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2023-06-11 09:57:31
TAG: bia ias udi dice


an opinion about whether a person, group or idea is good or bad which influences how you deal with it. 偏见,成见;偏心。

例句: political bias in the press. 政治媒体的偏见

Students were evaluated without bias. 对学生的评估都是公正的。


an reasonable dislike and distrust of people who are different from you in some way, especially because of their race, sex, religion etc - used to show diapproval。 偏见,成见,歧视(含贬义)

例句: Women still face prejudice in the workplace. 女性在工作场所任然面临偏见。







一、详细释义:n.不信任,怀疑,猜疑例句:This analysis is permeated with a deep-seated skepticism and distrust in human reason.这种分析对人类理性的力量充满着根深蒂固的怀疑和不信任。例句:Distrust of individual power made the Venetians depend on committees and councils.对个人权力的不信任使威尼斯人要依靠各种委员会与议会。v.不信任,怀疑,猜疑例句:I don"t have any particular reason to distrust them.我没有任何特别的理由怀疑他们。例句:We distrust that man.我们不信任那个人。二、词义辨析:doubt,supicion,distrust,uncertainty这些名词均有“怀疑”之意。doubt指对事物的真、假有怀疑。supicion语气较强,指对某人做某事的目的、意图有怀疑,或认为某人做错事,但无确凿证据而产生怀疑。distrust一般用词,泛指对某人某事不信任而感到怀疑。uncertainty侧重指对某事或选择等需作决定时的迟疑不决。三、词义辨析:doubt,suspect,distrust这些动词均含“怀疑”之意。doubt普通用词,多指因证据不足或仅凭证据还不能肯定而产生怀疑,多含否定意味。suspect指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味较多。distrust指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。四、参考例句:We distrust that man.我们不信任那个人。He has an inherent distrust of foreigners.他天生对外国人不信任。Distrust is the mother of safety.怀疑是安全之本(轻信易出危险)。I don"t have any particular reason to distrust them.我没有任何特别的理由怀疑他们。Her constant lies led me to distrust everything she said.她总撒谎,我完全不相信她说的话了。His distrust of reporters was particularly acute on this story.他在这则报道上对记者的怀疑特别厉害。An excessive pressure will only lead to distrust and resentment.压力过大只会导致彼此的不信任甚至是厌恶。On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment.一方面我羡慕他的才华,而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。This analysis is permeated with a deep-seated skepticism and distrust in human reason.这种分析对人类理性的力量充满着根深蒂固的怀疑和不信任。Distrust of individual power made the Venetians depend on committees and councils.对个人权力的不信任使威尼斯人要依靠各种委员会与议会。
2023-06-11 02:23:181


2023-06-11 02:23:253


  怀疑,是指心中存疑,如:我怀疑这些事实能否给他作证。那么你知道怀疑用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    怀疑英语说法1:   doubt    怀疑英语说法2:   suspect    怀疑相关短语:   合理怀疑 Reasonable doubt ; Reasonable suspicion ; reasonable suspicion ; rational doubt   怀疑主义 Skepticism ; skepticismskeptical ; Pyrrhonism ; The Sceptics   怀疑派 skepticism ; Sceptics ; Eurosceptics ; skeptical   不用怀疑 There is no doubt ; No doubt in join us ; there never was a doubt ; Secret of my heart   受到怀疑 under suspicion ; under a cloud ; be under suspicion   引起怀疑 arouse suspicion ; part three ; raise doubts ; Suspicion   怀疑个案 suspected case   有怀疑 in doubt ; make a survey of sth   怀疑哲学 scepsis ; skepticism   怀疑英语例句:   1. This new information does throw doubt on their choice.   这个新信息确实使人们对他们的选择产生了怀疑。   2. Some supernova researchers wondered if it might be just a nine-day wonder.   有些超新星研究者怀疑,这可能只是昙花一现。   3. You may be a sceptic and put it down to life"s inequalities.   你或许是个怀疑论者,会把它归因于生活的不公正。   4. It makes you wonder about the effect on men"s behaviour.   这让人怀疑其对男性行为的影响。   5. They suspected that Neville had traded secret information with Mr Foster.   他们怀疑内维尔和福斯特先生交换了秘密情报。   6. I do not doubt that the bank acted properly.   我毫不怀疑银行的处理方式是妥当的。   7. Few in Westminster doubt that the government will win the day.   在英国议会中,几乎没有人对政府将会获胜存有怀疑。   8. I have grave doubts that the documents tell the whole story.   我对这些文件能否说明所有的问题深表怀疑。   9. He curled his upper lip in a show of scepticism.   他撇嘴表示怀疑。   10. Tory-bashing or Labour-bashing will not be enough to shift bored, suspicious voters.   抨击保守党或工党并不足以改变那些心生厌倦、心存怀疑的选民的态度。   11. I don"t have any particular reason to distrust them.   我没有任何特别的理由怀疑他们。   12. The experi-ence has left him sceptical about efforts at conciliation.   这段经历使他对调停行动持怀疑态度。   13. Most organizations are, quite understandably, suspicious of new ideas.   大多数机构对新想法持怀疑态度,这不难理解。   14. The Secretary"s letter questions my veracity and impugns my motives.   部长的来信怀疑我的诚实,质疑我的动机。   15. I have no doubt that we are polluting the environment beyond redemption.   我丝毫都不怀疑我们对环境的污染是不可挽回的。
2023-06-11 02:23:341

不要怀疑我 英文怎么说

2023-06-11 02:23:461

关于distrust 的词组和句子,要翻译哦

名词疑惑,不相信;不信任,猜疑。 have a distrust of sb. 不信任某人。 His policy earned him the distrust of the Athenians. 他的政策受到了雅典人的猜疑。及物动词不信任,怀疑。 distrust one"s friend 对朋友起疑心。-ful 形容词不信任的,疑心重的 (of); 可疑的 (A distrustful dog is the best watchdog. 疑心重的狗是最好的看门狗)。-fully 副词
2023-06-11 02:23:545


相信 信任
2023-06-11 02:24:094


doubt or suspect
2023-06-11 02:24:355


2023-06-11 02:24:504


  能拥有几个值得信任的朋友是一件好事,因为现实生活中有太多无法信任的人了。你知道不信任的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的不信任的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不信任的英文   distrust;   not believe in;   have no faith in;   have no confidence in mistrust   distrust常见用法   vt.不信任; 怀疑;   n.不信任,猜疑; 疑惑,不相信;   1. Police moved in to separate the two groups, already sundered by distrust.   警方及时介入将互不信任、业已分化的两组人隔离开。   来自柯林斯例句   2. I don"t have any particular reason to distrust them.   我没有任何特别的理由怀疑他们。   3. They looked at each other with distrust.   他们心怀戒备地相互看着对方。   4. Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.   非英国国教者一直不信任圣公会的人.   5. She could not overcome her distrust of the stranger.   她无法消除对那位陌生人的怀疑.   6. He looked at the stranger with distrust.   他怀疑地打量着那个陌生人.   7. What he saw there left him with a profound distrust of all political authority.   他在那儿的所见让他对一切政治当局产生了一种深深的不信任感。   8. He is devoting much of his energy to implanting an element of distrust in the community.   他竭力在社区内撒播猜疑的种子。   9. Our reporter looks at reactions to Britain"s apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner.   英国对其欧盟伙伴显然存在着根深蒂固的不信任,我们的记者就人们对此的反应进行了报道.   10. His words were polite, but there were overtones of distrust in his voice.   他的话虽然很礼貌, 但话中含有不信任的暗示.   not believe in例句   1. He does not believe in a federal Europe with centralising powers.   他认为一个集权式联邦制在欧洲是不可行的。   2. He did not believe in flaunting his wealth.   他不赞成摆阔。   3. He does not believe in the existence of ghosts.   他不相信有鬼存在.   4. He does not believe in fate.   他不相信命运.   5. Mr Goss does not believe in any of this "new-fangled nonsense" about lean meat.   戈斯先生一点儿都不相信有关瘦肉的这种“奇谈怪论”。   6. That pagan did not believe in Christ.   那个异教徒从不相信基督。   7. The existentialist does not believe in the power of passion.   存在主义者不相信激情的力量.   8. I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it.   我不相信灵魂不灭的说法, 自己也没有这种愿望.   9. He did not believe in Howard"s honesty.   他不相信霍华德为人真诚.   10. Babbs, however , did not believe in nicknames and sternly called the President " Franklin. "
2023-06-11 02:24:561

mistrust与distrust 的区别

mistrust 带有怀疑感的不信任。 distrust 完全不信任。
2023-06-11 02:25:192

怀疑好玩吗 怀疑游戏内容简单介绍

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2023-06-11 02:25:591


Distrust 不信任disbelieve 怀疑宗教里对不信自己教的人的一种称呼叫Disbeliever
2023-06-11 02:26:181

怀疑distrust怎么玩 游戏玩法技巧介绍

2023-06-11 02:26:251


2023-06-11 02:26:311

Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust.

2023-06-11 02:26:392


为您解答distantdistancedistrustdisturbdistinguishdistortdistortion disturbance以及它们的各种变形
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2023-06-11 02:26:552

怀疑distrust怪物怎么打 游戏怪物打法解析

贪婪洞窟金怪:1、有能力就打 冲层或者刷最高等级的层数就没必要打2、血药浪费的太多3、金怪能出的东西运气好箱子也能出4、但是金怪比普通怪厉害不止一倍5、比如你现在卡在60层。50层金怪就不一定要打了
2023-06-11 02:27:021


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2023-06-11 02:27:151

pink floyd Eclipse 歌词翻译

Allthatyoutouch  你所接触到的一切  Allthatyousee  你所看到的一切  Allthatyoutaste  你所品尝到的一切  Allthatyoufeel  你所感觉到的一切  Allthatyoulove  你所爱的一切  Allthatyouhate  你所憎恨的一切  Allyoudistrust  你所不相信的一切  Allthatyousave  你所能回忆起的一切  Allthatyougive  你曾经给予的一切  Allthatyoubuy  你曾经收买过的一切  Allthatyoubuy  你曾经收买过的一切  beg,borroworsteal  Allyoucreate  你曾经创造过的一切  Allyoudestroy  你曾经毁灭过的一切  Allthatyoudo  你曾经做过的一切  Allthatyousay  你曾经说过的一切  Allthatyoueat  你曾经吃过的一切  everyoneyoumeet  你曾经遇见的那些人  Allthatyouslight  你曾经藐视的那些人  everyoneyoufight  你曾经对抗的那些人  Allthatisnow  Allthatisgone  Allthat"stocome  andeverythingunderthesunisintune  太阳下所有的事物随着这旋律转动  butthesuniseclipsedbythemoon.  但阴暗的月遮住了太阳
2023-06-11 02:27:331


2023-06-11 02:27:538


self表示自己,dis是否定前缀,trust是信任,连起来就是 不信任自己的意思
2023-06-11 02:28:071


动词:suspect, speculate, be suspicious of, be wary of, have doubts, disbelieve名词:suspicion, speculation, mistrust, scepticism, distrust都可以:mistrust, guess, conjecture, doubt
2023-06-11 02:28:151


一方面 on the one hand ;
2023-06-11 02:28:258


1、信任比如一块石子一片树叶,在别人眼里是那样的普通,而其中的美妙含义只有自己知晓。 Trust is like a piece of stone, a leaf that is so common in the eyes of others, and the wonderful meaning of it is only one"s own knowledge. 2、人类一切和平合作的基础首先是相互信任,其次才是法庭和**一类的机构。 The foundation of all human peace cooperation is first to mutual trust, and then to the institutions of the court and the police. 3、要做真正的知己,就必须互相信任。 To be a true confidant, you must trust each other. 4、一个人失败的最大原因,就是对于自己的能力永远不敢充分信任,甚至自己认为必将失败无疑。 The biggest reason for a person to fail is that he can never fully trust his ability, and even think that it will fail. 5、如果你根本看不起一个人,就没有对他说谎的理由,又何必再说谎。 If you look down on a person at all, there is no reason to lie to him, and why should you lie again. 6、信任和理解,是一切爱情、情感和友爱的基础和催化剂。 Trust and understanding are the foundations and catalysts of all love, emotion and love. 7、信任,不是虚无缥缈的承诺,更不是遥不可及的想望,而是发自内心的真诚。 Trust, not more than with no reality whatever promise, distant but sincere desire. 8、许多真话变成了玩笑,很多玩笑变成了真话。信任我,你相信直觉,你不信任我,你跟着直觉走。 Many true words become jokes, and many jokes become true. Trust me, you believe in intuition, you don"t trust me, you follow your intuition. 9、没有信任,就没有友谊。 Without trust, there is no friendship. 10、我宁愿以诚挚获得一百名敌人的攻击,也不原以伪善获得十个朋友的赞扬。 I would rather be attacked by one hundred enemies with sincerity, and not to be praised by ten friends for hypocrisy. 11、感情不需要诺言、协议与条件。它只需要两个人:一个能够信任的人,一个愿意理解的人。 Feelings do not need promises, agreements, and conditions. It needs only two people: a person who can trust, a person who is willing to understand. 12、信任你的人你做什么事都无需解释,不信任你的解释也徒劳,而且还会迎来嘲讽和拳脚。 The people who trust you don"t have to explain what you do. It"s futile to distrust your explanation, and there will be a mockery and a fist. 13、人与人之间最大的信任就是关于进言的信任。 The greatest trust between man and man is about the words of trust. 14、信任是一种鼓励,鼓励我勇敢前进,鼓励我克服困难,鼓励我踏上曲折的人生道路。 Trust is a kind of encouragement, encourage me to go forward bravely, encourage me to overcome the difficulties and encourage me to take a tortuous path of life. 15、人与人之间信任从始到终都没有不要紧,有过之后再不信任才折磨入骨。 Trust between people from the beginning to the end are not does not matter, had then distrust torture. 16、我可以原谅其他人对我的不信任,唯独不能原谅你,因为你是我曾经最信任的朋友! I can forgive others for the distrust of me, but I can"t forgive you, because you are the most trusted friend I ever had! 17、你身上最可贵的宝石,是群众对你的信任。 The most Pcious stone on your body is the trust of the masses. 18、对自己不信任,还会信任什么真理。 Do not trust yourself, and trust what truth. 19、常常用一辈子去考验信任,而不信任几十秒就能决定,并且此后再也无法相信。 It is often a lifetime to test trust, and no trust in a few seconds can be decided, and then it can never be believed. 20、公众的信任不能随便托付给人,除非这个人首先证实自己能胜任而且适合从事这项工作。 The trust of the public can not be entrusted to people casually unless the person first confirms that he is competent and suitable for the job. 21、不要说爱我,除非你是认真的。因为我也许会做出疯狂的事,比如,相信你。 Do not say love me, unless you are serious. Because I may do crazy things, like, believe you. 22、诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也。 The honest man, the way of the heaven is also, the sincere person, the man"s way is also. 23、失去了诚信,就等同于敌人毁灭了自己。 The loss of honesty is the same as the enemy"s destruction. 24、如果把礼仪看得比月亮还高,结果就会失去人与人真诚的信任。 If the etiquette is higher than the moon, the result will lose the sincere trust of people and people. 25、说谎话的人所得到的,就只是即使说了真话也没有人相信。 What a liar gets is only the truth that no one believes. 26、信任是生命。随着信任越来越成长,你会享受到越来越丰富的生命。 Trust is life. As trust grows more and more, you will enjoy more and more life. 27、自信是一根柱子,能撑起精神的广漠的天空,自信是一片阳光,能驱散迷失者眼前的阴影。 Confidence is a pillar, hold up the spirit of the vast sky, self-confidence is a sun, can disperse the lost in the shadows. 28、我们还是太年轻。对这个世界的理解带着盲目的信任或者盲目的不信任。 We are still too young. The understanding of the world is with blind trust or blind distrust. 29、诚实的人必须对自身守信,他的最后靠山就是真诚。 An honest man must be faithful to himself, and his last resort is sincere. 30、借钱给你是支持,不催是信任,还钱是诚信,请不要拿别人的支持与信任而毁坏了自己的诚信。 To lend money to you is to support, not to urge is to trust, to repay the money is good faith, please do not take other people"s support and trust to destroy their integrity. 31、我只是想简简单单的付出多少感情可以回报多少感情。而不是我的信任成就你和别人的**剂。 I just think about how much emotion you can pay in a simple way. Instead I trust you and others aphrodisiac achievements. 32、爱情需要信任,信任需要坦诚。 Love needs trust, trust needs to be honest. 33、人与人,最难能可贵的就是信任,但往往害死人的也是信任。 People and people, the most expensive is trust, but often the death of people is also trust. 34、对你由爱到失望,由信任到不信任,总觉得吃亏的不是以前的我,而是以后的你。 To you from love to disappointment, from trust to distrust, it is not the former I, but the future. 35、在危险之中,常有被疑的朋友成为救星,最被信任的成为卖友的人。 In danger, often suspected friends become a savior, most trusted people become traitors. 36、在我们要求别人信任自己的时候,最好先问一下自己。 When we ask people to trust ourselves, we"d better ask ourselves first. 37、如果要别人诚信,首先要自身要诚信。 If you want others to be honest, first of all, you should be honest. 38、有时候爱会自然而然地从信任、敬重和友谊中产生。我愿意从最后一个开始,到第一个终止。 Sometimes love comes naturally from trust, respect, and friendship. I"d like to start from the last, to the first. 39、什么人都信任或什么人不信任都是不对的。 It is wrong for anyone to trust or not to trust anyone. 40、诚实比一切智谋更好,而且它是智谋的基本条件。 Honesty is better than all wisdom, and it is the basic condition of wisdom. 41、别人不相信你,不要怪对方对你不够信任,而是怪自己没有能力让她信任。 Others do not believe in you, do not blame the other person for not trust you, but not the ability to let her trust. 42、对人的热情,对人的信任,形像点说,是爱抚、温存的翅膀赖以飞翔的空气。 The passion for the man, the trust in the man, the image of the image, is the air on which the wings of love and warmth are flying. 43、信任别人,归根结底就是信任自己的判断。只有非常自信的人,才能给予别人非常的信任。 To trust others, in the final analysis, is to trust your own judgment. Only a very confident person can give other people a lot of trust. 44、人民的信任是报刊赖以生存的条件,没有这种条件,报刊就会完全萎靡不振。 The people"s trust is the condition for the newspapers and periodicals to survive. Without this condition, the Pss will be completely dispirited. 45、对我来说,信任是很难建立起来的,但是一旦建立,就很难被打破,除非被信任的人亲手打破。 For me, trust is hard to build, but once established it is hard to break unless the trusted person breaks it by hand. 46、珍惜那些给你温暖和信任的眼神,那是天使在微笑! Cherish the eyes that give you warmth and trust, that is, the angel is smiling! 47、信任也是一种爱,随便的猜疑只会给双方带来伤害,因为我爱你,所以我相信你。 Trust is also a kind of love. Casual suspicion will only hurt both sides, because I love you, so I believe you. 48、司令官与他的部队之间的相互信任是无价之宝。 The mutual trust between the commander and his troops is a priceless treasure. 49、安全感就是我心甘情愿地全心信任你,同时你毫无保留忠诚地珍惜我的信任。 The sense of security is that I will be willing to trust you with a willing heart, and you have no reservation to cherish my trust faithfully. 50、我首先要求诸君信任科学,相信理性,信任自己,并相信自己。 I first asked you trust science, believe in reason, trust in yourself, and believe in yourself. 51、爱情的所谓信任,有时候,是无可奈何的接受自己看不见的一切。 The so-called trust of love, sometimes, is helpless to accept everything that you can"t see. 52、你信任人,人才对你忠实。 You trust the man, the talent is faithful to you. 53、常绿的爱情三角洲,是在真诚和信任的土地上冲刷而成的。 The evergreen love delta is scoured in the land of sincerity and trust. 54、信任就是一把刀,你给了别人,他就有两个选择,捅你或者爱你保护你。 Trust is a knife, you give someone, he has two choices, poke you or love you to protect you. 55、我的女孩,为什么不信任。 My girl, why don"t trust. 56、不是每一个人在你信任他的同时他也能信任你,对别人永远不要抱太大的期望。 Not everyone can trust him while you trust him, and never expect too much for others. 57、我希望,我能完全信任你,我还从来没有能这样信任过谁。我也希望,你将给我最大的支持。 I hope I can trust you completely, and I have never been able to trust anyone like that. I also hope that you will give me the greatest support. 58、如果你将我对你的信任当作伤害我的资本,那么对不起,这个信任我给不起! If you regard my trust in you as a capital that hurts me, I"m sorry, I can"t afford this trust! 59、如果两个人相爱,信任是最重要的东西。如果连基本的信任都没有,爱情也就很难长久。 If two people love each other, trust is the most important thing. If there is no basic trust, love will be hard to last. 60、有一种美丽叫信任,它美丽着人们的心灵,美丽着每个不起眼的角落,美丽着这个大千世界! There is a kind of beauty called trust. It is beautiful in the hearts of people, beautiful in every corner of the eyes, and beautiful in this great world. 61、质疑不该质疑的心,失去不该失去的人,后悔不该后悔的事。 To question the heart that should not be questioned, to lose the person that should not be lost, to regret what should not be regretted. 62、我们应该信任自己的领导,信任他在分配工作时是公平的,信任他不会交给自己完不成的工程。 We should trust our own leadership and trust him to be fair in the distribution of work, and trust him to not give it to himself. 63、如果真理得到信任是这么难,那谎话就一定是这里的通行证了。 If truths are so difficult to trust, the lie must be a passport here. 64、我的心灯,寻到了我要的信任。信任,一定会将全世界上的火炬点燃,火焰,是那么明亮。 My heart lamp has found the trust I want. Trust, the torch of the world will be ignited, and the flame is so bright. 65、不要对一切人都以不信任的眼光看待,但要谨慎而坚定。 Do not look at everyone in the eyes of distrust, but be cautious and firm. 66、不要让误解误了你我的关系,不要让流言流走了我们的信任,美满的爱情需要的是信任和理解。 Do not let misunderstandings mistaken your relationship, do not let the flow of rumors walk our trust, full of love needs trust and understanding. 67、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。 The greatest challenge and breakthrough lies in the use of people, and the greatest breakthrough in the use of people lies in the trust of people. 68、信任是友谊的桥梁,而自重则是友谊的催化剂。 Trust is the bridge of friendship, and self weight is the catalyst of friendship. 69、不相信任何人和相信任何人,同样都是错误的。 It is also wrong to believe in no one or to believe anyone. 70、自己活着,就是为了使别人活得更美好。 To live is to make others live better.
2023-06-11 02:28:421

Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

名词 尘土的意思
2023-06-11 02:28:492


①The ad(主语)pointed out(谓语) that(引导pointed out的宾语从句), yes, (yes可以理解为连词就好)从yes后面为宾语从句。下面的宾语从句中:②it (宾语从句中的主语)is(系动词) the insurance companies(表语) that (引导companies的定语从句)pay for stolen goods, (到此为止,宾语从句结束)③but (作为连接词,后面的句子跟最开始的主谓宾并列)who (主语)is going to pay for(谓语),后面都是宾语了,再讲下面的宾语从句:④what(宾语从句中的宾语前置) the new atmosphere of distrust and fear(宾语从句中的主语) is doing (其实是is doing what,is doing是宾语从句里的谓语)to our way of life(to our way of是do的介词短语作状语)翻译:是的,这则广告指出,保险公司可以为被偷的货物买单,但是,谁应该(打算)为猜疑、恐惧的新氛围对我们生活方式(带来的损失)来买单呢?
2023-06-11 02:28:561


2023-06-11 02:29:056

Initial Distrust 歌词

歌曲名:Initial Distrust歌手:Total Chaos专辑:Pledge Of Defiancenot going to fight, because you want me to.not going to lie, just because you do.not going to die in a war for you.not going to trust what you say or die!won"t ask you questions, because you"ll lie.not going to answer when you ask me why.I think you"re lame, you think you"re sly.I won"t feel sorry for you when you die.Total Chaossick of the lies, sick of the spiesand working nine to five just to die.sick of the lies, the ones I despise.waiting - opportunity never arrives.initial distrust - the system"s"re buried alive beneath your own lie.Initial distrust - the system will"ll be left to die in yoru lies.initial distrust - a system that sucks.pathetic greed in your daily lifeInitial distrust - civilize us?from turning to dust!not going to say what you want to hear.not going to change,because you think I"m weird.not going to live in a world of fear.not going to quit, going to persevere.not going to listen to what you say.not going to play games, the ones you play.not paying taxes to profit you.not going to do anything for you.sick of the lies, what is the price?even money corrodes distortingwhat"s valued in life.
2023-06-11 02:30:301


《Distrust That Particular Flavor》(William Gibson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:no0v书名:Distrust That Particular Flavor作者:William Gibson出版社:Viking出版年份:2012-2-2页数:256内容简介:"Distrust That Particular Flavor" - an acclaimed nonfiction collection by William Gibson, author of "Neuromancer". "The future"s already here: it"s just not evenly distributed". William Gibson was writing fiction when he predicted the internet. And as his stories bled into reality so he became one of the first to report on the real-world consequences of cyberspace"s growth and development. Now, with the dust settling on the first internet revolution, comes Gibson"s first collection of non-fiction - essays from the technological and cultural frontiers of this new world. Covering a variety of subjects, they include: Metrophagy - the Art and Science of Digesting Great Cities; an account of obsession in "the world"s attic" - eBay; reasons why "The Net is a Waste of Time"; Singapore as "Disneyland with the Death Penalty"; and, a primer on Japan, our default setting for the future. These and many other pieces, collected for the first time in "Distrust that Particular Flavour", are studded with revealing autobiographical fragments and map the development of Gibson"s acute perceptions about modern life. Readers of Neal Stephenson, Ray Bradbury and Iain M. Banks will love this book. "Gibson is a prophet and a satirist, a black comedian and an astounding architect of cool. He"s also responsible for much of the world we live in". ("Spectator"). "Part-detective story, part-cultural snapshot ...all bound by Gibson"s pin-sharp prose". ("Arena"). In an earlier story he had invented the term "cyberspace"; a concept he developed in the novel, creating an iconography for the Information Age long before the invention of the Internet. The book won three major literary prizes. He has since written nine further novels including "Count Zero"; "Mona Lisa Overdrive"; "The Difference Engine"; "Virtual Light"; "Idoru"; "All Tomorrow"s Parties"; "Pattern Recognition"; "Spook Country" and most recently "Zero History".
2023-06-11 02:30:551


5) 加适量的水,辣椒酱,番茄酱,糖及鸡精粉炒均。
2023-06-11 02:31:094


全部手动翻译,请采纳大多数美国人仍然坚信诚信是美国性格的重要部分。因此,社会各阶层的社区都装有大量监视器。尽管,近年来不诚信的现象在学校、商界和政坛似乎比过去增多了不少, 但想想看是不是因为我们对不诚信加大了曝光的力度呢?有证据显示不诚信的多少是起伏不定的。遇到萧条的时候,偷盗和诈骗往往多了起来。遇到繁荣的时候,则降了下去。学术的不诚信也是起伏不定的。但这似乎并不与经济景气与否有关系。教育者们认为当学生们有信心、有能力时,就不容易产生学术欺骗。令人惊讶的是,一些用来防止欺骗的措施实际上助长了欺骗--学生会觉得他们无论如何不相信我,然后试图去报复这个教育系统。 不信任有传染性!信任亦然。
2023-06-11 02:31:402

Her constant lying led me to distrust everything she said. | 她总撤谎, 我完全不相信她的话了.

lead to 的用法导致的意思
2023-06-11 02:31:472


二、部分倒装 1、省略 if 的虚拟条件句中 Had I known what was going to happen,I would never have left her alone. 如果我当时知道可能发生的事的话,我就不会撇下她一个人在那里了。 Were there no air or water, there would be no life in the world. 没有空气和水,世界上就不会有生命。 2、在以 so(肯定)和 neither, nor(否定)的句子中 He didn"t fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future. 他不怕新想法,也不怕未来。 I"ve had some good ideas, so have other men. 我有些新的想法,别人也会有啊。 Distrust can be contagious, but so can trust. 不信任有传染力,同样信任也具有传染力。 3、当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,如never, little, often, not only, not until, hardly, scarcely, seldom, no sooner ... than …, in no way, at no time, under no circumstances, by no means, in no case.,采用部分倒装。 Little does he care about money. 他很少关心钱。 Not until recently did I know what he had done. 直到最近我才知道他所做的事。 4、句首状语由 only+副词,only+介词短语,only+状语分词时 Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing. 直到昨天他才发现表丢了。 Only in our country can science serve the interests of the people. 只有在我们国家科学才能服务于人民的利益。 5、在强调宾语时 Still greater contributions should we make to our socialist construction. 我们应该为社会主义建设作出更大的贡献。 Useful chemical fertilizer can we make from the waste liquid. 从废弃液体中我们能提取有用的化学肥料。
2023-06-11 02:31:541


2023-06-11 02:32:001


  suspect表使惊奇; 突袭的意思,那么你知道suspect的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了suspect的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   suspect的同义词辨析:   doubt, suspect, distrust   这些动词均含"怀疑"之意。   doubt : 普通用词,多指因证据不足或仅凭证据还不能肯定而产生怀疑,多含否定意味。   suspect : 指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味较多。   distrust : 指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。   suspect的例句:   1. Investigators say nearly $100,000 was wired into the suspect"s bank accounts.   调查人员说有近10万美元汇入了嫌疑人的银行账户。   2. Do women really share such stupid jokes? We suspect not.   女人们真的会觉得如此愚蠢的笑话好笑吗?我们想不会。   3. I suspect he isn"t altogether unhappy about my absence.   我猜想他对我的缺席并没有感到很不高兴。   4. She has been acclaimed for the TV drama "Prime Suspect"   她凭借电视剧《头号嫌疑犯》而受到好评。   5. She did not suspect that his interest was just a passing fancy.   她相信这不过是他一时兴起。   6. I strongly suspect that most ordinary people would agree with me.   我坚定地认为绝大部分老百姓会赞同我的观点。   7. I suspect this book will have the widest appeal of all.   我猜想这本书会引起大家最广泛的兴趣。   8. The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.   我想,以上的抱怨只是冰山一角。   9. I suspect that she is going to be transferred.   我猜想她要被调走了.   10. "Brady looks like a suspect." — "I"d pull him in."   “布雷迪看着像个嫌疑犯。”——“我会去把他抓起来的。”   11. Delegates evacuated the building when a suspect package was found.   发现可疑包裹后,代表们撤离了这座楼。   12. The police will see me as the prime suspect!   警方会把我当作头号嫌疑人!   13. Doctors suspect he may have a heart condition.   医生怀疑他可能有心脏病。   14. The whole affair has been highly suspect.   整件事情一直都非常可疑。   15. I suspect he"s a closet fascist.   我怀疑他是秘密的法西斯分子。   suspect的同义词例句:   1. There can be little doubt that he will offend again.   毋庸置疑他还会再犯的。   2. They have the usual quota of human weaknesses, no doubt.   毫无疑问,他们身上也有人所共有的弱点。   3. This new information does throw doubt on their choice.   这个新信息确实使人们对他们的选择产生了怀疑。   4. There was no doubt in his mind that the man was serious.   在他看来,这个人无疑是认真的。   5. I do not doubt that the bank acted properly.   我毫不怀疑银行的处理方式是妥当的。   6. Few in Westminster doubt that the government will win the day.   在英国议会中,几乎没有人对政府将会获胜存有怀疑。   7. It was without a shadow of a doubt the best we"ve played.   毫无疑问这是我们表现最出彩的一次。   8. At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt.   起初,我姑且相信了他。   9. I have no doubt that we are polluting the environment beyond redemption.   我丝毫都不怀疑我们对环境的污染是不可挽回的。   10. A referendum showed beyond doubt that voters wanted independence.   全民公决无疑显示选民支持独立。   11. There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue"s authenticity.   然而,有些因素让人对该雕塑的真伪产生了怀疑。   12. There was no doubt he was serious, it wasn"t just playing around.   毫无疑问他很认真,那可不是闹着玩的。   13. They would no doubt welcome the action with open arms.   他们无疑将热烈欢迎这一举动。   14. White was in no doubt the referee made the correct decision.   怀特确信裁判作出了公正的判罚。   15. Local inhabitants haven"tthe slightest doubt as to who is the rightful owner.   当地居民对谁是合法所有者没有丝毫疑问。   1. Police moved in to separate the two groups, already sundered by distrust.   警方及时介入将互不信任、业已分化的两组人隔离开。   2. I don"t have any particular reason to distrust them.   我没有任何特别的理由怀疑他们。   3. They looked at each other with distrust.   他们心怀戒备地相互看着对方。   4. Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.   非英国国教者一直不信任圣公会的人.   5. She could not overcome her distrust of the stranger.   她无法消除对那位陌生人的怀疑.   6. He looked at the stranger with distrust.   他怀疑地打量着那个陌生人.   7. What he saw there left him with a profound distrust of all political authority.   他在那儿的所见让他对一切政治当局产生了一种深深的不信任感。   8. He is devoting much of his energy to implanting an element of distrust in the community.   他竭力在社区内撒播猜疑的种子。   9. Our reporter looks at reactions to Britain"s apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner.   英国对其欧盟伙伴显然存在着根深蒂固的不信任,我们的记者就人们对此的反应进行了报道.   10. His words were polite, but there were overtones of distrust in his voice.   他的话虽然很礼貌, 但话中含有不信任的暗示.   11. On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment.   一方面我羡慕他的才华, 而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力.   12. The people gave voice to their distrust of the government by voting against them at the election.   选举时人们通过投票表示他们对政府的不信任.   13. His duplicity caused us to distrust him.   他的口是心非使我们不相信他。   14. Some of that distrust would be irrevocably implanted in Honoria.   那种不信任感多少会不可磨灭地印入霍诺丽娅的脑子.   15. His policy earned him the distrust of the Athenians.   他的政策受到了雅典人的猜疑.
2023-06-11 02:32:181

public distrust of scientists是什么意思

2023-06-11 02:32:324

Dream Theater的《Scarred》 歌词

歌曲名:Scarred歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Home For The Holidays Vol. 2ScarredDream TheaterAwakeMusic: Dream TheaterTo Rise, To Fall.To Hurt, To Hate.To Want, To Wait.To Heal, To Save.Can"t hear itWe fear itAwareness won"t come near itDistractiveReactiveDisguised in spite of timeI never bared my emotionMy passion always strongI never lost my devotionBut somewhere fate went wrongCan"t let them rape me againYour venom"s not family herewon"t let them fill me withFatalistic remediesWhat if the rest of the worldWas hopelessly blinded by fear?Where would my sanctity live?Suddenly nobody cares.It"s never enoughYou"re wasting your timeIsn"t there something I could say?You don"t understandYou"re closing me outHow can we live our lives this way?You tell me I"m wrongI"m risking my lifeStill, I have nothing in returnI show you my handsYou don"t see the scarsMaybe you"ll leave me here to burn.What if the rest of the worldwas hopelessly drowning in vain?Where would our self pity run?Suddenly everyone cares.Blood...Heal meFear...Change meBelief will always save meBlood...SwearingFear...StaringConviction made awareGive up on miseryTurn your back on dissentLeave their distrust behindWash your hands of regretDo you feel you don"t know me anymore?And do you feel I"m afraid of your love?And how come you don"t want me asking?And how come my heart"s not invited?You say you want everyone happyWell, we"re not laughing.And how come you don"t understand me?And how come I don"t understand you?Thirty years say we"re in this togetherSo open your eyes.People in prayer for meEveryone there for meSometimes I feel I should face this aloneMy soul exposedIt calms me to know that I won"tBlood...Heal meFear...Change meBelief will always save meBlood...SwearingFear...StaringConviction made awareGive up on miseryTurn your back on dissentLeave their distrust behindWash your hands of regretBlood...Heal meFear...Change meBelief will always save meBlood...SwearingFear...StaringConviction made awareLearning from miseryStaring back at dissentLeaving distrust behindI"m inspired and content
2023-06-11 02:32:391


mistrust of foreigners was widespread: suspicion, distrust, doubt, misgivings, wariness.2 their mistrust of David"s competence: questioning, lack of confidence in, lack of faith in, doubt about.
2023-06-11 02:32:462

pink floyd Eclipse 歌词翻译

All that you touch  你所接触到的一切  All that you see  你所看到的一切  All that you taste  你所品尝到的一切  All that you feel  你所感觉到的一切  All that you love  你所爱的一切  All that you hate  你所憎恨的一切  All you distrust  你所不相信的一切  All that you save  你所能回忆起的一切  All that you give  你曾经给予的一切  All that you buy  你曾经收买过的一切  All that you buy  你曾经收买过的一切  beg, borrow or steal    All you create  你曾经创造过的一切  All you destroy  你曾经毁灭过的一切  All that you do  你曾经做过的一切  All that you say  你曾经说过的一切  All that you eat  你曾经吃过的一切  everyone you meet  你曾经遇见的那些人  All that you slight  你曾经藐视的那些人  everyone you fight  你曾经对抗的那些人  All that is now    All that is gone    All that"s to come    and everything under the sun is in tune  太阳下所有的事物随着这旋律转动  but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.  但阴暗的月遮住了太阳
2023-06-11 02:32:531


宾语重句,that指代I didn"t know when to start.
2023-06-11 02:33:003


2023-06-11 02:33:373


2023-06-11 02:33:5311


true英 [tru720;] 美 [tru] 形容词. 符合事实的,确实的,如实的,真正的(而非表面上的)副词. 笔直地,不偏不斜地,直言相告,实话实说动词. 配准,校准,整形网络. 为真,真实的,真的变形. 比较级:truer,最高级:truest,过去分词:trued,现在分词:truing,第三人称单数:trues搭配. true love,true friend,true story,true meaning,true value[例句]Nevertheless, it is true that he did not wish to be alone with the thing.然而,说实在的他也不希望和这东西单独相对。
2023-06-11 02:34:352


doubt同义词: supicion、distrust、 uncertainty。doubt该词为英文单词,释义为怀疑;疑心。是一种人的内在的心理活动。supicion语气较强,指对某人做某事的目的、意图有怀疑或认为某人做错事,但无确凿证据而产生怀疑。uncertainty侧重指对某事或选择等需作决定时的迟疑不决。distrust 一般用词,泛指对某人某事不信任而感到怀疑。doubt的例句:1、There can be lttle doubt that he will offend again。毋庸置疑他还会再犯的。2、They have the usual quota of human weaknesses, no doubt。无疑问,他们身上也有人所共有的弱点。3、This new information does throw doubt on their choice。这个新信息确实使人们对他们的选择产生了怀疑。
2023-06-11 02:34:511

public distrust of scientists是什么意思

公众对科学家的不信任;我找了一下,这是原文,2005六级考试阅读理解。 Public distrust of scientists stems in part from the blurring of boundaries between science and technology, between discovery and manufacture. Most government, perhaps all governments, justify public expenditure on scientific research in terms of the economic benefits the scientific enterprise ha brought in the past and will bring in the future. Politicians remind their voters of the splendid machines ‘our scientists" have invented, the new drugs to relieve old ailments (病痛), and the new surgical equipment and techniques by which previously intractable (难治疗的) conditions may now be treated and lives saved. At the same time, the politicians demand of scientists that they tailor their research to ‘economics needs", that they award a higher priority to research proposals that are ‘near the market" and can be translated into the greatest return on investment in the shortest time. Dependent, as they are, on politicians for much of their funding, scientists have little choice but to comply. Like the rest of us, they are members of a society that rates the creation of wealth as the greatest possible good.Many have reservations, but keep them to themselves in what they perceive as a climate hostile to the pursuit of understanding for its own sake and the idea of an inquiring, creative spirit.
2023-06-11 02:35:051