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2023-06-09 09:30:33



Lingnan old offer longan, litchi born, li, a buy, wait five miles a day and night transfer. The long RuNa tang qiang wu wrote to the yue: "I heard on the taste for Germany, to not to gong and into work. See into his toe seven county offer, bird JingFeng born longan hair; south state land, evil beasts, hot worm in an road, as for breaches of the death of harm. The dead shall not live, who sent him to save. This also of two things up, not necessarily the lengthen your life." Emperor letter yue: "far countries, the ZhenXiu commend to serve the temples, hurt, or otherwise people this, its not by the miserable too complex offer!"



The Separation Wall In this section you will find a list of articles and resources about the Apartheid Wall that Israel is building to encircle Palestinian areas. On Friday, July 9, 2004, the International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled (14 to 1) that: The construction of the wall being built by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, and its associated régime, are contrary to international law; It also ruled (14 to 1) that: Israel is under an obligation to terminate its breaches of international law; it is under an obligation to cease forthwith the works of construction of the wall being built in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, to dismantle forthwith the structure therein situated, and to repeal or render ineffective forthwith all legislative and regulatory acts relating thereto, in accordance with paragraph 151 of this Opinion. It also ruled (14 to 1) that: Israel is under an obligation to make reparation for all damage caused by the construction of the wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem It also ruled (13 to 2) that: All States are under an obligation not to recognize the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by such construction; all States parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949 have in addition the obligation, while respecting the United Nations Charter and international law, to ensure compliance by Israel with international humanitarian law as embodied in that Convention. It also ruled (14 to 1) that: The United Nations, and especially the General Assembly and the Security Council, should consider what further action is required to bring to an end the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall and the associated régime, taking due account of the present Advisory Opinion.
2023-06-09 03:06:061


2023-06-09 03:06:441


以外的义务,违反了标签--沿卖方公约生效之前关闭了这个Tag的沿 卖方,而违反了标签,同时,卖方应承担全部责任
2023-06-09 03:06:512


I watched through blurred vision as my husband, Chuck, walked away with his ex-wife.Theheaviness in entire our hearts was almost unbearable. Turning back to my stepson"s casket I somehow helped my children pull a rose from the sibling spray to press in their Bibles. With tears streaming down my face,Louis Vuitton Handbags, I rested my hand on the son spray. I not longer knew my area.God, I quietly yelled, how did I eligible in Conan"s life?From the moment I"d met my stepson, I was in reverence of this angelic tiny boy whose bright, blond hair appeared to flicker with a mundane splendor. At merely a year-and-a-half,Louis Vuitton Women, he was built like a three-year-old. Solid and stocky, slumbering curled in my lap, his tiny center buffet opposition bomb,discount hermes handbags, and a motherly bonding began stirring inside me.Within a year I became a stepmother to Conan and his older sister, Lori. Soon after that, a visit to the doctor revealed some disheartening news."You have an infertility disease," the doctor had said. "You might not ever have babies of your own."At twenty-two, that news was shattering. I had always wanted to be a mother. Suddenly, I realized being a stepmother might be as close as I would get, and I became even more contained in their lives.But thankfully, 4 annuals afterward we joyfully discovered I was fertile. Chase was nativity, then two years later we were congratulated with our daughter, Chelsea.I loved creature both a mom and a stepmother, but for in anybody blended family, it had its ups and downs. Chuck"s ex-wife had custody of his kids and gave them extra emancipation than we gave our children. Needing to be consistent with our rules, I"m definite we arose overly strict to his kids. On their weekend visitations, I normally felt like an old nag.As a second wife, I was envious of my stepchildren"s mother. I complained about her and her husband among earshot of my stepkids, and even grumbled about purchasing my stepchildren surpluses on top of disbursing child aid. Somehow I overlooked the important fact that my stepchildren were the innocent ones boost into a blended family.Then 1 day at a gathering of my own family, I saw as my mama went up to my stepmother and gave her a hug. I turned and saw my dad and stepfather smiling together. Having always appreciated the cooperative relationship my parents and stepparents had, it occurred to me that Chuck"s children longed for the same. So Chuck and I resolved to work hard at bridging breaches instead of creating them.It wasn"t effortless, and alterations didn"t come overnight, but they did come. By the time Conan was fifteen, a peace had stable among parents and stepparents. Instead of griping about child-support payments, we voluntarily increased them. And finally Conan"s mom gave us copies of his report cards and football schedules.I was arrogant of my kids and stepkids. After graduation, my stepdaughter married, and she and her husband built a house together. At seventeen, Conan had chance a sensible, intelligent juvenile male. With rugged good looks and a deep, baritone voice, I surprised what fortunate girl would shred him up.But then came that phone call, changing our lives always - Conan was killed instantly by a drunk driver.Over the years we"d been married, Chuck had reassured me that I was a parent to his children, too. He sought my opinion in matters concerning them and relied on me to make their Christmases and birthdays special. I enjoyed doing those asset and looked upon myself as their second mother.But in his mourning immediately upon Conan"s decease, Chuck suddenly stopped seeking my attitude and began cornering to his ex-wife. I knew they had to make numerous ultimate determinations attach, and I realized later that he was trying to spare me from the gruesome details, yet for the premier period, I began to feel favor an outsider instead of a parent.I too knew the driver responsible for the occurrence had to be prosecuted, which meant Chuck and his ex-wife would must reside in adjoin. Those hideous jealousies from the quondam began to resurface when, night after night, he talked to her, rarely arguing their chats with me.And it stung when friends interrogated only about Chuck"s coping, or sent sympathy cards addressed just to him, forgetting about me and even our two children. Some belittled my grieving because I was "just" a stepparent. Did anyone realize my wastage and grief? I"d had mighty maternal feelings for Conan; he considered me his second mother - or did he? As the weeks turned into months, that answer haunted me, dominating my thoughts. I became pedaled to understand just what my role had been.I ransacked through boxes of photos and dug out old journals, searching the house for mementos, even Christmas ornaments he had made.There were several comforting diary excerpts, one describing Mother"s Day phone calls from Conan to me, and a beautiful white poinsettia he gave me at Christmas. And I adored the memories old photos brought back - his loving bear hugs after cooking his preference repast - or a kiss for simply act his laundromat. As comforting as these entities were, they still weren"t enough.One beauteous spring day, virtually a year after he died, I was lovingly caressing the pressed rose from his grave that I kept in my Bible. Suddenly, I felt compelled to visit his grave alone. I had never done that before, but I desperately needed some responses.Arriving at the gravesite, I remembered Chuck saying that the lasting headstone had recently arrived. Chuck had told Conan"s mom to select what she wanted. As I looked down on the shiny cruel surface, I noticed she had chosen a copper sports emblem, according with a picture of Conan that had been permanently embedded beneath a thick floor of glass.I bent down and lovingly ran my fingers over his carved name and the dates commemorating his short life. Through a blur of tears, memories of a rambunctious, fun-loving little boy filled my heart. The child I"d mothered part-time for so many years may not have come through my body, but I had been chosen by God to invest a maternal inspire in his life. Not to take his mother"s place, but to be just a "tread" away. I suddenly felt very credited to have been chosen."It was a prerogative to be your stepmother," I whispered out noisy, curving to kiss his picture.Finally, a sense of peace was beginning. With a cumbersome weep, I got up to leave. But as I turned to walk away, the sun glistened on the frame of the headstone, causing me to see back."Oh my gosh! How could I have not placarded it before?"The all border of the headstone was trimmed in gold shafts of wheat . . . exactly like a gold shaft-of-wheat pin Conan had given me years ago. Chills ran up and down my spine. I hadn"t looked that pin in years.Somehow, I equitable knew it was the missing correlate. I had to find that pin.The ride home was a blur. I was so incited. Finally, I was upstairs in my bedroom tearing separately my jewelry box. Where was it? Dumping the contents on the bed, I frantically hurled earrings and pins to and fro.Nothing.God, this is major. Please assist me detect it, I prayed.Turning from the bed I felt constrained to search my dresser. Rummaging via drawer later drawer certified ineffective, until eventually, in the final drawer, clear in the back I felt it. It was a small, white box with my appoint scribbled on altitude in a child"s handwriting. Prying it open, I was instantly transported back in time.Conan had been approximately ten years old, and it was the night ahead working on holiday to Florida. He was working with us, and I was packaging in my chamber while I heard a beat on my gate. Conan stood there, his eyes downcast and his hands backward his back."What is it, son?" I queried, concerned by this abrupt visit.Shuffling his feet, he immediately whispered, "I don"t understand why I don"t call you "Mom" very constantly,Louis vuitton Luxury leather, even though I call my stepdad "Dad.""I hugged him and reassured him he was free to shriek me whatever he was comfortable with. Then suddenly, with a wry laugh on his pudgy face, he handed me the small, pearly box."You choose,prada handbags," he said, and threw from the room.Assuming I"d find two items inside the box, I opened it. Instead, I found the single gold wheat needle he"d bought by a garage bargain with his own money.Scribbled inside the stopper of the box were the words, "I Love You. To Mom alternatively Connie."That had been almost a ten-year antecedent, anyhow as I moved the spilled contents of my jewelry box aside and slowly sat down on the corner of the bed, it felt like yesterday.Thank you, God, for discovery this pin, and for the closure that comes with it.Wiping the tears from my face, I reflected on an angelic little boy whose heart beat near to mine.I still prefer "Mom."
2023-06-09 03:07:012


2023-06-09 03:07:104


  给你个范本参考吧。  合作意向书  Letter of intent for cooperation  意大利SOMAT公司(以下简称甲方)与中国凯福集团有限公司(以下简称乙方)就在意大利建立搅拌机组装厂项目(以下简称项目)的实施事宜进行了友好协商,达成如下合作意向:  This intention is made by and between SOMAT Italy Company (following called First Party) & China Victory First Holdings Limited (following called Second Party), whereby the two parties agree to amicable negotiation about the item (following called item) for establishing blender assembly manufactory in Italy.  1、 总则  1.General principles  甲乙双方在互惠互利、优势互补的基础上就上述市场的开发及签约后的实施进行排它性合作。任何一方(包括各自的分公司、子公司、股份公司以及隶属单位)不得以其他任何方式就该项目与其他任何第三方进行合作。  Two parties undertake exclusive cooperation concerning fore-mentioned market development and agreement"s execution in line with the principles of the complementarities of each other"s strengths, reciprocity, and mutual benefit. That is, any party including respective branch offices, sub-companies, stock companies and their attached units must not team up with any Third party in any way in regard to this item.  双方的共同目标是:长期合作、持续改进产品,使之符合当地的标准,能够在意大利和周边国家销售。  The common goal is long-termed consortium, persist in improving products which are in conformity with the local standards and can be purchased in Italy, as well as circumjacent countries.  甲方主要负责与本国政府部门、银行、商会等相关单位的总体协调和联系工作并对项目开发进行总体管理;乙方主要负责技术文件编制、供货、技术服务和技术支持等工作,并提供周边国家的市场支持。  First party is mostly in charge of the coordination and relation with the local department, such as the government, the bank, the chamber of commerce and so on; even manage the whole exploitation of item. But second party is mostly in charge of making technical documents, offering cargoes, service and technology supplying, in addition offer the market support for peripheral companies.  本意向书所涉及的产品为乙方生产的Y-323,Y-324和Y-X436三种规格的搅拌机。  The letter of intent implicates three kinds of blenders which will produce by second party, and the specifications are Y-323, Y-324 and Y-X436.  2、 双方的工作  2. Tasks of two parties  2.1 在正式的合作协议签订前  2.1 Prophase of signatory  2.1.1 甲方的责任和义务  2. 1.1 Responsibilities and obligations of first party  ? 编制该项目在意大利的可行性报告,及时就技术和商务问题与乙方进行澄清;  ? To make feasibility report regarding this item in Italy, then solves all problems in technique and commerce as soon as possible with second party.  ? 负责项目融资事宜并承担相应工作,在必要时与乙方协作为该项目争取优惠的信贷条件;  ? To make project financing as well as taking corresponding responsibilities, and assist second party to contest preferential credit conditions in necessary.  ? 审核乙方编制的商务、技术文件并汇总,提出修改意见、组织谈判;  ? To examine and summarize commercial and technical documents by second party, submit recomposed opinions, so far as to organize negotiation.  ? 负责组织乙方以及相关人员在意大利的考察工作;  ? To arrange all matters of visiting and studying in Italy by the persons in second party and related staff.  ? 负责在合作过程中及时向当地的商会和政府部门汇报项目情况,并获得有关政府部门的支持。  ? To report status of the project to local chamber of commerce and government, in addition get support of relative governmental branches.  2.1.2 乙方的责任和义务  2. 1.2 Responsibilities and obligations of second party  ? 在充分考虑甲方要求的前提下编写目标产品的技术文件,保证技术的完整性、可靠性和先进性;  ? To compile technical documents based on full considering the requirements of first party, so as to assure integrity, reliability and advancement of technique.  ? 充分考虑甲方要求与乙方习惯的差异,并针对差异项尽可能提出备选方案以供甲方选择;  ? To fully consider the difference between two parties, provide alternative methods to banish variations.  ? 负责人员来华考察的接待,并负责安排参观生产工厂、会谈,组织技术交流;  ? To schedule staffs" reception for observing and visiting Chinese factory, even more take charge in interlocution and technical exchange.  ? 及时安排有关人员参加国内外的考察和谈判工作,并根据甲方的意见对有关技术文件、商务文件进行补充和修改;  ? To arrange related persons attending survey and negotiation at home and abroad, renew and amend related technical documents according to first party"s demand.  2.2 在正式的合作协议签订后  2. 2 After signature of formal contract  甲乙双方将根据合作协议的规定和要求,另行签订具体的采购合同,明确各自在合同执行过程中的责任和义务。  Two parties can sign a specific purchasing contract which will make clear each duties and engagements of two parties under the regulations and requirements of the cooperative agreement.  乙方根据自身的业务特点,特授权其全资子公司——“凯福国际经济贸易有限公司”作为乙方的全权代表,与甲方签订采购合同、技术协议及服务协议等各种文件,并负责整个项目的操作过程。  In accordance with its own business features, the second party can authorize its full-lot capital sub-company Victory First international economic & trace limited to sign the purchase contract, technical and service agreements with the first party, in addition take charge of the whole operation process of this item.  3、 费用  3. The cost  3.1 在正式协议签订前,甲乙双方分别承担各自为获得该项目所发生的所有费用。  3. 1 Before signature of formal contract, two parties must take charge of respective expenses in order to get this item.  3.2 在正式协议生效后的执行过程中,双方根据签订的合同或意向书支付相关货款或费用。  3. 2 During the course of carrying out the formal agreement which has become effective, two parties must pay the related costs of goods on the basis of contract or letter of intent.  4、 保密原则  4. The confidential principle  在本意向书有效期内,甲乙双方对有关合作信息及资料负有保密责任。未经双方书面同意,任何一方不得将合作有关信息及资料向第三方泄露或用于其他非双方合作的项目。  In the period of the letter of intent"s validity, two parties have the responsibilities to keep secret for all information and documents. In another word, without consent by both sides in written form, any party can"t reveal the information and documents about cooperation to third party, or used them for non-cooperative item.  5、 违约责任  5. The liability for breach contract  甲乙双方中的一方违反本意向书明确的责任和义务而使对方蒙受损失,受损方有权向责任方提出索赔要求,责任方应予以经济赔偿,赔偿的额度以造成直接或间接经济损失为据进行计算。  As any side of two parties" breaches responsibilities and engagements which are defined in letter of intent, and lead to counterpart"s loss, the aggrieved party has the right to lodge a claim to the responsible party. And the amount of compensation shall be based on the direct or indirect loss.  6、 意向书的补充修改  6. The supplement and amendment for the letter of intent  6.1 此意向书书为双方合作的依据,未尽事宜甲乙双方另行协商解决。  6. 1 Two parties should cooperate on the basis of this letter of intent, and the unaccomplished matters between the two parties can be settled by consultation.  6.2 任何修改、变更和补充的条款和内容,一方应提前两个月向另一方以书面形式提出,经双方确认签字盖章后,将被视为本意向书不可分割的组成部分,与本意向书具有同等法律效力。  6. 2 Any amendments, modifying, and supplements to the clauses and contents should be submitted to other party in written form, will be counted as an undivided part of the letter of intent, and have equally authentic in terms of law after the signature by both sides.  7、 意向书的生效及期限  7. The letter of intent"s effect and period of validity  8.1 本意向书自甲乙双方代表签字盖章之日起生效,有效期一年。  8. 1 This letter of intent is effected after signed by both parties, and valid within one year.  8.2 双方在此前签订的供货合同不受本意向书的约束。  8. 2 The purchase contracts signed by two parties before are uncommitted to this letter of intent.  8.3 若任何一方不履行或未按本意向书约定履行任何权利义务的,则守约方要求违约方的赔偿权利或要求违约方承担违约责任的权利不以本意向书的终止而终止。  8. 3 If any party fails to perform the rights and obligations which have been stipulated in the letter of intent , the observant party has the right to ask the party in breach to compensate rights or to request the party in breach to bear responsibility for breach of contract, and its rights can not be terminated along with the termination of this letter of intent.  8.4 意向书一式二份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。  8. 4 This letter of intent is signed in duplicate, both parties hold one with the same legal effect.  甲 方:  Party A:  意大利SOMAT公司  SOMAT Italy Company  乙 方:  Party B:  中国凯福集团有限公司  China Victory First Holdings Limited
2023-06-09 03:07:331


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2023-06-09 03:10:243

《Identityand Data Security》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Identity and Data Security for Web Development》(Jonathan LeBlanc)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 7wk4书名:Identity and Data Security for Web Development作者:Jonathan LeBlanc出版社:O"Reilly Media出版年份:2016-8-25页数:200Book Description :Balancing usability and security when building a website or app can be incredibly difficult. This practical book teaches you a results-driven approach for accomplishing both without compromising either. Not only will you learn what to be aware of when building your systems, but also how to build a solid identity infrastructure across devices that"s both usable and secure. You"ll be able to harden your data infrastructure and privileged user information, while using common techniques to prevent data breaches. You"ll also take a look at future technology that will impact data and identity security.
2023-06-09 03:10:311


The side who made any direct or indirect loss by infringing the obligation of secrey should assume all the responsibility.
2023-06-09 03:10:443

What are the advantages of factory farming (Debate FOR factory farming)?

[edit] Human health impactAccording to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), farms on which animals are intensively reared can cause adverse health reactions in farm workers. Workers may develop acute and chronic lung disease, musculoskeletal injuries, and may catch infections that transmit from animals to human beings.[48]Pesticides are used to control organisms which are considered harmful[49] and they save farmers money by preventing product losses to pests.[50] In the US, about a quarter of pesticides used are used in houses, yards, parks, golf courses, and swimming pools[51] and about 70% are used in agriculture.[50] However, pesticides can make their way into consumers" bodies which can cause health problems. One source of this is bioaccumulation in animals raised on factory farms.[51][52][53]The CDC writes that chemical, bacterial, and viral compounds from animal waste may travel in the soil and water. Residents near such farms report problems such as unpleasant smell, flies and adverse health effects.[16]The CDC has identified a number of pollutants associated with the discharge of animal waste into rivers and lakes, and into the air. The use of antibiotics may create antibiotic-resistant pathogens; parasites, bacteria, and viruses may be spread; ammonia, nitrogen, and phosphorus can reduce oxygen in surface waters and contaminate drinking water; pesticides and hormones may cause hormone-related changes in fish; animal feed and feathers may stunt the growth of desirable plants in surface waters and provide nutrients to disease-causing micro-organisms; trace elements such as arsenic and copper, which are harmful to human health, may contaminate surface waters.[16]In the European Union, growth hormones are banned on the basis that there is no way of determining a safe level. The UK has stated that in the event of the EU raising the ban at some future date, to comply with a precautionary approach, it would only consider the introduction of specific hormones, proven on a case by case basis.[54] In 1998, the European Union banned feeding animals antibiotics that were found to be valuable for human health. Furthermore, in 2006 the European Union banned all drugs for livestock that were used for growth promotion purposes. As a result of these bans, the levels of antibiotic resistance in animal products and within the human population showed a decrease.[55]The various techniques of factory farming have been associated with a number of European incidents where public health has been threatened or large numbers of animals have had to be slaughtered to deal with disease. Where disease breaks out, it may spread more quickly, not only due to the concentrations of animals, but because modern approaches tend to distribute animals more widely.[56][citation needed]. The international trade in animal products increases the risk of global transmission of virulent diseases such as swine fever,[57] BSE, foot and mouth and bird flu.In April 2009, lawmakers in the Mexican state of Veracruz accused large-scale hog and poultry operations of being breeding grounds of a pandemic swine flu, although they did not present scientific evidence to support their claim. A swine flu which quickly killed more than 100 infected persons in that area, appears to have begun in the vicinity of a Smithfield subsidiary pig CAFO.[58][edit] Animal health impactConfinement and overcrowding of animals results in a lack of exercise and natural locomotory behavior, which weakens their bones and muscles. An intensive poultry farm provides the optimum conditions for viral mutation and transmission - thousands of birds crowded together in a closed, warm, and dusty environment is highly conducive to the transmission of a contagious disease. Selecting generations of birds for their faster growth rates and higher meat yields has left birdsu2019 immune systems less able to cope with infections and there is a high degree of genetic uniformity in the population, making the spread of disease more likely. Further intensification of the industry has been suggested by some as the solution to avian flu, on the rationale that keeping birds indoors will prevent contamination. However, this relies on perfect, fail-safe biosecurity u2013 and such measures are near impossible to implement. Movement between farms by people, materials, and vehicles poses a threat and breaches in biosecurity are possible. Intensive farming may be creating highly virulent avian u2018flu strains. With the frequent flow of goods within and between countries, the potential for disease spread is high.[59] Confinement and overcrowding of animals" environment presents the risk of contamination of the meat from viruses and bacteria. Feedlot animals reside in crowded conditions and often spend their time standing in their own waste. A dairy farm with 2,500 cows may produce as much waste as a city of 411,000 people, and unlike a city in which human waste ends up at a sewage treatment plant, livestock waste is not treated. As a result, feedlot animals have the potential of exposure to various viruses and bacteria via the manure and urine in their environment. Furthermore, the animals often have residual manure on their bodies when they go to slaughter.[60][edit] Environmental impactConcentrating large numbers of animals in factory farms is a major contribution to global environmental degradation, through the need to grow feed (often by intensive methods using excessive fertiliser and pesticides), pollution of water, soil and air by agrochemicals and manure waste, and use of limited resources (water, energy).[61]Livestock production is also particularly water-intensive in indoor, intensive systems. Eight per cent of global human water use goes towards animal production.[61]Industrial production of pigs and poultry is an important source of GHG emissions and is predicted to become more so. On intensive pig farms, the animals are generally kept on concrete with slats or grates for the manure to drain through. The manure is usually stored in slurry form (slurry is a liquid mixture of urine and faeces). During storage on farm, slurry emits methane and when manure is spread on fields it emits nitrous oxide and causes nitrogen pollution of land and water. Poultry manure from factory farms emits high levels of nitrous oxide and ammonia.[61]Organic pig meat production has a lower global warming potential per kg than does intensive pig meat production. The energy input for free-range poultry meat and eggs is higher than for factory-farmed poultry meat and eggs, but GHG emissions are lower.[61]Environmental impacts of factory farming can include:Deforestation for animal feed production Unsustainable pressure on land for production of high-protein/high-energy animal feed Pesticide, herbicide and fertiliser manufacture and use for feed production Unsustainable use of water for feed-crops, including groundwater extraction Pollution of soil, water and air by nitrogen and phosphorus from fertiliser used for feed-crops and from manure Land degradation (reduced fertility, soil compaction, increased salinity, desertification) Loss of biodiversity due to eutrophication, acidification, pesticides and herbicides Worldwide reduction of genetic diversity of livestock and loss of traditional breeds Species extinctions due to livestock-related habitat destruction (especially feed-cropping)[61] [edit] Animal welfare impactAnimal welfare impacts of factory farming can include:Close confinement systems (cages, crates) or lifetime confinement in indoor sheds Discomfort and injuries caused by inappropriate flooring and housing Restriction or prevention of normal exercise and most of natural foraging or exploratory behaviour Restriction or prevention of natural maternal nesting behaviour Lack of daylight or fresh air and poor air quality in animal sheds Social stress and injuries caused by overcrowding Health problems caused by extreme selective breeding and management for fast growth and high productivity Reduced lifetime (longevity) of breeding animals (dairy cows, breeding sows) Fast-spreading infections encouraged by crowding and stress in intensive conditions[61] Male chicks, which are too scrawny for meat and incapable of laying eggs, may be liquidated as inventory
2023-06-09 03:10:521

如何用sys as sysdba权限连接数据库进行Exp/Imp

如何用sys as sysdba权限连接数据库进行Exp/ImpWindows:exp "sys/change_on_install@instance as sysdba" tables=scott.empUnix or Linux (you need to "escape" the single quote):exp /"sys/change_on_install@instance as sysdba/" tables=scott.empVMS (use [double_quote][single_quote]...[single_quote][double_quote]):exp ""sys/change_on_install@instance as sysdba"" tables=scott.emp小结:1、USERID 必须是命令行中的第一个参数。(如imp help=y里显示的内容)所以如exp ‘ as sysdba"等价于exp USERID=‘as sysdba",即可以省略USERID不写。2、imp/exp命令里参数与参数间的间隔是用空格来区分的(等号两边的空格不算),于是像如下语句:exp USERID= sys/123456 as sysdba就不能被imp/exp工具所理解(参数USERID= sys/123456可以解析出来,但是as sysdba不知道如何理解了,as或sysdba又不属于设定的参数名)。而oracle公司设计的软件里一般用单引号将一字符串常量包括起来。将上面语句改为exp USERID= "sys/123456 as sysdba‘的话,imp/exp工具就认为sys/123456 as sysdba整体是一个字符串,故而就是参数USERID的一个值。3.如果是写在参数文件中,则连接字符串需要用双引号了:USERID=" as sysdba" Parameter file.You can also specify the username in the parameter file. In this situation, you have to enclose the connect string with a double quote character. However, to prevent possible security breaches we advice you to stop using the USERID parameter in a parameter file.Contents of file exp.par:USERID="sys/change_on_install@instance as sysdba"TABLES=scott.empRun export with:exp parfile=exp.par注释:imp/exp( impdp/expdp)默认目录是什么,即parfile=exp.par里的文件exp.par在什么目录下?附加: impdp/expdp)默认目录是什么(5)、数据泵如何决定文件的路径5.1 如果目录对象是文件标示符的一部分,那么目录对象指定的路径就需要使用。在目录MY_DIR创建dump文件的示例:> expdp scott/tiger DUMPFILE=my_dir:expdp_s.dmp NOLOGFILE=Y5.2 如果目录对象不代表一个文件,那么就需要使用DIRECTORY变量命名的目录对象。目录MY_DIR中创建dump文件,目录MY_DIR_LOG中创建日志文件的示例:> expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=my_dir DUMPFILE=expdp_s.dmp LOGFILE=my_logdir:expdp_s.log5.3 如果没有明确目录对象,也没有以DIRECTORY变量命名的目录对象,那么环境变量DATA_PUMP_DIR将会使用。环境变量是在在运行导出和导入数据泵应用的客户端系统中使用操作系统命令定义的,分配给基于客户端环境变量的取值必须和基于服务端的目录对象一致,且必须首先在服务器端建立。目录MY_DIR中创建dump文件和MY_DIR_LOG中创建日志文件的示例:在使用expdp的客户端机器上,设定环境变量:-- On windows, place all expdp parameters on one single line:C:> set DATA_PUMP_DIR=MY_DIR C:> expdp scott/tiger@my_db_alias DUMPFILE=expdp_s.dmp LOGFILE=my_logdir:expdp_s.log注意环境变量DATA_DUMP_DIR对应的目录名称是大小写敏感的。设定错误的DATA_PUMP_DIR环境变量会报错,例如:DATA_PUMP_DIR=My_Dir:ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file. ORA-39087: directory name My_Dir is invalid5.4 如果之前三种情况都没有创建目录对象,作为一个具有权限的用户(例如具有EXP_FULL_DATABASE或IMP_FULL_DATABASE角色),那么数据泵试图使用默认的基于服务器端的目录对象,DATA_PUMP_DIR。理解数据泵不会创建DATA_PUMP_DIR目录对象是非常重要的。仅当授权用户未使用任何之前提到的机制创建的目录对象时,才会尝试使用DATA_PUMP_DIR。这个默认的目录对象必须首先由DBA创建。不要将这个和同名的基于客户端的环境变量相混淆。首先,清空DATA_PUMP_DIR环境变量:C:> set DATA_PUMP_DIR=创建DATA_PUMP_DIR的目录:CONNECT SYSTEM/MANAGER CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY data_pump_dir AS "D:DataPump"; GRANT read, write ON DIRECTORY data_pump_dir TO scott;-- On windows, place all expdp parameters on one single line: C:> expdp system/manager@my_db_alias DUMPFILE=expdp_s.dmp LOGFILE=expdp_s.log SCHEMAS=scott如果SCOTT用户不是授权用户,不能使用默认的DATA_PUMP_DIR。ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file. ORA-39145: directory object parameter must be specified and non-null用户SCOTT的解决方法:如上面5.3,SCOTT可以设置环境变量DATA_PUMP_DIR为MY_DIR:-- On windows, place all expdp parameters on one single line:C:> set DATA_PUMP_DIR=MY_DIRC:> expdp scott/tiger@my_db_alias DUMPFILE=expdp_s.dmp LOGFILE=expdp_s.log SCHEMAS=scott或者这种特定场景下,用户SCOTT也可以有目录DATA_PUMP_DIR的读和写权限:-- On windows, place all expdp parameters on one single line: C:> set DATA_PUMP_DIR=DATA_PUMP_DIRC:> expdp scott/tiger@my_db_alias DUMPFILE=expdp_s.dmp LOGFILE=expdp_s.log SCHEMAS=scott
2023-06-09 03:11:111


feel: 感觉;认为;试探;摸索;触摸;觉得 1.It depends on how you feel. 它取决于你是怎么感觉的. 2.I feel very tired and sick. 我感觉很累,并且生病了. 3.I like to look my best and feel good. 我喜欢自己最好的表现,有最好的感受. 4.Feel wink of warmth and stir of spirit. 感觉温度的闪烁和灵魂的骚动. 5.Hear it, feel it. 聆听它,感觉它. 6.I know that feel. 我知道那种感受. 7.I hope so. Well, suddenly I feel very silly. 但愿如此.咳,突然我觉得自己很愚蠢. 8.I see. Yes, I think I understand how you feel. 我明白了.是的,我想我能理解你的感受. 9.I know my friends from the feel of their faces. 我从触摸朋友们的脸庞来了解他们. 10.On a beautiful day like today, I feel like I want for nothing. 就像在今天一样的好天气里,我感觉自己一无所求. 11.But you might experiment to select the email service you feel does the best job. 但是,你可以试着选择你认为在这方面做的最好的电子邮件服务. 12.You feel so cold that your body starts to shake, not very much but uncontrollable. 你感觉很冷以至于你的身体开始颤抖,不是很厉害但是无法控制. 13.I could imagine it coming to feel like living inside a giant test tube after awhile. 我能想像那种好像片刻之后就要在一个巨大的试管里面生活的感觉. 14.This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. 这不是一趟静止的列车,只有当另一列车从旁驶过时你才能感觉到它的前进. 15.Most of us would probably feel very sad and give up our dreams and hopes for the future . 我们中的大多数人很可能会感到悲伤,并放弃我们的梦想和对未来的希望. 16.And you feel that perhaps this is the time to look for manufacturing facilities elsewhere? 所以您认为可能现在是到其他地方寻找制造厂家的时候了! 17.Yet when I see "together to create" on the school form, I do not feel creative, I just feel jaded. 然而,当我看到学校表格上的“共同创造”时,并没有觉得它刺激了创造力,只是感觉厌倦不堪. 18.The effect was to make the town feel like a collection of disparate sites rather than an open world. 这造成整个镇子感觉像是各自不同地点的一群房屋,而不是一个敞开式的世界. 19.Before you begin to write, take the time to pause, listen carefully, feel and touch, see and observe. 在你开始写作之前,要先抽出一点时间稍停片刻,仔细去听、去感知、去看、去观察. 20.And you even feel that they like you to be outside them so that they will enjoy being inside even more! 你甚至会觉得他们就是要把你排除在外,这样他们才可以更多地享受他们自己的“置身事内”! 21.FINE — This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. 很好——当女士们自认为在一场争论中是正确的,而且需要你住嘴的时候,她们会用这个词作为结束语. 22.Depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. 抑郁症是一种严重的心理疾病,它对我们的感觉、思想甚至行为方式都有着负面的影响. 23.Each person is an individual with his or her own way of expressing emotion, and there is no right way to feel or react. 每个人都是一个独立的个体,都有他或她自己表达情感的方式,并且这并没有肯定正确的表达或反应方式. 24.While some Finns pursue the material trappings of success, most seem to feel that the pleasures of time and solitude are more precious. 虽然有一些芬兰人在追求成功的”物质陷阱“,但是多数人似乎感到时间与孤独中的快乐更加宝贵. 25.They feel the past—including their language and traditions—is definitely worth preserving— particularly when it is as colorful as theirs. 他们觉得过去(包括他们的语言及传统),特别是像他们的过去一样多采多姿是绝对值得保存的. 26.He acknowledged that human beings had an insatiable desire to feel superior to each other, and that some people would always blindly pursue wealth. 他承认,人类对于凌驾于他人之上的优越感有着不知餍足的欲望,还有一些人总是会盲目追求财富. 27.Lead is starting to feel a bit like nickel (was) earlier this year so we may need to ask whether it might at some point see a similar (price) slump. 铅价的走势开始有点像今年早些时候的镍,因此,我们可能需要问一问,铅价是否会在某一价位出现类似的暴跌行情. 28.It also gave me a new perspective and a kind of new sensation because you feel the sunlight directly on your scalp, the rain and the wind - everything is very direct. 同时剃成光头也给了我一个全新的视角和感受,因为你可以感觉到阳光直接照在你的头皮上,雨滴,微风--一切都是那么地直接. 29.Sadly, too often the debenture holder will feel no option but to appoint an administrator if a company breaches covenants and its position appears to be deteriorating. 不幸的是,当一家企业违约,且它的状况似乎在不断恶化时,债券持有人往往别无选择,只能指定一位破产管理人. 30.Although some business people are content that the Mexican economy is dominated by a small, powerful clique, many feel that the lack of competition is a serious problem. 虽然,一些商业人士认为墨西哥的经济被一小部分的富裕人群所控制,但是,多数感觉缺乏竞争是一个严重的问题.
2023-06-09 03:11:261

depreciated value是什么意思

perceived valuen.感知价值; 例句:1.Perceived quality has positively direct influence on perceivedvalue and customer satisfaction. 知觉品质对於知觉价值与顾客满意有显著正向关系。2.His background is in marketing andconsumer decisionmakingespecially the way moral transgressions and breachesofdecorum affect the perceived value of things. 他是搞营销和消费决策研究的,尤其是违反道德和违背礼仪会怎样影响到事物的感知价值
2023-06-09 03:11:331


2023-06-09 03:12:052


$是当前ip指针所指向的地址,$-offset A 是当前ip地址减去A的首地址,也就是前面一句定义的变量的个数。
2023-06-09 03:11:203


2023-06-09 03:11:223


doubt是个常用词,也是历年高考经常考查的词语之一.doubt既可用作动词,也可用作名词.现将其用法归纳如下.一、doubt用作动词1.doubt+名词或代词.例如:I doubt his word.我怀疑他的话.They doubted him before.他们以前曾经怀疑过他.2.doubt+宾语从句(1)在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后面接that引导的宾语从句.例如:I don”t doubt that he can finishthe task on time.我相信他能按时完成任务.Do you doubt that she willsucceed?你怀疑她会成功吗?(2)在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句.例如:I doubt whether they can swimacross the river.我怀疑他们能否游过河去.注意:在肯定句中,doubt后面也可以接that引导的宾语从句,但表示疑虑较大或“不相信”.例如:We doubt that they can completethe work ahead of time.我们不相信他们能提前完成这项工作.I doubt that he will come.我看他未必会来.二、doubt用作名词1.doubt常与about/of/as to/on等介词连用.例如:There is no doubt aboutit.此事无可怀疑.I have no doubt of hisability.对于他的能力我毫不怀疑.She has her doubts as to thisbeing true.她怀疑这事是否真实.No one has any doubt on thispoint.这一点没有人会怀疑.2.doubt后面接同位语从句(1)doubt用在否定句中,后面接that引导的同位语从句.例如:I have no doubt that he willsucceed.我相信他会成功的.There is no doubt that they willagree with you on this matter.毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的意见的.
2023-06-09 03:11:351

Aroma是什么意思 或者是什么东西呢

Aroma【气味】 Aroma是指调理完成后,咖啡所散发出来的气息与香味。Bouquet是比较不常用的字,专指研磨咖啡粉的味道。Aroma通常具有特异性,并且是综合性。用来形容气味(Aroma)的词包括:焦糖味、碳烤味、巧克力味、果香味、草味、麦芽味、浓郁、丰富、香辛等。
2023-06-09 03:11:351


我怀疑你的人格有问题 用英语怎么说 I suspect a problem with your personality 我怀疑是不你写的 怎么翻译英文 如果是 我怀疑不是你写的, 那么翻译为: I suspect that you didn"t write this.或者 I have doubts that it wasn"t written by you. 或者 I don"t think this was written by you. 如果是:我怀疑是不是你写的 那么翻译为: I have doubts in if this was written by you. I don"t know if you wrote this. I suspect that you didn"t write this. 都可以。因为你标题那句不太通,所以给出两个你可能想表达的意思。希望能帮到你^^ “是否有”用英语怎么说 不用这么死板啊 要说什么句子呢? 我怀疑你到底有没有一个苹果。这样就可以表达 I doubt that you have an apple 英语切记不要牵强直译 “你在怀疑我吗”用英语怎么说? Are you doubting me? 口语中的“加油”用英语怎么说我有点怀疑 加油的英语说法1: e on 英 [ku028cm u0254n] 美 [ku028cm ɑn] 加油的英语说法2: fuel charging She bought land and a couple of gas stations. 再打一场就结束了,加油。 One more and you"re donee on. 同学们,加油吧!!!
2023-06-09 03:11:411


2023-06-09 03:11:481


2023-06-09 03:11:542


作“疑问”的意思,一般用单数:There is no doubt that America is deep in love with the computer.作“疑虑”的意思,一般用复数:Please dismiss all doubts about it.
2023-06-09 03:11:551


因为奇函数,所以f(x)+f(-x)=0cos(x+y)+cos(-x+y)=0cosxcosy-sinxsiny+cosxcosy+sinxsiny=0cosxcosy=0y=π/2 + nπy可以取值为π/2(90°).
2023-06-09 03:11:551


单机片中EQU指令是伪指令,作用是用赋值伪操作给重复出现的数值或寄存器赋予一个名字,即把一个符号名称与一个整数表达式或一个任意文本连接起来,方便操作。在单片机中用EQU指令来赋值以后数据或者寄存器的字符名,可以用来代表数据地址、代码地址、或者用来当做立即数进行使用。u2002u2002扩展资料:在同一源代码文件中,用EQU定义的符号不能被重新定义,这与=伪指令不同,这个限制可以防止现有符号在无意中被赋予新值。其中,EQU有3种格式,分别是:1、name EQU expression。这种格式中,EQU中的expression必须是一个有效整数表达式。2、name EQU symbol。这种格式中,EQU中symbol是一个已存在的符号名称,已经用=或EQU定义过了。3、name EQU <text>。这种格式中,EQU中任何文本都可以_现在<?>内。当汇编器在程序后面遇到 name 时,它就用整数值或文本来代替符号。参考资料来源:百度百科-equ参考资料来源:百度百科-伪指令
2023-06-09 03:11:581


aroma香味,指一种强烈的,弥漫的香味,如好的点着的烟叶,咖啡或美味食品的香味.The aroma of fresh coffee permeated the air 新鲜咖啡的香味弥漫在空气中scent清(幽)香,此词指一种淡淡的幽香,天然的或人造的,弥散于或可以弥散于空气中There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the middle of the room 有一缕宜人的清香从悬挂房间中央的香袋散发出来There is a scent of osmanthus in the air 空气中有一股桂花的幽香perfume香味;芳香,指香味,尤指由花精中所散发的香味.Magnolias have a wonderful perfume 木兰花有一种奇异的芳香A breeze blew,laden with the perfume of fresh fields 微风吹拂,满是春天田野的芳香fragrance芳香,指比scent更为甜美,清新,更为弥漫的香味.Do you remember the lingering fragrance of lilacs after a rain?你可记得那雨后丁香花缭绕的芳香?I like the fragrance of her hair 我喜欢她头发的香气This soap is made in several fragrances 这种肥皂是以几种香味制成的
2023-06-09 03:12:021


  double 做名词时,只当作人名 n. 两倍;双精度型adj. 双重的;两倍的vi. 加倍,加倍努力;快步走vt. 使加倍adv. 双重地;两倍地;弓身地n. (Double)人名;(法)杜布勒;(英)道布尔为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-06-09 03:12:022


D: 0≤x≤1, x≤y≤1 交换积分次序 D: 0≤y≤1, 0≤x≤y ∫(0→1)dx∫(x→1) (cosy/y) dy =∫(0→1)dy∫(0→y) (cosy/y) dx =∫(0→1) [(xcosy/y)|(x=0→y)] dy =∫(0→1)cosydy =siny|(0→1) =sin1
2023-06-09 03:12:041


2023-06-09 03:12:091


上面的答案都不完整.可以这样化一下:sinx=sin(90度-y+360度*n)或=sin(90度+y+360度*n),(其中n为整数).所以x和y的关系为:x+(或-)y=90度+360度*n (其中n为任意整数)
2023-06-09 03:12:111


在某些时候程序中多次出现同一个表达式,为方便起见,可以用赋值伪操作给表达式赋予一个名字。就叫做EQU。其格式如下:Expression_name EQU Expression此后程序中凡需要用到该表达式指出,就可以用表达式名来代替了。可见,EQU的引入提高了程序的可读性,也使其容易修改。上式中的表达式可以是任何有效的操作数格式,可以是任何可求出常数值的表达式,也可以是任何有效的助记符。举例如下:CONSTANT EQU 256 数值赋以符号名DATA EQU HEIGHT+12 地址表达式赋以符号名ALPAHA EQU 7
2023-06-09 03:12:141

not doubt that是什么意思

not doubt that 不是怀疑doubt 英[dau028at]美[dau028at]n. 怀疑,疑虑; 未确定;vt. 怀疑,疑惑;vi. 不确定,不能肯定或怀疑;[例句]This raises doubts about the point of advertising这对做广告的意义提出了疑问。[其他] 第三人称单数:doubts 复数:doubts 现在分词:doubting 过去式:doubted 过去分词:doubted
2023-06-09 03:12:161

什么是芳香心理学 (Aroma

aroma英 [?"r??m?]美 [?"rom?]n. 芳香n. (Aroma)人名;(瑞典、土)阿罗马peeling 英["pi:l??] 美["pi:l??] n. 剥皮,剥下的皮; v. 剥落; 脱落; ( peel的现在分词 ) 削[剥]去(水果或蔬菜的皮); 覆盖层脱落,剥落; gel英 [d?el]美 [d??l]n. [物化] 凝胶,胶体vi. 胶化n. (Gel)人名;(德、捷)格尔
2023-06-09 03:12:182


积分域 D={(x,y)|x^2+y^2=0} ,是以P(0,1/2)为圆心,半径为1/2,在第一象限的半圆. 则其面积为∫∫dxdy = π/8. ∫∫f(u,v)dudv 是一个常数,设为 C =∫∫f(u,v)dudv,则 f(x,y) = √(1-x^2-y^2) - (8/π)∫∫f(u,v)dudv = √(1-x^2-y^2) - (8/π)C, 上式两边同时在D上作二重积分,得 C=∫∫f(x,y)dxdy = ∫∫√(1-x^2-y^2)dxdy - (8/π)C∫∫dxdy C=∫∫f(x,y)dxdy = ∫∫√(1-x^2-y^2)dxdy - (8/π)C(π/8), 2C =∫∫√(1-x^2-y^2)dxdy , 则 C = ∫∫f(x,y)dxdy = (1/2)∫∫√(1-x^2-y^2)dxdy, 得 f(x,y)=(1/2)√(1-x^2-y^2).
2023-06-09 03:11:121


2023-06-09 03:11:111


2023-06-09 03:11:061


Reason one: He made matter which for you you did not want to do the society kind of work in a factory to be heterogeneous, although we have been stressing wants human who the equal the treatment was engaged in the different classes of work, but in fact left the equality also to have the very great distance. Looking from another side, the reason that in the society also in the appeal equality, the reason lies in not the equal phenomenon also generally to exist. However, in fact, the environmental protection worker, the labor and so on occupy the social division of labor lowest level the human, should obtain other person"s respect, because they have done the matter which other people originally should do. Before exchanging and the division of labor appears, the people are self-sufficient, in other words, dirty you must sweep, the house to go bad you to construct. But after the exchange and the division of labor appear, has the special person to help you to do. You said that I paid money, but if pays the same money to give you, perhaps you not necessarily will do, also vary make to order come. the hotel division of labor is also same, therefore the superintendent should respect you the subordinate, because they have done you do not want to be, or you cannot do the work. In the hotel most tired is the guest room cleaning, every day cleans about guest room 12, that is the matter which absolutely exactly dirty is also also tired braves dangers, little the same thing possibly is sued by the visitor, or by visitor malicious talk opposite direction. to this, you should smile every day to your subordinate, feels grateful they to pay for the department for the hotel. Because the sincere smile is in this world the purest gift. Reason two:He was person which was constantly together with you a company goes out to move, the time colleague who every day ate meal cracks a joke said that I should respect glass of liquor to company bus service skilled worker, because he was the daily class meets my coming and going to work"s person. Although these words joke, but is actually the fact. So long as goes to work, every day the human who is constantly together with us is not our family member, but is our colleague, one year 365 day, they will have more than 200 days, every day at least 8 hours and in the same place, will depend on this, we should also kindly treat our colleague. Said with the Fan great words, fate! your subordinate is not only your colleague, is also your follower, they and you experience the work place together the good and bad in life, sad happy variable, shouldn"t you thank these and a your group colleague"s person? Therefore, for them a smiling face, this is the thing which most does not need to camouflage. Reason three: He needed to smile facing visitor New Year Chen Zong once said that when the staff greeted with the superintendent, most abstained from is superintendent"s indifference. Gradually, the staff sees the superintendent not to greet, similarly, saw the visitor, also will not greet. triumphant pleased Dai Zong once said that he does every day has two matters: First, “receives a guest”; second, “is a prostitute”. Makes the hotel, must first learn the smile, moreover is the sincere smile. Must train the sincere smile, first wants some good environment, but affects the environment most essential person is the superintendent. Which position no matter you do occupy, your every action and every movement have given a your subordinate demonstration effect, influences subtly, will affect hotel each staff, will then affect the staff to guest"s mood.if wants the staff to smile faces the visitor, you make a model first, lets them know that anything is the smile, also provides a practice to them the object. For hotel, for visitor, therefore you must train itself to your subordinate smile, this is the custom strength. Reason four:He compared to you faced with more realistic question your subordinate possibly is such situation: From outside areas perhaps far away area; In the family has the old parents, each month to wait for that he sends the sister-in-law who the living expenses study; The collective registered permanent address which he does not have the house in this city, to rest the dormitory which, falls; He economical in everyday spending, ever does not dare outside the cafeteria the place to eat meal; His holiday life"s extra-curricular arrangement, could not have a look at the television in the dormitory already is biggest luxurious ......In the middle of ours staff, such person is not infrequent, the brutal reality will let the human lack the smile in this city the mood, but you, will take him the boss, perhaps your smile, can warm his entire winter, will lighten his future hope. you to him, are his VIP, Very Important Person, also why parsimonious smile?
2023-06-09 03:11:004


2023-06-09 03:10:584


2023-06-09 03:10:494

《Libertyor Equality》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Liberty or Equality》(Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: qnfj书名:Liberty or Equality作者:Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn出版社:Ludwig von Mises Institute出版年份:2014-4-17页数:421内容简介:Sometime in the 18th century, the word equality gained ground as a political ideal, but the idea was always vague. In this treatise, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn argues that it reduced to one simple and very dangerous idea: equality of political power as embodied in democracy. He marshals the strongest possible case that democratic equality is the very basis not of liberty, as is commonly believed, but the total state. He uses national socialism as his prime example. He further argues the old notion of government by law is upheld in old monarchies, restrained by a noble elite. Aristocracy, not democracy, gave us liberty. On his side in this argument, he includes the whole of the old liberal tradition, and offers overwhelming evidence for his case. In our times, war and totalitarianism do indeed sail under the democratic flag. This book, capable of overturning most of what you thought you knew about political systems, was first published in 1952.
2023-06-09 03:10:461


2023-06-09 03:10:444


doubt用作名词n.怀疑;疑惑  (1)doubt常与about/of/asto/on等介词连用。例如:  Thereisnodoubtaboutit.此事无可怀疑。  Ihavenodoubtofhisability.对于他的能力我毫不怀疑。  (2)doubt用在肯定句中,后面接whether引导的同位语从句。注意不可以用if替换whether。例如:Hehadhisdoubtswhethertheywouldgivehimanotherchancetohaveatry.他不能肯定他们是否会再给他一次机会试一试。
2023-06-09 03:10:441

sinx =cosy 能推出x+y=π/2吗?是真命题吗

2023-06-09 03:10:402


2023-06-09 03:10:351

《Equalityand Partiality》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Ensayos Sobre La Vida Humana》(Nagel, Thomas)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: derg书名:Ensayos Sobre La Vida Humana作者:Nagel, Thomas出版年份:1981-12页数:352内容简介:Este filosofo estadounidense analiza aqui una diversidad de temas: la muerte, el absurdo, la suerte moral, la perversion, la guerra y la matanza, la crueldad, la politica, la igualdad y la dispersion de valor, bajo el enfoque realista de que a pesar de que algunos problemas no tienen solucion, no por eso son menos reales.
2023-06-09 03:10:331


5)这应该是在said后面 he前面, 前后的两段学要一个词来让它们连起来,so 是在因果语句里用的,就好像因为什么,所以什么, 通常在陈述句中用if 在中间就好像“只有”在句中间的用法as 是前后两段意思一样时用所以最好是that10)Dark it was __we continued our waybecause 很明显不是了,黑是因为我们继续??不可能拉since 这也不对, 和because 差不多,意思好像黑是我们继续而造成的that 也不是很可能,因为说起来就不对as 我们继续的时候就黑了,所以答案是ashe could not earn enough to support his family. A. As hard as he worked B. Hard as he worked C. As he worked hard D. Because he worked hard 我个人如果用a 就会改成As hard as he worked, he still couldn"t earn enough to support his family.我认为是比较严重吧而b 通常在说话中是不常见的,只是有时候作家们想显得他们和大众不同,而写, 而且那样读起来感觉比较有学问一点~18. He talks he were an expert in the field. A. as B. though C. because D. as if as if意思就是“就好像”19. he is going to do it is not known yet. A. How B. What C. That D. If 我知道你为什么想用What 它是说“现在不知道他怎么去做”你可能是因为看is going to do,所以你想用what但是do在这里是动词,所以要用how30. How long is it I ? A. since…arrived B. since…has arrived C. when…arrived D. as…arrived arrived只是那一瞬间,它到了,就不会继续到来,has arrived是从那一刻开始一直到现在都到,那就不太对了你懂我意思吗?31. He will do any thing he can earn money. A. as far as B. as long as C. in case D. while 我举一个句子吧I brought first aid kit in case someone gets hurt.怎么说呢~我找不到一个词来代替它它是有种预防,防范的意思They decided to chase the cow away ____ it did more damage. A. unless B. until C. before D. although although 的意思是即使,整句话是他们决定在它做更多损毁之前把它赶走。How close parents are to their children _____ a strong influence on the character of the children. A. have B. has C. having D. to have 意思是父母与孩子的关系对孩子的性格有很大的影响。has 是用在父母与孩子之间的关系 关系所以是hasA man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time ____ the guards discovered what had happened. A. before B. until C. since D. when since在这句应该是解作过了很长时间他才发现我个人觉得用before应该也没错~我也不知道为什么是c In some countries, ____ is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people. A. which B. what C. that D. one 用 which 是在你有一个词,然后你想给更多资料时用在这里,一开始在what之前我们不知道他是说哪个我举一个句子Equality, which means equal right for everyone, sometime does not apply to all the countries.有什么问题你可以来问我哦~~
2023-06-09 03:10:274


2023-06-09 03:10:222


题目:In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits.What is your view of the relationship between equality and personal success?范文:In my opinion, an egalitarian society is one in which everyone has the same rights and the same opportunities. I completely agree that people can achieve more in this kind of society.Education is an important factor with regard to personal success in life. I believe that all children should have access to free schooling, and higher education should be either free or affordable for all those who chose to pursue a university degree. In a society without free schooling or affordable higher education, only children and young adults from wealthier families would have access to the best learning opportunities, and they would therefore be better prepared for the job market. This kind of inequality would ensure the success of some but harm the prospects of others.I would argue that equal rights and opportunities are not in conflict with people"s freedom to succeed or fail. In other words, equality does not mean that people lose their motivation to succeed, or that they are not allowed to fail. On the contrary, I believe that most people would feel more motivated to work hard and reach their potential if they thought that they lived in a fair society. Those who did not make the same effort would know that they had wasted their opportunity. Inequality, on the other hand, would be more likely to demotivate people because they would know that the odds of success were stacked in favour of those from privileged backgrounds.In conclusion, it seems to me that there is a positive relationship between equality and personal success.(260 words)
2023-06-09 03:10:171


2023-06-09 03:10:151


一、doubt用作动词 1. doubt+名词或代词。例如: I doubt his word. 我怀疑他的话。 They doubted him before. 他们以前曾经怀疑过他。 2. doubt+宾语从句 (1)在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后面接that引导的宾语从句。例如: I don”t doubt that he can finish the task on time. 我相信他能按时完成任务。 Do you doubt that she will succeed? 你怀疑她会成功吗? (2)在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。例如: I doubt whether they can swim across the river. 我怀疑他们能否游过河去。 He doubts if she will keep her word. 他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。 注意:在肯定句中,doubt后面也可以接that引导的宾语从句,但表示疑虑较大或“不相信”。例如: We doubt that they can complete the work ahead of time. 我们不相信他们能提前完成这项工作。 I doubt that he will come. 我看他未必会来。 二、doubt用作名词 1. doubt常与about/of/as to/on等介词连用。例如: There is no doubt about it. 此事无可怀疑。 I have no doubt of his ability. 对于他的能力我毫不怀疑。 She has her doubts as to this being true. 她怀疑这事是否真实。 No one has any doubt on this point. 这一点没有人会怀疑。 2. doubt后面接同位语从句 (1)doubt用在否定句中,后面接that引导的同位语从句。例如: I have no doubt that he will succeed. 我相信他会成功的。 There is no doubt that they will agree with you on this matter. 毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的意见的。 (2)doubt用在肯定句中,后面接whether引导的同位语从句。注意不可以用if替换whether。例如: He had his doubts whether they would give him another chance to have a try. 他不能肯定他们是否会再给他一次机会试一试。 There is some doubt whether their football team will win the match. 他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。 3. 由doubt组成的一些短语 (1)in doubt怀疑;拿不定主意。例如: We are in doubt(about) what to do next. 我们不知道下一步要做什么。 When in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult the dictionary. 当你对一个词的意义没有把握时,就查一下词典。 (2)no/without/beyond doubt无疑地;必定;当然。例如: It is no doubt difficult. 这无疑是困难的。 No doubt he didn”t mean to hurt you. 他肯定不是有意伤害你的。 Without doubt this is the best. 无可置疑,这是最好的。 Beyond doubt he will give you some advice on your study. 毫无疑问,他会给你的学习作一些指导的。 (3)make no doubt of 对……毫不怀疑。例如: We make no doubt of his sincerity. 我们对他的诚意毫不怀疑。 She made no doubt of what he had said. 她对他所说的话毫不怀疑。 (4)throw/cast doubt on使人对……产生怀疑。例如: Galileo”s experiments threw doubt on Aristotle”s theory of falling objects. 伽利略的实验使人们对亚里士多德的落体理论产生了怀疑。 What he had done cast doubt on his honesty. 他的所作所为使人们对他的诚实产生了怀疑。
2023-06-09 03:10:141

大学英语作文范文翻译:. equality of education opportunity

Equality of Education Opportunity With the development of the society, more attention has been paid to education. But the inequality of education opportunity has become a serious phenomenon recently .In my view, there are two reasons contributing to the phenomenon. Firstly, the unbalance of regional economy plays a great part in unfair opportunity to receiving education. Students living in large city usually have access to better teachers and studying conditions. The parents think more highly of academic education and are most willing to support their childrenu2019s education. However, students living in rural areas often drop out of school just after finishing middle school and go to work. Secondly, the admission scores of the same university vary between students from different provinces. For example, students in Beijing can be admitted to Qinghua University with lower scores. Education can change our life. So we must make great efforts to education revolution. On the one hand, ministry of education should spend more money to promote the education development in rural areas. On the other hand, we should change the college entrance examination system. I hope every student has an equal opportunity to receive education.
2023-06-09 03:10:091