barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 22:20:34

The ideal person for this job has these ______:ten years experience and an advances degree.
A,characters B,characteristics



characters: 人物,性格

eg.All the characters in this book are imaginary.


What"s your most special characters?


characteristics: 特性,特征,规格参数表

eg.She has Asiatic characteristics.



A 性格、品质、人格、人物等



B表示特征。A表示 人物,角色


physical characteristics是什么意思

2023-01-11 06:50:082

characteristics可数么? 后面接is还是are?

2023-01-11 06:50:212


2023-01-11 06:50:305

electrical characteristics是什么意思

electrical characteristics [计] 电特性 [例句]In this study , we fully discuss the electrical characteristics and the hot carrier effect as the channel of the n-mosfets being strained.在此论文里,我们深入探讨当n型金氧半场效电晶体的通道受到应变时,其电性特性与热载子效应。您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!
2023-01-11 06:50:501


2023-01-11 06:50:562


Quick decision is characteristic of him.快速决定是他的特征 he is an amateur painter.他是业余画家 He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. 他在会上提出了一个很好的建议. We must take a scientific approach to the problem. 我们必须用科学方法研究这一问题. We concluded our meeting at 9 o"clock. 我们九点钟结束了会议.
2023-01-11 06:51:051


characteristic显著的:作为能帮助突出人或东西的特征的;独特的:例:heard my friend"s characteristic laugh; the stripes that are characteristic of the zebra.听到我朋友有特色的笑声;斑马明显的花纹条personality个性:指个人聚集的品质、行为、脾气、情绪和精神的性格模式:Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends.虽然他们性格迥异,但却相处友好characteristic 可以指人也可以指物,突出特征personality 突出指人的性格
2023-01-11 06:51:121


嗯,我觉得首先要知道它怎么读~~~characteristics 把它分解~~~character - 个性~~~ n.再加上ristic~~~ 典型的 adj.最后+s 复数叻~~~谢暸,你帮我记住它暸~~~
2023-01-11 06:51:221


characteristic显著的:作为能帮助突出人或东西的特征的;独特的:例:heard my friend"s characteristic laugh; the stripes that are characteristic of the zebra.听到我朋友有特色的笑声;斑马明显的花纹条personality个性:指个人聚集的品质、行为、脾气、情绪和精神的性格模式:Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends.虽然他们性格迥异,但却相处友好characteristic 可以指人也可以指物,突出特征personality 突出指人的性格
2023-01-11 06:51:281

characteristics 和characteristic

2023-01-11 06:51:351


ch ara c ter ist ICS 分节记 character 是名词,有角色,特征,性格的意思。character经常用与指演员的角色。 -istics 这个词尾会把前面的名词抽象化,有学科性、学术性,有定义的意思。词性及解释 规格参数表;特征;特性
2023-01-11 06:51:412


词性就不一样.characteristic adj.特有的, 表示特性的, 典型的n.特性, 特征a characteristic emotional quality. 特定的情感在话语中的表现。A characteristic French trait. 法国风格具有法语特色character n.(事物的)特性, 性质, 特征(的总和), (人的)品质, 字符, 性格, 特征, 人物vt.写, 刻, 印, 使具有特征I find all the characters in his new play very real. 我觉得他那出新戏中所有的人物都很真实。
2023-01-11 06:51:512


2023-01-11 06:52:001

钻石证书最后Clarity Characteristics Feather,

楼下的这位是拿翻译软件翻的吧,太不负责了. Clarity Characteristics 表示钻石的净度特征,是对净度级别的一个描述. Feather,Cloud 是羽裂和云.羽裂,是指钻石内部像羽毛形状的细小裂纹.云,是在钻石内部,由一些在10倍放大镜下也无法观察到的点点组成的一团团云雾状的内含物.
2023-01-11 06:52:071


翻译:(可数名词)特质,特性,特色Arrogance is one of his less attractive characteristics. 骄傲自大是他的一个缺点。
2023-01-11 06:52:271


2023-01-11 06:52:341


characteristic英[ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk]美[ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk]adj. 特有的;独特的;表示特性的;显示…的特征的n. 特性,特征,特色,[数](对数的)首数;独特性;性质名词复数:characteristics
2023-01-11 06:52:401


 n. 特性,特征;特色(characteristic的复数);特质为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-01-11 06:52:501

characteristics ,feature, property 区别

characteristics个性,特征,特点Different minority habits and characteristics 不同的少数民族风俗习惯Something exhibiting Victorian characteristics. 表现维多利亚时代特点的作品aerodynamic characteristics of airplane 飞机空气动力特性feature n.面容(单数表示面容的一部分); [pl. ]面貌, 相貌特征; 特色特写, 特辑; 特别节目正片, 故事片零件, 部件要素The economic feature is obvious. 智囊团的经济特质是显而易见的。the feature tonight is `Casablanca". 今晚的故事片是《卡萨布兰卡》。propertyn.财产; 所有物(不可数); 地产, 房地产财产权, 所有权性能, 功能, 特性; 参数common property 共同财产public property 公共财产the metal -ties 金属性能stage -ties 舞台道具He has a small property. 他有一小块房地产。
2023-01-11 06:53:091

请问characteristics 与 characteristic 有何区别

characteristics 规格参数表;特征;特性 characteristic 特有的, 典型的 来自希腊语 charakter 雕刻 只有在术语中才有区别的
2023-01-11 06:53:152


2023-01-11 06:53:281

many characteristics是限定词吗

2023-01-11 06:53:341


2023-01-11 06:53:401


A comparison is made of the flowcharacteristics of mud drilling and air drilling in an example deep well. A schematic of this example well is shown in Figure 14. 7. The well is cased from the surface to 7000 ft with API 85/8 in diameter,28. 00 lbf / ft nominal casing. The well has been drilled out of the casing shoe with a 77/8 in diameter drill bit. The comparison is made for drilling at 10000 ft. The drill string in the example well is made up of ( bottom to top) 77/8 in diameter drill bit, about 500 ft of 6 3/4 in outside diameter by 21316in inside diameter drill collars,and about 9500 ft of API 41/2 in diameter,16. 60 lbf / ft nominal,EU-S135,NC 50,drill pipes.The mud drilling hydraulics calculations are carried out assuming the drilling mud weight is10 lbf / gal( 75 lbf /ft3) ,the Bingham mud yield is 10 lbf /100 ft2,and the plastic viscosity is 30 cts. The drill bit is assumed to have three 13/32 in diameter nozzles and the drilling mud circulation flowrate is 300 gal/min. Figure 14. 8 shows the plots of the pressures in the incompressible drilling mud as a function of depth. The figure is a plot of the pressure inside the drill string. The pressure is approximately 1400 psig at injection and 6000 psig at the bottom of the inside of the drill string just above the bit nozzles. Also the figure is a plot of the pressure in the annulus. The pressure is approximately 5440 psig at the bottom of the annulus just belowthe bit nozzles and 0 psig at the top of the annulus at the surface.Figure 14. 7 Comparison example well and drill stringFigure 14. 8 Mud drilling pressures versus depthThis figure reflects the hydrostatic weight of the column of drilling mud and the resistance to fluid flowfrom the inside surfaces of the drill string and the surfaces of the annulus. This resistance to flowresults in pressure losses due to friction. The total losses due to friction are the sum of pipe wall,open hole wall,and drill bit orifice resistance to flow. This mud drilling example shows a drilling string design which has a open orifice or large diameter nozzle openings in the drill bit. This is reflected by the approximate 700 psi loss through the drill bit. Smaller diameter nozzles would yield higher pressure losses across the drill bit and higher injection pressures at the surface.The air drilling calculations are carried out assuming the drilling operation is at sea level. There are two compressors capable of 1200 ft3/ min each,so the total volumetric flowrate to the drill string is 2400 ft3/ min. The drill bit is assumed to have three open orifices ( about 0. 80 in diameter) . Figure 14. 9 shows the plots of the pressures in the compressible air as a function of depth. The figure is a plot of the pressure inside the drill string. The pressure is approximately 260 psia at injection and 270 psia at the bottom of the inside of the drill string just above the bit orifices. Also in the figure is a plot of the pressure in the annulus. The pressure is approximately 260 psia at the bottom of the annulus just belowthe bit orifices and 14. 7 psia at the end of the blooey line at the surface ( top of the annulus) .Figure 14. 9 Air drilling pressures versus depthAs in the mud drilling example,the pressures in Figure 14. 9 reflects the hydrostatic weight of the column of compressed air and the resistance to air flowfrom the inside surfaces of the drill string and the surfaces of the annulus. This resistance to flowresults in pressure losses due to friction. In this example the fluid is compressible. Considering the flowinside the drill string,the hydrostatic weight of the column dominates the flow( relative to friction losses) and this results in the injection pressure at the surface being less than the pressure at the bottom of the drill string ( inside the drill string above the bit open orifices) .Figure 14. 10 shows the plots of the temperature in the incompressible drilling mud as a function of depth. The geothermal gradient for this example is 0. 01 / ft. Subsurface earth is nearly an infinite heat source. The drilling mud in a mud drilling circulation system is significantly more dense than compressed air or other gases. Thus,as the drilling mud flows down the drill string and up through the annulus to the surface,heat is transferred from the rock formations through the surfaces of the borehole,through the drilling mud in the annulus, through the steel drill string to the drilling mud inside. It is assumed that the drilling mud is circulated into the top of the drill string at 60.Figure 14. 10 Mud drilling temperature versus depthAs the drilling mud flows down the inside of the drill string the drilling mud heats up as heat flows from the higher temperature rock formations and drilling mud in the annulus. At the bottom of the well the drilling mud temperature reaches the bottom hole temperature of 160. The drilling mud flowing up the annulus ( usually laminar flowconditions) is heated by the geothermal heat in the rock formation.The heated drilling mud flowing in the annulus heats the outside of the drilling string and this in turn heats the drilling mud flowing down the drill string. Because of its good heat storage capabilities,the drilling mud exits the annulus with a temperature greater than the injection temperature but less than the bottom hole temperature. In this example,the temperature of the drilling mud exiting the annulus is approximately 130.Figure 14. 11 shows the plots of the temperature in the compressible air drilling fluid as a function of depth. The compressed air drilling fluid is significantly less dense than drilling mud. Thus,compressed air has poor heat storage qualities relative to drilling mud. Also,compressed air flowing in the drilling circulation system is flowing rapidly and therefore the flowis turbulent inside the drill string and in the annulus. Turbulent flowis very efficient in transferring heat from the surface of the borehole to the flowing air in the annulus and in the inside the drill string. Assuming the compressed air entering the top of the drill string is at 60 the heat rapidly transfers to heat ( or cool ) the air flowin the well. Under these conditions the compressed air exiting the annulus has approximately the same temperature as the air entering the top of the drill string.Figure 14. 11 Air drilling temperature versus depthFigure 14. 11 shows that the temperature of the compressed air at any position in the borehole is approximately the geothermal temperature at that depth. Thus,the temperature of the flowing air at the bottom of the hole is the bottom hole temperature of 160. There is some local cooling of the air as it exits the open orifices of the drill bit at the bottom of the hole. This cooling effect is more pronounced if nozzles are used in the drill bit ( when using a downhole motor) . This cooling effect is known as the Joule - Thomson effect and can be estimated. However,it is assumed that this effect is small and that the air flowreturns very quickly to the bottom hole geothermal temperature.Figure 14. 12 shows the plot of the unit weight of drilling mud for this example calculation. The drilling mud is incompressible and,therefore,the unit weight is 75 lbf / ft3( or 10 lbf /gal) at any position in the circulation system. There is some slight expansion of the drilling mud due to the increase in temperature as the drilling mud flows to the bottom of the well. This effect is quite small and is neglected in these engineering calculations.Figure 14. 12 Mud drilling unit weight versus depthFigure 14. 13 shows the plot of the unit weight of the compressed air in this example. The compressed air is injected into the top of the drill string at a unit weight of 1. 3 lbf / ft3( at a pressure of 260 psia and temperature of 60) . As the air flows down the drill string the pressure remains approximately the same. At the bottom of the drill string the unit weight is1. 2 lbf / ft3( at a pressure of 270 psia and a temperature of 160) . The compressed air exits the drill bit orifices into the bottom of the annulus ( bottom of the well) with a unit weight of1. 1 lbf / ft3( at a pressure of 260 psia and a temperature of 160) .Figure 14. 13 Air drilling unit weight versus depthAs the compressed air flows to the surface through the annulus it decompresses as it flows to the lowatmospheric pressure at the surface. At the surface the air exits the annulus ( via the blooey line) with a unit weight of 0. 0763 lbf / ft3. The surface atmosphere for this example is assumed to be API Mechanical Equipment Standards standard atmospheric conditions ( dry air: pressure of 14. 696 psia and a temperature of 60) . This figure shows a typical friction resistance dominated drill string flow( as opposed to hydrostatic column weight dominated) . This type of flowhas a drill string injection pressure at the top that is higher than the pressure above the drill bit at the bottom. Friction dominated flowresults when the drill bit is run with no nozzles.The drilling mud flows in the annulus around the drill collars with an average velocity of about 7. 6 ft / s. The drilling mud slows to an average velocity of about 3. 0 ft / s in the annulus around the drill pipe.For the air drilling case,the compressed air flows in the annulus with an average velocity of about 30 ft / s around drill collars. The velocity increases up the annulus to about 125 ft / s at the exit to the annulus.It is instructive to compare the power ( per unit volume) of example flows at the positions in the annulus where the power is likely the lowest. For both of these examples the lowest power is just above the drill collars in the annulus around the bottom of the drill pipe. The kinetic energy per unit volume,KE,is勘查工程专业英语where KE is the kinetic energy per unit volume ( ft·lbf / ft3) ; ρ is the density of the fluid( lbf·sec2/ ft4) ; v is the average velocity of the fluid ( ft/s) .The density of the fluid,ρ,is勘查工程专业英语where γ is the specific weight of the fluid ( lbf / ft3) ; g is the acceleration of gravity( 32. 2 ft/s2) .For the mud drilling example the specific weight of the drilling mud in the annulus just above the drill collars is 75 lbf / ft3. Using these values in Equations ( 14. 1) — ( 14. 2) the density of the drilling mud is勘查工程专业英语石油钻井部分词汇扩展( 1) 石油钻井设备 ( Oil drilling equipment)勘查工程专业英语勘查工程专业英语( 2) 定向钻井 ( Directional drilling)勘查工程专业英语( 3) 固井与完井 ( Cementing and well completion)勘查工程专业英语( 4) 油气井压力控制 ( Pressure Control of oil and gas well)勘查工程专业英语( 5) 测井 ( Well logging)勘查工程专业英语( 6) 钻井泥浆 ( Drilling mud)勘查工程专业英语勘查工程专业英语
2023-01-11 06:53:461

characteristics 近义词

features 特征
2023-01-11 06:53:511


最大的区别在于 feature 不能用在形容“人”的特点,多半形容 “物”商店门面的特色用 feature 合适
2023-01-11 06:53:571


表现成绩 + 性质特点
2023-01-11 06:54:063

significant characteristics是什么意思

2023-01-11 06:54:174

clarity characteristics什么意思?

意思是:清晰度特征重点词汇:clarity英['klærəti]释义:n.清楚,明晰;透明n.(Clarity)人名;(英)克拉里蒂短语:Sea of Clarity清澈海洋;清亮海洋;清亮陆地词语辨析:peculiar,characteristic,individual,distinctive这些形容词均含“特有的、显示特征的”之意。1、peculiar侧重指某人或某物本身与众不同;也可指种族、民族或性别有其无可争议的特点。2、characteristic侧重指具有区别能力的,典型的或本质的特征。3、individual指特指的人或物,着重其与众不同,强调可将其区别出的品质与特性。4、distinctive突出与众不同的或令人称赞的个性或特征。
2023-01-11 06:54:411

英文写作中"characterization" 和 "characteristic"的区别

characterizationThis is a noun, but it describes an action. "Characterize" is a verb. The act of characterizing something is "characterization."1) Is the act of describing the characteristics of something (this is the meaning most commonly used in scientific papers)"This paper describes the characterization of soil samples collected in the recently reforested Seamus Valley."Literally, this refers to the act of describing the characteristics, but we usually use it to mean the act of determiningthose characteristics so that they can be described. It is a very fine distinction and the difference usually moot.2) Such a description."We consulted Lee et al."s characterization of the protein before analyzing it ourselves.[12]"This refers to the product of the characterization process, the description that Lee and posse produced."I disagree with your characterization of Reykjavik as a backward and rustic city. I visited it last year and found it very modern."3) The establishment or representation of a fictional character."Many fans did not like the characterization of Superman in the film Superman Returns, preferring the cheerful, stoic version from the comics."characteristic1) (noun) A trait or quality, especially one that specifically makes it possible to identify something or distinguish it from other things."We described the particular characteristics of the ginseng root."2) (adjective) Relating to a trait that distinguishes a person or thing."Recognize the zebra by its characteristic stripes.""Many photographs of Einstein show his characteristic wild hair."
2023-01-11 06:54:531

翻译These characteristics are that the machine is electronic,and it is general purpose.翻译

characteristics???computer????????These 特征是, 它有一个被存放的节目的机器是电子的, 那, 并且它是通用。
2023-01-11 06:54:583

高手进 ,英文翻译!!

翻译:Several near in the last yearses, "80 empresses" overlaid from the young generation of Gao Xiao4 Dao4 job field, they became the consumption battalion of China gradually, is valued day by day, and a lot of domestic and international business enterprises carry on a marketing toward them in succession.Many domestic and international scholars also think that the attraction"80 empresses" consumes community to fight to the business enterprise later the market have important meaning.The business enterprise wants to well understand its target customer first before carry on marketing.For a great deal of with young artificial main consume crowd of product to say, even need to control the consumption characteristics that it possess singly.Here, this text can replace to carry on related analysis for"young man" of broad sense more with"80 after" crowd.Then tally up their consumptions characteristics the ages background of the place from"80 empresses" understanding first.Mainly position from the strategy choice, market to the marketing case, advertisement strategy, loyalty plan four main aspects to carry on analysis.End, explain that the business enterprise adopts those strategies, how should carry on a marketing. 希望你能用得上。。。
2023-01-11 06:55:096

GIA钻石证书上的Clarity Characteristics那项上Minor Details of Polish是什么意思?

Clarity Characteristics(净度特征): Minor Details of Polish (表面有些微小的抛光痕迹,这个就是影响这颗钻石净度无法达到FL级别的原因,可能是原料本身的问题,不过已经是很好,很好的了。)
2023-01-11 06:55:292

clarity characteristics什么意思?

CLARITY Characteristics英 [ˈklærəti ˌkærɪktəˈrɪstɪks]   美 [ˈklærəti ˌkɛrəktəˈrɪstɪks]  包裹体特征Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 发音清晰对演说家至关重要。Lacking clarity or distinctness; cloudy or obscure. 模糊的不清楚的或者不明显的; 含糊的或者朦胧的。Its virtue resides in its clarity and brevity. 它的优点在于清晰简洁。She has Asiatic characteristics. 她具有亚洲人的特点。Lacking sharpness or clarity of understanding or perception. 迟钝的理解力或领悟力迟钝的或薄弱的。Paradox and irony are characteristics of her style. 她善於运用似非而是的隽语和反语。
2023-01-11 06:55:401


characters: 人物,性格eg.All the characters in this book are imaginary.这本书中的人物都是虚构的。What"s your most special characters?你个性上最大的特点是什么?characteristics: 特性,特征,规格参数表eg.She has Asiatic characteristics.她具有亚洲人的特点。
2023-01-11 06:55:511

physicochemical characteristics是什么意思

physicochemical characteristics物理化学特性; 望采纳,谢谢
2023-01-11 06:55:561

Features Vs Characteristics

characteristics 规格参数表;特征;特性 characteristic 特有的, 典型的 在一般情况下没区别的 feature的复数是features 1. 特征,特色[(+of)] 2. (眼、口、鼻等)脸的一部分 3. 面貌,相貌[P] 4. 特写,特别报导,专栏 5. 故事片 6. (特色商品等)特别吸引人的东西 没啥本质区别,意思有点区别!我们都学过‘‘‘‘‘‘‘我照扒的笔记‘‘‘老师这样讲的
2023-01-11 06:56:011

xx的特点,是characteristics for,还是什么介词?

是“characteristic of ” 如:A characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water. 骆驼的特点是不喝水也能活很长时间.
2023-01-11 06:56:061


2023-01-11 06:56:122

feature, characteristic有什么区别?

a characteristic of Western/Chinese civilizationwomen""s physiological characteristicsThe nationalities in China have all retained their special national characteristics.Feature的意思是“特色”或“特点”;feature不表示属性或特质,而是指某物(如脸面、景色、物体、性格)的一部分,因其外形或重要性突出而引人注目,如:the geographical features of the regionHer dancing eyes are her most attractive features.
2023-01-11 06:56:191

physical characteristics是什么意思

physical characteristics物理特性双语对照词典结果:physical characteristics物理特性,物理性质; 以上结果来自金山词霸1.Patients with different voices could be treated with gels that had different physical characteristics, in order to produce the desired effect. 发不同声音的患者,可以用不同的凝胶配合治疗,这些凝胶具有不同的物理特性,以产生满意的发声效果。
2023-01-11 06:56:241

js里,(variable || ( variable = {}))这种写法代表什么意思?

如果variable非假值则表达式的值为variable,否则variable赋值为一个空对象通常用来为变量赋默认值function fun1(variable){    var variable = variable || 10;    alert(variable);}fun1(1)//1fun1("aaa")//aaafun1()//10fun1(0)//10fun1(false)//10
2023-01-11 06:54:321


2023-01-11 06:54:321


1. 含有“风”和“雨”的四字词有哪些 八方风雨 饱经风雨 春风雨露 对床风雨 风风雨雨 风雨不测 风雨不改 风雨不透 风雨对床 风雨共舟 风雨晦冥 风雨晦暝 风雨交加 风雨连床 风雨飘零 风雨飘摇 风雨漂摇 风雨飘飖 风雨凄凄 风雨如晦 风雨如磐 风雨如盘 风雨时若 风雨同舟 风雨无阻 风雨萧条 风雨摇摆 满城风雨 栉沐风雨 八方风雨 别风淮雨 暴风疾雨 暴风骤雨 饱经风雨 巴山夜雨 毕雨箕风 拨云撩雨 拨雨撩云 粗风暴雨 驰风骋雨 春风化雨 餐风沐雨 冲风冒雨 餐风宿雨 春风夏雨 春风雨露 楚梦云雨 础润而雨 础泣而雨 楚天云雨 称雨道晴 春雨如油 惨雨酸风 楚雨巫云 楚云湘雨 对床风雨 对床夜雨 东风化雨 断雨残云 大雨滂沱 弹雨枪林 大雨倾盆 大雨如注 风吹雨打 风车雨马 风驰雨骤 风风雨雨 风鬟雨鬓 翻手为云,覆手为雨 翻手云覆手雨 风霜雨雪 风调雨顺 风潇雨晦 风行雨散 风雨不测 风雨不改 风雨不透 风雨对床 翻云覆雨 覆雨翻云 风雨共舟 风雨晦冥 风雨晦暝 风雨交加 风雨连床 风雨飘零 风雨飘摇 风雨漂摇 风雨飘飖 风雨凄凄 风雨如晦 风雨如磐 风雨如盘 风雨时若 风雨同舟 风雨无阻 风雨萧条 风雨摇摆 风栉雨沐 怪雨盲风 甘雨随车 呼风唤雨 和风细雨 挥汗成雨 挥汗如雨 旱苗得雨 汗如雨下 虹销雨霁 箕风毕雨 急风暴雨 疾风暴雨 见风是雨 疾风甚雨 急风骤雨 疾风骤雨 久旱逢甘雨 疾雨暴风 旧雨重逢 旧雨今雨 今雨新知 旧雨新知 狂风暴雨 狂风骤雨 枯苗望雨 苦雨凄风 阑风伏雨 列风淫雨 阑风长雨 梨花带雨 泪如雨下 雷声大,雨点小 泪下如雨 撩云拨雨 栎阳雨金 满城风雨 谋臣如雨 盲风暴雨 盲风妒雨 盲风怪雨 盲风晦雨 盲风涩雨 密云不雨 袂云汗雨 沐雨经霜 沐雨梳风 沐雨栉风 蛮烟瘴雨 暮雨朝云 牛毛细雨 欧风美雨 飘风暴雨 飘风急雨 飘风苦雨 怕风怯雨 飘风骤雨 瓢泼大雨 滂沱大雨 沛雨甘霖 喷雨嘘云 凄风楚雨 凄风寒雨 凄风苦雨 凄风冷雨 栖风宿雨 枪林弹雨 倾盆大雨 泣涕如雨 泣下如雨 枪烟炮雨 枪烟炮雨 随车甘雨 随车夏雨 随车致雨 十风五雨 上雨旁风 暑雨祁寒 十雨五风 山雨欲来风满楼 粜风卖雨 吞风饮雨 听见风就是雨 涕零如雨 殢雨尤云 殢云尤雨 五风十雨 未风先雨 巫山云雨 未雨绸缪 巫云楚雨 握雨携云 咸风蛋雨 血风肉雨 祥风时雨 腥风血雨 斜风细雨 腥风醎雨 杏花春雨 星离雨散 宿雨餐风 硝云弹雨 杏雨梨云 携云握雨 血雨腥风 夏雨雨人 兴云致雨 雨鬓风鬟 云布雨润 云布雨施 雨僝风僽 雨愁烟恨 雨凑云集 云愁雨怨 雨僝云僽 雨打风吹 雨栋风帘 雨断云销 蚁封穴雨 雨覆云翻 云翻雨覆 烟霏雨散 云飞雨散 友风子雨 雨过天青 雨过天晴 雨膏烟腻 雨后春笋 雨后送伞 雨恨云愁 雨巾风帽 云交雨合 雨井烟垣 雨迹云踪 雨淋日晒 雨淋日炙 雨鬣霜蹄 雨零星乱 雨零星散 雨帘云栋 雨笠烟蓑 雨露之恩 雨沐风餐 雨霾风障 雨泣云愁 云期雨信 云期雨约 云情雨意 雨宿风餐 雨散风流 雨蓑风笠 雨丝风片 雨顺风调 雨散云飞 烟蓑雨笠 雨蓑烟笠 雨散云收 雨收云散 云收雨散 云屯雨集 雨条烟叶 雨卧风餐 云行雨洽 云消雨散 云行雨施 雨消云散 雨歇云收 夜雨对床 月晕而风,础润而雨 雨旸时若 云雨巫山 雨约云期 云尤雨殢 月晕知风,础润知雨 尤云殢雨 雨僽风僝 雨踪云迹 云朝雨暮 雨沾云惹 骤风暴雨 骤风急雨 栉风沐雨 招风惹雨 栉风酾雨 魆风骤雨 栉沐风雨 骤雨暴风 骤雨狂风 瘴雨蛮烟 朝云暮雨 挨风缉缝 捱风缉缝 拨草瞻风 笔底春风 八方风雨 别风淮雨 暴风疾雨 抃风舞润 抃风儛润 变风改俗 变风易俗 北风之恋 暴风骤雨 捕风捉影 败化伤风 弊绝风清 饱经风霜 饱经风雨 八面驶风 八面威风 败俗伤风 霸王风月 别有风趣 别有风味 毕雨箕风 捕影系风 不正之风 此风不可长 粗风暴雨 驰风骋雨 春风得意 从风而服 从风而靡 春风风人 春风和气 春风化雨 成风尽垩 餐风露宿 春风满面 餐风沐雨 冲风冒雨 餐风啮雪 嘲风弄月 长风破浪 乘风破浪 冲风破浪 餐风茹雪 趁风使柁 传风扇火 餐风宿露 餐风宿水 骖风驷霞 餐风宿草 餐风宿雨 采风问俗 乘风兴浪 春风夏雨 春风一度 传风搧火 春风野火 餐风咽露 餐风饮露 春风雨露 春风沂水 嘲风咏月 乘风转舵 成风之斫 叱嗟风云 踔厉风发 草靡风行 扯顺风旗 草偃风从 草偃风行 惨雨酸风 叱咤风云 电掣风驰 对床风雨 跌宕风流 跌荡风流 当耳边风 当耳旁风 当风秉烛 东风吹马耳 大风大浪 东风过耳 东风浩荡 东风化雨 敦风厉俗 雕风镂月 东风马耳 东风入律 东风人面 东风射马耳 东风压倒西风 道骨仙风 大家风范 砥砺风节 代马依风 大煞风景 大杀风景 风调雨顺。 2. 风和雨组成的四字成语 【成语】:疾雨暴风 【拼音】:jí yǔ bào fēng 【解释】:指来势急遽而猛烈的风雨。同“暴风疾雨”。 【成语】:苦雨凄风 【拼音】:kǔ yǔ qī fēng 【解释】:苦雨:久下成灾的雨;凄风:寒冷的风。形容天气恶劣。后用来比喻境遇悲惨凄凉。 【成语】:风行雨散 【拼音】:fēng xíng yǔ sàn 【解释】:比喻在一起的人分散到四面八方。同“风流云散”。 【成语】:别风淮雨 【拼音】:bié fēng huái yǔ 【解释】:这是“列风淫雨”的误写,因“别”和“列”、“淮”与“淫”字殂相似。后称书籍中因错别字而以讹传讹为“别风淮雨”。 【成语】:宿雨餐风 【拼音】:sù yǔ cān fēng 【解释】:形容旅途辛劳。 【成语】:狂风骤雨 【拼音】:kuáng fēng zhòu yǔ 【解释】:原形容大风大雨。后也比喻处境险恶或声势猛烈。 【成语】:疾风横雨 【拼音】:jí fēng héng yǔ 【解释】:疾:急速猛烈。形容声势浩大,来势迅猛。 【成语】:盲风妒雨 【拼音】:máng fēng dù yǔ 【解释】:指非常急骤凶猛的风雨。同“盲风怪雨”。 【成语】:风雨不测 【拼音】:fēng yǔ bù cè 【解释】:风和云都不可预测。比喻事物或局势像风云变幻那样不可预测。 【成语】:风雨不透 【拼音】:fēng yǔ bù tòu 【解释】:风刮不进,雨水透不过。形容封闭或包围得十分紧密。 【成语】:风雷火炮 【拼音】:fēng léi huǒ pào 【解释】:形容十分急躁。 3. 什么风和雨的四字词语 什么风和雨的四字词语? 风调雨顺 [ fē知ng tiáo yǔ shùn ] 风雨均匀 适度。 《旧道唐书·礼仪志一》引《六韬》:“武王伐纣…既而克殷,风调雨顺。回” 后多用来指风雨及时,适合答农作物的需要。 4. 关于风和雨的四字词语 别风淮雨 暴风骤雨 巴山夜雨 拨云撩雨 春风化雨 餐风沐雨 春风夏雨 楚梦云雨 础润而雨 称雨道晴 春雨如油 对床夜雨 东风化雨 风吹雨打 风风雨雨 风鬟雨鬓 翻手为云,覆手为雨 风调雨顺 风潇雨晦 风雨不测 风雨不改 风雨不透 风雨对床 覆雨翻云 翻云覆雨 风雨交加 风雨飘摇 风雨凄凄 风雨如晦 风雨如磐 风雨同舟 风雨无阻 风雨萧条 风栉雨沐 甘雨随车 呼风唤雨 和风细雨 挥汗成雨 挥汗如雨 旱苗得雨 虹销雨霁 箕风毕雨 急风暴雨 见风是雨 久旱逢甘雨 旧雨重逢 旧雨今雨 狂风暴雨 狂风骤雨 枯苗望雨 列风淫雨 梨花带雨 泪如雨下 雷声大,雨点小 满城风雨 密云不雨 袂云汗雨 沐雨栉风 蛮烟瘴雨 滂沱大雨 凄风苦雨 枪林弹雨 倾盆大雨 泣下如雨 十风五雨 上雨旁风 山雨欲来风满楼 粜风卖雨 涕零如雨 五风十雨 巫山云雨 未雨绸缪 腥风血雨 星离雨散 血雨腥风 夏雨雨人 雨打风吹 蚁封穴雨 雨过天青 雨过天晴 雨后春笋 雨后送伞 雨迹云踪 雨淋日炙 雨沐风餐 雨丝风片 雨卧风餐 云消雨散 云行雨施 夜雨对床 云雨巫山 栉风沐雨 朝云暮雨 瘴雨蛮烟八方风雨 别风淮雨 暴风疾雨 暴风骤雨 饱经风雨 巴山夜雨 毕雨箕风 拨云撩雨 拨雨撩云 粗风暴雨 驰风骋雨 春风化雨 餐风沐雨 冲风冒雨 餐风宿雨 春风夏雨 春风雨露 楚梦云雨 础润而雨 础泣而雨 楚天云雨 称雨道晴 春雨如油 惨雨酸风 楚雨巫云 楚云湘雨 对床风雨 对床夜雨 东风化雨 断雨残云 大雨滂沱 弹雨枪林 大雨倾盆 大雨如注 风吹雨打 风车雨马 风驰雨骤 风风雨雨 风鬟雨鬓 翻手为云,覆手为雨 翻手云覆手雨 风霜雨雪 风调雨顺 风潇雨晦 风行雨散 风雨不测 风雨不改 风雨不透 风雨对床 翻云覆雨 覆雨翻云 风雨共舟 风雨晦冥 风雨晦暝 风雨交加 风雨连床 风雨飘零 风雨飘摇 风雨漂摇 风雨飘飖 风雨凄凄 风雨如晦 风雨如磐 风雨如盘 风雨时若 风雨同舟 风雨无阻 风雨萧条 风雨摇摆 风栉雨沐 怪雨盲风 甘雨随车 呼风唤雨 和风细雨 挥汗成雨 挥汗如雨 旱苗得雨 汗如雨下 虹销雨霁 箕风毕雨 急风暴雨 疾风暴雨 见风是雨 疾风甚雨 急风骤雨 疾风骤雨 久旱逢甘雨 疾雨暴风 旧雨重逢 旧雨今雨 今雨新知 旧雨新知 狂风暴雨 狂风骤雨 枯苗望雨 苦雨凄风 阑风伏雨 列风淫雨 阑风长雨 梨花带雨 泪如雨下 雷声大,雨点小 泪下如雨 撩云拨雨 栎阳雨金 满城风雨 谋臣如雨 盲风暴雨 盲风妒雨 盲风怪雨 盲风晦雨 盲风涩雨 密云不雨 袂云汗雨 沐雨经霜 沐雨梳风 沐雨栉风 蛮烟瘴雨 暮雨朝云 牛毛细雨 欧风美雨 飘风暴雨 飘风急雨 飘风苦雨 怕风怯雨 飘风骤雨 瓢泼大雨 滂沱大雨 沛雨甘霖 喷雨嘘云 凄风楚雨 凄风寒雨 凄风苦雨 凄风冷雨 栖风宿雨 枪林弹雨 倾盆大雨 泣涕如雨 泣下如雨 枪烟炮雨 枪烟炮雨 随车甘雨 随车夏雨 随车致雨 十风五雨 上雨旁风 暑雨祁寒 十雨五风 山雨欲来风满楼 粜风卖雨 吞风饮雨 听见风就是雨 涕零如雨 殢雨尤云 殢云尤雨 五风十雨 未风先雨 巫山云雨 未雨绸缪 巫云楚雨 握雨携云 咸风蛋雨 血风肉雨 祥风时雨 腥风血雨 斜风细雨 腥风醎雨 杏花春雨 星离雨散 宿雨餐风 硝云弹雨 杏雨梨云 携云握雨 血雨腥风 夏雨雨人 兴云致雨 雨鬓风鬟 云布雨润 云布雨施 雨僝风僽 雨愁烟恨 雨凑云集 云愁雨怨 雨僝云僽 雨打风吹 雨栋风帘 雨断云销 蚁封穴雨 雨覆云翻 云翻雨覆 烟霏雨散 云飞雨散 友风子雨 雨过天青 雨过天晴 雨膏烟腻 雨后春笋 雨后送伞 雨恨云愁 雨巾风帽 云交雨合 雨井烟垣 雨迹云踪 雨淋日晒 雨淋日炙 雨鬣霜蹄 雨零星乱 雨零星散 雨帘云栋 雨笠烟蓑 雨露之恩 雨沐风餐 雨霾风障 雨泣云愁 云期雨信 云期雨约 云情雨意 雨宿风餐 雨散风流 雨蓑风笠 雨丝风片 雨顺风调 雨散云飞 烟蓑雨笠 雨蓑烟笠 雨散云收 雨收云散 云收雨散 云屯雨集 雨条烟叶 雨卧风餐 云行雨洽 云消雨散 云行雨施 雨消云散 雨歇云收 夜雨对床 月晕而风,础润而雨 雨旸时若 云雨巫山 雨约云期 云尤雨殢 月晕知风,础润知雨 尤云殢雨 雨僽风僝。 5. 描写春、夏、秋、冬、风和雨的四字词语全部 春季:春风和气 春光漏泄 春光明媚 春花秋月 春华秋实 春晖寸草 春回大地 春兰秋菊 春暖花开 春色撩人 春色满园 春山如笑 春深似海 春生秋杀 春生夏长 秋收冬藏 春笋怒发 春蛙秋蝉 春意盎然 春意阑珊 红情绿意 花红柳绿 花香鸟语 枯木逢春 柳暗花明 漏泄春光 满园春色 柳绿花红 鸟语花香 双柑斗酒 寻花问柳 雨丝风片 莺歌燕舞 雨后春笋 有脚阳春 暗香疏影 百花齐放 姹紫嫣红 倡条冶叶 尺树寸泓 出水芙蓉 摧兰折玉 繁花似锦 凡桃俗李 纷纷扬扬 纷红骇绿 风吹雨打 风花雪月 浮花浪蕊 桂馥兰香 桂林一枝 桂子飘香 含苞待放 含苞欲放 红衰翠减 鸟语花香 夏季:蝉不知雪 簟纹如水 冬日夏云 冬温夏清 浮瓜沉李 寒来暑往 枝繁叶茂 火伞高张 肉山脯林 夏雨雨人 夏日可畏 燕雁代飞 赤日炎炎 莲叶满池烈日炎炎 骄阳似火 挥汗如雨 大汗淋漓 鸟语蝉鸣 万木葱茏 夏天炎炎 酷暑盛夏 夏阳酷暑 烈日当空 热风扑面 热不可耐 盛夏三伏 炎炎盛夏 烈日中天 夏意正浓 挥汗如雨 大雨倾盆 伏梢未尽 疾风暴雨 倾盆大雨 滂沱大雨 绿叶成阴 郁热沉闷 溽暑酷夏 汗流浃背 大雨涔涔 熏风拂拂秋季:桂子飘香 红衰翠减 金风玉露 噤若寒蝉 九原可作 林寒洞肃 蒲柳之姿 秋风团扇 秋毫无犯 秋风过耳 秋高气爽 秋菊傲霜 秋扇见捐 秋荼密网 天末凉风 望秋先零 望穿秋水 万古长存 万古长青 叶落知秋 一日三秋 一叶知秋 早韭晚菘 秋风习习 秋果累累 秋高气爽 天高云淡 秋风送爽 秋菊怒放 秋菊傲骨 秋色迷人 秋色宜人 金桂飘香 果实累累 北雁南飞 满山红叶 五谷丰登 芦花飘扬 冬季:林寒洞肃 日长一线 松柏后凋 天凝地闭 傲霜斗雪 傲雪凌霜 傲雪欺霜 白屋寒门 碧海青天 冰天雪窑 滴水成冰 风刀霜剑 风雨凄凄 寒蝉凄切 寒蝉仗马 寒花晚节 寒木春华 寒心酸鼻 号寒啼饥 林寒洞肃 凄风苦雨 十冬腊月 霜露之病 岁寒三友 松柏后凋 偷寒送暖 缩手缩脚 岁暮天寒 天凝地闭 啼饥号寒 天寒地冻 雪窖冰天 雪虐风饕 嘘寒问暖 一寒如此 冰封雪盖 漫天飞雪 白雪皑皑 冰封大地 冰天雪地 天寒地冻 北风呼啸 滴水成冰 寒冬腊月 瑞雪纷飞清风徐来 春风化雨 春风满面 风驰霆击 风驰云走 风和日暖 风和日暄风清月白 风清月皎 风清月明 霁风朗月凄风苦雨 饕风虐雪 月白风清月黑风高 月朗风清 云散风流 云涌风飞大雨倾盆 血雨腥风 风雨交加 风调雨顺 枪林弹雨 风雨同舟 风雨无阻 未雨绸缪 和风细雨 狂风暴雨 满城风雨 滂沱大雨 春风化雨 风雨飘摇 斜风细雨 风雨兼程 清风细雨 八方风雨 别风淮雨 暴风疾雨 巴山夜雨 毕雨箕风 拨云撩雨 拨雨撩云 粗风暴雨 驰风骋雨 春风化雨 餐风沐雨 冲风冒雨 餐风宿雨 春风夏雨 春风雨露 楚梦云雨 础润而雨 础泣而雨 楚天云雨 称雨道晴 春雨如油 惨雨酸风 楚雨巫云 楚云湘雨 对床风雨 对床夜雨 东风化雨 断雨残云 大雨滂沱 弹雨枪林 大雨倾盆 大雨如注 风吹雨打 风车雨马 风驰雨骤 风风雨雨 风鬟雨鬓 翻手为云,覆手为雨 翻手云覆手雨 风霜雨雪 风调雨顺 风潇雨晦 风行雨散 风雨不测 风雨不改 风雨不透 风雨对床 翻云覆雨 覆雨翻云 风雨共舟 风雨晦冥 风雨晦暝 风雨交加 风雨连床 风雨飘零 风雨飘摇 风雨漂摇 风雨飘飖 风雨凄凄 风雨如晦 风雨如磐 风雨如盘 风雨时若 风雨同舟 风雨无阻 风雨萧条 风雨摇摆 风栉雨沐 怪雨盲风 甘雨随车 呼风唤雨 和风细雨 挥汗成雨 挥汗如雨 旱苗得雨 汗如雨下 虹销雨霁 箕风毕雨 急风暴雨 疾风暴雨 见风是雨 疾风甚雨 急风骤雨 疾风骤雨 久旱逢甘雨 疾雨暴风 旧雨重逢 旧雨今雨 今雨新知 旧雨新知 狂风暴雨 狂风骤雨 枯苗望雨 苦雨凄风 阑风伏雨 列风淫雨 阑风长雨 梨花带雨 暴风骤雨 饱经风雨。 6. 描写风雨的四字词语有哪些(提示:含有风和雨) 风雨兼程 清风细雨 八方风雨 别风淮雨 暴风疾雨 巴山夜雨 毕雨箕风 拨云撩雨 拨雨撩云 粗风暴雨 驰风骋雨 春风化雨 餐风沐雨 冲风冒雨 餐风宿雨 春风夏雨 春风雨露 楚梦云雨 础润而雨 础泣而雨 楚天云雨 称雨道晴 春雨如油 惨雨酸风 楚雨巫云 楚云湘雨 对床风雨 对床夜雨 东风化雨 断雨残云 大雨滂沱 弹雨枪林 大雨倾盆 大雨如注 风吹雨打 风车雨马 风驰雨骤 风风雨雨 风鬟雨鬓 翻手为云,覆手为雨 翻手云覆手雨 风霜雨雪 风调雨顺 风潇雨晦 风行雨散 风雨不测 风雨不改 风雨不透 风雨对床 翻云覆雨 覆雨翻云 风雨共舟 风雨晦冥 风雨晦暝 风雨交加 风雨连床 风雨飘零 风雨飘摇 风雨漂摇 风雨飘飖 风雨凄凄 风雨如晦 风雨如磐 风雨如盘 风雨时若 风雨同舟 风雨无阻 风雨萧条 风雨摇摆 风栉雨沐 怪雨盲风 甘雨随车 呼风唤雨 和风细雨 挥汗成雨 挥汗如雨 旱苗得雨 汗如雨下 虹销雨霁 箕风毕雨 急风暴雨 疾风暴雨 见风是雨 疾风甚雨 急风骤雨 疾风骤雨 久旱逢甘雨 疾雨暴风 旧雨重逢 旧雨今雨 今雨新知 旧雨新知 狂风暴雨 狂风骤雨 枯苗望雨 苦雨凄风 阑风伏雨 列风淫雨 阑风长雨 梨花带雨 暴风骤雨 饱经风雨 7. 什么风什么雨的四字成语 和风细雨、 春风化雨、 呼风唤雨、 狂风暴雨、 暴风骤雨、 斜风细雨、 风风雨雨、 粜风卖雨、 飘风急雨、 别风淮雨、 阑风伏雨、 招风惹雨、 列风淫雨、 晨风零雨、 尧风舜雨、 征风召雨、 迅风暴雨、 未风先雨、 栉风沐雨、 柔风甘雨、 驰风骋雨、 见风是雨、 欧风美雨、 欧风墨雨、 祥风时雨、 五风十雨、 猛风骤雨、 怕风怯雨、 凄风苦雨、 箕风毕雨 吞风饮雨、 冲风冒雨、 震风陵雨、 盲风涩雨、 疾风横雨、 咸风蛋雨、 遮风挡雨、 血风肉雨、 友风子雨
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挨风缉缝 捱风缉缝 拨草瞻风 笔底春风 八方风雨 别风淮雨 暴风疾雨 �风舞润 �风儛润 变风改俗 变风易俗 北风之恋 暴风骤雨 捕风捉影 败化伤风 弊绝风清 饱经风霜 饱经风雨 八面驶风 八面威风 败俗伤风 霸王风月 别有风趣 别有风味 毕雨箕风 捕影系风 不正之风 此风不可长 粗风暴雨 驰风骋雨 春风得意 从风而服 从风而靡 春风风人 春风和气 春风化雨 成风尽垩 餐风露宿 春风满面 餐风沐雨 冲风冒雨 餐风啮雪 嘲风弄月 长风破浪 乘风破浪 冲风破浪 餐风茹雪 趁风使柁 传风扇火 餐风宿露 餐风宿水 骖风驷霞 餐风宿草 餐风宿雨 采风问俗 乘风兴浪 春风夏雨 春风一度 传风搧火 春风野火 餐风咽露 餐风饮露 春风雨露 春风沂水 嘲风咏月 乘风转舵 成风之斫 叱嗟风云 踔厉风发 草靡风行 扯顺风旗 草偃风从 草偃风行 惨雨酸风 叱咤风云 电掣风驰 对床风雨 跌宕风流 跌荡风流 当耳边风 当耳旁风 当风秉烛 东风吹马耳 大风大浪 东风过耳 东风浩荡 东风化雨 敦风厉俗 雕风镂月 东风马耳 东风入律 东风人面 东风射马耳 东风压倒西风 道骨仙风 别风淮雨 暴风骤雨 巴山夜雨 拨云撩雨 春风化雨 餐风沐雨 春风夏雨 楚梦云雨 础润而雨 称雨道晴 春雨如油 对床夜雨 东风化雨 风吹雨打 风风雨雨 风鬟雨鬓 翻手为云,覆手为雨 风调雨顺 风潇雨晦 风雨不测 风雨不改 风雨不透 风雨对床 覆雨翻云 翻云覆雨 风雨交加 风雨飘摇 风雨凄凄 风雨如晦 风雨如磐 风雨同舟 风雨无阻 风雨萧条 风栉雨沐 甘雨随车 呼风唤雨 和风细雨 挥汗成雨 挥汗如雨 旱苗得雨 虹销雨霁 箕风毕雨 急风暴雨 见风是雨 久旱逢甘雨 旧雨重逢 旧雨今雨 狂风暴雨 狂风骤雨 枯苗望雨 列风淫雨 梨花带雨 泪如雨下 雷声大,雨点小 满城风雨 密云不雨 袂云汗雨 沐雨栉风 蛮烟瘴雨 滂沱大雨 凄风苦雨 枪林弹雨 倾盆大雨 泣下如雨 十风五雨 上雨旁风 山雨欲来风满楼 粜风卖雨 涕零如雨 五风十雨 巫山云雨 未雨绸缪 腥风血雨 星离雨散 血雨腥风 夏雨雨人 雨打风吹 蚁封穴雨 雨过天青 雨过天晴 雨后春笋 雨后送伞 雨迹云踪 雨淋日炙 雨沐风餐 雨丝风片 雨卧风餐 云消雨散 云行雨施 夜雨对床 云雨巫山 栉风沐雨 朝云暮雨 瘴雨蛮烟八方风雨 别风淮雨 暴风疾雨 暴风骤雨 饱经风雨大家风范 砥砺风节 代马依风 大煞风景 大杀风景
2023-01-11 06:54:376


everyone 只能用来指人,其意思相当于 everybody。例如: 1) Everyone(Everybody) in our class is interested inlearning English.我们班上每个人都爱学英语。(Everyone用作主语) 2)Not everyone(everybody)in the USA is rich.在美国并不是人人都富裕。(everyone用作主语) 3)She gave everyone(everybody)a piece of paper and asked them to wite down their names.她给每个人一张纸并让他们写上自己的名字。(every one用作宾语) everyone与every one的区别: everyone是一个词,只用来指人,等于 everybody,在它后面不能跟介词of; every one是两个词,既可用来指人,也可用来指物,等于each one,后面可跟介词of。请看以下例句: 1)Everyone of the children likes this game.(误) 每个孩子都喜欢这个游戏。 2)Every one of the children likes this game.(正) 每个孩子都喜欢这个游戏。
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2023-01-11 06:54:264

control variable是什么意思

控制变量双语对照词典结果:control variable[英][kənˈtrəul ˈvɛəriəbl][美][kənˈtrol ˈvɛriəbəl]控制变量; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-01-11 06:54:231