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黑砂纹喷涂 英语怎么说

2023-06-16 02:18:29

黑砂纹喷涂用英文表达为Black sandblasting spray coating,其中,black表示色彩为黑色,sandblasting表示喷砂,spray表示喷涂,coating表示涂层。这一表达方式可用于业内的油漆或涂料生产企业,以及相关工程或制作场景,如:This product is a black sandblasting spray coating, suitable for industrial use.(这种产品是黑色的砂喷涂涂料,适用于工业使用。)


Black sand smells and sprays.


paint with black sand



2023-06-16 01:11:383


2023-06-16 01:11:475

aluminum oxide blasting是什么表面处理

aluminum:铝oxide:氧化物blasting:喷砂处理、喷丸aluminum oxide blasting:铝的氧化物喷砂,铝的氧化物就是三氧化二铝,就是俗称的刚玉,制造砂轮的一种材料,所以说,aluminum oxide blasting就是用刚玉进行喷砂处理。
2023-06-16 01:12:041


2023-06-16 01:12:111


1. 爆破 blasting (参考 爆破英才网 )利用炸药的爆炸能量对介质作功,以达到预定工程目标的作业。 2. 露天浅孔爆破 surface short-hole blasting 特指露天岩土开挖、二次破碎大块时采用的炮孔直径小于50mm、深度小于5m的爆破作业。 3. 城镇浅孔爆破 short-hole blasting in urban area 采取控制有害效应的措施,在人口稠密区用浅孔爆破方法开挖和二次破碎大块的作业。 4. 复杂环境深孔爆破 deep-hole blasting in complicated surroundings 在爆区边缘100m范围内有居民集中区、大型养殖场或重要设施的环境中,一次使用1t以上炸药的深孔爆破作业。 5. 硐室爆破 chamber blasting, coyote blasting 采用集中或条形硐室装药,爆破开挖岩土的作业。 6. 定向爆破 directional blasting 采用硐室或深孔装药,使爆破岩土按预定方向运动并堆积在设定范围之内的爆破作业。 7. 拆除爆破 explosive demolition, demolition blasting 采取控制有害效应的措施,按设计要求用爆破方法拆除建(构)筑物的作业。 8. 水下爆破 blasting in water, underwater blasting 在水中、水底或临水介质中进行的爆破作业。 9. 高温爆破 blasting in high temperature material 炮孔孔底温度高于60℃的爆破作业。 10. 金属爆破 blasting in metals, metal blasting 爆破破碎、切割金属的作业。 11. 聚能爆破 cumulative blasting, blasting with cavity charge 采用聚能装药方法进行的爆破作业。 12. 预裂爆破 presplitting blasting 沿开挖边界布置密集炮孔,采取不耦合装药或装填低威力炸药,在主爆区之前起爆,从而在爆区与保留区之间形成预裂缝,以减弱主爆破对保留岩体的破坏并形成平整轮廓面的爆破作业。 13. 光面爆破 smooth blasting 沿开挖边界布置密集炮孔,采以不耦合装药或装填低威力炸药,在主爆区之后起爆,以形成平整的轮廓面的爆破作业。 14. 爆炸加工 explosion working 利用炸药爆炸的瞬态高温和高压,使物料高速变形、切断、相互复合(焊接)或物质结构相变的加工方法。包括爆炸成形、焊接、复合、合成金刚石、硬化与强化、烧结、消除焊件残余应力、爆炸切割金属等。 15. 延时爆破 delay blasting 采用延时雷管或继爆管使各个药包按不同时间顺序起爆的爆破技术,分为毫秒延时爆破、秒延时爆破等。
2023-06-16 01:12:212


grit blasting 喷砂处理Shot blasting or peening equipment, sand preparation machines, dust collectors, steel shot and grit, etc. 产品简介铸造机械、抛喷丸清理、强化设备,除尘设备,耐磨铸件,钢丸、钢砂等。
2023-06-16 01:12:281


爆破突击队 突击队用Troops,或者是commando(这个事人少的小队) BLASTING/BOMB TROOPER
2023-06-16 01:12:361

请教一下,shot blast和shot peening有什么区别?

仅供参考:shot blasting - 喷丸除锈shot peening - 喷丸清理(物件表面,如铸件) 查看原帖>>
2023-06-16 01:12:442


定向爆破(oriented blasting)利用炸药爆炸的作用,把某一地区的土石方抛掷到指定的地区,并大致堆积成所需形状的一种爆破技术,主要用于修坝(水坝或尾矿坝)、筑路(路堤和路基)、平整土地(工业场地和农田建设)等。对于劳力缺乏,交通不便以及无施工场地的工点尤为适宜。参考书目概述利用炸药爆炸的作用,把某一地区的土石方抛掷到指定的地区,并大致堆积成所需形状的爆破技术,主要用于修坝(水坝或尾矿坝)、筑路(路堤和路基)、平整土地(工业场地和农田建设)等。对于劳力缺乏,交通不便以及无施工场地的工点尤为适宜。这种技术的基本原理是,弹药包爆破时,爆破漏斗中的介质大部分以接近于最小抵抗线的方向抛出。箭头方向大致为抛掷方向 W 最小抵抗线 AB 坡面 Q 药包位置工程实际中很少使用单药包爆破,多采用群药包爆破。同时又较多地采用等量对称的药包布置形式。箭头所指方向为抛掷方向 Q1,Q2,…Q6在这种情况下,可找到通过各药包中心的一个空间曲面(称为布药面)。这个面的法线方向大致就是抛掷方向。有时由于爆破区地形的限制,采用等量对称的布药形式不能满足工程对抛掷方量和抛掷距离的要求,就要适当选择和安排药包的位置和药量的分配,以控制抛方的抛速大小和方向,达到预期目的。由此可见,为使爆破达到“定向”的要求,必须考虑爆破区的自然地形。选择适当地形或人工改造地形是定向爆破的技术问题之一。通常要求山高和坡度合适,坡面平整,坡面长度足够,山体较厚等,如果自然地形不满足上述理想条件,就须用人工改造地形。定向爆破的另一技术问题是计算抛掷距离和堆积形状。计算是否准确,直接决定爆破的成败。计算方法目前的计算方法主要有两种:①体积平衡法 ②弹道法① 积平衡法给出计算抛掷堆积体最远抛距(连续堆积体的前边缘)和重心抛距与药量的关系,再根据爆出爆破漏斗的土石体积等于堆积体的实方量,描绘出堆积体形状。这一方法较适合于近抛距(即抛距不超过五倍最小抵抗线)的情况②弹道法建立抛距和耗药量(即抛出一方介质所用的药量)的关系,由工程需要的抛距来求出耗药量,再根据工程需要的土石方量求出需要爆破的方量,从而大致确定药包的布置形式。这一方法较适合于远抛距的情况。上述两种方法基本属于经验方法,因为在确定抛掷速度和抛掷距离方面,迄今仍带有很强的经验性。定向爆破须经精心设计,首先是根据工程需要和现场地形地质情况大致确定爆区,再对爆区进行严格的地形地质勘测。在此基础上即可进行爆破设计。设计时要充分利用地形,合理布药,准确确定装药量;还必须包括洞室施工,装药爆破,起爆网路,安全校核以及其他有关项目。
2023-06-16 01:12:571


轻度的喷射或抛射除锈。Sa1——轻度的喷射或抛射除锈。钢材表面应无可见的油脂和污垢,并且没有附着不牢的氧化皮、铁锈和油漆等附着物。SA是英文“Sand blasting(喷砂)”的缩写,国际上用SA等级来进行喷砂等级确定。 喷砂处理是钢铁结构件在进行表面涂漆之前最为常用的处理方式。
2023-06-16 01:13:161


2023-06-16 01:13:256

黑眼豆豆的Now Generation 歌词

We are the now generationWe are the generation nowThis is the now generationThis is the generation nowI want moneyI want it want it want itFast internetStay connected in a jetWi-fi, podcastBlasting out an SMSText me and I text you backCheck me on the iChatI"m all about that h t t pYou"re a PC I"m a MacI want it..Myspace in your spaceFacebook is a new placeDip divin" socializin"I"ll be out in cyber spaceGoogle is my professorWikipedia checkerCheckin my accountLoggin in and loggin outBaby I want it..Now!This is the now generationThis is the generation nowWe are the now generationI want I want I want it nowI want the cold hard cashI want I want I want it nowAnd I just can"t waitI need it immediatelyAnd I just can"t waitI want it immediatelyCause time can"t wait andI sure can"t waitI ain"t got no patienceI sure can"t waitWe are the now generationWe are the generation nowThis is the now generationThis is the generation nowI want moneyI want cold hard cashI"ll take your dollar and your euroAnd you"ll have a blastSo take your day and your creditAnd stick it up your assAnd do it now!I want it now!Big money, give me mo" money(Yeah I want it now!)I need cas.. oh I need it bad(I want it now!)Quick in a hurryLike your name is Flash(I want it now!)You make me wait?And Im"a whip your ass(I want it now!)I want it now baby!(Now!)I want it(Now!)I want it(Now!)Now!Fast, rapidoReally quick like torpedoNeed for speed is my credoYou need to feed this negritoSender, buyer, brother boatRapid like a thunder boltActivated rock the boatJust ask Barack who broight the hope toNow!It was a now generationAnd I just can"t waitI need it immediatelyAnd I Just can"t waitI want it immediatelyCause if time can"t wait thenI sure can"t waitI ain"t got no patienceNo I just can"t waitNot againExpediteNo time for procrastinationExpediteImprove my sensation
2023-06-16 01:13:407


2023-06-16 01:14:282

您好,能请教您几个专业术语吗?我需要英文的。 有线胶装,无线胶装,覆光膜,爆边。谢谢了。

有线胶装:Wire binding无线胶装:Wireless glue binding覆光膜:Optical film coating爆边:Blasting
2023-06-16 01:14:361


1 ,材料:铝a356 - t51 ,根据美国ASTM b/26m 2 ,砂铸3 ,体重: 140公斤4 ,一般公差: 5 ,草案角度没有表明: 1.5最大值时,要添加材料方向6 ,内部半径没有表明: 3毫米7 ,外部半径没有表明: 2毫米8 ,尺寸测量就临别平面显mpl 9 ,外形到表面,其中包括5毫米股票获准加工,是明显的可持续森林管理10 ,表面标有"三维源" ,将符合三维模型文件所附图纸11 ,裂缝加以核对,由液体渗透(人阵) 12 ,焊接裂缝是许可的情况下批准,顾客只13 ,去所有锋利14日,马克材料一批不仅在显示面积15 ,表面处理:喷砂16 ,外部表面纹理:所有外部表面,将有作为铸造表面17 , ctq1 ... 9名被控制
2023-06-16 01:15:052


2023-06-16 01:15:145


2023-06-16 01:15:301

仓库爆仓 英文怎么说

仓库爆仓Warehouse warehouse explosion 重点词汇释义爆仓blasting warehouse
2023-06-16 01:15:523


2023-06-16 01:16:091


In 1968, David Copperfield 12-year-old cut a striking figure in the magic industry, Association of American Magician"s youngest member ever. In 1972, David was only 16-year-old university professor in New York "magic arts" curriculum. In 1981, David in full view so that a weight of 7 tons jet disappeared. In 1983, the presence of large number of the audience and 50 million viewers, the Statue of Liberty in New York, David suddenly a trace of magic. In 1986, David crossed the Great Wall In 1987, David guarded to prevent the U.S. from Latin America Alcatel federal prison escape, becoming the first person to escape this prison. In 1989, David is blasting from a smooth to get out of the building. In 1992, the David to create a classic magic "fly", became the first rope and the camera without the flying skills of a magician In 1993, the special program on television, David tied off his body burning rope, to flee from the tens of meters of height. He then in front of a famous hockey star"s face, tearing up and recover a one million U.S. dollars the value of the collection card. In 2001, he has supernatural powers to predict accurately the majority of the German national lottery winning numbers .应该没问题
2023-06-16 01:16:194


区别在于意思不同。blast意思是爆炸;一阵(疾风等)。blat意思是(小牛或小羊)叫,喋喋不休,不加思索说出。例句:blast1、250 people were killed in the blast. 250人在这次爆炸中丧生。2、There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere. 爆炸后有毒化学物质可能会进入大气层。3、Their work was taken up with boring and blasting rock with gelignite. 他们的工作是用葛里炸药炸石头,非常枯燥。blat1、I could see Sanggat making his way to the blat, with tear-filled eyes he approachedand in between sobs he asked, Sir, are you coming back? 我看见桑戈特泪流满面地向船走来,他呜咽着问我:老师,您还回来吗?2、My father sneezed, his father"s father before him were all men for whom a blat from the nose was every bit as bracing as a plunge into the snow following asauna. 这些人鼻子都是哇哧哇哧的,每每都好像大雪天洗蒸汽浴之后一种冰冷的感觉。
2023-06-16 01:16:261


2023-06-16 01:16:473

请问Ball Blasting 是什么表面处理?

2023-06-16 01:17:132


blasting 是英语单词读音以及词义:英["blɑ:stu026au014b] 美["blɑ:stu026au014b] n. 爆破(作业); v. (用炸药) 炸毁( blast的现在分词 ); 狠打; 发出刺耳的高音; 向…猛吹,(用水)向…喷射; 例句:Their work was taken up with boring and blasting rock with gelignite他们的工作是用葛里炸药炸石头,非常枯燥。
2023-06-16 01:17:341


拆除的英文短语:tear down; 短语: 拆除爆破 blasting demolish; 石棉拆除工程 asbestos abatement works; 拆除城市 Demolition City; 拆除某物 tear down ; knock sth down; 爆破拆除城市 Demolition City 扩展资料   A tear rolled down his face.   一滴眼泪沿他的"面颊流下来。   A tear trickled down the old man"s cheek   一滴眼泪沿着老人的脸颊淌了下来。   These people want to tear down our whole system of government.   这些人想要毁坏我们整个政府体系的声誉。   Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to tear down B.   美国住房与城市发展部计划拆除B。   Life is so hard, some things just don"t tear down.   人生已经如斯的艰巨,有些事件就不要戳穿。
2023-06-16 01:17:421


set off
2023-06-16 01:18:073

看词填空 求答案

5. illustrated 说明,阐述6. budget 预算内7. improving 提高摩擦力8. boundries 边界9. involved 参与,涉及10. economic 经济缩减11. blasting 暴风雪正将大堆大堆的雪卷过湖面12. just about 几乎
2023-06-16 01:18:171


2023-06-16 01:18:256


2023-06-16 01:18:461

Peven Everett的《Stuck》 歌词

歌曲名:Stuck歌手:Peven Everett专辑:The Sound Of Soul Heaven Records Mixed By Aaron Ross & Neil PierceStuckLimp BizkitPsycho female blowin up the phone lineYou need to tighten that screwIt"s been loose for a long timeI"ve been slammed with some bad luckSoon I"m gonna bring you doom with the buck, buckAnd now you duck duck goose, I"m lettin looseWith the thirty odd freestyleLabeled hostile by my profileMust be all the madnessYou and all your tacticsJonesin" for my cashGot to make them pockets super phatHey, I"m a humble manKicking out the jams like a trampnI"m gonna stick it like a stamp to this businessWhat"s with all the businessI get paid to take the microphoneAnd slay the stage stay awayFrom all the bros. in my bandAnd all the fans andAll my friends is when the cash is coming inOr I"ll be slammin" them balls to the wallWith the ink on my flesh and the yes, yes y"allNo 9 to 5, I"ll still surviveI keep my engine on that ampLike a Chattanooga champThat"s all we need, another bad seedPlanted on this earth motivated by greedYou wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingBoy you wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re soStuck in your head you don"t even knowAll I wanted was a Pepsi, just one PepsiFar from suicidalStill I get them tendenciesBringing back them memoriesThat I really miss when I reminisceRocking back in the "80s liveMy attitude to do or dieOnce I was a maggotNow I"m just super flyBound for the boundariesNo limits, GPhat ass rhythms driven by my destinyYour style"s in my pocketProclaimed to regain that essencePressin" "cause I"m hostileLabeled by my profileIndeed I am, I am indeed hostileWhen it comes to greedYou wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingBoy you wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re soStuck in your head you don"t even knowAw yeah, ain"t nutin" like a greedy bitchDiggin", diggin", diggin", diggin",Diggin" so deep for that greenI got a little problemJust one question, beyatchWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatYou wanna be like thatWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy the fuck you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatWhy the fuck you wanna be like thatWhy, why, why, why, why you gotta beWhy, why, why, you wanna be like thatWhy, why, why you gotta dig inMy business you fucking whoreStuck on yourself, you areYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingStuck on yourself, you whoreYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re so stuckIn your head you don"t even know
2023-06-16 01:18:541

2023-06-16 01:19:011


实事求是,本人使用金山词霸翻译的,建议你也装一个,很方便的,不会的可以随时查。Low English proficiency of secondary students in rural areas of the reasons for 1Students their own quality is not high Is specifically manifested in: 1 master small vocabulary of commonly used English phrases, idioms are not familiar with the words, do not understand slang. Not allowed to voice pronunciation. International Phonetic Alphabet to master pronunciation of English not good, hard American accent or English accent. 3 unfamiliar grammar structures, do not know how the combination of the laws of English sentences. 4 a lack of listening skills and do not know how to listen to only the most effective. 5 the lack of positive and effective English thinking, do not understand the use of Chinese thinking on the English-speaking听说读写译especially great to hear a negative transfer effect. 6 psychological barriers exist, do not know the owner of that happy state of good full confidence and strong desire to make listening better listening comprehension. In contrast, tired, afraid, depressed mood will make the effect of hearing bad about 30%. 2 Limited level of English language teaching China"s rural middle school English full-time teachers急缺, a lot of teachers that are teaching other subjects, but because of the lack of English teachers, they have to be forced to change. At the whole, secondary school teachers in rural areas far from our country did not meet the requirements of the professionalization of teachers, resulting in a series of Listening Teaching problem, in terms of hearing on the impact is mainly reflected in: One voice, the tone of the low level of Some teachers are not allowed to pronunciation, and even [I] [n] [e], [s] [z] pronunciation of都弄site are not allowed to, so read ambiguous word, the students make it difficult to identify; read the sentence at the time NOT a very good grasp because of assimilation, synthesis, weakening, Tone, accent and blasting method of pronunciation, but also appears to lack ping, stiff incoherent. The results could easily cause students a sense of bad language, really difficult to understand authentic pure English. 2 emphasize the exam-oriented education Some teachers at the township, or county in order to be held during the final exam grade can be made better, they only focus on English grammar teaching, require students to do related exercises, to strengthen the students on the word "rote." This so-called "dumb" type of English teachers is likely to result in neglect of the overall quality of teachers in teams of students cultivate; cause teachers to hearing things considered dispensable, so that students hearing the lack of specificity of training, long-term, comprehensive . 3 lack of listening skills to students training As we all know, our country"s education in rural areas the quality of teaching and teaching facilities are relatively poor, the majority of teachers at their school during the period, it had little or no specialized training in English listening, let alone improve English listening, what level of personal experience, They can only introduce some of the most fundamental way. Three school English backward or even the lack of audio-visual equipment Because I have not use English as the official language of the country, therefore, the training of hearing students only through the normal listen to more audio recordings of materials to carry out, but in some rural school, some classes and even some ten classes share one or Units several tape recorders, the use of multimedia, voice, little opportunity for the classroom.
2023-06-16 01:19:225

Ill Repute的《Stuck》 歌词

歌曲名:Stuck歌手:Ill Repute专辑:BleedStuckLimp BizkitPsycho female blowin up the phone lineYou need to tighten that screwIt"s been loose for a long timeI"ve been slammed with some bad luckSoon I"m gonna bring you doom with the buck, buckAnd now you duck duck goose, I"m lettin looseWith the thirty odd freestyleLabeled hostile by my profileMust be all the madnessYou and all your tacticsJonesin" for my cashGot to make them pockets super phatHey, I"m a humble manKicking out the jams like a trampnI"m gonna stick it like a stamp to this businessWhat"s with all the businessI get paid to take the microphoneAnd slay the stage stay awayFrom all the bros. in my bandAnd all the fans andAll my friends is when the cash is coming inOr I"ll be slammin" them balls to the wallWith the ink on my flesh and the yes, yes y"allNo 9 to 5, I"ll still surviveI keep my engine on that ampLike a Chattanooga champThat"s all we need, another bad seedPlanted on this earth motivated by greedYou wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingBoy you wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re soStuck in your head you don"t even knowAll I wanted was a Pepsi, just one PepsiFar from suicidalStill I get them tendenciesBringing back them memoriesThat I really miss when I reminisceRocking back in the "80s liveMy attitude to do or dieOnce I was a maggotNow I"m just super flyBound for the boundariesNo limits, GPhat ass rhythms driven by my destinyYour style"s in my pocketProclaimed to regain that essencePressin" "cause I"m hostileLabeled by my profileIndeed I am, I am indeed hostileWhen it comes to greedYou wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingBoy you wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re soStuck in your head you don"t even knowAw yeah, ain"t nutin" like a greedy bitchDiggin", diggin", diggin", diggin",Diggin" so deep for that greenI got a little problemJust one question, beyatchWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatYou wanna be like thatWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy the fuck you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatWhy the fuck you wanna be like thatWhy, why, why, why, why you gotta beWhy, why, why, you wanna be like thatWhy, why, why you gotta dig inMy business you fucking whoreStuck on yourself, you areYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingStuck on yourself, you whoreYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re so stuckIn your head you don"t even know
2023-06-16 01:19:391


2023-06-16 01:20:051

Jenn Vix的《Stuck》 歌词

歌曲名:Stuck歌手:Jenn Vix专辑:3StuckLimp BizkitPsycho female blowin up the phone lineYou need to tighten that screwIt"s been loose for a long timeI"ve been slammed with some bad luckSoon I"m gonna bring you doom with the buck, buckAnd now you duck duck goose, I"m lettin looseWith the thirty odd freestyleLabeled hostile by my profileMust be all the madnessYou and all your tacticsJonesin" for my cashGot to make them pockets super phatHey, I"m a humble manKicking out the jams like a trampnI"m gonna stick it like a stamp to this businessWhat"s with all the businessI get paid to take the microphoneAnd slay the stage stay awayFrom all the bros. in my bandAnd all the fans andAll my friends is when the cash is coming inOr I"ll be slammin" them balls to the wallWith the ink on my flesh and the yes, yes y"allNo 9 to 5, I"ll still surviveI keep my engine on that ampLike a Chattanooga champThat"s all we need, another bad seedPlanted on this earth motivated by greedYou wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingBoy you wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re soStuck in your head you don"t even knowAll I wanted was a Pepsi, just one PepsiFar from suicidalStill I get them tendenciesBringing back them memoriesThat I really miss when I reminisceRocking back in the "80s liveMy attitude to do or dieOnce I was a maggotNow I"m just super flyBound for the boundariesNo limits, GPhat ass rhythms driven by my destinyYour style"s in my pocketProclaimed to regain that essencePressin" "cause I"m hostileLabeled by my profileIndeed I am, I am indeed hostileWhen it comes to greedYou wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingBoy you wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re soStuck in your head you don"t even knowAw yeah, ain"t nutin" like a greedy bitchDiggin", diggin", diggin", diggin",Diggin" so deep for that greenI got a little problemJust one question, beyatchWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatYou wanna be like thatWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy the fuck you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatWhy the fuck you wanna be like thatWhy, why, why, why, why you gotta beWhy, why, why, you wanna be like thatWhy, why, why you gotta dig inMy business you fucking whoreStuck on yourself, you areYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingStuck on yourself, you whoreYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re so stuckIn your head you don"t even know
2023-06-16 01:20:141


2023-06-16 01:20:211


DPM:= disintegrations per minute 每分钟衰变,衰变/分 = data processing machine 资料处理机 = documents per minute 文件数/分,每分钟文件数 irr 缩写词= infrared rays 红外线 prr 缩写词= pulse repetition rate 脉波重复率 blasting cap crimper 爆破雷管
2023-06-16 01:20:552


Explosive force
2023-06-16 01:21:044

工厂里 SHOT BLASTING 是什么意思啊

2023-06-16 01:21:232

garnet blasting 是什么表面处理

2023-06-16 01:21:432


爆破工程中的起爆顺序 (firing order in blasting)隧道内(TUNNEL):掏槽眼 (snubber)→掘进眼 (entry-driving)→内圈眼 (centre)→周边眼 (perimeter)。路基(ROADBED):主爆孔 (main blasting hole)→光爆孔 (smooth blasting hole)。
2023-06-16 01:21:532


  你知道吗?一起来学习一下吧!    开始的英文说法1 :begin    开始的英文说法2: start    开始的英文说法3: initial    开始的英文说法4:c ommence   同义词辨析:   begin, start, mence, initiate, inaugurate   这些动词均含有"开始"之意。   begin : 最常用词,含义广泛,其反义词是end,多用于行动、工作等的开始。   start : 在许多场合可与begin通用,但start侧重动作的起点。   mence : 可与begin换用,但mence系书面正式用词,语气庄重,特指有正式程式或一定仪式,或某种正式行动的"开始"。   initiate : 指创始或发起,侧重某过程的第一步,不考虑结束,强调起始。   inaugurate : 指正式而隆重的开始。   begin的英文例句:   1. As the domestic market bees saturated, firms begin to export the product.   由于国内市场饱和,各公司开始外销。   2. Suddenly all the men pull out pistols and begin blasting away.   突然,所有人都拔出手枪,连续射击。   3. Begin by planning on three two-hour reviews with four chapters per session.   先安排3次温习时间,每次用2个小时复习4个章节。   4. You can"t begin to imagine how much that saddens me.   你都无从想象这让我有多悲伤。   5. You can add ingredients to these desserts as they begin to set.   这些甜点开始凝固时就可以加入辅料了。   6. If relations between Hanoi and Washington begin to normalise, anything is possible.   如果河内和华盛顿之间的关系开始恢复正常,任何事情都有可能。   7. You begin to ask yourself what kind of person perpetrated this crime.   你开始自问是什么样的人犯下这样的罪行。   8. Some *** ysts believe that the government soon will begin relaxing economic controls.   一些分析人士认为 *** 不久将开始放松经济管制。   9. When the aims of the partners begin to diverge, there"strouble.   当合作伙伴的目标开始出现分歧时,麻烦就产生了。   10. The battalion went directly to the airport to begin digging in.   该营直接开到机场掘壕防守。   11. The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside.   报春花应该开始沿着陡峭的山坡一路撒播种子了。   12. Now I can remember without mourning, and begin to look ahead.   如今回首往事我已不再感到悲痛,并且开始展望将来。   13. He"s awaiting trial, which is expected to begin early next year.   他在等候审判,预计明年初开始。   14. Most members of the congregation begin arriving a few minutes before services.   礼拜仪式开始前几分钟,大部分教堂会众陆续到来。   15. Only now can I begin to apprehend the power of these forces.   直到现在我才真正了解这些队伍的力量。   开始的英文例句:   1. There has been a busy start to polling in today"s local elections.   今天地方选举的投票一开始就人头攒动。   2. Try these toning exercises before you start the day.   在开始一天的活动之前,试着做做这些强身健体的体操。   3. I saw through your little ruse from the start.   从一开始我就看穿了你的小计谋。   4. It"s just not enough money to start life over.   这些钱根本不够用来开始全新的生活。   5. The horse made a winning start for his new trainer.   这匹马为它的新驯马师开了个好头。   6. Thousands and thousands of start-up firms have poured into the puter market.   成千上万家新成立的公司已涌进了计算机市场。   7. A good education gives your child a head start in life.   良好的教育会让你的孩子在人生的起跑线上比别人领先一步。   8. The end of an era presupposes the start of another.   一个时代的结束意味着另一个时代的开始。   9. To start a revolution, you need discipline, incisiveness and articulacy.   要革命,就要守纪律、看得远、善表达。   10. I"ll start with some generalities and then examine a few specific examples.   我首先进行概述,然后会分析几个例项。   11. The boat"s engine misfired after he tried to start it up.   他试着启动船的引擎,但没发动起来。   12. This allowed Ms. Kelley to lay aside money to start her business.   这样凯利女士就可以把钱存起来创业。   13. Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start.   轮到澳大利亚队出场击球,他们开始打得很谨慎。   14. We all start with preconceived notions of what we want from life.   我们开始时都对自己想从生活中得到什么抱有一些预想。   15. If you do waken up during the night, start the exercises again.   如果你夜里真的醒了,就再从头开始做这套动作。   开始的英文例句:   1. They learnt a lot from the initial market testing exercise.   他们从最初的市场测试中了解了许多资讯。   2. The initial image projected was of a caring, effective president.   他最初表现出的是一个充满爱心、办事有效的总统形象。   3. The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.   本次初步会议的目标是澄清这些问题。   4. I"m also not crazy about the initial terms of the deal.   我对该协议的最初条款也不太满意。   5. After some initial problems, acetone was successfully produced in quantity.   解决了最初的一些问题之后,终于成功地制造出了大量丙酮。   6. The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market.   那项并购帮助国际商业信贷银行首次跻身美国市场。   7. The prime minister"s initial ministerial appointments haven"t pleased all his supporters.   首相最初的大臣任命没能让他所有的支持者都满意。   8. The initial reaction of most participants is fear.   多数参与者的最初反应是恐惧。   9. There is no initial list of contents.   没有章首目录。   10. The initial mobilisation was well organised.   初步动员安排到位。   11. Their initial gush of sympathy gradually dried up.   他们最初怀有的深切同情渐渐地消失了。   12. The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.   这家公司很快偿付了初期的广告费。   13. We hope to recoup our initial investment in the first year.   我们希望我们的前期投资在第一年就能赚回来。   14. After she"d overe her initial shyness, she became very friendly.   她克服了起初的羞怯之后, 变得十分友善.   15. It"s very sporting of you to give me an initial advantage.   你开局先让我一步,真是够大方的.
2023-06-16 01:22:021


01攻击型魔咒爆炸咒(Blasting Curse) 霹雳爆炸咒语:Confringo该魔咒初次登场于《死亡圣器》,威力强劲,让目标发生剧烈爆炸,威力相当于10多公斤的TNT炸药,缺点是碰到物体后会四处溅射,容易误伤他人。绊腿咒(Trip Jinx)让人摔倒的咒语,伤害性不大,侮辱性极强。在《凤凰社》中,有求必应屋“邓布利多军”组织被乌姆里奇发现,成员四散奔逃,德拉科用这个咒语抓住了哈利。定身咒(Freezing Charm)咒语:Immobulus咒如其名,让目标停止运动。在《密室》中,赫敏曾用这一咒语在吉德罗·洛哈特课堂上制伏了一群康沃尔郡小精灵。蝙蝠精咒(Bat-Bogey Hex)蝙蝠精咒由米兰达·戈沙克发明,同样是一种侮辱性极强且比较恶心的攻击魔咒,将目标的鼻屎变成黑色大蝙蝠,从鼻子飞出。一般只能对人类使用,不能对动物使用。变化咒(Protean Charm)链接型魔咒,将不同的目标连接起来后,再施加其他咒语从而让其进行统一变化。这属于N.E.W.T.级别的高级魔咒。倒挂金钟咒语:Levicorpus斯内普在学生时期以“混血王子”之名创造,将人倒着悬挂在半空。金钟落地咒语:Liberacorpus专为解除“倒挂金钟”的反咒,同样是斯内普发明。
2023-06-16 01:22:091


美军爆破器材简谈“爆竹声中一岁除”,中国的四大发明之一火药,在炼丹者的手中偶然出现,最初应用于焰火娱乐,之后被西方用于军事用途,“击破了骑士的铠甲与城堡”。火药和炸药已经成为现代战争不可或缺的元素之一,可用作炮弹、航空炸弹、导弹、地雷、鱼雷、手榴弹等弹药的爆炸装药,也可用于核弹的引爆装置和军事爆破。当然,现代的各类炸药早已与最初“火爆脾气”的黑火药今非昔比了。下面就来介绍一下美军常用的几种爆破器材。说到爆破,就不能不提到美军各军种下辖的的爆炸军械处理人员Explosives Ordnance Disposal Specialists,不要以为他们只是“拆弹专家”,军队里的EOD不只是拆炸弹的,装炸弹也是他们的主业。把EOD翻译成拆弹专家是大误,其实他们是“爆破手兼拆弹人员”。就拿对付路边炸弹IED来说,如果现场环境允许,EOD就会将其就地引爆处理,只有实在无法就地引爆的情况下才会冒着风险拆除IED的击发装置,再带到荒郊野外引爆处理,总之最后都是要炸掉,就需要使用爆破装置将其引爆。炸药与爆破的用途十分广泛,美军EOD人员组装的爆破装置,最常见的用途就是用于销毁缴获的各类弹药,将缴获而来的RPG、大口径炮弹、地雷等整整齐齐地码成一堆,上面再放上一条条C4炸药,一起引爆地动山摇,以免这些弹药落入敌方手中或伤害到当地的平民。而有时,美军自己剩余物资中的弹药也要通过爆破来销毁,否则千里迢迢运回本土去风险和成本都太高。使用爆破破坏门窗时,炸药的用量必须经过精确的计算,以防止过大的爆炸当量对建筑物或其中的目标造成意想不到的杀伤破坏。此外,破坏铁丝网和拒马等障碍物、清除树木植被开辟空降场、甚至在冻土层中挖掘战壕工事,炸药都是绝对的不二人选——炸药在爆炸瞬间释放的能量要远远高于任何工程机械。一套最基本的爆破装置由炸药、导火索/导爆索以及起爆装置组成,结构相对简单,但是由于军用炸药威力巨大,因此操作人员必须经过严格的培训并通过考核才能获得操作资格,并且即使是在没有实战行动时也要勤加练习,否则一旦因为疏忽大意导致事故,就会造成人员伤亡。EOD人员需要的是胆大心细。长条状的Charge Demolition M112是目前最常见的美军制式炸药,墨绿色的包装纸包裹着白色黏土一样的C4炸药块,可以根据预定的爆炸威力直接用刀具切割成需要的大小和分量。C4炸药具有可塑性,物理和化学性质稳定,在受到撞击、高温、遇明火时也不会爆炸,必须使用雷管及导火索等起爆装置产生一定的起爆能量才能将其引爆。Charge Demolition M112在存储和运输时被铝箔包裹放在木质箱子中。导火索(Time Fuse)由防水外层包裹的纤维缠绕着最中间装填的黑火药,美军目前使用的M700型导火索直接约5毫米,燃烧速度为每秒1厘米。导火索的燃烧速度是一定的,通过刻度尺测量之后将导火索按一定长度截断,就可以获得一定的燃烧时间,否则很容易危及操作者自身。导火索既可以用明火点燃,也可以使用起爆装置点燃,如果需要用火柴或打火机点燃,导火索预备点燃的一端应剪成斜面。导爆索(Detonation Cord)是由多层防水材料包裹炸药芯制成的绳形状炸药,其燃烧速度为每秒6000~7000米,用于连接多块炸药同时引爆。与导火索不同的是,导爆索无法用或打火机点燃,两者的特点和用途不同,使用时要注意区分。美军公发的雷管钳Cap Crimpers,钳头部分可以用于剪断导火索或导爆索,一侧手柄的末端设有用于在塑性炸药块上打孔的尖锥。此外,莱泽曼Leatherman SUPERTOOL 300 EOD、MUT EODSOG B69以及戈博Gerbera MP600这些被冠以“排爆钳”名字的组合工具钳,也都具备以上功能。用雷管钳将导火索与雷管连接在一起的标准操作方法是:伸直手臂,一手持雷管钳,另一手持导火索与雷管,将剪平端头的导火索插入雷管直到底部后,用雷管钳轻轻压紧雷管口部固定住导火索,注意插入导火索时不可旋转。不要小看雷管,其爆炸威力足以致命。之后再将安装好导火索的雷管插入塑性炸药块上的孔中。如果没有雷管钳,也可以用胶带将导火索与雷管固定在一起。如果不使用雷管,也可以直接用导火索在塑性炸药块上多缠绕几圈,增大接触面积,直接通过导火索引爆炸药块。起爆装置主要分为两种:非电力式与电力式。现役美军常用的M60一次性拉发引信Igniter Time Blasting属于非电力式起爆装置,外形为圆筒形,前端设有底火和保护栓,后端设有拉环及保险栓。使用时,先拧下底火保护栓,将已经连接好雷管并插入炸药块的导火索另一端插入并固定在引信的前端,拔出后端的保险栓,再向后拉动拉环,释放引信内部的击针,击针在弹簧的推动下向前击打底火引燃导火索,直到导火索燃至尽头引爆雷管和炸药。注意M60一次性拉发引信只能与导火索搭配使用,不能与导爆索一起使用!CD450-4J 电起爆器Electric Blasting Machine需要与电击发雷管以及双股电线配合使用,这样才能形成闭合回路。其使用方法十分简单,先将电击发雷管2根引线上的绝缘体拆除,将连接好电线的电雷管插入炸药块,再将连接电击发雷管的2根电线连接在起爆器正面的红色和黑色2个接线柱上,再同时按住“CHARGE”和“FIRE”两个按键即可引爆。需要注意的是,电击发雷管与指北针一样,不能在电磁波较强的地方使用,并应该远离高压线至少25米的距离。使用爆炸物破门时,炸药的用量必须经过精确的计算,以防止过大的爆炸当量对建筑物或其中的目标造成意想不到的杀伤破坏
2023-06-16 01:22:431


2023-06-16 01:27:272


My course of nearly five years of primary school, the teacher taught numerous, I know a lot of teachers, however, my favorite teacher is my teacher - Tsai. Tsai body, according to data provided by the China Youth Association for Network, at present, the proportion of urban Internet pupils 25.8%, 30% junior high school students, high school students and 56%. Our youth addiction accounted for 13.2% of the total number of Internet users in adolescents, and 13-year-old to 17-year-old high school student groups to become "Internet addictionAccording to data provided by the China Youth Association for Network, at present, the proportion of urban Internet pupils 25.8%, 30% junior high school students, high school students and 56%. Our youth addiction accounted for 13.2% of the total number of Internet users in adolescents, and 13-year-old to 17-year-old high school student groups to become "Internet addiction hardest hit." Network this "double-edged sword," it is inexorably devouring physical and mental health of young people, due to surfing the Internet and playing truant, runaway, robbery and even sudden death in the cafe, to the road of crime phenomena occur.1, the impact of addiction on adolescent physiologyTeenagers suffering from Internet addiction, began just psychological dependence, it would be the development of physical dependence, long addicted to the Internet can lead to depression, decreased vision, shoulder muscle strain, sleep rhythm disorders, loss of appetite, indigestion, immune function decline. Stop Internet appears to insomnia, headache, pay attention to the force of concentration, indigestion, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss. Because of the Internet for too long, highly excited brain, resulting in a complex series of physiological changes, especially autonomic dysfunction, reduced immune function, thereby induced cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression. Teenagers are at a critical period of physical development, the emergence of these problems will have a significant impact on the development of their health and growth.2, the impact of addiction on adolescent psychologyLong Internet make teenagers obsessed with the virtual world, leading to self-enclosed, and the reality of estrangement, unwilling to join face to face contact with people, over time, is bound to affect the normal adolescent cognitive, emotional and psychological orientation, and may even lead to alienation of personality, It is not conducive to healthy adolescent personality and outlook on life right shape. Once patients stop will have a strong desire to access the Internet, it is difficult to control on the Internet need or impulse, the impulse will be to make it work, learning focus force is not concentrated, not lasting, memory loss; due to the long line of visual images into thinking, will logical thinking leads to slow activity, daily work, study and life interest reduction, and real alienation, and his disheartened desert, lack of sense of time. Because they can not face reality, will produce depression, failing to look sad, negative attitude and other phenomena can cause mental disorders, psychological abnormalities and other problems and diseases, in daily life, study and work, often behave behavior disorders, trance, nonsense, weird character.3, the impact of addiction on adolescent moralityExtending the world both online real world, the real world is distorted performance. The reality of things, the Internet can easily be exaggerated, or even to the opposite things, which tends to produce confusion of roles teenagers. Network is a "loss of identity" place, in the Internet you can not only anonymous, but also can hide gender, age, ethnicity and social status, in the face of such a virtual world, too easy to get lost. Flooded the network about the pornography, violence, gambling, superstition and other unhealthy stuff, easy to stimulate the senses of young people, resulting temptation. Of inexperienced teenagers, already lack of judgment and discernment, and the lack of moral self-discipline, the reality of the world are easy to make them feel confused, let alone no coordinates virtual online world, which is no doubt their social health development is a challenge. Online games mostly "attack, fighting, competition" as the main ingredient, long-term play drag racing, slashing, blasting, shooting and other games, hot stimulating content and scenes easy to make the player blur moral awareness, played down the differences of virtual games and real life , mistakenly believe that this harm to others and to reach the goal by the way is reasonable. Once the formation of such a wrong view, we will do anything to go to fraud, theft and even violence to others. Currently, because playing video games lead to adolescent moral anomie, deviant behavior, many even took the criminal path examples. Therefore, the content network in the virtual thing and unhealthy once so that young people had a dependence, addicted to which it is bound to hinder the establishment of a correct perception and sound personality formation.4, the impact of addiction on adolescent behaviorThe most direct harm teenagers Internet addiction is affecting the normal learning, so that they can not concentrate on lectures, not finish the job, falling grades, loss of confidence and interest in learning, and even the development of truancy, dropping out of school. Network in a variety of unhealthy content, but also can cause teenagers self overindulgence, so read the weak legal and ethical look on life, values look distorted. Teenagers suffering from addiction blue, in order to access to the Internet, they hesitate to use up their tuition, living expenses, at the loss of their own personality and self-esteem to the people beg, borrow money outside the home to deceive parents, and even the development of theft, robbery, and finally He took the criminal path. Material medium, black hair, black eyes always shining light of wisdom. The last ray of light when the sun shines on Tsai"s face, her face glowing red like a blooming red peony, eyes that sparkle like the petals of two crystal dew rolling. While learning the teacher is very serious, but usually, Tsai is an amiable teacher. The classroom, Tsai took us jump on the next jump, play "eagle catches chicken" smell the flowers, do exercise, eating popsicles on ...... playground everywhere filled with our laughter, this time Tsai is our close friends, we are happy wizard. Tsai you a lot of trouble for us, so I really appreciate, "Till death do us part, wax torch ashes tears dry" spirit. You are a golden key to open the doors of knowledge for us; you"re a hard gardener, with their own sweat poured upon us these flowers of the motherland, you are a broom, unknown to sweep the dust on our heart ...... Tsai, you will always be the best teacher in my heart!
2023-06-16 01:27:351


问题一:凉糕用英语怎么说 Cool cake 问题二:英语菜单一分 * Peking Duck (北京烤鸭) * Hot and Sour Soup (酸辣汤) * Peking Barbecue (烤肉/北京烤肉) * Mutton Hot pot (涮羊肉) * Sweetened Vinegar Spareribs (糖醋排骨) * Stir Fried Tomatoes with Scrambled Eggs (西红柿炒鸡蛋 xīhóngshì chǎo jīdàn) * Sweet Stir Fried Mutton/Lamb (它似蜜) (Ta Si Mi) * Plain Boiled Pork (白肉) (Bai Rou) * Fried Small Meatballs (炸丸子) (Zha Xiao Wan Zi) * Fried Pig Liver wrapped in Chinese Small Iris (Iris pallasii) (炸卷肝) (Zha Juan Gan) * Fried Intestines (炸白肠) (Zha Bai Chang) * Fried Intestines with Pork and Liver Stuffing (炸鹿尾) (Zhao Lu Wei) * Shredded Skin S订lad (拌皮丝) (Ban Si Pi) * Cold Pig ears in Sauce (拌双脆) (Ban Shuang Cui) * Pickled Chinese Cabbage with Blood Filled Intestines (酸菜血肠) (suan cai xue chang) * Sauced Meat (酱肉) (Jiang Rou) * Pickled Sauced Meat (清酱肉) (Qing Jiang Rou) * Upper Parts of the Pork Hand/Leg (水晶肘子) (Shui Jing Zhou Zi) * Three Non-Stickiness (三不粘 ; San Bu Nian) * Wood shavings meat 木须肉 (Moo shu pork) * Quick-Fried Tripe (mainly intestines) (爆肚) (Bao Du) * Steamed Dumpling with Dough atop (烧麦) (Shao Mai) * Stir Fried Liver (炒肝) (Chao Gan) * Fork roasted meat 叉烧肉 (Char siu) * Fried Triangle (炸三角) (Zha San Jiao) * Roast (Mutton/Beef/Pork (烧牛/羊/猪肉) (Shao Niu/Yang/Zhu Rou) * Fried Intestine (灌肠) (Guan Chang) * Peking Dumpling (饺子/北京饺子) (Jiaozi/Beijing Jiaozi) * Peking wonton (馄饨/北京馄饨) (Hun Tun/Beijing Huntun) * Braised fish ......>> 问题三:英语广播作文是什么?怎么写? Good afternoon/morning, boys and girls. Here is today"s English broadcasting programme. First of all, let"s enjoy a song by the westlife. It sound very beautil. Now let"s enjoy it. (music..) Well, everybody, Do you know there is a concert in the arand Theatre at 7:30 on Sunday evening? Do you know whose concert? Here is his song Peninsula iron box , hope you like it.(music..) Wow, so nice. Do you like it? YES, you will see Jay Chou very soon. Are you excited? Here is a sport news, Bay Basketball Team vs. Guangdong Team by a final score of 102:98. At last, Kindly remind you tomorrow is sunny day, and temperature 9--15 degree. This is XXX. That"s all. Thank you. 问题四:菜单 麻烦翻译成英文 凉菜 cold dishes 开胃泡菜 appetizer of pickle 五香卤花生 five spice of peanuts 南极冰笋 ice stalagmite 夜郎豆干 hard been curd 风味香椿 toon with an unique flavor 糟拌茭瓜 zucchini in wine 卤水素拼 vegetables in salt brine 麻香鱼皮 Fragrant Sesame Fish Skin 折耳根拌灰蛋 Parnassia foliosa mix with ash egg 凉拌黄瓜 cucumber in sause 豆豉拌龙爪菜 bracken mix with lobster sauce 炒菜 fried dishes 青椒肉片 fried pork slices with pepper 宫爆鸡丁 saute diced chicken with peanuts 铁板牦牛柳 sizzling beef steak 番茄炒鸡蛋 fried eggs with tomato 鱼香茄子 eggplant with garlic sauce 飘香毛血旺 duck blood cake 水煮肉片 boiled pork slices in a fiery sauce 干锅大虾 Griddle cooked prawns 石锅牛蛙 bullfrog pot储麻婆豆腐 Bean curd with mince and chili oil 问题五:北京小吃 英文 100分 Beijing snacks, bining varied flavors from different nationalities like Han, Hui, Meng, Man and court snacks from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), include many kinds and form the characteristic of their own. It is said that there are over two hundred kinds of snacks in Beijing, including dishes going with wine, such as Quick-Fried Tripe (Bao Du), Boiled Sheep"s Head (Bai Shui Yang Tou), Flour-Pastry desserts, like Pancakes with Meat-Fillings (Rou Mo Shao Bing) and some other snacks for breakfast or as midnight snack, like Sticky Rice with Sweet Fillings (Ai Wo Wo) and Rolling Donkey (Lu Da Gun). What local Beijing people, especially elder ones like most are Mung Bean Milk (Dou Zhi), Fried Liver (Chao Gan) and Filled Sausage (Guan Chang). There are also lots of famous restaurants selling snacks. Fangshan Restaurant sells Sticky Rice with Sweet Fillings and Pea-Flour Cake (Wan Dou Huang); Donglaishun Restaurant sells Cream Fried Cake (Nai You Zha Gao). In many restaurants you may find some other things special. In fact, there恭are too many places for snacks in Beijing for you to make a decision which one to go to. So my suggestion may be helpful for you to save some time. Generally speaking, there are four places popular of this kind. One is Duyichu Restaurant, sitting at 36 Qianmen Dajie, Chongwen District. It was opened in 1738, and is famous for its Shao Mai, which has both attractive appearance and delicious taste. Another is Na......>> 问题六:很急,麻烦翻译英文,要专业的。 Cold dish Appetizing dish Spicy brine peanuts BingSun Antarctic The yelang dried bean Remove hand zijin bath Chinese flavor Bad mix Jiao melon Brine element And beef Ma sweet skin Mix egg ears ash The cold cucumber Mix the longzhaogou fermented food fry Green meat Kong pao chicken Iron yak willow Sowthistle stewed mung bean Potato silk gently Scrambled egg with tomato Braised bean curd is slippery Fuel-hungry lettuce Eggplant garlic sauce Black pepper steak donkey Shrimp bread Fish and rice crisp lamp LaZiJi gele mountain Hair should. Blood Boiled meat Dried shrimp pot ShiGuo bullfrogs Detonation yanjin salt Clay pot sheep hoof Mapo beancurd Chestnut vegetables The cabbage Gently braise in soy sauce meat Yunnan flavour *** all dishes Eddie curry by green Yang ling pickled cabbage fish Burn all dry fish Tea mushroom blasting squid silk Iron marrow oil Bubble pepper fry you should try GanJiao bacon Fish-flavored shredded Oil spray GanBa yak Dry bamboo burn steak Spring Er conch The sea huang tofu pot Gold yam shrimp Fried chicken little tea mushroom Yunnan flavour pan-fried tofu Harvest fish, Powder soup fillet Tea mushroom fry bacon Wild doll crab Pot wool belly Green tea Buddha bread (snacks) Steamed fish snow Shandie the steamed ham Butterfly double braised pork meat Mini millet slag When bullies Yam stewed pork spareribs Mung bean laver pot ribs Chicken soup doll Tomato egg so珐p Chicken soup chopped corns Silk boiled carp FIG. Cut hong bao Fresh also boiled waist Ch......>> 问题七:这部电影很成功 口语It"s a perfect film…… 直译The mvie was a great success .
2023-06-16 01:27:421

bead blasting 是什么表面处理

2023-06-16 01:27:521


3D模型的获取有两种方式,一种是借助3D扫描仪,另外一种就是利用CAD等建模软件进行3D模型设计。下面,我为大家分享下在3D打印建模过程中需要注意的问题:  1、物体模型必须为封闭的也可以通俗的说是“不漏水的”(Watertight)。  有时要检查出你的模型是否存在这样的问题有些困难。如果你不能够发现此问题,可以借助一些软件,比如3ds Max的STL检测(STL Check)功能,Meshmixer的自动检测边界功能。一些模型修复软件当然是能做的,比如Magics,Netfabb等。  2、物体需要厚度CG行业的模型通常都是以面片的形式存在的,但是现实中的模型不存零厚度,我们一定要给模型增加厚度。  3、物体模型必须为流形(manifold) 。  简单来看,如果一个网格数据中存在多个面共享一条边,那么它就是非流形的(non-manifold)。  4、正确的法线方向。  模型中所有的面法线需要指向一个正确的方向。如果你的模型中包含了错误的法线方向,我们的打印机就不能够判断出是模型的内部还是外部。  5、物体模型的最大尺寸物体模型最大尺寸是根据3D打印机可打印的最大尺寸而定。  当模型超过3D打印机的最大尺寸,模型就不能完整地被打印出来。在Cura软件中,当模型的尺寸超过了设置机器的尺寸时,模型就显示灰色。物体模型最大尺寸根据您使用的机器而定。  6、物体模型的最小厚度打印机的喷嘴直径是一定的,打印模型的壁厚考虑到打印机能打印的最小壁厚。不然,会出现失败或者错误的模型。一般最小厚度为2mm,根据不同的3D打印机而发生变化。  7、45度法则。任何超过45度的突出物都需要额外的支撑材料或是高明的建模技巧来完成模型打印,而3D打印的支撑结构比较难做。添加支撑又耗费材料,又难处理,而且处理之后会破坏模型的美观。  8、设计打印底座用于3D打印的模型最好底面是平坦的,这样既能增加模型的稳定性,又不需要增加支撑。可以直接用平面截取底座获得平坦的底面,或者添加个性化的底座。  9、预留容差度对于需要组合的模型,我们需要特别注意预留容差度。要找到正确的度可能会有些困难,一般解决办法是在需要紧密接合的地方预留0.8mm的宽度;给较宽松的地方预留1.5mm的宽度。但是这并不是绝对的,还得深入了解你的打印机性能。  下面介绍几个可以检查模型是否有错误的软件。NetFabb:该免费软件可以编辑STL文件,它可以用来打开STL并显示模型中存在的一些错误信息。  其中包含的针对STL的基本功能:分析,缩放,测量,修复。Magics:可以按照你想象的效果来精确修复和操作STL文件。  在众多本地应用程序中,有效修复STL或模型问题,使用Magics是相当有效率的。许多需要在本地应用程序处理的任务可以在Magics上更快的实现。这个程序主要为使用光固化机(SLA)的工程师设计,他们已经开始整合一些很有意思的建议,来帮助修复建筑文件中出现的问题,如“收缩表皮”问题。Magics可以修复漏孔和坏边,联合两个布尔型的固体,倒置三角形的法线,创建壳结构或有其他特点的固体。望采纳,
2023-06-16 01:28:003


2023-06-16 01:29:233