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篮球鞋翻译为SNEAKER还是basketball shoes


一篮子苹果都坏了,英语a basket of apples后面用单数还是复数?还是 the apples in the basket?




连词成句 have rackets I rennis three a and basketball

I have three tennis rackets and a basketball .

Bangldesh.A.GovernmentB.Basket makersC.VillagersD.Bamboo sellers


They play basketball on Saturdays.怎样把这句英语句子改成现在进行时?


Chen Shuhao is very________about basketball.He has a wide______of playing basketball.(know)

1.knowledgeable(知识渊博的).very是副词,修饰形容词,所以此处填know的形容词形式。2.knowledge(知识)此处填know的名词形式。eg.a number of..a和of中间填名词number。3.她是什么时候把钥匙藏在那个盒子里的呢?说明这件事情发生在过去,这填when did shehide the key to the box?



play basketball怎么读音乐

1、play basketball翻译过来是打篮球的意思。2、固定用法球类前一般都不加定冠词。3、[pleI][ "bɑ:skitb ]例如:I enjoy playing basketball. I usually play basketball on holidays. 我喜欢打篮球,我经常在假期打球。4、破类,巴斯尅特报

basketball player怎么读

basketball player音标:["bɑu02d0sku026atbu0254u02d0l] ["pleu026au0259]




篮球英语basketball的音标是:[u02c8bɑu02d0sku026atbu0254u02d0l]。含有basketball的双语例句1、hanges of China Men"s Basketball Technique Level Under New Competitive System.中国男子篮球运动技术水平在实施新赛制后的变化分析。2、Development Trend of Basketball and Development Direct of China" Basketball.论篮球运动的发展趋势及我国篮球运动的发展方向。3、There"s a basketball practice every Friday evening.每星期五晚上有篮球训练。4、A group of kids started a pickup game of basketball on the street outside.一群孩子在外面开始了即兴街头篮球赛。


英式读法:八四K特饱 美式读法:白死K特饱


basketball:篮球play basketball: 打篮球



三年级英语作文-I Like Basketball

My hometown Dalang is a famous “Basketball Town”. Everybody likes playing basketball here. I love playing basketball, too. It"s my favorite sport. Every morning I go to play it in our school gym. My P.E teacher told me that playing basketball would make me tall and strong. Because I play basketball well. Now I am a member of our school basketball team. I play harder than before. My P.E teacher teaches me how to play it better. I made progress. I have my own way to play it. How I hope I can be a famous basketball player some day. Basketball is a very good sport. It can strength our bodies. It is a good way to relax, too. Let"s play basketball together. OK? 我的家乡谭是一个的“篮球城市”。每个人都喜欢打篮球。我也喜欢打篮球。这是我最喜欢的运动。 每天早上我去打它在我们学校体育馆。P。E老师告诉我说打篮球会让我又高又壮。因为我篮球打得好。现在我是我们学校篮球队的成员。我比以前更努力。我的P。老师教我如何玩得更好。我取得了进展。我有自己的方法。我多么希望有一天我能成为一名的篮球运动员。 篮球是一项很好的运动。它可以增强我们的身体。这是一个很好的放松方式。让我们一起打篮球。好吗?

go to hell in a handbasket是什么意思?能具体些吗?


用适当的介词填空 1.Many young men ____ North America like playing basketball very much

1.from. 2.of

Michael Jordan is one of the most famous basketball players in the world. He was born in Brookl...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:C小题4:C小题5:A 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要介绍了美国著名篮球明星,乔丹的成长之路。在他开始打球时,因为个子矮,球打得并不是很好。在后来加入了北卡罗来纳大学队以后,逐渐有名,并且以跳得高而震惊了美国NBA,被称作“空中飞人”。小题1:推理判断题。根据短文第一段He was born in Brooklyn, New York. 描述,可知乔丹出生在美国的纽约布鲁克林。故选C,美国。小题2:细节理解题。根据短文第一段He was very short and he didn"t play basketball very well when he joined the basketball team in his high school at first.描述,可知乔丹在一开始因为个子矮,球打得并不是很好。故选D。小题3:细节理解题。根据短文第二段Michal Jordan became famous when he joined the university basketball team in North Carolina.描述,可知在乔丹加入北卡罗来纳大学队以后,他开始出名了。故选C。小题4:细节理解题。根据第二段He played so well that people called him “Air Jordan”.描述,可知他经常被叫做“飞人乔丹”。故选C。小题5:细节理解题。故短文最后一段The NBA was very surprised at this high—flying player.描述,可知NBA非常吃惊于乔丹跳得非常高。故选B。

Basking Ridge是美国纽泽西的什么城市

Basking Ridge is an unincorporated area located within Bernards Township in the Somerset Hills region of Somerset County, New Jersey.Basking Ridge是一个位于新泽西萨默塞特县萨默塞特丘陵地区贝尔纳镇.The area was settled during the early days of the country. It is home to the old AT&T Headquarters designed by the architects Vincent G. Kling & Associates, now owned by Verizon. Basking Ridge is the current headquarters for Verizon Wireless and Barnes & Noble College Booksellers.该地区在美国建国之初就有人定居。是美国最大通讯公司AT&T的旧总部所在地。现在是另一个大通讯公司Verizon的总部所在地。也是著名出版社Barnes & Noble College Booksellers的总部所在地。The community of Basking Ridge is part of greater Bernards Township, which also includes Lyons, Liberty Corner, and West Millington. Basking Ridge has a large Roman Catholic population, with smaller Indian American, Protestant, Jewish and Asian American populations.

根据语境,音标或者单词的提示完成句子 1. Playing basketball with my


i went to a basketball game last week

I went to watch a basketball game last week and got Yao Ming"s autograph亲笔签名

we lost the basketball game last week


basketball.association 怎么读

basketball association 篮球协会basketball ["bɑu02d0sku026atbu0254u02d0l]association [u0259su0259u028asu026a"eu026au0283(u0259)n


basketball in my soul.中文:我发自内心的热爱篮球。望采纳


这是一首饶舌歌的歌词 他们在篮球场上激战正酣 They"re playing basketball 我们爱死篮球了We love that basketball 他们在篮球场上激战正酣They"re playing basketball 我们爱死篮球了We love that basketball 现在说说篮球,1号球员,Kurtis BlowNow rapping basketball – Number 1,Kurtis Blow 篮球,是我最爱的运动Basketball is my favorite sport 我喜欢华丽运球,纵穿全场I like the way they dribble up and down the court 我统治着麦克风,就像J博士和马龙统治着篮球(此歌出于1983年,当年NBA冠军为J博士和摩西马龙率领的76人队)Just like I"m the king on the microphone,so is Dr.J and Moses Malone 我喜欢 *** 的扣篮,让我飞向篮筐吧I like slam dunks,take me to the hoop 我最爱的动作必须是空中接力My favorite play is the alley-oop 我喜欢玩经典挡拆,也喜欢空切直传I like the pick-and-roll,I like the give-and-go 因为这一切就是篮球Cause it"s basketball,uh,Mister Kurtis Blow 他们在篮球场上激战正酣They"re playing basketball 我们爱死篮球了We love that basketball 他们在篮球场上激战正酣They"re playing basketball 我们爱死篮球了We love that basketball 我常常带着女孩去吃个大餐I used to go to dinner,then take the girl 接着带她去看“小精灵”阿奇博尔德与“黑耶稣”门罗的大战To see Tiny play against Earl The Pearl 张伯伦,大O和杰里.韦斯特And Wilt,Big O,and Jerry West 是这个运动里最出色的家伙Play basketball at it"s very best 篮球总是让我疯狂Basketball has always been my thing 我喜欢魔术师,大鸟和伯纳德.金I like Magic,Bird,and Bernard King 还有穿33号的男人,天钩贾巴尔And number 33,my man Kareem 他绝对是我梦幻阵容中的首发中锋Is the center on my starting team 飞向篮筐,你们都注意好了,在你面前颜扣 (To the hoop,y"all,watch out,watch out In yo" face,now here es the rest) [Verse 3] 弗雷泽,里克.巴里,还有“手枪”马拉维奇 Clyde,Rick Barry,and Pistol Pete 这帮家伙几乎战无不胜Now these players could never be beat 别忘了伊赛亚.托马斯和“冰人”Isiah,and Iceman too 把球给他们,接着你可以去翻记分牌了Just give ‘em the ball,and then you chalk up two 威尔金斯实在是太暴力了Dantley and Wilkins are on the scene 拉尔夫·桑普森也太到位了And Ralph Sampson is really mean 比尔拉塞尔把每个逊的投篮盖飞Bill Russell didn"t take no junk 达里尔.道金斯的扣篮简直就是一头野兽And Darryl Dawkins got a monster dunk [Verse 4] 告诉我,张伯伦拿100分的那个夜晚你是不是历历在目Tell me,were you in the joint The night Wilt scored 100 points? 或者凯尔特人连夺8冠更让你难以忘怀Or when Celtics won titles back-to-back 绿军真是一点机会没留给别人And didn"t give nobody no kind of slack? 还是J博士一个人搞定比赛Or when Dr.J shook the whole damn team 华丽的球技如幻如梦With moves that came right out of a dream? 威利斯·里德称霸油漆区Or when Willis Reed stood so tall 用无限的求胜欲统治着防守端,这就是篮球!Playing D with desire?It"s basketball! 他们在篮球场上激战正酣They"re playing basketball 我们爱死篮球了We love that basketball 他们在篮球场上激战正酣They"re playing basketball 我们爱死篮球了We love that basketball 我拿着篮球冲向球场I get the ball and then I go and play 就像个NBA的超级巨星Like a superstar in the NBA 前锋,中锋还有后卫The forwards,the centers,and all the guards 你都可以在球星卡上看到他们The ones you see on the bubblegum cards 我和我的兄弟来场一对一Me and homeboy would go one-on-one 因为篮球的乐趣无穷Cause playing the game is a lot of fun 坐在电视前看着这一切Sit by the TV and watch ‘em all 因为Kurtis Blow为篮球写了这首圣歌Cause Kurtis Blow is rapping basketball 出自OURDEN字幕组



they won the basketball match snd they were w——。添什么?



这六个单词应该连成一句话是“We usually play basketball on Friday”

急求Green day - basket case的LRC{中文}歌词!!

Do you have the time 你有时间吗To listen to me whine? 能听我抱怨吗About nothing and everything 是关于无关紧要的事和所有事(也可以说成:其实没事,也有好多事。这得自己体会。)all at once 突然I am one of the those 我是一个那些Melodramatic fools 情景喜剧中的傻子(B)Neurotic to the bone 骨子里就是个神经病No doubt about it 不要怀疑它(指说他自己神经病)Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了I went to a shrink 我去看个精神病医生(shrink,这里是指精神病医生)To analyze my dreams 去分析我的梦(这句得意会他梦见了什么)She says it"s lack of sex 她说我的J-B缺乏性欲(it,在这里指他的性征器官)that"s bringing me down 她说这话让我软了 (that"s就是只上面那个是个男的一听就软的话,down,就是那玩意软下来了。)(这得意会)I went to a whore 我去找鸡He said my life"s a bore 他说我的生活真操行。(也可以说成,他说我的生活就知道“钻孔”,或含蓄点:他说在他的生活里(我)是个招讨厌的人)So quit my whining cause 所以放弃抱怨的原因。it"s bringing her down 这些让它没欲望了。(这得意会)Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)Uh,yuh,yuh,ya 呃,啊,啊,呀Grasping to control 抓住控制(抓住控制器)(这句有多种意思)So I better hold on 我更能更好的控制Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了P.S. 这是一个非常经典的,含沙射影很多东西的NEWSCHOOL PUNK老歌。如果你是切身使地的朋克,千万别成为朋克圈里装腔作势的人。如果你只是一个爱好者,请你用尊重的心态对待朋克的每一首歌,哪怕他们说的唱的很不尊敬。我已经过了PUNK的年龄。但是,我骨子里仍然保留着朋克热情。在给你翻译这个歌的时候我也在打开好久没打开的文件夹一遍一遍的听着,翻译的只是一个侧面,如果你能真正体会,还会体会出很多东西。PUNK NOT DEAD!

求Basket case 英文歌词翻译

Do you have the time


“Basket Case”是美国朋克摇滚乐队Green Day的歌曲,是该乐队的第三张专辑 “Dookie”中的第7首。这首歌曾在“现代摇滚曲目”榜的第一名的位置保持过5个星期。

green day - basket case歌词

Artist: Green Day Lyrics Song: Basket Case Lyrics Do you have the time to listen to me whine About nothing and everything all at once I am on oh those Melodramatic fools Neurotic to the bone no doubt about it Sometimes i give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I"m cracking up Am I just paranoid? I"m just stoned I went to a shrink To analyze my dreams She says it"s lack of sex that"s bringing me down I went to a whore He said my live"s a bore And quit no whining cause it"s bringing her down Grasping to control So you better hold on The hottest songs from Green Day

Basket case 中英歌词

Do you have the time 你有时间吗To listen to me whine? 能听我抱怨吗About nothing and everything 是关于无关紧要的事和所有事(也可以说成:其实没事,也有好多事。这得自己体会。)all at once 突然I am one of the those 我是一个那些Melodramatic fools 情景喜剧中的傻子(B)Neurotic to the bone 骨子里就是个神经病No doubt about it 不要怀疑它(指说他自己神经病)Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了I went to a shrink 我去看个精神病医生(shrink,这里是指精神病医生)To analyze my dreams 去分析我的梦(这句得意会他梦见了什么)She says it"s lack of sex 她说我的J-B缺乏性欲(it,在这里指他的性征器官)that"s bringing me down 她说这话让我软了 (that"s就是只上面那个是个男的一听就软的话,down,就是那玩意软下来了。)(这得意会)I went to a whore 我去找鸡He said my life"s a bore 他说我的生活真操行。(也可以说成,他说我的生活就知道“钻孔”,或含蓄点:他说在他的生活里(我)是个招讨厌的人)So quit my whining cause 所以放弃抱怨的原因。it"s bringing her down 这些让它没欲望了。(这得意会)Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)Uh,yuh,yuh,ya 呃,啊,啊,呀Grasping to control 抓住控制(抓住控制器)(这句有多种意思)So I better hold on 我更能更好的控制Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了P.S. 这是一个非常经典的,含沙射影很多东西的NEWSCHOOL PUNK老歌。如果你是切身使地的朋克,千万别成为朋克圈里装腔作势的人。如果你只是一个爱好者,请你用尊重的心态对待朋克的每一首歌,哪怕他们说的唱的很不尊敬。我已经过了PUNK的年龄。但是,我骨子里仍然保留着朋克热情。在给你翻译这个歌的时候我也在打开好久没打开的文件夹一遍一遍的听着,翻译的只是一个侧面,如果你能真正体会,还会体会出很多东西。PUNK NOT DEAD!这个吗


Do you have the time 你有时间To listen to me whine? 来听我抱怨吗?About nothing and everything all at once都是一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事。I am one of the those 我是那种Melodramatic fools 容易感伤又戏剧化的二货Neurotic to the bone 我很神经质No doubt about it 真的不用怀疑Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时候我让自己都毛骨悚然Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我超会胡思乱想It all keeps adding up 这种情形越来越多了I think I"m cracking up 我想我要崩溃了Am I just paranoid? 我真的只是偏激么?I"m just stoned 或者我没有大脑。I went to ashrink我去看个精神病医生To analyze my dreams 去分析分析我的梦Shesays it"s lack of sex that"s bringing me down 他说我那么怪是因为太少嘿咻。I went to awhore所以我去找了个婊子Hesaid my life"s a bore ‘他"说我的生活真无聊啊So quit my whining ‘cause it"s bringing her down 所以‘她"让我别废话了因为她受不鸟了Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时候我让自己都毛骨悚然Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我超会胡思乱想It all keeps adding up 种种情形越来越多了I think I"m cracking up 我想我要崩溃了Am I just paranoid? 我真的偏激了吗?Uh,yuh,yuh,ya 恩,是的是的是的Grasping to control 得理出个头绪So I better hold on 所以我最好坚持下去Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时候我让自己都毛骨悚然Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我超会胡思乱想It all keeps adding up 越来越多次了I think I"m cracking up 我想我要崩溃了Am I just paranoid? 我真的是妄想狂吗?I"m just stoned 或许我只是喝醉了

如何理解评价Green Day的basket case的这首歌

  “Basket Case”是美国朋克摇滚乐队Green Day的歌曲,是该乐队的第三张专辑 “Dookie”中的第7首。这首歌曾在“现代摇滚曲目”榜的第一名的位置保持过5个星期。  这首歌可以说是PUNK史上划时代的巨作。从1994年创作至今,风靡不尽。艾薇儿也翻唱过。在加盟Reprise公司之后,1994年初,Green Day乐队发行了第三张专辑,也是他们主流公司的首张专辑《Dookie》。由于第二支单曲《Basket Case》的连续推动,这张专辑成为了整个1994年的一个现象,这首单曲成为了现代摇滚单曲榜的冠军,而此后在大名鼎鼎的Woodstock音乐节上的精彩演出,以及第三首冠军单曲《When I Come Around》推出之后,Green Day乐队的这张《Dookie》风靡美国,继而蔓延全球。  乐队主唱Billie Joe Armstrong说这首歌是关于他在焦虑中挣扎的。在他被诊断为恐慌症之前,他觉得自己快要发疯了,他说“我知道的唯一的解决办法就是写一首歌。”  就像其他Dookie里的歌曲一样,这首歌是用降E大调的乐器演奏的。乐曲前奏的第一个小节是Armstrong的吉他独奏,到乐曲中间的高潮部分时乐队的其他部分加入,有鼓手Tré Cool爆炸性快节奏的鼓声和贝斯手Mike Dirnt演奏的与演唱曲调吻合的贝斯曲段。


basket casen.Informal (名词)【非正式用语】 1.One that is in a completely hopeless or useless condition:完全不起作用的人,没有希望的人:“He immediately becomes a psychological basket case, embittered to the point of craziness”(New York)“After World War I, when the Hapsburg empire was split up, little Austria seemed a basket case”(Paul A. Samuelson)“他立刻就完全绝望了,痛苦得快要疯狂”(纽约)“第一次世界大战之后,哈布斯堡王朝瓦解了,小小的奥地利看起来毫无作为”(保罗A.塞缪尔森)2.A person, especially a soldier, who has had all four limbs amputated.残障者,截肢的人:截去四肢的人,特别是被截去四肢的士兵、战士

basket case 什么意思


Timmy plays basketball hardly 这句英语句子中哪个单词是错的?

这里hardly,挺误导人的呢~~~本身【hard】既可以做形容词“坚固的,结实的”也可以做副词“努力地,艰难地,费力地”而hardly看似是hard的副词形式,其实完全是另外一个单词“几乎没有,几乎不”的意思所以正确表达:Timmy plays basketball hard. 提米努力地打篮球希望能帮到你~

when it __3__ basketball, football, soccer, and baseball.

  虽然这只是半句话,但不难看出其意思是“当谈到篮球、橄榄球、足球和棒球(的时候)”  破题点有2: 一是意思为“谈到”;二是主语必须是it. 因此D是正确答案。  为了保证答案的权威性,保证我不是胡说的,请看词典上的解释:  come to: speak of谈到  e.g.:The school has good teachers,but when it comes to buildings,it is poor.这个学校的师资力量很强,但是论建筑物,却很差。  refer to  1.make reference of allusion to;mention谈到;提到e.g.*It was unwise in your speech to refer to rising unemployment.你在讲话中谈到失业率上升的情况,这是不明智的。  *The veteran fighter referred to his experiences during the Long March.那位战士提到他在长征中的经历。 2.concern;relate or apply to涉及;关于;有关e.g.*The new law does not refer to the land used for farming.这项新法律不涉及农业用地。 *I have examined all the documents referring to the matter.我翻阅了所有关于此事的文件。 *What I have to say refers to all of you.我要讲的话与你们大家都有关。 可见refer to 在“谈到”义项下主语是人,主语是物是意思却是“关于” 至于talk about, 主语是人。 望采纳~~~


Tom wants to play basketball onMonday morning.即汤姆需要周一上午打篮球。

例:Bring me a basket, please. Take abag with you, please. 1.请带一些水果给我 2.请你随身带支钢笔。

Please bring me an English book.


[Chorus: Fundisha - repeat 4X] They"re playing basketball We love that basketball [Lil" Bow Wow] Yeah, now basketball is my favorite sport I love the way they dribble up and down the court I keep it so fresh on the microphone I like no interruption when the game is on I like slam dunk, to take me to the hoop My favorite play is the alley-oop I like the pick-and-roll I like the give-and-go In this basketball, Bow Wow, let"s go [Chorus] [Lil" Bow Wow] I got the rock in my hands Aint no telling what I"m gonna do with it When I come position I"ma act a fool with it I might cross you up fake one way Turn around and hit you with you with the MJ fadeaway I"m throwing dime passes like J. Kidd Taking cats to the rack And I"m dunking on them like T. Mac When I"m in the paint I play with that Alonzo style I"m like Darius cause I can shoot two miles [Fabolous] Don"t too many players get offers like me Back and forth, I"ll likely Shake the checks off your Nikes They almost had me in a suit at the draft And it look like a free throw when I be shooting from half The first step like Iverson - blow past you Usually nothing but net, but I can go blast too When I"m in the paint the defense so shook They dont know if I"ma put up a slow hook, or dish off a no-look See my game consist of a whole lotta Moves you would think I learned from the Harlem Globetrotters J.D. gon lead us to a ring Fab and Bow Wow the only players that make cheerleaders wanna sing [Chorus] [Jermaine Dupri] Now tell me were you in the joint The night MJ scored 63 points When the Lakers won titles back to back Didnt give nobody, no kind of slack When Vince Carter gave and stuck his arm in the rim Everybody went crazy in the whole damn gym Dikembe Mutombo standing tall Playing D with desire, it"s basketball [Chorus] - repeat until fade

mule gift bought basket中那个不一样

bought 不一样,它是动词buy的过去式其他三个是名词。


答案是:father ,bathroom,bath中的a都读/a:/74 75手工翻译77尊重劳动77欢迎提问77感谢采纳75 72

I had been playing basketball for 30 minutes可以不加?

此句中had不能去掉。had been playing是过去完成进行时,它的结构是"had been+现在分词"。had been是其中固定的结构。

for fruit basket 歌词 中文音译

Totemo reshikatta yokimi ga warai kakede taSubete o tokasu hou ho e mi de Haru wa mada tookutetsumetai tsuchi no naka deMe fuku toki o matte ta "n da Tatoewa kurushii kyou da to shite moKinou no kizu o nokoshite ite moShinjitai kokoro hodo ite yukere to Umare kawaru koto wa dekinai yoDakedo kawatte wa ikeru karaLET"S STAY TOGETHER Itsu moBoku dake ni waratteSono yubi de nee sawatteNozomi bakari ga hateshinakuYasashiku shitai yomou kuyanu you niNageki no umi mo koete ikouTatoe kurushii kyou da to shite moItsu ka atatakana omoide ni naruKokoro goto subete nage daseta naraKoko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yoUmare ochita yorokobi o shiruLET"S STAY TOGETHER itsu moTatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite moItsu ka atatakana omoide ni naruKokoro goto subete nage daseta naraKoko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yoUmare ochita yorokobi o shiruLET"S STAY TOGETHER itsu mo 还需求中文么? 这是罗马音

水果篮子的主题曲for fruits basket的歌词

tu tei mu lei xi ka a da yo ki mi ga wa la yi ga gei dei da su bei dei wo tuo ka si ho ho ei mi dei ha lu wa ma da tuo wo ke dei zi mei da yi zi ji no na ga dei mei pu ku tuo ki wo ma dei da en da da tuo ye ba ku lu xi kio da duo xi dei mo ki no no ki zi mo nuo guo xi dei yi dei mo xing ji da yi kuo kuo luo ha duo yi den yu gei lu tuo lu ma lei ka wa lu ko duo wa die ki na yi yo da gei duo ka wa dei wa yo gei lu ga la Let"s stay together yi zi mo .. pu ku da kie ni wa la e dei su nu yo bi bei mei sa wa a dei nuo so ni ba ka li ga ha da xi na gu ya sa xi gu xi da ni yo wo ku ya man de yo o ni na gie ki no wu ni mo kuo ye dei yu kuo da tuo ye ya ku lu xi kio da duo xi dei mo yi ci ga a ka da ka na mu wu yi dei mi na du kuo kuo luo guo duo su bei dei ma gei ga sei da na la kuo kuo ni yi ki dei lu yi mi ga wa ka lu yo lu ma lei o qi da yo luo guo di mo xi du Let"s stay together yi zi mo .. da tuo ye ba ku lu xi kio da duo xi dei mo yi ci ga da ka a ka na mu wu yi dei mi na du kuo kuo luo guo duo su bei dei ma gei da sei da na la kuo kuo ni yi ki dei lu yi mi ga wa ka lu yo lu ma lei o qi da yo luo guo ni mo xi du

he could nake out three men in a basket under it,could 什么意思


My son loves Jeremy Shu-How Lin very much,?is a famous basketball player


Have you heard of( )about Jeremy Lin? Yes.He did quite well in the last NBA basketball match.

简单啊 选A 为什么不选C 因为humorous 是富有幽默感的,滑稽的,诙谐的,想入非非的语义不对,球场上又不是说相声,哈哈 为什么选anything 因为是疑问句....

急求:《Vacation (feat. BASKO)》的歌词! 要 alvin & the chipmunks 3 里的!

帮你找到那一首real wild child找不到这一首 这首竟然有10分。。。悲哀。。。

Does the man like playing basketball best?(改为同义句)

Is playing basketball the man"s favourite?

we all like playing basketbal l句子里的成分 拜托谢谢






owing to the deeply love for basketball 有什么语法错误?怎么修改

语法好像没有问题,但建议把deeply改为deep,因为love 是名词,应当用形容词修饰。

Herbie Hancock&STANLEY CLARKE的《Basketball》 歌词

歌曲名:Basketball歌手:Herbie Hancock&STANLEY CLARKE专辑:Original Album ClassicsThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballNow basketball is my favorite sportI like the way they dribble up and down the courtI keep it so fresh on the microphoneI like no interruption when the game is onI like slam-dunks that take me to the hoopMy favorite play is the alley-oopI like the pick-n-rollI like the give-n-goAnd its basketball Bow Wow lets goThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballI got the rock in my handsThere ain"t no tellin what i"m gonna do wit itWhen i got possession i"m gonna have to fool wit itI might cross you up and fake one wayTurn around and hit you wit the MJ fade-awayI throwin down passes like J-KiddTaking cats to the rackAnd I"m dunkin over them like T-MacWhen I"m in the paint I play wit that Alonzo styleI"m like Darius cuz I can shoot 2 milesDon"t too many players get offers like meI"m back-n-forth likelyShake the checks off your nikesThey almost had me in a suit at the draftCuz it look like a freethrowWhen I be shootin from halfThe first step like Iverson, blow pass youHe"ll leave nothin but net, but i can go glass tooWhen I"m in the paint the defense so shookThey don"t know if I"m gonna put up a slow hook or dish up a no-lookSee my game consist of whole lotta.....Moves you would think I learned from the Harlem Globe TrottersJD gonna lead us to a ringFab and Bow Wow is the only players that makes the cheerleaders wanna singThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballNow tell me were you in the jointThe night MJ scored 63 pointsWhen the Lakers won titles back-to-backDidn"t give nobody no kind of slackWhen Vince Carter cameStuck his arm in the rimEverbody went crazy in the whole damn gymDikembe Mutumbo standing tallPlaying D wit desireIts BasketballThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballThey"re playing basketballWe love that basketballBy Hanhao,who love his girlfriend Ying

YaoMing, my favorite basketballplayer的英语日记

yaoming is a good basketballplayer i love he very much

dizzy heights of school basketball该怎么翻译?

Dizzy Heights of School Basketball dizzy heights令人眩晕的高度 the dizzy heights of…是习语,指重要的职位,显赫的地位,含有一定的幽默色彩.文章标题表面上用的是常用习语,其含蓄用意却回归在dizzy的本义上(指球员被撞晕),有一语双关之意. ------令人眩晕的校园篮球

Dizzy Heights of School Basketball 这个标题什么意思



two-great-basketball-players两个伟大的篮球运动员例句:1.Basketball players are back in the white house today. 篮球运动员们今天再次来到了白宫。2.The plan included the establishment of a joint-venture company with starbury corp. and wouldhave been a breakthrough in how chinese teams lure u.s. basketball players and how americanstars market themselves in the booming economy. 这个方案包括与starbury corp.组建一家合资公司,它不仅会成为中国球队招揽美国篮球运动员方式的一个突破,也会成为美国球星在繁荣兴旺的中国推销自己的全新途径。

tabaski造句 tabaskiの例文 "tabaski"是什麼意思

Laya was born in Tamou, Say Department, Niger, around the time of Tabaski in 1937. He also began acpanying the family of Niar? founders of Bamako, to the mosque for the Tabaski prayer. On hopdays ( Muhammad"s birthday and bapti *** , Ramadan, Tabaski ) women dance to drums in various pttle corners around town. The government observes the following repgious hopdays as national hopdays : the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad, Easter Monday, Assumption Day, Eid al-Fitr, Tabaski , and Christmas. The troops had not been paid for four months and were under pressure to buy sheep for their famipes for Tabaski , as the Muspm hopday celebrating Abraham"s test of faith is called here. In Djenne, Papn talks to a local man whose nickname is Pigmy and experiences the Muspm Tabaski ritual of slaughtering a sheep, first at the huge mosque and later at Pigmy"s house. Contrary to his usual practice, Cont?did not appear on television to mark Tabaski earper in December 2008, and this sparked renewed speculation, as well as concern about the possibipty of violence in the event of his death. The suspect, Moustapha L? pointed his pistol towards the President after he had participated in the sermon of Tabaski , but the gun executed on 15 June 1967, even though it remained unclear if he had actually wanted to kill Senghor. National hopdays include the Christian holy days of Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Assumption Day, All Saints"Day, and Christmas; the Islamic holy days of Ramadan, Tabaski , and the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad; and the indigenous celebration of Traditional Repgions hopday. It"s difficult to find tabaski in a sentence. 用 tabaski 造句挺难的

Shoot hoops与play basketball的区别?

你好,shoot hoops 这个表达很直接形象, shoot 在这里指“射中”,hoops指铁环,箍,shoot hoops就是“投篮”, 打篮球,非正式用语,更口语化。play basketball, 打篮球,口语和书面语都可以用请采纳,谢谢

篮球用英语怎么说 How to say basketball in English?


篮球用英语怎么说 How to say basketball in English?


单项选择 The children_playing basketball A.isB.wC.are?

The children_playing basketball A.isB.wC.are,选c

My father likes basketball加不加s



NBA是National Basketball Association的缩写,意思是“国家篮球协会”。

I hope to be a great basktall player like kobe when I grow up.什么意思



楼主是想问“baseball”还是“basketball”?baseball ["beisbu0254:l] n. 棒球;棒球运动basketball ["bɑ:skitbu0254:l] n. 篮球;篮球运动


篮球运动; 篮球; [例句]Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey.瓦莱丽在排球、篮球和曲棍球三个项目上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。


1.when he will visit his uncle?2.My faterh don"t like watch basketball match TV.3.where he come from?4.Is it she angry with her friend?5.Why do I collect toys?没问题:No problem!

he has a _ (bask).he should have a good rest

括号内的单词应该是back吧?He has a (backache). He should have a good rest答案:backache译文:他背痛。他应该好好休息一下。



she plays __a team. B.of C.on There__a bask tball game last Sunday. B.were C.was I ha


bask in the sun是什么意思





Basketball 拔丝k特搏 乡村英语

Bask 中文意思是什么

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