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谁能提供一些沙士比亚的经典名句.(in English)

2023-06-06 08:29:30

To be or not to be,--that is the question...

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?

Et tu, Brute?

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow...

Out, damned spot!...

All the world"s a stage...

Oh, I am fortune"s fool!

Then must you speak...Of One that lov"d not wisely

Not that I lov"d Caesar less

Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow

A horse! a horse!

What a piece of work is man!

Friends, Romans, countrymen...

So wise so young, they say do never live long

Give me my robe, put on my crown

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars

I go, and it is done; the bell invites me

But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

We are such stuff... As dreams are made on

My words fly up, my thoughts remain below

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio

What"s in a name? That which we call a rose

The quality of mercy is not strain"d

Beware the ides of March

Now is the winter of our discontent

A plague o" both your houses!

I am dying, Egypt, dying

Frailty, thy name is woman!

Why, then the world"s mine oyster

If music be the food of love, play on

Come, let"s away to prison; We two alone will sing

Journeys end in lovers meeting

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!

Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look

Get thee to a nunn"ry

All that glisters is not gold

To sleep, perchance to dream

Nothing can come of nothing

The play"s the thing

This was the noblest Roman of them all

Though this be madness, yet there is method in "t

I am constant as the northern star

How now? A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead!

Was ever woman in this humour woo"d?

He hath given his empire

By the pricking of my thumbs

I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano

I follow him to serve my turn upon him

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio

O happy dagger!

Eye of newt, and toe of frog

O, beware, my lord of jealousy

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark

My only love sprung from my only hate!

The barge she sat in, like a burnish"d throne

Cowards die many times before their deaths

Is this a dagger which I see before me

I have a kind of alacrity in sinking

When beggars die there are no comets seen

How poor are they that have not patience!

That he"s mad, "tis true, "tis true "tis pity

Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind

The man that hath no music in himself

Think you I am no stronger than my sex

Be not afraid of greatness

What, my dear Lady Disdain! are you yet living?

Off with his head!

Why, that"s my dainty Ariel! I shall miss thee

And thus I clothe my naked villany

When shall we three meet again

This was the unkindest cut of all

O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me!

Blow, blow, thou winter wind

I come to wive it wealthily in Padua

Asses are made to bear, and so are you

He"s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf

All the infections that the sun sucks up

Let every eye negotiate for itself

Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps

O, what men dare do!

Done to death by slanderous tongue

Thou art a votary to fond desire

I have no other but a woman"s reason

O, how this spring of love resembleth

That man that hath a tongue, I say is no man

Is whispering nothing?

Here"s ado to lock up honesty

What"s gone and what"s past help

When you do dance, I wish you

Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie

I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes?

O true apothecary!

This thing of darkness

The course of true love never did run smooth

We should be woo"d and were not made to woo

Lord, what fools these mortals be!

Now go we in content

We that are true lovers run into

Oft expectation fails, and most oft there

Why then tonight let us assay our plot


To be or not to beuff0cthat"s a question

Don"t gild the lily.

Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist)


To be, or not to be: that is the question .

Beauty lives with kindness. 美寓于善.

Don"t gild the lily. 不要给百合花镀金.

Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的.


To be, or not to be: that is the question . 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题

Beauty lives with kindness. 美寓于善.

Don"t gild the lily. 不要给百合花镀金.

Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的.


Don"t gild the lily. 直译的话是:不要给百合花镀金.






















































































To be or not to be, it"s a question!



2023-06-06 01:04:291

急!泡革,檫焦革,檫色,牛筋底 如何翻译

布料成分名称 acetate 醋脂纤维 acetate醋脂纤维 acrylic 腈纶 aliginate fiber 藻酸纤维 asbestos fibre 石棉纤维 bast 树内皮 blend fiber 混合纤维 braid饰带 cashmere山羊绒 cellulose ester 醋、人造丝 cellulose纤维素 felting 制毡材料 filament 长纤维 flax亚麻纤维 hemp 大麻 jute黄麻 man-made fiber 人造纤维 man-made fiber人造纤维 modacrylic 变性腈纶 mohair马海毛 polyamide 聚烯烃纤维 polyester涤纶、聚脂纤维 polyethylene 聚乙烯纤维 polymer高聚物 polyolefin聚烯烃纤维 polypropylene丙沦 rayon 人造丝 regenerated fiber 再生纤维 spandex/elastomer 弹性纤维 staple 短纤纱 synthetic 合成纤维 synthetic 合成纤维 textuered yarn变形纱 tufting 裁绒 viscose 粘胶纤维 woven fabric 梭织布
2023-06-06 01:04:441


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 16进制中的英文翻译 解析: silver [5sIlvE(r)] n.银, 银子vt.镀银 silver 来自中古英语 selver <古英语 seolfor; 德语silber [5sIlvE(r)] n 银 银币,银元 银餐具 silver adj 银制的, 银的 银色的 清越的,清亮的(声音) silver vt 镀银;包银;涂上银色的表面 变银白,使变银色 The years have silvered her hair. 岁月已使她的青丝似雪。 silver [5silvE] n. 【化】银(47号元素, 符号Ag); 银币; 银器; 银制用具 银(白)色; 银白色涂料 似银的东西 [美]【摄】银盐, 硝酸银 table silver 银餐具 a handful of silver 一把银币 silver adj. 银的; 银质的, 含银的; 镀银的; 产银的 银白色的 (声音)清亮的, 流利口才的, 雄辩的 次于最好的; 第二流的 二十五周年的 和平的 (货币)银本位的 silver age 白银时代 silver *** ith 银(器)匠 S-State 银州(美国内华达的别名) S-Streak 银条纹(英吉利海峡的别名) silver tail [澳俚]有钱人 silver moon 银色的月亮 a silver tongue 能言善辩 silver wedding (婚后二十五周年的)银婚 Speech is silver, but silence is gold. 沉默胜于多言。 silver vt. 包[镀]银, 使成银色; 涂锡汞合金; 涂硝 酸银, 用硝酸银使感光 vi. 变成银一样, 变银白, 发银光 The old lady"s hair has silvered. 这位老太太的头发已变成银白色了。 silverbelly n. 银腹鱼, 银鲈 silverberry n. 银果胡颓子 silverbill n. 银嘴鸟 silver-deposit vt., vi., n. 镀银 silver-eye n. (脊椎)绣眼 silver-faced adj. 涂银的 silverfish n. 银鱼; 金鱼的白(银)色变种; 齿鱼科的几种鱼; 衣鱼 silver-grain n. 虎斑[径截]纹理, 银光花纹 silver-grained adj. 径切面的 silver-graphites n. 银-石墨制品, 银-石墨复合物 silvergrass n. 芒属 silver-haired adj. 发白如银的 silver-molybdenum n. 银钼合金 silveroid n. 镍银; 铜镍银白色合金 silverstat n. 银接触式构件 silver-plate vt. 将...镀银(尤指电镀) silver-plating n. 镀银 silverpoint n. 银笔画; 银笔画法(用银笔尖在特制的纸上作画) silverprint n. 【摄】银质印刷品 silverrod n. 多枝阿福花; 一种具白色线条的黄花 silverpot n. 银斑蝶 silver *** ith n. 银匠 silverside n. 牛的上部股肉 银汉鱼 淡水鲦 银鲑 silverskin n. 银膜 silvertipped adj. 点银的 silver-tongued adj. 口才流利的, 雄辩的 silvertop n. 银顶病; 几种桉树之一 silvertree n. 银树 silver-tungsten n. 银钨电触头 silvervine n. 银藤; 木天蓼 silverware n. 银器; [美]【体】优胜杯 silverweed n. 银叶草 鹅绒委陵菜 一种东印度银背藤属灌木 silverwork n. 银制工艺品 silvered adj. 镀银的; 饰以银的; 银白色的 silverer n. 镀银的人[设备] silverly adv. 象银一样地 silvern adj. 银的, 银制的; 象银的 银铃般的, 清脆响亮的 第二位的, 次好的 银白的 be born with a silver spoon in one"s mouth 生于富有家庭 cross *** ."s hand [palm] with silver 预先付相金给看手相的人; 悄悄行贿 flat silver 银制取菜餐具(如刀, 叉, 匙等) think one"s penny silver 自命不凡 bar silver 大条银块 beaten silver 银箔 bi *** uth silver 铋银 black silver 脆银矿 burnish silver 磨光银(装饰) chased silver (工艺)雕花银器 coin silver 银币合金 colloidal silver 胶态微粒银 dore silver 多尔银, (含金)银锭, 粗银(含有少量金的银) fine silver 纯银 free silver 银币的自由铸造 fulminating silver 雷银 German silver 镍锌铜合金, 德银, (锌)白铜 hammer tone silver 锤纹银[铝]粉漆 horn silver 角银 light-ruby silver 淡红银矿 London standard silver 英国标准银 mat silver 用硫黄熏黑的银器, 黑色的银器 Mock silver 铝锡合金, 莫克白银 nickel silver 镍银合金, 铜镍锌合金, 白铜银, 德国银 niello silver 乌银 photolytic silver 【摄】光解银 proof silver 标准银, 纯银(试金用) protein silver 蛋白银 quick silver 水银, 汞 ruby silver 淡红银矿 sterling silver 标准纯银; (英国)货币银合金, 纹银 vitreous silver 辉银矿 silver AHD:[s筶捣恤] D.J.:[6silv*] K.K.:[6s!lv+] n. Ag S61symbol: { Ag } A lustrous white, ductile, malleable metallic element, occurring both unbined and in ores such as argentite, having the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of the metals. It is highly valued for jewelry, tableware, and other ornamental use and is widely used in coinage, photography, dental and soldering alloys, electrical contacts, and printed circuits. Atomic number 47; atomic weight 107.868; melting point 960.8=C; boiling point 2,212=C; specific gravity 10.50; valence 1, 2. See: element This metallic element as a modity or medium of exchange. Coins made of this metallic element. Domestic articles, such as tableware, made of or plated with silver. Tableware, especially eating and serving utensils, made of steel or another metal. Color A lustrous medium gray. A silver salt, especially silver nitrate, used to sensitize paper. silver adj. Made of or containing silver: a silver bowl; silver ore. Resembling silver, especially in having a lustrous shine; silvery. Color Of a lustrous medium gray: silver hair. Having a soft, clear, resonant sound. Eloquent; persuasive: a silver voice. Favoring the adoption of silver as a standard of currency: the silver plank of the 1896 Democratic platform. Of or constituting a 25th anniversary. silver v. sil.vered;; sil.vers; silver To cover, plate, or adorn with silver or a similar lustrous substance. To give a silver color to. To coat (photographic paper) with a film of silver nitrate or other silver salt. silver v.intr. To bee silvery. Middle English fromOld English siolfor, seolfor probably ultimately fromAkkadian 蘟rpu[ refined silver ] from 蘟r朱u[ to *** elt, refine ] silver n.银;银子;银器 [5sIlvE(r)] silver AHD:[s筶捣恤] D.J.:[6silv*] K.K.:[6s!lv+] n. Ag S61symbol: { Ag } A lustrous white, ductile, malleable metallic element, occurring both unbined and in ores such as argentite, having the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of the metals. It is highly valued for jewelry, tableware, and other ornamental use and is widely used in coinage, photography, dental and soldering alloys, electrical contacts, and printed circuits. Atomic number 47; atomic weight 107.868; melting point 960.8=C; boiling point 2,212=C; specific gravity 10.50; valence 1, 2. 银一种白色有光泽、韧性的可延展的金属元素,单独或结合在铁矿石如银辉石中,在金属中导热和导电性能最好。用它作珠宝,银器和其它装饰品时价格很高,还广泛用于铸币、照相、镶牙用和焊接用的合金、电接触器和印刷电路。原子序数47;原子量107.868;熔点960.8=C;沸点2,212=C;比重10.50;原子价1或2 See: element This metallic element as a modity or medium of exchange. 交易的钱币作为商品或交换媒介的这种金属元素 Coins made of this metallic element. 银币用这种金属制成的铸币 Domestic articles, such as tableware, made of or plated with silver. 银器皿由银制成的或镀银的家用物品,如餐具 Tableware, especially eating and serving utensils, made of steel or another metal. 钢制(或其它金属)餐具由钢或其它金属制成的餐具,尤指进餐和分菜用具 Color 【色彩】 A lustrous medium gray. 银灰色有亮泽而适中的灰色 A silver salt, especially silver nitrate, used to sensitize paper. 银盐,硝酸银一种银酸盐,尤指硝酸银,用于使纸感光 silver adj. Made of or containing silver: 银的由银制成的或含银的: a silver bowl; silver ore. 银碗;银矿石 Resembling silver, especially in having a lustrous shine; silvery. 似银的象银的,尤指有闪亮光泽这一点上;似银的 Color 【色彩】 Of a lustrous medium gray: 银色的亮泽而适中的灰色的: silver hair. 银发 Having a soft, clear, resonant sound. 银铃般的声音温柔、清越、响亮的 Eloquent; persuasive: 雄辩的;有说服力的: a silver voice. 雄辩的口才 Favoring the adoption of silver as a standard of currency: 主张银本位制的偏向于采用银作货币标准单位的: the silver plank of the 1896 Democratic platform. 1896年民主党竞选纲领中的银本位经济思想 Of or constituting a 25th anniversary. 二十五周年的第25周年的或构成第25年的 silver v. sil.vered;; sil.vers; silver To cover, plate, or adorn with silver or a similar lustrous substance. 饰银于…给…涂、镀或装饰上银或其它类似的有光泽的物质 To give a silver color to. 使…成银色 To coat (photographic paper) with a film of silver nitrate or other silver salt. 镀银盐给(照相纸)镀上一层硝酸盐或其它硝酸盐 silver v.intr. To bee silvery. 变成银色 Middle English 中古英语 fromOld English siolfor, seolfor 源自古英语 siolfor, seolfor probably ultimately fromAkkadian 蘟rpu[ refined silver ] 可能最终源自阿卡德语 蘟rpu[ 纯银 ] from 蘟r朱u[ to *** elt, refine ] 源自 蘟r朱u[ 熔炼;精炼 ]
2023-06-06 01:04:501


出自于《悼念》Alfred Tennyson: Ulysses丁尼生:《尤利西斯》译文:何功杰/飞白(根据两者译文,略作调整)It little profits that an idle king, | 这太无谓——当一个闲散的君主By this still hearth, among these barren crags, | 安居家中,在这个嶙峋的岛国.Match"d with an aged wife, I mete and dole | 我与年老的妻子相匹,颁布着Unequal laws unto a savage race, | 不公的法律,治理野蛮的种族,That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. | 他们吃、睡、收藏,而不理解我。I cannot rest from travel: I will drink | 我不能停歇我的跋涉:我决心Life to the lees; all times I have enjoy"d | 饮尽生命之杯。我一生都在Greatly, have suffer"d greatly, both with those | 体验巨大的痛苦、巨大的欢乐,That loved me, and alone; on shore, and when | 有时与爱我的狄伴一起,有时却Thro" scudding drifts the rainy Hyades | 独自一个;不论在岸上或海上,Vext the dim sea: I am become a name; | 当带来雨季的毕宿星团催动,我已经变成这样一个名字For always roaming with a hungry heart | 由于我如饥似渴地漂泊不止,Much have I seen and known; cities of men | 我已见识了许多民族的城And manners, climates, councils, governments, | 及其风气、习俗、枢密院、政府,Myself not least, but honour"d of them all; | 而我在他们之中最负盛名;And drunk delight of battle with my peers, | 我和同僚们共饮战斗的欢欣,Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy, | 在遥远而多风的特洛亚战场,I am a part of all that I have met; | 我自己是我全部经历的一部分;Yet all experience is an arch wherethro" | 而全部经验,也只是一座拱门,Gleams that untravell"d world, whose margin fades | 尚未游历的世界在门外闪光,For ever and for ever when I move. | 而随着我一步一步的前进,它的边界也不断向后退让。How dull it is to pause, to make an end, | 最单调最沉闷的是停留,是终止,To rust unburnish"d, not to shine in use! | 是蒙尘生锈而不在使用中发亮!As tho" to breathe were life. Life piled on life | 难道说呼吸就能算是生活?Were all too little, and of one to me | 几次生命堆起来尚嫌太少,Little remains: but every hour is saved | 何况我唯一的生命已余年无多。From that eternal silence, something more, | 唯有从永恒的沉寂之中抢救A bringer of new things; and vile it were | 每个小时,让每个小时带来一些新东西,带来一些新事物;For some three suns to store and hoard myself, | 三年来我可耻地把自己封存和储藏起来,And this gray spirit yearning in desire | 可这班白的心灵却迫切地向往To follow knowledge like a sinking star, | 去追随知识,像那西沉的星星,Beyond the utmost bound of human thought. | 到那人类思想极限以外的地方。This is my son, mine own Telemachus, | 这是我的儿子忒勒玛科斯,To whom I leave the scepter and the isle— | 我给他留下我的岛国和王杖,Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfil | 他是我所爱的,他有胆有识,This labour, by slow prudence to make mild | 能胜任这一工作;谨慎耐心地A rugged people, and thro" soft degrees | 教化粗野的民族,用温和的步骤Subdue them to the useful and the good. | 驯化他们,使他们善良而有用。Most blameless is he, centred in the sphere | 他是无可指责的,Of common duties, decent not to fail | 在我离去后他会担起重任,In offices of tenderness, and pay | 处理好那些需要谨慎应付的事务,Meet adoration to my household gods, | 并对我家的佑护神表示崇敬。When I am gone. He works his work, I mine. | 他和我,将各做各的工作There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail: | 海港就在那边,船儿已经扬帆,There gloom the dark broad seas. My mariners, | 大海沉沉,朦胧一片。我的水手们——Souls that have toil"d, and wrought, and thought with me— | 与我同辛劳、同工作、同思想的人,That ever with a frolic welcome took | 他们总是高高兴兴去迎接The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed | 雷电和阳光,Free hearts, free foreheads—you and I are old; | 并用自由的心与头颅来抗争,——Old age hath yet his honour and his toil; | 你们和我都已老了,但老年Death closes all: but something ere the end, | 仍有老年的荣誉、老年的辛劳;Some work of noble note, may yet be done, | 死亡终结一切,但在终点前Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods. | 我们还能做一番崇高的事业,使我们配称为与神斗争的人。The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks: | 礁石上的灯标开始闪光了:The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep | 长昼将尽,月亮缓缓攀登,Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends, | 大海用无数音响在周围呻唤。来呀,朋友们,探寻更新的世界"Tis not too late to seek a newer world. | 现在尚不是为时过晚。Push off, and sitting well in order smite | 开船吧!坐成排,划破这喧哗的海浪,The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds | 我决心驶向To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths | 太阳沉没的彼方,超越Of all the western stars, until I die. | 西方星斗的浴场,至死方止。It may be that the gulfs will wash us down: | 也许深渊会把我们吞噬,It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, | 也许我们将到达琼岛乐土,And see the great Achilles, whom we knew. | 与老朋友阿喀琉斯会晤。Tho" much is taken, much abides; and tho" | 尽管已达到的多,未知的也多啊,We are not now that strength which in old days | 虽然我们的力量已不如当初,Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; | 已远非昔日移天动地的雄姿,One equal temper of heroic hearts, | 但我们仍是我们,英雄的心Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will | 尽管被时间消磨,被命运削弱,To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. | 奋斗、探索、寻求,而不屈服。求采纳,谢谢。
2023-06-06 01:04:582


2023-06-06 01:05:0714


  英语文学中,诗歌极其丰富多彩,学英文而不懂英文诗歌,不仅从审美角度看是个遗憾,而且从语言学习角度看,学一些诗歌,语言能力会大大提高。我整理了关于简单易懂的英文诗,欢迎阅读!   关于简单易懂的英文诗篇一   Then   by Spencer Reece   I was a full-time house sitter. I had no title.   I lived in a farmhouse, on a *** all hill,   surrounded by 100 acres. All was still.   The fields were in a government program   that paid farmers to abandon them. Perfect.   I overlooked Union Lake, a *** all lake,   with a *** all ugly island in the middle   a sort of mistake, a cluster of dead elms   encircled by marsh, resembling a *** ear   of oil paint left to congeal on a palette.   Pesticides farmers sprayed on their crops   over the years had drained into the lake   and made the water black, the fish shake.   About the family that built the house   I knew nothing. Built in 1865,   perhaps they came after the Civil War?   It was a simple house. Two stories.   Six rooms. Every wall crooked.   Before the house, Indians camped there.   If you listened you could hear them.   On Sunday afternoons in early June,   the sun would burnish the interiors.   Shafts of light fell across the rooms.   An old gray cat sparred his mote-swirls.   Up a tiny staircase, ladder steep,   I was often found, adrift, half asleep.   I forgot words, where I lived, my dreams.   Mirrors around the house, those streams,   ran out of gossip. The walls absorbed me.   There was every indication I was safe there.   Outside, children sang, sweetening the air:   Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.   Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream . . .   their fingers marrying each other with ease   as the dark built its scaffolding above the trees.   Peonies spoiled, dye ran from their centers.   Often, the lawn was covered by a fine soft rain.   Days disappeared as quickly as they came.   The children receded. The moon rose.   Cows paused on the wild green plain   of all that land still left unmercialized.   Three years I had there. Alone. At peace.   Often I awoke as the light began to cease.   The house breathed and shook like a lover   as I took for myself time needed to recover.   关于简单易懂的英文诗篇二   There Will e Soft Rains   by Sara Teasdale   There will e soft rains and the *** ell of the ground,   And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;   And frogs in the pools singing at night,   And wild plum trees in tremulous white,   Robins will wear their feathery fire   Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;   And not one will know of the war, not one   Will care at last when it is done.   Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree   If mankind perished utterly;   And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,   Would scarcely know that we were gone.   关于简单易懂的英文诗篇三   There are Days   by John Montague   There are days when   one should be able   to pluck off one"s head   like a dented or worn   helmet, straight from   the nape and collarbone   ***those crackling branches!***   and place it firmly down   in the bed of a flowing stream.   Clear, clean, chill currents   coursing and spuming through   the sour and stale partments   of the brain, dimmed eardrums,   bleared eyesockets, filmed tongue.   And then set it back again   on the base of the shoulders:   well tamped down, of course,   the laved skin and mouth,   the marble of the eyes   rinsed and ready   for love; for prophecy?   关于简单易懂的英文诗篇四   They flee from me   by Thomas Wyatt   They flee from me, that sometime did me seek,   With naked foot stalking in my chamber.   I have seen them, gentle, tame, and meek,   That now are wild, and do not remember   That sometime they put themselves in danger   To take bread at my hand; and now they range,   Busily seeking with a continual change.   Thanked be Fortune it hath been otherwise,   Twenty times better; but once in special,   In thin array, after a pleasant guise,   When her loose gown from her shoulders did fall,   And she me caught in her arms long and *** all,   And therewith all sweetly did me kiss   And softly said, "Dear heart, how like you this?"   It was no dream, I lay broad waking.   But all is turned, thorough my gentleness,   Into a strange fashion of forsaking;   And I have leave to go, of her goodness,   And she also to use newfangleness.   But since that I so kindely am served,   I fain sould know what she hath deserved.   关于简单易懂的英文诗篇五   Thinking in Bed   by Dennis Lee   I"m thinking in bed,   CauseI can"t get out   Till I learn how to think   What I"m thinking about;   What I"m thinking about   Is a person to be   A sort of a person   Who feels like me.   I might still be Alice,   Excepting I"m not.   And Snoopy is super,   But not when it"s hot;   I couldn"t be Piglet,   I don"t think I"m Pooh,   I know I"m not Daddy   And I can"t be you.   My breakfast is waiting.   My clothes are all out,   But what was that thing   I was thinking about?   I"ll never get up   If I lie here all day;   But I still haven"t thought,   So I"ll just have to stay.   If I was a Grinch   I expect I would know.   But I don"t think so.   There"s so many people   I don"t seem to be   I guess I"ll just have to   Get up and be me.   
2023-06-06 01:06:591


干茶形状术语4.1.1 扁直 flat and straight 扁平挺直。4.1.2 肥直 fat and straight 芽头肥壮挺直,满坡白毫。形状如针。此术语也适用于黄绿茶和白茶干茶形状。4.1.3 梗叶连枝 whole flush 叶大梗长而相连。4.1.4 鱼子泡 scorched points 干茶有如鱼子大的突起泡点。干茶色泽术语4.2.1 金黄光亮 golden bright 芽头肥壮,芽色金黄,油润光亮。4.2.2 嫩黄光亮 tender yellow bright 色浅黄,光泽好。4.2.3 褐黄 auburnish yellow 黄中带褐,光泽稍差。4.2.4 青褐 blueish auburn 褐中带青。此术语也适用于压制茶干茶、叶底色泽和乌龙茶干茶色泽。4.2.5 黄褐 yellowish auburn 褐中带黄。此术语也适用于乌龙茶干茶色泽和压制茶干茶、叶底色泽。4.2.6黄青yellowish blue 青中带黄。汤色术语4.3.1 黄亮 yellow bright 黄而明亮。有深浅之分。此术语也适用于黄茶叶底色泽和白茶汤色。4.3.2 橙黄 orange yellow 黄中微泛红,似桔黄色,有深浅之分。此术语也适用于压制茶、白茶和乌龙 茶汤色。香气术语4.4.1 嫩香 tender flavour 清爽细腻,有毫香。此术语也适用于绿茶、白茶和红茶香气4.4.2 清鲜 clean and fresh 清香鲜爽,细而持久。此术语也适用于绿茶和白茶香气。4.4.3 清纯 clean and pure 清香纯和。此术语也适用于绿茶、乌龙茶和白茶香气。4.4.4 焦香 scorch aroma 炒麦香强烈持久。4.4.5 松烟香 pine smoky flavour 带有松木烟香。此术语也适用于黄茶、黑茶和小种红茶特有的香气。滋味术语4.5.1 甜爽 sweet and brisk 爽口而感有甜味。4.5.2 甘醇 sweet and mellow 味醇而带甜。此术语也适用于乌龙茶、白茶和条红茶滋味 同义词 甜醇4.5.3鲜醇fresh and mellow 清鲜醇爽,回甘。此术语也适用于绿茶、白茶、乌龙茶和条红茶滋味。叶底术语4.6.1肥嫩fat and tender 芽头肥壮,叶质柔软厚实。此术语也适用于绿茶、白茶和红茶叶底嫩底。4.6.2 嫩黄 tender yellow黄里泛白,叶质嫩度好,明亮度好。此术语也适用于黄色汤色和绿茶汤色、 叶底色泽。
2023-06-06 01:07:071


industry a diamond 工业钻石,金刚石(用于切割大理石,玻璃)marble 大理石granite 花岗岩imitation marble 人造大理石burnish 抛光polish 磨光baked wheaten cake 火烧(石材的一种加工法)to drill a hole(钻孔)to process 加工只教你些与石材有关的英文对照,具体的还不简单,复制上面的这些字,一个一个单词去百度搜索啊~
2023-06-06 01:07:301

用 be bored with 造句

1.首先be bored with中文意思为:对……感到厌倦的 2.造句:We are bored with his story. 我们对他讲的故事感到厌倦。He is bored with your long speech. 他对你的长篇演说感到厌烦。 I am bored with the subject , anyway . 不管怎样,我对这个问题感到厌烦。I am seldom bored with my job. 我很少对工作感到厌倦。
2023-06-06 01:07:387


2023-06-06 01:07:536


1) make-up remover oil: make-up remover, the drop a few drops of olive oil in the fingers, gently massage with pulp, and then steamed or face towel敷面to the naked eye can not see inside the pores to remove dirt and increase the skin"s luster and flexibility , nourish the skin, remove the small wrinkles. 2) day-to-day护唇: cotton dipped with a small amount of olive oil evenly coated in the lip, the benefit of maintaining the water and delay the elimination of唇纹there to prevent cracked peeling lips. The weather suddenly turns cold, flu or a bad stomach, and often for peeling lips cracked distress, as long as the polish on a small number of the goods, two or three days after the change to re-enable smooth lips. 3) day-to-day care: Cleaning after the painting of the goods, beneficial to maintain moisture and skin nourishing nutrients, eliminate wrinkles and slow the emergence of slow down the speed of skin aging. 4) day-to-day hair care: shampoo after the injection of a small number of basins in a number of the goods, upon rinsing, the oil will be evenly attached to the hair, or drops in the palm rubbed directly into the thin hair, hair can become common gloss beautiful, brown hair starting to prevent fork. 5) Olive Oil Bath: Bath Body Wash will be to dip the cotton goods, painted all over the body, wrapped with hot towels, warm water followed by 10 minutes to red again. 6) anti-crack Antipruritic: autumn and winter in the dry, cracked and chapped skin prevents sebum secretion itching caused by too little can of baby skin care, baby armpit buttocks in painting, etc. This product can prevent your baby"s skin was Khan flooded or submerged in urine. 7) Massage Oil: the hot summer sun is the best olive oil massage oil, swimming before and after smearing the whole body with olive oil, can be extremely delicate skin effectively. 8) base oil: and the use of essential oils to do with the family SPA, is probably the most effective base oil. 9) family SPA: olive oil and essential oils to do the family allocation of SPA, may be anti-aging. * Repair of the original Olive Shampoo [Element]: the best olive oil is rich in natural vitamin original B5, Western Society for grass, jojoba oil and soft factors. [Effect]: the nature of a mild, clean power for excellence and a wide range of plant extracts and minerals, to the deep hair moisture conservation, to provide daily necessities for the hair of moisture and nutrients to repair damaged hair, the hair lasting moisture, more supple health.
2023-06-06 01:08:455


  在我们的生活里,一定要给自己一些小惊喜,下面是我为大家搜集整理出来的有关于尼采英文经典语录,希望可以帮助到大家!   1、生活没有音乐是一种错误。   Life without music is a kind of error.   2、自己既感到痛苦,也叫别人痛苦。   Both feel their pain, also called others pain.   3、知道为什么而活的人,便能生存。   Who knows why to live, can survive.   4、你以自己的毒药制成自己的止痛剂。   You with their own poison made their own painkillers.   5、自爱者才能爱人,富裕者才能馈赠!   Self-love is to lover, the rich can gift!   6、凡是不能毁灭我的,将使我更强大。   Who can not destroy me, will make me stronger.   7、我祈求我的高傲要永远伴随我的智慧。   I pray that my proud to always accompany my wisdom.   8、焦躁不安,是兵家最忌讳的一种情绪。   Military commander restless, it is one of the most taboo.   9、笑意味着幸灾乐祸,不过伴随着良心。   Smile means to gloat, but with conscience.   10、我的时代尚未到来,有的人死后方生。   My time has not yet come, some people behind the death.   11、没有一贯的蔑视,又怎能不断地欣赏呢?   No consistent contempt, constantly to appreciate how again?   12、凡是不能杀死你的,最终都会让你更强。   Who can"t kill you, will eventually make you stronger.   13、任何不曾杀死我的东西,让我变得更强大。   Anything did not kill me, makes me stronger.   14、知道自己为什么而活,就能忍受任何生活。   Know why I live, you can put up with any life.   15、你们是半开的门,而挖坟穴的人就等在门外。   You are of the half-open door, and dig the grave hole will wait outside the door.   16、整个太阳的爱便是纯粹无邪与创造性的欲念。   The sun"s love is pure and innocent and creative desires.   17、只有在舞蹈中我才懂得说出最高尚事物的比喻。   Only I understand say the best things in the dance of metaphor.   18、我倦怠于我的智慧,如同蜜蜂采集了太多的蜜。   I am tired in my wisdom, just as bees gather too much honey.   19、人类,若不能超越自己,将是何等可悲的东西!   Human, if cannot transcend themselves, will be how sad things!   20、谁不把一天的三分之二留给自己,谁就是奴隶。   Two-thirds of the who doesn"t take a day to yourself, who is a slave.   21、我把自己呈献给我的爱,呈献给像我一样的邻人。   I present my love, present neighbor like me.   22、国家,是大家慢性自杀而称之为“生命”的地方。   Countries, is chronic suicide, call "life" places.   23、真的,我不得不飞向高处,以便重新发现喜悦之泉。   Really, I have to fly to high, so to find the fountain of joy.   24、我必须永远做一殉道者,以度过彻底贷出去了的一生。   I must always be a martyr, to get completely out of life.   25、美之音调却是纤细的,它只传送给最清醒的灵魂倾听。   Tones are slim beauty, it is only transmitted to the soul of the most awake to listen.   26、最高的道德是难得而无价的,同时还散发着柔和的光泽。   The highest moral is a rare and invaluable, also sending out the downy burnish.   27、最大的恶乃包含在最大的善之中,而这就是创造性的善。   The greatest evil is included in the greatest good, and that is good for creativity.   28、我不喜欢那些紧张的心灵,同时也讨厌那些钻牛角尖者。   I don"t like those nervous mind, also hate those who sit at the same time.   29、时间一逝不返,而所有会朽灭的都仅仅是一句谎言而已。   Time gone does not return, and all will rot out is just a lie.   30、出世理想生于生命意志之衰弱,因空无愿望而愿望空无。   Was born in the decline of life will, ideal for empty wish and desire to void.   31、你们受够了自己,你们的拼命工作只是一种自我逃避罢了。   You had enough of yourself, your hard work is a kind of self to escape.   32、赞美者假装在回报,可是实际上,他要求得到更多的赠送!   Praise who pretended to be return, but in fact, he asked for more gifts!   33、啊!伟大的星球,假如没有你所照耀的人们,你的快乐何在?   Ah! The great planet, if do not have the people you shine, your happiness?   34、说到底,还是“信仰使人快乐”!注意!并非道德使人快乐!   At the end of the day, or "beliefs make people happy"! Attention! Is not a moral make you happy.   35、苍生啊,你们肃然倒地了吗?宇宙啊,你感悟到那创造者了吗?   Ah, you touch down? The universe, you learned that the creator?   36、基督教是一个体系,对于事物的一种通盘考虑过的完整的观点。   Christianity is a system, the overall consideration for the things of a kind of a full point of view.   37、一个人的孤独是病人的逃避,另一个人的孤独是对病人的逃避。   A person"s loneliness is the patient"s escape, another man"s loneliness is to evade his patients.   38、你们所谓的.权力、金钱、权威的快乐只不过是一种偏头痛而已。   Your so-called power, money, authority, happiness is only a migraine.   39、当我们对拥有的东西产生厌倦的同时,我们也对自身产生厌倦。   When we are tired to have at the same time, we also own boredom.   40、若你一项美德,而那是你特有的美德时,则千万不要与人共享。   If you are a virtue, but that is your own virtue, is never Shared with others.   41、“彼岸”,倘若它不是一个手段的话,为何彼岸总要诬蔑此岸呢?   "Other side", if it is not a means, why the other shore always abused this side?   42、谁看见深渊,但是用鹰眼去看;谁用鹰爪去抓深渊:谁就有勇气。   Who saw the abyss, but the use of eagle eye to see; Whoever use talons to grasp the deep: have the courage.   43、我不断越过那些因循者与迟缓者,而使我的前进变成他们的落后。   I keep across those procrastinator and slow, and make me forward into their backward.   44、继续对所向往的东西保持信念,即使现在没有,也许永远得不到。   Continue to what you aspire to keep faith, even if not now, maybe never.   45、如果一个人始终只是为人弟子,则他必然不会十分感激他的老师。   If a person is always just a disciple, then he will be very grateful to his teacher.   46、劣作靠模仿获得声誉,精品却由此失去声誉,在艺术中尤其如此。   Rubbish by mimicking a reputation, high-quality goods from this loss of reputation, especially in the arts.   47、我喜欢智慧,往往太喜欢了:这是因为她十分强烈地让我想起了生命!   I like wisdom, often too like: it"s because she"s very strongly reminds me of my life!   48、在现实中,希望是所有祸害中最糟糕的,因为它延长了一个人的痛苦。   In reality, the hope is the worst of all evils, because it has increased a person"s pain.   49、不错,我们有过丰收,然而为什么我们所有的果实都腐烂而枯黄了呢?   Yes, we had a good harvest, but why all of our fruit rot and yellow?   50、高贵者绝不使人受窘——而他自己却在所有苦难者的面前感到无地自容。   Embarassing themselves noble who never make the person - and he is embarrassed in front of all those suffering.   51、要先勇于相信你们自己和自己的内部!不相信自己的人必定永远在说谎。   To have the courage to believe in yourself and your internal first! People who do not believe in yourself will always lying.   52、我是奔流旁边的栏杆,能抓紧我的人,抓住我吧!可我不是你们的拐杖。   I was running near the rail, can catch me, catch me! But I am not your cane.   53、人类最高的善必定是同罪恶一齐被买进来的,由悲凄之血泪与受苦来偿付。   Human must be the highest good with evil by buying, reimbursement by the blood and suffering of mournfulness.   54、一个志向高远的人,不仅要超越他的行为和判断,甚至也要超越公正本身。   A very ambitious person, not only need to go beyond his behavior and judgments, even to go beyond justice itself.   55、你走你的伟人之路:在你身后不再有退路,这一定是你最大的勇气之所在。   You go the way of your great man: behind you there will be no retreat, this must be your greatest courage.   56、我身上带着许多锈得最严重的钥匙,也知道如何用它们来开启最破旧的门。   Me with many of the worst rust key, also know how to use them to open the old door.   57、我要做的绝不止此。我不是寻求者。我要为自己创造一个属于自己的太阳!   I do not check this. I"m not a seeker. I want to create a belongs to own the sun for yourself!   58、海极愿被太阳的焦渴所吸啜,它想变成空气、高度、光明之路,甚至光明本身。   Sea may be extremely eager the sip of the sun, it want to be the air, the height, road light, even the light itself.   59、我钟爱那心灵过于丰实而忘己,且与万物合一的人,如是,万物乃成为他的归宿。   I love it too much and forget his own mind, and the people of the unity of all things, so, everything is to be his destination.   60、我们在一个人的身上看出了什么,同时也就会设法百般挑逗。因此,要谨防小人。   We see something in a person"s body, at the same time, it will try to tease the eyesight of the. Therefore, to beware of dog.   61、只有活生生的、跳着舞的到达你那里的真理,才有能力使你超越目前的意识状态。   Only alive, dancing to the truth, you only have the ability to make you go beyond the current state of consciousness.   62、你们这些今日的隐士,你们这些离群索居者,有朝一日,你们也会自成一个民族。   You today"s hermit, you these solitude, one day, you will become a nation.   63、深奥的知识如一股寒流。精神的内在之泉是冰冷的——却能令酷热的手感到舒爽。   Profound knowledge as a cold snap. Spirit is the fountain of the internal cold - but it can make hot hand feel comfortable.   64、你们与邻人交往以逃避自己,那我不如劝你们逃避邻人而去爱远处的人还好一点。   You associate with neighbor to escape themselves, then I not advised you to flee from neighbour and to love people in the distance is a bit better.   65、你无言的高傲始终违背他们的趣味;一旦你足够谦虚而显得浅薄,他们就幸灾乐祸。   You dumb proud always against their interest; Once you have enough humility and appear superficial, they rejoiced.   66、猿猴之于人算是什么?一个可笑的祖系,或是一件耻辱。人之于超人又何尝不是如此。   What is the ape to man? A funny face, or a shame. So not so man be to the superman.   67、但愿孤独的高处并不永远孤独和自足,也但愿高山能降临深谷,高处的风也能吹至平地。   I hope the lonely heights are not always lonely and self-sufficiency, also I wish we could come deep canyons mountains, high wind can blow to the ground.   68、就像所有的创造者一样,我已厌倦于破旧的语言,我的精神不想再穿着破旧的鞋子行走。   As the creator of all, I have tired of broken language, I don"t want to wear the spirit of the old shoes to walk.   69、凡是追求盛名的人,应当适时舍弃那些虚浮的荣耀,而表现出难得的艺术——及时而退。   Anyone who pursue fame, should be timely forsake the vain glory, and a rare art show, in a timely manner.   70、孤独者,你走爱者的道路:你爱你自己,所以你蔑视你自己,就像只有爱者才有的蔑视。   Lonely, you to the road of the lover: you love yourself, so you despise yourself, like only lover some contempt.   71、他完全没有妒意,这也难怪,因为他决意占领一块迄今无人占领,甚至无人见过的土地。   He has no jealousy, no wonder, because he was determined to occupy a so far no one occupation, even no one saw land.   72、你们还没有去寻求自己,就先来找我。所有的信徒都是这样,故而一切信仰也就不足取了。   You haven"t seek yourself, just come to me first. All believers is such, so all faith also paltrily.   73、只有清醒的人才知道美、灵性以及爱的神圣。那不再是一种束缚。觉醒者的爱给予你自由。   Only a person sober know beauty, spiritual and divine love. It is no longer a bound. The awakening of love to give you free.   74、他的行为依旧是遮盖自己的影子。行为往往会使行为者隐晦不显。他还没有克服自己的行为。   His behavior is still to cover its own shadow. Behavior tends to make behavior person doesn"t obscure. He has yet to overcome their own behavior.   75、追求者行走于人类之间,一如行走于动物之间。对追求者而言,人类乃是属于有脸颊的动物。   Suitors walking between humans, between as walking the animals. For suitors, but belongs to the human face of animals.   76、我的轻蔑与期望与日俱增。我愈升高,便愈鄙视那在攀爬的人,他们究竟想到高处寻找什么呢?   My contempt and growing expectations. The more I increases, then the more despise those who in climbing, what they think of high looking for?   77、年轻人很狂妄是因为他们都和自己的同类人打交道,这些人往往什么都不是,却喜欢显得重要。   Young people are mad because they are with their own kind of people, these people often are nothing, but love is important.   78、凡被拥有的一切对其拥有者都是深藏不露的,属于自己的珍藏总是要到了最后才会被挖掘出来。   All who are with all of its owner is hidden, belongs to own collection is always at the end of the day will be excavated.   79、你的真正本质并非深藏在你里面,而是无比地高于你,至少高于你一向看做你的自我的那种东西。   Your true nature is not hidden deep within you, it is incomparably higher than you, at least above the sort of thing you always as your self.   80、哪里缺乏意志,哪里就急不可待的需要信仰。意志作为命令的情感,是自主和力量的最重要标志。   Where a lack of will, is urgent need to faith. Will as command emotions, are independent and the most important symbol of strength.   81、对于所有深井来说,体验事物是很慢的:它们必须等待很久,才能知道,是什么掉到了它们的深处。   For all deep well, things are slow experience: they have to wait for a long time, to know, what is fell into their depths.   82、就像那些站在街头张着嘴注视来往行人者一样,他们也伫立在那里,并且目瞪口呆地看着别人的思想。   Like those who stood watching his mouth passers-by in the street, they also stood there, and stunned to see other people"s thinking.   83、你无法忍受自己,对自己爱得不够,所以你们想诱邻人陷入于己类似的爱中,而以他的错误来掩饰自己。   You can"t stand himself, to love yourself enough, so you want to lure the neighbor into a similar to the love of others, but to his mistakes to conceal himself.   84、大地仍为伟大的灵魂而开放着,还有许多地方可供隐士们独自或结伴潜居修行,那里洋溢着宁静之海的气息。   Is still open for the great soul, the earth has many places for hermits alone or together QianJu practice, there is permeated with the smell of the sea of tranquility.
2023-06-06 01:08:581


凉(药)茶 herbal tea, medicinal tea粗茶叶 coarse leaves头春茶 early spring tea, first season tea头道茶 first infusion of tea茶末 tea dust茶丸 tea ball粉末茶 tea powder煎茶 fried tea芽茶 but-tea新茶 fresh tea砖茶 brick tea毛茶 crudely tea散茶 loose tea碎茶 broken tea香片 perfumed tea茶片 tea siftings花茶 scented(jasmine) tea茶叶梗 tea stale, tea stem沏新茶 making fresh tea上茶offering tea, tea serving淡茶weak tea浓茶 strong tea抿茶 sipping tea茶园 tea garden 茶馆tea house茶几 tea table茶篮 tea basket滤茶球 tea ball 减肥茶 diet(slimming)tea保健茶 tonic tea凉茶精 herb ingredients美容茶 cosmetic tea人参茶ginseng tea姜茶 ginger tea 速溶茶instant tea茶叶蛋 salty eggs cooked in tea擂茶 mashed tea盖碗茶 tea served in a set of cups茶叶表演 tea-serving performance早茶 morning tea茶锈 tea stain茶底tea dregs茶脚 waste tea茶渣 tea grounds茶香 tea aroma茶具 tea set茶杯 tea cup茶盘 tea tray茶碟 tea saucer茶壶 tea pot茶缸 tea container紫砂茶壶 ceramic tea pot茶叶罐 tea caddy茶杯垫 coaster茶壶套 tea cosy滤茶器 tea strainer茶匙 teaspoon黑茶、压制茶术语 干茶形状术语 泥鳅条 fishery 茶条圆直较大,状如泥鳅。 折叠条 enveloped 茶条折皱重叠。 端正 normal brick 砖身形态完整,砖面平整,棱角分明。 纹理清晰 clean mark 砖面花纹、商标、文字等标记清晰。 起层 open 砖茶表层翘起而未脱落。 落面 broken cover 砖茶表层有部分茶脱落。 脱面 cover drop 饼茶的盖面脱落。 紧度适合 well-comperessed 压制松紧适度。 平滑 flat and smooth 砖面平整,无起层落面或茶梗突出现象。 金花 golden flower 茯砖茶中灰绿曲霉菌的金黄色孢子。金花普遍茂盛,品质为佳。 斧头形 axe-shape 砖身一端厚、一端薄、形似斧头。 缺口 broken piece 砖茶、饼茶等边缘有残缺现象。 包心外露 heart unenveloped 里茶外露于表面。 龟裂 crack 砖面有裂缝现象。 烧心 heart burnt 砖茶中心部分发暗、发黑或发红。烧心砖多发生霉变。 断甑 broken layer 金尖中间断落,不成整块。 干茶色泽术语 乌润 black bloom 乌而油润。此术语也适用于红茶和乌龙茶干茶色泽。 半筒黄 semi-yellow 色泽花杂,叶尖黑色,柄端黄黑色。黑褐 black auburn 褐中带黑。此术语也适用于压制茶汤色、叶底色泽,乌龙茶和红茶干茶色泽。 铁黑 iron black 色黑似铁。 棕褐 brownish auburn 褐中带棕。此术语也适用于压制茶汤色、叶底和红茶干茶色泽。 青黄 blueish yellow 黄中泛青,原料后发酵不足所致。 猪肝色 liver colour 红而带暗,似猪肝色。 褐红 auburnish red 红中带褐。 汤色术语 橙红 orange red 红中泛橙色。此术语也适用于乌龙茶汤色。 红暗 red dull 红而深暗。此术语也适用于红茶汤色。 棕红 brownish red 红中泛棕,似咖啡色。此术语也适用于红茶干茶色泽及红碎茶茶汤加奶后的 汤色。 棕黄 brownish yellow 黄中泛棕。此术语也适用于红碎茶干茶色泽。红黄 reddish yellow 黄中带红。 香气术语 陈香 stale fiavour 香气陈纯,无霉气。 菌花香 arohid flavour 茯砖发花正常茂盛所发出的特殊香气。 滋味术语 陈醇 stale and mellow 滋味陈醇而无霉味。 粗淡 coarse and plain 味淡薄,喉味粗糙。此术语也适用于绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶滋味。 叶底术语 黄黑 yellowish black 黑中带黄。 红褐 reddish auburn 褐中泛红。此术语也适用于汤色。 乌龙茶术语 干茶形状术语 蜻蜓头 dragenfly head 茶条叶端卷曲,紧结沉重,状如蜻蜓头。 壮结 bold 肥壮紧结。 扭曲 curled 茶条扭曲,折皱重叠。 干茶色泽术语 砂绿 sand green 似蛙皮绿而有光泽。 枯燥 dry 干燥无光泽,按叶色深浅程度不同有乌燥、褐燥之分。 汤色术语 金黄 golden yellow 以黄为主,带有橙色,有深浅之分。 清黄 clear yellow 茶汤黄而清澈。 红色 red colour 色红,有深浅之分。 香气术语 岩韵 YEN flavour 武夷岩茶具岩骨花香韵味特征。 音韵 IN-flavour 铁观音特有的香味特征。 浓郁 heavy flavour 浓而持久的特殊花果香。 闷火 sullky fired 乌龙茶烘焙后,未适当摊凉而形成一种令人不快的火气。 猛火 too high firing 烘焙温度过高或过急所产生的不良火气。 滋味术语清醇 clean and mellow 茶汤味新鲜,入口爽适。 甘鲜 sweet and fresh 鲜洁有甜感。 粗浓 coarse and heavy 味粗而浓。 味底术语 肥亮 fat and bright 叶肉肥厚,叶色透明发亮。 软亮 soft and bright 叶质柔软,叶色透明发亮。 红边 red side 做青适度,绿叶有红边或红点。红色明亮鲜艳。 暗红张 dull red leaf 叶张发红,夹杂的暗红叶片。 死张 dead leaf 叶张发红,夹杂伤红叶片。 硬挺 hard 叶质老,按后叶张很快恢复原状。 白茶术语 干茶形状术语 毫心肥壮 fat bud 芽肥嫩壮大,茸毛多。 茸毛洁白 white hair 茸毛多、洁白而富有光泽。 芽叶连枝 whole shoot 芽叶相连成朵。 叶缘垂卷 leaf side roll down 叶面隆起,叶缘向叶背微微翘起。 平展 flat leaf side 叶缘不垂卷而平展。 破张 broken leaves 叶张破碎。 腊片 waxy 表面形成腊质的老片。 干茶色泽术语 铁板色 iron grey 深红而暗似铁锈色,无光泽。 铁青 iron blue 似铁色带青。 汤色术语 微红 slight red 色微泛红。 黄暗 yellow dull 色黄较深暗。此术语也适用于黄茶和绿茶的汤色和叶底色泽。香气术语 嫩爽 tender and brisk 活泼、爽快的嫩茶香气。 毫香 pekoe flavour 白毫显露的嫩芽叶所具有的香气。 鲜纯 fresh and pure 新鲜纯和,有毫香。 酵气 ferment odour 白茶萎凋过度,有红茶发酵气。 失解 freshless 极不鲜爽,有时接近变质。 滋味术语 清甜 clean and sweet 入口感觉清鲜爽快,有甜味。 醇爽 mellow and brisk 醇而鲜爽,毫味足。此术语也适用于黄茶滋味。 青味 green taste 茶味淡而青草味重。叶底术语 红张 red leaf 萎凋过度,叶张红变。 暗张 dull leaf 暗黑,多为雨天制茶形成死青。
2023-06-06 01:09:071

莎士比亚 女人是被爱的 不是被了解的 原文

2023-06-06 01:09:142

哪位好心人 帮我写一篇作文 很急 加分 Title: Study Abroad (国外求学) Key words: flourish, spare no ef

The future of the development of times, science hut in progress, the human is in constant doraemon", If you like animals, it can be converted into small white rabbit "," If you like sports, it can also be converted to "football". By 2030, we inhabit and balloons are integrated. It can according to master demand, without any change in the original style, under the precondition of become bigger or smaller, become tall becomes short. If you want a clearing to play, it can temporarily decrescent, give you a glade, If you want to ask a friend to the party, it can temporarily become larger, more accommodate some person, If you want to pick the apples on the tree house beside, it can temporarily become tall, so you standing on the windowsill can pick apples. By 2030, we inhabit and car is integrated. House under the wheel and the pillar, can follow master to move together. If you want to go for an outing, you can burn your house together to outskirts, If you want to go swimming, you can burn your house together the seaside, Even if you want to explore, your house can follow you go together. Beautiful fantasy is need people with the practical action to put it into reality, let us work together learn scientific and cultural knowledge, let the future with our wisdom to realize our dreams! With the development of modern science and continuous development, the moon has become human second home and many people move to the moon, I am no exception, I on the moon has a new home, of course, this home is designed and built by me. My house built mushroom form, outside coated with ivory high-tech coatings. House issued downy burnish, give a person a kind of sweet feeling. From the root of the gate and mushrooms along spiral stairway to upstairs, upstairs is my bedroom, open the skylight, can see green grass in the courtyard of the rabbit. These little rabbit is charng-er sister brought charng-er sister is stated, experts, she liked me, just send a few little rabbit to me. Now, these little guys are down the long ears, three petal mouths to move move, very lovely. I was still in the yard planted many trees, don"t see these trees grow tall, thick, they but I just last month planted, USES the latest science and technology, so in such a short period of rapid growth, not only my house, every family, and the streets are everywhere lush trees. These trees constantly emits oxygen, so as to solve problems for people to breathe. In my garden and a tree strange fruit trees, scientists attribute various fruits take to research, after a series of complex scientific experiments, developed multi-function seeds, plant it on the moon, became appered tree top guitar with all kinds of fruit, apples, pears, peaches, plum... Ask for what you want what there is. Children in my home, it is a real big full the luck to eat STH delicious, this is all scientific achievement! Live on the moon, there will be many new feeling. For example: I have unique mode of motion, the time go to school, I came bouncing go to school, the moon"s gravity is the earth, and one sixth of the jump gently, can jump three meters high, jumps, there is a fly feeling, many children also like me jump go to school, it became a great landscape on the moon. Holidays, I attended school held the summer camp, students will under the guidance of teachers take interstellar train to the universe travel, don"t worry us and other planet children unable to communicate, the universe lingua franca is Chinese, at that time, the universe starting a shares learning Chinese boom. Of course, we can has the advantageous conditions. If I want to home, sat down with their own star trek back to the motherland, in the boundless universe, looking pale blue planet from me more and more close, in the heart of passion is unspeakable, "the earth mother, I came back." So, I sometimes on the moon, sometimes life on earth. The vast universe term I roam, that is the real beauty of life.and the trees are very tall
2023-06-06 01:09:223

请问burnish和polish在表示“抛光”的含义 有什么区别?

两词语都含“磨擦使表面光亮”的意思。polish 指 “用布或其他工具磨擦某物而使其表面光滑或有光泽”, 如:polish silver, glass, furniture擦银器,玻璃,家具。burnish 指“擦金属物使产生光泽”, 如:burnish steel擦亮钢。
2023-06-06 01:09:421


如果是当擦亮讲,两个词相同,可以互换。 但是polish还有‘波兰的"意思,还可以作为‘修饰"等其他意思
2023-06-06 01:09:492


ish位后缀结尾的单词有:abolish vt.废除,取消;admonish v. 训诫,警告;astonish vt.使惊讶;banish v. 放逐,摒弃;blemish v. 损害,玷污;brandish vt. 挥,挥舞;burnish v. 擦亮,磨光;cherish vt.珍爱;怀有(感情);demolish v. 摧毁,拆除;diminish vt.减少,减小,递减;establish vt.建立,设立;确立;furbish v. 磨光,刷新;punish vt.&vi.惩罚;处罚;
2023-06-06 01:09:571


polish shoes
2023-06-06 01:10:245


healthcare 卫生保健moisture潮湿的natural自然的burnish抛光smooth光滑的
2023-06-06 01:10:541

3 ton color 是什么颜色呢?

2023-06-06 01:11:012


silver: [ "silvu0259 ] a. 银色的n. 银v. 镀银
2023-06-06 01:11:093


1、生活没有音乐是一种错误。 Life without music is a kind of error. 2、自己既感到痛苦,也叫别人痛苦。 Both feel their pain, also called others pain. 3、知道为什么而活的人,便能生存。 Who knows why to live, can survive. 4、你以自己的毒药制成自己的止痛剂。 You with their own poison made their own painkillers. 5、自爱者才能爱人,富裕者才能馈赠! Self-love is to lover, the rich can gift! 6、凡是不能毁灭我的,将使我更强大。 Who can not destroy me, will make me stronger. 7、我祈求我的高傲要永远伴随我的智慧。 I pray that my proud to always accompany my wisdom. 8、焦躁不安,是兵家最忌讳的一种情绪。 Military commander restless, it is one of the most taboo. 9、笑意味着幸灾乐祸,不过伴随着良心。 Smile means to gloat, but with conscience. 10、我的时代尚未到来,有的人死后方生。 My time has not yet come, some people behind the death. 11、没有一贯的蔑视,又怎能不断地欣赏呢? No consistent contempt, constantly to apPciate how again? 12、凡是不能杀死你的,最终都会让你更强。 Who can"t kill you, will eventually make you stronger. 13、任何不曾杀死我的东西,让我变得更强大。 Anything did not kill me, makes me stronger. 14、知道自己为什么而活,就能忍受任何生活。 Know why I live, you can put up with any life. 15、你们是半开的门,而挖坟穴的人就等在门外。 You are of the half-open door, and dig the grave hole will wait outside the door. 16、整个太阳的爱便是纯粹无邪与创造性的欲念。 The sun"s love is pure and innocent and creative desires. 17、只有在舞蹈中我才懂得说出最高尚事物的比喻。 Only I understand say the best things in the dance of metaphor. 18、我倦怠于我的智慧,如同蜜蜂采集了太多的蜜。 I am tired in my wisdom, just as bees gather too much honey. 19、人类,若不能超越自己,将是何等可悲的东西! Human, if cannot transcend themselves, will be how sad things! 20、谁不把一天的三分之二留给自己,谁就是奴隶。 Two-thirds of the who doesn"t take a day to yourself, who is a slave. 21、我把自己呈献给我的爱,呈献给像我一样的邻人。 I Psent my love, Psent neighbor like me. 22、国家,是大家慢性**而称之为“生命”的地方。 Countries, is chronic suicide, call "life" places. 23、真的,我不得不飞向高处,以便重新发现喜悦之泉。 Really, I have to fly to high, so to find the fountain of joy. 24、我必须永远做一殉道者,以度过彻底贷出去了的一生。 I must always be a martyr, to get completely out of life. 25、美之音调却是纤细的,它只传送给最清醒的灵魂倾听。 Tones are slim beauty, it is only transmitted to the soul of the most awake to listen. 26、最高的道德是难得而无价的,同时还散发着柔和的光泽。 The highest moral is a rare and invaluable, also sending out the downy burnish. 27、最大的恶乃包含在最大的善之中,而这就是创造性的善。 The greatest evil is included in the greatest good, and that is good for creativity. 28、我不喜欢那些紧张的心灵,同时也讨厌那些钻牛角尖者。 I don"t like those nervous mind, also hate those who sit at the same time. 29、时间一逝不返,而所有会朽灭的都仅仅是一句谎言而已。 Time gone does not return, and all will rot out is just a lie. 30、出世理想生于生命意志之衰弱,因空无愿望而愿望空无。 Was born in the decline of life will, ideal for empty wish and desire to void. 31、你们受够了自己,你们的拼命工作只是一种自我逃避罢了。 You had enough of yourself, your hard work is a kind of self to escape. 32、赞美者假装在回报,可是实际上,他要求得到更多的赠送! Praise who Ptended to be return, but in fact, he asked for more gifts! 33、啊!伟大的星球,假如没有你所照耀的人们,你的快乐何在? Ah! The great planet, if do not have the people you shine, your happiness? 34、说到底,还是“信仰使人快乐”!注意!并非道德使人快乐! At the end of the day, or "beliefs make people happy"! Attention! Is not a moral make you happy. 35、苍生啊,你们肃然倒地了吗?宇宙啊,你感悟到那创造者了吗? Ah, you touch down? The universe, you learned that the creator? 36、基督教是一个体系,对于事物的一种通盘考虑过的完整的观点。 Christianity is a system, the overall consideration for the things of a kind of a full point of view. 37、一个人的孤独是病人的逃避,另一个人的孤独是对病人的逃避。 A person"s loneliness is the patient"s escape, another man"s loneliness is to evade his patients. 38、你们所谓的权力、金钱、权威的快乐只不过是一种偏头痛而已。 Your so-called power, money, authority, happiness is only a migraine. 39、当我们对拥有的东西产生厌倦的同时,我们也对自身产生厌倦。 When we are tired to have at the same time, we also own boredom. 40、若你一项美德,而那是你特有的美德时,则千万不要与人共享。 If you are a virtue, but that is your own virtue, is never Shared with others. 41、“彼岸”,倘若它不是一个手段的话,为何彼岸总要诬蔑此岸呢? "Other side", if it is not a means, why the other shore always abused this side? 42、谁看见深渊,但是用鹰眼去看;谁用鹰爪去抓深渊:谁就有勇气。 Who saw the abyss, but the use of eagle eye to see; Whoever use talons to grasp the deep: have the courage. 43、我不断越过那些因循者与迟缓者,而使我的前进变成他们的落后。 I keep across those procrastinator and slow, and make me forward into their backward. 44、继续对所向往的东西保持信念,即使现在没有,也许永远得不到。 Continue to what you aspire to keep faith, even if not now, maybe never. 45、如果一个人始终只是为人弟子,则他必然不会十分感激他的老师。 If a person is always just a disciple, then he will be very grateful to his teacher. 46、劣作靠模仿获得声誉,精品却由此失去声誉,在艺术中尤其如此。 Rubbish by mimicking a reputation, high-quality goods from this loss of reputation, especially in the arts. 47、我喜欢智慧,往往太喜欢了:这是因为她十分强烈地让我想起了生命! I like wisdom, often too like: it"s because she"s very strongly reminds me of my life! 48、在现实中,希望是所有祸害中最糟糕的,因为它延长了一个人的痛苦。 In reality, the hope is the worst of all evils, because it has increased a person"s pain. 49、不错,我们有过丰收,然而为什么我们所有的果实都腐烂而枯黄了呢? Yes, we had a good harvest, but why all of our fruit rot and yellow? 50、高贵者绝不使人受窘——而他自己却在所有苦难者的面前感到无地自容。 Embarassing themselves noble who never make the person - and he is embarrassed in front of all those suffering. 51、要先勇于相信你们自己和自己的内部!不相信自己的人必定永远在说谎。 To have the courage to believe in yourself and your internal first! People who do not believe in yourself will always lying. 52、我是奔流旁边的栏杆,能抓紧我的人,抓住我吧!可我不是你们的拐杖。 I was running near the rail, can catch me, catch me! But I am not your cane. 53、人类最高的善必定是同罪恶一齐被买进来的,由悲凄之血泪与受苦来偿付。 Human must be the highest good with evil by buying, reimbursement by the blood and suffering of mournfulness. 54、一个志向高远的人,不仅要超越他的行为和判断,甚至也要超越公正本身。 A very ambitious person, not only need to go beyond his behavior and judgments, even to go beyond justice itself. 55、你走你的伟人之路:在你身后不再有退路,这一定是你最大的勇气之所在。 You go the way of your great man: behind you there will be no retreat, this must be your greatest courage. 56、我身上带着许多锈得最严重的钥匙,也知道如何用它们来开启最破旧的门。 Me with many of the worst rust key, also know how to use them to open the old door. 57、我要做的绝不止此。我不是寻求者。我要为自己创造一个属于自己的太阳! I do not check this. I"m not a seeker. I want to create a belongs to own the sun for yourself! 58、海极愿被太阳的焦渴所吸啜,它想变成空气、高度、光明之路,甚至光明本身。 Sea may be extremely eager the sip of the sun, it want to be the air, the height, road light, even the light itself. 59、我钟爱那心灵过于丰实而忘己,且与万物合一的人,如是,万物乃成为他的归宿。 I love it too much and forget his own mind, and the people of the unity of all things, so, everything is to be his destination. 60、我们在一个人的身上看出了什么,同时也就会设法百般挑逗。因此,要谨防小人。 We see something in a person"s body, at the same time, it will try to tease the eyesight of the. Therefore, to beware of dog. 61、只有活生生的、跳着舞的到达你那里的真理,才有能力使你超越目前的意识状态。 Only alive, dancing to the truth, you only have the ability to make you go beyond the current state of consciousness. 62、你们这些今日的隐士,你们这些离群索居者,有朝一日,你们也会自成一个民族。 You today"s hermit, you these solitude, one day, you will become a nation. 63、深奥的知识如一股寒流。精神的内在之泉是冰冷的——却能令酷热的手感到舒爽。 Profound knowledge as a cold snap. Spirit is the fountain of the internal cold - but it can make hot hand feel comfortable. 64、你们与邻人交往以逃避自己,那我不如劝你们逃避邻人而去爱远处的人还好一点。 You associate with neighbor to escape themselves, then I not advised you to flee from neighbour and to love people in the distance is a bit better. 65、你无言的高傲始终违背他们的趣味;一旦你足够谦虚而显得浅薄,他们就幸灾乐祸。 You dumb proud always against their interest; Once you have enough humility and appear superficial, they rejoiced. 66、猿猴之于人算是什么?一个可笑的祖系,或是一件耻辱。人之于超人又何尝不是如此。 What is the ape to man? A funny face, or a shame. So not so man be to the superman. 67、但愿孤独的高处并不永远孤独和自足,也但愿高山能降临深谷,高处的风也能吹至平地。 I hope the lonely heights are not always lonely and self-sufficiency, also I wish we could come deep canyons mountains, high wind can blow to the ground. 68、就像所有的创造者一样,我已厌倦于破旧的语言,我的精神不想再穿着破旧的鞋子行走。 As the creator of all, I have tired of broken language, I don"t want to wear the spirit of the old shoes to walk. 69、凡是追求盛名的人,应当适时舍弃那些虚浮的荣耀,而表现出难得的艺术——及时而退。 Anyone who pursue fame, should be timely forsake the vain glory, and a rare art show, in a timely manner. 70、孤独者,你走爱者的道路:你爱你自己,所以你蔑视你自己,就像只有爱者才有的蔑视。 Lonely, you to the road of the lover: you love yourself, so you despise yourself, like only lover some contempt. 71、他完全没有妒意,这也难怪,因为他决意占领一块迄今无人占领,甚至无人见过的土地。 He has no jealousy, no wonder, because he was determined to occupy a so far no one occupation, even no one saw land. 72、你们还没有去寻求自己,就先来找我。所有的信徒都是这样,故而一切信仰也就不足取了。 You haven"t seek yourself, just come to me first. All believers is such, so all faith also paltrily. 73、只有清醒的人才知道美、灵性以及爱的神圣。那不再是一种束缚。觉醒者的爱给予你自由。 Only a person sober know beauty, spiritual and pine love. It is no longer a bound. The awakening of love to give you free. 74、他的行为依旧是遮盖自己的影子。行为往往会使行为者隐晦不显。他还没有克服自己的行为。 His behavior is still to cover its own shadow. Behavior tends to make behavior person doesn"t obscure. He has yet to overcome their own behavior. 75、追求者行走于人类之间,一如行走于动物之间。对追求者而言,人类乃是属于有脸颊的动物。 Suitors walking between humans, between as walking the animals. For suitors, but belongs to the human face of animals. 76、我的轻蔑与期望与日俱增。我愈升高,便愈鄙视那在攀爬的人,他们究竟想到高处寻找什么呢? My contempt and growing expectations. The more I increases, then the more despise those who in climbing, what they think of high looking for? 77、年轻人很狂妄是因为他们都和自己的同类人打交道,这些人往往什么都不是,却喜欢显得重要。 Young people are mad because they are with their own kind of people, these people often are nothing, but love is important. 78、凡被拥有的一切对其拥有者都是深藏不露的,属于自己的珍藏总是要到了最后才会被挖掘出来。 All who are with all of its owner is hidden, belongs to own collection is always at the end of the day will be excavated. 79、你的真正本质并非深藏在你里面,而是无比地高于你,至少高于你一向看做你的自我的那种东西。 Your true nature is not hidden deep within you, it is incomparably higher than you, at least above the sort of thing you always as your self. 80、哪里缺乏意志,哪里就急不可待的需要信仰。意志作为命令的情感,是自主和力量的最重要标志。 Where a lack of will, is urgent need to faith. Will as command emotions, are independent and the most important symbol of strength. 81、对于所有深井来说,体验事物是很慢的:它们必须等待很久,才能知道,是什么掉到了它们的深处。 For all deep well, things are slow experience: they have to wait for a long time, to know, what is fell into their depths. 82、就像那些站在街头张着嘴注视来往行人者一样,他们也伫立在那里,并且目瞪口呆地看着别人的思想。 Like those who stood watching his mouth passers-by in the street, they also stood there, and stunned to see other people"s thinking. 83、你无法忍受自己,对自己爱得不够,所以你们想诱邻人陷入于己类似的爱中,而以他的错误来掩饰自己。 You can"t stand himself, to love yourself enough, so you want to lure the neighbor into a similar to the love of others, but to his mistakes to conceal himself. 84、大地仍为伟大的灵魂而开放着,还有许多地方可供隐士们独自或结伴潜居修行,那里洋溢着宁静之海的气息。 Is still open for the great soul, the earth has many places for hermits alone or together QianJu practice, there is permeated with the smell of the sea of tranquility. ;
2023-06-06 01:11:161


这首歌很长阿曲名:The Lady Of Shalott 歌手:Loreena McKennitt 专辑:The Visit Loreena McKennitt - The Lady Of Shalott On either side of the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye, That clothe the world and meet the sky; And thro" the field the road run by To many-towered Camelot; And up and down the people go, Gazing where the lilies blow Round an island there below, The island of Shalott. Willows whiten, aspens quiver, Little breezes and dusk and shiver Thro" the wave that runs forever By the island in the river Flowing down to Camelot. Four grey walls, and four grey towers, Overlook a space of flowers, And the silent island imbowers The Lady of Shalott. Only reapers, reaping early, In among the bearded barley Hear a song that echoes cheerly From the river winding clearly Flowing down to tower"d Camelot; And by the moon the reaper weary, Piling sheaves in uplands airy, Listening, whispers ""tis the fairy The Lady of Shalott." There she weaves by night and day A magic web with colours gay, She has heard a whisper say, A curse is on her if she stay To look down to Camelot. She knows not what the curse may be, And so she weaveth steadily, And little other care hath she, The Lady of Shalott. But in her web she still delights To weave the mirror"s magic sights, For often thro" the silent nights A funeral, with plumes and with lights And music, went to Camelot; Or when the Moon was overhead, Came two young lovers lately wed. "I am half sick of shadows," she said The Lady Of Shalott. A bow-shot from her bower-eaves, He rode between the barley sheaves, The sun came dazzling thro" the leaves, And flamed upon the brazen greaves Of bold Sir Lancelot. A red-cross knight for ever kneel"d To a lady in his shield, That sparkled on the yellow field, Beside remote Shalott. His broad clear brow in sunlight glow"d; On burnish"d hooves his war-horse trode; From underneath his helmet flow"d His coal-black curls as on he rode, As he rode down to Camelot. From the bank and from the river He flashed into the crystal mirror, "Tirra Lirra," by the river Sang Sir Lancelot. She left the web, she left the loom, She made three paces taro" the room, She saw the water-lily bloom, She saw the helmet and the plume, She looked down to Camelot. Out flew the web and floated wide; The mirror cracked from side to side; "The curse is come upon me," cried The Lady of Shalott. In the stormy east-wind straining, The pale yellow woods were waning, The broad stream in his banks complaining. Heavily the low sky raining Over towered Camelot; Down she came and found a boat Beneath a willow left afloat, And round about the prow she wrote The Lady of Shalott And down the river"s dim expanse Like some bold seer in a trance, Seeing all his own mischance With a glassy countenance Did she look to Camelot. And at the closing of the day She loosed the chain and down she lay; The broad stream bore her far away, The Lady of Shalott. Who is this? And what is here? And in the lighted palace near Died the sound of royal cheer; And they crossed themselves for fear, All the Knights at Camelot; But Lancelot mused a little space He said, "She has a lovely face; God in his mercy lend her grace, The Lady of Shalott."
2023-06-06 01:11:352


倒是 听过他的尤利西斯,大概也是出自《悼念》吧
2023-06-06 01:11:442


2023-06-06 01:11:527


To be or not to be ,this is a question
2023-06-06 01:12:074

帮忙翻译一些文字 谢谢 天然白杨木屑(木丝) 饲养箱天然垫屑 优秀的垫屑不仅有著超强的吸水性和吸附异味

Natural poplar wood (wood-silk) Raising boxes natural mat crumbs Excellent mat crumbs not only have the super absorbent and adsorption odor, provide more crawler closest to natural habitats, simulates the most outstanding wild scenes, for healthy growth and reproduction of the crawler played a key role. This product adopts the natural poplar wood as raw material to process, the pure natural mat crumbs, never add any artificially reagents. Texture is soft, can best protection reptile, does not contain any harmful plants glycerine kind material. Is snakes and other lizards, mammals, birds ideal pad materials Second-ranking 100% natural mat crumbs, safe Second-ranking texture is soft, powerful water imbibition, clean sanitation Second-ranking natural habitats simulation Second-ranking induced crawler cave habits, build perfect natural space Second-ranking natural mat crumbs, crawler swallowed harmless health Bark cushion material (L) Raising boxes natural mat crumbs Excellent mat crumbs not only have the super absorbent and adsorption odor, provide more crawler closest to natural habitats, simulates the most outstanding wild scenes, for healthy growth and reproduction of the crawler played a key role. This product adopts the natural bark by burnish screening and become, without harmful vegetable glycerin residue and reagents. With excellent insulating performance, encounter wet after absorbing moisture volatilizes slowly, build a most natural wild "micro climate" environment. Suitable for most terrestrial reptiles Second-ranking 100% natural bark polishing processing Second-ranking super absorbent and moisturizing effect The perfect choice reptile sets itself Second-ranking absorption excrement Second-ranking better control of air humidity Machine can use repeatedly
2023-06-06 01:12:153

帮忙翻译简历英文 谢谢 不要软件翻得

Plan assembly drawing 1 (the A1 blueprint), components shop drawing 2 (pass on moving parts, axis), the design calculation instruction booklet.Through requests from the machine function to embark, the reasonable selective system or the components type, the formulation design proposal, calculates the components correctly, determined its size, the shape, the structure, the material, and considered questions and so on manufacture craft, use, maintenance, economy, security, have grasped the design general rule, has exercised the solution actual problem ability.2009.8.24~2009.9.6 Metalworking practice through the vehicle, the pliers, the mill, rubs, welds and so on the working procedures, the manufacture manual hammer.From cuts to digs the mill, from welds to the polish, enhanced practically has really held the skill, simultaneously has grasped the lathe, the milling machine, the arc welding and fitter"s elementary operation eo skill.2010.1.18~2010.2.2 Visit Practical Training visits makes an all-out search greatly has the limited liability company, Baoding Famous Enterprises and so on Great Wall automobile limited liability company, explains through the correlation staff, understood initially the business management the essential method and the skill, the experience enterprise produce the operation the pattern and the method, will study the theory knowledge and the production practice carries on the union, while the thorough understanding theory knowledge, has been clear about the operation main point which will really hold.2010.3.15~2010.4.2 Production Practice Carries on practice in the Luoyang first tractor plant various branch factories, including the gear factory, the fuel injection company, the heat treatment factory and so on, observes in carefully the branch factory each assembly line layout, the worker and the machine coordination, the worker right-hand man coordination and so on the actual operation, the development practice field of vision, strengthened project consciousness, the gain project practice knowledge.Holds the post of in the Beijing Xuanwu district Guang"an Gate street city volunteer Xuanwu Hospital stand stationmaster, the primary cognizance volunteer arranges in groups, training, the rear service Safeguard, as well as stand propaganda, arrangement, clean, and participated in the Olympic Games torch transmission, the marathon sports event periphery wish service, is relying on the good communication ability and emergency case strain capacity, becomes one of model stands in the stand, simultaneously has the honor to receive personally Xuanwu district outstanding volunteer party chief, the outstanding Olympic Games volunteer title
2023-06-06 01:12:223


你从哪看到的呀,关于什么的呀?RUB 俄罗斯卢布的缩写
2023-06-06 01:12:306


Alfred Lord Tennyson:Ulysses丁尼生:《尤利西斯》译文:何功杰/飞白(根据两者译文,略作调整)It little profits that an idle king, |这太无谓——当一个闲散的君主By this still hearth, among these barren crags, |安居家中,在这个嶙峋的岛国.Match"d with an aged wife, I mete and dole |我与年老的妻子相匹,颁布着Unequal laws unto a savage race, |不公的法律,治理野蛮的种族,That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. |他们吃、睡、收藏,而不理解我。I cannot rest from travel: I will drink |我不能停歇我的跋涉:我决心Life to the lees; all times I have enjoy"d |饮尽生命之杯。我一生都在Greatly, have suffer"d greatly, both with those |体验巨大的痛苦、巨大的欢乐,That loved me, and alone; on shore, and when |有时与爱我的狄伴一起,有时却Thro" scudding drifts the rainy Hyades |独自一个;不论在岸上或海上,Vext the dim sea: I am become a name; |当带来雨季的毕宿星团催动"我已经变成这样一个名字For always roaming with a hungry heart |由于我如饥似渴地漂泊不止,Much have I seen and known; cities of men |我已见识了许多民族的城And manners, climates, councils, governments, |及其风气、习俗、枢密院、政府,Myself not least, but honour"d of them all; |而我在他们之中最负盛名;And drunk delight of battle with my peers, |我和同僚们共饮战斗的欢欣,Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy, |在遥远而多风的特洛亚战场,I am a part of all that I have met; |我自己是我全部经历的一部分;Yet all experience is an arch wherethro" |而全部经验,也只是一座拱门,Gleams that untravell"d world, whose margin fades |尚未游历的世界在门外闪光,For ever and for ever when I move. |而随着我一步一步的前进,它的边界也不断向后退让。How dull it is to pause, to make an end, |最单调最沉闷的是停留,是终止,To rust unburnish"d, not to shine in use! |是蒙尘生锈而不在使用中发亮!As tho" to breathe were life. Life piled on life |难道说呼吸就能算是生活?Were all too little, and of one to me |几次生命堆起来尚嫌太少,Little remains: but every hour is saved |何况我唯一的生命已余年无多。From that eternal silence, something more, |唯有从永恒的沉寂之中抢救A bringer of new things; and vile it were |每个小时,让每个小时带来一些新东西,带来一些新事物;For some three suns to store and hoard myself, |三年来我可耻地把自己封存和储藏起来,And this gray spirit yearning in desire |可这班白的心灵却迫切地向往To follow knowledge like a sinking star, |去追随知识,像那西沉的星星,Beyond the utmost bound of human thought. |到那人类思想极限以外的地方。This is my son, mine own Telemachus, |这是我的儿子忒勒玛科斯,To whom I leave the scepter and the isle— |我给他留下我的岛国和王杖,Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfil |他是我所爱的,他有胆有识,This labour, by slow prudence to make mild |能胜任这一工作;谨慎耐心地A rugged people, and thro" soft degrees |教化粗野的民族,用温和的步骤Subdue them to the useful and the good. |驯化他们,使他们善良而有用。Most blameless is he, centred in the sphere |他是无可指责的,Of common duties, decent not to fail |在我离去后他会担起重任,In offices of tenderness, and pay |处理好那些需要谨慎应付的事务,Meet adoration to my household gods, |并对我家的佑护神表示崇敬。When I am gone. He works his work, I mine. |他和我,将各做各的工作There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail: |海港就在那边,船儿已经扬帆,There gloom the dark broad seas. My mariners, |大海沉沉,朦胧一片。我的水手们——Souls that have toil"d, and wrought, and thought with me— |与我同辛劳、同工作、同思想的人,That ever with a frolic welcome took |他们总是高高兴兴去迎接The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed |雷电和阳光,Free hearts, free foreheads—you and I are old; |并用自由的心与头颅来抗争,——Old age hath yet his honour and his toil; |你们和我都已老了,但老年Death closes all: but something ere the end, |仍有老年的荣誉、老年的辛劳;Some work of noble note, may yet be done, |死亡终结一切,但在终点前Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods. |我们还能做一番崇高的事业,使我们配称为与神斗争的人。The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks: |礁石上的灯标开始闪光了:The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep |长昼将尽,月亮缓缓攀登,Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends, |大海用无数音响在周围呻唤。来呀,朋友们,探寻更新的世界"Tis not too late to seek a newer world. |现在尚不是为时过晚。Push off, and sitting well in order smite |开船吧!坐成排,划破这喧哗的海浪,The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds |我决心驶向To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths |太阳沉没的彼方,超越Of all the western stars, until I die. |西方星斗的浴场,至死方止。It may be that the gulfs will wash us down: |也许深渊会把我们吞噬,It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, |也许我们将到达琼岛乐土,And see the great Achilles, whom we knew. |与老朋友阿喀琉斯会晤。Tho" much is taken, much abides; and tho" |尽管已达到的多,未知的也多啊,We are not now that strength which in old days |虽然我们的力量已不如当初,Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; |已远非昔日移天动地的雄姿,One equal temper of heroic hearts, |但我们仍是我们,英雄的心Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will |尽管被时间消磨,被命运削弱,To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. |奋斗、探索、寻求,而不屈服。 (参考资料:忘了从 哪找的了。。。)
2023-06-06 01:12:441

名言名句或时尚句 要english

To be or not to be,--that is the question... O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Et tu, Brute? Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow... Out, damned spot!... All the world"s a stage... Oh, I am fortune"s fool! Then must you speak...Of One that lov"d not wisely Not that I lov"d Caesar less Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow A horse! a horse! What a piece of work is man! Friends, Romans, countrymen... So wise so young, they say do never live long Give me my robe, put on my crown The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars I go, and it is done; the bell invites me But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? We are such stuff... As dreams are made on My words fly up, my thoughts remain below There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio What"s in a name? That which we call a rose The quality of mercy is not strain"d Beware the ides of March Now is the winter of our discontent A plague o" both your houses! I am dying, Egypt, dying Frailty, thy name is woman! Why, then the world"s mine oyster If music be the food of love, play on Come, let"s away to prison; We two alone will sing Journeys end in lovers meeting The lady doth protest too much, methinks O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look Get thee to a nunn"ry All that glisters is not gold To sleep, perchance to dream Nothing can come of nothing The play"s the thing This was the noblest Roman of them all Though this be madness, yet there is method in "t I am constant as the northern star How now? A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead! Was ever woman in this humour woo"d? He hath given his empire By the pricking of my thumbs I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano I follow him to serve my turn upon him Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio O happy dagger! Eye of newt, and toe of frog O, beware, my lord of jealousy Something is rotten in the state of Denmark My only love sprung from my only hate! The barge she sat in, like a burnish"d throne Cowards die many times before their deaths Is this a dagger which I see before me I have a kind of alacrity in sinking When beggars die there are no comets seen How poor are they that have not patience! That he"s mad, "tis true, "tis true "tis pity Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind The man that hath no music in himself Think you I am no stronger than my sex Be not afraid of greatness What, my dear Lady Disdain! are you yet living? Off with his head! Why, that"s my dainty Ariel! I shall miss thee And thus I clothe my naked villany When shall we three meet again This was the unkindest cut of all O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me! Blow, blow, thou winter wind I come to wive it wealthily in Padua Asses are made to bear, and so are you He"s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf All the infections that the sun sucks up Let every eye negotiate for itself Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps O, what men dare do! Done to death by slanderous tongue Thou art a votary to fond desire I have no other but a woman"s reason O, how this spring of love resembleth That man that hath a tongue, I say is no man Is whispering nothing? Here"s ado to lock up honesty What"s gone and what"s past help When you do dance, I wish you Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? O true apothecary! This thing of darkness The course of true love never did run smooth We should be woo"d and were not made to woo Lord, what fools these mortals be! Now go we in content We that are true lovers run into Oft expectation fails, and most oft there Why then tonight let us assay our plot 莎士比亚的
2023-06-06 01:12:521


2023-06-06 01:13:005


1、总统 美国联邦宪法规定,总统是国家元首、政府首脑兼武装部队总司令。2、总统内阁 美国政府最高决策机关为总统内阁。3、白宫的“政研室” 美国总统许多重要的决策和规划,来自于在白宫设立的若干重要的政策研究机 构,如国家安全委员会、总统经济顾问委员会、管理和预算办公室、国家药品控制办公室、政策研究办公室、科学和技术政策办公室和美国贸易代表办公室等。
2023-06-06 01:13:284


40个较难英文单词1、bandy vt.吵嘴2、bane n.毒药3、banter n.玩笑4、bate vt.压制,屏息5、beguile vt.使陶醉6、beleaguer vt.围攻7、belie vt.掩饰8、bemuse vt.使发呆9、bemused adj.困惑的10、benighted adj.无知的11、bent adj.弯的12、bequeath vt.遗赠13、beseech vt.恳求;乞求14、besiege vt.包围15、bestow vt.授予16、blanch vt.漂白17、bland adj.乏味的18、blatant adj.炫耀的19、blighted adj.枯萎的20、bluster vt.狂吹21、boast n.自吹自擂22、bolt n.闪电;门闩23、bouillon n.清汤24、brawn n.发达的肌肉25、brooch n.胸针26、brook vt.忍受;容忍27、bucolic a.牧民生活的28、bullion n.金银29、bulwark n.堡垒,堤岸30、burgeon n.嫩芽;嫩枝31、burnish vt.擦亮32、buxom adj.丰满的33、campaign vi.作战34、candid adj.耿直的35、canon n.总的规则36、cant n.伪善之言37、canto n.曲调;篇38、capitulate vi.投降39、caprice n.反复无常40、capricious a.变幻莫测的41、captious a.爱找岔子的42、cardinal a.主要的43、careen vi.倾侧,倾斜44、carrion n.腐肉45、categorical adj.绝对的46、caucus n.干部会议47、cavalier adj.随便的
2023-06-06 01:13:481


  欧洲的面积是世界第六,是世界人口第三的洲,仅次于亚洲和非洲,99%以上人口属欧罗巴人种,是人种比较单一的大洲。欧洲是人类生活水平较高、环境以及人类发展指数较高及适宜居住的大洲之一。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    欧洲英语说法:   Europe    欧洲的相关短语:   欧洲大陆 Continental Europe ; Europe continentale   欧洲栗 Castanea sativa ;castanea sativa   欧洲人口 Demographics of Europe ; Démographie de l"Europe ; Europe population   欧洲协调 Concert of Europe ; Concert européen ; Europe Concert ; Concert of Powers   欧洲政治 politics of Europe ; Politique en Europe ; Politics of Europe ; European Politics   欧洲夏令时 Heure d"été en Europe ; European Summer Time    欧洲的英语例句:   1. Kaspar had spoken know-ledgeably about the state of agriculture in Europe.   卡斯帕对欧洲农业状况发表了一番颇有见地的见解。   2. He is one of the most wanted criminals in Europe.   他是欧洲最重要的通缉犯之一。   3. He wants panies to follow the European model of social responsibility.   他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。   4. The issue threatened to decouple Europe from the United States.   这一问题可能会割裂欧洲同美国的关系。   5. England"s European Championship plans are in a right mess.   英格兰队的欧洲锦标赛作战计划乱七八糟。   6. He was in contention for a place in the European championship squad.   他有望在欧洲锦标赛代表队中获得一席之地。   7. The European Builders Confederation has a membership of over 350,000 building panies.   欧洲建筑商联合会拥有逾35万家建筑公司会员。   8. The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe.   英吉利海峡隧道是欧洲最大的土木工程。   9. The European Parliament badly needs a president who can burnish its image.   欧洲议会急需一位能改善其声望的主席。   10. In the 1980s American exports crowded out European films.   20世纪80年代美国出口影片把欧洲影片挤出了市场。   11. He renewed his attack on government policy towards Europe.   他重新开始对 *** 的欧洲政策进行抨击。   12. She is to stand as a Member of the European Parliament.   她将竞选欧洲议会议员。   13. They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe.   他们已经拆除所有能够袭击欧洲的战术核导弹。   14. Integrating the pound with other European currencies could cause difficulties.   把英镑与欧洲其他货币合并会引发许多难题。   15. This is a European, and not a specifically British, problem.   这是全欧洲面临的问题,而不是英国独有的问题。
2023-06-06 01:14:041


2023-06-06 01:14:155


40个较难英文单词1、bandy vt.吵嘴2、bane n.毒药3、banter n.玩笑4、bate vt.压制,屏息5、beguile vt.使陶醉6、beleaguer vt.围攻7、belie vt.掩饰8、bemuse vt.使发呆9、bemused adj.困惑的10、benighted adj.无知的11、bent adj.弯的12、bequeath vt.遗赠13、beseech vt.恳求;乞求14、besiege vt.包围15、bestow vt.授予16、blanch vt.漂白17、bland adj.乏味的18、blatant adj.炫耀的19、blighted adj.枯萎的20、bluster vt.狂吹21、boast n.自吹自擂22、bolt n.闪电;门闩23、bouillon n.清汤24、brawn n.发达的肌肉25、brooch n.胸针26、brook vt.忍受;容忍27、bucolic a.牧民生活的28、bullion n.金银29、bulwark n.堡垒,堤岸30、burgeon n.嫩芽;嫩枝31、burnish vt.擦亮32、buxom adj.丰满的33、campaign vi.作战34、candid adj.耿直的35、canon n.总的规则36、cant n.伪善之言37、canto n.曲调;篇38、capitulate vi.投降39、caprice n.反复无常40、capricious a.变幻莫测的41、captious a.爱找岔子的42、cardinal a.主要的43、careen vi.倾侧,倾斜44、carrion n.腐肉45、categorical adj.绝对的46、caucus n.干部会议47、cavalier adj.随便的
2023-06-06 01:14:301


40个较难英文单词1、bandy vt.吵嘴2、bane n.毒药3、banter n.玩笑4、bate vt.压制,屏息5、beguile vt.使陶醉6、beleaguer vt.围攻7、belie vt.掩饰8、bemuse vt.使发呆9、bemused adj.困惑的10、benighted adj.无知的11、bent adj.弯的12、bequeath vt.遗赠13、beseech vt.恳求;乞求14、besiege vt.包围15、bestow vt.授予16、blanch vt.漂白17、bland adj.乏味的18、blatant adj.炫耀的19、blighted adj.枯萎的20、bluster vt.狂吹21、boast n.自吹自擂22、bolt n.闪电;门闩23、bouillon n.清汤24、brawn n.发达的肌肉25、brooch n.胸针26、brook vt.忍受;容忍27、bucolic a.牧民生活的28、bullion n.金银29、bulwark n.堡垒,堤岸30、burgeon n.嫩芽;嫩枝31、burnish vt.擦亮32、buxom adj.丰满的33、campaign vi.作战34、candid adj.耿直的35、canon n.总的规则36、cant n.伪善之言37、canto n.曲调;篇38、capitulate vi.投降39、caprice n.反复无常40、capricious a.变幻莫测的41、captious a.爱找岔子的42、cardinal a.主要的43、careen vi.倾侧,倾斜44、carrion n.腐肉45、categorical adj.绝对的46、caucus n.干部会议47、cavalier adj.随便的
2023-06-06 01:14:441


shine 有不同的意思 可被作为名词及动词使用. 如将 shine 作为名词使用 shine 可理解为 : - Brightness from a source of light. - Brightness from reflected light. - Excellence in quality or appearance. 以上的 shine 的同义词是 : - (brightness from a source of light): effulgence radiance radiancy refulgence refulgency - (brightness from reflected light): luster - (excellence in quality or appearance): brilliance splendor 如将 shine 作为动词使用 to shine 可理解为 : - (intritive) To emit light. - (intritive) To reflect light. - (intritive) To distinguish oneself; to excel. - (intritive) To be immediately apparent. - (tritive) To polish (something). 以上的 to shine 的同义词是 : - (to emit light): beam glow radiate - (to reflect light): gleam glint glisten glitter reflect - (to distinguish oneself): excel - (to polish): polish *** ooth *** oothen 参考: en.wiktionary/wiki/shine glow gleam glimmer inkle sparkle glisten glare vi.显露;发亮;出众 be *** art be bright 同义参见: gloss blink glitter glare beam wax1 sheen scour scrub abrade polish shimmer burnish luster buff1 luster dazzle brighten 参考: Yahoo bright or light 参考: 字典
2023-06-06 01:14:571


题库内容:打磨的解释[make smooth;polish;shine;burnish] 磨或擦器物表面,使光滑 精致 详细解释 (1). 擦拭 。 元 无名氏 《小尉迟》 第一折:“今日在私宅前厅上,收拾军装,打磨兵器。” 《官场现形记》 第五五回:“﹝外国的兵﹞手里托着洋枪,打磨的浄光雪亮,耀人的 眼睛 。” 曹禺 《北京人》 第一幕:“ 通 * 奶 屋那扇八角形的玻璃窗打磨得 非常 光亮。” (2).谓磨练意志、 本领 等。 童边 《新来的小石柱》 第二章:“ 认真 学,刻苦练,打磨出 革命 本领来。” 词语分解 打的解释 打 ǎ 击,敲,攻击: 打击 。 殴打 。打杀。 放出,发出,注入,扎入: * 。 打雷 。打信号。打电报。 做,造:打首饰。打家具。 拨动:打算盘。 揭,破,凿开:打破。打井。 举,提起:打 灯笼 。打起 精神 。 涂抹 磨的解释 磨 ó 摩擦:磨刀。磨墨。磨练。磨砺(摩擦使 锐利 ,喻经受磨练)。磨合。研磨。磨漆画。 阻碍,困难:磨难(刵 )。好事多磨。 消耗,消灭:磨损。磨耗。 磨灭 。 拖延,耗 时间 :磨缠。磨功夫。 磨 ò 粉碎
2023-06-06 01:15:061


40个较难英文单词1、bandy vt.吵嘴2、bane n.毒药3、banter n.玩笑4、bate vt.压制,屏息5、beguile vt.使陶醉6、beleaguer vt.围攻7、belie vt.掩饰8、bemuse vt.使发呆9、bemused adj.困惑的10、benighted adj.无知的11、bent adj.弯的12、bequeath vt.遗赠13、beseech vt.恳求;乞求14、besiege vt.包围15、bestow vt.授予16、blanch vt.漂白17、bland adj.乏味的18、blatant adj.炫耀的19、blighted adj.枯萎的20、bluster vt.狂吹21、boast n.自吹自擂22、bolt n.闪电;门闩23、bouillon n.清汤24、brawn n.发达的肌肉25、brooch n.胸针26、brook vt.忍受;容忍27、bucolic a.牧民生活的28、bullion n.金银29、bulwark n.堡垒,堤岸30、burgeon n.嫩芽;嫩枝31、burnish vt.擦亮32、buxom adj.丰满的33、campaign vi.作战34、candid adj.耿直的35、canon n.总的规则36、cant n.伪善之言37、canto n.曲调;篇38、capitulate vi.投降39、caprice n.反复无常40、capricious a.变幻莫测的41、captious a.爱找岔子的42、cardinal a.主要的43、careen vi.倾侧,倾斜44、carrion n.腐肉45、categorical adj.绝对的46、caucus n.干部会议47、cavalier adj.随便的
2023-06-06 01:15:131

lean on me中文歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: 哦但愿我是娇柔的苹果花,Would God I were the tender apple blossom 从弯曲的树枝上面落下, That floats and falls from off the isted bough 飘落在你那温柔的胸怀, To lie and faint within your silken bosom 把它当作我的家。Within your silken bosom as that does now.哦但愿我是光亮的苹果, Or would I were a little burnish"d apple 在树上等你将我摘下,For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold 树荫下阳光在你的身上描画, While sun and shade you robe of lawn will dapple 也照亮你的金色头发。Your robe of lawn, and you hair"s spun gold. 哦我愿长在玫瑰丛里,Yea, would to God I were among the roses 当你走过,我能够吻你, That lean to kiss you as you float beeen 我愿是最低枝条上的蓓蕾,While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses 能轻轻触摸心中的你。A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen. 哦既然我的爱情没有结果,Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing 我愿做雏菊开在小路上, A happy daisy, in the garden path 当你漫步踩在我的身上, That so your silver foot might press me going 我就在你的脚下死亡。Might press me going even unto death.
2023-06-06 01:15:531


2023-06-06 01:16:012

我想知道"瑜” 的英文代表单词

2023-06-06 01:16:094

译文:真念一思 Sometimes a troop of damsels glad, An abbot on an ambling pad, Sometimes a curly shepherd-lad, Or long-hair"d page in crimson clad, Goes by to tower"d Camelot; And sometimes thro" the mirror blue The knights come riding two and two: She hath no loyal knight and true, The Lady of Shalott. 有时候 会有一群快活的年轻姑娘 一个骑着马缓缓前行的寺院主持 有时候会是一个鬈发小羊倌 或是留长发的红衣小侍从 去往卡米洛特古堡 有时,在那蓝莹莹的镜子里 还可以看见有骑士两两结伴,并辔而来 可女郎夏洛特 还真没有哪一位骑士对她忠心耿耿 But in her web she still delights To weave the mirror"s magic sights, For often thro" the silent nights A funeral,with plumes and lights, And music,went to Camelot; Or when the moon was overhead, Came two young lovers lately wed; I am half-sick of shadows,said The Lady of Shalott 但她还是快乐地 把她在镜中看到的奇妙景象 一一织进她的魔网 因为时常在寂静的夜晚 有送葬的队伍 带着羽饰、火把,奏着音乐 去往卡米洛特古堡 或者,在明月当空时 会有一对年轻的新婚恋人前来 我有些厌倦影子了,女郎夏洛特说 A bow-shot from her bower-eaves, He rode between the barley sheaves, The sun came dazzling thro" the leaves, And flamed upon the brazen greaves Of bold Sir Lancelot. 距她的闺房一箭之遥 有位骑士从麦捆间疾驰而过 阳光在树叶间金光闪闪 洒在他的铜铠甲上 就像燃烧的火焰 他,是勇敢的骑士兰斯洛斯 A redcross knight for ever kneel"d To a lady in his shield, That sparkled on the yellow field, Beside remote Shalott. 他的盾牌上有个图案 画着一位世袭的红十字骑士 跪立在一位女士面前 这盾牌在金黄色田间闪烁 在偏远的夏洛特岛旁 The gemmy bridle glitter"d free, Like to some branch of stars we see Hung in the golden Galaxy. The bridle bells rang merrily As he rode down to Camelot; 镶满宝石的马勒闪闪发光 就像我们在美丽的银河 看到的那一束束璀璨的星光 在马缰上的铃铛欢快的叮当声中 他向着卡米洛特古堡疾驰而来 And from his blazon"d baldric slung A mighty silver bugle hung, And as he rode his armour rung, Beside remote Shalott. 在他那饰有纹章的肩带下 挂着一只巨大的银号 随着他的骑行 他的盔甲哐哐作响 在偏远的夏洛特岛旁 All in the blue unclouded weather Thick-jewell"d shone the saddle-leather, The helmet and the helmet-feather Burn"d like one burning flame together, As he rode down to Camelot. 在万里无云的蓝天下 镶满珠宝的皮质马鞍熠熠发光 他的头盔和头盔上的鸟羽 像一束燃烧的火焰 他向着卡米洛特古堡疾驰而来 As often thro" the purple night, Below the starry clusters bright, Some bearded meteor,burning light, Moves over still Shalott. 就像时常,在暗紫色的夜晚 在那簇簇明亮的璀璨星光下 那些拖着光尾的流星 燃烧着,划过宁静的夏洛特岛 His broad clear brow in sunlight glow"d; On burnish"d hooves his war-horse trode; From underneath his helmet flow"d His coal-black curls as on he rode, As he rode down to Camelot. From the bank and from the river He flashed into the crystal mirror, Tirra lirra, by the river Sang Sir Lancelot. 他宽阔清澈的前额 在阳光下熠熠发光 他的战马踏动着锃亮的马蹄 他头盔下那乌黑的卷发 在骑行中轻轻飘扬 他向着卡米洛特城堡疾驰而来 从那河岸,从那条河中 他的身影闪现在晶亮的镜子里 河边传来了“提拉里拉”的歌声 那是兰斯洛特唱歌 She left the web, she left the loom; She made three paces thro" the room, She saw the water-lily bloom, She saw the helmet and the plume, She look"d down to Camelot. 她离开她的魔网 她离开她的织机 她三步并作两步走出闺房 她看见睡莲正在盛开 她看见那头盔和盔顶上的鸟羽 她向下望着卡米洛特古堡 Out flew the web and floated wide; The mirror crack"d from side to side; The curse is come upon me cried The Lady of Shalott. 那网突然飞出窗外,向远处飘去 那镜子也遽然片片碎裂 啊,那魔咒已降临我身! 女郎夏洛特喊道 In the stormy east-wind straining, The pale yellow woods were waning, The broad stream in his banks complaining, Heavily the low sky raining Over tower"d Camelot; Down she came and found a boat Beneath a willow left afloat, And round about the prow she wrote "The Lady of Shalott. " 东风在骤雨里呼啸 干黄的树木已日渐凋零 宽阔的河流在它的岸间呻吟 低沉的天际 瓢泼大雨在卡米洛特古堡上空 倾泻而下 她跑了下来,在一株柳树下 她发现了一条遗留的小船,正随波漂摇 沿着船头,她写下了几个大字:女郎夏洛特 续文 : 女郎夏洛特(3) 作者简介: (详见上篇, 女郎夏洛特(1) ) 这幅画描绘了描绘了英国诗人丁尼生诗作《夏洛特女郎》的故事: 夏洛特圣主的女儿伊莲,自出生之后便一直受到诅咒,她一直被囚禁在屋子里;生活单调而寂寞,依莲唯一的乐趣便是:望着从魔镜中映射出的世间景色;然后,她再将所看到的景色再绣到壁毯上面...... 然而有一天,依莲从魔镜里看到了一位年轻的骑士,于是,依莲爱上了这个骑士,她不满足再从魔镜中窥视王子。她决定走出禁锢她的屋子,带上她亲手编织的地毯、蜡烛、十字架 她将那蜡烛和十字架绑与船头,想独自一个人远行,去寻找她的心上人;天空布满了阴霾,太阳渐渐沉入地平线,她的眼睛凝视着未知的遥远!...... 这幅画凄美而悲怆。它是那般地震撼着人的灵魂!爱情终将是一个人所经历当中的印迹,凡是梦,都会有清醒的那一刻!这幅画里所表现的不仅仅只是爱情,它更像是一种信仰,一种意志,一种向往自由的精神! 圆桌骑士传说里的故事: 亚瑟王手下的第一骑士兰斯洛特与王后桂尼薇赌约以无名骑士身份参加比武大赛。为了掩人耳目,兰斯洛向一个城堡主人借用盾牌,城堡主人的千金伊莲,对其一见钟情。无奈落花有意,流水无情,兰斯洛特正与桂尼薇陷入不伦之恋,无暇顾及她的痴情,伊莲最终郁郁而亡。
2023-06-06 01:16:161

斯宾塞 洛克资料

是史宾塞把...........史宾塞·洛克(Spencer Locke),1991年09月20日,出生于佛罗里达州,美国影视演员,在她初试啼声开始演艺生涯之际,成功的在电影、电视、现场表演/剧场及商业广告中获得成功。她的大银幕代表作是詹姆斯布洛克斯导演的真情快译通。出演过《生化危机4:来生》 《拘留》 等著名影片参演电影2013 All American Christmas Carol2013 Tarzan 人猿泰山----------------Jane Porter (voice)2013 Anatomy of the Tide --------------Bridgett Harriman2013 Big Thunder (TV Movie) -------Lizzie Carson2012 Karaoke Man -----------------Paige2011 Captain Fin (Short) --------------Hannah Gunner2011 Detention 致命禁闭--------------Ione2011 The Bling Ring (TV Movie) ----------------Maddie Bishop2010 Resident Evil: Afterlife 生化危机:战神再生---------K-Mart2007 Resident Evil: Extinction 生化危机3灭绝-----------K-Mart2006 Monster House 怪兽屋----------Jenny (voice)2005 Untitled Camryn Manheim Pilot (TV Movie) -------------Crosby Rydell2004 Spanglish 西班牙女佣------------Sleepover Friend2003 Kidz Bop: Everyone"s a Star! (Video short)   参考[1] 参演电视剧和节目2013 Two and a Half Men 好汉两个半 (Season 11, Episode 7) -------------Jill2013 Cult 邪恶崇拜 (Season 1, Episode 3,9) ------------Carey Mandeville2012 NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (Season 9, Episode 16) -------------Amber Banks2012 CSI: Miami (Season 10, Episode 13) --------Jessica Wyatt2011 Love Bites (Season 1, Episode 4) -------------Christy Hayes2009-2010 Cougar Town 熟女镇 (第一第二季出演10集) -------------Kylie2010 In Plain Sight 平地风云 (Season 3, Episode 12) ------------Sabrina Anderson / Sabrina Jordan2010 The Vampire Diaries 吸血鬼日记(Season 1, Episode 19) ------------Amber Bradley2009-2010 Big Time Rush 与梦随行 (第一季1到4) ----------Jennifer 22010 Twentysixmiles (第一季1到6) ------------Sally Burnish2009 Cold Case 铁证悬案 (Season 6, Episode 16) ---------------Sarah Blake "762006 Boys Life (Season 1, Episode 1)2006 That"s So Raven 天才魔女(Season 4, Episode 13) ------------Kayla2005 Phil of the Future 未来哥哥(Season 2, Episode 1,2,6,10,11) ---------Candida Keegel2005 Ned"s Declassified School Survival Guide 耐德的中学校园生存手册(Season 1, Episode 9到12) --------------Bitsy2004 Without a Trace 寻人密探组 (Season 2, Episode 15) ------------Brandee Case
2023-06-06 01:16:291


2023-06-06 01:16:362

翻译文言文 石油

Fu state, states have a kind of oil, used to say "high yield fat slave county water," refers to this thing. Oil produced in water, and sand and water, slowly mingle. Locals with tail pheasants with take it (up), collected in the jar. The oil is like pure paint, up like a burning flax, just risked very thick smoke, it had all the tent with black. I doubt the smoke can use (just), and try to make it of bituminous coal, the burnish like black paint, ink, (it is) can compare with it a loose ink. Hence, to make it a name on it, is called "YanChuan stone" is this thing. The ink in the world after certain popular, (but) I start doing it (from). Because of the special oil to produce more, and endless, don"t like pine to certain when he finished.
2023-06-06 01:16:431


2023-06-06 01:16:503