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english international和english us的区别

2023-05-19 23:06:02







国际英语的电冰箱应当为 “refridge”,融合了英美英语,统一了英美英语

2. 美语与英语在日期、数字表达方面的差异


2nd March, 1996(英)

March 2, 1996(美)

在美式的写法中,1st, 2nd, 3rd的st, nd, rd是不使用的。由于日期书面表达不同,读法也不一样。如1987年4月20日,英式的写法是20th April, 1987,读成the twentieth of April, nineteen eighty-seven;美式的表达是April 20, 1987,则读成April the twentieth, nineteen eighty-seven。同样,全部用数字表达日期时,英美也有差别。1998年5月6日按照英国式应写成6/5/98,而按照美国式应写成5/6/98;01.08.1998是英国式的1998年8月1日,按照美国的表达方式却是1998年1月8日,美国的1998年8月1日应写成08,01,1998。

这使中国学生晕头转向,国际英语应当统一为“ m08 01 1998”

在数字口头表达方面,两国也存在着差别。$175(175美元)英语读成a(one) hundred and seventy five dollars,美语读成one hundred seventy five dollars,常省略and;表达连续同样数字的号码时,英语习惯用double或triple,美语一般不这样用,如电话号码320112,英语读成three two zero, double one two,美语则读成three two zero one one two, 999 234英语读成nine double nine (triple nine) two three four,美语则读成nine nine nine two three four,不过美国人也把连续三个相同的号码读成three 加上这个数字的复数形式,如999读成three nines。


3. 美语与英语在书信方面的差异

商务英语书信(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所使用的通信。在美国,常用Business writing,它包括书信、电报、电话、电传、报告书、明信片等。

4. 在称呼方面,商业上最普遍的有Gentlemen(美国式)与Dear Sirs(英国式)二种,相当于我国的"敬启者"或"谨启者"。如果信是写给各个公司单位的,不是写给某个具体人的,美语用Gentlemen(复数形式),英语用Dear Sirs。如果对方公司只一人时,必须使用Sir/Dear Sir。称呼后一般要使用标点符号,英国式采用逗号(comma),美国式用分号(colon)。

书信结尾客套语(complimentary close)有多种,相当于我国书信在结尾时使用的"敬礼"、"致敬"、"顺安"等句。最为典型的美国式写法是Sincerely和Best regards,典型的英国式表达有Yours sincerely(熟人或知道对方姓名),Best wishes, kind regards 和yours faithfully(不知姓名)。此外,英国式的客套语还有特别礼貌的格式,但除了特殊情况外,现在不再使用。


美语与英语在习惯用法上也存在着明显的差异。比如,英国英语在虚拟式中往往要加should,而美语大都不用。表示"有"或"没有"的概念,英语用to have/haven"t got,美语则用to have/don"t have;"不得不"、"必须"做什么,英语用to have got to do something,美语只须说to have to do something;"假期临时工"英语用holiday jobs,美语用summer/temporary jobs;"租用计算机"英语的表达是computer hire,美语用computer rental;"从某某学校毕业",英美表达习惯也不同,"graduate"一词,在美语里可以用于任何种类的学校,如graduate from university/school等,而在英语里,graduate仅限于大学毕业,中学毕业要用leave;当谈到某家公司待遇低的时候,英语通常的表达是It was badly paid,而美语的表达则是It didn"t pay very much;"我与老板相处得很好"英语的表达是I got on very well with my boss,但美语则用got along代替句中的got on;"提高价格"英语用put up prices,美语用raise prices;"上计算机课"英语的表达是go on a computer course,美语则说take a computer course。

6. 通电话时,英美两国也有不同的表达方式,如果自己是办公室的秘书或接线员之类的职员,不是对方要找的人,我们常说"请稍候",英语的习惯表达是hold the line, please,美语通常用hold on;如果要求对方(如接线员)转给经理,英语的表达是Could you connect me with the manager?美语通常用介词"to"代替句中的介词"with.



one of is American English.

one of is National English.





国际英语的电冰箱应当为 “refridge”,融合了英美英语,统一了英美英语

2. 美语与英语在日期、数字表达方面的差异


2nd March, 1996(英)

March 2, 1996(美)

在美式的写法中,1st, 2nd, 3rd的st, nd, rd是不使用的。由于日期书面表达不同,读法也不一样。如1987年4月20日,英式的写法是20th April, 1987,读成the twentieth of April, nineteen eighty-seven;美式的表达是April 20, 1987,则读成April the twentieth, nineteen eighty-seven。同样,全部用数字表达日期时,英美也有差别。1998年5月6日按照英国式应写成6/5/98,而按照美国式应写成5/6/98;01.08.1998是英国式的1998年8月1日,按照美国的表达方式却是1998年1月8日,美国的1998年8月1日应写成08,01,1998。

这使中国学生晕头转向,国际英语应当统一为“ m08 01 1998”

在数字口头表达方面,两国也存在着差别。$175(175美元)英语读成a(one) hundred and seventy five dollars,美语读成one hundred seventy five dollars,常省略and;表达连续同样数字的号码时,英语习惯用double或triple,美语一般不这样用,如电话号码320112,英语读成three two zero, double one two,美语则读成three two zero one one two, 999 234英语读成nine double nine (triple nine) two three four,美语则读成nine nine nine two three four,不过美国人也把连续三个相同的号码读成three 加上这个数字的复数形式,如999读成three nines。


3. 美语与英语在书信方面的差异

商务英语书信(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所使用的通信。在美国,常用Business writing,它包括书信、电报、电话、电传、报告书、明信片等。

4. 在称呼方面,商业上最普遍的有Gentlemen(美国式)与Dear Sirs(英国式)二种,相当于我国的"敬启者"或"谨启者"。如果信是写给各个公司单位的,不是写给某个具体人的,美语用Gentlemen(复数形式),英语用Dear Sirs。如果对方公司只一人时,必须使用Sir/Dear Sir。称呼后一般要使用标点符号,英国式采用逗号(comma),美国式用分号(colon)。

书信结尾客套语(complimentary close)有多种,相当于我国书信在结尾时使用的"敬礼"、"致敬"、"顺安"等句。最为典型的美国式写法是Sincerely和Best regards,典型的英国式表达有Yours sincerely(熟人或知道对方姓名),Best wishes, kind regards 和yours faithfully(不知姓名)。此外,英国式的客套语还有特别礼貌的格式,但除了特殊情况外,现在不再使用。


美语与英语在习惯用法上也存在着明显的差异。比如,英国英语在虚拟式中往往要加should,而美语大都不用。表示"有"或"没有"的概念,英语用to have/haven"t got,美语则用to have/don"t have;"不得不"、"必须"做什么,英语用to have got to do something,美语只须说to have to do something;"假期临时工"英语用holiday jobs,美语用summer/temporary jobs;"租用计算机"英语的表达是computer hire,美语用computer rental;"从某某学校毕业",英美表达习惯也不同,"graduate"一词,在美语里可以用于任何种类的学校,如graduate from university/school等,而在英语里,graduate仅限于大学毕业,中学毕业要用leave;当谈到某家公司待遇低的时候,英语通常的表达是It was badly paid,而美语的表达则是It didn"t pay very much;"我与老板相处得很好"英语的表达是I got on very well with my boss,但美语则用got along代替句中的got on;"提高价格"英语用put up prices,美语用raise prices;"上计算机课"英语的表达是go on a computer course,美语则说take a computer course。

6. 通电话时,英美两国也有不同的表达方式,如果自己是办公室的秘书或接线员之类的职员,不是对方要找的人,我们常说"请稍候",英语的习惯表达是hold the line, please,美语通常用hold on;如果要求对方(如接线员)转给经理,英语的表达是Could you connect me with the manager?美语通常用介词"to"代替句中的介词"with.







english的读音:ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ。english作为形容词时,意思是英文的、英国的、英国人的;作为名词时,意思是英语、英文、英国人、英格兰人,作为及物动词时,意思是把……译成英语。常用搭配:in english用英语,learn english学习英语,speak english说英语、讲英语。例句1、English teachers are very popular with students in school.英语老师在学校里很受学生的欢迎。2、I like the quiet life in the English countryside.我喜欢英格兰乡村的宁静生活。3、American English and British English are slightly different in pronunciation and spelling.美式英语和英式英语的发音和拼写略有不同。4、I do not speak English very well.我英语说得不太好。5、English majors are used to being asked to proofread papers for friends.英语专业的人习惯了为朋友校对文件。
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有没有搞错 !这种问题? english是什么意思? 消遣我们也不要用这个吗!
2023-01-11 22:12:4815


英语的单词是:english; English: n.英语;英文;(作为一门学科的)英语语言文学;英语学科;英格兰人(有时误用以指包括苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰人在内的英国人)。 adj.英格兰的;英格兰人的;英语的。 扩展资料   What books have been set for the English course?   英语课布置要用哪些书?   All students without exception must take the English examination.   所有学生都必须参加英语考试,无一例外。   She asked me if I would give her English lessons.   她问我愿不愿意给她上英语课。   I need to improve my English.   我需要提高我的.英语水平。   There is a growing need for qualified teachers of Business English.   对合格的商务英语教师的需求日益增长。
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英国包括四个部分,England,Scotland, Wales, Northern IrelandEnglish 是英格兰人,也就是特指这个人来自英国的英格兰British是英国人,此人来自英国British包括English当然,除了指人,English还有英语的意思。
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none you can speak:england men
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2023-01-11 22:16:082

english怎么读 english解释

1、English,英语的。读音:美/ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/;英/ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/。 2、释义:adj.英文的;英国的;英国人的。n.英语;英文;英国人;英格兰人。vt.把…译成英语。 3、例句:I like the quiet life in the English countryside.我喜欢英格兰乡村的宁静生活。
2023-01-11 22:16:181

谁能解释一下为什么英语要叫english 这个词的由来是什么啊?

English=the language of the Anglos, or of the Anglos
2023-01-11 22:16:243

English 英语

Who is there? Meaning: 谁在那儿?Are you (……)? Meaning: 你是(……)吗?我们做个朋友吧! Let us be friends!我有事,再见。 I have something on, bye.星期一学校见。 See you in school on Monday.邮局在哪? Where is the post office?Hope that this helps!!!
2023-01-11 22:16:402


["i ɡli ]
2023-01-11 22:16:496

English Englishman区别

English [ˈiŋɡliʃ]n.英语, 英文English is not easy to master.英语不易掌握。英格兰人adj.英格兰的, 英国的, 英国人的The works of some English artists show an eastern influence.这些英国艺术家的作品显然受了东方的影响。英语的, 用英语写的, 用英语说的 现代英汉综合大辞典 English [ˈiŋɡliʃ]adj.英格兰的英国的, 英国人的; 英语的English Channel英吉利海峡the English literature英国文学the English Prime Minister英国首相English Canadian祖籍英国的加拿大人, 说英语的加拿大人an English translation of the book这本书的英译本English sonnet英国十四行诗 词性变化English [ˈiŋɡliʃ]n.英语[the English][总称]英吉利人, 英国人, 英国人民, 英军[english ](打网球 、弹子球时的)旋转运动[english ]【刷】十四号铅字(约相当于中国四号铅字)vt.把...译成英语使(外国字等)英国化, 使英语化, 使成英国式使(球)旋转The word “Liqueur” is not yet Englished. “Liqueur”这个词尚未被正式采纳为英语。 继承用法Englisher[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃə(r)]n.英国人; 翻译英语的人Englishism[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃɪzɚm]n.英国式; 英国人的特点英国人特有的英语习惯用法Englishryn.(特指住在爱尔兰的英格兰籍的)英国人Englishman [ˈiŋɡliʃmən]n.英格兰(男)人; 英国(男)人谢谢
2023-01-11 22:17:306


你的意思是“English”这个词的缩写嘛?是的话就是“Eng.”.English 的缩写是Eng.但是Eng.不一定是English的意思,它还有其他意思,例如 Electronic News Gathering(电子新闻采访),Empty Net Goal(空门球),等等.
2023-01-11 22:17:541


english表示英国人,英语,英国化的,表示人和语言比较多。england表示英格兰岛,表示地名。英格兰是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的主体,因此习惯上英格兰一词也泛指英国。 English、England区别 一、表达意思不同 1、English:adj.英格兰人的;英格兰的;英文的、n.英语;英格兰人;(台球中的)侧旋、v. 把……译成英语 2、England:n. 英格兰。 二、用法不同 1、English:可以用作表语,还多用于状语从句和定语从句中。 例句:It is often said that the English are reserved. 人们常说英格兰人保守。 2、England:多用于状语从句中,用来修饰主语。 例句:That I could go with him to England. 我要是能和他去英国多好。 English基本含义 n.英语; 英文; (作为一门学科的)英语语言文学; 英语学科; 英格兰人(有时误用以指包括苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰人在内的英国人); adj.英格兰的; 英格兰人的; 英语的; [例句]What books have been set for the English course? 英语课布置要用哪些书? england基本含义 n.英格兰(英国的主要部分),(泛指)英国; [例句]I"ve lived in England for most of my life. 我大半生都住在英格兰。
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英语 英国(美国等国也用)
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英国。English意思是英语、英国的、英格兰的。英 [ˈɪŋglɪʃ]   美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]  n.英语adj.英语的;英国的;英格兰的;英格兰人的1、He is not competent to the task of teaching English. 扩展资料:相关词:一、England英 ["ɪŋɡlənd]   美 [ˈɪŋɡlənd]  n.英格兰;英国She severed her ties with England 她断绝了和英国的往来。二、Britain英 [ˈbrɪtn]   美 [ˈbrɪtn]  n.不列颠,英国The British have a very odd sense of humour.英国人的幽默感很奇特。
2023-01-11 22:18:401


英语的单词:English。 English: n.英语;英文;(作为一门学科的)英语语言文学;英语学科;英格兰人(有时误用以指包括苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰人在内的英国人); adj.英格兰的;英格兰人的;英语的 扩展资料   Can you help me put this letter into good English, please?   请问你能帮我用通顺的英语来表达这信的`内容吗?   American English is significantly different from British English.   美国英语与英国英语有很大差异。   Is English an official language in your country?   英语在你们国家是官方语言吗?   Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law.   尊重生命是英国法律最重要的原则。   She has acquired a good knowledge of English.   她英语已经学得很好。   She"s part French, part English.   她是英法血统各半。   Sorry, my English is not very good.   对不起,我的英语不太好。
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English 英[ˈɪŋglɪʃ] 美[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] n. 英语; adj. 英语的; 英国的; 英格兰的; 英格兰人的; [例句]English students are forced to learn too much too soon.英国学生被迫在极短的时间内学习太多的东西。
2023-01-11 22:19:461


English 英 [ˈɪŋglɪʃ] 美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] n. 英语; adj. 英语的; 英国的; 英格兰的; 英格兰人的; [例句]English students are forced to learn too much too soon.英国学生被迫在极短的时间内学习太多的东西。
2023-01-11 22:20:341

什么是English 的名词?

English 本身就是名词,有英语,英国人,英国的等词义. England是English的词根,是英国的意思,也是名词.
2023-01-11 22:20:391


english和england的区别具体如下:一、表达意思不同1、English:adj.英格兰人的;英格兰的;英文的、n.英语;英格兰人;(台球中的)侧旋、v.把……译成英语2、England:n.英格兰。二、用法不同1、English:可以用作表语,还多用于状语从句和定语从句中。2、England:多用于状语从句中,用来修饰主语。british和english的异同1、 English 是语言;British 不是。2、English 是“英语的”;British 不是。3、 English 是“英格兰的,英格兰人的”; British 不是。4、 British 是“不列颠的,不列颠人的”;English 不是。5、the English 既是“英格兰人”的总称,也是“英国人”的总称;the British 只是“英国人”的总称。
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English 英[ˈɪŋglɪʃ] 美[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] n. 英语; adj. 英语的; 英国的; 英格兰的; 英格兰人的; [例句]English students are forced to learn too much too soon.英国学生被迫在极短的时间内学习太多的东西。
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England 意思是 英格兰、英国English 意思是 英格兰的、英格兰人、英国的、英国人England 用法是 He is from Ehgland 他是来自英格兰English 用法是 He is English 他是英格兰人、他是英国人
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english表示英国人,英语,英国化的. england表示英格兰岛. 主要差别是前者表示人和语言比较多, 后者表示地名.
2023-01-11 22:21:511

谁能解释一下为什么英语要叫english 这个词的由来是什么啊?

早期日耳曼人四支部落(盎格鲁族、撒克逊族、朱特族和弗里西族)移民到英格兰,英语就是从他们的语言中变化继承下来.据《盎格鲁撒克逊编年史》记载,公元449年左右,不列颠群岛国王伏提庚(Vortigern)邀请“盎格鲁亲戚们”来帮助他对抗皮克特人,于是他赐予盎格鲁族东南部的领土作为回报.随后他又进一步寻求支援,撒克逊族、盎格鲁族与朱特族人便纷纷前来.《编年史》记载,最终这些“移民”建立了七个王国:诺森伯利亚、麦西亚、东盎格利亚、肯特、埃塞克斯、苏塞克斯、威塞克斯.日尔曼人入侵后,统治了当地的凯尔特语民族,本地语言主要于苏格兰、威尔士、康瓦耳与爱尔兰岛存活了下来.这些入侵者的语言逐渐形成了“古英语”,与近代弗里西语极为相像.English(英格兰人、英语)、England(英格兰)和East Anglia(东盎格利亚)这三个词是分别从描绘盎格鲁族的词汇发展而来:Englisc、 Angelcynn、Englaland.
2023-01-11 22:21:591


english是形容词,意思是英语的,可作英国人 england是名词,意思是英格兰或广泛的指英国这个地方
2023-01-11 22:22:053


不可以表示国籍English 英[ˈɪŋglɪʃ] 美[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] n. 英语; adj. 英语的; 英国的; 英格兰的; 英格兰人的; [例句]English students are forced to learn too much too soon.英国学生被迫在极短的时间内学习太多的东西。牛津词典 柯林斯词典 双语例句
2023-01-11 22:22:351


British是形容词,意思是不列颠的,英国的;不列颠人的,英国人的;英联邦的;古英语的;名词意思是英国、英语。english 是形容词,意思是英格兰的;英国的;英语的。名词意思为英语,英国人。british和english的异同1. English 是语言;British 不是。2. English 是“英语的”;British 不是。3. English 是“英格兰的,英格兰人的”; British 不是。4. British 是“不列颠的,不列颠人的”;English 不是。5. the English 既是“英格兰人”的总称,也是“英国人”的总称;the British 只是“英国人”的总称。6. British English 英国英语(在英国说和写的英语,尤指与美国英语相区别);English English 英国英语(指英格兰人讲的英语,以区别于其他地区的英语)7. English 和British 的相同点:都可以指“英国的,英国人的”。
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UK单独指国家,English可以有英语和英国人的意思。English英 [ˈɪŋglɪʃ] 美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] n.英语adj.英语的;英国的;英格兰的;英格兰人的Their knowledge of written English is certainly better. 他们的书面英语显然更好。
2023-01-11 22:23:501


English英 [ˈɪŋglɪʃ] 美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] n.英语adj.英语的;英国的;英格兰的;英格兰人的
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英语english["iŋɡliʃ] adj. 英文的;英国的;英国人的n. 英语;英文;英国人;英格兰人vt. 把…译成英语
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english ["iŋɡliʃ] Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries同义词: English language2.the people of England同义词: English people3.the discipline that studies the English language and literature4.(sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist同义词: sideadj.1.of or relating to or characteristic of England or its culture or people2.of or relating to the English language
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义务教育教科书《英语(Go for it!)》七年级上册单词表StarterUnit 1 Good morning!good 好的morning 早晨;上午Good morning! 早上好!hi 嗨;喂 hello 你好;喂 afternoon 下午Good afternoon! 下午好evening 晚上;傍晚Good evening! 晚上好!how 怎样;如何 are 是 you 你;你们 How are you? 你好吗?I 我 am 是fine 健康的;美好的 thanks 感谢;谢谢OK 好;可以HB (铅笔芯)硬黑 CD 光盘;激光唱片 BBC 英国广播公司Alice 艾丽斯(女名)Bob 鲍勃(男名)Cindy 辛迪(女名)Dale 戴尔(男名)Eric 埃里克(男名)Frank 弗兰克(男名)Grace 格蕾丝(女名)Helen 海伦(女名)Starter Unit 2 What"s this in English?what 什么is 是this 这;这个in 用(表示使用语音;材料等)用;以English 英语;英格兰的;英语的in English 用英语map 地图cup 杯子 ruler 尺;直尺pen 笔;钢笔orange 橙子jacket 夹克衫 key 钥匙 quilt 被子;床罩it 它 a(an) (用于单数可数名词前,表示未曾提到的) 一(人、事、物)that 那;那个spell 用字母拼;拼写 please 请NBA (美国)全国篮球协会 P 停车场;停车位Kg 千克;公斤 StarterUnit 3 What color is it?color (=colour) 颜色red 红色(的) yellow 黄色(的) green 绿色(的) blue 蓝色(的)black 黑色(的)white 白色(的)purple 紫色(的)brown 棕色(的);褐色(的)the 指已提到或易领会到的人或事物now 现在;目前see 理解;明白can 能;会say 说,讲 my 我的 S (尤指服装的尺码)小号的 M (尤指服装的尺码)中号的 L (尤指服装的尺码)大号的UFO 不明飞行物 CCTV 中国中央电视台Unit 1My name"s 名字;名称nice 令人愉快的;宜人的to 常用语原形动词前,表示该动词为不定式 meet 遇见;相逢 too 也;又;太 your 你的;你们的Ms. (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明婚否)女士his 他的 and 和,又,而 her 她的yes 是的;可以she 她he 他 no 不;没有;不是 not 不;没有zero 零 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五six 六 seven 七eight 八nine 九 telephone 电话;电话机number 号码;数字phone 电话;电话机 telephone/ phone number 电话号码 first 第一 first name 名字last 最后的;末尾的last name 姓 friend 朋友 China 中国 middle 中间的;中间 school 学校 middle school 中学;初中 Gina 吉娜(女名)Jenny 珍妮(女名)Brown 布朗(姓)Alan 艾伦(男名)Tom 汤姆(男名)Mike 迈克(男名)Jack 杰克(男名)Mary 玛丽(女名)Miller 米勒(姓)Linda 琳达(女名)Jane 简(女名)Green 格林(姓)Smith 史密斯(姓)Unit 2 This is my sister.sister 姐;妹 mother 母亲;妈妈father 父亲;爸爸 parent 父(母)亲brother 兄;弟grandmother (外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥grandfather (外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷 grandparent 祖父(母);外祖父(母)family 家;家庭 those 那些 who 谁;什么人 oh 喔;啊these 这些 they 他(她;它)们 well 嗯;好吧 have 有 day 一天;一日;白天Have a good day! (表示祝愿)过得愉快!bye (=goodbye) 再见son 儿子 cousin 堂兄(弟、姊、妹);表兄(弟、姊、妹)grandpa (外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷mom ( = mum ) 妈妈 aunt 姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母grandma (外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥dad 爸爸 uncle 舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父daughter 女儿here (用以介绍某人或者某物)这就是;在这里photo 照片 of 属于(某人或者某物;关于(某人或某物)next 下一个(的);接下来(的)picture 照片;图画 girl 女孩 dog 狗 Sally 萨利(女名)Kate 凯特(女名)Paul 保罗(男名)Unit 3 Is this your pencil?pencil 铅笔book 书eraser 橡皮box 箱;盒pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒schoolbag 书包 dictionary 词典;字典 his 他的mine 我的 hers 她的excuse 原谅;宽恕me (I 的宾格)我 excuse me 劳驾;请原谅thank 谢谢teacher 老师;教师about 关于 What about...? (询问消息或醍醐建议)……怎么样?……好吗?yours 你的;你们的thank 谢谢for 为了;给;对thank you for…为……而感谢help 帮助;援助 welcome 受欢迎的You"re welcome. 别客气。 baseball 棒球 watch 表;手表 computer 计算机;电脑game 游戏;运动;比赛 card 卡片ID card 学生卡;身份证 notebook 笔记本ring 戒指bag 袋;包in 在......里library 图书馆ask 请求;要求;询问ask…for…请求;恳求find (found /faund/ ) 找到;发现some 一些;某些;有些;有的classroom 教室 e-mail 电子邮件 ( = email) at (提供电话号码时使用)按照;根据;在(某处;某时间;某时刻)call 给(……)打电话 lost (动词lose的过去式)遗失;丢失 must 必须 set 一套;一副;一组 a set of一套;一副;一组Anna 安娜(女名)John约翰(男名)David 戴维(男名)Unit 4Where"s my schoolbag?where 在哪里;到哪里 table 桌子bed 床 bookcase 书架;书柜 sofa 沙发chair 椅子 on 在……之上 under 在……之下come 来;来到come on 快点desk 书桌think 认为;想;思考room 房间their 他(她;它)们hat 帽子head 头yeah 是的;对 know 知道;了解radio 收音机;无线电广播clock 时钟 tape 磁带;录音带;录像带player 播放机tape player 录音机model 模型 plane 飞机model plane 飞机模型tidy 整洁的;井井有条的but 但是our 我们的everywhere 处处;到处;各个地方always 总是Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?do (第三人称单数形式does) 用于构成否定句和疑问句;做;干have 有tennis 网球 ball 球ping-pong 乒乓球bat 球棒;球拍soccer (英式)足球soccer ball (英式)足球volleyball 排球basketball 篮球 hey 嘿;喂 let 让us (we的宾格) 我们let"s= let us 让我们(一起)go 去;走we 我们 late 迟到has (have 的第三人称单数形式)有 get 去取(或带来);得到great 美妙的;伟大的 play 参加(比赛或活动);玩耍sound 听起来好像 interesting 有趣的boring 没趣的;令人厌烦的fun 有趣的;使人快乐的;乐趣;快乐difficult 困难的relaxing 轻松的 watch 注视;观看TV 电视;电视机watch TV 看电视 same 相同的love 爱;喜爱with 和……在一起;带有;使用sport 体育运动them (they 的宾格)他(她;它)们only 只;仅 like 喜欢;喜爱 easy 容易的;不费力的after 在……以后class 班级;课classmate 同班同学Bill 比尔(男名)Unit 6 Do you like bananas?banana 香蕉 hamburger 汉堡包tomato 西红柿ice-cream 冰激凌salad 沙拉strawberry 草莓 pear 梨milk 牛奶bread 面包birthday 生日dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐week 周;星期think about 思考;思索food 食物sure 当然;肯定;一定How about...? ……怎么样?burger (=hamburger)汉堡包vegetable 蔬菜 fruit 水果right 正确的;适当的apple 苹果then 那么egg 蛋;鸡蛋carrot 胡萝卜rice 大米;米饭chicken 鸡肉so (引出评论或问题) 那么breakfast 早餐;早饭lunch 午餐 star 明星;星星eat 吃well 好;令人满意地habit 习惯healthy 健康的 really 真正地question 问题want 需要;想要be 变成fat 肥的;肥胖的Unit7 How much are these socks?much 许多;大量;多少How much...?(购物时)……多少钱?sock 短袜T-shirt T恤衫shorts (pl.) 短裤sweater 毛衣trousers (pl.) 裤子shoe 鞋skirt 裙子dollar 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$)big 大的;小号的small 小的;小号的short 短的,矮的long 长的woman (pl. women)女子Call I help you? 我能帮您吗?need 需要 look 看;看上去pair 一双;一对take 买下;拿;取Here you are. 给你。ten 十eleven 十一 twelve 十二 thirteen 十三fifteen 十五 eighteen 十八 twenty 二十 thirty 三十 Mr. (用于男子的姓氏或姓名前)先生 clothes (pl.)衣服;服装store 商店buy 购买;买sale 特价销售:出售sell 出售;销售;卖 all 所有的;全部的very 很;非常price 价格boy 男孩a pair of 一双Unit 8 When is your birthday?when (疑问副词) 什么时候month 月;月份January 一月February 二月March 三月April 四月May 五月June 六月July 七月August 八月September 九月 October 十月November 十一月December 十二月happy 愉快的;高兴的Happy birthday! 生日快乐!old 年老的;旧的How old…? 多大年纪? ……几岁了?party 聚会;晚会See you! 再见! first 第一 second 第二third 第三 fifth 第五eighth 第八ninth 第九twelfth 第十二twentieth 第二十 test 测验;检查trip 旅游:旅行art 艺术;美术festival (音乐、戏剧等的)会演节;节日dear 亲爱的student 学生thing 东西:事情 term 学期busy 忙碌的;无暇的 time 时间 Have a good time! (表示祝福)过得愉快!there (在)那里 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.favorite (=favourite)特别喜爱的(人或事物)subject 学科;科目science 科学P.E. 体育 music 音乐;乐曲 math 数学 Chinese 语文;汉语;汉语的;中国的geography 地理(学)history 历史why 为什么 because 因为Monday 星期一Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六for sure 无疑;肯定free 空闲的cool 妙极的;酷的Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四Sunday 星期日A.M. (=a.m.)上午P.M. (= p.m.)下午useful 有用的,有益的 from (表示开始的时间)从……开始from… to… 从……到…… Mrs. (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;夫人finish 完成;做好 lesson 课;一节课 hour 小时
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2023-01-11 22:17:154

airport,train station,study分别是什么意思

机场, 火车站, 书房
2023-01-11 22:17:151


The value of friends I am losing friends left and right, well, actually, only left. Some friendships, however, have been strengthened during this election. When I was 6, I learned a song: "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other"s gold." Even as a child, I was a born raconteur, so I always had lots of friends. But, by the time I got to fourth grade, I was already getting into political brawls. Early on, I began living my politically active mother"s joke, "My name, it opens some doors and closes others." I learned to tone it down a bit by the time I got to college. As a theater major, it was fun in an acting class one day, when we each had to pretend to be another student. I chose to mimic a beautiful petite girl with long dark hair. She was my polar opposite, this former cheerleader-turned-hippie-princess named Michelle. She got a kick out of my impression of her. I thought it was cool that she could laugh at herself. We began a friendship that has brought us to the present day. Yet we were always opposites. I am Roman Catholic, she is Jewish. I am tall, she is short. One rainy afternoon on campus, Michelle insisted on carrying the umbrella for both of us, (I don"t think I stood up straight until the next day!) Back then, she was as passionate a Democrat as I was a Republican. However, my friend and I still had something in common that was more important than all the differences. We shared the same values and they showed up in a dozen little ways. That is why we are friends almost 30 years later. Furthermore, she had been moving in my direction politically before, but Sept. 11, 2001, brought us to a new level of communication. We have bonded even more during this election. Sadly, I also have re-evaluated some other friendships as tensions increased due to the Kerry-Edwards demagoguery. This is the first time in memory that I"ve even been appalled by both spouses of the Democratic ticket. I rather liked Tipper Gore and Hadassa Lieberman. I thought they were sweet. And that"s the way I used to feel about my liberal pals. But, now a Teresa Heinz-Kerry-like irrationality/Elizabeth Edwards snotty innuendo has infected some of them -- and it makes them unpleasant to be around. This election may leave those friendships in its wake. The outlook is definitely not good for their Christmas card inclusion. Sept. 11, Iraq, the demonization of Israel by Kerry"s European fans, the beheadings -- all of the latter just doesn"t seem to change the "90s mentality of those I know who are voting for the Democratic Party ticket. Like Kerry, they still seem to consider the United States" life-and-death struggle a nuisance. These liberal friends of mine are certainly not bad people, but deep down, they still don"t get that we are at war with a greater evil than any of us has ever known. Combined with the extremism culturally on the left, these people are becoming more than a nuisance themselves. The sobering fact is that these friendships are just too taxing (in both senses of that word). Those relationships have become like old prom dresses in that they just don"t fit anymore. There comes a point where some associations can become a fire hazard in one"s closet. It may be time to do spring cleaning, even if the season is autumn. Sure, friends can"t agree on everything, nor are they supposed to but though I may think someone"s a nice person, fun, etc., increasingly deep differences in our world view can"t be ignored in these frightening times. Three decades later, Michelle is no longer the shorter-than-me actress who insisted on carrying the umbrella as we walked to class, though she is still shorter than me. But she and I easily walk together under an umbrella of shared concerns. A few weeks ago we sat side by side at a most moving event celebrating Jewish and Christian support of Israel and each other. Yet, we still live very different lives. My college friend has been married for 25 years to the love of her life, the mother of three and an executive in an entertainment corporation. And meanwhile her single free-lancing writer/actress friend, even after all these years still does impressions of her only in print now. Happily, others have also come along to become comrades in arms this election. They represent a diversity in lifestyle that would warm any liberal"s heart (although said liberal wouldn"t warm our hearts). There"s Genie the stockbroker, Cathy the casting director, Robin the mom of one of my former acting students, Sally the daughter of one of my mother"s old friends and many others. Their e-mail messages and calls let me know that though other friendships may wither during this election, I"m hardly alone. They all have a point of view that enables us to skip to shorthand. ("Did you read Drudge?" "Yep!") All of these women make up my own personal non-elitist version of "The View, The Conservative Cut." Yes, now those old children"s lyrics resonate with a new meaning in "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold." Regretfully, without shared values even after this tumultuous election of 2004, some friendships may have turned to a tin that rings hollow in these perilous times. By the way, I recently chatted with one of those former Brownies who sang with me so long ago, She is a "security mom." She is voting for George W. Bush and she will definitely be included on my Christmas card list. 自己精简的选点吧 找的是很经典的 Friendship Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life. As students, we could share more time with our friends. The friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. Especially when I had Justin as one of my best friends. Justin was my English teacher from the USA. I met him in 1996 when I was a student who could only speak very little English. Justin was a vivid young man with a bright smile on his face, and he always had his special way to make the class active and attractive. He taught us English by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing. I could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we fin-ished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on Christmas Eve. It was so interesting and unforgettable. Justin was an excellent teacher, because he taught us not only how to study English well, but also the way to find out the beauty of the world and the way to be angels to others" lives. I know there was friendship and pure love in our hearts. Facing this valuable emotion neither nationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith, under-standing, and care. Justin is the best friend I have ever had, and I know I will cherish those days of staying together with him as the best part of my memory. Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink. However, in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. More and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of life and -the beauty of friendship. They work hard in order to gain a higher position, in the society and to earn more money for their work. Of course, we don"t deny that it is important to find a bet-ter place in our lives, but we wish more and more people could pay a little more attention to themselves and their friends. All of us have to spare some time for personal lives. We have to find the chance to express our emotion and love. When staying with our friends, we can release ourselves completely. We can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether. I should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives. As we know, we would feel lonely if we didn"t even have a friend. But it doesn"t mean we could depend on our friends all the time. There is a famous motto saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” It is really true. We have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. When we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can. Finally, let"s pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. Let"s pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts
2023-01-11 22:17:173

Current station中文是什么意思

Current station意思是:当前的(车)站分析:currentadj.现在的;最近的;流行的;流传的stationn.车站;所,局;身份;电视台
2023-01-11 22:17:211


2023-01-11 22:17:143

“辉” 字的行书写法

2023-01-11 22:17:132

street station意思啊

1.过马路 2.前者意思:转左到天桥路里面; 后者意思:在天桥路左转 (at是“在.”的意思; into是“进去”的意思) 3.across是作介词或副词,要与动词连用:go across cross 是作动词:cross the street 4.All the pictures are drawn by the drawer. 这些画都是(被)这个画家画的. be动词加动词的过去分词表示被动,draw的过去分词是drawn 5.The police station is in Tongzhi Street,on the right. 6.He lives from the street across the post office. 选择(D)
2023-01-11 22:17:101


2023-01-11 22:17:092