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to one amazement 造句

2023-05-20 00:35:00
TAG: on ment one 造句 a m to

To my amazement,He passed the exam

to one‘s amazement 令人惊奇的是




amaze ment英语怎么读什么意思?

饿梅贼门特 惊奇惊讶名词
2023-01-13 07:07:102


pleasantly surprise
2023-01-13 07:07:137


amazement 和 astonishment 作为名词,基本上是同义词. amaze 和 astonish 这两个动词,被动语态的表达也近似,程度上 astonished 更多些“惊愕”. 主动语态的表达上,amaze 用的会更多一些. 常见 He amazes me.却不太见到 He astonishes me.这样的表达.
2023-01-13 07:07:251


surprise和astonishment都作.“吃惊”讲,但surprise的吃惊程度不及astonishment强,词典上对surprise释义为:“slight astonishment而对astonishment的释义则为“great surprise"。
2023-01-13 07:07:282


amazement是 动词amaze的 名词形式 是抽象名词 不可数. amazing 是现在分词 可起形容词作用 也可直接把它看作形容词. amazing 同时也是动名词 当然可当名词用 和一般名词的区别 在于他有动词特征,可带自己的状语宾语等成分.一般名词则不能.
2023-01-13 07:07:371


2023-01-13 07:07:408

语法题:___everybody"s disappointment, the football match was put off.

您好,很高兴为您解答:___everybody"s disappointment, the football match was put off.To everybody"s disappointment 令每个人都失望的是,“to +one"s+情感名词”是英语中一个十分有用的结构,主要表示某人由于某事的发生而唤起其内心的某种情感,通常译为“令某人……的是”“使某人感到……的是”。这类结构在学习时应弄清以下几个方面。能用于该结构的名词非常有限,常见的有 admiration(羡慕), amazement(惊奇), amusement(娱乐), annoyance(烦恼), astonishment (惊奇), delight(欣喜), despair(绝望), disappointment(失望), embarrassment(难堪), happiness, horror(恐怖), joy(高兴), puzzlement(疑惑), regret(遗憾), relief(放心), satisfaction(满意), shame(羞愧), sorrow(悲伤), surprise(惊讶)等-------------------------------★倾心解答★愿您满意★★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------
2023-01-13 07:07:461


amazement 指令人惊喜或惊羡、惊叹的,强调积极的情绪;astonishment指令人惊讶、大为惊奇,主要强调难以置信;
2023-01-13 07:07:551


2023-01-13 07:08:013

in amazement 与with amazement 有什么区别?

in amazement 翻译成 :在....中,完全处于惊奇的状态,做方式状语。如:The listened to the music in amazement. 他们陶醉在音乐之中。with amazement 翻译成:...地, 如惊奇地,形容动词,修饰动词时使用。如:They observed the vase in exhibition with amazement.他们饶有兴致地观赏者展会上的花瓶。
2023-01-13 07:08:041


When he heard someone call his name behind, he looked back in amazement.谢谢采纳!!!!!!
2023-01-13 07:08:074


2023-01-13 07:08:132

in amazement什么意思

2023-01-13 07:08:162


amazing adj.令人惊异的 其动词形式:amaze 使惊奇 其名词形式:amazement 惊奇,惊愕,诧异 其同义词:surprising 令人惊讶的 如:The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety. 大自然最让人惊叹的是它的无限多样性。 He amazed us by his knowledge of Welsh history. 他对威尔士的历史知之甚多,让我们惊讶。 To my amazement , he remembered me. 使我大为惊奇的是他还记得我。 It is not surprising that children learn to read at different rates. 小孩子识字的速度不同,这不足为奇。
2023-01-13 07:08:191


amazing adj.令人惊异的其动词形式:amaze 使惊奇其名词形式:amazement 惊奇,惊愕,诧异其同义词:surprising 令人惊讶的如:The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety. 大自然最让人惊叹的是它的无限多样性。He amazed us by his knowledge of Welsh history. 他对威尔士的历史知之甚多,让我们惊讶。To my amazement , he remembered me. 使我大为惊奇的是他还记得我。It is not surprising that children learn to read at different rates.小孩子识字的速度不同,这不足为奇。
2023-01-13 07:08:222


2023-01-13 07:08:342


2023-01-13 07:08:376


2023-01-13 07:08:431


to ones amazement让人惊讶的是
2023-01-13 07:08:462

to one"s amazement造句

To my amazement,He passed the exam
2023-01-13 07:08:492


amazing adj.令人惊异的 其动词形式:amaze 使惊奇 其名词形式:amazement 惊奇,惊愕,诧异 其同义词:surprising 令人惊讶的 如:The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety. 大自然最让人惊叹的是它的无限多样性。 He amazed us by his knowledge of Welsh history. 他对威尔士的历史知之甚多,让我们惊讶。 To my amazement , he remembered me. 使我大为惊奇的是他还记得我。 It is not surprising that children learn to read at different rates. 小孩子识字的速度不同,这不足为奇。
2023-01-13 07:08:581


2023-01-13 07:09:014


amazement是 动词amaze的 名词形式 是抽象名词 不可数. amazing 是现在分词 可起形容词作用 也可直接把它看作形容词. amazing 同时也是动名词 当然可当名词用 和一般名词的区别 在于他有动词特征,可带自己的状语宾语等成分.一般名词则不能.
2023-01-13 07:09:051


派生法(derivation)是英语主要的构词法。这方法是借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词(derivative words),主要有名词、形容词和动词三种。 前缀以否定前缀(negative prefixes)un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, dis-, mis-, mal-等为主,使延伸出来的派生词变成反义词。 Ⅰ名词派生词 Balance→imbalance;pleasure→displeasure;management→ mismanagement;efficiency→inefficiency;concern→unconcern ;literacy→illiteracy;resolution→irresolution; interference→noninterference;nutrition→malnutrition. Ⅱ形容词派生词 Accurate→inaccurate;patient→impatient. regular→ irregular;legal→illegal;native→non-native;orderly→ disorderly;common→uncommon. Ⅲ动词派生词 Agree→disagree;judge→misjudge;treat→maltreat; activate→inactivate;use→ill-use;mobilize→immobilize; manage→mismanage;quote→unquote. 除了否定前缀之外,其他常用的前缀还有 anti-, auto-, bi-, co-, counter-, de-, ex-, inter-, mono-, post, pre-, pro-, re-, sub-, super-, trans-, tri-, ultra-等。 例如: anti-government(反政府);auto-intoxication(自我迷醉);bilateral(双边的);coexistence(共存);counter-argument (反建议);de-emphasize(不强调);ex-president(前任会长);international(国际间的);monolingual(单语的);post-war (战后的);precaution(预先防备);pro-China(支持中国); re-state(重述);subhuman(低于人类的);superimpose(加在上面);trans-atlantic(横跨大西洋的);triangle(三角); ultra-smart(超能的)。 前面例子证明,加上前缀后的词,虽然意思改变,但词性保持不变。 (en-除外,象able 形容词,enable动词;courage 形容词,encourage动词) 相反的,加上后缀的词,不但词义有些改变,词性也完全不同。这样一来,动词或形容词加上适当的后缀之后,可以得到名词派生词, 如: amaze→amazement;kind→kindness. 同样的,名词或动词加上适当的后缀,便可以得到形容词派生词, 如: commerce→commercial;depend→dependent. 最后,名词或形容词加上动词性的后缀,可以得到动词派生词,加上副词性后缀(仅限 -ly),则得到副词派生词, 如: fright(名词)→frighten(动词);modern(形容词)→ modernize(动词);beauty(名词)→beautify(动词);year(名词)→yearly(副词);quick(形容词)→quickly(副词)。
2023-01-13 07:09:121

为什么不能用to our amaze,只能用to our amazement

2023-01-13 07:09:141


2023-01-13 07:09:207

为什么不能用to our amaze,只能用to our amazement

2023-01-13 07:09:251


  迷茫的释义:①广阔而看不清的样子:双眼~;~的原野;大雪铺天盖地,原野一片~。②形容生活或者工作不知道该如何进展,没有方向感;前方道路虚无缥缈。那么你知道迷茫用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    迷茫英语说法1:   confused    迷茫英语说法2:   perplexed    迷茫英语说法3:   dazed   迷茫的相关短语:   走出迷茫 Don"t Hesitate   如此迷茫 so unsure   我心迷茫 I am confused ; My heart confused ; I lost my heart   迷茫春天 Spring Daze   迷茫它 confused it   战略迷茫 strategic confusion   迷茫期 Period of confusion ; Confused period ; For syncing    迷茫的英语例句:   1. It"s vast and hazy in the distance.   远处一片迷茫   2. He looked at me in blank amazement.   他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我.   3. My glazed eye wandered over the dim and misty landscape.   我的迟钝的眼睛扫视着朦胧迷茫的景色.   4. The old woman looked at him in confusion.   老妇人用迷茫的目光打量着他.   5. He stopped to glance over the misty lake where water joined the sky.   他停了一下,朝烟波迷茫、水天一色的湖面瞧去.   6. Everything is and - go , confused look ahead, then look at the scenery.   一切都是走走停停, 迷茫的看看前方, 再看看周围的风景.   7. That smoking incense, the candles flashing light, scattered, confused by my eyes.   那香冒着烟, 那蜡烛闪着光, 星星点点的, 迷茫了我的眼睛.   8. I feel lost. What should I do with my life?   我迷茫了. 我的生活该怎么办 呢 ?   9. Christmas eve 2008 --- winter. Be confused as my own path.   今年的圣诞 --- 严冬. 迷茫着以后自己的小路.   10. Your role is to beand helpful to others who are lost.   你的角色是保持稳定,帮助其他迷茫的人.   11. I am all at sea in the adolescent stage of my life.   刚刚成长起来的我陷入了迷茫之中.   12. He stared ahead in a daze as if nothing around him existed.   他神色迷茫地望着前方,仿佛周围的一切都不存在了.   13. I would like to swing action to drive away confused!   我要行动起来,赶走迷茫!   14. With the picture so blurry, investors will remain nervous.   前途迷茫令投资者仍然备感不安.   15. She was at a loss. She began to unsure of everything.   她迷茫了. 她开始对一切都不确信了.
2023-01-13 07:09:311

翻译单词  :吃惊;否则;尝起来

Surprised; otherwise; taste
2023-01-13 07:09:3410


1 答案是 learned 这是过去分词短语作后置定语 与所修饰词是被动关系Lessons是主语 learned 是定语 in sports是过去分词的状语 can help是谓语 us是宾语 in our dealing with other people是状语.2 答案是 receiving 这是现在分词短语作后置定语 与所修饰词是主动关系We 是主语must also consider是谓语 the reaction of the person是宾语 receiving the gift是定语 修饰the person.3 答案是 to get 不定式作宾语Why是疑问副词 作状语 don"t you pretend是主谓语 _to get sick是不定式短语作宾语 so是并列连词 you是主语 can take是谓语 a day off是宾语?4. 答案是 compared 这是过去分词短语 作状语 与句子主语是主表关系_compared with otherforms of writing是状语 , it是主语 is shorter是谓语 and takes是并列谓语 less time是宾语.5 答案是go 这是 省略should 的虚拟语气I是主语 was delighted是谓语 and was about to accept是并列谓语 her proposal是宾语 when she suggested we first go 是状语1.I know I felt the (warmth).2. I am much cleverer than to believe such a (liar) as you.3.As far as I am concerned, my (suggestion) is that we should always have anotebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.4. Living in an industrial city and dealing with air pollutants are necessary facts of our (existing).5.To their (amazement),the car had been returned and therewas note in it
2023-01-13 07:09:512

To my_________,the teachers gave such a wonderful performance.

没错,to my 后接名词,故D对呀 ( A 动词; B C 是形容词)*******************************************************************加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢!*******************************************************************
2023-01-13 07:09:556


What I didn"t expect was.
2023-01-13 07:10:0015


你好,主要理解谓语部分must have done 表示对过去发生事情的肯定推测show amazement at相当于be amazed ator else隐含的虚拟条件 后面what Tom said next主语 would never have done对过去发生事情的虚拟
2023-01-13 07:10:093

to one amazement 造句

To my amazement,He passed the exam to one‘s amazement 令人惊奇的是 ----------------------------------- 满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮
2023-01-13 07:10:131

much to one"s amazemeant

2023-01-13 07:10:201

中文翻译in amazement

2023-01-13 07:10:243

to one amazement 造句

To my amazement,He passed the exam to one‘s amazement 令人惊奇的是-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮
2023-01-13 07:10:301


amazement n.惊讶,惊异
2023-01-13 07:10:331


2023-01-13 07:10:361


2023-01-13 07:10:471


2023-01-13 07:10:501

迷茫英文怎么写 迷茫英文如何写

1、迷茫英文:confused,英 [kənˈfjuːzd] 美 [kənˈfjuːzd]。 2、我试图解除使我迷茫的困惑。I tried to clear the confusion that was fogging my brain. 3、他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。He looked at me in blank amazement.
2023-01-13 07:10:521


令某人吃惊的是用法和to one;s surprise 用法一样
2023-01-13 07:10:562


我很迷茫 I am very confused.
2023-01-13 07:10:594


1.agricultural [‚ægrɪ"kʌltʃərəl]adj.农业的,农用的,务农的agriculture n.农业agriculturalist n.农学家agriculturist n.农民,农场工作者2.amaze/amazed/amazed[ə"meɪz]v.使吃惊,使惊讶amazedly adv.吃惊地,惊奇地amazement n.惊奇,诧异amazing adj.令人惊异的amazingly adv.可惊地,令人惊讶地3.heart[hɑːt]n.心,中心,心脏,要点hearted adj.有......之心的,有......心情的heartily adv.衷心地,热诚地,尽情地heartiness n.诚实,热心heartfelt adj.衷心的,真心真意的4.attack/attacked/attacked [ə"tæk]n. 攻击,发作,抨击,开始,着手v. 动手处理,抨击,攻击,袭击,进攻attacker n.攻击者,抨击者,进攻者,攻击手5.calm/calmed/calmed[kɑːm]n. 平稳, 风平浪静v. 使镇定,使平静,镇定下来,平静下来adj. 平静的,冷静的calm down 词组,平静下来calmative adj.镇静的;n.镇静剂calmly adv.平静地,冷静地calmness n.平静,冷静,沉着6.duty["djuːtɪ]n.责任,本分,义务,税dutiable adj.应纳关税的dutiful adj.忠实的,守本分的dutifully adv.忠实地,尽职地duty free 词组,免税7.hurt/hurt/hurt[hɜːt]vt.损害,伤害,使疼痛vi.疼痛,造成损失 n.创伤,伤害,打击hurtful adj.造成伤害的,伤人感情的hurtfully adv.有害地8.illegal["ɪ"lɪːgl]adj.非法的,不合法的 n.非法移民illegality n.违法,不法行为illegalize v.使成为非法,使违规illegally adv.不法地[lɔː]n.法律,法规,准则,起诉v.起诉,打官司lawful adj.法律许可的,合法的,守法的lawfully adv.守法地,正当地,合法地lawless adj.非法的,违法的lawlessly adv.非法地lawlessness n.不服从法律,不受法律制约,目无法纪10.licence["laisəns] n.牌照,执照,许可证,许可v.给......发许可证,批准11.neighbour["neɪbə(r)]n.邻居,邻近之人或事,邻近值v.邻近,接壤neighbor n.邻居(又作neighbour)neighborly adj.友好的,睦邻的neighborling adj.邻近的,接壤的neighborliness n.亲切,友善neighborhood n.邻近地区,邻近,近邻,整个街坊,邻里情谊12.overtake/overtook/overtaken[‚əʊvə(r)teɪk]v.赶上,突然来袭,压倒overtake by/with 词组用法,突然侵袭,压倒13.occur/occured/occured[ə"kɜr /ə"kɜː]v.发生,出现,存在,想到occur to 想起,想到occurrence n.发生,发现,事件occurrent adj.正在发生的,偶然发生的
2023-01-13 07:11:141

中文翻译in amazememt

in amazement英 [in əˈmeɪzmənt] 美 [ɪn əˈmezmənt] 惊异I stared at her in amazement. 我惊愕地瞪眼看着她。
2023-01-13 07:11:171


. 1C. peace2.B. respected3.A. honest4.B. concerned5.D. responsible6.C. trust7.A. involved8.D. lying9.A. quickly10C. tent11.D. surprise12 D. exchanging13.C. hanged14.A. repay15.B. never保证 全对
2023-01-13 07:11:202


farm --- farmerhome --- homeworkfish --- fisher ---fishman ....
2023-01-13 07:11:242

哪位英语强人帮忙整理一下To one`s ……的结构?

结构是to one"s +neg:to one"s surprise
2023-01-13 07:11:273


1 答案是 learned 这是过去分词短语作后置定语 与所修饰词是被动关系Lessons是主语 learned 是定语 in sports是过去分词的状语can help是谓语 us是宾语 in our dealing with other people是状语.2 答案是 receiving 这是现在分词短语作后置定语 与所修饰词是主动关系We 是主语must also consider是谓语the reaction of the person是宾语 receiving the gift是定语 修饰the person.3 答案是 to get 不定式作宾语Why是疑问副词 作状语 don"t you pretend是主谓语 _to get sick是不定式短语作宾语 so是并列连词 you是主语 can take是谓语 a day off是宾语?4. 答案是 compared 这是过去分词短语 作状语 与句子主语是主表关系_compared with otherforms of writing是状语 ,it是主语 is shorter是谓语 and takes是并列谓语 less time是宾语.5 答案是go 这是 省略should 的虚拟语气I是主语 was delighted是谓语 and was about to accept是并列谓语her proposal是宾语 when she suggested we first go 是状语1.I know I felt the (warmth).2. I am much cleverer than to believe such a (liar) as you.3.As far as I am concerned, my (suggestion) is that we should always have anotebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.4. Living in an industrial city and dealing with air pollutants are necessary facts of our (existing).5.To their (amazement),the car had been returned and therewas note in it
2023-01-13 07:11:303