barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 22:15:21






同义词:not having; not using; not feeling; not showing。


1. These words were uttered spontaneously, without premeditation.


2. Life without Anna had no savour, was tedious, insupportable.


3. She"d use anyone, without scruple.


4. I took it without flash.




读音:英 [wɪˈðaʊt]   美 [wɪˈðaʊt]释义:1、副词没有;缺乏;不和…在一起;无…相伴;不用;不拿;不带2、介词没有;缺乏例句1、I don"t like myself without a beard 我不喜欢自己没胡子的样子。2、He was offered a generous pension provided he left without a fuss 他如果一声不吭地离开,就会获得一笔丰厚的养老金。扩展资料用法1、表示否定,其意为“没有”“无”“不需”。如:He went out without his umbrella. 他外出没有带伞。若用于否定词no, not, never等之后,则表示肯定,其意为“没有……不”“没有……则不能”“每……必定”。如:There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。2、其后除可接名词或代词外,也可接动名词。如:He walked past me without speaking. 他从我身旁走过,一句话也没说。3、有时表示条件,意为“若无”“若非”。如:Without water, we cannot live. 没有水,我们就活不了。这样用时,有时还可引出虚拟语气,相当于 but for。如:Without your advice I would have failed. 假若没有你的劝告,我想必已失败了。4、后接两个并列成分时,既可用and也可用or,即without A and B与without A or B同义,相当于without A and without B,同时否定A、B两者。如:We cannot survive for long without food and [or] water. 我们没有食物和水就活不了多久。5、所引出的介词短语通常用作状语,但有时也可用作表语,表示“没有”。如 :He is without bias. 他没有成见。
2023-01-11 05:21:186


without的意思是:作介词时意为“没有;不和……在一起;不带;在……外部”,作副词时意为“没有,缺乏;在外面”,作连词时意为“不那样的话;除非”,作名词时意为“外部,外面”。一、短语搭配1、without recourse:无追索权 ; 不受追索 ; 无偿还义务 ; 无偿还义务无权追偿。2、do without:将就 ; 不用 ; 用不着 ; 没有。3、without engagement:不受约束 ; 无契约关系 ; 不受束缚。4、without day:不定期 ; 无限制 ; 无期限的 ; 不按期。5、Without Me:少了我 ; 没有我 ; 谢霆锋 ; 少了我很空虚。6、without foundation:无根据的 ; 凭空 ; 毫无根据 ; 是没有根据的。二、双语例句1、Without you, there would be no me.没有你们,就不会有我的今天。2、Without it, we cannot do anything.没有它,我们不能做任何事。
2023-01-11 05:21:401


2023-01-11 05:21:521

without 中文翻译

没有,缺乏;不使用,不借助。without读法英 [wɪˈðaʊt]  美 [wɪˈðaʊt]1、prep. 没有,缺乏;不使用,不借助;在没有(发生或做某事)的情况下;没有,不带(某种感情);不和……在一起,无……相伴;在外面,在外部2、adv. 没有,缺乏;在外面3、conj. <古>(方)不那样的话;除非,如果不词汇搭配:1、World Without End 无尽世界2、Without you 失去你 ; 没有你的生活3、without question 毫无疑问词语用法:1、without作“无,没有”解时其后可接动名词(短语),表示“没有做某事”,动名词短语中动名词常可省略。2、在口语中,without后的宾语如可在上下文中找到或笼统地指一种状况而不是指任何具体事物,则该宾语可省略。3、not without是双重否定,实际仍是肯定,语气较委婉。no(not, never)without结构也是双重否定,用以加强语气。
2023-01-11 05:21:551

without什么意思中文 without的意思

1、without,英文单词,介词、副词、连词、名词,作介词时意为“没有;不和……在一起;不带;在……外部”,作副词时意为“没有,缺乏;在外面”,作连词时意为“不那样的话;除非”,作名词时意为“外部,外面”。 2、单词发音:英[wɪˈðaʊt],美[wɪðˈaʊt]。
2023-01-11 05:22:141

without怎么读 without解释

1、without,没有。读音:美/wɪˈðaʊt/;英/wɪˈðaʊt/。 2、解释: (1)prep.没有;不和……在一起;不带;在……外部。 (2)adv.没有,缺乏;在外面。 (3)conj.不那样的话;除非。 (4)n.外部,外面。 3、例句:I went on a business trip without my wallet.我这次出差没带钱包。
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2023-01-11 05:22:246


介词 prep. 1.无,没有,不He entered without knocking at the door. 他没敲门就进来了。 He left us without a word. 他一句话也没说就离开了我们。 2.在...外面,在...外部He lives in a cottage three miles without the town. 他住在城外三英里一所村舍里。 3.在...范围以外,超过副词 ad. 1.在外面,外表上The house is clean within and without. 这幢房子里里外外都很干净。 2.户外3.在没有(或缺少)的情况下名词 n. 1.外面,外部[U]
2023-01-11 05:22:306

with no和without区别

介词without用法说明: 1. 表示否定,其意为“没有”“无”“不需”。如:He went out without his umbrella. 他外出没有带伞。I was without anyone to look after my child. 没有人替我照看孩子。The letter had been posted without a stamp. 那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了。若用于否定词no, not, never等之后,则表示肯定,其意为“没有……不”“没有……则不能”“每……必定”如:There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。Don"t go out without a coat on. 不要没穿外衣就出去。They never meet without quarrelling. 他们一见面就争吵。What he has said is not without reason. 他说的话不是没有道理。2. 其后除可接名词或代词外,也可接动名词。如:He walked past me without speaking. 他从我身旁走过,一句话也没说。He left without paying his bill. 他没有付账就走了。It is strange that he should have gone away without telling us. 真奇怪,他没有告诉我们一声就走了3. 有时表示条件,意为“若无”“若非”。如:Without water, we cannot live. 没有水,我们就活不了。Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?这样用时,有时还可引出虚拟语气相当于 but for。如:Without your advice I would have failed. 假若没有你的劝告,我想必已失败了。I never could have done it without your help. 如果没有你的帮助我永远也不会完成这事。4. 后接两个并列成分时,既可用and也可用or,即without A and B与without A or B 同义,相当于without A and without B,同时否定A、B两者。如 :We cannot survive for long without food and [or] water. 我们没有食物和水就活不了多久。5. 所引出的介词短语通常用作状语,但有时也可用作表语,表示“没有”。如 :He is without bias. 他没有成见。You yourself aren"t without blame. 你自己也不是没有责任。We were without electricity for three hours but it"s on again now. 我们的电停了3小时,现在又有了。
2023-01-11 05:22:452


without 一般用于名词之后,而NO则用于名词之前
2023-01-11 05:22:513

是without do sth还是 without doing sth

without doing sth without+动名词或名词 You can"t get rich without taking risks(网上摘下的 你不冒险不富)希望对你有帮助
2023-01-11 05:22:542

without 属于什么词性

2023-01-11 05:22:573


2023-01-11 05:23:002

without 和with out的区别是什么?

with如果跟out拆开了的话,就变成了两个词,而不是一个词组.如:With Yao and Shaq out of the picture,NBA"s 7-footers come up short
2023-01-11 05:23:021


动名词。Without后面动词是动名词,Without是介词,在英语中,介词后的动词要变成动名词。动名词,指的是动词ing形式的一种,兼有动词和名词特征的非限定动词。 without的用法 接在not、never等否定副词后,表示强调与肯定。 表示否定,意为“没有”、“不需要”。 表示条件,意为“若无”、“若非”。 与动名词形式连用,表示“不”、“无”。 后接复合宾语,常用结构有:without+宾语+过去分词、without+宾语+不定式等。 什么是动名词 动名词指的是动词ing形式的一种,兼有动词和名词特征的非限定动词(即非谓语动词)。它可以支配宾语,也能被副词修饰,动名词有时态和语态的变化。动名词具有名词的性质,因此在句中可以充当主语、表语、宾语、定语,但是不能充当状语。
2023-01-11 05:23:051


without的中文意思是没有,例句:Shes better off without him.没有他,她活得更幸福。The future is not without hope.未来并非没有希望。 扩展资料   例句:   1.She"s better off without him.   没有他,她活得更幸福。   2.How do you manage without a car?   没有车你怎么应付的`?   3.They accepted without demur.   他们接受了,没有提出异议。   4.What am I to do without him?   没有他我该怎么办?   5.We would be lost without your help.   我们没有你的帮助就会一筹莫展。   6.I don"t like myself without a beard.   我不喜欢自己一根胡子没有。   7.The future is not without hope.   未来并非没有希望。   8.She continued to work without respite.   她连续工作,没有休息。   9.He tried and tried but without success.   他反复尝试,但没有成功。   10.I can walk without the aid of crutches.   我能够不借助拐杖走路。   11.Without a car we still felt very cut off.   没有车我们还是觉得与外界隔绝了。   12.He walked away without a backward glance.   他头也不回地扬长而去。   13.Without speaking, she stood up and went out.   她没有说话,站起身来走了出去。   14.Can you see without your glasses?   你不戴眼镜能看见吗?   15.Reyes emits confidence without conceit.   罗伊斯表现出自信但不自负。   16.We can get on perfectly well without her.   没有她我们也能过得很好。   17.I was really up the creek without my car.   离了我那辆汽车真是不方便。   18.Life seems grey and pointless without him.   没有他生活就显得沉闷而无意义。   19.Few can survive more than a week without water.   很少有人没有水能活过一周。   20.She is entirely without malice.   她完全没有恶意。
2023-01-11 05:23:151


1、without,英文单词,介词、副词、连词、名词,作介词时意为“没有;不和??在一起;不带;在??外部”,作副词时意为“没有,缺乏;在外面”,作连词时意为“不那样的话;除非”,作名词时意为“外部,外面”。2、Without you, there would be no me.没有你们,就不会有我的今天。
2023-01-11 05:23:211


without英 [wɪˈðaʊt] 美 [wɪðˈaʊt, wɪθ-] adv. 在外部;户外;缺少;没有或不显示某事物 prep. 没有,缺乏;在外面 conj. 除非,如果不 没有; 不; 无; 没 【1】缺乏;没有;不用 You use without to indicate that someone or something does not have or use the thing mentioned. I don"t like myself without a beard... 我不喜欢自己没胡子的样子。She wore a brown shirt pressed without a wrinkle. 她穿着一件熨烫得没有一点儿褶儿的棕色衬衫。...a meal without barbecue sauce. 没有烧烤酱的一顿饭【2】在没有(发生或做某事)的情况下 If one thing happens without another thing, or if you do something without doing something else, the second thing does not happen or occur. He was offered a generous pension provided he left without a fuss.他如果一声不吭地离开,就会获得一笔丰厚的养老金。They worked without a break until about eight in the evening.他们一刻不停地干到晚上8点钟左右。Alex had done this without consulting her. 亚历克斯这么做事先并没有跟她商量。【3】介词没有,不带(某种感情) If you do something without a particular feeling, you do not have that feeling when you do it.Janet Magnusson watched his approach without enthusiasm. 珍妮特·马格努森冷冷地看着他走过来。"Hello, Swanson," he said without surprise. “你好,斯旺森。”他说话的时候并未显得惊讶。【4】介词…不在场;没有…参加 If you do something without someone else, they are not in the same place as you are or are not involved in the same action as you. I told Franklin he would have to start dinner without me.我告诉富兰克林吃晚饭不必等我。How can I rebuild my life without my husband? 失去丈夫后我怎么才能重新开始生活?We would never go anywhere without you. 没有你我们会一事无成。
2023-01-11 05:23:241


without后面加动词的ing形式,也就是doing。一、基本释义without 英 [wɪ"ðaʊt]     美 [wɪ"ðaʊt]    prep. 没有;无;在外面adv. 在缺乏的情况下;在外面conj. 除非二、用法1、without作“无,没有”解时其后可接动名词(短语),表示“没有做某事”,动名词短语中动名词常可省略。2、在口语中, without后的宾语如可在上下文中找到或笼统地指一种状况而不是指任何具体事物,则该宾语可省略。3、not without是双重否定,实际仍是肯定,语气较委婉。no〔not, never〕...without结构也是双重否定,用以加强语气。扩展资料without的近义词一、minus 英 ["maɪnəs]     美 ["maɪnəs]    adj. 负的;减的n. 减号;负数;缺点prep. 减去示例:A negative value is prefixed by a minus sign.一个负数将以减号作为前缀。二、lacking 英 ["lækɪŋ]     美 ["lækɪŋ]    adj. 缺少的;没有的示例:What seems to be lacking is a suitable abstraction for programming pervasive computing environments.看上去缺少的东西正好适合于编程普及运算环境。
2023-01-11 05:23:276


with、on等without的反义词是with、on等等.它的反义词为:@with,on,等等.它的反义词为:@@with,@@on,@@,等.它的反义词为without,@without,没有,@not without等。它的反义词为:@with,@on,@,没有,@not without等。它的反义词为:@with,@on,@,没有,@not without等。它的反义词为:without,@without,没有,@not without等。没有的反义词为:有没有的反义词为:@with,@on。
2023-01-11 05:24:013


without doing sth
2023-01-11 05:24:044


not只是简单通用的否定,而without:1.without作“无,没有”解时其后可接动名词(短语),表示“没有做某事”,动名词短语中动名词常可省略。2.在口语中, without后的宾语如可在上下文中找到或笼统地指一种状况而不是指任何具体事物,则该宾语可省略。3.not without是双重否定,实际仍是肯定,语气较委婉。no〔not, never〕...without结构也是双重否定,用以加强语气。
2023-01-11 05:24:071

Without sb doing sth正确吗

没有这样的用法,参看without用法一、基本用法  1.(表否定)没有,无,不需.如:  The letter was posted without a stamp.那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了.  We got there without any trouble.我们到了那儿,一路上没遇到任何麻烦.  You"ll get wet if you go out in the rain without an umbrella.雨天外出不带伞会淋湿的.   2.(用在no,not,never等否定副词之后,强调肯定)没有……不,没有……则不能……,每……必定…….如:  You can"t get rich without taking risks.人不冒险不富.  The old man cannot walk without a stick.那位老先生离开手杖就走不了路.  Don"t go out without a coat:you"ll catch your death.别不穿外套出去,会得重感冒的.   3.(与-ing形式连用)不,无,没.如:  She entered the room without knocking.她没敲门就进了房间.  They had to stand for hours without changing position.他们得一动不动地站几个小时.  It wasn"t very polite of you to serve yourself without asking.你也不问一声就自己吃起来是不太礼貌的.  4.(表条件)若无,若非.如:  I don"t like to go to a country without knowing something of the language.我要是不懂得一点那个国家的语言,就不想到那个国家去.  Without water,we cannot live.没有水,我们就活不了.  Can you see without your glasses?你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?  二、作表语的用法  without引出的介词短语通常用作状语,但有时也可用作表语.如:  She is completely without shame.她恬不知耻.  My investigations were without result.我的调查毫无结果.  The houses in this village are without water.这个村子里家家户户都没有自来水.   三、后接复合宾语的用法  without后接复合宾语的常用结构如下:  1.without+宾语+副词  I"d be lost without you here.没有你在这儿,我会一筹莫展.  I"m very near-sighted without my glasses on.我要是不戴眼镜十分近视.  2.without+宾语+介词短语  We"d be better off without them as neighbors.要是没有这些邻居,我们就过得更愉快了.  I don"t like sweet coffee; I like it better without sugar in it.我不喜欢加糖的咖啡,里边不加糖我更喜欢.  3.without+宾语+动名词  Without anyone noticing,he slipped through the window.无人注意,他从窗户溜了出去.  They debated for hours without a decision being taken.他们争论了几个小时,也没作出决定.  4.without+宾语+不定式  Without anyone to help,how can we go on?没有人帮忙,我们怎么能进行下去?  It was boring to sit there without anything to do.无所事事地坐在那里太无聊了.  5.without+宾语+过去分词  Without another word exchanged,they started off.没有再交谈一句,他们就出发了.
2023-01-11 05:24:102


2023-01-11 05:24:162


without是介词词性; without prep.没有;缺乏;不和…在一起;无…相伴;不用;不拿;不带; adv.没有;缺乏; 例句: I cant imagine life without the children now. 我现在无法设想没有了孩子们的生活。 扩展资料   I"d never have got through it all without you.   假如没有您,我是绝对渡不过这个难关的"。   You can"t do much in the art line without training.   没经过训练,你在艺术行业是不会有多大作为的。   How long can a human being go without sleep?   人不睡觉能活多久?
2023-01-11 05:24:301


without后面加动词的ing形式,也就是doing。一、基本释义without 英 [wɪ"ðaʊt]     美 [wɪ"ðaʊt]    prep. 没有;无;在外面adv. 在缺乏的情况下;在外面conj. 除非二、用法1、without作“无,没有”解时其后可接动名词(短语),表示“没有做某事”,动名词短语中动名词常可省略。2、在口语中, without后的宾语如可在上下文中找到或笼统地指一种状况而不是指任何具体事物,则该宾语可省略。3、not without是双重否定,实际仍是肯定,语气较委婉。no〔not, never〕...without结构也是双重否定,用以加强语气。扩展资料without的近义词一、minus 英 ["maɪnəs]     美 ["maɪnəs]    adj. 负的;减的n. 减号;负数;缺点prep. 减去示例:A negative value is prefixed by a minus sign.一个负数将以减号作为前缀。二、lacking 英 ["lækɪŋ]     美 ["lækɪŋ]    adj. 缺少的;没有的示例:What seems to be lacking is a suitable abstraction for programming pervasive computing environments.看上去缺少的东西正好适合于编程普及运算环境。
2023-01-11 05:24:331


without后面加动名词或名词。基本用法1. (表否定)没有,无,不需。如:The letter was posted without a stamp. 那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了。We got there without any trouble. 我们到了那儿,一路上没遇到任何麻烦。You"ll get wet if you go out in the rain without an umbrella. 雨天外出不带伞会淋湿的。I suddenly realized I"d come out without any money. 我突然意识到,一点儿钱也没带就出来了。2. (用在no, not, never等否定副词之后,强调肯定)没有……不,没有……则不能……,每……必定……。如:You can"t get rich without taking risks. 人不冒险不富。The old man cannot walk without a stick. 那位老先生离开手杖就走不了路。Don"t go out without a coat: you"ll catch your death. 别不穿外套出去,会得重感冒的。I never see this picture without thinking of him. 每次看到这张照片,我都会想起他。3. (与-ing形式连用)不,无,没。如:She entered the room without knocking. 她没敲门就进了房间。It goes without saying that health is above wealth. 健康胜于财富这个道理是无需多说的。They had to stand for hours without changing position. 他们得一动不动地站几个小时。It wasn"t very polite of you to serve yourself without asking. 你也不问一声就自己吃起来是不太礼貌的。4. (表条件)若无,若非。如:I don"t like to go to a country without knowing something of the language. 我要是不懂得一点那个国家的语言,就不想到那个国家去。Without water, we cannot live. 没有水,我们就活不了。Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?
2023-01-11 05:24:401


without英 [wɪˈðaʊt] 美 [wɪðˈaʊt, wɪθ-] adv.在外部;  户外;  缺少;  没有或不显示某事物prep.没有,缺乏;  在外面conj.除非,如果不网络没有;  如果没有;  要不是形近词: lithous双语例句 1I don"t like myself without a beard. 我不喜欢自己没胡子的样子。2He was offered a generous pension provided he left without a fuss. 他如果一声不吭地离开,就会获得一笔丰厚的养老金。
2023-01-11 05:24:442

without doing sth什么意思?

without 是没有.的意思without doing 没有做任何事情?哈哈,我乱说的.
2023-01-11 05:25:102


without [with·out || wɪ"ðaʊt ,wɪθ- /wɪ"ðaʊt]adv. 在外, 在屋外prep. 在外, 在屋外#没有, 在...之外, 不
2023-01-11 05:25:134

without 和with out的区别是什么?

with如果跟out拆开了的话,就变成了两个词,而不是一个词组.如:With Yao and Shaq out of the picture,NBA"s 7-footers come up short
2023-01-11 05:25:151


without后面加动名词或名词。基本用法:1、(表否定)没有,无,不需。如:The letter was posted without a stamp。那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了。We got there without any trouble。我们到了那儿,一路上没遇到任何麻烦。You"ll get wet if you go out in the rain without an umbrella。雨天外出不带伞会淋湿的。I suddenly realized I"d come out without any money。我突然意识到,一点儿钱也没带就出来了。2、(用在no, not, never等否定副词之后,强调肯定)没有……不,没有……则不能……每……必定……如:You can"t get rich without taking risks。人不冒险不富。The old man cannot walk without a stick。那位老先生离开手杖就走不了路。Don"t go out without a coat: you"ll catch your death。别不穿外套出去,会得重感冒的。I never see this picture without thinking of him。每次看到这张照片,我都会想起他。3、(与ing形式连用)不,无,没。如:She entered the room without knocking。她没敲门就进了房间。It goes without saying that health is above wealth。健康胜于财富这个道理是无需多说的。They had to stand for hours without changing position。他们得一动不动地站几个小时。
2023-01-11 05:25:221

without后面加to do还是doing?

doing。without是介词,所以用doing,动词的ing形式。without后面加动词用动名词形式。without通常表示否定,意为“没有”“无”“不需”,其后可接名词和动名词,表示条件时,意为若无,若非。作介词时意为“没有;不和……在一起;不带;在……外部”。without的用法:1、without作“无,没有”解时其后可接动名词(短语),表示“没有做某事”,动名词短语中动名词常可省略。2、在口语中,without后的宾语如可在上下文中找到或笼统地指一种状况而不是指任何具体事物,则该宾语可省略。3、not without是双重否定,实际仍是肯定,语气较委婉。no〔not, never〕,without结构也是双重否定,用以加强语气。
2023-01-11 05:25:281

without前面加什么词? 谢

without+n./doing sth. 如:I go to work without having breakfast. I go to work without breakfast.
2023-01-11 05:25:331


without是介词,后面加动词,用动名词形式。作介词时意为“没有;不和……在一起;不带;在……外部”。 without短语搭配 without recourse 无追索权 ; 不受追索 ; 无偿还义务 ; 无偿还义务无权追偿 do without 将就 ; 不用 ; 用不着 ; 没有 without engagement 不受约束 ; 无契约关系 ; 不受束缚 without day 不定期 ; 无限制 ; 无期限的 ; 不按期 Without Me 少了我 ; 没有我 ; 谢霆锋 ; 少了我很空虚 without双语例句 1、I don"t like myself without a beard 我不喜欢自己没胡子的样子。 2、He was offered a generous pension provided he left without a fuss 他如果一声不吭地离开,就会获得一笔丰厚的养老金。 3、Janet Magnusson watched his approach without enthusiasm 珍妮特·马格努森冷冷地看着他走过来。 4、They worked without a break until about eight in the evening 他们一刻不停地干到晚上8点钟左右。 5、Alex had done this without consulting her. 亚历克斯这么做事先并没有跟她商量。 以上就是我整理的without知识点,感谢阅读。
2023-01-11 05:25:361

without 是什么意思

Without是“除了...(之外)”的意思,根据具体语境,也可翻译为“没有了...” 例如: without you译为“除了你(之外)” Human beings are going to die lead to destroy without water译为“没有水,人类就会走向灭亡”
2023-01-11 05:25:391


without + v-ing/n.
2023-01-11 05:25:454


without: adv. 在外部;户外;缺少;没有或不显示某事物 prep. 没有,缺乏;在外面 conj. 除非,如果不 ever adv. 永远;曾经,这以前;究竟,到底;可能
2023-01-11 05:25:484

Without 什么意思

without-介词离from, off, withoutwithout-名词在外withoutwithout-副词在外without同学你好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦
2023-01-11 05:25:511


2023-01-11 05:25:544


tell英 [tel] 美 [tɛl] vt.讲述; 告诉,说; 辨别; 吩咐vt.& vi.分辨,辨别; 告诉,吩咐; 泄漏; 保证vi.泄密,告发; (颜色、声音等)显示; 识别n.[考古学](古代村落遗址堆积而成的)台形土墩; [方言]讲的话; 谈话; 传闻网络关照; 叫; 分辨
2023-01-11 05:21:352


2023-01-11 05:21:363


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2023-01-11 05:21:372


【stuff】意思与用法 英 [ stʌf ] 美 [ stʌf ]1 N-UNCOUNT (泛指的)东西,物品,玩意儿You can use stuff to refer to things such as a substance, a collection of things, events, or ideas, or the contents of something in a general way without mentioning the thing itself by name.I"d like some coffee, and I don"t object to the powdered stuff if it"s all you"ve got...我想来点咖啡,如果你只有速溶的那种也可以。I don"t know anything about this antique stuff...我对于这种古玩物件一无所知。"What do you want to know?"—"About life and stuff."...“你想知道些什么?”——“关于生命之类的东西。”Don"t tell me you still believe in all that stuff?...别告诉我你仍旧相信那些东西。He pointed to a duffle bag."That"s my stuff."他指着一个旅行袋说:“那是我的东西。”2 VERB 把…塞进(或填进)If you stuff something somewhere, you push it there quickly and roughly.I stuffed my hands in my pockets...我把手插进口袋里。He stuffed the newspapers into a litter bin and headed down the street...他把报纸塞进了垃圾箱,然后沿街往前走了。His pants were stuffed inside the tops of his boots.他的裤腿儿塞在靴子里。3 VERB 填满;装满;塞满If you stuff a container or space with something, you fill it with something or with a quantity of things until it is full.He grabbed my purse, opened it and stuffed it full, then gave it back to me...他抢过我的钱包,打开并塞满钱,然后还给了我。He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn.他仍站在收银机后,嘴里塞满了爆米花。...wallets stuffed with dollars.装满美元的钱包4 VERB (使)吃撑;(使)吃足;(使)吃得过饱If you stuff yourself, you eat a lot of food.I could stuff myself with ten chocolate bars and half an hour later eat a big meal.我可以一口气吃10块巧克力,半小时后再吃一顿大餐。stuffedBut you"re just so stuffed you won"t be able to drink anything.但你已经撑得什么也喝不下了。5 VERB 给…装馅儿;给(鸡、辣椒等食物里)加填料If you stuff a bird such as a chicken or a vegetable such as a pepper, you put a mixture of food inside it before cooking it.Will you stuff the turkey and shove it in the oven for me?你能帮我给火鸡填上料然后放进烤箱里吗?...stuffed tomatoes.酿西红柿6 VERB 将(动物)制作成标本If a dead animal is stuffed, it is filled with a substance so that it can be preserved and displayed.A pike weighing 29 lb 8 oz taken in 1878 was stuffed and is on display at the estate office...一条 1878 年捕获的重 29 磅 8 盎司的梭子鱼被制成标本陈列在庄园管理处。He didn"t much care for the stuffed animal heads that hung on the walls.他不是很喜欢墙上挂的那些动物头颅标本。7 N-SING 基本特征;特质;根本;基础If you say that one thing is the stuff of another, you mean that the first thing is a very important feature or characteristic of the second thing, or that the second thing can be based or built on the first thing.The idea that we can be whatever we want has become the stuff of television commercials.每个人皆无所不能,这一理念已经成为电视广告的精髓。8 EXCLAM 滚开;去你的;别烦我If you are angry with someone for something that they have said or done, you might say "Get stuffed!" to them.9 VERB (用在名词前表示强调)不稀罕,不在乎Stuff is used in front of nouns to emphasize that you do not care about something, or do not want it.Ultimately my attitude was: stuff them...我最终的态度是:去他们的。Stuff your money. We don"t want a handout.收起你的钱,我们不需要施舍。10 PHRASE 露一手;施展自己的本事If you do your stuff, you perform an activity in the way that people expect.Once I get on the pitch I know I can do my stuff...我一上场就知道是我大显身手的时候了。All that was left was to plant the roses and wait for nature to do her stuff.剩下的就只是栽上玫瑰,然后等大自然施展她的神奇魔力。11 PHRASE 很内行;精通;懂行If you say that someone knows their stuff, you mean that they are good at doing something because they know a lot about it.These chaps know their stuff after seven years of war.7年的战争过后,这些家伙都成了作战行家。
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n. 价钱,代价;花费,费用;牺牲;[用复数][法律]诉讼费 vi. 价钱为,花费;估计成本 vt. 付出代价;估价;使丧失;使付出努力
2023-01-11 05:21:301


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2023-01-11 05:21:263


没有疵字开头的成语疵成语 :吹毛求疵、澡垢索疵、吹毛索疵、大醇小疵、索垢寻疵、饰垢掩疵
2023-01-11 05:21:252