野马吐焰拳/强力热压拳,Great Ardent Pressure,神斗衣, 角色形象 “北欧狂野的战马”,自幼与弗莱娅青梅竹马,对弗莱娅抱有一份微妙的感情并且和捷古弗列德一样是隶属于仙宫的亲卫队, 负责保护弗莱娅和女王希路达。其神斗衣源自神话中奥丁的八腿战马斯雷普尼尔。哈根自小生活在仙宫瓦尔哈拉,并在仙宫的熔岩浆洞中艰苦修炼同时使用急冻拳和灼热拳的冰与火魔法师,在神斗士中也是首屈一指。在北欧篇中与冰河交战并一度轻松压制对手,但最终在熔岩洞中由于弗莱娅的出现被冰河两次使用的“极光处刑”所击败。 哈根 角色技能 神力野马拳/宇宙冷冻拳 Universe Freezing 产生接近绝对零度的急冻冻气风暴,冰封一切的冰系招式。 宇宙冻结(Univerise Freezing) 野马吐焰拳/强力热压拳 Great Ardent Pressure 凌驾于冻气之上的炎之拳,产生超乎常理的巨大岩浆热浪,不但能抵御冰属性的攻击,还能熔化一切的强力绝技。 最大热压 神斗衣 天璇星·八脚马神斗衣,原型为北欧神话中主神奥丁的坐骑八脚马斯雷普尼尔(Sleipnir),由洛基与神马斯瓦迪尔法利所生。 八脚马神斗衣
2023-06-17 02:55:231


人类的遗传性酶病(hereditary enzymopathy)或称遗传性代谢病(inherited metabolic disease)是指由于单个基因突变导致酶的结构与功能的改变或量的改变,从而引起了所催化的生化反应链的改变所产生的一类疾病.据Mckusick 1988年的统计这种遗传性代谢病共232种.先天性酶缺陷也表明了“—基因—酶”的原理.通过对先天性酶缺陷的研究也为基因编码进一步地提供了证据.人类中部分酶缺陷遗传病病名酶缺陷Acid phophatase deficiency酸性磷酸酶缺乏症酸性磷酸酶Albinism白化酪氨酸酶Alkaptonuria黑尿酸症黑尿酸氧化酶Ataxia, infermittenta间歇性共济失调丙酮酸脱羧酶Disaccharide intolerance二糖无耐受力蔗糖酶Fructose intolerance果糖无耐受力果糖-1-磷醛缩酶Fructosuria果糖尿肝果糖激酶G6PD deficiency(favism)a葡萄糖-6-P脱氢酶缺乏症(蚕豆病)葡萄糖-6-P脱氢酶Glycogen storage diseasea糖原贮积病1葡萄糖-6-P-脱氢酶Gout, primary痛风次黄嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶Hemolytic anemia溶血性贫血谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶Hemolytic anemia溶血性贫血己糖激酶Hemolytic anemia溶血性贫血丙酮酸激酶Hypoglycemia and acidosis低血糖和酸中毒果糖-1,6-二磷酸酶Immunodeficiencya免疫缺乏症腺苷脱氨酶Immunodeficiency免疫缺乏症嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶Immunodeficiency免疫缺乏症尿苷-磷酸激酶Intestinal lactase deficiency (adult)肠乳糖酶缺乏症(成人型)乳糖酶Ketoacidosisa酮酸中毒琥珀酰COA:3-酮酸辅酶A转移酶Leigh"s necrotizingEncephalomelopathya坏死性脑脊髓病丙酮酸羧化酶Lesch-Nyhan syndromea莱-尼氏综合征(自毁容貌综合征)次黄嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶Lysine intolerance赖氨酸不耐症赖氨酸:辅酶Ⅰ氧化还原酶Male pseudohermaphroditism男性假两性畸形睾丸17,20-碳链裂解酶Maple sugar urine diseasea枫糖尿病(I型)酮酸脱羧酶Orotic aciduriaa乳清酸尿症乳清苷酸脱羧酶Phenylketomuria苯丙酮尿症苯丙酮酸羟化酶Porplyria, acutea急性卟啉a症尿卟啉原-Ⅰ合成酶Porphyria, congenital erythropoietica先天生血性卟啉症尿卟啉原-Ⅲ合成酶Pulmonary emphysema肺气肿α-1-抗胰蛋白酶Pyridoxine-dependent infantile convulsions依赖于吡哆醇婴儿惊厥谷氨酸脱羧基酶Pyridoxine-responsive anemia 吡哆醇反应性贫血λ-氨基乙酰丙酸合成酶Kidney tubular axidosis with deafness?的肾小管酸中毒碳酸苷酶Rickett, vitamin D-dependent维生素D依赖性佝偻病25-羟胆钙化醇(羟维生素D3)1-羟化酶Tay-Sachs diseasea泰-萨二氏病(家族性?性白痴)己糖酰胺酶AThyroid hormone synthesis, defect in甲状腺激素合成缺陷碘化物过氧化物酶Thyroid hormone synthesis, defect in甲状腺激素合成缺陷脱碘酶Tyrosinemia酪氨酸血症对羟基苯丙酮酸氧化酶Xeroderma pigmentosuma着色性干皮病DNA-特异核酸内切酶
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白化病   白化病(albinism)是一种较常见的皮肤及其附属器官黑色素缺乏所引起的疾病,由于先天性缺乏酪氨酸酶,或酪氨酸酶功能减退,黑色素合成发生障碍所导致的遗传性白斑病。这类病人通常是全身皮肤、毛发、眼睛缺乏黑色素,因此表现为眼睛视网膜无色素,虹膜和瞳孔呈现淡粉色或淡灰,怕光,看东西时总是眯着眼睛。皮肤、眉毛、头发及其他体毛都呈白色或白里带黄。人们将这类病人俗称为“羊白头”。白化病属于家族遗传性疾病,为常染色体隐性遗传,常发生于近亲结婚的人群中。下列疾病不宜晒太阳: 1、光线性皮肤病,如日光性皮炎、多形日光疹、植物-日光性皮炎等。这些疾病均是由于日光作用于机体引起的光毒性或光变态性反应。经日光(主要是紫外线)照射后可使疾病或加重。 另外,植物-日光性皮炎,在夏季吃了光敏性蔬菜如紫云英、灰菜、芥菜、马兰头、马齿苋、槐花等,不要过多接受阳光照射,以免发生皮肤反应。 2、皮肤癌前病变,如日光角化病、或疑有皮肤癌者,应避免日光照射。 3、红斑狼疮患者应避免晒太阳——因红斑狼疮患者中有40%的人对阳光过敏。因为被强烈阳光暴晒后,患者的面部或手及其他暴露部位可出现红斑,而原有红斑皮损的患者暴晒后则使皮损加重,严重者会引起疾病的复发。 所以红斑狼疮患者,应避免在户外的阳光直晒下活动。如必须在阳光下活动时,一定要戴上遮阳帽或打遮阳伞,穿长袖上衣和长裤,以免被阳光中的紫外线照射皮肤,加重病情或使疾病复发。
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生物化学 酪氨酸在体内可以转变成什么

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英文版简介:The Invisible Man Real Name: Griffin (no first name is given in the original story, but see comments) Identity/Class: Human mutate Occupation: Scientist Affiliations: Thomas Marvel Enemies: Teddy Henfrey, Dr.Kemp, Bobby Jaffers, Colonel Adye Known Relatives: Unnamed father Aliases: The Voice, Invisible Man the First, the Unseen Base of Operations: Sussex First Appearance: The Invisible Man (novel, 1897) Powers/Abilities: Permanently invisible, although this didn"t extend to his clothing, so that if he wanted to make use of his abilities, he had to do so naked. Likewise any food ingested remains visible, at least until properly digested. He is also extremely strong, though it is unclear as to whether this is a side-effect of the invisibility process, or a result of his growing madness. History: Born an albino, John Griffin was a scientist, a graduate of University College who had won a medal for chemistry. However he became fascinated by physics, and in particular light and optical density, and at the age of twenty-two he dropped medicine to concentrate on these new obsessions. He went to work for Professor Oliver at Chesilstowe College, a provincial establishment, all the while working at night on his theories. After six years he eventually figured a method which would allow him "to lower the refractive index of a substance, solid or liquid, to that of air" "without changing any other property of matter". He realised he could apply it to human tissue to turn the red colouring in blood white, without affecting its function - and since this would leave the only colouration in the body the skin pigmentation (which he personally lacked), he now had the means to become invisible. Deciding he could never finish his work with both his professor and students eating up his time, he moved to London and took up residence in Great Portland Street. After three more years his funds had run out, so he stole more money from his own father - but the money didn"t belong to his parent, who shot himself in shame. Believing his process finally perfected, Griffin tested it on a cat, turning all but its eyes transparent. Next he used the process on himself, and when his landlord proved too inquisitive, Griffin set fire to the house and fled into the night. Griffin swiftly his change was irreversible. Disguising his affliction with bandages, he moved to Iping, a small village in Sussex, where he took up residence in Mrs.Hall"s boarding house. When money ran short, he used his powers to turn to burglary again, which attracted the attention of local police officer Mr.Bobby Jaffers. Confronted in the Coach and Horses public house, a scuffle ensued, during which his secret was uncovered (quite literally). Griffin fled into the night. Naked and hunted, he enlisted the aid of tramp Mr.Thomas Marvel, who he sent to retrieve clothes and his notebooks. When some of the villagers attempted to detain Marvel, the Invisible Man displayed a violent side, coming to his ally"s aid with an unmatched fury. Afterwards he berated Marvel, making it clear that if Marvel failed him again, or attempted to flee, then he would die. In spite of this dire warning, Marvel did eventually flee, realising the Invisible Man"s psychosis was growing. The Invisible Man soon caught up with Marvel in the town of Port Burdock, and beat him within an inch of his life before witnesses intervened, one of whom managed to shoot Griffin, winging him. The wounded Invisible Man stumbled into the house of Dr.Kemp, who by chance he knew as a fellow alumni of University College. He appealed to Kemp for aid, who acquiesced. However it soon became clear to Kemp that Griffin was becoming increasingly insane. He told Kemp of his origins, and his plan to use his invisibility to engage in a "Reign of Terror", using fear of his unseen approach and the threat of invisible murder to take control of a town of his choice. But Kemp had sent a message to Colonel Adye, the chief of the Burdock police, who arrived in time to save Kemp from murder at the hands of his guest. Kemp told Adye how to hunt his prey, with dogs and with powdered glass on the roads to cut his feet. Hunted and pursued, the fugitive apparently committed his first deliberate murder, slaying Mr. Wicksteed on the edge of a gravel pit. Emboldened by this, Griffin sent a letter to Kemp, declaring himself the new ruler of the area, Invisible Man the First, and stating that he would make an example of Kemp by killing him to prove that none could stand against him. Even though the police immediately put Kemp under guard, the Invisible Man got passed them, murdering Adye with his own revolver in the process. Kemp fled the house, with Griffin in close pursuit. The tables turned when Kemp ran into a group of navvies, who managed to trap their unseen opponent, and beat him to death. With his demise, Griffin once again became visible. Comments: Created by H.G.Wells. The Invisible Man described himself thus to Dr.Kemp, while attempting to jog his fellow student"s memory - “Griffin,” answered the Voice—“a younger student, almost an albino, six feet high, and broad, with a pink and white face and red eyes—who won the medal for chemistry.” H.G.Wells" Invisible Man has become one of the standard "monsters" of Hollywood, and inspired a slew of imitators. He first made it into film with the 1933, when Claude Rains played "Jack Griffin" in Universal Studios production of the book. In 1940 Vincent Price played the second Invisible Man, Geoffrey Radcliffe, in the sequel "The Invisible Man Returns". Radcliffe was turned invisible by "Frank Griffin", the heretofore unmentioned brother of the original scientist. 1951 saw the third in Universal"s series, when detectives Bud Alexander and Lou Francis (comedians Abbot and Costello) give an invisibility injection to boxer Tommy Nelson (Arthur Franz) who has been wrongly accused of murder, "Abbot and Costello Meet The Invisible Man" (the comedy duo had briefly encountered the Vincent Price Invisible Man at the end of their 1948 feature, "Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein", when he made a cameo "appearance"). In 1984 the BBC made a six part serial adapting the story, with Pip Donaghy as Griffin. The same year a Russian adaption, "Chelovek-nevidimka", was also released. In 1998 it was Kyle MacLachlan"s turn in the part (again given the full name Jack Griffin), in a U.S. TV movie version of Well"s tale. There have also been innumerable other Invisible Men, inspired by this tale, but not directly connected to him (see the clarifications for some examples). The character was recently revived as a member of Alan Moore"s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and made it into the movie adaption of same. The comic version is the same Griffin from the novel, who faked his death by putting another through the process, then sending this unwitting dupe to meet the mob. The movie version is a thief who stole Griffin"s formula. In comics, Acclaim released "Classics Illustrated: The Invisible Man" in 1997, and in 2002 Moonstone Publishing released a sequel, "Legacy of the Invisible Man". Griffin was also name-checked in Dark Horse Comics" "Van Helsing: From Beneath the Rue Morgue", a tie-in with the Van Helsing movie, where the monster hunter discovers that Dr.Moreau has been experimenting on his beast men using Griffin"s invisibility notes. CLARIFICATIONS: He is meant to be the same character as The Invisible Man of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but should not to be confused with Invisible Man, Daniel Westin Invisible Man, Darien Fawkes Gemini Man, invisible secret agent The Hollow Man, another invisible scientist who went psychotic any other many other "Invisible" people 主人公简介:The Invisible Man is not to be confused with Invisible Man, which is an entirely different book. The Invisible Man was written by H. G. Wells, not to be confused with Orson Wells who is an entirely different person.Anyone who has only seen the movie and not actually read the book does not realize that the Invisible man has albinism. The lead character, a physicist by the name of Griffon, describes himself as having white hair and red eyes. Yet, for some reason, in the same breath he describes himself as almost albino. Could our mad scientist be in denial?Albinism plays a key role in this book. Griffon has discovered that the only things he can turn invisible are things without pigment. He manages to transform a white piece of cloth, a white pillow, a white cat (except for its eyes), and himself. Pigment and melanin, because of its very nature could not be made devoid of its color properties. Once finding out how to render blood transparent, Griffon finds it easy to make everything else in the body vanish.Griffon, experimenting on himself has neglected to think about how he was going to return to normal. He eventually becomes a pitiful haunted creature, on the run lest he be captured and made into a circus freak. He is unable to wear cloths (he would be seen), has to steal food and money and becomes unable or unwilling to control his rages. He winds up at the house of an old friend with the last name of Kemp, who, although the book does not use the word, (albino) also has albinistic characteristics. Griffon winds up chasing his friend Kemp with the intent to kill him. So. Here is the scene at the end of the book. These two people with albinism are running down a road. One visible and able to live a normal life, one invisible: one raging and fearless, one fearful: one pursuing, one pursued: one clothed, one naked: one loved and respected in the community, one feared and hunted by everyone, you get the picture. Griffon dies at the end. For some unexplained reason he begins to re-appear upon his death. There are several glaring discrepancies and overlooked things in the book, such as: Why didn"t he make invisible cloths out of the invisible cloth? But we can forgive Mr. Wells. He has, after all, written some of the best known si-fi stories of all time. I find it interesting that the lead character is named Griffon. I"m sure it has some meaning. A griffon is a hybrid animal part lion and part eagle. Perhaps this is a symbol of the dual nature of man. The lion and eagle (cat and bird) are natural enemies. You would think they would not get along very well. But in the case of a griffon you have a unique combo creature that has to learn to deal with its dual and contrary nature. Read the book ant tell me what your thoughts may be.
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