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2023-08-24 22:43:09
TAG: 英语 问题
回答你的第一个问题。在英文里, 两句句子间通常用连接词而不用逗号。但是,三个句子以上的连接,都要用逗号,而且在连接最后一句时,不但要用逗号,还要用连词。比如:xxxxx,xxxxx,and xxxxx。
第二个问题:状语从句通常不能用作一个完整的句子。 至于你给例子,其实它不是状语从句,而是一个完整的句子。so much...在英文里常见,用来加强语气。 So much time and effort do they devote to = They devote so much time to.
第三个问题:as a consequence of which 是一个结果状语从句,不但指的是“在上课时发短信”而且指的是“上课时玩游戏”的后果。结果状语从句前面可加也可不加逗号。


第一个问题的答案是 对的。第二个句子也是对的。第三个我觉得都好可有可无,有逗号只是表示停顿。建议你再问问你英语老师





可有可无 It seems that it does not exist. 灰色 grey colour 灰暗 gloomy or dim (different words for different occasion) 没有明天 Tomorrow will not e or There will be no tomorrow 我是谁 Who Am I ? 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: 希望可以帮到你! 可有可无: not essential; not indispensable; may or may not be needed. 灰色: grey 灰暗: gloomy; murky; somber 没有明天: there"s no chance; no tomorrow 我是谁: Who am I 没有明天 what do you meant by this? 参考: me
2023-08-18 15:57:321


be filled with 固定搭配可有可无。
2023-08-18 15:58:254


Increase in xuzhou city, jiangsu province Xu Zhuangna 5 door, room 102 on the ground floor
2023-08-18 15:58:564


2023-08-18 15:59:572


序数词前的the,虽然在书写日期时,可有可无(美式英语常省略),但是,读的时候,the 一定要读出来. 正确读法:My birthday is May the ninth 或者 My birthday is the ninth of May 希望我的回答能够帮到你,
2023-08-18 16:00:141


Nothing remains unchanged for a lifelong time.When we start,we know that it must come to the terminus
2023-08-18 16:00:221

我对你是可有可无的吗 英文

Am I dispensable to you?
2023-08-18 16:00:302


1 选D 2 选B。
2023-08-18 16:00:548

英语翻译 高手请进

1:the way of study2:enlighten
2023-08-18 16:02:426


2023-08-18 16:03:034


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2023-08-18 16:03:356


I am not necessary to you.
2023-08-18 16:04:083


cold名词 n.1.冷, 寒冷; (尤指)低气温 I can"t stand the cold.这么冷我受不了。2.伤风, 感冒 A cold kept him in bed for three days.感冒使他卧床三天。形容词 adj.1.冷的, 寒冷的 A cold wind was coming down the valley.有一股冷风正吹进山谷。It was bitterly cold that day.那天天气严寒。2.冷淡的, 冷酷的; 冷漠的; 不友好的 Your brother is a cold person.你的兄弟是个冷酷的人。She is cold to her husband.她对丈夫很冷淡。3.(儿童游戏中)离目标远的,未猜中的 4.失去知觉5.真实的;客观的 6.未热过的;已凉的;冷却的7. 冷的;冷色的;寒色的 8. 不易发现的 副词 adv.1.突然;完全2. 毫无准备地
2023-08-18 16:04:297


高冷女神High cold goddess望采纳,谢谢
2023-08-18 16:05:232


Only the cold-blooded will not wound themselves. Only the cold blooded will never suffer from injuries.
2023-08-18 16:05:413


I"m cold.
2023-08-18 16:06:2214


It"s freezing!
2023-08-18 16:07:001


一次性可以用英文表达为disposable或者single use。x0adisposablex0aadj. 一次性的,用完即丢弃的;可支配的,可自由使用的;(人,观点)可有可无的,可轻易放弃的x0an. 一次性用品x0a复数:disposablesx0a比较级:more disposablex0a最高级:most disposablex0a例句:x0a1.Gerald had little disposable income.x0a杰拉尔德没有多少可自由支配的收入。x0a2.Disposable diapers are fairly straightforward to put on.x0a一次性尿布非常容易穿。x0a3.The use of disposable products is considered ecologically unsound.x0a使用一次性产品被认为是没有顾及对生态的影响。x0a词组短语:x0a1.disposable incomex0a可支配收入x0a2.disposable chopsticksx0a一次性筷子x0a3.disposable diaperx0a一次性尿片,纸尿裤x0asingle usex0a一次性的;单独使用x0a例句:x0a1.The curettes are meant to be disposable and for single use only.x0a刮匙是一次性的,只能使用一次。x0a2.Do not reuse bottles intended for single use.x0a不要重复利用一次性使用的瓶子。x0a3.MaintainJ generates sequence and class diagrams for a single use case.x0aMaintainJ会为单一的用例生成序列图和类图。
2023-08-18 16:07:381


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2023-08-18 16:08:341


一感 (First Sense):指以感觉为主要手段,在生活中通过触摸、闻、尝等方式来获取信息,例如感受风的温度、闻到花香的味道等。二听 (Second Listen):指以听觉为主要手段,通过倾听来获取信息,例如聆听音乐、听人说话等。三让 (Third Make Way):指以让步为主要手段,在交流中为了达成共识而进行妥协和让步,例如对别人的不同意见持开放态度,愿意倾听他们的想法和建议,从而达成更好的交流效果。四看 (Fourth See):指以视觉为主要手段,通过观察和阅读来获取信息,例如看书、看电影、观察周围的环境等。这些方法能够帮助我们更好地理解和传递信息,提高跨文化沟通的能力。同时,也需要根据具体情况灵活选择不同的方法,以便在不同场合下有效地交流。
2023-08-18 16:08:422

出淤泥而不染 濯清涟而不妖 用英文怎么写

Lightness finds Qing Lian without demon
2023-08-18 16:09:113


twenty percent
2023-08-18 16:09:299


文章是引用了人说的话,或是表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态,时态结构可不是可有可无!!每个时态用时都有自己的规律,不懂要问老师!!!!!!! 你把文章发过来几行,我看看。
2023-08-18 16:09:542


on the morning of Saturday on Saturday morning
2023-08-18 16:10:065


地球的英语是earth。英 [u025cu02d0θ]   美 [u025cu02d0rθ]    n. 地球;泥土;世间例句:What percentage of the earth is covered by oceans?翻译:地球上百分之多少被海水覆盖着?短语:pay the earth 付出一大笔钱earth的用法1、earth作“地球”解时常以单数形式出现,前加定冠词,也可作为专有名词,这时要用(the) Earth的形式,冠词可有可无,而现在多用the earth形式,但如果和天空、天体相对时,前面常不加冠词。2、earth作“泥土,土壤”解时,是物质名词,泛指时不用冠词,特指或类指时须用定冠词。
2023-08-18 16:10:531


无关紧要 无足轻重 无关宏旨 无关大局
2023-08-18 16:11:113


2023-08-18 16:11:331


When we speak of Chinese marriage,we means the Chinses traditional marriage.The process of the marriage is very complex and it varies from place to place.But it has a similar pattern.Today although customs have been simplified and westernized,there are some that are still observed.It was very important to follow a basic principle of the "Three Letters and Six Etiquettes",for they were essential to a marriage.---the "Three Letters" includes the Betrothal Letter,which is the formal document of the engagement and a must in a marriage;the Gift Letter,which would be given to the identified girl"s family,in this letter,a list of the types and quanlity of gifts prepared for the wedding,once both parties accept the marriage;the Wedding Letter is prepared and presented to the bride"s family on the day of the wedding and is a document that confirmed and commemorated the formal acceptance of the bride into the bridroom"s family.---Six Etiquettes:1 Proposing:If an unmarried boy"s parents identify a girl as their future daught-in-law,they would find a matchmaker.Proposing is the specialty of the matchmaker.The matchmaker would formally present the client"s request to the identified girl"s parents.2 Birthday matching:If the potential bride"s parents do not object to the marriage,the matchmaker would ask for the girl"s birthday and birth-hour to assure the campatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom.If the couples birthdays and birth-hours do not conflict according to astrology,the marriage would continue onto the next stage.If there is an sign of astological conflict,which means the marriage would bring disasters on both families,the proposed marriage is immediately quashed.3 Presenting betrothal gifts:Once both birthdays match,the bridegroom"s family would arrange for the matchmaker to present betrothal gifts,including the betrothal letter,to the bride"s family.4 Presenting wedding gifts:After the betrothal letter and betrothal gifts are accepted,the bridegroom"s family would later formally sending wedding gifts to the bride"s family.Usually,gifts may include tea,lotus seeds,longan,red beans,green beans,red dates,nutmeg,oranges,pomegranate,lily,bridal cakes,wine,coconuts,money box and other delicacies,depending on local customs and family wealth.5 Picking a wedding date:An astrologist or astrology book would be conculted to select an auspicious date to hold the wedding ceremony.6 Wedding ceremony:On the selected day,the bridegroom would depart with a troop of escorts and musicians,playing cheerful music all the way to the bride"s home.After the bride is escorted to the bridegroom"s home,the wedding ceremony begins.The details of the ceremony is just like the TV programs" showing.参考资料:
2023-08-18 16:11:491


2023-08-18 16:12:006


1.系动词可以看成是一种特殊的谓语动词,跟在系动词后面的就叫表语。所以I am a student. am 是系动词,a student 就是表语。2. i can 可以看成完整句子,结构是主语加谓语。句子不一定要有宾语的。3. 系动词和情态动词可以做谓语,但是助动词只是谓语的一部分。4. be 动词是系动词,所以算主系表结构。7. 主语和谓语是必有的,宾语根据谓语动词的不同,及物动词必须跟宾语,不及物动词不能跟宾语。定语状语都是修饰作用,不是句子的主干。宾语补足语根据情况,如果需要就不能省略。
2023-08-18 16:12:262


乌瑟尔·光明使者Uther Lightbringer Arthas 阿尔塞斯
2023-08-18 16:12:515


Show you some examples ..What do you think of the two sisters in this Movie ? Do you think your aunt can come over ? So do you think you can dance ?How do you know when to use "who" or "whom" in a sentence ?Do you know which software should i use ?How do you know if a girl likes you .... ! HA..HA...HA .. SORRY ,, I M OUT OF IDEAS ALREADY ..!OH.. I SEE, .... I THINK I KNOW WHAT U MEANT BY NOW ... SORRY .. NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS 插入语.. NOTHING MUCH DIFFERENT .. HERE U ARE .. "How Well Do You Know Your Main Character? " " WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ..?" .. FRANKLY SPEAKING ,, I STILL DON"T UNDERSTAND WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE ? ANYWAY ..
2023-08-18 16:13:192


hei . 用天长听听的答案吧.他说的确实很到位.
2023-08-18 16:13:387


2023-08-18 16:13:552

英语感叹句中is it有什么作用? 好像可有可无吧 可以不加吗?

感叹句中用的都是陈述语序,也就是it is 有一种是可以省略的,如下: What a pretty bag it is!此时可以省略 it is 但这种感叹 How pretty the bag is!此时就是哪一部分都不能省的.
2023-08-18 16:14:051


正确写法是Co.,Ltd. 逗号不可省略。
2023-08-18 16:14:164


首先,我要比出中指对天高喊一句: son of a bitch .(当然不是说楼主你)不知中国的英语教育还要继续毒害多少渴望成才的中国学生?学了10年英语?学出了什么??大学毕业能说能写能听吗?操!下面我说一下我学英语的经验:如果为了应付考试:1.单选平时不练,只是调剂。2.作文要练,写5篇就足够,前提是熟背模式,所谓1st、2nd、3rd,如果什么写作要用高级词汇是你老师说的,那我告诉你,你们老师是垃圾,他英语再好,可他不配做老师,写作第一要素是什么?表意清楚,条理明确,英文写作,模式最重要,通过提示词突出重点,增强条理性,这是阅卷老师第一关注点,这也是作文得高分的必要条件,其次的所谓高级词汇,我认为可有可无,当你的阅读上了一个台阶,写作自然而然就会多出那么几个高级词汇,这不是为了高级而高级,否则你会适得其反的,这是吃力不讨好的事情。3.这是最重要的,你想知道吗?呵呵,英文拿高分很简单,阅读理解拿30分以上,你说你长难句看不懂,很明显,语感不行,断句断不开,别把语感想的多神秘,别听别人糊弄,我和你说,每天做4篇阅读,做完花20分钟研究错题,其实做阅读有诀窍的,可这诀窍我也说不出来,真的,做多了就知道是哪个答案,可以这样描述:回答最中肯,最不带思想感情的(不知是否正确,只是个人理解)。然后坚持下去,学英语五分钟热度可不行。3.听力随便练练,现在让你看整个六人行也是不可能的。4.把十年真题搞透(绝对的秘密武器),事半功倍的效果,搞透可不是做完看完就行,背下来,你有这毅力吗?5.单词是重要,可不是像你这么搞法的,你知道核心词汇吗?你学单词是为了考试拿高分,可不是对别人炫耀的。最后祝你考试成功。
2023-08-18 16:14:332


2023-08-18 16:13:291


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2023-08-18 16:13:341

mend 过去分词是什么

2023-08-18 16:13:358


2023-08-18 16:13:371

恶魔城 晓月圆舞曲 julius怎么出城啊

2023-08-18 16:13:383


2023-08-18 16:13:262

mend和to mend的区别

不是mend和to mend的区别是help do与help to do 的区别help sb do sth help sb to do sth 前者帮助某人做某事 可以是两个人一起做 也可以是帮的人做。 后者是帮助某人做某事 是帮的人做的 ∴He can help me mend the bike可以为他和我一起修理这辆自行车He can help me to mend the bike为他帮我修理在这辆自行车
2023-08-18 16:13:241

2021-8-4 Knowledge - How to Keep Your Throat Healthy With 6 Easy Tips

from: 保护嗓子健康的6个简单小技巧 How to Keep Your Throat Healthy With 6 Easy Tips Practice Good Health Habits To Avoid Getting Sick We rarely give much thought to our throat unless it begins to hurt, feel dry, or make no sounds when you wake up. When this happens, we go from not giving our throats much thought to not giving much thought to anything else. Especially when we feel pain every time we swallow. Then we run around looking for something to take to help it return to normal. During flu and cold season, most of us are getting better at preparing to head off as many germs as possible. We build up our immune system, get a flu shot, wash our hands more often, and learn to direct our cough and sneezes into our bent arms. You can"t be a part of the human race and not come into contact with all sorts of germs and people who are sick. Practicing good health habits is the best way to avoid getting sick. Six Ways to Keep Your Throat Healthy Your throat is a finely tuned structure of tissues, nerves, glands, and blood vessels. It needs looking after. If you overuse some of the delicate organs and tissues of the throat, you"ll end up with problems or even damage to those organs and tissues. Learning how to take care of your throat is easy, and in most cases, the benefits are well worth the effort. Here are six of my favorite ways of keeping your throat healthy. 1. Protect Your Throat From Cold Temperatures Get in the habit of wearing a scarf around your neck to keep the throat area warm. Do you know that the neck is one of the* most* overlooked sources of heat loss? Anywhere from 40-50% of our body heat can be lost from the surface of the head and neck. Changes in extreme temperatures, such as going from a heated car into the cold outside and vice versa, should be avoided when possible. 2. Avoid Sharing Eating Utensils Don"t ever drink from the same glass, cup, or bottle that someone else is using, as you may be at risk of cross-contamination. The same is true for sharing eating utensils and even napkins. 3. Clean Your Toothbrush One source of infection that is overlooked by most people is the toothbrush. Left overnight, it can be a potential source of a problem for the throat and mouth. Every morning, before brushing the teeth, soak your toothbrush in a glass of hot salt water (a teaspoon will suffice). This will help to disinfect the toothbrush and also helps keep it clean. Replace your toothbrush or toothbrush head regularly. The ADA recommends replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months and sooner if the brush becomes frayed. It"s also a good idea to store your toothbrush upright and avoid storing in closed containers. Keep your toothbrush in a dry climate instead of a moist environment which is conducive to microorganisms. 4. Gargle With Salt Gargle every night with a mixture of warm water and salt. Just a pinch of salt will do. During cold and flu season, this is a habit that will help to disinfect the mouth and throat. This is a timeless remedy, in fact — your grandmother probably knew the benefits of making this a habit. If you catch a sore throat early enough, salt water will give you fast relief. Bonus tip : Salt water can also be used to clear a stuffy nose. Just lightly sniff the above mixture into each nostril. You"ll instantly begin breathing better through the nose. 5. Use Honey and Ginger to Protect Your Throat One of the very best ways to protect the throat is with ginger juice and honey. After a good brush in the morning, squeeze a little fresh ginger juice (3-4 ml) with 5 ml of honey, and see for yourself what a good insurance policy this is for protecting your throat all day. 6. Vocal Warm-Ups for Professionals and Teachers Daily vocal warm-ups are a must for singers, speakers, doctors, actors, and the like. However, not just any warm-ups will do. In fact, some warm-ups can do more damage to the throat than not engaging in any at all. 我们鲜有会非常关心自己的嗓子,除非它开始疼、感觉到干、早晨醒来发不出来声。当这些发生时,我们就会从不对自己的嗓子关心到不对其他事情关心。尤其是当我们每次下咽的时候都感到疼。然后我们就会找让我们可以回归正常的方法。 在流感季和寒冷季节,我们都会更好的尽可能的准备阻拦病菌。我们建立了自己的免疫系统,接种流感疫苗,更经常地洗手并且学会直接将咳嗽和喷嚏打到我们弯曲的胳膊中。 你不能成为人类竞赛的一环并且也不能加入到所有类型的病菌与病人交互之中。养成良好的健康习惯是远离生病的最佳方式。 你的嗓子是一个很好的调节器对于组织、神经、腺体、血管来说。如果你过度使用喉咙的娇嫩器官和组织,你会造成许多问题,甚至破坏这些器官和组织。 学习如何保护你的嗓子很容易,并且在大多数情况下,这些好处是很值得的,这里有六个我最爱的方法来保证你的嗓子健康。 养成脖子上围围巾来保护喉咙区域温暖的习惯。它需要被照顾。你知道脖子是最容易被忽视的热量流失的源头吗?我们全身40-50%的热量从头部和脖子流失。改变极端温度时,比如从一辆温暖的车中到寒冷的外面时,反之亦然,都应当尽可能的避免。 不要与其他人使用同一个玻璃杯、茶杯或者是碗,因为你可能会有交差感染的风险。同样也适用于不要共用餐具甚至餐巾纸。 感染的一个来源对于大多人来说是忽视牙刷。过了一整夜,它可能是喉咙和嘴的潜在问题源。每天早晨,在刷牙前,把你的牙刷泡在一杯热盐水中(一茶勺足以)。这将帮你给牙刷消毒,并且也帮你清洁牙刷。 定期更换牙刷或者牙刷头。ADA(American Dental Association)建议每三或四个月更换你的牙刷,如果刷头磨损的话尽早更换。将牙刷竖着放是一个好的方法并且避免放在一个封闭的盒子中。保证你的牙刷在干燥的环境中而不是更有利于微生物的潮湿的环境下。 每晚使用盐和温水漱口。就一小撮盐就可以。在寒冷和流感季时,这个习惯会帮你给嘴和喉咙消毒。这是一个古老的补救措施,事实上——你奶奶可能都知道这个习惯的好处。如果你尽早的发现喉咙痛,盐水可以给你最快的解脱。 红利建议:盐水也可以用于清除鼻塞。只要轻轻将上述混合物吸入鼻孔。你的鼻子就立即开始呼吸顺畅。 保护嗓子最好的方法之一就是用姜汁和蜂蜜。在早晨刷好牙之后,榨一点姜汁(3-4ml)混合5ml的蜂蜜,然后你自己看这是多么好的保险单,它可以保护你一整天。 大部分歌手、演说家、医生、演员等等来说声乐热身的日常是必不可少的。然而,并不是所有的热身都需要做。事实上,一些热身可能会非但没有完全锻炼反而会损伤嗓子。 head off 拦截 germs 细菌 immune 免疫 cough 咳嗽 sneezes 打喷嚏 tuned 调节 tissues 组织(皮肤组织) tissue 薄纸、蜘蛛网、蜘蛛丝 nerves 神经(医)胆子 glands 腺体 blood vessels 血管 vessels 船只 容器 delicate 精美的 娇嫩的 秀气的 纤弱的 organs 器官 end up with problems 最终遇到问题 vice versa 反之亦然 Utensils 餐具 cross-contamination 交叉感染 potential 潜在的 soak 浸泡 suffice 够了 合格 满足 disinfect 消毒 杀菌 frayed 磨损 Dental 牙科 upright 直立 耿直 conducive 有利于 microorganisms 微生物 a pinch of 一小撮 sore 疮 疼 溃疡 疡 nostril 鼻孔 squeeze 挤 压榨 压缩 拥挤 turmeric 姜黄 relieving 缓解 cayenne pepper 卡宴胡椒 Vocal 声乐 浊音 are a must for 是必须的 and the like 之类的 vibrations 震动 loose 松动 疏松 活络 buzzing 嗡嗡声 giggle 傻笑 嘻 痴笑 belly 腹部 yawning 打哈欠 Imitate 模拟 siren 警笛 vowel 元音
2023-08-18 16:13:241

ment mended mend mend过去分词说到底是什么

过去分词 就是动词一个形式,当一个句子表示被动,那么就需要把动词变成过去分词,才能表示被动。如果是变成现在分词(ing)则表示现在进行的动作!
2023-08-18 16:13:173


2023-08-18 16:13:161