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男孩地带来自爱尔兰的五人组合BOYZONE自出道以来就倍受瞩目,在Take That解散后迅速跃升为英国第一超级偶像团体。不仅打破了U2的记录,成为拥有7首冠军单曲的爱尔兰乐队,而且还是英国流行乐史上首支连续拥有16首TOP 5单曲的乐团。究竟这五个爱尔兰小伙儿是怎么走到一起的,他们一路的音乐旅程又有什么样的转变呢?现在就让我们来个简要回顾吧: BOYZONE如今的经纪人Louis Walsh原来是爱尔兰一个俱乐部的老板,他看见家乡的歌迷总是对英格兰的偶像团体趋之若骛,觉得爱尔兰也应该有个能让女孩们尖叫的偶像团体,结果便在当地的报纸登广告寻找能歌善舞的男孩。当时还在念高中的Ronan和Stephen、兼职当汽车技师的Shane和Mickey,还有在大学主修建筑的Keith从三百多位报名者中突围而出,就在93年的冬天,BOYZONE宣告成立。 成员: ● Ronan Keating 1977年3月3日生 身高175公分 12岁开始写歌,曾和好友组过乐队当住唱,最大的梦想是能像George Michael般成为畅销的歌手兼词曲创作者。 ● Stephen Gately 1976年3月17日生 身高169公分 16岁就演过电影,加入Boyzone之前他是位舞蹈老师,最想演迪士尼的电影。 ● Keith Duffy 1974年10月4日生 身高184公分 18岁加入BOYZONE时正在大学里念建筑,心愿是快乐、健康、有名有利以及做一位好爸爸。 ● Shane Lynch 1976年7月3日生 身高181公分 12岁就想当流行明星,加入时在父亲的修车厂当技工,最大的心愿只是快乐。 ● Mikey Graham 1972年8月15日生 身高172公分 喜欢写歌,曾组过团当主唱,最大愿望是当个好爸爸和成为畅销歌曲的作者。 乐队简介 Louis请了最Top的老师来雕琢BOYZONE里的五块“璞玉”,包括Take That的制作人Joe Levine、U2的制作人Paul Barrett以及Madonna的舞蹈指导等等,以保第一炮务必打响。94年,BOYZONE在家乡发表首支单曲《Working My Way Back To You》,很快就登上了爱尔兰排行榜的季军位置,12月他们正式在英国发行EP,重唱The Osmonds的《Love Me For A Reason》不仅打进英国金榜Top2,而且销售量高达50万张,一如所料地一炮而红。 BOYZONE的五位成员从此每次出现都会惹来一大片的尖叫声(Louis应该可以喝一杯了吧),不过其中的两位Ronan和Steven似乎更吸引大家的眼光。其实乐队的主唱比其他队员亮眼是常有的事,何况Ronan恰巧又长得这么帅,Steven虽然不高,却有着“令人无法抵挡的笑容”,两人可以说是乐队的灵魂人物。特别是Ronan,他曾一举获得98年度英国乐迷投票选出的“最佳流行王子”、“最迷人男歌手”和“最佳服装穿着男歌手”奖,人气旺盛。当然,Ronan出色除了他的外表,还有出色的创作才能,已和众多词曲创作人合作过的他最近表示:“我对自己所写的歌词越来越有信心,因为我已经学会了如何更自然地去表达潜藏在内心深处的情感……”。 94年,第一支单曲《Love Me For A Reason》获得了爱尔兰榜的亚军。随后于95年,他们发行了第一张专辑《Said And Done》。96年,他们的第二张专辑《A Different Beat》发行,其中翻唱老牌英国乐队Bee Gees的歌曲《Words》于96年11月拿到了他们的首个排行榜冠军,Boyzone成为当红偶像组合。97年,他们又发行了第三张专辑《Where We Belong》,其中Ronan创作的歌曲《Picture Of You》被用作电影《Mr Bean》(《憨豆先生》)的主题歌,并获得英国电影学院奖(Ivor Novello Awards)的创作大奖。99年,Boyzone的新歌加精选专辑《By Request》发行,先于专辑发行的单曲《No Matter What》大获成功,击败《My Heart Will Go On》等歌曲获得英国全年总冠军。他们还在U2的新歌《The Sweetest Thing》的Music Video中客串了一把。所有四张专辑均成为排行榜冠军。有16首单曲进入排行榜前五名,其中7首为冠军。99年获欧洲音乐大奖全年最佳专辑奖,最佳英国及爱尔兰艺人奖,并得到最佳流行艺人提名。主唱Ronan Keating曾连续两次主持欧洲音乐大奖。 随着一首又一首的畅销金曲继续接连不断的诞生,Boyzone一连串的冠军单曲和专辑,成为后来所有男孩偶像团体进入流行乐坛的入门指南和圣经。 Boyzone的辉煌成绩,也反映在他们获得许许多多大大小小的奖项上。从单曲"Picture of You"夺得「Ivor Novello Award」,到无数「Smash Hits Awards」颁发的奖项,包括「最佳团体」、「最佳发型」…等。除此之外,他们还是最畅销Comic Relief唱片的纪录保持人,他们重新诠释的"When The Going Gets Tough",在英国销售超过了70万张。 经过了两年的单飞演艺生涯,Boyzone又在亚洲推出特别精选大碟《Boyzone Ballads - The Ultimate Love Songs Collection 1993-2001》,他们的歌曲将永远被视作情歌典范,他们缔造的辉煌将永载世界流行乐的史册。 专辑: ●第一张专辑 《Said And Done》 95年8月21日发行,销量突破150万张, 曝光率已超越其他乐队,俨然成为第一偶像乐团。《Said And Done》收录了BOYZONE首张打入英国榜的单曲《Love Me For A Reason》,标题曲《When All Is Said And Done》表达了对父母的感恩之情。 ●第二张专辑 《A Different Beat》 96年10月28日发行,首周就荣居英国金曲榜的冠军宝座。《A Different Beat》充满非洲风情的Music Video相信很多歌迷还记忆犹新,翻唱Bee Gees的经典名曲《Words》成为BOYZONE的一首英国金榜冠军曲,还收录了轻快悦耳的《Isn"t It A Wonder》。此外,第二版收录了有百老汇big band味道的《Picture Of You》是电影《憨豆先生》主题曲。 ●第三张专辑 《Where We Belong》 98年5月25日发行的这张专辑由好几位金牌制作人负责,歌曲风格多样,后又推出再版,脍炙人口的歌曲有《ALL That I Need》、《No Matter What》、《I Love The Way You Love Me》等等。在录制专辑的过程中Ronan的母亲去世,他曾伤心地想要离开音乐事业,在女友(现妻子)Yvonne的安慰下,重新振作,重返乐队,亲自创作的《This Is Where I Belong》道出了Ronan的心声。《No Matter What》成为BOYZONE最为全世界歌迷所熟知的歌曲。 ●首张精选辑 《By Request》 99年5月发行,可以说是对BOYZONE五年来的音乐之旅的一个回顾,所有打入TOP 5的单曲都收录其中,还加了5首新歌,其中三首获得冠军,它们是:翻唱Billy Ocean的《When The Going Gets Tough》、翻唱Anne Murray的《You Needed Me》、 Ronan首张个人单曲——电影,《诺丁山》的插曲《When You Say Nothing At All》。 ●全新精选辑 《Boyzone Ballads - The Ultimate Love Songs Collection 1993-2001》2001年12月发行,是成员单飞后推出的有一张精选辑。除了收录一些经典的成名作以外还收录了几首以前没有在中国发行的作品,包括Your Song, Mystical Experience, Should Be Missing You Now等等

boyzone 的主唱ronan keating资料

基本资料   英文名:Ronan Keating   中文名:罗南·基汀   全名:Ronan Patrick John Keating   昵称:Tin Tin   生日:1977年3月3日   星座:双鱼座   出生地:Dublin,Ireland   身高:175公分   特征:金发蓝眼,右臂的“战士”刺青   鞋号:9号   家庭:妻子Yvonne Connolly与儿子Jack   宠物:两只英国猎犬Gucc和Fucc、一匹名为Earl的马   最喜欢的食物:用奶油、椰蓉面包加上卷心菜,意大利面食   Ronan的爱尔兰文意义:取自中世纪圣人的名字意思是Baby Seal   口头禅:Absolutely   最喜欢的Boyzone歌曲:Isn"t it a wonder   最喜欢的歌手:后期的George Michael   最喜欢的团体:Bee Gees   冠军单曲:   When you say nothing at all   Life is a rollercoaster   If tomorrow never comes音乐作品热门歌曲01. when you say nothing at all 02. iris 03. the long goodbye 04. if tomorrow never comes 05. vincent 06. this i promise you 07. if you love me 08. make you feel my love 09. believe 10. only for you 11. i believe i can fly 12. life is a rollercoaster 查看更多 以上内容来自 专辑显示方式:专辑列表 | 专辑详情 专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情 turn it on 2003-11-17 唱片公司:Polydor专辑曲目(15) 01. she believes in me 02. first time 03. turn it on again 04. lost for words 05. she gets me inside 06. last thing on my mind 07. let her down easy 08. back in the day 09. she believes (in me) 10. on my way 11. the best of me 12. hold you now 13. this is your song 14. i wouldn"t change a thing 15. give you what you want 试听整张专辑>> 历年专辑  2000 Ronan   2002 Destination   2003 Turn It On   2004 10 Years Of Hits   2006 Bring You Home   2009 Songs For My Mother   2009 Winter Songs   2010 Dute   2011 When Ronan Met Burt编辑本段人物生平幼年经历  从12岁时就开始写歌,和好友组过团,叫NAMESTE。曾经加入学校的合唱团,但被踢出来,因为合唱团的老师说他,不会唱歌。虽然是老么,3个哥哥一个姐姐,但他做个各式各样的工作。在鞋店打过工,进入BOYZONE时还在学校念书,刚成立时与团员晚上在校园和青少年常去的俱乐部表演,每天作二到三场的演出,但是在空闲时,还帮父亲修卡车,帮忙母亲的美发沙龙!一直的梦想是成为像TAKE THAT那么红的团员,直到成为BZ一员,成为主唱,他才真正找到自己心目中的理想事业。人生转折  1998年2月,BZ正在录制WHERE WE BELONG,他的母亲因乳癌去世。他几乎无法完成声音配唱的部分,RONAN写THIS IS WHERE I BELONG,唱出自己的成长心情。他后来设立Marie Keating Cancer Awareness Fund,致力乳癌防治。4月BZ的单曲ALL THAT I NEED 直冲冠军。30日,RONAN与大他2岁的模特女友YVONNE在加勒比海的小岛结婚。同年底RONAN被权威偶像杂志读者选为“最佳衣着男士”、“流行王子”、“最想要的男人”!而他也从不受一般媒体重视的偶像派成为受到重视的艺人。   虽然身为BZ的主唱,一直都是最受欢迎BZ成员,但RONAN早在几年前就想要发展个人音乐事业。1997年5月RONAN被选为“欧洲歌曲比赛”主持人,同年接下EMA(欧洲MTV颁奖礼)主持,1998年11月主持“世界小姐”,后来成为WESTLIFE的经纪人,但是他自己说这些都是附加的,最终目标是成为一位顶尖的词曲创作歌手。而直到1999年初,“新娘百分百”电影导演捧着一首歌请RONAN主唱,他才能实现长久以来的想望。单飞  2000年,BZ的成员以“单飞不解散”的形式开始各自的个人事业。RONAN的新单曲唱片“LIFE IS A ROLLERCOASTER”与7月19日正式发行,而他的首张个人专辑在7月30日推出!   演唱会前,RO做些什么?   据悉,每场BOYZONE演唱会前,RO一定把团员们拉进休息室关上至少半小时...做啥呢?乱谈!他会强迫大家说一些不着边际的话,越夸张越好,他说那可以帮助缓和临上场前的紧张情绪。那么,他一个人“单飞”没有其他团员一起时怎么办呢?   身为BOYZONER最棒的事:   RO说:“这是一份工作,但我爱我的工作,虽然以前做过很多工作,但都不是很喜欢,对我来说只是工作而已,但是BZ是我爱的,有4个朋友和我一起,我们在一起很快乐。”   RO是个好经纪人   对于WESTLIFE的成员来说,RO是他们的好师傅。心情不好时,打电话给RO,别忘了他是双鱼座;和女朋友吵架了,请RO打电话给她,因为她是RONAN迷(目前只有NICKY使用得到这个功能);觉得演艺圈残酷?打电话RO,因为他都了解,RO可以说是在演艺圈成长的咧!RO告诉他们,有任何困难就打电话给他,即使是半夜2点也没关系。   RO与英国青年网上畅谈   1999年7月,RO与英国的青少年网路对谈45分钟,不断地鼓励青少年要相信自己的能力,并告诉他们每个人都有需要鼓励和指引的时候。以自己的经验为导师的RO表示,用自己年轻的双脚站起来去棉对工作及社会上的其它种种并不容易。但他认为生命中没有做不到的事,鼓励乐迷准备好以自己的年轻及自信为武器和力量,积极耐心努力去做好自己所选的路。   RO会是爱尔兰当地著名的脱口秀主持人,偶尔在节目开场的时候唱唱歌,观众们都以“忍字诀”渡过。   上个圣诞节RO是怎么过的?   大家可以想到BZ的RONAN一定是跟老婆YVONNE和JACK一同过节,而且是窝在故乡爱尔兰价值640000英镑的豪宅中。RO说:“圣诞节就是要跟家人一起窝在家吃圣诞大餐,很温暖呢! 对了,我好像有宠坏JACK的趋势耶,伤脑筋!”   EMMA眼中RONAN   “在BOYZONE中我最喜欢的还是RONAN,他一直是最可爱的,时至今日我都想亲近他。他是一个浑身充满爱的气息的人,他的妻子YVONNE真是太幸运了。YVONNE是位非常温柔善良的女性,我在爱尔兰有一个家离他们的家很近,所以我经常同她和JACK一起玩儿,很可爱哟!RONAN和YVONNE是对令人尊敬又羡慕的夫妻,他们无条件地爱着彼此。”   “我虽然不羡慕这种快乐的家庭,但是年复一年,我日渐长大,也希望能有一个男朋友,能象RONAN。呆在RO家的这个夜晚是可爱的,我们相处得很融洽。RO还是个大男孩,他喜欢他的车,是他看起来有些象我,他是个......用什么词汇好呢?他是个享乐主义者。某些人喜欢的事物甚多,就象人们日常所需的食物,人们需要建立的家庭,一切都有趣地进行着,我们的相同点是全都站在舞台上,为了充实生活。”   其热门单曲when you say nothing at all 成为电影《 Notting Hill 》的插曲。


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: 1.爱尔兰组合BOYZONE的资料 主唱:Ronan 全名:Ronan Patrick John Keating 生日:1977年3月3日 星座:双鱼座 身高:5尺9寸 鞋号:9号 绰号:TIN TIN 囗头禅:absolutely! 休闲活动:跑步、游泳、赛车。 喜爱歌手:Shing、Whitney Houston。 喜欢电影:早餐俱乐部。 最害怕:蛇。 特殊才艺:写诗及短篇故事。 Stephen 全名:Stephen Patrick David Gately 生日:1976年3月17日 星座:双鱼座 身高:5尺7寸 鞋号:7号 绰号:HOME BOY 囗头禅:Cool! 休闲活动:唱歌、跳舞、演戏、游泳。 喜爱歌手:Micheal Bolton、Mariah Carey。 喜欢电影:阿甘正传,麻雀变凤凰 最害怕:被淹死或烧死。 特殊才艺:成为Boyzone之前他是位舞蹈老师。 Keith 全名:Keith Peter Thomas Francis John Duffy 生日:1974年10月1日 星座:天枰座 身高:6尺1寸 鞋号:11号 绰号:DUFFSTER 囗头禅:Sorted! 休闲活动:打鼓、唱歌。 喜爱歌手:Dickie Rock、Mary Robinson。 喜欢电影:天高地不厚。 最害怕:在舞台上摔跤。 特殊才艺:钢琴。 Mikey 名:Michael Christopher Charies Graham 生日:1972年8月15日 星座:狮子座 身高:5尺8寸 鞋号:8号 绰号:BIG BOY 囗头禅:You"re joking! 休闲活动:唱歌、写歌、修车,以往还有自由搏击,不过现在已经不打了。 喜爱歌手:Sting 、Eric Clapton。 喜欢电影:北非谍影、铁窗喋血。 最害怕:很抱歉,他什么都不怕。 特殊才艺:Mikey 会打鼓,而且BOYZONE的歌曲大部份都是他的创作。 Shane 全名:Shane Eamonan Mark Stephen Lynch 生日:1976年7月3日 星座:巨蟹座 身高:6尺 鞋号:9号 绰号:FLIRTY、GINO 囗头禅:Top o"the morning to you! 休闲活动:潜水、高空弹跳。 喜爱歌手:Bob Marley、Aretha Franklin。 喜欢电影:惊爆点。 最害怕:女孩子。 特殊才艺:钢琴。 Boyzone[男孩地带]所有歌曲 All That I Need No Matter What I Love The Way You Love Me Baby Can I Hold You Ben Isn"t It A Wonder Don"t Stop Looking For Love And I Father And Son Words Love Me For A Reason You Needed Me Key To My Life Your Song Mystical Experience Coming Home Now Paradise Everyday I Love You you needed me ben games of love megamix(love to infinity) melting pot paradise what can you do for me when the going gets tough you needed me(jewels & stone remix) a different beat words 2.RONAN Ronan个人档案 全名:Ronan Patrick John Keating 昵称:Tin Tin(因为那时的Tin Tin发型), Roro, Ro 雅号:新好男人, 新好爸爸, 绅士 生日:1977年3月3日 星座:双鱼座 出生地:Dublin,Ireland(爱尔兰都柏林) 身高:175cm 特征:金发蓝眼,右臂的“战士”刺青, 结婚后与妻子共刺 "爱" 字 鞋号:9号 父亲:Gerry Keating 母亲:Marie Keating (因癌症于1998年2月2日去世) 兄弟姐妹:姐姐 Linda, 哥哥 Cairan, Gerard, Gary 结婚日期:1998.4.30 结婚地点:Carribean Island of Nevis 妻子:Anam Cara Yvonne Connolly (1974.2.8) 儿子:Jack Keating (1999.3.15) 女儿:Marie Keating (2001.2.18) 宠物:两只英国猎犬Gucc和Fucc、一匹名为Earl的马 喜欢的颜色:蓝色 最讨厌和害怕的动物:蛇 最喜欢的食物:用奶油、椰蓉面包加上卷心菜,意大利面食 Ronan的爱尔兰文意义:取自中世纪圣人的名字, 意思是Baby Seal(海豹宝宝) 口头禅:Absolutely 最难忘的事:1998年2月母亲因癌症去世 入选Boyzone前曾组团体:Nameste 甄试时演唱的歌曲:Father & son, Careless whisper 多重身份:歌手, 词曲作者, 经纪人, 节目主持人... 所属组合:Boyzone (成军于1993年12月) 休闲娱乐:跑步, 游泳, 赛车 其它才艺:写诗和短篇故事 家中最受其他艺人欢迎的家具:宽大舒适的沙发 作为名人最大的牺牲:和妻子和孩子在一起的时间少了 最喜欢的自己创作的歌曲:Isn"t it a wonder 最喜欢的Boyzone歌曲:Isn"t it a wonder Said & done中最喜欢的歌曲:Father & son A different beat中最喜欢的歌曲:Isn"t it a wonder Where we belong中最喜欢的歌曲:This is where we belong(献给已去世的母亲的歌) 经纪人:Louise Walsh 喜欢的歌手:后期的Gee Michael, Will Smith, Bruce Springsteen, Bryan Adams 喜欢的乐队:Bee Gees, U2, Bon Jovi, Oasis, ... 最喜欢的电影:早餐俱乐部 最大愿望:成为顶尖词曲创作者兼歌手 别人形容Ronan的词:happy(快乐), content(满足), responsible(有责任心), busy(忙碌)

boyzone nomatter歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 解析: 歌手:Boyzone 专辑:By Request No Matter What Boyzone Chica cha ha haChica cha ha ha Chica cha ha ha Chica cha ha ha Chica cha ha ha Chica cha ha ha No matter what they tell us No matter what they do No matter what they teach us What we believe it"s true No matter what they call us However they attack No matter where they take us We"ll find our own way back I can"t deny what I believe I can"t be what I"m not I know our love forever I know no matter what If only tears were laughter(ooh) If only night was day(ooh) If only prayers were answered (hear my prayers) Then we could hear God say(say) No matter what they tell you No matter what they do No matter what they teach you What you believe it"s true And I will keep you safe and strong And shelter from the storm No matter where it"s barren A dream is being born (Ooh) No matter who they follow No matter where they leave No matter how they judge us I"ll be everyone you need No matter if the sun don"t shine ( the sun don"t shine) Or if the skies are blue (skies are blue) No matter what the end is My life began with you I can"t deny what I believe ( what I believe) I can"t be what I"m not (I know I know ) I know this love"s forever That"s all that matters now No matter what NO no matter what (no,no matter what) No,no matter what That"s all that matters to me (THE END) 当初最喜欢团体,最喜欢的RONAN, 我有所有专集和RONAN单飞后的

boyzone nomatter歌词

歌手:Boyzone 专辑:By Request No Matter WhatBoyzoneChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haNo matter what they tell usNo matter what they doNo matter what they teach usWhat we believe it"s trueNo matter what they call usHowever they attackNo matter where they take usWe"ll find our own way backI can"t deny what I believeI can"t be what I"m notI know our love foreverI know no matter whatIf only tears were laughter(ooh)If only night was day(ooh)If only prayers were answered (hear my prayers)Then we could hear God say(say)No matter what they tell youNo matter what they doNo matter what they teach youWhat you believe it"s trueAnd I will keep you safe and strongAnd shelter from the stormNo matter where it"s barrenA dream is being born(Ooh)No matter who they followNo matter where they leaveNo matter how they judge usI"ll be everyone you needNo matter if the sun don"t shine( the sun don"t shine)Or if the skies are blue(skies are blue)No matter what the end isMy life began with youI can"t deny what I believe( what I believe)I can"t be what I"m not(I know I know )I know this love"s foreverThat"s all that matters nowNo matter whatNO no matter what (no,no matter what)No,no matter whatThat"s all that matters to me(THE END)当初最喜欢团体,最喜欢的RONAN,我有所有专集和RONAN单飞后的


原唱是: Bee Gees下面是歌词 :Smile an everlasting smile笑一个永恒的微笑A smile could bring you near to me笑容可以拉近你我的距离Don"t ever let me find you gone别让我发现你已离开"Cause that would bring a tear to me因为,那会使我流泪This world has lost it"s glory世界已失去了光彩Let"s start a brand new story让我们开展新的一页Now my love right now吾爱,就是现在There"ll be no other time再也没有其它时间了And I can show you我要让你知道How my love talk in everlasting words我的爱诉说着永恒的言语And dedicate them all to me而且全部都献给我And I will give you all my life我要把一生都给你I"m here if you should call to me只要你呼唤,我必前来You think that I don"t even mean a single word I say你认为我每句话都言不由衷It"s only words, and words are all那只是言语,言语代表一切I have to take your heart away我得把你的心带走You think that I don"t even mean a single word I sa y你认为我每句话都言不由衷It"s only words, and words are all那只是言语,言语代表一切I have to take your heart away我得把你的心带走It"s only words, and words are all那只是言语,言语代表一切I have to take your heart away我得把你的心带走

L.A.Boyz的《Real Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Real Man歌手:L.A.Boyz专辑:Very MuchReal Man作词:杨黎苏/陶喆 作曲:陶喆 编曲:陶喆坐到我的身边来 告诉我你为何不安别害怕夜里的黑暗 你有我陪伴就坐到我的身边来 一切有我为你分担别害怕你有我陪伴 你有我的爱当我拥抱你的时候 是那么的实在当你回应我的时候 是那么的温暖当你需要我的时候 我怎么会离开i"m a real man who loves youi"m a real man who wants youi"m a real man who needs youi"m a real man who loves you.坐到我的身边来 告诉我你为何不安别害怕夜里的黑暗 你有我陪伴就坐到我的身边来 一切有我为你分担别害怕你有我陪伴 你有我的爱当我拥抱你的时候 是那么的实在当你回应我的时候 是那么的温暖当你需要我的时候 我怎么会离开i"m a real man who loves youi"m a real man who wants youi"m a real man who needs youi"m a real man who loves you.我不会让你一个人孤单我不会让你再感到遗憾你需要我的时候一定在一定在你的身边不离开我是你的避风避雨的港湾我是你喜怒哀乐的主宰我的爱是永远不会背叛I"ll never ever ever let you go@Zibanitu 倾情奉献

Boyzone的when you say nothing at all的原版是什么年代的歌?

蔡依林偶像 ronan keating翻唱过

Boyzone的《Better》 歌词

歌曲名:Better歌手:Boyzone专辑:Back Again...No Matter WhatBoyzone - BetterKevin dedicates this song to a beautiful girl Crystal.Our love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s betterI can"t concealThis way I feelFor all the times we spend togetherForever just gets betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterI"ll stand by youIf you stand by meI think it"s time that I reveal itCause I believe itIt"s betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isIf you"re here it"s betterOoh I"m alright charm to youI fall in love with everything you doOooh..Seem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterOur love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s better

Boyzone的《Better》 歌词

歌曲名:Better歌手:Boyzone专辑:Back Again... No Matter What - The Greatest HitsBoyzone - BetterKevin dedicates this song to a beautiful girl Crystal.Our love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s betterI can"t concealThis way I feelFor all the times we spend togetherForever just gets betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterI"ll stand by youIf you stand by meI think it"s time that I reveal itCause I believe itIt"s betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isIf you"re here it"s betterOoh I"m alright charm to youI fall in love with everything you doOooh..Seem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterOur love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s better

Backseat—— New Boyz ft The Cataracs & Dev 的歌词和中文

New Boyz Ft. The Cataracs & DevNew Boyz – Back Seat LyricsDon"t say a word, just tell me ..let me see,Girl you got something special, something special for me,It"s way too many substance in the VIP,Girl I got my car ..tell me, do you want to kick it in the back seat,Chorus:I want to keep inside you, back seatI can be a back seat driver, back seat,I want to keep inside you,I can be a back seat driver.You see them girls with .. they got this party poppin"This say no country club we brought to get this party rockin"You got girl that"s with the .. get on top let me see you ..,You"re .. here we .., you jump in my ..…she just try to ..confortly…right up in …,I"m damn girl, damn girl, you"re f*cking with the men girl,Damn girl, damn girl, you"re f*cking with the men girl,Don"t say a word, just tell me ..let me see,Girl you got something special, something special for me,It"s way too many substance in the VIP,Girl I got my car ..tell me, do you want to kick it in the back seat,I want to keep inside you, back seatI can be a back seat driver, back seat,I want to keep inside you,I can be a back seat driver.Yeah, hey girl, what"s up, the ladies dancing get you up, girl,I notice you"re been catching your friends is freaky ..,You got .. you say you"re shy..playin it so fun yes,I say don"t try me baby, I"ll make you hot ..,Missing like fish ..dancing…Oh you are a good girl, it"s good, I play pretend toI heard you have a baby, you wanna know ..I"ve met a super girl in the .., I"ve met a super girl in the ..,I"ve met a super girl in the .., I"ve met a super girl in the ..,They came with you …I"ve met a super girl in the .., I"ve met a super girl in the ..,I"ve met a super girl in the .., I"ve met a super girl in the ..,They came with you … 新Boyz的-后座歌词 Don"t say a word, just tell me ..let me see,不要说一个字,只要告诉我..让我看看, Girl you got something special, something special for me,女孩,你有什么特别,特别的东西对我来说, It"s way too many substance in the VIP,这是太多的物质的贵宾, Girl I got my car ..tell me, do you want to kick it in the back seat,女孩,我得到了我的车..告诉我,你要踢的后排座位, Chorus:合唱: I want to keep inside you, back seat我想留在你心里,后座 I can be a back seat driver, back seat,我能成为一名司机后座,后座, I want to keep inside you,我想留在你心里, I can be a back seat driver.我能成为一个后座司机。 You see them girls with ..你看他们女孩.. they got this party poppin"他们得到了这个党屁股" This say no country club we brought to get this party rockin"此说没有一个国家会得到我们带到这个党摇滚 You got girl that"s with the ..你有女孩,随着的.. get on top let me see you ..,在上面得到让我看看你.. You"re ..你.. here we .., you jump in my ..在这里,我们..,你跳我.. …she just try to ..confortly…right up in …, ...她只是试图.. confortly在... ...的权利, I"m damn girl, damn girl, you"re f*cking with the men girl,我是多么的女孩,该死的女孩,你是f与女孩* cking的男人, Damn girl, damn girl, you"re f*cking with the men girl,该死的女孩,该死的女孩,你是f与女孩* cking的男人, Don"t say a word, just tell me ..let me see,不要说一个字,只要告诉我..让我看看, Girl you got something special, something special for me,女孩,你有什么特别,特别的东西对我来说, It"s way too many substance in the VIP,这是太多的物质的贵宾, Girl I got my car ..tell me, do you want to kick it in the back seat,女孩,我得到了我的车..告诉我,你要踢的后排座位, I want to keep inside you, back seat我想留在你心里,后座 I can be a back seat driver, back seat,我能成为一名司机后座,后座, I want to keep inside you,我想留在你心里, I can be a back seat driver.我能成为一个后座司机。 Yeah, hey girl, what"s up, the ladies dancing get you up, girl,是啊,嘿女孩,这是怎么回事,宫女们跳舞让你,女孩, I notice you"re been catching your friends is freaky ..,我注意到你一直追赶你的朋友是怪异的.. You got ..你有.. you say you"re shy你说你很害羞 ..playin it so fun yes, ..弹唱,它是如此有趣, I say don"t try me baby, I"ll make you hot ..,我说不要尝试我宝贝儿,我会让你热.. Missing like fish ..dancing…缺少像鱼跳舞... .. Oh you are a good girl, it"s good, I play pretend to哦,你是个好孩子,这是很好的,我玩假装 I heard you have a baby, you wanna know ..我听说你有一个孩子,你想知道.. I"ve met a super girl in the .., I"ve met a super girl in the ..,我已经满足了..超级女孩,我见过在..超级女声 I"ve met a super girl in the .., I"ve met a super girl in the ..,我已经满足了..超级女孩,我见过在..超级女声 They came with you …他们想到了你... I"ve met a super girl in the .., I"ve met a super girl in the ..,我已经满足了..超级女孩,我见过在..超级女声 I"ve met a super girl in the .., I"ve met a super girl in the ..,我已经满足了..超级女孩,我见过在..超级女声 They came with you …他们想到了你...

谁有No matter what(主唱boyzone)歌词中文翻译!

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 谁有No matter what(主唱boyzone)歌词中文翻译! 解析: No matter what 无论如何 Boyzone No matter what they tell us 无论他们如何告诉我们 No matter what they do 无论他们对我们做什么 No matter what they teach us 无论他们教给我们什么 What we believe is true 我们坚信的才是真理 No matter what they call us 无论他们如何称呼我们 However they attack 无论他们如何诋毁我们 No matter where they take us 无论他们把我们带到哪里 We"ll find our own way back 我们将找到自己回来的路 I can"t deny what I believe 我不能背叛我的信念 I can"t be what I"m not 我不能虚伪地活着 I know our love forever 我知道我们的爱将永恒 I know, no matter what 我知道,无论如何 If only tears were laughter (ooh) 一旦眼泪化作微笑 If only night was day (ooh) 一旦黑夜变成白昼 If only prayers were answered (hear my prayers) 一旦祈祷得到回答(听我的祈祷) Then we would hear God say (say) 我们就能听到上帝的声音 No matter what they tell you (ooh) 无论他们如何告诉你们 No matter what they do (ooh) 无论他们对你们作什么 No matter what they teach you 无论他们教给你们什么 What you believe is true 你们坚信的才是真理 And I will keep you safe and strong 我将保佑你们平安和强壮 And shelter from the storm 也为你们挡风遮雨 No matter where it"s barren 无论那里如何荒芜 A dream is being born 一个梦想正在诞生 (Ooh) No matter who they follow 无论他们追随着谁 No matter where they lead 无论他们去向哪里 No matter how they judge us 无论他们如何判决我们 I"ll be everyone you need 我将永远和你在一起 No matter if the sun don"t shine (sun don"t shine) 无论太阳是否明亮(太阳暗了) Or if the skies are blue (skies are blue) 或者天空是否蔚蓝(天空是蓝色的) No matter what the end is 无论结局如何 My life began with you 我的生命从你开始 I can"t deny what I believe (what I believe, yeah) 我不能背叛我的信念(我的信念) I can"t be what I"m not 我不能虚伪地活着 (I know, I know) I know this love"s forever (我知道,我知道)我知道这爱将永恒 That"s all that matters now 现在这就是一切 No matter what 无论如何 No matter what (no, no matter, no) 无论如何(无论) No, no matter 无论 That"s all that matters to me 对我来说,这就是一切

求Love the way you lie 歌词 要bad boyz 混音版的 最好加上翻译…

Love the Way You Lie  爱你说谎的方式[Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那隔岸观火   that"s allright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱[Eminem]  I can"t tell you what it really is  我说不出来它到底是什么  I can only tell you what it feels like  我只能告诉你它是一种什么感觉  And right now it"s a steel knife in my windpipe  现在我的气管里有一把匕首  I can"t breathe but I still fight while I can fight  无法呼吸 但是我仍在尽力坚持  As long as the wrong feels right it"s like I"m in flight  就像被驾到高空一样没有任何感觉  High off the law, drunk from my hate,  借酒泄愤想要挣脱束缚  It"s like I"m huffin" paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate  我就像这溺水一样越是挣扎就越窒息  And right before I"m about to drown, she resuscitates me  就在我马上要沉下去的时候,她拯救了我  She fuckin" hates me and I love it  我爱她恨我的感觉。  Wait! Where"re you going? I"m leaving you  等等!你要去哪儿?我要离开你。  No, you ain"t. Come back we"re running right back.  不,你不能走。回来吧 我们重新来过!  Here we go again  我们重新来过。  It"s so insane "cause when it"s going good, it"s going great.  这真是疯狂,因为它向着完美发展。  I"m superman with the wind in his back  我是背后上着发条的超人!  She"s Lois Lane, but when it"s bad, it"s awful, I feel so ashamed, I snap  她就像超人的白痴女友,糟糕的时候一塌糊涂实在让我感到羞耻,于是训斥了她  Who"s that dude? I don"t even know his name  这人又是谁?(指训斥者)我连他名字都不知道  I laid hands on him, I never stoop so low again  我揍了他,我再也不会妥协了  I guess I don"t know my own strength  连我自己都不知道我有多强硬[Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那隔岸观火  that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie,  I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,[Eminem]  You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe  你曾经爱一个人爱到窒息么?  When you"re with "em  当你和他们在一起的时候  You meet, and neither one of you even know what hit "em  你们满足了 而你们没一个人知道对方在想什么  Got that warm fuzzy feeling  慢慢享受那温暖的暧昧感觉吧  Yeah, them those chills, you used to get "em  呵.那些你们曾经的欢乐时光  Now you"re gettin" fuckin" sick of looking at "em  现在你看对方一眼都感觉到该死的恶心  You swore you"d never hit "em, never do nothing to hurt "em  你发过誓再不做出任何伤害他的事情。  Now you"re in each other"s face spewing venom in your words when you spit "em  但是你现在却换了副嘴脸,恶语相加  You push pull each other"s hair, scratch, claw,  你现在却把他推来搡去,不停地伤害着他  Bit "em, throw "em down, pin "em  你在咬他,蹂躏着他,像用针一样刺痛他  So lost in the moments when you"re in "em  如此沉迷般的伤害着对方  It"s the race, that"s the culprit controls you both  争强好胜是祸端,掌控着你们俩  So they say you"re best to call your separate ways  它告诉你分道扬镳是你们最好的选择  Guess if they don"t know you ‘cause today that was yesterday  他们大概不知道今日是非是因昨日而起  Yesterday is over, it"s a different day  如果以前的事没发生就不会这样  Sound like broken records playin" over  听起来就像破唱片一样一遍又一遍的重复  But you promised her  你向她保证  Next time you"d show restraint  下次你要克制自己  You don"t get another chance  不然你们之间就没有机会了  Life is no Nintendo game  生活不是任天堂的游戏  But you lied again  然而你又食言了  Now you get to watch her leave out the window  现在你只能眼睁睁的从窗户看着她离去  Guess that"s why they call it window pane  我猜这也就是人们叫它窗玻璃的原因吧?(英语中玻璃pane与痛苦pain同音)  [Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那隔岸观火  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱[Eminem]  Now I know we said things, did things that we didn"t mean  现在我明白了我们以前总是在口是心非  And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine  然后我们又回到了原来的套路上  But your temper"s just as bad as mine is  其实你脾气跟我一样坏  You"re the same as me  你跟我一样  When it comes to love you"re just as blinded  面对爱情你和我一样的盲目  Baby, please come back  宝贝,拜托请回到我的身边。  It wasn"t you, baby it was me  好吧,宝贝儿都是我的错  Maybe our relationship isn"t as crazy as it seems  也许我们的关系并没有看上去那么不可救药  Maybe that"s what happens when a tornado meets a volcano  也许我们两个人就像是火星撞地球  All I know is I love you too much to walk away though  但我只知道我爱你爱得不能自拔  Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk  回家吧,拿上你的东西回家吧。  Don"t you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk  难道你没有听出我声音中的真诚么?  Told you this is my fault  我都说了,这都是我的错。  Look me in the eye ball  看着我的眼  Next time I"m pissed, I‘ll aim my fist at the drywall  下次发火的时候我会直接把拳头打向墙壁  Next time?There will be no next time  下次?决不会再有下一次了  I apologize even though I know it"s lies  我道歉,尽管那都是谎言  I"m tired of the games I just want her back  我受够这场争执了,我只想让她回来。  I know I"m a liar   我知道我就是个骗子  If she ever tries to fuckin" leave again  但是如果她再TM试图离开我的话  Im"ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire Just gonna......  我会把她绑在床上,点燃房子……[Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那隔岸观火  that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱编辑本段PartⅡ歌词Rihanna  On the first page of our story  我们故事的最开始。  The future seemed so bright让  美好的未来看上去那么的耀眼。  Then this thing turned out so evil  但结尾已经注定要两败俱伤。  I don"t know why i"m still surprised  我不知道为什么我还在惊讶。  Even angels have their wicked schemes  因为就算是圣洁的天使也有邪恶的。  And you"ll take that to new extremes  命运的玩弄让你对我变得消极。  But you"ll always be my hero  但你一直是我心里最爱的人。  Even though you"ve lost your mind  就算你已经开始变得陌生。  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  没关系,你就站在那儿看着我燃烧殆尽吧。  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  我把那灼痛当成你去爱。  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  没关系,你就让我在这里歇斯底里泪尽气绝吧。  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie  连你的一句谎言,我都爱的发疯。  Love the way you lie  因为那是你说过的谎言。  Ohh I love the way you lie  我爱你和你的谎言。  Now there"s gravel in our voices  声音沙哑  As they shatter from the fight  像战场上的败兵  In this tug of war you"ll always win  在这种拉锯战中,你永能获胜。  Even when i"m right  甚至是当我对的时候。  Cos you feed me fables from your head  因为你让我神魂颠倒。  With violent words and empty threats  你的毒打你的恶语相加。  And it"s sick that all these battles  正因为它们。  Are what keeps me satisfied  我这么爱你。  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  没关系,你就站在那儿看着我燃烧殆尽吧。  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  我把那灼痛当成你去爱。  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  没关系,你就让我在这里歇斯底里泪尽气绝吧。  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie  连你的一句谎言,我都爱的发疯。  Love the way you lie  因为那是你说过的谎言。  Ohh I love the way you lie  我爱你和你的谎言。  So maybe i"m a masochist  或许我就是个受虐狂吧。  I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave  我设法逃脱,但我从未想过离开。  Till the walls are going up  城墙在加固升高。  There"s smoke with all our memories  燃烧的记忆在将我吞噬,但你却要我保持安静。EMINEM  It"s morning you wake a sunray hits your face  早晨阳光照着你的脸。  Smeared make up as we lay in the wake of destruction  我们的关系疲惫凌乱得如同这间屋子。  Hush baby speak softly  宝贝儿,慢慢讲。  Tell me you"re awfully sorry that you pushed me  向我道歉吧,你昨天推了我一把  Into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me  我撞到咖啡桌,你承认错了我再来惩罚你。  Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me  试着接近我这样我就可以冲你叫嚷着离我远点。  Run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppy  或许你会愤然离去,我会追着你因为没有你我就迷失了自己。  Baby without you I"m nothing I"m so lost hug me  宝贝如果失去了你我就一无所有我会崩溃的所以抱住我。  Then tell me how ugly I am but that you"ll always love me  告诉我你有多愤怒我的暴行但是你仍然爱着我.  Then after that shove me in the aftermath of the  然后猛烈的报复我。  Destructive path that we"re on two psychopaths but we  全为了我对你的伤害,我们这两个神经病互相报复。  Know that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs  但是你我都清楚,不管我们如何伤害彼此。  That we"ll have each other"s backs cause we"re that lucky  最终我们都会和好如初。  Together we move mountains let"s not make mountains outta mo" hills  因为我们缘分未尽。但是我们不要再无事生非了。  You hit me twice yeah but who"s countin  "你狠狠伤害我两次,但是谁会帮我去数?  I may have hit you three times I"m startin" to lose count bu  或许我伤害了你三次,但是我已经记不清了。  Together we"ll live forever we found the youth fountain  我们会永远在一起,我们找到了让爱情永远不枯萎的办法。  Our love is crazy we"re nuts but I refuse counselin"  我们的爱太疯狂了我们就是两个疯子,但是我们不会就这样停止。  And this house is too huge if you move out I"ll burn all two thousand  这房子太大了如果你离我而去它会变得更大,我会孤单至死。  Square feet of it to the ground ain"t shit you can do about it  你不相信可以试试,我会烧了我拥有的你爱着的一切。  Cause with you I"m in my fucking mind and without you I"m out it  因为如果你还在,我不会失魂落魄,但是失去你,我会彻底疯狂。Rihanna  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  没关系,你就站在那儿看着我燃烧殆尽吧。  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  我把那灼痛当成你去爱。  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  没关系,你就让我在这里歇斯底里泪尽气绝吧。  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie  连你的一句谎言,我都爱的发疯。  Love the way you lie  因为那是你说过的谎言。

Boyzone 的 Ruby 这首歌的歌词,加中文

珠海市的图文频道歌曲:(这才是我的精华,收集了好久的)jesse mccartney - because you live kelly clarkson - because of yougroove coverage - far away from homem2m - when two became onebackstreet boys - larger than lifebackstreet boys - i want it that waywestlife boys - seasons in the sunsavage garden - truly madly deeply钢琴曲:理查德克莱德曼都很不错,不过不是你的说动漫歌曲。初恋的地方-钢琴曲夏日香气-钢琴曲眼泪-钢琴曲理查德克莱德曼:星空,梦中的婚礼,秋日私语,水边的阿迪丽娜,人鬼情未了,蓝色的爱,爱情的故事。。。中文:一事无成-郑融,周柏豪,你暪我暪-陈柏宇,思觉失调-刘浩龙,郑嘉颖-(最美丽的第七天,三角两面),睡公主-邓子琪,英文:sweetbox - we can work it outsweetbox - read my mindsweetbox -everything gonna be alright sweetbox -that night sweetbox - life is cool dima bilan - believeBoyzone-Rubybeyonce - halogareth gates - anyone of usmaria arredondo - burningTrouble is a friend ---lenkaOn The First Night- lafeegit fresh - remix - booty musicgroove coverage - she ina - i wanted youwithin temptation - memoriesthe saltwater roomavril lavigne - complicated - 艾薇儿 超复杂selwyn - negative thingsanyband - talk play loveakon - dont matteratomic kitten - if you come to me - 原子少女猫atomic kitten - nothing in the worldavril lavigne - sk8er boilily allen - littlest thingsjustin bieber - one timejustin bieber - babyjustin bieber -down to earthjustin bieber -love me lady gaga - paparazzilafee - on the first nightlynnsha - si seulement日文:动漫歌曲 圣少女纯音乐钢琴曲海贼王 - bon voyage - 动漫歌曲 主题曲龙珠 gt 渐渐被你吸引主题曲 - 最终幻想 - 动漫歌曲 日本动漫歌曲 天使禁猎区 paul&liese deen - sudden - 日本最好听动漫主题曲realize 龙樱主题曲主题曲 - 改变世界 - 犬夜叉主题曲海贼王 - dear friends - ed16 完整版穿越时空的思念 犬夜叉主题曲deen - 梦であるように - 宿命传说 主题曲 deen - 名侦探柯南 - 没有你的夏天火影忍者、closer - 最新主题曲火影忍者 - hokages funeral钢琴曲alive - 火影忍者 - ed钢之炼金术师 ed2 钢之炼金术师 ed2钢之炼金术师第二季 op - again钢之炼金术师 fa ed4 瞬间センチメンタル 截取版钢之炼金术师 第三季片头曲神龙斗

有谁知道这歌的歌词啊 TERIYAKI.BOYZ.-.[Celebrity.Death.Match].

(WISE)Wata~!Kiri komi taichouGongu to doujini nunchaku FlowTeriyaki wa erimaki to kage namiSUPIIDOO REESAAKyakkou abiru chinshuIll beat you anywayCelebrity Death MatchThe game be playedCome to step upYou got beef? Well my badI got chickenHori moguru mogurakeep diggin!(ILMARI)Non Stop na KAUNTAA bakari uchi kaesu tabi niPASSHON moya shitekuYonin TAG abaredasuzoIkki ni bunbunTsukeyo SUPIIKAA MaximumPOOKAA FEISU ni narezu ni notocchauB-Boys motto yocchauSerebu na GYARU moKureru made odocchau*Uhh~ WelcomeAhh~ Celebrity Death MatchUhh~ WelcomeAhh~ Celebrity Death MatchUhh~ WelcomeAhh~ Celebrity Death Match(VERBAL)Yes Im dressed in FRESH naBAPE no MASSHU KYAPPUSoshite SUNIIKAA oroshitateMate mate! Orera FUNKY4NON FIKUSHON, NONTARANTIINOKore ga suki na minna wa AMIIGONihongo shaberu gaijin like sankonA!MC tachi ooke gaEVERY TIME I STEP UP, COME ON!Ore wa KILL suru MCKimi no namae wa BILL ...Wakaru daro ketsumatsuBYOOKI na ore no bijinesu no tetsugaku1 1!?Hmmm ...4 THOUSAND OH! Nauman zouYori EXTRA LARGE kagaku hannouTomerare nai 30s BOOIBANDOMou ichido? Nara SAY, ONE MORE!*Repeat(RYO-Z)Busere no macchi desu wasagina channeePaiotsu kaideeShisuu tsumande monde TEEBOTAN 2Kakeagaru maunten jiifuuErumoo miigoo enaimo miigooChanto funbetsu shitara asa no HIIKOONIGO zu hirugiroppon B-BOYYakiteri IZUBOO Bring the izunoo(RYO-Z)Serebu no DESUMACCHISawagina NEE CHANOppai dekaiSushi tsumande monde 2 TANTEEBOOKakeagaru maunten fujiMoeru gomi moe nai gomiChanto funbetsu shitara asa no KOOHIINIGO roppongi hiruzu B-BOYTERIYAKI BOOIZU Bring the Noise(TERIYAKI BOYZ)Oh macchimeiku da GIBU APPUShibori dasu madeUchi nomeshite RINGU AUTOHinkaku utagawashii renchuuHikkaku serebu ni genjuuchuui to BUUINGUTenkai wa yuui ni mottekuKyuusho PINPOINTO SHUUTINGUSaa gongu naru monku aru naraPAY THE PRICE IF YOUPLAY THE GAME*Repeat

求歌词~要带时间标签的.Honestly~Jackie Boyz

[ti:]Honestly[ar:]Jackie Boyz[al:][by:]Fishleg[00:04.87]Honestly—Jackie Boyz[00:09.00][00:10.12]BY:Fishleg[00:11.45][00:11.59]we"re long away from the people we used to be[00:21.82]and you"re long way past[00:24.56]taking a chance on me[00:32.05]the shadows of doubt have all faded out[00:37.49]and made it so easy to see[00:41.96][00:42.15]honestly i"m yours[00:47.19]finally i"m sure[00:52.39]i"m where i belong and baby ur all that i need[01:03.08]honestly honestly[01:12.53][01:13.57]i have to confess[01:15.92]it"s all becuz of u[01:23.28]u show me how to live in the simple truth[01:33.10]where else do u go[01:35.62]when u kno that u kno[01:38.59]after everything we"ve been thru[01:42.94][01:43.77]honestly i"m yours[01:48.58]finally i"m sure[01:53.55]i"m where i belong and baby ur all that i need[02:03.83]honestly one more could i need but your[02:13.42]honestly i"m yours[02:14.16]love and affection that u give so selfishly[02:22.81]honestly[02:28.17]Oh~oh~yeah~oh~[02:34.88]honestly i"m yours[02:39.42]finally i"m sure[02:44.59]i"m where i belong and baby ur all that i need[02:54.44]honestly i"m yours[03:00.06]finally i"m sure[03:05.30]i"m where i belong and baby ur all that i need[03:13.64]honestly[03:23.45]end~~~

求朴宰范的 bestie count on me 思念你的中文音译歌词。 还有大国男儿的踉踉跄跄和new boyz中文音译

  Count On Me  依靠我  Count on me when you need that shoulder to lean on I"m here依靠我,当你需要一个肩膀去依靠的时候我在这  Count on me when you"re all alone依靠我,当你孤单的时候  Yeah ill be there when you need somebody to talk to I"m here当你需要人交谈的时候我将在这里  You can count on me you know I"m always there你可以依靠我,你知道的我会一直在你身边  Yeah yeah yeah (I"m here)  耶耶耶,我在这  See you know it may sound crazy but I swear it"s all true就像你知道的听起来很疯狂,但是我发誓这一切都是真的。  Every word of every love song reminds me of you情歌里的每一个词都让我想起了你。  And I know I know I know I know you feel the same way too并且我知道知道知道你也有同样的感觉  Cuz you stick around and put up with the stupid things I do  But I"m sorry you know that you can always always count on me, do you feel me? (good)  Because I love ya, girl I cant see myself with nobody but ya  Always know that you can  因为你在我身边并且容忍我做的错事  但是我抱歉你知道你可以一直依靠我,你感觉到我了吗?(好)  因为爱,女孩,没有人能让我看清自我除了你  Count on me when you need that shoulder to lean on I"m here  Count on me when you"re all alone  Yeah ill be there when you need somebody to talk to I"m here  You can count on me you know I"m always there  yeah yeah yeah I m here  依靠我,当你需要一个肩膀去依靠的时候我在这,依靠我,当你孤单的时候。不幸就要降临,当你需要人交谈的时候我将在这里,你可以依靠我,你知道的我会一直在你身边。  耶耶耶我在这  Switching lanes and hitting corners in my 745  Tryin to make my way to you no where else I wanna drive  Feel so lucky I"m so lucky that I found that special one  The first time I seen you smile was the day my life begun  Cuz I love ya, love ya so much I would scream it out in public, can you hear me? (good)  Cuz I need ya, some people doubt our love but Ill make them believers  And as always you can  转化人生的跑道,你刺痛我心深处的角落745  想要让我和你一起走,没有什么地方是我想驾驭的  觉得如此幸运,我幸运地找到了特殊的那一个。  第一次我看见你的笑容就是我生命的开始。  因为爱。如此爱你我要像整个世界喊出,你听见了吗?(好)  因为爱,一些人怀疑我们的爱,但是我将让他们都变成爱的信徒。  一直知道你能!  Count on me when you need that shoulder to lean on I"m here  Count on me when you"re all alone  Yeah ill be there when you need somebody to talk to I"m here  You can count on me you know I"m always there  Ooh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah  依靠我,当你需要一个肩膀去依靠的时候我在这,依靠我,当你孤单的时候。不幸就要降临,当你需要人交谈的时候我将在这里,你可以依靠我,你知道的我会一直在你身边。  噢,耶耶耶耶耶  Sing it with me  和我一起唱吧  Whoa x16  咳~  Count on me when you need that shoulder to lean on, I"m here  Count on me when you"re all alone  Yeah ill be there when you need somebody to talk to I"m here  You can count on me you know I"m always there  I"m here, I"m here, I"m here  依靠我,当你需要一个肩膀去依靠的时候我在这。依靠我,当你孤单的时候。当你需要人交谈的时候我将在这里,你可以依靠我,你知道的我会一直在你身边。  我在这,我在这,我在这。

Choir Boyz的《The Rain》 歌词

歌名:The Rain演唱:DMXIt"s such a long lonely ride back homeNow I know Only I can stop the rainUh, uh, uh, uh, uhIt"s what we knowNow I know Only I can stop the rainIt"s not that we gotta do what we doSo to me it ain"t nothing but being trueNow I know Only I can stop the rainIt doesn"t have to be the way it isYou say it isJust because for the past 20 yearsEveryday it is (WhAt?)Now I know Only I can stop the rainI won"t even be able to walk out my front doorWithout worrying about coming to conflict with the lawNow I know Only I can stop the rainIf I follow him, they"ll follow meAnd I"ll speak life into the words that you can seeNow I know (c"mon) Only I can stop the rainWe get away with it everyday shitBut everyday shit catches up with youAnd when it does you can"t say shitNow I know Only I can stop the rainIf I don"t, you willWhat I won"t, you stillWhat makes us feel like we gots to killNow I know Only I can stop the rainHow many more lives must we loseHow many more times must we chooseTo trust these foolsNow I know Only I can stop the rainIf it ain"t broke, don"t fix itI gave it to you straight, don"t mix itTwist it (what) up for some slick shitNow I know Only I can stop the rainI don"t have to talk to it anymoreI don"t have to walk to it anymoreI"m out the door (what)Now I know Only I can stop the rainI wanna find peace with the lordI don"t wanna find the peace with the swordNow I know Only I can stop the rainI can"t afford toWhen everyday of my lifeIs just a constant fightBetween wrong and rightNow I know Only I can stop the rainI thank you lord for my lifeI thank you lord for keeping it loose when things got tightNow I know Only I can stop the rainOnly I can stop the rainOnly I can stop the painNow I know Only I can stop the rainOnly I can stop the rain, stop the rain yeahOnly I can stop the rainOnly I can stop the rain because the rain calls on meNow I know Only I can stop the rainOnly I can stop the rain

Boyz II Men的《Dreams》 歌词

歌曲名:Dreams歌手:Boyz II Men专辑:Nathan Michael Shawn WanyaDreams词曲:Stevie Nicks江美琪《我爱王菲》now here go again you sayyou want your freedomwell who am I to keep you downIt"s only right that youshouldplay the way you feel itbut listen carefully to the soundof your lonelinesslike a heartbeatdirves you madin the stillness ofremembereing what you hadand what you lostand what you hadand what you lostthunder only happens when it"s rainningplayers only love you when they"re playingsaywomenthey will come and they will gowhen the rain washes you cleanyou konwyou"ll knownow here i go again i seethe crystal visionsi keep my visions to myselfit"s only me who wants to wraparound your dreams andhave you any dreams you like to selldreams of lonelinesslike a heartbeatsdrives you madin the stillness of rememberingwhat you hadand what you lostand what you hadand what you lostohyou"ll know

台湾雀斑乐队解散,现在组成Boyz & Girl是哇,请问哪里找的到她们的歌,我超爱斑斑

2008-08-18 雀斑小组,解散!如果你曾经是雀斑的喜爱者或是等待雀斑复出的朋友很抱歉,雀斑已经确定解散了。谢谢大家长久以来的支持!在这里可以购买试听雀斑历年作品(2003-2008)(不含历年参与的和辑或外星人真相的dvd影像部份) 这里将不会再做任何的更新有兴趣关斑斑的新团 "男孩们女孩" 的音乐试听与近况活动消息活动消息可前往以下网址,谢谢!官网blog http://boyzandgirl.blogspot.comindievox

终极一班4主题曲是什么谁唱的 Boyz On Fire歌词介绍


Boyz II Men的《Oh Well》 歌词

歌名:Oh Well歌手:BOYZ II MENSince you"ve been gone I"ve been lonelyLonging to be with you onlyMaybe there"s still is a way I can find you and sayJust how I feel.I can"t believe that"s it"s overWish somehow I could have showed herAll that was inside of my heart "stead of playing the gamesYou might have stayedFunny just the other night I was thinkingI wonder if you ever think about meI call you on the phone, there"s no answerOh Well, there"s still tomorrowOh Well, I"ll try againOh Well, maybe just maybe…Since you"ve been gone I"ve been lonelyLonging to be with you onlyIf there"s a way I could beg you to stay would you pleaseStay with me.I was thinking maybe I could come overHoping we could finally work this outEven if tonight we don"t find an answerOh Well, there"s still tomorrowOh Well, I"ll try againOh Well, maybe just maybeIf I had another chanceWe would stand hand in handYou"ll be my girl and I"ll be your manOh Well, maybe just maybe we can.I still call you on the phone still no answerMaybe later on I"ll try one more timeOr am I just a fool to keep tryingOh Well, there"s still tomorrowOh Well, a fool"s what I amOh Well, maybe just maybeOh Well, there"s still tomorrowOh Well, I"ll try againOh Well, maybe just maybeSee if I got down on my knees and gave you every little part of me.Oh Well, there"s still tomorrowOh Well, I"ll try againOh Well, maybe just maybeSince you"ve been gone I"ve been lonely

Boyz II Men的《Never》 歌词

歌曲名称:NeverIn this world todayLove is scarce and far awayAnd your heart gets so afraidTo trust someoneAll the times he let you downThere was no love to be foundWell it"s not the endAnd you"ll love againNever, never let a broken heartTake a chance for love awayDon"t ever let it make you fall apartNever, never ever let the painTake your need for love awayNever, no neverAnd I know it seems hardOpen up, let down your guardsBut you owe it to your heartTo try againOh, comes the timeWhen we must changeWith the pastDon"t take the blameDon"t be ashamedNever, never let a broken heartTake a chance for love awayDon"t ever let it make you fall apartNever, never ever let the painTake your need for love awayNever, no neverI know, don"t be afraidAnother one you love againI know that you"ll be sorry girlBe strong before it"s too lateFor you to live in painPlease open up to loveNever, never let a broken heartDon"t ever let it make you fall apartNever, never ever let the painTake your need for love awayI know, don"t be afraidNever, no neverFor you will never findAnother one you love againI know that you"ll be sorry girl

Luxy boyz是什么意思

字面意思的话是奢侈的男孩们。 另外: 台北知名夜店LUXY常驻表演团队。 LUXY BOYZ 成立于2007年,全台首支以男性为主打的夜店表演者,所有成员均来自街舞界的箇中好手,基本舞龄都在8年以上,更是大大小小各种不同的街舞比赛中的常胜军。随后代表LUXY, MTV 在全台的夜店巡回表演,获得许多支持和肯定。累积了两年经验后,开始往更强烈的视觉效果发展。 2009年6月更自制研发出了LED-MAN ,利用LED 亮光在黑暗中创造幻象,加上表演者的肢体演出,结合出创意的火花; 同年,更创作出以从头到脚全身包覆的紧身衣惊爆造型,舞者从充满男性力量的舞蹈,瞬间转变为非常女性的舞蹈,性别的模糊表现,成功的让现场气氛引爆,更是舞蹈表演历史里面的一大创举,。不同于一般在夜店中看到清一色的性感女舞者或是肌肉猛男秀,持续加入心血的LUXY BOYZ ,现今有魔术师、特技人员、 B-boy ,并不断开发和学习新的表演项目,除了舞台上的表演,大型活动的Side-show ,为厂商及表演制作特殊的服装造型,与现场观众的互动能力,都是全台首屈一指的。 LUXY BOYZ 除了舞台上下的表演能力外,最主要就是他们的创意和执行专案的能力,任何场合、公关活动、艺人演出都是他们最常接触的领域,专业努力的态度是他们成功之钥。如今, LUXY BOYS 更进化,也更令人期待他们在派对中展现出更与众不同的精彩演出。麻烦采纳,谢谢!

Boyz II Men的《U Know》 歌词

歌曲名:U Know歌手:Boyz II Men专辑:IiU KnowBoyz II MenI heard you"re gonna leave meI"ve known it for a whileI wasn"t naive to the newsMy mind just couldn"t walk a mileI only see you with meCause I know the things you likeI know all that you believeAnd all the plans of your lifeSo take a minute to understand meTo reevaluate your mindI"m everything you needAnd in this world a good man is hard to findAnd I know you"ll miss meWhen all is said and doneYou"ll think about this dayAnd then you"ll realizeI was the one you knowYou knowthat all you need is in me and you knowThat my love"s all right and BabyYou knowI can"t be denied girl You knowooh you knowGave you all a man could give ya,Made sure I found the timeTo keep it all together, but the way you"reTreating me ain"t rightCan"t understand itWhy you"re doing me the wayYou"re doing do you enjoy to see our loveFade awayCan"t face the world without yaCan"t even sleep at nightGave you all that I treasuredAnd I tried to love you with all my mightAnd I know you"ll miss me when all is said and doneYou"ll think about this dayAnd then you"ll realizeI was the one you knowYou knowthat all you need is in me and you knowThat my love"s all right and BabyYou knowI can"t be denied girl You knowooh you know you knowthat all you need is in me and you knowThat my love"s all right and BabyYou knowI can"t be denied girl You knowooh you knowYou know You know You knowI can"t be denied girl You knowooh you knowooh you know you knowthat all you need is in me and you knowThat my love"s all right and BabyYou knowI can"t be denied girl You knowooh you knowyou knowthat all you need is in me and you knowYou knowI can"t be denied girl You knowooh you knowyou knowthat all you need is in me and you knowYou knowI can"t be denied girl You know

终极一班4主题曲是什么谁唱的 Boyz On Fire歌词介绍

终极一班4主题曲 《 Boyz On Fire》《Boyz On Fire》是台湾男团SpeXial演唱的歌曲,由Jerry Feng填词、纪佳松谱曲。歌词:宏正:  We"re 烈火团 S-P-E-X-I-A-L  心太炽热原谅我闯入你的结界 my girl  伟晋:  不管你有什么理由  睡什么觉 我现在就要  要你  伟晋/ALL:  举起双手摆到空中  跟我一起shake shake  Evan:  火速前进 我让你无法呼吸  爆烈的音波 任谁都快要窒息  以纶:  Yo 你听不到你跟我叫  你抓不到我的韵调  Take a note tryna stop my flow  你给我回家睡觉  明杰:  愿 这青春 都 如火燃烧  奔放跳跃  ALL:  Baby  明杰:  用 心中 的 火焰 让生命热闹  以纶/Evan:  I"m gonna make it fast  Make it strong  Make your 全身发光  Make your 全身发光  ALL:  Boys on fire  Riley/Evan/ALL:  Put your hands up  晨翔/宏正/明杰:  Yes  ALL:  We the S-P-E-X-I-A-L come on  Give me hot attack  Give me give me hot attack  Give me hot attack  Give me give me hot attack  Give me hot attack  Don"t give me heart attack  ALL:  We the S-P-E-X-I-A-L come on  晨翔:  Yo 跟你说  I"m on my way  地心引力 on my chest  明杰:  High 到破表  Hot 到发烧  冰麒麟也挡不住  teddy:  不管你有什么理由  睡什么觉我现在就要  宏正/ 风田:  要你  宏正/ 风田/ALL:  举起双手摆到空中  跟我一起shake shake  伟晋/Evan:  火速前进 我让你无法呼吸  爆烈的音波任谁都快要窒息  ALL:  Hey now  风田:  放弃你对抗我的权力  ALL:  Hey now  风田:  现在就跟我一起  明杰:  愿 这青春 都 如火燃烧  奔放跳跃  ALL:  Baby  伟晋/宏正:  用 心中的 火焰 让生命热闹  Riley/Evan:  I"m gonna make it fast  Make it strong  Make your 全身发光  Make your 全身发光  Make your 全身发光  ALL:  Boys on fire  Riley/Evan/ALL:  Put your hands up  晨翔/宏正/明杰:  Yes  ALL:  We the S-P-E-X-I-A-L come on  Evan/Riley/伟晋:  Give me hot attack  Give me give me hot attack  Give me hot attack  Give me give me hot attack  Give me hot attack  Don"t give me heart attack  ALL:  We the S-P-E-X-I-A-L come on  ALL:  我 现在就 要  Riley/Evan/ALL:  Put your hands up  Put your hands up  Put your hands up  Put your hands up  晨翔/宏正/明杰:  Yes  ALL:  We the S-P-E-X-I-A-L come on  Evan/Riley:  Give me hot attack  Give me give me hot attack  Give me hot attack  Give me give me hot attack  Give me hot attack  Don"t give me heart attack  ALL:  We the S-P-E-X-I-A-L come on

I LOVE YOU BOYZ的《大饮茶》 歌词

歌名:大饮茶歌手:I Love You Boyz作曲:Eric Kwok 作词:I Love You Boyz高级的知客着高叉推点心的阿婶无脚不收加一你喜欢吗一家几口坐低放一日假叹返吓亲戚都有几百出世至今亦未曾碰面执起手机 喂老友记 很想见你帮帮手睇吓隔离边个未来 边个未来呀每日每日都是sunny day继续黑起块面无道理叹啖普洱放下那啖气hey buddy buddyit"s a sunny day你又争俾钱咪再做戏到第7day早霸位去约会你一班师奶杀到争位孤伶伶一个恰我细想找帮手但却失忆边位表姐lon把有34 记一记听到音乐响起几个舅父将新抱举起边位download了F4的歌呀喂听真D先发现系咯两个人 边两个人


root of money boyz 公司(简称RMBZ,中文翻译作“雕祖兄弟”)“雕祖”为中国最古老的钱币的名称,公司取其意为“钱之源头”的含义。英文其意为 源自富足的兄弟们。

You And Me (Boys Will Be Boyz Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:You And Me (Boys Will Be Boyz Album Version)歌手:Newsboys专辑:Boys Will Be BoyzYou And MeLifehouseBy: Elven Chunwhat day is itand in what monththis clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep upand I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timecause it"s you and me and all of the peoplewith nothing to donothing to loseand it"s you and me and all of the peopleand I don"t know whyI can"t keep my eyes off of youall of the things that I want to sayjust aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping inwardsyou got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from herecause it"s you and me and all of the peoplewith nothing to donothing to proveand it"s you and me and all of the peopleand I don"t know whyI can"t keep my eyes off of youthere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outeverything she does is beautifuleverything she does is rightcause it"s you and me and all of the peoplewith nothing to donothing to loseand it"s you and me and all of the peopleand I don"t know whyI can"t keep my eyes off of youyou and me and all of the peoplewith nothing to donothing to proveand it"s you and me and all of the peopleand I don"t know whyI can"t keep my eyes off of youthere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outeverything she does is beautifuleverything she does is rightcause it"s you and me and all of the peoplewith nothing to donothing to loseand it"s you and me and all of the peopleand I don"t know whyI can"t keep my eyes off of youcause it"s you and me and all of the peoplewith nothing to donothing to losewhat day is itand in what monththis clock never seemed so alive

Boyz II Men-the color of love歌词

I was lonely我很孤单I needed someone to see me through我需要谁来看穿我I was at the end of my rope我是拉紧的绳子I needed some one to cut me loose (someone)我需要谁来将我松紧(谁)Then an angel out of the blue突然一个天使Gave me the sense that I给了我感觉Might make it through让我撑了过来And somehow I survived我总算活了过来With no rhyme or reason没有韵律或理由And now I know I"ll make it我知道我做到了Through the miracle of you因为你带来的奇迹I know the color of love我知道爱的颜色And it lives inside of you长驻你的心中I know the color of truth我知道真理的颜色It"s in the image of you在你的样子中If it comes from the heart如果它来自心中Then you know that it"s true你就会知道这是真的It will color your soul它会让你的灵魂带来色彩Like a rainbow (Like a rainbow)就象彩虹(就象彩虹)And the color of love is in you 爱的颜色在你心中Colors and colors and.........颜色。。颜色Like a bridge 就象一座桥Over troubled, troubled waters跨越烦恼,烦恼之水You stood beside me (stood beside me)你站在我身边And your love will not falter (your love did not falter)你的爱不会踌躇And then the angel, the angel in you 天使,天使在你心中Gave the strength to know (gave me the strenght)给我力量让我知道 That I will get through我会撑过去And that"s how I survived这就是我怎样重生"Aint no other reason没别的理由And now I know I"ll make it现在我知道我能做到Through the miracle of you因为你给的奇迹O....哦So girl I wanna thank you女孩我想谢谢你I can"t thank you enough我怎样都谢不完For showing me the meaning是你向我展示The meaning of true love爱的意义When I was lost and so in need当我迷失陷于危急You opened you heart (opened up your heart)你敞开心扉I needed you to comfort me我需要你安慰我You opened you arms (opened up your arms)你敞开双臂I couldn"t face another day我不能再面对下一天You said don"t be afraid你说不要害怕You showed my heart 你敞开我的心扉Showed me the way........给我带路

New Boyz-Call You歌词(最好中文的也有~)

歌手:lil jon & the east side boyz [Lil" Jon talking:]Yeah!Right about now (whats up)It"s time for the real nigga roll callNow when you hear your city or state being calledYou put your motherfuckin" middle finger up in this bitchATL, St. Louis, Alabahma, Chicago, The Carolina"s, Nap Town,DC, The Bay Area, VA, Miami, New York niggas, texas, You know[Lil" Jon:]Ya"ll niggas can"t fuck wit my niggas ho [Lil" Jon and Ice Cube:]Mothafuck that nigga, Mothafuck that bitch [Lil" Jon:]Ya"ll bitchesCome on flexin" ass flauntin" ass niggasMy NiggasBe some real ass treal ass niggasYour niggasBe some ho ass pussy ass niggasMy NiggasBe some head-bustin" gangsta ass niggasYour NiggasBe some runnin" and scared ass niggasMy NiggasBe some Roy Jone beat ya ass niggasYour NiggasBe some cake and handcuffin" ass niggasMy NiggasBe some "Send them hoes out!" ass niggasYour NiggasBe some tricking "Don"t pay them hoes!" ass niggasMy NiggasBe some Don Juan piumpin" ass niggasYour NiggasBe some 22 havin" ass niggasMy NiggasBe some chopper street sweepin" ass niggasYour NiggasThem ol" half ounce sellin" ass niggasMy NiggasBe some dirty bird movin" ass niggasYour NiggasBe some kissin" security ass ass niggasMy NiggasFuck them hoes and let "em know ass niggas[Ice Cube:]See I"ma mean niggaYouse afraid niggaOl" pretend niggaSmile and grin niggaI hate a false niggasDiana Ross niggaSo if ya lost niggaMeet tha boss niggaHe"s a super niggaGrin and groupa niggaAct stupid niggaI"ll fuckin" nuke tha niggaCuz youse a happy niggaAnd ima nappy niggaFuckin" scrappy niggaMeet ya pappy niggaIts ice cube niggaAnd lil jon niggaSo if ya drunk niggaKeep it crunk niggaTil" you punk niggaFeel tha bump niggaGet yo testifying ass in tha trunk niggaYou wanna tell niggaI"ll dump a shell niggaSend a frail niggaStr8 ta hell niggaThats ya shelter niggaHelp-a-skelta niggaAnd when I belt a niggaThey"ll know nigga[Lil Jon Talking:]YeahI see you and your lil click up in tha club niggaI see ya"ll niggas over there talkin" that shitBut you know what niggaBitch niggas get dealt wit motherfuckin" real quick[Ice Cube:]Here we come boyReal niggas shoot ta kill betta run boyOr you can tell me how I feel as aReal niggaWhich niggaGo get a bitch niggaNo betterHoes better do what I sayCuz I"m insane in tha brainBitch I got rip chains in my veinsReal niggas never changeWe just let it bangRoll thru tha gutter laneDaddy said let "em hangAnd cut "em like its butter mayneSkeet skeet skeetNaw thats tha other mayneCuz my skeet never leaveGotta struggle mayneTNA ain"t workin" niggas DNAThat crazy bitch"ll have ya ass off E&JFake niggas got these real bitches bein" gayTil my peoples come around its like night and dayNow she wanna change her god and the way she prayAuthentic niggas all know thats tha playa way[Lil Jon:]We runnin this bitchYa"ll niggas ain"t shitWe runnin this bitchYa"ll niggas ain"t shitWe in tha club gettin" crunkYou in tha club gettin" stompedWe in tha club gettin" crunkYou in tha club gettin" stompedWe in tha hood on tha blockYou in tha hood gettin" shotWe in tha hood on tha blockYou in tha hood gettin" shotWe quick ta show you what we boutYou quick to run ya fuckin" mouthWe quick ta show you what we boutYou quick to run ya fuckin" mouthReal niggas from tha eastAnd we got a fuckin" pieceReal niggas from tha eastAnd we got a fuckin" pieceWe against tha niggas from tha westPuttin" holes in ya vestWe against tha niggas from tha westPuttin" holes in ya vestMy midwest niggas hardQuick ta pull ya fuckin" cardMy midwest niggas hardQuick ta pull ya fuckin" cardAnd down south we set if offBlow ya fuckin" face offAnd down south we set if offBlow ya fuckin" face off (real nigga roll call!) 不好意思哈~中文实在弄不出...你将就下吧~

美国机车电影Biker.Boyz 狂飙少年(中文名) (又名蛇行太保)哪个站可以观看 狂飙少年 Biker Boyz_电影资料,免费电影下载,迅雷下载,BT下载

Boyz II Men的《Dear God》 歌词

歌曲名:Dear God歌手:Boyz II Men专辑:EvolutionFM Static - Dear GodDear God I wrote this letter,To put my thoughts on paper,Sometimes life seems like a criminal,Without a well planned caperI know You"re the answer,But I forget the question,How do I know You love me,When no one else, seems to careI"ve tried everything I thought,Might help me understand things,And it didn"t tell me anything,Or even play my heart stringsSo I"m writing You this letter,To wait for Your reply,I am so tired, of not believing,I"ll give You a tryI don"t know, but I got this feeling,That today"s gonna be my turning point,Everyday I get a little bit closer,It feels so good to finally be overI don"t know, but I think I"m learning,This type of thing,Never been my calling card,Sometimes you just gotta look closer,Instead of searchin" so hardSo when I start to get down,And the world fills up around me,And my head startsSpinnin" like a top,From the way my heart beat"s poundingI can look up for a second,And know that I"m alright,I spent so long, not believing,It"s my turn to flyI don"t know, but I got this feeling,That today"s gonna be my turning point,Everyday I get a little bit closer,It feels so good to finally be overAnd I don"t know, but I think I"m learning,This type of thing,never Been my calling card,Sometimes you just gotta look closer,Instead of searchin" so hardI don"t know, but I got this feeling,That today"s gonna be my turning point,Everyday I get a little bit closer,It feels so good to finally be overI don"t know, but I think I"m learning,This type of thing,Never been my calling card,Sometimes you just gotta look closer,Instead of searchin" so hard

求Boyz II Men: Oh Well的歌词翻译

新诗1 既然你已经走了我一直在孤独 渴望与你同在只 也许还有一种方法我可以找到你说 只是我的感觉 我不能相信这是在 希望我能以某种方式表明她 所有这一切是在我的心 "代替玩游戏 您可能会留 乙条第1 有趣的,公正的其他夜 我想 不知道如果你想 关于我 我请你一个电话 没有答案 钩1 噢以及还有明天 噢以及我会再试一次 噢以及也许只是也许 新诗2 既然你已经走了我一直在孤独 渴望与你同在只 如果有一种方式我可以请您留 请你留在我 乙,第2节 我想也许我 可能会超过 希望我们终于可以 工作了这一点 即使今晚我们不 找到答案 钩1 大桥 如果我有一次机会 我们的立场 携手共进 您想成为我的女孩 我会是你的男人 噢以及也许只是也许我们可以 乙,第3款 我还是打电话给你的电话 仍然没有答案 也许以后我会尽力 一次是 还是我只是一个傻瓜 将继续尝试 钩2 噢以及还有明天 噢以及傻瓜就是我 噢以及也许只是也许 噢以及尽管如此,仍然有明天 噢以及我会再试一次 噢以及也许只是也许 如果我看到了我的膝盖上 并给您每一个小部分箱 噢以及还有明天 噢以及我会再试一次 噢以及也许只是也许 既然你已经走了我一直在孤独




歌曲名:柚子歌手:I LOVE YOU BOYZ专辑:2012年03月新歌速递I Love You Boyz - 柚子作曲:徐继宗填词:ILUB编曲:徐继宗监制:徐继宗除下一身 旧西装大肚腩两只臂弯极壮没女友 没拍档 独居两百尺富贵劏房旧友街边碰面 明笑暗寸 我沧桑下次赏面饮茶来到再讲陈旧相簿 逐个看 旧波友个个坦胸露膊射断脚 又再驳 学戴志伟要踢去德国电话粥煲一夜熬到八点 又上学我的青春快乐如捧捧糖溶掉在咀巴里不知不觉回看那十几的我 (yesterday~ yesterday~)仍像片白纸的我 (aiyiaaa~ aiyiaaa~)男孩像我有很多 年龄大様子青春 太错不想结婚几多个回看那十几的我 (yesterday~ yesterday~)仍像片白纸的我 (aiyiaaa~ aiyiaaa~)男孩集结似花朵 明明会长出柚子数个不想结果拖一拖同学小息 像派对 未够秤叫我打机亦去烂闪哠 又一堆 硬胶公仔藏在被窝里暗恋师姐秘密传遍每班 每角落我的青春快乐如爆炸糖燃亮在光阴里不知不觉回看那十几的我 (yesterday~ yesterday~)仍像片白纸的我 (aiyiaaa~ aiyiaaa~)男孩像我有很多 年龄大様子青春 太错不想结婚几多个回看那十几的我 (yesterday~ yesterday~)仍像片白纸的我 (aiyiaaa~ aiyiaaa~)男孩像我有很多 沉迷在漫画公园百货拒绝成长可不可我 乱吹水 为某某会爱到9十岁十8岁 又过去 做足7天6晚好醉5次失恋 4唔去 转眼已经3张2块胸肌1旧 男孩已经 过去......

Boyz II Men的《First Love》 歌词

歌曲名:First Love歌手:Boyz II Men专辑:COVERED-Winter-Boyz II Men - First Lovethe last kiss we sharedtasted like a winesweet and bitter like our memoriesand i"m alone for you tocome right back to metomorrow the time will be the same as todaynothing goes on in my heartexcept your memorieswhere will youbeing who with youthink ofyou are always gonna be my loveand you should knoweven if i fall in love with somebody elsei remember to loveyou taught me howyou"re always gonna be the oneand for nowi"ll still be singing this love song forsomebody like youmy first lovetime after timebaby, i"ll tryto forget about our life togetherbut the memory look so, so hard to let gotomorrow the time will be the same as todaytrying to hold back the tears, thinking of youall i want is to be with you once moresaid you will will always be inside my heartand you should knowthat i wish i coulda never let you goi hope that i have a place in your heart,toonow and forever still the oneand for now i"ll still be singing this love song forsomebody like you my first loveyou are always gonna be my loveand you should knoweven if i fall in love with somebody elsei remember to love you taught me howyou"re always gonna be the onei"ll still be singing this love song forsomebody like youmy first love

L.A.Boyz的《好兄弟》 歌词

歌曲名:好兄弟歌手:L.A.Boyz专辑:Very Much好兄弟软硬天师BY:可爱小野猫好兄弟前事不提谁没有一起抢过玩具争凳仔做兄弟似对夫妻缘份一黎然后一齐同渡安危今生有幸共你(永冇劳气)唔要烂尾讲心讲金讲乜我都制讲一世好兄弟闲话休提蒙著眼一于跟你撑到天脚底做兄弟莫问身世无大虾细无反骨仔无食塞米即使壮士断臂能够为你挡刀挡枪挡乜我都制出生入死无乜计我梗制上刀山落火海你仆低我为你去垫底讲一声你喜欢共患难落地狱冇问题有今生冇来世爱黄金更爱兄弟心口挂住义气唔似做戏好好睇睇总之无失礼好矜贵上刀山无所谓落火海你仆低我为你去垫底讲一声你喜欢共患难落地狱冇问题有今生冇来世打生打死有乜好睇拜关公拜上帝反台反凳认真失礼好兄弟不分高矮坐低倾计(咪将心当做肺)捐心捐肺 捐窿都制好兄弟有钱出钱有计出计冇金捞送白米吞火吞剑吞一包米好兄弟好好睇睇 好好睇睇有今生冇来世天空海阔 点少得..喂好兄弟

求victoria justice唱的l.a.boyz 的歌词!!

Driving down Sunset on a Saturday nightIt"s getting kinda crazy under the lightsAnd we don"t care where we"re passing our timeWatching those LA boys go by In the drop tops, Harley, Escalades tooA hundred different flavors to vary your viewThere"s one for me and there"s one for youWatching them LA boys roll throughLooking so hot down in HollywoodYou know they got, got the goods soLets give it up for those LA boysRiding the waves up in MalibuThey really get, get to youSo lets give it up for those LA boysGive it up, give it up, you don"t have no choiceGive it up, give it up for the LA BoysWest side, east side, everywhere betweenRock stars jamming, in the promenade for freeFlipping a skateboard, on venice beachLA boys, come play with meTurn it up, Turn it upCome play with me.Looking so hot down in HollywoodYou know they got, got the goods soLet"s give it up for those LA BoysRiding the waves up in MalibuThey really get, get to you soLets give it up for the LA boysI put your number in my phone ehMaybe I"ll call you maybe notWhat are you doing all aloneCome show me what you got boy Show me what you got got boyWhat you got boy Show me what you got Looking so hot down in HollywoodYou know they hot, got the goods soLets give it up for those LA boysRiding the waves up in MalibuThey really get, get to you soLets give it up for those LA boysGive it up for the LA boys (x6)Lets give it up for those LA boys


Boyz II Men成立于1988年,其四个成员Shawn Stockman(1972.9.26--)、Wanya Morris(1973.7.29--)、Nathan Morris(1971.6.18--)以及Micheal McMary(1972.12.16--)都是费城音乐学校(the Creative & Performing Arts High School)的学生。当他们发现四个人的声音混和在一起要比一个人独唱悦耳得多的时候,他们走到了一起。 一开始,乐队在学校、街头巷尾以及地铁站台上演出。他们称自己为“独一无二的吸引力”乐队(Unique Attraction)。1989年,在费城的斯威克尔中心(Philadelphia Civic Center)进行演出的时候,乐队说服了他们的偶像必温斯莱(Micheal Bivins)听他们的新歌《你能经受这雨吗》(Can You Stand the Rain)。必温斯莱被他们的演唱深深地打动了,经过男孩们的死缠烂打,Bivins最终答应做他们的经纪人并成功跟Motown唱片公司谈成了一笔生意,他建议把乐队的名字改为Boyz II Men,这是《心碎》(Heartbreak)专辑中的一首新歌的名字。 1991年5月,Boyz II Men发行了处女专辑Cooleyhighharmory,该名源于1975年一出名为Cooley High的黑人喜剧。这张专辑取得了巨大的成功。其中的第一首单曲《莫顿菲利》(Motownphilly)在6月份的排行榜(Billboard)上排到了第三,第二首单曲《与昨日难以说再见》(It"s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday)(也是源于Cooley High剧中一首曲子)在10月份时升为亚军曲目。迄今为止,这张专辑仅在美国的销量就超过了700万张。 之后,Boyz II Men成了R&B唱片公司的一切从开创新纪元的招牌人物。他们的外貌以及平和的风度成为青少年的偶像。媒介分别给予他们的评价是:Wanya热情奔放,Nate严肃认真,Shawn柔美成熟而Mike就秉承了黑人的传统品质。 BOYZ II MEN的音乐魅力更不止是那些浪漫情歌,对于这样一支超级合唱团来说,他们配合默契、和声优美的多声部清唱才是显示他们强大实力的最佳方式。错落有致、珠圆玉润 1、you taught me everything 2、Girl you know we belong together 3、All around the world 4、Baby Cmon 5、Don"t just fine 6、fallin 7、I"ll make love to you

在哪能弄到泰国专辑dem crazy boyz的歌词 ?

Copyrights do not allow these lyrics to be displayed on the net.You can support the artist by purchasing the sheet music.A place to buy the lyrics would be

Boyz II Men为何解散?








———死性不改谐音歌词———en爱 en哦 拽 gin new哦滴宠爱随月自1搜贼总一爱内赞哦tin僧后爱拔月汗zhen哦累嗨同泵呀哇哦锁嘿fuen搜宠能月岑嘚摘桑哦杨tin僧根泵豆瓣后一爱C森冰嘚呀过某奈内zhei够刺给哦凡C呀自1倒哦给多哈桑嘚高锁哦亦挨的过来sin风 来顶否走给倒哦麽随领爱走都真爱sinsin哦拔桑改与哦某有你定爱哦某法喔的来岑羊嘚群拽C哦重来都自1摘难摘哦拱搜养爱哦怕后呀拔后踹难痛内被爱都有害哦call森tin增拔未chuo威雷为一三tin海同泵呀哇哦锁嘿fuen搜宠能月岑嘚摘桑哦杨tin僧根泵豆瓣后一爱C森冰嘚呀过某奈内zhei够刺给哦凡C呀自1倒哦给多哈桑嘚高锁哦亦挨的过来sin风 来顶否走给倒哦麽随领爱走都真爱sinsin哦拔桑改与哦某有你定爱哦某法喔的来岑羊嘚群拽C哦重来都自1摘难摘哦拱搜养爱杨tin僧根泵豆瓣后一爱C森冰嘚呀过某奈内zhei够刺给哦凡C呀自1倒哦给多哈桑嘚高锁哦亦挨的过来sin风 来顶否走给倒哦麽随领爱走都真爱sinsin哦拔桑改与哦某有你定爱哦某法喔的来岑羊嘚群拽C哦重来都自1摘难摘哦拱搜养爱

洛城三兄弟 L.A.BOYZ歌词下载

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 闪,跳,ya!,O-LAY,YONG GUNS歌词地址??? 很喜欢他们的RAP~~ 解析: 闪 作词:La Boyz/武雄 作曲:罗百吉闪!with ease, i"ll please and tease, you see groove keep me moving making others freeze my style, is a style that could mever be mild but whrn a dumb m.c. gets wild i"ll just arch my brows, bite back my lips for i"ve got the mood for a groove that bits my adrenalines pumping like a rising tide which brings forth. the hulx inside . 好胆别走 好胆别走 e on. e on just bust a move 好胆别走 好胆别走 e on e on just bust a move 好胆别走 好胆别走 e on . e on. just bust a move 好胆别走 好胆别走 e on, everybody just bust a move. 闪! 闪! 闪! i understand that i can"t be beat to those that just don"t dare to pete i"ll pat your back, take off my hat as a charity, to the scared adversary boom, boom, just see my body flow with the bass. i"ll see fear in your face, cuz i"m winning the race those with the eyes that are mystified will swear they just withessed gravity defied. go posse! go posse! go posse! go! go! go! posse! go posse! go posse! go! go! go! posse! go posse! go posse! go! go! posse! go posse! go posse! go! now the petition bows, to the bhuddas , the teachers, the holy intellects, never in this world has there been such a dialect my duty to the public is to sever and to protect just like heman, i have the power of grayskull every second spent with me can never be dull i"m silky *** ooth like a lady"s breasts with qualities that none others can possess. 跳 作词:罗百吉/L.A.Boyz/武雄 作曲:罗百吉 编曲:罗百吉 跳 跳 跳乎伊爽 跳 跳 跳乎伊勇 跳 跳 跳甲要起疯 (Steve) I AM JUMPING AND I"M HUMPING AND I"M PUMPING TO THE BEAT AND I NEVER EVER MET A RAPPER FASTER THAN ME WHTI THE BIG FAT BLABBER MOUTH RAPPERS OF THE 90"S JERRY"S GONNA MAKE HIS RAP FUNKY IN CHINESE FIRST YOU GOTTA START OFF WITH THE ABC"S THEN YOU GOTTA LEARN IT LIKE THE TAIWANESE ㄅㄆㄇㄈSURE SOUNDS EASY TO ME BUT THEN YA GOTTA SPELL IT LA BOYS Don"t you ever think about trying to pete cuz I"m doing damige to all rappers even as I speak faster than the speed of light, you can call me superman excuse me, I mean you better call me superman super good looks, super like a man, super cool, super fix, super fast, super slick, super in tennis ball, super in basketball, super in manigement, super intelligent! 跳 跳 跳乎伊爽 跳 跳 跳乎伊勇 跳 跳 跳甲要起疯 跳 跳 没跳冻未著 跳EVERYBODY跳EVERYBODY跳 (Stan) HERE WE GO YO THE ZIPPITY ZOOM STYLE OF THE P TO THE LA WIGGIOA BOY YEAH JUST FOR US 3 MAYBE YOU"LL SEE THE Z STRAIGHT-UP TAIWANESE SOUL WHY CAUSE CASTAPPO IS PERPETRATING THEIR IMAGE IS IMITAING US THAT"S WHAT REALLY REALLY MIGGIDY MAKES HIP HOP FUNKY BASS BOOM BUMPING NOW IT"S TIME EVERYBODY START JUMPING Young Guns 作词:杨黎苏 作曲:陶吉吉 编曲:陶吉吉 年少得意不是只有轻狂 恣意青春不是没有方向 面对疑惑我会自己衡量 Here we go Here we go 挺起胸膛迎接所有风浪 超越自己就是超越阻挡 不怕挫败我的斗志坚强 Here we go Here we go Stop!别用那种批判的眼光 新潮古怪也是特别的包装 挡不住那火热般的心肠 让我们一起塑造划时代的偶像 Young Guns Everybody loves you Young Guns 你是我的朋友 Stop!忘了失意带来的颓丧 Young Guns 做自己的偶像 满怀柔情就像猫咪一样 满怀自信就像钢铁一样 顶天立地一切自己担当 Here we go Here we go Stop!抛开那种狭窄的眼光 尽情发挥你我特别的想像 让所有那火热般的心肠 让我们一起成为划时代的偶像 Young Guns Everybody wants you Young Guns 你是我的朋友 凝聚每一个人心中的力量 Young Guns 划时代的偶像 只找到这三首~



洛城三兄弟 L.A.BOYZ歌词下载

闪作词:La Boyz/武雄 作曲:罗百吉闪!with ease, i"ll please and tease,you see groove keep me moving making others freeze my style,is a style that could mever be mildbut whrn a dumb m.c. gets wild i"ll just arch my brows,bite back my lips for i"ve got the mood for a groove thatbits my adrenalines pumping like a rising tide which brings forth.the hulx inside .好胆别走 好胆别走 come on. come on just bust a move好胆别走 好胆别走 come on come on just bust a move好胆别走 好胆别走 come on . come on. just bust a move好胆别走 好胆别走 come on, everybody just bust a move.闪! 闪! 闪! i understand that i can"t be beatto those that just don"t dare to compete i"ll pat your back,take off my hat as a charity, to the scared adversary boom, boom,just see my body flow with the bass. i"ll see fear in your face, cuz i"m winning the race those with the eyesthat are mystified will swear they just withessed gravity defied.go posse! go posse! go posse!go! go! go! posse! go posse! go posse! go! go! go! posse!go posse! go posse! go! go! posse! go posse! go posse! go!now the competition bows, to the bhuddas , the teachers,the holy intellects,never in this world has there been such a dialectmy duty to the public is to sever and to protect just like heman,i have the power of grayskull every second spentwith me can never be dull i"m silky smooth like a lady"sbreasts with qualities that none others can possess.跳作词:罗百吉/L.A.Boyz/武雄 作曲:罗百吉 编曲:罗百吉跳 跳 跳乎伊爽跳 跳 跳乎伊勇跳 跳 跳甲要起疯(Steve)I AM JUMPING AND I"M HUMPING AND I"M PUMPING TO THE BEATAND I NEVER EVER MET A RAPPER FASTER THAN MEWHTI THE BIG FAT BLABBER MOUTH RAPPERS OF THE 90"SJERRY"S GONNA MAKE HIS RAP FUNKY IN CHINESEFIRST YOU GOTTA START OFF WITH THE ABC"STHEN YOU GOTTA LEARN IT LIKE THE TAIWANESEㄅㄆㄇㄈSURE SOUNDS EASY TO MEBUT THEN YA GOTTA SPELL IT LA BOYSDon"t you ever think about trying to competecuz I"m doing damige to all rappers even as I speakfaster than the speed of light, you can call me supermanexcuse me, I mean you better call me supermansuper good looks, super like a man,super cool, super fix, super fast, super slick, super in tennis ball, super in basketball,super in manigement, super intelligent!跳 跳 跳乎伊爽跳 跳 跳乎伊勇跳 跳 跳甲要起疯跳 跳 没跳冻未著跳EVERYBODY跳EVERYBODY跳(Stan)HERE WE GO YO THE ZIPPITY ZOOM STYLE OF THE P TO THELA WIGGIOA BOY YEAH JUST FOR US 3 MAYBE YOU"LL SEETHE Z STRAIGHT-UP TAIWANESE SOUL WHY CAUSECASTAPPO IS PERPETRATING THEIR IMAGE IS IMITAING USTHAT"S WHAT REALLY REALLY MIGGIDYMAKES HIP HOP FUNKY BASSBOOM BUMPING NOW IT"S TIME EVERYBODY START JUMPINGYoung Guns作词:杨黎苏 作曲:陶吉吉 编曲:陶吉吉年少得意不是只有轻狂 恣意青春不是没有方向面对疑惑我会自己衡量 Here we go Here we go挺起胸膛迎接所有风浪 超越自己就是超越阻挡不怕挫败我的斗志坚强 Here we go Here we goStop!别用那种批判的眼光新潮古怪也是特别的包装挡不住那火热般的心肠让我们一起塑造划时代的偶像Young Guns Everybody loves youYoung Guns 你是我的朋友Stop!忘了失意带来的颓丧Young Guns 做自己的偶像 满怀柔情就像猫咪一样 满怀自信就像钢铁一样顶天立地一切自己担当 Here we go Here we goStop!抛开那种狭窄的眼光尽情发挥你我特别的想像让所有那火热般的心肠让我们一起成为划时代的偶像Young Guns Everybody wants youYoung Guns 你是我的朋友凝聚每一个人心中的力量Young Guns 划时代的偶像只找到这三首~


台湾演唱团体  1992年的夏天,黄立行和哥哥、表弟合组了一个三人团体:L.A.Boyz,从"92-"97,这个名字代表的,是受到乐迷疯狂喜爱、L.A.Boyz里最帅的“弟弟”。  L.A.BOYZ(洛城三兄弟)当年有多红?——我说不上来,也没感觉。但是有几点是可以肯定的:一,L.A.BOYZ是台湾最早唱华语R&B和HIP-HOP(那时还不流行HIP-HOP或嘻哈这种说法,大多以RAP或饶舌称之)的人;二,L.A.BOYZ在台湾要比在内地红很多;三,如今炙手可热的“R&B教父”陶喆就是靠制作L.A.BOYZ开始发家。——光凭这几点,我们便可以知晓L.A.BOYZ在华语流行歌坛的重要历史意义了。  其实当年的L.A.BOYZ只是一个偶像团体,团员黄立成、黄立行和林智文是表兄弟,他们在洛城长大,属于典型的ABC,玩起HIP-HOP来自然像模像样,被台湾的制作人在美国发掘,于1992年在台湾正式发片出道。  L.A.BOYZ在当年的台湾,不但带来了新的音乐,而且带来了美式的街头热舞和穿着,令人耳目一新之余也成为青少年急于模仿的对象。L.A.BOYZ出道时,最小的弟弟黄立行还刚刚只有18岁,兄弟几人穿梭于学业和工作间,忙得不亦乐乎。1997年,L.A.BOYZ正式解散,退出歌坛,在一段时间内也离开了台湾,直到2000年黄立行重回台湾歌坛出片。


girls歌手:boy"z k:girls 可否不要哭欣彷佛灾劫将到难道待你好长留在你身旁数步s:girls 风险苦困因素怎阻挡我飞舞宁愿代价高仍是愿意选这一套 k:路上有雾仍然没有问回报祈求是你别投诉让我飞得更高 b:男孩是越怕做越要做未却步未怕受罪亦未惧趺倒别怨总会冷落你但这一切是为你去做男孩若论态度是冷傲乐与怒负了重任默默待你好为爱心血也尽耗但你怎会看不到 k:girls 当嘴边贴胶布辛酸使我呕吐从未被吓到从未滴血怎能进步s:girls 想增加我分数篇篇给扣分数如为伴侣好离别便倒数太深奥 s:路上有雾仍然没有问回报祈求是你别投诉让我飞得更高 b:男孩是越怕做越要做未却步未怕受罪亦未惧趺倒别怨总会冷落你但这一切是为你去做男孩若论态度是冷傲乐与怒负了重任默默待你好为爱心血也尽耗但你怎会看不到 b:男孩是越怕做越要做未却步未怕受罪亦未惧趺倒别怨总会冷落你但这一切是为你去做男孩若论态度是冷傲乐与怒负了重任默默待你好为爱心血也尽耗但你怎会看不到 k:若闭起两眼共抱没说出也听得到歌曲:girls歌手:boy"z&刘思惠 m:boys 可否听我倾诉m:心声可会收到m:为何待你好m:无权在你身边散步m:boys 假使不顾一切m:天边海角飞舞m:其实未看到m:谁在为你哭与祷告k:路上有雾k:仍然没有问回报k:祈求是你别投诉k:让我飞得更高合:男孩是越怕做合:越要做未却步合:未怕受罪亦未惧跌倒合:别怨总会冷落你合:但这一切是为你去做合:男孩若论态度合:是冷傲乐与怒合:负了重任默默待你好合:为爱心血也尽耗合:但你怎会看不到m:boys 当咀边贴胶布m:都不想我知道m:原是为我好m:还是热爱的无间道m:boys 双方只有拥抱m:心底不接触到m:其实是友好m:还是在倒数你猜到s:路上有雾s:仍然没有问回报s:祈求是你别投诉s:让我飞得更高k:若闭起两眼共抱k:没说出也听得到

BOYZ 红眼馆 Lrc歌词 速度

ti:眼红馆][ar:Boy"Z][al:Boy"zone 男生围][by:我爱歌词网][00:00.00]主唱:Kenny 歌曲:眼红馆 [00:11.46]曲:林健华 词:周耀辉 [00:24.40]爱过的来合唱 [00:29.12]与万人拍掌光捧正闪亮 [00:34.61]回忆却更明亮 想到那一夜 [00:41.12]场内两个斗过安哥最响 [00:46.52]有过的成绝唱 [00:51.65]我仍然妄想呼喊够响亮 [00:57.16]或者再到台上不信这一段 [01:03.73]难道变了全无安哥的个唱 [01:09.19]ho...he...ho 哪位当晚吻我说场地冷 [01:16.85]ho...he...ho 哪位当晚与我去送玫瑰花 [01:23.86]发觉我正红着眼旧座位没有她 [01:29.68]就像盛事未到一次压轴就着了灯 [01:35.91]我信你也红着眼寂寞便在红馆中一起呼喊 [01:44.13]就算再多的嘈杂我失恋会喊 [01:53.04]喊过的来合唱 [02:01.16]会治疗创伤光捧变虚弱 [02:06.63]随即撇弃途上恋爱也一样 [02:13.06]还未见过全年演出的个唱 [02:18.76]ho...he...ho 哪位今晚吻我说场地冷 [02:26.41]ho...he...ho 哪位今晚与我去送玫瑰花 [02:33.28]发觉我正红着眼旧座位没有她 [02:39.10]就像盛事未到一次压轴就着了灯 [02:45.27]我信你也红着眼寂寞便在红馆中一起搜索 [02:53.23]就趁这分钟够黑我想起会喊 [03:03.07]ho...he...ho 哪位今晚吻我说场地冷 [03:10.01]ho...he...ho 哪位今晚与我去送玫瑰花 [03:16.97]发觉我正红着眼旧座位没有她 [03:22.51]就像盛事未到一次压轴就着了灯 [03:28.91]我信你也红着眼寂寞便在红馆中一起搜索 [03:37.36]就趁这分钟够黑我想起会喊



黑塔利亚阿尔角色歌C.B.C. (Cowboyz Boot Camp)和まわる地球ロンド罗马诺版和宅菊版的日文和中文的歌词。

CBCHands up, Hetalia!无駄な抵抗さ!手をあげたら そのまま Freeze!Welcome to my boot camp!今日から君も Cowboys!Hey, hey, hey, ho!!The West side to the East sideじゃじゃん!! ここで头の体操America のシンボル(动物)は何でしょう?答えなきゃ、三秒で制圧しちゃうぞ☆Oh my God, all my friends 悲しい时は俺の Cowboys camp で 元気出せばいいぞ拒めば、、决闘だっフライングu30fbガンマン、ファイヤーッインディアンは 嘘つかないぞ肉は 赤身が一番だぞ!Hey, ドイツ どうだぃ? 俺んちの Boot camp は☆1,2&push-up! あれ、、に、日本、大丈夫かぃ?あれ? イタリアはどこにいったんだぃ?もうリタイア? じゃあ、いつやるの??テンガロンハットに バンダナでGet moving, moving, let"s go!!Every day, we exercise!!Hey-yo, 俺は Cool な Cowboy!いつも心に Sweet Home America平和 维持が 重要な Themeよーし、全员集合!!Here we go, let"s dancing リズムにあわせて俺の Cowboys camp で エアロビクス!拒めば、决闘だっロデオu30fbドライブでショッピング☆チアリーダーも モデル达もCowboys 体操で ほら Shape, shape-up!!世界中で Boot camp!とりあえず 友情の印にコーラで乾杯だぞ☆Let"s enjoy, Hetalia!Let"s go to a gym tonight!!たくさんの种类のダイエットマシーンFoooo! 新しいのがあるじゃないかu301cよーし、装着! これで Beach の主役をゲットだ!ドルッフゥー☆Hands up, Hetalia!无駄な抵抗さ!手をあげたら そのまま Freeze!Welcome to my boot camp!もう君は立派な Cowboys!Hey, hey, hey, ho!!运动のあとには やっぱり Hamburger!テンガロンハットに バンダナで食べたらその分 Boot camp!!Every day, we exercise!!Next! Cowboys 体操第二…HYAHOu301c☆まるかいて地球さぁさぁ父上 お酌は如何もしもし母上 もしもし母上昔に食べた肉じゃがの あの味が忘れられないのですまるかいて地球 まるかいて地球まるかいて地球 日/本と申しますまるかいて地球 じっと见て地球ひょっとして地球 日本と申します呜呼 一笔で 见える素晴らしい世界白米は最高だ 天晴れだ『礼仪礼节を重んじる つつましやかな私もたまには 阳気な歌を歌うのさ』まるかいて地球 まるかいて地球まるかいて地球 日/本と申しますまるかいて地球 はっとして地球ふんぞりかえって地球 日本と申します呜呼 ひと煮込みで泣ける お袋の味『しらたきは细めが良い』晴れたら 日伞全开で 隠れみのなぁなぁ兄上 鲔(まぐろ)を顶戴ついでに姉上 山葵(わさび)を多めにオイオイ祖父(おおじ) 平和を誓おうハイハイ坊や 『其方(そち)の为にもだ』ぐいぐい父上 お酌は如何もしもし母上 もしもし母上昔に食べた肉じゃがのあの味が忘れられないのです暮らしの旨味は 春夏秋冬まるかいて地球 まるかいて地球まるかいて地球 日本と申します呜呼 一笔で 见える素晴らしい世界白米は最高だ 天晴れだ呜呼 世界中に 眠る幸せのレシピ醤油があれば 安心の 长旅だ来来,父亲,给我倒酒吧。呐呐,母亲,呐呐,母亲~您以前做过的土豆烧肉的味道我怎样也忘不掉呢~画个圆圆的地球,画个圆圆的地球,圆滚滚的地球上,在下是日/本。画个圆圆的地球,左看右看像地球,莫非真的是地球,在下是日/本~唔呼~一笔就画出个美好的世界,白米最高,晴天天晴!如此注重礼节的谦恭的我,偶尔也唱快乐的歌~画个圆圆的地球,画个圆圆的地球,圆滚滚的地球上,在下是日/本~画个圆圆的地球,突然惊觉是地球,大大咧咧坐上地球,在下是日/本~唔呼~用水煮一煮,就是催泪的幸福美味,(魔芋丝要切得细一点)如果天晴了,就打开阳伞,收起蓑衣吧!来来,兄长,给我鲔鱼~顺便,姐姐,多做些芥末~喂喂,祖父,我发誓要和平~是是,孩子,这是给你的哦~哟哟,父亲,给我倒酒吧~呐呐,母亲,呐呐,母亲~您以前做过的土豆烧肉的味道,我怎样也忘不掉呢!生活的趣味啊它就是——春夏秋冬!画个圆圆的地球,画个圆圆的地球,圆滚滚的地球上,在下是阿菊。唔呼~一笔就画出个美好的世界,白米最高,晴天天晴!啊,在世界各地,都沉睡著幸福的美味,有了酱油我就安心了,去长途旅行咯木有罗马诺版

黑塔利亚阿尔弗雷德角色歌C.B.C. (Cowboyz Boot Camp)的歌词。日文和中文的。

找不到中文的,只有日文Hands up, Hetalia!无駄な抵抗さ!手をあげたら そのまま Freeze!Welcome to my boot camp!今日から君も Cowboys!Hey, hey, hey, ho!!The West side to the East sideじゃじゃん!! ここで头の体操America のシンボル(动物)は何でしょう?答えなきゃ、三秒で制圧しちゃうぞ☆Oh my God, all my friends 悲しい时は俺の Cowboys camp で 元気出せばいいぞ拒めば、、决闘だっフライングu30fbガンマン、ファイヤーッインディアンは 嘘つかないぞ肉は 赤身が一番だぞ!Hey, ドイツ どうだぃ? 俺んちの Boot camp は☆1,2&push-up! あれ、、に、日本、大丈夫かぃ?あれ? イタリアはどこにいったんだぃ?もうリタイア? じゃあ、いつやるの??テンガロンハットに バンダナでGet moving, moving, let"s go!!Every day, we exercise!!Hey-yo, 俺は Cool な Cowboy!いつも心に Sweet Home America平和 维持が 重要な Themeよーし、全员集合!!Here we go, let"s dancing リズムにあわせて俺の Cowboys camp で エアロビクス!拒めば、决闘だっロデオu30fbドライブでショッピング☆チアリーダーも モデル达もCowboys 体操で ほら Shape, shape-up!!世界中で Boot camp!とりあえず 友情の印にコーラで乾杯だぞ☆Let"s enjoy, Hetalia!Let"s go to a gym tonight!!たくさんの种类のダイエットマシーンFoooo! 新しいのがあるじゃないかu301cよーし、装着! これで Beach の主役をゲットだ!ドルッフゥー☆Hands up, Hetalia!无駄な抵抗さ!手をあげたら そのまま Freeze!Welcome to my boot camp!もう君は立派な Cowboys!Hey, hey, hey, ho!!运动のあとには やっぱり Hamburger!テンガロンハットに バンダナで食べたらその分 Boot camp!!Every day, we exercise!!Next! Cowboys 体操第二…HYAHOu301c☆

New Boyz的《Backseat》 歌词

歌曲名:Backseat歌手:New Boyz专辑:AOL Sessions – EPNew Boyz Feat. The Cataracs & Dev - BackseatDon"t say a word just turn around and let me seeGirl you got something special something special for meIts way too many suckers in the VIPTell her get my car out frontTell me do you wanna kick it in the backseatI wanna get beside yaIn the backseatSo I can be your backseat driverIn the backseatI wanna get beside yaIn the backseatSo I can be your backseat driverYou see them girls with them high heels they got this party poppinThis aint no country club we bout to get this party rockinYou got girls that"s with the band lets get on top and let me see it thoughWait not in here we outta here jump in my vehicleCamaro long shiftShe just tryin to fit comfortablyShe like my orange camaro she said let"s ride up and trick or treatLike damn girl damn girlYou function with the man girlLike damn girl damn girlYou function with the man girlDon"t say a word just turn around and let me seeGirl you got something special something special for meIts way too many suckers in the VIPTell her got my car out frontTell me do you wanna kick it in the backseatI wanna get beside yaIn the backseatSo I can be your backseat driver in the backseatI wanna get beside yaIn the backseatSo I can be your backseat driverHey girl whats up all of this dancing gets you all off huhI notice you because your friends is freakin starstruckHey you got more of that how you say it shy stackUntil you get it low quit playin with your fine assI said don"t try me baby I"ll make you hot trickLets do like Fishburg dancin and shake this spot quickOh you a good girl its cool I play pretend tooI heard you had a babyYou want a New Boy in you?Don"t say a word just turn around and let me seeGirl you got something special something special for meIts way too many suckers in the VIPTell her got my car out frontTell me do you wanna kick it in the backseatI wanna get beside yaIn the backseatSo I can be your backseat driver in the backseatI wanna get beside yaIn the backseatSo I can be your backseat driverI Met a group of girls in a EscaladeI Met a group of girls in a EscaladeMet met a group of girls in a EscaladeThey came with you and left with meI Met a group of girls in a EscaladeI Met a group of girls in a EscaladeMet met a group of girls in a EscaladeThey came with you and left with meDon"t say a word just turn around and let me seeGirl you got something special something special for meIts way too many suckers in the VIPTell her got my car out frontTell me do you wanna kick it in the backseatI wanna get beside yaIn the backseatSo I can be your backseat driverin the backseatI wanna get beside yaIn the backseatSo I can be your backseat driverEndNew Boyz Feat. The Cataracs & Dev - Backseat