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2023-08-23 05:28:01
TAG: 英语 健康

Healthy food is good for your health.We should eat healthy food.Healthy food, including vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, and so on. But we should keep a adequate diet,and we cannot not eat certain foods too much.

We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food is not delicious. So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat. But I am afraid it is bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn"t healthy enough.





危害:不利已身体健康和成长:没有营养 油脂多会导致肥胖; 污染环境

健康饮食的意义:满足身体对营养的需求 健康成长 身体好了才有精力学习





垃圾食品用英语怎么表达 junk food英[du0292u028cu014bk fu:d] 美[du0292u028cu014bk fud] n. 垃圾食品,无营养食品 名词复数:junk foods [例句]Will junk food make your child stupid?垃圾食品会使你的孩子变笨吗? junk food的说法来自于葡萄牙语。大约500年前,在葡萄牙语里有一个词“junk”,意思是“old pieces of rope(旧缆绳)”。天长日久,这个词的意思逐渐演变为任何可利用的废弃材料。最后,“junk”用来指价值不高或根本没有任何价值的东西。于是,人们就称没有多少营养的食物为“junk food”了。 JUNK FOOD创立于1988年由NATALIE GROF和BLAINE HALVORSON两位设计师独特的想法去制作更好的T恤,当初以“FEEL GOOD”为品牌的出发点,现在逐渐成为好莱坞最炙手可热的品牌之一。JUNK FOOD以轻松复古的感觉和怀旧的品牌就像芝麻街、HANNA BARBERA(EX:摩登原始人)、LOONEY TOONS(EX:兔宝宝)打动全世界成千上万人的心。JUNK FOOD选择让品牌带顾客们回味儿时吃零嘴的美好日子中。顾客们不仅可以来一趟回忆之旅,而且他们有这个机会每天穿着他们最喜爱的回忆。六年了,JUNK FOOD已成功的拓展青少年和女性的市场,而且现在男性市场上也有不错的回应。永远经常改变也永不退流行,JUNK FOOD强烈的让您回味无穷。JUNK FOOD1998年诞生于New York。这些年来在好莱坞“功成名就”的众多品牌都不约而同的打出了“卡通牌”,从怀旧的Beatles到经典的Rolling Stones...,从可爱的芝麻街到充满美式风情的插画图案...…Junk food就是这样让所有不愿承认。“廉颇老矣”的明星们都不得不花出大把银票来为自己的青春做上个最有力的证明!有关心欧美流行细心留意下 不难发现很多明星都在日常生活中经常穿上JUNK FOOD。例如:Jessica Simpson /Paris Hilton/Hayden/Lindsay VIVI杂志的当红模特LENA/ 梨花等美女。其中以流行指标人物Paris Hilton最为多穿。 世界卫生组织公布的十大垃圾食品包括:零食、油炸类食品、腌制类食品、加工类肉食品(肉干、肉松、香肠、火腿等)、饼干类食品(不包括低温烘烤和全麦饼干)、汽水可乐类饮料、方便类食品(主要指方便面和膨化食品)、罐头类食品(包括鱼肉类和水果类)、话梅蜜饯果脯类食品、冷冻甜品类食品(冰淇淋、冰棒、雪糕等)、烧烤、油炸类食品。 参考 十大垃圾食品用怎么英语介绍 1. 油炸类食品 ried foods 2. 腌制类食品 Pickled foods 3.加工类肉食品 Processing of meat products 4.饼干类食品(不含低温烘烤和全麦饼干) Biscuit categories of food (excluding low-temperature baking and whole wheat biscuits) 5.汽水可乐类食品 Soft drinks Coke products 6.方便类食品(主要指方便面和膨化食品) Convenience foods (mainly referring to instant noodles and expanded food) 7.罐头类食品(包括鱼肉类和水果类) Canned foods (including meat and fish and fruit) 8. 话梅蜜饯类食品(果脯) Hua Mei preserves the categories of food (Preserves) 9.冷冻甜品类食品(冰淇淋、冰棒和各种雪糕) Frozen dessert products (ice cream, popsicles and all kinds of ice cream) 10.烧烤类食品 Barbecue food 垃圾食品 英文 你上百度百科, 里面有编辑词条 垃圾食品目录[隐藏] 垃圾食品(Junk Food)是抚仅仅提供一些热量,别无其它营养素的食物,或是提供超过人体需要,变成多余成分的食品。 垃圾食品英语怎么说? junk food 他认为垃圾食品非常美味用英语怎么说 你好,我的名字是琳达。我是一个素食主义者。我吃很多新鲜水果和蔬菜。它们很健康,而且味道很好。但是我不吃肉,鱼和乳制品。当我10岁的时候我开始发现肉太油腻。当我吃的时候我觉得很恶心。所以我停止吃肉,变成吃素。三年过去了,我不再吃鸡蛋,牛奶和奶酪,因为我是一个演员,我需要保持苗条的身材。我也不再吃鱼,成为了一个素食主义者。停止吃那些东西后我感觉非常好。在素的食品里我们可以得到蛋白质,铁和维他命。我不认为我们需要吃肉。 你好,我的名字是彼得。我喜欢吃肉和垃圾食品、快速美味食品,例如汉堡包和土豆条。很多人认为那很不健康,但是我喜欢它。当我饿的时候,我想要一个大的汉堡,不是溼沙拉。我爱我的汉堡和可携带的油炸土豆条。我不吃很多的新鲜蔬菜,我也不吃甜食因为它们对牙齿不好。很多人说食肉者心脏病的机率比素食者高30% ,但是我不这么认为。我感觉自己强壮而有活力。这和吃肉没有关系。它是人们日常饮食的一部分。 尽量少吃垃圾食品用英语怎么说 try to have as little junk food as possible 垃圾食品用英语怎么说?快!!!!!! junk food
2023-08-15 10:00:211


Junk food
2023-08-15 10:00:308


垃圾食品 :Trash food慈善活动: Charitable activity
2023-08-15 10:00:476


2023-08-15 10:01:031


junk foodhealthy food
2023-08-15 10:01:525


吃垃圾食品对我们的健康有害的英语:Eating junk food is harmful to our healthEating 吃 ; 饮食 ; 吃饭 ; 用餐 ; 食用的;可生吃的;腐蚀的 ; eat的现在分词junk food 垃圾食品harmful 有害的 ; 导致损害的health 健康 ; 人的身体状况 ; 医疗 ; 保健 ; 卫生 ; 状况解析:核心短语/句式:对,,,,,,有害:be bad for陈述事实的句子,没有具体时间截点,用一般现在时态。吃垃圾食物对身体的危害跟垃圾食品的种类有关,常见的垃圾食品有加工肉类、油炸、罐头、腌渍食品、奶油制品等。日常生活中要尽量少吃垃圾食品,保持饮食平衡,平时要多吃一些健康的蔬菜、水果等。
2023-08-15 10:02:071


dont eat weilong
2023-08-15 10:03:183


垃圾食品 世界卫生组织公布的十大垃圾食品包括:油炸类食品、腌制类食品、加工类肉食品(肉干、肉松、香肠、火腿等)、饼干类食品(不包括低温烘烤和全麦饼干)、汽水可乐类饮料、方便类食品(主要指方便面和膨化食品)、罐头类食品(包括鱼肉类和水果类)、话梅蜜饯果脯类食品、冷冻甜品类食品(冰淇淋、冰棒、雪糕等)、烧烤类食品。 Deep-fry kind food , pickle the food (the jerky , dried meat floss , sausage , ham etc.) , biscuit are similar to food (do not melt food) including that bake and whole-wheat biscuit ) of low temperature , soft drink Coca Cola kind drink , convenient kind food pointing to instant noodles and expanding (mainly being similar to food , processing kind meat, can kind food (including fish meat and fruit kind), preserved plum candied fruit preserved fruit kind food, freezing sweet category food (ice cream, popsicle, ice cream and so on), barbecue kind food.绿色食品 1.最佳水果木瓜、草莓、橘子、柑子、猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子和西瓜。 2.最佳蔬菜红薯既含丰富维生素,又是抗癌能手,为所有蔬菜之首;其次是芦笋、卷心菜、花椰菜、芹菜、茄子、甜菜、 胡 萝卜、荠菜、苤兰菜、金针菇、雪里蕻、大白菜。 3.最佳肉食鹅鸭肉化学结构接近橄榄油,有益于心脏。鸡肉、新鲜鱼、虾类。 4.最佳汤类鸡汤最优,特别是母鸡汤还有防治感冒、支气管炎的作用,尤其适用于冬春季饮用。 5.最佳食用油玉米油、米糠油、芝麻油、橄榄油、花生油等尤佳,植物油与动物油1:0.5为宜。 6.最佳护脑食物菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、葱、椰菜、柿椒、豌豆、番茄、胡萝卜、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜等蔬菜,核桃、花生、开心果、腰果、松子、杏仁、大豆等壳类食物以及糙米饭、猪肝等。1. The best fruit Chinese flowering quince , strawberry , tangerine , tangerine , Chinese gooseberry , mango , apricot , persimmon and watermelon. 2. Now that the best vegetable sweet potato containing rich vitamins, of being an anticancer expert , being all vegetable; Be an asparagus , cabbage , cauliflower , celery , eggplant , beet , carrot , shepherd"s purse, Pie orchid dish , winter mushroom , potherb mustard , Chinese cabbage secondly. 3. Carnivorous goose of the best duck meat chemistry structure approaches lucca oil , benefits the heart. Chicken , new fresh fish , shrimp resemble. 4. The best soups chicken soup is optimum , especially, the hen soup still has prevention and cure cold , the English disease effect , applies to winter spring season especially drink. 5. The best edible oil maize oil , rice bran oil , sesame oil , lucca oil , arachis oil etc. are especially good, plant oil 1:0.5 is suitable with animal oil. 6. The best protects brain food vegetable such as spinach , Chinese chive , Spanish gourd , onion , broccoli , persimmon hot spice plant , pea , tomato , carrot , small green vegetables , garlic bolt , celery , walnut , peanut , joyful fruit , cashew , pine nut , shell such as almond , soybean are similar to food and brown rice meal , pork liver etc.
2023-08-15 10:03:281


我在朋友的生日晚宴上吃了太多的垃圾食品I ate too much junk food at my friend"s birthday party.我在朋友的生日晚宴上吃了太多的垃圾食品I ate too much junk food at my friend"s birthday party.
2023-08-15 10:03:361


① 解答: 食物food在英语中属于不可数名词,只能当作单数对待。在译成英语时,这句话的主语对应地也应该用单数形式的指* 示代词this,配合单数形式的系动词is。英语译文: This is junk food.② 拓展: 英语中名词分为两大类,一类是可数名词,另一类是不可数名字。可数名词可以一个一个单独去计数,比如boy,chair,desk,book,hill,bird等等。不可数名词,顾名思义不可以单独去计数。通常以下几类词属于不可数名词: 一是表示液体半流质的名词,比如coffee,tea,porridge,juice。二是表示肉类的名词,不如meat,beef,mutton,duck等等。三是物质名词或者由微小颗粒构成的物体名词,比如cotton,wood,gold,flour,bread等等。四是抽*象名词,比如enthusiasm,warmth,wildness等等。可数名词做主语时要分清单复数,以便于谓语动词能有适当的单复数形式,这样就可以做到正确的主谓配合。不可数名词只能当作单数看待,无论数量多少,只能看作是it(主格或宾格),充当充当主语时,谓动词只能用单数形式。③ 举例:There is much milk in the pot. 锅里有很多牛奶。There are many people dancing on the square. 广场上有很多人在跳舞。I like apples very much. 我很喜欢苹果。But i don"t like apple juice.但是我不喜欢苹果汁。
2023-08-15 10:03:431


Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat everday.And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night. Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary nutritions. Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them. It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning. It is very bad for our health. Breakfast is the most important meal for people.   junk food nowadays many students like eating junk food.on the way home or to school,they usually buy some junk food in the shops,eating and walking.but junk food isn"t nutritious,it"s harmful to their health.people who often eat junk food can get ill more easily.for our health,we should not eat junk food.we should eat more healthy food ,such as vegetables,fruit and meat. 如果满意请点击右上角评价点【满意】即可~~ 你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ 答题不易..祝你开心~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-08-15 10:03:561


Nowadays, to keep up with the quickening pace of our society, many people turn to fast food to cut down their time spent in eating. Actually, I am no exception. Well, what exact attitude should we take towards fast food? Firstly, we acknowledge that it really gratifies our strong desire to save time. Nevertheless, every coin has two sides. Relying on fast food on a long-term basis may cause a person to suffer from malnutrition. What is more serious is that some fast food contains many calories which can turn into fat. As we know, too much fat is harmful to our health. Therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to Therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to cook fast food, such as adding in more nutritional ingredients, and manage to create more kinds of fast food to meet people"s needs. Nonetheless, we should remember that we should not depend too much on fast food.文库里有很多可以借鉴下哦~然后写些自己的观点和例子~希望对你有帮助哦~
2023-08-15 10:04:061


Healthy food is good for your health.We should eat healthy food.Healthy food, including vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, and so on. But we should keep a adequate diet,and we cannot not eat certain foods too much.We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food is not delicious. So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat. But I am afraid it is bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn"t healthy enough.翻译:健康食物对身体健康有益我们应该吃些有益于健康食物健康食物包括蔬菜水鱼类肉类等等我们需要合理饮食对于某种食物能过量饮用我们知道许多学生喜欢吃学校午饭因美味所经常去校外买些喜欢吃东西我恐怕们买些校外食物对身体有害够健康
2023-08-15 10:04:281


答案:too much.中英文对照后这里是需要表达出太多,这里的junk food垃圾食品是不可数名词,故用too much表示太多,修饰不可数名词,故答案是too much.
2023-08-15 10:04:361


  为了保持健康,我们要和垃圾食品说不。下面,我帮你整理了,希望你喜欢!   篇1   I used to like junk foods very much, but my mother doesn"t want me to eat them. Sometimes I would go to eat them secretly. I liked to eat the fries with ketchup most, I could eat a lot at one time. Once I went to KFC again, I ordered two large fries and a large iced coke. After finishing the meal, I felt ill in my stomach and throat. I was too afraid to tell my mother. In the evening I threw up and felt hot all over my body. My mother came to check me and found out I got a fever. She took me to the hospital immediately. Since then, I never touch the junk food again. The junk food is bad for health, we shouldn"t eat it.   我曾经非常喜欢垃圾食品,但是我妈妈不想让我吃。有时候我会偷偷跑去吃。我最喜欢吃薯条配番茄酱,我可以一次吃很多。有一次我去KFC,点了两份大薯条和一大杯冰可乐。吃完了之后,我感到胃和喉咙很不舒服。我很害怕,不敢告诉妈妈。当天晚上我就吐了,全身发热。我妈妈过来看我的时候发现我发烧了。她立刻就带我去了医院。从那以后,我绝不再碰垃圾食品了。垃圾食品对健康有害,我们不应该吃它。   篇2   Nowadays, there are so many junk food, such as the fried food, these food taste delicious, so they are easily to catch people"s attention. Especially for the children, they don"t have the limitation to eat the junk food and make their bodies weaker. So in order to stay fit, we should say no to the junk food.   如今,到处都充斥着垃圾食品,比如油炸的食物,这些食品吃起来很美味,因此很容易吸引人们的注意。特别是对于孩子来说,他们没有节制地吃垃圾食品,身体变得不好。所以为了保持健康,我们应该对垃圾食品说不。   篇3   Nowadays, to keep up with the quickening pace of our society, many people turn to fast food to cut down their time spent in eating. Actually, I am no exception. Well, what exact attitude should we take towards fast food? Firstly, we acknowledge that it really gratifies our strong desire to save time. Nevertheless, every coin has two sides. Relying on fast food on a long-term basis may cause a person to suffer from malnutrition. What is more serious is that some fast food contains many calories which can turn into fat. As we know, too much fat is harmful to our health. Therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to Therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to cook fast food, such as adding in more nutritional ingredients, and manage to create more kinds of fast food to meet people"s needs. Nonetheless, we should remember that we should not depend too much on fast food.
2023-08-15 10:04:431


Junk Food junk food are things like lollies, soft drink, potato chips, hot chips, ice cream, and hamburgers, hot dogs and other kinds of take away food are called junk food. The problem with junk food is that that have too much fat! Junk foods such as hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips usually contain loads of saturated fats. Too much saturated fat in the diet will cause people to put on weight and get fat or obese (very fat). Being overweight is a risk to the health of the heart and can cause other diseases. Too much salt! Junk foods often have too much salt. There"s a lot of salt already in foods such as bread, breakfast cereals and biscuits and cakes. So people are getting more salt than they need when they eat junk food. Too much salt is unhealthy for the heart. Too much sugar! Soft drinks, cordials, biscuits, cakes and lollies all have loads of sugar. That"s what makes them taste so good! But too much sugar makes people fat, rots the teeth, is bad for the blood and may cause other diseases. Junk food does have some of the good things that the body needs for good health. And the body needs some salt, fat and sugar for energy to burn while we work and play. However too much fat, sugar and salt is bad for our health and eating lots of junk food will overload your body with these things. It is probably OK to eat junk food sometimes, But people should look for foods that are low in fats and salt and sugar. Choose grilled fish and chicken rather than fried, fish burgers instead of beef, grilled lean beef burgers, and vegetarian pizza and pizza with seafood instead of fatty meat type pizza. Eat lots of fresh foods, healthy foods most of the time. Choose to eat junk food only now and again.
2023-08-15 10:04:521

远离垃圾食品 用英语怎么说

Stay away from junk
2023-08-15 10:05:036


2023-08-15 10:05:211

别吃太多垃圾食品 英语怎么说

Don"t eat too many junk food.似乎是这样的
2023-08-15 10:05:326


2023-08-15 10:05:523


2023-08-15 10:06:018


Western fast food ≠ Junk food.西式快餐≠垃圾食品As a coin has two sides, western fast food has both benefit and harm. Just as Chinese fast food also has some fried cuisine, western fast food does have some low-calorie and nutritious dishes, such as vegetable soup and salad. What"s more, the western food restaurants such as KFC and McDonalds, have strict quality control guarantees to provide safe and healthy food for the customers. Therefore, we can not criticize the westem fast food as junk food.任何事物都有正反两面,西式快餐也不例外。就像中国快餐店也存在许多油炸的事物一样,西式快餐也有一些低热量、高营养的食物,比如蔬菜汤和蔬菜沙拉。同时,如肯德基、麦当劳等洋快餐店,在食物的安全和营养性方面都有很高的保证。因此,我们不能简单地将西式快餐归为垃圾食品。Western fast food =Junk food西式快餐=垃圾食品。I think we need food for energy, just as a car needs fuel. A balanced diet is important to one"s health. However, now, more and more people, especially the children, crowd into the western fast food restaurant such as KFC and McDonalds where hamburger and French fries are served. In my opinion, the western fast food is just a kind of junk food which might lead to chronic food security problems.就像汽车需要燃料,人类也需要通过食物获得能量。营养均衡的饮食对我们的健康至关重要。然而,如今越来越多的人,尤其是小孩,涌入像肯德基、麦当劳那样的洋快餐店去购买汉堡和炸薯条。依我看来,西式快餐属于垃圾食品,会逐渐引发食物安全性问题。Many people in westem counties are becoming increasingly concerned that the fast food diet is a major contributor to serious health problems such as obesity and heart disease. Westerners are changing their habits accordingly. so what about ourselves?现在,西方人逐渐认识到快餐是导致肥胖、心脏病等严重健康问题的罪魁祸首。为此,他们已经开始改变这种饮食习惯了,那么,我们中国人又应该如何做呢?
2023-08-15 10:07:201


“她从不吃垃圾食品”的英文是:She never eats junk food.英语是我们从小学习的第二门外语,也是学习的重要科目之一。学习英语首先要端正自己的学习态度,养成良好的学习习惯。英语的学习在于长期的积累和运用,在学习的过程中可以多关注一些和英语相关的歌曲和电影来提高学习兴趣。下面给大家分享关于零基础怎样学习英语,大家可以作为参考。我们要了解英文26个字母,学会英语音标。英语是有元音和辅音的,以及重音和轻音。通过了解之后,对不认识的英语单词,可以通过查字典,进行划分音节,然后通过重音和元音,辅音进行拼读,就可以把这个陌生的单词读出来。其次学习英语语法,语法就是造句的方法和规则。我们学语法,就是为更好地造句。会造句就会说话,说话其实就是我们的大脑在不断地造句。我们交流的单位就是句子,而不是单词。很多人学语法走了一个误区,学了语法规则之后,专门拿来分析句子,而且不是拿来造句。结果,只会阅读,不会口语,成了哑巴英语。所以说,学语法,一定要以造句为中心,不能脱离造句。第三就是多看,多读,多练,多造句子。当你会读音标,陌生的单词,你还是不会认识,这时候你就要多积累词汇量,多看文章,然后多说,多使用单词进行造句。只要日积月累,才能够学好英语。只有多花时间,花精力,想学一定能学好。孰才能生巧,要是不学不练,时间久了就忘记了,还给老师了,毕竟不是母语。最后就是练听力,选择合适的听力素材,如VOA/BBC/CNN/CRI等。练口语,可与老师、同学、朋友互动练习,1V1效果可能更好。学习英语不能三天打鱼两天晒网,在学习的过程中要养成多开口,多练习的好习惯。
2023-08-15 10:07:271


All of these are junk food. Junk food( 制作、食用方便却有害健康的)垃圾食品, 是不可数名词.
2023-08-15 10:08:292


hamburgers,french fries ,
2023-08-15 10:08:461


1. 油炸类食品 ried foods 2. 腌制类食品 Pickled foods 3.加工类肉食品 Processing of meat products 4.饼干类食品(不含低温烘烤和全麦饼干) Biscuit categories of food (excluding low-temperature baking and whole wheat biscuits) 5.汽水可乐类食品 Soft drinks Coke products 6.方便类食品(主要指方便面和膨化食品) Convenience foods (mainly referring to instant noodles and expanded food) 7.罐头类食品(包括鱼肉类和水果类) Canned foods (including meat and fish and fruit) 8. 话梅蜜饯类食品(果脯) Hua Mei preserves the categories of food (Preserves) 9.冷冻甜品类食品(冰淇淋、冰棒和各种雪糕) Frozen dessert products (ice cream, popsicles and all kinds of ice cream) 10.烧烤类食品 Barbecue food
2023-08-15 10:08:551


My healthy lifestyle I think I"m pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. My eating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I never drink coffee. Of course, I love junk food too, and I eat it two or three times a week. Oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So, you see, I look after my health. and my healthy lifestyle helps me get good gtades. Good food and exercise help me to study better.
2023-08-15 10:09:061


Try to eat less junk food.拓展:junk food,英语词汇,词组,意为“垃圾食品”。垃圾食品junk food的说法来自于葡萄牙语。大约500年前,在葡萄牙语里有一个词“junk”,意思是“old pieces of rope(旧缆绳)”。葡萄牙天长日久,这个词的意思逐渐演变为任何可利用的废弃材料。最后,“junk”用来指价值不高或根本没有任何价值的东西。于是,人们就称没有多少营养的食物为“junk food”了。
2023-08-15 10:09:131


pear 梨;apple苹果;lime酸橙;apricot杏;mango芒果;blackberry黑莓;radish萝卜;leek韭菜;cucumber黄瓜;carrot胡萝卜;celery芹菜;bean豆;aubergine茄子;marrow西葫芦
2023-08-15 10:09:541


Are you fond of junk food? Do you enjoy eating hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries and chips? Are you fond of soft drinks, candy and ice cream? If your answers are “Yes”, you"d better take care. Most of them are junk food! What is junk food? Junk food has lots of fat (脂肪), salt and sugar, but few nutrients (营养物质). Most scientists say junk food is unhealthy. Our body changes sugar into fat. If you have 3 spoonfuls of sugar (3匙糖) each day, how much sugar would you have eaten by the time you are 50? It will be 280 kilograms! About 5 times as heavy as your weight!! Why is junk food popular? Junk food has been popular in the world for many years. Why? Firstly, it is cheap to make. It doesn"t take much money to produce junk food. Secondly, it is quick and easy for people to consume (吃). Thirdly, many people, including children, like it because it tastes good. Lastly, most junk food has food additives (添加剂). So it looks and tastes better, and can be kept for a long time. Why is junk food bad? Junk food is bad for health, especially for young children. It is the cause of overweight (超重), heart diseases and many other health problems. When children start eating lots of junk food, they tend not to have enough milk and healthy fruit juices. This can cause a lack of calcium (缺钙) in their body.What should you do? It"s OK to have junk food now and then (偶尔). How often should you have it? It depends on your weight, age and how active you are. If you are over-weight and want to lose weight (减肥), you should eat as little junk food as possible. If you are active and not overweight, you can have some after you"ve had enough dairy products (乳制品), fruits, vegetables and cereals (谷类食物). Junk food still has some nutrients and is a small part of a balanced (均衡的) diet (饮食). So you should eat healthy foods about 95% of the time, and then eat 5% of junk food. Some kids are spending lots of money on junk food. Spend your money wisely. It is up to you to keep yourself healthy and happy! --------There is no such thing as good or bad food, or junk food; what is good or bad is the amount of it we consume.This is one of the messages from Prof Stanley Feldman , anaesthetist and author of the book "Panic Nation" which sets out to dispel myths about what food is good and bad for us.Addressing a meeting in Dublin, Prof Feldman laid waste to many of these myths. Often, he said, what passes for information on health is merely opinion---------Junk Food I"m hearing a lot about junk food lately. No one has given a definition of what foods are junk. Can you give me a list of junk foods?Junk food is a slang word for foods with limited nutritional value. Every person has their own list of foods that they call junk foods. I would include foods that are high in salt, sugar, fat or calories and low nutrient content.Salted snack foods, candy, gum, most sweet desserts, fried fast food and carbonated beverages are some of the major junk foods. Generally, they offer little in terms of protein, vitamins or minerals and lots of calories from sugar or fat. The term "empty calories" reflects the lack of nutrients.Rather than taking a radical approach and banning all but the simplest foods, judge each food based on the list of ingredients and Nutrition Facts label found on packages. When reading the list of ingredients, look for sugar, fat or salt as one of the first three ingredients. If any of these are listed that high in the ingredients, you can probably consider that food to be too high in sugar, fat or salt.A look at the nutritional information on the label will list the number of calories per serving, grams of fat, sodium, cholesterol, fiber and sugar content. This nutritional information will make you more knowledgeable in selecting foods to reduce your nutritional health risk.Calorie content of 300 calories per serving or less is considered to be all right, except whole meals unless you are following a weight loss diet. Be cautious though as to how large a serving size is. If 4 ounces of yogurt is a serving size and you eat an eight-ounce container, you have doubled the calorie content. Sometimes, the package serving size is not how little you serve yourself!Now look at the number of grams of fat. For every five grams of fat in a serving of a food, you are eating the equivalent of one teaspoon of fat. So, if one serving of a food has 23 grams of fat in it, that serving has the equivalent of four and one-half teaspoons of fat. You should limit the fat content in foods you eat daily to 30% of your total calories. Don"t try to lower your fat content to below 25%, since fat does play a vital role in carrying fat soluble vitamins and keeping you satisfied between meals.Sodium content per serving should be 2300 milligrams or less per day. Some foods, like ham and other cured meats do have very high sodium content per serving. Limit these foods rather than eliminate them.Cholesterol content should be 300 milligrams or less per day. It is easy to remember that 300 is the same as the number of calories per serving.Fiber content will be listed in grams of dietary fiber. This amount will vary from product to product, but don"t necessarily shop for only the highest numbers you can find. Any amount of dietary fiber above two grams per serving is good. Foods with five grams of fiber or more are considered high fiber foods.Sugar content is usually listed on cold cereal packages. A rule of thumb to follow is four grams of sugar equals one teaspoon of sugar. Limit sugars amounts in cereals to four grams, but if the cereal has fruit in it, relax the sugar content to eight grams per serving. Fruits usually contain about 60% fructose and 40% sucrose. If you were to eliminate all sugar, you would be eliminating fruits, which are a valuable source of nutrients and soluble fiber.If you want to cut down on junk food, cut down your intake of salt, sugar, fat and refined foods. Choose your calories by the nutrient company they keep.
2023-08-15 10:10:261


Trash food is refers provides some quantity of heats merely, no other other nutrient food, perhaps provides surpasses the human body need, turns the unnecessary ingredient food. So-called trash food is refers including the human body needs the nutrition ingredient, the process explodes, roasts, burns and so on the processing crafts to cause the nutrition ingredient part or to lose completely, or increases, the production in the processing process or long-term excessive edible produces food in the human body which the deleterious substance zhu remains.If fries in oil kind of food, including the benzene and pyrrole fumigates kind of food including the nitrite as well as easy to create the salt which Shui Nazhu remains to soak kind of food and so on.求采纳
2023-08-15 10:10:371


2023-08-15 10:10:571


So I decided to stop eating junk food 所以我决定停止吃垃圾食品
2023-08-15 10:11:051


2023-08-15 10:11:163


不要吃垃圾食品。用英语表达:Don"t eat junk food.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
2023-08-15 10:11:301


Some students love junk food.
2023-08-15 10:11:382


Junk FoodNowadays many students like eating junk food.On the way home or to school,they usually buy some junk food in the shops,eating and walking.But junk food isn"t nutritious,it"s harmful to their health.People who often eat junk food can get ill more easily.For our health,we should not eat junk food.We should eat more healthy food ,such as vegetables,fruit and meat.如果满意请点击右上角评价点【满意】即可~~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~答题不易..祝你开心~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-08-15 10:11:591


垃圾食品有一个特点,味道好但没什么营养。它里面多数包含的是过量的脂肪、糖类、热量,还有就是各种食品添加剂。方便面就是其中典型的代表。在我上高中的时候,我就听说有一个同龄人,他为了省钱买一双阿迪的鞋子,连续吃了一个月的方便面,后来被查出淋巴癌!也许这是个案,不过也值得我们重视。我自己有一段时间也喜欢吃干脆面(准确的说是为了里面的卡~~),我一天吃3包,连续吃了三四天,到后来连屎都拉不出来⊙﹏⊙‖∣~~ 不过也不用太担心,方便面、饼干、汽水这类的食品也不是毒药,单个里面所含的添加剂对人体的伤害几乎可以忽略不计,偶尔尝一下没关系,只要不把他们当饭吃就行。当然,如果能做到不吃那就是最好的啦!
2023-08-15 10:12:2315


As a student,I know I need a healthy body and mind.With the development of science,there are many kinds of food.But most of them are junk food.Typical meals include rice,dumplings,meat and vegetables.In my opinion,we should eat more green vegetables and a little meat.Too much meat contains too much fat which is bad for health. I think three meals must be eaten on time.I"ll eat healthy food and take exercise every day.I hope you all follow me and we"ll keep healthy. 作为一个学生,我知道我需要一个健康的身体和心灵.随着科学的发展,有许多 食物种类.但他们中的大多数都是垃圾食品.典型的食物包括大米,饺子,肉和蔬菜.在我看来,我们应该多吃绿色蔬菜和少量的肉.太多的肉类含有太多的脂肪, 对健康有害. 我认为必须吃三餐时间.我要吃健康的食物和锻炼的每一天.我希望你们都跟着我,我们要保持健康.
2023-08-15 10:14:141


Try your best to eat less junk food.
2023-08-15 10:14:243


DO you like the junk food?
2023-08-15 10:14:343


try to avoid the junk food
2023-08-15 10:14:467


Nowadays,with the development of economy,the junk food such as KFC,Pizzahut has been a prior choice for people who have little time to enjoy a real meal.Undoutedly,junk food can save time for work,but meanwhile it has inevitable disadvantages which could be harmful.It is reported that some of the junk food can result in high cholesterol(高胆固醇) and even heart attack.What is worse,the plastic container of junk food are definitely not environment-friendly,which means pollution to our mother nature on which our life depends.In view of these facts,I believe anyone with conscience will not take junk food at the cost of our health and environment.Let"s ditch the junk food and enjoy a great meal with our family!
2023-08-15 10:15:141


As a student, I know I need a healthy body and mind. With the development of science, there are many kinds of food. But most of them are junk food. Typical meals include rice, dumplings, meat and vegetables. In my opinion, we should eat more green vegetables and a little meat. Too much meat contains too much fat whichis bad for health. I think three meals must be eaten on time. I"ll eat healthy food and take exercise every day. I hope you all follow me and we"ll keep healthy.作为一个学生,我知道我需要一个健康的身体和心灵。随着科学的发展,有许多食物种类。但他们中的大多数都是垃圾食品。典型的食物包括大米,饺子,肉和蔬菜。在我看来,我们应该多吃绿色蔬菜和少量的肉。太多的肉类含有太多的脂肪,对健康有害。我认为必须吃三餐时间。我要吃健康的食物和锻炼的每一天。我希望你们都跟着我,我们要保持健康。
2023-08-15 10:15:231


2023-08-15 10:15:382


2023-08-15 10:15:451


There is no student in our group to eat junk food. 我们组没有学生吃垃圾食品
2023-08-15 10:15:532

What good habits do you have?回答是什么

Brush my teeth.
2023-08-15 10:16:044


health food健康食物fruits:apple 苹果 banana 香蕉organe 橙子tomato番茄vegetable:甜菜beet 菠菜spinach 芹菜celeryunhealth food不健康食物汉堡包hamburger热狗hot dog
2023-08-15 10:16:202


I never have the junk food
2023-08-15 10:16:283