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live () an apartment 用at 还是in

2023-05-19 13:10:53


He lives in an apartment.


He lives at an apartment 2 minutes down the street.





2022-12-31 04:26:597


apartment,名词,意为“公寓;房间”。读音:英[əˈpɑːtmənt],美[əˈpɑːrtmənt]。释义:n.公寓;房间。例句:It"s difficult for the man to afford the apartment alone.要这个男人独自负担公寓的钱很困难。变形:复数apartments。短语:studio apartment单房公寓a suite of apartment一套公寓share an apartment with sb与某人共住一套公寓luxurious apartment豪华的公寓garden apartment花园公寓apartment的近义词dormitory读音:英[ˈdɔːmətri],美[ˈdɔːrmətɔːri]。使用:n. 大寝室,集体寝室;<美>(大学、学院等的)学生宿舍;(市内工作者的)郊外住宅区。例句:She decided to head for the dormitory to take another crack at locating Blanche.她决定回宿舍再找找布兰奇。变形:复数dormitories。短语:comfortable〔neat〕dormitory舒适〔干净〕的宿舍school dormitory学校宿舍
2022-12-31 04:27:321


2022-12-31 04:27:451


apartment的意思是:公寓;房间。apartment:通常指占用或居住时间较长的成套房间,在美国比较常用。lodging:常用lodgings,指临时租借的房间或宿舍。accommodation:泛指各种居住住所,一般指暂时下榻之地。flat:多用于英国、澳大利亚和新西兰,指同一层建筑物上组成一个居住单元的几个房间。quarters:指某一部分人集中的居住区。suite:可泛指任何设备完善的一套房间,但多指包括起居室、卧室和浴室的陈设较豪华的套间。短语搭配:1、apartment house公共住宅;公寓;公寓式住宅。2、apartment area公寓式住宅区;公寓式室第区。3、Atlas Apartment阿特拉斯公寓。4、apartment manager公寓管理员;公寓治理员。5、apartment management公寓管理。6、Midtown Apartment上海市城中酒店公寓;上海市城中公寓。7、wooden apartment木质公寓。8、Boutique Apartment精品公寓;酒店式公寓;精品豪宅。9、complete apartment现房。
2022-12-31 04:28:101


apartment的读音:英 [əˈpɑːtmənt]  美 [əˈpɑːrtmənt] 。n. 公寓套房;(总统等要人的)房间,套间短语The Apartment 公寓春光 ; 桃色公寓 ; 非常公寓Serviced Apartment 酒店式公寓 ; 服务式住宅 ; 服务式公寓 ; 商务住宅duplex apartment 复式计帐 ; 双层式建筑tube-shaped apartment 筒女楼compound apartment 复式住宅 ; 复式计帐词语辨析quarters, accommodation, flat, apartment, suite, lodging这组词都有“住处”的意思,其区别是:quarters 指某一部分人集中的居住区。accommodation 泛指各种居住住所,一般指暂时下榻之地。flat 多用于英国、澳大利亚和新西兰。指同一层建筑物上组成一个居住单元的几个房间。apartment 通常指占用或居住时间较长的成套房间,在美国比较常用。suite 可泛指任何设备完善的一套房间,但多指包括起居室、卧室和浴室的陈设较豪华的套间。lodging 常用lodgins,指临时租借的房间或宿舍。
2022-12-31 04:28:241

apartment什么意思 apartment英文解释

1、apartment 公寓套房,读音:美/əˈpɑːrtmənt/;英/əˈpɑːtmənt/。 2、释义:n.公寓;房间。 3、例句:I have lived in this apartment since high school.我从高中开始就住在这个公寓里。
2022-12-31 04:28:361


公寓;房间的意思。读法:英[əˈpɑːtmənt]美[əˈpɑːrtmənt]短语apartment house公共住宅;公寓;隔成公寓的建筑物;公寓式住宅。apartmen tarea公寓式住宅区。扩展资料一、apartment近义词:chamber1、英 [ˈtʃeɪmbər]  美 [ˈtʃeɪmbər] 2、n. (身体或器官内的)室,膛;房间;会所。3、adj. 室内的;私人的,秘密的。4、vt. 把…关在室内;装填(弹药等)。5、n. (Chamber)人名;(英)钱伯。二、短语magma chamber [地物] 岩浆房 ; 岩浆储源 ; 岩浆库 ; 熔岩领地
2022-12-31 04:28:422


apartment [英]əˈpɑ:tmənt [美]əˈpɑ:rtmənt n. 寓所,住房;房间;公寓楼;(有特殊用途或专属某人的)豪华寓所 [例句]Not even my head of security knows this apartment.连我的保安队长都不知道这间公寓。
2022-12-31 04:29:042


apartment的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[əˈpɑːtm(ə)nt]美语音标:[əˈpɑrtmənt]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译n.一套公寓房间单词例句用作名词 (n.)I have an apartment in downtown Manhattan. 我在曼哈顿中心区有一套住房。语法用法n.(名词)apartment的意思是“一套房间”,主要指一套公寓的房间,通常设有家具供出租,尤指为度假用的; 引申还可指“厅堂,殿堂”,作此解时,常用于复数形式。
2022-12-31 04:29:171


apartment[英][əˈpɑ:tmənt][美][əˈpɑ:rtmənt]n.房间; 寓所,住房; 公寓楼; (有特殊用途或专属某人的)豪华寓所; 复数:apartments形近词:impartmentcompartmentdepartment双语例句 1Christina has her own apartment, with her own car.克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。2After lunch, connected to Wi-Fi in the apartment we had rented on airbnb, I spent some time with zite, a so-called “ intelligent magazine ” a la Flipboard.吃完午饭后,我们在通过Airbnb租来的公寓房间里连上了Wi-Fi,然后我花了一点时间在Zite上看杂志,Zite是一款像Flipboard一样的所谓“智能杂志”应用。
2022-12-31 04:29:231


apartment 英[əˈpɑ:tmənt] 美[əˈpɑ:rtmənt] n. 房间; 寓所,住房; 公寓楼; (有特殊用途或专属某人的) 豪华寓所; [网络] 住宅; 单元; 公寓房间; [例句]Christina has her own apartment, with her own car.克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。
2022-12-31 04:29:327

【apartment 中文】搞懂英文「apartment」的意思!

apartment 中文 意思是指「公寓,公寓大楼」的意思,apartment 的名词复数为 apartments。apartment 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出apartment的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.apartment 公寓,公寓大楼(名词) apartment当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「公寓,公寓大楼」的意思。 apartment相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: a holiday apartment 度假公寓 apartment相关英文例句: 例:I"ll give her the keys to my apartment. 我会给她我公寓的钥匙。 例: Her apartment is in a really good location. 她的公寓位置非常好。 例:Jenny lives in a *** all apartment. 珍妮住在一间小公寓里。 Apartment, apartment 中文, apartment 中文意思, apartment 中文的意思, apartment 中文解释, apartment 意思, apartment 用法, apartment 翻译, 英文 apartment
2022-12-31 04:29:581


2022-12-31 04:30:044

英文里面 house 和 apartment 的区别是什么?

2022-12-31 04:30:196


apartment 英 [əˈpɑ:tmənt] 美 [əˈpɑrtmənt]n.寓所,住房,房间,公寓楼,(有特殊用途或专属某人的)豪华寓所[例句]She went directly to Simon"s apartment and knocked on the door.她直奔西蒙的房间,敲了敲门。
2022-12-31 04:31:046


义辨析 lodging, accommodation, apartment, flat, quarters, suite, lodging: 常用lodgings,指临时租借的房间或宿舍。accommodation: 泛指各种居住住所,一般指暂时下榻之地。apartment: 通常指占用或居住时间较长的成套房间,在美国比较常用。flat: 多用于英国、澳大利亚和新西兰,指同一层建筑物上组成一个居住单元的几个房间。quarters: 指某一部分人集中的居住区。suite: 可泛指任何设备完善的一套房间,但多指包括起居室flatadj. 平的;单调的;不景气的;干脆的 adv. (尤指贴着另一表面)平直地;断然地;水平地;直接地,完全地 n. 平地;公寓;平面 vt. 使变平;[音乐]使(音调)下降,尤指降半音 vi. 逐渐变平;[音乐]以降调唱(或奏)Sara lives with her husband and children in a flat in central London... 萨拉和丈夫还有孩子们住在伦敦中心城区的一间公寓里。It started a fire in a block of flats... 大火是从一幢公寓大楼烧起的。Later on, Victor from flat 10 called. 后来,10 号公寓的维克托打来电话Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it"s flat, firm and dry... 只要表面平整、坚固而且干燥,瓷砖就可以贴住。After a moment his right hand moved across the cloth, smoothing it flat... 过了一会儿,他用右手把布抹平。 which a thief can reach from a drainpipe or flat roof... 小偷从排水管或平屋顶上就可够到的窗户The sea was calm, perfectly flat. 海面风平浪静,没有一丝波澜。Two men near him threw themselves flat... 他身旁的两个男人直挺挺趴倒在地上。As heartburn is usually worse when you"re lying down in bed, you should avoid lying flat. 通常躺着的时候胃灼热会更加厉害,所以应当避免平卧Ellen is walking down the drive with a square flat box balanced on one hand. 埃伦正一手托着一个方形的扁盒子沿私人车道走着。To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain... 北边是索尔韦平原平坦而肥沃的农田。The landscape became wider, flatter and very scenic... 地势变得更开阔、更平整,风景十分优美。The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead. 公路平坦而笔直地向前延伸。. faceless high-rise apartment blocks 千篇一律的高层公寓大楼2. Prices are based on full occupancy of an apartment. 公寓租金按全部住满为基础计算。3. an apartment with off-street parking 有后街街边可停车的公寓4. Someone"s been snooping around my apartment. 有个人一直在我住所周围窥探。5. Fran decided to spring-clean the apartment. 弗兰决定把房间彻底打扫一下。6. We rented an unfurnished apartment. 我们租了一套不带家具的公寓。7. They live in an apartment uptown. 他们住在市郊的一套公寓。8. They"ve been squatting in an apartment for the past two years. 他们过去两年来一直擅自占用一套公寓。9. This apartment"s fine for two people, but not more. 这套房子两个人住挺舒适,但人再多就不行了。10. The convertible sofa means that the apartment can sleep four. 有了这张折叠沙发,公寓里可以睡下 4 个人。11. There"s a nine-storey apartment building next to the bank. 银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。12. The rent on his apartment was his biggest monthly expense. 他的房租是每个月最大的开支。13. The thief slipped out of the apartment without a sound. 小偷不出声地溜出了房间。14. Her apartment was immaculate. 她的公寓房间洁净无垢。15. The landlord is doing my apartment over. 房东正在翻修我的房子。16. He rented an apartment uptown. 他在住宅区租了一间公寓。17. Many city dwellers live in apartment buildings. 许多城市居民住在公共住宅楼里。18. My apartment has been burglarized. 我的住宅失窃了。19. This apartment rents cheaply. 这套公寓租价便宜。20. Because of the housing shortage, many couples had to double up in one tiny apartment. 由于住房紧张,许多对夫妻只好挤在一栋公寓里。1. They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs flat. 他们抱怨楼上发出的噪音太大。 2. The countryside is flat and featureless. 这乡村一马平川,平淡无奇。 4. They were caught flat-footed by the attack. 他们冷不防遭到了攻击。 5. He spoke in a flat monotone. 他说话单调低沉。 6. tables that fold flat for storage 便于存放的折叠桌 7. She keeps her flat very tidy . 她把她的单元房间保持得很整洁。 8. The car was going flat out at 120 mph. 那辆汽车以每小时120英里的速度急速行驶。 9. A flat electroencephalogram indicates a loss of brain function. 平直的脑电图表明脑部功能的丧失。 10. I unluckily had a flat tire on the way here. 到这儿来的路上,不幸我的车胎泄气了。 11. A flat tire put my bicycle out of commision. 车胎跑气使我的自行车无法使用。 12. This discovery disproved the idea that the world was flat. 这个发现驳斥了地球是扁平的看法。 13. He sliced the bread into thin and flat pieces. 他把面包切成薄片。 14. The thief took all my money and left me flat. 小偷拿走了所有的钱,使我身无分文。 15. The landlady found they had been illegally subletting the flat. 女房东发现他们一直在违法转租公寓。 16. He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre. 他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。 17. The audience weren"t very responsive and the jokes fell a bit flat. 观众反应平平,那些笑话没有太大效果。 18. It was because of the job that he had taken the flat. 他因为工作的原因租了那套公寓。 19. A friend of mine landed me a three-roomed flat. 我的一个朋友给我弄到了一套三居室的公寓。 20. The lease on their London flat runs out in a few months. 他们在伦敦公寓的租契再过几个月就期满了。apartment n. 寓所,住房;房间;公寓楼;(有特殊用途或专属某人的)豪华寓所 1.(通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房 An apartment is a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a large buildingChristina has her own apartment, with her own car. 克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。...bleak cities of concrete apartment blocks. 到处是水泥公寓楼群的沉闷的城市2.(国王、王后、总统等要人居住的)套间,套房 The apartments of an important person such as a king, queen, or president are a set of large rooms which are used by themthe private apartments of the Prince of Wales at St James"s Palace. 威尔士亲王在圣詹姆斯宫的私人套房
2022-12-31 04:31:286


一、词义辨析不一样1、apartment n. [美]公寓套房〔辨析〕指同一楼层的公寓套房,面积较大而且价格较贵;复数形式常指提供给重要人物居住的大房间。〔例证〕My uncle moved into a three-room apartment.我叔叔搬进了一套带有3个房间的公寓房。2、flat n. [英]一套住房,一套公寓房〔辨析〕指楼房中的一套单元房,有客厅、厨房、卫生间等。〔例证〕I live in a three-bedroom flat.我住在一套带三间卧室的公寓。二、词义广泛性不一样1、apartment英 [əˈpɑːtmənt]   美 [əˈpɑːrtmənt]  n.(通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房;(度假用的)公寓套房;(尤指巨屋、名宅的)房间2、flat英 [flæt]  美 [flæt] adj. 平的;单调的;不景气的;干脆的;平坦的;扁平的;浅的adv. (尤指贴着另一表面)平直地;断然地;水平地;直接地,完全地n. 平地;公寓;平面v. 使变平;[音乐]使(音调)下降,尤指降半音三、变形词不一样1、apartment只有复数: apartments2、flat第三人称单数: flats 复数: flats 现在分词: flatting 过去式: flatted 过去分词: flatted 比较级: flatter 最高级: flattest
2022-12-31 04:32:041


用in这个介词, apartment可以用作名词 apartment的意思是“一套房间”。
2022-12-31 04:32:203


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 1、condo,n. 同 condominium;一套公寓住房。2、apartment,英语单词,名词,意为“公寓;房间”。3、house,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“住宅;家庭;机构;议会;某种用途的建筑物;人名;(英)豪斯”,作动词时意为“覆盖;给…房子住;把…储藏在房内;住”。温馨提示:以上内容仅供参考。应答时间:2021-04-20,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~ https://b.pingan.c*.cn/paim/iknow/index.html
2022-12-31 04:32:343


house 独栋别墅townhouse 联排别墅apartment 公寓,高楼中的一套房flat 英国的 apartment 叫法
2022-12-31 04:32:492


2022-12-31 04:33:021


flat英[flæt] 美[flæt]:公寓的单元住房apartment英[əˈpɑ:tmənt] 美[əˈpɑ:rtmənt]:一套公寓住房1、flat释义:1、adj. 平的; 单调的; 不景气的; 干脆的;    2、adv.(尤指贴着另一表面) 平直地; 断然地; 水平地; 直接地,完全地; 3、n.平面; 公寓; 平地;   造句:Ruz saw a large, flat stone slab on floor of the temple2、apartment释义:n. 房间; 寓所,住房; 公寓楼; (有特殊用途或专属某人的) 豪华寓所;    造句:Christina has her own apartment, with her own car
2022-12-31 04:33:083


2022-12-31 04:33:194


2022-12-31 04:34:299


apartment,名词,意为“公寓;房间”。读音:英[əˈpɑːtmənt],美[əˈpɑːrtmənt]。释义:n.公寓;房间。例句:It"s difficult for the man to afford the apartment alone.要这个男人独自负担公寓的钱很困难。变形:复数apartments。短语:studio apartment单房公寓a suite of apartment一套公寓share an apartment with sb与某人共住一套公寓luxurious apartment豪华的公寓garden apartment花园公寓apartment的近义词dormitory读音:英[ˈdɔːmətri],美[ˈdɔːrmətɔːri]。使用:n. 大寝室,集体寝室;<美>(大学、学院等的)学生宿舍;(市内工作者的)郊外住宅区。例句:She decided to head for the dormitory to take another crack at locating Blanche.她决定回宿舍再找找布兰奇。变形:复数dormitories。短语:comfortable〔neat〕dormitory舒适〔干净〕的宿舍school dormitory学校宿舍
2022-12-31 04:35:311


apartment 是一座楼里的公寓flat 是平房(不如house好)
2022-12-31 04:35:434


2022-12-31 04:36:061


1、apartment英[??pɑ?tm?nt]美[??pɑ?rtm?nt]。2、n.公寓; (通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房; (尤指巨屋、名宅的)房间;3、[其他]复数:apartments。4、例句:Its difficult for the man to afford the apartment alone.要这个男人独自负担公寓的钱很困难。
2022-12-31 04:36:151


apartment[英][əˈpɑ:tmənt] [美][əˈpɑrtmənt] 生词本简明释义n.寓所,住房;房间;公寓楼;(有特殊用途或专属某人的)豪华寓所复数:apartments以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.N-COUNT(通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房An apartment is a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a large building. Christina has her own apartment, with her own car.克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。...bleak cities of concrete apartment blocks.到处是水泥公寓楼群的沉闷的城市in BRIT, use 英国英语用 flat
2022-12-31 04:36:203


公寓套房英语单词:apartment英式发音[əˈpɑ:tmənt],美式发音[əˈpɑ:rtmənt]。解释:房间;寓所,住房;公寓楼;(有特殊用途或专属某人的)豪华寓所。adj. 平坦的;扁平的;单调的;断然的;(音乐)降音的;气不足的adv. 平直地;直截了当;低于标准音高地例句:Christina has her own apartment,withherowncar。(克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车)。其他形式:复数 apartments扩展资料:apartment近义词:lodging英式发音: ['lɒdʒɪŋ] 美式发音['lɑːdʒɪŋ]名词解释:借宿,寄宿He returned to his lodging with his head full of castle in the air.他回到寄宿处,脑子里装着一座空中城堡。
2022-12-31 04:36:316


义辨析 lodging, accommodation, apartment, flat, quarters, suite, lodging: 常用lodgings,指临时租借的房间或宿舍。accommodation: 泛指各种居住住所,一般指暂时下榻之地。apartment: 通常指占用或居住时间较长的成套房间,在美国比较常用。flat: 多用于英国、澳大利亚和新西兰,指同一层建筑物上组成一个居住单元的几个房间。quarters: 指某一部分人集中的居住区。suite: 可泛指任何设备完善的一套房间,但多指包括起居室flatadj. 平的;单调的;不景气的;干脆的 adv. (尤指贴着另一表面)平直地;断然地;水平地;直接地,完全地 n. 平地;公寓;平面 vt. 使变平;[音乐]使(音调)下降,尤指降半音 vi. 逐渐变平;[音乐]以降调唱(或奏)Sara lives with her husband and children in a flat in central London... 萨拉和丈夫还有孩子们住在伦敦中心城区的一间公寓里。It started a fire in a block of flats... 大火是从一幢公寓大楼烧起的。Later on, Victor from flat 10 called. 后来,10 号公寓的维克托打来电话Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it"s flat, firm and dry... 只要表面平整、坚固而且干燥,瓷砖就可以贴住。After a moment his right hand moved across the cloth, smoothing it flat... 过了一会儿,他用右手把布抹平。 which a thief can reach from a drainpipe or flat roof... 小偷从排水管或平屋顶上就可够到的窗户The sea was calm, perfectly flat. 海面风平浪静,没有一丝波澜。Two men near him threw themselves flat... 他身旁的两个男人直挺挺趴倒在地上。As heartburn is usually worse when you"re lying down in bed, you should avoid lying flat. 通常躺着的时候胃灼热会更加厉害,所以应当避免平卧Ellen is walking down the drive with a square flat box balanced on one hand. 埃伦正一手托着一个方形的扁盒子沿私人车道走着。To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain... 北边是索尔韦平原平坦而肥沃的农田。The landscape became wider, flatter and very scenic... 地势变得更开阔、更平整,风景十分优美。The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead. 公路平坦而笔直地向前延伸。. faceless high-rise apartment blocks 千篇一律的高层公寓大楼2. Prices are based on full occupancy of an apartment. 公寓租金按全部住满为基础计算。3. an apartment with off-street parking 有后街街边可停车的公寓4. Someone"s been snooping around my apartment. 有个人一直在我住所周围窥探。5. Fran decided to spring-clean the apartment. 弗兰决定把房间彻底打扫一下。6. We rented an unfurnished apartment. 我们租了一套不带家具的公寓。7. They live in an apartment uptown. 他们住在市郊的一套公寓。8. They"ve been squatting in an apartment for the past two years. 他们过去两年来一直擅自占用一套公寓。9. This apartment"s fine for two people, but not more. 这套房子两个人住挺舒适,但人再多就不行了。10. The convertible sofa means that the apartment can sleep four. 有了这张折叠沙发,公寓里可以睡下 4 个人。11. There"s a nine-storey apartment building next to the bank. 银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。12. The rent on his apartment was his biggest monthly expense. 他的房租是每个月最大的开支。13. The thief slipped out of the apartment without a sound. 小偷不出声地溜出了房间。14. Her apartment was immaculate. 她的公寓房间洁净无垢。15. The landlord is doing my apartment over. 房东正在翻修我的房子。16. He rented an apartment uptown. 他在住宅区租了一间公寓。17. Many city dwellers live in apartment buildings. 许多城市居民住在公共住宅楼里。18. My apartment has been burglarized. 我的住宅失窃了。19. This apartment rents cheaply. 这套公寓租价便宜。20. Because of the housing shortage, many couples had to double up in one tiny apartment. 由于住房紧张,许多对夫妻只好挤在一栋公寓里。1. They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs flat. 他们抱怨楼上发出的噪音太大。 2. The countryside is flat and featureless. 这乡村一马平川,平淡无奇。 4. They were caught flat-footed by the attack. 他们冷不防遭到了攻击。 5. He spoke in a flat monotone. 他说话单调低沉。 6. tables that fold flat for storage 便于存放的折叠桌 7. She keeps her flat very tidy . 她把她的单元房间保持得很整洁。 8. The car was going flat out at 120 mph. 那辆汽车以每小时120英里的速度急速行驶。 9. A flat electroencephalogram indicates a loss of brain function. 平直的脑电图表明脑部功能的丧失。 10. I unluckily had a flat tire on the way here. 到这儿来的路上,不幸我的车胎泄气了。 11. A flat tire put my bicycle out of commision. 车胎跑气使我的自行车无法使用。 12. This discovery disproved the idea that the world was flat. 这个发现驳斥了地球是扁平的看法。 13. He sliced the bread into thin and flat pieces. 他把面包切成薄片。 14. The thief took all my money and left me flat. 小偷拿走了所有的钱,使我身无分文。 15. The landlady found they had been illegally subletting the flat. 女房东发现他们一直在违法转租公寓。 16. He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre. 他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。 17. The audience weren"t very responsive and the jokes fell a bit flat. 观众反应平平,那些笑话没有太大效果。 18. It was because of the job that he had taken the flat. 他因为工作的原因租了那套公寓。 19. A friend of mine landed me a three-roomed flat. 我的一个朋友给我弄到了一套三居室的公寓。 20. The lease on their London flat runs out in a few months. 他们在伦敦公寓的租契再过几个月就期满了。apartment n. 寓所,住房;房间;公寓楼;(有特殊用途或专属某人的)豪华寓所 1.(通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房 An apartment is a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a large buildingChristina has her own apartment, with her own car. 克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。...bleak cities of concrete apartment blocks. 到处是水泥公寓楼群的沉闷的城市2.(国王、王后、总统等要人居住的)套间,套房 The apartments of an important person such as a king, queen, or president are a set of large rooms which are used by themthe private apartments of the Prince of Wales at St James"s Palace. 威尔士亲王在圣詹姆斯宫的私人套房
2022-12-31 04:37:036

用英语单词造句 apartment

一套房间,一户 There"s a nine-storey apartment building next to the bank.银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼.Many city dwellers live in apartment buildings.许多城市居民住在公共住宅楼里.厅堂,殿堂 You can vis...
2022-12-31 04:37:371


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2022-12-31 04:37:511


condo指高档公寓,house是指别墅,apartment一般的公寓condo跟apt的最主要区别是产权的不同,condo拥有产权,而apt一般不买卖或者只拥有使用权。其次,condo也不是像大家想象的一定是高楼及设施完善,condo的全称是condominium,本义就是“combines fee simple title to the unit and joint ownership in the common elements shared with other unit owners”,也即共管的意思,也即业主拥有房子的主要使用权,但一些公用设施则归所有业主共同拥有并由管理处统一管理,包括维修,剪草,扫雪,换屋顶和窗户等,所以在购买condo类的房子时常常会碰到管理费的问题,也是购房中要重点考虑的问题。因此,凡属于这类型的房子统统叫condo,只是可以细分成condo townhouse, condo apt等, 近年建的新房一般都是condo。condo是共管公寓, 每户都有产权证, 要交地税.apartment是铁打的营盘, 住户都是流水的兵, 不拥有产权, 只交租金外加其它费用, 如水,电, TV等等,至于建筑在结构上基本一排楼为主, 也有townhouse的,condo和townhouse啊,townhouse是一种房屋建筑形式,就是联排啦。condo是一种管理方式,是condominium(?)的简写,就是共管式的意思,apartment 和townhouse都有condo的。公寓用于出租的是apartment,用于出售的是condo。
2022-12-31 04:37:561


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1、apartment英[??pɑ?tm?nt]美[??pɑ?rtm?nt]。2、n.公寓; (通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房; (尤指巨屋、名宅的)房间;3、[其他]复数:apartments。4、例句:Its difficult for the man to afford the apartment alone.要这个男人独自负担公寓的钱很困难。
2022-12-31 04:38:291

apartment building是什么意思

apartment building<美>公寓大楼; 复数:apartment buildings例句:1.They lived in the same apartment building since high school. 高中起,他们住在同一栋公寓里。2.Last year, a nearly finished 13-story apartment building inshanghai collapsed, killing one worker. 去年,上海一接近完工的层公寓倒塌,导致一名工人死亡。
2022-12-31 04:38:343


flat(公寓的单元住房),apartment(一套公寓住房)l .FLAT是只有一层的,所有的房间都在一个平面上,房子如果够大的话也会有一个MASTER ROOM和几个SINGLE ROOM,有的房子只有SINGLE ROOM。lAPARTMENT住的人不多,格局有点像其中一款的学生公寓,几个SINGLE ROOM,共用厨房和浴室卫生间。
2022-12-31 04:38:451


Apartment来自appartire,ap-=ad-=to+part(部分),原义是分成几个部分,在英国指公寓的一个房间,在美国指一套房间 FLat [英]一套房间,通常指包括起居室,卧室,浴室,厨房等公寓房间
2022-12-31 04:38:501

同样都是公寓 Condo跟Apartment有什么区别

1 没什么区别.一个是卖的,一个是租的.但是也有condo整体交给管理公司进行出租,虽然是condo,还是称为aptment2 condo主要区别在产权公寓一家全包圆,康斗多户众分享,聘人管理付金钱。一般来说,condo的条件会好些,价格会贵些。一个建筑多个居住单位共用一个门口通道称为Apartment,一个建筑多个居住单位各有独立门口通道称为 Condo。cando跟apt的最主要区别是产权的不同,condo拥有产权,而apt一般不买卖或者只拥有使用权。其次,condo也不是像大家想象的一定是高楼及设施完善,condo的全称是condominium,本义就是“combines fee simple title to the unit and joint ownership in the common elements shared with other unit owners”,也即共管的意思,也即业主拥有房子的主要使用权,但一些公用设施则归所有业主共同拥有并由管理处统一管理,包括维修,剪草,扫雪,换屋顶和窗户等,所以在购买condo类的房子时常常会碰到管理费的问题,也是购房中要重点考虑的问题。因此,凡属于这类型的房子统统叫condo,只是可以细分成condo townhouse, condo apt等, 近年建的新房一般都是condo。很多condo 都是apartmentstyle. 在保险上, CONDO, APARTMENT和TOWNHOUSE都是属于CONDO INSURANCE, 因为你只拥有unit of space between four walls. 所以这三种房型都有ASSOCIATION 投保整个building, 各位物主只需承保自己财物就OK了.Condo: 以前常常看到有帖子问condo和apartment的区别,最常见的答复是condo比较豪华,apt比较旧,设施也没condo好;这两天经过跟专业中介的交流,比较正确的解答是condo跟apt的最主要区别是产权的不同,condo拥有产权,而apt一般不买卖或者只拥有使用权。其次,condo也不是像大家想象的一定是高楼及设施完善,condo的全称是condominium,本义就是“combines fee simple title to the unit and joint ownership in the common elements shared with other unit owners”,也即共管的意思,也即业主拥有房子的主要使用权,但一些公用设施则归所有业主共同拥有并由管理处统一管理,包括维修,剪草,扫雪,换屋顶和窗户等,所以在购买condo类的房子时常常会碰到管理费的问题,也是购房中要重点考虑的问题。因此,凡属于这类型的房子统统叫condo,只是可以细分成condo townhouse, condo apt等, 近年建的新房一般都是condo。apartment:有co-operative apt和co-ownership apt,从字面上应该都可以明白其含义吧,不赘述。apartment一般不买卖,由大楼管理处统一出租并管理,有些大楼是被某个人统一买下来的,譬如我一同事吧,就拥有整栋apartment building然后出租,不过是离多伦多有点距离的地方,因此他对租赁的法规很熟悉也很敏感,不断告诉我如果要出租一定要非常小心,否则很容易惹上麻烦。我现在暂时租的地方也是apartment,有什么问题都是找管理处而不是找房子的主人.你就这么理解好了, condo是共管方式的房屋,有association. 所以你就会看到这个词做attributive. 为区别低层apartment,联屋townhouse,高层且设施齐全apartment通常称condo. condo是一种管理方式,apt是一种建筑形式,不是一个概念.codon是统称,不仅仅包括我们通常说的公寓,也包括townhouse,交管理费的house。凡是交管理费的都是condo。我问过老外朋友,他说如果他是owner, 就叫cando ,如果租住,就是apartment .CONDO是共管公寓, 每户都有产权证, 要交地税.APARTMENT是铁打的营盘, 住户都是流水的兵, 不拥有产权, 只交租金外加其它费用, 如水,电, TV等等,至于建筑在结构上基本一排楼为主, 也有TOWNHOUSE的 condo和townhouse啊,townhouse是一种房屋建筑形式,就是联排啦0 F; M ~# k- `5 y& w, ycondo是一种管理方式,是condominium(?)的简写,就是共管式的意思,apartment 和townhouse都有condo的我的理解是,公寓用于出租的是apartment,用于出售的是condo。
2022-12-31 04:38:561

live () an apartment 用at 还是in

都可以.意思有细微的差别. He lives in an apartment. 他住在公寓里.(泛指任何公寓) He lives at an apartment 2 minutes down the street. 他住在走两分钟就能到的结尾的公寓. (用at的时候一般会同时描述公寓的地址,特指一个地方的公寓)
2022-12-31 04:39:051


apartment和duplex的区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同apartment:英 [ə"pɑːtmənt] 美 [ə"pɑːrtmənt]。duplex:英 [ˈdjuːpleks]美 [ˈduːpleks]。  2、意思不同apartment:n. 一套公寓房间。duplex:n.连栋式的两栋住宅;联式房屋;占两层楼的公寓套房;复式住宅;跃层公寓。;adj.【机】双联式的;【信】双向(通讯)的;二倍的。词汇搭配:duplex apartment双层公寓;duplex house 拼连住宅。full duplex 全双工;half duplex 半双工,半两用,半双。duplex system双重系统,双工制... duplex channel 双工通道。duplex process 双炼法,双联法,二联... duplex nozzle 双重喷嘴式喷射头。duplex engine 双发动机 duplex paper 双层纸。
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2022-12-31 04:39:332


公寓的英文 flat , apartment
2022-12-31 04:39:416


在外观上,condo和apartment都是属于公寓,没有太大区别,condo和apartment的区别主要在于产权。condo一般是属于已购买的业主,预定房源也是和业主直接签合同、付定金。apartment由公寓方直接管理,专门用来出租的公寓。租客需要和公寓直接签合同、付定金。每个月除了房租包的水费和暖气费之外,其他费用需要自理。 温馨提示:以上信息仅供参考。应答时间:2021-04-30,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~
2022-12-31 04:40:263

在英国 house 和flat 还有apartment有什么区别

flat 一套房间,就是我们现在通常所说的3居室,2居室吧apartment 翻译过来是公寓式房屋,在美国是指公寓式套间,但是在英国多指可以公寓供出租的一个房间。一般楼层较高,每层楼有多户人家,底层一般都有停车场,游泳池等公共设施。efficient apartment 有厨房和卫生设备的小套公寓garden apartment 带花园或大块草地的公寓住宅walk-up apartment 没有电梯的公寓house 可以说是别墅吧,独立的楼房,还有自己独享的车库,花园。
2022-12-31 04:40:372