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谁能告诉我 What are the purposes for students to go to college?

2023-08-24 02:05:28

College education gives students the benefit of being successful in life. It basically guides the students to learn and to progress in the area of study by choice. High school graduates were taught basic education, such as: math, science, language arts, english, and social studies. When students attend to college, all of that education transfers to college basic education, which will lead to a specified subject in the area of a major. The specific subject selected is the body of the major, a field of study in which a student specializes and receives a degree. With a variety of courses, students are able to engage into the careers they strive for. I believe that the future career is essentially the purpose of a college education.

Many students attend to college for several reasons; based on scholarship programs, proximity to home, importance of family, to receive a higher education, or because they are forced to. There are absolutely more reasons why; however, most people go for those particular reasons. Some students attend to a specific college to fit their needs in their choices of major and career. Based on the major intended, students take certain classes to meet their requirements. In each class students are taught what is needed, and those classes gradually begin to tie into their choice of major. But what are students being taught and do they actually learn from the classes they take?

Many college classes are lecture classes, where the professor stands up in front of the class and lectures about the subject being taught. Then there are discussion classes where students are involved in with the whole class for discussion. For every different method of teaching, students will acquire the information needed. But do students take the time to learn or do they memorize what is being taught for a test, then forgetting the information? Referring to Paulo Freire"s “banking” concept of education, he states; “Education becomes an act of depositing in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor” (Freire, Paulo 1). Banking education is referring to how students learn, based on a system of teaching, and communication. Freire expresses how education is like a bank, in which teachers make deposits in a way of giving information to the students. Then the students receive the information and they memorize, and repeat the information as if they have deposited information.


First of all,college education is a higher level than that in middle school.So students who want to get in college are expecting much more advanced knowledge. Secondly,it is an absolutely different feeling of study in college,no more constraint feeling but really enjoyable.Students also want to follow their interests to study,so they want to go to college. College life is the transition period for us students to grow up to adults who can live in society independently.College,as the entrance of society,students naturally want to learn more experience through the college life. Lastly, we all have our dreams in the future not so far away from now.To complete each dream,we have to learn more professional knowledge,and then we go to college to gain the foundation that our dreams could rely on.


in the middle school we onlycan learn some basic knowledges , but in the college we can learn more knowledges 、 skills which will be used in the comming work to make communication with unfamiliar people, how to show the power of yourself without the support of your parents.




无心。 这两个字用英文翻译。 就这样以朋友的身份爱着你。

Do not intend to do sth; keep on loving you as a friend like this
2023-08-17 00:33:552

to all intents and purposes是什么意思

to all intents and purposes几乎在一切方面,实际上,基本上; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Austria and the benelux three have, to all intents and purposes, linked their currencies tothe deutschmark. 奥地利和比荷卢三国事实上已经把他们的货币与德国马克挂钩。
2023-08-17 00:34:162


purposes(目的是)在句子中不是名词,而是动词,作谓语用,其主语是The first ; The first purposes the extension的意思是:(讲/谈/写)第一(条/章/点)是为了阐述。。。。。。的延伸。欢迎提问,乐意解答;愿你满意, 望你采纳。
2023-08-17 00:34:241


2023-08-17 00:34:453

for all practical purposes 什么意思

for all practical purposes实际上,事实上; 双语例句During and after the war, it housed not only Japanese detainees, who were for all practical purposes prisoners, but also many Germans and a few Italians.二战期间和战后,这里不仅关押着日裔政治犯他们实际上被当作囚犯对待还关押着很多德裔和几个意大利裔人。You don "t say which state you live in, but I" m betting it isn "t California, where requiring a new hire to sign a non-compete is, for all practical purposes, illegal.你并未提到自己住在哪个州,不过我敢打赌一定不是加利福尼亚州,因为在加州,要求新员工签署竞业禁止协议实际上是不合法的
2023-08-17 00:34:531

for all intents and purposes是什么意思

这是一个病句,应该吧for改成to,to all intents and purpose是固定搭配,意思是实际上,事实上
2023-08-17 00:35:033

请问文中两个should be各是谁的谓语动词?

第一个:buildings第二个:my conclusion
2023-08-17 00:35:123

when it serves their own purposes

特点:运用了if条件状语从句,和when的时间状语从句 it指:best thinking
2023-08-17 00:35:321

希望得到你的帮助让下面的翻译更精准,谢谢^ ^

1. Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by education; they grow there, firm as weeds among rocks.(Charlotte Bronte)众所周知,偏见很难从内心深处抹去,因为我们从没得到过宽恕也没受到过教育的洗礼,偏见就像生长在石缝间的杂草一样根深蒂固。2. Humanity needs practical men, but humanity also needs dreamers.人类需要实践者,也需要梦想家。3. Great minds have purposes,little minds have wishes.4. Trust yourself. Each heart is vibrating on that iron string.相信自己。每颗心都在那根弦上跳动。
2023-08-17 00:35:422


问题一:翻译成英文:我已经把资料放在附件里,请查收 The attachment is the information that you want, please check The things/info you want is with the attachment ,please check 礼貌点的,i sent the information as mail attachment, pleas郸 check 问题二:你好!请注意查收附件,谢谢!用英语怎么翻译? Good day,please check the attachment, thanks!信函的通用格式,希望你能采纳。 问题三:请查收附件英语怎么说 请查收附件 Please find the attachment;Pease find enclosed;Please see attachment更多释义>> [网络短语] 请查收附件 please find enclosed;Please find the attachment;Please find accessories 请查收附件资料 Please find the attachment information;Please find attached information;Please find enclosed information annex 请查收附件! Please find the attached file. 问题四:请查收邮件/附件用英语怎么翻译 please check the email and attantchment 问题五:救命:“请查收附件”英语怎么说啊? please check your attachment. 问题六:英文,“请查收附件?”怎么说?谢谢 please check the attachment 问题七:请注意查收用英语怎么说 请注意查收 Please remember to check 重点词汇释义 请注意For Your Attention 缩写为 FYA 问题八:英语邮件中的"请查收附件"怎么说 please check the email and attantchment 问题九:附件为确认文件,请查收 英文翻译 Please refer to the attachment for verfication purposes. Please refer to the attachment for confirmation purposes. 这里有两种说法 稍微有一点不同,verification 一般是让你过目 如果内容没有问题的话就不用回答了这样的 confirmation大部分是要求有回复的,要求对方confirm,也就是确认。 看自己的情况选一个吧~ 修改:当然楼上的兄弟说的我忘了加了 那就是approved,已经确认 这个和verification又有点不同了,approved就是说这个email的作用是告诉你已经通过了。Verification还是需要确认的。 问题十:请查收 英文怎么说 Please receive(check) it. 请采纳吧
2023-08-17 00:35:501

Hygienic liner for fitting purposes是什么意思

Hygienic liner for fitting purposes的中文翻译Hygienic liner for fitting purposes 装修用卫生衬垫
2023-08-17 00:36:061


purpose[英][u02c8pu025c:pu0259s][美][u02c8pu025c:rpu0259s]n.目的; 意志; 作用; (进行中的)行动; vt.有意; 打算; 企图(做); 决意(做); 第三人称单数:purposes过去分词:purposed复数:purposes现在进行时:purposing过去式:purposed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Our bilateral dialogue on human rights serves the same purpose. 我们在人权问题上的双边对话具有同样目的。
2023-08-17 00:36:371


2023-08-17 00:36:461

purpose 是什么意思

purpose意为意图,计划;情势需要;重要意义;意志;复数:purposes 过去式:purposed过去分词:purposed 现在分词:purposing第三人称单数:purposes例句1.Our campaign"s main purpose is to raise money.我们这次活动的主要目的就是募款。2.The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.本书旨在全面介绍这所大学。3.A meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a new treasurer.为任命新司库而召开了一次会议。4.The experiments serve no useful purpose (= are not useful) .这些实验毫无用处。5.The building is used for religious purposes.这座建筑是用于宗教活动的。6.These gifts count as income for tax purposes.这些赠与应属于纳税的收入。7.For the purposes of this study, the three groups have been combined.为了这项研究工作,三个小组业已合并。8.Volunteer work gives her life (a sense of) purpose .做志愿工作使她的生活有了意义。9.He has enormous confidence and strength of purpose .他信心十足,意志坚强。10.He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her.他明知会激怒她,却故意那么做。
2023-08-17 00:36:541


2023-08-17 00:37:541

请以purpose 为题写一篇英语作文 要求在80词左右

Purpose Life is full of purposes and having a good purpose is of great importance in our daily life.It is the purpose that brings you a bright future.Without a good purpose,people can"t make progress. A man who has no purpose.When he is old,and look back on his lifetime,he may find that he achieved nothing but sadness with surprise.On the contrary,if we have a purpose,we will surely try our best to make everything bee possible,and even creat miracles. To find a purpose,we are supposed to pay close attention to the world outside.A person who lives in his own world can"t succeed just like a cabbage in a field but he knows no life.Then,it is necessary to make sure that the purpose is possible for us to realize.Finding a purpose can be a very long process but you should be patient enough to find a most suitable one.
2023-08-17 00:38:401

various purposes造句

various purposes造句如下:1.As an action,every translation has its various purposes.作为一种行为,每一译作都有它各种各样的翻译目的。2.This means all individual pieces can be used independently for various purposes.这意味着所有单个部分可独立用于各种用途。3.Artificial satellites can be used for various purposes.人造卫星有多种用途。4.The qualitative standard of artificial soil can be designed according to various purposes in business.人造土壤的质量标准,可以根据不同的经营目的进行设计。5.People tour and travel for various purposes.人们旅游的目的多种多样。
2023-08-17 00:38:471


You can find all kinds of information in just a few minutes on the Internet.It"s like going to a huge library without having to walk around to find your books.But recently,many people have been talking about the dangers of the Internet They have report in America about people trying to steal personal information with bad purposes. Finding information on the net is easy.But not all information is good to society.For ecample,you can find such a piece of information as how to cheat people.
2023-08-17 00:39:312

请以purpose 为题写一篇英语作文 要求在80词左右

PurposeLife is full of purposes and having a good purpose is of great importance in our daily life. It is the purpose that brings you a bright future. Without a good purpose, people can"t make progress. A man who has no purpose. When he is old, and look back on his lifetime, he may find that he achieved nothing but sadness with surprise. On the contrary,if we have a purpose, we will surely try our best to make everything become possible, and even creat miracles.To find a purpose, we are supposed to pay close attention to the world outside. A person who lives in his own world can"t succeed just like a cabbage in a field but he knows no life. Then, it is necessary to make sure that the purpose is possible for us to realize. Finding a purpose can be a very long process but you should be patient enough to find a most suitable one.
2023-08-17 00:39:441


2023-08-17 00:39:573

day-to-day purposes

day-to-day purposes日常的目的
2023-08-17 00:40:071

talk at cross purposes是什么意思

talk at cross purposes说话有点误解talk英 [tu0254:k] 美 [tu0254k]v.说话; 讨论; 讲,说; 说闲话n.交谈; 讨论; 报告; 空话过去式: talked 过去分词: talked 现在分词: talking 第三人称单数: talks派生词:talker purposes[u02c8pu0259:pu0259siz]n.意志( purpose的名词复数 ); 目的; 作用; (进行中的)行动 cross purposes误解,观点分岐,志趣不同
2023-08-17 00:40:141


取决于你想表达的意思和句子结构。如果你想表达“研究目的”,那么就可以使用单数形式,即“research purpose”。如果你想表达“研究目的们”或“多个研究目的”,那么可以使用复数形式,即“research purposes”。
2023-08-17 00:40:321


  To put it simply,my purpose of learning English is happy-learning.Language is a practical skill like driving or swimming.It will benefit your life.English is an universal language.With the rapid development of global economy,English has been used more and more widely in our work.For instance,an India expert worked in my company for three months last year.It is a pity that I couldn"t learn much from him because of my poor English.Firstly,I want to communicate with foreigners fluently and accurately.Secondly,native speakers of English have lots of great writers.I am able to read their literary works.Thirdly,I hope that I complete some articles with few mistakes,so I will contact my foreign friends by Emaill.Moreover,I would like to be an English teacher to tell others how to master English.I know that learning a foreign language is a long and difficult process.The most important thing is to be patient and enjoy myself.Success belongs to the persevering.I am sure my dream will come true in one or two years as long as I can keep studying on 100e.
2023-08-17 00:40:531

谁能告诉我 What are the purposes for students to go to college

College education gives students the benefit of being successful in life. It basically guides the students to learn and to progress in the area of study by choice. High school graduates were taught basic education, such as: math, science, language arts, english, and social studies. When students attend to college, all of that education transfers to college basic education, which will lead to a specified subject in the area of a major. The specific subject selected is the body of the major, a field of study in which a student specializes and receives a degree. With a variety of courses, students are able to engage into the careers they strive for. I believe that the future career is essentially the purpose of a college education. Many students attend to college for several reasons; based on scholarship programs, proximity to home, importance of family, to receive a higher education, or because they are forced to. There are absolutely more reasons why; however, most people go for those particular reasons. Some students attend to a specific college to fit their needs in their choices of major and career. Based on the major intended, students take certain classes to meet their requirements. In each class students are taught what is needed, and those classes gradually begin to tie into their choice of major. But what are students being taught and do they actually learn from the classes they take? Many college classes are lecture classes, where the professor stands up in front of the class and lectures about the subject being taught. Then there are discussion classes where students are involved in with the whole class for discussion. For every different method of teaching, students will acquire the information needed. But do students take the time to learn or do they memorize what is being taught for a test, then forgetting the information? Referring to Paulo Freire"s “banking” concept of education, he states; “Education becomes an act of depositing in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor” (Freire, Paulo 1). Banking education is referring to how students learn, based on a system of teaching, and communication. Freire expresses how education is like a bank, in which teachers make deposits in a way of giving information to the students. Then the students receive the information and they memorize, and repeat the information as if they have deposited information.
2023-08-17 00:41:141

求高手写一篇标题为purposes of learning english as a foreign english的英语作文啊。。急需啊。。。

To put it simply, my purpose of learning English is happy-learning.Language is a practical skill like driving or swimming. It will benefit your life. English is an universal language. With the rapid development of global economy, English has been used more and more widely in our work. For instance, an India expert worked in my company for three months last year. It is a pity that I couldn"t learn much from him because of my poor English. Firstly, I want to communicate with foreigners fluently and accurately. Secondly, native speakers of English have lots of great writers. I am able to read their literary works. Thirdly, I hope that I complete some articles with few mistakes, so I will contact my foreign friends by Emaill. Moreover, I would like to be an English teacher to tell others how to master English.I know that learning a foreign language is a long and difficult process. The most important thing is to be patient and enjoy myself. Success belongs to the persevering. I am sure my dream will come true in one or two years as long as I can keep studying on 100e.
2023-08-17 00:41:251


专门用途英语esp:ESP是English for Specific purposes 的缩写,也就是平常所说的“专门用途英语”或“特殊用途英语”,如旅游英语、商务英语、财经英语、医学英语、工程英语等。ESP是一种目标明确、针对性强、实用价值高的教学途径。它有两个明显的特点:其一,ESP学习者均为成年人,要么是正从事各种专业的专门人才,如科学家、工程师、工业企业家、医师等;要么是在岗或者正在接受培训的各类人员,如从事商业、金融业、旅游业、航空、航海等行业的各级各类人员;要么是在校大学生,包括学习大学英语的非英语专业学生,也包括学习对外贸易、国际金融、涉外保险、国际新闻等课程但同时又学习英语的英语专业学生,还包括部分将来需要经常使用英语的中等专业学校(如对外贸易学校)或职业中学(如旅游职中)的在校学生。其二,ESP学习者学习英语的目的是把英语作为一种手段或工具来学习,以便进一步进行专业学习,如各类大学的非英语专业学生,或者是把英语作为手段或工具来学习以便有效地完成各项工作。ESP的精髓是分析和满足不同学习者的不同需要,以提高教学效果。
2023-08-17 00:41:331

We are going to discuss the way of reading works ____ it is used for real life purposes, and th...

D 本题主要考查对句子结构、逻辑关系的理解及引导词的应用。根据句子结构reading works ____ it is used for real life purposes作定语修饰前面的the way;根据reading works与it is used for real life purposes的逻辑关系,空后面句子为状语从句,从而排除选项A、B;根据句子的意思:我们将要讨论阅读在用作真实的生活目的时如何起作用的方法,从而可知正确答案为D。
2023-08-17 00:42:021


EAP课程包括academic readingacademic writingacademic listeningSDS我就在学这些
2023-08-17 00:42:123


what part does what you have to say take in your larger purpose,and in the larger purposes still in which you take part?=你要说的话在你更大的目标中,以及在你仍然参与的更大的目标中有什么作用?
2023-08-17 00:42:251

English for Academic Purposes 留学加拿大

2023-08-17 00:42:352

I realized I had only thought of people as far as what their purposes were in my life.

建议采用 张达人zhdr 的答案。要注意的是, I had ...此句不是虚拟语气,是过去完成时
2023-08-17 00:42:564

talking at cross purposes什么意思

talking at cross purposes在交叉的目的交谈双语对照例句:1.We"ve been talking at cross purposes. I"m afraid so. 我们竟然在误会之中谈起天来了.我恐怕是.2.I think we"re talking at cross purposes; that"s not what I meant at all. 我想我们是说到两下里去了,我根本不是那个意思。
2023-08-17 00:43:071

求高手写一篇标题为purposes of learning english as a foreign english的英语作文啊。。急需啊。。。

English is a very important language. It is one of the five or six offical languages used in the United Nations. It is also the most widely used language in the world. Whatever you do, as a doctor, an engineer,a scientist, a policeman, you"ll feel keenly the need to know and use English. "A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life", say Karl Marx.If you want to acquire more knowledge or graso more skills, English is a useful tool. The knowledge of English will open our eyes to ousite world unknown to us.自己打得哦,不是搜的。
2023-08-17 00:43:151

income tax purposes是什么意思

2023-08-17 00:43:232

permitted purpose是什么意思

2023-08-17 00:43:323


2023-08-17 00:43:422


This scanned copy of ID can only be used by AAA Futures Inc for the purpose of foreign currency account opening, not for any other purposes or by any other entities.
2023-08-17 00:43:534

《康德的法律与司法 》中的一段话,那位大哥大姐帮翻一下!!小弟感激涕!不要翻译软件翻译的!

These forms of rightful interaction are at the same time the outer limits of rightful interaction. Anything done in violation of them will be wrongful, and so, for Kant, coercive. If I interfere with your property, either by using it for my purposes, or damaging it so that you cannot use it for your purposes, I coerce you, in that I deprive you of your capacity to use what is yours to set your own purposes. If I breach a contract with you, I deprive you of particular means you were entitled to – in this case, the use of my powers in the specified way. And if I take advantage of a relationship the terms of which you cannot consent to, either because you are ill or a child, or because you are not in a position to supervise the particulars of my use of it – I coerce you in the sense that I draw you into my purposes. In each of these disparate ways, I interfere with your freedom, either by compromising the means against which you choose your own purposes, or, alternatively, by using you or your means to pursue purposes you have not made your own. In each case, I wrong you if I make you subject to my choice, because I violate the reciprocal limits on freedom that protect each of us from the choice of others
2023-08-17 00:44:014


Rapid progress in science and technology, economic vigorous take-off of today, science and technology and the humanities, arts, seems to have become "(at cross purposes) of the two words. Students are expected after graduation can seek a good high and new work, so liberal art is being left out in the cold. 额难啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!一下午啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
2023-08-17 00:44:265

eap student什么意思

2023-08-17 00:44:463


个人数据的处理问题作为欧盟GDPR的重点规制对象,其相关原则的规定被放在了该条例原则部分的首要位置。随着我国经济主体与欧盟各成员国之间往来的日益频繁,学习欧盟GDPR的相关内容对企业发展至关重要。今天SCA安全通信联盟为大家整理了GDPR中个人数据处理的6大原则——“合法公平透明”、“目的限制”、“数据最小化”、“准确性”、“储存限额”、“完整性和机密性”。互联网让我们的世界越来越联动,为了在未来的商业活动中不触犯法律的底线,做合法商业活动,让我们一起来看一下这6大原则具体都包含了哪些内容吧。1、个人数据必须是合法地,以善意和对数据主体合理的方式(“合法,公平,透明”);processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject (‘lawfulness, fairness and transparency");即:对个人数据的处理过程中,无论是收集、传递还是使用,均要求符合法律规定,且符合透明性的要求。关于数据处理的公平性,有一个典型的例子,就是旅行社通过收集用户登录网站查询机票和酒店的信息,分析其偏好,然后通过程序自动设定针对该用户需要的机票和酒店涨价,这就是不公平的。2、被收集用于指定的,明确的和合法的目的,不得以不符合这些目的的方式进一步处理; 根据第89(1)条,为公共档案目的进行进一步处理,用于科学或历史研究目的或用于统计目的,不得视为与原始目的不相符(“目的限制”)。collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; further processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes shall, in accordance with Article 89(1), not be considered to be incompatible with the initial purposes (‘purpose limitation");即:意谓在个人数据的处理问题上必须满足正当目的的要求,其后续的数据处理也不得违反初始目的的要求。比如用于健康监测的APP需要收集用户的各项身体指标,如果该数据进而被分发给一家药品或医疗器械的销售商,用于推销,则超出了最初的处理目的,违反了GDPR。3、合理地和限于与处理它们的目的有关的必要条件(“数据最小化”);adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed (‘data minimisation");即:对于个人数据的处理数量以满足该业务需要的最小数量为限,不得收集任何非必须的个人数据。4、准确,并在必要时保持最新, 必须采取一切适当措施,确保及时删除或纠正因处理目的不准确的个人资料(“准确性”);accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay (‘accuracy");即:明确对个人数据的使用要保持数据的真实准确,在个人数据更新时必须及时同步更新或者及时删除。5、存储的形式允许仅在为处理目的所需的时间内识别数据主体; 个人数据可以存储较长时间,前提是个人数据受本法规要求的适当技术和组织措施的保护,以保护数据主体的权利和自由,仅用于公共利益或科学和历史研究目的或根据第89(1)条(“储存限额”)进行统计处理。kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed; personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) subject to implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by this Regulation in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subject (‘storage limitation");即:欧盟GDPR明确了可以超期储存的个人数据情形,包括为实现公共利益、进行科学或者历史研究、但是为了保障数据主体的权利和自由,要求必须采用该条例所规定的合理技术与组织措施方可进行。6、以确保个人数据的适当安全性的方式处理,包括使用适当的技术或组织措施(“完整性和机密性”)防止未经授权或非法处理以及意外丢失,破坏或损坏。GDPR第四章对数据安全有专门规定。processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures (‘integrity and confidentiality").即:明确个人数据处理过程中,获取该数据者必须经过严格授权,避免数据被非法处理或者不当泄露。
2023-08-17 00:44:531


  香港学生持有的身份证件分为两个类别,绝大部分人持有的都是普通护照Passport,这样的学生在申请的时候,只需要申请学习许可,学习许可批准以后系统之内同时签发一个电子版的eTA(多年有效,相当于电子签证),这些学生是免签的,不需要在护照上张贴签证。  但是少数学生持有的是香港特别行政区签证身份书,也就是DI,这些学生和大陆的学生是一样的,必须申请学习许可和学生签证,批准后需要张贴签证,然后系统内部签发海关介绍信,入境加拿大的时候,出示通知书和学费缴费单据等所有文件,领取学习许可,程序上和我们大陆的学生一样。  香港特别行政区签证身份书(Documentof Identity for Visa Purposes,DI)是发给无法领取其他国家的护照或旅行证件的非永久性香港居民,如刚内地来港,未在香港住满七年,又没有中国大陆的护照,只能申请签证身份书。  申请资格  凡符合以下任何一项要求的人士,便有资格申请签证身份书:  (一)已获准在香港有逗留期限居留,但无法取得任何国家的护照或其他地区的旅行证件的人士;  (二)已获准在香港不受条件限制居留,但无法取得任何国家的护照或其他地区的旅行证件的人士;或  (三)已取得香港居留权及持有香港永久性居民身份证,但无法取得任何国家的护照或其他地区的旅行证件的非中国籍人士。
2023-08-17 00:45:012


Save the land: As a general metropolitan high value of urban land, underground railway was built in, you can save floor space, so that the ground site may be used for other purposes; Reduce the noise: Railway built underground, can reduce the ground noise. Reduce interference: As the subway on the routing is not with the other transport systems
2023-08-17 00:45:091


就是计算机信息管理 大专 学制三年,其实各个学校选择的课本不同,但是基本上都是差不多的 主要课程(专业课):Windows操作系统,网络操作系统,计算机组装与维护,C#语言程序设计基础,计算机文字录入,word,excel,ppt;常用办公设备,spss统计学,计算机英语,数据库程序设计,商务写作双语,Office综合应用,网页设计,信息系统开发,ERP原理与实践,Photoshop,企业管理学基础。
2023-08-17 00:40:433


企业资源计划(ERP)是建立在信息技术基础上,利用现代企业的先进管理思想,集成企业的所有资源信息,为企业提供决策、计划、控制乃至经营业绩评估的全方位和系统化的管理平台。企业信息化的全面推进带动了ERP在企业的应用,而且随着ERP应用程度的不断加深,应用范围的不断扩大,企业对ERP应用人才的需求也越来越迫切。所以,越来越多的高校正在开展ERP教学研究,积极与ERP厂商合作,构建ERP实践教学平台,开设ERP系列课程,为企业培养信息化人才。如何介绍ERP管理思想,营造一个模拟的企业运作环境,突破传统教学模式,加强对实践性教学环节的探索与实践,让学生就业之前就能了解企业实际业务流程,并具备运用信息工具进行业务管理和决策的能力,是高校培养企业信息化人才的重要目标。湖北汽车工业学院早在2003年就先后与神州数码管理系统有限公司、金碟国际(中国)公司等单位进行合作,引进多个ERP软件,共同建设ERP实验室,开展ERP教学研究,构建了ERP实践教学体系,形成了产学研相结合的ERP实践教学课群。本实验教程以神州数码管理系统有限公司的易飞ERP系统为平台,全书共分10章。第1章总体介绍了神州数码管理系统有限公司易飞ERP系统及其基本操作,详细介绍了实验环境、实验方案以及实验内容; 第2章建立数字化企业环境,该企业环境的建立是业务流程运作的基础; 第3章至第10章是各模块的功能应用,可根据应用范围进行选择,各模块的功能应用力求以企业的实际业务流程为导向,功能应用相互集成,业务数据相互关联。本实验教程的编写以订单为驱动,以企业的实际业务流程为导向,全面应用ERP系统功能。根据客户订单计算物料需求计划,根据需求计划采购原材料,然后进行生产,产品加工完成后,销售发货,最后进行账务核算。实验方案和实验内容设计充分考虑企业复杂多变的实际情况,以满足不同层次、不同专业学生应用能力的培养要求。本实验教程模拟企业完整应用案例,实验资料和数据相互关联,逻辑性强,多功能集成应用。实验项目可自由拼装,独具特色。(1) 以企业ERP应用过程为主线设计实验项目。企业应用ERP首先进行前期调研,全面了解企业基本情况,建立企业基本信息; 然后深入详细地调查企业业务处理流程,经过分析、优化,导入ERP系统; 系统上线后进行运行管理和维护。所以实验项目设计在了解系统基本架构和基本操作的基础上,首先完成数字化企业环境的建立; 然后以企业生产经营流程为主线,完成各业务功能的运作。通过这些实验项目,学生能够全面了解和掌握企业应用ERP的过程和方法。(2) 以业务流程为导向设计实验内容。每个企业的业务处理是复杂的,不同企业存在差异,为了培养学生ERP应用能力,每个实验项目设计都是以企业实际的业务流程为导向,强调学生重点掌握企业实际业务导入ERP系统的方法,以业务流程应用为中心,而不是以软件应用为中心。每个实验的最后都给出了常见问题及解决方法,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。(3) 企业业务流程与系统功能应用相结合。以企业生产经营流程为主线,完成各功能模块的应用。每个实验在了解系统功能和处理流程的基础上,给出企业实际发生的业务资料,要求学生根据系统设计原理将实际发生的业务导入ERP系统,在导入过程中熟悉软件功能的应用。(4) 实验项目自由拼装。虽然实验项目是总体设计、集成应用、各实验资料和数据相互关联,但为了满足不同专业、不同课程教学要求,本教程提供每个实验所需的资料和数据,所以每项实验能独立进行、自由拼装,可根据不同专业、不同课程选择其中一项或多项实验。(5) 实现企业场景、岗位角色、企业生产经营过程的全面模拟。在仿真企业环境中,学生仿佛置身于实际的企业,模拟不同部门、不同工作岗位,以流程为导向,完成各种业务处理,充分体验基于流程的企业运作模式,体验ERP的一体化、集成化。本实验教程适用于普通高等院校本、专科信息管理,工商管理,企业管理,计算机等相关专业学生实验使用,也可作为企业管理人员的培训教材。本实验教程编写及相关研究得到了神州数码管理系统有限公司的大力支持,在ERP实验室建设、师资的培训以及资料的提供等方面都得到了无私的援助和支持,在此致以诚挚的感谢!在教程的编写过程中,曾得到宋萍萍教授的指导和帮助,在此一并致谢。本实验教程实验内容较多,并且与企业的实际业务紧密结合,限于作者的经验和水平,书中难免存在错误和不足之处,恳请各界人士和读者批评指正。
2023-08-17 00:40:501


macos12安装分区格式,没有分区格式,要制作macOS 12 Monterey系统安装U盘之前,我们需要先准备好两样东西1、16GB以上U盘因为我们需要把macOS 12 Monterey系统安装在U盘里,而macOS 12 Monterey系统大小差不多是12GB ~13GB左右,所以准备16GB以上的是最保险。另外,U盘内的东西要记得先备份起来,因为制作的过程中,会把U盘的内容全部清除。2、macOS 12 Monterey安装文件macOS 12 Monterey的安装档,我们可以从「系统偏好设定」→「软件更新」中,当看到有macOS Monterey可以使用的时候,选择「立即升级」,就会将安装档下载到电脑。记住下载后,不要执行升级程序,直接关闭更新画面就可以了。或是从App Store上,搜寻「Monterey」,然后在Monterey的页面上点选「取得」,但这时一样会开启「系统偏好设定」内的「软件更新」功能来下载。最后你就会得到一个macOS 12 Monterey的App档案,这就是我们要的安装档。macOS 12 Monterey系统安装U盘制作:教程开始第一步:格式化U盘将刚才准备好的USB随身碟插入电脑,打开「磁盘工具程序」,在左边菜单点选我们刚才插入的USB随身碟,然后选择右上角的「清除」功能。接着选择Mac OS扩充格式(日志式),然候点击「清除」。第二步:找到macOS 12 Monterey安装档我们打开Finder,在「应用程序」文件夹里面找到刚才下载的macOS 12 Monterey安装档,单击右键选择「显示套件内容」。接下来依序点进Contents→Resources,找到「createinstallmedia」这个执行档,先不用点开。第三步:利用终端机Terminal将开机安装档写入U盘再来打开「终端机Terminal」,输入「sudo」,后面加一格空白键,再将刚刚找到的createinstallmedia拖曳到Terminal终端机视窗。完整的路径会是sudo /Applications/Install macOS还没完喔!接着空一格,在后面输入「–volume」(前面是两个减号,请看下图),后面空一格,再把你的U盘拖曳到终端机Terminal视窗。以上做完后,完整的路径将会变成sudo /Applications/Install macOS –volume /Volumes/U盘名称再检查一次上面的路径都是正确的后,就可以按下Enter,系统会要求你输入密码,输入完后,就会开始下图的流程,将macOS 12 Monterey安装档写入USB随身碟,整个流程跑完就会看到下图红线的最后一行字出现。
2023-08-17 00:40:501


卸载自带软件要进行root操作 就是获取手机的管理权限,有很多辅助软件可以试试的,360超级root这软件可以用着试试
2023-08-17 00:40:411

MacOS Monterey根目录创建文件夹

以下方法针对 12.0.1 以后的版本: 注: 1、提前创建被映射的文件夹 2、中间是tab,不是空格
2023-08-17 00:40:331


传感器的定义 传感器是一种能把物理量或化学量转变成便于利用的电信号的器件。国际电工委员会(IEC:International Electrotechnical Committee)的定义为:“传感器是测量系统中的一种前置部件,它将输入变量转换成可供测量的信号”。按照Gopel等的说法是:“传感器是包括承载体和电路连接的敏感元件”,而“传感器系统则是组合有某种信息处理(模拟或数字)能力的系统”。传感器是传感系统的一个组成部分,它是被测量信号输入的第一道关口。 传感器把某种形式的能量转换成另一种形式的能量。有两类:有源的和无源的。有源传感器能将一种能量形式直接转变成另一种,不需要外接的能源或激励源。 无源传感器不能直接转换能量形式,但它能控制从另一输入端输入的能量或激励能,传感器承担将某个对象或过程的特定特性转换成数量的工作。其“对象”可以是固体、液体或气体,而它们的状态可以是静态的,也可以是动态(即过程)的。对象特性被转换量化后可以通过多种方式检测。对象的特性可以是物理性质的,也可以是化学性质的。按照其工作原理,它将对象特性或状态参数转换成可测定的电学量,然后将此电信号分离出来,送入传感器系统加以评测或标示。 传感器原理结构 在一段特制的弹性轴上粘贴上专用的测扭应片并组成变桥,即为基础扭矩传感器;在轴上固定着:(1)能源环形变压器的次级线圈,(2)信号环形变压器初级线圈,(3)轴上印刷电路板,电路板上包含整流稳定电源、仪表放大电路、V/F变换电路及信号输出电路。在传感器的外壳上固定着: (1)激磁电路,(2)能源环形变压器的初级线圈(输入),(3) 信号环形变压器次级线圈(输出),(4)信号处理电路 工作过程 向传感器提供±15V电源,激磁电路中的晶体振荡器产生400Hz的方波,经过TDA2030功率放大器即产生交流激磁功率电源,通过能源环形变压器T1从静止的初级线圈传递至旋转的次级线圈,得到的交流电源通过轴上的整流滤波电路得到±5V的直流电源,该电源做运算放大器AD822的工作电源;由基准电源AD589与双运放AD822组成的高精度稳压电源产生±4.5V的精密直流电源,该电源既作为电桥电源,又作为放大器及V/F转换器的工作电源。当弹性轴受扭时,应变桥检测得到的mV级的应变信号通过仪表放大器AD620放大成1.5v±1v的强信号,再通过V/F转换器LM131变换成频率信号,通过信号环形变压器T2从旋转的初级线圈传递至静止次级线圈,再经过外壳上的信号处理电路滤波、整形即可得到与弹性轴承受的扭矩成正比的频率信号,该信号为TTL电平,既可提供给专用二次仪表或频率计显示也可直接送计算机处理。由于该旋转变压器动--静环之间只有零点几毫米的间隙,加之传感器轴上部分都密封在金属外壳之内,形成有效的屏蔽,因此具有很强的抗干扰能力。 传感器分类 倾角传感器 倾角传感器在军事、航天航空、工业自动化、工程机械、铁路机车、消费电子、海洋船舶等领域得到广泛运用。辉格公司为国内用户提供全球最全面、最专业的产品方案和服务。提供超过500种规格的伺服型、电解质型、电容型、电感型、光纤型等原理的倾角传感器。 加速度传感器(线和角加速度) 分低频高精度力平衡伺服型、低频低成本热对流型和中高频电容式加速度位移传感器。总频响范围从DC至3000Hz。应用领域包括汽车运动控制、汽车测试、家电、游戏产品、办公自动化、GPS、PDA、手机、震动检测、建筑仪器以及实验设备等。 红外温度传感器 广泛应用于家用电器(微波炉、空调、油烟机、吹风机、烤面包机、电磁炉、炒锅、暖风机等)、医用/家用体温计、办公自动化、便携式非接触红外温度传感器、工业现场温度测量仪器以及电力自动化等。不仅能提供传感器、模块或完整的测温仪器,还能根据用户需要提供包括光学透镜、ASIC、算法等一揽子解决方案。 想了解更多信息吗,请访问辉格科技网 传感器的应用传感器的应用领域涉及机械制造、工业过程控制、汽车电子产品、通信电子产品、消费电子产品和专用设备等。 ① 专用设备 专用设备主要包括医疗、环保、气象等领域应用的专业电子设备。目前医疗领域是传感器销售量巨大、利润可观的新兴市场,该领域要求传感器件向小型化、低成本和高可靠性方向发展。 ② 工业自动化 工业领域应用的传感器,如工艺控制、工业机械以及传统的;各种测量工艺变量(如温度、液位、压力、流量等)的;测量电子特性(电流、电压等)和物理量(运动、速度、负载以及强度)的,以及传统的接近/定位传感器发展迅速。 ③ 通信电子产品 手机产量的大幅增长及手机新功能的不断增加给传感器市场带来机遇与挑战,彩屏手机和摄像手机市场份额不断上升增加了传感器在该领域的应用比例。此外,应用于集团电话和无绳电话的超声波传感器、用于磁存储介质的磁场传感器等都将出现强势增长。 ⑤ 汽车工业 现代高级轿车的电子化控制系统水平的关键就在于采用压力传感器的数量和水平,目前一辆普通家用轿车上大约安装几十到近百只传感器,而豪华轿车上的传感器数量可多达二百余只,种类通常达30余种,多则达百种。
2023-08-17 00:40:271