barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-06 08:29:40

1) 作定语作定语用的分词如果是单词,一般放在它所修饰的名词之前。如: I"m reading a very interesting book.我在读一本很有趣的书。 He likes to drink cold boiled water. 他喜欢喝凉开水。

分词短语作定语用时,一般皆放在它所修饰的名词的后面。它的功用相当于定语从句。如: China is a developing socialist country belonging to the Third world.中国是一个发展中的社会主义国家,属于第三世界。

The man sitting it the corner is my brother.坐在角落里的那个人是我的兄弟。

Most of the people invited to the party did not e.被邀请参加晚会的人多数没有来。 2)作表语

The opera is very moving and instructive.这个歌剧很动人,且有教育意义。 The cups are broken.这些杯子是破的。 He is married.他已经结婚了。

[注] 分词作表语用时,相当于形容词,不可与进行时态和被动语态中的分词混淆起来。它们的形式相似,但可以从意义上加以辨别。试比较:

Lei Feng"s spirit is inspiring the people all over the country. 雷锋的精神鼓舞著全国人民。

His report is inspiring. 他的报告令人鼓舞。

The road was pleted by the PLA men.这条路是 *** 战士修成的。 The road is pleted.这条路已经筑成。

3)作状语分词在意义上也可用作状语,表示时间、原因、方式和伴随情况等。 a)表示时间。如:

Looking out of the window,I saw groups of children passing by the house.我从视窗望出去,看见成群的孩子们从房子前面走过。 Heated,the metal expands.这种金属加热后即膨胀。

Opening the drawer he took out a dictionary.他打开抽屉,拿出一本词典。


While working in the factory ,I learnt a lot from the workers.我在工厂工作期间,从工人那里学到了很多东西。 When heated,the metal expands.这种金属加热后即膨胀。 b)表示原因。如:

Feeling tired, I telephoned and said I couldn"t e to a hospital of Chinese medicine.我感到累,打电话说我不能去。

Thinking that Chinese medicine might help,he went to a hospital of Chinese medicine.他想中医也许有效,于是到一家中医医院去治病。

Inspired by the excellent situation they worked even harder.在太好形势的鼓舞下,他们更加努力工作。

c)表示方式、伴随情况及结果。如: He came running back to tell us the news.他跑着回来告诉我们这个讯息。 She stood there waiting for the bus.她站在那儿等公共汽车。

The child fell,striking head against the door and cutting it.小孩摔了一跤,头在门上碰破了。

He went out slamming the door.他走出去砰地一声把门关上。 The lichens came borne by storms.这些地衣是由暴风雨带来的。



Not knowing what to do,she went to the teacher for help.她不知道该怎么办,就去请老师帮助。 I left at noon,not staying for lunch.我是中午走的,没有留下来吃午饭。 过去分词表否定时,常借助un-等前缀表示。如: The boy was left uncared for.那孩子无人照管。



We saw them walking across the road.我们看见他们穿过那条马路。

We heard the children singing “I Love Beijing"s Tian An Men”我们听见孩子们唱《我爱北京天安门》。

I found my hometown almost pletely rebuilt.我发现故乡几乎全部改建过了。


We must get the television set repaired.我们必须把电视机修好。 I had my watch mended in town.我在城里修的表。

If we have shortings,we are not afraid to have them pointed out and criticized.我们如果有缺点,就不怕别人批评指出。

但have的复合宾语中的过去分词的动作有时不一定由别人来完成,而是表自己的经验。如: He had his arm broken.他把手臂折断了。

[注一]上述句子结构变为被动语态时,除主语和宾语互换位置外,分词不动。如上面的第一、二例句即可变为:They were seen walking across the road.

The children were heard singing“I Love Beijing Tian An Men”。


I saw him go upstairs.我看见他上楼去了。 I saw him going upstairs.我看见他走上楼的。

I was working in the room all morning· I heard somebody All knock at the next door.我整个上午在房间工作,听见有人敲隔壁房间的门。

When I went back to the room,I heard her practicing singing in the next room.我回房间时听见她在隔壁房间练歌。


When (heat) ______,the metal expands.?

省略句 when (it is)heated,the metal expands. 主语一致且含有be动词时,it is可省略. 当金属被加热时,会膨胀.,8,When (heat) ______,the metal expands. 答案是heated 我是想问为什么,为什么啊 衷心谢谢您的回答
2023-06-06 01:06:481


在模态分析设置完毕后 用Psolve 而不是 solve! Initial, large deflection static analysis!/PREP7...FINISH/SOLUANTYPE,STATIC! Static analysisNLGEOM,ON! Large deflection analysisPSTRES,ON! Flag to calculate the prestress matrixEMATWRITE,YES! Write File.EMAT (input to PSOLVE step)...SOLVEFINISH!! Prestressed modal analysis!/SOLUANTYPE,MODAL! Modal analysisUPCOORD,1.0,ON! Add previous displ. to coordinates and then zero! the displacementsPSTRES,ON! Prestress effects onMODOPT,...! Select eigensolverMXPAND,...! Specify number of modes to be expanded, if desiredPSOLVE,EIGxxxx! Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.! Use EIGLANB, EIGFULL, EIGUNSYM, or EIGDAMP to! match MODOPT command.FINISH/SOLU!Additional solution step for expansion.EXPASS,ONPSOLVE,EIGEXP! Expands the eigenvector solution.Required if you! want to review mode shapes in the postprocessor.FINISH
2023-06-06 01:06:571


Last week, how over the weekend to do a survey . The following findings. Nearly half of the students self-learning at home . 25% watch TV or listen to music . 20% like to chat on the Internet or playing computer games . 10 % of the students to help their parents with household chores . Only a small part to participate in physical exercise or other activities . In my opinion, students should have a reasonable plans for the weekend . We should take the time to learn more knowledge , expand interests . We must learn to relax, but too much time spent watching TV , chat , and computer games is not good
2023-06-06 01:07:064


The Bank of China assigns the Bank for cooperative as the Olympic Games, by the high level bank service management level and the quality, has demonstrated the Chinese Banking industry harmonious good faith service image to the world. Neighbor which begins along with the Olympic Games, for better greets the Olympic Games the arrival, the Bank of China will greet eight side guests by a higher quality service. First, expands the servicing facility investment, consummates serves the channel. The science reasonable establishment counter service window, the service district service system, strengthens the great hall guidance and the service. Second, the progressive improvement serves the mesh point environment, makes every effort to achieve the district to be reasonable, the facility is complete, artistic comfortable. Third, enhances the service to handle the efficiency. The improvement service method, raises the service level. The perfect standard service standard, completes the service propaganda, the announcement and the prompt, the standard service charge. Must strengthen training, improves staff"s service quality and operation ability vigorously。The establishment perfect service suit and the emergency handle work mechanism and the flow, raise the customer suit handle work efficiency earnestly. Fourth, is must strengthen to the cabinet service, enhances the bankcard each service function. Strengthens the ATM machine management, safeguards to the cabinet service grade of service, enhances the bankcard service each service function. Olympic Games period, the bankcard business volume will increase large scale, facing the world finance consumer high standard, large-scale, the comprehensive bankcard service demand, the Commercial bank must prepare for full. Strives for to achieve the machine facility “not to have the barrier”, the language exchange “not to have the barrier”, the question solution “not to have the barrier”;
2023-06-06 01:07:251


1)产业园区规划 石化产业园区 位于隆丰镇和丹景山镇,近期规划面积约8.4平方公里,远期规划项目占地约15.3平方公里,基地内的道路交通实行人货分流。拟用15年分三个建设期将该区建成千万吨炼油、百万吨乙烯、百万吨芳烃的“国际先进、国内一流”,节约型、生态型现代大型石油化工基地。 石化产业配套区 位于彭州工业开发区创业路以南,花龙南路、联邦制药东干道以东,沿清灌铁路南北两侧(占地面积1.62平方公里),主要发展塑料加工、涂料、皮革化工等石化配套产业。 劳动密集型工业产业基地 位于城南工贸服务配套区以南、以东,联邦制药以西、以南地区,主要发展家具生产、服装加工等劳动密集型产业,规划面积约2.1平方公里。
2023-06-06 01:07:3412


Heated,the metal expands.加热着的,金属膨胀这里heated是被动语态的分词,在这里做状语,表示被加热的状态所以用heated但是being excited这里的excited是形容词不是分词,做状语需要be单词连接构成系表结构。分词作状语时,通常放在句首,并且用逗号与主句隔开。同时,分词作状语时其逻辑主语与主句主语应保持一致,也就是说在确定选择现在分词还是过去分词时,要判断主句主语与分词中心词的关系。如果句子的主语是动词-ing形式所表示的动作的发出者(即表主动或正在进行),分词形式选用现在分词;如果句子的主语是动词-ed形式所表示的动作的承受者时(即表被动或完成),分词形式选用过去分词。
2023-06-06 01:07:561


基于b路径规划算法的环境中第二个软件资源使用广度优先搜索(BFS)和中的算法。广度优先搜索(BFS)是一个树搜索算法用于穿越搜索树或者图表。该算法开始根节点,探讨了所有的相邻节点。一个方法是想象广度优先搜索扩展像波出自一块石头扔进一个水池的水。顶点在同一个“波动”的都是相同的与该光源的距离顶点。在炉石没有倾向一个“行动”中任何别的了搜索。本刊物使用一个基于网格的方法产生一个路标图。规划方法包括使用1)信息源的位置,2)水池位置和3)一个floor-map为二维的工作空间。使用这些输入了,我们目前的路线图可能的路径通过把floor-map成一个网格(图4 a)和连接邻近的网格使用边缘。路径规划的输入方面给出了一个floor-map和开始和结束的位置。开始后和结束floor-map得到鉴定,所处的位置分为矩形网格,网格作为包围盒的爪的头。网格的大小等于包围盒大小的爪吗头可修改比较的可行性各种爪设计,都可以使用。在网格floor-map产生大小,长满了网格,自由的部分保留,是网格所有网格涵盖了障碍移除。这使得规划师只收集名单上的顶点,不是堵塞的情况,这是用来产生路线图,路径规划算法。存储的边缘名单和它的顶点节点列表中形成为中输入图的最短路径搜索算法。横贯的算法中的图前任的,从而产生了地图和距离的地图。这些前身地图和距离地图就可以querie
2023-06-06 01:08:032

老师们翻译一下吧。 第三个 我翻译成 Metal expand in case of heat 可

2023-06-06 01:08:114


力所能及 in one"s power all one can within one"s power Within its means
2023-06-06 01:08:326


ssing if each human bein
2023-06-06 01:08:483


2023-06-06 01:08:562

“大学扩招”翻译为the admission expansion of colleges ,这样对不对?

The university expands to recruit
2023-06-06 01:09:043


1. 玩的英文怎样写 play目录释义权威词典例句百科网友贡献英文写作助手go top想要图(8)玩 [wán]vi. play在例句中比较网络释义汉语词典 Play打 德州扑克倒没怎样输,严重输在玩 (Play)21点上了。 谁人是积累起立起源游玩,2000美圆(Dollars)是最少的。基于384个网页-相干网页短语玩游戏 Games ; play games ; Play the game ; play a game玩雪 play with snow ; play snow ; With snow ; Playing in the snow玩电脑 playing puter ; Play puter ; play on the puter ; play with puters 更多网络短语。 2. 旅游的英文作文怎么写 I have been to BeiJing for a travel. it was a great journey! we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese. the Imperial Palace noted the history. there were many antiques which we could espy the great culture . from the great wall,it was a well-known wonder in the is made of big stones which was too heavy to bring even uesing it to buil a construction 3. 一篇关于游玩的英文作文 Last Sunday, I went to the park with my mother. It was sunny and warm. The trees were green and flowers were beautiful. The birds were singing in the air. There were a lot of people in the park. Some were sitting and chatting under the tree, some were singing and dancing, others were having a walk around the lake. My mother and I sat near the lake and wathced the fish swimming. We had a good time. 上个星期天,我和妈妈去了公园。阳光明媚,天气暖和。树很绿,花很美,小鸟在歌唱。公园里有很多人。一些人坐在树下聊天,一些人在唱歌跳舞,还有一些人围着湖在散步。我和妈妈坐在湖边看鱼游,我们玩得很高兴。 4. 关于学习和玩的英文作文 Study and Play Everyone has to study, going to school occupies a lot of people"s time, before they go to work, they need to study in the school. In China, students work very hard, for they have a lot of pressure, they have many exams to take, so students are immerged into the books all the time. While studying all the time is not good for students, they need to go out of the classroom and take in some fresh air. The outside world is beautiful, they can play with their friends, watching movies, taking a break now and then. Play can make study better, students can have new idea, so they won"t stuck in the unsolved problem. Study needs to bine with play. 5. 英语作文:谁能帮我写篇 关于“带别人出去玩,怎么玩”的英文作文啊 A: where do you plan to go this weekend? B: i want to go mountain climbing? C:why? D:i agree with him because mountain climbing can let us relax and excise our body。 A:but i want to go to KTV C:i agree too! i love to sing in KTV。 and we are all such good singers。 why don"t we go singing together? A: oh, this is really a delimma。 how about if C and i go to sing KTV while B and D go mountain climbing? BCD:that"s great! 6. 怎么写好英语作文 My Favorite Sports-我最喜爱的运动 Sports help everyone to keep healthy, happy, and efficient. So I pay special attention to games, especially table-tennis. Table tennis is my favorite game. I play it almost every day. Table-tennis is an ideal game us because it brings the whole body into action. It strengthens our muscles, expands our lungs, promotes the circulation of the blood, and causes a healthy action of the skin. Besides, it is very amusing and does not cost us much money. Table-tennis is very moderate; it is not so rough as football. It is an indoor game and can be played even on rainy days. Thus, it is my favorite kind of exercise. 运动能帮助每一个人保持健康、快乐和有效率。所以我特别重视运动,特别是桌球,桌球是我最喜欢的运动。我几乎每天玩。 桌球对我们而言,是一项理想的运动,因为它可以使我们全身运动,它可以增强我们的肌肉,扩张我们的肺部,促进血液循环,并且使肌肤产生健康作用,此外,它很有趣而且所费不多。桌球是相当温和适中的,它不像足球那么粗野。它是一种室内运动,甚至在下雨天也能玩。因此,桌球是我最喜爱的一种运动。 7. 求玩电脑游戏的危害的作文怎么写用英文 The Harm of Computer Games Now more and more students always spend plenty of their time playing puter games. Some of them can even play from morning to night. How terrible it is! 现在越来越多的学生总是花很多时间来玩电脑游戏。有些甚至可以从早玩到晚玩。这是多么可怕啊! Playing too much puter games has bad impacts in many ways. For one thing, if students often play puter games, they can"t do well in their study, because they always think about the things in puter games instead of the knowledge in books. For another, Sitting before the puter for a long time will cause back pains and headaches. And the radiation from the puters can also do harm to our eyes and our minds. What"s more, many students are so deeply attracted by some interesting puter games that they municate less with their families and friends, which will lead to mental problems. Last but not least, some students prefer the fighting games. It is likely that they"ll be violent in the real life. That is to say, those who usually play violent games may do crimes more easily. Therefore, the teachers and parents should work together to stop the kids from playing puter games all around the clock. 玩太多的电脑游戏在有多方面都造成了不良影响。一方面,如果学生经常玩电脑游戏,他们就无法好好学习,因为他们总是想着电脑游戏里面的东西而不是书本的知识。另一方面,长期坐在电脑前会导致背痛,头痛。而且电脑辐射也可能会伤害到我们的眼睛和大脑。更重要的是,许多学生都深深被一些有趣的电脑游戏吸引了,以至于他们与他们家人和朋友的交流变少,这将导致心理问题。最后但并非最不重要的,有些学生喜欢玩暴力游戏。他们很有可能会在现实生活中变得暴力。也就是说,那些经常玩暴力游戏的人会更容易犯罪。因此,教师和家长应该一起合作来阻止孩子们整天整夜的玩电脑游戏。 8. 写小朋友在一起玩的英语作文20字 一起玩真快乐 星期一下午的体育活动课上,小红和小兰拿着跳绳到操场上跳。她们的动作五花八门,一边跳,一边欢笑。你瞧!她们玩得多开心呀! It"s really fun to play together. The afternoon sports class on Monday, Alice and Betty took to the playground jump rope. Their movements are varied, and they dance and laugh. You see! They"re having a good time! 9. 父母对自己玩的看法,用英文写一篇作文 You still high school students, for the puter, or for the better, why? Because the present stage, due to curiosity, thinking is not mature enough, strong enough perseverance will lead you towards Crossroads. Neork is both positive and negative, and can learn from the neork to a large number of resources to learn more broader technology, but the same neork will also bring you into a poor youth, the neork of violence, sex will be to mislead your thoughts. You never again want to learn, all day long on the thinking of some messy things. Reasonable arrangements for access to the Inter can be time for you to learn the most important, particularly at this stage, but also to attention. Can discuss with your parents, a reasonable allocation of time online.。
2023-06-06 01:09:101


2023-06-06 01:09:304


1、许多人缺少的不是美,而是自信的勇气。 What many people lack is not beauty, but courage of self-confidence. 2、到底是死更需要勇气,还是活更让人抓狂? Is death more courageous or is life more maddening? 3、幸福的秘诀是得到自由,而自由的秘诀是勇气。 The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage. 4、人生的胜者决不会在挫折面前失去勇气。 The winner of life will never lose courage in the face of setbacks. 5、那时候年轻,什么都没有,可是有勇气。 At that time, young, nothing, but courage. 6、有时候,屈辱地活着比悲壮地死去更需要勇气。 Sometimes it takes more courage to live humiliatingly than to die solemnly. 7、我没有勇气折断我的翅膀,却也飞不到任何地方。 I didn"t have the courage to break my wings, but I couldn"t fly anywhere. 8、勇气,是人类一切品格中最宝贵的品格。 Courage is the most precious character of all human qualities. 9、鼓足勇气准备面对最坏的结局,它终于来了。 Brave enough to face the worst, it finally came. 10、只要信心在,勇气就在,努力在,成功就在。 As long as confidence is there, courage is there, effort is there, success is there. 11、有勇气并不表示困难不存在,而是敢面对挫折、克服困难。 Courage does not mean that difficulties do not exist, but that they dare to face setbacks and overe difficulties. 12、总有些更重要的事情,赋予我们打败恐惧的勇气。 There are always more important things that give us the courage to defeat fear. 13、真正的勇气,不是知道何时去杀人,而是何时去饶恕他人。 True courage is not knowing when to kill, but when to five. 14、再试一次的勇气,常比第一次的勇气更可贵。 The courage to try again is often more valuable than the courage of the first time. 15、十足的勇气和全然的胆怯,是两个罕见的极端。 Full courage and total timidity are o rare extremes. 16、生活随人的勇气大小而收缩或膨胀。 Life shrinks or expands with people"s courage. 17、真正的勇气在极端的胆怯和鲁莽之间。 Real courage lies beeen extreme timidity and recklessness. 18、对勇气的最大考验,就是看一个人能否做到败而不馁。 The greatest test test test of courage is to see if a person can fail without being discouraged. 19、承受痛苦,比死亡更需要勇气。 It takes more courage to suffer than to die. 20、即使是在贫民窟,不放弃希望才是真正的勇气! Even in slums, not giving up hope is the real courage! 21、如果没有正义,勇气不是美德。 Without justice, courage is not a virtue. 22、虽然你说的不完全正确,但我还是要感谢你的勇气。 Although you are not quite right, I still want to thank you for your courage. 23、忍耐,肉体的小心和道德的勇气的混合。 Patience, physical care and moral courage are mixed. 24、长大,成为你自己,是件需要很大勇气的事情。 It takes a lot of courage to grow up and be yourself. 25、我没有勇气死,他好像没有勇气活了。 I didn"t have the courage to die. He didn"t seem to have the courage to live. 26、期望能给人勇气也易引起沮丧,关键在于期望的值。 Expectation can give people courage and easily lead to frustration, the key lies in the expected value. 27、希望是坚强的勇气,是新生的意志。 Hope is a strong courage and a new will. 28、你的心是自由的,要有勇气去追寻自由。 Your heart is free, have the courage to pursue freedom. 29、金钱是个好兵士,有了它就可以使人勇气百倍。 Money is a good soldier, with which one can be courageous a hundred times. 30、如果你具备开始的勇气,就有了成功的豪情。 If you have the courage to start, you will have the pride of success. 31、死是每个人都能做到的,拿出勇气活下去才是勇敢。 Death is something everyone can do. It"s bravery to live with courage. 32、真正感动人的,从来不是思想,而是年轻的勇气。 What really touches people is never thought, but young courage. 33、表现勇敢则勇气来;往后退缩则恐惧来。 Courage es when courage is shown; fear es when retreat. 34、种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。 The seeds bear in mind the advice of the rain drops to devote themselves, which strengthens the courage to rise to the top. 35、成功要素排名:目标、胸怀、勇气、坚持,然后才是聪明。 Success factor ranking: goal, mind, courage, perseverance, then intelligence. 36、哭泣,有时是真需勇气。眼泪,若能落也不容易。 Sometimes it takes courage to cry. Tears are not easy to shed. 37、勇气是控制恐惧心理,而不是心里毫无恐惧。 Courage is the control of fear, not the absence of fear. 38、记得你微笑时的脸,让我有勇气孤单。 Remember your face when you *** ile, let me have the courage to be alone. 39、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。 Courage, like love, needs hope to nourish it. 40、想要人们跟着你的想法走,就要付出极大的勇气。 It takes a lot of courage to want people to follow your ideas. 41、困难并不可怕,可怕的是没有战胜困难的勇气。 Difficulties are not terrible. What is terrible is that there is no courage to overe them. 42、勇气是站在生命的边缘往下望,依然爱上它的濒危感。 Courage is standing on the edge of life and looking down, still falling in love with its sense of endangerment. 43、有勇气承担命运,这才是英雄好汉。 The hero is brave enough to bear his fate. 44、我已学会珍惜,再给我一次勇气。 I have learned to cherish, give me courage again. 45、才智和勇气必定满意地与机遇共享荣誉。 Wisdom and courage are bound to share honor with opportunities satisfactorily. 46、勇气是智慧和一定程度教养的必然结果。 Courage is the inevitable result of wisdom and a certain degree of education. 47、勇气存在于自我恢复的能力之中。 Courage lies in the ability to recover. 48、必须有勇气正视无情的真理。 We must have the courage to face up to the ruthless truth. 49、勇气不是天生就有的,是一点一滴累积起来的。 Courage is not innate, it is accumulated bit by bit. 50、如果一个人有当傻瓜的勇气,那他一定很有创意。 If a man has the courage to be a fool, he must be creative. 51、被误会没有关系,我有做坏人的勇气。 It"s okay to be misunderstood. I have the courage to be a bad person. 52、勇气不是随着时间凝聚,而是随着时间消散。 Courage does not cohere with time, but dissipates with time. 53、重新开始,需要多么大的勇气。 How much courage does it take to start over? 54、人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸,才能发现新的海洋。 Only by summoning up courage and saying goodbye to the coast can man discover new oceans. 55、只要有勇气,生活就会变得美好。 As long as you have courage, life will bee better. 56、既然当初有胆量去选,就该有勇气承受后果。 Since we had the courage to choose, we should have the courage to bear the consequences. 57、只要坚持积极的理想,就能产生奋斗的勇气。 As long as we stick to positive ideals, we can have the courage to struggle. 58、最难得的勇气是思想的勇气。 The most rare courage is the courage of thought. 59、成功不是终点,失败也不致命,继续下去的勇气才重要。 Success is not the end, failure is not fatal, the courage to continue is important. 60、恒心架起通天路,勇气打开智慧门。 Constancy builds the road to heaven and courage opens the door of wisdom. 61、大胆产生勇气,多疑却产生恐惧。 Courage es from boldness, but fear es from suspicion. 62、当黑暗与光明交会,我们都需要一些勇气。 When darkness and light meet, we all need some courage. 63、活着比死亡更需要勇气,所以别轻易挂掉。 It takes more courage to live than to die, so don"t hang up easily. 64、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。 Courage leads to heaven, cowardice to hell. 65、你的心灵是自由的,用尽勇气去追随吧。 Your heart is free. Follow it with all your courage. 66、不是缺少勇气,只盼老天给一个相遇。 It"s not a lack of courage, just hope that God will give us an encounter. 67、盲目可以使你增加勇气,因为你看不到什么危险。 Blindness can increase your courage because you can"t see any danger. 68、勇气是一个人处于逆境中的光明。 Courage is the light of a man in adversity. 69、勇气是一种素质,有了勇气,一切事情都好办了。 Courage is a quality. With courage, everything can be done easily. 70、低头要有勇气,抬头要有底气。 Bow your head with courage and raise your head with confidence.
2023-06-06 01:09:371


  文静释义:斯文恬静:性格文静。那么,你知道文静的英文怎么说吗?   文静的英文释义:   gentle and quiet   文静的英文例句:   谁是你家里最文静的一个人?   Who is the quietest person in your family?   一个轻轻的、文静的声音,总是能够使我们平静下来。   A quiet voice always can calm us down.   她是个文静、害羞的孩子,但是她有时又很有趣。   She is quiet and shy but she is also very funny sometimes.   他很文静,简直注意不到他在那儿!   He was so quiet and unobtrusive that you would hardly know he was there!   "我的邻居是个文静的小伙子,他能够自得其乐。"。   My neighbour is a quiet young fellow and has a capacity for enjoying himself.   她有一个非常文静的性情。   She has a very calm temperament.   大卫始终是一个文静规矩的孩子。   David was always a quiet orderly boy. 文静的英文怎么读   女子端庄文静,胜于披金戴银。   Silence is the best ornament of a woman.   银绿色,长蛇似的极光,在东北方很文静地翕张、颤动。   In the northeast a silvergreen serpentine aurora pulsed and quivered gently.   银绿色,长蛇似的极光,在东北方很文静地翕张、颤动。   In the northeast a silver green serpentine aurora pulsed and quivered gently.   这个男人请这位文静姑娘跳舞时,不好意思地脸红了起来。   The quiet girl flamed up when the man asked her to dance.   整整一个星期,夫人怨声载道,说我的得意之作让她这位文静的美眉成为频频冲刺卫生间里的 短跑 运动员。   During the whole week, my wife was full of complaints, saying that my masterpiecehad turned a gentle, quiet beauty into a toilet sprinter.   不过,这么一来,她待她们反倒文静客气起来。她丈夫对她们也和和气气的,他除了对自己和自己的老婆孩子之外,对别人充其量也只能如此。   As such, however, they were treated by her with quiet civility ; and by herhusband with as much kindness as he could feel towards anybody beyondhimself, his wife, and their child.   她高高的,比那位火爆性子的矮个儿丈夫高出一头,不过她的举止是那么文静,走起路来只见那条长裙子轻盈地摇摆,这样也就不显得怎么高了。   She was a tall woman, standing a head higher than her fiery little husband, butshe moved with such quiet grace in her swaying hoops that the height attractedno attention to itself.   文静的小海鸥马丁u2022威廉被他导师的命令吓了一跳,但他真没想到,一自己竟变成了一个低速飞行的天才。   So quiet little Martin William Seagull, startled to be caught under his instructoru2019s fire, surprised himself and became a wizard of low speeds.   不能找个好女孩来跟你念书消遣吗?女孩子天性文静,而且喜欢照顾别人。   Isn"t there some nice girl who"d read and amuse you? Girls are quiet and like to play nurse .   但是,紫宸最珍惜的是她在亨利和泰特眼中的形象:工作上能干高效,文静但不寡言,简单而又率真。   But it was who she was in the eyes of Henry and Ted that she cherished the most: sure-handed and efficient at her job, quiet yet at times chatty, uncomplicated.   真是个可爱的文静人儿,她来了,总是不声不响,女人家就该这样嘛。   She did, and a sweet quiet thing she is, with never a word to say for herself, like awoman should be.   老师和同学们的印象中,她是一个文静,好学而又诚恳的天主教小女孩。   Teachers and students remembered her as a quiet, studious and devoutlyCatholic girl.   2005年,迈克尔u2022埃斯纳被迫离开迪士尼公司,更加文静的鲍勃u2022伊格尔接替了他。   Michael Eisner was pushed out of Disney in 2005, to be replaced by the quieterBob Iger.   一个轻轻的、文静的声音,总是能够使我们平静下来。   A quiet voice always can calm us down.   不过,无论她散开的长裙显得多么老实,发髻梳在后面显得多么端庄,那双交叠在膝头上的小手显得多么文静,她的本来面目终归是藏不住的。   But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap,her true self was poorly concealed.   在温暖的春天里荷夫妮格的服装散发着时尚的气息,这让人也变得似乎诗意起来,秀气的连衣裙让喜欢文静的普通的女孩更加淑女、更加优雅,大裙摆可以培养出女人的气质,而荷夫妮格做工精细的大裙摆,更是可以塑造一副美丽的春姑娘剪影。   to express fashion, warm spring let person also poetic up. Quiet connect bodyskirt let peacetime love to make public of girl become the fair maiden, becomeelegant.   只有和他的朋友在一起时,这位文静的年轻人才显得友善健谈。   This quiet young man expands only when he is among friends.   而女孩子则要扮演文静乖巧听话的角色,失去了太多的自由自在和随心所欲。   But a girl must act the role of the gentle and quiet cutie who listens, and she losestoo many opportunities to be carefree and follow her inclinations.   在技术部门她的办公桌旁,他每天都能见到她,她就像瓷器上的雕画一样文静典雅。   Heu2019d seen her, day after day, at her desk in the technology department, poised and delicate as a china figurine.   散步者之中,走着一个几乎还没完全发育的少女,她四肢修长,步态优雅文静,身穿一件轻薄、廉价,却又说不出为什么颇惹人喜爱的格子呢外衣。   And amidst the strollers sedately, gracefully promenaded a girl who was not quiteadolescent, with long arms and legs, wearing a lightweight, cheap plaid coat that for some reason was quite endearing.   大像个有教养的人。他仍然十分爱她,对她的那种文静贤淑的仪态,她的学识和她所肯的种种高尚品质,他都十分尊敬。   He still liked her tremendously and respected her for her cool good breeding , herbook learning and all the sterling qualities she possessed.   谁是你的朋友?我的朋友都很文静。   Who is your friend?My friend is quiet.   苏珊十分文静;你可不可以在晚会上关照关照她,努力使她活跃一点?   Susan"s very quiet; will you look after her at the party and try to lead her out a little?
2023-06-06 01:09:521


这事都具有重量和占有。 2。无论这种化学物质更好的未试过了。 3。它看起来好像国际形势对我们有利。 4。一些受热膨胀。 5。这个原因为什么电子管烧坏未被发现。 6.the大小的观众来说,正如我们所料,是远超过1000人。 7。英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔是来自1940-1945,在这段时间里他起到了决定性的作用进行的第二次世界大战。 8。他是一个如此诚实的人可以信赖的。 9。他已经患有一种疾病的治疗是不可能的事
2023-06-06 01:10:016

大哥 大姐 帮帮小弟 翻译 下 谢谢

2023-06-06 01:10:171


The concept project design, expands at the beginning of designs, how does the construction drawing design
2023-06-06 01:10:272


如果是当擦亮讲,两个词相同,可以互换。 但是polish还有‘波兰的"意思,还可以作为‘修饰"等其他意思
2023-06-06 01:09:492


ish位后缀结尾的单词有:abolish vt.废除,取消;admonish v. 训诫,警告;astonish vt.使惊讶;banish v. 放逐,摒弃;blemish v. 损害,玷污;brandish vt. 挥,挥舞;burnish v. 擦亮,磨光;cherish vt.珍爱;怀有(感情);demolish v. 摧毁,拆除;diminish vt.减少,减小,递减;establish vt.建立,设立;确立;furbish v. 磨光,刷新;punish vt.&vi.惩罚;处罚;
2023-06-06 01:09:571


2023-06-06 01:10:051


2023-06-06 01:10:104


我是cupcake控!基本上深圳的我都吃过,这家我觉得是最深的我心的。甜而不腻 蛋糕不会硬。尤其说一下她家奶油霜不是普通奶油霜所以不腻入口就化!买的传说中的小jj cupcake。价格合理!唯一我觉得不足点就是。老板。也太难订到蛋糕了吧!提前预订还要排队取。。所以最好早点跟她说。老板是美女 哈哈
2023-06-06 01:10:221


polish shoes
2023-06-06 01:10:245


2023-06-06 01:10:302


扩展器extenderexpander unit[电子] stretcher[电子][声] expandor
2023-06-06 01:10:471


饮品类英语单词有哪些?我来答1条回答叽叽歪歪你是谁来自百度知道认证团队 2017-12-111.mineral water 矿泉水2. orange juice 桔子原汁 orangeade, orange squash 桔子水3. lemon juice 柠檬原汁 lemonade 柠檬水4.soda water 苏打水5.coke, coca cola 可口可乐 pepsi cola 百事可乐6. sprite 雪碧7. milk shake 奶昔 milk tea 奶茶8. fruit punch 果汁喷趣酒(清凉饮料)
2023-06-06 01:10:505


healthcare 卫生保健moisture潮湿的natural自然的burnish抛光smooth光滑的
2023-06-06 01:10:541


  强壮   强壮,通常形容男人身体健壮,孔武有力。《礼记》、《避暑录话》、《左传》、《宋史》等书皆有提及。 关于强壮的英语单词有: 中文 英文 茁壮 healthy and strong 壮志 lofty ideal;great aspiration 壮举 magnificent feat 壮丁 able-bodied man;an *** fit for military service 壮大 to strengthen;to expand 强壮 hardy;stout 豪壮 grand and heroic 中文 英文 n. 村壮 village 困难;使强壮 toughen up a. 壮园的 manorial n.年青;少壮 youthfulness n. 礼貌,端壮 civility n. 壮观,华丽 pageantry n. 补药,强壮剂 invigorator n.武侠的冒险;壮举 emprise n.拳击家;粗壮的人 bruiser a. 可怕的,壮严的 awful adj.年轻的;少壮的 youthy n. 巨集伟,壮大,伟大 grandness adv.愉快地;壮丽地 farrandly a. 但丁式的,壮重的 Dantesque n. 音调,强壮,弹性 tonicity n. 壮丽,盛观,夸耀 pomp n. 尊敬,尊严,壮严 venerability a. 不壮重的,无威严的 undignified a. 健壮的,精力充沛的 lusty n.阿姆斯壮美国太空人 Armstrong n. 壮举,功绩,技艺表演 feat n. 有威严,壮严,不高兴 awfulness a. 别墅的,村壮的,田园的 villatic a. 帝王的,至尊的,壮丽的 imperial a. 英勇的,壮丽的,华丽的 gallant a. 巨集伟的,堂皇的,壮严的 palatial a. 王子的,像君主的,壮丽的 princely v. 使变形,使壮严,使理想化 transfigure a. 有精神的,强壮的,激励的 invigorative v. 滋养,使...健壮,怀有 nourish a. 像牛肉的,强壮的,结实的 beefy n. 夸张之言,豪语,豪言壮语 grandiloquence a. 壮观的,显赫的,神气活现的 grand a. 英勇的,英雄式的,壮丽雄伟的 heroic n.[药]达米阿那壮阳剂之一种 damiana a. 像男人的,强壮的,适于男人的 manly a. 不堂皇的,不壮严的,没有威信的 unimposing n. 壮丽的坟墓,陵墓,阴森森的大厦 mausoleum n.兵役委员会负责征选壮丁入伍的组织 draft board ad. 像神一样地,凭借神的力量,壮严地 divinely a. 使强固的,确证的;n. 强壮剂,确证的资料 corroborant n. expand 使增大者,使身体健壮的强身器具 expander
2023-06-06 01:11:011

3 ton color 是什么颜色呢?

2023-06-06 01:11:012

c# wpf中如何向expander中动态添加xml中的内容

例子 先看一下private XmlDataDocument xmlDoc; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBox1.Items.Add("1"); comboBox1.Items.Add("1"); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(@"bf.xml")); XmlNode nose = xml.SelectSingleNode("request"); nose.RemoveAll(); xml.Save(System.IO.Path.GetFileName("bf.xml")); string functionIDs = "updateMultiItemsStock"; string dateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); xmlLoad(); XmlNode xmldocSelect = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("request"); XmlElement functionID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("functionID"); functionID.InnerText = functionIDs; XmlElement time = xmlDoc.CreateElement("time"); time.InnerText = dateTime; xmldocSelect.AppendChild(functionID); xmldocSelect.AppendChild(time); XmlElement ItemsList = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ItemsList"); xmldocSelect.AppendChild(ItemsList); XmlElement ItemUpadteInfo = null; XmlElement outerItemID = null; XmlElement stockCount = null; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ItemUpadteInfo = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ItemUpadteInfo"); ItemsList.AppendChild(ItemUpadteInfo); outerItemID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("outerItemID"); ItemUpadteInfo.AppendChild(outerItemID); stockCount = xmlDoc.CreateElement("stockCount"); ItemUpadteInfo.AppendChild(stockCount); outerItemID.InnerText = "20100210"; stockCount.InnerText = "20"; ItemUpadteInfo.AppendChild(stockCount); ItemUpadteInfo.AppendChild(outerItemID); } xmlDoc.Save(System.IO.Path.GetFileName("bf.xml")); }把ItemsList换成expander; 下面要添加什么改一下就行了for里面的东西就行了 正式的应该是在foreach循环里面添加数据
2023-06-06 01:11:082


silver: [ "silvu0259 ] a. 银色的n. 银v. 镀银
2023-06-06 01:11:093


2023-06-06 01:11:133

WPF中expander 展开按钮如何设置位于右边,且没有边框

2023-06-06 01:11:151


2023-06-06 01:09:432

请问burnish和polish在表示“抛光”的含义 有什么区别?

两词语都含“磨擦使表面光亮”的意思。polish 指 “用布或其他工具磨擦某物而使其表面光滑或有光泽”, 如:polish silver, glass, furniture擦银器,玻璃,家具。burnish 指“擦金属物使产生光泽”, 如:burnish steel擦亮钢。
2023-06-06 01:09:421

谁能告诉我 破产姐妹里 max的cupcake 怎么做 看起来好好看 请列出工具极其步骤

cupcake译为杯型蛋糕,口袋蛋糕.普通cupcake1、在一个碗里放入10g砂糖,另一个碗里放入10g砂糖和20g水; 2、把蛋清和蛋黄分开,在砂糖的碗里放进蛋清,砂糖和水的碗里放进蛋黄;3、用打蛋器把蛋清打发至稠,加入半匙塔塔粉继续打发至糊状;4、打发蛋黄均匀后,用筛把面粉30g洒进蛋黄糊里再用打蛋器打发均匀; 5、用勺子把蛋黄糊顺时针拌匀几下,加入蛋白糊混合均匀后倒进裱花袋;6、然后挤在蛋糕纸杯上,放烤箱150度烤7分钟即可;7、烤好后,可按个人喜好进行装饰。注意蛋白不要打太老,搅拌混合蛋糕浆时要注意均匀巧克力糖霜用料 黄油 57g 黄糖 50g 白砂糖 10g 大号鸡蛋 1个 13g可可粉 120ml buttermilk(用牛奶+一大勺柠檬汁混合静置5min代替) 香草精华1 tsp 83g 低筋面粉 糖霜 85g苦甜巧克力 32g黄油 70g糖粉 一撮盐 60g酸奶油 巧克力糖霜巧克力CUPCAKE的做法 1. 蛋糕体原材料 2. 黄糖,白糖和融化黄油一起打匀 3. 加入大号鸡蛋和香草精打至乳化。 4. 筛入可可粉 面粉 小苏打 盐 5. 以及约一半份量的牛奶,拌匀。 6. 拌匀后再拌入剩下的粉和牛奶,拌匀入模装到七八分满 7. 175度上下火17-20分钟,牙签插入不带出面糊即可。筛上糖粉作为装饰。这个蛋糕体必须强调已经基本不甜了,再减少糖量已经没有意义了。 8. 然后准备糖霜:85g苦甜巧克力 32g黄油 70g糖粉 1 1/2 tbsp可可粉 一撮盐 60g酸奶油 这个配方因为酸奶油的添加层次更加丰富一些。 9. 巧克力+黄油水浴融化,和其他原料丢在一起打匀。 10. 完毕。准备裱花。 11. 还是这个花嘴最好用了[跪 12. 同一个花嘴,左边是从外到内,右边的是从内到外。 13. 挖鼻 小贴士糖霜因为酸奶油的添加层次更加丰富一些。其实我也是上网找的菜谱,那里有图,更详尽,不过材料不太好买到。我找了几个北京卖cupcake的地方Colibri Cafe 蜂鸟villiage大屏幕不断滚动播放的就是他家的影像,一会sex and the city,一会britney spears,万变不离其宗,他们都在吃cupcake。还有烘焙的情景,一杯这个,两杯那个,令人看完了拔腿就向右跑去!蜂鸟的宣传策略真是威猛,各大纸媒争相报道,网络四处转载,聘请外籍甜点师,smart车车外送,甚至打包盒子都是为cupcake量身定做不会倾斜倒塌影响卖相的,细节的处理精确令人称赞。他家吃食走美式重油路线。蛋糕底托口味都不同,甚至还加入了蔬果碎,但无一例外是湿润不掉渣,单吃也不显单调。上层往往是搅打黄油酱为基底的花式顶棚,不怕油的也可以先尝尝顶,品味一下油香质感,但不糊嘴容易下咽。当然最好的吃法还是从上到下一口吃完。如果你的嘴够大的话。 Lollipop Bakery他家目前还没有实体店,只做外送或在crepanini和fisheye寄卖。风格和colibri对比明显,底托干顶棚也干,甜度大。甚至顶棚都能吃出砂糖颗粒的质感。 炒得很火的CCSweets美女海归店主,专修甜点巧克力制作云云我只能说这都是噱头,他家口味远没有宣传中的那么好吃。底托虽说也是不同口味的,但基调一样,区别不大。顶棚是花纹越复杂的越干燥,反而是最简易螺旋形状还保有湿度。但吃起来无一例外是糊嘴的油腻。 云酷北京最高酒廊,下午茶兼卖cupcake。价格虽是北京最高,但的确是物有所值!让我吃完有一种就算从80层跳下去也今生无憾的满足!cupcake品种有14种之多,令贪心的我难以取舍。随便挑选了6杯,个个品质不凡。顶棚不油腻但又有吃奶油的满足感,各种风味都深深地渗入了湿润细腻的底托。从顶上一口咬下去,不同的质地但透着同样基调的味道,整个口腔都充满香气。 3A07逆爱杯子蛋糕帅哥美女小夫妇俩辞职师从五星级酒店饼房大师后开了这家杯子蛋糕,勇气可嘉只是开在人流熙攘特色店众多的南锣鼓巷,没点搏出位的特色是很难维持下去的他家的特点是用料讲究,新西兰黄油比利时巧克力,入口是浓郁扎实化不开by 晶晶seammu0132新浪博客
2023-06-06 01:09:361

哪位好心人 帮我写一篇作文 很急 加分 Title: Study Abroad (国外求学) Key words: flourish, spare no ef

The future of the development of times, science hut in progress, the human is in constant doraemon", If you like animals, it can be converted into small white rabbit "," If you like sports, it can also be converted to "football". By 2030, we inhabit and balloons are integrated. It can according to master demand, without any change in the original style, under the precondition of become bigger or smaller, become tall becomes short. If you want a clearing to play, it can temporarily decrescent, give you a glade, If you want to ask a friend to the party, it can temporarily become larger, more accommodate some person, If you want to pick the apples on the tree house beside, it can temporarily become tall, so you standing on the windowsill can pick apples. By 2030, we inhabit and car is integrated. House under the wheel and the pillar, can follow master to move together. If you want to go for an outing, you can burn your house together to outskirts, If you want to go swimming, you can burn your house together the seaside, Even if you want to explore, your house can follow you go together. Beautiful fantasy is need people with the practical action to put it into reality, let us work together learn scientific and cultural knowledge, let the future with our wisdom to realize our dreams! With the development of modern science and continuous development, the moon has become human second home and many people move to the moon, I am no exception, I on the moon has a new home, of course, this home is designed and built by me. My house built mushroom form, outside coated with ivory high-tech coatings. House issued downy burnish, give a person a kind of sweet feeling. From the root of the gate and mushrooms along spiral stairway to upstairs, upstairs is my bedroom, open the skylight, can see green grass in the courtyard of the rabbit. These little rabbit is charng-er sister brought charng-er sister is stated, experts, she liked me, just send a few little rabbit to me. Now, these little guys are down the long ears, three petal mouths to move move, very lovely. I was still in the yard planted many trees, don"t see these trees grow tall, thick, they but I just last month planted, USES the latest science and technology, so in such a short period of rapid growth, not only my house, every family, and the streets are everywhere lush trees. These trees constantly emits oxygen, so as to solve problems for people to breathe. In my garden and a tree strange fruit trees, scientists attribute various fruits take to research, after a series of complex scientific experiments, developed multi-function seeds, plant it on the moon, became appered tree top guitar with all kinds of fruit, apples, pears, peaches, plum... Ask for what you want what there is. Children in my home, it is a real big full the luck to eat STH delicious, this is all scientific achievement! Live on the moon, there will be many new feeling. For example: I have unique mode of motion, the time go to school, I came bouncing go to school, the moon"s gravity is the earth, and one sixth of the jump gently, can jump three meters high, jumps, there is a fly feeling, many children also like me jump go to school, it became a great landscape on the moon. Holidays, I attended school held the summer camp, students will under the guidance of teachers take interstellar train to the universe travel, don"t worry us and other planet children unable to communicate, the universe lingua franca is Chinese, at that time, the universe starting a shares learning Chinese boom. Of course, we can has the advantageous conditions. If I want to home, sat down with their own star trek back to the motherland, in the boundless universe, looking pale blue planet from me more and more close, in the heart of passion is unspeakable, "the earth mother, I came back." So, I sometimes on the moon, sometimes life on earth. The vast universe term I roam, that is the real beauty of life.and the trees are very tall
2023-06-06 01:09:223


2023-06-06 01:09:145

莎士比亚 女人是被爱的 不是被了解的 原文

2023-06-06 01:09:142


日文片假名:オリハルコン古希腊语:ορεu03afχαλκοu03c2、ορεu03afχαλκον古拉丁语:ǒrǐchalcum英语:orichalcos古希腊·罗马文献中登场的传说中金属,被描述为金黄色的铜合金。最有名的例子是在柏拉图的作品《Κριτu03afαu03c2(Kritias,クリティアス。很熟悉的名字吧)》中被记述为存在于亚特兰蒂斯的幻之金属。奥里哈鲁根被奇幻文学、游戏所广泛引用,在文学作品中经常以“神赐予的最硬的金属”身份登场。经过奇幻文学或游戏的长期渲染,其形象成为稀有、可附加特殊能力的高贵的梦幻金属。语源是山铜:u03ccροu03c2 (oros, オロス,山)+χαλκu03ccu03c2 (chalkos,カルコス,铜)。在货币学上,奥里哈鲁根指制造罗马钱币Sestertius和dupondius的金色铜合金,并被认为比铜更有价值(钱币阿斯就是用铜做的)。有些科学家相信奥里哈鲁根也被用来做穷人的饰品,因为它看起来像黄金。 上古亚特兰提斯时,1种降临在世界的物质(欧雷卡鲁斯,也称奥利哈刚,一种蓝绿色水晶),此水晶可以用在制造、纺织、工业、战争等一切方面,被当时人成为“万能物质”,但其具有的黑暗力量却逐渐腐蚀人心,引发人类的负面欲望,使使用者发生变异(多姿曾说过:“奥利哈刚并不是天上的恩赐,而是这个星球给人类的考验,但考研结果是不合格”。在达姿统治的时期降临,达姿看清了人类的丑恶,通过奥利哈刚所赋予其的使命,以亚特兰提斯都城所有人的生命做祭献唤出奥利哈刚之神毁灭全人类,但在最后的“石之荒野之战”中奥利哈刚之神与传说之龙(提玛奥斯、库里提欧斯、亨利莫斯)一起封印。多姿运用永恒的生命继续生存了10000年,但人类依然没有达到其标准(多姿说:“我等了好久,等了一万年,但人类还是如此腐败),于是多姿再次使用奥利哈刚之力唤出神,希望重新毁灭全人类,制造出能战胜内心黑暗的人类。。。。。动画里,使用过“奥利哈铜的结界”的人有达姿、多玛三剑客(拉菲鲁、巴龙、亚美鲁达)、孔雀舞、羽蛾、龙崎、王样和武藤游戏。奥利哈刚的结界是由人内心黑暗与奥利哈刚本身共化出现,多姿手下只有第一重结界,多姿有三重。 “オレイカルコスの结界”,当年《游戏王DM》动画播出时译作“奥利哈刚的结界”。2012年TCG卡包LC03和OCG卡包EP12中,得以实卡化,现译作“山铜结界”。同样实卡化的“奥利哈刚”之卡有2009年OCG的“山铜神偶”。
2023-06-06 01:09:131


凉(药)茶 herbal tea, medicinal tea粗茶叶 coarse leaves头春茶 early spring tea, first season tea头道茶 first infusion of tea茶末 tea dust茶丸 tea ball粉末茶 tea powder煎茶 fried tea芽茶 but-tea新茶 fresh tea砖茶 brick tea毛茶 crudely tea散茶 loose tea碎茶 broken tea香片 perfumed tea茶片 tea siftings花茶 scented(jasmine) tea茶叶梗 tea stale, tea stem沏新茶 making fresh tea上茶offering tea, tea serving淡茶weak tea浓茶 strong tea抿茶 sipping tea茶园 tea garden 茶馆tea house茶几 tea table茶篮 tea basket滤茶球 tea ball 减肥茶 diet(slimming)tea保健茶 tonic tea凉茶精 herb ingredients美容茶 cosmetic tea人参茶ginseng tea姜茶 ginger tea 速溶茶instant tea茶叶蛋 salty eggs cooked in tea擂茶 mashed tea盖碗茶 tea served in a set of cups茶叶表演 tea-serving performance早茶 morning tea茶锈 tea stain茶底tea dregs茶脚 waste tea茶渣 tea grounds茶香 tea aroma茶具 tea set茶杯 tea cup茶盘 tea tray茶碟 tea saucer茶壶 tea pot茶缸 tea container紫砂茶壶 ceramic tea pot茶叶罐 tea caddy茶杯垫 coaster茶壶套 tea cosy滤茶器 tea strainer茶匙 teaspoon黑茶、压制茶术语 干茶形状术语 泥鳅条 fishery 茶条圆直较大,状如泥鳅。 折叠条 enveloped 茶条折皱重叠。 端正 normal brick 砖身形态完整,砖面平整,棱角分明。 纹理清晰 clean mark 砖面花纹、商标、文字等标记清晰。 起层 open 砖茶表层翘起而未脱落。 落面 broken cover 砖茶表层有部分茶脱落。 脱面 cover drop 饼茶的盖面脱落。 紧度适合 well-comperessed 压制松紧适度。 平滑 flat and smooth 砖面平整,无起层落面或茶梗突出现象。 金花 golden flower 茯砖茶中灰绿曲霉菌的金黄色孢子。金花普遍茂盛,品质为佳。 斧头形 axe-shape 砖身一端厚、一端薄、形似斧头。 缺口 broken piece 砖茶、饼茶等边缘有残缺现象。 包心外露 heart unenveloped 里茶外露于表面。 龟裂 crack 砖面有裂缝现象。 烧心 heart burnt 砖茶中心部分发暗、发黑或发红。烧心砖多发生霉变。 断甑 broken layer 金尖中间断落,不成整块。 干茶色泽术语 乌润 black bloom 乌而油润。此术语也适用于红茶和乌龙茶干茶色泽。 半筒黄 semi-yellow 色泽花杂,叶尖黑色,柄端黄黑色。黑褐 black auburn 褐中带黑。此术语也适用于压制茶汤色、叶底色泽,乌龙茶和红茶干茶色泽。 铁黑 iron black 色黑似铁。 棕褐 brownish auburn 褐中带棕。此术语也适用于压制茶汤色、叶底和红茶干茶色泽。 青黄 blueish yellow 黄中泛青,原料后发酵不足所致。 猪肝色 liver colour 红而带暗,似猪肝色。 褐红 auburnish red 红中带褐。 汤色术语 橙红 orange red 红中泛橙色。此术语也适用于乌龙茶汤色。 红暗 red dull 红而深暗。此术语也适用于红茶汤色。 棕红 brownish red 红中泛棕,似咖啡色。此术语也适用于红茶干茶色泽及红碎茶茶汤加奶后的 汤色。 棕黄 brownish yellow 黄中泛棕。此术语也适用于红碎茶干茶色泽。红黄 reddish yellow 黄中带红。 香气术语 陈香 stale fiavour 香气陈纯,无霉气。 菌花香 arohid flavour 茯砖发花正常茂盛所发出的特殊香气。 滋味术语 陈醇 stale and mellow 滋味陈醇而无霉味。 粗淡 coarse and plain 味淡薄,喉味粗糙。此术语也适用于绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶滋味。 叶底术语 黄黑 yellowish black 黑中带黄。 红褐 reddish auburn 褐中泛红。此术语也适用于汤色。 乌龙茶术语 干茶形状术语 蜻蜓头 dragenfly head 茶条叶端卷曲,紧结沉重,状如蜻蜓头。 壮结 bold 肥壮紧结。 扭曲 curled 茶条扭曲,折皱重叠。 干茶色泽术语 砂绿 sand green 似蛙皮绿而有光泽。 枯燥 dry 干燥无光泽,按叶色深浅程度不同有乌燥、褐燥之分。 汤色术语 金黄 golden yellow 以黄为主,带有橙色,有深浅之分。 清黄 clear yellow 茶汤黄而清澈。 红色 red colour 色红,有深浅之分。 香气术语 岩韵 YEN flavour 武夷岩茶具岩骨花香韵味特征。 音韵 IN-flavour 铁观音特有的香味特征。 浓郁 heavy flavour 浓而持久的特殊花果香。 闷火 sullky fired 乌龙茶烘焙后,未适当摊凉而形成一种令人不快的火气。 猛火 too high firing 烘焙温度过高或过急所产生的不良火气。 滋味术语清醇 clean and mellow 茶汤味新鲜,入口爽适。 甘鲜 sweet and fresh 鲜洁有甜感。 粗浓 coarse and heavy 味粗而浓。 味底术语 肥亮 fat and bright 叶肉肥厚,叶色透明发亮。 软亮 soft and bright 叶质柔软,叶色透明发亮。 红边 red side 做青适度,绿叶有红边或红点。红色明亮鲜艳。 暗红张 dull red leaf 叶张发红,夹杂的暗红叶片。 死张 dead leaf 叶张发红,夹杂伤红叶片。 硬挺 hard 叶质老,按后叶张很快恢复原状。 白茶术语 干茶形状术语 毫心肥壮 fat bud 芽肥嫩壮大,茸毛多。 茸毛洁白 white hair 茸毛多、洁白而富有光泽。 芽叶连枝 whole shoot 芽叶相连成朵。 叶缘垂卷 leaf side roll down 叶面隆起,叶缘向叶背微微翘起。 平展 flat leaf side 叶缘不垂卷而平展。 破张 broken leaves 叶张破碎。 腊片 waxy 表面形成腊质的老片。 干茶色泽术语 铁板色 iron grey 深红而暗似铁锈色,无光泽。 铁青 iron blue 似铁色带青。 汤色术语 微红 slight red 色微泛红。 黄暗 yellow dull 色黄较深暗。此术语也适用于黄茶和绿茶的汤色和叶底色泽。香气术语 嫩爽 tender and brisk 活泼、爽快的嫩茶香气。 毫香 pekoe flavour 白毫显露的嫩芽叶所具有的香气。 鲜纯 fresh and pure 新鲜纯和,有毫香。 酵气 ferment odour 白茶萎凋过度,有红茶发酵气。 失解 freshless 极不鲜爽,有时接近变质。 滋味术语 清甜 clean and sweet 入口感觉清鲜爽快,有甜味。 醇爽 mellow and brisk 醇而鲜爽,毫味足。此术语也适用于黄茶滋味。 青味 green taste 茶味淡而青草味重。叶底术语 红张 red leaf 萎凋过度,叶张红变。 暗张 dull leaf 暗黑,多为雨天制茶形成死青。
2023-06-06 01:09:071


2023-06-06 01:09:052


  在我们的生活里,一定要给自己一些小惊喜,下面是我为大家搜集整理出来的有关于尼采英文经典语录,希望可以帮助到大家!   1、生活没有音乐是一种错误。   Life without music is a kind of error.   2、自己既感到痛苦,也叫别人痛苦。   Both feel their pain, also called others pain.   3、知道为什么而活的人,便能生存。   Who knows why to live, can survive.   4、你以自己的毒药制成自己的止痛剂。   You with their own poison made their own painkillers.   5、自爱者才能爱人,富裕者才能馈赠!   Self-love is to lover, the rich can gift!   6、凡是不能毁灭我的,将使我更强大。   Who can not destroy me, will make me stronger.   7、我祈求我的高傲要永远伴随我的智慧。   I pray that my proud to always accompany my wisdom.   8、焦躁不安,是兵家最忌讳的一种情绪。   Military commander restless, it is one of the most taboo.   9、笑意味着幸灾乐祸,不过伴随着良心。   Smile means to gloat, but with conscience.   10、我的时代尚未到来,有的人死后方生。   My time has not yet come, some people behind the death.   11、没有一贯的蔑视,又怎能不断地欣赏呢?   No consistent contempt, constantly to appreciate how again?   12、凡是不能杀死你的,最终都会让你更强。   Who can"t kill you, will eventually make you stronger.   13、任何不曾杀死我的东西,让我变得更强大。   Anything did not kill me, makes me stronger.   14、知道自己为什么而活,就能忍受任何生活。   Know why I live, you can put up with any life.   15、你们是半开的门,而挖坟穴的人就等在门外。   You are of the half-open door, and dig the grave hole will wait outside the door.   16、整个太阳的爱便是纯粹无邪与创造性的欲念。   The sun"s love is pure and innocent and creative desires.   17、只有在舞蹈中我才懂得说出最高尚事物的比喻。   Only I understand say the best things in the dance of metaphor.   18、我倦怠于我的智慧,如同蜜蜂采集了太多的蜜。   I am tired in my wisdom, just as bees gather too much honey.   19、人类,若不能超越自己,将是何等可悲的东西!   Human, if cannot transcend themselves, will be how sad things!   20、谁不把一天的三分之二留给自己,谁就是奴隶。   Two-thirds of the who doesn"t take a day to yourself, who is a slave.   21、我把自己呈献给我的爱,呈献给像我一样的邻人。   I present my love, present neighbor like me.   22、国家,是大家慢性自杀而称之为“生命”的地方。   Countries, is chronic suicide, call "life" places.   23、真的,我不得不飞向高处,以便重新发现喜悦之泉。   Really, I have to fly to high, so to find the fountain of joy.   24、我必须永远做一殉道者,以度过彻底贷出去了的一生。   I must always be a martyr, to get completely out of life.   25、美之音调却是纤细的,它只传送给最清醒的灵魂倾听。   Tones are slim beauty, it is only transmitted to the soul of the most awake to listen.   26、最高的道德是难得而无价的,同时还散发着柔和的光泽。   The highest moral is a rare and invaluable, also sending out the downy burnish.   27、最大的恶乃包含在最大的善之中,而这就是创造性的善。   The greatest evil is included in the greatest good, and that is good for creativity.   28、我不喜欢那些紧张的心灵,同时也讨厌那些钻牛角尖者。   I don"t like those nervous mind, also hate those who sit at the same time.   29、时间一逝不返,而所有会朽灭的都仅仅是一句谎言而已。   Time gone does not return, and all will rot out is just a lie.   30、出世理想生于生命意志之衰弱,因空无愿望而愿望空无。   Was born in the decline of life will, ideal for empty wish and desire to void.   31、你们受够了自己,你们的拼命工作只是一种自我逃避罢了。   You had enough of yourself, your hard work is a kind of self to escape.   32、赞美者假装在回报,可是实际上,他要求得到更多的赠送!   Praise who pretended to be return, but in fact, he asked for more gifts!   33、啊!伟大的星球,假如没有你所照耀的人们,你的快乐何在?   Ah! The great planet, if do not have the people you shine, your happiness?   34、说到底,还是“信仰使人快乐”!注意!并非道德使人快乐!   At the end of the day, or "beliefs make people happy"! Attention! Is not a moral make you happy.   35、苍生啊,你们肃然倒地了吗?宇宙啊,你感悟到那创造者了吗?   Ah, you touch down? The universe, you learned that the creator?   36、基督教是一个体系,对于事物的一种通盘考虑过的完整的观点。   Christianity is a system, the overall consideration for the things of a kind of a full point of view.   37、一个人的孤独是病人的逃避,另一个人的孤独是对病人的逃避。   A person"s loneliness is the patient"s escape, another man"s loneliness is to evade his patients.   38、你们所谓的.权力、金钱、权威的快乐只不过是一种偏头痛而已。   Your so-called power, money, authority, happiness is only a migraine.   39、当我们对拥有的东西产生厌倦的同时,我们也对自身产生厌倦。   When we are tired to have at the same time, we also own boredom.   40、若你一项美德,而那是你特有的美德时,则千万不要与人共享。   If you are a virtue, but that is your own virtue, is never Shared with others.   41、“彼岸”,倘若它不是一个手段的话,为何彼岸总要诬蔑此岸呢?   "Other side", if it is not a means, why the other shore always abused this side?   42、谁看见深渊,但是用鹰眼去看;谁用鹰爪去抓深渊:谁就有勇气。   Who saw the abyss, but the use of eagle eye to see; Whoever use talons to grasp the deep: have the courage.   43、我不断越过那些因循者与迟缓者,而使我的前进变成他们的落后。   I keep across those procrastinator and slow, and make me forward into their backward.   44、继续对所向往的东西保持信念,即使现在没有,也许永远得不到。   Continue to what you aspire to keep faith, even if not now, maybe never.   45、如果一个人始终只是为人弟子,则他必然不会十分感激他的老师。   If a person is always just a disciple, then he will be very grateful to his teacher.   46、劣作靠模仿获得声誉,精品却由此失去声誉,在艺术中尤其如此。   Rubbish by mimicking a reputation, high-quality goods from this loss of reputation, especially in the arts.   47、我喜欢智慧,往往太喜欢了:这是因为她十分强烈地让我想起了生命!   I like wisdom, often too like: it"s because she"s very strongly reminds me of my life!   48、在现实中,希望是所有祸害中最糟糕的,因为它延长了一个人的痛苦。   In reality, the hope is the worst of all evils, because it has increased a person"s pain.   49、不错,我们有过丰收,然而为什么我们所有的果实都腐烂而枯黄了呢?   Yes, we had a good harvest, but why all of our fruit rot and yellow?   50、高贵者绝不使人受窘——而他自己却在所有苦难者的面前感到无地自容。   Embarassing themselves noble who never make the person - and he is embarrassed in front of all those suffering.   51、要先勇于相信你们自己和自己的内部!不相信自己的人必定永远在说谎。   To have the courage to believe in yourself and your internal first! People who do not believe in yourself will always lying.   52、我是奔流旁边的栏杆,能抓紧我的人,抓住我吧!可我不是你们的拐杖。   I was running near the rail, can catch me, catch me! But I am not your cane.   53、人类最高的善必定是同罪恶一齐被买进来的,由悲凄之血泪与受苦来偿付。   Human must be the highest good with evil by buying, reimbursement by the blood and suffering of mournfulness.   54、一个志向高远的人,不仅要超越他的行为和判断,甚至也要超越公正本身。   A very ambitious person, not only need to go beyond his behavior and judgments, even to go beyond justice itself.   55、你走你的伟人之路:在你身后不再有退路,这一定是你最大的勇气之所在。   You go the way of your great man: behind you there will be no retreat, this must be your greatest courage.   56、我身上带着许多锈得最严重的钥匙,也知道如何用它们来开启最破旧的门。   Me with many of the worst rust key, also know how to use them to open the old door.   57、我要做的绝不止此。我不是寻求者。我要为自己创造一个属于自己的太阳!   I do not check this. I"m not a seeker. I want to create a belongs to own the sun for yourself!   58、海极愿被太阳的焦渴所吸啜,它想变成空气、高度、光明之路,甚至光明本身。   Sea may be extremely eager the sip of the sun, it want to be the air, the height, road light, even the light itself.   59、我钟爱那心灵过于丰实而忘己,且与万物合一的人,如是,万物乃成为他的归宿。   I love it too much and forget his own mind, and the people of the unity of all things, so, everything is to be his destination.   60、我们在一个人的身上看出了什么,同时也就会设法百般挑逗。因此,要谨防小人。   We see something in a person"s body, at the same time, it will try to tease the eyesight of the. Therefore, to beware of dog.   61、只有活生生的、跳着舞的到达你那里的真理,才有能力使你超越目前的意识状态。   Only alive, dancing to the truth, you only have the ability to make you go beyond the current state of consciousness.   62、你们这些今日的隐士,你们这些离群索居者,有朝一日,你们也会自成一个民族。   You today"s hermit, you these solitude, one day, you will become a nation.   63、深奥的知识如一股寒流。精神的内在之泉是冰冷的——却能令酷热的手感到舒爽。   Profound knowledge as a cold snap. Spirit is the fountain of the internal cold - but it can make hot hand feel comfortable.   64、你们与邻人交往以逃避自己,那我不如劝你们逃避邻人而去爱远处的人还好一点。   You associate with neighbor to escape themselves, then I not advised you to flee from neighbour and to love people in the distance is a bit better.   65、你无言的高傲始终违背他们的趣味;一旦你足够谦虚而显得浅薄,他们就幸灾乐祸。   You dumb proud always against their interest; Once you have enough humility and appear superficial, they rejoiced.   66、猿猴之于人算是什么?一个可笑的祖系,或是一件耻辱。人之于超人又何尝不是如此。   What is the ape to man? A funny face, or a shame. So not so man be to the superman.   67、但愿孤独的高处并不永远孤独和自足,也但愿高山能降临深谷,高处的风也能吹至平地。   I hope the lonely heights are not always lonely and self-sufficiency, also I wish we could come deep canyons mountains, high wind can blow to the ground.   68、就像所有的创造者一样,我已厌倦于破旧的语言,我的精神不想再穿着破旧的鞋子行走。   As the creator of all, I have tired of broken language, I don"t want to wear the spirit of the old shoes to walk.   69、凡是追求盛名的人,应当适时舍弃那些虚浮的荣耀,而表现出难得的艺术——及时而退。   Anyone who pursue fame, should be timely forsake the vain glory, and a rare art show, in a timely manner.   70、孤独者,你走爱者的道路:你爱你自己,所以你蔑视你自己,就像只有爱者才有的蔑视。   Lonely, you to the road of the lover: you love yourself, so you despise yourself, like only lover some contempt.   71、他完全没有妒意,这也难怪,因为他决意占领一块迄今无人占领,甚至无人见过的土地。   He has no jealousy, no wonder, because he was determined to occupy a so far no one occupation, even no one saw land.   72、你们还没有去寻求自己,就先来找我。所有的信徒都是这样,故而一切信仰也就不足取了。   You haven"t seek yourself, just come to me first. All believers is such, so all faith also paltrily.   73、只有清醒的人才知道美、灵性以及爱的神圣。那不再是一种束缚。觉醒者的爱给予你自由。   Only a person sober know beauty, spiritual and divine love. It is no longer a bound. The awakening of love to give you free.   74、他的行为依旧是遮盖自己的影子。行为往往会使行为者隐晦不显。他还没有克服自己的行为。   His behavior is still to cover its own shadow. Behavior tends to make behavior person doesn"t obscure. He has yet to overcome their own behavior.   75、追求者行走于人类之间,一如行走于动物之间。对追求者而言,人类乃是属于有脸颊的动物。   Suitors walking between humans, between as walking the animals. For suitors, but belongs to the human face of animals.   76、我的轻蔑与期望与日俱增。我愈升高,便愈鄙视那在攀爬的人,他们究竟想到高处寻找什么呢?   My contempt and growing expectations. The more I increases, then the more despise those who in climbing, what they think of high looking for?   77、年轻人很狂妄是因为他们都和自己的同类人打交道,这些人往往什么都不是,却喜欢显得重要。   Young people are mad because they are with their own kind of people, these people often are nothing, but love is important.   78、凡被拥有的一切对其拥有者都是深藏不露的,属于自己的珍藏总是要到了最后才会被挖掘出来。   All who are with all of its owner is hidden, belongs to own collection is always at the end of the day will be excavated.   79、你的真正本质并非深藏在你里面,而是无比地高于你,至少高于你一向看做你的自我的那种东西。   Your true nature is not hidden deep within you, it is incomparably higher than you, at least above the sort of thing you always as your self.   80、哪里缺乏意志,哪里就急不可待的需要信仰。意志作为命令的情感,是自主和力量的最重要标志。   Where a lack of will, is urgent need to faith. Will as command emotions, are independent and the most important symbol of strength.   81、对于所有深井来说,体验事物是很慢的:它们必须等待很久,才能知道,是什么掉到了它们的深处。   For all deep well, things are slow experience: they have to wait for a long time, to know, what is fell into their depths.   82、就像那些站在街头张着嘴注视来往行人者一样,他们也伫立在那里,并且目瞪口呆地看着别人的思想。   Like those who stood watching his mouth passers-by in the street, they also stood there, and stunned to see other people"s thinking.   83、你无法忍受自己,对自己爱得不够,所以你们想诱邻人陷入于己类似的爱中,而以他的错误来掩饰自己。   You can"t stand himself, to love yourself enough, so you want to lure the neighbor into a similar to the love of others, but to his mistakes to conceal himself.   84、大地仍为伟大的灵魂而开放着,还有许多地方可供隐士们独自或结伴潜居修行,那里洋溢着宁静之海的气息。   Is still open for the great soul, the earth has many places for hermits alone or together QianJu practice, there is permeated with the smell of the sea of tranquility.
2023-06-06 01:08:581


1奥里斯(aureus)= 25 第纳瑞斯(denarius)= 100 塞斯特瑞斯(sesterces)= 400 阿斯(as)= 1600 夸德伦斯(quadrans) 帝国时期城市内非技术个人的日工资约为1第纳瑞斯,在1世纪为3.8-4克的银币。 庞培城出土的一份客栈帐单显示: 半升葡萄酒加面包-1阿斯 其它食品-2阿斯 喂骡子的干草-2阿斯 之外,还有一些中介货币。如: 赛斯特提(Sestertius),等于4阿斯,青铜铸币。 都庞地亚(Dupondius),等于2阿斯,亦为青铜币。 西密(Semis),等于半阿斯。铜质。共和国时代铸币。后废。 屈莱恩(Triens),等于1/3阿斯。铜质。共和国时代铸币。后废。 奎德仑(Quadrans),等于1/4阿斯。铜质。据说当时去浴室一次澡的的费用即为一奎德仑。 赛克斯坦(Sextans),等于1/6阿斯。铜质。共和国时代铸币。后废。 恩赛奥(Uncia),等于1/12阿斯。重为1盎司。铜质。共和国时代铸币。后废。爱莫能助
2023-06-06 01:08:581


1) make-up remover oil: make-up remover, the drop a few drops of olive oil in the fingers, gently massage with pulp, and then steamed or face towel敷面to the naked eye can not see inside the pores to remove dirt and increase the skin"s luster and flexibility , nourish the skin, remove the small wrinkles. 2) day-to-day护唇: cotton dipped with a small amount of olive oil evenly coated in the lip, the benefit of maintaining the water and delay the elimination of唇纹there to prevent cracked peeling lips. The weather suddenly turns cold, flu or a bad stomach, and often for peeling lips cracked distress, as long as the polish on a small number of the goods, two or three days after the change to re-enable smooth lips. 3) day-to-day care: Cleaning after the painting of the goods, beneficial to maintain moisture and skin nourishing nutrients, eliminate wrinkles and slow the emergence of slow down the speed of skin aging. 4) day-to-day hair care: shampoo after the injection of a small number of basins in a number of the goods, upon rinsing, the oil will be evenly attached to the hair, or drops in the palm rubbed directly into the thin hair, hair can become common gloss beautiful, brown hair starting to prevent fork. 5) Olive Oil Bath: Bath Body Wash will be to dip the cotton goods, painted all over the body, wrapped with hot towels, warm water followed by 10 minutes to red again. 6) anti-crack Antipruritic: autumn and winter in the dry, cracked and chapped skin prevents sebum secretion itching caused by too little can of baby skin care, baby armpit buttocks in painting, etc. This product can prevent your baby"s skin was Khan flooded or submerged in urine. 7) Massage Oil: the hot summer sun is the best olive oil massage oil, swimming before and after smearing the whole body with olive oil, can be extremely delicate skin effectively. 8) base oil: and the use of essential oils to do with the family SPA, is probably the most effective base oil. 9) family SPA: olive oil and essential oils to do the family allocation of SPA, may be anti-aging. * Repair of the original Olive Shampoo [Element]: the best olive oil is rich in natural vitamin original B5, Western Society for grass, jojoba oil and soft factors. [Effect]: the nature of a mild, clean power for excellence and a wide range of plant extracts and minerals, to the deep hair moisture conservation, to provide daily necessities for the hair of moisture and nutrients to repair damaged hair, the hair lasting moisture, more supple health.
2023-06-06 01:08:455


2023-06-06 01:08:445


  古罗马钱币的基本单位是阿斯。阿斯本是当地人的计重单位,相当于12盎司,即1拉丁  磅。一定重量的金属具有一定的价值。自然就成就了商品经济中的交换媒介。这和我国古代货币中的半两、五铢相同。一阿斯的钱原为重327.45克的大型铜质币。随着通货膨胀,到公元前就已减小到一半。后来逐渐变小变薄。与原来的规格大相径庭。在意大利语中已成为“一分不值”的同义词。  银币的单位是第纳尔(Denarius),现今东欧和中东一些国家所用的货币单位就是从此词演化而来,一第纳尔等于16阿斯(早期罗马共和国时期,一第纳尔称为10阿斯)。到公元214年,卡拉卡拉又铸安敦尼(Antoninanus),相当于2第纳尔。正面头像常戴芒状环形饰物。第纳尔和安敦尼银币随着贬值,成色越来越差,后期变成镀银铜币。后又用纯铜币代替,称为福立(Follis)。  金币的单位是奥里(Aureus)。一奥里等于25第纳尔。原重1/30磅。后逐渐减小到1/70磅。君士坦丁时金币单位更名为沙立迪(Solidus),但实际上早已无力铸造。金币奥里铸量很少,只有帝国初期皇帝,铸造较多。  以上是三种最主要的古罗马货币。除此之外,还有一些中介货币。如:  赛斯特提(Sestertius),等于4阿斯,青铜铸币。  都庞地亚(Dupondius),等于2阿斯,亦为青铜币。  西密(Semis),等于半阿斯。铜质。共和国时代铸币。后废。  屈莱恩(Triens),等于1/3阿斯。铜质。共和国时代铸币。后废。  奎德仑(Quadrans),等于1/4阿斯。铜质。据说当时去浴室一次澡的的费用即为一奎德仑。  赛克斯坦(Sextans),等于1/6阿斯。铜质。共和国时代铸币。后废。  恩赛奥(Uncia),等于1/12阿斯。重为1盎司。铜质。共和国时代铸币。后废。  初期阿斯单位较大,很值钱,所以有必要细分,以便于流通。随着通货膨胀,货币不断贬值。阿斯也已太小,当然更不需要其他集中更小的辅币了。所以,到帝国时期已不再制造。后期则基本上只发行已大变劣的安敦尼和福立
2023-06-06 01:08:361

谁能提供一些沙士比亚的经典名句.(in English)

To be or not to be, it"s a question!
2023-06-06 01:08:307