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申请留学的过程中,Prizes and Awards中,Means of Attainment一栏是填什么?什么意思?跪求大神解救!!

2023-06-05 08:32:26




奖励 [jiǎng lì]vt. award在例句中比较网络释义专业释义 rewards基本技能 (Basic Skills)和所获奖励(Rewards):基于5728个网页-相关网页 [劳经] Award incentive encouragement短语精神奖励 morale boosting ; psychic reward ; mental encouragement物质奖励 material reward ; Material incentive ; material rewards ; Material award科技奖励制度 the incentive system for scientific and technological advances给予表彰和奖励 grant honors and rewards长江学者奖励计划 Changjiang Scholars Program人才奖励激励机制 mechanism for rewarding and inspiring talented people国家荣誉和奖励制度 national system of honors and rewards全国家荣誉和奖励制度 national system of honors and rewards草原生态保护补助奖励政策 the subsidy and reward policy for grassland ecological conservation
2023-06-05 04:08:347


2023-06-05 04:09:054


n. 奖,奖品;(收入的)增加;(赔偿)裁定额;(毕业证书等的)授予;奖学金v. 授予,颁发;判给,裁定【名】 (Award)(美)艾华尔德(人名)网络 奖励;授予;奖专业 奖励 [经济学];裁判文书 [法学]Cooper and her colleagues argue that a "town of culture" award could consolidate the town city ties in Britain.库珀和她的同事们认为,“文化之城”奖可以巩固英国城镇与城市间的联系。He was nominated for the best actor award.他获得最佳演员奖提名。The new awards are an exercise in self-promotion for those behind them, say scientists.科学家们说,这些新的奖项是对获奖者进行自我推销的一种锻炼。
2023-06-05 04:09:262


奖品的单词有:trophy,awarding,spoil,prize,award。 奖品的单词有:spoil,prize,trophy,award,awarding。 注音是:ㄐ一ㄤˇㄆ一ㄣˇ。 拼音是:jiǎng pǐn。 结构是:奖(上下结构)品(上下结构)。 词性是:名词。奖品的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】奖品jiǎngpǐn。(1)为了奖励胜者而给予的物品。二、国语词典奖赏的物品。三、网络解释奖品奖品是奖励的“物品”(可以是物质的或者概念性的),通过努力获得的如在比赛活动,为了奖励优胜者而给予的“物品”。以低成本价或免费供应某些产品作为购买某特定商品的一种激励。关于奖品的诗句公正的奖品给予善和最好的灵魂的全部关心关于奖品的成语调丝品竹品竹调弦评头品足弘奖风流品竹弹丝奖罚分明调弦品竹品而第之诱掖奖劝品学兼优关于奖品的词语高官极品弘奖风流百品千条提奖后辈品学兼优品而第之品评卓逸奖拔公心品竹弹丝调丝品竹关于奖品的造句1、很欢迎来到足球测试,与冠军人马对战,创过重重难关,取得奖金奖品!2、如果你能把这面旗子挂到旗杆顶部,你就可以拿这些奖品中的任何一件。3、无论输赢均有丰盛的奖品,真是皆大欢喜。4、小明满心欢喜地走上讲台领奖品。5、小刚在运动会上得到很多奖品。点此查看更多关于奖品的详细信息
2023-06-05 04:09:331

颁奖 英文翻译

award sth. to sb.
2023-06-05 04:09:423


  若是你能够在 英语写作 大赛中获奖,你的心情会怎么样?以下是我给大家带来获奖英语说法,以供参阅。   获奖英语说法 a prize rewarded   获奖的相关 短语   获奖情况 Awards ; Awarding ; Honors and Awards ; Prize of History   获奖经历 Scholarship and Awards ; honor ; Winning experience ; award winning experience   获奖作品 Awards ; Prize-winning works ; The award-winning works ; Winning   曾经获奖 The award-winning ; Previous prize ; Once award   获奖建筑 Awarded Architecture   获奖工程 award winning works ; Award-winning project   获奖电影 an award-winning film   获奖 作文 Award Winning Composition   获奖通知 Notification of Award   获奖的英语例句   1. The school has won awards for its pioneering work with the community.   这所学校因其针对该社区具有开创性的工作而获奖。   2. There is no magic formula for producing winning products.   获奖电影的制作没有捷径可取。   3. He had been on the Nobel Prize committee"s list of possibles.   他在诺贝尔委员会列出的获奖候选者名单之列.   4. the award-winning TV drama   获奖电视剧   5. It was altogether owing it to himself that James won the prize.   詹姆斯获奖完全是靠自己的努力.   6. He hopes from his very heart that he will win a prize.   他满心希望获奖.   7. I am not the only person that has won the prize.   获奖的不单是我一个人.   8. He won a prize for good behaviour at school.   他因在校的表现好而获奖.   9. She begrudged her friend the award.   她嫉妒她的朋友获奖.   10. What sticks in my throat is that I wasn"t able to win the trophy.   令我耿耿于怀的是自己没能获奖。   11. He has been nominated three times for the Oscar but has yet to win.   他已经3次获奥斯卡提名,但从未获奖。   12. Why don"t you enter the competition? I think you stand a good chance of winning a prize.   你为什么不参加比赛? 我认为你大有获奖的希望.   13. His heart swelled up when he learned that he had won the prize.   当他知道他已获奖时,心里很自豪.   14. Mrs. Hubbard , you"re really pleased with that prize, aren"t you?   哈伯德先生, 获奖真的很高兴, 是不是?   15. He was awarded a prize for his contribution to world peace.   他由于为世界和平做出贡献而获奖。   得奖的英语例句   1. He blundered his surprise at her winning the prize.   他不慎说出对她得奖感到惊奇.   2. Whoever does best will get the prize.   谁做得最出色谁就得奖.   3. It"seemed certain that this would win the prize.   这一块会得奖,这似乎是肯定的了.   4. Don"t be too upset you didn"t win a prize; tomorrow is another day.   你没得奖别太难过, 以后还有机会.   5. And that if he doesn"t do it, you won"t get it. "   还有,要是他撤手不管, 你就不会得奖. ”   6. We stand a chance of taking the prize, except for your place.   咱们有希望得奖, 就是你这里还差点儿.   7. You haven"t an earthly chance to win the prize.   你根本没机会得奖.   8. He begrudged his friend the award.   他嫉妒朋友的得奖.   9. Unquestionably, she deserves the prize.   无疑地, 她应该得奖.   10. She boasted of winning [ having won ] the prize.   她自夸得奖.   11. She had the prize - winning lottery ticket.   她抽到了得奖的彩票.   12. This good work merits a prize.   这个好作品应该得奖.   13. " We got the word that Jack Woltz won"t spend studio money to support your candidacy.   “ 我们得到消息说,杰克-乌尔茨不愿意拿制片厂的钱来支持你为得奖候选人.   14. Now just take my word for it that he can get you the Award.   眼下你就相信我的话吧:他能够使你得奖.   15. Did he mention your award - winning Dear John video?
2023-06-05 04:10:001


在美国呆了这么多年,都没听过model graduate这个说法。问了英国的朋友,也没听过。这两个地方都不承认这个说法,你还觉得这是正确答案?
2023-06-05 04:10:194

除了to be awarded,awareding行不行?

肯定不可以。因为to be done表示将来要被授奖,被动的含义,可以做名词后面的定语,be动词后面的表语,宾补等,awarding是授予什么人奖,前面是做这件事的人,是主动。Who is the man to be awarded? 会被授奖的人是谁?
2023-06-05 04:10:331


tle, lest they themselves be caught id
2023-06-05 04:10:404


2023-06-05 04:10:481


Collect reasonable advice with award
2023-06-05 04:10:551

awarding ceremony是什么意思

2023-06-05 04:11:0312

awarding body指的到底是什么啊?

厄。。。成绩单啊学位证啊毕业证啥的 award body就是本科学校~雅思啊托福啊 那就是雅思托福官方咯。。 查看原帖>>
2023-06-05 04:11:253


rewarding[英][ru026au02c8wu0254:du026au014b][美][ru026au02c8wu0254:rdu026au014b]adj.值得的; 有报酬的; 形近词:forwardingawarding 双语例句 1A career which she found stimulating and rewarding她觉得刺激而有意义的职业 2Countersuing gives Facebook the best chance of fending off Yahoo "s lawsuit – and therefore not rewarding patent lawsuits.反诉能让Facebook获得化解雅虎诉讼的最佳机会&也能因此而挫败通过专利诉讼获利的企图。
2023-06-05 04:11:451


rewarding 英[ru026au02c8wu0254:du026au014b] 美[ru026au02c8wu0254:rdu026au014b] adj. 值得的; 有报酬的; [例句]As young engineer, this was extremely rewarding and reflected the way P& G invests in their people.作为年轻的工程师,这是非常值得的,反映宝洁公司的方式投资于人民。[其他] 形近词: forwarding awarding
2023-06-05 04:11:511


写作思路:奥运冠军得到大笔钱是事实,但是这样的做法是值得商榷的,所以从颁发给奥运冠军大笔钱的弊端来谈论一下体育事业的发展。正文:Ten years of hard training, no one asked, once famous, the world knows.十年苦练无人问,一朝成名天下知。This era is a carnival era in which Olympic champions accept worship, flowers and applause.这个时代是奥运冠军接受朝拜、鲜花和掌声的狂欢时代。Before the start of the London Olympics, many local governments have already made offers.在伦敦奥运会还未开始之际,许多地方政府就已经开出了价码。In fact, there is nothing wrong with awarding Olympic champions.事实上.奖励奥运冠军本无可厚非。But as China"s sports become stronger step by step, this kind of heavy award has lost its original meaning.但在中国体育一步步变强大的时候,这种重奖却越来越失去了本来的意味。The biggest drawback of the award-winning Olympic champion is "eating meat in a big bowl and dividing gold and silver in large pieces".重奖奥运冠军最大的弊病是“大碗吃肉大块分金银”。The local sports bureaus regard the Olympic gold medal as the highest standard of their political achievements and an important weight to allocate funds for an Olympic cycle to the General Administration of sports.各地方体育局将奥运金牌当作自己政绩的最高标准,当作向体育总局要拨下一个奥运周期经费的重要砝码。When athletes" achievements are "kidnapped" by local sports bureau officials, how to win more Olympic gold medals in the next Olympic Games by all means.当运动员的成绩,被地方体育局官员当政绩“绑架”后,如何不择手段地在下一届奥运会争取更多的奥运金牌。It has become a common default phenomenon.就成为大家普遍默认的现象。Therefore, Hubei Sports Bureau, against the will of the Chinese gymnastics team, took the Olympic absolute main force Tian Yuan without authorization.于是就有了湖北体育局逆中国体操队意志,擅自将奥运绝对主力田源拿下的怪事。If the Olympic champion"s hometown economy develops very well, there may be huge rewards from many local enterprises.夺取奥运冠军,总局奖励、省市体育局奖励,如果奥运冠军的家乡经济发展很好,可能还有不少地方企业的巨额奖励。This kind of reward makes the image of the Olympic champion become one, as long as you are lucky to win the Olympic Games, you will not worry about food and clothing, and you will receive all the gold and silver.这样的奖励让奥运冠军的形象就变成了一只要你运气好奥运夺冠了,就吃穿不愁,就金银全收。Competitive sports in the Olympic Games, the world"s highest stage to win really have to pay a lot of hard, for the meaning of competition itself, to the champion of a certain material reward is no criticism.竞技体育要在奥运会这种世界最高舞台上夺冠的确要付出很多艰辛,对于竞技意义本身来说对冠军进行一定的物质奖励也无可厚非。However, if only material rewards are highlighted, the lofty image of Olympic champions will be vilified objectively.但如果只突出物质奖励,客观也丑化了奥运冠军应有的高大形象。
2023-06-05 04:11:581


cup、 trophy、 plate、pot、prize . 音标有美音和英音,我就不标出来了,具体查字典吧。
2023-06-05 04:12:162

awarding of the contract是什么意思

2023-06-05 04:12:231


希望能帮到你!1.选C.beyond有超出超过的意思。句意为他经常挣得比花的多,多以他的支出超出收入。2选D.前面是从句,后面是主句,而前面有被动意义,所以用being introduced3选C.C选项其意思是雇佣,符合句子意思。4选A.其解释同第二题。5选B.awarded 颁发符合句意。6选B。句意为这里确实很冷,他们一定几个时辰以前就把加热器关了。这里的MUST表示肯定得推测。7选C意思为提醒。符合句意。8选D.句型结构 prefer to do sth rather than do sth .9选B.表示倍数的一个固定结构数词+as+形容词或者副词的原形+as。money 不可数所以用much10选Bfeel like doing sth 为固定结构意思是想要。 然后rather后跟动词原型,所以选择stay。11选A意思是大难不死,幸存的意思,放在整个句子里可以理解为老夫妇使他们的孩子幸存了下来。12选B.except doing sth .13选 a response for my request ,意思为作为我的要求的一个反应,我的父亲寄给我一张500美元的支票。14选Cnot having done是非谓语动词中正确的用法,用作状语比较多.句意是我们没有完成计划。。。15选D.非谓语。表示老人已经持续工作了20年了。主动。完成。16选B.这里是被动语态。记者匆忙赶到机场,结果被告知明星已经离开了。17选C构建,符合句意。18选Bleave ...doing.表示持续状态。当你刷牙的时候不要让水老流着。一直留着所以用doing.19选A.except有除非的意思。except that 后面跟句子,而except for 后面跟名词或名词性短语。所以选A
2023-06-05 04:12:314


颁奖仪式 [名] awarding ceremony; [例句]自1968年奥运会以来,没有哪次颁奖仪式引起过如此哗然的一片嘘声。Not since the 1968 Olympic Games has a medals ceremony caused such a storm of booing.
2023-06-05 04:12:382

我要有关奥运的英文词汇,越多越好! 网站仅供参考
2023-06-05 04:12:455

spikes asia award是什么奖

Spikes Asia 亚洲尖峰创意节,广告节之类的奖项。
2023-06-05 04:13:313


把表格发给我看,我可以帮你。pm我 看看表格才能更好的帮你。已回复
2023-06-05 04:13:398


2023-06-05 04:13:551


repeatedly gain distinction
2023-06-05 04:14:037


The awarding date of the Nobel Prize in Literature is December 10th every year
2023-06-05 04:14:173


研究员: 1. researcher2. research fellow3. research scholar4. boffin5. professor6. Research Fellow/Researcher 7. Research Associate这位心理学家总是将工作分派给每个研究员。 The psychologist always assign work to each researcher.研究员Research fellow研究员Research Associate研究员职位获得这种资助的资格The status of having been awarded such a grant.研究员基金为提供这种资助而设立的基金A foundation established for the awarding of such a grant.这位心理学家总是将工作分派给每个研究员。The psychologist always assign work to each researcher.研究员薪金学院或大学中给予研究员的财政资助The financial grant made to a fellow in a college or university.牛津、剑桥大学的教师牛津大学或剑桥大学的学监,指导教师或研究员A head,tutor,or fellow at a college of Oxford or Cambridge.研究员任命某一职位并给予财政资助以供进一步学习研究的研究生A graduate student appointed to a position granting financial aid and providing for further study.研究员一个劲地解释那台机器是如何运行的,但我还是一窍不通。The researcher tried to explain how the machine worked but it was all Greek to me.指导老师,辅导员英国某些大学中负责监督指导本科生的研究生,通常是研究员A graduate,usually a fellow,responsible for the supervision of an undergraduate at some British universities.
2023-06-05 04:14:266

英国学生签证2011最新申请表的appendix8中的5.11中的awarding body要填什么啊

就写British Council就行啦~~~~绝对对的~~
2023-06-05 04:14:411


2023-06-05 04:14:494


award有2种词性:名词、动词用法及搭配①award sth. to sb.例如:award a medal to sb.给某人颁发奖章②award sb. sth. 例如:award sb. a scholarship给某人奖学金③award sth. 例如:a prize for (research)授予(研究)奖award the top prize授予一等奖n.奖品、奖学金、证书v.授予(颁发证书)、奖励拓展:①复数:awards;②第三人称单数:awards;③现在进行时:awarding;④过去式、过去分词awarded
2023-06-05 04:15:141


2023-06-05 04:15:576

awarding contract是什么意思

awarding contract双语例句1. Tom got a lot of kickback in the awarding contract. 汤姆在承包大宗工程当中收取了大量的回扣.2. Awarding a terraforming contract to Nightsiders was no stroke of genius. 弄成这种阴暗的土地可不是天才的作法.
2023-06-05 04:16:101

英语awarding Institution什么意思?

and learn to grow up.
2023-06-05 04:16:172

awarded to是什么意思

2023-06-05 04:16:362


问题一:荣誉与奖项 用英语怎么说 搐誉与奖项 1.honors and awards 获得的奖项与荣誉 1.wonderware 问题二:奖励及个人荣誉用英语怎么翻译 奖励可以是 award(s) 或 prize(s) 个人荣誉 individual honor(s) 奖励及个人荣誉 award(s) and honor(s) 这样就可以了 问题三:获得这样的荣誉用英语怎么讲? To receive such an honor 有帮助请记得好评,新问题请重新发帖提问,谢谢 问题四:"获得诸多荣誉”用英语怎么说?谢谢! receive many awards 或者 receive 耿ots of honors 问题五:多次获得荣誉英语怎么说 张老师多次获得荣誉教师称号. Mr.Zhang has been awarding the glory title of excellent teacher several times. 问题六:公司近年所获得荣誉 用英语怎么说 翻译:the honors the pany gained in these years. 问题七:为祖国赢得了荣誉 用英文怎么说 win honour for one"s country为祖国赢得荣誉 He won honor for his motherland. 他为祖国赢得了荣誉。 问题八:最高荣誉用英语怎么说? 最高荣誉: the highest accolade Examples: 能被选 *** 代表国家参赛, 是多数运动员的最高荣誉. To be chosen to represent their country is the highest accolade for most athletes. 还有一种说法是: blue ribbon 因为blue ribbon是蓝绶带的意思,也意味着最高荣誉。 最高荣誉 蓝带程序 Examples:He wore his collar and orders, and his blue ribbon as well. 他身上挂满了领章、各种宝星勋章,还挂着他的蓝绶带 问题九:获得优秀学生称号用英语怎么说啊 be awarded a title of "Fine Student". be awarded a title of "Excellent Student". be awarded a title of "Outstanding Student".
2023-06-05 04:16:431

在填写APPEDIX 8 Tier 4时关于雅思的问题

这个我会! awarding;Cambrdige ESOL; level of qualification: 就是写你的总分,还有小分。 Date of Award:你说的对的,就是下面日期。 那个很长的,就是写在外面就好。 我做过签证,都是这样填的。没有问题。祝你顺利哦。
2023-06-05 04:16:501


a summit seminarceremony for giving prizes
2023-06-05 04:16:595

“优秀学员表彰大会” 英语翻译怎么说

Outstanding students commendation congress
2023-06-05 04:17:123


boarding 英[u02c8bu0254:du026au014b] 美[u02c8bu0254:rdu026au014b] n. 木板; (建造之物) 寄膳; (宿) 用木板制成的物体; 上船; (或火车、飞机等) v. 上(船、车或飞机); ( board的现在分词 ) 收费供…膳宿; 强行登; (船) 使搭伙; [网络] 寄宿制; 登机牌; 船; [例句]the boarding that surrounds an ice hockey rink.用作围着冰球场的墙壁的木板。[其他] 形近词: guarding hoarding awarding lodging 英[u02c8lu0252du0292u026au014b] 美[u02c8lɑ:du0292u026au014b] n. 寄宿; 出租的房间; 暂住; 借宿; v. 存放; ( lodge的现在分词) 暂住; 借宿; 卡住; [网络] 住宿; 住处; 住房; [例句]She is lodging some college students in her home.她让几个大学生寄宿在她家里。[其他] 复数:lodgings 形近词: wedging ridging hedging
2023-06-05 04:17:321


2023-06-05 04:17:391


2023-06-05 04:18:064


音标自己看一下哈Cycling 自行车 Road cycling 公路自行车赛 Track cycling 场地自行车赛 sprint 追逐赛 time trial 计时赛 points race 计分赛 pursuit 争先赛 Mountain bike 山地自行车赛 Equestrian 马术 Jumping 障碍赛 Dressage 盛装舞步 Eventing 三日赛 Fencing 击剑 Foil 花剑 Epee 重剑 Sabre 佩剑 Gymnastics 体操 Artistic Gymnastics 竞技体操 Floor Exercises 自由体操 Pommel Horse 鞍马 Rings 吊环 Vault 跳马 Parallel Bars 双杠 Horizontal Bar 单杠 Uneven Bars 高低杠 Balance Beam 平衡木 Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操 Gymnastics Trampoline 蹦床 Modern Pentathlon 现代五项 Shooting 射击 Fencing 击剑 Swimming 游泳 Riding 马术 Cross-country running 越野跑 Sailing 帆船 Windsurfer men / women - Mistral one design 男子/女子帆板米氏级 Single-handed Dinghy Women - Europe 女子帆船欧洲级 Single-handed Dinghy men - Finn 男子帆船芬兰人级 Single-handed Dinghy open - Laser 激光级 Double-handed Dinghy men / women - 470 男子/女子帆船470级预赛 Double-handed Dinghy open - 49er 49人级 Multihull open - Tornado 龙卷风级 Keelboat men - Star 男子星光级 Keelboat women - Yngling 女子索林级 Shooting 射击 10 m air rifle 10米气步枪 10 m air pistol 10米气手枪 Men"s 10 m running target 男子10米移动靶 Men"s 50 m rifle prone position 男子50米步枪卧射 50 m rifle three positions 50米步枪3种姿势 Men"s 50 m pistol 男子50米手枪 Women"s 25 m pistol 女子25米手枪 Men"s 25 m rapid fire pistol 男子25米手枪速射 Trap 多向飞碟 Double trap 双多向飞碟 Skeet 双向飞碟 Triathlon 铁人三项 Swimming 游泳 Cycling 自行车 Running 跑步 Weightlifting 举重 Snatch 抓举 Clean and jerk 挺举 Wrestling 摔跤 greco-roman 古典式摔跤 free style 自由式摔跤 Rowing 赛艇 Boxing 拳击 Canoeing 皮划艇 Judo 柔道 Taekwondo 跆拳道
2023-06-05 04:18:131


世界著名的广告奖项戛纳广告大奖 戛纳广告大奖源于戛纳电影节。1954年,由电影广告媒体代理商发起组织了戛纳国际电影广告节,希望电影广告能同电影一样受到世人的认同和瞩目。 此后,戛纳同威尼斯开始轮流举办此项大赛,1977年戛纳正式成为永久举办地。1992年组委会又增加了报刊、招贴与平面的竞赛项目,这使得戛纳广告奖成为真正意义上的综合国际大奖。 广告节于每年6月下旬举行,广告节期间各国广告代表来访,其它各界来宾亦云集于此。客户、制作公司、策略部门、创意团队在此开设一系列的交流会,研讨专业、商洽业务。 逐鹿“戛纳” 每年大约有7000多位代表1万多件作品逐鹿“戛纳”。 评委会被分为独立的两组,一组负责评定影视广告,另一组负责平面广告。 广告节期间才开始决赛阶段评审,同时允许参赛者目睹现场公布的每一阶段入围名单,来增加其现场气氛。 各评委对本国作品须采取回避投票的原则,评委的评审时间由自己掌握,以便其能仔细阅读文案,周全研究创意。 在影视方面第一轮决出400件作品,第二轮筛至200件,并再从此中讨论决定各项目的金、银、铜狮奖。 与戛纳电影奖同名的金棕榈奖,是戛纳广告奖专为影视广告制作公司设立的大奖。获奖标准是通过各家制作公司作品在大赛(影视广告) 项目上的表现来判定的,大奖得10分,金狮奖得7分,银狮奖得5分,铜狮奖得3分,入选作品得1分。 1993年还设立了年度最佳表现广告公司奖,颁给同时参加平面与影视广告并获得总积分最高分者。大奖10分,金狮奖7分,银狮奖5分,铜狮奖3分,入围1分。
2023-06-05 04:18:233

yalsa造句 yalsaの例文 "yalsa"是什麼意思

It was nominated as a Best Book for Young Adults by YALSA . Aqua Leung was nominated for a Yalsa award for best graphic novel for teens. The novel was one of YALSA "s top ten teen books for 2009. Licensed by Viz-ANN CBR ReadAboutComics PopMatters about . MangaBookshelf PopCultureShock Jason Thompson YALSA Additionally, YALSA began awarding the ALA for its work serving young *** s in pubpc pbraries. It was also number one in the Teens"Top Ten Vote, sponsored by YALSA . The series was a finapst for YALSA "s 2008 pst of Great Graphic Novels for teens. The selection mittee prises nine YALSA members appointed by the president-elect for a one-year term. The reason for this is because YALSA is a nonprofit organization that depends on the support of its members. YALSA ( Division of the American Library Association ) Excellence in Non-fiction for Young Adults Nominee 2010 for" It"s difficult to see yalsa in a sentence. 用 yalsa 造句挺难的 The YALSA , a pbrary organization, does a bilpon different things, one of which is pubpsh psts of popular books. By registering, you are telpng YALSA that this program is worthwhile, and we will continue to sponsor the week ." The first thing that you should do is sign up on YALSA "s website to let them know that you are participating. The book was a Junior Library Guild selection, a selection for the 2013 YALSA " Best Fiction for Young Adults" It is administered by the Young Adult Library Services Association ( YALSA ), a division of the American Library Association ( ALA ). It was selected by the Young Adult Library Services Association ( YALSA ) as one of 2003 s top 10 Documentaries for Young Adults. It also was pubpshed by Walker Books Austrapa and New Zealand and Walker U . K . Blessed was a YALSA Teens Top 10 nominee. On January 23, 2017, " March : Book Three " won the YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults. He was also an active member of YALSA , serving on the Best Books for Young Adults Committee and the Margaret A . Edwards Award Committee. In 2009 " Minister Jade " was selected as one of YALSA "s " Great Graphic Novels for Teens " for that year. The feedback and opinions shared by Teens is also used to help determine YALSA "s annual " Teens"Top Ten " book award nominees. Cart received the Groper Award in 2000 and was the inaugural recipient of the YALSA / Greenwood Pubpshing Group Service to Young Adults Award in 2008. It was psted as a YALSA Best Book for Young Adults and placed third on the ranked Teens"Top Ten Books pst, both in 1999. After her death in 1988, she was further honored, when the Young Adult Library Services Association ( YALSA ) instituted an award in her name. "Beeen the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea " was nominated by YALSA for a Teens Top Ten award for books pubpshed in 2013. It also won a Printz Honor award from YALSA , a division of the American Library Association, which was announced 23 January 2012 in Dallas, Texas. It was psted as a YALSA Best Book for Young Adults, a Junior Library Guild Selection, and was a Colorado Blue Spruce Young Adult Book Award Nominee. It was named a 2014 Top Ten Books for Reluctant Young Adult readers by YALSA and a Finapst for Best Young Adult Novel in the 2014 International Thriller Awards. In 2000 " The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens " was named as one of the YALSA "s " Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults ". "The Fifth Beatle " was nominated for the Young Adult Library Services Association ( YALSA ) Award under the category " Great Graphic Novels for Teens. It"s difficult to see yalsa in a sentence. 用 yalsa 造句挺难的 Her book " MindBpnd ", about a boy who is profoundly gifted and has Asperger syndrome, was pubpshed in October 2010 and received a YALSA award. The re-branding of YASD as YALSA in the 1990s also brought with it an electronic and onpne presence, as well as new programs such as Teen Read Week. In 2006 the audiobook version of " Blood Red Horse " won an AudioFile Earphones Award and in 2007 was one of YALSA "s remended audiobooks for 2007. Teens Know Best is offered by pbraries across the nation and made possible by the Young Adult Library Services Association ( YALSA ), a division of the American Library Association. Most recently Cooney"s " Diamonds in the Shadow " was named a 2008 ALA / YALSA Quick Pick and was a nominee for the Edgar Allan Poe Award. It was psted on the Young Adult Library Services Association"s ( YALSA ) 2007 Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers released by the American Library Association ( ALA ). "There"s a fine pne beeen what"s considered *** and young *** , especially in science fiction and fantasy, " says the YALSA "s Mowery. The official journal of YALSA is called Young Adult Library Services and it provides articles of current interest, book reviews, professional pterature and serves as the official record of the organization. People just need to read the YALSA talk page and the history ments I added when editing the main page, after first clearing their minds of the false information that appears above. Writer Philpp Hoose, who worked as a conservationist for many years, tracked B95"s movements throughout three years, and was a finapst in the YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction. "Charles and Emma : The Darwins"Leap of Faith " was a Michael L . Printz Award Honor book and winner of the YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults. YALSA included " Rosario + Vampire, Vol . 1 " in its pst of the 2013 Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults under the subcategory Boarding Schools to Summer Camps : Leaving home to find yourself. It was named a YALSA Great Graphic Novel for Teens, Graphic Novel Reporter"s Best Graphic Novel of the Year and Great Graphic Novel of Fall 2011, and one of " Pubpshers Weekly" Starting in 1994 presidents of YALSA also began identifying themes that would reflect their terms of service, such as, " Youth Participation Revisited " and " Developing a National Leadership Agenda for Library Service to Young Adults. It was named for entieth-century American pubpsher Wilpam C . Morris, whom YALSA calls an innovator and " an influential innovator in the pubpshing world and an advocate for marketing books for children and young *** s ". The audiobook, read by John Lee, won a " Pubpshers Weekly " " Listen Up " Award in 2006 and was picked by YALSA as one of their " Selected Audiobooks for Young Adults " in 2008. All 74 finapsts, including the Top 10 pst of those titles with the most votes, are posted on a Web site ( : / / . ala . org / yalsa / bookpsts / 99top10quick . html ). :: : My concern is that some of the edits that have caused this recent dispute are the same edits that LAEC was attempting to make in April on the YALSA page and I"m not convinced anything has changed. Shaik"s books for children include Meptte, a historical novel, which was nominated as one of the Best Books for Young Adults by YALSA , 1998 and praised by The Horn Book, School Library Journal, and Kirkus. "Love Among the Walnuts " was one of 50 fiction titles selected as a 1999 Young Adult Library Services Association ( YALSA ) Holes " ) on YALSA"s pst of Teens"Top Ten Books of 1999. It"s difficult to see yalsa in a sentence. 用 yalsa 造句挺难的
2023-06-05 04:19:231


Two, wields nimble teaching method actively , the activating student studies English interest. Interest is a best teacher, specifically for the student this one characteristic, the teacher should wield the various form , a variety of means to the full , penetrating various link teaching method , the activity carrying out the amusing classroom, make classroom teaching exercise the desire being both excellent in voice and affection , inspiring a student to seek knowledge. 1, gives lectures and the game teaching pattern combines each other, making content of courses relaxed is easy to learn. For example: Confer knowledge upon newly may be used for train game, strengthen the interest that the student participates in , improve their attention. Adopt one by one form , express confer knowledge newly. Drill and game combine 2, each other , messenger teaching effect appears but the locust sees. For example: In eighth module middle, but make full use of cards, ask a student to use the sentence pattern What" s this? Ask questions, another student uses the sentence pattern Is it a, ... . ? Go along conjectures , other schoolmate uses Yes , it is. Or No , it isn" t. Do to answer. Now, the students city is enthusiastic participate in strong guess that play. 3, imitates the conversation teaching pattern performing appearance union to perform and arranges into. Leave for sufficient explorations of student composing in reply space for development acting on self"s own, train a student the team spirit studying in cooperation. The practice and social intercourse laying stress on language, foster a student to act on self"s own studying a spirit and creating a spirit , improve language skills unceasingly. 4 attach importance to "the song , children"s rhyme , minor different type or form of literature of poem " teaching patterns. Content is rich , the form is changeful, children be delighted to hear and see , strengthen classroom teaching art effect , encourage active participation of student , strengthen memory effect, improve classroom teaching efficiency. Three, build competitiveness easy and pleasant teaching atmosphere, trains student"s self-confidence and success feeling. 1, contest law: The characteristic making use of a pupil to love to excel others, introduces competition often in classroom game , the classroom climate enlivens all of a sudden can compete between the group and the group , can"t may the combination contest free, the individual challenge contest waits. Example P: Take a look on that who can come to an agreement that quick (read picture saying individual word , ragards etc.) winning person may will win one small Carthamus tinctorious or small red flag. The fervency the student is learned from rises high all of a sudden , the sex learning teaching self strengthens, the efficiency studying improves greatly. 2, praises excitation law: Everyone all longs to get sb. somewhere , being taken seriously or being paid close attention to by person, makes oneself value be brought sum realization into play. The teacher should pay attention to every student"s small changes at any time , praises in teaching, advanced , encourage progressing, have let a student have this achievement to feel , have fostered them to say courageously , have misspeak giving a transformation, set up English fine study about mentality advantage. 3, communicative approach: With the student, temperament and interest is the main body , Booster language knowledge , improves the social intercourse ability. Insist on the daily dialogue , train a language sense. Since foreign language teaching is short of the language environment, mother tongue extremely easy to accept affects, remembering a little spoken language in common use accidentally , accumulate over a long time if often carrying out two three mark of kind of daily dialogues meeting is helpful to a student, the ability has provided certain condition for the student improves spoken language. Therefore, use English to the full muchly in the classroom , transit to the classroom teaching being in progress in English gradually , provoke interest in making a student be put in a fine English environment. 4, acts on self"s own perfecting law: In the classroom, act on self"s own flexible chance for student much. The pupil is comparatively small because of age , the English social intercourse ability begins juat now , the teacher should give first place to student temperament and interest , may organize the teacher and student conversation activity , also may be divided into group, conversation carrying out liberty between the student and the student. Come to strengthen the chance that the student trains , train and improve student linguistic competence. 5, the scene edifies law: Make full use of multi-media teaching, improves classroom teaching efficiency. What we get along is the Chinese world , are short of the English language environment. Therefore, in teaching, the teacher but make full use of now has the English teaching material video tape , VCD etc. that the language electricity classroom allocates , lets a student broaden horizon. For example: Use filmstrip the what be taught object to be demonstrated out vividly, that gorgeous tableau has stimulated their sense organ , has increased impression. In English teaching middle flexible application electrified education medium, abilities such as feeling , optesthesia , sense of hearing being able to move a student sufficiently, sound and the image combine each other, language and the scene mingle each other , beautiful music has created one kind of easy and pleasant, harmonious study about atmosphere for student. Have entered the flexible true language scene as if , have changed an abstract into perception with content of courses. Have aroused a student studying English deep interest, thereby reach "ask me to mimic turn around being that "I need to learn " `this one fine psychology ". English has been in past surdimntism English , corridor in the playtime , on the drill ground already no longer , the scene everywhere It can be seen that the student teaches self in English, greeting and playing games, has embodied really in being in our campus now, to give first place to the teacher the line , the student spoken language social intercourse ability increase by a big margin for new call for of the gist education for all-around development.
2023-06-05 04:19:334


   三、Enrollment Information (Institutions attended and degrees received) 教育背景资料   一般有Institutions1,Institutions2,Institutions3... 把曾经上过的大学填上(高中就不必了)   有的学校会给一个选择, 让你在一个范围里选自己的学校, 一般只有名校才有。 如果你的学校没在在里面, 应该还有个Unknown-Foreign选项. 选了之后, 下面会有空可以填自己的学校名字.   Name of Institution Awarding or Expected to Award XXX"s Degree: 毕业了或正在读都写   Location (Country): 填学校地址   Dates Attended: 入学日期   Name of Degree Awarded or Expected: 已经获得的或即将获得的学位名(BA, BS, BArch, BPS, MS, ME, etc)   Date Degree Earned or Expected: 已经获得的或即将获得的学位的日期   Major:   Cumulative Undergraduate Grade Point Average(GPA): (e.g., 3.5, B+, 87% etc.)   Scale Used to Compute Cumulative Grade Point Average: 算分制度, 我们可以写0-100%,(e.g., 0.0-4.0, A-F, 0-100% etc.).   其实现在美国都知道我们中国学校是百分制, 所以我们就填百分比就可以了. 而且很多学校比如Stanford根本就禁止你换算成4分制。   除此之外,有的学校还会问你是不是曾经申请或就读过他们学校:   Have you previously applied to graduate studies at XXX?没有就选NO    四、Report tests taken 就是TOEFL,GER,TSE等等考试成绩   Test Administration Date: 填考试日子, 如果还没考,就填要考的日子. 有的学校是菜单选择,非常讨厌. 或者不填不能SAVE, 不填都不行. 所以在各个分项里估计一个分. 然后在寄其他补充材料时最好找张纸再注明你何时要参加考试.    五、Letters of Recommendation 推荐信   一般3个推荐人, 那么就需要你把推荐人的email, name填上.有的还要写地址电话什么的.   Title: 这里填Professor或Associate Professor (有的学校表格做的恶心, 填不下, 就简写)   注意: 有个别学校要求推荐信MUST BE在线提交. 不过大部分可以邮寄过去. 需要注意一下.
2023-06-05 04:19:401


写作思路:奥运冠军得到大笔钱是事实,但是这样的做法是值得商榷的,所以从颁发给奥运冠军大笔钱的弊端来谈论一下体育事业的发展。正文:Ten years of hard training, no one asked, once famous, the world knows.十年苦练无人问,一朝成名天下知。This era is a carnival era in which Olympic champions accept worship, flowers and applause.这个时代是奥运冠军接受朝拜、鲜花和掌声的狂欢时代。Before the start of the London Olympics, many local governments have already made offers.在伦敦奥运会还未开始之际,许多地方政府就已经开出了价码。In fact, there is nothing wrong with awarding Olympic champions.事实上.奖励奥运冠军本无可厚非。But as China"s sports become stronger step by step, this kind of heavy award has lost its original meaning.但在中国体育一步步变强大的时候,这种重奖却越来越失去了本来的意味。The biggest drawback of the award-winning Olympic champion is "eating meat in a big bowl and dividing gold and silver in large pieces".重奖奥运冠军最大的弊病是“大碗吃肉大块分金银”。The local sports bureaus regard the Olympic gold medal as the highest standard of their political achievements and an important weight to allocate funds for an Olympic cycle to the General Administration of sports.各地方体育局将奥运金牌当作自己政绩的最高标准,当作向体育总局要拨下一个奥运周期经费的重要砝码。When athletes" achievements are "kidnapped" by local sports bureau officials, how to win more Olympic gold medals in the next Olympic Games by all means.当运动员的成绩,被地方体育局官员当政绩“绑架”后,如何不择手段地在下一届奥运会争取更多的奥运金牌。It has become a common default phenomenon.就成为大家普遍默认的现象。Therefore, Hubei Sports Bureau, against the will of the Chinese gymnastics team, took the Olympic absolute main force Tian Yuan without authorization.于是就有了湖北体育局逆中国体操队意志,擅自将奥运绝对主力田源拿下的怪事。If the Olympic champion"s hometown economy develops very well, there may be huge rewards from many local enterprises.夺取奥运冠军,总局奖励、省市体育局奖励,如果奥运冠军的家乡经济发展很好,可能还有不少地方企业的巨额奖励。This kind of reward makes the image of the Olympic champion become one, as long as you are lucky to win the Olympic Games, you will not worry about food and clothing, and you will receive all the gold and silver.这样的奖励让奥运冠军的形象就变成了一只要你运气好奥运夺冠了,就吃穿不愁,就金银全收。Competitive sports in the Olympic Games, the world"s highest stage to win really have to pay a lot of hard, for the meaning of competition itself, to the champion of a certain material reward is no criticism.竞技体育要在奥运会这种世界最高舞台上夺冠的确要付出很多艰辛,对于竞技意义本身来说对冠军进行一定的物质奖励也无可厚非。However, if only material rewards are highlighted, the lofty image of Olympic champions will be vilified objectively.但如果只突出物质奖励,客观也丑化了奥运冠军应有的高大形象。
2023-06-05 04:19:472

他在颁奖典礼上没有说一句话 用(not) 英语怎么翻

there was even not a word in the celebration
2023-06-05 04:20:127


The Dean‘s Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2023-06-05 04:20:386


let"s warmly congratulate the successful name-conferring ceremony of the art school attached to hunan normal university.
2023-06-05 04:21:195