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shotgun marriage是什么意思

有关shotgun marriage的解释如下:名词 n.1.(主美)强迫婚姻,特指男方被迫与某一被自己损害了名声的女人结婚。2.(主中国)拉郎配,强拉男子与女子结婚 奉子成婚

and marriage中文翻译

That is the time for trade and feasts and marriage . 这就是进行贸易,过节和结婚的时节。 The priests of some repgions must forswear wealth and marriage . 有些宗教的祭司必须宣誓放弃财富和婚姻。 Love and marriage are o intentions that go by separate and distinct roads . 爱情与婚姻是两股道上跑的车。 About this same time, french law required the clergy to register bapti *** s, deaths, and marriages . 大约在同一时期,法国的法律要求牧师登记洗礼、死亡和结婚的人数。 The axis of the plot in every novel except "emma" is money and marriage or rank and marriage . 除了《爱玛》以外,每一部小说的情节的核心都是金钱和婚姻或者地位和婚姻。 It is the heritance of name and status that counts, and marriage faciptates the transfer of these essentials . 继承姓氏和地位是事关重大的,婚姻促成了这些“实质”的转化。 Births , deaths and marriage registration support section 生死及婚姻登记(支援)组 Registration births , deaths and marriage registration 登记(出生、死亡及婚姻登记) More on births , deaths and marriage registration 更多有关出生、死亡及婚姻登记> Births , deaths and marriages digital image bill 生死及婚姻数码影像条例草案 Heart to heart - love and marriage of ba jin and xiao shan 巴金与萧珊的婚恋 I have made governments collapse and marriages fall apart 我已经让政府垮台,婚姻破裂。 Chief immigration officer births , deaths and marriage operations 生死及婚姻登记(执行)组 Registration of births , deaths and marriages 出生、死亡及婚姻登记服务 Never tell a man you only want his money and marriage 永远不要对男人说你只想要钱和婚姻。 Do not throw your take on pfe and marriage at me 不要用总是把你那套 Registering births , deaths and marriages 办理出生、死亡及婚姻登记 Psychological confpcts and marriage crises 心理冲突与婚姻家庭危机 Chief immigration officer ( births , deaths and marriage ) operations 生死及婚姻登记(执行)组 So there " s not much difference beeen a truck and marriage 对待婚姻和对待卡车其实没什么区别 Births , deaths and marriage registration 办理出生、死亡和婚姻登记 Are payable under the marriage ordinance and marriage reform ordinance 在海外递交拟结婚通知书 The feepng of being cynical on zhu shuzhen " s pfe history and marriage 再探朱淑真的身世和婚恋 Births , deaths and marriage registration operations section 总入境事务主任(生死及婚姻登记)执行 Don " t you want to have a career and marriage and children 你难道不希望有自己的事业娶妻生子吗 Comparing research on imperial matrimony culture and marriage culture 和亲文化与婚姻文化比较研究 The romans also knew her as the goddess of women and marriage 罗马人也知道她为女神的妇女和婚姻。 Certified true copies births , deaths and marriage registration 申请核证副本(出生、死亡及婚姻登记) Births , deaths and marriage registration 出生、死亡及婚姻登记 The special panorama of love and marriage in wilpam maugham " s novels 毛姆小说中独特的婚姻爱情景观 Su shi " s love and marriage and concurrently discusses his attitude to the woman 兼议其对女性之态度 Births , deaths and marriage registration ( operations ) section 总入境事务主任(生死及婚姻登记)执行 But no one argues with recording birth , death and marriage 但是没有人反对记录出生、死亡和婚姻的信息。 Giving of marriage notice births , deaths and marriage registration 递交拟结婚通知书(出生、死亡及婚姻登记) Births , deaths and marriage registration and registration of persons 办理出生、死亡和婚姻登记以及人事登记 Births , deaths and marriage registration and registration of persons ?办理出生、死亡和婚姻登记以及人事登记 Closure of births and marriage mobile registry and marriage registries 关闭流动出生及婚姻登记处及婚姻登记处 Philosophical thinking of chi p " s tragic consciousness of love and marriage 池莉对婚姻爱情悲剧观念的哲学思考 Custom laws of the yi people in pangshan and marriage relationship in hierarchy 凉山彝族习惯法与等级婚姻关系 Births , deaths and marriages digital image bill to be gazetted on friday 生死及婚姻数码影像条例草案星期五刊宪 Births , deaths and marriages digital image ordinance mencement notice 生死及婚姻数码影像条例生效日期公告 And all births , deaths and marriages are registered with the department 3 . 11以及办理各项出生、死亡和婚姻登记手续。 Providing efficient civil registration services for births , deaths and marriages 提供高效率的出生、死亡及婚姻登记服务 Hardy " s early viewpoints on tragedy and marriage as revealed in far from the madding crowd 看哈代早期的悲剧观和婚姻观 Truly reflecting hong kong people ! s attitudes of love and marriage , ! itchy heart 此片以喜剧的形式反映了现今社会对婚姻的态度 All famipes within the clan must submit all births , death and marriages 宗族内所有的家庭,都必须呈报家中所有的生辰忌日和婚事。 Evidence of apppcation for permission to marry from registrar of births , deaths and marriages 向生死及结婚登记处申请结婚许可的证据 I bepeve that the other side can bring happiness , and marriage is my pursuit of the goal 我相信能给对方带来快乐,婚姻是我追求的目标。

结婚(英语)get marriage 还是 get married

get married . marriage 是名词.


“marriagerobert”可能不是一个完整的短语或单词,它可能是由两个单词组成的短语“marriage”和“Robert”组合而成的。“marriage”翻译为“婚姻”,“Robert”是一个英文男性名字,翻译为“罗伯特”。因此,“marriagerobert”翻译为“罗伯特的婚姻",具体含义可能需要从上下文来判断。如果“marriagerobert”是一个组合词而非两个独立的单词,则可以理解为“罗伯特式的婚姻”或“罗伯特风格的婚姻”的意思。我们可以根据上下文来理解和判断这个组合的意思,例如,假如这是某个人的名字(例如,“Robert Marriage”)或一个将来要组织的婚礼(例如,“Robert"s marriage”),那么它的具体含义就应该是根据这些上下文信息来理解的。如果“MarriageRobert”是一个人名,则可能意味着“Robert Marriage”。在名字中,姓氏通常排在名字的前面,所以Marriage可能是姓氏,而Robert则是名字。但是,这也可能取决于特定的文化和语言背景。如果“MarriageRobert”是一个品牌名称,则它的具体含义可能需要根据品牌的商业性质和定位来确定。例如,如果这是一家婚礼筹备公司的名称,那么“MarriageRobert”可能表示“专业的婚礼组织和服务”,并且这个品牌可能专注于提供高品质、个性化和定制化的服务。如果这是一个生产婚礼服务和产品的公司,那么“MarriageRobert”可能表示“出色的婚礼产品和服务”,并且该公司可能致力于生产和销售最好的婚礼配件、礼品和其他相关产品。对于“MarriageRobert”这种不太明确的词组,具体含义需要从上下文、语境和背景中来判断,无法进行统一的解释。如果“MarriageRobert”是一个标题,则它的含义可能取决于标题所在文章或文本的主题。例如,如果标题是一篇关于婚礼规划的文章的题目,那么“MarriageRobert”可能意味着“以罗伯特的方式规划婚礼”或者“罗伯特风格的婚礼规划方法”等等。但如果标题是一篇关于婚姻公证的文章。那么“MarriageRobert”可能意味着“罗伯特(Robert)的婚姻(Marriage)公证详解”或者“罗伯特(Robert)夫妇的婚姻(Marriage)公证经历分享”等等。marriagerobertlynd造句"marriagerobertlynd" 不是一个常见的单词或短语,可能需要更多的上下文信息来理解。但是,可以给出以下的例句:1、我们参加了 Marriagerobertlynd 的婚礼,他们的婚礼充满了浪漫和温馨。2、Marriagerobertlynd 非常幸福,他们的婚姻一直很稳固,愿他们永远幸福。3、Marriagerobertlynd 是这个婚礼的主人公,他们携手走进了婚姻的殿堂。这些例句中都是在具体的婚礼情境下使用了“marriagerobertlynd”这个词组。需要注意的是,这个词组本身不是标准的英语单词或短语,其具体含义需要根据具体的上下文和语境来理解。

married life还是marriage life?

marriage life 婚姻生活

happy marriage是什么意思

happy marriage婚姻幸福(或婚姻美满)


wedlock 来自古英语 wedlāc 表示 ”誓言“,”誓约“marriage 的意思是 婚姻,婚事marriage 是常用词,而 wedlock 一般只用于特别语境/词组,比如born out of wedlock 婚外出生的,非嫡出的反义词: born in wedlock

英语语法填空 为什么用marriage而不是形容词



I attend the wedding ceremony of one of my colleagues today. We are good freinds. The groom is my freind, and the bride is beautiful. Every time, when I attend the wedding ceremony or watch the CD of my freinds" wedding ceremony, I feel very excited and I will be moved every time. I think the wedding ceremony is the most exciting moment. When I attend the wedding ceremony every time, I will imagine my wedding ceremony. I will be crying at my wedding ceremony at the sight of my parents. In my opinion, the wedding ceremony is not only a ceremony for two one in love, but also a ceremony for bride and groom to show their gratitude to their parents. After the ceremony, the bride will leave her parents and she will have another new family--only her and her husband. After the ceremony, the groom will build a new family for him and her bride, and he will take the responsibility of a husband to look after her bride and realize his promise: live her a good life. The ceremony is very holy thing. Every time I attend the wedding ceremony, I am moved and my eyes will be filled with tears. Hope every bride and groom will live a good life, and share bitter and honey things together. Wish each pair of lovers be happy.


同学,精锐教育春申校区友情提示:一般的动词都可以先加Ing或ed变为形容词,再加ly变副词的,所以构词法上讲marry的副词是marriedly. 欢迎追问。

A Marriage求翻译



动词是marry 意思是:嫁给,和...结婚~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

marriage married 词性 快些谢

名词 形容词


marriage是指结婚,这比较容易理解;matrimony同上面的区别主要是,这是指婚姻的状态。如在美国填很多表时,都会问你的婚姻状况,英文就是:matrimony state. 如果已婚就填married.另外,matrimony还可指婚礼庆典。这也是marriage没有的意思。


您好,marriage的意思是:婚姻x0dx0a详尽释义:x0dx0a1,结婚x0dx0a2,婚姻x0dx0a3,婚礼,结婚典礼 ,结婚仪式x0dx0a4,密切结合,紧密结合x0dx0a5,婚姻生活,夫妻生活,结婚生活,婚后生活x0dx0a6,夫妇关系,夫妻关系,婚姻状况x0dx0a7,合并x0dx0a例句:x0dx0ax0dx0a1,The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop.x0dx0a他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。x0dx0a2,It was a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage.x0dx0a得知她结婚是件令人惊喜的事。x0dx0a3,Marriage is an institution in most societies.x0dx0a婚姻是大多数社会早已确立的制度。x0dx0a4,Marriage is for life.x0dx0a婚姻是终身大事。x0dx0a5,He played a passive role in the marriage.x0dx0a他在婚姻中扮演了一个被动的角色。x0dx0a6,C++ is a marriage of the low-level with the high-level.x0dx0aC++是低级语言与高级语言的一种密切结合。x0dx0a7,A lichen is a compound organism, a symbiotic marriage of fungus and algae.x0dx0a青苔是一种复合有机体,是真菌和水藻的共生结合体。x0dx0a词语用法:x0dx0ax0dx0a1,marriage的基本意思是“结婚”,也可指“婚姻状况”,即在法律上和精神上男女两性结合的一种生活形式。既可用作可数名词,又可用作不可数名词。引申可作“合并”解。x0dx0a2,marriage也可作“婚礼”解,是可数名词。x0dx0a近义词:x0dx0acouplingx0dx0alinkx0dx0amatchx0dx0aweddingx0dx0a反义词:divorce


您好,marriage的意思是:婚姻详尽释义:1,结婚2,婚姻3,婚礼,结婚典礼 ,结婚仪式4,密切结合,紧密结合5,婚姻生活,夫妻生活,结婚生活,婚后生活6,夫妇关系,夫妻关系,婚姻状况7,合并例句:1,The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop.他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。2,It was a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage.得知她结婚是件令人惊喜的事。3,Marriage is an institution in most societies.婚姻是大多数社会早已确立的制度。4,Marriage is for life.婚姻是终身大事。5,He played a passive role in the marriage.他在婚姻中扮演了一个被动的角色。6,C++ is a marriage of the low-level with the high-level.C++是低级语言与高级语言的一种密切结合。7,A lichen is a compound organism, a symbiotic marriage of fungus and algae.青苔是一种复合有机体,是真菌和水藻的共生结合体。词语用法:1,marriage的基本意思是“结婚”,也可指“婚姻状况”,即在法律上和精神上男女两性结合的一种生活形式。既可用作可数名词,又可用作不可数名词。引申可作“合并”解。2,marriage也可作“婚礼”解,是可数名词。近义词:couplinglinkmatchwedding反义词:divorce

R.S.Thomas的《a marriage 》这首诗的意思

《A MARRIAGE》是一首诗《一个婚姻》,R.S.Thomas:R.S.托马斯。《一个婚姻》我们的相逢是沐浴在鸟鸣声里。五十年过去了,爱情短暂在这个世界上臣服于时间。她曾年轻;我用眼睛闭上睁开亲吻她的皱纹。“来吧”,死神说,挑选她作为他的舞伴跳最后一曲。而她,她这一生已完成了一切并像小鸟一样优雅,翻开她的账本吧因为流泪的一声叹息不比一支羽毛更重。

R.S.Thomas 的《a marriage》 整首诗的中文翻译


用英文围绕 marriage 说一段话,2分钟左右 急啊!!!

给我分吧,我很努力答了!Marriage is sacred .It is not based on money and it is neither bought nor sold.True marriage is a perfect,priceless gem.One should not marry without love.A man and a woman may freely make friends with each other.But they cannot talk of marriage until their friendship has ripened into love.In arranging their marriage,they may take other things into consideration,but they always regard love as the most important thing.This type of marriage usually brings happiness .Many couples live a happy life because their marriage is based on true love .On the contrary,some people marry for the sake of money only,and their marriage is destined to be a failure.In my opinion that marriage based on true love lasts and cannot be easily split up whereas marriage without love does not endure and may end in divorce.婚姻是神圣de。它的基础既不是钱,也不是是盲目的吸引.正确的婚姻是完美的,无价的宝石。一个人不应该结婚没有爱情。一个男人和一个女人可以自由地制定彼此的朋友。在他们的友谊成熟为爱情之前,他们不能去谈论婚姻。当他们准备结婚的时候,他们可能会考虑其他的东西,但爱情始终是最重要因素.这种婚姻往往会带来幸福。许多夫妻过着幸福的生活,因为他们的婚姻是真正的爱情基础上。相反,有些人结婚只是为了钱,他们的婚姻是注定要失败的。在我看来婚姻的基础是真正的爱情,婚姻de持续离不开爱情,而没有爱情的婚姻不会持久,并可能以离婚告终。

名为marriage across nations的英语作文

At first, I want to answer this question. I think marriage across nations is OK, because it has already happened around us and it will be accepted by most of people as the time going. We are all people and we can communicate with each other using different languages. Although the people from different countries or different races have got different educations, we can understand that if they fall in love witheach other they can get married. Different culture background is just because they lived in different surrounding when they were young. If they really have true love, they can accept these “different”. I think there are have more and more marriage existing in our daily life. And we can become from not understanding to understanding. As we can get in touch with foreigners so frequently learning or working, maybe we can know them and understand them. So the older people will know the world and they can agree with the young people to marry with foreigners. I think marriage across nation or races must happen widely in the future. It is not only good for the lovers but also better for the worldto know each other. The world is really a big family and all of us live on the earth. We should live peaceably because it is our duty to do these. As people agree with my view, I think you must accept marriage across nations or races at the same time.There are many advantages: we can have a knowledge of another language and culture coming from another country or another race. We can understand “one world one family”.(百度的)

go on a honeymoon after marriage 能用go to吗?


跪求主题为LOVE and Marriage的两人对话

A:Do you think the end of love is marriage?B: No, I don"t think soA: So, tell me your opinion. Why do you think so?B: In my opinion, the end of LOVE is death rather than marriage. When a man loves a woman, both of them all think they are falling in love. But, I get another opinion. They are together just because strange and wonderful feeling. Actually the true love begins after the marriage.A: Wow! How novel the idea you get. Actually, There is a certain truth.B: What about yours? I am interested in your opinion.A: Love begins after the first sight. I believe that the God has arranged everything. Someone will meet the destined one. The love is growing after the first sight. B: OK, what do you think between love and marriage?A: The love before marriage is the most beautiful story. After marriage, love becomes another meaning such as responsibility. B: Both of us are right, aren"t we?A: Yes, Yes, We are all express our own opinion. Love itself has a lot of different meanings.B: No matter what we get about love, We all trust it. The love is the most unforgetable story. I will keep my love untill death.A: I will be moved if i were your wife. You are so charming.B: You are charming as well. And do you fall in love with me when the first sight you meet me?A: Will you love me untill the death?A/B: Yes

求一篇英语作文 why delay marriage



marriage是名词 married是动词的过去式或是形容词,意思是结婚的,marry是动词


marriage:名词 n. 1.结婚,婚姻[U][C] We have just heard of his marriage to an heiress. 我们刚刚听说他与一位女继承人结了婚. 2.婚姻生活[U][(+with)] 3.结婚典礼[C] The marriage will take place in May. 婚礼将于五月举行. 4.紧密结合[C] The marriage of words and melody in that song was unusually effective. 那首歌里词与曲配 married:形容词 a. 1.已婚的,有配偶的 Is she married? 她结婚了吗? 2.婚姻的;夫妇的 Her married life was exceptionally happy. 她的婚后生活十分幸福. 3.密切结合的 marry:及物动词 vt. 1.娶;嫁,和...结婚 He is going to marry Jane. 他将与简结婚. 2.(牧师等)为...证婚 3.把(女儿等)嫁出[(+off)][(+to)] 不及物动词 vi. 1.结婚 He didn"t marry until he was fifty. 他直到五十岁才结婚.

they got divorced ofter only six months of marriage,got divorced 具体属于什么语法项目,不明白啊

got这里是系动词,divorced 这里是形容词,是系表结构。如get bored,get married等,有一些词如interest ,有两个形容词,一是ing 结尾的,一是ed结尾的,ing 主要意思是"令人。。。使人....",主要形容物的。ed结尾的形容人的。

“Marriage is prostitution and whoring in disguise.”said Karl Marx! 的出处?




marry, married, marriage的用法区别

1. marry可以 用作及物动词,表示“娶,嫁,与……结婚”,结构为:(1) marry sb 娶某人,嫁给某人(2) be / get married 已婚(状态)(3) be / get married to sb. 与某人结婚,嫁给某人(4) marry one"s daughter to sb. 把女儿嫁给某人例如:They got married last week. 他们上周结婚了。John is going to marry Miss Lin. 约翰准备娶林小姐。Miss Lin is going to marry John. 林小姐准备嫁给约翰。She got married to one of her classmates. 她嫁给了她的一位同学。She married her daughter to a write. 她把女儿嫁给了一位作家。注意不能说: marry with sb. 或be married with sb.2. marry也用作不及物动词,表示“结婚”。例如:She married young. 她结婚早。He married late in life. 他结婚很晚。She married not for love. 她并不是因为爱情而结婚的。3. marry是非延续性动词,不可同表示一段时间的状语连用,但be married表示的是状态,可以同一段时间状语连用。They have married for twenty years. (误)They have been married for twenty years. (正)It is twenty years since they married. (正)提示:(1) 问某人“婚否”,要说:Are you married? / Is she married? 等。(2) “未婚”可说:be single(3) 问何时结婚:When did you get married? / When were you married?4. marriage 名词,表示“婚姻,结婚,婚礼,夫妇生活,密切关系”等含义。Their marriage was a very happy one. 他们的婚姻非常美满。She has had an offer of marriage. 有人向她求婚。marriage articles 结婚契约marriage portion 嫁妆The marriage of music and drama in opera. 歌剧中音乐与戏剧的密切关系。

open relationship和open marriage是什么关系? relationship是指跟一个人保持长期的恋爱关系,同时不排除与他人发生关系的可能性,但是双方都把彼此当成稳定的伴侣。2.开放式婚姻(Open marriage)可以简单理解为结婚后夫妻双方约定不受传统的一夫一妻制的限制,对待性生活方面所采取的随意生活方式,即性生活随意,互相不约束。Open marriage,是夫妻双方的选择,不在这段关系中的人没有任何立场评判,站在关系的角度,这是两位的自由意志。但是,孩子不应该这段关系中不被尊重的存在。小时候,他应该被当作小孩对待;长大后,他应该被当作成人对待,总之,他应该被当做生命尊重。Open marriage,是一种选择,但绝不是婚姻进行不下去选择的另一种打开方式。扩展资料一般“开放式关系”一词可能被视为开放式婚姻的近义词。这种关系建立在相同的基础上,双方坦诚相待,任一方都有在对方知情并许可的前提下与第三者发生亲密关系的自由。另外一种“开放式关系”是指双方目前没有其他伴侣但同意保持炮友关系“亲密友谊(英语:Intimate friendship)”,炮友又或者称为性伴侣是指可能包含性关系的传统友谊关系。参考资料来源:百度百科:开放式关系

open relationship是什么意思? open marriage是什么意思?

open relationship意思是开放的关系open marriage意思是开放的婚姻

open relationship什么意思? open marriage是什么意思? relationship是指跟一个人保持长期的恋爱关系,同时不排除与他人发生关系的可能性,但是双方都把彼此当成稳定的伴侣。2.开放式婚姻(Open marriage)可以简单理解为结婚后夫妻双方约定不受传统的一夫一妻制的限制,对待性生活方面所采取的随意生活方式,即性生活随意,互相不约束。Open marriage,是夫妻双方的选择,不在这段关系中的人没有任何立场评判,站在关系的角度,这是两位的自由意志。但是,孩子不应该这段关系中不被尊重的存在。小时候,他应该被当作小孩对待;长大后,他应该被当作成人对待,总之,他应该被当做生命尊重。Open marriage,是一种选择,但绝不是婚姻进行不下去选择的另一种打开方式。扩展资料一般“开放式关系”一词可能被视为开放式婚姻的近义词。这种关系建立在相同的基础上,双方坦诚相待,任一方都有在对方知情并许可的前提下与第三者发生亲密关系的自由。另外一种“开放式关系”是指双方目前没有其他伴侣但同意保持炮友关系“亲密友谊(英语:Intimate friendship)”,炮友又或者称为性伴侣是指可能包含性关系的传统友谊关系。参考资料来源:百度百科:开放式关系

Marriages (are) made in heaven 中文是什么意思?


propose marriage by getting down on one knee 什么意思

propose marriage by getting down on one knee通过单膝跪地求婚双语对照例句:1.Try getting down on one knee. 那就跪下来试试看把。2.Surely there are easier ways of getting hugs than putting one"s marriage on the line? 比起拿自己的婚姻冒险,不是有更容易的方式来获得拥抱吗?3.The former head of goldman sachs ( gs) got down on one knee and begged pelosi to support tarp. 这位前高盛(Goldman Sachs)掌门人在佩洛西面前卑躬屈膝,请求后者支持TARP。

should Marriage be a life long commitment

学弟或学妹一定是英语专业的,是期末考试的内容吧,一下是我自己的观点,不是网络上copy的,虽然是个人观点,但topic来讲够用了,不用论文那么精准~Good afternoon!With my knowledge and personal understanding obtained from my everyday life,especially from the real examples of my married friends and relatives,I believe marriage is more than a piece of certificate,rather,it should be a lifelong commitment to each of the couple.Apart from the basic elements of love,mutual understanding,and characteristically attraction,marriage also bears what to be encountered in following-up matters,which are more important and demanding issues composing the major part of marriage. For example,the care for each other"s family,the fostering of the next generation,the delicating budgeting of family financing,and something alike. Those,as I observed from my life,are more tough and need strong responsibility and dedication to deal with. Without the enduring obligation to endow constant love to each other"s life and family or something else,it"s very hard to withstand the difficulties that"s unavoidable in marriage. Often,as I learn from magazines and tele-news that couples could end in divorce without the basic commitment to share life with each other,and the result is pessimistic that financial problems are raised,kids are left in poor conditions that could do permanent harm to their growing-up. So from my analysis,I hold tightly the viewpoint that commitment is a vital component for a successful marriage.

marriage cannot before, loveisso是什么意思



make a relative relationship in a good environment 。

翻译are you related to your fiance or partner by blood ,marriage or adoption?

你和你的未婚夫或者合伙人有血缘、婚姻或者收养关系吗?祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

急 !family and marriage relationship


Love,marriage and divorce.一篇2~5分钟的英语演讲...谢谢....

爱情是那么美好,究竟是什么样子?怎样做,才能真正拥有爱情?Love is so wonderful , is actually what appearance? How to do, can have love truly? 遇到爱,失去爱,什么能够证明爱情的存在?不知道是谁说的,婚姻是爱情的试金石。相爱的人们结婚之后,就可以百年好合,让爱情天长地久。Meets the love, loses the love, what can prove love the existence? Some people said that the marriage is love touchstone. Falls in love after the people marry, may the happy union lasting a hundred years, let love for ever and ever. 爱我,就结婚吧! Loves me, marries! 结婚的时候,也许谁也想不到有可能离婚,以为结婚就可以一直到老,永远不分离。但是,未来的事情无法预知,谁也不知道将来会不会离婚。婚姻散了,原来坚信不疑的爱情也就不存在,甚至怀疑了,也许根本就没有存在过。 When marries, who also couldn"t think that has the possibility divorce, thought that the marriage may yizhi dao old, never separates. But, future matter will be unable to know in advance, nobody knew can divorce in the future. The marriage has dispersed, originally believed does not doubt love also does not exist, even has suspected, perhaps has not existed. 爱情,就是爱上一个人,爱他的存在,也爱他和自己的共同存在。婚姻只是一种生活形式,也不能证明爱情的存在。唯一能够证明爱情的就是爱一个人的心,不是婚姻!Love, falls in love with a person, likes his existence, also loves him and your existence. The marriage is only one kind of life form, also cannot prove love the existence. Can prove that only love loves a person"s heart,It is not the marriage!

for what reasons were marriages arranged?求画分主谓宾定状

For what reasons were marriages arranged?这是个【特殊疑问句】,其中又有介词位置的变化,所以本身成分不好划分。建议按照陈述句语序调整原来句子结构,变出一个【虚拟句子】——疑问句中语序不会如此用的,但是句子成分不变——【marriages 主语】【were arranged】【 for what reasons介词短语,作原因状语】?再返回原句——【For what reasons 原因状语】【 were 被动谓语动词一部分】【marriages 主语】【arranged主体谓语动词】?

arranged marriage是什么意思


The custom of arranged marriages still exists in many countries句子of后面怎么有过去分词?

arranged 是过去分词作形容词 ,arranged marriages 包办婚姻 这个整体是of 后面的内容。

求英文文章:marriage in china

Chinese Marriage CustomChinese marriage became custom during the Warring States period (402-221 B.C.). Due to the vast expanse and long history of Chinese marriage customs and ceremonies, there are different practices that are followed in different places, although they all generally adhere to similar guidelines. Visitors still have opportunities to witness traditional marriages in the countryside. In ancient times, it was very important to follow a basic principle of the "Three Letters and Six Etiquettes" since they were essential to a marriage.The "Three Letters" included the Betrothal Letter, Gift Letter and Wedding Letter. The Betrothal Letter was the formal document of the engagement, a must in a marriage. Next was the Gift Letter, which would be given to the identified girl"s family. Within the letter would be a list of the types and quantity of gifts designated for the wedding, once both parties accepted the marriage. The Wedding Letter was prepared and presented to the bride"s family on the day of the wedding and was a document that confirmed and commemorated the formal acceptance of the bride into the bridegroom"s family.Six EtiquettesProposing: If an unmarried boy"s parents identified a girl as their future daughter-in-law, they would then locate a matchmaker. Proposals were the specialties of the matchmakers. The matchmaker would formally present his or her client"s request to the identified girl"s parents.Birthday matching: If the potential bride"s parents did not object to the marriage, the matchmaker would then ask for the girl"s birthday and birth-hour to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom. If the couple"s birthdays and birth-hours did not conflict according to astrology, the marriage would continue onto the next stage. If there was any sign of astrological conflict, which meant the marriage would bring disasters upon both families, the proposed marriage was immediately quashed.Presenting betrothal gifts: Once both birthdays matched, the bridegroom"s family would then arrange for the matchmaker to present betrothal gifts, including the betrothal letter, to the bride"s family.Presenting wedding gifts: After the betrothal letter and betrothal gifts were accepted, the bridegroom"s family would later formally send wedding gifts to the bride"s family. Usually, gifts may include tea, lotus seeds, longan, red beans, green beans, red dates, nutmeg, oranges, pomegranate, lily, bridal cakes, coconuts, wine, red hair braid, money box and other delicacies, depending on local customs and family wealth.Picking a wedding date: An astrologist or astrology book would be consulted to select an auspicious date to hold the wedding ceremony.Wedding ceremony: On the selected day, the bridegroom departs with a troop of escorts and musicians, playing cheerful music all the way to the bride"s home. After the bride is escorted to the bridegroom"s home, the wedding ceremony begins.Unlike Western tradition, the color red dominates traditional Chinese weddings. Chinese people tend to use or wear red to add a joyful atmosphere of such a festive occasion.At dawn on the wedding day and after a bath in water permeated with grapefruit, the bride puts on new clothes, wears a pair of red shoes and waits for the so-called "good luck woman" to dress her hair in the style of a married woman. Her head would be covered with a red silk veil with tassels or bead strings that hang from the phoenix crown. She waits for her future husband to escort her home, with married women talking around her about how to be a good wife.On the other hand, the bridegroom prepares himself to receive his wife. He gets capped and dressed in a long gown, red shoes and a red silk sash with a silk ball on his chest. The groom kneels at the ancestral altar as his father puts a cap decorated with cypress leaves on his head to declare his adulthood and his family responsibility.Then the bridegroom sets out to receive his bride. Usually a crowd of friends escorts the bridegroom and musicians play joyful tunes during the entire trip. Dancing lions, if any, precede the troop. In ancient times, a bridal sedan chair (or a decorated donkey due to poverty or bad traffic) would be used to transport the bride. A child carries a bridal box among the people, reflecting the bridegroom"s expectation to have a child in the near future.The most interesting part of the reception really takes place at the doorstep of the bride"s residence, which is heavily guarded by the bridesmaid or the bride"s sisters. It is customary for the bridesmaid to give the bridegroom a difficult time before he is allowed to enter. Usually wisdom, courage and his friends will help the bridegroom to succeed in his "trial". However, there is one more situation he has to negotiate with the bridesmaid and sisters of the bride - to distribute among them red packets containing money - in order to take his bride home.Before the bride departs to the bridegroom"s home, the "good luck woman" will lead her to the sedan chair. On her way to the chair, one of her sisters will shield her with a red parasol, while another sister will throw rice at the sedan chair. At the back of the sedan hang a sieve and metallic mirror that are believed to protect the bride from evil. The bride has to cry to show that she does not want to leave her parents.Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair. All along the way people make great efforts to avoid any inauspicious influence. For instance, the sedan chair is heavily curtained to prevent the bride from seeing an unlucky sight (e.g. a widow, a well or even a cat). When the parading troop arrives at the bridegroom"s, firecrackers will be set off to hail the bride"s arrival. Before the sedan chair a red mat is placed so that the bride will not touch the bare earth. By the threshold, a flaming stove and saddle will be set up and the bride is required to sidestep or step over them to avoid evils.The wedding ceremony is the focus of interest. The bride and bridegroom are led to the family altar, where the couple kowtows to Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors and parents successively. They then bow to each other and are led to the bridal chamber. The ceremony proceeds under a director"s prompts and applauses of the audience.Afterwards, a grand feast is held for relatives and those who helped with the wedding. The newly wed couple will resume drinking wedding wine. Generally they are required to cross their arms to sip wine. They also will toast their guests. Guests voice their good wishes for the couple even though the bridegroom is trying to be humble while acting embarrassed.Teasing games in the bridal chamber: After night falls, the teasing games start. Usually all young men can participate except for the bride"s married brothers-in-laws. These funny and silly games help ease the tension, since in ancient times the newlyweds never met each other before the wedding! Most of the games require the shy couple to act like wife and husband. The festive atmosphere also promotes closeness among all the family members and the community beyond. There also will be other activities conducted by the bridegroom"s mother after the roaring laughter fades into the darkness.Preparing the bridal bed: A "good luck man", usually having a nice family, will help to install the bridal bed in the correct place in the bridal chamber on a selected day before the wedding day. Before the wedding, a "good luck woman" will arrange the bridal bed and scatter symbolic and lucky fruits on the bed. Nobody is allowed to touch the bed until the couple enters the bridal chamber after the wedding ceremony. Children will then be invited onto the bed to bless the couple with fertility.Dowry: Usually the bride"s dowry shall be sent to the bridegroom"s family by the day before the wedding day. Sometimes the dowry will be brought by the bride"s escorts. A traditional dowry normally consists of valuable items such as jewelry, embroidered beddings, kitchen utensils and furniture. The type of the dowry is constantly changing except for the basic, symbolic items. For example, dozens of years ago, a sewing machine, a bicycle, and a recorder were musts in a marriage. Now, they are totally out of fashion.Bride"s Return: Traditionally, the newlyweds are to return to visit the bride"s parents one or three days after the wedding. They will be hailed with a banquet and it is the bridegroom"s turn to suffer the well-intentioned teasing of the bride"s relatives and friends.Traditional marriage customs lost their popularity due to the collapse of feudal marriage customs and their complexity. However, traditional marriage can still be seen in the countryside, despite innovations. Now, traditional marriage customs are being revived in some places and they are attracting many prospective couples.