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2023-05-19 23:29:25

Bill Gates was born on 1955.10.28, after graduated from primary shcool, he fasinated in computer. He entered in Harvard when he was 18, one year later, he decided to give up his study and established the Microshoft with his friend. When he was 36, he became the youngest billionaire of the world. He alleged that he would leave nothing to his descendants. His also prepared to donate 95% of his asset to charity organization. He is considered to be the most generous philanthropist of the world.


问题:1、第④段中画线句子表达了什么语气? 肯定的








  名词解释:文体名。亦单称传。是一种常见的文学形式。主要记述人物的生平事迹,根据各种书面的、口述的回忆、调查等相关材料,加以选择性的编排、描写与说明而成。传记和历史关系密切,某些写作年代久远的传记常被人们当史料看待。一般由他人记述,亦有自述生平者,称"自传"。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?     Chinese readers eager to learn about the life of Steve Jobs, the enigmatic founder of Apple Inc, have lined up outside bookstores and gone online to order copies of his biography since it was released globally on Monday.   The Chinese version of the book, titled Steve Jobs, hit 30 bookstores in 21 Chinese cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, at 10:05 am Monday morning as a way to commemorate Jobs, who died on Oct 5, according to a statement from China CITIC Press, the publisher of the biography"s simplified Chinese edition.   周一,苹果创始人乔布斯的传记《乔布斯传》全球同步上市。急切想了解乔布斯传奇一生的中国读者在书店门前排起了长龙。另外还有些则在网络上订购了该书。   中文版的乔布斯传记——《乔布斯传》在中国的21个城市的30家书店同步发售。该书在周一早上10:05发售。中信出版社出版了简体中文版《乔布斯传》。   【讲解】:   文中的biography就是“传记”的意思 ,而我们所说的“自传”的英语则是“autobiography”。这两者间还是有区别的,大家别搞错了!Apple Inc就是苹果公司。Inc是incorporated的缩写,中文意思就是注册(有限)公司。   The Chinese version of the book,就是本书中文版的意思。version是版本的意思。simplified Chinese是简体中文的意思,与之相对的是“traditional Chinese”,也就是繁体中文的意思。
2023-01-12 05:50:241

传记的英语翻译 传记用英语怎么说

biography 英[baɪˈɒgrəfi] 美[baɪˈɑ:grəfi] n. 传记; 档案; 传记体文学; 个人简介; [例句]The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author评论者在他的评论中添加了冗长的作者生平以拉长篇幅。[其他] 复数:biographies
2023-01-12 05:50:341


传记 [词典] biography; life; memoir; memoirist; [例句]他读了林肯的传记后,能讲出许多关于这位总统的故事。After reading a biography of Lincoln he was able to tell many stories about the President.
2023-01-12 05:50:391


问题一:人物传记用英语怎么说?? Biography单数 如果复数是biographies 问题二:"名人传记"用英语怎么说? 5分 别人为名人写的:biography 名人自己写的(自传):autobiography 本人英语八级 问题三:传递给某人东西用英文怎么说? He passed the p龚per to his clas *** ate 问题四:用英语怎么说 给你个全的这些都会了基本就能听懂英文解说了 firsthalf??上半场 internal中场休息 secondhalf下半场 allowance补时 extratime加时 choiceofendsandthekick-offaredecidedbythetossofacoin掷币挑边和开球 kickoff开球 kick-off-time开赛时间 closegamewithlongforwardpasses长传急攻 shortpass短传 binationpassed短传配合 doublepass二过一 drivedowntheside-line *** eforecenteringtheball沉底传中 pass-andreceivebinations传接配合 center传中 crosspass横传 one-touchpass一脚球 groundpass地面传球 scissorskick倒钩球 loftedball高吊球 headball顶球 ferocioustackle拼抢 block堵截 support策应 sidetackle侧面抢截 dashforward插上 excessivedribbling盘带过多 pincer *** ovement两翼包抄 playmaker进攻组织者 outflank边路进攻 fastbreak快攻 volleyshot凌空射门 man-for-manmarking盯人防守 fillgap补位 balancingdefense防守补位 “blanket”defense密集防守 offside越位 tripopponent绊人 chargeopponet冲撞 chargeopponentfrombehind背后铲人 faircharge合理冲撞 sendoffthefieldofplay将球员驱逐出场 tackl铲球 penalty-mark罚点球点 takekick主罚点球 suddendeath突然死亡法 determinethewinnerbypenaltykicks以点球决胜负 makespace制造空档 off-sidetrap造越位战术 totalplay全攻全过打法 Football,soccer,Associationfootball足球 杯赛 Cup杯 FIFA国际足联 arch-rival主要对手 defendingchampion卫冕冠军 qualifyforthenextround出线 eliminate淘汰 finaleight前八强 favourists夺标热门 darkhorse黑马、爆冷门 Underdog-黑马 grouproundrobin小组循环赛 grouppreliminaries小组预赛 联赛 league联赛 ranking排名次,名次 aggregatescore总积分 leaguetable联赛积分表 awayground客场场地 awaymatch客场比赛 onahomeandawaybasis主客场制 hometeam主队 visitersteam客队 promotion升级 relegation降级 firstdivisionteam甲级队 seconddivision乙级队 goldenball金球 goldenboots金靴奖 topscorer得分最高的队员 transfer转会 其它比赛 warminguppetition热身赛 charitysoccermatch慈善足球赛 returnleg回访赛 exhibi......>> 问题五:传奇用英语怎么说!!!! 带点模糊的声调` 再说快点`` 喘气 `` 恩恩含混不清就可以了`笨¥!谁知道你说什么!有人问你就就说是英语啊! 问题六:名人传用英文怎么说 没有统一名称, 这三部传中文, 法文, 英文分别是. 1. 贝多芬传 Vie de Beethoven (Life of Beethoven) 2. 米开朗琪罗传 Vie de Michel-Ange (Life of Michelangelo) 3. 托尔斯泰传 L绩 Vie de Tolsto? (Life of Tolstoy) 问题七:消息传来 英语怎么说?(word) Word came/es that........ 问题八:只能意会不能言传用英语怎么说 只能意会不能言传 must be experienced but can hardly be described. 例句 这种内心的喜悦只能意会,不能言传。 Such ineffable joy must be experienced; it can hardly be described. 问题九:传承 英文怎么翻译? inherit [in"herit] v.传承 你的第一个单词是我答案的名词形式,第二个单词是继承第三个单词是传动 问题十:人物传记用英语怎么说?? Biography单数 如果复数是biographies
2023-01-12 05:50:451


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2023-01-12 05:50:564


  人物传记记录了一个人的一生,英文中文都一样,不过只是相对客观的吧。下面是我给大家整理的英文人物传记 范文 ,供大家参阅!   人物传记 英语 作文 :Benjamin Franklin   Franklin"s life is full of charming stories which all young men should know -- how he sold books in Boston, and became the guest of kings in Europe; how he was made Major General Franklin, only to quit because, as he said, he was no soldier, and yet helped to organize the army that stood before the trained troops of England and Germany.   This poor Boston boy, without a day"s schooling1, became master of six languages and never stopped studying; this neglected apprentice2 conquered the lightning, made his name famous, received degrees and diplomas from many colleges, and became forever remembered as "Doctor Franklin", philosopher, scientist and political leader.   Self-made, self-taught, the candle maker"s son gave light to all the world; the street bookseller set all men singing of liberty; the apprentice became the most sought after man across the world, and brought his native land to praise and honor him.   He built America, for what our nation is today is largely due to the management, the forethought, the wisdom, and the ability of Benjamin Franklin. He belongs to the world, but especially he belongs to America. The people around the world honored him while he was living; he is still regarded as the loftiest man by the common people today after his death. And he will live in people"s hearts forever.   人物传记英语作文:He is the thief   Washington was the first president of the U.S. He was very clever even when he was still a 12-year-old-boy.   Once a thief stole some money from Uncle Post, Washington"s neighbor. The door of the house was not broken, and things in the room were in good order. Washington concluded that the thief must have been committed by one of the villagers.   That evening at the villagers" meeting the said, "We don"t know who stole the money but God does. God sends his wasp1 to tell good from evil. Every night the wasp flies among us but few people notice it…" Then, all of a sudden Washington waved his hand and cried out, "Look! The wasp has landed on the thief"s hat. It is going to sting2!"   The crowd burst into an uproar3. Everybody turned to look for the thief. But soon the noise died down. All eyes were fixed4 on a man who was trying hard to drive the "Wasp" off his hat.   "Now we know who stole the money," Washington said with a smile.   华盛顿是美国的第一任总统,他在12岁时就十分聪明。   有一次,一个小偷从他的邻居大叔皮斯特那里偷了一点钱,房屋是好好的,屋子里的东西很整齐。华盛顿得出结论窃案必定是村民中的某一个人干的。   晚上在村民大会上,他说:“虽然我们不知道是谁偷了钱,但神知道。神派他的黄蜂分辨善恶,每天晚上黄蜂虽然在我们之间飞,但很少人会察觉。”华盛顿突然挥了挥手喊道:“看黄蜂停在贼的帽子上了,贼要被刺到了。”   人群突然变得哗然,每个人都转过身找那个贼,但是不久喧哗声渐渐平息下来。所有的眼睛都盯着试图赶走帽子黄蜂的人。   “现在,我们知道了谁偷了钱。”华盛顿微笑着说。   人物传记英语作文:Demades and his fable   Demades the orator1 was once speaking in the assembly at Athens; but the people were very inattentive to what he was saying, so he stopped and said, "Gentlemen, I should like to tell you one of Aesop"s fables2." This made every one listen intently. Then Demades began: "Demeter, a swallow, and an eel3 were once travelling together, and came to a river without a bridge: the swallow flew over it, and the eel swam across", and then he stopped. "What happened to Demeter?" cried several people in the audience. "Demeter," he replied, "is very angry with you for listening to fables when you ought to be minding public business."   有一次,演说家狄马德斯在雅典的一次集会上演讲,但是没有一个人认真听,他便停下来,说:“先生们,我很想告诉你们一个伊索寓言里的 故事 。”这话受到了人们的重视。接着,他开始说:“有一次,德墨忒尔(掌管农业,结婚,丰饶的女神)和一只燕子,一只鳗鱼同行,他们要穿过一条没有桥的河,燕子飞过去,鳗鱼游过去了。”讲到这里,他便停下来,不再讲了。听众中有几个人问他:“那么德墨忒尔怎么过去的呢?”他回答说:“德墨忒尔正在生你们的气呢,因为你们对公共事务毫无兴趣,一心只喜欢听伊索寓言。”   人物传记英语作文:Whose horse   Once a neighbor1 stole2 one of Washington4"s horse. Washington horse back. But the neighbor refused to give the horse back. He said5 that it was3 his horse.   Suddenly6 Washington had7 a good idea. He put both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbor, "If this is your horse, then you must tell us in which eye the horse is blind8."   "In the left, "said the neighbor. Washington took9 his hand from the left eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind in the left eye.   "Oh , I have made10 a mistake," said the neighbor. "He is blind in the right eye." Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the right eye, either11.   "I have made another mistake," said the neighbor.   "Yes," said the policeman, " and you have also proved12 that the horse isn"t yours. You must return13 it to Mr Washington. "   有一次,一个邻居偷了华盛顿的一匹马。华盛顿带着一名警察到邻居家去把马要回来,但是邻居不愿还给他,硬说这匹马是他的。   华盛顿灵机一动,计上心来。他用双手遮住了马的双眼,对邻居说:“如果这匹马是你的,那么你应该告诉我们它的哪一只眼睛是瞎的?”   “左眼是瞎的,”邻居说。华盛顿放开遮在左眼的那只手,给警察看马的左眼并没有瞎掉。   “哦,我说错了,”邻居说。“右眼是瞎的。”然后华盛顿展示了右眼同样也没有瞎。   “我又说错了。”邻居说。   “是的,”警察说,“你已证明这匹马不是你的。你必须把他还给华盛顿先生。” 》》》》下一页更多精彩“英文人物传记范文”
2023-01-12 05:51:111


  人物传记也是记叙文体的`一种,但人物传记主要是写名人或伟人的生平、事迹。因此,写人物传记时,要抓住其出生年月、主要事迹、人们的评论等进行叙述。下面是我为大家整理的关于人物传记的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。   英语作文:人物传记 篇1   Do you know our English teacher?  Look!  There is a young man standing over there.  He isnt tall, and looks very thin.  Who is he?  He is our English teacher. His name is Sun Feng.   Our teacher is strict not only with himself but also with us. We all like him, because he is a good teacher and often helps us with our English.   My classmate Wang Haiyan was not good at Eng-lish at first. He often thought: "My English is poor, what can I do?" Mr Sun knew it and said to him: "Dont be disappointed, keep up with your classmates! I believe, you can. " With the help of our teacher, he decided to catch up with his classmates. So he began to put his heart into English and did better in English. At last, he took part in the English contest and got a prize.   Our English teacher works hard and he is as busy as a bee. He often prepares lessons and studies until late at night. In Grade three, we often have tests and have more English homework. Mr Sun always goes over it carefully.   Mr Sun gets on well with us. He likes singing very much. One day before classes began, he said to us: "Now, let me teach you an English song. "   We all like our English teacher. He is not only teacher but also our good friend. Dont you think so?   英语作文:人物传记 篇2   In the winter of 1953, a powerful jump from a Chinese woman attracted world attention.   Twenty-year-old Chinese athlete Zheng Fengrong shattered the womens high jump world record with a leap of 1.77 metres in a Beijing athletic meet on November 17, 1957.   The new record, the first womens world record for the Peoples Republic of China, was one centimetre higher than the old mark held by American Mildred McDaniel .   The jump also made Zheng the first Asian athlete to break a world track and field record since 1936.   The record jump, although by a tiny margin, was described by the foreign media as "an explosive jump" because it generated Chinas first athletic world record.   Dubbed " a spring swallow (燕子) awakening (唤醒了)Chinese sports, " Zheng sent a message to the world that China was Nolonger the "sick man of the East. "   Born in the spring city of Jinan, Shandong Province, Zheng, who stands at 1.70 metres, has a good physique and a skillful scissor--sharp jump which was seldom seen among top jumpers in the world.   She once leapt 1.78 metres, a national record in 1963.   She claimed a well-merited place in sporting history when her achievement was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records (吉尼斯世界纪录) .   Due to her contribution (贡献) to athletics, Zheng was awarded a series of honours. She was named among the nations greatest athletes (运动员) in 1984.   英语作文:人物传记 篇3   Good morning everyone . Today my topic is "Do you prefer to study and live in a big city or a small-one?".   As we all know , there is a big differencebetween big cities and small cities .   I prefer to study in the big city. BecauseI can learn a lot in the big city. Big cities have rich teaching resources.Here I can meet people all over the country. And I can learn about different cultures.I"ll have more opportunities in the big city.   But I don"t like living in a big city. Itis true that big cities are economically developed which offers various jobopportunities and the traffic is very convenient. There are a lot of places forpublic entertainment such as parks, restaurants, museums, etc However, thereare still disadvantages. The cost of living here is high and it"s overpopulated.Besides, the air pollution and bad living environment should be considered .   As for small cities, although the economy isnot very developed, the air is fresh, the environment is quiet and peaceful, andit is more comfortable to live in. So I prefer live in small cities whilestudying in big cities. So, that"s why I chose to attend college in a big city.But after graduation, I might go back to my hometown to find a job and livethere.   That"s all, thank you.   By Jinmin   英语作文:人物传记 篇4   When China was hungry for their first world title to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China table tennis player Rong Guotuan made their dream come true.   Rong became New Chinas first world champion after he won the mens singles title at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships, in former West Germany on April 5, 1959.   Before the championships, the team had pinned their gold hopes on the mens team. But their dream of a world team title was destroyed by the Hungarian team in the semifinal match, losing three games to five.   After a chain of unexpected defeats to Chinese favoured for the title, Rong carried the heavy hopes to make a breakthrough.   Rongs rival in the final was top Hungarian paddler Ferenc Sido.   Rong was seen as an underdog for the title as he had just lost to Sido in the team contest. Even the victory flowers were being prepared for Sido.   But much to the surprise of the 8000-member audience, Rong won three straight sets with a big margin 21-12, 21-15, and 21-14 after losing the first set 19-21. Until that very moment, Rong realized the promise he made one year ago, that was to win a world championship for his motherland.   Two years later at the 26th championship for his motherland.   Two years later at the 26th championships in Beijing,Rong led the Chinese men to win the team title.   After becoming the coach of the Chinese womens team, Rong led the team to the winners podium at the 28th championshipsin 1965.   英语作文:人物传记 篇5 Dear Jack,   I was very glad to receive your letter on the tenth of February. You ask me something about Lu Xun and his works since you began to study Chinese literature. Now let me tell you something about him. Lu Xun was a well-Known Chinese writer, he was not only a writer, a thinker, and translator, but also a founder of modern Chinese literature. His novels have been put into many languages and some of novels have been made into films, such as The True Story of AH Q and The New Year"s Sacrifice which expose sharply the old society. The late Chairman Mao spoke highly of him. Some of his novels have been collected in high school and college textbooks. Since you are learning Chinese literature, I think reading Lu Xun"s novels will benefit a lot.   Yours   Wei Ming   英语作文:人物传记 篇6   Hello everyone, today I want to discuss topicwith you: Should our fresh men live by themselves or live with others in thedifferent grades?   Of course, different people have differentideas. Now, I will share my idea with you, which is that we should live with studentsin the same grade   First,Freshmen can go to class together, to adapt tothe new teaching method and spend the free time together. Unlike high schoolwhich is busy, college life gives us a lot of spare time when everyone gather togetherin the dormitory to share the attitudes towards the new school and new teachers, discusstheir professional knowledge, and talk about the future plan of development. Itis very convenient to do these things if students in the same grade live in thesame dormitory.   Second, freshman is so shy, not familiar with the surrounding environment.If living together with the seniors, they may be laughed at and bullied, butfreshmen living together can help each other to be familiar with thesurroundings. For example, we can go around the campus and find it so beautiful.Perhaps this is what high school students think of no fun, but freshmen arefull of curiosity, so I think the freshmen should live together.   In conclusion, let us join hands together to create a good livingenvironment. The dormitory is also home to us. It needs our join efforts to letit become warm and harmonious. So, cherish our college life, cherish the collegefriendship.   By Jinhuan   英语作文:人物传记 篇7   Do you remember, "there is no road in the world, and there are many people walking, and they have become roads."." Whose mouth is it? Can you remember who is writing "some people died and he is still alive"? Youre right! Mr. Lu Xun. He is the man I admire most.   I was impressed by his image of Mr. Lu Xun. The shaggy hair, though it looked messy, was very spiritual; each one stood erect. A thin yellow face is unforgettable. His eyes were small, but he was so divine that he dared not look straight at him, but gave him infinite strength.   His "from" Baicao garden to Sanwei experience of reading pleasure; "drama" feel the innocence of happiness. He is a monumental monument in the history of Chinese literature; he is a giant of literature! From him, we can read the true, the good and the beautiful of human nature, and read black and white, right and wrong.   The real reason why I worship Mr. Lu Xun is because he is a God who leaves all saints. He is a real man in the strict sense! His love and hate, down-to-earth, noble moral character; he was "willing ox bow"!   He said, "time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to push, you always have it."." Time for everyone is fair, diligent will strive to catch up, to earn, to squeeze; lazy people do not want to squeeze, to earn, he will never have. Mr. Lu Xun is a hard worker who can squeeze his time and control his time. His health, working and living conditions are not good, but he works until midnight every day, second days and sleepless nights.   He has been tolerant of us in his fathers mind, waiting for us. Let us go out of the impetuous sea, and later generations of identity, with a secular heart, and his soul dialogue!
2023-01-12 05:51:461


Biography单数 如果复数是biographies
2023-01-12 05:51:556


Famous person"s biography
2023-01-12 05:52:274


Bill Gates is the richest person in the world. He"s not only a very famous puter scientist but also a very successful busines *** an. Bill"s father was a successful lawyer and his mother was a hardworking teacher who enjoyed going to parties as well. From his parents, he learnt a lot. He learnt from his father the meaning of saying “No pains, no gains”. He also learnt from his mother that a person must know how to make the best of time by making schedules. When Bill was young, he spent a lot of time alone reading books. His favorite was the World Book Encyclopedia (百科全书). He also did lots of sports such as tennis, swimming and water-skiing. He loved to be the winner and hated to be the loser. When he was older, he became more and more interested in working and playing on puter. When he was still a college student, he developed the world"s first puter language for the personal puters. Then he realized that every family was going to have a puter, and every puter would need his sofare. So he started his Microsoft Company without finishing his studied in college. He said, “I"m making my first million dollars on sofare by the time I"m enty-five.” And he did!   也认得vbfgh
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2023-01-12 05:52:454


QianWeiChang is our distinguished scientists and educators. He was born in 1912 in Wuxi, Jiangsu. Hard to learn at an early age, a young man has talent and extraordinary, age 28, wrote a treatise let Einstein greatly shocked. After returning home has been engaged in research on the development of Chinese science made great contributions to the cause; leisure time often do report, advocacy science, and to make every effort for peaceful reunification of the motherland.
2023-01-12 05:52:581


Dr. Johnson Johnson, his father runs a big old bookstall.There was a time, not far from a program, we all go to the fair, it was raining that day, his father wanted Dr. John apart of books, transported to the market place to sell. His father called him three times in succession, want him to go, but Dr. Johnson was absorbed in reading a thickbook, pretended not to hear, do not ignore, father sighed,had to personally. At this time, eighteen year old Johnsondr.. Fifty years later, one day eleven noon, the local people to see the fat old people, kneeling in the middle of the street, put his hat under his arm, walking stick on one side, kneeling in the sun down, tears dc. When Dr. Johnson was already famous, everyone came to see him,he said to the people: the same day fifty years ago, the same time, I do not listen to the words of his father, nowI"m down on my knees and repent! 约翰逊   约翰逊博士,他的父亲经营一个大旧书摊。有一次,距离不远处有个节目,大家都去赶集,这天正下着雨,他的父亲想要约翰博士分一部份书籍,运到赶集的地方去贩卖。他的父亲接连呼唤他三次,要他去,可是约翰逊博士这时正专心阅读一本又厚又大的书,竟假装听不见,也不理睬,父亲叹了一口气,只得自己亲自去了。这时候,约翰逊博士年十八岁。五十年后,有一天中午十一时,当地人看见这个体态臃肿的老年人,跪在街心,他把帽子夹在腋下,拐杖放在一边,低头跪在太阳下,热泪直流。这时约翰逊博士业已成名,大家都来看他,他对大家说:五十年前的同一天,同一时刻,我不听父亲的话,现在我跪在这里忏悔!
2023-01-12 05:53:041


BILL GATESBill Gates, the head of the world"s biggest computer sofeware company, the microsoft corporation9(微软), had a mission: "to put computer on every office desk and in every home." Bill Gates has had this mission (任务)since he was a university student nineteen years ago. This deep personal interet, together with his technical(技术的)skills and his business marketing skills helped him to create a giant computer company and to make him wealthy(富有的).Although he is so rich, Bill Gates does not want to give up. He is still very intereted in his vision(远见) and he travels the globe(北京), from Beijing to london, marking quick stops in cities to sell the new software (软件)products (产品)of his company(公司).And now, Bill Gates"s company come out a new system: windows vista which is the best system in the world. we should learn his spirit and make progrss in our study!ps:我想这些对于一个初一学生应该足够了,多删少补,不过以后遇到作文的话要自己写,要不然到考试就完了。
2023-01-12 05:53:082

跪求人物传记的文章,英文的,100多字 比较好背的,谢谢啦!!!

Bill Gates(比尔·盖茨)Bill Gates was born on Oct, 28 in 1955 and grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a teacher. Bill Gates had his elementary school and high school education is Seattle. And it was during that time Bill founded that his interests lying in writing programs and began to write programs at 13. In 1973, Bill Gates was matriculated by Harvard but he quitted from Harvard three years later. He put all his time and energy into designing programs for Microsoft Cooperation which established in 1975 by Bill and his friend Paul Allen. He was committed to long –term development and improving the functions Owing to Bill"s talent and efforts, Microsoft developed rapidly and its software won more and more reputations among the publics. What"s more, Bill is also committed to philanthropy. So far, he has donated more than 24 billion dollars to establish a fund to support medical security and education careers in the world. Bill Gates married Melinda French Gates on Jan, 1st in 1994.They have three children .In the spare time, Bill has passion in reading books and playing golf.
2023-01-12 05:53:171


2023-01-12 05:53:256


Celebrity story周恩来小时候的故事Zhou Enlai story鸡叫三遍过后,周家花园里传出了阵阵琅琅的读书声:“锄禾、 日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”读着、读着,周恩来很快就把这首诗背得滚瓜烂熟了。但他总觉得没有透彻领会诗的意境:每一粒到底有多辛苦呢?The chicken is three times later, Zhou Jia garden came the bursts of sound of reading aloud: "hoe Wo, noon, sweat wo soil. Who knows Chinese food, every grain of hard work." Read, read, Zhou Enlai quickly recite this poem to pat. But he always feel not thoroughly understand the artistic conception of the poem: every grain of how hard?第二天,周恩来来到蒋妈妈家玩。吃饭的时候,他望着白花花 的大米饭迫不及待的问道:“蒋妈妈,这大米饭是怎么来的呢?”The very next day, Zhou Enlai came to Jiang mother play. When eating, he looked asked white rice unable to hold oneself back: "mother Jiang, the big steamed rice come from?"蒋妈妈很喜欢周恩来好问的精神,就笑着告诉他:“大米是稻子舂成的。稻子浑身有一层硬硬的黄壳。它的一生要经过浸种催芽、田间育秧、移栽锄草、施肥管理、除病治虫、收割脱粒,一直到舂成大米。”Jiang mother is like Zhou Enlai questioning mind, he smiled and told him: "rice is the rice pounded into. Rice yellow shell with a layer of hard body. It"s life after seed germination, seedling, transplanting field weeding, fertilization, except disease pest control, harvesting and threshing, until rice into rice."“啊,吃上这碗大米饭,可真不容易啊!”周恩来惊讶地说。"Ah, eat this bowl of steamed rice, really not easy!" Zhou Enlai said in surprise.“是呀,这十多道关,也不知道要累坏多少种田人呢,这香喷喷的大米饭是种田人用血汗浇灌出来的。”蒋妈妈深有感触地说。"Yeah, this more than 10 road, also do not know how many kinds of fields to the tired man, this great fragrant steamed rice farming people sweat watering." Jiang mother said with deep feeling.蒋妈妈一番深刻的教诲,不仅加深了周恩来对诗意的理解,更激励他勤奋学习。为了过好习字关,他除了认真完成老师布置的作业外,还坚持每天练一百个大字。Jiang mother a profound teachings, not only deepened the understanding of poetic Zhou Enlai, more inspired him to study hard. In order to have a close, he in addition to finish homework carefully, still insist on practicing the one hundred characters every day.有一天,周恩来随陈妈妈到一个路途较远的亲戚家,回来时已是深夜了。一路上风尘劳累,年幼的恩来已精疲力尽、呵欠连天,上下眼皮直打架,但他仍要坚持练完一百个大字再休息。陈妈妈见状,心疼不过,劝道:“明天再写吧!”One day, Zhou Enlai with mom to a journey is distant relatives, came back late at night. Dust along the way tired, young En Lai had spend oneself, drowsy, upper and lower eyelids straight fight, but he insists on finished one hundred characters to rest. Chen mother sees, distressed however, advised: "write again tomorrow!"“不,妈妈,当天的事当天了!”周恩来说服了陈妈妈,连忙"No, mother, day to day!" Zhou Enlai persuade Chen mother, hurriedly把头埋在一盆凉水里,一下子把瞌睡虫赶跑了,头脑也清醒多了。Her head buried in a pot of cold water, all of a sudden the Sandman away, mind is clear.一百个字刚写完,陈妈妈一把夺过周恩来的笔说:“这下子行了吧,快睡觉!”One hundred words just finished writing, Chen mother snatched Zhou Enlai pen said: "it was okay, go to sleep!"“不!”周恩来仔细看完墨汁未干的一百个大字,皱着眉头认真地说:“陈妈妈,你看这两个字写歪了。”No. The one hundred characters Zhou Enlai read before the ink is dry, frowning seriously said: "Mom, you see this two word write wrong."说着,周恩来白嫩的小手又挥起笔来,把那两个字又写了三遍,直到满意这止。Said Zhou Enlai, white hands wield a pen, put those two words and write three times, until the satisfaction of this check.
2023-01-12 05:53:451


Albert Einstein was bron in Germany in 1879.he started instered in Compass whe he was a little boy .he likes doing some small research by himself .he study high maths in high scool.when he finish the collage ,he moved to swiss and published the photoelectric effect speech.he became the most famous sincentist in the world . At last ,he died in 1955.we lost a greatest scientist in the world.we miss him for ever.
2023-01-12 05:53:501

求一篇英语作文 人物传记 家人朋友或老师 高一水平 带翻译

2023-01-12 05:54:093


  Marie Curie (1867- 1934) who said, "Madame Curie," Full name: Maria Curie 斯克沃多夫斯 card. French famous Polish scientist, physicist, chemist. November 7, 1867 was born in Warsaw.  In 1903, Pierre and Marie Curie and Henri Becquerel of radioactivity because the study shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1911 for his discovery of the elements polonium and radium Nobel Prize for chemistry once again, become the first won two Nobel Award of people. Marie Curie"s accomplishments include creating a theory of radioactivity, radioisotope separation technology invention discovered two new elements polonium and radium. Under her guidance, people first radioisotopes used to treat cancer. Due to the long exposure to radioactive substances, Marie Curie on July 3, 1934 due to the death of malignant leukemia.    玛丽·居里(1867-1934年)世称“居里夫人”,全名:玛丽亚·斯克沃多夫斯卡·居里。 法国著名波兰裔科学家、物理学家、化学家。1867年11月7日生于华沙。  1903年,居里夫妇和贝克勒尔由于对放射性的研究而共同获得诺贝尔物理学奖,1911年,因发现元素钋和镭再次获得诺贝尔化学奖,成为历史上第一个两获诺贝尔奖的人。居里夫人的成就包括开创了放射性理论、发明分离放射性同位素技术、发现两种新元素钋和镭。在她的指导下,人们第一次将放射性同位素用于治疗癌症。由于长期接触放射性物质,居里夫人于1934年7月3日因恶性白血病逝世。
2023-01-12 05:54:191


你喜欢读什么 种类 的书? What kind of books do you like to read 书的种类涉及天文、地理、历史、科普、文学、伟人传记等方面. The types of book range from science,geography,history,literature andthe biographies of great people etc
2023-01-12 05:54:261


上google里面搜索Edward Hopper 维基百科(Wikipedia)里就有介绍或"Edward Hopper, the best-known American realist of the inter-war period, once said: "The man"s the work. Something doesn"t come out of nothing." This offers a clue to interpreting the work of an artist who was not only intensely private, but who made solitude and introspection important themes in his painting. "He was born in the small Hudson River town of Nyack, New York State, on 22 July 1882. His family were solidly middle-class: his father owned a dry goods store where the young Hopper sometimes worked after school. By 1899 he had already decided to become an artist, but his parents persuaded him to begin by studying commercial illustration because this seemed to offer a more secure future. He first attended the New York School of Illustrating (more obscure than its title suggests), then in 1900 transferred to the New York School of Art. Here the leading figure and chief instructor was William Merritt Chase (1849-1916), an elegant imitator of Sargent. He also worked under Robert Henri (1869-1929), one of the fathers of American Realism - a man whom he later described as "the most influential teacher I had", adding "men didn"t get much from Chase; there were mostly women in the class." Hopper was a slow developer - he remained at the School of Art for seven years, latterly undertaking some teaching work himself. However, like the majority of the young American artists of the time, he longed to study in France. With his parents" help he finally left for Paris in October 1906. This was an exciting moment in the history of the Modern movement, but Hopper was to claim that its effect on him was minimal: Whom did I meet? Nobody. I"d heard of Gertrude Stein, but I don"t remember having heard of Picasso at all. I used to go to the cafés at night and sit and watch. I went to the theatre a little. Paris had no great or immediate impact on me. "In addition to spending some months in Paris, he visited London, Amsterdam, Berlin and Brussels. The picture that seems to have impressed him most was Rembrandt"s The Night Watch (in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam). Hopper was able to repeat his trip to Europe in 1909 and 1910. On the second occasion he visited Spain as well as France. After this, though he was to remain a restless traveller, he never set foot in Europe again. Yet its influence was to remain with him for a long time: he was well read in French literature, and could quote Verlaine in the original, as his future wife discovered (he was surprised when she finished the quotation for him). He said later: "[America] seemed awfully crude and raw when I got back. It took me ten years to get over Europe." For some time his painting was full of reminiscences of what he had seen abroad. This tendency culminates in Soir Bleu of 1914, a recollection of the Mi-Caréme carnival in Paris, and one of the largest pictures Hopper ever painted. It failed to attract any attention when he showed it in a mixed exhibition in the following year, and it was this failure which threw him back to working on the American subjects with which his reputation is now associated. In 1913 Hopper made his first sale - a picture exhibited at the Armory Show in New York which brought together American artists and all the leading European modernists. In 1920 he had his first solo exhibition, at the Whitney Studio Club, but on this occasion none of the paintings sold. He was already thirty-seven and beginning to doubt if he would achieve any success as an artist - he was still forced to earn a living as a commercial illustrator. One way round this dilemma was to make prints, for which at that time there was a rising new market. These sold more readily than his paintings, and Hopper then moved to making watercolours, which sold more readily still. "Hopper had settled in Greenwich Village, which was to be his base for the rest of his life, and in 1923 he renewed his friendship with a neighbour, Jo Nivison, whom he had known when they were fellow students under Chase and Henri. She was now forty; Hopper was forty-two. In the following year they married. Their long and complex relationship was to be the most important of the artist"s life. Fiercely loyal to her husband, Jo felt in many respects oppressed by him. In particular, she felt that he did nothing to encourage her own development as a painter, but on the contrary did everything to frustrate it. "Ed," she confided to her diary, "is the very centre of my universe... If I"m on the point of being very happy, he sees to it that I"m not." The couple often quarrelled fiercely (an early subject of contention was Jo"s devotion to her cat Arthur, whom Hopper regarded as a rival for her attention). Sometimes their rows exploded into physical violence, and on one occasion, just before a trip to Mexico, Jo bit Hopper"s hand to the bone. On the other hand, her presence was essential to his work, sometimes literally so, since she now modelled for all the female figures in his paintings, and was adept at enacting the various roles he required. "From the time of his marriage, Hopper"s professional fortunes changed. His second solo show, at the Rehn Gallery in New York in 1924, was a sell-out. The following year, he painted what is now generally acknowledged to be his first fully mature picture, The House by the Railroad. With its deliberate, disciplined spareness, this is typical of what he was to create thereafter. His paintings combine apparently incompatible qualities. Modern in their bleakness and simplicity, they are also full of nostalgia for the puritan virtues of the American past - the kind of quirky nineteenth-century architecture Hopper liked to paint, for instance, could not have been more out of fashion than it was in the mid-192OS, when he first began to look at it seriously. Though his compositions are supposedly realist they also make frequent use of covert symbolism. Hopper"s paintings have, in this respect, been rather aptly compared to the realist plays of Ibsen, a writer whom he admired. "One of the themes of The House by the Railroad is the loneliness of travel, and the Hoppers now began to travel widely within the United States, as well as going on trips to Mexico. Their mobility was made possible by the fact that they were now sufficiently prosperous to buy a car. This became another subject of contention between the artist and his wife, since Hopper, not a good driver himself, resisted Jo"s wish to learn to drive too. She did not acquire a driving licence until 1936, and even then her husband was extremely reluctant to allow her control of their automobile. "By this time Hopper, whose career, once it took off, was surprisingly little affected by the Depression, had become extremely well known. In 1929, he was included in the Museum of Modern Art"s second exhibition, Paintings by Nineteen Living Americans, and in 1930 The House by the Railroad entered the museum"s permanent collection, as a gift from the millionaire collector Stephen Clark. In the same year, the Whitney Museum bought Hopper"s Early Sunday Morning, its most expensive purchase up to that time. In 1933 Hopper was given a retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art. This was followed, in 1950, by a fuller retrospective show at the Whitney. "Hopper became a pictorial poet who recorded the starkness and vastness of America. Sometimes he expressed aspects of this in traditional guise, as, for example, in his pictures of lighthouses and harsh New England landscapes; sometimes New York was his context, with eloquent cityscapes, often showing deserted streets at night. Some paintings, such as his celebrated image of a gas-station, Gas (1940), even have elements which anticipate Pop Art. Hopper once said: "To me the most important thing is the sense of going on. You know how beautiful things are when you"re travelling." "He painted hotels, motels, trains and highways, and also liked to paint the public and semi-public places where people gathered: restaurants, theatres, cinemas and offices. But even in these paintings he stressed the theme of loneliness - his theatres are often semideserted, with a few patrons waiting for the curtain to go up or the performers isolated in the fierce light of the stage. Hopper was a frequent movie-goer, and there is often a cinematic quality in his work. As the years went on, however, he found suitable subjects increasingly difficult to discover, and often felt blocked and unable to paint. His contemporary the painter Charles Burchfield wrote: "With Hopper the whole fabric of his art seems to be interwoven with his personal character and manner of living." When the link between the outer world he observed and the inner world of feeling and fantasy broke, Hopper found he was unable to create. "In particular, the rise of Abstract Expressionism left him marooned artistically, for he disapproved of many aspects of the new art. He died in 1967, isolated if not forgotten, and Jo Hopper died ten months later. His true importance has only been fully realized in the years since his death."
2023-01-12 05:54:311


Yang, Chen-ning (chn-nng yng), 1922–, American physicist, b. China, Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1948. Chen-ning Yang was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, N.J. from 1949 to 1955, and a professor of physics there from 1955 to 1965. In 1965 he was appointed Albert Einstein Professor of Physics of the State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook. He is known for his researches in statistical mechanics and particle physics. With American physicist T. D. Lee he shared the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics for research refuting the law of parity, which stated that, at the subatomic level, nature does not distinguish between left-and right-handed configurations: if a nuclear reaction or decay occurs in nature, then so does its mirror image and with equal frequency.
2023-01-12 05:54:361


2023-01-12 05:54:534


Do Rise Every Time You Fall“The greatest success is not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall.” This quotation occurred to me when I saw on television Evander Holyfield regained the heavyweight boxing championship which he had last to Riddick Bowe nearly a year before. It was really a great surprise to most boxing fans. Over two thirds had bet that the challenger would fail. The result, however, turned out to be the opposite. Did it happen all by accident? Surely not!Having enjoyed the heavyweight boxing championship for two years, you can just imagine Holyfield"s depression after his defeat. He even thought of retiring from his boxing career. Soon he made a recovery, inspired more by the desire to correct his mistakes than to win back the gold belt. He reformed his training plan and hired a new trainer. After the 51 week"s efforts, he succeeded in winning back the gold belt again.It was Holyfield"s successful comeback that made me think about our study and daily life in which we are inevitably overwhelmed by frustrations and failures. Should we let difficulties prey upon us or shall we follow Holy"s suit? From my experience in this part, I do not doubt the latter. Every senior middle school student will remember the Entrance Examination to High School. I am one of them. When I saw the total points on the score report, I was crazy because I knew what this meant to me. “Am I dreaming?” “Have I made it?” Yes, I made it! I really made it! “I am going to a key high school.” How wonderful it would be! Suddenly my life changed. It was an illness that put me in the hospital. After a long time about three months, I got to the new schoolyard I just could not wait to go. Everything had changed. I had lost so much time that I might not be able to catch up with my classmates. I could not even put my heart into studying because of my illness. I was in low spirits. Maybe I thought I could not be excellent like before. At this time I got to know Holyfield and his unusual story. The words “Do rise every time you fall” encouraged and inspired me. I gained the courage from the word “rise” and now I am standing here before you. Although there are various factors that influence our final success, it should be admitted that perseverance plays an important role. This encouraged us with a vivid motivation and unfailing incentive to strive and to be innovative to achieve all of our goals.From these – the story and experience of Holy and myself. I found the truth – THE GREATEST SUCCESS IS NOT IN NEVER FALLING, BUT IN RISING EVERY TIME YOU FALL.
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<1>很多的第一次第一次看见他时,照片里他拿着书,穿着当下时兴的白色T恤和牛仔裤,身后一片芦苇地,太阳光下,笑得帅帅的。 <1> a lot of time to see him the first sequence, the photographs of him holding a book, wearing a white T shirt these days and jeans, behind a reed, the sunlight, smiling handsome. 第一次听他的歌,歌的前奏是他的一段说唱,很独特很独特,再听下去,是他的三分唱功,七分不羁,然后便迷上他了,以至于歌单上一串都是Vae。 First listen to his songs, a prelude to his song a rap, it is unique is unique, kept on listening, the third of his vocals, seven unruly, and then they fell in love with him, so that the string of a single song are Vae. 他的歌有感伤,有狂妄,但写的唱的,都是心声。 His songs are sentimental, there are arrogant, but to write songs, are the voices. 有人说,他长的不标致,仔细看看,确实这样,但一直认为,他长得像他的歌一样干净。 It is said that he did not long Peugeot, a closer look, do so, but always thought he looked as clean as his songs. 有人说,他唱得不好,默默品味,确实这样,但一直在想,他的歌里是最真实的自己。 It is said that he do not sing well, quietly taste, indeed the case, but have been thinking of his songs is the most authentic self. 真的,一个人静静听,不知怎么有时会心痛,然后眼泪就开始泛滥。 Really, a man quietly listening, I do not know how sometimes heartbreaking, and then the tears began to flood. 会开始回忆,回忆一些乱七八糟的事,想起童年,想起小学,想起一切的一切的爱和温暖。 Will begin to recall memories of some mess of things, think of childhood, think of school, think of all the love and warmth to all. 有时想想,回忆的不仅是回忆。 Sometimes I think, to remember not only the memories. 这就是许嵩的力量,一个23岁大男生的歌声的力量。 This is the power of Xu Song, a 23-year-old boys in the power of song. 一字一句,每一声调,不完美,却很舒服,就像躺在白云上,身边是最最心爱的毛绒玩具。 Single word, every tone, not perfect, very comfortable, like lying clouds, the side with the most beloved toy. 就像,一个人沿着人行道一直走一直走,规定自己只能踩黄线,然后牵一条小狗,叼一根棒棒糖,漫无目的地,只是漫无目的地走着。 Like a person walking along the sidewalk has been going to restrict itself only step on the yellow line, and then pull a puppy, Diao a lollipop, aimlessly, just walking aimlessly. 然后突然放手,看见狗狗颠颠地跑到前面的树下搜起食物来。 And then suddenly let go, went to see the dog in front of prayers from the food to tree search. 闭上眼睛,我笑了。 Close your eyes, I smiled. <2>真实耳机里是Vae在浅唱着,不知为何,就是迷上了这种带着些许稚气和轻狂的声音。 <2> real headphones is Vae singing in the light, I do not know why that is absorbed in such childish and frivolous with a little voice. “玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。” "Rose"s funeral, the burial of your memories." 好忧伤的旋律,好凄美的歌词,Vae的演绎,在朴实中带一点点忧伤,怪不得牵走了这么多人的心。 Good sad melody, good lyrics poignant, Vae"s interpretation of the plain with a little bit sad, no wonder so many people took his heart. 斜阳里,默默而又痴痴地想。 Setting sun, the quiet but journeying to. 打开电脑,QQ音乐的排行榜里,我看见第一是那个只爱耍酷的“周大侠”,而紧随其后的,是许嵩——一个干净得一尘不染的名字,照片里的他,淡淡地笑着,淡然地,令人无法想象这是一个在网上拥有超高人气的大男生。 Turn on the computer, QQ music charts, I see that doing is play it cool first, the "Zhouda Xia", and followed, is Xu Song - a spotless clean and have the name of his photographs, light smile, take it lightly, the people can not imagine that this is a high popularity in the Internet big boys have. 走近他,走进他的博客才发现这个23岁的大男生是如此的真实。 Approached him, entered his blog only to find that 23-year-old big boys are so real. 超高的点击率,放肆的语录。 CTR high, wanton quotations. 他说,总有一些人我喜欢的,一些人我讨厌的,一些人我恶心的,这就是生活吧。 He said there are always some people I like, some I hate, and some people I am sick, this is life right. 看罢,竟轻声感叹,有人敢于说出自己所喜欢的,自己所讨厌的,自己所恶心的,这就是真实吧。 Finished reading, actually whispered sigh, some people dared to speak out the love, hate himself, his own sick, and this is true it. 突然,就想到了某些矫揉造作的人,整天笑着,却没有一刻是为自己而笑,是人都看出来了,虚伪! Suddenly, the thought of some of the artificial person, smiling all day, but not a moment for themselves to smile, is the people saw it, and hypocrisy! 抑或大骂一声:shit! Or cursed soon as: shit! 到处都是不真实,真的。 Everywhere true, really. 真实的地方,很少很少。 Real place, very little. 我能想到的,就只剩家了。 I can think of, the only home. 这时Vae的声音:“星光点亮了,海水泛起皱褶。” Then Vae voice: "Star light, and water thrown up by the fold." 心一下子舒坦了,Vae的声音似乎很美,美得让人心碎。 Heart had suddenly comfortable, Vae"s voice seemed beautiful, beautiful and heartbreaking. 谢谢你,许嵩,让我找到了最真实的自己。 Thank you, Xu Song, I found the most authentic self. 真的,很感谢。 Really, very grateful. 明天,墨尔本晴。 Tomorrow, sunny Melbourne.
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方法 1叙述你的人生1写出人生的时间轴线。写你的自传从研究你自己的生活入手。创建你生命中的时间轴线是好方法,这样可确保你囊括了所有最重要的日期和事件,这是一种你可信赖的结构。您可以把这视为"头脑风暴"阶段,所以不要犹豫,写下一切你可以回记起来的东西,即使你不觉得这些记忆会都被这本书的最后版本所采纳。你的自传不一定要从你的出生开始。你可能想要包括以及一些家族史。写点你祖先的信息,你祖父母的生活和你父母的生活等等。提供你的家族史方面的信息将帮助读者去感受你是怎样变成了今天的你。写下与你的童年有关的信息。你最早的记忆是什么?你的母亲和父亲什么样?你和兄弟姐妹一起长大吗?你是受了传统教养还是非传统教养?你十几岁的时候,发生了什么事?是什么促使你做出那些决定?你上了大学吗?关于这短暂的岁月也写点什么吧。写你的职业生涯、 你的人际关系、 你的孩子和发生的任何大的改变生活的事件。2识别主角。每个好故事都有其有趣的主角、 朋友和敌人,是他们推动着情节发展。你的生活中有一些什么人物?毫无疑问你的父母将发挥作用,还有你的配偶和其他密切的家庭成员。想想你的直系亲属以外的其他人,谁影响了你的生活谁就应该在你的自传中占有一席之地。在人们的生活中教师、 教练、 良师益友和老板都极具影响力。决定某个人对你来说是榜样或反面教材将影响你的故事。前男朋友和女朋友在一些有趣的故事里可能联袂公演。你在生活中曾有什么敌人?如果你的故事不包括一些冲突那将会很枯燥。离奇古怪的人物,例如动物,你从没见过的名人,甚至城市也往往在自传中成为兴趣点。3推出最好的故事。你的整个人生故事从开头就将很啰嗦,所以你必须决定要包括什么轶事。开始起草文稿时要写那些主要的交织在一起能描绘出你的生活图景的故事。有几个让读者觉得很迷人的自传主题曾被多数自传涵盖:童年的故事。无论你的童年是快乐或是痛苦,你都应该包括几个趣事来描绘一下你是谁和你儿时经历过什么。你可以谈谈童年的故事,把它分解为更小的奇闻轶事,说明你的个性-比如说,当你把一只流浪狗带回家父母的反应如何,你从学校窗户爬出去跑了3天的故事,你和一个无家可归生活在树林中的人的友好关系…要有创意。成长的故事。人生中这让人陶醉而且往往感性的时期总是让读者感兴趣。请记住不是刻意去写独特的东西,每个人都在成长。要写那些能与读者产生共鸣的东西。坠入爱河的故事。你也可以写相反的从未找到爱情的故事。身份危机的故事。这通常发生在三、 四十岁,并有时称为中年危机。降服某种邪恶力量的故事。无论是你与成瘾、 控制爱欲或想杀你家人的疯狂念头的战斗,都是你可写的经历过的冲突。4用你自己的声音去写。人们读自传是要深入了解另外一个人。描述一个真实的你是吸引读者的可靠方法。如果你写的东西正统而僵硬,或者如果它读起来像大学论文而不是你生活的曝光,读者将难以读完这本书。写吧,就像你面向一个值得信赖的朋友敞开心扉用清澈而有力的散文去写,没有晦涩的词汇也不那么杂乱无章。写吧,去展示你的个性。你有趣吗?热情吗?理智吗?生动吗?不要退缩,你应该通过故事讲述你的个性。5要有启发性。你不必那么详尽,重要的是在自传中要揭示你自己和你人生的真谛。不要精心掩盖所有负面材料刻意让这本书成为你的成就列表。介绍你自己是个完整的人,有才华也有缺陷,这样当读者在用自己的方式阅读你的故事时能认同你和可能会支持你。别总是从正面打造自己。你可以有缺点但仍然是主角。揭示你犯的错误和那令自己和其他人失败的岁月。揭示你内心的想法。分享你的意见和想法,包括那些可能会引发争议的思索。你的自传从头到尾要对自己诚实。6把握时代精神。你的故事是怎样被打上历史的烙印从而占有一席之地?什么战争影响了你的政见?什么文化纪事件赋予你灵感?详尽地论述在你一生中世界上发生了什么事是个好的方法,可让你的故事使人读起来感到更贴切和更感兴趣。方法 2起草叙事1设计一个总体情节。 现在你知道要在自传中包括哪些内容了,考虑一下如何构造你的书。像任何伟大的著作那样,你的自传需要一个宏大的策划。用你手中的材料创建一个有趣的故事向高潮演绎,最终有个结局。通过构造和细化你的书面回忆和轶事来创建一段情节,这样,它们就能有条理地合流了。你的中心冲突是什么?什么是你生活中使你历经数年之久才终于克服或屈服的最大的障碍?也许它是你在早年诊断出的某种疾病,动荡造成的某种关系,一系列的职业生涯挫折,你工作几十年孜孜追求的目标,或其它一些东西。从你最喜欢的书和电影看看更多的冲突范例。制造紧张和悬念。叙事要有意安排一系列导致冲突高潮的故事。如果你的中心冲突是试图在奥运会滑雪竞赛中达标,这是一系列小成功和无数次失败的结果。你希望你的读者关心"她会实现这个目标吗?他能做到吗?下一步会发生什么呢?搞个高潮。你的故事冲突达到尖锐化之时就是高潮到来之日。重大比赛的那天是你与最可怕的对手一决雌雄的日子,你的赌博习惯占了上风,结果你输光了所有的钱-你明白了。结尾方案。大多数自传都有快乐的结局,那是因为写故事的人健在,他讲故事并且希望能出版故事。即使你的结局并不快活,它应该令人深感满意。不管怎么说你实现目标或获胜了。即使你失败了,吃一堑长一智。.2决定故事从哪里开始。你可以按年表平铺直叙你的生活,从出生开始直到现在结束,但是混合年表讲述会让故事更有趣。你可以规划整个传记以反射现在,通过一系列倒叙来讲你的故事。你可以从你童年让人心酸的瞬间开始讲述故事,后退一步述说你遗产的故事,向前则回忆你的大学时光,然后热情讲述你的职业生涯。总之,从你童年开始轶事不断颇具喜剧色彩。3编织主题。用你生活的重大主题将故事联系在一起,连接你的过去和现在。除了中心冲突,什么主题伴你的一生?对某些假期的好感,使你迷恋上某个地方流连忘返;某种类型的家伙让你总是一见钟情,但你还是一再回归丰富的精神生活。不时地点出主题有助于使你的生活图片有凝聚力。4退一步反思。你记载生活的教训,但你从中学到什么?如何继续你的意向、 你的欲望和失败的感觉、你欢愉的心情和获得的智慧,以及你不时涌起的其他内心想法贯穿着这本书。你从讲述故事退一步反思这一切的含义是一个使你自传更有深度的好方法。5划分章节以形成全书的结构。章节非常有用,因为这能让你从讨论某些生活期间或事件继续前进。其中一个原因是我们通过章节表达了我们已经在生活中"结束了一章"或"打开了新的一章",这在讨论自传时会更有用。章节的间隔允许您回溯10 年,回到过去,或开始描述一个新的主题而不至于使读者太不愉快。考虑结束章节时采用凄美的说明或具有悬念的说明,所以人们等不及要开始下一个。各章的起点是个鸟瞰你过去的好地方,描述环境和背景,并为将要发生的事定下基调。方法 3编辑和润饰你的传记1确保你把事实弄清楚了。仔细检查日期、 名称、事件描述和其它你书中要包括的东西,以确保你已经把全部事实正确无误地掌握在手里了。即使是在写你自己生活的故事,你也不应该对已经发生的事情发布不正确的信息。你可以按照自己的目标和意图去叙述真相,但不能杜撰对话强按在真实的人身上或将过去发生的真实事件任意修改。当然你不可能把一切都完美地记牢,但你应该尽你所能去反映真实。如果你在书中想包括其他什么人所说的话或所做的事,要获得允许才去使用他们的姓名或引述他们。有些人不喜欢自己在别人的自传里充当角色,对此你应尊重,如有必要,应改变描述他们的方式或更改其姓名。2编辑你的草稿。一旦你完成了第一份草稿,返回从头仔细梳理和斟酌。必要时重新组织文字、段落以及甚至章节。替换世俗的词语,使你措辞更有趣和更明确。修缮拼写和语法。3与他人共享。将你的自传提供给你的读书俱乐部或一位朋友,这样你可以听到外界的意见。你认为无比好笑的故事别人看起来可能枯燥无味。如果可以的话多得到几个人的反馈,这样你就有更好的主意,知道怎么让你的书得到其他人的认可。如果有几个人建议对某个部分进行切割,强烈考虑削减。试着从你的家人和朋友圈以外的人那里得到意见。知道你的人可能会试图不伤害你的感情,或他们可能有偏见-特别是如果他们出现在故事中。4聘请一名文字编辑。好的文字编辑将清理你写的东西和使枯燥的部分栩栩生辉。无论你是打算让你的书在一家出版社出版或走自助出版路线,在写作过程的末尾请专业人士润饰你的书永远是个好主意。5想个标题。除了要引人注目和耐人寻味,标题名称应与你的书的基调和风格相匹配。标题要短和令人难忘,而不是冗长和不着边际让人难以掌握。你可用你的名字和"我的自传"为标题或选择不那么直接的东西为标题。以下是一些著名的自传标题,它们完美地抓住了故事的内涵:《专横的裤子》, 蒂娜·菲 著。《我的自白》,列夫·托尔斯泰 著。《自由路漫漫》,纳尔逊·曼德拉 著。《笑的声音》,彼得·凯著。方法 4出版你的故事1采取步骤去自助出版你的书。即使你不想为向公众推销你的书而苦恼,为了你自己收藏和赠送给你家庭成员及其他人你可能希望书的设计和印刷颇具特色。调查那些提供书籍设计、 印刷和运输服务的公司,并决定你想订购多少份。许多提供这些服务的公司印刷的书籍专业得就像那些传统出版社印刷的书籍。如果你不想在出版服务上花钱,你仍然可以通过将书送到复印店去打印和装订得到一本你那漂亮书的副本。2考虑寻找文学代理人。如果您想出版你的自传并与世界分享,谋取文学代理的帮助可以让你这样去做。找那些自传代理商,给他们发送一封自荐信,谈谈你的自传书籍和你自己,以及你对该书市场运作的有关考虑等信息。自荐信的开头应通过简洁介绍书中亮点提供无懈可击的商业信息。你的书定位要恰当,展望一下你的书将怎样脱颖而出。告诉代理为什么你认为他或她是向出版商商业运作最合适的人选。将示例章节发送给感兴趣的代理商。与您信任的代理商签订合同。请务必在签署任何东西之前仔细阅读合同,并调查代理商的历史记录。3直接将自荐信发给出版商。如果你不想要花时间去找一家代理,你可以直接向出版商发一封自荐信,看看是否有人上钩。研究同一流派的书籍出版商。不要马上发送手稿全文,等待直到你收到了出版商的手稿请求。许多出版商不接受主动提供的手稿或自荐。请确保你只向能接受它们的出版商发送信件。如果出版商决定与你推进该书,你要签署一份合同并为编辑、设计、校对和最后出版该书设定日程安排。4看看在线出版。这是一种越来越流行的出版书籍的好方法,是为各方节省印刷和运输费用的有效方式。研究出版同一流派书籍的在线出版商,递交你的自荐信,并向编辑和出版文本迈进。
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以下是林肯英文简介: Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln ,1809-1865), the United States 16th president. February 12, 1809, Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, a poor peasant family in his own words, his childhood was "a simple annals of the poor." As a child, he moved home to help fuel, water, to do farm work, and so on. Parents are the descendants of British immigrants, who make a living by farming and hunting. In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to southwestern Indiana, reclaiming land for a living. 9-year-old, Lincoln"s mother died. A year later, his father and married a widow. Hard-working kind stepmother, ex-wife treated the children as a self. Lincoln also beloved stepmother, a family, live in harmony and happiness. As the family was poor, and Lincoln by the low level of education. In order to support the family, juvenile at the time of Lincoln had been on the Ohio River ferry workers, plantation workers, shopkeepers and carpentry. The 18-year-old, tall (1.93 meters) of the owner of a Lincoln for employment, and by the same people shun a flat-bottomed barge down the Ohio River, sailing thousands of miles to reach Orleans. This is the first time he came to a city with a population of 40,000. The road, Lincoln saw the black slaves suffered inhuman treatment. His partner, said: "I have had the opportunity to wait until the fight against slavery, I have to thoroughly crush it!" In 1830, the Lincoln family moved to Illinois to settle. Here, Lincoln started to live independently and was drafted into the army in 1832. Lincoln"s soldiers a short period of time, veterans, local residents enthusiastic about the selection of the official activities of the Lincoln candidate for the state, but his initial campaign did not succeed. In the past 25 years, Lincoln do not have steady jobs, earn a living everywhere. As an adult, he became a local land surveying and mapping, measuring and calculating as a result of good, people are often invited to address the boundary dispute. In the hard work, Lincoln has always been a love of reading in young people, he read the night of flashing lights always late to very late. In his youth, Lincoln read the entire works of Shakespeare, read the "history of the United States", also read a lot of history and literature books. He through self-study to become a learned and full of wisdom. At a political rally for the first time he made a political speech. Since the attack black slaves, some in favor of the cause of the public suggested that Lincoln has been in the public influence, coupled with his outstanding character, and in 1834 he was elected state legislator. Two years later, Lincoln became a lawyer through self-study, soon to become the state legislature Whig party leaders. In August 1834, the 25-year-old Lincoln was elected state legislators to start his own political career at the same time the management of the countryside by the Post, also engaged in land surveying, and with the help of his friends into law. A few years later, he became a lawyer. In 1839, an awareness of Lincoln"s daughter Malituode. She was 21 years old, well educated, beautiful and lively, and they married in November 1842, after the birth of son, 4. The state"s accumulated experience in 1846, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1847, Lincoln as a Whig party representatives took part in the election of members of Congress, was a success, first came to Washington, DC. Before and after, on the slavery debate, the United States has become a major event in the political life. In this dispute, Lincoln has become increasingly opposed to slavery and who. He believes that slavery should be attributed to the ultimate eradication, first in Washington should be the abolition of slavery. Southern plantation owners on behalf of the interests of slavery and those who are opposed to the Lincoln crazy. In 1850, his master forces of the United States increased from the Lincoln National Assembly, to continue to be a lawyer. In 1854, his master sent into the southern part of the new Kansas into the United States, the use of force to impose slavery, the civil war led Kansas. This year, the establishment of the Republican Party, joined the Lincoln and participating in the 1856 Republican vice presidential candidate, did not succeed. June 16, 1858, with Douglas in his election campaign speech entitled "Family disputes," the famous speech. He said: " "split the House will not last". (From" New Testament in the Bible, "" Gospel of Matthew "— — Editor"s Note) I believe that our government can not endure permanently half free half of slavery. I do not expect the dissolution of the Federation I do not expect the collapse of a house, but I do expect it to stop secession. Or it will become all one thing or another become all things. "In the meantime, he and Douglas had a problem on slavery Debate. Lincoln believed that slavery should be abolished, but it must be through peaceful means to repeal. Although his campaign did not succeed this time, but greatly expanded its political influence. In 1860, Lincoln became the Republican presidential candidate, in November, announced the election to 2,000,000 votes was elected the 16th president of the United States, but his master in control of the 10 southern states, he did not receive a ballot paper. Lincoln was elected president of news, the United States rapidly expanding North-South conflict, adhere to the doctrine of slavery in the South to Lincoln"s election as a disaster, the SC in Lincoln before the swearing-in from the union. In order to safeguard national unity, hair-trigger war. As the people of the United States system of universal suffrage, as the new president is elected, the country"s smooth transfer of power to shape American tradition. This is only one of them a little exception, it appears in the March 1861 when Lincoln became president. In the March 4 inauguration of the day in the morning, the South sympathy for the people gathered in streets and lanes to spread gossip, hearsay or even have a deliberate attack assassin. Commander of the army has taken special precautions to send soldiers on both sides of Pennsylvania Avenue in the alert, also stationed near the parliament building of a battery. In fact, it was quiet. Lincoln was sworn in, escorted by cavalry to the White House, the president began to carry out their duties. But the war has been inevitable. Lincoln took office a month later on April 12, in the south of the federal army attacked a stronghold of the Government, the Civil War broke out. At the beginning of the war, the armed forces of the North does not play well in order to rapidly reverse the adverse situation on September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued a "preliminary Emancipation Proclamation." By the end of that year, Lincoln signed the revised "final liberation of the Declaration." He signed the document solemnly announced: "In my lifetime, has never signed the document at the moment than when he was more convinced of the justice." According to this Declaration, the United States legally abolished slavery. July 1, 1863, the armed forces in the south and north sides of Pennsylvania, Gettysburg was a crucial battle. North won the military, to benefit from this war situation in the north direction. In November 1864, Lincoln was elected president for the second time. After the election, Lincoln"s great efforts to require both houses of Congress passed the 13th amendment to the Constitution — — declared slavery illegal. The historic amendment to the Constitution was adopted in the last year. April 1865 the evening of 14, Lincoln Theater in Washington, Ford"s assassination. May 4, Lincoln was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery. Lincoln led the American people to safeguard national unification and the abolition of slavery, for the development of capitalism swept away the obstacles and promote the development of the history of the United States, more than a century, the American people be respected. Marx once evaluation of Lincoln: "He is a great state reached and still maintain their quality of the rare characters. The best moral and noble person was modest as a result, only when he became a martyr to fall, The world discovered he was a hero. " Lincoln was the great American democracy politicians. He was born in low-rise community with a hard-working, frugal, humble and sincere character. After entering the White House, on issues such as slavery, political strife occurred in the country more divided, have encountered many difficulties. In their daily work, regardless of his personal security, a day out of a lot of time meeting with the masses, listen to the complaints, make every effort to solve their problems. During his tenure, due to a variety of reactionary forces, the policy has been shaken and hesitant, but in the people"s support and encouragement, to go with the historical tide and eventually signed the famous "Emancipation Proclamation" (Emancipation Proclamation), At that time, the United States to address the socio-economic and political life of the principal contradiction. In a four-year civil war, he personally commanding operations. The federal government with the leadership of the farms in the southern slave owners have waged a resolute struggle to safeguard national unification, and firmly push forward the development of American society. Lincoln in April 15, 1865 assassination. As the Lincoln in the history of the United States played the role of the progress, people praised him as "a new era of rulers of the country as a model." Abraham Lincoln was the 16th U.S. president, is the world"s greatest historical figure, led the federal rescue and the end of slavery in the great struggle. People remember his integrity, mercy, and a strong personality, he has been a history of the United States most admire one of the president. Although he only had a little frontier in primary education, public service experience and few, however, his keen insight and deep sense of humanitarian, the United States made him the greatest president. 林肯一生简介<英文版> 1809.2.12, birthday 1818(9 years old), the mother die. 1831(22 years old), go into business the failure. 1832(23 years old), the election state the councilman fail to be elected. At the same year(23 years old), the work threw.Want to study in the law school, but did not get the admission. 1833(24 years old), borrow money to go into business toward the friend. At the end of at the same year, again bankrupt.Connect down, he spends 16 years to just repay fully the obligation. 1834(25 years old), again campaign the state councilman, won this time. 1835(26 years old), will soon get married after betroth, the fiancee died. 1836(27 years old), the complete breakup of spirit, lies sick in bed six months. 1838(29 years old), fight for become the state councilman of spokesman- have no successfully. 1840(31 years old), fight for becoming the voter- fail to be elected. 1843(34 years old), attend the national legislature election- failed to be elected again. 1846(37 years old), attend the national legislature election again- won an election this time.Go to Washington"s special area, express can the turn can order. 1848(39 years old), look for the parlia****rian to serve another term, failure. 1849(40 years old), think the work that serves as the land bureau chief in oneself"s state, encounter the brush-off. 1854(45 years old), campaign the American senator, fail to be elected. 1856(47 years old), fight for the nomination of the vice-president in Republican party- get 100 of the ticket shortage. 1860(51 years old), win an election the American president.Become one of the greatest presidents in American history.
2023-01-12 05:55:536


I love reading my fantasy, science fiction, world masterpiece, biography and history books.
2023-01-12 05:56:191


李白是我国唐代诗人,出生于公元701年,想象力丰富,一生创作了很多作品,被人们称为“诗仙”。他的诗对以后历代诗人产生重要影响,而且李白是一个很有风味个性的诗人,大家可以有空看看他的作品,感受他做诗的风味。Li Bai is China"s Tang Dynasty poet, was born in 701 BC, rich imagination, has created a lot of works, known as the "great poet". His poems of the poets have a significant impact, and Li Bai is quite a flavor characteristics of the poet, you can have a look there his works, feeling his poetic flavor
2023-01-12 05:56:242


Ludwig van Beethoven Biography (1770–1827)Composer, born in Bonn, W Germany. Miserably brought up by a father who wanted him to become a profitable infant prodigy, he joined the Elector of Cologne"s orchestra at Bonn. In 1787 he had lessons from Mozart in Vienna, and in 1792 returned to that city for good, apart from a few excursions. He first joined Prince Lichnowsky"s household and studied under Haydn, Albrechtsberger, and possibly Salieri. His music is usually divided into three periods. In the first (1792–1802), which includes the first two symphonies, the first six quartets, and the ‘Pathétique" and ‘Moonlight" sonatas, his style gradually develops its own individuality. His second period (1803–12) begins with the ‘Eroica" symphony (1803), and includes his next five symphonies, the difficult ‘Kreutzer" sonata (1803), the Violin Concerto, the ‘Archduke" trio (1811), and the ‘Razumovsky" quartets. His third great period begins in 1813, and includes the Mass, the ‘Choral" symphony (1823), and the last five quartets.Beethoven was tolerated by Vienna society despite his physical unattractiveness and arrogance. Just as he was developing a reputation as a composer, he began to go deaf, but stoically accepted the fact. None of this stopped him from falling in love with his pupils, including Giulietta Guicciardi and Josephine von Brunswick. From 1812 he was increasingly assailed by ill health, business, and family worries, which included prolonged litigation to obtain custody of his dead brother"s son, Karl. His last work was completed at Gneixendorf in 1826, where he developed a severe chill (exacerbated by returning to Vienna in an open chaise), from which he died.
2023-01-12 05:56:333


Franklin"s life is full of charming stories which all young men should know -- how he sold books in Boston, and became the guest of kings in Europe; how he was made Major General Franklin, only to quit because, as he said, he was no soldier, and yet helped to organize the army that stood before the trained troops of England and Germany.This poor Boston boy, without a day"s schooling1 becamemaster of six languages and never stopped studying; this neglected apprentice2 conquered the lightning, made his name famous, received degrees and diplomas from many colleges, and became forever remembered as "Doctor Franklin", philosopher, scientist and political leader. Self-made, self-taught, the candle maker"s son gave light to all the world; the street bookseller set all men singing of liberty; the apprentice became the most sought after man across the world, and brought his native land to praise and honor him. He built America, for what our nation is today is largely due to the management, the forethought, the wisdom, and the ability of Benjamin Franklin. He belongs to the world, but especially he belongs to America. The people around the world honored him while he was living; he is still regarded as the loftiest man by the common people today after his death. And he will live in people"s hearts forever.
2023-01-12 05:56:522

书籍种类有哪些?(用英语说) 如: biography——人物传记 science fiction

2023-01-12 05:57:042


Biographies例句:There are plenty of biographies for him to browse over.  有大量传记供他浏览。He likes to read biographies of great men to promote himself.他喜欢读伟人传记来提高自己.I"m very interested in reading biographies and watching old movies.我对人物传记和老片子很感兴趣.
2023-01-12 05:57:111


Bill Gates(比尔·盖茨) Bill Gates was born on Oct, 28 in 1955 and grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a teacher. Bill Gates had his elementary school and high school education is Seattle. And it was during that time Bill founded that his interests lying in writing programs and began to write programs at 13. In 1973, Bill Gates was matriculated by Harvard but he quitted from Harvard three years later. He put all his time and energy into designing programs for Microsoft Cooperation which established in 1975 by Bill and his friend Paul Allen. He was committed to long –term development and improving the functions Owing to Bill"s talent and efforts, Microsoft developed rapidly and its software won more and more reputations among the publics. What"s more, Bill is also committed to philanthropy. So far, he has donated more than 24 billion dollars to establish a fund to support medical security and education careers in the world. Bill Gates married Melinda French Gates on Jan, 1st in 1994.They have three children .In the spare time, Bill has passion in reading books and playing golf.
2023-01-12 05:57:231


In 1956,feb.17,qian xuesen thoughtful about establishing the national aviation industry,in the opinion of the organization,the missile career development plan and plan and specific measures released incisive views.The opinions of central high attention.Soon,he was responsible for our first established rocket,missile defense agency -- research institute of the fifth.On October 8 - this is an anniversary of qian xuesen to defense five-department proclaimed,was appointed dean of qian xuesen,.The rockets and missiles and aerospace business starting a difficult journey.A multitude of new business started.Qian xue-sen first give the 156 distribution has taught students,let these missile introduction "never seen missile technology personnel to understand the basic professional knowledge.He sketched the aerodynamics,engine and other relevant professional study plan to build a missile guidance,and overall,aerodynamics,engine,projectile structure,etc. The jiuquan launch.Qian xue-sen and common scientific and technological personnel,sleep,eat meal,tents,calculation of the missile test test,analysis and study.In the former Soviet union suddenly removed all the difficult conditions,the expert,he led the Chinese scientists conquer a series,in 1960 on November 5,the success in the first missile flight test.In the field of nie happily say:"this is our military equipment is an important turning point in history." On October 27,1966,qian xue-sen and participate in the organization in China with the first short-range missiles and nuclear warheads exploded flight test,atomic bombs,missiles "developed" test.Nuclear warheads intended location in the blast,successfully over shock the world.China"s national defense modernization and achieved the historic leap. As a great scientist,qian xuesen"s eye always far-sighted.The first missile launch soon after the success,he will organize the relevant experts in China is to discuss the missile development road,forming the land development way of missiles and puts forward the opinion of short-range,medium-range and remote and intercontinental missile that the long term development plan.Subsequently,the ground-to-air missile defense missile and solid,engine,solid anti-missile missiles,rocket system and projects such as in his next succession to organize and coordinate the horse.In 1965,he again in January to report,the central China soon make Suggestions of satellite research projects and tasks listed in the state.China"s first man-made satellite from the project codenamed "651 project","star -- xuesen take arrows - ground systems" overall technical coordination and organization and implementation work.On April 24,1970,China"s first man-made satellite dongfanghong "no.1" space travel,to proclaim the founding of the dawn of time in space.
2023-01-12 05:57:291


Ronaldo King of the World罗纳尔多: 世界球王Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima1 was born on 22 September 1976 in a poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro2. Like most of his childhood friends, Ronaldo began his soccer career playing barefoot in the streets of his neighborhood. At the age of 14, he joined S�o Cristov�o3 soccer club and only two years later became the star of Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte4 scoring a total of 58 goals in 60 matches and earning himself a reputation for his explosive5 pace and outstanding finishing skills. His goal-scoring record and unusual agility6 led him to be included in the Brazilian World Cup winning team the following year. After the World Cup, many top European football clubs were trying to sign him. Many people, including Brazilian football legend  Pelé7,  referred to him as the most promising8 footballer of his generation.  Since his transfer to Dutch team PSV Eindhoven9, Ronaldo s biography10 is one of success after success. Two Copa América s11, a UEFA12 Cup, a Dutch Cup, a Spanish League Cup, and two awards as best player in the world, all in the space of two years, are some of Ronaldo s impressive13 achievements. On arrival to Inter-Milan in 1997, Ronaldo became the idol14 of the local fans who refer to him as “il Fenomeno15.”  Since the 98 World Cup he has suffered two serious knee injuries that have severely limited his appearances. Just when people began to wonder whether Ronaldo would be able to continue with his football career, he proved to the world that he still could play. In the World Cup held in Korea and Japan, the magical striker16 won the Golden Shoe award and tied Pele s Brazilian record for career World Cup goals with 12. He helped Brazil capture17 its fifth World Cup championship on June 30 with a 2-0 win over Germany. It was the third time that Ronaldo has ever played in the World Cup.
2023-01-12 05:57:351


2023-01-12 05:57:402


Helen Keller was less than two years old when she came down with a fever. It struck dramatically and left her unconscious. The fever went just as suddenly. But she was blinded and, very soon after, deaf. As she grew up, she managed to learn to do tiny errands, but she also realized that she was missing something. "Sometimes," she later wrote, "I stood between two persons who were conversing and touched their lips. I could not understand, and was vexed. I moved my lips and gesticulated frantically without result. This made me so angry at times that I kicked and screamed until I was exhausted." She was a wild child.That"s Helen Keller,a greatest writer in the world. We reported last week that Helen Keller suffered from a strange sickness when she was only 19 months old. It made her completely blind and deaf. For the next five years she had no way of successfully communicating with other people. Then a teacher Anne Sullivan arrived from Boston to help her. Miss Sullivan herself had once been blind. She tried to teach Helen to live like other people. She taught her how to use her hands as a way of speaking. Miss Sullivan took Helen out into the woods to explore nature. They also went to the circus, the theatre., and even to factories. Miss Sullivan explained everything in the language she and Helen used, a language of touch, of fingers and hands. Helen also learned how to ride to horse, to swim, to row a boat, and even to climb trees.Helen Keller once wrote about these early days.One beautiful spring morning I was alone in my room, reading. Suddenly a wonderful smell in the air made me get up and put out my hands . The spirit of spring seemed to be passing in my room. "What is it?"I asked. The next minute I knew it was coming from mimosa tree outside. I walked outside to the edge of the garden, toward the tree. There it was, shaking in the warm sunshine. Its long branches, so heavy with flowers, almost touched the ground. I walked through the flowers to the tree itself and then just stood silent. Then I put my foot on the tree and pulled myself up into it. I climbed higher and higher until I reached a little seat. Long ago someone had put it there. I sat for a long time... Nothing in all the world was like this.Later Helen learned that nature could be cruel as well as beautiful. Strangely enough she discovery this in a different kind of tree.One day my teacher and I were returning from a long walk. It was a fine morning but it started to get warm and heavy. We stopped to rest two or three times. Our last stop was under a cherry tree, a short way from our house. The shade was nice and the tree was easy to climb. Miss Sullivan climbed with me. It was so coot up in the tree, we decided to have lunch there. I promised to sit still until she went to the house for some food. Suddenly a change came over the tree. I knew the sky was black because all the heat which meant light to me had died out of the air. A strange odor came up to me from the earth . I knew it. It was the odor which always comes before a thunder storm. I felt alone, cut off from friends, high above the firm earth. I was frightened and wanted my teacher. wanted to get down from that tree quickly, but I was no help to myself. There was a moment of" terrible silence. Then a sudden and violent wind began to shake the tree and its leaves kept coming down all around me. I almost fell. I wanted to jump, but was afraid to do so. I tried to make myself small in the tree as the branches rubbed against me. Just us I thought that both the tree and I were going to fall, a hand touched me . It was my teacher. I held her with all my strength, then shook with joy to feel the solid earth under my feet.Miss Sullivan stayed with Helen for many year. She taught Helen how to read, how to write and how to speak. She helped her to get ready for school and college. More than anything, Helen wanted to do what others did, and do it just as well. In time Helen did go to college and completed her studies with high honors. But it was a hard struggle. Few of the books she needed were written in the Braille language that the blind could read by touching pages. Miss Sullivan and others had to teach her what was in these books by forming words in her hands. The study of geometry and physics was especially difficult. Helen could only learn about squares, triangles and other geometrical forms by making them with wires. She kept feeling the different shapes of these wires until she could see them in her mind.During her second year college Miss Keller wrote the story of her life and what a college meant to her. This is what she wrote.My first day at Radcliffe college was of great interest. Some powerful force inside me made me test my mind. I wanted to learn if it was as good as that of others. I learned many things at college. One thing I slowly learned was that knowledge does not just mean power, as some people say. Knowledge leads to happiness because to have it is to know what is true and real. To know what great man of the past had thought, said, and done is to feel the heartbeat of humanity down through the ages.All of Helen Keller"s knowledge reached her mind through her sense of touch and smell, and of course her feelings. To know a flower was to touch it, feel it and smell it. This sense of touch became greatly developed as she got older. She once said that hands speak almost as loudly as words. She said the touch of some hands frightened her. The people seemed so empty of joy that when she touched their cold fingers it is as if she were shaking bands with a storm. She found the hands of others full of sunshine and warmth. Strangely enough Helen Keller learned to love things she could not hear, music for example. She did this through her sense of touch. When waves of air beat against her, she felt them. Sometimes she put her hand to a singer"s throat. She often stood for hours with her hands on a piano while it was played. Once she listened to an organ. Its powerful songs made her moved her body in rhythm with the music. She also liked to go to museums. She thought she understood sculptures as well as others. Her fingers told her the true size and the feel of the material.What did Helen Keller think of herself, what did she think about the tragic lost of her sight and hearing. This is what she wrote as a young girl.Sometimes a sense of loneliness covers me like a cold mist. I sit alone, and wait at life " s shut-door. Beyond there is light and music and sweet friendship. But I may not enter. Silence sits heavy upon my soul. Then comes hope with a sweet smile and saidsoftly " There is joy in forgetting oneself And so I tried to make the light in others" eyes my sun, the music in others" ears my symphony, the smile on others" lips my happiness.Helen Keller was tall and strong. When she spoke, her face looked very alive. It helped to give meaning to her words. She often felt the faces of close friends when she was talking to them to discover their feelings. She and Miss Sullivan both were known for their sense of humor. They enjoyed jokes and laughing at funny things that happened to themselves or others. Helen Keller had to work hard to support herself after she finished college. She spoke to many groups around the country. She wrote several books and she made one movie based on her life. Her main goal was to increase public interest in the difficulties of people with physical problems. The work Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan did has been written and talked about for many years. Their success showed how people can conquer great difficulties. Anne Sullivan died in 1936, blind herself. Before Miss Sullivan died, Helen wrote and said many kind things about her.It was the genius of my teacher, her sympathy, her love which made my first years of education so beautiful. My teacher is so near to me that I do not think of myself as a part from her. All the best of me belongs to her. Everything I am today was awakened by her loving touch .Helen Keller died on June 1st, 1968. She was 87 year old. Her message of courage and hope remains.
2023-01-12 05:57:491


  I was born in a very poor section of Brooklyn on December 7,1941. There were five persons in my family including my father, my mother, my two sisters and myself. I was the only son, and my childhood was spent playing in the streets with the other boys and getting into troubles. I was often punished by my parents and teachers.   After elementary school, where I had been an average student, I went to a vocational high school in my neighborhood. My friends were all boys who cared nothing about studying and my grades went from bad to worse.   From the time I entered the second high school, I began to take an interest in my studies and my grades improved. I started to listen to the other students discuss intelligent issues and soon I began to take part in. One day, someone asked me to join the Negro Culture Club where the students discussed the contributions of the Negro race. Now my eyes were really opened. For the first time, I learned that my race had many famous people who had played an important role in world history. I was filled with a new sense of pride and self-respect. From then on, I read every book in the school library on Negro history. Also during these high school years, I met many officials from the new African nations. Because most of them spoke French, I learned to speak French and then went on to teach myself Spanish. In my senior year, I was elected president of my class. My goals were now definite and I knew I want to continue my education.   Going to college was difficult for me because my family was very poor and needed my help with money. My mother, however, encouraged me and insisted that I continue my education. Therefore, when I graduated from high school, I started attending night college and working all day. After two years I changed to day college and a part-time job. Now I am a fulltime student in my junior year, majoring in international relations and economics.   It is difficult for a young man to speak of his philosophy of life, but I believe it is very important for every person to have a sense of pride and dignity in his own worth. My aim in life is to help my people become better off economically. Also, I would like to do something to help mankind and to promote brotherhood among all men of all nations, no matter what color they are.
2023-01-12 05:57:541


The Biography of Michael Jackson
2023-01-12 05:58:033

英语作文 求一篇贝多芬的人物传记.英语的,单词数在200左右.

Beethoven adhere to their beliefs,as one can not hear any voice musician,he gives a person a kind of arrogant illusion,for political despotism,merciless war,he chose to fight,for the sake of peace,Beethoven said:" as long as it is in order to obtain a more beautiful things,any rule can be get rid of." This sentence accurately expressed he was against the absolute mental,because he believed that as long as his soul to perseverance resolute,not because of sad and a sink,then certainly can break through spiritual bondage,wanted his life ideal.And so I face the present peace,good society,but should use the assiduous study,rich knowledge,armed themselves,towards a better future.
2023-01-12 05:58:151


Mo Yan is the first of the Chinese writers, nineteen fifties was born in Gaomi, he dropped out of school, and left home at 21 to join the army. Mo Yan"s novels in the story occurs in high density. In the thirty years of writing career, this place inspires him a lot of inspiration. Many people know Mo Yan by director Zhang Yimou"s film "Red Sorghum". The film is adapted from Mo Yan"s 1986 novel of the same name. Mo Yan said that winning is a surprise for him.
2023-01-12 05:58:211


Helen Keller was less than two years old when she came down with a fever. It struck dramatically and left her unconscious. The fever went just as suddenly. But she was blinded and, very soon after, deaf. As she grew up, she managed to learn to do tiny errands, but she also realized that she was missing something. "Sometimes," she later wrote, "I stood between two persons who were conversing and touched their lips. I could not understand, and was vexed. I moved my lips and gesticulated frantically without result. This made me so angry at times that I kicked and screamed until I was exhausted." She was a wild child.That"s Helen Keller,a greatest writer in the world.
2023-01-12 05:58:261


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Jay 周杰伦同名专辑 Fantasy 范特西 Eight Dimensions 八度空间 Ye Hui Mei 叶惠美 Common Jasmin Orange 七里香 November"s Chopin 十一月的萧邦Still Fantasy 依然范特西 Capricorn 魔杰座
2023-01-12 05:58:401


Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, and actor. Called the King of Pop, his contributions to music and dance, along with his publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.1958–75: Early life and the Jackson 51975–81: Move to Epic and Off the Wall1982–83: Thriller and Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever1984–85: Pepsi, "We Are the World", and business career1986–90: Appearance, tabloids, Bad, films, autobiography, and Neverland1991–93: Dangerous, Heal the World Foundation, and Super Bowl XXVII1993–94: First child sexual abuse allegations and first marriage1995–99: HIStory, second marriage, and fatherhood2000–03: Label dispute and Invincible2003–05: Second child sexual abuse allegations and acquittal2006–09: Closure of Neverland, final years, and This Is ItAspects of Michael Jackson"s personal life, including his changing appearance, personal relationships, and behavior, generated controversy. In the mid-1990s, he was accused of child sexual abuse, but the civil case was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount and no formal charges were brought. In 2005, he was tried and acquitted of further child sexual abuse allegations and several other charges after the jury found him not guilty on all counts. While preparing for his comeback concert series titled This Is It, Jackson died of acute propofol and benzodiazepine intoxication on June 25, 2009, after suffering from cardiac arrest. The Los Angeles County Coroner ruled his death a homicide, and his personal physician Conrad Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. Jackson"s death triggered a global outpouring of grief and a live broadcast of his public memorial service was viewed around the world.
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Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (/ˈdʒɒbz/; February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011)[6][7] was an American businessman and technology visionary. He is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer ofApple Inc. Through Apple, he was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution[8][9] and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields. Jobs also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar.In the late 1970s, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak engineered one of the first commercially successful lines of personal computers, the Apple II series. Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential ofXerox PARC"s mouse-driven graphical user interface, which led to the creation of the Apple Lisa and, one year later, the Macintosh. By introducing the LaserWriter he enabled a revolution called desktop publishing.[10]After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher-education and business markets.In 1986, he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm, which was spun off as Pixar.[11] He was credited in Toy Story (1995) as an executive producer. He served as CEO and 50.1% majority shareholder until Disney bought Pixar in 2006.[12] Jobs received 7% of Disney shares, and joined the Board of Directors as the largest individual shareholder.[13][14]By 1996, Apple had failed to deliver a new operating system, Copland.Gil Amelio turned to NeXT Computer, and the NeXTSTEP platform became the foundation for the Mac OS X.[15] Jobs returned to Apple as an advisor, and took control of the company as an interim CEO. Jobs brought Apple from near bankruptcy to profitability by 1998.[16][17]As the new CEO of the company, Jobs oversaw the development of theiMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and on the services side, the company"s Apple Retail Stores, iTunes Store and the App Store.[18] The success of these products and services, provided several years of stable financial returns, and propelled Apple to become the world"s most valuable publicly traded company in 2011.[19] The reinvigoration of the company is regarded by many commentators as one of the greatest turnarounds in business history.[20][21][22]In 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with a pancreas neuroendocrine tumor. Though it was initially treated, he reported a hormone imbalance, underwent a liver transplant in 2009, and appeared progressively thinner as his health declined.[23] On medical leave for most of 2011, Jobs resigned in August that year, and was elected Chairman of the Board. He died of respiratory arrest related to his metastatic tumor on October 5, 2011.Jobs has received a number of honors and public recognition for his influence in the technology and music industries. He has widely been referred to as "legendary", a "futurist" or simply "visionary",[24][25][26][27] and has been described as the "Father of the Digital Revolution",[28] a "master of innovation",[29][30] and a "design perfectionist".[31][32]望采纳(^o^)/~
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Yang,Chen-ning (chn-nng yng),1922–,American physicist,b.China,Ph.D.Univ.of Chicago,1948.Chen-ning Yang was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton,N.J.from 1949 to 1955,and a professor of physics there from 1955 to 1965.In 1965 he was appointed Albert Einstein Professor of Physics of the State Univ.of New York at Stony Brook.He is known for his researches in statistical mechanics and particle physics.With American physicist T.D.Lee he shared the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics for research refuting the law of parity,which stated that,at the subatomic level,nature does not distinguish between left-and right-handed configurations:if a nuclear reaction or decay occurs in nature,then so does its mirror image and with equal frequency.
2023-01-12 05:58:571