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2023-06-09 07:59:46

Chinese Marriage Custom

Chinese marriage became custom during the Warring States period (402-221 B.C.). Due to the vast expanse and long history of Chinese marriage customs and ceremonies, there are different practices that are followed in different places, although they all generally adhere to similar guidelines. Visitors still have opportunities to witness traditional marriages in the countryside.

In ancient times, it was very important to follow a basic principle of the "Three Letters and Six Etiquettes" since they were essential to a marriage.

The "Three Letters" included the Betrothal Letter, Gift Letter and Wedding Letter. The Betrothal Letter was the formal document of the engagement, a must in a marriage. Next was the Gift Letter, which would be given to the identified girl"s family. Within the letter would be a list of the types and quantity of gifts designated for the wedding, once both parties accepted the marriage. The Wedding Letter was prepared and presented to the bride"s family on the day of the wedding and was a document that confirmed and commemorated the formal acceptance of the bride into the bridegroom"s family.

Six Etiquettes

Proposing: If an unmarried boy"s parents identified a girl as their future daughter-in-law, they would then locate a matchmaker. Proposals were the specialties of the matchmakers. The matchmaker would formally present his or her client"s request to the identified girl"s parents.

Birthday matching: If the potential bride"s parents did not object to the marriage, the matchmaker would then ask for the girl"s birthday and birth-hour to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom. If the couple"s birthdays and birth-hours did not conflict according to astrology, the marriage would continue onto the next stage. If there was any sign of astrological conflict, which meant the marriage would bring disasters upon both families, the proposed marriage was immediately quashed.

Presenting betrothal gifts: Once both birthdays matched, the bridegroom"s family would then arrange for the matchmaker to present betrothal gifts, including the betrothal letter, to the bride"s family.

Presenting wedding gifts: After the betrothal letter and betrothal gifts were accepted, the bridegroom"s family would later formally send wedding gifts to the bride"s family. Usually, gifts may include tea, lotus seeds, longan, red beans, green beans, red dates, nutmeg, oranges, pomegranate, lily, bridal cakes, coconuts, wine, red hair braid, money box and other delicacies, depending on local customs and family wealth.

Picking a wedding date: An astrologist or astrology book would be consulted to select an auspicious date to hold the wedding ceremony.

Wedding ceremony: On the selected day, the bridegroom departs with a troop of escorts and musicians, playing cheerful music all the way to the bride"s home. After the bride is escorted to the bridegroom"s home, the wedding ceremony begins.

Unlike Western tradition, the color red dominates traditional Chinese weddings. Chinese people tend to use or wear red to add a joyful atmosphere of such a festive occasion.

At dawn on the wedding day and after a bath in water permeated with grapefruit, the bride puts on new clothes, wears a pair of red shoes and waits for the so-called "good luck woman" to dress her hair in the style of a married woman. Her head would be covered with a red silk veil with tassels or bead strings that hang from the phoenix crown. She waits for her future husband to escort her home, with married women talking around her about how to be a good wife.

On the other hand, the bridegroom prepares himself to receive his wife. He gets capped and dressed in a long gown, red shoes and a red silk sash with a silk ball on his chest. The groom kneels at the ancestral altar as his father puts a cap decorated with cypress leaves on his head to declare his adulthood and his family responsibility.

Then the bridegroom sets out to receive his bride. Usually a crowd of friends escorts the bridegroom and musicians play joyful tunes during the entire trip. Dancing lions, if any, precede the troop. In ancient times, a bridal sedan chair (or a decorated donkey due to poverty or bad traffic) would be used to transport the bride. A child carries a bridal box among the people, reflecting the bridegroom"s expectation to have a child in the near future.

The most interesting part of the reception really takes place at the doorstep of the bride"s residence, which is heavily guarded by the bridesmaid or the bride"s sisters. It is customary for the bridesmaid to give the bridegroom a difficult time before he is allowed to enter. Usually wisdom, courage and his friends will help the bridegroom to succeed in his "trial". However, there is one more situation he has to negotiate with the bridesmaid and sisters of the bride - to distribute among them red packets containing money - in order to take his bride home.

Before the bride departs to the bridegroom"s home, the "good luck woman" will lead her to the sedan chair. On her way to the chair, one of her sisters will shield her with a red parasol, while another sister will throw rice at the sedan chair. At the back of the sedan hang a sieve and metallic mirror that are believed to protect the bride from evil. The bride has to cry to show that she does not want to leave her parents.

Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair. All along the way people make great efforts to avoid any inauspicious influence. For instance, the sedan chair is heavily curtained to prevent the bride from seeing an unlucky sight (e.g. a widow, a well or even a cat). When the parading troop arrives at the bridegroom"s, firecrackers will be set off to hail the bride"s arrival. Before the sedan chair a red mat is placed so that the bride will not touch the bare earth. By the threshold, a flaming stove and saddle will be set up and the bride is required to sidestep or step over them to avoid evils.

The wedding ceremony is the focus of interest. The bride and bridegroom are led to the family altar, where the couple kowtows to Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors and parents successively. They then bow to each other and are led to the bridal chamber. The ceremony proceeds under a director"s prompts and applauses of the audience.

Afterwards, a grand feast is held for relatives and those who helped with the wedding. The newly wed couple will resume drinking wedding wine. Generally they are required to cross their arms to sip wine. They also will toast their guests. Guests voice their good wishes for the couple even though the bridegroom is trying to be humble while acting embarrassed.

Teasing games in the bridal chamber: After night falls, the teasing games start. Usually all young men can participate except for the bride"s married brothers-in-laws. These funny and silly games help ease the tension, since in ancient times the newlyweds never met each other before the wedding! Most of the games require the shy couple to act like wife and husband. The festive atmosphere also promotes closeness among all the family members and the community beyond. There also will be other activities conducted by the bridegroom"s mother after the roaring laughter fades into the darkness.

Preparing the bridal bed: A "good luck man", usually having a nice family, will help to install the bridal bed in the correct place in the bridal chamber on a selected day before the wedding day. Before the wedding, a "good luck woman" will arrange the bridal bed and scatter symbolic and lucky fruits on the bed. Nobody is allowed to touch the bed until the couple enters the bridal chamber after the wedding ceremony. Children will then be invited onto the bed to bless the couple with fertility.

Dowry: Usually the bride"s dowry shall be sent to the bridegroom"s family by the day before the wedding day. Sometimes the dowry will be brought by the bride"s escorts. A traditional dowry normally consists of valuable items such as jewelry, embroidered beddings, kitchen utensils and furniture. The type of the dowry is constantly changing except for the basic, symbolic items. For example, dozens of years ago, a sewing machine, a bicycle, and a recorder were musts in a marriage. Now, they are totally out of fashion.

Bride"s Return: Traditionally, the newlyweds are to return to visit the bride"s parents one or three days after the wedding. They will be hailed with a banquet and it is the bridegroom"s turn to suffer the well-intentioned teasing of the bride"s relatives and friends.

Traditional marriage customs lost their popularity due to the collapse of feudal marriage customs and their complexity. However, traditional marriage can still be seen in the countryside, despite innovations. Now, traditional marriage customs are being revived in some places and they are attracting many prospective couples.



bridal英[ˈbraɪdl] 美[ˈbraɪdl] adj. 新婚的,婚礼的; 新人的,新娘的; n. 婚礼,结婚仪式; 〈古〉喜筵; [例句]She wore a floor length bridal gown.她穿着一件拖地长婚纱。[其他] 复数:bridals 形近词: iridal
2023-06-08 11:51:441


2023-06-08 11:51:521

wish you to make the happy bridal是什么意思?

2023-06-08 11:52:004


结婚纪念日(Wedding day)的英文缩写WD词汇解析:Wedding核心词汇英["wedu026au014b]美["wedu026au014b]n.婚礼;结合We decided to delay our wedding until next year.我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。attend a wedding 参加婚礼celebrate sb"s wedding 庆祝某人结婚词汇用法wedding的意思是“婚礼”,常用来指结婚仪式、结婚庆典、喜宴或结婚周年纪念日等,含有较为优雅的意味。引申可作“结婚纪念”“结合,融合”等解。tin wedding(锡婚)指“结婚10周年纪念”;silver wedding(银婚)指“结婚25周年纪念”;golden wedding(金婚)指“结婚50周年纪念”;diamond wedding(钻石婚)指“结婚60或75周年纪念”。
2023-06-08 11:52:081


问题一:急!!婚纱用英语怎么说啊,大家? 婚纱用英语我们可以翻译为bridal gown 、wedding dress ,而bridal go厂n正式一些,通常是带有拖尾的婚纱,而wedding dress则是婚纱礼服的统称。 问题二:【婚纱照】用英语怎么写 5分 婚纱照 wedding pictures wedding dress photos Wedding Wedding Photos Pre-Wedding pre-wedding photos 这些都可以,请参考。 问题三:婚纱的英文单词怎么写 两种说法都可以:wedding dress; wedding gown 为了便于你理解,分别举例如下: She looked magnificent in her wedding dress. 她穿着婚纱,看上去漂亮极了。 The bride made her wedding gown herself. 新娘自己做了结婚礼服。 问题四:婚纱礼服高级定制用英语怎么说? Wedding Gowns Haute couture haute couture一词源于法语,Haute 表示顶级,Couture 指女装缝制、刺绣等手工艺,中文译为:高级定制服。 望采纳,谢谢 问题五:婚纱的英文简写 Wedding photography 问题六:婚纱摄影用英文怎么说 Nuptial dress photography 权威的 问题七:白色婚纱用英语怎么写啊 white bridal veil
2023-06-08 11:52:331


wedding dresses / bridal gown
2023-06-08 11:52:427


2023-06-08 11:52:582


没有这个单词,根据您的拼写来看,考虑应是:bridal.bridal 英["brau026adl] 美["brau026adl] adj. 新婚的,婚礼的; 新人的,新娘的; n. 婚礼,结婚仪式; 〈古〉喜筵; [例句]She wore a floor length bridal gown.
2023-06-08 11:53:481


2023-06-08 11:54:002


a bridal veil
2023-06-08 11:54:104

bridal party什么意思

2023-06-08 11:54:184

bridal dress和wedding dress的区别

2023-06-08 11:54:261


两种:一、“婚”字其实是会意字,女字旁,说明是女人昏了头就结了婚 二、一个女的和一个叫日氏(远古一个帅哥的名字)的人走在一起,结果就成了婚字
2023-06-08 11:54:374

Bridal Ballad的歌词~或者大意~就是威尼斯商人里的~

dwqa 傻瓜才知道!
2023-06-08 11:54:542


2023-06-08 11:55:011


2023-06-08 11:55:081


历史传承传承了超过120年的钻石专业经验,戴比尔斯钻石珠宝对于优质钻石具有最专业的话语权。戴比尔斯集团于1939年为消费者引入4C标准,并于1947年巧思出闻名于世界的品牌广告语“钻石恒久远,一颗永留传”。戴比尔斯钻石珠宝为能传承这一宝贵历史财富感到自豪而荣耀。戴比尔斯钻石珠宝以专业和热情创激励自身,不断创造出独一无二的经典设计,每一件钻石珠宝都充分彰显钻石本身的恒久魅力,也因此成为卓尔不群的权威钻石珠宝商。在伦敦千年穹顶(Millennium Dome)展出之后,闻名世界的千禧之星(Millennium Star)成为戴比尔斯钻石珠宝挑选的首枚钻石。这枚切工完美、毫无瑕疵的D色钻石成为我们持续至今的每一颗钻石的手工精选标准。
2023-06-08 11:55:422


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2023-06-08 11:55:573


近两年明星们结婚都热衷中西结合,先是穿着中式婚服龙凤褂进行中式迎亲仪式,然后再换上婚纱西服举行婚礼仪式。相对于那些优雅唯美的白色婚纱,有着精美刺绣的龙凤褂更吸引小编的眼球。以下是楼哥总结的颇受明星青睐的中式嫁衣定制品牌,如果你也想要拥有一件这样的婚礼华服,那就快快收藏吧!一、郭培的玫瑰坊设计师郭培是中国著名的服装设计师,她曾连续十年为央视《春节联欢晚会》主持人和重要演员制衣。2008年北京奥运会颁奖礼服、章子怡设计圣火采集仪式上的服装、2009年春节联欢晚会上宋祖英的瞬间换装术??这些让人过目不忘的设计,都出自郭培之手。郭培也为许多明星婚礼设计过中式嫁衣,这些嫁衣基本上都是高级定制,价格不菲刘诗诗&吴奇隆2016年3月20日,刘诗诗吴奇隆在巴厘岛举办婚礼,婚礼上两人穿的这套中式婚服就是郭培定制,这身中式礼服有个霸气的名字,叫潮绣裙皇,采用的工艺是四大名绣之一的潮绣,立体盘扣闻名,金丝银线紧密交织,上面有立体龙凤图案,用时7412小时。刘诗诗穿的是上身白底褂皇,下身秀禾裙,这款嫁衣其实不是正宗意义上的龙凤褂,也非传统秀禾服,是改良版的中式嫁衣。Angelababy&黄晓明2015年10月8日,Angelababy和黄晓明在北京举行婚礼,迎亲仪式穿的传统中式服装也是郭培定制,Anglababy穿上这件大红喜庆的秀禾服,衬托的她肌肤愈发白皙动人,身段窈窕。结婚照还有一套“暖橘金绣”礼服,耗工8000个工时,光刺绣就长达数月之久。陈妍希&陈晓2016年7月19,陈妍希陈晓在北京举行婚礼,据成都婚庆团购网了解,迎亲环节中两人身着郭培定制的中式礼服,陈晓的是瑞兽紫金袍,制作工时3985小时,面料是法国绸,采用彩色金线,运用浮雕效果的垫高绣法,增加刺绣立体感。陈妍希的橘色凤彩裙褂,制作工时1880小时,面料是意大利缇花面料,光泽莹润,运用了独特的平金撵绣手法,工艺平展细密,均匀亮泽。金绣凤纹刺绣,尽显精美华丽,配以轻盈百褶裙,凸显时尚效果。二、藤薰定制相对于郭培的玫瑰坊来说,藤薰定制还比较年轻,创始人林爽于2009年在北京创办这家全手工定制嫁衣品牌,除了坚持纯手工刺绣和缝制成衣的理念以外,创造性地打造出包括盖头、绣花鞋、旗袍等中式嫁衣全套系列,发展至今也有不少明星选择定制他家的中式嫁衣。陈紫函&戴向宇2016年12月9日,陈紫函戴向宇在西班牙的圣弗洛伦逖娜城堡举行婚礼,中式迎亲仪式中陈紫函穿的婚服是藤薰定制经典款式――平金彩绣龙凤褂,龙凤,海水和祥云等主体元素使用经典的盘金刺绣工艺。缠枝牡丹,宝相花,蝴蝶等使用用绣金和苏绣细细勾勒。戴向宇穿的是传统工艺长衫马褂,沿袭男装的经典设计规制:对襟、高领、平袖端、盘扣、身长至腰,前襟缀扣袢五枚。长衫与马褂的结合,符合最正统的男中装制式。另外,在北京婚礼上,陈妍希陈晓的伴郎和伴娘穿的也是藤薰定制独家量身打造的中式伴娘、伴郎服、喜娘服。三、夏姿陈台湾品牌夏姿陈SHIATZYCHEN创立于1978年,专事于设计与生产高级女装,至今已成为拥有高级女装、高级男装、高级配件以及高级家饰品的综合精品,有不少台湾女明星的归宁宴礼服士他家的中式嫁衣。林心如&霍建华归宁宴归宁宴上林心如穿的2套中式服装都是夏姿陈SHIATZYCHEN的定制,一律的高腰大裙摆遮肚子设计,陈妍希归宁宴“小笼包”陈妍希,在她的台北归宁宴上穿的就是夏姿陈,同样是大裙摆的遮肚子款式。高圆圆婚礼还有早前的高圆圆在台北婚礼上穿的中式鱼尾礼服也是夏姿陈的定制,不过她的礼服就比较修身,该礼服裙周身以著名法国蕾丝品牌“Solstiss”生产的蕾丝覆盖,选择其红色蕾丝为主料,表现新娘含蓄而优雅的东方之美。四、Cocoon Bridal香港知名婚纱订制品牌Cocoon Bridal配合香港新人结婚特别喜欢穿中式礼服的传统,Cocoon Bridal除了提工西式礼服之外也投入许多心力在中式礼服的制作上,他们根据中国嫁衣历史去微调,主要以唐朝以后的嫁衣款式为设计重点,并搭配其他制作精细的相关中式配件。林心如&霍建华2016年7月31日,林心如霍建华在巴厘岛举行婚礼,林心如的这件中西合璧旗袍裙就是Cocoon Bridal定制的,很传统的中式新娘礼服,立领露肩,加上金色的刺绣端庄华丽,侧分盘发造型也很适合她。林心如在婚纱照中穿的一款刺绣礼服也是出自该品牌之手。Angelababy也曾在巧克力广告中穿上Cocoon Bridal操刀的中西合并风格大红礼服。五、月白中式嫁衣高级定制月白嫁衣由设计师徐孜创立于2012年,主要专注于传统中式嫁衣高级定制,产品包含有,秀禾服,龙凤褂,秀禾装,老上海手工制作旗袍,传统元素新娘装,传统新郎礼服,传统婚礼床上用品,家居纺织品刺绣定制等服务。钟丽缇&张伦硕2016年11月8日,钟丽缇张伦硕在北京举行婚礼,成都婚礼策划工作室发现两人在迎亲环节穿的中式礼服就是月白定制,钟丽缇的中式嫁衣,是纯手工制作的银鎏金景泰蓝鱼纹扣头和渐变水纹配上精湛苏绣,再加上日本手工金箔线,十分精致。而且设计师巧妙地运用鱼纹水纹,寓意这对“人鱼夫妇”今后的生活和工作都如鱼得水。六、设计师劳伦斯许劳伦斯.许的设计本身最大的特点就是中西合璧,完全西化的立体裁剪,设计元素却极其古典、东方,中国传统文化的底蕴,西方自由文化的精神和气质,筑成了这样一个绚丽神话的缔造者,许多明星的红毯中式礼服就出自他手,比如范冰冰的“龙袍”,张静初的“孔雀”。张歆艺&袁弘2016年5月30日,张歆艺袁弘在德国古堡举行婚礼,张歆艺这款惊艳十足的中式红色礼服来自劳伦斯许,别致大方的方领款式,正好露出性感锁骨,袭击的刺绣和流苏都显得非常精致、华丽。上半身采用了传统的霞帔元素,极具中式古典风情,喜庆十足。
2023-06-08 11:56:061


bridal fair新婚新娘
2023-06-08 11:56:142


2023-06-08 11:56:412


Before the bride departs to the bridegroom"s home, the "good luck woman" will lead her to the sedan chair. On her way to the chair, one of her sisters will shield her with a red parasol, while another sister will throw rice at the sedan chair. At the back of the sedan hang a sieve and metallic mirror that are believed to protect the bride from evil. The bride has to cry to show that she does not want to leave her parents. Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair. All along the way people make great efforts to avoid any inauspicious influence. For instance, the sedan chair is heavily curtained to prevent the bride from seeing an unlucky sight (e.g. a widow, a well or even a cat). When the parading troop arrives at the bridegroom"s, firecrackers will be set off to hail the bride"s arrival. Before the sedan chair a red mat is placed so that the bride will not touch the bare earth. By the threshold, a flaming stove and saddle will be set up and the bride is required to sidestep or step over them to avoid evils. The wedding ceremony is the focus of interest. The bride and bridegroom are led to the family altar, where the couple kowtows to Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors and parents successively. They then bow to each other and are led to the bridal chamber. The ceremony proceeds under a director"s prompts and applauses of the audience. Afterwards, a grand feast is held for relatives and those who helped with the wedding. The newly wed couple will resume drinking wedding wine. Generally they are required to cross their arms to sip wine. They also will toast their guests. Guests voice their good wishes for the couple even though the bridegroom is trying to be humble while acting embarrassed. Teasing games in the bridal chamber: After night falls, the teasing games start. Usually all young men can participate except for the bride"s married brothers-in-laws. These funny and silly games help ease the tension, since in ancient times the newlyweds never met each other before the wedding! Most of the games require the shy couple to act like wife and husband. The festive atmosphere also promotes closeness among all the family members and the community beyond. There also will be other activities conducted by the bridegroom"s mother after the roaring laughter fades into the darkness. Preparing the bridal bed: A "good luck man", usually having a nice family, will help to install the bridal bed in the correct place in the bridal chamber on a selected day before the wedding day. Before the wedding, a "good luck woman" will arrange the bridal bed and scatter symbolic and lucky fruits on the bed. Nobody is allowed to touch the bed until the couple enters the bridal chamber after the wedding ceremony. Children will then be invited onto the bed to bless the couple with fertility. Dowry: Usually the bride"s dowry shall be sent to the bridegroom"s family by the day before the wedding day. Sometimes the dowry will be brought by the bride"s escorts. A traditional dowry normally consists of valuable items such as jewelry, embroidered beddings, kitchen utensils and furniture. The type of the dowry is constantly changing except for the basic, symbolic items. For example, dozens of years ago, a sewing machine, a bicycle, and a recorder were musts in a marriage. Now, they are totally out of fashion. Bride"s Return: Traditionally, the newlyweds are to return to visit the bride"s parents one or three days after the wedding. They will be hailed with a banquet and it is the bridegroom"s turn to suffer the well-intentioned teasing of the bride"s relatives and friends. Traditional marriage customs lost their popularity due to the collapse of feudal marriage customs and their complexity. However, traditional marriage can still be seen in the countryside, despite innovations. Now, traditional marriage customs are being revived in some places and they are attracting many prospective couples. 给我分给我分
2023-06-08 11:56:481

bridal gowns 什么意思

2023-06-08 11:57:333


英语:Princess embrace法语:La princesse étreindre
2023-06-08 11:57:413


2023-06-08 11:57:491

bridal collection是什么意思

bridal collection 婚纱收藏品bridal 英[u02c8brau026adl] 美[u02c8brau026adl] adj. 新婚的,婚礼的; 新人的,新娘的; n. 婚礼,结婚仪式; 〈古〉喜筵; [例句]She wore a floor length bridal gown.她穿着一件拖地长婚纱。
2023-06-08 11:58:081


问题一:婚纱和礼服分别用英语怎么说? 女用晚礼服: night gown 婚纱:wedding gown , wedding dress 问题二:急!!婚纱用英语怎么说啊,大家? 婚纱用英语我们可以翻译为bridal gown 、wedding dress ,而bridal go厂n正式一些,通常是带有拖尾的婚纱,而wedding dress则是婚纱礼服的统称。 问题三:婚纱英语怎么说 wedding dress wedding veil, 问题四:婚纱摄影用英文怎么翻译? Nuptial dress photography 权威的 问题五:婚纱的英文单词怎么写 两种说法都可以:wedding dress; wedding gown 为了便于你理解,分别举例如下: She looked magnificent in her wedding dress. 她穿着婚纱,看上去漂亮极了。 The bride made her wedding gown herself. 新娘自己做了结婚礼服。 问题六:婚纱设计用英语怎么说 婚纱设计 英文翻译 Wedding design 问题七:头纱 英文 veil面纱的意思应该也可以指那个把 问题八:婚纱摄影用英文怎么说 Nuptial dress photography 权威的 问题九:婚纱 英语怎么说 婚纱 wedding dress 问题十:婚纱照用英文怎么说??? wedding portrait(s)
2023-06-08 11:58:191


white bridal白色新娘
2023-06-08 11:58:301


婚纱一般的叫法是wedding dress有时候外面有一层薄薄的披纱叫bridal veil
2023-06-08 11:58:391


2023-06-08 11:58:471


2023-06-08 11:58:541

bridal flower是什么意思

bridal flower 婚礼花束
2023-06-08 11:59:011


问题一:婚纱英语怎么说 wedding dress wedding veil, 问题二:婚纱和礼服分别用英语怎么说? 女用晚礼服: night gown 婚纱:wedding gown , wedding dress 问题三:我是开婚纱店的,用英语怎么说 i run a bridal shop 问题四:急!!婚纱用英语怎么说啊,大家? 婚纱用英语我们可以翻译为bridal gown 、wedding dress ,而bridal go厂n正式一些,通常是带有拖尾的婚纱,而wedding dress则是婚纱礼服的统称。 问题五:婚纱 英语怎么说 婚纱 wedding dress 问题六:“婚纱”用英语怎么说? bridal veil 列法与用句 罗切斯特安慰她说这只是一个恶梦,但清晨简却发现了被撕破的婚纱碎片。 Rochester assures her it is only a bad dream, but in the morning Jane finds the ripped fragments of the veil. 正是她袭击了梅森先生,撕毁了简的婚纱。 It was she who had attacked Mason and torn Jane"s wedding veil. 问题七:婚纱摄影用英文怎么说 Nuptial dress photography 权威的 问题八:婚纱礼服高级定制用英语怎么说? Wedding Gowns Haute couture haute couture一词源于法语,Haute 表示顶级,Couture 指女装缝制、刺绣等手工艺,中文译为:高级定制服。 望采纳,谢谢 问题九:婚纱照用英文怎么说??? wedding portrait(s)
2023-06-08 11:59:071


beloved 至爱boyfriend 男友
2023-06-08 11:59:152


2023-06-08 11:59:375

中美婚礼习俗的差异 英文的 不要太长

There is some small habits above, Marriage in the West is somewhat similar. For example, the ancient Chinese custom of throwing Hydrangea wedding; and western bride and groom after the wedding in the church, will the hands of the flowers into the air, so if someone received it indicates that he will soon marry.Marriage in the West above all these differences, this idea of 6767thinking in the West and the differences have a direct link. Chinese are more conservative, like excitement, thinking the more old-fashioned, so thousands of years in Chinese history, the wedding customs of the time and not much changes. Until the introduction of modern Western culture, China"s traditional culture to the West began to transform, but to a large extent with the traditional Chinese marriage customs office etiquette. The Chinese people love lively character in the traditional Chinese wedding can be fully manifested. In addition to have a wedding dinner in the West and, in the traditional Chinese marriage customs, as well as a farewell to the bride"s wedding luncheon. Second, after the end of the wedding, the couple"s friends and family will go to new homes in the bridal chamber. That in the new house in the more lively, more new happiness in married life. Therefore, no trouble need new homes by members of the pole, using various methods of making things difficult for the bride and groom. Westerners are more open to ideas for wedding requirements are relatively low, they are the climax of the wedding is in the church: as sacred "Wedding March" into the red carpet, charming father of the bride holding hands holding roses slowly walked to the groom, the bride"s father would his daughter"s hand on the groom"s hand, her daughter"s life will be entrusted to you, all eyes watching the couple, being filled in their face. She is today the most beautiful bride. Over the holy church, they echoed the oath in, bring tie the knot wedding ring, only to the priest said: "You can kiss your bride ... ... marriage is a lifelong covenant, whom you are to stick to a lifetime of vowed to the Lord Jesus said: God will not separate the person with this love for life, because today is the perfect. "and then the bride and groom, or go to dinner or honeymoon location, and not all the etiquette of traditional Chinese marriage customs . Another reason for the difference caused in the West is the West different religions. China is a Buddhist-based, while the West is Christian based. So the wedding is in the Western church is the priest at the master of ceremonies. China"s traditional marriage customs of the most important part is preparing for the wedding, thanks to the world even after the ceremony has become.Western weddings are romantic, and the entire wedding from start to finish to the full of romantic atmosphere. The bride"s dress is usually white, the groom is black dress, so that the whole wedding was a serious and solemn. To the church wedding ceremony is the most important part of the wedding, first, with the rhythm of the wedding march, the bride"s father pull her go hand in front of the groom by her father handed her groom hand hands. priest asks the bride and groom to make a lifetime commitment to each other, which is the climax of the wedding and then they will be priests and the blessing of the crowd, the exchange of wedding rings and kiss each other. The bride"s bouquet in the hands of the decorative items are not generally in the end of the wedding, the bride will throw the scene of the female guests, and those who received a flower, who is married to the next person, which makes the whole wedding in cheers laughing in the end.China is different from the Western wedding, the wedding"s main colors are red, which is representative of traditional Chinese festive colors. This also makes the wedding become joyous in the traditional wedding, the bride usually wear red Troy, head Daifeng Guan, there are even a red scarf, while the groom wore a red gown jacket, wearing a large red-brimmed hat. After riding in a red sedan chair, the bride and groom rode in front, with the matchmaker and wedding team to the groom"s family in weddings. Both parents sit on the court, while the bride and groom married the next court the whole wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies, under the command of his the bride and groom one preparing for the wedding, worship Diocese, and the couple of worship, into the bridal chamber. bridal chamber is the climax of the wedding, the bride and groom to wait for the first back to the bridal chamber, while the groom on the outside guests, satiated, the groom in a lot of surrounded by people down to the bridal chamber. people started the bridal chamber, the bride and groom under the booing we do in all kinds of game ... ... so that the entire wedding in one end of laughter.
2023-06-08 11:59:541

跪求英语大神翻译梁祝故事: 从前,有一个名叫祝英台的女子,为了上学读书,她不得不女扮男装。求学三载

Once upon a time, there was a woman named Zhu Yingtai. In order to go to school, she had to disguise herself as a man. After three years of study, she fell in love with her classmate Liang Shanbo, but Liang Shanbo never knew that Zhu Yingtai was a girl. When Shan Bo learned the truth, he proposed marriage to Zhu Yingtai"s family, but was flatly rejected by her father. Liang Shanbo dies heartbroken and angry, while Zhu Yingtai is forced to accept an arranged marriage. On her wedding day, the bridal sedan passed by Liang Shanbo"s tomb. Zhu Yingtai got out and wept in front of the tomb. Suddenly, there was a strong wind and lightning. Liang"s grave split open. Zhu took the opportunity to throw herself into the grave. After a while, I saw a pair of butterflies fly out of the grave, both lightly away.
2023-06-08 12:00:023

georges hobeika是什么档次

georges hobeika是一个享誉国际的高定礼服品牌。这个品牌的礼服非常的精致,受到了很多知名女星的喜爱,同时旗下的婚纱系列也是颇受欢迎。Georges Hobeika成衣系列如同一部散发着浪漫与梦幻的田园诗集,而这本诗集的优美与轮廓特征却像一座神奇的星系,提升了人们对大自然的热爱与幻想。高定秀仙气逼人,充满异域风情的印花布满成衣,像极了童话故事中走出来的古典女神。或是流光溢彩的亮片等散落在薄纱上,精致优雅,不折不扣的女神裙。这个品牌是来自黎巴嫩的高定品牌,受到非常多的明星和新娘喜欢,而成衣制品也受到很多名媛追捧。georges hobeika品牌介绍:Georges Hobeika是来自黎巴嫩的高级定制礼服品牌,由设计师乔治斯·荷拜卡创建于1995年。设计师乔治斯荷拜卡(Georges Hobeika)深受定制时装客户、新娘、明星和成衣顾客的喜爱。其品牌制衣厂位于贝鲁特附近的一个繁华地区,并在时尚地标巴黎皇家大道设有时装陈列室。如今,Georges Hobeika已经拥有与日俱增的时装客户群,成功创建旗下的三条成衣时装线,包括:Georges Hobeika Bridal,Georges Hobeika Signature(高级定制、婚纱、奢华晚礼服)和GH by Georges Hobeika(休闲日装为主)。同时,Georges Hobeika的天才触觉还延伸到了其他设计领域,在不久的将来,他将创立自己的“时装”家具线。
2023-06-08 12:00:111


身处宫殿、废墟及古董之中,罗马城的神秘历史伴随着唯美的爱情佳话浮现在眼前。这座城市的名称极富浪漫意味。将“Roma”倒着拼写,得到“Amor”一词,在拉丁文中有“爱情”之意。爱与热情的交融体现在这座城市的每个角落,尤其在黄昏时分,醉人的余晖将浪漫情调蔓延至整个天际。罗马一直是 BVLGARI 宝格丽的灵感来源。“Wear It With Love”婚戒的广告,展现出如罗马城一样臻美的爱恋和像热情一般的永恒。TORCELLO系列此款的名字源于威尼斯泻湖的 Torcello 岛。Torcello 系列拥有弧形四爪铂金戒托,上面镶嵌着单颗明亮切割钻石。柔和的曲线是其设计的独特元素,赋予戒指精致典雅的气息,展现出钻石的卓越光芒。1503系列1503 戒指以在威尼斯交换首枚订婚戒指的年份命名,采用单颗主钻和密镶钻组成。CORONA系列在古罗马婚礼中,新娘身穿白色婚纱,头盖橙色面纱,戴一顶精致的花冠。Corona 外形(意大利语:花冠)以鲜花柔和的曲线轮廓作为灵感来源。这些古罗马时期婚礼的象征与 Corona 系列钻戒的花瓣式爪镶或皇冠式爪镶隔着遥远的时空闪现共鸣的火花。Corona 系列包括镶钻与密镶钻款式的婚戒、镶钻耳钉、吊坠、手链和项链,无论是在婚礼当天还是其它日子里,都是理想的珠宝选择。GRIFFE系列Griffe系列是精致优雅之典范,完美展现出中央单颗主钻的细致和美妙,令珠宝鉴赏家翘首期盼。Griffe 系列提供各种钻石切割方式供顾客挑选,从祖母绿切割到明亮式切割再到心形切割,应有尽有。该系列包括镶钻耳钉、吊坠和手链,适合作为任何特殊场合的礼物。
2023-06-08 12:00:402


wedding ring wedding dress即可
2023-06-08 12:01:025


2023-06-08 12:01:193


裤子的成品术语 〔西裤 trousers〕主要指与西装上衣配套穿着的裤子。由于西裤主要在办公室及社交场合穿着,所以在要求舒适自然的前提下,在造型上比较注意与形体的协调。裁剪时放松量适中,给人以平和稳重的感觉。西裤在生产工艺及造型上基本已国际化和规范化。西短裤与西裤的工艺基本相同,长度在膝盖以上 不等,可根据自己的需要选择。 〔中式裤〕指宽边大裤腰、大裤裆、无侧缝分割,穿着时无前后之分的裤子;是中国的一种传统服装。 〔背带裤 bib pants〕指裤腰上装有跨肩背带的裤子。西裤中的背带裤仅为两根跨带相连,而在工装裤及现代时装中多有前胸补块。 〔马裤 riding breeches〕指骑马时穿着的裤子。马术运动员的整体装束已在国际上成为固定风格,由于骑马时功能的需要,其裤裆及大腿部位非常宽松,而在膝下及裤腿处逐步收紧,形成一种特殊的轮廓外形。 〔灯笼裤 knickerbockers, knickers, bloomers, pantalets〕指裤管直筒宽大、裤脚口收紧、外形似灯笼状的一种裤子。从设计上可以看作是一种“仿物造型”及“仿物取名”。灯笼裤轻松舒适,多为休闲时穿着。中式练功裤和运动裤也常采用这种造型。 〔裙裤〕像裤子一样具有下裆,裤下口放宽,外观形似裙子,是裤子与裙子的一种结合体。 它保留了裤子的优点,如便于骑车等,又具有裙子的飘逸浪漫和女性化。 〔连衣裤 overalls〕指上衣与裤子连为一体的服装。由于它上下相连,对人体的密封性较强,多为特种工种的劳保服所选用。也有将帽子与鞋袜连在一起的连体裤,其密封性更强,是抗辐射及防化人员适合穿着的款式。 〔喇叭裤 flare trousers, bell-bottom pants〕指裤腿成喇叭形的西裤。在结构设计方面,是在西裤的基础上,立裆稍短,臀围放松量适当减小,使臀部及中裆(膝盖附近)部位合身合体,从膝盖下根据需要放大裤口。按裤口放大的程度分为大喇叭裤和小喇叭裤及微型喇叭裤。喇叭裤的长度多为覆盖鞋面的长度。 &nbsp全身装成品术语 &nbsp所谓全身装成品,是指上下身连为一体的服装款式。 〔连衣裙 one-piece dress〕指上衣与下裙连成单体的一件式服装。连衣裙在各种款式造型中被誉为“款式皇后”,是变化莫测、种类最多、最受女性青睐的款式。根据穿着对象的不同,可有童式连衣裙和青年女性连衣裙。在女上衣和在裙体上可以变化的各种因素几乎都可以组合构成连衣裙的样式。连衣裙还可以根据造型的需要,形成各种不同的轮廓和腰节位置。 〔旗袍 qipao, chinese dress〕也称中式旗袍。其主要结构特征是立领、右大襟、紧腰身、下摆开衩等。旗袍是中国女性的传统袍服,始于清朝的旗人着装。经过辛亥革命及现代的改良,保留了传统旗袍的服饰工艺,使其更加符合对人体的表现。这种比例非常适合东方人胸部较平、臀位较低、上身较长的体形特点。旗袍传达出现代的人文主义思想和东方独特的韵律之美。 〔新娘礼服 bridal gown, bridal veil〕是指女性在出嫁时所穿着的服装。中国传统的新娘礼服是大红色中式套服。现在都市所穿用的新娘礼服多为源于欧美地区新娘结婚时所穿的礼服。西式新娘礼服 以白色为正色,象征纯洁与神圣。 〔燕尾服 swallow-tailed coat, swallowtail〕是男士在正规的特定场合穿着的礼服。其基本结构形式为前身短、西装领造型,后身长、后衣片成燕尾形呈两片开衩,源于欧洲人马车夫的服装造型。色彩多以黑色为正色,表示严肃、认真、神圣之意。 〔夜礼服 evening dress, evening suit〕指夜间社交场合中,女士所穿着的华丽裙服。夜礼服选料高档上乘,色彩光感性强,具有强烈的表现性和灯光下的特殊效果。西式晚礼服以西方上层社会的夜生活为背景,款式多采用袒胸露背长裙式。 〔大衣 overcoat〕指为了防风御寒,上下连为一体,穿在一般衣服外面的长外衣。根据长短可以分为短大衣、中长大衣和长大衣。根据服装面料的不同,其主要品种有毛呢大衣、棉大衣、羽绒大衣、裘皮大衣、皮革大衣、人造毛皮大衣等。 〔风雨衣 weather-all coat & cloak〕用于防风防雨两用的外衣,有单、夹、长、短之分。款式随流行而变化。 〔披风 dress smock, manteau, mantle〕无袖、颈部系带,披在肩上的防风外衣。如果上有连帽,一般称为斗篷。披风多为一片式结构,多为北方人和儿童在冬季穿用。 〔睡袍〕指在卧室中穿用的宽松且较长的袍服。面料多选用柔和淡雅色彩及文静秀气的小碎花图案,选用面料常为纯棉织物或高档丝绸。 〔睡衣裤 sleepwear〕指包括上衣和裤子两件式配套穿着的睡衣。 〔套装 suit〕指上下装配套穿着的服装。通常由同种同色面料制作,使上下成为格调一致的造型。在职业场所多选用这种穿着方式。
2023-06-08 12:01:251


2023-06-08 12:01:352


2023-06-08 12:01:551

vera wang 英文版介绍

Vera Wang (Chinese: 王薇薇; pinyin: Wáng Wēiwei; born June 27, 1949) is a fashion designer based in New York, NY, USA. She is known for her wedding gown collection among other specialties. Wang is a Chinese-American who was raised in an affluent family and attended The Chapin School as well as the Sorbonne in Paris. She graduated from Sarah Lawrence College with a degree in art history. Her mother often took her to fashion shows in Paris. Her father started and owned a chemical company. Her paternal grandfather was a military general in China. Her maternal grandfather was a warlord in China. As a girl, Wang trained as a figure skater, and competed at the 1968 U.S. Figure Skating Championships. When she failed to make the US Olympic team, she turned to her other passion, fashion. Wang was a senior fashion editor for Vogue magazine for sixteen years. In 1985, she left Vogue and joined Ralph Lauren as a design director for two years. In 1990, she opened her own design salon in the Carlyle Hotel in New York which featured her trademark bridal gowns. She has designed costumes for figure skaters, including Nancy Kerrigan and Michelle Kwan. Silver medalist Nancy Kerrigan wore a unique design of Vera"s for the 1994 Olympics. Wang also has made wedding gowns for Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez, Thalia, Jessica Simpson, Avril Lavigne, Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Garner, Sharon Stone, Uma Thurman, Holly Hunter and Karenna Gore, among others. A dress she designed for Buffy the Vampire Slayer appeared in the episode "The Prom." Sarah Michelle Gellar, the actress who played Buffy, also had Wang design her actual wedding dress for her marriage to Freddie Prinze Jr.. Wang has expanded her brand name through her fragrance, jewelry, eyeware, shoe and houseware collections. She also penned the book Vera Wang on Weddings which was released by Harper Collins in October, 2001. In June 2005, she won the CFDA (Council of the Fashion Designers of America) Womenswear Designer of the Year. On May 27, 2006, Wang was awarded the André Leon Talley Lifetime Achievement Award from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Vera Wang appeared as a guest judge in the third season of Project Runway. In 2002, Vera Wang began to move in the world of home fashion. Vera Wang China and Crystal offers superb styles and patterns that are durable for daily usage. All with her individualistic touch and design sensibilities. Her collection has produced three of the top ten best-selling patterns at bridal registries across the United States after only six months at the stores. View Vera Wang China. On August 24, 2006 clothing chain Kohl"s announced that it would carry clothing and handbags designed by Wang. The brand, "Very Vera by Vera Wang", a premium fashion and lifestyle brand, will be in stores Fall 2007. The collection will be available in Kohl"s department stores as well as, and will include sportswear, intimate apparel, jewelry, footwear, handbags and other accessories, and linens. "The Very Vera by Vera Wang brand will retain my personal design sensibility of a relaxed effortless approach to fashion," Vera Wang states. "I am thrilled to create a collection of creative lifestyle and apparel products for Kohl"s. This new partnership with Kohl"s, a company with incredible integrity and trust in the marketplace, is a true honor." Wang currently lives in New York City with her husband, Arthur Becker, and their two daughters, Josephine, born in 1993, and Cecilia, born in 1990, who both currently attend The Chapin School. Both her daughters are adopted. Arthur is the CEO of an information technology services company called Navisite. They have a weekend home in Pound Ridge, NY, where her brother owns the Pound Ridge Golf Club.
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施华洛世奇,海盗船,宝格丽,蒂凡尼, 蒙奇奇,梵克雅宝,爱马仕
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