barriers / 阅读 / 详情

新概念第三册自学导读 Lessons18

2023-08-24 09:39:40

Notes on the text课文注释

1 The idea that… is mistaken.


2 take no interest in…,作“对……不感兴趣”解。

3 cannot have failed to notice, 不至于没注意到。


4 move in response to a gust of wind,随风飘荡。

in response(to)作“回答"、“响应”、“作出反应”讲。此处是“(展品)随风而动”的意思。

5 be familiar to…是“为……所熟悉”的意思。

6 Lined up against the wall, 靠墙排列着。

7 like traffic lights which have gone mad, 就像失去控制的红绿灯一样。

go mad作“发疯”、“发狂”讲。

8 on and off(亦作 off and on)作“断断续续地”、“有时”讲。

9 These peculiar forms not only seemed designed…,其中seemed是系动词,seemed designed 作用与were designed是一样的。




Summary writing 摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe what the writer saw from the moment he entered the art gallery. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.

Answer these questions in note form to get your points:

1 What did the writer see when he entered the art gallery?

2 Why did it forbid people to touch the exhibits?

3 What did the exhibition consist of?

4 What did the writer see against the wall?

5 What did the spheres do?

6 What did the tall structures in the centre of the hall contain?

7 What did the coloured lights do?

8 What was emitted from black boxes?

9 Did red lamps go on and off or not?

Vocabulary 词汇

Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage: on display(1. 4);oddly(1. 10); suspended(1. 11); response(1. 11); familiar (1. 11); attached(1. 12); flickered continuously (1. 15).

Composition 作文

In not more than 200 words describe an exhibition of modern paintings(real or imaginary). Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs.

Title: An interesting exhibition.

Introduction: Work of many artists exhibited----great public interest----you went to the art gallery.

Development: Description of some of the pictures on display----the picture you liked best ----the strangest picture of them all.

Conclusion: People"s comments overheard---- your opinion of the paintings at the exhibition.

Letter writing 书信写作

Write a letter of about 80 words to a friend accepting an invitation to go with him to an exhibition. Supply a suitable Introduction and Conclusion. Use the following information to write the Purpose:

thank him for invitation----looking forward to meeting him again soon----particularly interested in exhibition----why----where you will meet your friend: time and place. Key structures关键句型

介词(IKS 94) (参见第2册第 94课关键句型)Exercise 练习

Supply the missing words in the following sentences. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise.

1 Even people who take no interest ______ art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture ______ display in public places.

2 We have got quite used ______ them.

3 Oddly shaped forms that are suspended ______ the ceiling and move ______ response ______ a gust of wind are quite familiar ______ everybody.

4 There were long thin wires attached ______ metal spheres.

Special difficulties 难点

Spelling 拼写

Note the spelling of the words in italics:

I"ll pay the bill. He never pays his bills.

He owns a donkey. I own two donkeys.

You"ll wake up the baby. Babies often cry.

Will he try again? He never tries very hard.

Exercise 练习

Add-s or-ies to the following words. Make any other necessary changes:

lady, supply, valley, qualify, story, day, say, reply, marry, way, chimney, hurry, stay, enjoy, buy, body, bury, fry.

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1 Modern sculpture rarely surprises us any more because ______ .

a.even if not in museums, we see it in and around other public places

b.despite people"s lack of interest in art, it is put on display

c.people not only display it in their houses but in their gardens also

d.museums have been exhibiting it for nearly eighty years

2 What surprised the writer when he visited a recent exhibition of modern sculpture?

a.The tact that people were forbidden to touch the exhibits.

b.The oddly shaped forms that were suspended from the ceiling.

c.The way in which electrical energy was used to produce mobile effects.

d.The prehistoric electronic equipment used to activate the exhibits.

3 The pieces of sculpture on display at the exhibition were ______ .

a.noticed because they were dangerous

b.either hung on wires or built into the middle of the hall

c.flickering continuously with different coloured lights

d.such that one could not pass them unnoticed though it seemed wiser to pass them untouched

Structure 结构

4 ----‘modern"pieces ______ on display nearly eighty years ago. (11. 6-7)

a.have been

b.are first

c.were first

d.had been

5 The first thing I saw ______ to the art gallery…(1. 9)

a.on my arrival

b.on entering the entrance

d.having arrived

6 The notice prohibited people ______ the exhibits. (11. 9-10) touch

b.from touching


d.not to touch

7 The spheres had been magnetized ______ attracted or repelled each other…(1. 13) that they they were as they had order that they

8 These peculiar forms ______ to shock people emotionally and to…(11. 17-18)

a.both seemed designed

b.seemed both designed

c.seemed both designed and

d.seemed designed both

Vocabulay 词汇

9 ----forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move ______ are…(11. 10-11) one blow

b.all of a sudden

c.with a light touch the slightest breath

10 Small black boxes ______ sparks…(1. 15)

a.gave off

b.sent by

c.gave over

d.throw off

11 There were a number of tall structures ______ in different colours. (1. 14)





12 These peculiar forms not only seemed ______ to shock people…(11. 17-18)







上海东方明珠塔 The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui,Shanghai.The tower,surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest,creates a picture of "twin dragons playing with pearls".The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round. This 468 meters high (1,536 feet) tower is the world"s third tallest TV and radio tower surpassed in height only by towers in Toronto,Canada and Moscow,Russia.However,even more alluring than its height is the tower"s unique architectural design that makes the Oriental Pearl TV Tower one of the most attractive places anywhere.The base of the tower is supported by three seven-meter wide slanting stanchions.Surrounding the eleven steel spheres that are "strung" vertically through the center of the tower are three nine-meter wide columns.There are three large spheres including the top sphere,known as the space module.Then there are five *** aller spheres and three decorative spheres on the tower base.The entire structure rests on rich green grassland and gives the appearance of pearls shining on a jade plate. Visitors travel up and down the tower in double-decker elevators that can hold up to fifty people at the rate of seven meters per second.The elevator attendants recite an introduction to the TV Tower in English and Chinese during the rapid 1/4-mile ascent.Once you reach your destination,you will be amazed at the variety of activities available as the various spheres and columns actually house places of interest,merce,and recreation.The inner tower is a recreational palace,while the Shanghai Municipal History Museum is located in the tower"s pedestal.The large lower sphere has a futuristic space city and a fabulous sightseeing hall.From here,on a clear day a visitor can see all the way to the Yangtze River.The base of the tower is home to a science fantasy city.The five *** aller spheres are a hotel that contains twenty-five elegant rooms and lounges.The pearl at the very top of the tower contains shops,restaurants,(including a rotating restaurant) and a sightseeing floor.The view of Shanghai from this height fills you with wonder at the beauty that surrounds you.When viewed from the Bund at night,the tower"s three-dimensional lighting makes it a delight of brilliant color. It is amazing that this ultra-modern tower bines ancient concepts such as the spherical pearls,with 21st Century technology,merce,recreation,educational and conference facilities.All of this and it really is a TV and radio tower that services the Shanghai area with more than nine television channels and upwards of ten FM radio channels.Truly,"oriental pearl" is the most suitable name for this tower.
2023-08-17 06:27:541


Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower was completed on Oct. 1, 1994. It is 468 m high, being the highest in Asia and the third highest in the world, only next the TV towers in Toronto in Canada and Moscow in Russia. It stands opposite to the bund on the west bank.. The architectural modeling of the tower is unique, expressing the flavor of oriental culture. The structure of the tower consists of 11 spheres, different in sizes and arranged at different levels, hanging from the sky down to the green lawns. It expresses the artistic concept of “pearls, big and small, dropping on a jade plate”. The body of the tower is formed of two huge glittering spheres and one small delicate sphere; the sightseeing level in the upper sphere is 45 m in circumference, 263 m high, offering a birdu2019s-eye view of the city. In the upper sphere at the 267-m level, there is a revolving restaurant, with one revolution every hour, a disco ball, a piano accompanied bar and at the 271-m level there are 20 KTV private rooms. The space cabin is at a level of 350 m, containing a sightseeing terrace, a meeting hall and a coffee room. Hotel in the Air is in the five smaller sphere with 20 guest rooms. The lower sphere contains a space city. There is a science fiction city inside the tower pedestal. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower combines sightseeing, catering, shopping, recreation, accommodation, broadcasting and TV transmission into one body. It has become a symbolic architecture and a favorable spot for tourists in Shanghai. The Oriental Pearl Tower is 468 meters high, the highest TV tower in Asia and the third highest in the world. The Oriental Pearl Tower consists of three main whole-scope sightseeing floors. Tourists can enjoy the dynamic city view of different height. The Space Module is at the height of 350 meters; the highest revolving restaurant in Asia is at 267 meters; the main sightseeing floor is at 263 meters; you also can go outside at 259 meters and 90 meters. Located at the lobby of the Oriental Pearl Tower is “Shanghaiu2019s Urban Development History Museum”. It consists of six halls: “Transportation exhibition” “Overview of the old city” “The architectural Landscape of Shanghai at the Beginning of the 20th century” “The Metropolis infested with foreign adventures” “Traces of Old Shanghai” “Architectures Exhibition”. The cruise sightseeing on the Huangpu River is the new item of the Oriental Pearl Tower. Taking the luxurious cruise, you can enjoy fantastic scenes of both sides of the river.
2023-08-17 06:28:051


上海东方明珠塔 The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui, Shanghai. The tower, surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a picture of "twin dragons playing with pearls". The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round. This 468 meters high (1,536 feet) tower is the world"s third tallest TV and radio tower surpassed in height only by towers in Toronto, Canada and Moscow, Russia. However, even more alluring than its height is the tower"s unique architectural design that makes the Oriental Pearl TV Tower one of the most attractive places anywhere. The base of the tower is supported by three seven-meter wide slanting stanchions. Surrounding the eleven steel spheres that are "strung" vertically through the center of the tower are three nine-meter wide columns. There are three large spheres including the top sphere, known as the space module. Then there are five smaller spheres and three decorative spheres on the tower base. The entire structure rests on rich green grassland and gives the appearance of pearls shining on a jade plate. Visitors travel up and down the tower in double-decker elevators that can hold up to fifty people at the rate of seven meters per second. The elevator attendants recite an introduction to the TV Tower in English and Chinese during the rapid 1/4-mile ascent. Once you reach your destination, you will be amazed at the variety of activities available as the various spheres and columns actually house places of interest, commerce, and recreation. The inner tower is a recreational palace, while the Shanghai Municipal History Museum is located in the tower"s pedestal. The large lower sphere has a futuristic space city and a fabulous sightseeing hall. From here, on a clear day a visitor can see all the way to the Yangtze River. The base of the tower is home to a science fantasy city. The five smaller spheres are a hotel that contains twenty-five elegant rooms and lounges. The pearl at the very top of the tower contains shops, restaurants, (including a rotating restaurant) and a sightseeing floor. The view of Shanghai from this height fills you with wonder at the beauty that surrounds you. When viewed from the Bund at night, the tower"s three-dimensional lighting makes it a delight of brilliant color. It is amazing that this ultra-modern tower combines ancient concepts such as the spherical pearls, with 21st Century technology, commerce, recreation, educational and conference facilities. All of this and it really is a TV and radio tower that services the Shanghai area with more than nine television channels and upwards of ten FM radio channels. Truly, "oriental pearl" is the most suitable name for this tower.
2023-08-17 06:28:281

东方明珠 英语介绍 50字

Situated in the Pudong Park , The Oriental Pearl Tower is the world"s third tallest TV tower. With a unique design composed of balls and columns, the tower has become Shanghai"s newest landmark and a big magnet for tourists. The whole design is rich in poetic and pictorial splendor, which gives the tourist the impression that pearls of various sizes are dropping onto the emerald plate.
2023-08-17 06:28:352


斗破苍穹 的英文是:Fights break spheres.
2023-08-17 06:28:561


短文翻译:1.适应 2.suffer from 3. from every aspect 4. comment on汉译英1.he is addicted to the reading of english stories .2.traffic problems should attract local government attention.3.some adults can"t understand children4.nothing can change our views填空1was burned dowm2.ignore3injured4.reflects5comepleted
2023-08-17 06:29:072


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2023-08-17 06:29:582


恶性肿瘤的抗性药。肿瘤(tumour)是指机体在各种致瘤因子作用下,局部组织细胞增生所形成的新生物(neogrowth),因为这种新生物多呈占位性块状突起,也称赘生物(neoplasm)。研究发现,肿瘤细胞会出现不同于正常细胞的代谢变化,同时肿瘤细胞自身可通过糖酵解和氧化磷酸化(OXPHOS)之间的转换来适应代谢环境的改变。重磅抗肿瘤药物SIR-Spheres 钇[90Y]树脂微球于近期获得英国国家健康照护专业组织(「NICE」)推荐用于治疗不可切除的晚期肝细胞癌(HCC)成人患者;以及获得美国食品药品管理局(「FDA」)批准开展原发性肝癌(HCC)临床试验。SIR-Spheres 钇[90Y]树脂微球为一款针对肝脏恶性肿瘤的靶向内放射核素产品,作为不可切除肝肿瘤患者的福音,该产品采用全球领先的介入技术将SIR-Spheres 钇[90Y]树脂微球注入肝脏肿瘤血管,释放高能量β放射线杀灭肿瘤细胞,是目前全球唯一获得FDA正式批准的放射性微球。
2023-08-17 06:30:181

Maya 设计闪动的霓虹灯

我之前在影视版块中看到有位网友用 AE 做的闪动的霓虹灯的效果 . 就一直也想用 MAYA 来做一下 . 因为我想这样在后期中与动画能更好的合成 , 毕竟都是在三维下生成的东西 . 那现在就开始吧 , 先看一下效果 :首先先建立一个封闭的曲线 . 我建了一个心形 . 并重建一下 , 我设置了 number of spans 为 60, 你可以视自己的情况而定 . 稍作调整 , 如图 1:好的 , 点选 particle tool , 设置如图 2:这里 , 我们需要解决的问题是如何让粒子均匀分布到曲线上 . 我们现在就来实现 .选择粒子 , 在 position 处建立一个 creation Expression, 写入:int $i=particleShape1.particleId;float $pTemp[]=`getAttr[$i]`;float $x=$pTemp[0];float $y=$pTemp[1];float $z=$pTemp[2];particleShape1.position=$x,$y,$z; 点 EDIT 后 CLOSE 。好的,看看结果如何。你可能对于点看不太清。那我们先粒子改为 SPHERES 吧,点击 current render type 按钮,改变一下大小。这是我的。如图 3第一个问题解决了,我们再解决第二个,就是颜色的替换。我们先把视图的着色方式改为 SHADE, 依然选择粒子 , 点 COLOR, 设置如图 4.我们先来想象一下我们打算做出一个什么样的效果 . 我呢 . 决定用三种颜色 , 红 (1,0,0) 绿 (0,1,0) 和黄 (1,1,0) 来交替变化 . 好的 .右键点 rgbPP, 为其建一个 RUNTIME EXPRESSION, 写入 :if ((particleShape1.particleId+frame)%3==0) particleShape1.rgbPP=1,0,0;if ((particleShape1.particleId+frame)%3==1) particleShape1.rgbPP=0,1,0;if ((particleShape1.particleId+frame)%3==2) particleShape1.rgbPP=1,1,0;好的 , 看看效果吧 .哎呀 , 怎么一开始都是黑乎乎的呀 ? 没有关系 . 我们把这三行再复制到 CREATION EXPRESSION 里面就可以了 .至于以后应该做什么 , 我想大家都一定知道吧 , 硬件渲染 , 合成软件中加入更炫的特效吧 .!!好了 , 我讲完了 . 希望大家喜欢 .
2023-08-17 06:30:261


way ahead of 是也一个词组,意思是远远领先于..... category可以翻译成领域
2023-08-17 06:30:343

nod 的过去式和过去分词

2023-08-17 06:30:433


  诗歌朗读、学习诗歌、并进行诗歌创作和翻译过程中都是一种美的感受,能够让学生体会其特有的韵律美,尽情发挥想象,驰骋在诗歌的海洋中。我整理了关于悲伤的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!   关于悲伤的英文诗歌篇1   A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning   别离辞:莫悲伤   As virtuous men pass mildly away   正如贤人安然辞世   And whisper to their souls to go   轻声呼唤灵魂离去   Whilst some of their sad friends do say   悲伤的有人或伤逝   "Now his breath goes," and some say "no"   叹其气绝魂离,亦又说不然   So let me melt, and make no noise   就让我们悄然别离,不要喧哗   No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move   不要泪涌如潮,不要凄声叹息   They were profanation of our joys   那是对我们欢乐的亵渎   To tell the laity of our love   向俗人宣示我们的爱   Moving of the earth brings harms and fears   地动带来伤害与恐惧   Men reckon what it did, and meant   人们推其为断其义   But trepidation of the spheres   而天体运转震动, 威力虽大   Though greater far, is innocent   却对什么都没损伤   Dull sublunary lovers" love   乏味的烦情俗爱   -whose soul is sense- cannot admit   建立在感官之上,无法承受   Of absense, "cause it doth remove   别离,因为别离   The things which elemented it   使爱的根基破碎支离   But we by a love so much refined   但我和你拥有如此纯洁的爱   Though ourselves know not what it is   连我们都无法理解   Inter-assured of the mind   心心相印、相许   Careless,eyes,lips and hands to miss   岂在乎眼、唇和手的交融   Our two souls therefore, which are one   我们俩的灵魂合而为一   Tought I must go, endure not yet   我纵须远离   A breach, but an expansion   非违爱诺,实是延展   Like gold aery thinness beat   宛若黄金锤炼成轻飘韧箔   If there be two, they are two so   若我们的灵魂一分为二   As stiff twin compasses are two   应如坚定的圆规般   Thy suol, the fied foot, makes no show   你的心灵是定脚,坚守不移   To move, but doth, if the other do   但另一只脚起步,你便随之旋转   And though it in the centre sit   尽管一直端坐中央   Yet, when the other far doth roam   但当另一只脚四周漫游   It leans, and hearkens after it   它亦会侧身,细听周详   And grows erect, when that comes home   待它归来,便挺直如旧   Such wilt thou be to me, who must   这便是你之于我,我一直   Like the other foot, obliquely run   如同那另一只脚,侧身转圈   Thy firmness makes my circle just   你的坚贞使我的轨迹浑圆   And makes me end where it begun   也让我的漫游在起跑线终止   关于悲伤的英文诗歌篇2   On Joy and Sorrow   By Kahill Gilbran   欢乐与忧伤---纪伯伦   Then a woman said, “Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow.”   And he answered: Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.   And the selfsame well from   Which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.   一位妇人说:请给我们谈谈欢乐和忧伤。   他回答:你们的欢乐是无法掩饰的忧伤。   你欢笑的泉眼常常也饱含着泪水。   And how else can it be?   The deeper that sorrow carves into your being.   The more joy you can contain.   Is not the cup that hold your wine the very cup   That was burned in the potteru2019s oven?   And is not the lute that soothes your spirit,   The very wood that was hollowed with knives?   除此之外,又当如何?   镌刻在你们身上的忧伤愈深,你们能盛装的欢乐愈多。   斟满了美酒的杯盏,难道不是曾在陶工炉火中锻造的杯盏吗?   When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and   You shall find it is only that which has given   You sorrow that is giving you joy.   When you are sorrowful look again in your heart,   And you shall see that in truth you are weeping for   That which has been your delight.   当你们快乐时,审视自己的内心,   你们会发现曾经的忧伤如今却让你们快乐。   当你们忧伤时,再次审视自己的内心,   你们会发现曾经的快乐如今却让你们流泪。   Some of you say, “Nay, sorrow is the greater.”   But I say unto you, they are inseparable.   Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board,   Remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.   你们中有些人说:“欢乐胜于忧伤。”   另一些人则说:“不,忧伤更伟大。”   但我要说,他们是相辅相成的。   它们一同降临,当其中一个单独与你同坐时,   记住另一个正在你的床上安歇。   Verily you are suspended like scales   Between your sorrow and your joy.   Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.   When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh   His gold and his silver, needs must your   Joy or your sorrow rise or fall.   的确,你们就像在忧伤与欢乐之间摇摆不定的天平。   只有当你们彻底空虚时,你们才能平衡稳定。   把你浮沉不定的快乐和悲伤都留给   那用你来称量金银的守财奴吧。   关于悲伤的英文诗歌篇3   一个忧伤的孩子 A Sad Child   Youu2019re sad because youu2019re sad.   Itu2019s psychic. Itu2019s the age. Itu2019s chemical.   Go see a shrink or take a pill,   Or hug your sadness like an eyeless doll.   You need to sleep.   你忧伤,因为你忧伤。   这是心灵。这是年龄。这是化学药物。   去看心理医生,或者吃颗药,   或者像个没有眼珠的阴郁的娃娃,抱着忧伤。   你需要睡觉。   Well, all children are sad   But some get over it.   Count your blessings. Better than that,   Buy a hat. Buy a coat or pet.   Take up dancing to forget.   你看,所有的孩子都忧伤,   但有些孩子能克服那种情绪。   数数你的幸事。更好的选择是去   买顶帽子,买件外套或买个宠物。   去跳舞,忘掉。   Forget what?   Your sadness, your shadow,   Whatever it was that was done to you   The day of the lawn party.   When you came inside flushed with the sun,   Your mouth sulky with sugar,   In your new dress with the ribbon   And the ice-cream smear,   And said to yourself in the bathroom,   I am not the favorite child.   忘掉什么?   你的忧伤,你的阴影,   无论是发生在你身上的任何事,   在草地派对那天。   你走进来,脸被阳光晒得通红,   嘴含着糖,在生气,   你穿着系着丝带的新连衣裙,   上面还有冰激淋污迹。   你在浴室自言自语,   我不是最讨人喜欢的孩子。   My darling, when it comes   Right down to it   And the light fails and the fog rolls in   And youu2019re trapped in your overturned body   Under a blanket or burning car   亲爱的,总而   言之,   当光变暗,雾涌来,   当你翻倒,   受困于毯子或焚烧着的车子之下   And the red flame is seeping out of you   And igniting the tarmac beside you head   Or else the floor, or else the pillow,   None of us is;   Or else we all are.   红色的火焰从你身体冒出,   引燃你脑旁的柏油碎石路面,   要不然就是地板,或者枕头,   我们谁都不忧伤;   否则我们都忧伤。
2023-08-17 06:31:081


Make a fortune and have fun e to the pachinko parlor 大家都来玩柏青哥啊欢迎来我们这里赚大钱! Lcq11 : importation of pachinko machines with toxic heavy metals 立法会十一题:含有毒重金属弹珠机进口 That machine , the " pachinko " or whatever , is very interesting 这个叫做什么“柏青哥”的机器确实很有意思 It " s called a pachinko machine 这就是我们的柏青哥 It " s called a pachinko machine 这就是我们的柏青哥 Come to the pachinko parlor 大家都来玩柏青哥! Pachinko , ah , i " m hungry 柏青哥,啊,我饿了 It " s pachinko 柏青哥! Manufacturing and sales of copper spheres , pachinko balls , plastic spheres , ceramic spheres and glass spheres 钢球,弹子球,塑料球,陶瓷球,玻璃球的制造和销售 Every summer a dozen or so babies die after being left in hot cars while their parents play pachinko 每年夏天都有十几个婴儿在他们的父母玩柏青哥时被遗忘死在炎热的汽车里。 Is the glass half empty or half full ? this guy either won big at pachinko or he " s about to spend his pfe fortune 玻璃缸是半空还是半满?这家赌弹球大获全胜或是打算花光毕生积蓄。 Hot hit products pachinko machine slot machine , portable coopng warming system japan greeting card 3d birthday card music wedding card other creative cards 日本贺咭全日式立体生日咭新婚音乐咭各类贺咭 The huge popularity of hokuto - no - ken , a pachislot game , illustrates several trends that are now reshaping the pachinko industry 《北斗神拳》作为一个柏青嫂游戏所获得的巨大的人气,反映了正在重新成型的柏青哥产业。 The first is the shift from traditional pachinko , which resembles a vertical form of pinball , to more modern pachislot machines , which can incorporate high - tech graphics , slot - machine features and larger potential payouts based on " accumulating jackpots " 第一就是从传统破青哥的转变,不再像一个立起来的弹珠台一样,对于许多现代的柏青嫂机台来说,它们可以融入高科技的图像,赌博机的特征和更大额的基于累计赌注的返还彩金。
2023-08-17 06:31:211

新概念英语第18课 lined up against thw wall, there were long thin wires attached to metal spheres.

是过去分词作方式状语,修饰的是long thin wires ,lined up against thw wall这个分句提前或置后都是可以的,只是习惯上多把这个分句前置。
2023-08-17 06:31:433


1.Writer entered art gallery--saw notice2.Forbade--people touch exhibits--dangerous3.Exhibition--consisted--moving sculpture4.Writer saw--long thin wires--metal spheres againse wall5.Spheres attracted--repelled each other6.Tall structures--centre of hall--contained coloured lights7.On and off8.Sparks emitted--black boxes9.Red lamps--on and off
2023-08-17 06:31:531


  “多情自古伤离别”。千百年来,多少文人墨客为这拨动心弦的时刻写下了不计其数的离别诗作。下面是我带来的关于离别的 英语诗歌 ,欢迎大家阅读!  关于离别的英语诗歌篇一   sorrow of separation 泰戈尔   离愁——徐翰林   it is the pang of separation that spreads throughout   the world and gives birth to shapes innumetable   in the infinite sky.   it is this sorrow of separation that gazes   in silence all nights from star to star   and becomes lyric among rustling leaves   in rainy darkness of july.   离别的创痛笼罩了整个世界,   无边的天宇变得姿态万千。   正是这离愁,夜夜默望着星辰,   并在七月雨夜的萧萧叶片间化做抒情诗。   it is this overspreading pain that   deepens into loves and desires,   into sufferings and joy in human homes;   and this it is that ever melts and   flows in songs through my poetu2019s heart.   正是这弥漫的离恨,   深化为爱和欲,成为人间的苦乐。   正是它通过我诗人的   关于离别的英语诗歌篇二   离别时...   Colder thy kiss一吻寒更添;   Truly that hour foretold日后伤心事,   Sorrow to this!此刻已预言。   The dew of the morning 朝起 寒露 重,   Sunk chill on my brown 凛冽凝眉间   It felt like the warning彼时已预告:   Of what I feel now.悲伤在今天。   The vows are all broken,山盟今安在?   And light is the fame:汝名何轻贱!   I hear the name spoken,吾闻汝名传,   And share in its shame.羞愧在人前。   They name thee before me,闻汝名声恶,   A knell to mine ear;犹如听丧钟。   A shudder comes o"er me-不禁心怵惕--   Why wert thou so dear?往昔情太浓。   They know not I knew thee谁知旧日情,   Who knew thee too well:斯人知太深。   long, long shall I rue thee,绵绵长怀恨,   Too deeply to tell.尽在不言中,   In secret we met-昔日喜幽会,   In silence I grieve,今朝恨无声。   That the heart could forget,旧情汝已忘,   The spirit deceive.疾心遇薄幸。   If I should meet thee多年离别后,   After ling year,抑或再相逢,   How should I greet thee?相逢何所语?   With silence and tears.泪流默无声。   关于离别的英语诗歌篇三   别离辞,莫悲伤   A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning   别离辞:莫悲伤   As virtuous men pass mildly away   正如贤人安然辞世   And whisper to their souls to go   轻声呼唤灵魂离去   Whilst some of their sad friends do say   悲伤的有人或伤逝   "Now his breath goes," and some say "no"   叹其气绝魂离,亦又说不然   So let me melt, and make no noise   就让我们悄然别离,不要喧哗   No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move   不要泪涌如潮,不要凄声叹息   They were profanation of our joys   那是对我们欢乐的亵渎   To tell the laity of our love   向俗人宣示我们的爱   Moving of the earth brings harms and fears   地动带来伤害与恐惧   Men reckon what it did, and meant   人们推其为断其义   But trepidation of the spheres   而天体运转震动, 威力虽大   Though greater far, is innocent   却对什么都没损伤   Dull sublunary lovers" love   乏味的烦情俗爱   -whose soul is sense- cannot admit   建立在感官之上,无法承受   Of absense, "cause it doth remove   别离,因为别离   The things which elemented it   使爱的根基破碎支离   But we by a love so much refined   但我和你拥有如此纯洁的爱   Though ourselves know not what it is   连我们都无法理解   Inter-assured of the mind   心心相印、相许   Careless,eyes,lips and hands to miss   岂在乎眼、唇和手的交融   Our two souls therefore, which are one   我们俩的灵魂合而为一   Tought I must go, endure not yet   我纵须远离   A breach, but an expansion   非违爱诺,实是延展   Like gold aery thinness beat   宛若黄金锤炼成轻飘韧箔   If there be two, they are two so   若我们的灵魂一分为二   As stiff twin compasses are two   应如坚定的圆规般   Thy suol, the fied foot, makes no show   你的心灵是定脚,坚守不移   To move, but doth, if the other do   但另一只脚起步,你便随之旋转   And though it in the centre sit   尽管一直端坐中央   Yet, when the other far doth roam   但当另一只脚四周漫游   It leans, and hearkens after it   它亦会侧身,细听周详   And grows erect, when that comes home   待它归来,便挺直如旧   Such wilt thou be to me, who must   这便是你之于我,我一直   Like the other foot, obliquely run   如同那另一只脚,侧身转圈   Thy firmness makes my circle just   你的坚贞使我的轨迹浑圆   And makes me end where it begun   也让我的漫游在起跑线终止 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于离别的英语句子 2. 关于精彩英文诗歌鉴赏 3. 关于经典英语诗歌鉴赏 4. 唯美英语离别句子精选 5. 关于英文优美诗歌鉴赏
2023-08-17 06:32:041


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10) There are many types of grinding machines . the two most widely used are the cylindrical and surface grinders . <5> other grinding oerations ,include those using vertical spindles , internal and centerless grinders , and jigs .11) The cylindrical grinder is equipped with a headstock and tailstock between which the work is mounted and rotated as a grinding wheel in contact with the work removes metal from its circumference . the operation is somewhat similar to that of a lathe . the grinding wheel replaces the tool bit , and the thousands of little abrasive particles in it may be thought of as little tool bits . they in fact produce little chips during the cutting operation .12) The headstock center may or may not revolve with the work . the tailstock center is always dead . operating a cylindrical grinder with both centers dead eliminates any possible eccentricity which any result from the live center runout . precision grinding is done between two dead centers .13) Feeding the grinding wheel into the work may be done automatically or by hand in increments as low as 0.000 1 in . per pass . the range of infeed of the wheel into the work is from about 0.002 in . per pass for roughing to about 0.0005 in . for finishing . hydraulically controlled infeed grinders are also available with mechanism for automatic table retraction when the grinding operation is complete .14) The surface grinder is used for grinding flat surfaces .the able<>agnetic chuck used for holding the work during the grinding operation . the table oscillates under the wheel , as shown in fig .<> with each pass the table feeds transversely . this feed may be accomplished automatically or by hand . the automatic control may be with hydraulic power or a mechanical indexing mechanism . as the table moves longitudinally the direction is reversed with trip dogs .<7>15) A unique grinder is the centerless grinder of which there are several type : the cylindrical grinders for grinding circular external surfaces , internal centerless grinders for grinding internal circular surfaces , and centerless thread grinders . these grinders may be used to grind cylinders , tapers , spheres, threads , and so on .16) In all case at least three points ofcontact with the work are employed .<8>the grinding wheel is the third support point . this is shown in fig .
2023-08-17 06:32:393

哥斯达黎加石球 翻译成英文是什么?

Stone spheres of Costa RicaStone balls of Costa RicaLas Bolas哥斯达黎加(巨型)石球,为原住民公元前200-1500年石刻球状物,被艾利希·冯·丹尼肯、外星生物创造论等支持者视为古太空人所作星球模型及证据。供参
2023-08-17 06:32:591

The Force (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Force (Album Version)歌手:Robert Stewart专辑:The Forceti:the forceby:John Kelly & Maite Itoiz The ForceEven when the night is falling(即使在夜幕降临之时 )And dark is all around me,(黑暗将我笼罩)Even when the lights are dimming,(即使光线暗淡)Even when the night is falling (夜幕降临)I breathe something in the air(我在空气中呼吸到的东西)Reminding me I"m there.(提醒着我的存在)Even when the night is falling (即使夜幕降临之时)Something"s giving me the strength. (也有什么东西正在给我的力量)Universal great forces are turning around (世界的伟大力量在扭转)And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos.(在超越呼吸的音乐领域的命令下混乱)Universal great forces are turning around (世界的伟大力量在扭转)And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos. (在超越呼吸的音乐领域的命令下混乱)Even when the hopes are over(即使希望结束 )And understanding"s frozen, (理解冻结)Even when the stars are covered, (即使群星都包括在内)Even when the night is falling, (即使夜幕降临)Don"t you feel it in the air? (难道你感觉不到它在空气中)There"s something big out there, (这里有力量存在)Even when the night is falling(即使在夜幕降临 )I can feel it in the air. (我依然感觉它在空气中)Universal great forces are turning around (世界的伟大力量在扭转)And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos. (在超越呼吸的音乐领域的命令下混乱)Universal great forces are turning around (世界的伟大力量在扭转)And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos. (在超越呼吸的音乐领域的命令下混乱)Universal great forces are turning around (世界的伟大力量在扭转)And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos. (在超越呼吸的音乐领域的命令下混乱)Universal great forces are turning around (世界的伟大力量在扭转)And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos (在超越呼吸的音乐领域的命令下混乱)----本末四<杜杜>----
2023-08-17 06:33:081


The first man to approach flying on a scientific basis was an Englishman who lived during the thirteenth century. 第一个真正意义上飞行的人是一个英国人,生活在13世纪。He looked at the air above us as a sea, and he believed that a balloon could float on the air just as a boat did on water. 他视我们头顶上的蓝天为海洋,并且他相信气球可以像船在水面上航行一样,在天空上飞行。Almost four hundred years later, an Italian priest applied his principle of air flight. 在近400年后,一位意大利的牧师应用了他的空中飞行的理论。He designed a boat, which would be held in the air by four hollow spheres. 他设计了一只船,可以由四个中空的气球带起。Each of the four balls was to be 20 feet in diameter and made of very thin copper. 每一个气球的直径都达到20英尺,用非常薄的铜片制成。But his boat was never built since it was not possible to make spheres of such thin metal and such size in those days.但他的船并没有做成,因为在当时根本不可能用如此薄的金属制造气球,也不可能造出如此尺寸的气球。
2023-08-17 06:33:201


adj.球形的,球面的;天体的,天空的;英英释义:spherical[ "sferiku0259l, "sfiu0259- ]adj.of or relating to spheres or resembling a sphere"spherical geometry"having the shape of a sphere or ball"a spherical object"同义词:ball-shapedglobalgloboseglobularorbicularspheric
2023-08-17 06:33:271


196560,详细见下:Kissing number problemEditWatch this pageIn geometry, a kissing number is defined as the number of non-overlapping unit spheres that can be arranged such that they each touch another given unit sphere. For a lattice packing the kissing number is the same for every sphere, but for an arbitrary sphere packing the kissing number may vary from one sphere to another. Other names for kissing number that have been used are Newton number (after the originator of the problem), andcontact number.In general, the kissing number problem seeks the maximum possible kissing number for n-dimensional spheres in (n + 1)-dimensionalEuclidean space. Ordinary spheres correspond to two-dimensional closed surfaces in three-dimensional space.Finding the kissing number when centers of spheres are confined to a line (the one-dimensional case) or a plane (two-dimensional case) is trivial. Proving a solution to the three-dimensional case, despite being easy to conceptualise and model in the physical world, eluded mathematicians until the mid-20th century.[1][2] Solutions in higher dimensions are considerably more challenging, and only a handful of cases have been solved exactly. For others investigations have determined upper and lower bounds, but not exact solutions.[3]
2023-08-17 06:33:491


【导语】游戏建模zbrush雕刻技巧有5个,ZBrush的应用范围比较广泛,假如你已经忘记它还是一种3D有机雕刻解决方案的话,这也是可以原谅的,很多人都使用ZBrush制作纹理、创建硬表面模型、三维建模等,下面我们就来一起看看游戏建模zbrush雕刻技巧吧。1、自定义用于界面ZBrush其中一个优势在于它的灵活性,能够让你以一种你觉得最适合你的风格和工作流的方式获得相同的结果,这就延伸到用户界面了,用户界面可以以微妙的方式进行自定义,比如使用自定义菜单和弹出窗口,更改用户界面颜色,创建完全定制的用户界面,享用更多高级选项,点击Preferences > Config > Enable Customise,打开自定义模式,此时可以重新排列和修改用户界面,通常只需改变用户界面的颜色,布局保留默认布局。2、骨骼原则自然界的一切物质生长都有迹可循,包括其如何发育、生长、移动、呼吸和饮食,要想准确地再现某个生物,尽可能多地理解它的骨骼很有必要。不管你是在绘画、拍照还是简单地学习周围事物,关于骨骼知道得越多,你的作品就越接近现实。3、骨骼和肌肉进一步研究骨骼,是特别专注于骨骼和肌肉的一种好方法,其中一个比较好的实践是使用ZSpheres(Z球)创建核心骨骼,然后在生物体内加入主要骨头,接着开始分层堆放正确的肌肉群。4、植物与植被植物和植被与肉质生物一样,也遵循一定的规则,随处可见重复的树叶模式和特殊方式的分支,通过将新部件DynaMesh到模型中,使用Radial Symmetry这样的工具,不费什么力气就可以创建奇怪且奇妙的植物生命。5、使用ZSpheres操作Transpose工具更常用于在ZBrush中给物体摆姿势,但是注意,也可以使用ZSpheres操作单一和多个子工具,由于它是ZBrush中给物体摆姿势的一种老方法,新用户可能不太了解,但它一直是一种很强大的工具。从单一的ZSphere开始,依次点击Tool > Rigging > Select Mesh,选择你想操作的网格然后开始使用ZSpheres构建骨骼,跟在其他3d应用程序(如Maya和Softimage)中放置关节类似,当你对操作结果感到满意时,点击Tool > Rigging > Bind Mesh,接下来就可以根据需求自由给网格摆姿势了。以上就是游戏建模zbrush雕刻技巧的相关介绍,学会了更多的技巧,对于我们进行游戏建模是很有帮助的,希望大学生们能够赶快学习起来。
2023-08-17 06:34:091


2023-08-17 06:34:281


这个zeros(s)/poles(s)表示零极点增益模型,跟传递函数等价,这里之所以显示这种形式,是因为里面的零点和极点数目较多,不足以在当前模型中的框图中显示出来,如果你利用鼠标把该模块的方框横向拉大,它自然会以要s(s+1)/(s+2)(s+3)等这种形式显示。总之就是显示问题,对模型没影响,它真正代表的还是里面设置的零极点增益值所表达的模型。 希望对你有用并采纳,谢谢!
2023-08-17 06:34:441


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  “旅”是旅行,外出,是为了实现某一目的而在空间上从甲地到乙地的行进过程;“游”是外出游览、观光、娱乐,即为达到这些目的所作的旅行。旅游带的东西有哪些?一起来了解一下!    根据个人情况不同,也很难都说清楚,但是必须带的有:   1、护照   2、银行存款凭据   3、APS证书,或者德方学校明确通知,报到时必须携带和出示的其他证书原件。   4、小学至大学毕业的学历、高中以上成绩、学位、甚至工作证明等德国大学需要的公证件若干份(不多于8份,如果已经申请过学校了三五份即可)。   5、免冠正面彩色照片1寸两寸个若干(各30张足矣)   6、体检证明(国际健康证)。虽然大家反映出关几乎不会检查,以后作用也不大,可以不办。但是本人不能保证此物品出境时不必携带。请进ABCDV论坛搜索相关讨论。    推荐带的电器:   1.计算机外设,例如鼠标,数据线,系统软件等   2.手机和电话   3.数码电器设备:数码相机    不推荐带的电器:   1.热水壶,烧水壶   2.电脑   3.电饭锅等    带什么东西   1. 旅行包/背包/行李箱:先说背包或行李箱。   背包一定要背起来舒服和适合自己的体型的。最好是可背、提两用和多袋兜,以便于物品分类的。我自助游时,通常背背包。最近,去欧洲时,却用有轮子的行李箱,也很好用。在欧洲,马路平坦宽阔,也有另设的行人路,交通设备方便,所以我拉着行李上下公共交通,和在市内行走都没问题。难得不用背着一个重重的背包。在那里我见到很多像我一样拉着有轮子行李的旅人,奇怪却很少见到背包客。   2.衣物(穿戴类)   :备换服装,备换鞋(最好是平跟鞋),比较紧的睡衣,领带围巾,帽子,手套,泳衣,短裤,生理用品,山区要准备一套稍微厚一些的外套 。还有比较紧的睡衣,卫生巾,首饰少带,钱也少带(现金少带,带一张信用卡),带些药(防虫的,止痒止血的,眼药水之类),再带足衣服,夏天无论如何带一件长袖衣 ;虽然你带的衣服取决于目的地的气候和你的旅行项目,但一般来说,一件轻便的雨衣是必须的,这件雨衣要有口袋、有帽兜。如果要带防风衣,就要带那种宽松的,里面可以加几件衣服的风衣;   3.洗漱用品   :最好不用宾馆旅店的洗漱用品,不太卫生,自备毛巾,牙具,化妆品,防晒水,太阳镜,饰品,洗浴用品,梳子;最好用小包装的洗发水和浴液,还有止水塞,旅行家都知道止水塞的重要作用,没有它你怎么能泡淋浴或在水池里积水洗衣服呢?平时止水塞能适用于各种洗涤池,另外还要带一包洗衣粉。包够大的话最好再带一个袖珍的电吹风(吹头发、急需干的湿衣服),作用不小哦。   4.重要证 件   – 护照、签证、身份证和驾驶执照、结婚证、介绍信。这不用多做解释,唯一想提,也提过的是,最好附带几份副本,以防遗失正本时用上。   5.现金和信用卡   - 必须换好一些小钞和硬币,以备买小物品或给小费。住酒店、上较高尚餐厅用餐的话,当然是以信用卡付钱,总之现金少带,首饰少带,以免钱财外露;   6.机票、火车票、旅店等各种已预定的交通和住宿证明和收据。   7.便携充气颈枕或充气腰靠一个,乘飞机、坐火车以及长途巴士时可以用到,可以很好的保护颈椎和腰部;   8.眼罩(可选比较可爱的卡通眼罩)、耳塞(ear plugs) – 尤其是不易入眠、住在青年旅舍多人间,或靠近繁忙马路的旅店的`朋友。   ,在途中休息的时候可以用到,如果是在冬季或者多风沙的季节出行,还要别忘了带上口罩;   9.收纳袋若干,包括鞋袋鞋包、杂物收纳袋、卡包等等;   10.洗漱包也是必不可少的,可以将洗漱用品放在里面,另外准备一个牙刷盒,可以将牙刷和牙膏放在里面,既实用又卫生;   11.一本资料齐全的旅游指南- 就只一本哟!带太多书很重,除非是去好几个不同的国家。另外还有旅行日程表,地址电话通讯册;   12.医药包/急救包/小药盒以及一些药物 – 在安全和健康手记,已提过,如止痛药、晕车药、止泻药、感冒药、胶布、消毒水、防晒膏等。这里我再补充一点小经验,那就是请带一小块干净的姜片,当你突发急性肠炎,腹泻腹痛时,服用一小块姜,只需几分钟,一些OK。这可是本人几天前在郊外亲身再次尝试过的成功经验,胜过黄连素,挽救了一顿美味大餐。其实本人最讨厌吃姜了,可是我还要强烈建议我自己和您带上它吧。   13.旅游和医药保险单和其热线电话。也需备有副本。还有就是你国 籍在目的地的大使馆地址和电话号码。   14.目的地详细地图和交通设备地图   15.指南针 – 这个很重要。有了地图,却看不出方向,还是没用。尤其在比较落后的国家,很多路标不完整、不清楚,甚至错误的。有个指南针绝对较少迷路的次数。手提电话 – 我想,现代人已到了一种没手机就无法过日子的时代。我不提大家,我想大家还是会带的。更重要的是,这也是个和外界或家人联系有效的渠道。唯,出国前,要向手机公司询问,你到的目的地是否也可搭上线。一般情况下,现在 的全球通手机完全可以保证全球通。如不可,到了目的地可买一张短期或“pay as you go”的手机卡。   (现在的手机大部分是世界通用的)。我去国外,通常都会买一张手机卡,因为比较便宜和划算。最重要的是,记得通知家人你在国外的手机号码。请记住,为自己保留一条与外界联系的有效渠道,是身处困境时最后的法宝。这一点即使在境外旅游也是如此。建议不要拿手机当表用,因为旅行时最爱丢的东西就是手机。只要不需要通话,就保存在最安全的地方,晚上入睡前,务必关掉手机,节省电能。按这种方法,一般一块厚锂电池可以坚持整四天的旅游行程。   17.手表和小闹钟 – 虽说手机有时间和闹钟的功用。我通常还是会带手表和闹钟的。在路上,把手机拿进拿出地看时间有点显眼,容易引起小偷的注意,也容易遗失。手表在手腕上方便多了。晚上睡觉,我也不喜欢整晚开着手机以当闹钟,手机要常充电很麻烦。商务通、文曲星:时间是保证行程是否顺利的关键,商务通和文曲星上不但有时间有闹铃,而且还有很多有助于旅行的内容。   18.手电筒 – 我和Ed有的是可带在头上的小灯。不知中文叫什么,英文是headband light。也很实用。要那种轻便防水、防挤压,聚光好,电珠耐用的电筒,买最好的高容量电池(起码是2号电池)。千万不要吝惜钱,用旧电池。   19.少量干粮 - 巧克力、饼干等的。有户外活动的朋友,一定明白干粮的重要性。即使是在城市行走,一时迷路或错失交通,气候转变而卡在一处等,包包里有些干粮可帮助解饥寒。   20.通用转换插头 – 每个国家的插头插座的标准都不尽相同。带了需要的电器却发现无法使用是很恼人的事,在外地要买也麻烦。最好备有一个世界通用的转换插头。   21.(通用) 充电器 – 带了相机、手机、MP3 Player, 却发现忘了带充电器,我一定会发疯!哈哈!所以,一定要记得带各个充电器。听说市场上有一种是通用的,所以不用带上多个不同的充电器,一个就行。我是听说,还没用过。精通电器的朋友,你们觉得呢?   22.一个实用的日用包包 – 一个可装得下水瓶、一些干粮、旅游指南、地图、小笔记本、笔,甚至雨伞、帽子、防晒膏(如果烈日)、手套围巾(如果天冷)等的日用包包。   23.其他小用具:相机,胶卷,随身听,刮胡刀,计算器,电池,指甲刀,开罐器,小型电热杯,小型衣架,针线包,吹风机,纸笔,money belt 和小锁头- 尤其是去扒手多或不太安全的国家。当然还有纸巾,千万不要忘了哦;   24.饮食:几块巧克力:旅游地区往往风云莫测,一旦陷入阴冷潮湿,山风凛凛,饥寒交迫的处境,几块巧克力是坚持下去的顶梁柱,本人曾身有体会。最好再备上几块牛肉干,这样可以延长抵抗饥饿的时间,从而振奋起精神。
2023-08-17 06:35:001

matlab中 h=zeros(a,x,y,z) 是什么意思?a,x,y,z分别代表什么?

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2023-08-17 06:35:095

葡萄糖 能解酒吗,它的原理是什么?

不能,但葡萄糖对于醉酒有一定的缓解作用。喝酒后酒精的吸收无须进入小肠,在胃中就被直接吸收。而酒精的代谢需要经过肝脏解毒,后随肾脏排出,这个过程需要能量参与。葡萄糖作为一种能量物质,一方面可以给酒精(乙醇)代谢提供能量,另一方面还可以促进乙醇的排出。注射葡萄糖以后,人体血糖会升高,血容量增加,可以加速体液通过肾脏的尿液排出。同时,肝脏代谢酒精需要很多能量,葡萄糖提供的能量可以帮助肝脏加快酒精分解代谢。当然,在体内能量缺乏时大量饮酒,导致体内血糖过低,适当补充葡萄糖可以纠正低血糖。即便如此,葡萄糖只是协助促进酒精代谢和改善能量及低血糖等问题的,并不能彻底抵消过量饮酒对身体带来的伤害。中国营养学会发布的《中国居民膳食指南2016》建议,男性每天酒精摄入量不超过25g,相当于750ml啤酒或250ml葡萄酒或75g的38度白酒或50g高度白酒;女性每天酒精摄入量不超过15g,相当于500g啤酒或150g葡萄酒或50g38度白酒,高度白酒不建议女性饮用。超过上述建议量,则会对身体的酒精代谢带来负担。因此,不能把喝糖水或注射葡萄糖来作为放纵自己过量饮酒的借口。扩展资料:解酒可以吃的食物有:1、鸡蛋。鸡蛋中富含半胱氨酸,具有解毒作用。《内科医学档案》杂志刊登的一项研究发现,鸡蛋中丰富的B族维生素可缓解宿醉。2、生姜。酒后吃点姜可刺激和恢复消化系统,缓解便秘、胀气和消化不良等不适症状。3、番茄汁。饮酒之后,肝脏负责分解酒精以保持血糖稳定。血糖是大脑的主要能源,血糖过低容易导致疲倦、乏力、情绪低落。此时喝一杯番茄汁可补充糖分,减轻醉酒后头痛等不适感,番茄汁中的番茄红素还具有抗炎属性。4、香蕉。饮酒过量之后,身体细胞缺水,小便更多,血钾水平降低,进而容易导致肌肉乏力、血压升高等现象。这时吃1~3根香蕉可以补充钾,增加血糖浓度,降低酒精在血液中的比例。5、芦笋。韩国一项新研究发现,在饮酒及醉酒后吃点芦笋可以解酒护肝。芦笋提取物可提高能够分解酒精的多种酶的水平,减轻宿醉症状,保护肝脏细胞免受酒精毒素的侵害。6、咖啡。酒后喝咖啡,可加快酒精代谢,使其分解成水和二氧化碳排出体外。参考资料来源:人民网-第332期:喝糖水能解酒 这种说法靠谱吗?参考资料来源:人民网-解酒吃什么?醉酒后吃6款食物最解酒
2023-08-17 06:35:111

u = [zeros(1,10) 1 zeros(1,20)];请问是什么意思啊?

2023-08-17 06:35:112


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2023-08-17 06:35:222


SLASHSLASH,1965年7月23日出生于英国伦敦的汉普斯顿,在英国的斯塔福德希尔长大, 母亲是美国黑人而父亲是英国白人。双方都是艺术家并且都在娱乐界工作。他母亲是一位服装设计师,客户主要是娱乐人物。其中有象David Bowie那样的让人难以忘却的客户。而他父亲主要给人提供唱片录制提供艺术指导,其中两名比较著名的客户是Neil Young和Joni Mitchell。最杰出的音乐天才,乐队真正的灵魂,他制定了乐队的宗旨,引导乐队的前进。   他是个工作狂,但很理智,从不独断专行,遇事总是和大家一起商量。   他们对“做什么”和“如何做”非常谨慎。SLASH是乐队中唯一出身于音乐家庭的人,   他父亲是GEFFEN的唱片的封面设计师,母亲也是服装设计师。   从小在流行音乐的熏陶下,他喜欢各种风格的歌星,   尤其欣赏“ROLLING STONE”,“LED ZEPPELIN”,“AREOSMITH”等,   他认为JIMMY PAGE(LED ZEPPELIN的主音吉他手)对他的影响最大。 他遇到了Steven Adler并成立了ROAD CREW乐队,当时他们正缺一名歌手,然后他又遇到了Izzy Stradlin,他为SLASH唱了W. AXL Rose的好多歌曲。 于是SLASH就去看AXL的演出,立即萌发了要抢他过来的念头,但是他们两个印第安人是非常好的朋友。 之后,SLASH找到了他的贝司演奏者Duff Mckagan,他是根据SLASH在报纸上的广告找上门的。 所有的演奏者都在一起相互改变,但是结晶就是Guns N"Roses! 加上他们与生俱来的天赋和许多的巡回演出,乐队开始成为了一个国际知名度的团体。   然而经过了传奇式的巡回后, Guns N"Roses开始了其注定的中落, 此时SLASH已经成为了美国公民。因为他认为移民的各种麻烦,丢失绿卡等实在太浪费时间了,所以就干脆加入了美国籍。这个时候他很少休息,一心就想组成一个新的乐队作为他延续无法再挽回的GNR事业的另一出路。后来,Matt Sorum, Gilby Clarke, Mike Inez, Eric Dover跟SLASH新组成了蛇穴乐队并录制了唱片----《IT"S FIVE O"CLOCK SOMEWHERE》。
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2023-08-17 06:34:312

葡萄糖 能解酒吗,它的原理是什么?

2023-08-17 06:34:315


2023-08-17 06:34:211


溶解度氢化铝锂可溶于多种醚溶液中,不过,由于杂质的催化作用,氢化铝锂可能会自动分解,但是在四氢呋喃中表现得更稳定,因此虽然在四氢呋喃的溶解度较低,相比乙醚,四氢呋喃应该是更好的溶剂。 氢化铝锂在常温下是亚稳的。在长时间的贮存中,氢化铝锂会分解成Li3AlH6和LiH。这一过程可以通过钛、铁、钒等助催化元素来加速。当加热氢化铝锂时,其反应机理分为3步:3 LiAlH4 → Li3AlH6 + 2 Al + 3 H2 (R1)2 Li3AlH6 → 6 LiH + 2 Al + 3 H2 (R2)2 LiH + 2 Al → 2 LiAl +H2 (R3)R1通常以氢化铝锂的熔化开始,温度范围为150-170℃,接着立即分解为Li3AlH6,但是R1是在低于LiAlH4熔点的情况下进行的。在大约200℃时,Li3AlH6分解成LiH和Al(R2),接着在400℃以上分解成LiAl(R3)。反应R1在实际中是不可逆的,而R3是可逆反应,在500℃时的平衡压强是25千帕。在有适当催化剂的情况下,R1和R2反应可以在常温下发生。 LiAlH4遇水立即发生爆炸性的猛烈反应并放出氢气:LiAlH4 + 2H2O → LiAlO2 + 4H2LiAlH4 + 4H2O → LiOH +Al(OH)3+ 4H2由于放出的氢是定量的,该反应可用来测定样品中氢化铝锂的含量。为了防止反应过于剧烈,常加入一些二恶烷、乙二醇二甲醚或四氢呋喃作为稀释剂。这一反应提供了一个有用的实验室制取氢气的方法。长期暴露在空气中的样品通常会发白,因为样品已经吸收了足够的水分,生成了由氢氧化锂和氢氧化铝组成的白色混合物。 LiAlH4 的乙醚或四氢呋喃溶液能同氨猛烈作用放出氢气:2LiAlH4 + 5NH3 → [LiAlH(NH2)2]2NH+ 6H2当氨的量不足时,发生如下反应:LiAlH4 + 4NH3 → LiAl(NH2)4 + 2H2NH3/LiAlH4比值更小时,则氨中的三个氢都可被取代:LiAlH4 + NH3 → Li[Al(NH2)4] 氢化铝锂几乎可以与所有的卤化物反应生成相应的配位铝氢化物,当配位铝氢化物不稳定时,则分解为相应的氢化物。通式为:nLiAlH4 + MXn → M(AlH4)n + nLiXM(AlH4)n → MHn + nAlH3因此可通过此方法制备很多金属或非金属氢化物,如:2LiAlH4 +ZnI2u2212(u221240℃,乙醚)→ ZnH2 +2AlH3 + 2LiILiAlH4 + 4 NaCl → 4 NaH + LiCl + AlCl3 氢化铝锂可与NaH在四氢呋喃中进行复分解反应,高效的生产氢化铝钠(NaAlH4):LiAlH4 + NaH → NaAlH4 + LiH氢化铝钾(KAlH4)可以用二乙二醇二甲醚作为溶剂,以类似的方式制取:LiAlH4 + KH → KAlH4 + LiH 氢化铝锂可将很多有机化合物还原,实际中常用其乙醚或四氢呋喃溶液。氢化铝锂的还原能力比相关的硼氢化钠更强大,因为Al-H键弱于B-H键。由于存储和使用不方便,工业上常用氢化铝锂的衍生物双(2-甲氧基乙氧基)氢化铝钠(红铝)作为还原剂,但在小规模的工业生产中还是会使用氢化铝锂。能被氢化铝锂还原的官能团主要包括:卤代烷被还原成烷烃。碘代烷反应最快,其次是溴代烷和氯代烷。此反应中一级卤代烷(伯卤代烷)性能较好,所得产物发生构型转化,因此认为该反应是SN2机理。二级卤代烷(仲卤代烷)也可用此法还原,三级卤代烃(叔卤代烷)容易发生消除反应,不适用此法。氢化铝锂只能用于还原醇基在附近的炔烃,不能用于还原简单烯烃和芳香烃。硅卤化物等还原为硅烷,如:LiAlH4 + SiCl4 → SiH4 + LiCl + AlCl3羰基化合物(酰胺除外)被还原为醇,如酯和羧酸都可以被氢化铝锂还原成伯醇。在氢化铝锂还原酯的方法发现之前,一般用布沃-布朗还原反应还原酯,即将煮沸的金属钠-无水醇作为还原剂,但这一反应较难进行。醛和酮也可以被氢化铝锂还原成醇,不过一般使用如NaBH4这类更温和的试剂来还原。α,β-不饱和酮会被还原成烯丙醇。环氧化合物。当环氧化合物被还原时,氢化铝锂试剂会攻击环氧化合物的位阻小的一端,通常会生成仲醇或叔醇。环氧环己烷会被优先还原成a键(直立键)的醇。酰胺和酰亚胺被还原成胺。这类反应一般产率较高,并且用N,N-取代的原料反应比其他要快很多。腈被还原成伯胺。另外,肟、硝基化合物以及烷基叠氮都可以被还原成胺。季铵阳离子可被还原成对应的叔胺。与醇反应生成烷氧基氢化铝锂:LiAlH4 + ROH → LiAl(OR)H3 + H2LiAlH4 + 2ROH → LiAl(OR)2H2 + 2H2LiAlH4 + 3ROH → LiAl(OR)3H + 3H2LiAl(OR)2H2 是将酰胺还原为醛的适宜试剂,LiAl(OC(CH3)3)3H是将酰氯还原为醛的适宜试剂,而利用氢化铝锂不能将酰氯部分还原生成对应的醛,因为氢化铝锂会将后者完全还原为伯醇,因此必须要使用更温和的三叔丁氧基氢化铝锂(LiAl(OC(CH3)3)3H)来还原酰氯。三叔丁氧基氢化铝锂与酰氯的反应比与醛的反应迅速得多,例如在异戊酸中加入氯化亚砜会生成异戊酰氯,这时可利用三叔丁氧基氢化铝锂将异戊酰氯还原为异戊醛,产率能达到65%。
2023-08-17 06:34:141

dydt=zeros(2,1) 解微分方程组时这个表示什么意思

2023-08-17 06:34:112


糖水不等式的证明可以从以下几个方面来看:1、从生活常识理解小文有一杯糖水,(重a克,里面有b克的糖,这份糖水的浓度就是糖/糖水=b/a。) 小文跟妈妈说,这糖水太淡了,不够甜,妈妈拿出了c克白糖,放进了小文的杯子里。(现在糖水重 a+c,里面的糖为b+c,浓度变为(b+c)/(a+c)) 小文拿起杯子一尝,果然比原来甜了。就这么一个简单的场景,其实就得出了这个糖水不等式。 原来的浓度:b/a < 加糖后的浓度 (b+c)/(a+c)。当然,结论还可以推广一下,譬如用淡的糖水+浓的糖水得到甜度中等的糖水。2、从斜率理解。b/a 是浓度,也代表点(a,b)与原点连线的斜率,因为限定b<a(最甜就是纯糖了,浓度100%),所以直线一定在y=x下面(第一象限)。随便举个例子,B(5,1)点的横坐标,纵坐标都加上5,得到 d(10,6),很明显DO的斜率大于原来BO的斜率,即浓度变大。3、应用千万不要小看这个简单的糖水不等式,在高中的不等式证明的时候巧妙应用糖水不等式,可以实现不等式的缩放,将证明极大简化。不等式的缩放是一种艺术。
2023-08-17 06:34:061

间接引语为什么可以用一般现在时。如he says that he feels lii. 话不是已

2023-08-17 06:34:053


英文祝福语简短:1、前程似锦,好梦成真。A bright future makes a dream come true.2、幸福快乐,与君同在。Happy, with you.3、年年今日,岁岁今朝。Every year today, every year now.4、愿与同僚,共分此乐。I would like to share this happiness with my colleagues.5、事业有成,幸福快乐。Have a successful career and be happy.6、事事顺利,万事如意。Everything goes well.7、寿比南山,福如东海。Longevity is like Nanshan Mountain, and happiness is like the East China Sea.8、万事如意,鹏程万里。Good luck in everything and a bright future.9、繁荣兴旺,一帆风顺。Prosperity and plain sailing.10、锦绣前程,喜气洋洋。Bright future, full of joy.
2023-08-17 06:34:041


2023-08-17 06:33:561

新年的英文愿望贺卡 新年的英文贺卡

新年英文节日贺卡 英文节日贺卡2022新年快乐贺卡片满版烫金虎年元旦祝福感谢小含珠光纸信封英文新年贺卡英语祝福语 .doc四年级用英语制作新年贺卡 用英语制作贺卡2020美好新年贺卡巧手制贺卡新年送祝福中方县芙蓉学校元旦迎新年英语贺卡制作赛元旦贺卡祝福语巧手制贺卡新年书愿望春蕾小学三年级英语组元旦贺卡国外红色英文大气英文新年贺卡元旦贺卡祝福语巧手制贺卡新年书愿望春蕾小学三年级英语组元旦贺卡元旦贺卡祝福语巧手制贺卡新年书愿望春蕾小学三年级英语组元旦贺卡孩子们互赠了自己提前制作的贺卡以表达孩子们对新一年的美好愿望红旗小学迎新年系列活动之制作新年贺卡新年贺卡简约ins带信封diy镂空 2021新款英国创意商务高档立体节日圣诞节卡新年愿望卡新年卡2021贺卡节日贺卡定制祝福卡片祈福卡片英文新年贺卡祝福语20xx贺卡礼物年会员工企业商务节日愿望春节送礼贺卡红旗小学迎新年系列活动之制作新年贺卡2022新年快乐贺卡虎年儿童创意卡片员工公司入职年会答谢客户高级感精致红色圣诞新年贺卡矢量素材素材格式eps素材关键词丝带贺卡
2023-08-17 06:33:541