barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-08 08:11:42


1: 内存建议4G起步,最佳8G-16G









4、内存:在新版本的ps中,以pscc2017版为例,内存占用非常之大。8g内存往往不够用。所以,如果你要使用高版本ps 8g内存是标准配置。新手或工作量不大,使用较低版本可降低要求。



7、既然你会选择笔记本做图可以说你应该工作量不大。新手常见笔记本足以,后期再换电脑没有问题。工作量大但必须使用笔记本的。只能推荐你 i7 7700 +gtx1060+8g 内存这样的为标准配置了。




2、显卡建议类型 DDR5 ,显存2GB。最好使用图形专业显卡,NVIDIA QuadroFX系列或Quadro NVS系列,高中低档都有不过较贵但效果及效率不是市面上常见的游戏显卡能比的。用一般显卡也可,N卡是首选,因3DMAX、MAYA等等软件多数还是用OpenGL为图形接口,这方面N卡要比A卡有优势。





1、Photoshop这个软件比较占内存,建议1G以上内存 ,理想的话配4G内存。

2、处理图形图像重要还有显卡, 独立的最好, 集成的也行, 理想的话512兆显存的独立显卡。



5、安装系统要求:Mac OS X 10.2.8—10.3.8 ,Windows 2000 SP4 ,Windows XP SP1或SP2。


这些设计软件都是浮点运算,那INTEL平台是必然首选能上I7就上I7,最低也要I5的CPU,内存大点,4GX2条 DDR3 1600HMZ组个双通道,最低也应该2GX2,要套装内存那种.INTEL架构配显卡一定装个N卡,能上GTX 560TI的直接上,最低也应该450GTX以上.这样出图,渲染都比较不错.




基本上现在的本本都可以满足,作图,cpu 内存 显存是关键





creator的意思是创造者、创作者、发明者、造物主、上帝、天主。词态变化: 复数——creators。英文词源:Supreme Being,from Anglo-French creatour, Old French creator (academic and liturgical, alongside popular creere, Modern French créateur)。例句:1、This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.这是造物主置于天上的第一个物体。2、A copyright protects the creator of an original artisitic or intellectual work, such as a song or a novel.版权保护原创艺术作品或脑力劳动成果 (如歌曲或小说)的创作者。3、The cheerful 51-year-old"s story does not end with the career-making move of signing J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter"s creator.即使签下《哈利波特》的创作者J.K.罗琳,这位51岁开朗老人的故事并没有因这一事业上的举措而结束。4、Cartoon creator Fujio"s widow Masako Fujimoto said Doraemon transcends culture and language making him popular with children worldwide.卡通创作者不二雄的遗孀藤本正子称,哆拉A梦超越了文化、语言的界限,使他受到全世界孩子的喜爱。
2023-06-07 16:34:061


creatorsn. 创造者,创作者( creator的名词复数 )
2023-06-07 16:34:401


2023-06-07 16:34:471


查找creators入口的方法如下:打开 TikTok→右下u2ec6“我”或“Me”→点击右上u2ec6三个点→点击“管理账号”或“Manageaccout”→点击那排红色的字“Swtich to Pro Account”→选择Creator→选择一个你账号的类目→选择你的性别→完成。扩展资料:其实目前TikTok 共有五种账号类型,分别是:PA号:Person Account常规注册的个人号,可升级CA或BA号CA号:Creator Account内容创作者号BA号:Business Account企业号BA with Blue V:俗称蓝V号,邀请开通或广告主满足一定门槛后申请开通Ads广告账号:国内找TikTok代理商申请开通即可
2023-06-07 16:35:051


2023-06-07 16:35:121

win10 creators update 是什么版本?

2023-06-07 16:35:222

如何下载CREATORS动漫到手机里去,不要Wifi也能看 。

手机下载视频的方法有很多,可以进行如下操作: 1.使用浏览器搜索您需要的视频进行下载。 2.使用第三方视频播放器搜索需要的视频下载。 3.通过电脑下载视频,然后将手机与电脑连接,将电脑中的视频传输到手机中。 提示:由于手机支持的视频格式不同,下载前请确认手机支持的视频格式,以免下载的视频不能正常观看
2023-06-07 16:36:332

如何看待Windows 10 Creators Update

在Windows10 Creators更新中,微软带来了原生支持3D创建、3D打印、3D分享,并融合混合现实的体验,HoloLens Edge浏览器支持体验3D体验效果,另外还支持Win10 VR和4K游戏。在Win10一周年更新中,微软首次为中国中文版Windows10系统升级更新安装过程中引入了古诗词引导界面,比如“青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。正在准备更新,请勿关闭电脑。”“剑阁峥嵘而崔嵬,一夫当关,万夫莫开。这些更新能在网络环境中提供更好的保护。”等等,看起来比较新颖。在Win10 Creators Update(中文名确定为Win10创造者更新)中,微软希望能够听取到来自大家对Win10中文安装界面引导语的建议和反馈,以此作为参考进行下一个Win10创造者更新的本地化设计,
2023-06-07 16:36:411

Win10 Creators什么时候推出 Windows 10 Creators免费更新么

不少用户非常关心Windows 10升级是否免费需要花费多少钱,微软在发布Win10的同时给出了答案:第一年免费! 微软解释称,在Win10发布的一年时间内,所有目
2023-06-07 16:37:271

如何使用Windows 10 Creators Update启动功能来修复Windows问题

1、您的系统盘可能需要15-20G的可用空间(与升级到Windows 10类似),修复过程可能随个人情况长达数小时(一般为1-2小时),敬请稍安勿躁;2、为保证MediaCreationTool为最新版本,请勿直接使用之前下载的工具,尽量从网页重新下载;3、经过我们的测试,这个方法不会对已安装的程序和个人文件造成影响,但是为了最大限度地安全起见,仍然建议您再开始之前备份您的必要资料。4、在准备就绪,可以安装的步骤,请看清下方的文字介绍,是否选择的是“保留个人文件和应用”(如图),如果不是,说明该方法可能不适合您的情况,建议先停止操作并联系我们。
2023-06-07 16:37:441

win10 creators update 需要怎么操作

1. 在 Windows 更新设置中找到 Preview builds(预览版本);2. 选择开始检查;3. 一旦发现有新的构建版本可用,点击下载后电脑将自动开始下载。不过这个更新非常大,需要有点耐心;4. 下载完成后,点击安装即可。
2023-06-07 16:37:511

Re:CREATORS 男主角为什么要创造哪个军服少女?

2023-06-07 16:38:143


2023-06-07 16:38:243

win10 creators update和win10 anniversary update区别?

2023-06-07 16:38:402

shot creator什么意思

shot creator筋疲力尽的创造者creator[英][kriu02c8eu026atu0259(r)][美][kriu02c8etu025a]n.创造者,创作者; 复数:creatorsshot[英][u0283u0252t][美][u0283ɑ:t]n.射手,击球; 开枪,发射; 企图; 注射; adj.闪色的,颜色会变化的; 交织的; 渗透的; (俚语)坏透了的,筋疲力尽的; vt.射中,射击; 给…装弹; 注射; 抛出; vi.发射,射击; 突然出现; 例句:1.How better to check out the etymology of the word than to ask its creator? 还有什么比询问其创造者来查询一个单词语源更好的方法吗?
2023-06-07 16:38:503

如何评价 Windows 10 Creators Update

更新了1703,总体感觉还是不错的,说说DPI缩放这块吧,Windows 10 Creator Update带来了新的DPI缩放方式,替代DPI缩放为应用程序,系统以及系统(增强)三种模式,不过在我的笔记本上的实际体验是还是原来默认的DPI缩放为应用程序靠谱,系统缩放会模糊,系统(增强)会导致字体花了。以百度云管家为例,系统采用125%缩放,分辨率1080p
2023-06-07 16:39:062

recreators 岛崎刹那为什么死了

2023-06-07 16:39:273

谁能把这段话翻译成英文? 或者英语版暴走漫画的介绍 和英语版的暴漫

2023-06-07 16:40:531

adidas ts supernatural creator的几个问题

TS LIGHTSPEED是阿迪推出的第一代以签约大牌明星为主体的团队球鞋在07到08赛季的常规赛使用(不分内外线,不过期间KG换穿过另一款TS,看似像专为内线打造,而阿里纳斯则是一款特别的低帮 TS LIGHTSWITCH ,似乎阿迪在特别提拔他)TS creator是第二代团队鞋之一,第一代外线鞋,从这一代起,开始明确分内外线鞋了,创造者(外线)这款鞋出现在07到08的季后赛后08到09的常规赛前半段。TS LIGHTNING CREATORS是第三代团队鞋之一,也是第二代外线球员鞋,出现在08到09赛季后半段,包括季后赛(而DH领衔的内线已经出第四代了,也是第三代内线,阿迪有点不公平啊)TS cut creator是第四代团队鞋之一,第三带外线鞋,出现在09到10的前半段赛季(其实暑假期间就有球员穿了)TS supernatural creator是第五代团队之一,第四带外线鞋,也就是最近才出的!(其实麦迪赛初拍球队照十就穿过!)麦蒂别注版的有,但就我知道的而言,国内市面上还没有卖的吧!
2023-06-07 16:41:081


你好,翻译如下;Actors portraying characters, one of the most difficult is to deal with the relation between self and the role of the. The first to distinguish between self and role, to understand the difference between self and role, will self concealment, let his titlerole, in order to better create character, thoughts and emotions can completelyreflect the starting from the heart and task, which is the essence of our performances. There are also the inevitable relation between actors, the role will be shaped not Become, but inseparable. The actors themselves as creators, andis a kind of creation tools, but also to create out of the finished product, is abroader responsibilities. Only the self has no role performance can only be self presentation, self expansion. The internal and external actors skills skills which have differences and connections, official experience and the performance of the dialectical relationship. I combine their own learning and performing experience,from a performer"s angle to study the character and actor. Discusses the relationship between actor and role, both contradictory, and there is aharmonious and unified, should be dialectically. That is: understand the role is the premise that reflects, roles; manifests the role is to understand the role ofresults。
2023-06-07 16:41:272


Win10语言包安装失败的解决方法如下:下载中文语言包,把它解压出来备用。通过组合键WIN+R把运行工具调出来,再在运行中输入lpksetup这个命令。再点击一下OK。出来的英文界面中点击Install display languages。如下图所示的界面中点击Browse,然后再选择刚刚下载的语言文件包,语言包的格式为.CAB文件。选择成功以后就会看到这这个语言包为简体中文,然后再点击NEXT。此时会出现一个协议,这里选择同意协议,然后再点击NEXT。再在安装语言,这个速度要跟据电脑的配置情况而决定的。安装成功,需要在在系统语言那里选择中文简体就可以了。
2023-06-07 16:41:351


2023-06-07 16:41:421


Tarkovsky formulation is slightly different, and he felt the images are a record of an automatic process, almost passive. He quoted in his diary Boris R26; Boris Pasternak (Boris Pasternak) sentence (1922): "Modernism from the trend of thought that art is the fountain, and in fact as if it were a sponge." Similarly, the movie has uptake time, "needed to draw from life," the essence of function, without having to do specifically. Film is a complicated case of time embodied in a passive absorption of the arts and technology, just as absorbent as a sponge. Film art is the essence of time, reflect the case of time, or simply to say, is that time. The resulting, Tarkovsky, then a concise summary of his concept of cinema: "If the images exist in life and start a scene from the first time live in images, it can become a movie." Existence of life in time, and so full of life-time: In that case, the need for "life" to reach agreement on this concept. Time mark: Time is of the nature of the lens Time now that human psychology is not only the basic scale is the image of the elements of cinema, art should be the time to deal with the art, will organize its collection and re-creation, which must be respected at real time, "there is life" under the premise of the time. Film "Under the form of life itself, according to its time rule" to reproduce the time. This is the first artistic ideas in line with the movie a lot of Tarkovsky and home movies are attractive genre: Chronicle tablets (la chronique). For him, the Chronicle is indeed a positive ideal, which requires maintaining a certain level of realism and formalism should not become, for example, there is no need to give the camera to highlight the ongoing news reports carrying the impression that this will only attract unnecessary attention to the filming process. Movie time expression is mainly reflected in its records show the case rather than the filming process, so that real cinema art, and in line with the art and the real. This is dialectics Tarkovsky: the lens of the video recording time must be real, "vivid" and should not be too personalized, individual, and must maintain a number of universal significance, not only can the instructions described in the specific case but can be found in the real meaning of the general instructions. Film director"s task is recorded from a normal starting time has come to form a meaningful image: it is necessary to avoid involvement in the shooting incident and the disruption of its timing, but also give the shot and time must case the provisions of movie director is one such set of contradictions in an artist. This is Tarkovsky and Bresson of the Great minds think alike, the latter filled with Tarkovsky tribute, have said time and again. Freedom to relax so that the actors play, he was their performance in front of the camera, this idea Tarkovsky and Bresson"s "period of the event" a very similar concept; Moreover, he is also from the same Bresson have imagined Scene (Stranger in the street with a short-term bump) starting to be such a mind, the statements made are very similar. The main differences between the two is: blaison consider things themselves are opaque, it contains the meaning, I can see only the results, and I would like to find or imagine a problem or explain the reasons for eventually. Rather the contrary, Tarkovsky think things are not necessarily meaningful, everything is on the concern generated by these feelings. Of Bresson, the works are produced in accordance with the "period of the event," that is finally the real itself; but Tarkovsky It appears that the success of works from the creators, that is, the artist and his feelings : It can be seen that Bresson"s films are consistent with the theory, and Tarkovsky"s movie and it is often a far cry from the idea to promote. Tarkovsky way through the metaphor summed up his opinion of the movie art: sculptures of time, creating the rhythm. This is both a metaphor from painting art, one from the music, it seems difficult to blend, and Tarkovsky"s statements about the rhythm of each other contradictions, here the definition of preferred forms and abstract, the definition yond linked with the dramatic . Therefore, the most clear expression by the negative form (Tarkovsky often the case): the rhythm has nothing to do with the clip. First of all, because the overall Tarkovsky does not endorse the clip on the decisive role, in his view the major movies are filming process, on this basis, a good editing only played the role of icing on the cake; Secondly, he believes that film does not exist rhythm problems. "Rhythm depends on the time between the characteristics of the lens, that is, the rhythm of film editing does not depend on the length of the fragment, but the transition time between them strength."
2023-06-07 16:41:513


I will be back.我会回来的
2023-06-07 16:42:252

如何阻止Windows10 Fall Creators从安装更新

【windows10-家庭版】 1.在底部任务栏右键,选择任务管理器 2.打开任务管理器-服务选项卡-点击底部【打开服务】 3.找到windows update-右键属性,选择【禁用】 【windows10-专业版、企业版、教育版】 需要用到 组策略 1.在Cortana搜索栏中输入“服务”后回车 2.选择模板-windows组件-windows更新 3.按照如图选项,应用保存
2023-06-07 16:42:421


2023-06-07 16:42:511

变形金刚4:绝迹重生 里擎天柱拿着“种子”上太空时说的那一段话是什么意思?????

2023-06-07 16:43:243


  四个版本分别如下:   1、Win10 RTM版,即首个正式版:   开发代号:Threshold Release 1,简称th1,版本号1507(在我映像中这个版本号,并未在发布的时候使用过,是用户根据微软后面版本发布习惯给这个版本取的名字,1507表示2015年7月发布的版本,下同),操作系统内部版本号:build 10240。   2、Win10首个重大更新:   开发代号:Threshold Release 2,简称th2,版本号1511,操作系统内部版本号:build 10586。从这个版本起,每个版本都按发布年月确定一个版本号。   3、Win10一周年更新(Windows 10 Anniversary Update):   开发代号:Red Stone 1(红石1),简称rs1,版本号1607,操作系统内部版本号:build 14393。前两个版本好像都没有正式的发行名称,从这一版开始,每个版本正式发行的时候,都会取一个名字,这个版本发布时间刚好是Win10正式版发布一周年的时间,所以取名“一周年更新”。   4、Win10创意者更新(Creators Update):   开发代号:Red Stone 2(红石2),简称rs2,版本号1703,操作系统内部版本号:build 15063。从这个版本起,微软确认,每年的两次重大更新分别安排在三月和九月,所以基本可以确定,下一个版本号是1709,而版本名称已经在四月的//build 2017开发者大会上确定:秋季创意者更新(Fall Creators Update)。   以上的"版本,都叫正式版。每个正式版,还会有许多小版本的安全累积补丁更新,当前的Win10最新正式版的完整版本号就是Windows 10.0.15063.413。   除了正式版,Win10还有一个内部版本计划(Insider Program),是用于测试Win10即将发布的各种新功能,新功能稳定了,就在集成在正式版里面发布。这种版本一般会在正式版发布一段时间后开启测试,一般一星期推送一次更新。   既然是测试版,当然会有很多不稳定性,包括各种蓝屏、死机、卡顿,应用闪退等,所以微软是不推荐在主力机上安装测试版本的。而且安装这种版本是需要申请的,虽然门槛很低,只要一个邮箱验证登录,然后加入“Windows预览体验计划”就可以了。遇到问题,最好的办法,就是去反反馈中心(Feedback)反馈,有好的创意或都建议,也可以去那里提,只要你的想法好,支持你的人多,你的建议就有可能被微软采纳。   要是你在主力机主安装预览版本,碰到各种问题又骂微软,或者看到新版本推送,吐槽“又在推送了”,这样是会被大神BS的。折腾预览版,是很多人的乐趣。   Win10版本区分方法   查看你的电脑当前运行的版本方法:点开开始菜单,在英文状态下输入winver回车确认,就会打开“关于Windows”窗口,里面会显示各种版本信息。
2023-06-07 16:43:332

如何在开启了log-bin的MySQL Server中创建FUNCTION

  在MySQL主从复制机器的master的数据库中创建function,报出如下错误:  Error Code: 1418. This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)  原来是因为在主从复制的两台MySQL服务器中开启了二进制日志选项log-bin,slave会从master复制数据,而一些操作,比如function所得的结果在master和slave上可能不同,所以存在潜在的安全隐患。因此,在默认情况下回阻止function的创建。  有两种办法来解决这一问题1.将log_bin_trust_function_creators参数设置为ON,这样一来开启了log-bin的MySQL Server便可以随意创建function。这里存在潜在的数据安全问题,除非明确的知道创建的function在master和slave上的行为完全一致。  设置该参数可以用动态的方式或者指定该参数来启动数据库服务器或者修改配置文件后重启服务器。需注意的是,动态设置的方式会在服务器重启后失效。mysql> show variables like "log_bin_trust_function_creators"; mysql> set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;  另外如果是在master上创建函数,想通过主从复制的方式将函数复制到slave上则也需在开启了log-bin的slave中设置上述变量的值为ON(变量的设置不会从master复制到slave上,这点需要注意),否则主从复制会报错。2.明确指明函数的类型1 DETERMINISTIC 不确定的2 NO SQL 没有SQl语句,当然也不会修改数据3 READS SQL DATA 只是读取数据,当然也不会修改数据  比如:CREATE DEFINER=`username`@`%` READS SQL DATA FUNCTION `fn_getitemclock`(i_itemid bigint,i_clock int,i_pos int) RETURNS int(11)...这样一来相当于明确的告知MySQL服务器这个函数不会修改数据,因此可以在开启了log-bin的服务器上安全的创建并被复制到开启了log-bin的slave上。
2023-06-07 16:43:421


2023-06-07 16:43:497

变形金刚4 里擎天柱 当你抬头仰望星辰,请把其中一颗当成我的灵魂一句在电影中的原英文是什么

I do not know. But when you look up to the stars, think of them as my soul.
2023-06-07 16:44:495


问题现象:计算机开机时,Windows 10系统一直提示要求检查隐私设置,选择“稍后提醒我”推迟检查若干次后,无法关闭提示,计算机除了开关机外无法进行其他操作。问题原因:这是由于微软在推送 Windows 10 创意者更新(也称为 Windows 10,版本 1703),在安装此更新前系统将提示您检查和选择隐私设置。当您的计算机可以安装Windows 10 创意者更新版时,您首先将会看到的是一条通知,要求检查您的隐私设置。通知显示后,选择“检查设置”,在弹出通知后选择检查,或选择“稍后提醒我”可以推迟检查若干次。请注意,不可无限期延迟此检查,因为推迟检查若干次后,将无法再选择“稍后提醒我”,只能查看您的隐私设置,才能继续使用电脑。解决方案:为保证计算机设备安全,建议更新此版本。具体方法请参考微软官网官方公告:
2023-06-07 16:45:051


The Beatles(甲壳虫乐队),英国摇滚乐队,由约翰·列侬(John Lennon)、林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)、保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)和乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)四名成员组成。1960年,乐队于英格兰利物浦市成立,其音乐风格源自20世纪50年代的摇滚乐,并开拓了迷幻摇滚、流行摇滚等曲风 [1] 。1962年发行首支单曲《Love Me Do》。1963年发行首张专辑《Please Please Me》,创下连续30周位居英国流行音乐专辑榜榜首的纪录 [2-3] 。1964年4月4日,创下包揽公告牌Hot 100单曲榜前5名的纪录 [4] ;同年凭借歌曲《A Hard Day"s Night》获得第7届格莱美最佳乐队奖 [5] 。1965年推出的歌曲《Yesterday》成为乐队具有代表性的作品之一 [6] 。1967年发行的专辑《Sgt.Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band》获得第10届格莱美年度最佳专辑奖 [7] 。1968年发行的单曲《Hey Jude》连续9周位居美国公告牌榜首 [8] 。1970年乐队解散 [9] 。1988年进入摇滚名人堂 [10] 。1996年凭借单曲《Free As A Bird》获得第39届格莱美最佳流行乐队奖 [11] 。2004年被《滚石》杂志选为“历史上最伟大的50位流行音乐家第一位” [12] 。2008年他们在美国公告牌“最杰出音乐人Hot 100”榜单中名列榜首 [13] ,同年以20首冠军单曲在公告牌“最多冠军单曲”榜单中排名第一 [14] 。2012年,英国官方排行榜公司公布了英国最畅销乐队排行榜,The Beatles名列榜首
2023-06-07 16:45:122


根据这张图分析这个角色是出自动画《奇异太郎少年的妖怪绘日记》1~该动画是改编自影山理一的同名漫画,。2~动画改编由Creators in Pack担任,动画staff方面,该作总导演为ひらさわひさよし,人物设计今冈律之担当。3~动画于2016年4月28日宣布TV动画化,之后同年的10月5日正式播放。
2023-06-07 16:45:322


creatorsn.创造者,创作者( creator的名词复数 );[例句]We are the creators of our own thoughts.我们都是自己思想的创造者。[原型]creator
2023-06-07 16:46:041

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win10 creators update创意者更新 ,方式是借助Update Assistant(Windows易升),需要通过这款官方软件手动检查。目前快速版会员已经收到了Build 15063.14,显然更加稳定。创意者更新值得一说的亮点有:1、新开始菜单(支持文件夹、支持隐藏程序列表等)2、Edge加入标签缩略图预览、标签归置、直接打开Epub电纸书等3、主题功能丰富4、原生“屏幕防蓝光模式”,支持强度调节5、Game Mode(游戏模式)和Beam直播如果还是不能解决这个问题,个人建议先重装Windows操作系统,没有什么软件问题是重做系统解决不了的。具体的图文教程可以百度搜索“系统119”,然后操作【有问题请你追问我】如果帮到你,请选为满意答案吧。
2023-06-07 16:46:233

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windows 10 creators update 是 1703 版本的升级。也就是“创意者”版本。
2023-06-07 16:46:491


游戏王卡组系列之一。《Deck Build Pack: Grand Creators》(DBGC)新收录的卡组系列之一。卡包:DBGC
2023-06-07 16:46:561


2023-06-07 16:47:031

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2023-06-07 16:47:102


2023-06-07 16:47:186


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2023-06-07 16:48:051

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2023-06-07 16:48:143

功夫熊猫的英文简介 两百个字左右

Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated comedy film. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb. The film was produced by DreamWorks Animation"s studio in Glendale, California and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film stars the voices of Jack Black as the panda, Po, along with Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, David Cross, Randall Duk Kim and Jackie Chan. Set in ancient China, the plot revolves around a bumbling panda who aspires to be a kung fu master. After a much feared warrior escapes from prison, Po is foretold to be the Dragon Warrior, much to the chagrin of the resident kung fu warriors. Dreamworks is working on a sequel to Kung Fu Panda, which is currently in pre-production.[3] Although the concept of a "kung fu panda" has been around since at least 1993,[4] the idea for the film was conceived by Michael Lachance,[5] a DreamWorks Animation executive. Work on the film did not begin until 2004. The film was originally intended to be a parody, but director Stevenson decided to instead shoot an action comedy martial arts film in the spirit of Hong Kong action cinema that incorporates the hero"s journey narrative archetype for the lead character. The computer animation in the film was more complex than anything DreamWorks had done before. As with most DreamWorks animated films, Hans Zimmer (collaborating with John Powell this time around) scored Kung Fu Panda. He visited China to absorb the culture and get to know the China National Symphony Orchestra as part of his preparation. Kung Fu Panda premiered in the United States on June 1, 2008, and has since received very favorable reviews from critics. The film currently garners an 89% "Certified Fresh" approval rating from review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. Kung Fu Panda opened in 4,114 theaters, grossing $20.3 million on its opening day and $60.2 million on its opening weekend, resulting in the number one position at the box office. The film has resulted in DreamWorks" biggest opening for a non-sequel film, and the third-largest weekend overall for a DreamWorks animated film, behind Shrek the Third and Shrek 2. Publicized work on the film began before October 2004[8]. In September 2005, DreamWorks Animation announced the film alongside Jack Black, who was selected to be the main voice star.[9] Initially, the idea for the film was to make it a parody and spoof, but co-director John Stevenson was not particularly keen on the idea so instead chose the direction of simplistic comedy.[7] Reportedly inspired by Stephen Chow"s 2004 martial arts action comedy, Kung Fu Hustle,[10] the co-directors wanted to make sure the film also had an authentic Chinese and kung fu feel to it. Production designer Raymond Zibach and art director Tang Heng spent years researching Chinese painting, sculpture, architecture and kung fu movies to help create the look of the film.[11] Zibach said some of the biggest influence of him are the more artful martial arts films such as Hero, and House of Flying Daggers and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.[11] The aim for the film, which took four years to make, was to have a good blend of the two, as well as to give it an "epic" feel, unlike other DreamWorks animated features which resorted to "pop songs and celebrity references."[12] In November 2005, Dreamworks Animation announced that Dustin Hoffman, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu and Ian McShane would join Jack Black in the cast.[13] [edit] Music Main article: Kung Fu Panda soundtrack As with most DreamWorks animated films, composer Hans Zimmer scored the film. Zimmer visited China in order to absorb the culture and got to know the Chinese National Symphony as part of his preparation; in addition, Timbaland also contributed to the soundtrack.[14] The soundtrack also includes a partially rewritten version of the classic song, "Kung Fu Fighting", performed by Cee-Lo Green and Jack Black for the end credits. Although Zimmer was originally announced as the main composer of the film, during a test screening, CEO of DreamWorks Animation SKG Jeffrey Katzenberg announced that composer John Powell would also be contributing to the score. This marked the first collaboration in eight years for the two, having previously worked together on Dreamworks" The Road to El Dorado and the action thriller Chill Factor. A soundtrack album was released by Interscope Records on June 3, 2008.[15] Animation "We"ve had some productions that were stressful, but this one ran very smoothly and DreamWorks is this production as a template on how they would like future productions to run. We lucked out, and there really was a sense of harmony on the animation. Even the production people. We all seemed like we were on the same page, believing in the film. That doesn"t happen very often. I tell animators, you will be working on dumpers for most of your career, but every once in a while you get a gem. Kung Fu Panda was a gem." ——Dan Wagner, Head of Character Animation.[16] The hand-drawn animation sequence at the beginning of the film was made to resemble Chinese shadow puppetry.[17] The opening, which was directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson and produced by James Baxter, was praised by The New York Times reviewer Manohla Dargis as "striking" and "visually different from most mainstream American animations".[18] Other reviewers have compared the opening to the evocative style of Genndy Tartakovsky"s Samurai Jack.[19][20] The rest of the film is modern computer animation, which uses bright, offbeat colors to evoke the natural landscape of China.[17] The end credit sequence also features hand-drawn characters and still paintings in the background.[17] The computer animation used throughout the film was more complex than anything Dreamworks had done before. When the head of production handed the script to VFX Supervisor Markus Manninen, she reportedly laughed and wished him "good luck". "When we started talking," said Manninen, "the movie was still a high concept. But for everyone that looked at it, it screamed complexity. We launched off saying, how can you make this movie tangible? How can you find smart ways to bring this world to life in a way that makes it a great movie and not feel like the complexity becomes the driver of the story, but the story and the emotion being the driver?"[21] In preparation, the animators took a six hour kung fu class.[22] [edit] Voice Acting Producer Melissa Cobb said that originally Po was "more of a jerk," but that the character changed after they heard Jack Black.[22] According to Jack Black, he mostly worked "in isolation", although he and Dustin Hoffman did spend a day together, which Cobb said helped with the scene where their characters face off.[22] Lucy Liu said that the film "was quite different because it was such a long process."[23] Liu said that when she was presented with the project they already had artwork of her character as well as a "short computerized video version of what she would look like when she moved."[23] [edit] Release [edit] Reception and performance The film held its worldwide premiere at the 61st Cannes Film Festival, where it received massive and sustained applause at the end of the film"s screening.[24][25] Kung Fu Panda later had national premieres in the United States on June 1, 2008 at Grauman"s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California,[26] and on June 26, 2008 at Leicester Square in London, for the United Kingdom.[27] Since its release, Kung Fu Panda has received very positive and favorable reviews from critics. Rotten Tomatoes reported that 89% of critics gave the film positive reviews, based on 149 reviews. The film has an approval rating of 77% from a select group of critics and an approval rating of 92% from users of the site.[28] Metacritic reported the film had an average score of 73 out of 100, based on 33 reviews.[29] Richard Corliss of Time Magazine gave the film a positive review, stating the picture "provides a master coursed in cunning visual art and ultra-satisfying entertainment".[30] The New York Times said, "At once fuzzy-wuzzy and industrial strength, the tacky-sounding Kung Fu Panda is high concept with a heart," and the review called the film "consistently diverting" and "visually arresting".[18] Chris Barsanti of commented, "Blazing across the screen with eye-popping, sublime artwork, Kung Fu Panda sets itself apart from the modern domestic animation trend with its sheer beauty [...] the film enters instant classic status as some of the most gorgeous animation Hollywood has produced since the golden age of Disney."[31] The Chicago Tribune called the film "one of the few comedies of 2008 in any style or genre that knows what it"s doing".[32] The film was released in 4,114 theaters, grossing $20.3 million on its opening day and $60.2 million over the weekend, resulting in the number one position at the box office. It is also DreamWorks Animation"s biggest opening for a non-sequel film, and the third-largest opening weekend overall for a DreamWorks animated film (behind Shrek the Third and Shrek 2).[33][34][35] The film made more than $600 million worldwide.[2] The film was released on DVD and Blu-Ray on November 9, 2008.[36] [edit] Reception in China Kung Fu Panda was also well-received in China[37]. It made nearly 110 million Chinese Yuan by July 2, 2008, becoming the first animated film to make more than 100 million Yuan in Chinese box offices.[38][39] The Chinese director Lu Chuan commented, "From a production standpoint, the movie is nearly perfect. Its American creators showed a very sincere attitude about Chinese culture."[40][41] With the film"s success at the Chinese box office, some people within China have questioned the quality of China"s domestic animations. The fact that such a successful film based on Chinese culture was created by the American movie industry has led to some Chinese introspection.[42][43][44] The release of the film in the land where it was set was not without controversy. Zhao Bandi, a Chinese artist and fashion designer who specializes in panda-related designs, launched an online petition suggesting that the film should be boycotted.[45][46] In his petition, Bandi stated that Hollywood was seeking to profit from Chinese culture. The film was aired soon after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, and the petition said that the film was in poor taste to be released so soon after the disaster, given that pandas live within the area affected by the quake. Bandi also protested against the fact that the film was produced by DreamWorks, which is owned by Steven Spielberg. Spielberg withdrew from his role as an adviser to the 2008 Summer Olympics over concerns about China"s role in Sudan (although Spielberg is not one of the producers of Kung Fu Panda). Zhao Bandi admitted that he had not actually seen the film prior to the petition.[47] However, while postings on his website both praised and criticized the film, many people said that there was no reason to boycott it. Zhao"s complaints prompted an online backlash asserting that an entertaining film paying tribute to Chinese heritage would be welcome at this difficult time,[48] and some even questioned whether this was just a publicity stunt by the artist.[47] [edit] Home release Kung Fu Panda was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on November 9, 2008. The special features include an animated short film starring Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu and David Cross, a Kung Fu Fighting music video by Cee-Lo Green and Jack Black, sound, The Tech of Kung Fu Panda, The Cast of Kung Fu Panda, deleted and alternate scenes, cast interviews and biographies with Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu and David Cross, The Premiere of Kung Fu Panda, interactive games and more. The movie can be purchased as a stand-alone DVD or as part of a two-disc pack that includes the companion story Secrets of the Furious Five.[49]
2023-06-07 16:48:321


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2023-06-07 16:48:4012


2023-06-07 16:49:101


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2023-06-07 16:49:202


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