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2023-05-19 23:44:44




children这个英语单词,是child 的复数形式,意思是“小孩、儿童”,读音[ˈtʃɪldrən],希望对你有帮助。
2023-01-12 16:55:132


They have brought me endless amounts of joy since the second they were born. 他们一出生就给我带来无尽的快乐。
2023-01-12 16:55:254


2023-01-12 16:55:423


children的读音是:英 ["tʃɪldrən],美 ["tʃɪldrən]。n. 孩子们,儿童,小孩(名词child的复数形式)例句:Children need a happy home environment.翻译:孩子需要一个幸福的家庭环境。短语:Children"s Day 儿童节近义词1、heir 英 [eə(r)]   美 [er]    n. 继承人例句:Tilda seems to be his only heir.翻译:迪儿特似乎是他唯一的继承人。短语:immediate heir 直系继承人2、successor 英 [sək"sesə(r)]   美 [sək"sesər]    n. 接班人,继任人例句:I am sure that he is a reliable successor.翻译:我确信他是个可靠的接班人。短语:legitimate successor 法定继承人
2023-01-12 16:55:552

children怎么读 children读音

children读法:英 [ˈtʃɪldrən] 美 [ˈtʃɪldrən] 释义:n.儿童;孩子们(child的复数) 词汇搭配: 1、children"s home 儿童教养所。 2、children phobia 儿童恐怖症。 3、preschool children 学龄前儿童,学前儿童。 4、a quiver full of children 子女多的大家庭。
2023-01-12 16:56:201


children的音标为:英 [ˈtʃɪldrən] ,美 [ˈtʃɪldrən] 。Children"s Day 六一儿童节Children"s Palace 少年宫left-behind children 留守儿童children of Israel 犹太民族;犹太人;希伯来民族;希伯来人young children 幼儿;少年儿童;婴幼儿Children Of Bodom凭借自己97年《Something Wild》的首次亮相,便一举成为国际巨星, 当时被誉为“芬兰最令人惊喜的乐队”,在金属圈子里变得家喻户晓。当然,这一切都要归功于他们出众的音乐素质,以及那无懈可击的表演能力。双语例句:1、You can live how you like, but there"s the children to think about.你可以爱怎么过日子就怎么过,但要考虑孩子。2、Whenever books are chosen for children, meaning should always be in the foreground.给孩子选书时,意义应该永远是最重要的。3、It is not acceptable for parents to leave children unattended at that age.父母把那种年龄的孩子丢下不管令人无法接受。4、Teachers are being asked to unlearn rigid rules for labelling and placing children.老师们被要求抛弃给孩子归类分档的刻板规定。5、Couples we knew who had been lobotomized by the birth of their children.我们所认识的那些因为生孩子而变得反应迟钝的夫妇们。
2023-01-12 16:56:251

children是怎么读 children英语怎么读

1、children 英【ˈtʃɪldrən】美【ˈtʃɪldrən】 2、n.儿童;孩子们(child的复数);膝下;孥。 3、(child 的复数) Children is the plural of child . 4、记忆技巧:child 小孩 en 小 → 孩子们。 5、I had made arrangements for my affairs to be dealt with by one of my children 我已经安排我的一个孩子处理我的事务。
2023-01-12 16:56:431

children怎么读英语 单词children怎么读

1、children英[ˈtʃɪldrən]美[ˈtʃɪldrən]儿童; child 的复数。 2、[例句]The children are at different stages of development. 这些孩子处于不同的成长阶段。
2023-01-12 16:56:481


2023-01-12 16:56:5410


2023-01-12 16:57:417


childrens"和children"s的区别在于前者是错误的表达,后者正确. children"s,是名词children的所有格形式,意为“儿童们的”.如Children"s Day,儿童节. children本身就是复数,不可能再加上s了,所以childrens"这种情况是不存在的.
2023-01-12 16:58:091


孩子 儿童
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2023-01-12 16:59:252


children 英[ˈtʃɪldrən] 美[ˈtʃɪldrən] n. 儿童; 孩子们; (child的复数) 膝下; 孥; [例句]A group which campaigns against the physical punishment of children一个反对体罚儿童的团体
2023-01-12 16:59:476


children的读音是:英 ["tʃɪldrən],美 ["tʃɪldrən]。n. 孩子们,儿童,小孩(名词child的复数形式)例句:Children need a happy home environment.翻译:孩子需要一个幸福的家庭环境。短语:Children"s Day 儿童节近义词1、heir 英 [eə(r)]   美 [er]    n. 继承人例句:Tilda seems to be his only heir.翻译:迪儿特似乎是他唯一的继承人。短语:immediate heir 直系继承人2、successor 英 [sək"sesə(r)]   美 [sək"sesər]    n. 接班人,继任人例句:I am sure that he is a reliable successor.翻译:我确信他是个可靠的接班人。短语:legitimate successor 法定继承人
2023-01-12 17:00:091


children: [ˈtʃɪldrən]   儿童;孩子们;child 的复数例句:1.It"s a present for one of my children. 这是送给我的一个孩子的礼物。2.The two groups of children have quite different characteristics. 这两组儿童具有截然不同的特点。3.The children are at different stages of development. 这些孩子处于不同的成长阶段。4.Our children go to the same school as theirs. 我们的孩子和他们的孩子上同一所学校。5.Many children can"t function effectively in large classes. 许多孩子在大班上课时学习效果不好。                                                                       
2023-01-12 17:01:171


children本身就是child的复数形式。读音英 ["tʃɪldrən];美 ["tʃɪldrən]    n. 孩子们,儿童,小孩(名词child的复数形式)近义词:1、heir:继承人2、successor:接班人3、seed:种子4、youth:青年时期扩展资料:词根:child读音:英 [tʃaɪld];美 [tʃaɪld]    意思:n. 小孩;子女;产物形容词: childless 名词: childlessness 1、child作“小孩,儿童”解时,其年龄范围比较宽,可指自出生至成年前的孩子,一般指从2岁至14岁的孩子,不分男孩女孩;child还可作“子女,孩子”解,无年龄限制,不分男女。2、child是可数名词,可充当主语、宾语、定语。
2023-01-12 17:01:311


国际音:英音:["tʃildrən]美音:["tʃɪldrən] 字母拼音:chil-druhnChild:可数名词1.小孩,儿童,幼儿2.儿子,女儿,子女eg. He has two children.他有两个孩子。3.孩子气的人,幼稚的人4.深受某人(某地方或环境)影响的人;产物,结果[(+of)]eg.He was a child of the Renaissance.他是文艺复兴时期的人。5.子孙,后代6.神的儿女,神的后代(相传Children一词,是在耶稣时期创造的,被指是耶稣的爱子,爱女。)7.子系(IT编程行业英语第2515页_电气电子专业...children子系)
2023-01-12 17:01:421


children读:英 [ˈtʃɪldrən] 。His problem began when he was a child .他的这个问题起始于孩提时代The children have outgrown their garments .孩子们长得衣服穿不上了。The child "s work at school is about average ..这孩子学习成绩中常。The child "s condition took a favourable turn ...孩子的病情有好转。They looked everywhere for the lost child .他们四处寻找走失的孩子。It"s difficult to find children in a sentence. 用children造句挺难的。The children bounced into the classroom .孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地进了教室。The child has musical talent [a gift for music] .这孩子有音乐天才。Children under five years of age are not charged .未满5岁儿童免费。The child "s sobs gradually died down .那孩子的啜泣声渐渐静了下来。
2023-01-12 17:01:551


2023-01-12 17:02:103


2023-01-12 17:02:2313

children与kids的区别 请你们多举几个例子还有意思

2023-01-12 17:03:141


childrens"和children"s的区别在于前者是错误的表达,后者正确.children"s,是名词children的所有格形式,意为“儿童们的”.如Children"s Day,儿童节.children本身就是复数,不可能再加上s了,所以childrens"这种情况是不存在的.
2023-01-12 17:03:201


children的读音是:英["tʃildrən],美["tʃɪldrən]。children是一个英语单词,意思是儿童,它是child的复数。英式读音:["tʃildrən]。美式读音:["tʃɪldrən]。children的例句:1、The children have gone paddling.孩子们戏水去了。2、She spoils the children rotten.她很溺爱孩子。3、He"s very good with children.他对孩子很有一套。4、children are natural exhibitionists.儿童天生好表现自己。5、children scavenge through rubbish.孩子们在垃圾中捡破烂。
2023-01-12 17:03:291


children"s是对的,是孩子们的。children作“小孩,儿童”解时,其年龄范围比较宽,可指自出生至成年前的孩子,一般指从2岁至14岁的孩子,不分男孩女孩; child还可作“子女,孩子”解,无年龄限制,不分男女。是可数名词,可充当主语、宾语、定语。children构成所有格加“"s”。相关词组:flower children 嬉皮士的一个流派。child 小孩。wife and children 妻儿。man-child 男孩。children-welfare tablet 小儿金丹片。Children"s Day 儿童节。
2023-01-12 17:03:391


  children有孩子们,儿童,小孩等意思,那么你知道children的第三人称单数是什么吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    children的单数形式:   child    children的单数例句:   It may come as a surprise to some that a normal, healthy child is born with many skills.   一个身体健康正常的小孩天生就会许多技能,这或许会令有些人感到惊奇。   This obviously works against the interests of the child.   这显然会对孩子不利。   She"s petitioning to regain custody of the child.   她请求重获孩子的监护权。   The child"s welfare must be seen as paramount.   必须把儿童福利摆在首位。   As a child, Coleridge developed omnivorous reading habits.   柯尔律治从孩提时期便养成了广泛阅读的习惯。   To this end the young child is forever watchful.   这个年纪不大的孩子为此始终保持警惕。   The child who rebels is unlikely to be overlooked.   叛逆的孩子不太容易被忽视。   He will probably take your child"s temperature too.   他很可能也会量量你家孩子的体温。   She felt an overwhelming desire to have another child.   她一心想再要一个孩子。   The adult to child ratio is 1 to 6.   成人与儿童的比例为1比6。   Respite care for their very ill child for short periods   对他们病重的孩子的短期护理   As a child I learned to hunt and fish.   从小我就学会了打猎和捕鱼。   The other child"s face was smeared with dirt.   另一个孩子的脸上满是泥土。   Have you had your child vaccinated against whooping cough?   你给你的孩子打过百日咳疫苗了吗?   Many institutions offering child care are understaffed and underequipped.   许多保育机构人手不够,设备也不足。
2023-01-12 17:03:511


children名词所有格形式:childrens 变化规则:第一种是"s所有格,在表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离等无生命的东西的名词后加"s。第二种是of所有格,凡不能加"s的名词,都可以与of构成短语,来表示所有关系。 扩展资料   children"s:儿童;儿童音乐;儿童健康   例句:   Does television have an effect on children"s behaviour?   电视对孩子的行为有影响吗?   The research should prove invaluable in the study of children"s language.   这项调查对于儿童语言的研究将极有价值。   An unhappy home environment can affect children"s behaviour.   不幸的"家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。   Parents will be held responsible for their children"s behaviour.   父母将要对孩子的行为负责。   A number of parents have voiced concern about their children"s safety.   一些家长对他们子女的安全表示了担心。
2023-01-12 17:03:561


children的读音:英 [ˈtʃɪldrən]  美 [ˈtʃɪldrən] 。n. 孩子们(child 的复数)短语Children of Men 人类之子 ; 绝种浩劫 ; 人的总称之子Children Of Bodom 死神之子 ; 博多之子 ; 博德之子Little Children 身为人母 ; 初为人母 ; 小孩子词组短语children of israel n. 以色列人women and children 妇女儿童wife and children 妻儿number of children 孩子数目,儿童数量;子女人数
2023-01-12 17:04:021


children读成/"tʃildrən /,这是古英语的复数词尾。1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth  mouse---mice   man---men  woman---women  注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。  如: an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。  2)单复同形 如:  deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese  li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jinOne kilogram equals two jin and one jin equals ten liang.  但除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
2023-01-12 17:05:031


2023-01-12 17:05:084


children本身就是child的复数形式读音:/ ˈtʃɪldrən /表达意思:孩子们(child 的复数)。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:Fantastic Children奇幻儿童 ; 奇幻儿童原声音乐 ; 奇幻旅程。近义词1、heir:继承人2、successor:接班人3、seed:种子4、youth:青年时期例句1、Children need to be cherished.儿童需要无微不至的爱护。2、He"s very good with children.他对孩子很有一套。3、Can"t you control your children?你就不能管管你这些孩子?
2023-01-12 17:05:251


children的读音:英 [ˈtʃɪldrən]  美 [ˈtʃɪldrən] 。n. 孩子们(child 的复数)短语Children of Men 人类之子 ; 绝种浩劫 ; 人的总称之子Children Of Bodom 死神之子 ; 博多之子 ; 博德之子Little Children 身为人母 ; 初为人母 ; 小孩子词组短语children of israel n. 以色列人women and children 妇女儿童wife and children 妻儿number of children 孩子数目,儿童数量;子女人数
2023-01-12 17:05:361

children的复数是什么 详细说一下

1、children本身就是child的复数形式,不能变化。 2、child作“小孩,儿童”解时,其年龄范围比较宽,可指自出生至成年前的孩子,一般指从2岁至14岁的孩子,不分男孩女孩; child还可作“子女,孩子”解,无年龄限制,不分男女。 3、child是可数名词,可充当主语、宾语、定语。 4、children构成所有格加“"s”。
2023-01-12 17:05:481


2023-01-12 17:05:546


你好 很高兴回答您的问题。孩子的英文是child,children 都可以作为孩子 这个名词来回答。
2023-01-12 17:06:156


children#1 sons or daughters#2 young persons#3 adults who act like children其实问题不太清楚, 个人揣测了下您的意思。谢谢
2023-01-12 17:06:436


孩子们。英美[ˈtʃɪldrən]词典:孩子们释义:n.孩子们(child的复数)例句:The children went out into the garden to play on the swings after dinner.孩子们吃完饭后都跑到花园里荡秋千。近义词:heir英 [eə(r)] 美 [er]    n. 继承人一、n. (名词)【法】继承人,法定继承人,财产继承人后嗣,嗣子,后代二、v. (动词)继承
2023-01-12 17:07:151


children是复数,child是单数,二者都是指儿童。例句:Children shouldn"t tell tales.小孩子不应该说谎。 children的词汇搭配 flower children嬉皮士的一个流派... child小孩 wife and children妻儿 man-child男孩 children-welfare tablet小儿金丹片 Children"s Day儿童节 children"s home儿童教养所 children chain子女链 children phobia儿童恐怖症 preschool children学龄前儿童,学前儿童... dysentery in children小儿痢疾 a quiver full of children子女多的大家庭... visit the sins of the fathers upon the children使祖先的罪在子女身上... younger children不能享长子权利的子女... a quiverful of children子女众多的大家庭...
2023-01-12 17:07:251


children单数形式是child。单数形式与复数相对,指某些语言中由词的本身形式所表示的单一的数量,如在英语中,可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。 扩展资料 表示一个人或事物用单数形式,表示一个以上的人或事物用复数形式。
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2023-01-12 17:07:421


children是可数名词。children是child的复数。children的例句:I have a wife and two small children(我有一个妻子和两个年幼的孩子)。 扩展资料 children的"例句:I had made arrangements for my affairs to be dealt with by one of my children(我已经安排我的一个孩子处理我的事务);I had made arrangements for my affairs to be dealt with by one of my children(我已经安排我的一个孩子处理我的事务)。
2023-01-12 17:07:511


kid偏指年纪较小。children可指任何年纪的,children是child的复数形式。kid可作形容词,意思 较年幼的,动词: (山羊等)下崽;捉弄;开玩笑;哄骗;嘲弄。children只是名词,意为孩子们。 扩展资料   Can"t you control your children?   你就不能管管你这些孩子?   Many children can"t function effectively in large classes.   许多孩子在大班上课时学习效果不好。   I"d like a job working with old folk or kids.   我喜欢与老人或小孩打交道的工作。   One of the kids fell into the river.   小孩中有一个掉进了河里。
2023-01-12 17:07:571


children英 ["tʃɪldrən]  美 ["tʃɪldrən] n. 孩子们(child的复数)短语supernormal children 超常儿童 ; 智力超常儿童 ; 名超常儿童 ; 智力超常Young Children 少年儿童 ; 婴幼儿 ; 幼儿 ; 幼童Yellow Children 黄孩子 ; 唱片名illegitimate children 非婚生子女 ; 私生儿童school children 学龄儿童 ; 子弟校 ; 中小学生 ; 学校儿童扩展资料同近义词kids英 [kidz]  美 [kidz] n. 儿童(kid的复数);[畜牧] 小山羊v. 开玩笑;产仔;欺骗(kid的三单形式)短语NIKE KIDS 耐克童装 ; 小耐克 ; 耐克儿童服装 ; 耐克小童DIESEL KIDS 迪赛童装 ; 迪赛小衣裳 ; 赛童装Shaolin Kids 中华小子例句1、Both you and your kids have needs at night. 你和你的孩子在夜晚时都需要对方。2、Our kids are over there, all the rest of the family are there. 我们的孩子在那里,家里所有其他人也都在那里。3、I like staying together with the kids. This is also why the kids like me. 我喜欢和孩子们在一起,这也是孩子们喜欢我的原因。
2023-01-12 17:08:096

谁能告诉我Get what you want这首歌的歌词?

【Get What You Want】Verse 1Disappointed you know there"s never gonna be a cheery face inside this crowded room. Think you"re the shit now because my lingo is so out of the loop why yes I"m out of the loop.Let"s turn our noses up become a snob because we"re treading on rooves cause we"re so fucken cool. Oh give the act up you know you"re geeks that conglomerate in the city we speak of.ChorusCause you don"t always get what you want.Oh no you can oh no you can oh no you can.Cause you don"t always get what you want.I know you can I know you can I know you can.Verse 2Attack attack my disposition get the vunerable predators on the loose. Yeah let"s be vulgur internet sex naked computers. I wish I could feed you some ritalin so maybe I could get a reaction or maybe even some facial expression but it"s not your fault if you really don"t wanna.BridgeAttack attack my dispostion your tennis shoes oh get your ten issues what ever am I to do?I wish I could feed you some ritalin so maybe I could get a reaction or maybe even some facial expression but it"s not your fault if you really don"t wanna.Chorus【Leave It Alone】You sayI"m goneThis roadWe"re alongYou cryAloneWe fallOn our ownGot me somethingSoulsYou got to let it goGot me somethingSouls You got to know, know, knowGot me somethingSoulsYou got to let it goGot me somethingSoulsYou got toYou sayMy mindWe fallOne of a kindJust stopYou soldYour soulWe cryOn our ownWell I said, I saidI"ll just leave it aloneAll the bets on the other onesYou leave it aloneYou place your bets on the other onesYou wanna go homeYou say, you say, that you know that I"m overdueAnd only learn from the other onesYou"re overdue, I only learn from the other onesNot only from youDissallude this minds only colourfulDissallude this minds only comicalDissallude this minds only colourfulDissallude this minds only comicalDissallude this minds only colourfulDissallude this minds only comicalDissallude this minds only colourfulDissallude this mindWell I said, I saidI"ll just leave it aloneAll the bets on the other onesYou leave it aloneYou place your bets on the other onesYou wanna go homeYou say, you say, that you know that I"m overdueAnd only learn from the other onesYou"re overdue, I only learn from the other onesNot only from youYou give it timeYou give it spaceI want you to stopWhy can"t you stop?【Just A Song About Ping Pong】(Hook)It"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a song about ping pong(V1)Money order money order hear it todayI got another fifteen seconds and I"m ready to play I sayMoney order money order hear it todayI got another fifteen seconds and I"m ready to play I sayI got my got my got my got my racket in handNot leaving till I play don"t think you understandWith that dirty dirty dirty dirty look on your faceI bet you know beef jerky has an after taste GO!(V2)Money order money order hear it todayI got another fifteen seconds and I"m ready to play I sayMoney order money order hear it todayI got another fifteen seconds and I"m ready to play I sayI got my got my got my got my racket in handNot leaving till I play don"t think you understandWith that dirty dirty dirty dirty look on your faceI bet you know beef jerky has an after taste GO!(Bridge)If I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningCHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningCHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing team(Hook)It"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a song about Ping Pong.It"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a song about Ping PongGhost的歌词没找到呢...
2023-01-12 17:08:081


3至6岁的阶段称为英文   3至6岁的阶段称为英文,很多第一次当爸爸妈妈对于怀孕的一些症状和孩子出生之后的育儿经验都不是很了解,有很多不知道,不清楚的地方,所以对孩子各项事宜都非常的注意。以下分享3至6岁的阶段称为英文?   3至6岁的阶段称为英文1   幼儿期或学龄前期,英语也叫作Early childhood or preschool    儿童生长发育分为以下几个阶段:   1、新生儿期:是从胎儿娩出,到28天大的时期。按年龄划分,此期实际包含在婴儿期内。   2、婴儿期:指的是从出生到1周岁之前的时期。   3、幼儿期:1岁到满3周岁之前为幼儿期。   4、学龄前期:3周岁至入7周岁为学龄前期。   5、学龄期:自入7周岁至青春期前为学龄期。   6、青春期:青春期年龄范围一般为12岁~20岁,女孩的青春期开始年龄和结束年龄都比男孩早2年。    注意事项:   注意的维持功能:这种功能是儿童的心理活动对所选择的对象保持一种比较紧张、持续的状态,从而维持着儿童的游戏、学习活动的顺利进行。   注意的调节功能:这种功能使儿童能够发觉环境的变化,并及时调整动作,为应付外来刺激做出相应的准备,从而能更好的适应周围环境的变化。   3至6岁的阶段称为英文2    儿童年龄的七个分期    几岁属于儿童?   联合国《儿童权利公约》规定,儿童是指18岁以下的任何人。   儿童年龄分期分为胎儿期、新生儿期、婴儿期、幼儿期、学龄前期、学龄期、青春期一共7个时期。   (1)胎儿期:从受精卵形成至小儿出生为止,共约40周。胎儿的周龄即为胎龄,或称为妊娠龄。   (2)新生儿期:自胎儿娩出脐带结扎时开始至生后满28天,按照年龄划分,此期实际包含在婴儿期内。由于此期在生长发育和疾病方面具有非常明显的特殊性,且发病率高,死亡率也高,因此单独列为婴儿期中的一个特殊时期。   (3)婴儿期:自出生到1岁之前为婴儿期。此期时生长发育极其旺盛的阶段,因此对营养的需求量相对较高。   (4)幼儿期:自1岁至满3周岁之前为幼儿期。   (5)学龄前期:自3周岁至6~7岁进入小学前为学龄前期。   (6)学龄期:自入小学(6~7岁)至青春期前为学龄期。   (7)青春期:青春期年龄范围,女孩从11~12岁开始,到18岁,男孩从13~14岁开始,到18岁。女孩的青春期开始年龄和结束年龄都比男孩早2年。青春期的进入和结束年龄存在较大的个体差异,约可相差2~4岁。(按照《儿童权利公约》规定,到达18岁之后即非儿童,所以此处的“青春期”只包含“儿童”部分,与医学上青春期的年龄划分稍有差别。)    3-6岁是什么阶段   3岁到6岁是叫儿童阶段。中国按年龄划分为四个年龄组,即青年组、中青年组、中年组和中老年组。一般情况下,胎儿、婴儿年龄在0-0.6岁、幼儿0.6-2岁、儿童3-6岁、少年7-14岁、青年15-35岁、中年36-60岁、61岁以及以上为老年。   根据发展心理学划分:乳儿期0-1岁、婴儿期1-2岁、幼儿期2-3岁、学龄前期3-6或7岁、学龄初期6、7-11、12岁。   少年期11、12-14、15岁,青年期14、15-30岁,中年期30-50岁,老年为50岁以后。但根据国际《儿童权利公约》,其界定儿童是指18岁以下的任何人。   3至6岁的阶段称为英文3    3-6岁孩子英语学习启蒙的正确规划    第一阶段:3-4岁——大量输入阶段   3-4岁的孩子首先要通过大量的听儿歌,看简单英语动画,进行听力积累(即磨耳朵),形成音素意识(意识到口语中的单词是由音素构成的)。这个过程可以一直持续到6岁。    1、听儿歌   3岁左右的孩子对节奏感强的声音特别敏感。所以,挑选儿歌的.时候一定要遵循“3R”原则,即节奏(rhythm),韵律(rhyme),重复(repetition)。    2、看动画   在有半年左右磨耳朵时间之后,就可以开始让孩子看简单的英语动画了。    3、读绘本   在孩子3岁半的时候,家长们就可以给他们同步读绘本了,这个阶段也是亲子阅读的最好时期。   家长们虽然无法辅导孩子如何精读,但是可以用大量的泛读来弥补,例如用中文给孩子讲故事意思,放英文音频给孩子听。有时间的家长建议频率是一天两本,当然可以根据家长和孩子的实际情况适当减少。   经典的绘本非常多,大家也可以根据孩子的喜好进行挑选。   孩子的启蒙阶段,其实家长们的任务是很重的,虽然我在上面已经介绍了详细的学习方法,但是要家长们坚持每天都做也是一件非常不容易的事情,我就见过一位坚持两个月后开始苦恼的家长。    第二阶段:4-5岁——坚持输入并学习自然拼读   按以上步骤进行一年启蒙之后,孩子就掌握26个字母和少量日常词汇及累计部分听力词汇了。    1、分级阅读   这时候就可以开始读分级读物了,例如RAZ、大猫分级阅读、牛津阅读树等等,可以选择多套一起读,比如买了RAZ来读,觉得绘本不够多,还可以拿牛津树进行横向补充阅读。    2、继续坚持音频、视频输入   4-5岁这个阶段,孩子仍然要大量地进行输入。上文提到的分级阅读,基本都有配套的音频,小瑞也建议可以用这些读物音频给孩子磨耳朵。   因为这些分级阅读都有着科学的难度进阶设计和合适的单词重复频率,给孩子重复多了,也自然而然会记住。当然,也可以选择对白更多、难度更高的动画给孩子看。    3、自然拼读   看过我之前文章的家长一定知道,自然拼读并不适合零基础的孩子学。    那什么时候才合适呢?   熟练掌握26个字母,有3000个左右听力词汇的孩子才合适。   不过也因为家长比较难判断孩子目前的听力词汇水平,因此若是按照上述步骤严格执行的家长,启蒙1-2年之后,就可以学习了。   自然拼读作为听说词汇和读写词汇之间的桥梁,小瑞认为是有必要学习的。   在遇到无法认读的单词时,也要鼓励孩子使用拼读技巧进行拼读。    第三阶段:5-6岁——输入转输出   在经过上面2年大量的英语输入后,孩子在这个阶段就需要开始从输入转化成输出了。   因此,有条件的家长,其实小瑞还是建议给孩子报班(瑞尔素质成长中心就有针对孩子学英语的课程),和外教交流,能快速提升他们的口语输出能力。   当然也不必担心自然拼读课程没有学完,学习拼读和练习拼读的过程是可以同步进行的,也包括上面所有的音频、分级阅读输入,也要记继续坚持。   当然,最重要的是家长们不仅要陪伴孩子,更要多给他们鼓励,夸赞孩子的进步,建立他们的学习信心。
2023-01-12 17:08:091

慕旦译的诗原作 L.P.Smith 资料.

  Logan Pearsall Smith ( 1865-1946 )  英国现代散文家,小品文家。有人说他是美国人,其实他是英国人,罗素向他学习写英文,“龙根”好像伍尔夫在现代作家里评论他的时,中国译者就是这么翻译的。后来还写了一部more Trivia 。感想之类的。乔治 桑塔纳亚的哲学小品就是他选得,见梁遇春的评论。他还是研究莎士比亚的作家。  The Rose原文:The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden, and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she had brought years before from Italy, when she was first married. She and her husband had been travelling back in their carriage from Rome ( it was before the time of railways ) and on a bad piece of road south of Siena they had broken down, and had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the road-side. The accommodation was wretched of course; she had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. She could still, after all these years, remember the blue mountains with the bright moon above them, and how a far-off town on one of the peaks had gradually grown whiter and whiter, till the moon faded, the mountains were touched with the pink of the rising sun, and suddenly the town was lit as by an illumination, one window after another catching and reflecting the sun"s beam, till at last the whole little city twinkled and sparkled up in the sky like a nest of stars.  That morning, finding they would have to wait while their carriage was being repaired, they had driven in a local conveyance up to the city on the mountain, where they had been told they would find better quarters; and there they had stayed two or three days. It was one of the miniature Italian cities with a high church, a pretentious piazza, a few narrow streets and little palaces, perched, all compact and complete, on the top of a mountain, within and enclosure of walls hardly larger than an English kitchen garden. But it was full of life and nose, echoing all day and all night with the sounds of feet and voices.  The Cafe of the simple inn where they stayed was the meeting place of the notabilities of the little city; the Sindaco, the avvocato, the doctor, and a few others; and among them they noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man, with bright black eyes and snow-white hair — tall and straight and still with the figure of a youth, although the waiter told them with pride that the Conte was molto vecchio — would in fact be eightey in the following year. He was the last of his family, the waiter added — they had once been great and rich people — but he had no descendants; in fact the waiter mentioned with complacency, as if it were a story on which the locality prided itself, that the Conte had been unfortunate in love, and had never married.  The old gentleman, however, seemed cheerful enough; and it was plain that he took an interest in the strangers, and wished to make their acquaintance. This was soon effected by the friendly waiter; and after a little talk the old man invited them to visit his villa and garden which were just outside the walls of the town. So the next afternoon, when the sun began to descend, and they saw in glimpses through door-ways and windows, blue shadows beginning to spread over the brown mountains, they went to pay their visit. It was not much of a place, a small, modernized, stucco villa, with a hot pebbly garden, and in it a stone basin with torpid gold-fish, and a statue of Diana and her hounds against the wall. But what gave a glory to it was a gigantic rose-tree which clambered over the house, almost smothering the windows, and filling the air with the perfume of its sweetness. Yes, it was a fine rose, the Conte said proudly when they praised it, and he would tell the Signora about it. And as they sat there, drinking the wine he offered them, he alluded with the cheerful indifference of old age to his love-affair, as though he took for granted that they had heard of it already.  "The lady lived across the valley there beyond that hill. I was a young man then, for it was many years ago. I used to ride over to see her; it was a long way, but I rode fast, for young men, as no doubt the Signora knows, are impatient. But the lady was not kind, she would keep me waiting, oh, for hours; and one day when I had waited very long I grew very angry, and as I walked up and down in the garden where she had told me she would see me, I broke one of her roses, broke a branch from it ; and when I saw what I had done, I hid it inside my coat — so —; and when I came home I planted it, and the Signora sees how it has grown. If the Signora admires it, I must give her a cutting to plant also in her garden; I am told the English have beautiful gardens that are green, and not burnt with the sun like ours."  The next day, when their mended carriage had come up to fetch them, and they were just starting to drive away from the inn, the Conte"s old servant appeared with the rose-cutting neatly wrapped up, and the compliments and wishes for a buon viaggio from her master. The town collected to see them depart, and the children heard a rush of feet behind them for a few moments, but soon they were far down towards the valley; the little town with all its noise and life was high above them on its mountain peak.  She had planted the rose at home, where it had grown and flourished in a wonderful manner; and every June the great mass of leaves and shoots still broke out into a passionate splendour of scent and crimson colour, as if in its root and fibres there still burnt the anger and thwarted desire of that Italian lover. Of course the old Conte must have died many years ago; she had forgotten his name, and had even forgotten the name of the mountain city that she had stayed in, after first seeing it twinkling at dawn in the sky, like a nest of stars.
2023-01-12 17:08:031


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