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the drunken whaler歌词

2023-06-07 09:39:12

The Drunken Whaler{喝醉的捕鲸者}

What will we do with a drunken whaler? x3


early in the morning


Weigh heigh and up she rises x3


early in the morning


Stuff him in a sack and throw him over x3


early in the morning


Feed him to the hungry rats for dinner x3


early in the morning


Weigh heigh and up she rises x3


early in the morning


shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol x3


early in the morning

Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver x3


early in the morning


Weigh heigh and up she rises x3


early in the morning



drunk , drunken有什么区别

drunk 是drink的过去分词drunken意思是喝醉的
2023-06-07 08:33:155


醉酒的 我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-07 08:34:122


He is drunk.他喝醉了a drunken man醉鬼
2023-06-07 08:34:553


2023-06-07 08:35:112


drunk读音:英 [dru028cu014bk]美 [dru028cu014bk]。    adj. 醉酒的;陶醉的。n. 醉鬼;醉酒。动词drink的过去分词形式。He was obviously drunk.他显然是醉了。The drunk man lost his pouch in the bar.那个喝醉了的人在酒吧里丢失了钱袋。辨析:drunk, drunkendrunk和drunken都是drink的过去分词形式。其区别是:1.drunk可以用作表语, drunken只用作定语; 在当代英语中, drunk也可用作定语。2.drunk作定语的意思是“偶尔喝醉的”; 而drunken则指“经常喝醉的”。试比较:What shall we do with the drunk sailor?我们拿这个喝醉的水手怎么办?The drunken old man retold the tales of his youth.那个醉醺醺的老人又向人们讲起了他 年轻时的故事。
2023-06-07 08:35:381


2023-06-07 08:35:522


2023-06-07 08:36:323


2023-06-07 08:36:564


Who Am I
2023-06-07 08:37:047


  酒精中毒俗称醉酒,指一次饮大量酒精后发生的机体机能异常状态,对神经系统和肝脏伤害最严重。喝太多酒对身体是不好的,因此每次喝酒都要适量,尽量避免醉酒。那么你想知道醉酒用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来醉酒的英语说法和例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   醉酒的英语说法1:   drunk   英 [dru028cu014bk] 美 [dru028cu014bk]   醉酒的英语说法2:   drunkenness   英 [u02c8dru028cu014bku0259nnu026as] 美 [u02c8dru028cu014bku0259nnu026as]   醉酒的英语说法3:   temulentia[医]   醉酒相关英语表达:   病态醉酒 pathological drunkenness   醉酒后 after drunk   醉酒后遗症 Alcohol Visual   严重醉酒 heavily drunk   醉酒度 drunken degree   醉酒英语说法例句:   喝醉了酒醉酒,尤指酒精导致   Intoxicated, especially with alcohol.   这一事故可以作为醉酒驾驶危害的实际教训。   Let this accident be an object lesson in the dangers of drinking and driving.   他因醉酒开车被罚款。   He was fined for driving while intoxicated.   所有那些你醉酒的照片u2026u2026   All those drunken pics of you...   被调查的人中又有一半认为应像对待醉酒驾车一样进行严厉惩罚。   Half of those surveyed say that the penalty should be as severe as that fordrunk driving.   前几天我和雪莉阿姨一起看了“贵妃醉酒”。   I watched the “Drunken Beauty” with Aunt Shirley days ago.   还有一两个晚上她打来电话,我要把醉酒滋事入狱的她保释出来。   One or two nights she phoned and I had to bail her out of jail fordrunkenness and fighting.   仍是车辆!开车时发短信是一种新的醉酒驾车。不要允许这样做。   And again! Texting while driving is the new drunk driving. Do not allow it.   他们无光,在黑暗中摸索,又使他们东倒西歪,像醉酒的人一样。   They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like adrunken man.   又是与醉酒的人。   Again with the drunk people.   尽管这是条真理,许多人并没有真的意识到不能在醉酒的时候驾驶任何东西。   True as this statement is, many people don"t realize that they shouldn"t bedriving anything when drunk.   怀特塞德博士发现,当大陆割裂熔岩开始涌出时,碳同位素比率就像醉酒水手一样偏离航线。   Dr Whiteside found the ratio yawed around like a drunken sailor as thecontinents split apart and the lava started pouring out.   他指出,酗酒者也有大脑异常,如果他们醉酒后驾车撞死人 ,我们是否放了他们?   He notes that alcoholics have brain abnormalities. Do we give them a pass ifthey kill someone while driving drunk?   现在,对于醉酒驾驶的惩罚只是简单的罚金。   Right now, the punishment for drunk driving may simply be a fine.   如果机械皮肤能够探测疾病、醉酒或者有毒化学品并向人们发出警告,甚至将超级柔韧并可感知最轻的轻触,那将会怎样?   What if robotic skin could detect and alert people of illness, drunkenness ortoxic chemicals, and on top of that would be super flexible and sense thelightest of light touches?   青少年一旦喝醉,通宵醉酒的影响在宿醉反应消失之后可能会长时间存在。   For teenagers, the effects of a drunken night out may linger long after thehangover wears off.   醉酒也同样会带来暴力,意外怀孕和关系破裂。   The drunkenness can also fuel violence, unplanned pregnancies andrelationship breakdowns.   在英国,在酒吧或是俱乐部醉酒是违法的。   In Britain, getting drunk in pubs or clubs is illegal.   就当克莱拉准备退休的时候,她的女儿洛林看到一个酗酒的妈妈,手里还抱着一个孩子,她就告诉这个醉酒妈妈去找克莱拉帮忙。   Just about when Clara was ready to retire from fostering children in herhome, her daughter Lorraine saw a drunk mother with a child and told thedrunk mother to go to Clara for help.   法国和英国警方展开的大规模调查得出结论称,戴妃的死是司机超速引起的不幸事故,调查发现该司机是醉酒驾驶。   Major investigations by French and British police have concluded the deathswere a tragic accident caused by a speeding chauffeur , who was found tobe drunk.   开车时发短信是一种新的醉酒驾车。   Texting while driving is the new drunk driving.
2023-06-07 08:37:181

Drunken Sailor 歌词

  歌曲名:《Drunken Sailor》  歌手:The Malarkey Brothers  词曲:The Malarkey Brothers  专辑:《Get Your Irish Up!》  歌词:  What will we do with a drunken sailor?  What will we do with a drunken sailor?  What will we do with a drunken sailor?  Early in the morning!  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Early in the morning!  Shave his belly with a rusty razor,  Shave his belly with a rusty razor,  Shave his belly with a rusty razor,  Early in the morning!  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Early in the morning!  Put him in a long boat till his sober,  Put him in a long boat till his sober,  Put him in a long boat till his sober,  Early in the morning!  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Early in the morning!  Stick him in a barrel with a hosepipe on him,  Stick him in a barrel with a hosepipe on him,  Stick him in a barrel with a hosepipe on him,  Early in the morning!  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Early in the morning!  Put him in the bed with the captains daughter,  Put him in the bed with the captains daughter,  Put him in the bed with the captains daughter,  Early in the morning!  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Early in the morning!  That"s what we do with a drunken sailor,  That"s what we do with a drunken sailor,  That"s what we do with a drunken sailor,  Early in the morning!  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Early in the morning!  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Way hay and up she rises,  Early in the morning!
2023-06-07 08:37:312


  中国的翻译很害人,“醉虎”的本名叫Drunken tiger  是Tiger JK为中心,集合嘻哈界优秀艺人参与形成的“Tiger家族”或者也可以称之为一个嘻哈共同体。  成员Tiger JK  本名:徐正权  生日:1974年6月11日  所属公司:Jungle Entertainment  学历:UCLA  家庭成员:父亲音乐评论家徐炳厚、妻子尹美莱、儿子徐曹丹  成员:DJ Shine 2005年退出。  1992年,美国LA黑人暴动时期,通过LA一个Hip Hop盛典出道的韩国说唱歌手 Tiger JK(徐正权)开始了Drunken Tiger的纪元 。Drunken Tiger的中心人物Tiger JK在读美国高中时期就显示出了非凡的说唱实力,包括在当地Hip Hop电视节目及大大小小的舞台上,Tiger JK迅速成长为代表韩国的优秀说唱歌手。  1999年的Drunken Tiger是由Tiger JK和DJ Shine组成的双人组合。  2000年,第二张专辑起有DJ James JHIG加入,另外很早就想与Tiger JK合作的国外艺人Roscoe Umali和Micki Eyes也加入了Drunken Tiger中来。就这样,DJ Jame JHIG、Roscoe Umali、Micki Eyes一直活动到Drunken Tiger第四张专辑(2003年),后来因为各自的原因没有再参与到Drunken Tiger第四张专辑后的活动。  发行第五张专辑的时候Drunken Tiger只剩下Tiger JK和DJ Shine,不过当时因为DJ Shine的个人原因,DJ Shine只参与了一首歌曲,这张专辑几乎是JK一人来完成,说这张专辑是JK的个人专辑也不为过。当时曾传Drunken Tiger内部不和,但DJ Shine很快在个人主页上公开表明与JK的友情从未变过。不过2005年发行第六张专辑前DJ Shine还是突然退出了Drunken Tiger,从第六张开始Tiger JK成为了个人歌手,并在2007年发行了第7张专辑。
2023-06-07 08:37:401

请造句举例lit与lighted;drunk与drunken;melted与molten;striken与 struck的区别

做动词light的过去式、过去分词时没区别。lighted还可以做定语/形容词,如lighted candledrunk既可做定语又可做表语;而drunken只做定语molten也可以作动词,熔化的意思,但是现代英语中不常用了,molten偏重于熔化的,熔解的(通过人为加热促成的),所以molten作为形容词还有热的; 炽烈的的意思,melted则应用范围更广,冰的融化,粮的溶解,都可以适用struck(动词过去式)---- striken(过去分词)打, 击
2023-06-07 08:37:481


2023-06-07 08:37:564

禁止酒后驾车是不是no drunken driving?

不对啊,你这drunken 时态不对!No drunk driving
2023-06-07 08:38:353


记住两个词 顶端表 长钉 顶端表指 “定 短 表”意思是短的那个单词drunk既可做定语又可做表语 长钉指“长 定 ”意思是长的那个drunken只做定语
2023-06-07 08:38:471


现在式: must drink现在完成式:must have drunk He must drink a lot. 他一定(要)喝很多。He must have drunk a lot. 他一定是(已经)喝了很多。【所以有前一句的铺垫:看看他那通红的脸。】
2023-06-07 08:39:115

Drunken Tiger个人资料 韩国的

Drunken Tiger(930853533377)是一个美籍韩国人Hip-hop组合。由Tiger JK和DJ Shine创立,当时他们二人分别在洛杉机(UCLA)和纽约州(纽约州州立大学)求学中。其后DJ James Jhig、Micki Eyez和Roscoe Umali亦相继加入这个组合。 现时他们总共推出过六张唱片,分别为: 《Year of the Tiger》 (1998年): 主打歌:"I Want You", "Do You Know Hiphop?" 《The Great Rebirth》(2000年): 主打歌:"Great Rebirth", "Wolf and Fox" 《The Legend Of...》(2001年): 主打歌:"Good Life", "Is Ack Hizay?" 《Foundation》(2003年): 主打歌:"Because I"m A Man", "Thumb" 《One is not a Lonely Word》(2004年): 主打歌:"Liquor Shots" 《1945 Liberation》(2005年): 主打歌:"Isolated Ones, Left Foot Forward!" 《Sky is the Limit》(2007年): 主打歌:"8:45 Heaven" 此外,他们亦曾为韩国的电视游戏《Dance Dance Revolution》创作音轨《Pump It Up》。
2023-06-07 08:39:271

这次事故(accident)给了他一个教训,从那以后他再也不会酒后驾车了。(teach someone a lesson)

this accident taught him a lesson, so from then on, he didn"t dare to drink and drive again.
2023-06-07 08:39:354


Liquor-Saturated Chicken Drunken chicken(chicken cooked in wine)
2023-06-07 08:39:433

求一篇关于酒后驾车的英语作文 150字左右

2023-06-07 08:40:083


drunken和drunk区别是:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同drunk:英 [dru028cu014bk]     美 [dru028cu014bk]。    drunken:英 ["dru028cu014bku0259n]     美 ["dru028cu014bku0259n]。    2、意思不同drunk:adj. 醉酒的;陶醉的;n. 醉鬼;醉酒;动词drink的过去分词形式。drunken:adj. 常醉的;喝醉的。3、用法不同drunken只作形容词,含义为“醉的”、“酗酒的”、“酒醉引起的”,在句中只作定语;drunk可作名词、动词和形容词,含义为“沉醉”、“陶醉”、“飘飘然”、“酗酒者”、“喝酒”。Several drunks lay on the floor.好几个醉汉躺在地板上。His drunken habits made a beast of him.他宿醉的习惯使他像个野兽。
2023-06-07 08:40:272

drunk drunken用法上有什么区别吗?

drunk 和 drunken 的区别 drunken只能作定语 ▲drunken只能作定语,不能作表语 a drunken sailor醉酒的水兵 drunken words酒后之言 a drunken quarrel酒后争吵
2023-06-07 08:40:482

drunk , drunken有什么区别

一、在句子中的用法不同1、drunk:可以用作表语,在当代英语中, drunk也可用作定语。2、drunken:drunken只用作定语。二、作定语时的意思不同1、drunk:偶尔喝醉的。2、drunken:经常喝醉的。三、释义不同1、drunk:基本意思是指受酒精影响而醉,一般表示一次性的“醉”,不指逢酒必喝,逢喝必多的习惯。另外,它还可引申指为美好的事物而“陶醉”。2、drunken:基本意思是指受酒精影响而喝醉,指常常喝醉。四、词性不同1、drunk:形容词、名词词性。2、drunken:仅形容词词性。
2023-06-07 08:41:101

drunk drunken用法上有什么区别吗?

一、在句子中的用法不同1、drunk:可以用作表语,在当代英语中, drunk也可用作定语。2、drunken:drunken只用作定语。二、作定语时的意思不同1、drunk:偶尔喝醉的。2、drunken:经常喝醉的。三、释义不同1、drunk:基本意思是指受酒精影响而醉,一般表示一次性的“醉”,不指逢酒必喝,逢喝必多的习惯。另外,它还可引申指为美好的事物而“陶醉”。2、drunken:基本意思是指受酒精影响而喝醉,指常常喝醉。四、词性不同1、drunk:形容词、名词词性。2、drunken:仅形容词词性。
2023-06-07 08:41:241

drunk drunken用法上有什么区别吗?

drunk 和 drunken 的区别 drunken只能作定语 ▲drunken只能作定语,不能作表语 a drunken sailor醉酒的水兵 drunken words酒后之言 a drunken quarrel酒后争吵
2023-06-07 08:41:412


drunken只能作定语 ▲drunken只能作定语,不能作表语 a drunken sailor醉酒的水兵 drunken words酒后之言 a drunken quarrel酒后争吵
2023-06-07 08:41:562


问题一:“沉醉”的英语怎么拼? 沉醉 [chén zuì] 基本翻译 drunkenness ebrietas alcoholic intoxication 问题二:你的眼神如此清澈,让我深深沉醉英文怎么说? Your eyes are crystal clear and seemingly attractive to me. 问题三:沉醉英语翻译 单词 drunken 问题四:给我些酒,,让我沉醉 英文怎么说 Give me some wine, let me indulge
2023-06-07 08:42:101

you are drunk 是什么结构?是什么时态?drunk 是什么词性?

2023-06-07 08:42:197


2023-06-07 08:43:132


drink juice
2023-06-07 08:43:325


2023-06-07 08:43:486


drunken["dru028cu014bku0259n] adj. 常醉的,喝醉的,常作定语,修饰名词The police are tightening up on drunken driving.警方目前采取严厉手段对付醉酒驾车行为。The drunken man was a dead weight in my arms.这个醉汉在我怀里死沉。Every year at Christmas drunken driving takes its toll.每年的圣诞节都有醉酒驾车的伤亡事故。drunk[dru028cu014bk] adj. 醉酒的,陶醉的 n. 醉鬼,醉酒 动词drink的过去分词形式He was obviously drunk.他显然是醉了。He"d drunk so much that he found it hard to remain perpendicular.他喝酒太多,简直站都站不直了。He must have drunk too much; when he tried to stand up, he keeled over.他肯定是喝多了,当他要站起来时,却摔倒在地上。
2023-06-07 08:44:171

Drunken Soldier 歌词

歌曲名:Drunken Soldier歌手:Dave Matthews Band专辑:Away from the WorldDave Matthews Band - Drunken Soldier.Keep your head upTry and listen to your heartBe kind always, no matterWe all grow upAnd someday we""ll say goodbyeSo shine your light while you got one.Make the most of what you""ve gotDon""t waste time being trying to be something you""re notFill up your head, fill up your heart and take your shotDon""t waste time trying to be something you""re not.Once found just once so take your shotDon""t waste time trying to be something you""re notFill up your head, fill up your heart cause that""s all we gotDon""t waste time trying to be something you""re not.Through your windowThat""s one way to see the worldStep outside and look back intoLook and listenAnd you decide what to believeShine your light while you got one.And make the most of what you gotDon""t waste time trying to be something you""re notFill up your head, fill up your heart and take your shotDon""t waste time trying to be someone you""re not.That""s not a star, that""s a satelliteStep it out, step it out.That""s not a star, that""s a satellite.
2023-06-07 08:44:251

drink的用法drink 一般是可数名词还是不

2023-06-07 08:44:493


drink--drank--drunk--drinking及物动词 vt.1.饮,喝A horse is drinking water in the stream.马在溪中饮水.2.举杯祝贺We all drank his good luck.我们举杯祝贺他的好运.3.喝酒喝得[O]He drank himself sick.他喝酒...
2023-06-07 08:45:041

drink是什么意思 drink的用法

1、drink作名词是饮料的意思,作动词是喝的意思。 2、drink的用法: (1)表示饮料,尤其是表示饮料的“一种”“一杯”“一份”“一口”时,通常是可数名词。如:Would you like a drink?——请您喝一杯好吗? (2)表示“饮酒”,通常是不可数名词。如:He is too fond of drink.——他太喜欢饮酒了。 (3)用作动词,表示“喝”,主要用于直接用口(不是用匙子)喝饮料(如water、milk、beer、coffee、tea等)的场合。如:Drink up your milk!——把你的牛奶喝完! (4)汉语里的“喝酒”,在英语里通常用drink即可。如:She doesnt smoke or drink.——她不抽烟也不喝酒。
2023-06-07 08:46:321


2023-06-07 08:46:502

drink是什么意思 drink的用法

1、drink作名词是饮料的意思,作动词是喝的意思。 2、drink的用法: (1)表示饮料,尤其是表示饮料的“一种”“一杯”“一份”“一口”时,通常是可数名词。如:Would you like a drink?——请您喝一杯好吗? (2)表示“饮酒”,通常是不可数名词。如:He is too fond of drink.——他太喜欢饮酒了。 (3)用作动词,表示“喝”,主要用于直接用口(不是用匙子)喝饮料(如water、milk、beer、coffee、tea等)的场合。如:Drink up your milk!——把你的牛奶喝完! (4)汉语里的“喝酒”,在英语里通常用drink即可。如:She doesnt smoke or drink.——她不抽烟也不喝酒。
2023-06-07 08:47:121


drink[英][dru026au014bk] [美][dru026au014bk] 生词本简明释义vt.& vi.喝(酒);饮;喝酒;(尤指)酗酒vt.吸收,吸入n.酒,饮料;酒宴;一杯或一份酒复数:drinks第三人称单数:drinks过去式:drank过去分词:drunk现在分词:drinking以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.VERB喝;饮When you drink a liquid, you take it into your mouth and swallow it. He drank his cup of tea...他喝他的那杯茶。They"d stopped drinking beer and started on tequila...他们已经不喝啤酒了,开始喝龙舌兰酒了。
2023-06-07 08:47:331


2023-06-07 08:47:571

Drunken concubine怎么读

2023-06-07 08:48:053


drunken 喝醉了drink too much喝多了
2023-06-07 08:48:394


喝 饮请采纳
2023-06-07 08:48:534


drink作为名词时,从含义的角度来说,主要有三类:第一就是“饮料”的意思;第二就是“酒”的意思;第三则是“喝酒”的意思。表示“饮料”时,drink的用法:1. drink如果视为物质名词,为不可数;尤其适用于food and drink这一搭配中。例句:Provide food and drink, or meet in a restaurant.提供食物和饮料,或者在一个饭店开会。What food and drink would you take to have an extra special picnic?如果你要组织一次格外特别的野餐,你都需要准备哪些食物和饮品呢?注意事项:drink如果单单强调种类,则为可数名词。例句:Some drinks prepare appetite for dinners.有些饮料可使人在饭前开胃。2. drink如果表示“一杯饮料”或者“一份饮料”等,则为可数。例句:However, drinking more than three drinks a day has been found to have a direct and damaging effect on the heart.但是,倘若每天的饮酒量超过三杯,就会对心脏造成直接的负面影响。
2023-06-07 08:49:191


drink英 [dru026au014bk]美 [dru026au014bk]n. 酒,饮料;喝酒vt. 喝,饮;吸收;举杯庆贺vi. 喝酒;饮水;干杯[网络短语] Drink 饮料,饮料,喝酒soft drink 汽水,软性饮料,软饮料energy drink 机能性饮料,能量饮料,激能饮料
2023-06-07 08:49:421

Drunken Sailor (Dronken Zeeman) 歌词

歌曲名:Drunken Sailor (Dronken Zeeman)歌手:Sanne (Sandra Denotté)专辑:Cowboy S SweetheartDrunken SailorIrish RoversWhat will we do with a drunken sailor?What will we do with a drunken sailor?What will we do with a drunken sailor?Early in the morning!Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Early in the morning!Shave his belly with a rusty razor,Shave his belly with a rusty razor,Shave his belly with a rusty razor,Early in the morning!Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Early in the morning!Put him in a long boat till his sober,Put him in a long boat till his sober,Put him in a long boat till his sober,Early in the morning!Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Early in the morning!Stick him in a barrel with a hosepipe on him,Stick him in a barrel with a hosepipe on him,Stick him in a barrel with a hosepipe on him,Early in the morning!Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Early in the morning!Put him in the bed with the captains daughter,Put him in the bed with the captains daughter,Put him in the bed with the captains daughter,Early in the morning!Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Early in the morning!That"s what we do with a drunken sailor,That"s what we do with a drunken sailor,That"s what we do with a drunken sailor,Early in the morning!Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Early in the morning!Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Way hay and up she rises,Early in the morning!
2023-06-07 08:49:551


2023-06-07 08:50:103

the book is written by......

is 被动语态,不是过去时
2023-06-07 08:50:172


Drunk driving
2023-06-07 08:50:263