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Choir Boyz的《The Rain》 歌词

2023-06-16 12:01:27
TAG: choi choir boyz
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
歌名:The Rain
It"s such a long lonely ride back home
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
It"s what we know
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
It"s not that we gotta do what we do
So to me it ain"t nothing but being true
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
It doesn"t have to be the way it is
You say it is
Just because for the past 20 years
Everyday it is (WhAt?)
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
I won"t even be able to walk out my front door
Without worrying about coming to conflict with the law
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
If I follow him, they"ll follow me
And I"ll speak life into the words that you can see
Now I know (c"mon) Only I can stop the rain
We get away with it everyday shit
But everyday shit catches up with you
And when it does you can"t say shit
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
If I don"t, you will
What I won"t, you still
What makes us feel like we gots to kill
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
How many more lives must we lose
How many more times must we choose
To trust these fools
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
If it ain"t broke, don"t fix it
I gave it to you straight, don"t mix it
Twist it (what) up for some slick shit
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
I don"t have to talk to it anymore
I don"t have to walk to it anymore
I"m out the door (what)
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
I wanna find peace with the lord
I don"t wanna find the peace with the sword
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
I can"t afford to
When everyday of my life
Is just a constant fight
Between wrong and right
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
I thank you lord for my life
I thank you lord for keeping it loose when things got tight
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
Only I can stop the rain
Only I can stop the pain
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
Only I can stop the rain, stop the rain yeah
Only I can stop the rain
Only I can stop the rain because the rain calls on me
Now I know Only I can stop the rain
Only I can stop the rain




2023-06-16 11:45:413

谁知道 contemporary choir 是什么意思?谢谢

2023-06-16 11:46:022


2023-06-16 11:46:1312


问题一:合唱团用英语怎么说 chorus 问题二:合唱团的英文怎么说 chorus 问题三:“大合唱”用英语怎么说 10分 Chorus 也是合唱的意思 或者munity singing 问题四:参加合唱团用英语怎么说 join a choir join the choir join XXX choir 如:join the 阀chool choir join Olympic choir等等 问题五:合唱比赛用英语怎么说 chorus contest 问题六:“金帆合唱团”和“管乐团” 英文怎么说呢? JinFan chorus band 问题七:“这是我们两人在大合唱中担任领唱”用英语怎么翻译 "This is our two people served as the lead singer in the chorus" 问题八:我曾在学习合唱比赛中担任合唱指挥 英文怎么说 自己手工翻译的,可能不太好。不行对照一下词典哈。英文:I have served as a chorus conductor in a chorus petition. 请采纳,谢谢~~~
2023-06-16 11:46:371

the virtual choir翻译

"The Virtual Choir"的中文翻译是"虚拟合唱团"。
2023-06-16 11:46:462

ch_ _r空里添什么?

2023-06-16 11:47:304


《This Day Aria》This day is going to be perfect 这一天将会是完美的 The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small 在我小的时候就梦想著这天 Everypony will gather round 每个人围绕著我 Say I look lovely in my gown 说我穿上结婚礼服很美 What they don"t know is that I have fooled them all. 他们不知道我已经使他们上当了。 [Princess Cadance] This day was going to be perfect 这一天原本是完美的 The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small 在我小的时候就梦想著这天 But instead of having cake 就算有很大的结婚蛋糕 With all my friends to celebrate 和我所有的朋友为我庆祝 My wedding bells they may not ring for me at all. 但我的婚礼钟声却不是为我而响 [Queen Chrysalis] I could care less about the dress 我可以不关心我的礼服 I won"t partake in any cake 我不会分享任何蛋糕 Vows, well I"ll be lying when I say 我会对我说的誓言撒谎 That through any kind of weather 不管发生任何事 I"ll want us to be together 都会不离不弃 The truth is I don"t care for him at all 事实上我根本不在乎他 No I do not love the groom 不,我根本不喜欢新郎 In my heart there is no room 他在我心中毫无立足之地 But I still want him to be all mine! 但是我还是要把他抢到手 [Princess Cadance] We must escape before it"s too late 我们必须逃出这里在事情太迟之前 Find a way to save the day 找到方法挽救这一天 Hope, I"ll be lying if I say 真希望我能欺骗自己 I don"t fear that I may lose him 我不害怕他被夺走 To one who wants to use him 被那一心只想著利用 Not care for love and cherish him each day 不懂珍惜与爱护的她 For I oh-so love the groom 但我如此爱著新郎 All my thoughts he does consume 他占据了我所有思绪 Oh Shining Armor, I"ll be there very soon. 噢 Shining Armor 我会很快到你身边 [Queen Chrysalis] Finally the moment has arrived 最後的时刻已经到来 For me to be one lucky bride. 对我来说我是一个幸运的新娘 [Princess Cadance] Oh, the wedding we won"t make 噢,这个婚礼不能让它继续下去 He"ll end up marrying a fake 他会嫁给一个假的我 Shining Armor will be Shining Armor 将会 [Queen Chrysalis] Mine, all mine. [laughter] 是我的,全部是我的 《You"ll Play Your Part》【紫悦】It isn"t that I"m ungrateful For all the things that I"ve earned不是我不感激我所得到的一切For all the journeys I have taken All the lessons that I have learned我走过的旅程和旅程中学到的一切But I wonder where I"m going now,What my role is meant to be 但现在我迷茫我将前往何处,我的使命是什么I don"t know how to travel To a future that I can"t see 我不知道要怎么走向未知的未来I have my wings, I wear this crown,I"m a princess, this is true我拥有翅膀,带着皇冠,我是一个公主,没错But it"s still unclear to me Just what I am meant to do但是我还是不清楚我该怎么做I want to have a purpose, Want to do all that I can我想要一个目标,我能做什么?I want to make a contribution, I want to be a part of the plan我想要做出贡献,想要成为计划的一部分【宇宙公主】Your destiny"s uncertain And that"s sometimes hard to take你的命运未定,有时候的确会难以接受But it will become much clearer With every new choice you make但是你做的每一个决定都会让未来变得明朗【月亮公主】Patience is never easy, I understand wanting more耐心不容易做到,我理解你想要更多I know how hard it is to wait To spread out your wings and soar我知道等待展翅飞翔是一个艰难的过程【音韵公主】But you stand here for a reason,You"re gifted and you are strong但是你站在这里是有原因的,你很有天赋,且魔力强大That crown is upon your head because You belong皇冠戴在你的头上,是因为它属于你【宇宙公主、月亮公主、音韵公主】Know that your time is coming soon 我们知道你的时刻即将来临As the sun rises, so does the moon当太阳与月亮升起As love finds a place in every heart当爱洒满每匹小马的心中You are a princess, you"ll play your part你是公主,你将履行你的使命【月亮公主】We understand you wanting more, A chance to shine, a chance to soar我们明白你想要更多,想要闪耀的机会,想要飞翔的时机【音韵公主】Soon will come the day it turns around很快一切都会好起来【宇宙公主、月亮公主、音韵公主】Know that your time is coming soon 我们知道你的时刻即将来临As the sun rises, so does the moon当太阳与月亮升起As love finds a place in every heart当爱洒满每匹小马的心中You are a princess, you"ll play your part你是公主,你将履行你的使命【宇宙公主】You are a princess, you"ll play your part你是公主,你将履行你的使命《Winter Wrap Up》[Rainbow Dash] Three months of winter coolness And awesome holidays [Pinkie Pie] We"ve kept our hoovsies warm at home Time off from work to play [Applejack] But the food we"ve stored is runnin" out And we can"t grow in this cold [Rarity] And even though I love my boots This fashion"s getting old [Twilight Sparkle] The time has come to welcome spring And all things warm and green But it"s also time to say goodbye It"s winter we must clean How can I help? I"m new, you see What does everypony do? How do I fit in without magic? I haven"t got a clue! [Choir] Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let"s finish our holiday cheer Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! [Applejack] "Cause tomorrow spring– [Rainbow Dash] –is here! [Choir] "Cause tomorrow spring is here! [Rainbow Dash] Bringing home the southern birds A Pegasus" job begins And clearing all the gloomy skies To let the sunshine in We move the clouds And we melt the white snow [Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie] When the sun comes up Its warmth and beauty will glow! [Choir] Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let"s finish our holiday cheer Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! "Cause tomorrow spring is here Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! "Cause tomorrow spring is here "Cause tomorrow spring is here! [Rarity] Little critters hibernate Under the snow and ice [Fluttershy] We wake up all their sleepy heads So quietly and nice [Rarity] We help them gather up their food Fix their homes below [Fluttershy] We welcome back the southern birds [Fluttershy and Rarity] So their families can grow! [Choir] Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! ([Rarity] Winter, winter) Let"s finish our holiday cheer Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! ([Rarity] Winter, winter) "Cause tomorrow spring is here Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! ([Rarity] Winter, winter) "Cause tomorrow spring is here "Cause tomorrow spring is here! [Applejack] No easy task to clear the ground Plant our tiny seeds With proper care and sunshine Everyone it feeds Apples, carrots, celery stalks Colorful flowers too We must work so very hard [Applejack, Cherry Berry, and Golden Harvest] It"s just so much to do! [Choir] Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let"s finish our holiday cheer Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! "Cause tomorrow spring is here Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! [Pinkie Pie] "Cause tomorrow spring is here [Choir] "Cause tomorrow spring is here! [Twilight Sparkle] Now that I know what they all do I have to find my place And help with all of my heart Tough task ahead I face How will I do without my magic Help the Earth pony way I wanna belong so I must Do my best today, Do my best today! [Choir] Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let"s finish our holiday cheer Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! "Cause tomorrow spring is here Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! [Twilight Sparkle] "Cause tomorrow spring is here "Cause tomorrow spring is here "Cause tomorrow spring is here!《Smile Song》My name is Pinkie Pie. (Hello!)【我的名字叫Pinkie Pie。(哈罗!)】And I am here to say. (How you doing?)【我会对你说。(你好吗?)】I"m gonna make you smile, and I will brighten up your day!【我会让你们微笑并且照亮你一整天!】It doesn"t matter now, (What"s up?)【不论何时何地,(怎麼了?)】If you are sad or blue. (Howdy.)【如果你感到伤心或感到沮丧。(你好。)】Cause cheering up, my friend, is just what Pinkie"s here to do!【我的好友,因为使你振作起来正是Pinkie Pie来此的目的!】Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile!【因为我最爱使你们微笑、微笑、微笑!】It fills my heart with sunshine all the while, Yes it does.【它能以阳光填补我的内心,是的,正是如此。】Cause all I really need is smile, smile, smile,【因为我真正需要的一切是一个微笑、微笑、微笑,】From these happy friends of mine!【从我快乐的朋友们!】I like to see you grin, (Awesome.)【我喜欢看到你们微笑,(真棒。)】I love to see you beam, (Rock on.)【我爱看到你们微笑,(好棒。)】The corners of your mouth turned up,【使你们的嘴角上扬,】Is always Pinkie"s dream. (Well spot.)【永远是Pinkie Pie的梦想。】But if you"re kind of worried,【但如果你有些忧虑,】And your face has made a frown,【使你皱起眉头,】I"ll work real hard and do my best,【我将会尽全力作到最好,】To turn that sad frown upside-down!【将悲伤转变成欢笑!】Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grin! Yes I do【因为我最爱让你们微笑、微笑、微笑!是的】Busting out from ear to ear,【竖起耳朵,】Let it begin!【那就开始吧!】Just give me a joyful grin, grin, grin!【只要给我一个快乐的微笑、微笑、微笑!】And you fill me with good cheer!【我就会被喜悦填满!】It"s true, some days are dark and lonely.【的确,有些日子是黑暗和寂寞。】And maybe you feel sad,【也许你感到伤心】But Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn"t that bad.【但Pinkie Pie会告诉你们,这没有那麼糟糕。】There"s one thing that makes me happy,【有一件事使我幸福,】And makes my whole life worthwhile!【使我的生活有了意义!】And that"s when I talk to my friends and get them to smile!【那就是和我的朋友们交谈并让他们微笑!】I really am so happy,【我真的很开心,】Your smile fills me with glee!【你们的微笑让我感觉高兴!】I give a smile, I get a smile,【给予微笑,获得微笑】And that"s so special to me.【那对我来说是最特别的。】Cause I love to see you beam, beam, beam! Yes I do.【因为我最爱看到你们微笑、微笑、微笑!】Tell me, what more can I say to make you see? That I do.【告诉我,我还有些什麼东西没说的呢?那就来吧。】It makes me happy when you beam, beam, beam.【当你们微笑时会使我快乐。】Yes it always makes my day!【是的,这一切使我快乐!】Come on, everypony, smile, smile, smile.【来吧,各位小马,微笑、微笑、微笑。】Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine.【用阳光、阳光填满我的心】All I really need is a smile, smile, smile,【我真正需要的一切是一个微笑、微笑、微笑,】From these happy friends of mine! 【从我快乐的朋友们!】Come on, everypony, smile, smile, smile.【来吧,各位小马,微笑、微笑、微笑。】Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine.【用阳光、阳光填满我的心】All I really need is a smile, smile, smile,【我真正需要的一切是一个微笑、微笑、微笑,】From these happy friends of mine!【从我快乐的朋友们!】It"s a perfect gift for me, (Come on, everypony, smile, smile, smile.)【对我来说这是一个完美的礼物,(来吧,各位小马,微笑、微笑、微笑。)】Is a smile as wide as a mile! (Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine.)【一个大大的笑容!(用阳光、阳光填满我的心。)】To make me happy as can be! (All I really need is a smile, smile, smile,)【因为可以使我快乐(我真正需要的一切是一个微笑、微笑、微笑,)】Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile! (From these happy friends of mine!)【微笑、微笑、微笑、微笑、微笑(从我快乐的朋友们!)】Come on and smile!【一起来微笑吧!】Come on and smile!! 【一起来微笑吧!!】《主题曲》My Little PonyMy Little PonyAh...My Little PonyI used to wonder what friendship could beMy Little PonyUntil you all share its magic with meBig adventureTons of funA beautiful heartFaithfull and strongSharing kindnessIt"s an easy featAnd magic makes it all complete you have My Little PoniesDo you know you"re all my very best friends我能想到的只有这么多了,望采纳!!!
2023-06-16 11:47:424


the massshe is my sin
2023-06-16 11:47:568


2023-06-16 11:48:272

海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶第六季 (2014)剧情介绍

《海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶第六季》 是克里斯·奥唐纳 丹妮拉·鲁阿 艾瑞克·克里斯蒂安·奥森等主演的《海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶第六季》,本欧美剧是由Dennis Smith导演并于2014年在欧美上映。《海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶第六季》的主要内容是:在危机四伏的高端犯罪领域,OSP的成员唯有依靠彼此的帮助和过硬的罪案调查技巧,才能取得一个又一个胜利。 《海军罪案调查处-洛杉矶》(NCIS: Los Angeles)S06E01《Deep Trouble – Part 2》 恐怖分子原本计划用一艘武装潜艇袭击位于圣地亚哥的航空母舰,如今Callen和Sam被困在这艘潜艇上。与此相同,Hetty明确违抗命令,放弃返回华盛顿的旅程。海军罪案调查处洛杉矶小组的其他人全力寻找并拯救Callen和Sam,相同阻止即将发生的恐怖袭击。 本季没有时间跳跃,Sam和Callen仍然困在装有硝酸铵(ammonia nitrate)的潜艇上。Sam和Callen当然不会死,但也不会轻易脱身。更糟的是,美国海军已然筹备采取「一切可行的手段」来摧毁这艘潜艇。与此相同,Hetty的将来在次蒙上一层阴影,而且这次她是直接和华盛顿的权力高层对抗。一个怀有敌意的参议院委员会正在调查海军罪案调查处「白色幽灵」(White Ghost)行动的真相,而Hetty不愿说,双方的关联变得十分紧张。 Hetty成了一个「靶子」,一个(或一些)与她关联万分近的人将因而丧命。此外,Nell在本季起初后不久陷入一种危险情形,而这与Hetty有关。OMG……Nell还不至于丧命吧? 当然,本季并不全全是黑色情节,Callen将收获出人意料的爱情。Kensi与Deeks的爱情故事也没有被遗忘——Talia向Kensi提供了「她并不想听」的建议,最终导致Kensi与Talia差点动手打起来(下面的剧照就是实证)。这件事也有好的一面……Kensi明确好好思考她和Deeks之间的关联! 一个多次在剧中出现的「灰色角色」(不算好人也不算坏人)将在次出现,他将带来一条长故事线,Callen与这条故事线密切相关。 Leon Vance(Rocky Carroll)出现在本季前三集。一个叫Katie的神秘女性角色也会出现,她可能和Callen有某种关联。她不一定是Callen的爱情对象,但Callen肯定会有新爱情对象——一个观众感到意外的对象。 《海军罪案调查处-洛杉矶》(NCIS: Los Angeles)S06E04《The 3rd Choir》 海军罪案调查处洛杉矶小组知晓某个他们过去相识的人正筹备对付他们当中的一员,他们不顾一切地在全城范围内展开搜索。与此相同,实践心理学专家Nata Getz前来帮助Nell平稳度过心理创伤的难关。 《海军罪案调查处-洛杉矶》(NCIS: Los Angeles)S06E07《Leipei》 一个男人死于一架小型无人机的攻击,海军罪案调查处洛杉矶小组察觉他与一个恐怖组织有关联。这个组织计划短期内对当地实施另一次攻击,留给调查组做出反应的时间已然不多了。关键时刻,Nell务必利用本人在无人机领域的专长来避免长岛发生一场灾难。
2023-06-16 11:48:481


第113回 丁奉定计斩孙綝 姜维斗阵破邓艾 第114回 曹髦驱车死南阙 姜维弃粮胜魏兵
2023-06-16 11:49:116


2023-06-16 11:50:293

《God Love Her》的歌词翻译成汉语是什么意思?

2023-06-16 11:50:384


选择, 挑选供选择的东西
2023-06-16 11:51:552


歌名: Lean on Me歌手: Kirk Franklin (Feat. Crystal lewis, R Kelly, Bono, Mary j Blidge, and the Family)[Kirk] This is for that little child with no fatherFor that man that doesn"t have a place to stayFor that little boy living with AIDS[R. Kelly] Can I tell you a story, tell you a story[Kirk] You can lean on me[R. Kelly]There"s a man (oh yes)Standing on the cornerHe has no homeHe has no foodAnd his blue skies are gone (yes it is)Can"t you hear him cryin" out[Crystal Lewis] And there"s a girlSearching for a father and a friendPraying that the storm someday will endBut instead of walking awayOpen up your heart and say[Chorus:][Choir] I am hereYou don"t have to worryI can see...[Kirk] I can see your tears[Choir] ....your tearsI"ll be there in a hurry when you call[Kirk] Yes I will[Choir] Friends are there to catch you when you fall[Kirk] Here"s my shoulder[Choir] Here"s my shoulder, you can lean on me[Kirk] halleluia[Mary J. Blige] Ooooohhhhh[Kirk] Listen[Mary J. Blige] Oh, there"s a childWho is sick and begging to be freeBut there is no cure for his diseaseHe looks up to his mother and[Choir] As she hold (holds), his hand (hand)[Bono] Prayin" that somedayThe sun will shine again[Kirk] And the pain?[Choir] And the pain will end[Kirk] Pain will end....Come on[Choir] I am here[Mary J. Blige] I am here[Choir] You don"t have to worry[Mary J. Blige] You don"t have to worry[Choir] I can see...[Mary J. Blige] I see...[Choir] ....your tears[Mary J. Blige] ....your tears, yeah[Choir] I"ll be there in a hurry when you call[Mary J. Blige] I"ll be there in a hurry when you call[Choir] Friends are there to catch you when you fall[Mary J. Blige] I"m your friend and I"ll catch you when, when, when you fall[Choir] Here"s my shoulder, you can lean on me[Mary J. Blige] Here"s my shoulder, you can lean on me[Bridge:][R. Kelly] Tell me, how can I, how can I love JesusWhen I"ve never seen His face[Bono] Yeah, I see you dying[Crystal Lewis] And I turn and walk away[Crystal] So hold my hand[Mary J. Blige] Oooooohhhhh[Bono] Let me take you to a friend of mine[R. Kelly] He"s waiting just to ease your troubled mind[Kirk] Yeah, yeah, He loves you more than you"ll ever know[Bono] "Stead of walking away[Kirk] Open up[Crystal Lewis] Open up your heart and say[Kirk] Come on[Chorus:][Choir] I am here[R. Kelly] I am here[Choir] You don"t have to worryI can see your tearsI"ll be there in a hurry when you call[Kirk] Alleluia[Choir] Aaaaaaah[Tamila Mann - Family] When you call, friends will be there to catch you when, catch you when you fall[Choir] Here"s my shoulder, you can lean on me[Dalon Collins - Family] Thank you Jesus, yeah[R. Kelly] OhYeah, oh yeah[Choir] Here"s my shoulder, you can lean on meHere"s my shoulder, you can lean on me[Bono] You can lean on me[R. Kelly] Lean on me, yeah, yeah[Kirk] You"re my friend but you"re also my brother[Bono] Here"s my shoulder, you can lean on me[Intro]
2023-06-16 11:52:061

求小马宝莉中The Laughter Song的歌词

[Pinkie Pie]My name is Pinkie Pie (Hello!)And I am here to say (How ya doin"?)I"m gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your dayIt doesn"t matter now (What"s up?)If you are sad or blue (Howdy!)"Cause cheering up my friends is just what Pinkie"s here to do"Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smileYes I doIt fills my heart with sunshine all the whileYes it does"Cause all I really need"s a smile, smile, smileFrom these happy friends of mineI like to see you grin (Awesome!)I love to see you beam (Rock on!)The corners of your mouth turned up is always Pinkie"s dream (Hoof bump!)But if you"re kind of worriedAnd your face has made a frownI"ll work real hard and do my best to turn that sad frown upside down"Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grinYes I doBust it out from ear to ear let it beginJust give me a joyful grin, grin, grinAnd you fill me with good cheerIt"s true some days are dark and lonelyAnd maybe you feel sadBut Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn"t that badThere"s one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhileAnd that"s when I talk to my friends and get them to smileI really am so happyYour smile fills me with gleeI give a smile I get a smileAnd that"s so special to me"Cause I love to see you beam, beam, beamYes I doTell me what more can I sayTo make you seeThat I doIt makes me happy when you beam, beam, beamYes it always makes my dayCome on every pony smile, smile, smileFill my heart up with sunshine, sunshineAll I really need"s a smile, smile, smileFrom these happy friends of mine[Choir and Pinkie Pie]Come on every pony smile, smile, smileFill my heart up with sunshine, sunshineAll I really need"s a smile, smile, smileFrom these happy friends of mine[Pinkie Pie]Yes the perfect gift for me ([Choir] Come on every pony smile, smile, smile)Is a smile as wide as a mile ([Choir] Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine)To make me happy as can be ([Choir] All I really need"s a smile, smile, smile; From these happy friends of)[Choir and Pinkie Pie]Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile[Pinkie Pie]Come on and smileCome on and smile我只有英文版的
2023-06-16 11:52:141

中央5套播nba时的插曲 歌词带go on

I Believe I Can Fly I used to think that I could not go on And life was nothing but an awful song But now I know the meaning of true love I"m leaning on the everlasting arms If I can see it then I can do it If I just believe it there"s nothing to it I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly See I was on the verge of breaking down Sometimes silence it can seem so loud There are miracles in life I must achieve But first I know it starts inside of me If I can see it Then I can do it If I just believe it There"s nothing to it I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly Oh I believe I can fly Cause I believe me oh oh oh If I can see it then I can do it There "s nothing to it I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can fly I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly(choir-I can fly) I believe I can fly(choir-I can fly) I believe I can fly(choir-I can fly) (Choir-I can fly) I can fly(choir-I can fly0 If I just spread my wings(choir-I can fly) Riff I can fly Ican fly I can fly I can fly Bum fly
2023-06-16 11:52:481

我是学校乐团的声部长 的英语怎么说

I am the leader of the school choir.
2023-06-16 11:53:122

Kidz Choir的《Abc》 歌词

歌曲名:Abc歌手:Kidz Choir专辑:Celebration Of Rock "N" RollYou went to school to learn, girlThings you never never knew beforeLike "i" before "e" except after "c"Why 2 plus 2 makes 4Now now nowI"m gonna teach youAll about love, yeah!Sit yourself downTake a seatAll you gotta do is repeat after meA - B - C!Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!As simple as Do Re Mi!A - B - C!1 - 2 - 3!Baby you and me, girl!A - B - C!Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!As simple as Do Re Mi!A - B - C!1 - 2 - 3!Baby you and me, girl!I"m gonna teach you how to sing it outCome on! come on! come on!Let me show you what its all about!Reading and writing and "rithmaticAre the branches of a learning treeBut listen without the rules of loveLet me tell ya girlYour education aint completeT, T, T, Tito"s gonna show youHow to get an AListen to me babyThats all you gotta doA - B - C!Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!As simple as Do Re Mi!A - B - C!1 - 2 - 3!Baby you and me, girl!A - B - C!Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!As simple as Do Re Mi!A - B - C!Thats how easy love can be!Thats how easy love can be!Sing the simple melody1 -2 - 3you and me!Sit down girl!I think I love ya!No!Get up girl!Show me what you can do!Shake it shake it babyC"mon now Shake it shake it babyOoh ooh Shake it shake it baby1 - 2 - 3 babyA B C babyDo Re Mi babyThats how easy love can be!A - B - C!Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!As simple as Do Re Mi!A - B - C!Thats how easy love can be!I"m gonna teach you how to sing it outCome on! come on! come on!Let me show you what its all about!A - B - C!Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!As simple as Do Re Mi!A - B - C!
2023-06-16 11:53:341

有没有像she is my sin和亡灵序曲这样的音乐最好是纯音乐

2023-06-16 11:54:571


History of Peking University Student ChoirPeking University Student Choir (PKUSC) was founded in September 1990. Its members are non-music students from over 20 schools and departments of Peking University. Today, led by conductor and choirmaster Ms. Hou Xijin, the Choir has become internationally recognized with numerous concerts and a broad repertoire of Chinese folk songs, classical pieces, and contemporary music in Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and other languages. The Choir gives concerts and performances, some in collaboration with professional orchestras and choral groups. The Choir often appears on China"s major televisions and its debut CD was released in April 1998.The choir has taken part in many music festivals and competitions in China, and has been given many awards. In 1997, as the only representative from Asia, the choir participated in the 43rd International Contest of Habanera and Polyphony in Torrevieja, Spain, and won the gold award for polyphony, which makes the Choir the first ever among Chinese university choirs to won an international award. In 1998, its MTV “Farewell” received a national silver award from China Central Television (CCTV). In 2005, the choir won two first places in China University Students Concert Song Contest. In 2005, the choir held their 15th anniversary concert, which again won wide recognition.
2023-06-16 11:55:051

参加合唱队用英语怎么说 急急急急急!!!!!

To participate in the choir。
2023-06-16 11:55:213


分类: 音乐 解析: 专辑名称:无间道电影原声大碟 发行公司:BMG博德曼 发行日期:2003-1-11 语言种类:国语1.再见...警察 2.跟他交换 3.无间 4.三年又三年 5.“标” 6.我在梦中见过你 7.我是一个好警察 8.有内鬼,行动取消 9.我是警察 10.我最信的是你 11.我拣个好人做 12.再见...警察...再见 13.道 14.无间道<主题曲> 15.被遗忘的时光 专辑名称:无间道II 电影原声大碟 发行公司:新艺宝 发行日期:2003-10-10 语言种类:粤语 1.长空 Beyond 2.1991 Hungarian Choir 3.Black Hawk Hungarian Choir 4.Five & Fet Hungarian Choir 5.Cry 陈奂仁 6.1997 7.Additional 8.哀 9.出击 10.奠酒 11.交数日 12.杀 13.抬头 14.我认罪 15.我想做好人 16.无间II 17.兄弟 18.殉 专辑名称:无间道Ⅲ-终极无间 发行时间:2003-12-1 语言种类:国语 追踪 终极无间 忠奸人 1.再见 2.下场 3.无间地狱 4.我想医好你 5.同道 6.入道 7.摩斯密码 8.局 9.分裂 10.道别 11.催眠 12.策划 13.比个机会我个机会我 14.被遗忘的时光
2023-06-16 11:55:371


基本节奏42 43 42选那几个节奏
2023-06-16 11:55:462

爱的飞行日记 是周杰伦原创吗?

2023-06-16 11:55:5611


2023-06-16 11:56:351

武器种族传说 吟唱的契约

如同悲歌一般沉重 幽暗黑夜伴我前行 容光照耀我心灵 旭日满载放光明 与我气息相呼应 同启属性之笼罩 缠绕着扬起之风 两者合为一体 酷和蕾一起吟唱的古代颂词: 开辟天地时出生的是 不在人中 不在土中 世界繁华之古语 乃思潮万法 力量万法 万法皆属定则 如今 万法交错 万法重生 华光重生 如今 万法交错 万法重生 万物生灵 复生众像 汝与吾 相辅相成 万法之本 万念之源 皆属同宗 与汝与吾 一草一木 皆属生灵 无异他物 世谓天国 天地交合 千秋万载 敬祷万物 繁荣昌盛 切记于心 和离无异 汝与吾言语相通 贴吧里收集的吟词: 幽明黑夜 伴我前行 荣光照耀 天之原野 光明满载 紧紧包围 与我同在 相生相性 互结契约 气息相应 缠绕飞扬之风 与我同在 无论何地 血红之心 缠绕风中 互结契约 暗黑夜伴我前行 在夜晚中体验 在天之原野 忽暗忽明中围绕 与我一同吟咏 定下契约 气息相应 明亮之风 围绕着 现于吾 将古老的赤色之心 以风环绕 定下契约 蕾和酷合体技能: 【东风之环】 合为一体 个体合为一体 直至全身 寒风呼啸之风 缠绕你我之间 【南风之弦】 夜风拂晓 苏醒之青龙 唯有赎罪之心 才能疾驰高攀 朦胧揭晓之月色 【风之盔甲】 不让任何人接近 不让任何人触碰 柔风缠绕之贤人 不论是谁绝无接近绝无触碰 契约之同调 契约之执行 我们不准触碰 【元素之光】 契约之约束 进入我身 折断又延续 编织成诱惑之歌 吸引万物之力 与我同行 【治愈之歌】 现今是晴朗的春天 迎接灵魂的是梦境 时光流逝 微笑永存 龙威和奇雅合体技能: 【修罗之斩】 不知恐惧为何物 千万之物狂乱暴动 勿扰吾心 【镇天之魂】 波涛汹涌之逶迤 辗转思考 喋喋不休 朝向大海之原
2023-06-16 11:56:443


2023-06-16 11:56:522


jesus walks只是里面一句歌词而已,并不是歌曲的题目。
2023-06-16 11:57:034

Fairytale Of New York (Instrumental) 歌词

歌曲名:Fairytale Of New York (Instrumental)歌手:The Pogues Featuring Kirsty MacColl专辑:Fairytale Of New Yorkit was christmas eve babein the drunk tankan old man said to me, won"t see another onean old man said to me, won"t see another oneand then he sang a songthe rare old mountain dewi turned my face awayand dreamed about youcame in eighteen to onei"ve got a feelingthis year"s for me and youso happy christmasi love you babyi can see a better timewhen all our dreams come truethey"ve got cars big as barsthey"ve got rivers of goldbut the wind goes right through youit"s no place for the oldwhen you first took my handon a cold christmas eveyou promised mebroadway was waiting for meyou were handsomeyou were prettyqueen of new york citywhen the band finished playingthey howled out for moresinatra was swinging,all the drunks they were singingwe kissed on a cornerthen danced through the nightthe boys of the nypd choirwere singing "galway bay"and the bells were ringing outfor christmas dayyou"re a bumyou"re a punkyou"re an old slut on junklying there almost dead on a drip in that bedyou scumbag, you maggotyou cheap lousy faggothappy christmas your arsei pray god it"s our lastthe boys of the nypd choirstill singing "galway bay"and the bells are ringing outfor christmas dayi could have been someonewell so could anyoneyou took my dreams from mewhen i first found youi kept them with me babei put them with my owncan"t make it all alonei"ve built my dreams around youthe boys of the nypd choirstill singing "galway bay"and the bells are ringing outfor christmas day
2023-06-16 11:57:201


片尾曲:Jesus Walks
2023-06-16 11:57:392


武器种族传说的咏唱词蕾和酷合体的吟唱词 如同悲歌一般沉重 幽暗黑夜伴我前行 容光照耀我心灵 旭日满载放光明 与我气息相呼应 同启属性之笼罩 缠绕着扬起之风 两者合为一体 龙威和奇雅合体的吟唱词 雄伟之心 离脱大地 合为一体 比总和珍珠合体的吟唱词 嫉妒占有之心 成对之滚轮 合为一体 东风之环 合为一体 个体合为一体 直至全身 寒风呼啸之风 缠绕你我之间 修罗之斩 不知恐惧为何物 千万之物狂乱暴动 勿扰吾心 音波之初弦 吾刀乃真正之音 双眼含泪 探测四方 吾是台 心浮动不定 镇天之魂 波涛汹涌之逶迤 辗转思考 喋喋不休 朝向大海之原 南风之弦 夜风拂晓 苏醒之青龙 唯有赎罪之心 才能疾驰高攀 朦胧揭晓之月色 风之盔甲 不让任何人接近 不让任何人触碰 柔风缠绕之贤人 不论是谁绝无接近绝无触碰 契约之同调 契约之执行 我们不准触碰 元素之光 契约之约束 进入我身 折断又延续 编织成诱惑之歌 吸引万物之力 与我同行 效果完全和元素之光一样的吟词 被因缘所缚 由此而延续 青森之葱绿 嘹亮之颂歌 刻骨铭心 幻之乾坤 回应吾愿 治愈之歌 现今是晴朗的春天 迎接灵魂的是梦境 时光流逝 微笑永存 逼迫伊露利用核石的力量制造人造天使 久违的甘露 从土地中涌出 犹如沙中之泉 恩泽四方 繁茂的树枝 庇护广大生灵 犹如万物给养 恩泽四方 圣洁的灵魂 应许我的请求 借助我们力量 完成使命 ChaosChoir的吉尔特与众人造天使合体吟词 烈火点燃 愤怒的神灵乃是毒蛇 此刻 神意降临 ChaosChoir的玛吉娜用人造天使作为能量的吟词 通向爱的终结 净化一切污秽 其名曰心爱之伽蓝 ChaosChoir的奥法斯用人造天使发动招式的吟词1 停滞的瞬间 魔之异性 请赐予守护 ChaosChoir的奥法斯用人造天使发动招式的吟词2 岩石上的误会 咫尺之遥 钩住了仇恨 ChaosChoir的奥法斯用人造天使发动招式的吟词3 祝福之花上 尚存的不会消失 去往魔法之地 为何剑拔弩张 折断弦上的箭吧 ChaosChoir的奥法斯,玛吉娜,吉尔特三人合体发招吟词 没有负担 与世无争 面对荣耀 将灵魂的翅膀褪色 请平定天下 令贫瘠的灵魂无法绽放 同时显露那不能消除神圣的名 强大的力量开始奔驰 迷雾散去 ChaosChoir的奥法斯使蕾昏迷的吟词 此名同我结缘 云上漂浮 生命变得柔和 阖目的一瞬 面对空穴 此箭中的 ChaosChoir的奥法斯攻击的吟词 在此之前 无法行进 请远离 ChaosChoir的奥法斯,玛吉娜,吉尔特三人使蕾成为女王的吟词 令人畏惧的天神之室 宝玉降临在此 与七煌宝树之心 融为一体 纯洁无暇 驱除瑕疵的灵魂 如亲族同伴一般 孕育生命 与天寿齐 ChaosChoir的奥法斯,玛吉娜,吉尔特三人合体吟词 深信世间痛苦 一泽恩惠 施于万众 仁王之心 ChaosChoir的奥法斯,玛吉娜,吉尔特三人想利用蕾的力量支配世界的吟词 天神之女啊 请展示你神圣的印证 给这个世俗的世界 伊露对酷的祈祷 祖先之灵 请眷顾苦难的后代 赐予我们希望 思念是我们的力量源泉 挽救脆弱的灵魂 ChaosChoir的奥法斯,玛吉娜,吉尔特强行与蕾合体 公主啊 使吾与汝缔结神圣之契约 将汝之力赐予吾 奔泻吧 酷和蕾一起吟唱的古代颂词 开辟天地时出生的是 不在人中 不在土中 世界繁华之古语 乃思潮万法 力量万法 万法皆属定则 如今 万法交错 万法重生 华光重生 如今 万法交错 万法重生 万物生灵 复生众像 汝与吾 相辅相成 万法之本 万念之源 皆属同宗 与汝与吾 一草一木 皆属生灵 无异他物 世谓天国 天地交合 千秋万载 敬祷万物 繁荣昌盛 切记于心 和离无异 汝与吾言语相通
2023-06-16 11:57:515


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图片命名在本机上可以用中文名,但如果放网上的话,有些空间不支持中文名,所以建议用英文名HTML初学者会经常遇到这样一个问题,如何正确引用一个文件。比如,怎样在一个HTML网页中引用另外一个HTML网页作为超链接(hyperlink)?怎样在一个网页中插入一张图片?......(相关教程:HTML超链接;HTML图片)如果你在引用文件时(如加入超链接,或者插入图片等),使用了错误的文件路径,就会导致引用失效(无法浏览链接文件,或无法显示插入的图片等)。为了避免这些错误,正确地引用文件,我们需要学习一下HTML路径。HTML有2种路径的写法:相对路径和绝对路径。HTML相对路径(Relative Path)同一个目录的文件引用如果源文件和引用文件在同一个目录里,直接写引用文件名即可。我们现在建一个源文件info.html,在info.html里要引用index.html文件作为超链接。假设info.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteslablainfo.html假设index.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteslablaindex.html在info.html加入index.html超链接的代码应该这样写:<a href = "index.html">index.html</a>如何表示上级目录../表示源文件所在目录的上一级目录,../../表示源文件所在目录的上上级目录,以此类推。假设info.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteslablainfo.html假设index.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsitesindex.html在info.html加入index.html超链接的代码应该这样写:<a href = "../index.html">index.html</a>假设info.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteslablainfo.html假设index.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootindex.html在info.html加入index.html超链接的代码应该这样写:<a href = "../../index.html">index.html</a>假设info.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteslablainfo.html假设index.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteswowstoryindex.html在info.html加入index.html超链接的代码应该这样写:<a href = "../wowstory/index.html">index.html</a> 如何表示下级目录引用下级目录的文件,直接写下级目录文件的路径即可。假设info.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteslablainfo.html假设index.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteslablahtmlindex.html在info.html加入index.html超链接的代码应该这样写:<a href = "html/index.html">index.html</a>假设info.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteslablainfo.html假设index.html路径是:c:Inetpubwwwrootsiteslablahtml utorialsindex.html在info.html加入index.html超链接的代码应该这样写:<a href = "html/tutorials/index.html">index.html</a>HTML绝对路径(Absolute Path)HTML绝对路径(absolute path)指带域名的文件的完整路径。假设你注册了域名,并申请了虚拟主机,你的虚拟主机提供商会给你一个目录,比如www,这个www就是你网站的根目录。假设你在www根目录下放了一个文件index.html,这个文件的绝对路径就是:。假设你在www根目录下建了一个目录叫html_tutorials,然后在该目录下放了一个文件index.html,这个文件的绝对路径就是。
2023-06-16 11:52:591

Surprising little is known about blablabla 和Surprisingly little is known about blablabla

2023-06-16 11:53:072


FSR=Feedback Shift Register 反馈移位寄存器或者FSR=Full Scale Range 满刻度、满量程用来与INDF寄存器配合使用,实现寄存器间接寻址,也就是用INDF来访问FSR内容为地址的RAM中的内容.可行性研究报告FSR=feasibility study report或者FSR=Free Spectral Range自由光谱区可行性研究报告FSR=Force Sensing Register 力传感记录单元来自百度词条
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2023-06-16 11:53:142

php 中,在一行程序上 加上什么字符,让这行程序 不执行

PHP 单行注释语法在一行中所有 // 符号右面的文本都被视为注释, 因为 PHP 解析器忽略该行 // 右面的所有内容。示例如下,红色字体部分就是单行注释的内容。<?phpecho ""; // 这是单行注释?>你也这样这样写,一行只写注释,不写代码,如下:<?php// 这是单行注释echo ""; // 这是单行注释?>PHP 多行注释语法PHP 多行注释以 /* 开头,以 */ 结束。在 /* 和 */ 之间,可以写多行注释。示例如下,红色部分就是多行注释的内容。<?phpecho "";/*这是多行注释这是多行注释*/?>
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squinch美 [skwu026antu0283]英 [skwu026antu0283]n.【建】对角斜拱 突角拱;内角拱;交角券过去分词:squinched 现在分词:squinching 第三人称单数:squinches **********************************************squash美 [skwɑu0283]英 [skwu0252u0283]n.壁球;(软式)墙网球;果汁饮料v.压软(或挤软、压坏、压扁等);把…压(或挤)变形;(使)挤进;塞入 南瓜;压碎;西葫芦第三人称单数:squashes 现在分词:squashing 过去分词:squashed
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FSR虽然现阶段表现不如DLSS 2.0,但胜在支持老显卡,不仅有RX 5000、RX 6000系列,数年前的老产品RX 470/480、RX 570/580,以及NVIDIA旗下的GTX 1000系列都支持。得到这项技术加持,这些老显卡的游戏性能显著提升,如果不是特别有需要,完全可以考虑延后升级显卡的时间。对于AMD自己而言,产能全给了微软XSX/S和索尼PS5,RX 6000系列完全是空气卡。如果AMD用户需要升级显卡,消费者能正常买到的只有NVIDIA产品。老显卡支持FSR,对于AMD的销量并没有什么影响。至于NVIDIA,身为显卡市场的龙头大哥,GTX 1060发布至今五年了,还是Steam平台用户数量最多的产品。今年显卡价格大涨,用户升级配置成本提高,已经有不少人放缓了更新硬件的时间。如果GTX 1000系列能够支持FSR技术,那么将会有更多的用户推迟显卡升级计划。
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FSR是《运输供应商最低安全要求》Freight Supplier Minimum Security Requirements的英文缩写 而FSR(Freight Supplier Minimum Security Requirements)《运输供应商最低安全要求》正是基于TAPA出于减少或降低因盗窃或抢劫造成经济损失的目的,采用安全经验和方案共享方法而产生的一个高科技产品运输供应商的安全体系准则。 由于世界各地有着不同的社会、政治、文化背景,TAPA机构采用了分区管理的办法,1998年,TAPA US(美国)成立,1999年,TAPA EMEA(墨西哥)成立,2000年,TAPA ASIA(亚洲含澳洲)成立,2005,TAPA Brasil(巴西)成立。这四个TAPA协会共同形成TAPA WWC(worldwide Council)。 1998年到2000年期间,TAPA US着手起草最初版本的FSR,之后在协会各地区分部的推动下,FSR的章节与条款得以不断更新和完善,直至2009年,TAPA WWC正式发布了FSR2009新版要求。
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2023-06-16 11:51:501


好简单。。1,图就自己画2,依题意,因为:角BDC=120,DB=DC所以:角DBC=角DCB=30在等边△ABC中,角ABC=角ACB=60易得:角ABD=角ACD=90因为:△DBE由△DCN绕点D逆时针旋转120°得到所以:角DCN=角DBE所以:角DCN+角DBE=180即:M、B、E共线3,依题意,因为:等边△ABC的边长为6cm所以:AM+BM=6,AN+NC=6因为:△DBE由△DCN绕点D逆时针旋转120°得到所以DE=ND,角NDC=角EDB因为:角NDC+角NDB=120所以:角EDB+角NDB=120易得:角EDM=角NDM=60(因为DE=ND,角EDM=角NDM=60,MD=MD)易得:ΔEDM≌ΔNDM所以:ME=MN又因为:ME=BM+BE=BM+NC所以MN=BM+NC(先前提到:AM+BM=6,AN+NC=6,两式相加:AM+BM+AN+NC=12 所以;AM+AN+MN=12)即:SΔAMN=12童鞋,你今年几年级??这种题目很基本的。。。
2023-06-16 11:51:442