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green day - basket case歌词中文翻译

2023-06-08 07:59:20

Do you have the time 你有时间吗

To listen to me whine? 能听我抱怨吗

About nothing and everything 是关于无关紧要的事和所有事(也可以说成:其实没事,也有好多事。这得自己体会。)

all at once 突然

I am one of the those 我是一个那些

Melodramatic fools 情景喜剧中的傻子(B)

Neurotic to the bone 骨子里就是个神经病

No doubt about it 不要怀疑它(指说他自己神经病)

Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)

Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)

It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)

I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)

Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)

I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了

I went to a shrink 我去看个精神病医生(shrink,这里是指精神病医生)

To analyze my dreams 去分析我的梦(这句得意会他梦见了什么)

She says it"s lack of sex 她说我的J-B缺乏性欲(it,在这里指他的性征器官)

that"s bringing me down 她说这话让我软了 (that"s就是只上面那个是个男的一听就软的话,down,就是那玩意软下来了。)(这得意会)

I went to a whore 我去找鸡

He said my life"s a bore 他说我的生活真操行。(也可以说成,他说我的生活就知道“钻孔”,或含蓄点:他说在他的生活里(我)是个招讨厌的人)

So quit my whining cause 所以放弃抱怨的原因。

it"s bringing her down 这些让它没欲望了。(这得意会)

Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)

Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)

It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)

I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)

Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)

Uh,yuh,yuh,ya 呃,啊,啊,呀

Grasping to control 抓住控制(抓住控制器)(这句有多种意思)

So I better hold on 我更能更好的控制

Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)

Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)

It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)

I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)

Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)

I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了

P.S. 这是一个非常经典的,含沙射影很多东西的NEWSCHOOL PUNK老歌。如果你是切身使地的朋克,千万别成为朋克圈里装腔作势的人。如果你只是一个爱好者,请你用尊重的心态对待朋克的每一首歌,哪怕他们说的唱的很不尊敬。

我已经过了PUNK的年龄。但是,我骨子里仍然保留着朋克热情。在给你翻译这个歌的时候我也在打开好久没打开的文件夹一遍一遍的听着,翻译的只是一个侧面,如果你能真正体会,还会体会出很多东西。PUNK NOT DEAD!



creep[英][kri:p][美][krip]vi.爬行,匍匐; 缓慢地行进; n.爬行,蠕动; 虫爬着似的感觉,毛骨悚然; 卑鄙小人,谄媚者; 第三人称单数:creeps过去分词:crept现在进行时:creeping过去式:crept[例句]The danger remains of western military mission creep.西部的军事行动仍有蔓延的危险。2.Then he would creep away in the tall grass and wait for the pilgrim boy to runout of the house, down the long dirt path. 然后他爬进高高的草丛里面,等待朝圣者男孩跑出屋子到那条长长的泥巴路上。3.They creep along in miles long traffic jams on the interstate. 汽车总是爬行在州际之间的英里长的交通堵塞中。4.So marion"s motive is love, and her victim is a creep. 因此玛丽莲的动机是出于爱,而她的受害人是个卑鄙小人。5.The more sensitive I become to list creep, the more I worry we waste timetalking past each other, perpetually tacking on one more "thing" and onlymaking our intended meaning blurrier. 越是对“罗列蔓延”敏感,我就越担心我们的讨论可能是鸡同鸭讲,不断往上堆积,导致初衷迷失,浪费时间。
2023-06-07 14:30:441


下一个有道翻译 什么都能知道
2023-06-07 14:30:533


creep的意思:蹑手蹑脚地走;爬;渐渐出现。creep,英 [kriu02d0p],美 [kriu02d0p]    vi. 蹑手蹑脚地走;爬;渐渐出现;蔓延;毛骨悚然n. 卑鄙小人;爬;徐行;蠕动过去式: crept 过去分词: crept 现在分词: creeping 第三人称单数: creepscreep的基本意思是“缓慢〔悄悄〕地行进”,隐含唯恐被人发现之意,也可指人或动物身体贴着地面“爬行,匍匐”,可用来比喻岁月、时间等慢慢流逝,数量、份额等逐渐爬升,错误、麻烦等偷偷出现,情绪、感觉等悄然涌上心头。例句1、We take off our shoes and creep cautiously along the passage.我们脱掉了鞋,在走廊中蹑手蹑脚地往前走。2、The spider learns to creep on the wall.蜘蛛学爬壁。As the doctors became more tired, errors began to creep into their work.3、人不知不觉就变老了。Do not allow chemicals to creep into the sewer grid.4、不允许把化学品蔓延到下水道的分格中。As for corruption, there is no indication at all that it has started to creep in to our society.
2023-06-07 14:31:001


creep[英][kri:p] [美][krip] 生词本简明释义vi.爬行,匍匐;缓慢地行进n.爬行,蠕动;虫爬着似的感觉,毛骨悚然;卑鄙小人,谄媚者第三人称单数:creeps过去式:crept过去分词:crept现在分词:creeping易混淆的单词:CREEPCreep
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2023-06-07 14:31:281

creep 造句

分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 解析: His ghost story made my flesh creep. 他的鬼怪故事使我汗毛直竖。 Traffic creeps at that hour. 那时刻交通流动缓慢a moan that made my flesh creep. 令我心惊肉跳的 *** That house gives me the creeps. 那所房子使我毛骨悚然 The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed. 乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着。 The thief crept along the corridor. 那贼偷偷地在走廊上潜行。 Old age creeps upon one unawares. 不知不觉老年就来临了。 Ivy creeps. 常春藤爬蔓生长。 The sight of snake makes my flesh creep. 一看见蛇, 我就觉得毛骨悚然, 好象有虫在爬。 It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping. 很难防止水泥变形。
2023-06-07 14:31:341


2023-06-07 14:31:425


creep有蠕变的意思,没有蜕变的意思。词典解释如下:creep [kri:p]vi.爬行,匍匐:The tortoise crept along at a very slow speed.乌龟以极慢的速度向前爬。慢慢地移动;滑动;蠕动:She crept downstairs and opened the front door quite softly.她悄悄地走下楼,轻轻地打开前门。偷偷地从背后接近;潜入:Old age creeps upon one unawares.暮年不知不觉地来到。(蔓、根等)蔓延;攀附:The grapevine creeps along the wall.葡萄藤沿墙蔓延。(金属材料等)蠕变,变形:It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping.防止混凝土变形是很不容易的。(由于恐惧、厌恶等)起鸡皮疙瘩;毛发直竖:The sight of snakes makes my flesh creep.我一见到蛇,身上就起鸡皮疙瘩。n.爬行,匍匐蠕动;慢慢移动(材料的)潜伸;(金属的)蠕变;变形[美国俚语]讨厌的家伙,令人不安的怪人毛骨悚然的感觉;有虫爬的感觉【地质学】(松土、岩石、沙砾等的)徐动,蠕动蠕变(电视等电器设备由最佳效果逐渐减退)希望帮助到您。
2023-06-07 14:31:561


creep的过去式是:crept。Creep是一个多义词,可以用作名词和动词。作为名词时,通常表示爬行动作或者指质量低劣的产品。作为动词时,常有以下几种含义:1、悄悄地移动、慢慢地爬行。例如:The cat is creeping up on the mouse.(猫正悄悄地向老鼠靠近。)2、慢慢地产生、逐渐发生。例如:Doubts began to creep into my mind.(我开始产生疑虑。)3、表示不情愿做某事。例如:I really don"t want to go, but I"ll have to creep to my boss"s demands.(我真的不想去,但我不得不按照老板的要求做。)4、指潜在威胁或敌意,特别是指屡次骚扰。例如:It gives me the creeps when he stares at me like that.(他这样看着我让我感到很恐惧。)4、外观或特点低劣且价值不高的人或物。例如:This phone is a total creep.(这部手机真的很不好。)5、材料或物品在长时间使用或受压时产生的形变,尤其指在机械工程中的材料的蠕变。例如:The metal may experience creep under continuous loading.(在持续负载下,这种金属材料可能会出现蠕变。)creep的意义1、慢慢移动或蠕动:指像爬行动物一样缓慢移动或蠕动的行动。2、悄悄靠近或窥探:这个词还可以表示悄悄靠近或者偷窥别人的行为,多用在贬义或者威胁意味的上下文中。3、不忠诚或欺诈性的行为:指不忠诚或欺诈性的行为,用于形容那些背后捅刀子、虚伪献殷勤或者不诚实的行为。4、材料或设备的失效:在工程和科技领域,这个词通常表示材料或设备的失效和变形。例如,当金属材料在受到重复应力时出现变形时,就称之为“金属拉伸蠕变”。该词的具体含义取决于上下文的使用环境和语境,可以表示行为、运动、物理和工程领域等
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2023-06-07 14:34:072


2023-06-07 14:34:141

Inertia Creeps 歌词

歌曲名:Inertia Creeps歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Mezzanine(Vowles, Del naja, Marshall)Recollect me darling raise me to your lipsTwo undernourished egos four rotating hipsHold on to me tightly I"m a sliding scaleCan"t endure then you can"t inhaleClearlyOut of body experience interferesAnd dreams of flying I fit nearlySurrounds me though I get lonelySlowlyMoving up slowlyInertia keepsShe"s moving up slowlySlowlyMoving up slowlyInertia creepsMoving up slowlyShe comesMoving up slowlyShe comesMoving up slowlyInertia creepsMoving up slowlyShe comesMoving up slowlyShe comesMoving up slowlyIn my home no chrome as clear asSee me now with my nearest dearestBeen there when I"m over careeringRoom shifting is endearingBetween us is our kitchenWould you found my irritant"s itchingBeen here beforeBeen here foreverMoving up slowlyInertia keepsMoving up slowlyInertia creepsMoving up slowlyInertia keepsMoving up slowlyShe comesMoving up slowlyMoving up slowlyShe comes moving up slowlyInertia creeps moving up slowlyShe comesI make no sound in my eidertownAwake I lie in the morning"s blueRoom is still my antenna in youNylon burns the bedspread with twoGravity"s zero see me stallI bounce off walls lose my footing and fallIt can be sweet though incomplete thoughAnd the frames will freezeSee me on all four"sIt"s been a long timeShe comesShe comesI want to x youShe comesI want to x youShe comesI caught your radio wavesI caught your radio wavesWill you take a stringSay you string me alongSay you string me alongSay inertia creepsInertia creeps and she comesSay she comesSay she comesSay she comesSay she comes
2023-06-07 14:34:211

守卫城堡Castle Creeps TD第26关三星过关布阵攻略

2023-06-07 14:34:281


适合计算机编程的游戏如下:1、Coding Games一边玩游戏,一边挑战编程难题。Coding games支持包括PHP、C、JavaScript在内的20多种编程语言。用户界面功能强大,可以定制。2、CodeCombat(极客战记)CodeCombat是一款网页编程游戏。这款编程游戏借鉴了游戏的很多设计元素,游戏剧情十分丰富。当你打开CodeCombat网站,你不会觉得这是一个让你看不懂的代码学习网站,因为他的网站外观看起来就像是一个魔兽争霸风格的线上游戏,而且当你实际玩玩看,你会发现过程真的就是英雄要去打怪、寻宝与解谜,只是搭配了程序语言的学习。3、Screeps如果你想学习JavaScript,那Screeps是一个很好的选择,Screeps是一个为JavaScript程序员准备的大型多人在线游戏(MMO)。这个游戏是一个开放的策略游戏,游戏中你控制的单位被称为“creeps”,它可以帮你获得资源、建立自己的领地等等。作为一个多人在线游戏,游戏中你的creeps会被其他玩家的creeps包围。4、CheckioCheck iO是一个基于浏览器的游戏,你需要使用Python或JavaScript来解决问题才能将游戏进行下去(需要登录)。5、Vim Adventures顾名思义,这个网站让你通过玩游戏来学习Vim。
2023-06-07 14:34:521

The creeps 中那个电池是做什么用的?

2023-06-07 14:35:332


2023-06-07 14:36:052


2023-06-07 14:36:137


恶梦: . . nightmare [ "naitme??(r) ] 1. 我常做恶梦梦见从悬崖上摔下来。I have nightmares about falling off a cliff.2. 我做了一个恶梦, 惊恐地大叫。I had a nightmare and cried out in horror.3. 那场恶梦使她不寒而栗。The nightmare gave her the creeps.
2023-06-07 14:36:351


这是古英语,相当于:creeps爬行,moves移动,都是第三人称单数形式 如:And every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth shall be an abomination; it shall not be eaten.凡地上的爬物是可憎的,都不可吃。(《圣经》)
2023-06-07 14:36:431

dota imba的死亡模式的命令是什么

2023-06-07 14:36:596


是这些么?●海军上将 UnitsOtherProudmooreProudmoore.mdx●兽王 UnitsCreepsBeastmasterBeastmaster.mdx★半人马酋长 UnitsCreepsCentaurKhanCentaurKhan.mdx★撼地神牛 UnitsOrcTaurenTauren.mdx●全能骑士 UnitsHumanArthasArthas.mdx●熊猫酒仙 UnitsCreepsPandarenBrewmasterPandarenBrewmaster.mdx★山岭巨人 UnitNightelfMountaingiantMountaingiant.mdx★流浪剑客 UnitsDemonFelgaurdBlueFelgaurdBlue.mdx●牛头人酋长 UnitsOrcHeroTaurenChieftainHeroTaurenChieftain.mdx☆树精卫士 BuildingsNightelfAncientProtectorAncientProtector.mdx●炼金术士 UnitsCreepsHeroGoblinAlchemistHeroGoblinAlchemist.mdx★刚背兽 UnitsCreepsRazorManeChiefRazorManeChief.mdx★发条地精 UnitsCreepsHeroTinkerRobotHeroTinkerRobot.mdx★龙骑士 UnitsHumanTheCaptainTheCaptain.mdx★龙骑士红龙形态 UnitsCreepsRedDragonRedDragon.mdx★龙骑士蓝龙形态 UnitsCreepsAzureDragonAzureDragon.mdx★龙骑士绿龙形态 UnitsCreepsGreenDragonGreenDragon.mdx★半人猛犸 UnitsCreepsMagnataurBlueMagnataurBlue.mdx★神灵武士 UnitsOrcHeadhunterHeadhunter_V1.mdx★沙王 UnitsCreepsArchnathidGreenArchnathidGreen.mdx★裂魂人 UnitsOrcSpiritwalkerSpiritwalker.mdx★潮汐猎人 UnitsCreepsSeaGiantGreenSeaGiantGreen.mdx●斧王 UnitsDemonChaosHellscreamChaosHellscream.mdx★混沌骑士 UnitsDemonChaosWarlordChaosWarlord.mdx★末日守卫 UnitsDemonDoomGuardDoomGuard.mdx☆食尸鬼 UnitsUndeadGhoulGhoul.mdx●地狱领主 UnitsUndeadHeroDeathKnightHeroDeathKnight.mdx●狼人 UnitsDemonKiljaedenKiljaeden.mdx★变身狼人 UnitsCreepsDireWolfDireWolf.mdx●暗夜魔王 UnitsUndeadTichondriusTichondrius.mdx●深渊领主 UnitsDemonHeroPitLordHeroPitLord.mdx★屠夫 UnitsUndeadAbominationAbomination.mdx★骷髅王 UnitsUndeadSkeletonSkeleton.mdx★鱼人守卫 UnitsNagaNagaRoyalGuardNagaRoyalGuard.mdx★尸王 UnitsCreepsombieombie.mdx★变身尸王 UnitsOtherFleshGolemFleshGolem.mdx●敌法师 UnitsNightelfHeroDemonHunterHeroDemonHunter.mdx★矮人火枪手 UnitsHumanRiflemanRifleman.mdx★剑圣 UnitsDemonHeroChaosBladeMasterHeroChaosBladeMaster.mdx★德鲁伊 UnitsNightelfDruidoftheClawDruidoftheClaw.mdx★月之骑士 UnitsNightelfHuntressHuntress.mdx★变体精灵 UnitsCreepsSeaElementalSeaElemental.mdx★娜迦海妖 UnitsNagaNagaSirenNagaSiren.mdx●幻影长矛手 UnitsOrcHellscreamHellscream.mdx 皮肤为导入文件●月之女祭司 UnitsNightelfHeroMoonPriestessHeroMoonPriestess.mdx★隐形刺客 UnitsCreepsSatyrTricksterSatyrTrickster.mdx★巨魔战将 UnitsCreepsForestTrollTrapperForestTrollTrapper.mdx★赏金猎人 UnitsOtherDranaiAkamaDranaiAkama.mdx●黑暗游侠 UnitsCreepsBansheeRangerBansheeRanger.mdx★虚空假面 UnitsCreepsFacelessOneFacelessOne.mdx★地卜师 UnitsCreepsKoboldGeomancerKoboldGeomancer.mdx★闪电幽魂 UnitsCreepsRevenantRevenant.mdx●蛇发女妖 UnitsNagaLadyVashjLadyVashj.mdx★圣堂刺客 UnitsCreepsAssassinAssassin.mdx★熊战士 UnitsCreepsFurbolgTrackerFurbolgTracker.mdx★复仇之魂 UnitsNightelfVengeanceVengeance.mdx★鱼人夜行者 UnitsCreepsMurlocNightcrawlerMurlocNightCrawler_V1.mdx★血魔 UnitsOrcShamanShaman.mdx★骷髅弓箭手 UnitsCreepsBurningArcherBurningArcher.mdx★育母蜘蛛 UnitsCreepsSpiderBlackSpiderBlack.mdx●地穴刺客 UnitsUndeadHeroCryptLordHeroCryptLord.mdx★地穴编织者 UnitsCreepsNerubianQueenNerubianQueen.mdx●幻影刺客 UnitsNightelfHerowardenHerowarden.mdx●影魔 UnitsCreepsHeroFlameLordHeroFlameLord.mdx●灵魂守卫 UnitsNightelfEvilIllidanIllidanEvil.mdx●幽鬼 UnitsNightelfSpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance.mdx★剧毒术士 UnitsCrittersHydraliskHydralisk.mdx★冥界亚龙 UnitsCreepsNetherDragonNetherDragon.mdx●水晶室女 UnitsHumanJainaJaina.mdx★魅惑魔女 UnitsNightelfDryadDryad.mdx★仙女龙 UnitsNightelfFaerieDragonFaerieDragon.mdx●圣骑士●光之守卫 UnitsHumanHeroArchMageHeroArchMage.mdx●众神之王 UnitshumanHeroMountainKingHeroMountainKing.mdx●先知 UnitsNightelfFurionFurion.mdx★沉默术士 UnitsHumanBloodElfSpellThiefBloodElfSpellThief.mdx●秀逗魔导士 UnitsHumanSorceressSorceress_V1.mdx●风暴之灵 UnitsCreepsStormPandarenBrewmasterStormPandarenBrewmaster.mdx●风行者 UnitsCreepsSylvanusWindrunnerSylvanusWindrunner.mdx★蝙蝠骑士 UnitsOrcBatTrollBatTroll.mdx★哥布林工程师 UnitsCreepsGoblinSapperGoblinSapper.mdx●召唤师 UnitsHumanHeroBloodElfHeroBloodElf.mdx★死灵飞龙 UnitsOrcSpiritWyvernSpiritWyvern.mdx★食人魔魔法师 UnitsCreepsOgreMagiOgreMagi.mdx★暗影牧师 UnitsCreepsDarkTrollShadowPriestDarkTrollShadowPriest.mdx●暗影撒满 UnitsOrcHeroShadowHunterHeroShadowHunter.mdx●修补匠 UnitsCreepsHeroTinkerHeroTinker.mdx●受折磨的灵魂 UnitsNightelfHeroKeeperoftheGroveGhostHeroKeeperoftheGroveGhost.mdx★双头龙 UnitsNightelfChimaeraChimaera.mdx★巫医 UnitsOrcWitchDoctorWitchDoctor.mdx☆极寒幽魂 导入的模型★痛苦之源 UnitsCreepsVoidWalkerVoidWalker.mdx★黑暗贤者 UnitsOtherDranailMageDranailMage.mdx★死亡先知 UnitsUndeadBansheeBanshee.mdx★恶魔巫师 UnitsDemonChaosWarlockChaosWarlock.mdx☆谜团 导入的模型●巫妖 UnitsUndeadHeroLichHeroLich_V1.mdx★死灵法师 UnitsUndeadKelThuzadGhostKelThuzadGhost.mdx★遗忘法师 UnitsUndeadSkeletonMageSkeletonMage.mdx★黑曜石毁灭者 UnitsUndeadObsidianStatueObsidianStatue.mdx★痛苦女王 UnitsDemonDemonessBlueDemonessBlue.mdx★术士 UnitsOrcOrcWarlockGuldanOrcWarlockGuldan.mdx其他无关的模型路径:火熊猫 UnitsCreepsFirePandarenBrewmasterFirePandarenBrewmaster.mdx风熊猫 UnitsCreepsStormPandarenBrewmasterStormPandarenBrewmaster.mdx土熊猫 UnitsCreepsEarthPandarenBrewmasterEarthPandarenBrewmaster.mdx复制之墙 DoodadsDungeonPropsForcewall45Forcewall45.mdx幽灵船 UnitsCreepsUndeadDestroyerShipUndeadDestroyerShip.mdx风暴之灵残影 UnitsCreepsStormPandarenBrewmasterStormPandarenBrewmaster.mdx精灵狼恐怖狼暗影狼 UnitsOrcSpiritwolfSpiritwolf.mdx冰封王座 DoodadsCinematicLichkingLichking.mdx死亡守卫 UnitsOrcStasisTotemStasisTotem.mdx毒蛇守卫 UnitsOrcSerpentWardSerpentWard.mdx瘟疫守卫 UnitsOrcSerpentWardSerpentWard.mdx猛禽德鲁伊(近卫军团远程单位)UnitsNightelfDruidoftheTalonDruidoftheTalon.mdx墓碑 DoodadsCinematicIcecrownObeliskIcecrownObelisk.mdx熔炉精灵 UnitsCreepsLavaSpawnLavaSpawn.mdx豪猪 UnitsCreepsQuillBeastQuillBeast.mdx战鹰 UnitsCreepsWarEagleWarEagle.mdx地狱火 UnitsDemonInfernalInfernal.mdx死灵射手 UnitsCreepsOrcWarlockOrcWarlock.mdx死灵战士 UnitsCreepsOrcWarlockOrcWarlock.mdx小企鹅(信使)UnitsCrittersPenguinPenguin.mdx浣熊(信使)UnitsCrittersRaccoonRaccoon.mdx食腐甲虫 UnitsUndeadScarabScarab.mdx沙虫(信使)UnitsCrittersDuneWormDuneWorm.mdx红皮野猪(信使)UnitsCrittersFelboarFelboar.mdx精灵熊 UnitsCreepsGrizzlyBearGrizzlyBear.mdx饰品商人希娜 UnitsCrittersElfVillagerWomanElfVillagerWoman.mdx武器商人 UnitsHumanHeroMountainKingHeroMountainKing.mdx
2023-06-07 14:37:151


Schylql browsing 71933 timesI have a better answerRecommend the best answer to 2017-12-15 08:46:54There are many ways to kill insects, such as chilli water, garlic water and cigarette butt. But according to my usage, I think the effect is not very ideal. Tobacco is alkaline, and sour plants can"t bear it. Garlic water tastes great but it doesn"t work well.I use the "Hua Kang 1" effect very well (no harm to the plant), but after a while out of a group of flying insects, so I don"t think you need to hurt the brain, because it is inevitable to produce flying insects. Because the weather is hot and the tide is faster, so when the flying insects are sprayed with anther for a long time, it will be difficult to control them.In order to prevent flying insects from spreading diseases to plants, they can spray germicidal drugs on the periphery of the flowerpot.Mash three - four garlic, add a little water, brush the leaves with a brush, and add water to sprinkling the soil.This reply is recommended by Lv Xiaofen, a healthy lifestyle. The report is recommended for correction. 14974Komatsu BloggerAdoption rate: 45%: good food / cooking health careOther answers(1) when there are flying insects in flowerpots, three or four cotton cutters (cotton sticks) can be used and dipped into dichlorvos, so as not to drip.<br> is used for the degree, then the stem ends are inserted in the soil around the plant, and the flying insects can be eliminated.<br> (2) washing powder: dissolve a tablespoon of washing powder in 4 liters of water, spray the flower leaves every two weeks, and wipe out the white completely.<br> flies and bacteria.<br> (3) milk: mix 4 cups of flour and half a glass of milk in 20 liters of water and spray it on the leaves with gauze.<br>, can kill the ticks and their eggs.<br> (4) beer: pour the beer into the shallow basin placed under the soil of the flower pot, and the snail will drown if it creeps in.<br> (5) garlic: mash a large garlic and mix it with half a litre of water with a tablespoon of pepper.<br> it is sprayed on the leaves of the flower to prevent the invasion of the rat.<br> (6) when ants appear in the flowerpot, soak the butt and tobacco with hot water for one or two days. When the water turns dark brown,<br> sprinkles some of the water on the stems and flowers and leaves, and the rest is poured into the flowerpot after dilution.Several reasons for the emergence of small flying insects in flower pots1) when planting flowers and plants, the soil is not sterilized and sterilized. In general, there are eggs in the soil. Before you plant flowers, you should dry in the sun and add insect repellent.2) soil relationship. Generally speaking, peat soil is more prone to insect damage than accumulated soil. This is because the accumulation soil belongs to decomposed soil and the probability of insect pest occurrence is low.3) related to the type of planting flowers and the environment of conservation.Zg9920 published in 2007-05-22 report 195 commentsThe main reason you meet this problem is pouring tea water, tea in the basin, tea in the process of decay, will produce a large amount of heat and the release of the insect like smell, so it is not strange. Your Chlorophytum basin soil must be very wet, there is no advantage of tea in the basin for flowers, tea to be used as fertilizer, must be used, otherwise the heat produced when it rotted will burn out the flowers, first put the pot in the outdoor or windowsill (open the window), and then clean the tea, and so on, and so on. After the soil dry, then water, then water to see dry see wet, do not water too often, because the Chlorophytum is a meat root plant, drought resistance is better, instead of watering can make leaf drooping and break the phenomenon. If we do not clean up the tea leaves and spray it, we will see this happen later.Simple method: one is the proportion of 5 grams of water with 70-80 grams of water in the cigarette head, soaking for 24 hours, after a little rubbing, filter out scum with gauze, and then spray; two is using 1:200 washing powder water (soaping water), in order to improve the effect, a few drops of vegetable oil can be added, and the spray can be sprayed to the surface when the oil flower is not seen. Three, you can use fresh orange peel to soak water in a flowerpot.The flying sea breeze is released in 2007-05-25 report (3) 2782 other answersOther similar problems2018-04-14 why are there many flying insects in flower pots? What are the insects? How do they deal with them? Two2017-11-25 there are many small insects in the flowerpot. What should I do? Twenty-fourWhy are there many white worms in 2017-09-13 flower pots? Eighteen2017-09-28 there are many flying insects in the flowerpots. How can I do that? 1962018-05-10 there are many such insects near the flowerpot. What kind of insect are they? How to deal with it?2018-01-14 what is this worm? A lot of flowerpots, how to solve it?How do the small flying insects in the 2018-04-03 flowerpot kill? Three2017-12-16 recently discovered that there are many small flying insects in the flowerpot at home. How to deal with it? 5Why are there many flying insects in flower pots? What are the pests? How do you deal with them?shareTask list 1Back to the top
2023-06-07 14:37:2610

Basket Case (Album Version) 歌词

歌名:Basket Case 〖神经错乱〗演唱:Green DayDo you have the time to listen to me whine〖你有空听我发牢骚吗?〗About nothing and everything all at once〖关于琐事和所有事的 就在现在〗I am one of those melodramatic fools〖我就是情节剧中的笨蛋〗Neurotic to the bone no doubt about it〖毫无疑问 骨子里就是神经错乱的人〗Sometimes I give myself the creeps〖有时我会感觉毛骨悚然〗Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me〖有时我的脑袋不好使 和我开玩笑〗It all keeps adding up〖类似的事情接连出现〗I think I"m cracking up〖我想我快要崩溃了〗Am I just paranoid?〖我真的是傻子吗?〗Am I just stoned〖还是只是喝醉了?〗I went to a shrink〖我去看了精神科医生〗To analyze my dreams〖去分析一下我的梦〗She says it"s lack of sex〖她说我缺乏性生活〗That"s bringing me down〖这话真是令我郁闷〗I went to a whore〖我去嫖娼〗He said my life"s a bore〖"他"说我是一个令人讨厌的人〗So quit my whining cause it"s bringing her down〖所以我停止抱怨 因为这令她不快〗Sometimes I give myself the creeps〖有时我会感觉毛骨悚然〗Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me〖有时我的脑袋不好使 和我开玩笑〗It all keeps adding up〖类似的事情接连出现〗I think I"m cracking up〖我想我正在崩溃了〗Am I just paranoid?〖我真的是个偏执狂吗?〗Uh,yuh,yuh,ya注释:Basket Case原意应为没有希望的人,这里译为神经错乱的人。由上文中嫖娼时将妓女讲成"He",人物性别不分,突出了歌中描述的人的神经错乱。Grasping to control〖学会控制〗So I better hold on〖我只能坚持〗Sometimes I give myself the creeps〖有时我会感觉毛骨悚然〗Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me〖有时我的脑袋不好使 和我开玩笑〗It all keeps adding up〖类似的情况接连出现〗I think I"m cracking up〖我想我正在崩溃了〗Am I just paranoid?〖我真的是个偏执狂吗?〗Am I just stoned〖还是只是喝醉了?〗--------------ThE EnD--------------
2023-06-07 14:40:381

谁能告诉我dota里一些术语的解释?比如dps…拜托各位了 3Q

1,打到敌人小兵最后一下才能收到钱,这个叫正补。 2,打到自己小兵最后一下对面的经验要少一半拿不到钱,这叫反补,自己小兵过半血才可以反A。 3,小兵交战的地方叫做线。 4,每A小兵一下,如果对方英雄没A你的小兵也没放范围技能,线就要向对面移动2厘米,双方1塔的距离不过是50厘米左右。 5,如果没带净化水和魔瓶,一级的时候除非有把握杀人,否则不要放第2次技能。第一个技能的蓝可以慢慢回复回来。如果放太多次就很难回来。 6,被动技能绝大部分在初期不重要。比如鱼人的被动晕前期学一级拼人品就够。除非一些初期所有技能都很有用,否则一个技能满其他点黄点是绝大部分英雄应该的选择 7,圣殿指环和流浪的群甲都会影响控线,如果没有进塔杀人的英雄组合,请不要给小兵加甲压线 8,前期支配头散件的铁意其实比吸血回复抗压性更好。如果你是一个需要出支配转撒旦的后期英雄,请先出铁意再出吸血,有安心的打钱环境一定要控线,不要出了吸血就在那A地板来补血,攻击力低下的时候吸血的回复力非常差。每正补一个小兵,必须反A小兵一次,对面没人三陪你的时候做不到反补也没关系。一个需要你最少2次攻击才能杀死的红血小兵,请让他走过来和你的小兵交战之后再正补掉。 9,如果你是力量带控制英雄,请在交战的时候冲在最前面,走在最后一个,除非你完全红血没有补给而战斗依然在继续。如果你有蓝也请不要马上回家 10,人多对人少追杀的时候,不要只追着对面血少英雄。战线拉长很容易被对方逃逸并且自己人会被打成亚健康甚至反杀。原则上谁最靠近就把谁留下,除非一些追杀能力超级强的英雄比如血魔敌法女王蚂蚁。 11,蹲点抓人的时候,如果机会没到可以在最近的一些比较弱的野怪身上找点钱。如果发生战斗,请不要说等我杀完这个半血野怪就到,应该直接放下一切去加入。 12,如果你是需要守线打钱的英雄,自己方面有人来抓对面3陪的英雄,在队友接近到一屏幕到半屏幕距离的时候,请把你能磨血的技能先放出去。人家要包眼要抓人没地方打钱,人头是他们很重要的经济来源。 13,原则上大部分英雄过了10级以后,单抓人就开始有难度。要抓人最好3人左右集体行动。以抓后期英雄比如假面灵魂为主。 14,你打钱的时候对面也在打钱。你去抓人没打钱但是只要能抓准,级别的优势和少许的人头野怪收入可以让你非常有钱。是否有钱不在于你出了什么装备,而是你出的装备比对方的要好多少。 15,要集合的时候,除非你需要一件非常重要的道具而且只要十几秒就够钱,否则必须马上赶到。先集合的一方总是会有短暂的优势有机会先击杀对面一到两人形成多打少的优势局面 16,回程卷其实是最BUG的道具。前期死亡后复活第一个应该买回程速度赶到。塔被攻击第一时间用回程赶到。如果对面人太多塔附近有队友正在赶过去,点塔回程可以让塔获得短暂的大幅甲的提高,对方除非一些技能只能普通攻击塔1滴血。2秒后按S可以让你自己不去送人头。 17,关于反杀。如果你半血附近有2个满血有技能英雄在,对面单人过来偷袭你放个技能你红血了,请不要直接回头就跑。这样你的队友也追不到而对方很有机会追死你。正确的做法是绕队友跑让他们放技能A人,如果自己有控制技能比如晕或者瞬伤技能比如修补的激光导弹也可以放。注意血条和血量的关系,一个1500半血不到的骷髅王依然有500来血。而一个满血总血却只有800的猎人,过来给你套连技能最多也就打掉300多血。你放个锤子队友补点技能就完全秒杀他你需要跑吗?你当他带着圣剑一刀可以砍死你吗? 18,关于后期,高攻分裂克分身,分身克晕,晕克高攻分裂。部分是可以重合的。不管用谁,别没事想着无限晕。别永远就知道一把蝴蝶。对面多法师多控制,黑黄是主要装备,堆血很重要。对面有PA这样的高倍击,近战砍晕控制他是关键。对面有混沌猴子娜家这样的分身系,2把狂战是关键。巨魔是既克制转高攻又可以转晕的一个后期英雄,没事别废话什么无限晕。队友控制的住你换远程的形态杀他都没反映,对方强控制,你出6把晕锤都是被对方先晕死或者变羊死。站的住的输出永远比带N把圣剑的攻击被秒的输出要高要有威胁。团战的时候不是单挑,想着和对方后期单挑比强弱的人是最白痴的 远程无发球英雄,后期冰吸是最好的输出。大电锤在对面后期出来后完全需要拆掉出蝴蝶之后转撒旦,冰眼根据情况选择。 DOTA系统是每30秒出一波兵,1分钟刷新一次野,2分钟刷新一次神符,5分钟刷新一次树。而刚出兵的时候,0分0秒,是不刷新树的,也就是说开始破坏了树,在这个时候是不会刷新的。这有什么用呢?1级开始练大点吧。兽王、火女等英雄适用。
2023-06-07 14:40:462


vi. 1.蹑手蹑足地走;缓慢地行进[Q]She creep into the room and kissed the sleeping child. 她悄悄地走进房间,吻了吻睡着的孩子。2.不知不觉地到来;渐渐产生[Q]A smile creep across her face. 她脸上渐渐绽开笑容。3.爬行,匍匐而行A snake was creeping along the wall. 一条蛇正沿着墙爬行。4.(植物)蔓延Ivy creeps along the fence. 常春藤攀着篱笆生长。5.(由于恐惧,厌恶等)起鸡皮疙瘩,汗毛直竖The sight of the snake made her flesh creep. 她看到蛇就汗毛直竖。6.巴结,奉承
2023-06-07 14:41:051

creep 造句

His ghost story made my flesh creep.他的鬼怪故事使我汗毛直竖。Traffic creeps at that hour.那时刻交通流动缓慢a moan that made my flesh creep.令我心惊肉跳的呻吟That house gives me the creeps.那所房子使我毛骨悚然The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着。The thief crept along the corridor.那贼偷偷地在走廊上潜行。Old age creeps upon one unawares.不知不觉老年就来临了。Ivy creeps.常春藤爬蔓生长。The sight of snake makes my flesh creep.一看见蛇, 我就觉得毛骨悚然, 好象有虫在爬。It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping.很难防止水泥变形。
2023-06-07 14:41:181

give me creeps

这部电影让我毛骨悚然. afraid是形容词不是名词,不能替换
2023-06-07 14:41:251


Crawl is how babies walk, they use their knees and hands.E.g: "the baby can"t walk yet, he just crawls everywhere".Creep is usually used to describe something moving slowly, without you knowing. It is usually used in a negative sense.E.g: "a man creeped through the streets at night"Hoppe this helps.
2023-06-07 14:41:334


crawl[krC:l]vi.爬;爬行The baby crawled towards his mother.婴孩向他妈妈爬去。蠕动;慢行;徐徐行进The hours crawled by.时间慢慢地过去。(虫、蚁等)爬满;长满虫That apple is crawling with worms.那个苹果爬满了虫子。巴结;钻营;向上爬creep[kri:p]vi.(crept [krept])爬(动)悄悄地走动不知不觉地来到, 出现, 上涨(藤蔓)沿着...生长[喻]讨好, 巴结(文章等)单调, 生涩(身上)发痒; 发抖, 毛骨悚然【航海】用探海钩探海底(提心吊胆地, 偷偷地)潜行稍略变形渗(水), 漏电滑坍蠕变creep into sb."s favour 逐步巴结而取得某人的好感The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着。The thief crept along the corridor.那贼偷偷地在走廊上潜行。Old age creeps upon one unawares.不知不觉老年就来临了。Ivy creeps.常春藤爬蔓生长。The sight of snake makes my flesh creep.一看见蛇, 我就觉得毛骨悚然, 好象有虫在爬。It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping.很难防止水泥变形。
2023-06-07 14:41:422


2023-06-07 14:41:491

what a creep!是什么意思?

vi.(crept [krept])爬(动)悄悄地走动不知不觉地来到, 出现, 上涨(藤蔓)沿着...生长[喻]讨好, 巴结(文章等)单调, 生涩(身上)发痒; 发抖, 毛骨悚然【航海】用探海钩探海底(提心吊胆地, 偷偷地)潜行稍略变形渗(水), 漏电滑坍蠕变creep into sb."s favour 逐步巴结而取得某人的好感The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed. 乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着。The thief crept along the corridor. 那贼偷偷地在走廊上潜行。Old age creeps upon one unawares. 不知不觉老年就来临了。Ivy creeps. 常春藤爬蔓生长。The sight of snake makes my flesh creep. 一看见蛇, 我就觉得毛骨悚然, 好象有虫在爬。It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping. 很难防止水泥变形。习惯用语give sb. the creeps [口]使人毛骨悚然Learn to creep before you leap. 先学爬后学走; 按部就班; 循序渐进。creep away 偷偷离开creep in 悄悄混进creep on (时间)悄悄地过去creep out 偷偷溜出creep over (蔓等)爬上; 偷偷逼近(进行袭击)creep over sth. (蔓等)爬上; 偷偷逼近(进行袭击)
2023-06-07 14:41:561


crawl是爬行的意思。crawl作为不及物动词表示爬行、匍匐行进。作为及物动词表示爬行、缓慢地行进。作为名词表示爬行、养鱼池、匍匐而行。相关例句:The businessman tried hard to crawl with the important officials这位商人努力地巴结身居要位的官员。
2023-06-07 14:42:031

Avril Lavigne的《Basketcase》 歌词

歌曲名:Basketcase歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Avril Live: Try To Shut Me UpBasketcaseAvril LavigneDo you have the time to listen to me whineAbout NOTHING and everything all at onceI am one of thoseMelodramatic foolsNeurotic to the boneNo doubt about itSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPAm I just PARANOID?Am I just STONEDI went to a shrinkTo analyze my dreamsSHE says it"s lack of sex that"s bringing me downI went to a whoreHE said my life"s a boreSo quit my whining cause it"s bringing HER downSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPOr am I just stoned? Grasping to controlSo I better hold on Sometimes I give myself the creepsSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m cracking upAm I just paranoid?
2023-06-07 14:42:301

Keren Ann的《Fingertips》 歌词

歌曲名:Fingertips歌手:Keren Ann专辑:Not Going Anywhere Bonus Tracks E.P.Emiliana Torrini - Fingertips猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Before I can open my all to eager eyesEverything changes from the oceans to the skiesPerpetual emotion sadder place by meEverything"s breathing my air in all of treeYet my fingertipsHave a special soundYet my fingertipsThey go around and roundThis comical wisdomCreeps into my brainAway of my nerveAnd also free of painYet my fingertipsHave a special soundYet my fingertipsThey go round and roundPa-pa-pa-ra-raaa-aPa-pa-pa-ra-raaa-aElectrical currentHallowed be the nameLive my emotionsAnd vanish all my shameYet my fingertipsHave a special soundYet my fingertipsSmell of sodden groundBefore I can open my all to eager eyesEverything changes from the oceans to the skiesYet my fingertipsHave a special soundYet my fingertipsThey go round and roundPa-pa-pa-ra-raaa-aPa-pa-pa-ra-raaa-a2009.06.09 9猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你
2023-06-07 14:42:451

Basket Case 歌词

歌曲名:Basket Case歌手:Green Day专辑:American Idiot(Japan Edition)Do you have the time to listen to me whineAbout NOTHING and everything all at onceI am one of thoseMelodramatic foolsNeurotic to the boneNo doubt about itSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPAm I just PARANOID?Am I just STONEDI went to a shrinkTo analyze my dreamsSHE says it"s lack of sex that"s bringing me downI went to a whoreHE said my life"s a boreSo quit my whining cause it"s bringing HER downSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPAm I just PARANOID?Grasping to CONTROLSo I BETTER hold onSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPAm I just PARANOID?Am I just STONED
2023-06-07 14:42:521

creeps in 是什么意思?

creep in悄悄混进例:Happiness sometimes it just creeps in快乐有时是那么悄然而至 希望能够帮到你!!
2023-06-07 14:42:591


Boom Boom Boom - 制作50个 IED (Explosives(爆炸物) + Explosives(爆炸物))加油站附近有很多,或者是西南工业区的烟花厂Balls of Junk - 制作50个(Junk Ball 垃圾球) (Junk(垃圾) + Junk(垃圾))Southern Almuda的建筑工地附近有不少砖块,可以用来制作。或者垃圾袋,路障之类都算垃圾。Hot Headed -制作50个the Flaming Helmet(燃烧头盔) (Chemicals(化学品) + Helmet(头盔))西南面Sunset Hills的学校附近有不少化学品,学校北边还有家玩具店,能见到头盔类的物品,来回跑合成吧。So Much Easier Than Throwing - 制作50个 Boom Cannon (Explosives(爆炸物) + Gun(枪械))Toy(玩具) That Creeps Me Out! -制作50个 Jack in the Box(Box(盒箱) + Toy(玩具))Make It Flame Grilled - 制作50把 Flaming Sword (Blade(利刃) + Chemicals(化学品))Jazz Hands!!! - 制作50个 Jazz Hands 50(Gun(枪械) + Gloves(手套))Ryu Would Be Proud - 制作50个 Dragon Punch (Machinery(机械) + Gloves(手套))Raindrops Keep Melting My Head - 制作 Acid Rain 50次 (Chemicals(化学品) + Gun(枪械))Last Words - 发现Los Perdidos市民们的悲惨死亡一共25个,分部在城市不同的地方,小地图上标记为黄底带个黑色的小恶魔图标。Slippery Customer - 被丧尸抓住后逃脱50次被丧尸抓住后猛摇手柄或是按B键Getting Warmed Up - 杀5,000 丧尸Still More To Kill - 杀10,000 丧尸Going Pro - 杀53,594丧尸Joining the Big Leagues -杀72,000丧尸Drop Dead! - 用Body Slam杀 100 敌人杀敌数足够的话,会出现让你同时按YB的提示施展终结技,空手施展就是Body Slam了。My Tummy Hurts - 用 Disembowel 招式杀 100 丧尸强化近战点解开更多的空手招式。这招需要在你施放终结技的时候下拉左摇杆LSA Head of the Game - 用e Head Job招式杀 100丧尸施展终结技的时候,左推LS就能把丧尸的头拧下来Burn Ward - 用火焰杀 3,600 丧尸用带火焰的武器杀丧尸就行Pretty Dizzy Now.. Might Puke - 用Hammer Spin技巧的回旋招式杀200丧尸施展终结技的时候,右推LS旋转丧尸。被旋转丧尸杀掉的丧尸都算在内。Dash for the Dead - 用 the should charge杀100丧尸冲刺的使用对着丧尸按X发动用肩膀顶撞丧尸的效果,这个招式伤害不高,不一定每次都能秒掉丧尸。You Knee"d Me - 用 Knee Drop 杀50个敌人按R跳起后按Y施展这个技能Sacked! - 用 the should charge杀20个橄榄球员丧尸只有对着它们身后或是侧身冲撞才有死亡效果,Sunset Hill中学附近有不少。Damn You Are One Bad-Ass - 杀 200,000 丧尸BYOZB - 用火焰杀 666 丧尸Hot Damned -用火焰杀 999 丧尸Kept on Swinging - 用Defiler杀200丧尸 (Mace(锤类) + Axe (斧类))Moving Over to a Dark Place - 用the Laser Sword 杀200丧尸 (Thrown (投掷类) + Electronics(电子类))Heating Up - 用 the Flaming Gloves杀200丧尸 (Chemicals(化学品) + Gloves(手套))In The Dead-Zone - 用 Hail Mary杀300丧尸 (Thrown (投掷类) + Explosives(爆炸物))A Vibrating Memoriam - 用 Super Massager杀100丧尸 (Toy(玩具) + Machinery(机械))That a Boy, Jimmy! - 用 Roaring Thunde的重攻击杀200丧尸 (Helmet(头盔) + Electronics(电子类))推荐 Blanka Masks的Y技能Very Axe (斧类)-citing - 用 Boomer Axe 杀300丧尸(斧类) (Thrown (投掷类) +Axe (斧类))Unleash the Chopper - 用 the Chopper 杀200丧尸 (Axe (斧类) + Axe (斧类))These Bullets Are Sharp - 用 the Sabre Shot 杀200丧尸 (Blade(利刃) + Gun(枪械))Death Metal - 用 heavy metal 杀200丧尸(Mace(锤类) + Mace(锤类))TLC - 用 Tenderizers 杀100丧尸(Gloves(手套) + Mace(锤类))Enjoy That Smell in the Morning - 用 Napalm Bomb 杀100丧尸(Explosives(爆炸物) + Chemicals(化学品))Greased Lightning - 参观4间不同的 Combo Garages(组合车库)每块区域各一个,地图上标记为绿色的车库In Between The Numbers - 投掷 the Metal Mary 杀丧尸(Thrown (投掷类) +Blade(利刃) or Mace(锤类))Bomb-Bear Countdown - 用the bomb toy杀200丧尸 (Explosives(爆炸物) + Toy(玩具))拿着它近战杀也算Corroding Corpses - 用Acid Jars杀200丧尸 (Chemicals(化学品) + Chemicals(化学品))
2023-06-07 14:43:061


rush--to attack earlycreep--to kill neutral monstercreep Jack---to steal their monster(creeps)TP--town portalMicro--micromanagementUD-undeadNE---night elfGrantpult--Grunts and CatapultsExpo--Expasion or another gold mine
2023-06-07 14:43:503


哦不 宝贝你的爱正要杀死我我知道总有一天我会得到你对我不好,带给我痛苦让我觉得我快疯了日日夜夜地看着你,但那仅仅是个罪名我认为这一切都是不公平的用心理上的安慰将我抛弃让我服用镇定剂直到我脱离自己的思想我快要疯了哦不 宝贝你的爱正要杀死我我知道这总有一天会带走我我撞向墙壁但是却不能穿透哦不 这太令我震惊了我知道总有一天我会得到你我的室友是一个商人他用煎锅杀死了他的朋友现在他每天在院子里散步两次这个地方令我毛骨悚然从地狱而来的护士开始认真对待我她像你一样残酷(而且她说)“我将会得到你”哦不 宝贝你的爱正要杀死我我知道这总有一天会带走我我撞向墙壁但是却不能穿透哦不 这太令我震惊了我知道总有一天我会得到你如果我的想法变得清澈我将会带着我自己离开这里然后就没有什么需要害怕的因为你哦不 宝贝你的爱正要杀死我我知道这总有一天会带走我我撞向墙壁但是却不能穿透哦不 这太令我震惊了我知道总有一天我会得到你哦不 宝贝你的爱正要杀死我我知道这总有一天会带走我我撞向墙壁但是却不能穿透哦不 这太令我震惊了我知道总有一天我会得到你
2023-06-07 14:44:241


Warcraft III: Demon Craft是一个魔兽争霸3的修改版本(Mod)。Demon Craft在原版Warcraft III基础上增加了四个完整设定的新种族:高等精灵(High Elf),混乱兽人(Chaos Orc),燃烧军团(Burning Legion)和野生生物(Creeps)。同时增加与之对应的大量新模型,新技能,新单位建筑和英雄等。Demon Craft可以在Warcraft III v1.00-v1.05任何版本下安装,并支援通过战网和局域网联机对战。 可选择8个种族,4个新种族更加强大。 可玩任何一张对战地图,包括从网上下载的非官方地图。 高级选项(Advanced Option)中新增选项: No Food And Resource Limits - 无限矿无限人口模式 Computer Choose Advanced Races - 让电脑选择新增的种参战(否则电脑只会选择4个原有种族) 高等精灵(High Elf)的基地 擅长魔法的种族,拥有强大的魔法英雄和多种魔法单位。 混乱兽人(Chaos Orc)的基地 拥有野蛮力量的种族,也有能够疯狂增加战斗力的法师。 燃烧军团(Burning Legion)的基地 拥有精锐部队的种族,以及更多次的攻防升级。 野生生物(Creeps)的基地 依靠兵海和耐久力取胜的种族。 许多玩家都很喜欢以前的八族补丁,可是因为魔兽版本更新过快,旧的已经不能再用,小编特此找来一个新的八族补丁希望大家喜欢。 Warcraft III: Demon Craft是一个魔兽争霸3的修改版本(Mod)。Demon Craft在原版Warcraft III基础上增加了四个完整设定的新种族:高等精灵(High Elf),混乱兽人(Chaos Orc),燃烧军团(Burning Legion)和野生生物(Creeps)。同时增加与之对应的大量新模型,新技能,新单位建筑和英雄等。Demon Craft可以在Warcraft III v1.00-v1.05任何版本下安装,并支援通过战网和局域网联机对战。
2023-06-07 14:44:311


-ap是全阵营选择 -spap重新洗牌 全阵营选择-di-di是在右上角显示你正补和反补的兵数
2023-06-07 14:44:385

give one’s the creeps是什么意思?

2023-06-07 14:44:572


、 承 到骄傲和
2023-06-07 14:45:077

600句中文短语英文表达 2字篇

1. 活该! serves you(him her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.) e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying! 2. 活该! you had it coming! e.g. a: i gained weight! b: well you had it coming because you""ve been eating so much without exercising. 3. 胡闹 thatu2019s monkey business! e.g. a: stop fooling around! thatu2019s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本在胡闹嘛! 注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!” 3.请便! help yourself. do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。) 4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all! 注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at all”,表示你在否认对方表达的意思。 5.才怪! yeah,right! as if! e.g. a: todayu2019s test was very easy. b: yeah right! a:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if! 他自认可以跟我们交往! 才怪! 注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。 6.加油! go for it! e.g. a: go for it! you can do it! 注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try.”“try your best.”。 7.够了! enough! stop it! 注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around(无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!) 8.放心! i got your back. e.g. a: donu2019t worry man. i got your back. 注:这句原本来自“iu2019m covering you from behind”(我在后面掩护你),是打仗时军人常说的一句话。但在现代的意思是我会照料一切,要对方不必担心,所以这句男 人会常用,女人反而较少用。 9.爱现! showoff! e.g. a: heu2019s been doing that all day. what a showoff! 注:showoff是名词,也可作动词,如:she likes to show off her toys. 或he is always showing off his strength. 10.讨厌! so annoying! e.g. a: stop that! you are so annoying! 够了!你真讨厌! 11.免谈! no need to discuss!(no need for discussion.) e.g. a: itu2019s all settled. thereu2019s no need to discuss it anymore. 全都确定了。所以就免谈了! 12.真棒! thatu2019s great! 13.好险! that was close! e.g. a: iu2019m so glad you made it. that was close! 注:这里的close是很接近、幸好的意思,和开门关门(open and close)的close不同。 14.闭嘴! shut up! 15.好烂! it sucks! e.g. a: that sucks. donu2019t buy it. 注:这句话可用来形容人、事物的状况令人失望或十分不理想。 16.真巧! what a coincidence! 17.幼稚! immature! e.g. a: sheu2019s still sleeping with her favorite stuffed animal. sheu2019s so immature. what a baby! e.g. a: look at her still buying “hello kitty” stuff at age 30. what a baby! 注:这句话对美国人来说侮辱的程度比较大。 18.花痴! flirt! e.g. a: you are such a flirt! stop kissing up to him! he doesnu2019t like you at all. 你是花痴喔?别再讨好他了。他根本不喜欢你。 注:不论男女,凡有如此行为的皆可用flirt表示。player(调情圣手)专指男性,tease(卖弄风情的女人)专指女性。 19.痞子! riff raff! e.g. a: these people give me the creeps. riff raff! 这些人使我起鸡皮疙瘩。 真是一群痞子! 注:在美国riff raff特别指人肮脏、下流。 20.找死! playing with fire! e.g. a: are you crazy? youu2019re playing with fire! 注:这是表示某人在做的事很危险或很有挑战性。 21.色狼! pervert! e.g. a: he is such a pervert! i saw him looking at me in the toilet! 注:这句话除了指性变态,也指精神变态,可简单地说“perv”,也可作动词,例如: “you are rally perverted.” 。 22.精彩! super! e.g. a: good job. thatu2019s super! 注:这字有点旧了,但年轻人喜欢在形容词前面加super以强调它的意思,如“super-cool”。 23.算了! forget it! 注:这句有“不谈这件事了”,或“这没什么”的意思。 24.糟了! shit!/ fuck!/ damn! e.g. a: shit! this stinks! 糟了!这好臭! 注: 这些都是低俗的用语,如同“”等等咒骂的字,damn是其中最温和的一个。 25.废话! bullshit! e.g. a: i donu2019t believe it. thatu2019s bullshit! 注:这句也可用crap来表示,它的语气比较温和,但还是一样无礼。 26.变态! pervert! e.g. a: letu2019s get out of here. there are so many perverts here. 注:中文的变态从意思来看,其实比英文的pervert语意厌恶许多。 27.吹牛! brag. e.g. a: heu2019s bragging. thereu2019s no way he could do that! 28.装傻! play dumb. e.g. a: donu2019t play dumb. you know about that. 29.偏心。 biased (prejudiced)。 e.g. a: stop saying those things about it. youu2019re just biased. 不要再这样说它了,你就是偏心。 a:heu2019s so prejudiced. he helps her just because he likes her. 注:prejudice本意就是负面的,常用来职责对方不公正, bias则是中性字,如“the author has a bias for apple pie”(这个作家对苹果派有所偏好)。 30.无耻! shameless! e.g. a: how could you do such a thing! youu2019re shameless! 这种事你也做得出来!你无耻! 注: shameless 和 no shame不同,no shame是not scared of being shameful,不怕丢脸的意思。 31.你敢? you dare? e.g. a: i want to challenge you! b: you dare? 32.赞成! i approve. / thatu2019s a good idea. e.g. a: letu2019s go for a walk. b: sure. i approve. 33.好饱! iu2019m stuffed. 34. 休想! over my dead body!/ no way! e.g. a: you want to marry that guy? over my dead body! 35.成交! itu2019s a deal! 36. 干嘛? what?/ what do you want?/ whatu2019s wrong? / what do you think you are doing? / what happened? / what for?
2023-06-07 14:45:211

歌词 听出来了 歌名是什么?

2023-06-07 14:45:293


right before you close your eyeswhispering your prayerswhen the sandman blows your eyes I"ll be therewhen you wake up in the nightsounds the second stairthat creaks under the careless foot I"l lbe theregather roses while you maywhile the bloom is fullfor the blossom soon wil lfadeand the bloom grow dullright before the morning lightcreeps soft upon the sillwhen the shadows chase the night I never willwhen your voice is softly heardsinging in the morning airbut the note does not ring true I"ll be theregather roses while you maywhile the bloom is fullfor the blossom soon will fadeand the bloom grow dullright before you sleep at nightclosing up the blindin the window"s black embrace if you findthe face of a lover long-forgotforgotten eyes,forgotten hairforgotten words that stretch like salt I"ll be theregather roses while you maywhile the bloom is fullfor the blossom soon will fadeand the bloom grow dullright before the you close your eyeswhispering your prayerswhen the sandman blows your eyes
2023-06-07 14:45:371


2023-06-07 14:45:519


电影《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》正在火热上映,我们一起来回顾一下变形金刚1经典台词,365语录台词把这篇文章分享给大家,下面就是365语录台词为你搜集整理的精彩内容,就让我们一起来看一下吧!   1、My name is the Optimus Prime.   我是擎天柱。   2、Autobots, Transform and Roll Out.   汽车人!变形!出发!   3、One shall stand and one shall fall.   不是你死就是我亡。   4、More than meets the eye.   并非徒有其表。   5、A driver don"t pick the car. The car"ll pick the driver.   不是人挑选车,而是车挑选人。   6、Do not test me.   别惹我。   7、Fifty years from now, when you"re looking back at you life,don"t you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?   50年以后,当你回想起今天,你难道不会后悔你没有勇气上这辆车吗?   8、Okay, I wanna tell you about a dream. A boy"s dream. And a man"s promise to that boy. He looked at me in the eye. He said, "Son, I"m gonna buy you a car."But I want you to bring me $2,000 and three As." Okay? I got the 2,000 and I got two As.Okay? Here"s the dream. Your B-. Dream gone. Kaput. Sir, just ask yourself, what would Jesus do?   我要告诉你一个梦想,一个男孩的梦想 一个男人答应那个男孩 他看着我的眼睛说:"儿子,我会给你买一辆车" "但是你需要给我 2000 美元和 3 个 A " 我已经有了 2000 美元和 2 个 A ,这是我的梦想,如果你给 B-,梦想破灭了.   先生,扪心自问,如果是上帝,他会怎么做?   9、Before time began, there was the Cube, we know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil, and so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called earth.   在时间创生之前,就有了立方体。我们不知道它来自何方,但它有创造世界万物的力量。我们民族就是这样诞生的。有一段时间,我们和睦相处。但就像所有强大的民族,有的想用它行善,有的想用它作恶。战争就这样爆发了。我们的星球资源殆尽,被死亡吞没。立方体则失落在茫茫宇宙。我们分散在银河系四处寻找,希望找到它以重建家园。我们搜寻每一个星球,每一个世界。正在我们所有希望都将泯灭之际,我们被一个有关新发现的信息带到了一个未知的星球——地球。但我们已经太晚了。   10、With the All spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And fate has yielded its reward: a new world to call home. We live among its people now in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage, and though we are worlds apart, like us, there"s more to them than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars: we are here, we are waiting.   因为火种源消失了我们无法恢复我们星球的生命留在这个世界里褪色,休养,一个新的世界,叫做,家!我们和这里的人民生活在一起,隐藏在变形态下,也在密密的守护着,等待着,保护着,我目睹了他们无畏的勇气,尽管这里一样有战争,跟我们一样,眼见,并不一定为凭! 我是擎天柱,相星际间所有流亡的博派人发出此讯息,我们在这里,等你们!   11、your days are numbered now,decepti-creeps.   你们活不了多久了,霸天虎小子。   12、welcome, laserbeak. unlike some of my other warriors you never fail me.   欢迎回来,激光鸟。不像我的某些部下,你从来不让我失望。   13、die, autobots!   去死吧,汽车人!   14、no! such heroic nonsense.   不!多么英雄的垂死挣扎啊。   15、huh, not bad for an old-timer. "old-timer"?that"s something you"ll never be if you don"t get back to the city.   不错啊,老家伙。老家伙?如果你不赶快回到汽车人堡垒,你就永远也成不了老家伙了。   16、springer, you and arcee transform autobot city. perceptor, tell blaster to radio prime for reinforcements.   弹簧,你和阿尔茜操纵汽车人城堡变形。感知器,让录音机向大哥求援。 以上这篇是 变形金刚1经典台词 ,就为您介绍到这里,希望大家能够喜欢。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的好友,更多精彩不容错过。欢迎持续关注我们的后续更新,365语录台词网汇集和分享最新最热门的精彩内容。
2023-06-07 14:46:181


 My eyes are no good, blind without her 如果没有她,我什么都看不见The way she moves, I never doubt her 她离开的方式,我从未怀疑When she talks she somehow creeps into my dreams 她在说话的时候,不知为何爬进我的梦里She"s a dollar, catch, a winner她就是一元钱,捕捉着我,一个胜利者I"m in love and no beginnerCould ever grasp or understand just what she means我陷入爱情中,初学者不能够理解她的意思Baby, baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side宝贝,可爱的蓝眼睛,留在我身边"Til the morning through the night 度过夜晚直到早晨Well baby, stand here holding my sides就这样宝贝,陪在我身边Close your baby blue eyes, every moment feels right闭上你可爱的蓝眼睛,每一秒都感到美妙And I may feel like a fool或许我像个傻瓜But I"m the only one dancing with you但我是唯一一个与你舞蹈的人I drive her home when she can"t stand在她不能忍受的时候我送她回家I like to think I"m a better man我认为我更好For not letting her do what she"s been known to do为了不让她做她已经知道做的事She wears heels and she always falls她穿着高跟鞋却总是跌倒I let her think she"s a know it all我让她认为她知道一切But whatever she does wrong, it seems so right但无论她做错什么,它似乎都是对的My eyes don"t believe her but my heart swears by her我的眼睛不相信她,心却对她发誓Baby, baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side宝贝,可爱的蓝眼睛,留在我身边"Til the morning through the night度过夜晚直到早晨(Can"t get you out of my mind)无法让你从心中离开Well baby, stand here holding my sides就这样宝贝,陪在我身边Close your baby blue eyes, every moment feels right闭上你可爱的蓝眼睛,每一秒都感到美妙And I may feel like a fool或许我像个傻瓜But I"m the only one dancing with you但我是唯一一个与你舞蹈的人Can"t get you out of my mind无法让你从心中离开I swear I"ve been there我发誓我已经在这里I swear I"ve done that我发誓我已经做了这些I"ll do whatever it takes just to see those我会做任何事只要能看到这些Baby, baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side宝贝,可爱的蓝眼睛,留在我身边"Til the morning through the night度过夜晚直到早晨(Can"t get you out of my mind 无法让你从心中离开Well baby, stand here holding my sides就这样宝贝,陪在我身边Close your baby blue eyes, ever moment feels right闭上你可爱的蓝眼睛,每一秒都感到美妙And I may feel like a fool或许我像个傻瓜But I"m the only one dancing with those但我是唯一一个与你舞蹈的人Baby, baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side宝贝,可爱的蓝眼睛,留在我身边"Til the morning through the night度过夜晚直到早晨(Can"t get you out of my mind) 无法让你从心中离开Well baby, stand here holding my sides就这样宝贝,陪在我身边While closing your eyes, ever moment feels right当闭上你可爱的蓝眼睛,每一秒都感到美妙My eyes are no good, blind without her如果没有她,我什么都看不见The way she moves, I never doubt her她离开的方式,我从未怀疑When she talks she somehow creeps into my dreams她在说话的时候,不知为何爬进我的梦里
2023-06-07 14:46:263