barriers / 阅读 / 详情

stunning one 什么意思

2023-08-25 00:26:48

stunning one



Lucy picked a stunning one shoulder, fish tail red dress for her prom.



In a stunning reversal, the technology giant made an abrupt about-faceon some of the controversial features of its upcoming Xbox oneconsole.

这家科技巨头的态度突然出现逆转,修改了即将上市的Xbox One游戏机中部分引发争议的功能。


Clearly you did not see “ The Fighter ”, his performance was stunning,one of the best in years. That"s how he won an Oscar.



It is stunning that no one has yet been named to succeed AustanGoolsbee, who announced his departure months ago.




be shocked
2023-08-18 20:24:203


2023-08-18 20:24:294


2023-08-18 20:24:402

Brigade的《Stunning》 歌词

歌曲名:Stunning歌手:Brigade专辑:Come Morning We FightStunning8mmyou make you case oh so welland i can tellit"s the same old song and dancebut i can"t help feelingwe just mightmight get it right this timebut i can"t help feelingboy i"m dreamingjust who are we kidding babe?and isn"t it stuninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunning?how we both knowit"s gonna endooh maybe if it weren"t so funand ooh ooh oohif i didnt think that you were the onei might walk i might talklike i had some pridebut i can"t help feelingthat it"s in your armsin your arm ive diedand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let meand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isnt it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let me...
2023-08-18 20:24:481


stun 英[stʌn] 美[stʌn] vt. 击晕,使昏厥; 使震聋; 使目瞪口呆; 使大吃一惊; n. 打击,刺激; [例句]Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film"s violent and tragic end.许多来看电影的人都被这部影片暴力而悲惨的结局所震惊。[其他] 第三人称单数:stuns 现在分词:stunning 过去式:stunned过去分词:stunned 还有一个发音相近的是stone 英[stəʊn] 美[stoʊn] n. 石头; 宝石; 矿石; (膀胱或肾脏中的) 结石; vt. 向扔石块; 用石头铺; 以石掷向; 除(水果的)硬核; adj. 石制的; 石头似的; [S-] 石器时代的; 粗陶制的; [例句]He could not tell whether the floor was wood or stone他无法确定地板是木头的还是石头的。
2023-08-18 20:24:561


2023-08-18 20:25:042

staggering stunning

surprising 令人惊讶的(出人意外的) astonishing 可惊异的 shocking 可怕的,过分的(震惊) staggering 令人惊愕的(犹豫的) stunning足以使人晕倒的
2023-08-18 20:25:111


2023-08-18 20:25:3312


The school is beautiful with lots of classrooms and a big library
2023-08-18 20:26:086


一选D 二stunned形容词修饰人
2023-08-18 20:26:505

great to meet you. what a beautiful photo, where did you get that taken! stunning

2023-08-18 20:27:051


  学会夸奖也是一门技巧活,特别是夸奖女孩子,那么怎么样才能准确地夸奖女生呢,今天我在这里为大家介绍关于夸奖的英语知识,欢迎大家阅读!   如何用英语准确夸奖女孩子   于是后来我们又学会了另一个词——Pretty。 Julia Roberts 主演的美国电影《Pretty Woman》让咱们很好的记住了这个词。不过pretty 也是我们最容易用错对象的词,当面嘉奖女孩时尽量不要说她看上去 pretty,因为这个词固然意思上是漂亮,但内涵却是说这个人长相只是个别程度的好看,不是特别有吸引力。所以我们还是在和猪朋狗友一起对女孩评头品足时用它吧:   -Howu2019s the girl you dated last night?   -Well, sheu2019s certainly pretty, but I wouldnu2019t call her beautiful.   性感美女 VS. Gorgeous   说一个人性感,让你 sexually interested,我们首先想到的便是 sexy,这个词好多女孩听了都感到很难为情,实在美女们大可不必这样,在老外看来,夸一个人sexy是对她“有女人味”的最好评估,她会非常高兴的对你说句“Really? Thanks a lot!”不过国情不同,为了避免中国美女们对想卖弄一下英语的男孩子曲解甚至报警,我们还是有必要学会其余一些表白方式用以防身:   Attractive 漂亮并且性感,足够吸引异性。这个词诚然很常用,但在美女面前完全显示不出你的英语水平,搞不好在你脱口而出“Wow, you look attractive today!”的时候,美女会回敬一句:“你四级刚过吧?”   Striking 俊秀的可能激动你的心,尤其是她的眼睛或是其余身材某个部位特别丢脸,让你难以忘却。这个词用得好,说明你仔细地观察了对方,并且还找到了她身上最大的优点,每个女孩子都喜好这种细心的男孩,推荐!   Gorgeous 书面语中最常用的词,意思跟 attractive 差不久,但用途相当广泛。在路上看到意识的女孩,对她来一句 Hey, gorgeous!(嗨,美女!)不管你是不是真心的,保留让她乐不可支。强烈推举!   极品美女 VS. Stunning   Stunning 是用来形容极品美女的,它的本意是“令人晕倒的”,这样的美女走到街上回想率得是200%,是无数男子可望不成及的对象。你见过这样的美女吗?如果有的话别忘了告诉朋友你的收获:“Yesterday I saw an absolutely stunning girl in the street! ”   Ravishing 原意是“令人销魂的”,有一点戏谑的语气在里面,和友人聊天说笑时倒是不妨一用。   优雅美女 VS, 英语学习 网站. Elegant   Elegant 优雅的美女,这样的女子衣着讲究,打扮得体,举动端庄,经常出入高雅场合。好莱坞的女明星们在缺席各种颁奖典礼时的着装就是 elegant 的最好注解,英语培训。   可恶美女 VS. Lovely   形容可恨型的美女畸形咱们都知道 lovely,比来还有一个词也很火,就是来自日语“可憎”的 kawaii。这里要留心的是褒奖女性尽量不要用 cute,由于 cute 一般只用来形容小孩的可恶或者男人的难看,而 lovely girl 则给人一种清纯可人的感到,男孩见到了定会发生想要去关心保护她的冲动。   帅气美女 VS. Handsome   没想到吧,原来女孩也能够用 handsome 来形容,而且绝对是褒义词。这样的美女往往是女孩比较 爱好 的,在朋友中有很好的人缘,因为一个 handsome girl 往往是因为个子高,长相酷,或者性格坚强,不是那种假小子的味道,而是给人以帅气的觉得,见到这样的女孩大略好多男孩都会自卑到望而却步了吧,所以把这票投给春春,因为我的众多女同事可都把她当作自己的偶像呢!   最后声名一下,因为每个人的审美观都不同,本文仅是从语言学角度探讨美女,文中所引用的图片仅供参考,请尽量不要用美学和传播学的观点来评判。下次再谈帅哥。   简单的“You are nice.”跟“You are hot.”   HOT, 不比这个更常用的了, PRETTY只指脸蛋美丽, HOT是几乎包括了所有方面的英俊, 特殊是身材, 前面那位询问形容身体好怎么说的友人, 这个词是最恰当不过的. 男生们私下念叨女生漂亮的浮现率最高的一句话: Man, she"s so hot!!   夸奖和赞美的 英语口语 表达   What a lovely dress!   这件洋装好漂亮喔!   A:Look at me!   看看我!   B:What a lovely dress!   这件洋装好漂亮喔!   It looks great on you!   在你身上看起来好漂亮!   A:How about this necklace?   你觉得这条项链怎么样?   B:It looks great on you!   在你身上看起来好漂亮!   You did a great job!   你做得很好!   A:Well?   你觉得怎么样?   B:You did a great job!   你做得很好!   Keep up the good work!   继续这样的好表现喔!   A:Keep up the good work!   继续这样的好表现喔!   B:Thank you very much,Professor Young!   谢谢您,杨教授!   I"m flattered.   我真是受宠若惊.   A:My goodness,your accent is perfect!   天啊。你的口音完美极了!   B:I"m flattered   我真是受宠若惊!   Look at Niki.she"s stunning!   你看Niki好吸引人喔!   A:Wow!Look at Niki.she"s stunning!   哇!你看Niki好吸引人喔!   B:Yeah!I can"t get my eyes off her.   是啊!眼光都离不开她了.   Hey,control yourself,a fly just flew into your mouth!   有只苍蝇飞进你嘴巴了自己控制一点!   A:Hey,control yourself,a fly just flew into your mouth!   喂,有只苍蝇飞进你嘴巴了自己控制一点!   B:Who"s he?He"s stunning!   他是谁啊?让我惊为天人!   Thank you so much,you"re my guardian angel!   非常谢谢你你真是我的守护天使!   A:Thank you so much,you"re my guardian angel!   非常谢谢你,你真是我的守护天使!   B:You"re more than welcome.   荣幸之至。   关于夸奖的英文阅读:英国人如何表达赞许和夸奖   Hello, this is Jessica from Shenzhen China. I like this programme very much. Would you please give me some idea about how UK people to praise people for their looking or figure? Is it common to say some guy handsome, as like saying you are a handsome guy or pretty or beautiful for a girl? Thanks a lot. Jessica   Li: 听上去Jessica 想了解英国人有没有称赞一个人外表的习惯,如果回答是肯定的,那么,在赞许和夸奖别人时又该如何表达呢?现在我请我的同事William Kremer 为大家做一次演示,看看被称赞的人如何反应。环顾四周,谁最抓William 的眼球呢? I wonder who will catch his eye?   William: So Iu2019m joined now by my colleague Michelle. Hello Michelle.   Michelle: Hello Will.   William: And Michelle, Iu2019ve got something to say to you. I just wanted to say, I donu2019t know if anyone has told you this recently but, youu2019re a very good-looking person. Youu2019re a beautiful girl.   Michelle: Well, I do try. I did blow-dry my hair especially for you today, actually.   William: Thanks Michelle. Now the reason Iu2019m telling you this now is that we have an email from Jessica in China, who says, “Is it common to say that some guyu2019s handsome, like for example saying youu2019re a handsome guy or pretty or beautiful for a girl?” Would we normally sort of say to people, you know, youu2019re a good-looking girl, youu2019re a good-looking guy, youu2019re a pretty girl?   Michelle: Erm, I probably wouldnu2019t actually, because I think some people, especially in Britain anyway, feel quite uncomfortable when you make comments like that, really, like I did when you made that comment!   William: So you felt uncomfortable.   Michelle: Yeah. I think people in Britain sometimes find it hard to take compliments. And also itu2019s kind of as if youu2019re trying to flirt with them and I just think there are more subtle and better ways to do it.   Li: Michelle 说,她对赞赏感到不太舒服uncomfortable. 她还说,有时英国人found it hard to take compliments 对赞誉和表扬感到难以接受。   Michelle: I think some people, especially in Britain anyway, feel quite uncomfortable when you make comments like that, really, like I did when you made that comment!   William: So you felt uncomfortable.   Michelle: Yeah. I think people in Britain sometimes find it hard to take compliments.   Li: People in Britain sometimes find it hard to take compliments. 这到底是为什么呢? 为什么听到别人的称赞会让英国人感到不舒服uncomfortable?原因之一可能是英国人不太习惯主动去称赞别人,因此接受称赞也就困难了。下面William 就此话题和中国组的同事Finn 进行了探讨。   William: Do you think that British people actually like giving and receiving compliments?   Finn: I think British people do give them but quite rarely, so when you do get a compliment from a British person, perhaps itu2019s quite valuable, maybe it means more than from another culture where compliments are perhaps given more freely.   Li: 在英国人们很少去称赞别人,所以获得称赞时就非常宝贵了valuable.   Finn: I think British people do give them but quite rarely, so when you do get a compliment from a British person, perhaps itu2019s quite valuable, maybe it means more than from another culture where compliments are perhaps given more freely.   Li: Maybe it means more than from another culture where compliments are perhaps given more freely. 物以稀为贵嘛,也许在英国赞美的话更为珍贵吧。真心实意地称赞会被珍视的,不过如果仅仅是对一个人的外表进行夸奖,恐怕就会让人很不舒服了!经过一番探讨,我们了解了英国人对赞美之辞的看法,具体说就是,最好不要称赞一名女子多么漂亮或夸奖一名男子多么英俊,这会让对方感到尴尬,不过有什么 方法 让对方容易接受赞美呢?   Finn: For me, personally, if I notice that one of my colleagues or friends has a new item of clothing or a new haircut I generally like to comment on it. Even if I donu2019t think it looks great I think itu2019s important to give that person a little boost and say “Oh you look great today, thatu2019s a really nice haircut, it suits your face”, that kind of thing. Although Will, Iu2019ve noticed yourself, your facial hair has changed and it makes you look really young and perhaps even taller.   William: Thanks Finn. I donu2019t need to be any taller than I am. Iu2019m already quite tall enough! But I notice that youu2019re complimenting people on their haircut and on how theyu2019re dressing, but youu2019re not saying “Youu2019re a handsome guy” or “Youu2019re a beautiful girl”.   Finn: I wouldnu2019t naturally walk up to a guy and say “Youu2019re handsome”, unless I had a good reason to. I donu2019t know what that would be.   Li: Finn 说,他喜欢称赞一个人的新发型或新款服装以便给对方提升一下自信a little boost 提升自信心。   Finn: I think itu2019s important to give that person a little boost and say “Oh you look great today, thatu2019s a really nice haircut, it suits your face”, that kind of thing.   Li: You look great today; thatu2019s a really nice haircut. 现在我们把话说回来,如果是好朋友的话,那情况就会不同了。柯u2022威廉向Michelle 提出了一个问题。问他,如果看到女友穿上一件漂亮的连衣裙准备晚上出去玩的时候, Michelle会怎们对这位女友说呢?   William: What would you say to her?   Michelle: Iu2019d probably say, “You look gorgeous” or “You look stunning” or you know, “You look like an absolute babe tonight” or something like that. So I think to compliment your friends is definitely quite normal; in fact, I do it quite often.   Li: 大家听清了吗? Michelle 说了什么?我们再来听一遍。   Michelle: Iu2019d probably say “You look gorgeous” or “You look stunning” or you know, “You look like an absolute babe tonight”.   Li: You look gorgeous! 好了,今天我们探讨了一个非常有意思的问题,再次感谢Jessica. 最后我想提醒听众朋友随时有问题随时给我们发电子邮件,能录音就更好了,我们的邮箱是 希望早日收到你的问题。Bye bye! 猜你喜欢: 1. 100句夸女孩子的话 2. 夸奖女生漂亮的句子 3. 夸奖女生的语句 4. 赞美别人的英文句子大全 5. 赞美人的英语句子大全 6. 夸奖用英语怎么说 7. 夸女孩子的经典语录
2023-08-18 20:27:131


选AB不对的原因在于这句话的意思,Stunned by the news……表示,吃惊(stun)在前,说不出话(hardly utter a word)在后,如果是B,就变成吃惊在说不出话之后,因为To be 表示尚未,将要的意思,不符合逻辑,所以选A
2023-08-18 20:27:344


You are so beautiful.很美丽You are very pretty. 美丽You are very lovely. 可爱You are so cute. 可爱You are very adorable. 可爱You are gorgeous. 你美丽极了
2023-08-18 20:27:443 accident stunning put up 这三句怎么改同意句?

1。你这道提问没人看得懂,真想有人给你解答就必须补充说明得详细点儿 2。一楼的反应是强烈了点,但是大家的时间都有限 ... 3。没有完整句子吗? 光看这么个句型让大家无法帮你回答呢Please put up your hands if you have any problem 第三句 这条的 put up = raise 举起手来的意思 但 put up 如果是应用在其他句子中,比如 He had to put up with the noisy neighbors 意思就截然不同了。此外,有时还有 put up the funds/money 这种用法,解释也不同。Tom is stunning 没有前后文也无法确定 ,一般不会这么用 stunning 这个形容词的。所以说你要慎选你用的参考书籍啦,否则你花了时间绞尽脑汁仍然得不到什么进步。下次提问还是尽量多写一点出来,即便书上就只有这么多材料。
2023-08-18 20:27:551


相当xiāng dāng(两方面差不多; 配得上或能够相抵) match; balance; correspond to; be equivalent to; be equal to; be commensurate with (to):年龄相当 of about the same age; be well-matched in age得失相当。 The gains balance the losses.法国的外交部长相当于美国的国务卿。 The French Minister of Foreign Affairs is the equal of American Secretary of State.两个足球队实力相当。 The two football teams are well-matched.(适宜; 合适) suitable; fit; appropriate:相当的人选 suitable person; fit person相当的字眼 suitable words; appropriate words这工作没有找到相当的人 We haven"t found a fit person for this job yet.(程度高) quite; fairly; considerably:相当成功 quite a success相当好 fairly good相当多 quite a lot (number; few; bit; amount)
2023-08-18 20:28:241


2023-08-18 20:28:343

Brigade的《Stunning》 歌词

歌曲名:Stunning歌手:Brigade专辑:Sink Sink Swim / StunningStunning8mmyou make you case oh so welland i can tellit"s the same old song and dancebut i can"t help feelingwe just mightmight get it right this timebut i can"t help feelingboy i"m dreamingjust who are we kidding babe?and isn"t it stuninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunning?how we both knowit"s gonna endooh maybe if it weren"t so funand ooh ooh oohif i didnt think that you were the onei might walk i might talklike i had some pridebut i can"t help feelingthat it"s in your armsin your arm ive diedand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let meand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isnt it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let me...
2023-08-18 20:28:421


2023-08-18 20:29:102


2023-08-18 20:29:199

you look stunning是什么意思

you look stunning 你看上去很有魅力、你看上去很美丽同样的还有 :you look fabulous
2023-08-18 20:29:481

In and of itself 什么意思啊 全句:That was a stunning revelation, in and of itself. 谢谢!

供参考意思是发自(存在於)本身及关於本身原句可以改写为That was a stunning revelation in itself and That was a stunning revelation of itself.全句可理解为这是发自本身及关於本身的惊人领悟注revelation 是启示﹐揭露之意这里因为指"itsefl 本身‘﹐所以译为‘领悟"实际意思宜参考更多的语境来理解stunning 也可‘很好"的意思
2023-08-18 20:30:002


你好,很高兴为你解答。1 definite2 controversy3 splashed4 breeds5 attribute6 criticisms7 editorially8 amateur9 stunning10 exceptional不懂请追问,望采纳,祝开心~!!!
2023-08-18 20:30:302


AIMISS品牌始创于1998年,品牌名称音译中文爱美斯。它汲取欧洲时尚元素,秉承经典、优雅的着装理念,巧妙运用剪裁、结构,展示现代女性简约、温婉的特质,成熟中散发着青春魅力,优雅中蕴藏着时尚气息,以满足现代都市女性对时尚的需求。*Active--积极积极的生活态度、主动引领时尚潮流的发展趋势。  *Independent--独立独立就是一种时尚。现代社会对女性要求在经济和精神上达到独立的境界,同时她们也享有了独立带来的成就感与满足感。  *Magnetic--魅力女性特有的魅力在于展现真我个性,穿出最真最时尚的自己,赢得艳羡的目光。  *Intelligent--智慧女人因智慧而美丽而时尚,智慧的女人在这个时代是一道亮丽的风景线。沉淀的智慧融化在清净的灵魂中,使内心也温婉和悦。  *Slim--苗条一副苗条修长的身材是众多女性梦寐以求的,婀娜身姿总是能成为万众瞩目的焦点。当时尚聚焦于纤细的身段时,魅力瞬间释放。  *Stunning--绝色佳人一个积极的、独立的、富有魅力的、智慧的、苗条的女人,正是对曼妙佳人最为精准的诠释。  女性对于时尚生活的积极主动性,不仅来自于个体挣脱一切束缚的独立性,更在于对审美意识的牢牢掌控和展现自身魅力的勇气。这就是女性的一种智慧:卓尔不群,审时度势。当这种智慧与婀娜身姿集于一身,一个曼妙佳人就此出现在人们面前。这正是AIMISS爱美斯品牌为现代都市女性倾力塑造的独特形象。
2023-08-18 20:30:422


beautiful woman 美丽的妇女pretty girl 漂亮的女孩
2023-08-18 20:31:103


1.以S开头的形容词有哪些 惊讶的surprised(形容人)/surprising(形容物) *** art聪明的 *** all小的 *** art 聪明的super 超级的soft 软的 ;short短的; *** art聪明的;snowy多雪的; *** ooth顺滑的;sweet甜的;sweaty汗津津的 sexy 性感 *** art 聪明的 super 超级的 soft 软的 *** all小的short短的 *** art聪明的snowy多雪的 *** ooth顺滑的sweet甜的sweaty汗津津的some一些的sad 伤心safe 安全same 一样的second 第二个serious 认真sharp 锋利sick 生病similar相同simple简单social 社会的solid固体的soon 很快special 特别straight直的 或 异性恋strange 陌生stupid 笨蛋 splendent 辉煌的 splendid 极好的 壮丽的 splendiferous 极好的 豪华的 spectacular 壮观的 雄伟的 引人入胜的 2.S开头的单词,可以用来做英文名的 SABRINA (拉丁语)来自边界。人们认为SBRINA是美丽性感的女子,热情而俏皮。 SANDRA Alexandra的简写。Sandra这个名字给人两种印象,一种是聪明的金发女子,坚决有自主权;另一种则是丰满的女人,声音甜美个性随和。 SAMANTHA (亚拉姆语)"倾听者。SAMANTHA给人两种印像:一个是聪明,美丽的女子,另一个则是难缠的中年妈妈。 SAMMY SAMSON,SAMUEL的简写。SAMMY给人的直接印象来自Sammy Davis,Jr。人们将SAMMY看做纤细的黑人明星,风趣多才多艺。 SANDY SANDRA的简写。SANDY被形容为年轻的金发女子,聪明,好动,爱玩,善良且平易近人。 SARAH (希伯来)"公主"。 Sarah这个名字让人联想到矮小,美丽,卷发的女孩,保守又友善。 SELMA (斯甘地拉维亚语)庄严的保护着。人们说SELMA是个适合年长,次等阶级,自以为无所不知的南方女人名字。 SELINA 月光之意。Selina给人的印象是个性开朗,面貌柔美的女子,温柔娴熟,但有人认为她的个性阴晴不定难以捉摸。 SERENA (拉丁)"温和;沉着的"。SERENA给人两种不同的印象:可爱活泼充满惊喜的女孩;或是文静胆怯,虔诚的信徒。 SHARON (希伯来文)同Sarah。大部份人期待的Sharon是娇小可爱,中层阶级的金发女子,友善,甜美,聪慧。有人则认为Sharon是害羞迟钝的。 SHELLEY (老式英语)意为州的牧场,同SHEILA,SHELBY,SHIRLEY。SHELLEY给人两种不同的印象:一个是可爱聪明,眼高于人的中学美少女;或是愚蠢又矮又胖多话的女孩。 SHERRY, CHERIE同CHARLOTTE,CHER,SARAH,SHIRLEY.大部份人把SHERRY想成可爱娇小,圆润的金发女孩,友善,逢场作戏,然而却十分健忘。 SHIRLEY (老式英语)"来自耀眼的牧场"。人们将SHIRLEY描绘成灰发版的Shirley Temple-可爱,甜美,卷发,娃娃脸,有点过重。 SILVIA (拉丁文)"来自森林",在多数人的心里,SILVIA是个美丽富有的女人,冷静,循规蹈矩,精明的女商人。 STACY ANASTASIA的简称。STACY被形容是娇小可爱,年轻的红发女子,活泼,外向喜欢开玩笑。 STELLA (拉丁)"星星"之意;ESTELLE的简写。大部份人认无STELLA是穿著朴素,古板,努力的工作者,反应迟钝号发牢骚者。 STEPHANIE (希腊)皇冠的意思。STEPHEN的女性型式。大部份的人认为STEPHANIE是纤细,美丽的女性,世故非常自我-模特儿,大概是吧。有些人认为她是非常善良的女孩。 SUE Susan的简写。Sue给人两种不同的印象:一是传统家居的美国女孩,既甜美又体贴;或是美丽,有着致命吸引力的女人。 SUNNY (英文)"聪颖,快乐的":SONIA的简写。如同名字所给的意思,SUNNY被视做聪颖快乐外向,令人喜爱,性感但有点没大脑,喜欢参加派对的女孩。 scalett.斯佳丽,乱世佳人女主角,很坚强美丽的女孩子 3.20个以s开头的单词 你好 super 极好的 sad 忧伤的,悲伤的 salesperson 销售员 salty咸的 Saturday(Sat.)星期六 school学校 season季节 seed种子 see—saw看见 Sept.九月(缩写) set the table摆饭桌;摆餐具 seven七 she"s = she is shirt 衬衫 shoes 鞋子 short 矮的 short 短的 shorter 更矮的 should 应该 singer歌唱家;歌手 sing—sang 唱歌 sister姐妹 six 六 skate滑冰;滑冰鞋 skirt 裙子 sleep睡觉 sleep睡觉 *** aller (体型)更小的 *** all小的 *** art聪明;巧妙的 snowy下雪的 socks 袜子 soil土壤 sometimes有时候 sore 疼的 sour 酸的 spring春天 sprout苗;芽;嫩芽 straight成直线的 stream (小)河;(小)溪 strict 严格的 stronger 更强壮的 student学生 study书房 summer夏天 sun 太阳 Sunday(Sun.)星期日 sunny晴朗的 sweep the floor扫地 sweet甜的 swim游泳 swim游泳 swing荡;荡秋千 应该够20吧 若有疑问及时追问,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O 4.有关S开头的字 撒 洒 萨 腮 鳃 塞 赛 三 叁 伞 散 桑 嗓 丧 搔 骚 扫 嫂 瑟 色 涩 森 僧 莎 砂 杀 刹 沙 纱 傻 啥 煞 筛 晒 珊 苫 杉 山 删 煽 衫 闪 陕 擅 赡 膳 善 汕 扇 缮 墒 伤 商 赏 晌 上 尚 裳 梢 捎 稍 烧 芍 勺 韶 少 哨 邵 绍 奢 赊 蛇 舌 舍 赦 摄 射 慑 涉 社 设 砷 申 呻 伸 身 深 娠 绅 神 沈 审 婶 甚 肾 慎 渗 声 生 甥 牲 升 绳 省 盛 剩 胜 圣 师 失 狮 施 湿 诗 尸 虱 十 石 拾 时 什 食 蚀 实 识 史 矢 使 屎 驶 始 式 示 士 世 柿 事 拭 誓 逝 势 是 嗜 噬 适 仕 侍 释 饰 氏 市 恃 室 视 试 收 手 首 守 寿 授 售 受 瘦 兽 蔬 枢 梳 殊 抒 输 叔 舒 淑 疏 书 赎 孰 熟 薯 暑 曙 署 蜀 黍 鼠 属 术 述 树 束 戍 竖 墅 庶 数 漱 恕 刷 耍 摔 衰 甩 帅 栓 拴 霜 双 爽 谁 水 睡 税 吮 瞬 顺 舜 说 硕 朔 烁 斯 撕 嘶 思 私 司 丝 死 肆 寺 嗣 四 伺 似 饲 巳 松 耸 怂 颂 送 宋 讼 诵 搜 艘 擞 嗽 苏 酥 俗 素 速 粟 僳 塑 溯 宿 诉 肃 酸 蒜 算 虽 隋 随 绥 髓 碎 岁 穗 遂 隧 祟 孙 损 笋 蓑 梭 唆 缩 琐 索 锁 所。 5.请问以字母S开头的单词用来形容女士的都有什么 褒义词 sweet--很甜的,温柔的. sexy--性感的,迷人的 sociable---adj. 好交际的,社交的,友善 stunning---adj. 足以使人晕倒的,极好的, slimming--苗条的 slender--- adj. 修长的,苗条的 sensitive---adj. 敏感的,易感的,灵敏的, swift---adj. 迅速的,快速的,快的,敏捷的 sincere---adj. 诚挚的,真实的,诚实的 sensational--- 极好的, super---极好的 superb--极好的 *** art---聪明的 seductive---诱惑的,引人注意的,有魅力的 strong---坚强的 贬义词 shallow---肤浅的 stupid--笨的 sly---adj. 狡猾的 stubborn--- adj. 顽固的,固执的
2023-08-18 20:31:201


褒义词sweet--很甜的,温柔的.sexy--性感的,迷人的sociable---adj. 好交际的,社交的,友善stunning---adj. 足以使人晕倒的,极好的,slimming--苗条的slender--- adj. 修长的,苗条的sensitive---adj. 敏感的,易感的,灵敏的, swift---adj. 迅速的,快速的,快的,敏捷的 sincere---adj. 诚挚的,真实的,诚实的 sensational--- 极好的,super---极好的superb--极好的smart---聪明的seductive---诱惑的,引人注意的,有魅力的 strong---坚强的 贬义词shallow---肤浅的stupid--笨的sly---adj. 狡猾的stubborn--- adj. 顽固的,固执的
2023-08-18 20:31:314

为什么这个句子不加 a呢

stunning是形容词呀,形容词前不能加a或the的只有 单数可数名词前 才加a的
2023-08-18 20:31:402

has been that

翻译/ma before and The artist has been granted plete freedom of GOMA"s gallery spaces and word of mouth has been that the results are trformative of the space and absolutely stunning. 请问"word of mouth has been that the results are trformative of the space"应怎翻译? 可译作「已经听说效果是空间被变化了」。 为什么这句句子的两个and前都加上逗号? 这句长句是由 "The artist has been granted plete freedom of GOMA"s gallery spaces" 和 "word of mouth has been that the results are trformative of the space and absolutely stunning" 两句的clauses用and连接后,"and"前需要加了第一个ma(逗号)。 后面clause内的"and" 则是连接两个同是形容"results"的形容片语(adjectival phrases) "trformative of spaces"和"absolutely stunning"的 ,因为clause太长所以要加上ma(逗号)让意思清淅。 2014-08-09 20:47:34 补充: 为什么has been之后加that而不是verb? "has been"在此是"be"的现在完成式(是主动用法),"be"就是你要的"verb"。 "that"在此是conjunction,用来引入后面"the results are informative in space"的说法。这和"She said that the results had been bad."内用"that"的情况相同。 参考: that - freeonline dictionary
2023-08-18 20:31:481


靓妈 attractive mom;pretty mom靓妞 pretty girl;cute girl;nice girl;stunning girl
2023-08-18 20:32:171

求brian culbertson funkin like my father的歌词

MiscellaneousNo One Could Do It Like My Father! (2 Apr 1909)[1st verse:]I hate to brag about my fam"ly but I must say thatMy father is the greatest man who ever wore a hatHe always took things easy in an easy sort of wayAnd when it came to taking things, just kindly let me say[1st chorus:]No one could do it like my father!Ever clever, stunning, cunning father!Other men might do the sameBut when it came to make a nameNo one could do it like my dad![2nd verse:]At keeping servant girls, my father always was an ace!He had a certain way to keep the ladies in their placeTheir place was in the kitchen and his place to keep them thereI don"t know how he did it but I really must declare[2nd chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherServants liked the cops, of courseSo father joined the police forceNo one could do it like my dad[3rd verse:]One night papa went in to see that great Salome danceYou talk about attention, say! he gave her ev"ry glanceHe has my mother dancing now, her brain is in a whirlAnd only here last week he came home with a string of pearls[3rd chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherNow he always stays at homeMama has learned that dance SalomeNo one could do it like my dad[4th verse:]My mother weighs three hundred pounds but don"t give it awayShe bought a brand new sheath gown and she wore it yesterdayMy father showed his dignity when mother showed her sockThen just to make the two ends meet he used a big padlock[4th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherNeighbor Jones and his neighbor LeeAre hunting for my father"s keyAnd no one could do it like my dad[5th verse:]I haven"t told you how my father and my mother wedShe was an old maid, he a burglar underneath her bedShe flashed a gun at father and said, "I must be your wife"My father wears a medal now for saving someone"s life[5th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherMother thinks a lot of paBut father drinks to think of maAnd no one could do it like my dad[6th chorus:]The other night when pa came home, he found to his surpriseThe iceman and my mother on the sofa making eyesHe did not get excited, no! not one word did he sayBut when the iceman"s bill came due, papa refused to pay[6th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherFather proved he was no slouchHe fooled them all when he sold the couchAnd no one could do it like my dad[7th verse:]When father went to school they tell me he was very badThey also say he had a purpose to make teacher madShe"d make him stay in after school and pa would ne"er refuseFor when it came to helping teacher tie her dainty shoes:[7th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherTeacher knew a thing or twoShe always wore a low cut shoeNo one could do it like my dad[8th verse:]We lived right by a railway station not so far from hereAnd father would make faces at the passing engineersThey"d all throw coal at father, yes they would upon my soulAnd when the winter came around we never needed coal[8th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherFirst he got coal one by oneAnd now he sells it by the tonAnd no one could do it like my dad[9th verse:]Around election time my father never knows his nameSometimes it"s Breen, or Smith, or Green, Gilhouley or McShaneThen other times it"s Harrigan, O"Connor, or O"DellThey ought to call him "Winchester" "cause he repeats so well[9th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherWhen you see him change his coatYou know that means another voteAnd no one could do it like my dadMiscellaneousNo One Could Do It Like My Father! (2 Apr 1909)
2023-08-18 20:32:301

求shy that way 的中英歌词

You know you"re stunningYou"re absolutely stunningAnd I"m running always running0And now I"m cryingIt"s only cause I"m caringAnd if you were more daringMaybe you"d stop staringAnd come over and talk to meTell me bout how you"ve been waiting so patientlyAnd how you tried but I just turned awayAnd I"ll say yeah well you know,I"m shy that wayShy that wayMaybe I"m shy that wayOhh you know you"re stunningYou"re absolutely stunningBut you"re always runninBut I"ll catch up to youThe way you keep your distance isKeeping my interestSo I"ll keep it persistentOhh maybe somedaySomeway, somehow in some townWe"ll get together andWe"ll break it downAnd I"ll ask why you"ve beenso shy, gotta be that wayMaybe baby, oh love, I like it that wayShy that wayYou know I love you so shy,Shy that waySo keep it comin comin comin cominShy that wayThere"s always too much talkingAnd I wanna just keep walkingBut I keep staring babyKeep staringThough I may not know the right things to sayI"ll get it out to you one dayI"m shy that wayDo you like itDo you like it?When I"m shy this way?Yes I like itYes I like itWhen you"re shyShy that way
2023-08-18 20:32:511


安孝燮,韩国男演员,1995年出生于韩国、歌手2015年10月安孝燮加入One O One组合,随组合发行首张EP《Love You》,正式出道[2] ;11月1随One O One组合发行第二张EP《Stunning》[3] ;12月主演奇幻独幕剧《扑通扑通LOVE》[4] 。2016年1月出演周末家庭剧《家和万事成》[5] ;2月出演爱情喜剧《再一次Happy Ending》[6] ;4月出演励志喜剧《戏子》。
2023-08-18 20:33:001


我就记得有句话是 哇哇哇 的乱叫
2023-08-18 20:33:145

为你留住最美瞬间 英文怎么说?

smiling for you
2023-08-18 20:33:334

The Carpal Tunnel Of Love 歌词

歌曲名:The Carpal Tunnel Of Love歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:This Ain"T A Scene, It"S An Arms RaceCarpal Tunnel Of Love LyricsFall Out BoyCarpal Tunnel Of Love LyricsArtist(Band):Fall Out BoyBy:Christian69(Who The Hell?)We take sour sips from life"s lush lipsAnd we shake shake shake the hipsIn relationshipsStomp out this disaster townYou"ll put your eyes to the sun and say "I know."You"re only blinding to keep back what the clouds are hidingAnd we might have started singing just a little soonWe"re throwing stones at a glass moon(oh-wooh-oh)We"re so miserable and stunning(oh-wooh-oh)far from the genuine becomingWe keep the beat,With your blistered feetWe bullet the words at the mockingbirds, singingSlept through the weekendAnd dreaming , of sinking with the melody of the cliffs of eternityGot postcards from my former selves saying; "How"ve you been?"We might have said goodbyes just a little soon(stomp out this disaster town) whoa whoa whoa!Robbing lips, kissing banks under this moon(oh-wooh-oh)We"re so miserable and stunning(oh-wooh-oh)Love songs for the genuinely cunning(oh-wooh-oh)We"re so miserable and stunning(oh-wooh-oh)Love songs for the genuinely cunningIt was ice cream headaches and sweet avalancheWhen the pearls in our shells came out to danceYou call me a bad tipper of the cradleBut I"m tired yawns for fawns on hunter"s lawnsWe"re the has-beens of husbandsSharpening the knives of young wivesTake two years and call me when you"re betterTake tears of mine, find yourself wetter(oh-wooh-oh)We"re so miserable and stunning(oh-wooh-oh)Love songs for the genuinely cunning(oh-wooh-oh)We"re so miserable and stunning(oh-wooh-oh)Love songs for the genuinely cunningtake a watch the MV of this song...pretty damn funny~~~~
2023-08-18 20:34:011


2023-08-18 20:34:113

翻译 请尽量准确优美

1. 西安有的路很短,短到不足300米。译文:uc11cuc548 uc5b4ub5a4 uae38uc740 uc9e7ub2e4. 300ubbf8ud130 uc548 ub41c uc815ub3c4ub85c uc9e7ub2e4.2. 友谊路,对于老西安人来说,具有不一般的意义。译文:uc6b0uc758ub85c【友谊路】ub294 uc11cuc548uc758 ub178uc778ub4e4uc5d0uac8c ud2b9ubcc4ud55c uc758uc758uac00 uac00uc9c0uace0 uc788ub2e4. 3 西安很多的道路,两旁都有参天的大树。译文:uc11cuc548 ub9ceuc740 uae38 uc591 ucabduc5d0uc11c ud070 ub098ubb34uac00 uc788ub2e4.4. 西安,古称“长安”、“镐京”,是陕西省省会。译文:uc11cuc548, uace0ub300uc5d0 "uc7a5uc548", "ud638uc169"uc774ub77cuace0ub3c4 ubd88ub9b0ub2e4. uc9c0uae08uc740 uc911uad6d uc0bcuc11cuc131【陕西省】 uc131ub3c4uc774ub2e4.5. 不用去西藏,西安也有一条美爆了的环山路。译文:ud2f0ubca0ud2b8uc5d0 uac00uae30ub3c4 ube4cuc694uc5c6uace0 uc11cuc548ub3c4 uc544uc8fc uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ud658uc0b0ub8e8【环山路】uac00 uc788ub2e4.
2023-08-18 20:34:213


  1、A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, “Let us fly!” Said the fly, “Let us flee!” So they flew through a flaw in the flue。   一只跳蚤和一只苍蝇飞进烟道里。跳蚤说:“让我们飞吧!”苍蝇说:“让我们逃跑吧!”就这样,它们就飞越了烟道里的一条裂纹。   2、A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, “Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?”   一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者吹笛。那两个学吹笛的问导师:“吹笛难,还是教两个学吹笛的人吹笛难呢?”   3、All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. If I can"t have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I"ll have a cup of tea!   我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。信不信由你,我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。锡制的咖啡壶和铁制的咖啡壶对我而言也是没用的。假如我不能要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡,那我就要一杯茶吧!   4、How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?   如果一颗露珠会掉下露水,那么一颗露珠会掉下多少露水呢?   5、A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake。   湖中一只雪白的天鹅快速地游动着去追赶一条慢慢游动的蛇。   6、A skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thought the stump stunk, and the stump thought the skunk stunk。   一只臭鼬坐在树墩上,臭鼬认为树墩发臭,而树墩又认为臭鼬发臭。   7、Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream。   桑迪坐在湍急的小溪边尽情地品味着葵花子的香味。   8、We must hang together, or we"ll be hanged separately。   我们必须团结在一起,否则我们将被一个个绞死。   这是一句双关语。前面的hang together是“团结一致”的意思,后面的hanged是“绞死”的意思。   9、The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog。   那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗。   这个句子包含了英语中的26个字母。   10、Was it a bar or a bat I saw?   我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠?   这是一句回文句,顺着读和倒着读是一样的。类似于“上海自来水来自海上。”   11、He never saw a saw saw a saw。   他从来没见过一把锯子锯另一把锯子。   第一个saw是动词see的过去时,第二和第四个saw带有不定冠词"a"在前,是名词"锯子",第三个saw是动词"锯"。   12、2B or not 2B, that is a ?   这是一种文字简化游戏。它的意思是:To be or not to be, that is a question. (生存还是毁灭,那是一个问题。)   13、Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you。   麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。 第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。   14、I know. You know. I know that you know. I know that you know that I know。   我知道。你知道。我知道你知道。我知道你知道我知道。   15、 How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets?   如果裁纸机能裁纸的话,一个裁纸机能裁多少张纸呢?   16、 Mr. See owned a saw and Mr. Soar owned a see   saw. Now See"s saw sawed Soar"s seesaw before Soar saw See.   西先生有一个锯,萨先生有一个秋千。现在在萨先生看见西先生之前,西先生的锯锯断了萨先生的秋千。   17、 If you"re keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite.   如果你非常相要好的风筝和精彩的表演,就去买一只漂亮的,灵巧的风筝吧。
2023-08-18 20:34:301


麦迪逊大学世界排名:第八十三位。詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学(James Madison University,缩写JMU)是一所大型公立地方性大学,成立于1908年,位于美国南部小城哈里森,提供本科、硕士、博士三种学位类型。JMU于1908年在弗吉尼亚州成立为女子大学,并名为弗吉尼亚州妇女专科和工业学院。1909年,首任校长“朱利安阿什比布玉斯(Julian Ashby Burruss)”招收209名学生和15名大学教授。詹姆斯麦迪逊大学被美国政府的“卡内基教育发展基金会”列为录取率较低(竞争力较强)的学校之一。2009年10月2日,美国最古老的本科“斐陶斐荣誉学会”把詹姆斯麦迪逊大学列入他们学术荣誉学会章程当中。在美国,只有10%的学院和大学被“斐陶斐荣誉学会”授予此荣誉。詹姆斯麦迪逊大学提供超过200个学位,当中包括学士、硕士、教育专家和博士学位。学院设施学校拥有35间宿舍。JMU的大一学生必须住在校园里,所以JMU的大量住房都会以预留给大一学生们为主。因此,大多数高年级和研究生的学生都住在校外。如果高年级和研究生希望生活在校园里,他们必须每年向学校申请学校宿舍。不过大部分大一学生在一般情况下不会获得停车证。詹姆斯麦迪逊大学有31%的新生获得了校内的工作机会,学校的校外实习机会很好。
2023-08-18 20:26:011


英文名:Takeshi Kaneshiro 日文名:金城武(姓;金城,名:武) 地区:亚洲 国籍:日本 出生:中国台北 血统:中日混血 语言:国语、 日语、 英语 、粤语 、闽南语 生日:1973年10月11日 星座:天秤座 身高:1.78米 体重:70kg 血型:O型 曾就读学校:台北美国学校 Taipei American School 经纪公司: 福隆经纪公司 婚姻状况:未婚 喜欢的饮品:阿萨姆奶茶 喜欢的花种:紫玫瑰 想到地方:外太空 休闲活动:电玩、动漫、素描 喜欢的电影作品:《人鬼情未了》(Ghost)、《侏罗纪公园》(Jurassic Park) 【所属公司】EEI唱片 和 福隆经纪公司 [编辑本段]音乐专集 199 金城武2 分手的夜里 1993 只要你和我 1994 温柔超人 1994 可依靠的好朋友 1994 失约 1994 标准情人 1995 给我心爱的人 1995 偷偷的醉 1996 多苦都愿意 1996 精选集memories 1998 金城武的精选歌集 2005 如果爱原声大碟 [编辑本段]写真专集 1993年 台湾 《真心游记》 1993年 香港 《只要你和我》 1993年 台湾 《20岁的生日告白》 1993年 香港 《100%金城武》 1997年 日本 《Misty》 1997年 日本 《Made in Heaven》 1998年 日本 《RYU KENICHI》 1998年 日本 《安娜玛德莲娜》 1998年 香港 《心动》 1998年 台湾 《让我心动》 1998年 台湾 《心动电影记事》 1999年 日本 《Tempting Heart》 1999年 日本《Space Travelers》 2002年 日本《MIAMOTO》 2002年 香港 《向左走向右走》 2004年 香港 《十面埋伏制作全纪录》 2004年 日本 《Lovers》 2005年 香港 《如果爱》 2008年 香港 《赤壁》上 2008年尾 香港 《赤壁》下 [编辑本段]影视作品等 【 电影】 1993年《现代豪侠传》(即《东方三侠》II ); 1994年《报告班长3》;《沉默的姑娘》;《重庆森林》;《第六感奇缘之人鱼传说》;《冇面俾》(又名《摩登笑探》); 1995年《中国龙》;《学校霸王》(又名《校园敢死队》);《蜡笔小小生》;《坠落天使》;《新扎师兄追女仔》(又名《逃学战警》); 1996年《冒险王》;《重庆爱情感觉》(又名《泡妞专家》《泡不到的女人》);《天涯海角》;《号角响起》(又名《四个不平凡的少年》); 1997年《马永贞》;《初缠恋后的二人世界》;《神偷谍影》;《迷雾》(又名《迷离花劫》);《火烧岛之横行霸道》;《两个只能活一个》; 1998年《我的爱人 你的死神》(又名《TOO TIRED TO DIE》);《安娜玛德莲娜》(又名《钢琴别恋》《我的野蛮本色》); 1999年《心动》饰演 浩君(合作者:梁咏琪、莫文蔚、张艾嘉);《不夜城》; 2000年《极盗狂热分子》(又名《太空游侠》); 《熏衣草》 2002年《武者回归》(又名《回归者》《Returner》) 2003年《向左走,向右走》(合作者:梁咏琪) 2004年《十面埋伏》.饰演 金捕头 (合作者:刘德华、章子怡) 2005年《如果爱》.饰演 林见东 (合作者:张学友、周迅) 2006年《伤城》.饰演 丘建邦 (合作者:梁朝伟、徐静蕾、舒淇) 2007年《投名状》.饰演:姜午阳(合作者:刘德华、李连杰、徐静蕾) 2008年《死神的精度》;饰演:死神(合作者:小西真奈美、 富司纯子) 2008年《赤壁(上、下)》.饰演:诸葛亮(合作者:梁朝伟、张震、赵薇、侯勇、胡军等) 2009年《怪人二十面相传(千面大盗)》饰演:远藤平吉/怪人二十面相(千面大盗20-K) 2010年《鬼武者》(2008年2月开拍/2009年9上映) 【剧集】 1991-1992年《草地状元》. 1995年香港《富士彩色显人生》-单元剧. 1996年日本《圣夜的奇迹》-单元剧. 1998年日本《神啊,请给我多一点时间》(合作者:深田恭子、仲间由纪惠) 2000年日本《两千年之恋》(合作者:中山美穗、仲间由纪惠) 2002年日本《黄金保龄球》(合作者:黑木瞳) 【其他】 1999年日本台湾香港《人猿泰山》配音. 2000年游戏《鬼武者》.饰演:明智左马介 2001年日本《极地任务》. 2003年游戏《鬼武者3》饰演:明智左马介.(合作者:让雷诺) [编辑本段]广告代言 香港地区:U2服装系列,大快活RiceBurgr,什果冰润唇膏,One2Free电讯. 台湾地区: 都会通,爱立信T18 & T28 & R250 & R310 & R380 & T29sc & T68 & T65型号手机,三菱Galant ,心路文教基金会,白兰氏四物鸡精,奇异果香槟汽水,黑松沙士饮品,HITO洗面乳,舒妃发雕露,雪露乳酸饮料,罗慧夫麟颜基金会,NET服装系列,金双氧隐性眼睛药水 ,I"m TV广告. 韩国:Maxwell Corree饮品. 日本:1996年MBS形象代言人,1998-2000年英会话GEOS ,宝矿力饮品,Nissian Lucino机车, 1997年NTT形象代言人,Life card信用卡 ,GEOS公司代言, 角川文库, UCC Coffee饮品 , PRADA代言 ,BOLTY发型用品, Volvic矿泉水,JAA航空, 三菱D505i & D505is & M720 & M750型号手机,Nissian Lucino汽车, Morinage Dozen,1998-1999年NTT形象代言人,2001年Lycos形象代言人,SONY VAIO系列.JAVA Tea 马来西亚:Petronas石油公司代言 . 中国大陆地区: 三菱M350 & M750 & M350型号手机,新大洲机车,Biotherm碧欧泉,大麦香茶 .北京现代汽车 奥林巴斯μ1050 亚洲地区:Emporio Armani全球亚太区男代言人
2023-08-18 20:26:031


中文————————————————————1 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。 Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.2 世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。 Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words. 3 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。 The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.4 是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。 It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.5 无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。 The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away. 6 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。 If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.7 跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。你肯挟瘸足的泥沙而俱下么? The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness? 8 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。 Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night. 9 有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。 我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。 Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other. 10 忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。 Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees. 11 有些看不见的手,如懒懒的微风丝丝,正在我的心上奏着潺潺的乐声。 Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.12 “海水呀,你说的是什么?”“是永恒的疑问。” “天空呀,你回答的话是什么?” “是永恒的沉默。” What language is yours, O sea? The language of eternal question. What language is your answer, O sky? The language of eternal silence.13 静静地听,我的心呀,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀。 Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you.14 创造的神秘,有如夜间的黑暗--是伟大的。而知识的幻影却不过如晨间之雾。The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning.15 不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。 Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.16我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.17这些微思,是树叶的飒飒声呀;它们在我的心里欢悦地微语着。There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.18你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.19神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。让我只是静听着吧。My wishes are fools, they shout across your song, my Master. Let me but listen.20我不能选择那最好的。是那最好的选择我。I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me.21那些把灯背在背上的人,把他们的影子投到了自己前面。They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.22我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活。That I exist is a perpetual surprise, which is life.23“我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?” “我不过是一朵花。”We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?I am a mere flower.24休息与工作的关系,正如眼睑与眼睛的关系。Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes.25人是一个初生的孩子,他的力量,就是生长的力量。Man is a born child; his power is the power of growth.26神希望我们酬答他,在于他送给我们的花朵,而不在于太阳和土地。God expects answers for the flowers he sends us, not for the sun, the earth.27光明如一个裸体的孩子,快快活活地在绿叶当中游戏,它不知道人是会欺诈的。The light that plays, like a naked child, among the green leaves happily know not that man can lie.28 啊,美呀,在爱中找你自己吧,不要到你镜子的谄媚去找寻。O Beauty, find yourself in love, not in the flattery of your mirror. 29 我的心把她的波浪在世界的海岸上冲激着,以热泪在上边写着她的题记:“我爱你。” My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, I love you. 30“月儿呀,你在等候什么呢?” “向我将让位给他的太阳致敬。”Moon, for what do you wait? To salute the sun for whom I must make way.31 绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是嘶哑的大地发出的渴望的声音。 The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.32 神自己的清晨,在他自己看来也是新奇的。 His own mornings are new surprises to God. 33 生命从世界得到资产,爱情使它得到价值。 Life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by the claims of love. 34 枯竭的河床,并不感谢它的过去。 The dry riverbed finds no thanks for its past. 35 鸟儿愿为一朵云。 云儿愿为一只鸟。 The bird wishes it were a cloud. The cloud wishes it were a bird. 36 瀑布歌唱道:“我得到自由时便有了歌声了。” The waterfall sings, I find my song, when I find my freedom. 37 我说不出这心为什么那样默默地憔悴着。 是为了它那不曾要求,不曾知道,不曾记得的小小的需要。 I cannot tell why this heart languishes in silence. It is for small needs it never asks, or knows or remembers.38 妇人,你在料理家务的时候,你的手足歌唱着,正如山间的溪水歌唱着在小石中流过。Woman, when you move about in your household service your limbs sing like a hill stream among its pebbles. 39 当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他的最后的敬礼。 The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East. 40 不要因为你自己没有胃口而去责备你的食物。 Do not blame your food because you have no appetite. 41 群树象表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。 The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand tiptoes to peep at the heaven. 42 你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得久了。 You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long. 43 水里的游鱼是沉默的,陆地上的兽类是喧闹的,空中的飞鸟是歌唱着的。 但是,人类却兼有海里的沉默,地上的喧闹与空中的音乐。The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing.But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air. 44世界在踌躇之心的琴弦上跑过去,奏出忧郁的乐声。The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness.45他把他的刀剑当着他的上帝。当他的刀剑胜利的时候他自己却失败了。He has made his weapons his gods.When his weapons win he is defeated himself.46神从创造中找到他自己。God finds himself by creating.47阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在“光”后边。Shadow, with her veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness, with her silent steps of love. 48 群星不怕显得向萤火那样。 The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies. 49谢谢神,我不是一个权力的轮子,而是被压在这轮子下的活人之一。I thank thee that I am none of the wheels of power but I am one with the living creatures that are crushed by it. 50心是尖锐的,不是宽博的,它执着在每一点上,却并不活动。The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move. 51你的偶象委散在尘土中了,这可证明神的尘土比你的偶象还伟大。You idol is shattered in the dust to prove that God"s dust is greater than your idol. 52人不能在他的历史中表现出他自己,他在历史中奋斗着露出头角。Man does not reveal himself in his history. He struggles up through it. 53玻璃灯因为瓦灯叫它做表兄而责备瓦灯。但明月出来时,玻璃玻灯却温和地微笑着,叫明月为--“我亲爱的,亲爱的姐姐。” While the glass lamp rebukes the earthen for calling it cousin the moon rises, and the glass lamp, with a bland smile, calls her, “---My dear, dear sister.“ 54我们如海鸥之与波涛相遇似地,遇见了,走近了。海鸥飞去,波涛滚滚地流开,我们也分别了。Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near. The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart. 55我的白昼已经完了,我象一只泊在海滩上的小船,(言帝)听着晚潮跳舞的乐声。My day is done, and I am like a boat drawn on the beach, listening to the dance-music of the tide in the evening.
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全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)三级考试以国家教育部颁发的现行《初中英语教学大纲》为依据,以初中一年级学生为测试对象,对初中一年级所学英语进行全面的综合性测试,以考查初中学生在听、说、读、写、译诸方面综合运用英语的能力为测试目的。 扩展资料   全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)三级考试为闭卷考试,分口试和笔试两部分,总分为120分,测试考生在听、说、读、写、译诸方面综合运用英语的能力。口试时间为每个考生5分钟,分值为20分。笔试时间为100分钟,分值为100分,其中包括听力(30分钟,分值为20分)、基础知识与综合能力运用(70分钟,分值为80分)。   全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)在公布测试成绩时采用分数制和等级制两种形式。等级制的`评定方法是:在评卷时将把分数转换成A、B、C、D、F的等级形式,采用A(120-100)、B(99-80)、C(79-72)、D(71-60)、F(59-0)五个等级(E通常表示成绩优秀的分数,故在此不采用)。获得A、B、C三个级别的考生被认定为通过考试,可获得全国NEAT考试中心颁发的“全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)等级证书”。   全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)三级考试以现行英语教学大纲和最新颁布的《英语课程标准》(实验稿)为依据,适合使用人教版英语教材和其它地方英语教材版本的学生。试题说明使用汉语。阅读材料全部取自英语语言国家的报刊、杂志、文学作品和教材的原文和改写文本。阅读材料题材包括社会、政治、经济、文化、体育和科技等方面,体裁包括说明文、议论文、记叙文、广告、图表和标识等。   全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)三级考试试题为16开纸10个页面,相当于10000个汉字字符。试题形式既有考查学生语音、词汇、语法、功能意念和话题等方面的单项知识题目,也有考查综合运用语言能力的题目。主、客观题兼备,题型采用单项选择、填空、转换、翻译、简答、图片描述、命题作文、角色表演等多种形式。
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tempo翻译成中文是拍子、节奏、速率的意思。tempo短语搭配:1、a tempo回原速;2、tempo of the game比赛的速度;3、stroking tempo游泳节奏;4、tempo of evolution进化速度;5、loss of a tempo失一步先;6、fast tempo快频率;7、tempo routine动力性动作;8、tempo turn高速转弯;9、rhythm tempo节奏速度;10、attack into tempo及时进攻;11、up tempo快节奏的;12、average tempo平均节拍。tempo近义词:rhythm节奏、time时间、pace速度、beat打、speed速度、pulse脉搏、measure措施、movement活动、pacing步测;调步;定步。tempo例句:1、They waltz to the tempo of the music.他们跟着音乐的节奏跳华尔兹舞。2、Don"t let the other team dictate the tempo of the game.别让对方球队控制比赛的节奏。3、The gradation in tempo in this piece of music is very subtle.这段音乐的速度变化非常微妙。4、All this was comparatively slow until,with the coming of science,the tempo was suddenly raised.所有这些发展都比较缓慢,直到出现了科学,其速度才突然加快。5、We play the music of Mozart at the slow tempo.我们以慢速演奏了莫扎特的音乐。
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在你给出的短语“sounds neat”中,“neat”的含义为“好的,极好的,这是不在正式场合中使用的俚语(NAmE, informal),详见下文的第5项解释。neat的含义及例子如下:1. tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged 整洁的;整齐的;有序的: a neat desk 整洁的课桌 neat handwriting 工整的笔迹 neat rows of books 一排排整齐的书 She was wearing a neat black suit. 她穿着整洁的黑色礼服。 They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen. 他们坐在她那干净整齐的厨房里。 2. (of people 人) liking to keep things tidy and in order; looking tidy or doing things in a tidy way 有条理的;爱整洁的: Try and be neater! 干净利落点! 3. small, with a pleasing shape or appearance 小巧优雅的 her neat figure 她那娇小玲珑的身材 4. simple but clever 简洁的;睿智的;灵巧的: a neat explanation 简明的解释 a neat solution to the problem 解决这个问题的捷径 5. (NAmE, informal) good; excellent 好的;极好的: It"s a really neat movie. 这真是一部极好的电影。 We had a great time—it was pretty neat. 我们玩得很痛快——棒极了。 6. (BrE) (NAmE straight) (especially of alcoholic drinks 尤指酒) not mixed with water or anything else 未掺水的;纯的: neat whisky 纯威士忌酒
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(退出游戏)Rust是开发商Facepunch Studios开发的一款生存游戏。《腐蚀Rust》是由Facepunch Studios公司采用Unity 3D制作的一款第一人称生存网络游戏,可以建设个人服务器。通过steamcmd可以获得服务端,开设正版服。建议玩家选择人少一点的服务器游玩,不然很容易被其他暴力玩家组队杀掉。但是,要记住野生的队友同样不可靠。特点:游戏是采取PVP(player vs player),玩家看见其他玩家可以选择结伴、无视、或是直接杀了对方,抢夺其身上的任何资源。游戏除了注重战斗部分外,还拥有非常丰富的生存要素。玩家在游戏中除了要防范动物,科学家、玩家的袭击,并依靠各类物品进行生存。
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