barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-09-14 13:15:05







  尽量使用自己熟悉的已经掌握的词汇和句型,长短句子要结合,尽量使用简单句,正确选择人称和时态。若一时想不起某个单词的拼写,可“ 绕道而行”, 由同义词或近义词来代替, 也可使用同义句或者正话反说。如“他英语学得很好” ,可以说He studies English very well./ He is goodat English./ He does well in English. 或者HisEnglish isn"t poor. 这是关键的一步,只有把握好这一关,才能有效地减少错误的发生。


  适当发挥但不能脱离中心, 还要符合字数要求,切忌多多益善。古人云“言多易失”,你写得越多,出错的几率就越大,所以不可画蛇添足,为了语言的连贯性,适当使用过渡词,如and、then、so、or、but等,可使文章锦上添花。




  文章写完后, 一定要回过头来认真检查,检查时注意以下要点①文章是否符合题意要求,要点有无遗漏②语言是否流畅,语法是否正确,包括单词拼写、大小写,标点符号;动词时态,语态,名词单复数,所有格,主谓一致,词语搭配等。总之,英语书面表达能力的提高是一个从量变到质变的过程,需要我们平时在学习中多注意,多积累,从根本上解决存在的问题,这样才有“一份耕耘,一份收获”,也才能让自己“下笔如有神”。


  Dear editor,

  I"m sorry to trouble you. I have a daughter. She is 13 years old. She likes making telephone calls. As soon as he gets back from school, she picks up the telephone and calls her classmates. She talks and talks, sometimes for 2 or 3 hours. We can"t use it. I tell him not to do it, but she is unhappy. What should I do?

  A worried father


  1. 本文主要谈如何纠正孩子爱打电话的问题,属于学生比较熟悉的话题。

  2. 本文的格式是书信。特别要求学生注意称呼、正文、结束语和署名。

  3. 问题的解决可从内因和外因两个方面出发。内因可以从学生的天职是学习去谈;外因可以去找老师,找同学的家长帮忙,也可以为她安装上部电话,让她付话费。

  4. 本文属于论述文,要求在文章中有明确的观点,并用事例论证。


  Dear Sir,

  Don"t worry. You can have a word with her and tell her what to do. As a student, she must put her heart into the study. Making telephones too much is bad for her study. If she goes on doing it, you can tell it to her teachers. I think they can help you.

  You can also find out whom your daughter calls up. You may ask their parents for help.

  You may buy a telephone for her. She can make telephone calls with her own telephone, but she must pay for it by herself.


  Li Lei

  Lin Ping



  Write at least 60 words about the topic “Face life with a smile.”(以“笑对人生”(微笑着面对生活)为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


  The following points must be included. (下列要点必须包含。)

  u25ba How do you usually face life? / Do you usually face the life with a smile?

  u25ba Especially when should you smile to face life? (Give at least two examples.)

  u25ba Why?



  Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “My view on using the Internet.” (以“我对使用因特网的看法”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


  Suggested questions (以下问题仅供参考)

  u25baWhat are your views on using the Internet?

  u25ba Why do you think so? (Give at least two reasons.)

  u25ba What are your suggestions to using the Internet properly?


  Write at least 60 words about the topic "The ways I deal with my problem(s) in study".



  Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考)

  u25ba What problem(s) do you have in study?

  u25ba How do you deal with the problem(s)?

  u25ba What can you learn from your experience of dealing with the problem(s)?



  Write at least 60 words about the topic " has helped me to learn a lot ". (以“ 使我受益匪浅”为题写一篇不少于60个字的短文,标点符号不占格。)


  Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考)

  ● What has helped you to learn a lot?

  ● When did you first take it up?

  ● How did it help you? Give some examples.



书面表达用英语表达:Written expression; written adj.书面的;笔头的;以书信(或文件等)形式的;成文的;正式的; v.编写;书写;写作;写字;作曲;写信; expression n.表示;表达;表露;表情;神色;词语;措辞;表达方式 扩展资料   这四幅画对你做这篇书面表达有所帮助。   These four pictures will help you to do the writing.   较好的`语言、书面表达能力,熟练使用英语。   Skillful at oral and written expression, with English proficiency.   文中也提出了一些提高书面表达能力的设想。   Some effective ways to improve linguistic competence are also proposed.   英语学习者书面表达中词汇强势语的误用分析   Misuse analysis of the lexical intensifiers in written expressions of English learners   他缺乏书面表达能力。   He had no talent for expressing himself on paper.   优秀的中英文口头及书面表达能力。   Good verbal& written communication skills in both English and chinese.
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书面表达是什么意思 什么是书面表达

2023-09-04 11:04:551

如何写好书面表达 [如何做好书面表达]

  《考试说明》书面表达评分标准中最高档次的要求为:覆盖所有内容要点,应用了较高级的语法结构和词汇,有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。   这几句话不仅涵盖了评分的标准和依据,更重要的是为我们进行书面表达指明了方向,提供了思路,发挥了指导棒的功能。   审题是写好文章的第一步,审题时要注意把握好三个方面,即文体、人称、时态。书面表达常见的几种文体是记叙文、说明文、议论文。      一、多样化句式的写作效果      为了使文章生动活泼,除了用主语开头外,还可以用句子的其他成分开头。   1.用副词开头:Too often,students fall into the habit of cheating on tests.    Regretfully, the woman driver didn"t stop but fled as quickly as possible.   2.用同位语开头:Air, water and oxygen,everything is necessary for life.   3.用状语开头:Dark and empty, the house looked very different from the way I remembered it.   4.用表语开头:Equally important to the highest success in learning a language are intense interest plus persistent effort.   5.用宾语开头:My advice you would not listen to; my helps you laughed at. Now you will have what you asked for.   6.用介词短语开头:To me the news was very interesting, but to my wife very boring.   In front of the school is the newly-built building.      二、常用的一些关联词      1.时间:now thenbefore/after/later/soon/first/next meanwhile/finally/at last/in the end   2.因果:because/since/so/as a result/therefore/thusbecause of this/for this reason/in that case   3.附加递进 also and/then/in addition/furthermore/moreover/what"s more   4.比较:like/unlike/similarly/just as/in the same way   5.对照:but/still/however/otherwise/nevertheless/ on the other hand/on the contrary   6.让步:dispite/in spite of/though/even though/no matter how/ what/when   7.目的:for this purpose/so that/in order that   8.列举解释:for example/such as/in other words   9.总结:in a word/in summary/in conclusion/in short in brief/that is/from above      三、书面表达训练点评      写作要求:   简要介绍学校布局,校园中间是教学楼,两旁分别为体育馆和图书馆,操场在街对面。适当发挥,不少于70词。   学生习作:   Dear friend, (1)   I"m writing to tell you something about my school. Now I stand on the road leading to the school gate.(2) In front of me stands our teaching building, every day we happily study altogether. On my left, there exists a gym. In it, you can do some exercises on the PE equipment. On my right stands the library with many books, and it was there that students can read a lot freely. The playgroud is across the street, where we can have PE classes.   纠错诊所:   (1)文章的开头和第一句话用了书信格式, 说明没有认真审题, 这种失误是写作之大忌。   (2)在这篇文章中作者的写作思路很清晰,使自己立足于通向学校门口的大路上,然后介绍学校的布局。但是 “我” 在文章中应该是隐形的,即读者能够从文章中看出作者的立足点。所以这句话纯属画蛇添足。   教师点评:   这是一篇说明文。习作者能够按照写作要求对学校进行简要介绍,要点齐全,以空间方位顺序清楚合理地概括了学校的布局,遣词造句均能达意,并较好地使用了一些较高级词汇和结构如倒装句、强调句等,整体来看是一篇不错的文章。从出错的地方看,习作者有点粗心大意,没有认真细致地审题,想当然地写成了书信格式。而且,说明文要求能够客观地描述某一事物,所以作者不应把自己置身其中。      参考范文:   Our school is very beautiful,now let me introuduce it to you.   In front of the road stands the teaching building, every day we happily study altogether. On the left,there exists a gym, in it we can do some exercises on the PE equipment. On the right stands the library with many books, and it was there that students can read a lot freely. The playground is across the street, where we can have PE classes.
2023-09-04 11:05:071


英语中书面表达是 就是写作。初中中考写作分值是10分。
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中考即将到来的时刻,英语复习应更多地集中在中、难度题型的练习上,今天和同学们谈谈书面表达这个题型。写作是英语综合能力的形式,这个形式体现学生本人的词汇量大小;单词、词组和句子的运用能力及逻辑思维能力。下面就一个有关锻炼身体的话题和一封写给父母的信,从构思、文章结构到写作的方法来看如何完成这样的书面表达。  例1:  随着阳光体育运动在全国开展,政府对中学生身体素质有所下降这个问题给予了高度重视,提出了这样的标语:“EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY”。同学们参加了各种体育锻炼之后,校园里出现了可喜的变化,强身健体,增强了学习效果,校园生活丰富了。请你报道一下学校开展这一活动的情况。  注意:1. 词数80—100左右。  2. 要求文章结构合理、内容通顺、句子连贯。  参考词汇:build up one"s body strength 强健身体  reduce diseases 减少疾病  构思方法:  1.认真阅读、理解和思考题目中给出的所有信息点。信息点是围绕着提示从文字中扣出来的。  2.这个题目的信息点应该是:  a.阳光体育;  b.政府重视中学生身体;  c.提出的标语;  d.参加了各种体育锻炼;  e.有利于强身健体;  f.增强了学习效果;  g.校园生活丰富了。  写作方法:  1.安排以上信息点在文中的逻辑关系。  2.用所掌握的词汇、词组、固定句型将所有信息点表现在文章中。(the Sunny Sports, pay attention to the health of the students, raise the slogan, take part in the exercise, build up one"s body strength, reduce diseases, make study effective, school life, colourful)  3.文章最后加入个人评价(观点)。  下面是学生的作文:  (1)  As the Sunny Sports is developing in our country, the government has paid attention to the health of the students and raised, "EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY". So far our school life has changed a lot. Now we have more time to do sport in the morning or after school. We play football, basketball, badminton and swim. They let our brains relax and make our school life more colorful. We have become more energetic. Above all our study has all been improved.  Let"s take exercise every day. It can build up our body strength and reduce diseases.  (2)  Doing sport builds up our body strength and reduces diseases.  Though we lead a better life, our health is becoming worse now. So "EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY,KEEP ILLNESS AWAY" has been raised by the government.  At noon or after school we play ball games, swimming and running. Look!The playground seems smaller because lots of students are playing on it.The school life has become colorful and we are energetic.As a result we study harder and better.  The Sunny Sports has brought an exciting change to us. Let"s keep on doing it.  这是两个学生的习作,他们分别以独特的思路和风格,利用丰富的词汇、准确的时态、简单句和复合句的搭配、合理的构思使文章语言流利,一气呵成,展现了扎实的英语语法功底和综合运用能力。  例2:  健康对于我们每个人来说是非常重要的,但你的父母天天忙于工作而忽略了这个问题,你很为他们担忧。请你以此为话题,并结合提示给他们写一封信。  提示:1.要走路去上班,而不是开车或坐车;  2.每周至少去体育馆锻炼一次,或打球、或游泳;  3.饮食要健康;  4.不要工作太晚,要早休息。  要求:1.短文结构完整,意思连贯,语言流畅,语法准确,符合逻辑;  2.80—100词左右;  3.开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。  构思方法:  1.找到信息点。  2.这个题目的信息点应该是:  a.作为儿(女)担忧父(母)的身体状况;  b.上班最好步行;  c.每周至少一次到体育场馆从事体育锻炼(球类运动、游泳等);  d.健康的饮食;  e.早睡不熬夜。  写作方法:  1.首先要谈到对父(母)的身体状况担忧。  2.然后引出希望父(母)怎么做。  3.作为小辈向父母提出建议和要求时,要注意语气,不可以命令。  4.注意信的写作格式。  学生的作文:  (1)  Dear Dad(Mum),  You"re so busy every day that you don"t pay much attention to your health. I"m worried about your health all the time. I"d like to give you some suggestions. I hear walking is the best sport. Your company isn"t far from home, is it? Why not walk to the office? You"d better take exercise at least once a week, such as playing tennis in the gym. Going to swim is also a nice choice, too. What"s more, it"s necessary to have healthy food. Try not to stay up too late. Having enough sleep can help your brain work better.  Dad, please accept my advice. I really wish you healthy!  Your loving son (daughter)  Tom (Mary)  (2)  Dear Dad(Mum),  You"re so busy every day that you don"t pay much attention to your health.I am worried about you. I hope you can keep healthy. You often drive to your office. It is not far.What about walking there because it can make you much stronger?I"d like you to play basketball or go swimming in the gym at least once a week. It is important to eat healthy food such as vegetables, meat, eggs and fruits. Though your work is hard, I still hope that you can go to bed early so that you can get enough sleep.  I"m looking forward to receiving your letter.  Your loving son (daughter)  Tom (Mary)  这两篇作文使用了I"d like to…,Why not…?It is important to do…,Try not to do…,I hope that…,What about doing…?I"d like you to do…,You"d better do…等婉转口气的请求句式,表达出了作者对父(母)的关心,信息点完整,内容充实,注重了书信的结尾形式求采纳为满意回答。
2023-09-04 11:07:471


我一天的学习生活(My School Day) I get up at six in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After a quick breakfast, I go to school in my mother"s car. It takes us more than half an hour to get there. We have four hour classes in the morning. I have luch at my grandparents", because their home is nearer to my school. After two classes in the afternoon, school is over. Then we clean our classroom. I get home at about half past five. We have dinner at seven. After dinner I do my homework. If I finish my homesork early, I can watch TV for half an hour. I go to bed at half past nine or ten. 【参考译文】 我早晨六点起床,然后我洗脸、刷牙。匆匆吃完早饭,我坐妈妈的车上学。我们要用半个多小时才能到达学校。 我们上午上四节课。我在爷爷奶奶家吃午饭,因为他们家离学校更近些。 下午上两节课后就放学了,然后我们打扫教室。 我大约五点半到家。我们七点吃晚饭。晚饭后我做作业。如果我完成作业早一些,我可以看半小时电视。我九点半或十点睡觉。第二篇供你参考My School DayI am a student. I get up at half past six every morning. Then I have breakfast. At about 7, I go to school on foot, because my home is near the school. The lesson begins at 7:30. There are four lessons in the morning. At about 12, I go home and have lunch. Then I have a break. At about 1:30, I go to school again. Lessons begin at 2:00 in the afternoon. There are two lessons in the afternoon. Then I can do some sports at about 4. I usually play basketball with my classmates, because basketball is my favourite sports. Sometimes I will play football with my classmates. At about 5, I go home and have supper. After supper, I will wash the dishes and do my homework. I don"t go to bed until 10 in the evening.
2023-09-04 11:08:001


Dear Jim, I an very happy to study in my new school.It has a history of 100 years and is located in the shore of Yellow River. Teachers here posses rich teaching experience and we have advaced teaching ficilities.,as well as a large numer books in our library. Students who live in school are require to get up at 5:50 and do morning exercise, we discuss about this issue heatly and opinions vary from student to student differently. From my standpoint of view, this is a wise and rewarding decision. For the simple reason thar we can sttengthen our physical quality and spend more time on reading. How is everything going with you?Miss you very much and look forward to hearing from you soon. Brst wishes! Yours truly Li Hua
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  高考英语书面表达必备词组句型公式,都掌握了你就是赞了。下面是我给大家整理的高考英语书面表达必备词组句型公式的相关知识,供大家参阅!   高考英语书面表达必备词组句型公式1   1. 尽力,尽最大的努力 do / try oneu2019s best   2. 尽量利用,善用 make the best of   3. 一切顺利,万事如意 all the best   4. 黑体地,粗体地 in bold   5. 出身于农民家庭 be born in a peasantu2019s family   6. 鞠躬 make a bow   7. 动动脑子 use oneu2019s brains   8. 打破纪录 break the record   9. 深吸一口气 take a deep breath   10. 屏息;憋住气 hold oneu2019s breath   11. 上气不接下气 out of breath   12. 刷牙 brush oneu2019s teeth   13. 突然哭起来 burst into tears   14. 突然一阵大笑 a burst of laughter   15. 要不是 but for   16. 呼救声 a call for help   17. 保持镇静(别慌) keep calm   18. 保持安静(别吵) keep quiet   19. 保持不动(别动) keep still   20. 保持沉默(别说话) keep silent   高考英语书面表达必备词组句型公式2   1. 惊讶于u2026 be astonished at sth.   2. 以前,曾经 at one time   3. 注意 pay attention to   4. 对u2026抱正确的态度 take a correct attitude towards sth.   5. 引起(注意,兴趣等) attract oneu2019s attention   6. 仰卧/仰泳 lie / swim on oneu2019s back   7. 重感冒 a bad cold   8. 两件行李 two pieces of baggage   9. 保持/失去平衡 keep / lose oneu2019s balance   10. 在舞会上 at the ball   11. 洗冷水澡 have / take a cold bath   12. 阵亡 be killed in battle   13. 在海滩 on the beach   14. 整理床铺 make the bed   15. 以u2026开始 begin with   16. 在u2026起始,开始 at the beginning of   17. 自始自终 from beginning to end   18. 形成u2026局面;产生 come into being   19. 安全带 a safety belt   20. 三思而后行。 Second thoughts are best.   高考英语书面表达必备词组句型公式3   1. 夏令营 a summer camp   2. 去野营 go camping   3. 情不自禁u2026 cannot help doing   4. 打牌 play cards   5. 照顾,保管 take care of   6. 医疗护理 medical care   7. 假若那样的话 in that case   8. 以防万一 in case   9. 下倾盆大雨 rain cats and dogs   10. 赶上(或超过) catch up with   11. 偶然 by chance   12. 免费 free of charge   13. 主管,在掌管之下 in charge   14. 由u2026负责 in the charge of   15. 掌管,负责 take charge   16. 高兴起来 cheer up   17. 童年时 in oneu2019s childhood   18. 挑选,选择 make a choice   19. 圣诞节时 at Christmas   20. 去做礼拜 go to church   
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2023-09-04 11:09:214


I am a stuudent of No.3 Middle School.My school is not as big as others,but it has a good environment.With trees and many unknow flowers grown in my school,you may feel like closeing to nature every day.the teachers are warm-hearted and patient,whenever something worries you,you can turn to them for help.Students of our school are kind and outgoing,everone pours themselves into studying.(学习情况是指你的,还是整个学校的?)
2023-09-04 11:09:333


假设你的好朋友比尔的英语学习有困难,请给他写一封50-80词的信,提几条如何学好英语的建议。Dear Bill, It sounds good. You may start from listening beautiful English song. In addition, you can read some English novels.
2023-09-04 11:09:443


又到了桂花飘香的季节,满树金黄的桂花散发着泌人的幽香,我的家乡就掩映在这花香里,多么诱人,多么惬意啊。它让记忆变成一个多情的蝴碟,重新盘旋在童年的记忆里。我的童年的时光就是在奶奶家后院的两棵桂花树间嬉戏……桂花树香一直伴我成长。   在改革开放的浪潮中,我的家乡由一个全国最小的江浦县城已经变为一个多彩繁华的江浦街道,繁荣而昌盛,美丽而可爱。从前低矮、破旧的老屋早已被新颖别致的高楼大厦取代了。我们都住进了钢筋混凝土盖的高楼,再也感受不到儿时在自家院子里桂花树下玩耍的快乐了。家乡的文明和进步难道就是要牺牲这些宝贵的童趣为代价吗?沉浸在家乡变化中的喜悦心头又涌起难以言状的惆怅。  当年泥泞的小道已不见踪影了。宽阔的高速公路纵横交错,四通八达。在平整、宽阔的柏油马路上,车辆穿梭来往、川流不息。道路两旁绿树成荫,人来人往。以前的瓦房现在变成了豪华的住宅,放眼望去,看到的是一栋栋一排排拔地而起的崭新的高楼大厦。儿童乐园充满着欢乐声,彩灯喷泉装点得像仙境一样。以前交通工具很少,只有三轮车、面包车,而且经常交通堵塞,人们的素质也不高,随地吐痰,乱扔垃圾,排放污水,使周围的环境遭到严重的污染…… 经过整治后的江浦已经看不到那些乱停放的占道做生意的了。放眼看到的都是整洁漂亮的“浦联”的士, 许多小区的路口都竖起“保护环境从我做起”的标牌。人们都开始自发的爱护自己生活的家园。大街上那些男男女女人穿着帅气时髦,让人感觉是走进了大都市;各种各样的超市、商店,星罗棋布;新建的长江二桥和三桥连接南京古城和江浦;洁净的街道和彩色的瓷砖,使人们心情舒畅地散步、闲谈;绿色如茵的绿化带中,散发出各种花的香味,令人流连忘返。哦,我忽然闻到了沁人心脾和熟悉的桂花香味,桂花树下孩童在你追我赶,快乐的又蹦又跳.我又找到熟悉的儿时感觉了.啊,原来改革开放并没有将我记忆中有那个桂花树抹掉!  节假日,人们三五成群的到公园、去野外郊游,充分享受闲暇的快乐时光,苏果超市和金浦广场,每天都人山人海,人们逛商店,大量地购物;大大小小的饭馆,各具风味,吸引了八方来客。     最令人难忘的是江浦的夜景了,你看,那五光十色的霓红灯,把大街小巷照得通亮;一排排的路灯,把公路照得如同白昼,远看就像一条条火龙,这样司机们开车就很安全;还有那各种颜色的激光灯,在夜空扫来扫去,使江浦变成了“不夜城”。  只要你任意走进一个家庭,家用电器一应俱全,如电视机、电冰箱、空调、电话等也得到了普及,不少人家还有私家轿车呢,许多家庭还购置了电脑,用以浏览、查询资料和从事文化娱乐活动,给人们的生活带来了极大的方便和无穷的乐趣。商场、农贸市场的商品琳琅满目,应有尽有。真是一天一个新面貌,一天一个新气象啊!  我爱我的家乡,我全心全意地爱着我的家乡!将来,等我学好本领后,用更先进的科学技术来创造我的家乡,使我的家乡变得更加兴旺发达、美丽可爱!  我祝愿家乡人民与时俱进,开拓进取,讲文明、有礼貌,把江浦建设得更加灿烂辉煌
2023-09-04 11:10:031


My Low-carbon Life With the develop of our mankind society, the natural resources are less and less and the polution is a much more serious problem. It"s important for us to protect the environment. Li Ming, a junior high school student, has set a good example for us. He walks to school every day. Before he leaves the classroom he always turn off the lights, fans and TV set. He remembers to turn off the tap after he uses the water and he reuse the water to wash the toilet. He makes full use of the paper and he doesn"t use the plastic bag. What a good boy he is!
2023-09-04 11:10:141

英语 书面表达

Everyone would be worried in his lifetime.When i"m in trouble and feel bad,i try my best to control my emotion.Because i know that it is bad for my health of body and spirit.So we should believe in ourselves when in trouble.We should keep smiling when face to the life.I have some suggestions above this.We can talk with our friends or parents to share our sadness and ask for some help.And we also need to help others in need,too.However,we should have confidence towards life.Remember one thing that who wants to succeed will find a way,those don"t will find an excuse.欢迎追问 祝学习进步~ 满意请及时采纳 谢谢
2023-09-04 11:10:242


Welcome to China. I"m very glad to introduce Siberian Tigers to you. They are a kind of catamount animals. They look like cats, but much bigger than cats. They are reddish, tan and striped. So they look very beautiful.They are about 1 meter high and 2.2meters long. Their weight is from 160 to 290 kilos. The Siberian Tigers live in the forests and mountains in Northeast of China. They are very ferocious and They eat mainly small animals.To get their fur, some people try their best to kill them. It becomes more and more less. It is said that it is only 10~20 wild ones and 500 in the zoos. We must do our best to protect the Siberian Tigers.欢迎来到中国,我很乐意向你们介绍东北虎。它们是猫科动物的一种,看起来像猫却比猫大很多。它们是淡红色,黄褐色,有条纹的,所以看起来很漂亮。它们大约1米高,2.2米长。重量在160-290公斤之间。东北虎生活在中国北部的深山丛林中,他们十分凶猛,主要以小动物为食。为了得到他们的毛皮,一些人拼命捕杀他们,所以变得越来越少。据说野生的只有10-20头,动物园里有500头。我们必须尽全力保护东北虎。望采纳!
2023-09-04 11:10:341


I went to Beijing with my parents this summer holiday.We went there by plane,it was fast and convenient,the client in Beijing is comfortable.We visited many places of interest there,such as the Great Wall,the Imperial Palace and so on,we took many photos.The foods in Beijing are delicious,I like the Beijing Roast Duck best.We also went shopping in Wangfujing,and bought some souvenirs for my friends.
2023-09-04 11:10:442


Dear mom and dad I came to the school one week ago.I have a good time here.I can do sorts.My classmates are friendly.They come from different counties.The weather here is very warm and wet.But sometimes it"s cold. Yours, limei
2023-09-04 11:10:554


Bues are always crowded in rush hours.Students and office workers go to work or go back homeat that time.There are often full of people and one can hard to get a seat. And so does today.A mother with a kid is in the bus.An old adult offer a seat for her. But the young ignore her. As the youthsuff0cI think it"s necessary for us to offer seats for those who really need themuff0csuch as expectant mothersuff0cdisabled people uff0cold people and so on. First, it"s the behavior of good manners.You are polite enough if you do so.Second,it"s the need of social morality. However,if you can"t achieve this, you are probably a definit person.And as a result,you can"t be trust in the social activities. So,let"s build a good social order from offering a seats,just from you and me.
2023-09-04 11:11:521


2023-09-04 11:12:041


书面表达有更多的时间思考和优化,更容易让人信服。但其实书面表达也有不利的一面。比如,书面表达因为没有互动,是一锤子买卖,一旦对方不喜欢看,直接扔一边去,你其实没有解释的机会。因此,书面表达想要赢得精彩,必须写得漂亮。 口头表达用声音,书面表达用文字,这是两种表达方式在媒介上的区别,但它们的区别可没这么简单,更深层的区别,概括了四个方面。1. 用词用语的区别 你最容易感知到的,是词汇上的差别。音频的内容是口语化的,用词用语在语言 学中被称为 "随意的语言"(spontaneous speech),而书面语则是正规语言(formal language),它们是不同的。如果写的是一份正规的研究报告,里面却用了有不少口语化的词和网络用语,就会给人感觉没有权威性。此外,在口语表达时,同一个概念用同一个词没有问题,但是在书面表达时,这样就显得太无趣,同一个概念,特别是动词,最好来回来去换同义词。因此,书面写作平时积攒足够的词汇量非常重要。2. 表达结构的区别 除了小颗粒的词汇,口语和书面语还有表达结构上的差别。口头表达常常是在时间上从前往后,先因后果地表达。除非是非常重要的事情,否则就要先讲结论,比如你今天出了车祸,打电话向单位请假。但是书面表达,就有很多种表达方式,既可以先讲原因,也可以先讲结果,还可以先把自己要说的大道理讲出来。从前往后,前因后果地写作的一个范例就是诸葛亮的《出师表》。他开篇写道,"先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲敝,此诚危及存亡之秋也…..."这就是先说眼下的情况。然后诸葛亮分析蜀汉的现状和天下大势,说明为什么需要北伐曹魏。这样写自然流畅,大家会感到北伐是历史的选择。 和出师表不同的是,乐毅的《报燕惠王书》是先给结论,讲自己的做法,然后再倒叙说原因。当时赏识乐毅的燕昭王去世了,儿子燕惠王上台后,听信谗言,罢免了伐齐有大功的乐毅,用骑却取代乐毅,乐毅回到母国赵国,结果燕国军队被齐国的田单用火牛阵打败,得到的齐国70余城都丢失了。这时燕惠王才想到乐毅,派人去赵国请乐毅回来。乐毅没有回去,让使者带了一封信回去说明原因。乐毅开篇这样写的,这里直接用白话解释。"臣算不上聪明,不能奉承您的命令,顺从您左右官员的心,又害怕犯了杀头的罪,这样就伤害了先王的英明,又伤害了您的道义,所以逃奔到赵国……"随后乐毅回顾当年燕昭王如何器重他,让他立了不世之功。然后又说今王如何听信小人谗言,不能用忠良,当然,乐毅对此没有直说,而是用了吴王夫差对待功臣伍子胥的做法来暗示。然后表示自己不会回去了。最后乐毅写了一句千古名句"臣闻古之君子,交绝不出恶声;忠臣之去也,不洁其名"。表示不再啰嗦了,大家好聚好散。很多人认为诸葛亮的前后《出师表》在风格上很像乐毅的《报燕惠王书》。诸葛亮自比乐毅,一定是读过这篇千古名文。但是,为什么诸葛亮不采用乐毅的行文结构呢?因为读者不同。诸葛亮好歹是刘禅的臣子,以后还要刘禅支持北伐,不能张口就给结论。而乐毅已经离开燕国了,而且打算和它老死不相往来,就直接给一个痛快话,省得燕惠王看了一半生气扔到一边还不知道结论。当然,乐毅花了很多篇幅写原因,讲道理,其实并不是给燕惠王看的,而是给我们这些后人看的,正因为有这篇文章,后人形成了乐毅忠勇双全儒将的印象。这篇文章写得很动人,包括司马迁在内的很多后人,都觉得它是字字血泪。当然,书面表达也可以先讲自己的道理,比如苏东坡的名篇《留侯论》便是如此,他开篇是这么写的,"古之所谓豪杰之士,必有过人之节。人情有所不能忍者,匹夫见辱,拔剑而起,挺身而斗,此不足为勇也。天下有大勇者,卒然临之而不惊,无故加之而不怒。此其所挟持者甚大,而其志甚远也"。短短几十个字,想讲的意思一清二楚。观点和道理讲完了,苏东坡才讲留侯张良的故事。这篇文章为什么这么写呢? 因为这是苏东坡在参加科举考试谋功名前,给当朝的官员杨政、富等人写"作品集"中的一篇,要表达自己的政治主张。因此,苏东坡要让那些大臣们知道自己的政治见解。不过,苏东坡这种写法是担了一定风险的,因为如果一开篇的几句话不能打动人,即便后面是锦绣文章,也被当官的扔一边去了。但苏东坡是大文豪,开篇几十个字从立意,气势,到韵律都堪称千古名句。由此可以看出,针对不同的读者,出于不同的目的,写文章可以采用不同的结构,相比起来,口语表达的结构比较单一。3.信息方向不同从受众角度来看,口语和书面也有差别。它不光是听和看的差别,更重要的是信息获取方向的不同。人作为听众在接受信息时,完全是单方向线性的,是被动的。所以口头表达一般只能用一个线索,这也是为什么最好一次只讲清楚一个问题的原因;如果要讲几个问题也要一二三顺着来。如果讲话人的思路跳来跳去,听众就不容易跟上。你可能会看到这样的现象,一个人说得太快,对方会说,等一等,我有点跟不上,你再解释解释。这说明两个人的节奏要合拍。但书和文章,读者可以前后来回翻,读书人可以自己控制节奏。那么为了让文章出彩,表达时可以多个线索同时展开,行文在几个线索中来回切换。即使有多个线索,只要安排得好,就不会走丢。而且,在书面表述中,多个线索切换还有好处。因为单纯沿着一根线索读得时间长了,读者会觉得枯燥乏味,而且很累,然后就把书扔一边了。 有些书出于轻松阅读的目的,会在书中插入一些小贴士,其实也是为了起到让读者换换思路的目的。《数学之美》介绍当今的信息科学专家,一些人我为什么不把那些内容集中放到最后,因为安排那些章节的目的,就是让读者在读了比较长时间的数学书后,要调剂一下脑筋。一本好书,通常都有两个以上的线索,而且是互相切换的。写作如同烹调,不是简单把原材料堆积起来就完成了,而是要让原材料混合,烹炒变成一盘很漂亮的菜。4.逻辑复杂度不同口头表达的逻辑比较简单,最常用的是三段论∶大前提,小前提和结论。搞太复杂的逻辑听众就会跟不上。如果需要分层次展开论述一件事情,重要的要放在前面,因为听众通常听五分钟之后,就会走神。在英语里有一个词"the last,but not the least",意思是说"最后一点,但并不因为我放在了最后就不重要",专门用于讲到最后一个论点时,要提醒听众一下打起精神坚持听下去。但书面表达不一样,只要能够不断吸引读者跟着作者的思路走,行文逻辑可以搞得很复杂,而且未必需要重点放在前面。书面表达在论述上常采用的两个手段是"层层递进"和"剧情大反转"。你如果读金庸的武侠小说就能体会第一种,他的书中前面出场的通常是小角色,开始了不得的武功,回过头来看都稀疏平常。至于剧情大反转,就不用多说了,不仅经常给读者留下深刻的印象,而且常常让人回味无穷。畅销小说《达芬奇密码》的作者丹·布朗就经常用这种写作手法,但是由于他用多了,大家都知道他要反转一次,也就不再有悬念,不吸引人了。如果你身边有孩子写作文不知道怎么推进,也不妨告诉他,层层递进和剧情反转都是可以参考的表述方式。层层递进的好处是让人觉得作者思维缜密,思想深刻。剧情反转由于篇幅的原因不能直接使用,可以改良一下使用。具体的做法就是先树立对立面,对立面最好是普通人通常的认知,然后一一推翻自己事先设定的对立面,这样让人感觉作者有独到的见地。《硅谷之谜》其实就是这样展开论述的逻辑的,先把大家印象中的硅谷描述一遍,然后讲,你们想的都是错的,真实情况是下面要讲的。这样读者会发出"原来如此"的感慨。小结∶ 书面表达在用语、结构、信息方向和逻辑复杂度上跟口语表达有很大的差别,明白了这几点,也就能理解,阅读和写作,难度比口语要高得多,是我们语文学习的重点。
2023-09-04 11:12:501


Dear Dave:Thank you very much for your invitations to Beijing.I"m very glad to receive your beautiful postcards which I like very much while on my birthday.Sorry for I can"t come to Beijing.Because my mother is ill in hospital ,and she needs to be taken care of,as well as I"m preparing for the coming examations,I can"t go to Beijing.Thanks for your letter.I must stop now . Yours,sincerely Lin Tao
2023-09-04 11:13:073


这题就是考察信件格式和过去式啊,没什么发挥余地,几乎是翻译Dear Ms JaneI hope this letter finds you well.It was my birthday last Saturday. I had hold a birthday party at home. There were many of my friends and classmates here invited by me. The party began at 7 pm. How I wished that you could have been here!What"s more, Mary celebrated her birthday last Tuesday. Her mum took her for shoping, she wanted to buy her a new dress. However Mary did not like it, She wanted a chess cake with strawberry! Her mum had no choice but to buy it. What a spoiled girl!I am waiting for your kindness reply.your sincerely,Mei Liu
2023-09-04 11:13:301


你连个悬赏分都没有 谁给你写啊?
2023-09-04 11:13:423

书面表达是什么意思 什么是书面表达

1、书面表达就是相当于写作文,只不过数量少一点为了考验孩子们的英语储备量,可以更明显的看出孩子与孩子之间的差距。 2、没事的时候多让孩子看看英语作文,未来可以有益于学习英语。更好的改正错误,建议孩子先了解一下语法吧,但不要太多,只要稍微了解一下本学期的书本就可以。
2023-09-04 11:14:011


中考即将到来的时刻,英语复习应更多地集中在中、难度题型的练习上,今天和同学们谈谈书面表达这个题型。写作是英语综合能力的形式,这个形式体现学生本人的词汇量大小;单词、词组和句子的运用能力及逻辑思维能力。下面就一个有关锻炼身体的话题和一封写给父母的信,从构思、文章结构到写作的方法来看如何完成这样的书面表达。  例1:  随着阳光体育运动在全国开展,政府对中学生身体素质有所下降这个问题给予了高度重视,提出了这样的标语:“EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY”。同学们参加了各种体育锻炼之后,校园里出现了可喜的变化,强身健体,增强了学习效果,校园生活丰富了。请你报道一下学校开展这一活动的情况。  注意:1. 词数80—100左右。  2. 要求文章结构合理、内容通顺、句子连贯。  参考词汇:build up one"s body strength 强健身体  reduce diseases 减少疾病  构思方法:  1.认真阅读、理解和思考题目中给出的所有信息点。信息点是围绕着提示从文字中扣出来的。  2.这个题目的信息点应该是:  a.阳光体育;  b.政府重视中学生身体;  c.提出的标语;  d.参加了各种体育锻炼;  e.有利于强身健体;  f.增强了学习效果;  g.校园生活丰富了。  写作方法:  1.安排以上信息点在文中的逻辑关系。  2.用所掌握的词汇、词组、固定句型将所有信息点表现在文章中。(the Sunny Sports, pay attention to the health of the students, raise the slogan, take part in the exercise, build up one"s body strength, reduce diseases, make study effective, school life, colourful)  3.文章最后加入个人评价(观点)。  下面是学生的作文:  (1)  As the Sunny Sports is developing in our country, the government has paid attention to the health of the students and raised, "EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY". So far our school life has changed a lot. Now we have more time to do sport in the morning or after school. We play football, basketball, badminton and swim. They let our brains relax and make our school life more colorful. We have become more energetic. Above all our study has all been improved.  Let"s take exercise every day. It can build up our body strength and reduce diseases.  (2)  Doing sport builds up our body strength and reduces diseases.  Though we lead a better life, our health is becoming worse now. So "EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY,KEEP ILLNESS AWAY" has been raised by the government.  At noon or after school we play ball games, swimming and running. Look!The playground seems smaller because lots of students are playing on it.The school life has become colorful and we are energetic.As a result we study harder and better.  The Sunny Sports has brought an exciting change to us. Let"s keep on doing it.  这是两个学生的习作,他们分别以独特的思路和风格,利用丰富的词汇、准确的时态、简单句和复合句的搭配、合理的构思使文章语言流利,一气呵成,展现了扎实的英语语法功底和综合运用能力。  例2:  健康对于我们每个人来说是非常重要的,但你的父母天天忙于工作而忽略了这个问题,你很为他们担忧。请你以此为话题,并结合提示给他们写一封信。  提示:1.要走路去上班,而不是开车或坐车;  2.每周至少去体育馆锻炼一次,或打球、或游泳;  3.饮食要健康;  4.不要工作太晚,要早休息。  要求:1.短文结构完整,意思连贯,语言流畅,语法准确,符合逻辑;  2.80—100词左右;  3.开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。  构思方法:  1.找到信息点。  2.这个题目的信息点应该是:  a.作为儿(女)担忧父(母)的身体状况;  b.上班最好步行;  c.每周至少一次到体育场馆从事体育锻炼(球类运动、游泳等);  d.健康的饮食;  e.早睡不熬夜。  写作方法:  1.首先要谈到对父(母)的身体状况担忧。  2.然后引出希望父(母)怎么做。  3.作为小辈向父母提出建议和要求时,要注意语气,不可以命令。  4.注意信的写作格式。  学生的作文:  (1)  Dear Dad(Mum),  You"re so busy every day that you don"t pay much attention to your health. I"m worried about your health all the time. I"d like to give you some suggestions. I hear walking is the best sport. Your company isn"t far from home, is it? Why not walk to the office? You"d better take exercise at least once a week, such as playing tennis in the gym. Going to swim is also a nice choice, too. What"s more, it"s necessary to have healthy food. Try not to stay up too late. Having enough sleep can help your brain work better.  Dad, please accept my advice. I really wish you healthy!  Your loving son (daughter)  Tom (Mary)  (2)  Dear Dad(Mum),  You"re so busy every day that you don"t pay much attention to your health.I am worried about you. I hope you can keep healthy. You often drive to your office. It is not far.What about walking there because it can make you much stronger?I"d like you to play basketball or go swimming in the gym at least once a week. It is important to eat healthy food such as vegetables, meat, eggs and fruits. Though your work is hard, I still hope that you can go to bed early so that you can get enough sleep.  I"m looking forward to receiving your letter.  Your loving son (daughter)  Tom (Mary)  这两篇作文使用了I"d like to…,Why not…?It is important to do…,Try not to do…,I hope that…,What about doing…?I"d like you to do…,You"d better do…等婉转口气的请求句式,表达出了作者对父(母)的关心,信息点完整,内容充实,注重了书信的结尾形式希望能解决您的问题。
2023-09-04 11:14:112


书面表达,顾名思义,就是用书面文章的形式把自己的观点、见解和态度表现出来。它的优势在于直观明确,并且因为可以给表达者以足够的时间去构思和润色,避免了口头表达的内容观点遗露、逻辑性差等缺点,在内容上比较深刻和全面。任何一个书面表达都是表达者深思熟虑的结果。 英语书面表达怎么写 首先,审题,条理清楚 保证不跑提示写作当中第一任务,第二个重要任务就是要做到条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚,对于说明文来说条理要清楚,对于描述文来说,谁干什么要清楚。 写主题句 主题句是确保不跑题的前提,只有不跑题才有可得及格分。写主题句嘴保险的方法就是把中文提纲的各句译成英语。 问题阐述 适当用被动替换主动,这样能更客观地反映事实。一句话用不同的句式来表达。 保证作文符合字数要求 作文120-150个字,考生一般都希望作文达到字数而又不至于写得太多,因为写得太多一方面暴露自己语言上的弱点,另一方面又会占用过多的时间。
2023-09-04 11:14:211


2023-09-04 11:14:281


My Robot I have a robot.Its name is Bob.It is short,but it"s strong.It has a silver body.It is a clever machine and helps me a lot. Every morning, Bob cooks breakfast for me.It is a nice cook.The dishes are so delicious that I will never forget the taste, and the smell as well.Bob is also hard-working.It can do all the house-work for me.Bob is also helpful for my study.It is strict with my study.And it checks my homework every day. Bob is a useful robot.I love it very much.纯手打,望采纳
2023-09-04 11:14:381


  书面表达,顾名思义,就是用书面文章的形式把自己的观点、见解和态度表现出来。   它的优势在于直观明确,并且因为可以给表达者以足够的时间去构思和润色,避免了口头表达的内容观点遗露、逻辑性差等缺点,在内容上比较深刻和全面。任何一个书面表达都是表达者深思熟虑的结果。
2023-09-04 11:14:481


2023-09-04 11:14:581


  Hello, everybody, my name is xxx. I"m 12 years old. I study at shierxiao Primary school. I"m in class 4 grade 6. I go to school at 7 o"clock every morning. We read English everyday. There are three lessons in the morning. We have lunch at 11 o"clock. After lunch, we have a rest. The lessons in the afternoon are much more interesting. There are Art lesson, computer studies, Music lesson and Science lesson. We leave school at four.  Everybody, let me show you around my school. My school is not big, but it"s very beautiful. There is a broad road in the center of the school. In the two sides of the road, there are many green trees and beautiful flowers. In the left side of the road, there are two teaching buildings and a meeting Hall. Teachers often get together every Monday afternoon. There are about 24 classrooms in our school, included two computer rooms and an Art room. We like computer studies very much. We can surf the Internet and play computer games, and sometimes we write emails to each other. In front of the teaching building, there is a river. We can see big ships on it, and it always makes noise. Around the rive, there are some flowers and trees. In spring, we can see many butterflies and other insects. We watch they dance in the flowers. They dance so beautifully. In summer, we can catch grasshoppers between the grass. We have great fun there. In the right side of the road ,there is a library and a big playground. There are many kinds of books in the library. After lunch, we often go to the library to find some interesting books. We often read books about animals and interesting stories. We can learn a lot from the books. We do morning exercise everyday, and we like doing exercise. In the free time, we often play football and basketball. Last month, we had a sports meeting, we were all very excided, especially when we saw the teacher"s running race.  Now, Everybody, Do you know my school? The life in my school is rich and interesting. The teachers are kindly; the students are lovely and friendly. I like studying in my school. I love my school. I think you"ll like it, too.  Welcome to our school!  有些地方自己改一下吧~~
2023-09-04 11:15:081


Nanchong is now making its effort to become a civilized city. As students, what should we do?We must respect our teachers and be polite to others. We should also help those who are in need and be friendly to the people around us. Besides, we must obey the traffic rules. When we cross the streets, we should walk on the zebra crossing. And we mustn"t go across the street when the traffic lights are red. What"s more, we should protect our environment. For example, we mustn"t step on the grass and climb trees. Litter mustn"t be thrown everywhere.Nanchong is our hometown. Let"s try our best to make it a civilized city.
2023-09-04 11:15:171

书面表达。(60——80词) 英语

2023-09-04 11:15:266


Dear Maria, Hi ,Maria.I want to tell you that many students have the same problem like yours.Don"t worry.I would like to give you some advice.As a matter of fact,it"s not difficult to learn maths well,as long as you have a good way.To my mind,you should do the following.First of all,preview the lesson before being taught by your teacher.Second,listen carefully to your teacher in class as well as taking notes.Go over the lesson in the evening and do your homework in time.Third,do more exercises to strengthen the knowledge points you learn. Maria,as an old Chinese saying goes,Nothing is hard for a willing heart.Just study hard and you"ll make progress.Good luck to you. Regards Yours Linda
2023-09-04 11:15:542


When will the magazine probably arrive?A. Wednesday.B. Thursday. C. Friday.The answer is B.Conversation 11.What will the woman do first?A. Take a shower.B. Go camping. C. Set up a time.2. When will the man probably call the woman?A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Sunday.Conversation 23.What is the man going to do?A, Have a coffee break. B. See a doctor. C. Buy a pet.4.What happened to the man?A. He fell ill.B. He lost his dog. C. He slept badly.Conversation 35.What is the woman?A. A bus driver.B. A waitress. C. A tour guide.6.What does the man want to get?A. Some gifts.B. A menu. C. A bus schedule.Conversation 47.What did the man do yesterday?A. He saw a movie.B. He watched TV.C. He visited some friends.英语试题第1页(共12页)8.What time will the speakers probably meet this Saturday evening?A. At 6:30.B. At 7:00.C. At 7:30.9.Which of the following will the man buy?A. Some drinks.B. A birthday cake. G. Concert tickets.Conversation 510. What is the woman doing now?A.She is serving a customer.B.She is conducting an interview.C.She is doing some recording.11 .When does the man go to the nursing home?A. Tuesdays.B. Thursdays.C. Sundays.12.Where will the man probably be working next Monday?A.At the airport nearby.B.In the studio next door,C.At the store downtown.Conversation 613.Why does the woman call the man?A.The oven doesn"t work.B.The heater won"t start.C.The plug is broken.14.Who will handle the problem first tomorrow evening?A. The woman.B. The man.C A worker.15.Who is the woman speaking to?A. Her husband.B. Her house owner. C. Her boss.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then Jill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Voice Mail from Kelly Black1. Call Mr. Brown to 16___ the appointment time.2. E-mail the staff members about next week"s 17__ .3. Ask the repairman to fix the broken 18 in the office.4. Give a list of all the employees to the __19____owner.5. Take 20 on the desk to the post office.英语试题第2页(共12页)Part II Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and IX Choose the one that best completes the sentence.ZXXKThe wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanketthe desert,A
2023-09-04 11:16:051


2023-09-04 11:16:293


Delicious Dumpling Laosi Dumpling House has all kinds of dumpling.It"s big and delicious.Now,we have two kinds that are for sale.The vegetable dumpling is eight yuan for 20. The vegetable and beef dumpling is ten yuan for 20.Welcome to our Dumpling House.It"s address is 234 Heping Avenue.Please call us at 0731-82256883.You won"t be disappointed.希望对你有帮助
2023-09-04 11:16:391


2023-09-04 11:16:481


A good friend should be the most closest person to you apart fraom your parents. He or she needs to know what you like and what you dislike. A good friend is the most important person you may turn to whenever you are in total depression and he or she will always stand by your side whenever you are going throught difficult times. Your friend should be giving you countable advice when you meet trouble. 纯原创~望采纳~
2023-09-04 11:16:581