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In and of itself 什么意思啊 全句:That was a stunning revelation, in and of itself. 谢谢!

供参考意思是发自(存在於)本身及关於本身原句可以改写为That was a stunning revelation in itself and That was a stunning revelation of itself.全句可理解为这是发自本身及关於本身的惊人领悟注revelation 是启示﹐揭露之意这里因为指"itsefl 本身‘﹐所以译为‘领悟"实际意思宜参考更多的语境来理解stunning 也可‘很好"的意思

you look stunning是什么意思

you look stunning 你看上去很有魅力、你看上去很美丽同样的还有 :you look fabulous

Brigade的《Stunning》 歌词

歌曲名:Stunning歌手:Brigade专辑:Sink Sink Swim / StunningStunning8mmyou make you case oh so welland i can tellit"s the same old song and dancebut i can"t help feelingwe just mightmight get it right this timebut i can"t help feelingboy i"m dreamingjust who are we kidding babe?and isn"t it stuninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunning?how we both knowit"s gonna endooh maybe if it weren"t so funand ooh ooh oohif i didnt think that you were the onei might walk i might talklike i had some pridebut i can"t help feelingthat it"s in your armsin your arm ive diedand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let meand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isnt it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let me... accident stunning put up 这三句怎么改同意句?

1。你这道提问没人看得懂,真想有人给你解答就必须补充说明得详细点儿 2。一楼的反应是强烈了点,但是大家的时间都有限 ... 3。没有完整句子吗? 光看这么个句型让大家无法帮你回答呢Please put up your hands if you have any problem 第三句 这条的 put up = raise 举起手来的意思 但 put up 如果是应用在其他句子中,比如 He had to put up with the noisy neighbors 意思就截然不同了。此外,有时还有 put up the funds/money 这种用法,解释也不同。Tom is stunning 没有前后文也无法确定 ,一般不会这么用 stunning 这个形容词的。所以说你要慎选你用的参考书籍啦,否则你花了时间绞尽脑汁仍然得不到什么进步。下次提问还是尽量多写一点出来,即便书上就只有这么多材料。

stunning one 什么意思

stunning one令人惊叹的双语例句Lucy picked a stunning one shoulder, fish tail red dress for her prom.露茜选择了一件美绝的单肩、红色鱼尾裙来参加毕业舞会。2In a stunning reversal, the technology giant made an abrupt about-faceon some of the controversial features of its upcoming Xbox oneconsole.这家科技巨头的态度突然出现逆转,修改了即将上市的Xbox One游戏机中部分引发争议的功能。3Clearly you did not see “ The Fighter ”, his performance was stunning,one of the best in years. That"s how he won an Oscar.很明显你没看过“斗士”,他的表演一级棒,是这几年来最好的(演员)之一。这就是他赢得奥斯卡的的原因。4It is stunning that no one has yet been named to succeed AustanGoolsbee, who announced his departure months ago.还没有人被提名,这是令人震惊的,哈里伯顿在一个月前宣布了辞职。

staggering stunning

surprising 令人惊讶的(出人意外的) astonishing 可惊异的 shocking 可怕的,过分的(震惊) staggering 令人惊愕的(犹豫的) stunning足以使人晕倒的



Brigade的《Stunning》 歌词

歌曲名:Stunning歌手:Brigade专辑:Come Morning We FightStunning8mmyou make you case oh so welland i can tellit"s the same old song and dancebut i can"t help feelingwe just mightmight get it right this timebut i can"t help feelingboy i"m dreamingjust who are we kidding babe?and isn"t it stuninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunning?how we both knowit"s gonna endooh maybe if it weren"t so funand ooh ooh oohif i didnt think that you were the onei might walk i might talklike i had some pridebut i can"t help feelingthat it"s in your armsin your arm ive diedand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let meand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isnt it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let me...






stunning英 [u02c8stu028cnu026au014b] 美 [u02c8stu028cnu026au014b] adj. 令人晕倒(吃惊)的,震耳欲聋的; 极好的,出色的; 令人震惊的;v. 击晕(stun的现在分词);


区别是:beautiful一般用来形容人漂亮,漂亮的程度比较低,有时候是出于礼貌上。stunning意思是令人震惊的,极好的,出色的,口语中形容人时表示惊艳的意思。例句:beautiful1、He has beautiful manners. 他举止优雅。2、She has a wonderfully beautiful face. 她的面孔俊俏极了。3、You have beautiful eyes 你有一双美丽的眼睛。4、I could not believe my eyes. She was far more beautiful than I had imagined. 我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。她比我想象的漂亮多了。stunning1、She was 55 and still a stunning woman.她已经55岁了,但依然美艳动人。2、This bold and beautiful hybrid is a true standout with its seductive fragrance and stunning appearance. 这一大胆而美丽的混合动力是一个真正的突出其诱人的香气和迷人的外观。3、You look stunning in that dress. 你穿那身衣服看上去美极了。4、You look really stunning in that dress! 你穿上那条连衣裙美极了!app.controller("ctrl", function (movie) {expect(movie.title).toEqual("The Matrix");

stunning 和 beautiful的区别


漂亮的、美丽的英文怎么说? beautiful/ pretty/ lovely/stunning 中文意思!

漂亮的、美丽的英文 怎么说?漂亮的、美丽的常见相关英文说法有很多,例如:beautiful,pretty,lovely,stunning…等等。虽然上面这四个英文单字都有形容别人漂亮美丽的意思,不过还是有点意思上的差异喔。 下面整理了「漂亮的、美丽的」的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.beautiful 漂亮的、美丽的 beautiful的意思是指「very attractive」,也就是指一个人的外表很有吸引力,而很有吸引力的人,通常就是指对方很漂亮啦。 下面列出例beautiful 英文例句与中文意思。 例: She"s a beautiful woman 她是个美女。 例: You look so beautiful. 你看起来好漂亮。 2.pretty 漂亮的、美丽的 pretty的意思是指「pleasant to look」,也就是看起来很赏心悦目的意思。pretty用来形容人的时候,通常指女生或是女人,用来形容物品的时候,代表那样物品很好看。 下面列出例pretty 英文例句与中文意思。 例: That"s a pretty hat. 那是顶漂亮的帽子。 例: She has such a pretty daughter. 她有一个如此美貌的女儿。 3.lovely 漂亮的、美丽的 lovely 用来形容人的时候,意思也同样跟beautiful一样,都形容很美丽、很漂亮的意思。 下面列出例lovely 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Jenny has lovely eyes. 珍妮的眼睛很漂亮。 例: She looks lovely in that dress. 她穿那条裙子很好看。 4.stunning 极漂亮的,极迷人的 stunning 意思是指「extremely beautiful or attractive」,也就是说一个人看起来很漂亮或是极度具有吸引力。 stunning相关英文例句与中文意思: 例: She looks stunning in that dress. 她穿着那件衣服看起来很漂亮。 例: You look really stunning in that dress! 你穿那件衣服真好看! beautiful, beautiful 中文, beautiful 意思, lovely, lovely 中文, lovely 意思, pretty 中文, pretty 意思, stunning, stunning 中文, stunning 意思, 有吸引力的 英文, 漂亮 英文, 漂亮的 英文, 美丽 英文, 美丽的 英文




1.marvelous 类似于wonderful,语气较强,指人的行为超凡或事物的非常优异好,几乎使人难以相信。He"s done a marvellous job of the decorating.他所做的装饰真是棒极了。It took me ages to get it right, but it was a marvellous feeling when I did.我花了好长时间才弄好,但弄好后真有种说不出的快乐。The valleys marvelous is best grand canyon hollow if your ever see the grand canyon, you will never forget it.不可思议的是如果你看过大峡谷,这个最好的空心大峡谷,你将永远不会忘记。2.stunning意思是惊人的; 令人震惊的; 极有魅力的; 绝妙的; 给人以深刻印象的; 令人惊奇万分的,口语中形容人时表示惊艳的意思。She was 55 and still a stunning woman.她已经55岁了,但依然美艳动人。This bold and beautiful hybrid is a true standout with its seductive fragrance and stunning appearance.这一大胆而美丽的混合动力是一个真正的突出其诱人的香气和迷人的外观。You look stunning in that dress.你穿那身衣服看上去美极了。His plays are distinguished only by their stunning mediocrity. 他的戏剧与众不同之处就是平庸得出奇。3.marvelous和stunning作为形容词,一般都用于褒义,marvelous语气更强(几乎使人难以相信),stunning稍弱(只是震惊,可以预料),但stunning可以用于修饰贬义词,例如上句中的stunning mediocrity(平庸得出奇)。


stunning英 [u02c8stu028cnu026au014b] 美 [u02c8stu028cnu026au014b]adj.令人晕倒(吃惊)的,震耳欲聋的; 极好的,出色的; 令人震惊的v.击晕(stun的现在分词)极好的;震耳欲聋;足以使人晕倒的;令人震惊的派生词:stunningly 双语例句1. Did you ever wonder how the top supermodels manage to look stunning? 难道你就没有想过那些超级名模是如何做到外表如此惊艳的吗?2. Even from a distance the effect of his fox costume was stunning. 即使从远处看,他的狐狸戏服也很抢眼。3. "The British tabloids called me leggy and stunning," she recalls. “当时的英国小报都说我‘双腿修长"、‘艳惊四座",”她回忆道。4. The minister resigned last night after a stunning defeat in Sunday"s vote. 在周日的选举中意外惨败后,部长于昨晚辞职。5. She was 55 and still a stunning woman. 她已经55岁了,但依然美艳动人。

stunning shocking startling的区别

stunning shocking startling的区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同stunning:英 ["stu028cnu026au014b]     美 ["stu028cnu026au014b]。    shocking:英 ["u0283u0252ku026au014b]     美 ["u0283ɑu02d0ku026au014b]。    startling:英 ["stɑu02d0tlu026au014b]     美 ["stɑu02d0rtlu026au014b]。    2、意思不同stunning:adj. 令人震惊的;<口>极好的;极漂亮的。shocking:adj. 使人震惊的;骇人的。动词shock的现在分词形式。startling:adj. 惊人的;动词startle的现在分词。近义词:astounding 英 [u0259"stau028andu026au014b]     美 [u0259"stau028andu026au014b]    adj. 令人惊骇的。动词astound的现在分词形式。His speech was so astounding that the audience listened to him with bated breath.他的讲话非常令人震惊,听众们都屏息而听。His skill level was simply astounding.他的技术水平令人拍案叫绝。