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whale [hweil] 字母“wh”发【hw】这个音






whale [weu026al]a [eu026a]







whale 英[weu026al] 美[hwel, wel] n. [动] 鲸,鲸鱼; 巨大的事物; v. 捕鲸; 击打,猛击; [例句]I had a whale of a time in Birmingham.我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光。[其他] 第三人称单数:whales 复数:whales 现在分词:whaling 过去式:whaled过去分词:whaled


whale [hweɪl /weɪl]n. 鲸v. 捕鲸


1. A whale is a kind of mammal.鲸是一种哺乳动物。


pod与whale的关系就是氏族与成员的关系。如:whaleK18 Kiska 推算出生于1948年,是一头年龄很大的雌鲸,1999年已经约51岁了,在南居留鲸K Pod(氏族)里应该算是德高望重,地位显赫。并且在几周前曾经发现K Pod氏族中有成年雌性虎鲸带着死去的新生幼鲸尸体游动,虽然当时未能确认母鲸身份,但这可能是K18 Kiska想要抚养新生幼鲸L98的原因之一。whale鲸鱼pod氏族1999年9月26日,L Pod和K Pod两个氏族同行,L67 Splash给L98喂奶之后,仍旧与K Pod氏族成员们在一起,当时至少有四名K Pod氏族成员与L67 Splash和L98一起游动。第二天,1999年9月27日,人们看到L98先是和K18 Kiska单独在一起游动,然后又游回L67 plash身边,在此期间L98被多头成年虎鲸托举起来推来推的。之后的几天,Jpod、Kpod、Lpod的许多成员都混聚在一起,形成一个大群体,L98、K18和L67都聚在这个大群体之中。

cetacean 和 whale 的区别?

cetacean指鲸科动物 包括鲸和海豚cetacean [si"teiu0283ju0259n]n.【脊椎动物】鲸目 (Cetacea) 哺乳动物(如海豚、鲸等)——21世纪大英汉词典whale单指鲸


whale和whole的发音不一样的。whale的汉语谐音是 微偶英 [weɪl] 美 [hwel, wel] n.[动]鲸,鲸鱼; 巨大的事物v.捕鲸; 击打,猛击whole的汉语谐音是 后英 [həʊl] 美 [hoʊl] adj.完整的; 全部的,所有的n.全部; 整体,整个


whale软件可以使用的Whale浏览器是LG与韩国搜索引擎服务商Naver共同开发的一款双屏浏览器,可以让使用者充分利用双屏提升效率,最新版软件功能 强大的图片文字识别和翻译功能,可以识别图片中的文字进行翻译。




whale读音:whale。whale 英 [weu026al]     美 [weu026al]    n. 鲸;vi. 捕鲸;v. 打击。The whale thrashed the water with its tail.那条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。The blue whale is the world"s largest living animal.蓝鲸是当今最大的动物。近义词:cetacean 英 [su026a"teu026au0283n]     美 [su026a"teu026au0283n]    n. 鲸类动物。adj. 鲸的;鲸类的。The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean .人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。


whale [weu026al]n.[动]鲸,鲸鱼; 巨大的事物;v.捕鲸; 击打,猛击;




Whale是英语中的一个单词,意思是鲸。鲸是一种大型的海洋哺乳动物,是世界上最大的动物之一。Whale这个单词在英语中还有一些其他的用法,比如:Whale也可以用作动词,意思是猛击或猛攻。例如:The storm whaled the coast with heavy waves.(暴风雨用猛烈的海浪袭击了海岸。)Whale还可以用作名词,意思是大型的、强壮的人。例如:He"s a real whale of a guy.(他是一个真正的强壮的人。)除了Whale之外,英语中还有很多其他的动物单词,下面是一些常见的动物单词及其用法:Cat:猫。例如:I have a cat named Tom.(我有一只名叫汤姆的猫。)Dog:狗。例如:My dog is very friendly.(我的狗很友好。)Elephant:大象。例如:Elephants are the largest land animals.(大象是最大的陆地动物。)Giraffe:长颈鹿。例如:Giraffes have long necks and legs.(长颈鹿有长长的脖子和腿。)Lion:狮子。例如:Lions are the kings of the jungle.(狮子是丛林之王。)Monkey:猴子。例如:Monkeys are very intelligent animals.(猴子是非常聪明的动物。)Panda:熊猫。例如:Pandas are native to China.(熊猫是中国的特有物种。)


鲸鱼 英文 应该怎么说呢?「鲸鱼」的英文叫做whale,就是那种头顶上会喷水的大型海洋生物,whale的词性则为名词。 下面整理了「鲸鱼」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. whale 鲸鱼 「鲸鱼」的英文是whale,whale的中文意思就是指「鲸鱼」。 例: The blue whale is the largest living thing on the pla. 蓝鲸是地球上最大的生物。 例: A whale is a fish. True or false? 鲸鱼是鱼。 对或错? whale, whale 中文, whale 中文意思, whale 中文的意思, whale 中文解释, whale 意思, whale 用法, whale 翻译, 英文 whale, 英文 鲸鱼, 鲸鱼 英文, 鲸鱼 英文怎么说, 鲸鱼的英文


whale,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为“鲸;巨大的东西”。短语搭配pilot whale[脊椎]领航鲸 ; 巨头鲸 ; 导航鲸 ; 逆戟鲸fin whale长须鲸 ; 鳍鲸sei whale塞鲸 ; 鳕鲸 ; 英文名 ; 日:一头大须鲸All species are guardians of the land, whether they be human, plant, animal, mineral, dolphin or whale.所有物种都是大地的守护者,不管是人类、植物、动物、矿石,还是海豚鲸鱼。So whale come out fish, because they are fish obviously.所以鲸鱼就是鱼,因为他们显然是鱼。They do not have a set migration pattern, unlike some other whale species - which raises questions about how they may adapt in future, if the projected declines in summer Arctic sea ice materialise.它们没有一套迁徙的模式,不像其他的鲸类――假如夏季北极海冰像预计那样减少而成为现实的话,这就引起了关于它们如何适应未来的问题。

请用5个英文字母来说动物 越多越好 不能有我用的 whale,tiger,panda,cobra,zebra,shark.下面该你们了


Whale的《Smoke》 歌词

歌曲名:Smoke歌手:Whale专辑:All Disco Dance Must End In Broken BonesArtist: Natalie ImbrugliaAlbum : Left Of The Middle (1998)Song : SmokeMy lullaby,hung out to dryWhat"s up with thatIt"s overWhere are you dadMum"s lookin" sadWhat"s up with thatIt"s dark in hereWhy bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is believingI used toMy mouth is dryForgot how to cryWhat"s up with thatYou"re hurting meI"m running fastCan"t hide the pastWhat"s up with thatYou"re pushing meWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is believingI used toI used toWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is breathingI saw you crawling on the floorWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is breathingI saw you crawling to the doorWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is breathingI saw you falling on the floorhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2687102





sperm whale怎么读

sperm whale 英[spu025c:m hweil]美[spu0259:m hwel]n. 抹香鲸名词复数:sperm whales[例句]A female sperm whale feeds on a giant squid off the japanese islands of ogasawara.在日本小笠原群岛,一头母抹香鲸以巨型乌贼为食。

killer whale怎么读

killer whale[英][u02c8ku026alu0259 hweil] [美][u02c8ku026alu025a hwel] 生词本简明释义n.逆戟鲸,虎鲸复数:killer whales以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNT逆戟鲸;虎鲸;杀人鲸A killer whale is a type of black and white whale.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句The most ferocious sea creatures bow killer whale statue.海中生物最凶猛的虎鲸的船首雕像。

killer whale怎么读

killer whale[英][u02c8ku026alu0259 hweil] [美][u02c8ku026alu025a hwel] 生词本 简明释义 n.逆戟鲸,虎鲸 复数:killer whales 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 1.N-COUNT逆戟鲸;虎鲸;杀人鲸A killer whale is a type of black and white whale. 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 例句 The most ferocious sea creatures bow killer whale statue. 海中生物最凶猛的虎鲸的船首雕像.

what whose white whale的读音区别

what 英[wɒt] 美[wɑ:t],读作“沃特”;whose 英[hu:z] 美[huz],读作“户日”;white 英[waɪt] 美[hwaɪt, waɪt],读作“外特”;whale 英[weɪl] 美[hwel, wel],读作“未偶”。

sperm whale怎么读

sperm whale[英][spu025c:m hweil][美][spu0259:m hwel]n.抹香鲸; 复数:sperm whales例句:1.A female sperm whale feeds on a giant squid off the japanese islands ofogasawara. 在日本小笠原群岛,一头母抹香鲸以巨型乌贼为食。2.This new species of hydatinid gastropod was discovered from a sperm whalecarcass in the deep sea. 这个泡螺科腹足类新物种是在深海抹香鲸的尸体中被发现的。3.So they can see a sperm whale in time to escape its gaping jaws, researchersreport online today in current biology. 研究者日前在当代生物学中在线发表了自己的研究成果,它巨大的眼睛是为了及时看到抹香鲸,顺利逃脱鲸的血盆大口。4.The sperm whale feeds on squid. 巨头鲸靠吃鱿鱼为生。5.The achievement goes not to the elephant, the hippopotamus or even themighty sperm whale. 这项成就的获得者不是大象、河马或者拥有强大精子的鲸鱼。

sperm whale怎么读

sperm whale[英][spu025c:m hweil] [美][spu0259:m hwel] 生词本简明释义n.抹香鲸复数:sperm whales以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.N-COUNT抹香鲸A sperm whale is a large whale with a large head that has a section in it which contains oil.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句Same result as sperm whale vs orca.

whale fall汉语怎么读

Whale Fall 鲸落; [例句]This photo shows a bowhead whale that was harpooned during the whale fallmigration to their winter grounds.这张照片展示的是一头在鲸类前往其冬季栖息地的秋季迁徙中被捕获的弓头鲸。

what whose white whale的读音一样吗?






whale what 都读什么

whale [hweil] 音:喂哦what [hw00t, hw05t, 弱hw05t] 音:沃特,喔特,瓦特(这个是美式发音,前俩是英式)







whale wheel whole这个单词前面的wh读法一样吗?

whale [weɪl]wheel [wiːl]whole [həʊl]whole发音不同

wheel与whale 的区别

区别是意思相差很大。wheel 英[wi:l] 美[wi:l] n. 轮子; 旋转; Wheels 汽车; 有…轮子的汽车(或自行车等); vi. 转动,旋转; 突然转变方向; vt. 推; 拉(车); 使变换方向; (使) 迅速转身; [例句]The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil on the road.路面上有些油,汽车车轮经过时直打滑。whale 英[weu026al] 美[hwel, wel] n. [动] 鲸,鲸鱼; 巨大的事物; v. 捕鲸; 击打,猛击; [例句]I had a whale of a time in Birmingham.我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光。

what do whales feel 答案

R11.FALSE2.FALSE3.TRUE4.TRUE5.FALSE6.NOT GIVEN7.TRUE8.NOT GIVEN9.M10.E11.G12.P13.J14.BR215.taste buds16.baleen/the baleen whales17.IN EITHER ORDER, BOTH REQUIRED FOR ONE MARK forward downward18.freshwater dolphin(s)/the freshwater dophin(s)19.water/the water20.lower frequencies/ the lower frequencies21.IN EITHER ORDER, BOTH REQUIRED FOR ONE MARK bowhead humpback22.touch/sense of touch23.freshwater dolpin(s)/the freshwater dolphin(s)24.airborne flying fish25.clear water(s)/clear open water(s)26.acoustic sense/the acoustic senseR327.C28.C29.A30.E31.C32.A33.pairs34.shapes35.sighted36.sighted37.deep38.blind39.similar40.B参考资料: 剑桥雅思真题答案

Whale的《No Better》 歌词

歌曲名:No Better歌手:Whale专辑:All Disco Dance Must End In Broken BonesSherwood - No BetterI could"ve seen it all coming I guessI"m sleeping out on the couchYou in your half of the bedAnd every detail will swim in my mindThe tap of his shoesThe clock clicking the time, oh ohThe tile is cold and the bathroom sinkWill split the days of the weekbetween your father and meThe words burn clmbing up my throatCraving some better place to goSo this is how every family isYou"ll make some dinner then you"ll stay with a friendA black cloud hangs over our houseYou"re no better, I know you"re no better than thisSo give up and let it rain downYou"re no better, I know you"re no better than thisI"m so tired I can hardly make a fistThe whole room is a thirst without a fixA black cloud hangs over our houseYou"re no better, I know you"re no better than thisSo give up and let it rain downYou"re no better, I know you"re no betterAnd all your failed attempts are hanging over the edge of your father"s fenceAnd oh, you give up so we can fall downYou"re no better, you know you"re no better than himAnd all of your failed attempts are hanging over the edge of your father"s fenceAnd oh, you give up so we can fall downYou"re no better, you know you"re no better than himhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2686989

以to protect whales为题,写一篇英语作文

Nowadays, the whales is in danger. Bec ause many countries kill them for differe nt use, they are dying out. To protect ou r earth and ocean, especially the diversit y of creatures. we must realize that we s hould take effective measures to protect them. If the whales died out, it would ha ve an important influence on other anim als in the sea. Also, the environment will be changed. I sincerely hope that we ca n make our effort to save them!

the whale和whales的区别



whale/weIl[名] 鲸鱼


Whales are very huge animals that live in the sea.Most of them wear a blue coat and some kinds have teeth.Whales eat a lot of *** all fiah and other sea life so that they are so huge.They can jump high out of the water and sing songs. However,whales are in danger now.The main reason is that humans catch whales for meat,fat and oil and some of whale parts are sold to make things like candles and soap.Other problems including water pollution and weather conditions also cause the number of whales to reduce.Now,whales are already one of the endangered animals. In older to protect them,we should learn more about whales and stop putting rubbish into the sea.Government also should make rules on whale protection. Everyone should play a part in protecting whales and other endangered wild animals.


whale英[weu026al]美[hwel, wel]n.[动]鲸,鲸鱼;巨大的事物v.捕鲸;击打,猛击第三人称单数:whales;过去分词:whaled;名词复数:whales;现在分词:w...[例句]First , kerosene from petroleum replaced whale oil.首先,从原油提炼的煤油代替了鲸鱼油。




whale 英[weɪl] 美[hwel, wel] n. [动] 鲸,鲸鱼; 巨大的事物; v. 捕鲸; 击打,猛击; [例句]I had a whale of a time in Birmingham.我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光。[其他] 第三人称单数:whales 复数:whales 现在分词:whaling 过去式:whaled过去分词:whaled 中文谐音:喂尔





whales怎么读 whales英文解释

1、whales,读音:美/weu026alz/;英/weu026alz/。 2、释义:n.鲸鱼(whale 的复数)。v.(非正式)殴打;捕鲸(whale 的第三人称单数形式)。 3、例句:They were the walking whales.它们是行走的鲸鱼。


whale英 [weu026al]     美 [weu026al]     过去式: whaled过去分词: whaled现在分词: whaling第三人称单数: whales whale是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译: 基本释义n.鲸vi.捕鲸v.打击用作名词 (n.)We may live to see the extinction of the whale. 人类或许能亲眼见到鲸的灭绝。The whale thrashed the water with its tail. 那条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。用作动词 (v.)He used to whale me when he was sober and could get his hands on me. 他从前没喝醉的时候,只要能抓住我,总要打我一通。


whale [weil, hw-]vt.[美口]殴打, 猛击使遭惨败They whaled their rivals 20 to 0.他们以20比0大败他们的敌手。名词 n.1.鲸, 鲸鱼 The blue whale is the world"s largest living animal.蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。


whale[英][weu026al] [美][hwel, wel] 生词本简明释义n.[动]鲸,鲸鱼;巨大的事物v.捕鲸;击打,猛击复数:whales第三人称单数:whales过去式:whaled过去分词:whaled现在分词:whaling易混淆的单词:Whale以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 短语词组1.N-COUNT鲸Whales are very large mammals that live in the sea.2.PHRASE非常高兴;非常愉快If you say that someone is having a whale of a time, you mean that they are enjoying themselves very much. I had a whale of a time in Birmingham.我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光。


whale指的是鲸,是一种大型的海洋哺乳动物。下面我们来详细了解一下这个单词的用法、例句和与其类似的其他词汇。whale作为一个名词,用于指代鲸,通常用于描述这些大型海洋动物的特征、习性和分布情况。此外,它还可以用作动词,表示像鲸一样游泳和跃出水面。下面是一些使用whale的例句:The blue whale is the largest animal on earth.(蓝鲸是地球上最大的动物。)We were lucky enough to see a pod of whales during our whale watching trip.(我们在观鲸之旅中幸运地看到了一群鲸。)The humpback whale is known for its beautiful songs.(座头鲸以其美妙的歌声而闻名。)The killer whale is actually a type of dolphin.(虎鲸实际上是一种海豚。)whale与dolphin是两个容易混淆的词汇,因为它们都是海洋哺乳动物。然而,whale通常用于指代大型鲸类动物,而dolphin则用于指代较小的海豚类动物。此外,whale还可以与shark进行区分,shark是一种鱼类,不属于哺乳动物。总之,whale是一个用于指代大型鲸类动物的英语单词,它还可以用作动词,表示像鲸一样游泳和跃出水面。此外,还需要注意Whale与dolphin和shark之间的区别和辨析。希望本文对你了解这个单词有所帮助。

有关于 whale 英语作文





whale 英[weu026al] 美[hwel, wel] n. [动] 鲸,鲸鱼; 巨大的事物; v. 捕鲸; 击打,猛击; [网络] 鲸鱼; 惠尔; 蓝鲸; [例句]After the kill the men and old women collect in an open space and eat a meal ofwhale meat.捕杀过后,男人们和老年妇女们聚集到一片空地上吃了一顿鲸鱼肉。[其他] 第三人称单数:whales 复数:whales 现在分词:whaling 过去式:whaled过去分词:whaled octopus 英[u02c8u0252ktu0259pu0259s] 美[u02c8ɑ:ktu0259pu0259s] n. 章鱼; [网络] 花枝; 蛸; 史前大章鱼; [例句]And tried to feed me to a giant octopus.想把我喂给大章鱼吃。[其他] 复数:octopuses 形近词: octopod


  whales :  n. 鲸,鲸鱼( whale的名词复数 );  [网络] 鲸; 鲸类; 鲸鱼;  鲸是一种大型海洋动物,是人类共同所有的资源,不属于任何国家。  鲸生活在海洋中。鲸的表皮下有极厚的脂肪层,即鲸油,它可以使鲸体保持温暖,而且也能贮存能量以供应不时之需。由于鲸鱼体内拥有许多特殊的构造,使它能够长时间的在水中屏住呼吸、减缓心跳速度,因此当它沉到海底,总要经过一段长时间后才会再浮出水面。除了具有贮存氧气的构造外,当身体某个部位需要大量的血液供应时,体内会有集中供应的特殊机能。


胃哦 用汉语发音类似于这样


whales的意思是:鲸。whales是whale的第三人称单数和复数。鲸类的拉丁学名是由希腊语中的“海怪”一词衍生的,由此可见古人对这类栖息在海洋中的庞然大物所具有的敬畏之情。其实,鲸类动物的体形差异很大,小型的体长只有1米左右,最大的则可达30米以上。它们中的大部分种类生活在海洋中,仅有少数种类栖息在淡水环境中,体形同鱼类十分相似,体形均呈流线型,适于游泳,所以俗称为鲸鱼,但这种相似只不过是生物演化上的一种趋同现象。因为鲸类动物具有胎生、哺乳、恒温和用肺呼吸等特点,与鱼类完全不同,因此属于哺乳动物。鲸鱼一分钟的心跳只有10次。双语例句:1、The whales were too close; this posed an immediate problem for my photography.鲸鱼离得太近,这成了我眼下拍摄面临的迫切问题。2、Experts are unable to explain why the whales beached themselves.专家们无法解释为什么这些鲸会搁浅在海滩上。3、The whales migrate some 6,000 miles to breed and calve in the warm lagoons.鲸会迁移6,000海里左右,到温暖的环礁湖生殖繁衍。4、Whales take twenty-four hours to copulate.鲸交配需要24小时。5、The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.对鲸的野蛮屠杀既不必要也不人道。

再教教我这个吧 Killer whales tend to wander in family clusters that hunt, play, and rest together.

Killer whales (that hunt, play, and rest together) tend to wander in family clusters.限制定语从句后置蓝海虎鲸一起捕猎,游玩和休闲,它们倾向于徜徉在家庭群中(群居动物)望采纳!


whale的a和parrot的a发音不一样whale是绝对开音节词元音字母a读字母表中的读音。parrot的a发音是短音 ae

Look at that blue whale.It ______ out of the water.怎么回答

is jumping


whale[英][weu026al][美][hwel, wel]n.[动]鲸,鲸鱼;巨大的事物v.捕鲸;击打,猛击复数: whales 第三人称单数: whales 过去式: whaled 过去分词: whaled 现在分词: whaling双语例句1.A whale is a fish. True or false?鲸鱼是鱼,对还是错?2.If you don"t eat less, you"ll end up looking like a whale!如果你不少吃些,你最终会使自己看起来像一条鲸鱼!3.The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale.渔叉深深地扎进鲸鱼体内。4.The blue whale is the world"s largest living animal.蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。5.They had a whale of a time at the funfair.他们在游乐场玩得很开心。


whale读音:whale。whale 英 [weu026al]     美 [weu026al]    n. 鲸;vi. 捕鲸;v. 打击。The whale thrashed the water with its tail.那条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。The blue whale is the world"s largest living animal.蓝鲸是当今最大的动物。近义词:cetacean 英 [su026a"teu026au0283n]     美 [su026a"teu026au0283n]    n. 鲸类动物。adj. 鲸的;鲸类的。The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean .人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。

whale 英文简介


有关whale的英文单词(越多越好) 各位 帮帮小弟吧

toothed whalesperm whale killer whalepilot whalebeluga whalebaleen whalesblue whalehumpback whalebowhead whaleminke whale

Bluewhale 作文

Blue whale Blue whale is the biggest animal in the world. A blue whale is bigger than a dinosaur,A blue whale can be more than thirty metres loog and weighs over 150 tons.Some whales have no teeth and eat large animals.Some whales have no teeth and eat only small fish and plants in water.A blue whale eats four tons of food each days. I like blue whale best.

blue whale 请问: blue whale的翻译是:

Blue Whale Blue Whale is the world"s largest mammals, the waters around the world"s oceans. It is up to 30 meters in length and weighing about 170 tons, a mouth can be opened to allow free access to 10 adults in width. Blue Whale my back was light blue, belly full of folds, with ocher color macula. It is a broad flat tail flat, the freedom and flexibility to be able to swing in water, is the driving force, but also plays a role in the rudder, speed of up to 27 km. Blue whale predation way as "eat-type", the main food is shrimp, jellyfish, diatoms and other plankton. It is often open Xuependakou water to shrimp and sea swallowed with the mouth, then shut up and filter out sea water, the shrimp swallowed intra-abdominal. A blue whale eat about 4 tons a day of small krill. If it"s belly in less than 2 tons of food, it will be hungry tears, it seems like never enough to eat. Therefore, it is often sneak into the depth of thirty or forty meters away, in search of food. As a long time to stay in the water, ventilation time floating in the sea, it will spray out from the nostril up to 15 meters of the water column, from afar, like Yi Gu fountain. Blue whale great effort, about the equivalent of a mid-sized locomotive pulling. It is said that there was a blue whale to a 27 meters long whaling boats dragging ran more than 70 kilometers, and there was that the speedboat to the back rows are full steam ahead.     blue whales during the winter breeding. Mother whale pregnant for one year after the health of small whales. Just the birth of whales about 7.5 meters in length, there, and weighs about 6 tons, after 24 hours of feeding, which can increase the weight of about 100 kg, with an average increase of about 75 grams per minute. Calf after 7 months of breast-feeding, the weight can reach 23 tons, body length of 16 meters, and began to learn to eat a variety of plankton mouth. Xiaolan Jing go to 5-year-old be considered an adult, and its life is about 20-30 years.     blue whale just full of treasure, it is the fat can be prepared soap; whale meat and delicious edible, nutrient-rich; whale bone glue can be extracted; whale liver contains a lot of vitamins; blood and internal organs is also high-quality fertilizer. Therefore, the blue whale repeated the wanton killing of human beings. At present, the number of blue whales are falling sharply, almost to the verge of extinction. 原文:蓝鲸蓝鲸是世界上最大的哺乳动物,遍布全球各大洋海域。它身长可达30米左右,体重约170 吨,一张嘴就可以开到容10个成年人自由进出的宽度。蓝鲸背脊呈浅蓝色,肚皮布满褶皱,带有赭石色黄斑。它的尾巴宽阔平扁,能在水中自由灵活地摆动,既是前进的动力,也起着方向舵的作用,时速可达27千米。蓝鲸捕食方式属“吞食型”,主要食物是小虾、水母、硅藻等浮游生物。它常在水面张开血盆大口,把虾和海水一起吞入口中,接着闭嘴滤出海水,把小虾吞进腹内 。一头蓝鲸每天要吃约4吨重的小磷虾 。如果它肚中的食物少于2吨,它就会饿得发慌,好像是永远吃不饱似的。所以它经常潜入水深三四十米处,搜寻食物。由于长时间待在水中,每次浮上海面换气时,会从鼻孔内喷射出高达15米左右的水柱,远远望去,宛如一股喷泉。蓝鲸的力气很大,大约相当于一台中型火车头的拉力。据说,曾有一头蓝鲸把一艘27米多长的捕鲸快艇拖着跑了70多千米,而当时那艘快艇正开足马力向后退行。  蓝鲸在冬季繁殖。母鲸怀胎一年后才生小鲸。刚产下的幼鲸体长就有7.5米左右,重约6吨,经过24小时的喂奶 ,它的体重就能增加100千克左右,平均每分钟增加约75克。幼鲸经过7个月的哺乳后 ,体重可达到23吨左右,体长约16米,并开始学着张嘴吞食各种浮游生物 。小蓝鲸要到5岁才算成年,它的寿命约为20—30年。  蓝鲸浑身是宝,它的脂肪可制肥皂;鲸肉鲜美可食,营养丰富;鲸骨可提炼胶水;鲸肝含有大量维生素;血和内脏器官又是优质肥料。因此,蓝鲸屡遭人类的肆意捕杀。目前,蓝鲸的数量正急剧下降,几乎到了濒临灭绝的境地。







The biggest whale is the blue whale. 可以替换成The biggest whale is a blue whale 吗? 为什么

不可以,换了的话意思表达不准确了,a是一个,单个例如,the blue whale表示的是blue whale这个物种,这个生物,a blue whale只是这个物种当中的一个个体。

Blue Whale音响(型号YZ-205)背后有“COM”、“70V”、“100V”,要功放吗?

Blue Whale音响是需要定压功放驱动的,普通功放不能带。除非你把它拆开,里面有个降压变压器,去掉不要了,把功放输出直接接在喇叭两端(注意两个喇叭+-极接法一致。

把“蓝鲸”(blue whale)翻译成日语

青い鲸(あおいくじらaoi kujira)

blue whale是什么牌子功放

BW-8120S 广播用合并式功放产品特征:3个话筒输入,3个辅助输入,1个辅助输出;变压器隔音100V,70V和4欧姆扬声器输出;噪声功能;独立的音量控制;高低音控制;5元素的LED电平表可提供快速简便的视觉监控;短路保护和报警功能;啸叫优先到其他输入;独立的6通道分区;24V 直流电音源;USB接口,SD卡凹槽接口;电源------------220V AC 50-60Hz/DC24V功耗------------240W输出功率--------120W信噪比----------100~16000Hz±3dB失真度----------<0.3% at 1KHz,1/3 reted output power输出------------4-16,70V,100V辅助灵敏度------250mV线输出----------700mV输入------------麦克风1,2,3:600,6mV,unbalanced 辅助1,2,3:10K,250mV,unbalancedS/N 率----------麦克风1,2,3>66dB 辅助1,2>70dB音控------------贝司:±10dB at 100Hz 高音:±10dB at 10KHz保护------------交流保险丝,直流电压.超载和短路噪声功能--------0~30dB尺寸------------130*88*360mm(W*H*D)交流电保险丝----T3.15A净重------------12.1Kg

a英语短文。 ,世界上最大的动物不是大象,而是蓝鲸(blue whale), 旅鲸生活在海

Amazing animals Elephants are not the biggest animals in the world. The world"s biggest animals are in the sea—but not fish. They"re usually 30 metres long and 1 000 kilos heavy. They"re one of the cleverest animals in the world. They can talk to each other but people don"t know what they are saying. What are they? They"re called the blue whales.
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